June 5, 2003
    ) R03-18
    RCRA SUBTITLE C UPDATE, USEPA ) (Identical-in-Substance
    AMENDMENTS (July 1, 2002 through ) Rulemaking - Land)
    December 31, 2002) )
    Adopted Rule. Final Order.
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by M.E. Tristano):
    This identical-in-substance rulemaking updates the Illinois hazardous waste regulations
    to incorporate revisions to the federal regulations. The United States Environmental Protection
    Agency (USEPA) made the federal amendments that prompted this action during the period of
    July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002. This proceeding adopts amendments to 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 703, 720, 721, 726, and 728. This adoption also makes a series of non-substantive
    corrections and stylistic revisions to segments of the text of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720, 721, 726, and
    728 that are not otherwise affected by the covered federal amendments.
    Sections 7.2 and 22.4(a) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and
    22.4(a) (2002)) require the Board to adopt regulations that are “identical in substance” to
    hazardous waste regulations adopted by the USEPA. These USEPA rules implement Subtitle C
    of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA Subtitle C) (42 U.S.C.
    §§ 6921
    et seq
    . (2000)).
    Sections 7.2 and 22.4(a) provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in
    substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 3001 through 3005 of
    RCRA (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921-6925 (2000)). Section 22.4(a) also provides that Title VII of the Act
    and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2002)) do
    not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal RCRA
    Subtitle C regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 260 through 266, 268, 270, 271, 273, and 279.
    This order is supported by an opinion that the Board also adopts today. The Board will
    cause the proposed amendments to be published in the
    Illinois Register
    and will hold the docket
    open to receive public comments for 45 days after the date of publication.

    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above order on June 5, 2003, by a vote of 6-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    PART 703
    703.100 Scope and Relation to Other Parts
    703.101 Purpose
    703.110 References
    703.120 Prohibitions in General
    703.121 RCRA Permits
    703.122 Specific Inclusions in Permit Program
    703.123 Specific Exclusions from Permit Program
    703.124 Discharges of Hazardous Waste
    703.125 Reapplications
    703.126 Initial Applications
    703.127 Federal Permits (Repealed)
    703.140 Purpose and Scope
    703.141 Permits by Rule
    703.150 Application by Existing HWM Facilities and Interim Status Qualifications
    703.151 Application by New HWM Facilities
    703.152 Amended Part A Application
    703.153 Qualifying for Interim Status
    703.154 Prohibitions During Interim Status
    703.155 Changes During Interim Status
    703.156 Interim Status Standards
    703.157 Grounds for Termination of Interim Status
    703.158 Permits for Less Than an Entire Facility
    703.159 Closure by Removal
    703.160 Procedures for Closure Determination
    703.161 Enforceable Document for Post-Closure Care

    703.180 Applications in General
    703.181 Contents of Part A
    703.182 Contents of Part B
    703.183 General Information
    703.184 Facility Location Information
    703.185 Groundwater Protection Information
    703.186 Exposure Information
    703.187 Solid Waste Management Units
    703.188 Other Information
    703.191 Public Participation: Pre-Application Public Notice and Meeting
    703.192 Public Participation: Public Notice of Application
    703.193 Public Participation: Information Repository
    703.200 Specific Part B Application Information
    703.201 Containers
    703.202 Tank Systems
    703.203 Surface Impoundments
    703.204 Waste Piles
    703.205 Incinerators that Burn Hazardous Waste
    703.206 Land Treatment
    703.207 Landfills
    703.208 Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste
    703.209 Miscellaneous Units
    703.210 Process Vents
    703.211 Equipment
    703.212 Drip Pads
    703.213 Air Emission Controls for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers
    703.214 Post-Closure Care Permits
    703.220 Emergency Permits
    703.221 Alternative Compliance with the Federal NESHAPS
    703.222 Incinerator Conditions Prior to Trial Burn
    703.223 Incinerator Conditions During Trial Burn
    703.224 Incinerator Conditions After Trial Burn
    703.225 Trial Burns for Existing Incinerators
    703.230 Land Treatment Demonstration
    703.231 Research, Development and Demonstration Permits
    703.232 Permits for Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste
    703.234 Remedial Action Plans

    703.240 Permit Denial
    703.241 Establishing Permit Conditions
    703.242 Noncompliance Pursuant to Emergency Permit
    703.243 Monitoring
    703.244 Notice of Planned Changes (Repealed)
    703.245 Twenty-four Hour Reporting
    703.246 Reporting Requirements
    703.247 Anticipated Noncompliance
    703.248 Information Repository
    703.260 Transfer
    703.270 Modification
    703.271 Causes for Modification
    703.272 Causes for Modification or Reissuance
    703.273 Facility Siting
    703.280 Permit Modification at the Request of the Permittee
    703.281 Class 1 Modifications
    703.282 Class 2 Modifications
    703.283 Class 3 Modifications
    703.300 Special Regulatory Format
    703.301 General Information
    703.302 Applying for a RAP
    703.303 Getting a RAP Approved
    703.304 How a RAP May Be Modified, Revoked and Reissued, or Terminated
    703.305 Operating Under A RAP
    703.306 Obtaining a RAP for an Off-Site Location
    703.320 Options for Incinerators and Cement and Lightweight Aggregate Kilns to
    Minimize Emissions from Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Events
    703.Appendix A Classification of Permit Modifications
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2 and 22.4 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 22.4 and 27].

    SOURCE: Adopted in R82-19 at 7 Ill. Reg. 14289, effective October 12, 1983; amended in
    R83-24 at 8 Ill. Reg. 206, effective December 27, 1983; amended in R84-9 at 9 Ill. Reg. 11899,
    effective July 24, 1985; amended in R85-22 at 10 Ill. Reg. 1110, effective January 2, 1986;
    amended in R85-23 at 10 Ill. Reg. 13284, effective July 28, 1986; amended in R86-1 at 10 Ill.
    Reg. 14093, effective August 12, 1986; amended in R86-19 at 10 Ill. Reg. 20702, effective
    December 2, 1986; amended in R86-28 at 11 Ill. Reg. 6121, effective March 24, 1987; amended
    in R86-46 at 11 Ill. Reg. 13543, effective August 4, 1987; amended in R87-5 at 11 Ill. Reg.
    19383, effective November 12, 1987; amended in R87-26 at 12 Ill. Reg. 2584, effective January
    15, 1988; amended in R87-39 at 12 Ill. Reg. 13069, effective July 29, 1988; amended in R88-16
    at 13 Ill. Reg. 447, effective December 27, 1988; amended in R89-1 at 13 Ill. Reg. 18477,
    effective November 13, 1989; amended in R89-9 at 14 Ill. Reg. 6278, effective April 16, 1990;
    amended in R90-2 at 14 Ill. Reg. 14492, effective August 22, 1990; amended in R90-11 at 15 Ill.
    Reg. 9616, effective June 17, 1991; amended in R91-1 at 15 Ill. Reg. 14554, effective September
    30, 1991; amended in R91-13 at 16 Ill. Reg. 9767, effective June 9, 1992; amended in R92-10 at
    17 Ill. Reg. 5774, effective March 26, 1993; amended in R93-4 at 17 Ill. Reg. 20794, effective
    November 22, 1993; amended in R93-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 6898, effective April 26, 1994; amended
    in R94-7 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12392, effective July 29, 1994; amended in R94-5 at 18 Ill. Reg. 18316,
    effective December 20, 1994; amended in R95-6 at 19 Ill. Reg. 9920, effective June 27, 1995;
    amended in R95-20 at 20 Ill. Reg. 11225, effective August 1, 1996; amended in R96-10/R97-
    3/R97-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 553, effective December 16, 1997; amended in R98-12 at 22 Ill. Reg.
    7632, effective April 15, 1998; amended in R97-21/R98-3/R98-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 17930, effective
    September 28, 1998; amended in R98-21/R99-2/R99-7 at 23 Ill. Reg. 2153, effective January 19,
    1999; amended in R99-15 at 23 Ill. Reg. 9381, effective July 26, 1999; amended in R00-13 at 24
    Ill. Reg. 9765, effective June 20, 2000; amended in R01-21/R01-23 at 25 Ill. Reg. 9313,
    effective July 9, 2001; amended in R02-1/R02-12/R02-17 at 26 Ill. Reg. 6539, effective April 22,
    2002; amended in R03-7 at 27 Ill. Reg. 3496, effective February 14, 2003; amended in R03-18 at
    27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________.
    Section 703.205 Incinerators that Burn Hazardous Waste
    For a facility that incinerates hazardous waste, except as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440 and
    subsection (e) of this Section provide otherwise, the applicant must fulfill the requirements of
    subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this Section in completing the Part B application.
    a) When seeking exemption under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) or (c) (ignitable,
    corrosive, or reactive wastes only), the following requirements:

    1) Documentation that the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in Subpart D
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 solely because it is ignitable (Hazard Code I),
    corrosive (Hazard Code C), or both;
    2) Documentation that the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in Subpart D
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 solely because it is reactive (Hazard Code R) for
    characteristics other than those listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(4)
    and (a)(5) and will not be burned when other hazardous wastes are present
    in the combustion zone;
    3) Documentation that the waste is a hazardous waste solely because it
    possesses the characteristic of ignitability or corrosivity, or both, as
    determined by the tests for characteristics of hazardous wastes under
    Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721; or
    4) Documentation that the waste is a hazardous waste solely because it
    possesses the reactivity characteristics listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.123(a)(1) through (a)(3) or (a)(6) through (a)(8), and that it will not be
    burned when other hazardous wastes are present in the combustion zone.
    b) Submit a trial burn plan or the results of a trial burn, including all required
    determinations, in accordance with Section 703.222 et seq.
    c) In lieu of a trial burn, the applicant may submit the following information:
    1) An analysis of each waste or mixture of wastes to be burned including the
    A) Heat value of the waste in the form and composition in which it
    will be burned;
    B) Viscosity (if applicable) or description of physical form of the
    C) An identification of any hazardous organic constituents listed in
    Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 that are present in the waste
    to be burned, except that the applicant need not analyze for

    constituents listed in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 that
    would reasonably not be expected to be found in the waste. The
    constituents excluded from analysis must be identified and the
    basis for their exclusion stated. The waste analysis must rely on
    analytical techniques specified in “Test Methods for the Evaluation
    of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” USEPA Publication
    SW-846, as incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720.111, or their equivalent;
    D) An approximate quantification of the hazardous constituents
    identified in the waste, within the precision produced by the
    analytical methods specified in “Test Methods for the Evaluation
    of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” USEPA Publication
    SW-846, as incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720.111; and
    E) A quantification of those hazardous constituents in the waste that
    may be designated as POHCs based on data submitted from other
    trial or operational burns that demonstrate compliance with the
    performance standard in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.443;
    2) A detailed engineering description of the incinerator, including the
    A) Manufacturer’s name and model number of incinerator;
    B) Type of incinerator;
    C) Linear dimension of incinerator unit including cross sectional area
    of combustion chamber;
    D) Description of auxiliary fuel system (type/feed);
    E) Capacity of prime mover;
    F) Description of automatic waste feed cutoff systems;

    G) Stack gas monitoring and pollution control monitoring system;
    H) Nozzle and burner design;
    I) Construction materials; and
    J) Location and description of temperature, pressure and flow
    indicating devices and control devices;
    3) A description and analysis of the waste to be burned compared with the
    waste for which data from operational or trial burns are provided to
    support the contention that a trial burn is not needed. The data should
    include those items listed in subsection (c)(1) of this Section. This
    analysis should specify the POHCs that the applicant has identified in the
    waste for which a permit is sought, and any differences from the POHCs
    in the waste for which burn data are provided;
    4) The design and operating conditions of the incinerator unit to be used,
    compared with that for which comparative burn data are available;
    5) A description of the results submitted from any previously conducted trial
    burns, including the following:
    A) Sampling and analysis techniques used to calculate performance
    standards in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.443;
    B) Methods and results of monitoring temperatures, waste feed rates,
    carbon monoxide, and an appropriate indicator of combustion gas
    velocity (including a statement concerning the precision and
    accuracy of this measurement); and
    C) The certification and results required by subsection (b) of this
    6) The expected incinerator operation information to demonstrate compliance
    with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.443 and 724.445, including the following:

