November 16, 1995
    AS 94-19
    (Adjusted Standard - Land)
    This matter is before the Board on a petition for
    adjusted standard filed by Hepworth U.S. Holdings, Inc.
    (Hepworth) on December 27, 1994. Petitioners Manley Brothers
    of Indiana, Inc. (Manley Brothers) and the Silica Sand Trust
    were added as petitioners to this action by order of the Board
    on October 5, 1995. The petitioners request an adjusted
    standard from the Class I groundwater quality standards for
    lead, nickel, and arsenic set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    620.410, for a 50-acre portion of a 550-acre facility located
    southeast of Troy Grove in both Township 34N, Range 1E,
    Section 2 and Township 35N, Range 1E, Section 35 of LaSalle
    County, Illinois.
    The Board's responsibility in this matter arises from the
    Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/1
    et seq.
    The Board is charged therein to "determine, define and
    implement the environmental control standards applicable in
    the State of Illinois" (Section 5(b) of the Act) and to "grant
    . . . an adjusted standard for persons who can justify such an
    adjustment" (Section 28.1(a) of the Act). More generally, the
    Board's responsibility in this matter is based on the system
    of checks and balances integral to Illinois environmental
    governance: the Board is charged with the rulemaking and
    principal adjudicatory functions, and the Agency is
    responsible for carrying out the principal administrative
    Based upon the record before it and upon review of the
    factors involved in the consideration of adjusted standards,
    the Board finds that petitioners have demonstrated that grant
    of an adjusted standard is warranted. The adjusted standard
    accordingly will be granted.
    The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    filed its initial response to the petition for adjusted
    standard on February 9, 1995. By order dated February 16,

    1995, the Board found that the Agency's response failed to
    comply with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.174.
    The Agency filed a second response on March 6, 1995 correcting
    the identified deficiencies.
    The Board received two requests for hearing in this
    matter: a January 24, 1995 request for hearing from Dale L.
    Stockley on behalf of the Town of Dimmick; and a January 25,
    1995 request for hearing from Gary L. Gearhart. The Board
    therefore accepted this matter for hearing on February 16,
    1995, and a hearing was held on June 14, 1995.
    At hearing, Hepworth presented the testimony of three
    witnesses: Mr. Ray Salt, President of Manley Brothers; Susan
    Knight, Director of Industrial Compliance at Applied Science
    and Technology, Inc. (ASTI); and Peter Collins, Director of
    Ecological Services at ASTI. Additionally, statements were
    made by three members of the public: Mr. Walter Kolodziej, a
    Trustee on the Town Board of Dimmick Township; Nancy Jasiek,
    Vice President of an organization called Save Our Little
    Vermilion Environment, and a property owner along the Little
    Vermilion; and Jim Crane, a farmer in the area. The majority
    of information submitted into the record in this action was
    provided by Hepworth and its consultant, ASTI.
    On July 21, 1995, Hepworth filed its post-hearing
    comments and a motion to correct the transcript, which we
    hereby grant. On August 30, 1995, the Board received a public
    comment from Mr. Joseph Lanuti, Trustee of the Silica Sand
    Trust which owns the site, supporting grant of the requested
    On October 5, 1995, the Board on its own motion added
    Manley Brothers, the current operator at the site, and the
    Silica Sand Trust, the owner of the site, as petitioners in
    this action. The Board found them to be necessary parties to
    this action pursuant to Section 103.121(c) of our procedural
    rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.121(c)). On October 18, 1995,
    Manley Brothers submitted a "Clarification" in response to the
    Board's October 5, 1995 order. In its clarification, Manley
    Brothers states that it is not the sole operator at the site,
    since Technisand also operates at the site. Manley Brothers
    does not contest its being made a party to the action.
    Furthermore, Technisand has not participated in this
    proceeding, and has not sought to be included in the terms of
    the requested adjusted standard.
    Section 28.1 of the Act provides that a petitioner may
    request, and the Board may adopt, an environmental standard
    that is: (a) applicable solely to the petitioner, and (b)

