    4 )
    Petitioner, )
    5 )
    vs ) No. PCB 05-109
    6 )
    8 )
    Respondents. )
    12 hearing of the above-entitled matter, taken
    13 stenographically by Maria E. Shockey, CSR, before
    14 BRADLEY P. HALLORAN, Hearing Officer, at the City
    15 Hall Annex, Council Chambers, Sandwich, Illinois, on
    16 the 8th day of March, A.D., 2005, scheduled to
    17 commence at 9:00 a.m.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 A P P E A R A N C E S:
    3 James R. Thompson Center
    100 West Randolph Street
    4 Suite 11-500
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    5 (312) 814-8917
    BY: MR. BRADLEY P. HALLORAN, Hearing Officer
    8 One Prudential Plaza
    130 East Randolph Drive
    9 Chicago, Illinois 60601
    (312) 861-2835
    Appeared on behalf of the Petitioner,
    12 Paul Johnson, Inc.;
    14 1021 North Grand Avenue East
    Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
    15 (217) 782-5544
    17 Appeared on behalf of the Respondent,
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency;
    331 West State Street
    20 Sycamore, Illinois 60178
    (815) 264-3340
    Appeared on behalf of the Respondent,
    23 Village of Waterman, Illinois.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 the record. Good morning. My name is
    3 Bradley Halloran. I'm with the Illinois
    4 Pollution Control Board. I'm also assigned
    5 to this matter entitled Paul Johnson, Inc.,
    6 Petitioner, versus the Illinois Environmental
    7 Protection Agency and City of Waterman,
    8 Illinois, Respondents. This is PCB 05-109.
    9 It's a water well setback exception petition.
    10 Today is Tuesday, March 8, 2005.
    11 It's approximately 9:05 a.m. and I note that
    12 there are no members of the public here.
    13 The hearing is being held pursuant to
    14 Section 106.300, Subpart C of the Board's
    15 procedural rules regarding water well setback
    16 exceptions and hearing will be governed in
    17 accordance with Section 101, Subpart F of the
    18 Board's procedural rules.
    19 I note that this hearing is
    20 intended to develop a record for review for
    21 the petition and it will be reviewed by the
    22 whole Illinois Pollution Control Board. I
    23 will not be deciding this case, again, it's
    24 the Board that will be the ultimate
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 decisionmaker. They will review the
    2 transcript of this proceeding, the record,
    3 and the post hearing briefs.
    4 My job is to ensure an orderly
    5 hearing and present a clear record and rule
    6 on any evidentiary matters that may arise.
    7 After the hearing, the parties will have an
    8 opportunity to submit post hearing briefs.
    9 These too will be considered by the Board.
    10 And I do want to introduce
    11 Alisa Liu. She's sitting to my right. She's
    12 a technical employee of the Illinois
    13 Pollution Control Board. She may or may not
    14 be asking questions today.
    15 With that said, Mr. Saines, would
    16 you like to introduce yourself, please?
    17 MR. SAINES: Sure. Richard Saines,
    18 S-A-I-N-E-S. I'm the counsel of behalf of
    19 the petitioner, and I'm here with Mr. Steve
    20 Swenson from Clayton Group Services. Clayton
    21 is spelled C-L-A-Y-T-O-N. He's the technical
    22 consultant that I'll be offering as the only
    23 witness.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. BUICK: Yes. My name is
    2 Kevin Buick, B-U-I-C-K, on behalf of the
    3 Village of Waterman. I might note there's
    4 some references throughout the petitions to
    5 the city of Waterman and I just want to note
    6 for clarification that Waterman is indeed a
    7 village, and I'm here with the Village
    8 engineer, Norman Beeh, B-E-E-H --
    9 MR. BEEH: Correct.
    10 MR. BUICK: (Continuing) -- who is the
    11 Village engineer.
    13 Mr. Buick.
    14 Mr. Gunnarson?
    15 MR. GUNNARSON: Yes. My name is
    16 Charles Gunnarson. I'm an attorney with the
    17 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and
    18 I'm assigned to this matter representing the
    19 IEPA today. With me as well is Mr. Lynn
    20 Dunaway, D-U-N-A-W-A-Y, who's a geologist
    21 with the division of public water supplies,
    22 groundwater unit, and Mr. Dunaway provided
    23 the technical review of the petition for the
    24 IEPA.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 Mr. Gunnarson.
    3 Mr. Saines, you may proceed with
    4 your case in chief. You can do an opening,
    5 you can waive opening. You can make any
    6 comments on any matters that may arise and/or
    7 call your first witness, Mr. Swenson.
    8 O P E N I N G S T A T E M E N T
    9 BY MR. SAINES:
    10 Thank you. I appreciate that. I'll
    11 just make a brief statement. I want to thank
    12 both the Illinois EPA, Village of Waterman,
    13 and the Board in particular for granting the
    14 expedited hearing request and accommodating
    15 the schedule for this hearing on a relatively
    16 short notice.
    17 The reason for the expedited
    18 hearing, of course, is that we've been
    19 involved in a cleanup of existing shallow
    20 groundwater contamination at the site for a
    21 couple of years now and we're at the point
    22 where we've got a completion plan in place.
    23 And in order to get that plan
    24 implemented and really get this groundwater
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 cleaned up, we need to, you know, adhere to
    2 the statutory requirements in the Illinois
    3 Environmental Protection Agency Act, one of
    4 which is to make sure that we're consistent
    5 with the prohibition on locating new
    6 potential routes within the setback area of a
    7 community well.
    8 So this hearing is intended to
    9 seek an exception from that, an exception
    10 from that prohibition to allow us to
    11 effectively clean up the shallow groundwater.
    12 And I'd like at this point to call
    13 Mr. Swenson as --
    15 Mr. Saines, I'm sorry. I should ask
    16 Mr. Buick or Mr. Gunnarson, do you have any
    17 openings?
    18 MR. BUICK: We do not, your Honor.
    20 Thank you.
    21 MR. GUNNARSON: Neither do we.
    23 sorry, Mr. Saines, proceed.
    24 MR. SAINES: No problem. Sorry to
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 jump in there.
    2 If it's okay with everybody, I'd
    3 like to just call Mr. Swenson and he'll be
    4 here to answer your questions. But before we
    5 get into your questions, if it's okay, I'd
    6 like to just sort of run through some
    7 additional materials that have been provided
    8 to the Illinois EPA and the Village
    9 subsequent to the petition that was filed on
    10 December 10th of 2004 so that we can enter
    11 those into the record and that they're
    12 available for everybody to review.
    13 These are materials that have been
    14 shared, again, with the Illinois EPA and the
    15 Village pursuant to their request for
    16 additional information, and it's referenced
    17 in fact in the Illinois EPA's response that
    18 there was additional information that they
    19 were interested in receiving, so pursuant to
    20 that request, we provided some additional
    21 information. So at this juncture, I'll call
    22 Mr. Swenson.
    24 Mr. Swenson, you can remain seated and
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Maria will swear you in.
    2 (Witness sworn.)
    5 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    6 sworn, deposeth and saith as follows:
    7 E X A M I N A T I O N
    8 BY MR. SAINES:
    9 Q. Could you just state and spell your
    10 name for the record, please?
    11 A. My name is Steven R. Swenson,
    12 S-W-E-N-S-O-N.
    13 Q. Okay. And, Mr. Swenson, who are you
    14 employed by?
