Claire A. Manning, Chairman
    Board Members:
    Ronald C. Flemal, G. Tanner Girard, Elena Z. Kezelis,
    Marili McFawn, Nicholas J. Melas
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph, Suite 11-500
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    (312) 814-6032 TDD
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    600 South Second Street
    Suite 402
    Springfield, Illinois 62704
    (312) 814-6032 TDD
    Web Site:

    Letter From the Chairman
    Census 2000, the information cornerstone for the next century and the
    largest peace-time mobilization in U.S. history, is about to begin and you
    are needed to make it a success. In Executive Order Nineteen, Governor
    Ryan requested that each state agency alert their constituencies about the
    importance of the upcoming census and its impact on Illinois.
    Billions of federal, state, and local dollars will be spent on thousands of
    projects across our nation and each state’s census information will
    determine how these moneys will be spent. For example, allocation
    decisions about public transportation, traffic control, education, health
    care, job training, and business development are based on each state’s
    profile. But government officials aren't the only ones who will use Census
    2000 data. Senior citizen groups often draw on statistics from the census to support the construction of
    community centers. Nonprofit organizations use census numbers to estimate the potential pool of volunteers
    in their communities. Developers analyze census data before deciding where to locate new business ventures.
    Census statistics help determine where to build more roads, stoplights, hospitals, health clinics, and child-
    care centers.
    The information gathered from Census 2000 will also impact Illinois’ environment and our State’s
    environmental initiatives. Census data will not only be used to study environmental issues like urban sprawl,
    but it will also be used to gain a better understanding of our State’s changing population and how government
    agencies like the Board can better serve the people of Illinois.
    Census 2000 is your chance to make sure that the new century in Illinois begins with an accurate and
    complete picture of our State. Your contacts, your knowledge, and your concern about Illinois’ communities
    are the keys to an accurate census, and that is why Illinois needs you to start spreading the word about the
    importance of Census 2000. Set the record straight by dispelling the myths about confidentiality and the uses
    of the census. Reassure others that Census 2000 is confidential and that the information collected is protected
    by law. Emphasize why the information collected in the census is important to Illinois’ communities.
    The Census Bureau also needs your help in recruiting census takers in every neighborhood across Illinois and
    the nation. Spread the word about census jobs to your family, friends, and associates. The Census Bureau
    needs to hire a large number of workers who are conversant with the many languages spoken in our State and
    across the United States. There is a toll free number for census jobs. To apply or for more information
    please call 1-888-325-7733 or visit their website at (
    As always, thank you for your participation.
    Claire Manning, Chairman
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    Inside This Issue:
    . 3