    A) Expected carbon monoxide (CO) level in the stack exhaust gas;
    B) Waste feed rate;
    C) Combustion zone temperature;
    D) Indication of combustion gas velocity;
    E) Expected stack gas volume, flow rate, and temperature;
    F) Computed residence time for waste in the combustion zone;
    G) Expected hydrochloric acid removal efficiency;
    H) Expected fugitive emissions and their control procedures; and
    I) Proposed waste feed cut-off limits based on the identified
    significant operating parameters;
    7) The Agency may, pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 705.122, request such
    additional information as may be necessary for the Agency to determine
    whether the incinerator meets the requirements of Subpart O of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724 and what conditions are required by that Subpart and
    Section 39(d) of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/39(d)];
    8) Waste analysis data, including that submitted in subsection (c)(1) of this
    Section, sufficient to allow the Agency to specify as permit Principal
    Organic Hazardous Constituents (permit POHCs) those constituents for
    which destruction and removal efficiencies will be required.
    d) The Agency must approve a permit application without a trial burn if it finds the
    1) The wastes are sufficiently similar; and

    2) The incinerator units are sufficiently similar, and the data from other trial
    burns are adequate to specify (under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445) operating
    conditions that will ensure that the performance standards in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.443 will be met by the incinerator.
    e) When an owner or operator demonstrates compliance with the air emission
    standards and limitations of the federal National Emission Standards for
    Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) in 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE, incorporated
    by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 (i.e., by conducting a comprehensive
    performance test and submitting a Notification of Compliance under 40 CFR
    63.1207(j) and 63.1210(b) documenting compliance with all applicable
    requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE), the requirements of this Section do not
    apply, except those provisions that the Agency determines are necessary to ensure
    compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c) if the owner or operator
    elects to comply with Section 703.320(a)(1)(A) to minimize emissions of toxic
    compounds from startup, shutdown, and malfunction events. Nevertheless, the
    Agency may apply the provisions of this Section, on a case-by-case basis, for
    purposes of information collection in accordance with Sections 703.188 and
    BOARD NOTE: Operating conditions used to determine effective treatment of
    hazardous waste remain effective after the owner or operator demonstrates
    compliance with the standards of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 270.19 (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 77687
    (December 19, 2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 703.208 Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste
    When the owner or operator of a cement or lightweight aggregate kiln demonstrates compliance
    with the air emission standards and limitations of the federal National Emission Standards for
    Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) in 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE, incorporated by reference in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 (i.e., by conducting a comprehensive performance test and submitting
    a Notification of Compliance under 40 CFR 63.1207(j) and 63.1210(b) documenting compliance
    with all applicable requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE), the requirements of this Section do
    not apply, except those provisions that the Agency determines are necessary to ensure
    compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C) if the owner or operator elects to
    comply with Section 703.310(a)(1)(A) to minimize emissions of toxic compounds from startup,

    shutdown, and malfunction events. Nevertheless, the Agency may apply the provisions of this
    Section, on a case-by-case basis, for purposes of information collection in accordance with
    Sections 703.188 and 703.241(a)(2).
    a) Trial burns.
    1) General. Except as provided below, an owner or operator that is subject to
    the standards to control organic emissions provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.204, standards to control particulate matter provided by 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.205, standards to control metals emissions provided by 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.206, or standards to control hydrogen chloride (HCl) or
    chlorine gas emissions provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.207 must
    conduct a trial burn to demonstrate conformance with those standards and
    must submit a trial burn plan or the results of a trial burn, including all
    required determinations, in accordance with Section 703.232.
    A) Under subsections (a)(2) through (a)(5) of this Section and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207, the Agency may waive a
    trial burn to demonstrate conformance with a particular emission
    standard; and
    B) The owner or operator may submit data in lieu of a trial burn, as
    prescribed in subsection (a)(6) of this Section.
    2) Waiver of trial burn of DRE (destruction removal efficiency).
    A) Boilers operated under special operating requirements. When
    seeking to be permitted under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(a)(4) and
    726.210, which automatically waive the DRE trial burn, the owner
    or operator of a boiler must submit documentation that the boiler
    operates under the special operating requirements provided by 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 726.210.
    B) Boilers and industrial furnaces burning low risk waste. When
    seeking to be permitted under the provisions for low risk waste
    provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(a)(5) and 726.209(a),

    which waive the DRE trial burn, the owner or operator must
    submit the following:
    i) Documentation that the device is operated in conformance
    with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.209(a)(1).
    ii) Results of analyses of each waste to be burned,
    documenting the concentrations of nonmetal compounds
    listed in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, except for
    those constituents that would reasonably not be expected to
    be in the waste. The constituents excluded from analysis
    must be identified and the basis for their exclusion
    explained. The analysis must rely on analytical techniques
    specified in Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid
    Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    iii) Documentation of hazardous waste firing rates and
    calculations of reasonable, worst-case emission rates of
    each constituent identified in subsection (a)(2)(B)(ii) of this
    Section using procedures provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    iv) Results of emissions dispersion modeling for emissions
    identified in subsection (a)(2)(B)(iii) of this Section using
    modeling procedures prescribed by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.206(h). The Agency must review the emission
    modeling conducted by the applicant to determine
    conformance with these procedures. The Agency must
    either approve the modeling or determine that alternate or
    supplementary modeling is appropriate.
    v) Documentation that the maximum annual average ground
    level concentration of each constituent identified in
    subsection (a)(2)(B)(ii) of this Section quantified in
    conformance with subsection (a)(2)(B)(iv) of this Section
    does not exceed the allowable ambient level established in

    Appendix D or E to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726. The acceptable
    ambient concentration for emitted constituents for which a
    specific reference air concentration has not been
    established in Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726 or
    risk-specific doses has not been established in Appendix E
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726 is 0.1 micrograms per cubic
    meter, as noted in the footnote to Appendix D to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.
    3) Waiver of trial burn for metals. When seeking to be permitted under the
    Tier I (or adjusted Tier I) metals feed rate screening limits provided by 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 726.206(b) and (e) that control metals emissions without
    requiring a trial burn, the owner or operator must submit the following:
    A) Documentation of the feed rate of hazardous waste, other fuels,
    and industrial furnace feed stocks;
    B) Documentation of the concentration of each metal controlled by 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 726.206(b) or (c) in the hazardous waste, other
    fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks, and calculations of the total
    feed rate of each metal;
    C) Documentation of how the applicant will ensure that the Tier I feed
    rate screening limits provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.206(b) or
    (e) will not be exceeded during the averaging period provided by
    that subsection;
    D) Documentation to support the determination of the TESH (terrain-
    adjusted effective stack height), good engineering practice stack
    height, terrain type, and land use, as provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.206(b)(3) through (5);
    E) Documentation of compliance with the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.206(b)(6), if applicable, for facilities with multiple

    F) Documentation that the facility does not fail the criteria provided
    by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.206(b)(7) for eligibility to comply with
    the screening limits; and
    G) Proposed sampling and metals analysis plan for the hazardous
    waste, other fuels, and industrial furnace feed stocks.
    4) Waiver of trial burn for PM (particulate matter). When seeking to be
    permitted under the low risk waste provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.209(b), which waives the particulate standard (and trial burn to
    demonstrate conformance with the particulate standard), applicants must
    submit documentation supporting conformance with subsections (a)(2)(B)
    and (a)(3) of this Section.
    5) Waiver of trial burn for HCl and chlorine gas. When seeking to be
    permitted under the Tier I (or adjusted Tier I) feed rate screening limits for
    total chlorine and chloride provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.207(b)(1)
    and (e) that control emissions of HCl and chlorine gas without requiring a
    trial burn, the owner or operator must submit the following:
    A) Documentation of the feed rate of hazardous waste, other fuels,
    and industrial furnace feed stocks;
    B) Documentation of the levels of total chlorine and chloride in the
    hazardous waste, other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks, and
    calculations of the total feed rate of total chlorine and chloride;
    C) Documentation of how the applicant will ensure that the Tier I (or
    adjusted Tier I) feed rate screening limits provided by 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.207(b)(1) or (e) will not be exceeded during the
    averaging period provided by that subsection;
    D) Documentation to support the determination of the TESH, good
    engineering practice stack height, terrain type and land use as
    provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.207(b)(3);

    E) Documentation of compliance with the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.207(b)(4), if applicable, for facilities with multiple
    F) Documentation that the facility does not fail the criteria provided
    by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.207(b)(3) for eligibility to comply with
    the screening limits; and
    G) Proposed sampling and analysis plan for total chlorine and
    chloride for the hazardous waste, other fuels, and industrial
    furnace feedstocks.
    6) Data in lieu of trial burn. The owner or operator may seek an exemption
    from the trial burn requirements to demonstrate conformance with Section
    703.232 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207 by providing the
    information required by Section 703.232 from previous compliance testing
    of the device in conformance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.203 or from
    compliance testing or trial or operational burns of similar boilers or
    industrial furnaces burning similar hazardous wastes under similar
    conditions. If data from a similar device is used to support a trial burn
    waiver, the design and operating information required by Section 703.232
    must be provided for both the similar device and the device to which the
    data is to be applied, and a comparison of the design and operating
    information must be provided. The Agency must approve a permit
    application without a trial burn if the Agency finds that the hazardous
    wastes are sufficiently similar, the devices are sufficiently similar, the
    operating conditions are sufficiently similar, and the data from other
    compliance tests, trial burns, or operational burns are adequate to specify
    (under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.102) operating conditions that will ensure
    conformance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.102(c). In addition, the
    following information must be submitted:
    A) For a waiver from any trial burn, the following:
    i) A description and analysis of the hazardous waste to be
    burned compared with the hazardous waste for which data
    from compliance testing or operational or trial burns are

    provided to support the contention that a trial burn is not
    ii) The design and operating conditions of the boiler or
    industrial furnace to be used, compared with that for which
    comparative burn data are available; and
    iii) Such supplemental information as the Agency finds
    necessary to achieve the purposes of this subsection (a).
    B) For a waiver of the DRE trial burn, the basis for selection of
    POHCs (principal organic hazardous constituents) used in the
    other trial or operational burns that demonstrate compliance with
    the DRE performance standard in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(a).
    This analysis should specify the constituents in Appendix H to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721 that the applicant has identified in the
    hazardous waste for which a permit is sought and any differences
    from the POHCs in the hazardous waste for which burn data are
    b) Alternative HC limit for industrial furnaces with organic matter in raw materials.
    An owner or operator of industrial furnaces requesting an alternative HC limit
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(f) must submit the following information at a
    1) Documentation that the furnace is designed and operated to minimize HC
    emissions from fuels and raw materials;
    2) Documentation of the proposed baseline flue gas HC (and CO)
    concentration, including data on HC (and CO) levels during tests when the
    facility produced normal products under normal operating conditions from
    normal raw materials while burning normal fuels and when not burning
    hazardous waste;
    3) Test burn protocol to confirm the baseline HC (and CO) level including
    information on the type and flow rate of all feedstreams, point of
    introduction of all feedstreams, total organic carbon content (or other

    appropriate measure of organic content) of all nonfuel feedstreams, and
    operating conditions that affect combustion of fuels and destruction of
    hydrocarbon emissions from nonfuel sources;
    4) Trial burn plan to do the following:
    A) Demonstrate To demonstrate when burning hazardous waste that
    flue gas HC (and CO) concentrations do not exceed the baseline
    HC (and CO) level; and
    B) Identify,
    To identify, in conformance with Section 703.232(d), the
    types and concentrations of organic compounds listed in Appendix
    H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 that are emitted when burning
    hazardous waste;
    5) Implementation plan to monitor over time changes in the operation of the
    facility that could reduce the baseline HC level and procedures to
    periodically confirm the baseline HC level; and
    6) Such other information as the Agency finds necessary to achieve the
    purposes of this subsection (b).
    c) Alternative metals implementation approach. When seeking to be permitted
    under an alternative metals implementation approach under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.206(f), the owner or operator must submit documentation specifying how the
    approach ensures compliance with the metals emissions standards of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.106(c) or (d) and how the approach can be effectively implemented and
    monitored. Further, the owner or operator must provide such other information
    that the Agency finds necessary to achieve the purposes of this subsection (c).
    d) Automatic waste feed cutoff system. An owner or operator must submit
    information describing the automatic waste feed cutoff system, including any pre-
    alarm systems that may be used.
    e) Direct transfer. An owner or operator that uses direct transfer operations to feed
    hazardous waste from transport vehicles (containers, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.211) directly to the boiler or industrial furnace must submit information