    15 A. Clayton Group Services.
    16 Q. And what do you do there?
    17 A. I'm a project manager.
    18 Q. Okay. Can you tell us what your basic
    19 educational background is?
    20 A. I received my bachelor's and master's
    21 from Northern Illinois University, department of
    22 geography, environmental sciences.
    23 Q. Okay. And you mentioned you're a
    24 project manager. Are you the project manager on the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Paul Johnson site that's at issue here today?
    2 A. Yes.
    3 Q. Okay. Can you just briefly describe
    4 what your duties entail as project manager for the
    5 site?
    6 A. Everything from report writing,
    7 budgets, technical review, overseeing field staff,
    8 working with the -- as a go-between between the
    9 client and the Agency.
    10 Q. Okay. Within Clayton Group Services,
    11 are you the one -- the person most knowledgeable
    12 about the technical aspects of this particular site?
    13 A. Yes.
    14 Q. Okay. I'd like to offer as Group
    15 Exhibit No. 1, which I have copies of for everybody
    16 (indicating).
    17 I've just distributed group
    18 Exhibit No. 1 to the parties at the hearing. And,
    19 Mr. Swenson, can you just take a look at that and
    20 review that briefly if you don't mind?
    21 (Witness perusing the document.)
    22 A. Okay.
    23 Q. Have you familiarized yourself with
    24 it?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 A. Yes.
    2 Q. Could you briefly describe in general
    3 terms, without getting into the details of each
    4 attachment, what Group Exhibit 1 represents?
    5 A. Attachment A is a summary of the
    6 groundwater analytical results that we've collected
    7 at the site, basically starting from January 2002 to
    8 the present. Attachment two is a summary boring
    9 location map showing the extent of the excavation,
    10 the location of all the monitoring well sampling
    11 points to date at the site, and attachment three is
    12 the proposed groundwater monitoring plan that was
    13 requested by Lynn Dunaway.
    14 Q. Okay. And Mr. Dunaway -- you referred
    15 to Lynn Dunaway. Mr. Dunaway is with the Illinois
    16 EPA?
    17 A. Yes.
    18 Q. Let me just ask you a little bit more
    19 detail on this Group Exhibit No. 1. With respect to
    20 Attachment No. 1, was this information provided to
    21 the Illinois EPA subsequent to the filing of the
    22 petition?
    23 A. Yes.
    24 Q. Okay. Do you remember if that was on
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 January 24, 2005?
    2 A. Yes.
    3 Q. And it was on January 24, 2005?
    4 A. Yes.
    5 Q. Okay. And was this information
    6 requested by the Illinois EPA subsequent to the
    7 petition as additional information?
    8 A. Yes.
    9 Q. Okay. So you prepared this
    10 information and submitted it to the Illinois EPA
    11 pursuant to their request?
    12 A. Correct.
    13 Q. Okay. With respect to attachment
    14 two -- or what's actually Attachment B here in Group
    15 Exhibit No. 1, you mentioned it's a site map with
    16 boring locations. Again, was this provided to the
    17 Illinois EPA subsequent to the filing of the
    18 petition?
    19 A. Yes.
    20 Q. Okay. And that was done pursuant to
    21 their request as well?
    22 A. Yes.
    23 Q. Okay. As with Attachment A and
    24 Attachment B here, both of those were also provided
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 to Mr. Buick at the Village of Waterman; is that
    2 correct?
    3 A. Yes.
    4 Q. Okay. And was that date on
    5 February 15, 2005?
    6 A. Yes.
    7 Q. Okay. And Attachment C of Group
    8 Exhibit No. 1, you mentioned that's a proposed
    9 groundwater monitoring plan. Similar to the first
    10 two attachments in Group Exhibit 1, was this
    11 submitted pursuant to the Illinois EPA's request?
    12 A. Yes.
    13 Q. Okay. And that was subsequent to the
    14 petition?
    15 A. Yes.
    16 Q. Okay. That was submitted to the
    17 Illinois EPA on January 26, 2005 as well?
    18 A. Yes.
    19 Q. And also to the Village of Waterman on
    20 February 15th?
    21 A. Yes.
    22 Q. Okay. Very good.
    23 I'd like to offer Exhibit No. 2 as
    24 well.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 make the record clear, when Mr. Saines was
    3 referring to attachment one, it was actually
    4 Attachment A.
    5 BY MR. SAINES:
    6 Q. Okay. Mr. Swenson, I'm now showing
    7 you what's been marked as Exhibit No. 2. Can you
    8 just familiarize yourself with that?
    9 (Witness perusing the document.)
    10 A. Okay.
    11 Q. Do you recognize Exhibit No. 2?
    12 A. Yes.
    13 Q. All right. Can you briefly describe
    14 what Exhibit No. 2 is?
    15 A. It is a follow-up to Mr. Dunaway's
    16 request to -- I've got a -- I'm fighting a cold
    17 here, so I apologize. (Continuing) -- that the
    18 presence of the shale in the two city wells and an
    19 expanded well search be conducted to find out if
    20 that's continuous across the region or if it's
    21 localized to the area directly below the site.
    22 Q. Okay. And just in descriptive terms,
    23 Exhibit No. 2 is a letter, the date of which says
    24 March 4, 2005, however, for the record, that was
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 actually sent to Mr. Dunaway on March 7th; is that
    2 correct?
    3 A. Correct.
    4 Q. Okay. And it's a one-page -- or well,
    5 a two-page letter, including the signature,
    6 attaching a figure one, which is a site location map
    7 with what appears to be a 2500-foot radius circle
    8 drawn and a 5,000-foot radius circle drawn; is that
    9 correct?
    10 A. Correct.
    11 Q. Okay. And as you're looking at the
    12 map, there are sort of light blue -- or I guess I
    13 would call them light blue dots and a little bit
    14 darker blue dots with a check pattern in them; is
    15 that correct?
    16 A. Correct.
    17 Q. Okay. What do the light blue dots --
    18 solid light blue dots signify?
    19 A. The light blue dots signify well logs
    20 that indicate the presence of a shale unit in the
    21 boring log.
    22 Q. Okay. And with respect to the darker
    23 blue dots?
    24 A. Those are well logs that did not
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 indicate the presence of a shale unit.
    2 Q. Okay. And just for reference, the
    3 area of concern in terms of the existing contaminant
    4 plume on this figure, can you just describe where
    5 that is located in this figure?
    6 A. The site is the red box at the center
    7 of the figure.
    8 Q. And the extent of the plume or the
    9 contamination as exists in the shallow groundwater,
    10 does that extend beyond the red box area?
    11 A. It would probably be just slightly
    12 north to the red box.
    13 Q. Okay. But contained reasonably close
    14 to where that box is?
    15 A. Correct.
    16 Q. Okay. In terms of inches of the scale
    17 of this map is, let's see, one inch equals --
    18 A. Two thousand feet.
    19 Q. One inch equals 2,000 feet. Thank
    20 you.
    21 So in terms of inches outside of
    22 the red box, I mean, would you be able to identify
    23 it? I mean, is it a 16th of an inch, is it a 32th
    24 of an inch, is it -- approximately just for scale
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 purposes?
    2 A. Approximately it would the black dot
    3 just north of the red box would be the limit.
    4 Q. Okay. Could you estimate what the
    5 inches is on that, how many inches is that or do you
    6 know what --
    7 A. Maybe a 32th.
    8 Q. A 32th of an inch, okay.
    9 A. Yes.
    10 MR. SAINES: Okay. Thank you.
    11 I've got Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4,
    12 both of which respond to questions that were
    13 submitted by the Board yesterday.