    . 4
    . 12
    . 13
    Federal Update
    United States Environmental Protection Agency Adopts Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline
    Sulfur Control Requirements
    On February 10, 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) adopted standards that finalize a
    major program implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §§ 7401
    et seq
    . (1996)) which is
    designed to significantly reduce the emissions from new passenger cars and light trucks, including pickup trucks,
    vans, minivans, and sport-utility vehicles. 65 Fed. Reg. 6698 (February 10, 2000). The program is a comprehensive
    regulatory initiative that treats vehicles and fuels as a system, combining requirements for much cleaner vehicles with
    requirements for much lower levels of sulfur in gasoline. The USEPA believes that these reductions will provide for
    cleaner air and greater public health protection, primarily by reducing ozone and particulate matter pollution.
    Highlights of the program include the phased-in application of the same set of emission standards covering
    passenger cars, light trucks, and large SUVs starting in 2004. The program also introduces a new category of
    vehicles, “medium-duty passenger vehicles,” bringing larger passenger vans and SUVs into the Tier 2 program.
    During the phase-in period, interim fleet emission average standards that match or are more stringent than current
    federal and California Low-Emission Vehicle Phase I standards will be applied.
    The regulations apply the same standards to vehicles operated on any fuel. The program sets more stringent
    particulate matter and evaporative emission standards. For commercial gasoline, the USEPA reports that the program
    will significantly reduce average gasoline sulfur levels nationwide as early as 2000. Refiners will generally have to
    add refining equipment to remove sulfur in their refining processes. The reduction in sulfur levels will also contribute
    directly to cleaner air in addition to its beneficial effects on vehicle emission control systems. Importers of gasoline
    will be required to import and market only gasoline meeting the sulfur limits. The regulations also introduce an
    averaging, banking, and trading program to provide flexibility for refiners and ease implementation of the gasoline
    sulfur control program.
    The USEPA expects a reduction in oxides of nitrogen emissions of at least 856,000 tons per year by 2007 and
    1,236,000 tons per year by 2010, the time frame when many states will have to demonstrate compliance with air quality
    standards that will result from the implementation of these regulations. Emission reductions are expected to continue
    increasing for many years, reaching at least 2,220,000 tons per year in 2020. In addition, the program is designed to
    reduce the contribution of vehicles to other serious public health and environmental problems, including volatile
    organic compounds, particulate matter, regional visibility problems, toxic air pollutants, acid rain, and nitrogen
    loading of estuaries. The reductions, and their resulting environmental benefits, are expected to come at an average
    cost increase of less than $100 per passenger car, an average cost increase of less than $200 for light trucks, an
    average cost increase of about $350 for medium-duty passenger vehicles, and an average increase of less than 2
    cents per gallon of gasoline, or about $120 over the life of an average vehicle.
    After the USEPA rules become effective, the Board would anticipate receipt of a similar proposal from the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency for promulgation under the “fast-track” provisions of Section 28.5 of the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/28.5 (1998)). The regulations become effective April 10, 2000. For further
    information contact: Carol Connell at 734/214-4349; e-mail:
    United States Environmental Protection Agency Proposes Deferral of Phase IV Standards for PCBs as an
    Underlying Hazardous Constituent in Soil
    On February 16, 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) proposed amendments to
    temporarily defer a portion of the rule applying Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) under the Resource Conservation
    and Recovery Act (RCRA) to underlying hazardous constituents (UHC) in soils contaminated with certain
    characteristic hazardous wastes for metals. 65 Fed. Reg. 7809 (February 16, 2000). The USEPA promulgated the rule
    applying LDR under RCRA to UHC in contaminated soils on May 26, 1998.
    The USEPA is proposing to temporarily defer the requirement that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) be considered a
    UHC when they are present in soils that exhibit the toxicity characteristic for metals. The USEPA is proposing this

    action because the regulation appears to be discouraging generators from cleaning up contaminated soils, which is
    contrary to what the USEPA intended when it promulgated alternative treatment standards for contaminated soils. In
    addition, the USEPA needs more time to restudy the issue of appropriate treatment standards for metal-contaminated
    soils which also contain PCBs as UHC.
    For further information contact: Ernesto Brown at 703/308-8608; e-mail:
    The pendancy of the USEPA amendments may be addressed in the Board’s currently pending identical-in-substance
    proposal for public comment, In the Matter of: RCRA Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Update, USEPA Amendments
    (July 1, 1999, through December 31,1999), R00-13. If the USEPA takes action before the close of the record in R00-13,
    the Phase IV Standards may be included in the Board’s rulemaking docket R00-13. For further information contact:
    Michael McCambridge at 312/814-6924; e-mail:
    United States Environmental Protection Agency Reopens Comment Period for the Proposed Rule for Standards for
    Pesticide Containers and Containment
    On February 24, 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) reopened the comment period on
    the proposed rule “Standards for Pesticide Containers and Containment” (59 Fed. Reg. 6712 (February 11, 1994)) for
    an additional 30 days until March 20, 2000. 65 Fed. Reg. 9234 (February 24, 2000). On October 21, 1999 (64 Fed. Reg.
    56918), the USEPA reopened the comment period to obtain comment on four specific issues.
    The October 21, 1999 notice solicited comments on potential changes that would reduce the scope of the container
    standards, add an exemption for certain antimicrobial pesticides, and adopt some of the Department of Transportation
    hazardous materials regulations. That notice also requested comments on the definition of small business, used to
    identify small pesticide formulators, agrochemical dealers and commercial pesticide applicators in the small entity
    impact analysis.
    For further information contact: Nancy Fitz at 703/305-7385; e-mail:
    The Illinois pesticide program is established by the Illinois Pesticide Act (IPA) (415 ILCS 60/1
    et seq
    . (1998)). The
    IPA is administered by the Department of Agriculture and is enforced by the Department of Public Health and the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
    Rule Update
    Board Dismisses Three Reserved Identical-In-Substance Rulemaking Dockets, R00-9, R00-12, and R00-14
    On February 17, 2000, the Board dismissed three reserved identical-in-substance rulemaking dockets in In the Matter
    of: Definition of VOM Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999), R00-9; In the Matter
    of: RCRA Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999, through December
    31, 1999), R00-12; and In the Matter of: UST Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999),
    R00-14. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) did not amend its regulations during the
    period from July 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999, in any way that would necessitate corresponding Board action
    to amend the Illinois regulations. Section 7.2 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 (1998))
    requires the Board to adopt regulations which are “identical in substance” to regulations adopted by the USEPA.
    The term “identical in substance” is defined at Section 7.2 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 (1998)).