    supporting conformance with the standards for direct transfer provided by 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.211.
    f) Residues. An owner or operator that claims that its residues are excluded from
    regulation under the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.212 must submit
    information adequate to demonstrate conformance with those provisions.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 270.22 (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 77687
    (December 19, 2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 703.221 Alternative Compliance with the Federal NESHAPS
    When an owner or operator demonstrates compliance with the air emission standards and
    limitations of the federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs)
    in 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 (i.e., by
    conducting a comprehensive performance test and submitting a Notification of Compliance
    under 40 CFR 63.1207(j) and 63.1210(b) documenting compliance with all applicable
    requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE), the requirements of Sections 703.221 through
    703.225 do not apply, except those provisions that the Agency determines are necessary to
    ensure compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c) if the owner or operator elects to
    comply with Section 703.310(a)(1)(A) to minimize emissions of toxic compounds from startup,
    shutdown, and malfunction events. Nevertheless, the Agency may apply the provisions of
    Sections 703.221 through 703.225, on a case-by-case basis, for purposes of information
    collection in accordance with Sections 703.188 and 703.241(a)(2).
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 270.62 preamble (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg.
    77687 (December 19, 2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 703.232 Permits for Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste
    When the owner or operator of a cement or lightweight aggregate kiln demonstrates compliance
    with the air emission standards and limitations of the federal National Emission Standards for
    Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) in 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE, incorporated by reference in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 (i.e., by conducting a comprehensive performance test and submitting
    a Notification of Compliance under 40 CFR 63.1207(j) and 63.1210(b) documenting compliance

    with all applicable requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE), the requirements of this Section do
    not apply, except those provisions that the Agency determines are necessary to ensure
    compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C) if the owner or operator elects to
    comply with Section 703.310(a)(1)(A) to minimize emissions of toxic compounds from startup,
    shutdown, and malfunction events. Nevertheless, the Agency may apply the provisions of this
    Section, on a case-by-case basis, for purposes of information collection in accordance with
    Sections 703.188 and 703.241(a)(2).
    a) General. The owner or operator of a new boiler or industrial furnace (one not
    operating under the interim status standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.203) is
    subject to subsections (b) through (f) of this Section. A boiler or industrial
    furnace operating under the interim status standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.203
    is subject to subsection (g) of this Section.
    b) Permit operating periods for a new boiler or industrial furnace. A permit for a
    new boiler or industrial furnace must specify appropriate conditions for the
    following operating periods:
    1) Pretrial burn period. For the period beginning with initial introduction of
    hazardous waste and ending with initiation of the trial burn, and only for
    the minimum time required to bring the boiler or industrial furnace to a
    point of operation readiness to conduct a trial burn, not to exceed 720
    hours operating time when burning hazardous waste, the Agency must
    establish permit conditions in the pretrial burn period, including but not
    limited to allowable hazardous waste feed rates and operating conditions.
    The Agency must extend the duration of this operational period once, for
    up to 720 additional hours, at the request of the applicant when good cause
    is shown. The permit must be modified to reflect the extension according
    to Sections 703.280 through 703.283.
    A) Applicants must submit a statement, with Part B of the permit
    application, that suggests the conditions necessary to operate in
    compliance with the standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204
    through 726.207 during this period. This statement should include,
    at a minimum, restrictions on the applicable operating
    requirements identified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202 (e).
    B) The Agency must review this statement and any other relevant
    information submitted with Part B of the permit application and
    specify requirements for this period sufficient to meet the
    performance standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through
    726.207 based on the Agency’s engineering judgment.

    2) Trial burn period. For the duration of the trial burn, the Agency must
    establish conditions in the permit for the purposes of determining
    feasibility of compliance with the performance standards of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.204 through 726.207 and determining adequate operating
    conditions under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e). Applicants must propose
    a trial burn plan, prepared under subsection (c) of this Section, to be
    submitted with Part B of the permit application.
    3) Post-trial burn period.
    A) For the period immediately following completion of the trial burn,
    and only for the minimum period sufficient to allow sample
    analysis, data computation and submission of the trial burn results
    by the applicant, and review of the trial burn results and
    modification of the facility permit by the Agency to reflect the trial
    burn results, the Agency must establish the operating requirements
    most likely to ensure compliance with the performance standards
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207 based on the
    Agency’s engineering judgment.
    B) Applicants must submit a statement, with Part B of the application,
    that identifies the conditions necessary to operate during this
    period in compliance with the performance standards of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207. This statement should
    include, at a minimum, restrictions on the operating requirements
    provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202 (e).
    C) The Agency must review this statement and any other relevant
    information submitted with Part B of the permit application and
    specify requirements of this period sufficient to meet the
    performance standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through
    726.207 based on the Agency’s engineering judgment.
    4) Final permit period. For the final period of operation the Agency must
    develop operating requirements in conformance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.202(e) that reflect conditions in the trial burn plan and are likely to
    ensure compliance with the performance standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.204 through 726.207. Based on the trial burn results, the Agency
    must make any necessary modifications to the operating requirements to
    ensure compliance with the performance standards. The permit
    modification must proceed according to Sections 703.280 through

    c) Requirements for trial burn plans. The trial burn plan must include the following
    information. The Agency, in reviewing the trial burn plan, must evaluate the
    sufficiency of the information provided and may require the applicant to
    supplement this information, if necessary, to achieve the purposes of this
    subsection (c).
    1) An analysis of each feed stream, including hazardous waste, other fuels,
    and industrial furnace feed stocks, as fired, that includes the following:
    A) Heating value, levels of antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium,
    cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, silver, thallium, total chlorine
    and chloride, and ash; and
    B) Viscosity or description of the physical form of the feed stream.
    2) An analysis of each hazardous waste, as fired, including the following:
    A) An identification of any hazardous organic constituents listed in
    Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 that are present in the feed
    stream, except that the applicant need not analyze for constituents
    listed in Appendix H that would reasonably not be expected to be
    found in the hazardous waste. The constituents excluded from
    analysis must be identified and the basis for this exclusion
    explained. The analysis must be conducted in accordance with
    analytical techniques specified in “Test Methods for the Evaluation
    of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” USEPA Publication
    SW-846, as incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720.111 and Section 703.110, or their equivalent;
    B) An approximate quantification of the hazardous constituents
    identified in the hazardous waste, within the precision produced by
    the analytical methods specified in “Test Methods for the
    Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” USEPA
    Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111 and Section 703.110, or other equivalent; and
    C) A description of blending procedures, if applicable, prior to firing
    the hazardous waste, including a detailed analysis of the hazardous
    waste prior to blending, an analysis of the material with which the
    hazardous waste is blended, and blending ratios.
    3) A detailed engineering description of the boiler or industrial furnace,
    including the following:

    A) Manufacturer’s name and model number of the boiler or industrial
    B) Type of boiler or industrial furnace;
    C) Maximum design capacity in appropriate units;
    D) Description of the feed system for the hazardous waste and, as
    appropriate, other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks;
    E) Capacity of hazardous waste feed system;
    F) Description of automatic hazardous waste feed cutoff systems;
    G) Description of any pollution control system; and
    H) Description of stack gas monitoring and any pollution control
    monitoring systems.
    4) A detailed description of sampling and monitoring procedures, including
    sampling and monitoring locations in the system, the equipment to be
    used, sampling and monitoring frequency, and sample analysis.
    5) A detailed test schedule for each hazardous waste for which the trial burn
    is planned, including dates, duration, quantity of hazardous waste to be
    burned, and other factors relevant to the Agency’s decision under
    subsection (b)(2) of this Section.
    6) A detailed test protocol, including, for each hazardous waste identified,
    the ranges of hazardous waste feed rate, and, as appropriate, the feed rates
    of other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks, and any other relevant
    parameters that may affect the ability of the boiler or industrial furnace to
    meet the performance standards in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through
    7) A description of and planned operating conditions for any emission
    control equipment that will be used.
    8) Procedures for rapidly stopping the hazardous waste feed and controlling
    emissions in the event of an equipment malfunction.
    9) Such other information as the Agency finds necessary to determine
    whether to approve the trial burn plan in light of the purposes of this
    subsection (c) and the criteria in subsection (b)(2) of this Section.

    d) Trial burn procedures.
    1) A trial burn must be conducted to demonstrate conformance with the
    standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.104 through 726.107.
    2) The Agency must approve a trial burn plan if the Agency finds as follows:
    A) That the trial burn is likely to determine whether the boiler or
    industrial furnace can meet the performance standards of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.104 through 726.107;
    B) That the trial burn itself will not present an imminent hazard to
    human health and the environment;
    C) That the trial burn will help the Agency to determine operating
    requirements to be specified under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.102(e);
    D) That the information sought in the trial burn cannot reasonably be
    developed through other means.
    3) The Agency must send a notice to all persons on the facility mailing list,
    as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 705.161(a), and to the appropriate units
    of State and local government, as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    705.163(a)(5), announcing the scheduled commencement and completion
    dates for the trial burn. The applicant may not commence the trial burn
    until after the Agency has issued such notice.
    A) This notice must be mailed within a reasonable time period before
    the trial burn. An additional notice is not required if the trial burn
    is delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the facility
    or the Agency.
    B) This notice must contain the following:
    i) The name and telephone number of applicant’s contact
    ii) The name and telephone number of the Agency regional
    office appropriate for the facility;
    iii) The location where the approved trial burn plan and any
    supporting documents can be reviewed and copied; and

    iv) An expected time period for commencement and
    completion of the trial burn.
    4) The applicant must submit to the Agency a certification that the trial burn
    has been carried out in accordance with the approved trial burn plan, and
    submit the results of all the determinations required in subsection (c) of
    this Section. The Agency must, in the trial burn plan, require that the
    submission be made within 90 days after completion of the trial burn, or
    later if the Agency determines that a later date is acceptable.
    5) All data collected during any trial burn must be submitted to the Agency
    following completion of the trial burn.
    6) All submissions required by this subsection (d) must be certified on behalf
    of the applicant by the signature of a person authorized to sign a permit
    application or a report under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702.126.
    e) Special procedures for DRE trial burns. When a DRE trial burn is required under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.104, the Agency must specify (based on the hazardous
    waste analysis data and other information in the trial burn plan) as trial Principal
    Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs) those compounds for which
    destruction and removal efficiencies must be calculated during the trial burn.
    These trial POHCs will be specified by the Agency based on information
    including the Agency’s estimate of the difficulty of destroying the constituents
    identified in the hazardous waste analysis, their concentrations or mass in the
    hazardous waste feed, and, for hazardous waste containing or derived from wastes
    listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, the hazardous waste organic
    constituents identified in Appendix G to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 as the basis for
    f) Determinations based on trial burn. During each approved trial burn (or as soon
    after the burn as is practicable), the applicant must make the following
    1) A quantitative analysis of the levels of antimony, arsenic, barium,
    beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, thallium, silver, and
    chlorine/chloride in the feed streams (hazardous waste, other fuels, and
    industrial furnace feedstocks);
    2) When a DRE trial burn is required under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(a),
    the following determinations:

    A) A quantitative analysis of the trial POHCs in the hazardous waste
    B) A quantitative analysis of the stack gas for the concentration and
    mass emissions of the trial POHCs; and
    C) A computation of destruction and removal efficiency (DRE), in
    accordance with the DRE formula specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    3) When a trial burn for chlorinated dioxins and furans is required under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(e), a quantitative analysis of the stack gas for the
    concentration and mass emission rate of the 2,3,7,8-chlorinated tetra-
    through octa-congeners of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans, and a
    computation showing conformance with the emission standard;
    4) When a trial burn for PM, metals, or HCl and chlorine gas is required
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.205, 726.206(c) or (d), or 726.207(b)(2) or
    (c), a quantitative analysis of the stack gas for the concentrations and mass
    emissions of PM, metals, or HCl and chlorine gas, and computations
    showing conformance with the applicable emission performance
    5) When a trial burn for DRE, metals, and HCl and chlorine gas is required
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204(a), 726.206(c) or (d), or 726.207(b)(2)
    or (c), a quantitative analysis of the scrubber water (if any), ash residues,
    other residues, and products for the purpose of estimating the fate of the
    trial POHCs, metals, and chlorine and chloride;
    6) An identification of sources of fugitive emissions and their means of
    7) A continuous measurement of carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen, and, where
    required, hydrocarbons (HC) in the stack gas; and
    8) Such other information as the Agency specifies as necessary to ensure that
    the trial burn will determine compliance with the performance standards
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207 and to establish the operating
    conditions required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.204 through 726.207 and of
    determining adequate operating conditions under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.203, and to establish the operating conditions required by 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.202(e) as necessary to meet those performance standards.