    15 MR. SAINES: So what I thought we
    16 would do is maybe we could go through some of
    17 those questions right now on the record.
    19 That's fine.
    20 MR. SAINES: And as those questions
    21 come up, we may introduce additional exhibits
    22 in response to some of those questions.
    24 Terrific. Thank you.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 BY MR. SAINES:
    2 Q. So, Mr. Swenson, I'm showing you a
    3 filing here that was sent by the hearing officer,
    4 Mr. Halloran, dated March 7, 2005. Is that when you
    5 received this as well?
    6 A. Yes.
    7 Q. So that was yesterday, correct?
    8 A. Yes.
    9 Q. Okay. And this is entitled Potential
    10 Questions for Hearing and there's a series of
    11 questions here and what I'd like to do is sort of
    12 read the questions aloud and then solicit
    13 Mr. Swenson's answers to those questions.
    14 I also want to note for the record
    15 that to the extent necessary we would also reserve
    16 the right to address those questions in more detail
    17 as part of the post hearing brief, but we would like
    18 to sort of, you know, put some preliminary answers
    19 at least on the record at this point.
    20 So the first question relates to a
    21 sentence in our petition and I'll read it as it's
    22 stated in the document entitled Potential Questions
    23 for Hearing and it's states: The petition on Page 4
    24 states, "Prior to treating the hydrocarbons, a
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 series of injections are completed around the
    2 perimeter of the hydrocarbons plume. The purpose of
    3 the perimeter injections is to form a hydraulic
    4 barrier that prevents the lateral migration of the
    5 contaminant plume during treatment, end quote.
    6 The first question related to
    7 statement says: Would you please specify what is
    8 injected to create a barrier?
    9 A. It would be a combination of an ORC
    10 slurry, which would be ORC and water, I believe
    11 there would also be some nutrients injected.
    12 Q. All right. You used the term ORC,
    13 just for people that are not familiar with that
    14 phrase, can you describe that?
    15 A. Oxygen release and compound.
    16 Q. Okay. The second question: Would you
    17 please describe how the hydraulic barrier would
    18 work, and the second part to that question is: Does
    19 it provide a barrier to groundwater flow movement or
    20 contaminant transport?
    21 A. I believe it does two things: One, by
    22 injecting -- we inject just into the groundwater
    23 table. It basically forms a mound that as you --
    24 once you complete the perimeter, you've got a mound
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 of groundwater that when you inject in the inside,
    2 then you're pushing against that mound. Basically,
    3 you're filling the capillary fringe and the
    4 unsaturated soil just above the water table. You're
    5 saturating it with water.
    6 Q. Okay. And when you describe a mound,
    7 what you're saying is you're creating a perimeter
    8 mound around the entire area of contamination so
    9 that there is inward pressure towards the center of
    10 the contamination, correct?
    11 A. Correct.
    12 Q. Okay. So in answer to that question,
    13 the question says: Does it provide a barrier to
    14 groundwater flow movement or contaminant transport,
    15 is there a yes or no answer to that?
    16 A. Yes. Basically, in the short-term it
    17 would prevent the outward migration of the
    18 groundwater.
    19 Q. Okay. The third question under this
    20 series of questions is: How deep will the injection
    21 wells be?
    22 A. Groundwater is approximately ten feet
    23 below the ground surface. The injections, I
    24 believe, will be between ten and 14 feet.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Q. Okay. The fourth question in the
    2 series is: After completing Phase I and Phase II on
    3 the areas identified by IET, which for the record is
    4 the vendor providing the bioremediation services, in
    5 Attachment C as A, B, and C, would the injection
    6 process be repeated?
    7 A. The injection process would be
    8 repeated if the results of the groundwater
    9 monitoring demonstrates we still have areas of
    10 concern.
    11 Q. And you mentioned groundwater
    12 monitoring. That's the groundwater monitoring that
    13 is part of the groundwater monitoring plan that you
    14 had submitted to the Illinois EPA as Attachment C to
    15 Group Exhibit No. 1; is that correct?
    16 A. Correct.
    17 Q. Okay. The next reference text for
    18 which there's a question states as follows: In
    19 IET's proposal in Attachment C, Page 19 under Phase
    20 I (Time Zero) and Phase II (Time 100 days), there is
    21 a reference to a diagram showing the location of the
    22 injection points and the anticipated impact zones.
    23 The question reads as follows: I
    24 did not find this diagram in the attachments, and I
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 was wondering if you would please enter a copy into
    2 the record?
    3 In response to that, we have what
    4 has been marked as Exhibit 3, which I will
    5 distribute now (indicating).
    6 Mr. Swenson, I'm showing you
    7 what's been marked as Exhibit 3. Can you just
    8 review that and then when you're ready just briefly
    9 describe what it is?
    10 A. Okay. It is a grid of proposed
    11 injection points for Phases I and II. They're both
    12 identical for areas A, B, and C with area A being
    13 north of Adams Street, area B being the excavated
    14 area, and area C being the perimeter around the
    15 excavated area south of Adams Street.
    16 Q. Do you believe Exhibit 3 is responsive
    17 to question five, which I just read from this
    18 document?
    19 A. Yes.
    20 Q. Okay. The next statement for which
    21 there's a question is as follows: In IEPA's
    22 response at Page 5, the IEPA notes the lack of a
    23 monitoring plan or schedule. Petition at eight
    24 states that the expected in-situ bioremediation time
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 is one year. However, in Attachment C, IET's
    2 proposal on Page 2 states: IET has structured a
    3 program which will allow for significant removal
    4 over a two-year period.
    5 The question is as follows: Have
    6 you developed a schedule for remediation showing
    7 milestones such as timeframes for injections,
    8 groundwater sampling, and compliance with Class I
    9 groundwater standards and 35 IAC 742 remediation
    10 objectives?
    11 A. Yes.
    12 Q. Okay. And where would that schedule
    13 be?
    14 A. In the groundwater monitoring plan in
    15 Exhibit 2 -- or excuse me, Group Exhibit 1,
    16 Attachment C.
    17 Q. Okay. And just for reference, the
    18 groundwater monitoring plan that is now contained in
    19 Group Exhibit 1 and Attachment C, did that exist in
    20 some form prior to you creating it for Group
    21 Exhibit No. 1?
    22 A. Yes. It was submitted in the amended
    23 corrective action plan submitted to the Illinois EPA
    24 plan LUST section to do the bio injections. Counsel
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 has it down there (indicating).
    2 Q. Okay. You said LUST section, that's
    3 L-U-S-T?
    4 A. Yes, leaking underground storage tank.
    5 Q. Okay. Thank you.
    6 Now, did that plan in Group
    7 Exhibit No. 1, Attachment C, is it identical to that
    8 which was submitted as part of the corrective action
    9 plan?
    10 A. Some minor modifications have been
    11 made at the request of Lynn Dunaway.
    12 Q. And, again, Lynn Dunaway is with the
    13 Illinois EPA?
    14 A. Correct.
    15 Q. Okay. So with respect to the
    16 monitoring plan then as modified in Group Exhibit
    17 No. 1, is that going to then be used as part of the
    18 corrective action plan as well?
    19 A. Yes.
    20 Q. Okay. So those will be identical?
    21 A. Yes.
    22 Q. Okay. The next question from the
    23 Illinois Pollution Control Board is: Have you
    24 developed a monitoring plan? And, Mr. Swenson, the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 answer to that question is?