    different from the standard that would otherwise apply to
    petitioner pursuant to a rule of general applicability. Such
    a standard is called an adjusted standard. The general
    procedures that govern an adjusted standard proceeding are
    found at Section 28.1 of the Act and within the Board's
    procedural rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 106.
    Where, as here, the regulation of general applicability
    does not specify a level of justification required for a
    petitioner to qualify for an adjusted standard, the Act at
    Section 28.1(c) specifies four demonstrations that must be
    made by a successful petitioner:
    Factors relating to that petitioner are
    substantially and significantly different from the
    factors relied upon by the Board in adopting the
    general regulation applicable to that petitioner;
    The existence of those factors justifies an adjusted
    The requested standard will not result in
    environmental or health effects substantially and
    significantly more adverse than the effects
    considered by the Board in adopting the rule of
    general applicability; and
    The adjusted standard is consistent with any
    applicable federal law.
    The 50-acre site for which the adjusted standard is
    sought (the site) is a portion of a 550-acre sand mining
    operation. (See Ex. 13.) The 50-acre site contains all
    facilities and processing operations on the property,
    including rail and truck loading areas, a sand washing area, a
    sand drying area, and a sand processing area. (Tr. at 24.)
    All structures are located and all processing operations are
    conducted within the 50-acre site. (Tr. at 25.) The
    remainder of the property consists of active quarries, former
    quarries filled with water, and reclaimed vegetated areas.
    (Tr. at 24-25.)
    The property is bounded to the northwest by the Chicago
    and Northwestern Railroad (C & NW), and bounded to the east by
    County Road 13. The property is approximately 1 1/4 miles
    long from north to south, and approximately 3/4 mile from east
    to west. The Little Vermilion River crosses the property,
    entering at the northeast of the property and exiting at the
    southwest. The 50-acre sand processing site is in the
    northwest corner of the facility, extending between the C & NW

    tracks and the northernmost portion of the Little Vermilion
    River. (Pet. at 1.)
    Mining was begun at this site in the 1950s. Hepworth is
    the former operator of the property, and operated the site for
    approximately eleven years between 1980 and 1991. Manley took
    over operations at the site from Hepworth in August, 1991.
    (Tr. at 13.) Manley leases the property from Mr. Eggleston
    and Mr. Lanuti, who have owned the property since at least
    1954. (Tr. at 13.)
    Manley operates a mining operation on the site, producing
    a high quality silica sand. Manley processes and sells
    various grades and mixes of the sand to a variety of
    industries, including the foundry and glass industries. (Tr.
    at 13-14.) Two acres of the site are sub-leased to a company
    called Technisand, which operates a sand resin-coating plant
    adjacent to the Manley processing operation, producing
    specialty sand products. (Tr. at 13.)
    Site Investigation.
    In 1990, Hepworth hired Applied Science and Technology,
    Inc. (ASTI) to perform an environmental audit of the property
    in conjunction with the sale of its operations at the site to
    Manley, a subsidiary of Hepworth. (Tr. at 23.) Because of
    the site's operational history, ASTI's investigations focused
    on the 50-acre site. In addition to being the location of all
    processing operations and structures, this area was formerly
    operated as a limestone quarry in the early 1950's. (Tr. at
    26.) Discussions with past and current site personnel
    indicated that there were potential concerns that off-
    specification cans for foodpacking and debris from a fire
    which occurred at the facility might have been used as fill
    material at this location. (Tr. at 26.)
    ASTI's initial investigation of the site was generally
    positive, although it revealed several areas of elevated
    levels of metals in the uppermost aquifer and identified
    incidental contamination of soils by metals and petroleum
    products. (Tr. at 23.) ASTI also discovered minor
    polynuclear aromatic (PNA) contamination around the processing
    area, which it believed was associated with truck activity at
    the processing areas. (Tr. at 30, 35-36.)
    Hepworth and Manley decided to proceed with the sale,
    subject to the condition that Hepworth retain responsibility
    for any further investigation and cleanup costs for property
    conditions that existed prior to the sale. Hepworth therefore
    continued its investigation of conditions at the property.
    (Tr. at 24.)

