July 22,
    PCB 76—62
    (by Dr.
    This case comes before the Pollution Control Board
    upon a Petition by the Atwood Grain
    Supply Company
    for a variance from applicable Noise Pollution Control Regula-
    (Noise Rules).
    The Petition was filed March
    amended petition was filed April
    28 in response to an Interim
    Order of the Board requesting more information and the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency’s
    motion to dismiss for
    inadequacy, which was filed concurrently with the Board Order.
    While the amended petition was still somewhat deficient,
    Agency f~ashionedits recommendation which was filed on June
    No hearing was held concerning this matter.
    Atwood Grain and Supply operates an elevator in Atwood,
    Illinois, population 1100.
    The community is located on the
    Douglas and Piatt County line near the northeast corner of
    Moultrie County.
    Atwood operates as
    a cooperative, serving
    approximately 350 farm families involving about 30,000 acres
    of farm land.
    Atwood has
    306 patron stockholders.
    The storage capacity of the elevator is 783,000 bushels,
    with a replacement cost of approximately $2,000,000
    (Pet. at 2).
    A portion of the storage
    is “flat storage,” requiring the use
    of portable auger equipment to load out the grain.
    employs seven employees with
    a payroll of $137,000.
    In fiscal
    the company handled approximately one and one-quarter
    million bushels of grain valued at $4,500,000.
    Figures for
    fiscal 1976 are estimated to be in excess of the quoted amounts.
    The noise emissions which are of concern evolve from the
    steel chutes from the headhouse to
    and tanks adjoining
    the headhouse and the use of portable augers to load out two
    separate storage facilities at the center of the site and two

    separate facilities at the east end of the site.
    The Agency
    has received complaints from residential neighbors of Atwood
    Grain ever since October of 1972.
    Both grain moving in the
    chutes and the use of the portable augers for loading have
    been found to emit noise in excess of the standards established
    for emissions from Class C to Class A land use in Rule 202 of
    the Noise Rules
    (Petitioner’s Ex.
    The chutes from the headhouse were replaced in 1975 at
    a cost of approximately $12,500
    (Amended Petition at
    chutes have a useful life of five to eight years and are rotated
    periodically so as to extend their useful
    Atwood states
    it cannot purchase a substitute for the present chutes
    so that
    the sound would be adequately attenuated.
    Atwood is presently
    installing experimental chutes, such as lined or wrapped chutes
    in connection with the removal and reinstallation of an elevator
    leg from the east end of the site to the center of the site.
    These chute attenuating installations are the first such in-
    stallations in the State of Illinois.
    Atwood states that the
    sounds from these chutes are primarily during daylight hours,
    are only intermittent, and for the most part during the harvest
    Atwood would like to defer the expense of replacing
    the new chutes until replacement is necessary.
    This would allow
    time to monitor the newly installed experimental chutes, both
    from noise attenuating and a weathering basis.
    Atwood does not
    offer any estimate of what the cost of compliance would be;
    however, since the state of the art of noise control on grain
    elevators is not advanced there may be no reliable estimate.
    The Agency does not agree that the present chutes cannot
    be replaced or the noise attenuated.
    The Agency believes that
    lagging could be used to lessen the noise emissions.
    Agency estimates the cost for lagging at $11,735.
    Agency states that replacement or lagging may be presently
    economically unreasonable.
    The portable augers also have been shown to violate
    Rule 202.
    Some of the storage facilities at Atwood are situated
    so that they cannot be loaded out except by portable equipment.
    Atwood is presently relocating an elevator leg to service the
    storage facilities
    in the center of the site.
    This should
    reduce the use of the portable auger equipment to load out
    operations on the outside of the facilities.
    Atwood states that
    the facilities are loaded out only once a year.
    The westernmost
    storage area is normally filled with beans and takes approximately
    six working days to load out.
    The bin at the center of the site
    and the
    easternmost facilities are normally filled with corn
    and require approximately twenty working days to load out.

    Atwood estimates that during load out operations the portable
    auger equipment is used approximately 10
    of the time on the
    outside of the buildings.
    Atwood further states that the
    equipment in operation on the inside should have muffled
    The Agency does not accept this determination.
    The Agency states that the entry of the portable auger equip-
    ment into the storage facilities would not reduce the sound
    but magnify it directionally due to a megaphone effect.
    would add to the emissions to the residences
    to the north of the
    elevator on North Wisconsin Street
    (See Agency Ex.
    Agency also points out that load out would also occur from
    time to time as grain is
    Atwood claims that at present the technology does not
    exist to safely or economically prevent the augers from
    emitting offensive sound.
    However Atwood is moving an elevator
    leg to service these facilities and should eliminate the problem
    with respect to the filling of the facility except for the work
    on the outside of the facility.
    The Agency believes that the
    augers could be brought into compliance,
    but because of the
    limited duration of their use and with certain conditions of use
    that it would be unreasonable to require Atwood to attempt to
    alter the augers.
    In Atwood’s Exhibit II, measurements of the electrically-
    driven portable augers indicate much lower sound emission levels
    than those of the gasoline engine driven portable auger.
    Due to this fact and the megaphone effect onto North Wisconsin
    Street from loading the center site inside the facility the
    Agency recommends the gasoline—driven auger should not be
    utilized to out load facilities at that location.
    The Agency
    also recommends an acoustical muffler should be purchased and
    installed on the gasoline engine
    for that auger.
    Petitioner submits that denial of
    a variance would force
    Petitioner to cease business operations.
    The Board has often
    stated that denial of a variance petition is not tantamount
    to a shut down order;
    a denial merely subjects Petitioner to
    a possible enforcement action.
    PCB 74—356,
    14 PCB
    Petitioner also submits that granting a variance to the
    elevator under present conditions would result in no perceptible
    harm to the public.
    The Agency disagrees.
    Residents of the
    area have been and will be unable to use their yards; and within
    residences they will experience interference with normal conver-
    sation, with listening to the radio, television or records, with
    rest and relaxation and with sleep.
    They will also experience