    2 A. Yes.
    3 Q. Okay. The next statement in the
    4 series of questions is as follows: According to
    5 IEPA's response at Page 5, additional data was
    6 provided to the Agency by Clayton Group Services
    7 that was not part of the original petition. The
    8 data apparently demonstrates the effectiveness of
    9 the bioremediation at the site.
    10 And question No. 8: Would you be
    11 willing to enter this data into the record in the
    12 proceeding? Could you summarize the data for the
    13 hearing today to describe the effectiveness of
    14 bioremediation at the site in the past?
    15 We have gone through Group
    16 Exhibit 1. Is that the data that you represent
    17 demonstrates the effectiveness of bioremediation?
    18 A. Yes.
    19 Q. Okay. So let's just -- in response to
    20 this question, let's delve into that just a little
    21 bit more and refer back to Group Exhibit No. 1,
    22 attachment -- well, you tell me. Where in this
    23 group exhibit does it reference the effectiveness
    24 or does it demonstrate the effectiveness of it?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 A. I believe the effectiveness is
    2 demonstrated with the analytical data from the sumps
    3 on Page 5 of 7 on Table 1 in Attachment A.
    4 Q. Okay. Can you describe in this Page 5
    5 of 7, Table 1, Group Exhibit 1, Attachment A, how
    6 the effectiveness is demonstrated?
    7 A. Following removal of the impacted soil
    8 and the source material, ORC was placed in the
    9 bottom of the excavation before it was backfilled
    10 with gravel. Following completion of the
    11 backfilling activities, six sumps were installed to
    12 monitor. Groundwater samples were collected from
    13 the sumps on June 1, 2003, February 5, 2004, and
    14 September 15, 2004, and in each such improvement was
    15 observed with the groundwater quality.
    16 Q. Okay. So in other words, the level of
    17 contamination was decreasing over time?
    18 A. Correct.
    19 Q. Okay. All right. Is there anything
    20 else you'd like to add in response to that question?
    21 A. Not at this time.
    22 Q. Okay. The next statement in the
    23 series of questions is as follows: According to
    24 IEPA's response at Page 7 and the petition on
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Page 3, the Clayton Group recently installed
    2 additional borings to determine the extent of the
    3 shallow groundwater plume.
    4 The question is as follows: How
    5 many additional wells did Clayton install and what
    6 did they demonstrate in terms of groundwater
    7 contamination?
    8 Again, I think we want to delve
    9 into this in a little bit more detail if we refer to
    10 figure --
    11 A. One, Attachment B.
    12 Q. -- one, which is in Attachment B to
    13 Group Exhibit 1, just to make things clear. Can you
    14 on this figure describe -- or just point out by
    15 reference to the boring log or the boring number so
    16 it's clear for the record what the additional wells
    17 were?
    18 A. Clayton completed approximately seven
    19 borings using a geoprobe to further delineate the
    20 extent north of West Adams Street. The wells
    21 were -- following completion of the geoprobing, a
    22 temporary one-inch monitoring well was placed in the
    23 open hole and Clayton attempted to go after a
    24 groundwater sample.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Q. Okay. And with respect to this
    2 additional information, you also did a new round of
    3 sampling and monitoring wells ten and 15; is that
    4 correct? If it's not correct, let me know.
    5 A. Yes, we did.
    6 Q. Okay. So can you describe whether you
    7 have further been able to define the extent of the
    8 contamination to the north and west as a result of
    9 the soil boring installation?
    10 A. Yes. We were able to collect
    11 groundwater samples from three locations. CSB 402,
    12 which is the westernmost probe location and the one
    13 closest to the municipal well, the groundwater
    14 sample nondetected with B-tex and PNAs.
    15 Q. Okay. What about 405?
    16 A. Well, 405 was a northernmost and,
    17 again, we were able to collect a sample for B-tex
    18 and PNAs; it was nondetect.
    19 Q. Okay. And what does that mean for
    20 purposes of description?
    21 A. Nondetect means it was -- the compound
    22 was not detected at the limits of the laboratory
    23 equipment.
    24 Q. Okay. So in general terms, would you
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 say you have what we call defined the lateral extent
    2 of the contamination pursuant to those borings?
    3 A. Yes.
    4 Q. Okay. Now, in reference to the
    5 question, which, again, says: How do these boring
    6 demonstrate in terms of the extent of groundwater
    7 contamination, what do they demonstrate, in terms of
    8 the extent, is there anything else relevant to
    9 monitoring well ten or 15 that would be consistent
    10 with the Illinois EPA's response indicating that
    11 there was more extensive contamination?
    12 A. Can you repeat the question?
    13 Q. Sure. It was a terrible question. I
    14 would be happy to rephrase it.
    15 Illinois EPA responded, and I'm
    16 paraphrasing, but that the new data indicated more
    17 extensive groundwater contamination, I think those
    18 were the terms they used, and since we've just
    19 discussed that, we actually have defined that there
    20 is nondetects on the perimeters, so we've defined
    21 the lateral extent.
    22 Did the results from monitoring
    23 well ten and 15 indicate any reason for the Illinois
    24 EPA to suggest that it showed more extensive
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 contamination; in other words, were there different
    2 levels in the monitoring wells that were detected in
    3 this new round of sampling?
    4 A. No.
    5 Q. Okay. So do you understand what the
    6 Illinois EPA said when they said that the additional
    7 monitoring ports indicate more extensive groundwater
    8 contamination?
    9 A. I'm a little confused on that point.
    10 Q. You're not sure what the reference is
    11 in regard to?
    12 A. Correct.
    13 Q. Okay. That's fair. I'm sure we'll
    14 figure that one out.
    15 Okay. Let's move on to the next
    16 series of questions. The statement says as follows:
    17 Page 8 of the petition discusses the option of
    18 replacing or relocating the municipal well.
    19 And the five questions under that
    20 is as follows: In order to detect potential
    21 impacts, have you made any arrangements with the
    22 city -- and when they say city here, I think that is
    23 the reference to the Village of Waterman -- to
    24 monitor the CWS well No. 2 for components that will
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 be injected into the remediation wells?
    2 A. No.
    3 Q. Okay. Do you think that that's
    4 something that is necessary in this case?
    5 A. No.
    6 Q. Okay. Could you explain why?
    7 A. I believe the city is already
    8 monitoring the well for volatile, bacteria, and
    9 nitrate/nitrites as part of their public water
    10 service.
    11 Q. So, in other words, there's data that
    12 currently exists for that well?
    13 A. Correct.
    14 Q. Okay. And the monitoring that the
    15 Village is doing, is that ongoing, is this a
    16 continuous obligation?
    17 A. Correct.
    18 Q. Okay. Do you happen to recall or know
    19 offhand what the existing data shows with respect to
    20 that?
    21 A. There are no issues with the well
    22 regarding contamination.
    23 Q. Okay. The next question reads:
    24 Attachment C to the petition contains some MSDSs,
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 which are material safety data sheets, for the
    2 materials to be used in the injection process.
    3 Would it be effective to monitor the CWS well No. 2
    4 for some of the parameters identified in those
    5 MSDSs?
    6 And your opinion on that?
    7 A. No.
    8 Q. Okay. Can you explain why?
    9 A. The stuff being injected, the ORC, the
    10 oxygen releasing compound, is basically a solid.