    Hepworth submitted the results of its initial
    investigation to the Agency and entered the Agency's voluntary
    cleanup program on November 6, 1991, seeking to obtain a
    "clean letter" pursuant to Section 4y of the Act. (Tr. at 30,
    Pet. at 7.) On March 20, 1992, the Agency sent Hepworth a
    letter stating that it had determined that Class I groundwater
    existed at the site, and requesting that Hepworth perform
    additional investigations at the site. (Tr. at 30, Attachment
    B to Pet.) Hepworth therefore proceeded with the second phase
    of investigation, examining areas near the processing plant in
    greater detail.
    Hepworth sought to establish groundwater quality, flow
    direction, and flow rate, and to determine whether a discrete
    source of contamination was present. Hepworth conducted a
    total of twenty-seven soil borings, installed nine monitoring
    wells on the site, installed two monitoring wells off-site to
    measure background, and conducted nine groundwater quality
    surveys, including hydrogeological tests of the aquifer. (Tr.
    at 32.) Hepworth completed its work in 1993 and on April 19,
    1994 submitted its report to the Agency. (Pet. at 7, Appx. C
    to Pet.)
    ASTI's investigation indicated that groundwater at the
    site generally flows towards the Little Vermilion River. (Tr.
    at 36-37.) ASTI found no evidence of waste materials disposed
    of at the site, or any evidence of a source of potential
    contamination. (Tr. at 37.) There was no volatile organic
    compound (VOC) or gasoline contamination of groundwater
    anywhere at the site, and no evidence of groundwater
    contamination by diesel fuel or other petroleum products.
    However, ASTI's sampling did reveal levels of arsenic, lead,
    and nickel which exceeded groundwater quality standards in
    several sampling events at several locations throughout the
    Hepworth submitted the sampling results to the Agency,
    seeking to obtain a 4y letter. However, while the Agency
    acknowledged the results of the investigation, it believed it
    could not issue a 4y letter approving conditions at the site,
    due to the elevated levels of metals. (Tr. at 37.)
    Site Operations.
    Manley currently conducts active mining operations at the
    southern end of the property. (Tr. at 14.) In conducting
    these operations, Manley first uses heavy earthmoving
    equipment to remove the clay till which overlies the sandstone
    at the site. Manley then prepares the sandstone for
    extraction by drilling and blasting with explosive charges, or
    "fractioning." (Tr. at 15.) The prepared sandstone is then
    blasted with high pressure water, with a pressure of

    approximately 200 pounds per square inch. This creates a
    slurry which is pumped to a discharge pipe line, which conveys
    the slurry to the sand washing plant. (Tr. at 15.)
    At the sand washing plant, the silica sand fraction is
    separated from the water, which contains clay, small grains of
    silica, and other minerals. The water is then piped to the
    large quarry lake, where the sand, clay, and other minerals
    settle out. (Tr. at 16.) The water is then piped to a second
    lake, known as a clean water lake, and is reused in the
    process. No water is withdrawn from or discharged to the
    Little Vermilion River. (Tr. at 16.) Furthermore, no
    chemicals are added to the sand or slurry. (Tr. at 16.)
    The sand product is piped from the washing plant to a
    stockpile area. (Tr. at 17.) From the stockpile area, the
    sand is sent by conveyor to a dryer. The dry sand is sorted
    by grain size and sent to storage silos. Manley creates 97
    different blends of sand using varying amounts of the sorted
    grains. (Tr. at 17.) Technisand, the subleasee at the site,
    coats sand with resins and markets various grades of coated
    sand to the oil exploration and foundry industries. (Tr. at
    Manley has approximately 24 full-time employees. (Tr. at
    18.) Manley estimates that mining and processing of sand will
    continue at this location for approximately forty years. (Tr.
    at 19.) Technisand employs approximately 30 people in its
    sand resin-coating operations. (Pet. at 4.)
    Surrounding Land Uses.
    Troy Grove is located northwest of the site, across the C
    & NW railroad tracks. (Pet. at 3.) It is a rural community
    with a population of approximately 290, and its drinking water
    is provided by individual wells. (Pet. at 3.) Northeast of
    the site is the Moline Consumers Stone Quarry, a commercial
    stone quarry. (Pet. at 3.) Southwest of the site, Unimin
    Corporation operates a separate sand mining operation. (Pet.
    at 3.) The land south and east of the site is agricultural
    land. (Pet. at 3.) Illinois Water Survey well logs indicate
    that six residential wells are located within Section 35 south
    of the sandmining operation, which vary in depth from 30 to 72
    feet. (Pet. at 3-4.)
    The petitioners seek an adjusted standard from 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 620.410, Groundwater Quality Standards for Class I:
    Potable Resource Groundwater, as they apply to lead, nickel,
    and arsenic