    Board Actions
    February 3, 2000
    Chicago, Illinois
    Administrative Standard
    AS 00-7
    In the Matter of: Petition of Central Illinois Public Service Company for an
    Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208 - The Board granted
    petitioner’s motion to withdraw this request for an adjusted standard
    involving a Jackson County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    Administrative Citations

    AC 00-3
    AC 00-4
    AC 00-5
    AC 00-6
    AC 00-7
    AC 00-8
    AC 00-15
    AC 00-18
    AC 00-21
    AC 00-23
    AC 00-24
    AC 00-25
    AC 00-26
    AC 00-29
    AC 00-30
    AC 00-31
    AC 00-37
    AC 00-38
    AC 00-39
    AC 00-40
    AC 00-41
    AC 00-42
    AC 00-43
    AC 00-44
    AC 00-45
    AC 00-46
    AC 00-47
    AC 00-48
    AC 00-49
    AC 00-50
    AC 00-51
    AC 00-53
    AC 00-54
    AC 00-55
    County of Sangamon v. ESG Watts, Inc. - The Board denied respondent’s
    motion to dismiss or to strike, or in the alternative, to either direct decision
    or grant summary judgment. These matters will proceed to hearing.
    Vote 5-0
    AC 00-16
    IEPA v. Olen G. Parkhill, Jr. - The Board granted both parties’ motions to
    dismiss the petition for review, found that respondent had violated Sections
    21(p)(1) and 21(p)(3) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
    5/21(p)(1), (3) (1998)), and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of
    Vote 5-0
    AC 00-56
    IEPA v. Tom Zang - In response to a joint stipulation and settlement
    agreement in this administrative citation action involving a Cumberland
    County facility, the Board found respondent violated Section 21(p)(1) of the
    Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1998)) and ordered
    respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500. The Board also granted
    complainant’s motion to dismiss the alleged violation of Section 21(p)(7)(I)
    of the Act (
    415 ILCS 5/
    21(p)(7)(I) (1998), as amended by Pub. Act 91-72, eff.
    July 9, 1999), prohibiting open dumping of general construction or
    demolition debris.
    Vote 5-0
    AC 00-57
    Tazewell County v. Waste Professionals, Inc. - The Board granted
    complainant’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this administrative citation
    action involving a Tazewell County facility.
    Vote 5-0

