September 4, 1997
    PCB 97-210
    (Permit Appeal - Land)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J. Yi):
    On May 23, 1997 ESG Watts, Inc. petitioned the Board pursuant to Section 40 of the
    Environmental Protection Act (Act) for hearing to review the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency's (Agency) April 15, 1997 issuance of a permit with conditions. 415 ILCS 5/40
    (1996). Petitioner operates a solid waste and special waste landfill located in Rock Island
    County, Illinois (known as Taylor Ridge or Andalusia landfill). On July 3, 1997 the Board
    received a motion for summary judgment filed by the Agency. On July 23, 1997 ESG Watts
    filed a response to the Agency's motion.
    The Agency states that on December 2, 1996 it received from petitioner an application
    for a supplemental permit (Illinois EPA Log No. 1996-404), dated November 27, 1996, that
    sought approval of the biennial revision of petitioner's closure and post-closure care plan and
    cost estimates for its Taylor Ridge facility pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 807, Subparts E
    and F. The Agency states that on April 15, 1997 it conditionally approved petitioner's
    application and issued Supplemental Permit No. 1996-404-SP.
    As part of Supplemental Permit No. 1996-404-SP the Agency states that it included
    certain conditions. Specifically, the Agency states that it conditionally approved the water
    monitoring program suggested by petitioner pursuant to the requirements of Attachment A
    being met. The Agency maintains that Attachment A "contained a 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 620
    Groundwater Quality Standards compatible Groundwater Monitoring Program applicable to a
    sanitary landfill permitted under 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 807." (Mot. at 2.)
    The Agency asserts that the sole grounds for petitioner's appeal is that the permit
    encloses Attachment A which was not included in the permit application and which the Agency
    The Agency's motion for summary judgment will be referenced to as (Mot. at _) and ESG
    Watts response will be referred to as (Resp. at _.)

    unilaterally imposed. The Agency claims that the petition does not address any other general
    or special conditions, and does not question any of the specifics of the Groundwater
    Monitoring Program that are set forth in Attachment A. (Mot. at 3.) The Agency argues that
    "[t]herefore, the sole issue on appeal in this case is the authority of the Illinois EPA to
    “unilaterally impose” as a special condition the Part 620 compatible Groundwater Monitoring
    Program that is set forth in Attachment A." (Mot. at 3.) The Agency concludes that the issue
    is appropriate for summary judgment because it relates to the Agency's permitting authority
    and is a question of law, and not a question of fact. (Mot. at 3.)
    The Agency notes that petitioner's existing operating permit contains a Groundwater
    Monitoring Program that was initially approved by it prior to the effective date the Board’s
    Groundwater Quality Standards, set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 620, promulgated
    pursuant to the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act, 415 ILCS 55/1-9. (Mot. at 3.) The
    Agency states that "[a]lthough technically adequate at the time it was first proposed and
    approved, Watts’ current Groundwater Monitoring Program is inadequate to meet the
    requirements of the Board’s 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 620 Groundwater Quality Standards."
    (Mot. at 3.)
    The Agency concludes that since petitioner is presently subject to a Groundwater
    Monitoring Program as a part of its current operating permit, that the imposition of the Part
    620 compatible Groundwater Monitoring Program described in Attachment A does not
    represent the unilateral imposition upon ESG Watts of a completely new program or activity.
    (Mot. at 4.) Instead the Agency argues that it is a revision to current technical requirements of
    an existing program or permitted activity already required by petitioner's current operating
    permit. (Mot. at 4.) The Agency claims that the primary difference between the existing
    operating permit and that on appeal is that the permit on appeal which contains Attachment A
    revises the existing permit to include additional parameters in order to be compatible with the
    Board’s 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 620 Groundwater Quality Standards. (Mot. at 4.)
    The Agency argues that it "not only has the right to so revise Watts’ permit so as to
    make its current Groundwater Monitoring Program compatible with the Board’s Part 620
    Groundwater Quality Standards, but - it is submitted - the Illinois EPA is also obligated to do
    so." (Mot. at 4.) Citing to the language of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.209(a), the Agency argues
    that it is required to revise petitioner's operating permit to make the Groundwater Monitoring
    Program compatible with the Board’s Groundwater Quality Standards. (Mot. at 4.)
    The Agency claims that if it is not allowed to impose conditions which are not part of
    the application for permit that anytime there is a change in the law, a significant advancement
    in scientific knowledge, or a significant enhancement in technical capabilities, the beneficial
    effects of the changes would be deferred until the permittee chooses to modify the affected
    parts of its operating permit. (Mot. at 5.) The Agency argues that this could not reflect the
    intended desire of either the legislature or the Board. (Mot. at 5.)
    The Agency maintains that pursuant to both Section 39(a) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Part 807.206(a), that it has the authority to impose such conditions in a permit that are

    necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Act, and as are not inconsistent with the Board
    regulations. (Mot. at 6.) Accordingly, the Agency maintains that it has the regulatory
    authority to revise petitioner's current Groundwater Monitoring Program by enclosing a Part
    620 compatible Groundwater Monitoring Program as described in Attachment A as a special
    condition to the supplemental permit in order to make petitioner's present Groundwater
    Monitoring Program conform with the Board’s Groundwater Quality Standards as set forth in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 620. (Mot. at 7.) The Agency concludes that "[t]here exists in this
    case no genuine issue of material fact, and based upon the foregoing, the Illinois EPA is
    entitled to a judgment, or finding, in its favor as a matter of law." (Mot. at 7.)
    Petitioner argues that it is not appealing on the basis that the Agency does not have the
    authority to impose conditions so that permits comply with new or revised Board regulations.
    (Resp. at 2.) Petitioner is requesting the Board to review the conditions contained in the
    Attachment A because the petitioner asserts that those conditions exceed the requirements of
    the Board regulations and are not necessary. (Resp. at 2.) Specifically, petitioner claims that
    the Agency's Attachment A utilizes the standards of the 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.410, standards
    for Class I groundwater, instead of the standards for Class II groundwater as set forth at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 620.420. Petitioner maintains that the groundwater at the facility is designated as
    Class II groundwater. (Resp. at 2.) As a result of the disagreement as to which standards
    apply to the groundwater located at the Taylor Ridge Landfill based on the classification of the
    groundwater located at the facility, petitioner argues that there remains a genuine issue of
    material fact and respondent is not entitled to judgment as a matter of law. (Resp. at 2.)
    Summary judgment is appropriate when the pleadings, depositions and admissions on
    file, together with any affidavits, show that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that
    the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. (See
    Purtill v. Hess
    , 111 Ill. 2d
    229, 240-41, 489 N.E.2d 867, 871-72 (1986),
    Waste Management of Illinois v. IEPA
    , (July
    21, 1994), PCB 94-153;
    Solomon v. American Nat'l Bank & Trust Co.
    , 243 Ill.App.3d 132,
    612 N.E.2d 3 (1st Dist. 1993).)
    Petitioner states that it is not challenging the Agency's authority to revise its permit to
    conform with current regulations but is instead challenging what is required to make its current
    Groundwater Monitoring Program compatible with the Board's Groundwater Quality
    Standards. The Board finds that there are genuine issues of fact to be resolved in this
    proceeding. There remains an issue of material fact concerning the classification of the
    groundwater at the Taylor Ridge facility which must be determined in order for the Board to
    rule on this appeal. Therefore, the Board finds that there are genuine issues of fact to be
    resolved in this proceeding. The motion for summary judgment is denied, and this matter
    shall proceed to hearing.

    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
    the above order was adopted on the 4
    day of September 1997, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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