    at a 50-acre portion of the facility. This regulation
    provides in relevant part:
    Inorganic Chemical Constituents
    Except due to natural causes or as provided in
    Section 620.450, concentration of the following
    chemical constituents must not be exceeded in
    Class I groundwater:
    * * * *
    * * * *
    The Agency has determined that a Class I aquifer is
    present at the site (Ex.
    2), and petitioners do
    not dispute the
    appropriateness of this
    Hepworth states that it conducted extensive groundwater
    investigations at the site, conducting over 600 analyses for
    metals and other inorganic compounds. (Tr. at 33.) These
    investigations revealed sporadic, slightly elevated levels of
    arsenic, lead, and nickel in the groundwater at various
    locations throughout the site.
    In seeking to identify a source of contamination at the
    site, Hepworth also conducted extensive soil investigations,
    including analyses of 27 soil borings. (Pet. at 10.) These
    investigations revealed "spotty" soil contamination from
    PNA's, but Hepworth discovered no discrete source of
    contamination, and identified no signs of waste materials.
    (Tr. at 37.) Furthermore, these investigations demonstrated no
    relationship between soil contamination and metals identified
    in the groundwater. (Tr. at 36.)
    Arsenic was found to exceed the groundwater standard at

    two widely-separated locations: monitor well 4 (MW 4) and
    monitor well 5 (MW 5). At MW 4, the average concentration was
    found to exceed the Class I groundwater standard by ten
    percent. At MW 5, four out of eight monitoring events
    exceeded the Class I standard, but the average concentration
    was below the standard. In the two most recent sampling
    events, arsenic was below the standard in both wells. (Pet.
    at 9.) No pattern of contamination was discovered.
    The average concentration for lead exceeded the Class I
    standard by 65 percent. Most of these exceedences occurred at
    two wells: monitoring well 1 (MW 1) and monitoring well 5 (MW
    5). MW 1, an upgradient well, exceeded the standard in all
    sampling events. MW 5 exceeded the standard in five out of
    eight sampling events. (Pet. at 8.) Hepworth states that the
    concentrations of lead in most cases significantly decrease
    from upgradient to downgradient. (Pet. at 11.)
    Nickel exceedences were detected consistently in one
    upgradient well, monitoring well 2 (MW 2). However, there is
    virtually no groundwater flow at this location, and
    petitioners estimate that it would take approximately 2,000
    years for contamination to reach the downgradient boundary of
    the site. (Pet. at 8.) Petitioners therefore assert that the
    nickel contamination is confined within the MW 2 area.
    Petitioners state that the investigations conducted by
    ASTI revealed no evidence of a plume or discrete source of
    contamination at the site (Tr. at 35, 37), and that it would
    therefore be pointless to conduct remediation (Tr. at 47).
    Furthermore, petitioners emphasize that the recorded levels of
    arsenic, lead, and nickel at the site only slightly exceed the
    Class I standards. (Pet. at 8-9; Tr. at 52-53.)
    Source of Metals.
    Petitioners assert that mobilization of the naturally
    present constituents by soil excavation, filling, and exposure
    of the bedrock to weathering, including low pH precipitation
    and on-site surface run-off, is the likely cause of the
    elevated metals in the groundwater. (Ex. 3 at 72-73; Pet. at
    11-12.) Mr. Collins testified that it appeared that the
    groundwater quality at the entire site was slightly altered by
    the exposure of soils and bedrock to weathering and
    acidification by direct precipitation, and that this process
    is sufficient to mobilize and elevate naturally-occurring
    metals in soils and rock. (Tr. at 54.) Susan Knight further
    testified that the limestone mining which previously occurred

    at the site has affected the upper-most aquifer. Susan Knight
    testified that the site is underlain by limestone, and that
    elevated levels of lead are often associated with limestone.
    (Tr. at 34.) Petitioners assert that these natural
    disturbances make meeting Class I groundwater standards
    Surface Water Quality Standards.
    Because the groundwater at the site discharges to the
    Little Vermilion River, petitioners also compared its
    groundwater sampling results to the general use surface water
    quality standards. Petitioners found that the total metals in
    the groundwater for the constituents of concern were
    consistently below the general use surface water quality
    standards for dissolved metals. Furthermore, the levels of
    dissolved arsenic, lead and nickel at the river-side
    monitoring wells met the general use water quality standards
    for the river. (Tr. at 58.)
    The following table summarizes the comparison between
    Hepworth's sampling results and applicable water quality
    standards, recorded in parts per million (ppm):
    (Pet. Ex. 13; see Tr. at 67-72.)
    Petitioners assert that, while it is technically feasible
    to perform groundwater remediation, reductions in the levels
    of metals in groundwater may not occur if the presence of the
    metals is principally the result of natural processes.
    Petitioners also assert that eliminating the slight
    groundwater impact would not be economically reasonable
    because the water is not being used for potable purposes, and
    because no impact to any potable water supply is expected.
    Additionally, since the Little Vermilion River intercepts the
    groundwater at the site and the groundwater flow within the
    watershed is toward the river, there are no groundwater wells
    used for potable purposes downgradient from the site.
    Additionally, petitioners assert that the adjusted standard
    will not negatively impact the value of the property. (Pet. at