    AC 00-59
    Will County v. James and Joan Haggard - The Board found that these Will
    County respondents violated Sections 21(p)(1) and 21(p)(3) of the Act (415
    ILCS 5/21(p)(1), 21(p)(3) (1998)), and ordered respondents to pay a civil
    penalty of $1,000.
    Vote 5-0
    AC 00-60
    IEPA v. Knox County, Illinois, Knox County Landfill #3, and Thomas D.
    Wagher - The Board found that these Knox County respondents violated
    Section 21(o)(12) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/21(o)(12) (1998)), and ordered
    respondents to pay a civil penalty of $500.
    Vote 5-0
    AC 00-61
    IEPA v. Don Myers - The Board found that this Union County respondent
    violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1998)), and ordered
    respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
    Vote 5-0
    Adjudicatory Cases
    PCB 97-217
    People of the State of Illinois v. Bigelow Group, Inc. - The Board granted relief
    from the hearing requirement of Section 31©(2) of the Environmental
    Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31©(2) (1998)), and accepted a stipulation and
    settlement agreement in this water enforcement action concerning a facility
    located in Lake County, Illinois, ordered the respondent to pay a civil penalty
    of $20,500, and to cease and desist from further violations.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 98-37
    People of the State of Illinois v. American Waste Processing, LTD - The Board
    granted relief from the hearing requirement of Section 31©(2) of the
    Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31©(2) (1998)), and accepted a
    stipulation and settlement agreement in this Resource Conservation and
    Recovery Act enforcement action concerning a facility located in Cook
    County, Illinois, ordered the respondent to pay a civil penalty of $60,000, and
    to cease and desist from further violations.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-105
    People of the State of Illinois v. Britt Industries, Inc. - The Board granted relief
    from the hearing requirement of Section 31©(2) of the Environmental
    Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31©(2) (1998)), and accepted a stipulation and
    settlement agreement in this air enforcement action concerning a facility
    located in Cook County, Illinois, ordered the respondent to pay a civil penalty
    of $18,000, and to cease and desist from further violations.
    Vote 5-0

    Provisional Variances
    PCB 00-129
    Libbey-Owens-Ford Company v. IEPA - Upon receipt of an Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency recommendation, the Board granted this
    LaSalle County facility a 45-day provisional variance, subject to conditions,
    from the effluent limits set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.141(b).
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-130
    City of Granite City v. IEPA - Upon receipt of an Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency recommendation, the Board granted this Madison County
    facility a 45-day provisional variance, subject to conditions, from the effluent
    limits set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.121(a), 304.125(a), and 304.141(a) and
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number IL0033481.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-131
    Archer Daniels Midland Company and City of Decatur v. IEPA - Upon receipt
    of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency recommendation, the Board
    granted this Macon County facility a 45-day provisional variance, subject to
    conditions, from the effluent discharge requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 304.141 and permit requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.102.
    Vote 5-0
    Motions and Other Matters
    PCB 92-168
    Edwards-Etherton Oil Company, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s
    motion to withdraw this underground storage tank appeal involving a
    Williamson County facility
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 96-111
    People of the State of Illinois v. John Chalmers, individually and d/b/a John
    Chalmers Hog Farm - The Board granted respondent’s motion to modify the
    Board order of January 6, 2000, extending the time for payment of the civil
    penalty until April 6, 2000.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 96-141
    PCB 99-44
    PCB 99-186
    Butterick Company, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s attorney’s
    motion to appear Pro Hac Vice.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 96-240
    People of the State of Illinois v. Rogers O’Hare Motor Terminal Limited, and
    Carolina Freight Carriers Corporation - Upon receipt of a proposed stipulation
    and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request relief from the
    hearing requirement in this water and underground storage tank enforcement
    action against a Cook County facility, the Board ordered publication of the
    required newspaper notice.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 96-261
    People of the State of Illinois v. G.M. Demolition Corporation - Upon receipt of
    a proposed stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to
    request relief from the hearing requirement in this air enforcement action
    involving facilities located in Cook and Kankakee Counties, the Board ordered
    publication of the required newspaper notice.
    Vote 5-0