    11 The byproduct, again, is a solid, an oxygen that is
    12 not mobile. The bacteria being injected for the
    13 upper plate counts basically cling to the soil
    14 particles of the subsurface of the vatozone
    15 (phonetic) and just into the groundwater table, they
    16 are not mobile -- I mean, they don't swim through
    17 the groundwater.
    18 The other new nutrients being
    19 injected are equivalent to farm fertilizer, in
    20 layman's terms, at low concentrations just enough to
    21 ensure that there's enough nutrients to maintain the
    22 micropopulation.
    23 Q. So in short, as you're designing a
    24 system for the remediation, this is not something
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 that you would typically recommend in a system like
    2 this?
    3 A. Correct.
    4 Q. Okay. The next question states: Only
    5 the first half of the MSDS for the Regenesis ORC
    6 appeared in Attachment C. Would you please submit
    7 the entire MSDS?
    8 And in reference to that, in
    9 response I'm showing you what's been marked as
    10 Exhibit No. 4. Can you look at that quickly?
    11 A. Yes.
    12 Q. Or take as much time as you need
    13 actually.
    14 (Witness perusing the document.)
    15 A. Okay.
    16 Q. Okay. Do you know what that is?
    17 A. Yes.
    18 Q. Can you describe it, please?
    19 A. It's the material safety data sheet
    20 for oxygen-releasing compound or ORC as downloaded
    21 from Regenesis' web site.
    22 MR. SAINES: Okay. I'd like to offer
    23 Exhibit No. 4 into the record in response to
    24 the Illinois Pollution Control Board's
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 request.
    2 BY MR. SAINES:
    3 Q. The next question states as follows:
    4 If no monitoring of the CWS well No. 2 is planned,
    5 how will you ensure that the well hasn't been
    6 impacted?
    7 A. From my understanding, the well is
    8 already being monitored.
    9 Q. Okay. Is that similar to the question
    10 that we discussed previously related to the ongoing
    11 monitoring obligation of the Village?
    12 A. Correct.
    13 Q. Okay. The next question states: If
    14 the unthinkable happens and the injection wells do
    15 impact the CWS well, have you discussed a
    16 contingency plan with the Village?
    17 A. No.
    18 Q. Okay. The next question: Have you
    19 talked to the Regenesis ORC representative about
    20 what to do in the event that the CWS well is
    21 impacted? Could you describe some likely actions,
    22 such as a boil order?
    23 So let's take the first question
    24 first. Have you talked to the Regenesis ORC
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 representative?
    2 A. I spoke with the subcontractor.
    3 Q. Related to this question?
    4 A. Yes.
    5 Q. Okay. And what was the nature of the
    6 conversation in general terms?
    7 A. I'm sorry. I misspoke.
    8 No, I have not spoken to him on
    9 the ORC issue.
    10 Q. Okay. So you spoke to him for other
    11 reasons, but you didn't talk about this particular
    12 issue?
    13 A. Right.
    14 Q. Okay. Let's go to the next question:
    15 Could you describe some likely actions, such as a
    16 boil order?
    17 Given the nature of the
    18 constituents here, what would you think would be the
    19 likely response action that would need to be taken
    20 to the extent there was contamination found in the
    21 municipal well?
    22 A. My understanding of the injection
    23 process and the compounds being injected, if there
    24 was to be an impact to the well, there would have to
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 be some kind of a pretreatment.
    2 Q. Now, when we talk about impact to the
    3 well, for purposes of context, I mean, is it
    4 possible -- let me ask this question: Is it
    5 possible that you would have impacts from the ORC
    6 compound without there being any impacts from the
    7 existing contamination?
    8 A. They would have to follow the same
    9 pathway.
    10 Q. So to the extent there's impacts of
    11 the ORC compound, that would mean there would be
    12 impacts of the existing contamination, correct?
    13 A. Correct.
    14 Q. And the point of using the ORC
    15 compound is to clean up the existing contamination
    16 and get rid of it?
    17 A. Correct.
    18 Q. Okay. The last question in this
    19 series is: Does the Village have another source of
    20 community water supply besides well No. 2?
    21 A. I believe they have two additional
    22 wells, well No. 3 and a third one, which is either
    23 on line or near completion, but the city engineer
    24 would be able to respond to that -- or the Village
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 engineer.
    2 Q. Okay. Fair enough.
    3 Do you have any idea, and if you
    4 want to defer to the Village engineer, that's fine,
    5 but do you have any idea following on from the
    6 question asked by the Illinois Pollution Control
    7 Board, could you please describe how it compares to
    8 the subject well No. 2?
    9 A. They are both completed in bedrock
    10 approximately 400 feet deep.
    11 Q. Okay. And just for reference, how
    12 deep is this contaminant zone that's currently there
    13 right now, what are we talking about?
    14 A. Within the first ten, 15 feet of the
    15 surface.
    16 Q. Okay. And the last question -- or
    17 last statement here from the series of questions
    18 states as follows: Petition at eight indicates the
    19 expected time to complete the in-situ bioremediation
    20 is one year, and the IEPA recommends that
    21 groundwater remediation efforts continue for a
    22 minimum of two consecutive quarters with no
    23 exceedance of the Class I standards or 35 IAC 742
    24 remedial objectives.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 The question is: Do you foresee
    2 any problems with having the setback exception
    3 expire once these conditions are met?
    4 A. Once the site is cleaned up and we can
    5 demonstrate that the groundwater meets Class I, I
    6 see no reason why the setback exception should be
    7 enforced, so the variance should expire.
    8 MR. SAINES: Okay. That concludes my
    9 questioning of Mr. Swenson and we're happy to
    10 take questions from anybody else.
    12 Mr. Saines.
    13 Mr. Buick?
    14 MR. BUICK: At this time, your Honor,
    15 I think that we would defer and -- I guess we
    16 would prefer to allow the IEPA to proceed and
    17 then we may reserve if there's any follow-up
    18 questions, but I guess I would be more
    19 comfortable allowing Mr. Gunnarson to proceed
    20 before we try to take the horns.
    22 Thank you.
    23 MR. SAINES: Could we take two minutes
    24 off the record real quick?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 We're off the record, Maria.
    3 (Whereupon, a discussion was had
    4 off the record.)
    6 the record.
    7 Mr. Gunnarson, do you have any
    8 questions of Mr. Swenson?
    9 MR. GUNNARSON: I don't have any
    10 direct questions of the petitioner's witness.
    11 I'm ready to proceed with our case in chief
    12 at this time.
    14 me -- hold on.
    15 Mr. Saines, have you rested your
    16 case in chief?
    17 MR. SAINES: I don't have a formal
    18 closing statement prepared, but I would like
    19 to say if this is the time to say it, that
    20 the goal here, of course, is to clean up
    21 existing contamination that is there.
    23 Ms. Liu may have some questions as well.
    24 We'll do the closing --
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. SAINES: Later?
    3 time comes.
    4 MR. SAINES: Okay. Fair enough. With
    5 the exception of that, yeah, I'm done.
    7 Thank you.
    8 So if Mr. Buick and Mr. Gunnarson
    9 do not have any questions of Mr. Swenson,
    10 Ms. Liu, do you have any questions of
    11 Mr. Swenson?
    12 MS. LIU: I do. I have one question.
    14 MS. LIU: You mentioned that the
    15 Village monitors its community water supply
    16 for nitrates and I was wondering if the
    17 nutrient source that you're using in the
    18 injection process is a nitrogen-based one?