    irritability and anxiety
    (Agency Exs. 9-15,23).
    The Agency
    estimates 36 residences would be so affected
    Petitioner has already completed some noise abatement
    This includes the three dryer fans with enclosures and
    barriers; installed air intake silencers and frames for the
    two soybean units’
    aeration fans; and replacement of an axial
    vane aerating fan on the east end holding tank with a squirrel
    cage aeration fan.
    The total cost involved was $18,713.03.
    Petitioner currently has under contract the following
    sound attenuating projects:
    Removal of present elevator leg and chutes at
    the east end of the site.
    New elevator legs
    and chutes will be installed for this area.
    Included in the work order is the requirement
    that the approximately 400 feet of 12 inch chutes
    be covered with acoustical material known as Cousti—
    composites 0550.
    The present elevator leg at the east end of the site
    will be removed and reinstalled in the center of
    site and will serve the three round storage bins and
    the flat storage building used for soybeans.
    various chutes associated with this relocated leg
    will be covered with acoustical material.
    In addition to the relocating of the elevator
    leg for the center complex,
    the horizontal
    interior auger serving the flat storage building
    will be equipped with a reversing switch which
    will permit total filling of this building without
    the use of an exterior portable auger.
    Petitioner states that the work in connection with moving
    the elevator leg to the center of the site is to be done by
    30, 1976.
    No other completion dates are given.
    On com-
    pletion of all the work the only chutes involved in the total
    site that will not have attenuating treatment will be those
    associated with the headhouse located on the west side of the
    elevator site.
    There will be no need to use the portable auger
    equipment to fill the storage facilities.
    The total time for
    use of the portable augers outside the large flat storage buildings
    is to be less than three working days of eight hours each, or a
    total of 20.8 hours per year
    Pet. at 8).
    The Agency recommends granting the variance subject to
    The Agency stated that as lagging of the chutes
    in question is expensive and that Atwood has and is expending

    a considerable amount of money in a short period of time
    that postponement of such lagging is reasonable.
    It might
    be possible that Petitioner could use an alternative method
    of abatement such as rubber-lined chutes (Agency Ex.
    The Agency further calculated that the grain chutes of the
    headhouse are not the predominate noise when considered in
    conjunction with the dryers at that location, and that with
    the dryers as presently barriered or not operating, the head-
    house grain chutes may not exceed the limits of Rule 202.
    This would have to be measured during the drying season to
    verify this conclusion.
    If it is not correct the Agency recom-
    mends the chutes should be brought into compliance by July 31,
    The Board finds that the facts that Petitioner and the
    Agency have presented warrant the granting of a variance from
    Rule 202 of the Noise Regulations.
    Petitioner has shown
    diligence in attempting to lessen the noise levels of the
    grain elevator.
    Petitioner has expended a large amount of
    money to attempt to attenuate the noise on a major portion
    of Petitioner’s property.
    Although some irritation to
    neighboring residences may still exist, it should be sub-
    stantially less than those they have experienced in the past.
    The Board does grant a variance from Rule 202 of the
    Noise Regulations subject to the Agency’s recommended con-
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of facts
    and conclusions of law.
    The Illinois Pollution Control Board hereby grants
    Atwood Grain and Supply Company a variance from Rule 202
    of the Chapter
    8: Noise Regulations, as to the headhouse
    grain chutes, up to and including July 31, 1977,
    commencement of the 1977 harvest season;
    and further a
    variance from Rule 202 of the Noise Regulations as to the
    portable augers utilized for outloading Petitioner’s storage
    facilities for a period up to and including March
    subject to the following conditions:
    That except for sounds emitted by said headhouse
    grain chutes and said portable augers,
    emitted by Petitioner shall at no time exceed
    the numerical limits of Rule 202.

    That Petitioner shall accomplish all the above mentioned
    noise attenuation work that Petitioner now has under
    contract by August 15, 1976.
    That Petitioner shall utilize the electric-driven
    portable auger for outloading the storage facilities
    in the vicinity of North Wisconsin Street,
    in the Amended Petition for Variance as the center
    of the site and shall refrain from using the gasoline
    engine—driven portable auger for outloading these
    facilities; and that Petitioner shall refrain from
    using portable augers for other than outloading
    That on or before September 1, 1976, Petitioner shall
    install on the gasoline engine—driven portable auger,
    acoustical mufflers equal to or better than those
    described in the Agency’s recommendation (Exhibit 23).
    That Petitioner execute and forward to the Environmental
    Protection Agency, Division of Noise Pollution Control,
    Enforcement Section, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield,
    Illinois 62706, and to the Pollution Control Board
    within twenty-eight days after the date of the Board
    Order herein a Certification of Acceptance and
    Agreement to be bound to all the terms and condi-
    tions of the Variance, the form of said Certification
    to be as follows:
    Atwood Grain and Supply Company, an Illinois Corporation,
    is aware of and understands the Order of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board in PCB 76-62 and hereby accepts
    said Order and agrees to be bound by all of the terms
    and conditions thereof.
    Authorized Agent
    Title or Company Position
    IT IS SO

    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certi~fythe above
    inion and Order
    were adopted oq the
    day of
    by a vote of
    Christan L. Moffett,
    Illinois Pollution Cofr~olBoard

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