    PCB 98-59
    Morton College Board of Trustees of Illinois, Community College District No.
    527 v. Town of Cicero; and Town of Cicero v. National Jockey Club - The Board
    found that the third-party complaint was not duplicitous or frivolous, and
    accepted it for hearing in this citizens’ Resource Conservation and Recovery
    Act enforcement action involving a Cook County facility
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 99-12
    Chemetco, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary
    dismissal of this permit appeal involving a Madison County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 99-125
    Terrence G. Graf, Joe Graf, Marcella Graf, Louise Grothpietz, Marjorie Olszeoski,
    Leonard Olszeoski, Mike Czebokowski, and Lois Czebokowski v. Emerald
    Landscaping and CPK Landscaping - The Board granted petitioners’ motion to
    voluntarily dismiss this citizens’ noise enforcement action involving a Cook
    County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-89
    Illinois State Toll Highway Authority v. IEPA - The Board accepted for hearing
    this underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a Cook County facility, and
    on its own motion consolidated this matter with fourteen similar underground
    storage tank refund appeal cases brought by petitioner (Illinois State Toll
    Highway Authority v. IEPA , PCB 98-88 et al., July 23, 1998 and January 7,
    1999). Additionally, the Board consolidated PCB 00-51 and PCB 00-52, both
    similar underground storage tank refund appeal cases, with the previously
    consolidated cases.
    Vote 4-0
    PCB 00-119
    Wholesale Oil Company (Laflin) v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a
    90-day extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf
    of this Cook County facility.
    Vote 4-0
    PCB 00-120
    Wholesale Oil Company (Belmont) v. IEPA - The Board denied petitioner’s
    request for a 90-Day Extension of appeal but accepted petitioner’s letter
    requesting an extension of the 35-day time period as a petition for review,
    ordering petitioner to file an amended petition or the action would be subject to
    Vote 4-0
    PCB 00-124
    Agrium U.S. Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s attorney’s motion to
    appear Pro Hac Vice and accepted for hearing this underground storage tank
    appeal involving a Marshall County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-125
    People of the State of Illinois v. Nina Enterprises, Inc. - The Board accepted for
    hearing this air enforcement action against this Cook County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-126
    Westown Land Trust v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day
    extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
    Jackson County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-127
    People of the State of Illinois v. Dayne Rogers, an individual, Black Gold
    International, and Crosby & Associates, P.C. - The Board accepted for hearing
    this cost recovery tire clean-up enforcement action against this Winnebago
    County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    PCB 00-128
    Apple Chevrolet v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day
    extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
    Cook County facility.
    Vote 5-0
    February 17, 2000
    Springfield, Illinois

    In the Matter of: Definition of VOM Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999
    through December 31, 1999) - The Board dismissed this reserved identical-in-
    substance docket because the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    did not amend its exemptions from the definition of volatile organic material
    during the update period of July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999.
    Vote 6-0
    In the Matter of: RCRA Subtitle D Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Update,
    USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999) - The Board
    dismissed this reserved identical-in-substance docket because the United
    States Environmental Protection Agency did not amend its non-hazardous
    waste regulations during the update period of July 1, 1999 through December
    31, 1999.
    Vote 6-0
    In the Matter of: UST Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999 through
    December 31, 199) - The Board dismissed this reserved identical-in-substance
    docket because the United States Environmental Protection Agency did not
    amend its underground storage tank regulations during the update period of
    July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999.
    Vote 6-0
    Adjusted Standards
    AS 00-2
    In the Matter of: Petition of Horsehead Resource and Development Company,
    Inc. for an Adjusted Standard Under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.131© - The Board
    granted this Cook County facility an adjusted standard from the definition of
    solid waste, pursuant to 35 Ill Adm. Code 720.131©, subject to conditions.
    Vote 6-0
    AS 00-8
    In the Matter of: Petition of Vonco Products, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.401(a), (b), and © (the “Flexographic Printing Rule”) -
    The Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this request
    for an adjusted standard involving a Lake County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    AS 00-9
    In the Matter of: Petition of Bema Film Systems, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.401(a), (b), and © (the “Flexographic Printing Rule”) -
    The Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this request
    for an adjusted standard involving a DuPage County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    AS 00-10
    In the Matter of: Petition of Formel Industries, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.401(a), (b), and © (the “Flexographic Printing Rule”) -
    The Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this request
    for an adjusted standard involving a Cook County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    Administrative Citations
    AC 00-20
    County of Will v. Dorothy V. Fisch - The Board granted complainant’s motion
    for voluntary dismissal of this administrative citation action involving a Will
    County facility.
    Vote 6-0