    g) Interim status boilers and industrial furnaces. For the purpose of determining
    feasibility of compliance with the performance standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.204 through 726.207 and of determining adequate operating conditions under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.203, an applicant that owns or operates an existing boiler
    or industrial furnace which is operated under the interim status standards of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 726.203 must either prepare and submit a trial burn plan and perform
    a trial burn in accordance with the requirements of this Section or submit other
    information as specified in Section 703.208(a)(6). The Agency must announce its
    intention to approve of the trial burn plan in accordance with the timing and
    distribution requirements of subsection (d)(3) of this Section. The contents of the
    notice must include all of the following information: the name and telephone
    number of a contact person at the facility; the name and telephone number of the
    Agency regional office appropriate for the facility; the location where the trial
    burn plan and any supporting documents can be reviewed and copied; and a
    schedule of the activities that are required prior to permit issuance, including the
    anticipated time schedule for Agency approval of the plan, and the time periods
    during which the trial burn would be conducted. Applicants that submit a trial
    burn plan and receive approval before submission of the Part B permit application
    must complete the trial burn and submit the results specified in subsection (f) of
    this Section with the Part B permit application. If completion of this process
    conflicts with the date set for submission of the Part B application, the applicant
    must contact the Agency to establish a later date for submission of the Part B
    application or the trial burn results. If the applicant submits a trial burn plan with
    Part B of the permit application, the trial burn must be conducted and the results
    submitted within a time period prior to permit issuance to be specified by the
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 270.66 (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 77687
    (December 19, 2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    PART 720
    720.101 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability

    720.102 Availability of Information; Confidentiality of Information
    720.103 Use of Number and Gender
    720.110 Definitions
    720.111 References
    720.120 Rulemaking
    720.121 Alternative Equivalent Testing Methods
    720.122 Waste Delisting
    720.123 Petitions for Regulation as Universal Waste
    720.130 Procedures for Solid Waste Determinations
    720.131 Solid Waste Determinations
    720.132 Boiler Determinations
    720.133 Procedures for Determinations
    720.140 Additional regulation
    Regulation of certain hazardous waste Certain Hazardous
    Waste Recycling Activities on a case-by-case Case-by-Case Basis
    720.141 Procedures for case-by-case regulation Case-by-Case Regulation of hazardous
    waste Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities
    720.Appendix A Overview of 40 CFR, Subtitle C Regulations
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2, 13, and 22.4 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 13, 22.4, and 27].
    SOURCE: Adopted in R81-22 at 5 Ill. Reg. 9781, effective May 17, 1982; amended and
    codified in R81-22 at 6 Ill. Reg. 4828, effective May 17, 1982; amended in R82-19 at 7 Ill. Reg.
    14015, effective October 12, 1983; amended in R84-9 at 9 Ill. Reg. 11819, effective July 24,
    1985; amended in R85-22 at 10 Ill. Reg. 968, effective January 2, 1986; amended in R86-1 at 10
    Ill. Reg. 13998, effective August 12, 1986; amended in R86-19 at 10 Ill. Reg. 20630, effective
    December 2, 1986; amended in R86-28 at 11 Ill. Reg. 6017, effective March 24, 1987; amended
    in R86-46 at 11 Ill. Reg. 13435, effective August 4, 1987; amended in R87-5 at 11 Ill. Reg.
    19280, effective November 12, 1987; amended in R87-26 at 12 Ill. Reg. 2450, effective January
    15, 1988; amended in R87-39 at 12 Ill. Reg. 12999, effective July 29, 1988; amended in R88-16
    at 13 Ill. Reg. 362, effective December 27, 1988; amended in R89-1 at 13 Ill. Reg. 18278,
    effective November 13, 1989; amended in R89-2 at 14 Ill. Reg. 3075, effective February 20,
    1990; amended in R89-9 at 14 Ill. Reg. 6225, effective April 16, 1990; amended in R90-10 at 14
    Ill. Reg. 16450, effective September 25, 1990; amended in R90-17 at 15 Ill. Reg. 7934, effective
    May 9, 1991; amended in R90-11 at 15 Ill. Reg. 9323, effective June 17, 1991; amended in R91-
    1 at 15 Ill. Reg. 14446, effective September 30, 1991; amended in R91-13 at 16 Ill. Reg. 9489,
    effective June 9, 1992; amended in R92-1 at 16 Ill. Reg. 17636, effective November 6, 1992;

    amended in R92-10 at 17 Ill. Reg. 5625, effective March 26, 1993; amended in R93-4 at 17 Ill.
    Reg. 20545, effective November 22, 1993; amended in R93-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 6720, effective
    April 26, 1994; amended in R94-7 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12160, effective July 29, 1994; amended in
    R94-17 at 18 Ill. Reg. 17480, effective November 23, 1994; amended in R95-6 at 19 Ill. Reg.
    9508, effective June 27, 1995; amended in R95-20 at 20 Ill. Reg. 10929, effective August 1,
    1996; amended in R96-10/R97-3/R97-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 256, effective December 16, 1997;
    amended in R98-12 at 22 Ill. Reg. 7590, effective April 15, 1998; amended in R97-21/R98-
    3/R98-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 17496, effective September 28, 1998; amended in R98-21/R99-2/R99-7 at
    23 Ill. Reg. 1704, effective January 19, 1999; amended in R99-15 at 23 Ill. Reg. 9094, effective
    July 26, 1999; amended in R00-5 at 24 Ill. Reg. 1063, effective January 6, 2000; amended in
    R00-13 at 24 Ill. Reg. 9443, effective June 20, 2000; amended in R01-3 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1266,
    effective January 11, 2001; amended in R01-21/R01-23 at 25 Ill. Reg. 9168, effective July 9,
    2001; amended in R02-1/R02-12/R02-17 at 26 Ill. Reg. 6550, effective April 22, 2002; amended
    in R03-7 at 27 Ill. Reg. 3712, effective February 14, 2003; amended in R03-18 at 27 Ill. Reg.
    ________, effective ______________________.
    Section 720.101 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
    a) This Part provides definitions of terms, general standards, and overview
    information applicable to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725, 726, 728, 733, and
    b) In this Part:
    1) Section 720.102 sets forth the rules that the Board and the Agency will use
    in making information it receives available to the public and sets forth the
    requirements that a generator, transporter, or owner or operator of a
    treatment, storage, or disposal facility must follow to assert claims of
    business confidentiality with respect to information that is submitted to the
    Board or the Agency under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725 and 728.
    2) Section 720.103 establishes rules of grammatical construction for 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720 through 725, 726, 728, 733, and 739.
    3) Section 720.110 defines terms which that are used in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720 through 725, 726, 728, 733, and 739.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.103 Use of Number and Gender
    As used in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725 726, and 728, 733, and 739:

    a) Words in the masculine gender also include the feminine and neuter genders;
    b) Words in the singular include the plural; and
    c) Words in the plural include the singular.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.110 Definitions
    When used in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, and 728, 733, and 739 only, the following terms
    have the meanings given below:
    “Aboveground tank” means a device meeting the definition of tank that is situated in
    such a way that the entire surface area of the tank is completely above the plane of
    the adjacent surrounding surface and the entire surface area of the tank (including the
    tank bottom) is able to be visually inspected.
    “Act” or “RCRA” means the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (42 USC 6901 et seq.)
    “Active life” of a facility means the period from the initial receipt of hazardous waste
    at the facility until the Agency receives certification of final closure.
    “Active portion” means that portion of a facility where treatment, storage, or disposal
    operations are being or have been conducted after May 19, 1980, and which is not a
    closed portion. (See also “closed portion” and “inactive portion.”.)
    “Administrator” means the Administrator of the United States Environmental
    Protection Agency or the Administrator’s designee.
    “Agency” means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
    “Ancillary equipment” means any device, including, but not limited to, such devices
    as piping, fittings, flanges, valves, and pumps, that is used to distribute, meter, or
    control the flow of hazardous waste from its point of generation to storage or
    treatment tanks, between hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks to a point of
    disposal onsite, or to a point of shipment for disposal off-site.
    “Aquifer” means a geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation
    capable of yielding a significant amount of groundwater to wells or springs.

    “Authorized representative” means the person responsible for the overall operation
    of a facility or an operational unit (i.e., part of a facility), e.g., the plant manager,
    superintendent, or person of equivalent responsibility.
    “Battery” means a device consisting that consists of one or more electrically
    connected electrochemical cells that which is designed to receive, store, and deliver
    electric energy. An electrochemical cell is a system consisting of an anode, cathode,
    and an electrolyte, plus such connections (electrical and mechanical) as may be
    needed to allow the cell to deliver or receive electrical energy. The term battery also
    includes an intact, unbroken battery from which the electrolyte has been removed.
    “Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    “Boiler” means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion and having
    the following characteristics:
    Boiler physical characteristics.
    The unit must have physical provisions for recovering and exporting
    thermal energy in the form of steam, heated fluids, or heated gases;
    and the unit’s combustion chamber and primary energy recovery
    sections must be of integral design. To be of integral design, the
    combustion chamber and the primary energy recovery sections (such
    as waterwalls and superheaters) must be physically formed into one
    manufactured or assembled unit. A unit in which the combustion
    chamber and the primary energy recovery sections are joined only by
    ducts or connections carrying flue gas is not integrally designed;
    however, secondary energy recovery equipment (such as
    economizers or air preheaters) need not be physically formed into the
    same unit as the combustion chamber and the primary energy
    recovery section. The following units are not precluded from being
    boilers solely because they are not of integral design: process heaters
    (units that transfer energy directly to a process stream) and fluidized
    bed combustion units; and
    While in operation, the unit must maintain a thermal energy recovery
    efficiency of at least 60 percent, calculated in terms of the recovered
    energy compared with the thermal value of the fuel; and
    The unit must export and utilize at least 75 percent of the recovered
    energy, calculated on an annual basis. In this calculation, no credit
    may be given for recovered heat used internally in the same unit.
    (Examples of internal use are the preheating of fuel or combustion

    air, and the driving of induced or forced draft fans or feedwater
    pumps.); or
    Boiler by designation. The unit is one which that the Board has determined,
    on a case-by-case basis, to be a boiler, after considering the standards in
    Section 720.132.
    “Carbon regeneration unit” means any enclosed thermal treatment device used to
    regenerate spent activated carbon.
    “Certification” means a statement of professional opinion based upon knowledge and
    “Closed portion” means that portion of a facility that an owner or operator has closed
    in accordance with the approved facility closure plan and all applicable closure
    requirements. (See also “active portion” and “inactive portion.”.)
    “Component” means either the tank or ancillary equipment of a tank system.
    “Confined aquifer” means an aquifer bounded above and below by impermeable
    beds or by beds of distinctly lower permeability than that of the aquifer itself; an
    aquifer containing confined groundwater.
    “Container” means any portable device in which a material is stored, transported,
    treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled.
    “Containment building” means a hazardous waste management unit that is used to
    store or treat hazardous waste under the provisions of Subpart DD of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.Subpart DD and Subpart DD of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart DD.
    “Contingency plan” means a document setting out an organized, planned and
    coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire, explosion, or release of
    hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents that could threaten human health or
    the environment.
    “Corrosion expert” means a person who, by reason of knowledge of the physical
    sciences and the principles of engineering and mathematics, acquired by a
    professional education and related practical experience, is qualified to engage in the
    practice of corrosion control on buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal
    tanks. Such a person must be certified as being qualified by the National Association
    of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) or be a registered professional engineer who has
    certification or licensing that includes education and experience in corrosion control
    on buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal tanks.

    “Designated facility” means a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal
    Of which any of the following is true:
    The facility has received a RCRA permit (or interim status) pursuant
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705;
    The facility has received a RCRA permit from USEPA pursuant to 40
    CFR 124 and 270 (1999) (2002);
    The facility has received a RCRA permit from a state authorized by
    USEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 271 (1999) (2002); or
    The facility is regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.106(c)(2) or
    Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 266.Subpart F; and
    The facility has been designated on the manifest by the generator pursuant to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.120.
    If a waste is destined to a facility in a state other than Illinois that has been
    authorized by USEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 271, but which has not yet
    obtained authorization to regulate that waste as hazardous, then the
    designated facility must be a facility allowed by the receiving state to accept
    such waste.
    “Destination facility” means a facility that treats, disposes of, or recycles a particular
    category of universal waste, except those management activities described in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 733.113(a) and (c) and 733.133(a) and (c). A facility at which a
    particular category of universal waste is only accumulated is not a destination facility
    for the purposes of managing that category of universal waste.
    “Dike” means an embankment or ridge of either natural or manmade materials used
    to prevent the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials.
    “Dioxins and furans” or “D/F” means tetra, penta penta-, hexa hexa-, hepta
    hepta-, and octa-chlorinated dibenzo dioxins and furans.
    “Director” means the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
    “Discharge” or “hazardous waste discharge” means the accidental or intentional
    spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, or dumping of hazardous
    waste into or on any land or water.