    After investigating a variety of remediation systems,
    petitioners determined that two remediation systems would be
    most effective for use at the site: installation of an
    engineered drain, or installation of a pump and treat system.
    (Pet. Ex. 5 at E-1.) Both systems operate on the same
    physical and chemical treatment principles. (Pet. at 21.)
    Engineered Drain System.
    The engineered drain system would involve excavating
    along the river bed to intersect groundwater. A leachate
    collection system would then be installed, and the groundwater
    would be pumped to a metal hydroxide precipitation system.
    The treated water would then be discharged to the river
    pursuant to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    (NPDES) permit. (Pet. Ex. 5 at E-1.)
    Pump and Treat System.
    The pump and treat system would require the installation
    of downgradient withdrawal wells. The groundwater would then
    be pumped to a metal hydroxide precipitation system. The
    treated water would then be discharged to the river pursuant
    to a NPDES permit, or re-injected into upgradient wells.
    (Pet. Ex. 5 at E-1.)
    Cost of Remediation.
    Petitioners assert that the total cost of remediation
    depends on the number of years that the system must be
    operated in order to achieve compliance. They estimate that
    compliance could be achieved within 3 to 5 years. They
    estimate that installing and operating a treatment system for
    a period of five years would cost approximately
    $2,275,000.00. (Pet. at 13.)
    Petitioners propose that the following be adopted as an
    adjusted standard applicable to the site:
    Proposed Standard
    0.15 mg/L
    0.15 mg/L
    1.5 mg/L

    (Pet. at 22.)
    The proposed standards would be substituted for the
    currently applicable Class I standards for the listed
    constituents. All other Class I standards would remain
    applicable to the site.
    In support of its position that there would be minimal
    environmental and health impacts from the grant of the
    requested adjusted standard, petitioners presented the
    testimony of two witnesses. First, Susan Knight testified
    concerning groundwater conditions at the site. She testified
    that there was no contamination of groundwater at the site by
    volatile organic or petroleum compounds. (Tr. at 32-33.)
    Second, she testified that, while there were elevated metals
    in some of the wells, these elevated levels were sporadic and
    localized. (Tr. at 33-35.) Furthermore, Knight testified
    that these levels were only elevated when considering total
    metals data; dissolved metals levels were consistently below
    the Class I groundwater standard. (Tr. at 35.) Finally, she
    testified there was no evidence of a plume of contamination.
    (Tr. at 35.)
    Knight also testified concerning soil conditions at the
    site. She testified that sampling demonstrated the presence
    of localized PNA contamination, which she associated with
    vehicle activity. (Tr. at 35-36.) Knight asserted that this
    PNA contamination did not impact the groundwater. Knight
    further testified that there no plume of soil contamination at
    the site. (Tr. at 36.) Finally, she testified that there
    was no connection between soil contamination and groundwater
    contamination at the site. (Tr. at 36-37.)
    Peter Collins, director of Ecological Services for ASTI,
    testified that there would be an environmental impact
    associated with operating a pump and treat system of
    remediation. He testified that such a system would require a
    discharge pursuant to a NPDES permit, and that the filtered
    materials would generate a waste stream of either hazardous or
    special wastes. (Tr. at 48-49.)
    Collins further testified that granting the proposed
    adjusted standard would present no threat to the water quality
    of the Little Vermilion River. (Tr. at 57.) He testified
    that water quality in the wells immediately adjacent to the
    river indicated levels of metals which were far below the
    surface water quality standards set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Part 302, and that granting the proposed adjusted standard
    would therefore not result in any impact to achievement of