    AC 00-58
    Tazewell County v. Waste Professionals, Inc. - The Board granted
    complainant’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this administrative citation
    action involving a Tazewell County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    AC 00-63
    County of Vermilion v. Illinois Landfill, Inc. - The Board found that this
    Vermilion County respondent violated Section 21(o)(12) of the Act (415 ILCS
    5/21(o)(12) (1998)), and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
    Vote 6-0
    Adjudicatory Cases
    PCB 96-132
    People of the State of Illinois v. Burlington Northern Railroad Company, Beazer
    East, Inc., and Koppers Industries, Inc. - The Board granted relief from the
    hearing requirement of Section 31©(2) of the Environmental Protection Act (415
    ILCS 5/31©(2) (1998)), and accepted a stipulation and settlement agreement in
    this Resource Conservation and Recovery Act enforcement action concerning
    a facility located in Knox County, Illinois, ordered the respondent to pay a civil
    penalty of
    , and to cease and desist from further violations.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 99-98
    Kendall-Grundy FS, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board certified that the petitioner’s steel
    building is a “pollution control facility” under the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS
    200/11-10 (1998)), and directed the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to
    timely provide any additional documentation of the tax certification that the
    Department of Revenue may require.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 99-111
    People of the State of Illinois v. Gerry Rich d/b/a Rich Pork Farm - The Board
    granted relief from the hearing requirement of Section 31©(2) of the
    Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31©(2) (1998)), accepted a stipulation
    and settlement agreement in this water enforcement action concerning a facility
    located in Tazewell County, Illinois, ordered the respondent to pay a civil
    penalty of
    , and to cease and desist from further violations.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-54
    The C.P. Hall Company v. IEPA - The Board granted this Cook County facility a
    variance from the air pollution control regulations found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    218.501(a) and 281.504(d)(1), (2), subject to conditions.
    Vote 6-0
    Motions and Other Matters
    PCB 95-126
    Excel Corporation v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
    voluntary dismissal of this permit appeal involving a Cass County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 95-170
    People of the State of Illinois v. Environmental Control and Abatement, Inc. -
    Board granted both complainant’s and respondent’s motions for summary
    judgment in part and sent this air enforcement action to hearing to settle any
    unresolved issues still pending.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 96-209
    People of the State of Illinois v. Macon County Landfill Corporation - Upon
    receipt of a proposed stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed
    motion to request relief from the hearing requirement in this land enforcement
    action involving a facility located in Macon County, the Board ordered
    publication of the required newspaper notice.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 98-10
    The Village of Niles v. Mobil Oil Corporation - The Board granted
    complainant’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank
    enforcement action involving a Cook County facility.
    Vote 6-0

    PCB 00-38
    John Johnson Landscaping, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s
    motion for voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank appeal
    involving a Cook County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-57
    People of the State of Illinois v. J&J Services, Inc. - Upon receipt of a proposed
    stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request relief
    from the hearing requirement in this air enforcement action involving a facility
    located in Jefferson County, the Board ordered publication of the required
    newspaper notice.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-94
    Linneman Oil Company v. IEPA - The Board accepted for hearing this
    underground storage tank appeal involving a Monroe County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-95
    Champion Gas & Oil v. IEPA - Having previously granted a request for a 90-day
    extension, the Board dismissed this matter because no underground storage
    tank appeal was timely filed on behalf of this Sangamon County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-96
    Duck’s Tire Service v. IEPA - Having previously granted a request for a 90-day
    extension, the Board dismissed this matter because no underground storage
    tank appeal was timely filed on behalf of this Fulton County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-97
    People of the State of Illinois v. Southern Mold, Inc. - Upon receipt of a
    proposed stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to
    request relief from the hearing requirement in this air enforcement action
    involving a facility located in Williamson County, the Board ordered
    publication of the required newspaper notice.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-114
    Three County Public Water District v. IEPA - The Board accepted petitioner’s
    amended petition and granted the motion for expedited decision consistent with
    the Board’s resources and decision deadlines.
    Vote 5-1
    PCB 00-132
    People of the State of Illinois v. Illinois Industrial Plating - The Board accepted
    for hearing this air enforcement action against this Peoria County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-134
    Schrock Cabinet Company v. IEPA - The Board accepted for hearing this permit
    appeal involving a
    County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-135
    People of the State of Illinois v. Berge Plating Works, Inc. - The Board accepted
    for hearing this air enforcement action against this Rock Island County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    PCB 00-136
    People of the State of Illinois v. Sullivan Marina and Campground L.L.C. - The
    Board accepted for hearing this water enforcement action against this Moultrie
    County facility.
    Vote 6-0
    New Cases
    February 3, 2000 Board Meeting
    Agrium U.S. Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s attorney’s motion to appear
    Pro Hac Vice
    accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving a Marshall County facility.
    People of the State of Illinois v. Nina Enterprises, Inc. - The Board accepted for hearing this air
    enforcement action against this Cook County facility.
    Westown Land Trust v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
    underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Jackson County facility.
    People of the State of Illinois v. Dayne Rogers, an individual, Black Gold International, and Crosby &
    Associates, P.C. - The Board accepted for hearing this cost recovery tire clean-up enforcement action against
    this Winnebago County facility.