    “Disposal” means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or
    placing of any solid waste or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that
    such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter the
    environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including
    “Disposal facility” means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is
    intentionally placed into or on any land or water and at which waste will remain after
    closure. The term disposal facility does not include a corrective action management
    unit (CAMU) into which remediation wastes are placed.
    “Drip pad” means an engineered structure consisting of a curbed, free-draining base,
    constructed of non-earthen materials and designed to convey preservative kick-back
    or drippage from treated wood, precipitation and surface water runon to an
    associated collection system at wood preserving plants.
    “Elementary neutralization unit” means a device of which the following is true:
    Is It is used for neutralizing wastes which that are hazardous only because
    they exhibit the corrosivity characteristic defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.122 or which are listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart
    D only for this reason; and
    Meets It meets the definition of tank, tank system, container, transport
    vehicle, or vessel in this Section.
    “EPA hazardous waste number” or “USEPA hazardous waste number” means the
    number assigned by USEPA to each hazardous waste listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721.Subpart D and to each characteristic identified in Subpart C of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.
    “EPA identification number” or “USEPA identification number” means the number
    assigned by USEPA pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 through 725 to each
    generator; transporter; and treatment, storage, or disposal facility.
    “EPA region” or “USEPA region” means the states and territories found in any one
    of the following ten regions:
    Region I: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
    and Rhode Island
    Region II: New York, New Jersey, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the
    U.S. Virgin Islands

    Region III: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and
    the District of Columbia
    Region IV: Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama,
    Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida
    Region V: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio
    Region VI: New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas
    Region VII: Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa
    Region VIII: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and
    Region IX: California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa,
    and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
    Region X: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska
    “Equivalent method” means any testing or analytical method approved by the Board
    pursuant to Section 720.120.
    “Existing hazardous waste management (HWM) facility” or “existing facility”
    means a facility that was in operation or for which construction commenced on or
    before November 19, 1980. A facility had commenced construction if the owner or
    operator had obtained the federal, State, and local approvals or permits necessary to
    begin physical construction and either of the following had occurred:
    A continuous on-site, physical construction program had begun; or
    The owner or operator had entered into contractual obligations that could not
    be canceled or modified without substantial loss for physical construction of
    the facility to be completed within a reasonable time.
    “Existing portion” means that land surface area of an existing waste management
    unit, included in the original Part A permit application, on which wastes have been
    placed prior to the issuance of a permit.
    “Existing tank system” or “existing component” means a tank system or component
    that is used for the storage or treatment of hazardous waste and which was in
    operation, or for which installation was commenced, on or prior to July 14, 1986.
    Installation will be considered to have commenced if the owner or operator has
    obtained all federal, State, and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical

    construction of the site or installation of the tank system and if either of the following
    is true:
    A continuous on-site physical construction or installation program has begun;
    The owner or operator has entered into contractual obligations that cannot be
    canceled or modified without substantial loss for physical construction of the
    site or installation of the tank system to be completed within a reasonable
    “Explosives or munitions emergency” means a situation involving the suspected
    or detected presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO), damaged or deteriorated
    explosives or munitions, an improvised explosive device (IED), other potentially
    explosive material or device, or other potentially harmful military chemical
    munitions or device, that creates an actual or potential imminent threat to human
    health, including safety, or the environment, including property, as determined by
    an explosives or munitions emergency response specialist. Such situations may
    require immediate and expeditious action by an explosives or munitions
    emergency response specialist to control, mitigate, or eliminate the threat.
    “Explosives or munitions emergency response” means all immediate response
    activities by an explosives and munitions emergency response specialist to
    control, mitigate, or eliminate the actual or potential threat encountered during an
    explosives or munitions emergency. An explosives or munitions emergency
    response may include in-place render-safe procedures, treatment, or destruction of
    the explosives or munitions or transporting those items to another location to be
    rendered safe, treated, or destroyed. Any reasonable delay in the completion of
    an explosives or munitions emergency response caused by a necessary,
    unforeseen, or uncontrollable circumstance will not terminate the explosives or
    munitions emergency. Explosives and munitions emergency responses can occur
    on either public or private lands and are not limited to responses at RCRA
    “Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist” means an individual
    trained in chemical or conventional munitions or explosives handling,
    transportation, render-safe procedures, or destruction techniques. Explosives or
    munitions emergency response specialists include United States Department of
    Defense (USDOD) emergency explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), technical
    escort unit (TEU), and USDOD-certified civilian or contractor personnel and
    other federal, State, or local government or civilian personnel who are similarly
    trained in explosives or munitions emergency responses.
    “Facility” means the following:

    All contiguous land and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements
    on the land used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A
    facility may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal operational
    units (e.g., one or more landfills, surface impoundments, or combinations of
    For the purpose of implementing corrective action under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.201, all contiguous property under the control of the owner or operator
    seeking a permit under Subtitle C of RCRA. This definition also applies to
    facilities implementing corrective action under RCRA section 3008(h).
    Notwithstanding the immediately-preceding paragraph of this definition, a
    remediation waste management site is not a facility that is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.201, but a facility that is subject to corrective action
    requirements if the site is located within such a facility.
    “Federal agency” means any department, agency, or other instrumentality of the
    federal government, any independent agency or establishment of the federal
    government, including any government corporation and the Government Printing
    “Federal, State, and local approvals or permits necessary to begin physical
    construction” means permits and approvals required under federal, State, or local
    hazardous waste control statutes, regulations, or ordinances.
    “Final closure” means the closure of all hazardous waste management units at the
    facility in accordance with all applicable closure requirements so that hazardous
    waste management activities under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725 are no longer
    conducted at the facility unless subject to the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    “Food-chain crops” means tobacco, crops grown for human consumption, and crops
    grown for feed for animals whose products are consumed by humans.
    “Freeboard” means the vertical distance between the top of a tank or surface
    impoundment dike and the surface of the waste contained therein.
    “Free liquids” means liquids which that readily separate from the solid portion of a
    waste under ambient temperature and pressure.
    “Generator” means any person, by site, whose act or process produces hazardous
    waste identified or listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 or whose act first causes a
    hazardous waste to become subject to regulation.

    “Groundwater” means water below the land surface in a zone of saturation.
    “Hazardous waste” means a hazardous waste as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    “Hazardous waste constituent” means a constituent that caused the hazardous waste
    to be listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D, or a constituent listed
    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.124.
    “Hazardous waste management unit” is a contiguous area of land on or in which
    hazardous waste is placed, or the largest area in which there is significant likelihood
    of mixing hazardous waste constituents in the same area. Examples of hazardous
    waste management units include a surface impoundment, a waste pile, a land
    treatment area, a landfill cell, an incinerator, a tank and its associated piping and
    underlying containment system, and a container storage area. A container alone does
    not constitute a unit; the unit includes containers, and the land or pad upon which
    they are placed.
    “Inactive portion” means that portion of a facility which that is not operated after
    November 19, 1980. (See also “active portion” and “closed portion.”.)
    “Incinerator” means any enclosed device of which the following is true:
    The facility uses controlled flame combustion, and it neither both of the
    following are true of the facility:
    Meets The facility does not meet the criteria for classification as a
    boiler, sludge dryer, or carbon regeneration unit, nor
    Is The facility is not listed as an industrial furnace; or
    The facility meets the definition of infrared incinerator or plasma arc
    “Incompatible waste” means a hazardous waste that is unsuitable for the following:
    Placement in a particular device or facility because it may cause corrosion or
    decay of containment materials (e.g., container inner liners or tank walls); or
    Commingling with another waste or material under uncontrolled conditions
    because the commingling might produce heat or pressure, fire, or explosion,
    violent reaction, toxic dusts, mists, fumes or gases, or flammable fumes or

    (See Appendix E to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Appendix E for examples.)
    “Industrial furnace” means any of the following enclosed devices that are integral
    components of manufacturing processes and that use thermal treatment to
    accomplish recovery of materials or energy:
    Cement kilns;
    Lime kilns;
    Aggregate kilns;
    Phosphate kilns;
    Coke ovens;
    Blast furnaces;
    Smelting, melting and refining furnaces (including pyrometallurgical devices
    such as cupolas, reverberator furnaces, sintering machines, roasters, and
    foundry furnaces);
    Titanium dioxide chloride process oxidation reactors;
    Methane reforming furnaces;
    Pulping liquor recovery furnaces;
    Combustion devices used in the recovery of sulfur values from spent sulfuric
    Halogen acid furnaces (HAFs) for the production of acid from halogenated
    hazardous waste generated by chemical production facilities where the
    furnace is located on the site of a chemical production facility, the acid
    product has a halogen acid content of at least three percent, the acid product
    is used in a manufacturing process, and, except for hazardous waste burned
    as fuel, hazardous waste fed to the furnace has a minimum halogen content of
    20 percent, as generated; and
    Any other such device as the Agency determines to be an industrial furnace
    on the basis of one or more of the following factors:

    The design and use of the device primarily to accomplish recovery of
    material products;
    The use of the device to burn or reduce raw materials to make a
    material product;
    The use of the device to burn or reduce secondary materials as
    effective substitutes for raw materials, in processes using raw
    materials as principal feedstocks;
    The use of the device to burn or reduce secondary materials as
    ingredients in an industrial process to make a material product;
    The use of the device in common industrial practice to produce a
    material product; and
    Other relevant factors.
    “Individual generation site” means the contiguous site at or on which one or more
    hazardous wastes are generated. An individual generation site, such as a large
    manufacturing plant, may have one or more sources of hazardous waste but is
    considered a single or individual generation site if the site or property is contiguous.
    “Infrared incinerator” means any enclosed device that uses electric powered
    resistance heaters as a source of radiant heat followed by an afterburner using
    controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.
    “Inground tank” means a device meeting the definition of tank whereby a portion of
    the tank wall is situated to any degree within the ground, thereby preventing visual
    inspection of that external surface area of the tank that is in the ground.
    “In operation” refers to a facility that is treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous
    “Injection well” means a well into which fluids are being injected. (See also
    “underground injection.”.)
    “Inner liner” means a continuous layer of material placed inside a tank or container
    that protects the construction materials of the tank or container from the contained
    waste or reagents used to treat the waste.
    “Installation inspector” means a person who, by reason of knowledge of the physical
    sciences and the principles of engineering, acquired by a professional education and
    related practical experience, is qualified to supervise the installation of tank systems.

    “International shipment” means the transportation of hazardous waste into or out of
    the jurisdiction of the United States.
    “Lamp” or “universal waste lamp” means the bulb or tube portion of an electric
    lighting device. A lamp is specifically designed to produce radiant energy, most
    often in the ultraviolet, visible, or infra-red infrared regions of the electromagnetic
    spectrum. Examples of common universal waste lamps include, but are not limited
    to, fluorescent, high intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure high-
    pressure sodium, and metal halide lamps.
    “Land treatment facility” means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous
    waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal
    facilities if the waste will remain after closure.
    “Landfill” means a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is
    placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface
    impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed
    formation, an underground mine, a cave, or a corrective action management unit
    “Landfill cell” means a discrete volume of a hazardous waste landfill that uses a liner
    to provide isolation of wastes from adjacent cells or wastes. Examples of landfill
    cells are trenches and pits.
    “LDS” means leak detection system.
    “Leachate” means any liquid, including any suspended components in the liquid, that
    has percolated through or drained from hazardous waste.
    “Liner” means a continuous layer of natural or manmade materials beneath or on the
    sides of a surface impoundment, landfill, or landfill cell that restricts the downward
    or lateral escape of hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, or leachate.
    “Leak-detection system” means a system capable of detecting the failure of either the
    primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of hazardous
    waste or accumulated liquid in the secondary containment structure. Such a system
    must employ operational controls (e.g., daily visual inspections for releases into the
    secondary containment system of aboveground tanks) or consist of an interstitial
    monitoring device designed to detect continuously and automatically the failure of
    the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of
    hazardous waste into the secondary containment structure.