    19 MR. SWENSON: Well, first of all, my
    20 understanding is they monitor for nitrates.
    21 I'm not stating that as a fact. The nutrient
    22 source is urea, ammonium nitrate, and an
    23 orthophosphate.
    24 MS. LIU: Thank you.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. SAINES: Can I ask a follow-up on
    2 that?
    4 may.
    6 BY MR. SAINES:
    7 Q. So urea ammonium nitrates, would that
    8 be within the family of constituents that Ms. Liu
    9 requested because she said nitrates and she was
    10 asking a general question about nitrates. You
    11 mentioned urea ammonium nitrate. Would that be a
    12 yes to her question; in other words, she said is the
    13 media you're using a nitrate-based media and so the
    14 answer is yes, it is?
    15 A. Yes.
    16 Q. And the specific compound is urea
    17 ammonium nitrate?
    18 A. Urea, ammonium nitrate, and
    19 orthophosphate, three sources.
    20 Q. Okay. Urea, comma, ammonium
    21 nitrate --
    22 A. Yes.
    23 MR. SAINES: Okay. Fair enough.
    24 MS. LIU: Thank you.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 Anything further, Ms. Liu?
    3 MS. LIU: No. Thank you.
    5 Thank you.
    6 Mr. Gunnarson, you want to proceed
    7 with your case in chief? I think Mr. Saines
    8 has completed his.
    9 Mr. Buick?
    10 MR. BUICK: If I could have one
    11 opportunity as to his follow-up question
    12 related to Ms. Liu's question and
    13 Mr. Swenson's responses --
    15 E X A M I N A T I O N
    16 BY MR. BUICK:
    17 Q. Just from the Village's standpoint,
    18 Mr. Swenson, knowing I suppose perhaps better than I
    19 what the routine tests that the Village would
    20 administer, for example, for bacteria and other
    21 types of --
    22 MR. BEEH: Contaminants.
    23 BY MR. BUICK:
    24 Q. (Continuing) -- would the type of
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 remediation that this would involve involve
    2 necessary screening for additional types that would
    3 not have been part of the Village's ordinary testing
    4 process?
    5 A. I think Paul Johnson and the Village
    6 would have to sit down and take a look at that to
    7 verify that everybody's on the same page.
    8 Q. Are you familiar with anything
    9 specific in the way of additional problems that this
    10 would pose that, again, could be something that
    11 might slip under the Village's radar if they're
    12 doing the standard battery of ordinary tests?
    13 A. Not that I'm aware of.
    14 Q. But it is a possibility and something
    15 that should be looked at?
    16 A. It should be looked at, I would agree
    17 to that.
    18 MR. BUICK: Thank you.
    20 redirect, so to speak, Mr. Saines?
    22 BY MR. SAINES:
    23 Q. Well, just as a general matter, I
    24 guess I'll ask the following question: To the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 extent there's a demand or formal request to augment
    2 or perform some additional monitoring of these
    3 community wells to make the parties comfortable and
    4 that falls within the scope of the leaking
    5 underground storage tank cleanup pursuant to which
    6 we're operating as part of this, I don't know, would
    7 you be amenable to doing that type of monitoring?
    8 A. Yes.
    10 BY MR. BUICK:
    11 Q. I'll ask a follow-up to that. If that
    12 type of follow-up monitoring is done and I don't
    13 know, Mr. Swenson, if you're able to speak to this,
    14 but based on your discussions with Paul Johnson,
    15 Inc., do you believe that they're amenable to
    16 handling the cost of that responsibility or the cost
    17 of that so the cost is not inadvertently passed on
    18 to the Village in the process?
    19 MR. SAINES: Well, let me -- if you
    20 don't mind, if I can address that as a legal
    21 matter. Paul Johnson, Inc. is currently
    22 undergoing a remediation process under the
    23 leaking underground storage tank program,
    24 which provides for reimbursement of approved
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 expenditures related to remediation.
    2 So I think that the short answer
    3 is that we would submit that documentation
    4 and everything else to the Illinois EPA for
    5 approval as part of the cleanup and we would
    6 see what they would say as to whether or not
    7 in fact they would deem that as approved
    8 expenditures that you would get reimbursed
    9 for.
    10 So the initial cost would be
    11 funded by Paul Johnson, Inc. and then
    12 ultimately be reimbursed on the fund.
    13 BY MR. BUICK:
    14 Q. And if I could ask, Mr. Swenson, in
    15 your experience, are those the types of expenses
    16 that are in fact approved in your past experience?
    17 A. Yes.
    18 MR. BUICK: Okay. Thank you.
    20 questions of this witness, Mr. Swenson? And
    21 it may come to pass, I'm not sure if anybody
    22 wants to ask Mr. Beeh any questions, but if
    23 so, we'll put him under oath as well.
    24 With that said, I guess Mr. Saines
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 has rested his case in chief.
    2 Mr. Gunnarson?
    3 MR. GUNNARSON: Thank you. As noted
    4 before, I'm here on behalf of the Illinois
    5 EPA as is Mr. Dunaway in a technical nature.
    6 The Agency filed its response to
    7 Paul Johnson, Inc.'s petition for the water
    8 well setback exception on January 27th of
    9 2005, and essentially that response
    10 recommended granting the exception pending
    11 that three conditions were met, two involved
    12 the submittal of additional information into
    13 the record here today regarding the
    14 effectiveness of the in-situ or direct push
    15 technology in treating the hydrocarbon
    16 contamination of the shallow groundwater and
    17 also follow-up information regarding the
    18 environmental impact of that technique.
    19 And by the petitioner's
    20 introduction of Exhibit 1, we believe they
    21 have satisfied that and that is the
    22 information that was provided to the Agency
    23 subsequent to the filing of the petition, so
    24 I think the Agency is comfortable in saying
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 at this point that we believe those two
    2 conditions have been met.
    3 The third one is essentially that
    4 if the Board does decide to grant the
    5 exception, that that exception is granted on
    6 the condition that Paul Johnson, Inc. can
    7 demonstrate two consecutive quarters of
    8 compliance with the Class I groundwater
    9 standards.
    10 We feel that's necessary to ensure
    11 that the remediation has in fact been
    12 completed satisfactorily and gives us a level
    13 of confidence to feel that the site has
    14 indeed been addressed, so we would ask that
    15 the Board consider that when it is
    16 considering whether or not to grant this
    17 exception.
    18 And perhaps one point of
    19 clarification: I would like to ask
    20 Mr. Dunaway a question related to something
    21 that Mr. Saines had mentioned. I think it
    22 was also mentioned in the Board's questions
    23 to the petitioner if I might at this point?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 probably swear him in.
    2 Maria, please?
    3 (Witness sworn.)
    6 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    7 sworn, deposeth and saith as follows:
    8 E X A M I N A T I O N
    10 Q. Mr. Dunaway, earlier in this hearing,
    11 counsel was referencing to a question that had come
    12 about pursuant to the Pollution Control Board's
    13 submittal of questions that was dated March 7, 2005,
    14 and essentially what it addressed was a comment made
    15 in the Agency's petition -- response to the
    16 petition, pardon me, at Paragraph 15, the last
    17 sentence of that on Page 7 of our response and I'll
    18 read that quote from the response here, it says:
    19 Section 1, Page 3 indicates that Clayton has
    20 recently installed additional monitoring points
    21 indicating more extensive groundwater contamination
    22 and I believe Section 1, Page 3 refers to the
    23 petition. Can you perhaps put that sentence or that
    24 comment in a context when you were doing your review
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 and what your thoughts were at that point?