    Apple Chevrolet v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
    underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Cook County facility.
    Libbey-Owens-Ford v. IEPA - Upon receipt of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    recommendation, the Board granted this LaSalle County facility a 45-day provisional variance, subject to
    conditions, from the effluent limits set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.141(b).
    City of Granite City v. IEPA - Upon receipt of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    recommendation, the Board granted this Madison County facility a 45-day provisional variance, subject to
    conditions, from the effluent limits set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.121(a), 304.125(a), and 304.141(a) and
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number IL0033481.
    Archer Daniels Midland Company and City of Decatur v. IEPA - Upon receipt of an Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency recommendation, the Board granted this Macon County facility a 45-day
    provisional variance, subject to conditions, from the effluent discharge requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 304.141 and permit requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.102.
    AC 00-64
    County of Sangamon v. ESG Watts, Inc. - The Board accepted this administrative citation against this
    County respondent.
    AC 00-65
    County of Sangamon v. ESG Watts, Inc. - The Board accepted this administrative citation against this
    County respondent.
    AC 00-66
    County of Sangamon v. ESG Watts, Inc. - The Board accepted this administrative citation against this
    County respondent.
    AC 00-67
    IEPA v. Tony Brown - The Board accepted an administrative citation against this Champaign
    February 17, 2000 Board Meeting
    People of the State of Illinois v. Illinois Industrial Plating - The Board accepted for hearing this air
    enforcement action against this Peoria County facility.
    John M. Giertych, Oak Ridge Property Owners v. Tyson Corporation - The Board held for a later
    duplicitous/frivolous determination this citizens’ noise enforcement action involving a Kankakee County facility.
    Schrock Cabinet Company v. IEPA - The Board accepted for hearing this permit appeal involving a
    Douglas County facility.
    People of the State of Illinois v. Berge Plating Works, Inc. - The Board accepted for hearing this air
    enforcement action against this Rock Island County facility.
    People of the State of Illinois v. Sullivan Marina and Campground, L.L.C. - The Board accepted for
    hearing this water enforcement action against this Moultrie County facility.
    AC 00-68
    Will County v. Oscar Smith - The Board accepted an administrative citation against this Will County
    AC 00-69
    IEPA v. Raymond Pollock - The Board accepted an administrative citation against this Douglas
    County respondent.
    In the Matter of: Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 617, Regulated Recharge Area for Pleasant
    Valley Public Water District- No action taken.
    10:00 am
    In the Matter of: Vehicle Scrappage
    Activities Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    Hearing Room 403
    600 S. Second Street
    Springfield, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    Illinois Pollution Control
    600 South Second Street