    water quality standards for the Little Vermilion. (Tr. at 57-
    Collins also testified that granting the requested
    adjusted standard would not impact surrounding drinking water
    supplies. He testified that, because the groundwater gradient
    from the site flows away from Troy Grove and toward the Little
    Vermilion, the drinking water supply for Troy Grove would not
    be impacted. (Tr. at 59-60.)
    Collins also testified that the Little Vermilion would
    act as a barrier to the transport of groundwater to residences
    on the east side of the site. (Tr. at 61.) He further noted
    that drinking water wells in the area are all at least 80 feet
    deep, and that they therefore draw water from a deeper aquifer
    than that for which petitioners are seeking the adjusted
    standard. (Tr. at 61.) Mr. Collins concluded his testimony
    by offering his opinion that there would be no impact to
    groundwater away from the site. (Tr. at 62.)
    Petitioners assert, and the Agency agrees, that none of
    the requirements from which relief is sought were promulgated,
    in whole or in part, pursuant to federal requirements. (Pet.
    at 14, 26; 2nd Agency Response at para. 7.)
    The Agency filed its initial response in this matter on
    February 9, 1995. Pursuant to the Board's order, the Agency
    filed an amended response on March 6, 1995. In its amended
    response, the Agency states that it agrees that, due to past,
    present and planned future use of the facility, the
    groundwater at the site will not be used for potable purposes,
    and that the levels of contaminants will therefore not cause
    adverse environmental impacts or human health effects. (2nd
    Agency Response at para. 10.) Furthermore, the Agency agrees
    that the Little Vermilion River acts as a barrier which
    prevents inorganics in the groundwater beneath the site from
    migrating across the river. (2nd Agency Response at para. 11.)
    Finally, the Agency agrees that the levels of contamination
    at the site are low and that the water is not being used for
    potable purposes. (2nd Agency Response at para. 14.)
    Therefore, the Agency recommends that the adjusted standard be
    granted. (2nd Agency Response, concluding paragraph.)
    The Board finds that petitioners have demonstrated that
    an adjusted standard is appropriate for the 50-acre northwest
    portion of petitioners' 550-acre facility, located southeast

    of Troy Grove in both Township 34N, Range 1E, Section 2 and
    Township 35N, Range 1E, Section 35 of LaSalle County,
    Illinois. The petitioners have demonstrated that there is no
    evidence of a discrete source of contamination at the site,
    and that the elevated metals at the site may be the result of
    natural processes. We find that this constitutes a factor
    which makes petitioner's situation substantially and
    significantly different from the factors relied upon by the
    Board in adopting the regulation of general applicability.
    In the Matter of: Groundwater Quality Standards, R89-
    14(B), adopted November 7, 1991, effective November 25, 1991.)
    Additionally, petitioners have demonstrated that remediation
    is impracticable and economically infeasible. (See discussion
    of same at page 10 of this opinion.) Together these factors
    justify the requested adjusted standard.
    Furthermore, we find that petitioners have demonstrated
    that granting the adjusted standard will not negatively impact
    surrounding drinking water supplies or the Little Vermilion
    River, or result in any other harm to the environment or human
    health. Finally, we find that petitioners have demonstrated
    that the requested adjusted standard will be consistent with
    federal law. The proposed adjusted standard is therefore
    This opinion constitutes the Board's findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    Petitioners Hepworth U.S. Holdings, Inc., Manley Brothers
    of Indiana, Inc., and the Silica Sand Trust are hereby granted
    an adjusted standard, pursuant to 415 ILCS 5/28.1, applicable
    to the 50-acre northwest portion of the 550-acre facility
    located southeast of Troy Grove in both Township 34N, Range
    1E, Section 2 and Township 35N, Range 1E, Section 35 of
    LaSalle County, Illinois (the site), subject to the provisions
    and conditions listed below.
    Inorganic Chemical Constituents
    Concentration of the following chemical constituents
    must not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the
    Adjusted Standard
    0.15 mg/L
    0.15 mg/L

    1.5 mg/L
    These standards shall be substituted for the
    currently applicable Class I standards for the
    listed constituents. All other Class I standards
    remain applicable to the site.
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
    5/41 (1994)) provides for the appeal of final Board orders
    within 35 days of the date of service of this order. The
    Rules of the Supreme Court of Illinois establish filing
    requirements. (See also 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.246, "Motions
    for Reconsideration".)
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify that the above opinion and order
    was adopted on the _______ day of ___________________, 1995,
    by a vote of _________.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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