    10, 2003
    Marie E.
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    W. Randolph
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    I am writing this letter in response to
    case number R03- 19. I am a private citizen who ha
    an interest
    in this
    case as well as the environment in general. I am a hunter and fisherman
    and it gives me great concern whether the game is safe to eat after it has been harvested. I
    realize that there are several factors that contribute to
    these conditions.
    I believe that citizens should have privilege and right to participate fully in permit
    (I) have relied on others to make my concerns known. Knowledge ofthe
    issues and involvement in permit process would hopefully eliminate the concerns or show
    the shortcomings ofthe permit.
    I concur that the rules
    should be fair. Permitting entities
    should not be adversely
    burdened but should be
    good corporate citizens ensuring that their actions to are in the
    best interest ofthe public.
    Most entities have fiduciary responsibility as a primary goal
    and the environment is much further downon their list.
    The permits should be
    clear as to requirements for intent, information and
    impacts on the
    Secondly, the permits
    and rules should be enforceable by the agency and by
    the citizens.
    Once a permit has been issued, concerns still remain with the monitoring of
    the facility. The monitoring requirements
    should also be clear and concise. The
    requirements set
    forth for monitoring
    in the permit process should include actions and
    penalties to correct
    any violations.
    Larry Miher

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