    “Management” or “hazardous waste management” means the systematic control of
    the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, processing, treatment,
    recovery, and disposal of hazardous waste.
    “Manifest” means the shipping document originated and signed by the generator that
    contains the information required by Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart B.
    “Manifest document number” means the USEPA twelve digit identification number
    assigned to the generator plus a unique five digit five-digit document number
    assigned to the manifest by the generator for recording and reporting purposes.
    “Military munitions” means all ammunition products and components produced
    or used by or for the United States Department of Defense or the United States
    Armed Services for national defense and security, including military munitions
    under the control of the United States Department of Defense (USDOD), the
    United States Coast Guard, the United States Department of Energy (USDOE),
    and National Guard personnel. The term military munitions includes: confined
    gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics, chemical and riot
    control agents, smokes, and incendiaries used by USDOD components, including
    bulk explosives and chemical warfare agents, chemical munitions, rockets, guided
    and ballistic missiles, bombs, warheads, mortar rounds, artillery ammunition,
    small arms ammunition, grenades, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, cluster
    munitions and dispensers, demolition charges, and devices and components of
    these items and devices. Military munitions do not include wholly inert items,
    improvised explosive devices, and nuclear weapons, nuclear devices, and nuclear
    components of these items and devices. However, the term does include non-
    nuclear components of nuclear devices, managed under USDOE’s nuclear
    weapons program after all sanitization operations required under the Atomic
    Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC 2014 et seq.), as amended, have been completed.
    “Mining overburden returned to the mine site” means any material overlying an
    economic mineral deposit which that is removed to gain access to that deposit and is
    then used for reclamation of a surface mine.
    “Miscellaneous unit” means a hazardous waste management unit where hazardous
    waste is treated, stored, or disposed of and that is not a container; tank; surface
    impoundment; pile; land treatment unit; landfill; incinerator; boiler; industrial
    furnace; underground injection well with appropriate technical standards under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 730; containment building; corrective action management unit
    (CAMU); unit eligible for a research, development, and demonstration permit under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.231; or staging pile.
    “Movement” means hazardous waste that is transported to a facility in an individual

    “New hazardous waste management facility” or “new facility” means a facility that
    began operation, or for which construction commenced after November 19, 1980.
    (See also “Existing hazardous waste management facility.”.)
    “New tank system” or “new tank component” means a tank system or component
    that will be used for the storage or treatment of hazardous waste and for which
    installation commenced after July 14, 1986; except, however, for purposes of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.293(g)(2) and 725.293(g)(2), a new tank system is one for which
    construction commenced after July 14, 1986. (See also “existing tank system.”.)
    “Onground tank” means a device meeting the definition of tank that is situated in
    such a way that the bottom of the tank is on the same level as the adjacent
    surrounding surfaces so that the external tank bottom cannot be visually inspected.
    “On-site” means the same or geographically contiguous property which that may be
    divided by public or private right-of-way, provided the entrance and exit between the
    properties is at a crossroads intersection and access is by crossing as opposed to
    going along the right-of-way. Noncontiguous properties owned by the same person
    but connected by a right-of-way which he that the owner controls and to which the
    public does not have access is also considered on-site property.
    “Open burning” means the combustion of any material without the following
    Control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient
    Containment of the combustion reaction in an enclosed device to provide
    sufficient residence time and mixing for complete combustion; and
    Control of emission of the gaseous combustion products.
    (See also “incineration” and “thermal treatment.”.)
    “Operator” means the person responsible for the overall operation of a facility.
    “Owner” means the person that owns a facility or part of a facility.
    “Partial closure” means the closure of a hazardous waste management unit in
    accordance with the applicable closure requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or 725
    at a facility that contains other active hazardous waste management units. For
    example, partial closure may include the closure of a tank (including its associated
    piping and underlying containment systems), landfill cell, surface impoundment,

    waste pile, or other hazardous waste management unit, while other units of the same
    facility continue to operate.
    “Person” means an individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, federal agency,
    corporation (including a government corporation), partnership, association, state,
    municipality, commission, political subdivision of a state, or any interstate body.
    “Personnel” or “facility personnel” means all persons who work at or oversee the
    operations of a hazardous waste facility and whose actions or failure to act may
    result in noncompliance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or 725.
    “Pesticide” means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing,
    destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest or intended for use as a plant regulator,
    defoliant, or desiccant, other than any article that fulfills one of the following
    It is a new animal drug under section 201(v) of the Federal Food, Drug and
    Cosmetic Act (FFDCA; 21 USC 321(v)), incorporated by reference in
    Section 720.111;
    It is an animal drug that has been determined by regulation of the federal
    Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to FFDCA section 512 (21
    USC 360b), incorporated by reference in Section 720.111, to be an exempted
    new animal drug; or
    It is an animal feed under FFDCA section 201(w) (21 USC 321(w)),
    incorporated by reference in Section 720.111, that bears or contains any
    substances described in either of the two preceding paragraphs of this
    BOARD NOTE: The second exception of corresponding 40 CFR 260.10
    reads as follows: “Is an animal drug that has been determined by regulation
    of the Secretary of Health and Human Services not to be a new animal
    drug.”. This is very similar to the language of section 2(u) of the Federal
    Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA; 7 USC 136(u)). The
    three exceptions, taken together, appear intended not to include as pesticide
    any material within the scope of federal Food and Drug Administration
    regulation. The Board codified this provision with the intent of retaining the
    same meaning as its federal counterpart while adding the definiteness
    required under Illinois law.
    “Pile” means any noncontainerized accumulation of solid, non-flowing hazardous
    waste that is used for treatment or storage, and that is not a containment building.

    “Plasma arc incinerator” means any enclosed device that uses a high intensity
    electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using
    controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.
    “Point source” means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including,
    but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure,
    container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or vessel or other
    floating craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does not
    include return flows from irrigated agriculture.
    “Publicly owned treatment works” or “POTW” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    “Qualified groundwater scientist” means a scientist or engineer who has received a
    baccalaureate or postgraduate degree in the natural sciences or engineering, and has
    sufficient training and experience in groundwater hydrology and related fields, as
    demonstrated by state registration, professional certifications, or completion of
    accredited university courses that enable the individual to make sound professional
    judgments regarding groundwater monitoring and contaminant rate and transport.
    BOARD NOTE: State registration includes, but is not limited to, registration as a
    professional engineer with the Department of Professional Regulation, pursuant to
    225 ILCS 325 and 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1380. Professional certification includes, but is
    not limited to, certification under the certified groundwater professional program of
    the National Ground Water Association.
    “RCRA” means the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (42 USC 6901 et seq.).
    “Regional Administrator” means the Regional Administrator for the USEPA Region
    in which the facility is located or the Regional Administrator’s designee.
    “Remediation waste” means all solid and hazardous wastes, and all media (including
    groundwater, surface water, soils, and sediments) and debris that are managed for
    implementing cleanup.
    “Remediation waste management site” means a facility where an owner or operator
    is or will be treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous remediation wastes. A
    remediation waste management site is not a facility that is subject to corrective
    action under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.201, but a remediation waste management site
    is subject to corrective action requirements if the site is located in such a facility.
    “Replacement unit” means a landfill, surface impoundment, or waste pile unit from
    which all or substantially all of the waste is removed, and which is subsequently
    reused to treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. Replacement unit does not

    include a unit from which waste is removed during closure, if the subsequent reuse
    solely involves the disposal of waste from that unit and other closing units or
    corrective action areas at the facility, in accordance with a closure or corrective
    action plan approved by USEPA or the Agency.
    “Representative sample” means a sample of a universe or whole (e.g., waste pile,
    lagoon, groundwater) that can be expected to exhibit the average properties of the
    universe or whole.
    “Runoff” means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land from
    any part of a facility.
    “Runon” means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land onto
    any part of a facility.
    “Saturated zone” or “zone of saturation” means that part of the earth’s crust in which
    all voids are filled with water.
    “SIC Code” means Standard Industrial Classification Code as defined in Standard
    Industrial Classification Manual, incorporated by reference in Section 720.111.
    “Sludge” means any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal,
    commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant,
    or air pollution control facility, exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewater
    treatment plant.
    “Sludge dryer” means any enclosed thermal treatment device that is used to
    dehydrate sludge and which has a total thermal input, excluding the heating value of
    the sludge itself, of 2500 Btu/lb or less of sludge treated on a wet weight wet-weight
    “Small quantity generator” means a generator that generates less than 1000 kg of
    hazardous waste in a calendar month.
    “Solid waste” means a solid waste as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102.
    “Sorbent” means a material that is used to soak up free liquids by either adsorption or
    absorption, or both. “Sorb” means to either adsorb or absorb, or both.
    “Staging pile” means an accumulation of solid, non-flowing “remediation waste”
    (as defined in this Section) that is not a containment building and that is used only
    during remedial operations for temporary storage at a facility. Staging piles must be
    designated by the Agency according to the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    “State” means any of the several states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth
    of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth
    of the Northern Mariana Islands.
    “Storage” means the holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period, at the end of
    which the hazardous waste is treated, disposed of, or stored elsewhere.
    “Sump” means any pit or reservoir that meets the definition of tank and those troughs
    or trenches connected to it that serve to collect hazardous waste for transport to
    hazardous waste storage, treatment, or disposal facilities; except that, as used in the
    landfill, surface impoundment, and waste pile rules, sump means any lined pit or
    reservoir that serves to collect liquids drained from a leachate collection and removal
    system or leak detection system for subsequent removal from the system.
    “Surface impoundment” or “impoundment” means a facility or part of a facility that
    is a natural topographic depression, manmade excavation, or diked area formed
    primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with manmade materials)
    which that is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or wastes containing
    free liquids and which is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments
    are holding, storage, settling, and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.
    “Tank” means a stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of hazardous
    waste that is constructed primarily of nonearthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete,
    steel, plastic) which that provide structural support.
    “Tank system” means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated
    ancillary equipment and containment system.
    “TEQ” means toxicity equivalence, the international method of relating the
    toxicity of various dioxin and furan congeners to the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetra-
    “Thermal treatment” means the treatment of hazardous waste in a device that uses
    elevated temperatures as the primary means to change the chemical, physical, or
    biological character or composition of the hazardous waste. Examples of thermal
    treatment processes are incineration, molten salt, pyrolysis, calcination, wet air
    oxidation, and microwave discharge. (See also “incinerator” and “open burning.”.)
    “Thermostat” means a temperature control device that contains metallic mercury in
    an ampule attached to a bimetal sensing element and mercury-containing ampules
    that have been removed from such a temperature control device in compliance with
    the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.113(c)(2) or 733.133(c)(2).

    “Totally enclosed treatment facility” means a facility for the treatment of hazardous
    waste that is directly connected to an industrial production process and which is
    constructed and operated in a manner which that prevents the release of any
    hazardous waste or any constituent thereof into the environment during treatment.
    An example is a pipe in which waste acid is neutralized.
    “Transfer facility” means any transportation related facility, including loading docks,
    parking areas, storage areas, and other similar areas where shipments of hazardous
    waste are held during the normal course of transportation.
    “Transport vehicle” means a motor vehicle or rail car used for the transportation of
    cargo by any mode. Each cargo-carrying body (trailer, railroad freight car, etc.) is a
    separate transport vehicle.
    “Transportation” means the movement of hazardous waste by air, rail, highway, or
    “Transporter” means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of hazardous
    waste by air, rail, highway, or water.
    “Treatability study” means the following:
    A study in which a hazardous waste is subjected to a treatment process to
    determine the following:
    Whether the waste is amenable to the treatment process;
    What pretreatment (if any) is required;
    The optimal process conditions needed to achieve the desired
    The efficiency of a treatment process for a specific waste or wastes;
    The characteristics and volumes of residuals from a particular
    treatment process;
    Also included in this definition for the purpose of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.104(e) and (f) exemptions are liner compatibility, corrosion and other
    material compatibility studies, and toxicological and health effects studies. A
    treatability study is not a means to commercially treat or dispose of
    hazardous waste.