    2 A. Yes. In our response, it was
    3 referring to that section of the petition and it was
    4 sort of the context in which the petition was
    5 written and that it's referring to the new areas as
    6 being those north of Adams Street. And additional
    7 information was submitted showing that that had in
    8 fact been investigated, but the way it was submitted
    9 in the petition, it sounded as though there were
    10 additional areas beyond that.
    11 But if you look at the data in
    12 fact with the new additional data that was submitted
    13 and that was entered as I believe Group Exhibit 1,
    14 it's clear that they were talking about the area
    15 north of Adams Street that had already been
    16 discovered, but it was better defined with the
    17 additional borings.
    18 And they were referring to the
    19 area that had not been treated with ORC as that area
    20 with the understanding on their part, and it wasn't
    21 necessarily clear from that paragraph, that they had
    22 treated the base of the excavation with ORC. And it
    23 was -- when we were doing the response without the
    24 additional information, it was not clear where that
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 area was, but with the additional information, it
    2 became clear after we had submitted our response.
    4 Mr. Dunaway?
    5 MR. GUNNARSON: Thank you,
    6 Mr. Dunaway.
    7 At this point, Mr. Hearing
    8 Officer, the Agency doesn't have anything
    9 additional in its case in chief, but we're
    10 certainly available for any questions from
    11 the Board or the other parties.
    13 Mr. Saines?
    14 MR. SAINES: I have no questions.
    16 Ms. Liu?
    17 MS. LIU: I would like to ask the
    18 Village a question if they would like to be
    19 sworn in.
    21 no further questions of Mr. Dunaway at this
    22 time.
    23 So, Mr. Beeh, would you please
    24 raise your right hand and the court reporter
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 will swear you in?
    2 (Witness sworn.)
    3 MS. LIU: Mr. Beeh, one of the
    4 questions we asked was regarding an alternate
    5 water supply and Mr. Gunnarson indicated that
    6 there was another 400-foot deep well. I was
    7 wondering if you would comment on its
    8 capacity and ability to act as an alternate
    9 water supply?
    10 MR. BEEH: The Village of Waterman
    11 currently has three active wells, this is one
    12 of them. In 2002, we began developing a new
    13 well approximately 1500 feet north/northeast
    14 of this current site and, you know, have
    15 completed the well and the well house, we
    16 have that online.
    17 Just for the record, in drilling
    18 and developing it, we did not encounter shale
    19 until we were below the limestone and it was
    20 at the depth of between 406 and 425 feet, but
    21 we did go through a significant layer of
    22 clay.
    23 But the Village has two other
    24 wells that are currently online and active at
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 the same time. But we also use the well in
    2 question all of the time and it is -- I guess
    3 also for the record, all three wells are in
    4 the limestone formation or lower. The new
    5 well is in limestone and sandstone and it
    6 goes down to 685 feet.
    7 So we do have other sources, but
    8 you never know if a well is going to go down
    9 and you should always have a backup. In the
    10 letter from Clayton dated March 4, 2005, they
    11 refer to the shale formations and presumably
    12 that's because they're a fairly impervious
    13 layer, but, you know, our -- and I'm not sure
    14 why this new well log didn't show up in your
    15 search, but it's not -- the shale does vary
    16 depending upon where you're at.
    17 I do have one question and I was
    18 wondering what is the --
    20 Can Mr. Buick ask the question?
    21 MR. BEEH: Oh, sure. I'm sorry.
    23 is kind of informal but --
    24 MR. BUICK: Does Ms. Liu have any
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 follow-up? I do have a couple of things I
    2 would like to ask Mr. Beeh, if possible.
    3 MS. LIU: No. Thank you.
    4 E X A M I N A T I O N
    5 BY MR. BUICK:
    6 Q. Before we get to your question,
    7 Mr. Beeh, just directing your attention to the
    8 Board's questions that were submitted and
    9 specifically the question No. 14 that was posed
    10 regarding if the unthinkable happens and the
    11 injection wells do impact the CWS well,
    12 Mr. Swenson's testimony was that there was no
    13 contingency plan that had been discussed with the
    14 Village.
    15 From the Village engineer's
    16 standpoint, could you give the Board and the hearing
    17 officer some idea of what type of contingency plan
    18 would be appropriate for what the situation would
    19 present?
    20 A. I guess in my opinion if the well were
    21 to become contaminated, the contingency plan would
    22 be to replace it and we would have to begin a
    23 planning proceeding with that process. The well
    24 completed in the last couple years, the total cost
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 would have been between 400 and 500,000.
    2 Q. Your question, Mr. Beeh, do you have
    3 an answer to the question regarding what the life
    4 cycle of the treatment method would be? I mean,
    5 from your standpoint, do you have any understanding
    6 of what the life cycle I guess of the ORC compounds
    7 would have been?
    8 A. No, I really don't. And I would be
    9 interested in knowing how long the treatment process
    10 will be going on underground, is it something which
    11 continues indefinitely, is it something which will
    12 end at some point?
    13 MR. BUICK: Thank you.
    15 MR. SAINES: Does he need to be
    16 re-sworn?
    18 still under oath.
    19 MR. SAINES: Mr. Swenson, please feel
    20 free to respond to that.
    21 MR. SWENSON: Are you talking about
    22 once we inject it, how long it will be --
    23 MR. BEEH: (Indicating.)
    24 MR. SWENSON: Well, once the ORC is
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 basically added to water, it begins releasing
    2 oxygen compound and it will continue
    3 releasing for approximately 180 days by that
    4 stretch of drop-off.
    5 As far as the bacteria being
    6 injected, the whole purpose of that is to
    7 increase -- kind of spike the native
    8 population of bacteria. There are bacteria
    9 there now consuming the hydrocarbons.
    10 The whole idea being is to promote
    11 their development by giving them the oxygen
    12 needed and the nutrients to promote their
    13 growth. The other thing with bio is, the
    14 hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, the class,
    15 are very slow in kind of coming out of
    16 their -- I'm blanking on the word.
    17 MS. LIU: Dormant.
    18 MR. SWENSON: (Continuing) -- their
    19 dormant stage, whereas, if you just put ORC,
    20 you know. There's other classes of bacteria
    21 that degrade plant matter, animal matter, you
    22 know, the whole gamut of compounds, and what
    23 would happen is you would spike those
    24 populations up that would then be competing
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 with your hydrocarbon degrading bacteria.
    2 So the purpose of adding the
    3 hydrocarbon degrading bacteria from day one
    4 is to bring everybody up onto an even playing
    5 field with degrading the hydrocarbons. Once
    6 we're done and the contaminants -- as we
    7 monitor the contaminants -- or the nutrients,
    8 the nutrients are used up by the bacteria in
    9 the subsurface at the groundwater interface.
    10 Once we're done and we show that
    11 we've got the two quarters clean and we close
    12 out, we will not be introducing anymore
    13 oxygen and the bacteria counts will drop back
    14 to their preexisting levels because there
    15 will be nothing to support the additional
    16 plate counts.
    18 MR. BUICK: Mr. Hearing Officer, would
    19 I be permitted one question in follow-up to
    20 that?
    22 guess we've somewhat suspended the formal
    23 procedural rules, but if there's no
    24 objection, sure, go ahead Mr. Buick.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. BUICK: Thank you.