    Hearing Room 403
    Springfield, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 97-234
    Antonio D.H. Nam v. Kikon Suh
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 11-512
    Chicago, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 97-234
    Antonio D.H. Nam v. Kikon Suh
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 11-512
    Chicago, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 98-164
    City of Rock Island v. IEPA
    Rock Island County Building
    Third Floor Conference Room
    1504 Third Avenue
    Rock Island, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 00-73
    City of Rock Island v. IEPA
    Rock Island County Building
    Third Floor Conference Room
    1504 Third Avenue
    Rock Island, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 98-164
    City of Rock Island v. IEPA
    Rock Island County Building
    Third Floor Conference Room
    1504 Third Avenue
    Rock Island, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 00-73
    City of Rock Island v. IEPA
    Rock Island County Building
    Third Floor Conference Room
    1504 Third Avenue
    Rock Island, IL
    10:00 am
    In the Matter of: Vehicle Scrappage
    Activities Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    Illinois Pollution Control
    Hearing Room 403
    600 S. Second Street
    Springfield, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-69
    Land and Lakes Company v. Randolph
    County Board of Commissioners
    Randolph County Courthouse
    Third Floor Lounge
    1 Taylor Street
    Chester, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-69
    Land and Lakes Company v. Randolph
    County Board of Commissioners
    Randolph County Courthouse
    Third Floor Lounge
    1 Taylor Street
    Chester, IL
    PCB 99-127
    Ted Harrison Oil Company v. IEPA
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    9:30 am
    Hearing Room 403
    600 S. Second Street
    Springfield, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-127
    Ted Harrison Oil Company v. IEPA
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    Hearing Room 403
    600 S. Second Street
    Springfield, IL
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 2-025
    Chicago, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-19
    Anthony and Karen Roti, Paul
    Rosenstrock, and Leslie Weber v. LTD
    Libertyville Village Hall
    118 West Cook Avenue
    Libertyville, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-19
    Anthony and Karen Roti, Paul
    Rosenstrock, and Leslie Weber v. LTD
    Libertyville Village Hall
    118 West Cook Avenue
    Libertyville, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-19
    Anthony and Karen Roti, Paul
    Rosenstrock, and Leslie Weber v. LTD
    Libertyville Village Hall
    118 West Cook Avenue
    Libertyville, IL
    1:00 pm
    PCB 99-27
    People of the State of Illinois v. James &
    Carol Gilmer
    Villa Grove City Hall
    City Council Room
    612 Front Street
    Villa Grove, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-27
    People of the State of Illinois v. James &
    Carol Gilmer
    Villa Grove City Hall
    City Council Room
    612 Front Street
    Villa Grove, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-72
    People of the State of Illinois v. Lake of
    Egypt Water District, Willis Dale
    Shadowens and Gary R. Rhodes
    State Office Building
    Main Conference Room
    2309 West Main Street
    Marion, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-72
    People of the State of Illinois v. Lake of
    Egypt Water District, Willis Dale
    Shadowens and Gary R. Rhodes
    State Office Building
    Main Conference Room
    2309 West Main Street
    Marion, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-72
    People of the State of Illinois v. Lake of
    Egypt Water District, Willis Dale
    Shadowens and Gary R. Rhodes
    State Office Building
    Main Conference Room
    2309 West Main Street
    Marion, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 99-72
    People of the State of Illinois v. Lake of
    Egypt Water District, Willis Dale
    Shadowens and Gary R. Rhodes
    State Office Building
    Main Conference Room
    2309 West Main Street
    Marion, IL
    10:30 am
    Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 W. Randolph Street
    Room 9-040
    Chicago, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 93-191
    People of the State of Illinois v. Estate of
    Lloyd Wiemann and Cheryl Halbrooks;
    Estate of Lloyd Wiemann Cross-
    complainant v. Cheryl Halbrooks, Cross-
    St. Clair County Building
    Courtroom 410
    10 Public Square
    Belleville, IL
    9:30 am
    PCB 93-191
    People of the State of Illinois v. Estate of
    Lloyd Wiemann and Cheryl Halbrooks;
    Estate of Lloyd Wiemann Cross-
    complainant v. Cheryl Halbrooks, Cross-
    St. Clair County Building
    Courtroom 410
    10 Public Square
    Belleville, IL


    ------------------------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------
    Environmental Register Comment Card
    The Illinois Pollution Control Board is an independent seven-member board that
    adopts environmental control standards, rules on enforcement actions,
    and other environmental disputes for the State of Illinois.

    The Environmental Register is published monthly by the Board, and contains
    updates on rulemakings, descriptions of final decisions, the Board’s hearing
    calendar, and other environmental law information.
    ------------------------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    Environmental Register Coordinator
    600 South Second Street, Suite 402
    Springfield, Illinois 62704

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