    “Treatment” means any method, technique, or process, including neutralization,
    designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of
    any hazardous waste so as to neutralize the waste, recover energy or material
    resources from the waste, or render the waste non-hazardous or less hazardous; safer
    to transport, store, or dispose of; or amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or
    reduced in volume.
    “Treatment zone” means a soil area of the unsaturated zone of a land treatment unit
    within which hazardous constituents are degraded, transformed, or immobilized.
    “Underground injection” means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a
    bored, drilled, or driven well or through a dug well, where the depth of the dug well
    is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See also “injection well.”.)
    “Underground tank” means a device meeting the definition of tank whose entire
    surface area is totally below the surface of and covered by the ground.
    “Unfit-for-use tank system” means a tank system that has been determined, through
    an integrity assessment or other inspection, to be no longer capable of storing or
    treating hazardous waste without posing a threat of release of hazardous waste to the
    “United States” means the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
    Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the
    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
    “Universal waste” means any of the following hazardous wastes that are managed
    under the universal waste requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733:
    Batteries, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.102;
    Pesticides, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.103;
    Thermostats, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.104; and
    Lamps, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.105.
    “Universal waste handler” means either of the following:
    A generator (as defined in this Section) of universal waste; or
    The owner or operator of a facility, including all contiguous property, that
    receives universal waste from other universal waste handlers, accumulates

    the universal waste, and sends that universal waste to another universal waste
    handler, to a destination facility, or to a foreign destination.
    “Universal waste handler” does not mean either of the following:
    A person that treats (except under the provisions of Section
    733.113(a) or (c) or 733.133(a) or (c)), disposes of, or recycles
    universal waste; or
    A person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by
    air, rail, highway, or water, including a universal waste transfer
    “Universal waste transporter” means a person engaged in the off-site transportation
    of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.
    “Unsaturated zone” or “zone of aeration” means the zone between the land surface
    and the water table.
    “Uppermost aquifer” means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground
    surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically
    interconnected with this aquifer within the facility’s property boundary.
    “USDOT” or “Department of Transportation” means the United States Department
    of Transportation.
    “Used oil” means any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil,
    that has been used and as a result of such use is contaminated by physical or
    chemical impurities.
    “USEPA” or “EPA” or “U.S. EPA” means the United States Environmental
    Protection Agency.
    “Vessel” includes every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a
    means of transportation on the water.
    “Wastewater treatment unit” means a device of which the following is true:
    It is part of a wastewater treatment facility that has an NPDES permit
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309 or a pretreatment permit or authorization
    to discharge pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 310; and
    It receives and treats or stores an influent wastewater that is a hazardous
    waste as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103, or generates and accumulates

    a wastewater treatment sludge which that is a hazardous waste as defined in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103, or treats or stores a wastewater treatment sludge
    which that is a hazardous waste as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103; and
    It meets the definition of tank or tank system in this Section.
    “Water (bulk shipment)” means the bulk transportation of hazardous waste that is
    loaded or carried on board a vessel without containers or labels.
    “Well” means any shaft or pit dug or bored into the earth, generally of a cylindrical
    form, and often walled with bricks or tubing to prevent the earth from caving in.
    “Well injection” (See “underground injection.”.)
    “Zone of engineering control” means an area under the control of the owner or
    operator that, upon detection of a hazardous waste release, can be readily cleaned up
    prior to the release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents to groundwater or
    surface water.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.111 References
    The following documents are incorporated by reference for the purposes of this Part and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 703 through 705, 721 through 726, 728, 730, 733, 738, and 739:
    a) Non-Regulatory Government Publications and Publications of Recognized
    Organizations and Associations:
    ACI. Available from the American Concrete Institute, Box 19150,
    Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219:
    ACI 318-83: “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
    Concrete,” adopted September 1983.
    ANSI. Available from the American National Standards Institute, 1430
    Broadway, New York, New York 10018, 212-354-3300:
    ANSI B31.3 and B31.4. See ASME/ANSI B31.3 and B31.4.
    API. Available from the American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street,
    N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, 202-682-8000:

    “Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks
    and Piping Systems,” API Recommended Practice 1632, Second
    Edition, December 1987.
    “Evaporative Loss from External Floating-Roof Tanks,” API
    Publication 2517, Third Edition, February 1989.
    “Guide for Inspection of Refinery Equipment, Chapter XIII,
    Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks,” 4th Edition, 1981,
    reaffirmed December 1987.
    “Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems,” API
    Recommended Practice 1615, Fourth Edition, November 1987.
    ASME. Available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
    345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, 212-705-7722:
    “Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping,” ASME/ANSI
    B31.3-1987, as supplemented by B31.3a-1988 and B31.3b-1988.
    Also available from ANSI.
    “Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid
    Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols,”
    ASME/ANSI B31.4-1986, as supplemented by B31.4a-1987. Also
    available from ANSI.
    ASTM. Available from American Society for Testing and Materials, 100
    Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, 610-832-9585:
    ASTM C 94-90, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed
    Concrete, approved March 30, 1990.
    ASTM D 88-87, Standard Test Method for Saybolt Viscosity,
    April 24, 1981, reapproved January 1987.
    ASTM D 93-85, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by
    Pensky-Martens Closed Tester, approved October 25, 1985.
    ASTM D 140–70, Standard Practice for Sampling Bituminous
    Materials, approved 1970.
    ASTM D 346–75, Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation
    of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis, approved 1975.

    ASTM D 420–69, Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering,
    Design, and Construction Purposes, approved 1969.
    ASTM D 1452–65, Standard Practice for Soil Investigation and
    Sampling by Auger Borings, approved 1965.
    ASTM D 1946-90, Standard Practice for Analysis of Reformed
    Gas by Gas Chromatography, approved March 30, 1990.
    ASTM D 2161-87, Standard Practice for Conversion of Kinematic
    Viscosity to Saybolt Universal or to Saybolt Furol Viscosity,
    March 27, 1987.
    ASTM D 2234–76, Standard Practice for Collection of a Gross
    Sample of Coal, approved 1976.
    ASTM D 2267-88, Standard Test Method for Aromatics in Light
    Naphthas and Aviation Gasolines by Gas Chromatography,
    approved November 17, 1988.
    ASTM D 2382-88, Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion
    of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (High Precision
    Method), approved October 31, 1988.
    ASTM D 2879-92, Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure-
    Temperature Relationship and Initial Decomposition Temperature
    of Liquids by Isoteniscope, approved 1992.
    ASTM D 3828-87, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point of
    Liquids by Setaflash Closed Tester, approved December 14, 1988.
    ASTM E 168-88, Standard Practices for General Techniques of
    Infrared Quantitative Analysis, approved May 27, 1988.
    ASTM E 169-87, Standard Practices for General Techniques of
    Ultraviolet-Visible Quantitative Analysis, approved February 1,
    ASTM E 260-85, Standard Practice for Packed Column Gas
    Chromatography, approved June 28, 1985.
    ASTM Method G 21-70 (1984a), Standard Practice for
    Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymer Materials to Fungi.

    ASTM Method G 22-76 (1984b), Standard Practice for
    Determining Resistance of Plastics to Bacteria.
    MICE. Methods Information Communication Exchange Service, 703-
    “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
    Methods,” USEPA publication number SW-846, Update IIIA
    (April 1998).
    GPO. Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
    Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402,202-512-1800:
    Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1972), and 1977
    Supplement, republished in 1983.
    “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
    Methods,” USEPA Publication number SW-846 (Third Edition,
    November 1986), as amended by Updates I (July 1992), II
    (September 1994), IIA (August, 1993), IIB (January 1995), and III
    (December 1996) (document number 955-001-00000-1).
    NACE. Available from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers,
    1400 South Creek Dr., Houston, TX 77084, 713-492-0535:
    “Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially
    Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems,” NACE
    Recommended Practice RP-02-85, approved March 1985.
    NFPA. Available from the National Fire Protection Association,
    Batterymarch Park, Boston, MA 02269, 617-770-3000 or 800-344-3555:
    “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,” NFPA 30, issued
    July 17, 1987. Also available from ANSI.
    NTIS. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National
    Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA
    22161, 703-605-6000 or 800-553-6847:
    APTI Course 415: Control of Gaseous Emissions, PB80-208895,
    December 1981.

    “Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Land Disposal
    Restrictions Program,” EPA/530-SW-87-011, March 15, 1987
    (document number PB88-170766).
    “Guideline on Air Quality Models,” Revised 1986 (document
    number PB86-245-248 (Guideline) and PB88-150-958
    (Supplement), also set forth at 40 CFR 51, Appendix W).
    “Method 164, Revision A, n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM;
    Oil and Grease) and Silica Gel Treated n-Hexane Extractable
    Material (SGT-HEM; Non-polar Material) by Extraction and
    Gravimetry” (document number PB99-121949).
    “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,” Third
    Edition, March 1983 (document number PB84-128677).
    “Methods Manual for Compliance with BIF Regulations,”
    December 1990 (document number PB91-120-006).
    “Petitions to Delist Hazardous Wastes — A Guidance Manual,
    Second Edition,” EPA/530-R-93-007, March 1993 (document
    number PB93-169 365).
    “Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of
    Stationary Sources,” October 1992, publication number EPA-
    “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
    Methods,” USEPA Publication number SW-846 (Third Edition,
    November 1986), as amended by Updates I (July 1992), II
    (September 1994), IIA (August 1993), IIB (January 1995), III
    (December 1996), and IIIA (April 1998) (document number 955-
    OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
    Environment Directorate, 2 rue Andre Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16,
    OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals, Method 301B: “CO2
    Evolution (Modified Sturm Test),” adopted 17 July 1992.
    Table 2.B of the Annex of OECD Council Decision
    C(88)90(Final) of 27 May 1988.

    STI. Available from the Steel Tank Institute, 728 Anthony Trail,
    Northbrook, IL 60062, 708-498-1980:
    “Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks”
    USDOD. Available from the United States Department of Defense:
    “DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards” (DOD
    6055.9-STD), as in effect in July 1999.
    The Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (DD Form 626), as in effect
    on November 8, 1995.
    Requisition Tracking Form (DD Form 1348), as in effect on
    November 8, 1995.
    The Signature and Tally Record (DD Form 1907), as in effect on
    November 8, 1995.
    Special Instructions for Motor Vehicle Drivers (DD Form 836), as
    in effect on November 8, 1995.
    USEPA. Available from United States Environmental Protection Agency,
    Office of Drinking Water, State Programs Division, WH 550 E,
    Washington, D.C. 20460:
    “Technical Assistance Document: Corrosion, Its Detection and
    Control in Injection Wells,” EPA 570/9-87-002, August 1987.
    USEPA. Available from Receptor Analysis Branch, USEPA (MD-14),
    Research Triangle Park, NC 27711:
    “Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste
    Streams,” EPA 600/2–80–018, January 1980.
    “Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of
    Stationary Sources, Revised,” October 1992, publication number
    USEPA. Available from RCRA Docket Information Center (RIC), 1235
    Jefferson Davis Highway, first floor, Arlington, VA 22202, 401 M Street,
    SW, Washington, D.C. 20460 (phone: 202-566-0270) (Docket # F-94-

    OECD Amber List of Wastes, Appendix 4 to the OECD Council
    Decision C(92)39/FINAL (Concerning the Control of
    Transfrontier Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery
    Operations) (May 1993).
    OECD Green List of Wastes, Appendix 3 to the OECD Council
    Decision C(92)39/FINAL (Concerning the Control of
    Transfrontier Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery
    Operations) (May 1994).
    OECD Red List of Wastes, Appendix 5 to the OECD Council
    Decision C(92)39/FINAL (Concerning the Control of
    Transfrontier Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery
    Operations) (May 1993).
    Table 2.B of the Annex of OECD Council Decision
    C(88)90(Final) (May 27, 1988).
    USEPA Region 6. Available from United States Environmental
    Protection Agency, Region 6, Multimedia Permitting and Planning
    Division, 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75202 (phone: 214-665-7430):
    “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the
    Petitioner,” March 23, 2000.
    USGSA. Available from the United States Government Services
    Government Bill of Lading (GBL) (GSA Standard Form 1109), as
    in effect on November 8, 1995.
    b) Code of Federal Regulations. Available from the Superintendent of Documents,
    U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20401, 202-783-3238:
    10 CFR 20.2006 (2002)
    10 CFR 20, Appendix B (2002)
    10 CFR 71 (2002)
    40 CFR 51.100(ii) (2002)
    40 CFR 51, Appendix W (2002)

    40 CFR 52.741, Appendix B (2002)
    40 CFR 60 (2002)
    40 CFR 61, Subpart V (2002)
    40 CFR 63 (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 77687 (December 19,
    40 CFR 136 (2002), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 65220 (October 23, 2002)
    and 67 Fed. Reg. 65876 (October 29, 2002)
    40 CFR 142 (2002)
    40 CFR 220 (2002)
    40 CFR 232.2 (2002)
    40 CFR 260.20 (2002)
    40 CFR 264 (2002)
    40 CFR 268.41 (1990)
    40 CFR 268, Appendix IX (2002)
    40 CFR 270.5 (2002)
    40 CFR 302.4, 302.5, and 302.6 (2002)
    40 CFR 423, appendix A (2002)
    40 CFR 761 (2002)
    49 CFR 107 (2001) (2002)
    49 CFR 171 (2001) (2002)
    49 CFR 172 (2001) (2002)
    49 CFR 173 (2001) (2002)
    49 CFR 178 (2001) (2002)

    49 CFR 179 (2001) (2002)
    c) Federal Statutes
    Sections 201(v), 201(w), and 360b(j) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
    Cosmetic Act (FFDCA; 21 USC 321(v), 321(w), and 512(j)), as amended
    through October 25, 1994.
    Section 1412 of the Department of Defense Authorization Act of 1986,
    Pub. L. 99-145, 50 USC 1521(j)(1) (1997).
    d) This Section incorporates no later editions or amendments.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.120 Rulemaking
    a) Any person may petition the Board to adopt as State regulations rules that are
    identical in substance with newly-adopted federal amendments or regulations.
    The petition shall must take the form of a proposal for rulemaking pursuant to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 102. The proposal shall must include a listing of all amendments
    to 40 CFR 260 through 266, 268, or 273, or 279 that have been made since the
    last preceding amendment or proposal to amend 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through
    726, 728, or 733, or 739, pursuant to Section 22.4(a) of the Environmental
    Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.4(a)].
    b) Any person may petition the Board to adopt amendments or additional regulations
    not identical in substance with federal regulations. Such proposal shall must
    conform to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 102 and Title VII and Section 22.4(b) or 22.4(c)
    and Title VII of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.4(b) or (c) and
    Title VII].
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.121 Alternative Equivalent Testing Methods
    a) The Agency has no authority to alter the universe of regulated wastes.
    Modification of testing methods that are stated in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 requires
    rulemaking pursuant to Section 720.120. However, deviation from these methods
    is allowed under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, as observed, for example, by in the
    Board Note appended to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.120(c).