    5 BY MR. BUICK:
    6 Q. This is maybe an obvious question, but
    7 is this bacteria harmful for human consumption that
    8 you're referencing?
    9 A. That, I don't know. I would have to
    10 follow up with that.
    11 MR. BUICK: Okay.
    13 Ms. Liu, any question?
    14 MS. LIU: No. Thank you.
    16 MR. SAINES: I was wondering if I
    17 could ask a question of Mr. Beeh?
    19 MR. SAINES: It relates to the new
    20 data log, is that okay?
    22 fine.
    23 E X A M I N A T I O N
    24 BY MR. SAINES:
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Q. Okay. Because we don't show it on
    2 our -- what was previous marked as Exhibit 2, I've
    3 taken the liberty of marking an additional
    4 Exhibit 5, and I was wondering if you would be so
    5 kind as to the best you can to put an X on the site
    6 diagram on Exhibit 5 as to where that new well is
    7 located?
    8 A. (Indicating.)
    9 Q. Okay. And for the record, the -- can
    10 you make it a little bit bigger so it will be easier
    11 to read there, easier to see?
    12 A. (Indicating.)
    13 Q. For the record, to the best of your
    14 knowledge, the well log information shows that you
    15 went through a significant layer of clay but you did
    16 not encounter shale at this location until
    17 approximately 600 feet?
    18 A. No. Four hundred and six feet.
    19 Q. Four hundred and six feet, okay.
    20 A. Below the limestone.
    21 Q. Below the limestone, okay.
    22 Do you recall about how thick the
    23 clay layer was that you went through?
    24 A. Ninety-five feet.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Q. Ninety-five feet of clay?
    2 A. Well, clay or sandy clay, yes.
    3 MR. SAINES: Okay. Thank you.
    4 And I will submit this as Exhibit
    5 No. 5. Unfortunately, I don't have multiple
    6 copies of this, but we can get that done.
    8 MR. SAINES: Thank you.
    10 sure where we are. I think, Mr. Buick,
    11 you're still -- I think Mr. Gunnarson and the
    12 IEPA has rested their case in chief.
    13 Mr. Buick?
    14 MR. BUICK: I think we have nothing
    15 further at this time.
    17 While I have you all sworn in, Ms. Liu, do
    18 you have any questions?
    19 MS. LIU: No. Thank you.
    21 any rebuttal?
    23 BY MR. SAINES:
    24 Q. One question to clarify the question
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 from the Village, which I think was in relation to
    2 sort of how long are we going to be doing the
    3 treatment. Mr. Swenson, can you just, without being
    4 precise in terms of number of days, but anticipated,
    5 you know, what you anticipate the time from when you
    6 start the ORC process until when you're completed
    7 with it, can you give a general sense of what you
    8 anticipate that time frame to be?
    9 A. Our goal was to have the remediation
    10 done within one year.
    11 MR. SAINES: Okay. Thank you.
    13 Any other questions, follow-up of
    14 Mr. Swenson?
    15 (No response.)
    16 Okay. Before I forget and we'll go
    17 off the record shortly, I do want to address
    18 two things: I'm supposed to give a
    19 credibility determination. Based on my
    20 observations, experience, legal knowledge, I
    21 find that there are no credibility issues
    22 with the witnesses, all three of them, who
    23 testified here today.
    24 And it's my understanding that
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Mr. Saines has offered Exhibits No. 1 through
    2 5, I believe, into evidence. Any objection,
    3 Mr. Gunnarson or Mr. Buick?
    4 MR. BUICK: No.
    5 MR. GUNNARSON: None.
    7 Exhibits 1 through 5 are admitted into
    8 evidence.
    9 Any closing, Mr. Saines?
    10 C L O S I N G S T A T E M E N T
    11 BY MR. SAINES:
    12 Just a real brief statement just to
    13 reiterate that the goal that we're trying to
    14 accomplish is in fact to clean up existing
    15 hydrocarbon contamination in the shallow
    16 groundwater zone and that, you know, the
    17 purpose of this proceeding is to allow us to
    18 do that in what we believe is the most
    19 effective and efficient manner.
    21 Mr. Buick, anything?
    22 C L O S I N G S T A T E M E N T
    23 BY MR. BUICK:
    24 From the Village of Waterman's
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 standpoint, we're very supportive of that
    2 goal, of course, and our concern is only to
    3 try to ensure that if, as the Board had
    4 indicated, the unthinkable occurs and there
    5 is some migration of the bioremediation into
    6 the Village's water supply, that there's some
    7 manner of dealing with it, some manner of
    8 addressing that. That's the concern that we
    9 would have.
    11 Mr. Gunnarson?
    12 MR. GUNNARSON: Thank you, Mr. Hearing
    13 Officer.
    14 C L O S I N G S T A T E M E N T
    16 Just to reiterate, the IEPA continues
    17 to stand behind its response filed on
    18 January 27th. Essentially it seems like the
    19 only issue remaining from that are the three
    20 conditions we had suggested was that the
    21 Board, again, consider requiring two
    22 consecutive quarters of clean monitoring
    23 pursuant to Class I groundwater standards
    24 prior to allowing the remediation to cease.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 Mr. Saines?
    3 MR. SAINES: Just one response to
    4 that. For the record, that's not
    5 objectionable to the petitioner. We would
    6 agree to adhere to that regime.
    8 Before we go off the record to discuss post
    9 hearing briefs, I do want to note for the
    10 record that this hearing was noticed up
    11 pursuant to Section 101.602 of the Board's
    12 Procedural Rules.
    13 At this time we'll go off the
    14 record to discuss post hearing briefs and
    15 we'll come back on momentarily. Thank you.
    16 (Whereupon, a discussion was had
    17 off the record.)
    19 on the record. We've been discussing post
    20 hearing briefing schedules. We concluded
    21 that the transcript will be ready on or
    22 before March 18th, I believe.
    23 We've scheduled simultaneous post
    24 hearing opening briefs and they're due on or
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 before March 25; simultaneous reply briefs,
    2 if any, due on or before March 31st. I have
    3 set public comment due date March 21st. Any
    4 other things I forgot to mention?
    5 (No response.)
    6 I think that's it. I want to thank
    7 Mr. Gunnarson, Mr. Dunaway, Mr. Beeh,
    8 Mr. Buick, Mr. Swenson, Mr. Saines. Thanks
    9 for coming today and I want to thank the City
    10 of Sandwich for their hospitality.
    11 I want to thank specifically
    12 Mr. Gunnarson and Mr. Dunaway for coming all
    13 the way from Springfield and making it, you
    14 know, 20 to 9:00, well before that time. I
    15 appreciate that. With that said, thanks and
    16 have a safe drive home. This concludes the
    17 hearing today.
    18 (Which were all the proceedings
    19 had in the above-entitled cause
    20 on this date.)
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    ) SS.
    5 I, MARIA E. SHOCKEY, CSR, do
    6 hereby state that I am a court reporter doing
    7 business in the City of Chicago, County of DuPage,
    8 and State of Illinois; that I reported by means of
    9 machine shorthand the proceedings held in the
    10 foregoing cause, and that the foregoing is a true
    11 and correct transcript of my shorthand notes so
    12 taken as aforesaid.
    15 _____________________
    Maria E. Shockey, CSR
    16 Notary Public,
    DuPage County, Illinois
    before me this ___ day
    19 of ________, A.D., 2005.
    21 Notary Public
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292


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