    b) The Agency may approve alternative equivalent testing methods for a particular
    person’s use to determine whether specified waste streams are subject to these
    regulations. This shall must be done by permit condition or letter.
    c) The testing methods specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 or alternative equivalent
    testing methods approved by the Agency need not be applied to identify or
    distinguish waste streams that are known, admitted, or assumed to be subject to
    these regulations. In this case, any method may be used, subject to the Agency’s
    authority over to approve the testing procedures (Section 725.113) used.
    d) Any petition to the Board or request to the Agency concerning alternative
    equivalent testing methods must include the information required by 40 CFR
    Section 260.21(b).
    e) Alternative equivalent testing methods will not be approved if the result of the
    approval would make the Illinois RCRA Subtitle C program less than
    substantially equivalent to the federal.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.122 Waste Delisting
    a) Any person seeking to exclude a waste from a particular generating facility from
    the lists in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D may file a petition, as
    specified in subsection (n) below of this Section. The Board will grant the
    petition if the following occur:
    1) The petitioner demonstrates that the waste produced by a particular
    generating facility does not meet any of the criteria under which the waste
    was listed as a hazardous or acute hazardous waste; and
    2) If the Board determines that there is a reasonable basis to believe that
    factors (including additional constituents) other than those for which the
    waste was listed could cause the waste to be a hazardous waste, that such
    factors do not warrant retaining the waste as a hazardous waste. A Board
    determination under the preceding sentence must be made by reliance on,
    and in a manner consistent with, “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance
    Manual”, “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the
    Petitioner,” incorporated by reference in Section 720.111. A waste that is
    so excluded, however, still may be a hazardous waste by operation of
    Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.

    b) Listed wastes and mixtures. A person may also petition the Board to exclude
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(a)(2)(B) or (a)(2)(C), a waste that is described in
    these Sections and is either a waste listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Subpart D, or is derived from a waste listed in that Subpart. This exclusion
    may only be granted for a particular generating, storage, treatment, or disposal
    facility. The petitioner shall must make the same demonstration as required by
    subsection (a) above of this Section. Where the waste is a mixture of a solid
    waste and one or more listed hazardous wastes or is derived from one or more
    listed hazardous wastes, the demonstration must be made with respect to the
    waste mixture as a whole; analyses must be conducted for not only those
    constituents for which the listed waste contained in the mixture was listed as
    hazardous, but also for factors (including additional constituents) that could cause
    the waste mixture to be a hazardous waste. A waste that is so excluded may still
    be a hazardous waste by operation of Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart
    c) Ignitable, corrosive, reactive and toxicity characteristic wastes. If the waste is
    listed in codes “I,”, “C,”, “R” or “E” in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Subpart D:
    1) The petitioner shall must demonstrate that the waste does not exhibit the
    relevant characteristic for which the waste was listed, as defined in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721.121, 721.122, 721.123, or 721.124, using any applicable
    methods prescribed in those Sections. The petitioner shall must also show
    that the waste does not exhibit any of the other characteristics, defined in
    those Sections, using any applicable methods prescribed in those Sections;
    2) Based on a complete petition, the Board will determine, if it has a
    reasonable basis to believe that factors (including additional constituents)
    other than those for which the waste was listed could cause the waste to be
    hazardous waste, that such factors do not warrant retaining the waste as a
    hazardous waste. A Board determination under the preceding sentence
    must be made by reliance on, and in a manner consistent with, “Petitions
    to Delist--A Guidance Manual”, “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--
    Guidance Manual for the Petitioner,” incorporated by reference in Section
    720.111. A waste that is so excluded, however, may still be a hazardous
    waste by operation of Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.
    d) Toxic waste. If the waste is listed in code “T” in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Subpart D:
    1) The petitioner shall must demonstrate that the waste fulfills the following

    A) Does
    It does not contain the constituent or constituents (as defined
    in Appendix G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G) that caused
    U.S. EPA USEPA to list the waste, using the appropriate test
    methods prescribed in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, U.S. EPA USEPA Publication SW-
    846, as incorporated by reference in Section 720.111; or
    B) Although containing one or more of the hazardous constituents (as
    defined in Appendix G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G) that
    caused U.S. EPA USEPA to list the waste, the waste does not meet
    the criterion of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(3) when considering
    the factors used in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(3)(A) through
    (a)(3)(K) under which the waste was listed as hazardous; and
    2) Based on a complete petition, the Board will determine, if it has a
    reasonable basis to believe that factors (including additional constituents)
    other than those for which the waste was listed could cause the waste to be
    hazardous waste, that such factors do not warrant retaining the waste as a
    hazardous waste.
    3) The petitioner shall must demonstrate that the waste does not exhibit any
    of the characteristics, defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.121, 721.122,
    721.123, or 721.124, using any applicable methods prescribed in those
    4) A waste that is so excluded, however, may still be a hazardous waste by
    operation of Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.
    e) Acute hazardous waste. If the waste is listed with the code “H” in Subpart D of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D:
    1) The petitioner shall must demonstrate that the waste does not meet the
    criterion of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(2); and
    2) Based on a complete petition, the Board will determine, if it has a
    reasonable basis to believe that factors (including additional constituents)
    other than those for which the waste was listed could cause the waste to be
    hazardous waste, that such factors do not warrant retaining the waste as a
    hazardous waste. A Board determination under the preceding sentence
    must be made by reliance on, and in a manner consistent with, “Petitions
    to Delist--A Guidance Manual”, “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--
    Guidance Manual for the Petitioner,” incorporated by reference in Section

    3) The petitioner shall must demonstrate that the waste does not exhibit any
    of the characteristics, defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.121, 721.122,
    721.123, or 721.124, using any applicable methods prescribed in those
    4) A waste that is so excluded, however, may still be a hazardous waste by
    operation of Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.
    h) Demonstration samples must consist of enough representative samples, but in no
    case less than four samples, taken over a period of time sufficient to represent the
    variability or the uniformity of the waste.
    i) Each petition must include, in addition to the information required by subsection
    (n) below of this Section:
    1) The name and address of the laboratory facility performing the sampling
    or tests of the waste;
    2) The names and qualifications of the persons sampling and testing the
    3) The dates of sampling and testing;
    4) The location of the generating facility;
    5) A description of the manufacturing processes or other operations and feed
    materials producing the waste and an assessment of whether such
    processes, operations, or feed materials can or might produce a waste that
    is not covered by the demonstration;
    6) A description of the waste and an estimate of the average and maximum
    monthly and annual quantities of waste covered by the demonstration;
    7) Pertinent data on and discussion of the factors delineated in the respective
    criterion for listing a hazardous waste, where the demonstration is based
    on the factors in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(3);
    8) A description of the methodologies and equipment used to obtain the
    representative samples;
    9) A description of the sample handling and preparation techniques,
    including techniques used for extraction, containerization, and
    preservation of the samples;

    10) A description of the tests performed (including results);
    11) The names and model numbers of the instruments used in performing the
    tests; and
    12) The following statement signed by the generator or the generator’s
    authorized representative:
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and
    am familiar with the information submitted in this demonstration
    and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those
    individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,
    I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate and
    complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
    submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
    j) After receiving a petition, the Board may request any additional information that
    the Board needs to evaluate the petition.
    k) An exclusion will only apply to the waste generated at the individual facility
    covered by the demonstration and will not apply to waste from any other facility.
    l) The Board will exclude only part of the waste for which the demonstration is
    submitted if the Board determines that variability of the waste justifies a partial
    BOARD NOTE: See “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance Manual”, “EPA RCRA
    Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner,” incorporated by
    reference in Section 720.111.
    m) Delisting of specific wastes from specific sources that have been adopted by U.S.
    EPA USEPA may be proposed as State regulations that are identical in substance
    pursuant to Section 720.120(a).
    n) Delistings that have not been adopted by U.S. EPA USEPA may be proposed to
    the Board pursuant to a petition for adjusted standard pursuant to Subpart D of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104. The justification for the adjusted standard is
    as specified in subsections (a) through (g) above of this Section, as applicable to
    the waste in question. The petition must be clearly labeled as a RCRA delisting
    adjusted standard petition.

    1) In accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.710 101.304, the petitioner
    shall must serve copies of the petition, and any other documents filed with
    the Board, on U.S. EPA USEPA at the following addresses:
    Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
    1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20460
    U.S. EPAUSEPA, Region V 5
    230 S. Dearborn Street
    77 West Jackson Boulevard
    Chicago, IL 60604
    2) The Board will mail copies of all opinions and orders to U.S. EPA USEPA
    at the above addresses.
    3) In conjunction with the normal updating of the RCRA regulations, the
    Board will maintain, in Appendix I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix I,
    a listing of all adjusted standards granted by the Board.
    o) The Agency may determine in a permit or a letter directed to a generator that,
    based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, a waste from a particular source is not subject to
    these regulations. Such a finding is evidence against the Agency in any
    subsequent proceedings but shall will not be conclusive with reference to other
    persons or the Board.
    p) Any petition to delist directed to the Board or request for determination directed
    to the Agency must include a showing that the waste will be generated or
    managed in Illinois.
    q) The Board will not grant any petition that would render the Illinois RCRA
    program less stringent than if the decision were made by U.S. EPA USEPA.
    r) Delistings apply only within Illinois. Generators shall must comply with 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 722 for waste that is hazardous in any state to which it is to be
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.123 Petitions for Regulation as Universal Waste
    a) Any person seeking to add a hazardous waste or a category of hazardous waste to
    the universal waste regulations of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 may petition for a

    regulatory amendment under this Section, Section 720.120, and Subpart G of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 733.Subpart G.
    b) Petition and Demonstration.
    1) To be successful, the petitioner must demonstrate each of the following:
    A) That regulation under the universal waste regulations of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 733 is appropriate for the waste or category of waste;
    B) That regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 will improve
    management practices for the waste or category of waste; and
    C) That regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 will improve
    implementation of the hazardous waste program.
    2) The petition must include the information required by Section 720.120(b).
    The petition should also address as many of the factors listed in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 733.181 as are appropriate for the waste or category of waste
    addressed in the petition.
    c) The Board will grant or deny a petition using the factors listed in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 733.181. The decision will be based on the weight of evidence that shows
    the following with regard to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733:
    1) That it is appropriate for the waste or category of waste,
    2) That it will improve management practices for the waste or category of
    waste, and
    3) That it will improve implementation of the hazardous waste program.
    d) The Board may request additional information to that set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 733.181, as needed to evaluate the merits of the petition.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.132 Boiler Determinations
    In accordance with the standards and criteria in Section 720.110 (definition of “boiler”), and the
    procedures in 720.133, the Board will determine on a case-by-case basis that certain enclosed
    devices using controlled flame combustion are boilers, even though they do not otherwise meet
    the definition of boiler contained in Section 720.110, after considering the following criteria:

    a) The extent to which the unit has provisions for recovering and exporting thermal
    energy in the form of steam, heated fluids or heated gases; and
    b) The extent to which the combustion chamber and energy recovery equipment are
    of integral design; and
    c) The efficiency of energy recovery, calculated in terms of the recovered energy
    compared with the thermal value of the fuel; and
    d) The extent to which exported energy is utilized; and
    e) The extent to which the device is in common and customary use as a “boiler”
    functioning primarily to produce steam, heated fluids or heated gases; and
    f) Other relevant factors.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.133 Procedures for Determinations
    The Board will use the procedures of Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106 104 for determining
    whether a material is a solid waste or for determining whether a particular enclosed flame
    combustion device is a boiler.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.140 Additional regulation Regulation of certain hazardous waste Certain
    Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities on a case-by-case Case-by-Case
    a) The Agency may decide on a case-by-case basis that persons accumulating or
    storing the recyclable materials described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.106(a)(2)(D)
    should be regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.106(b) and (c) rather than under
    the provisions of Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F. The basis for
    this decision is that the materials are being accumulated or stored in a manner that
    does not protect human health and the environment because the materials or their
    toxic constituents have not been adequately contained, or because the materials
    being accumulated or stored together are incompatible. In making this decision,
    the Agency shall must consider the following factors:
    1) The types of materials accumulated or stored and the amounts
    accumulated or stored;
    2) The method of accumulation or storage;

    3) The length of time the materials have been accumulated or stored before
    being reclaimed;
    4) Whether any contaminants are being released into the environment, or are
    likely to be so released; and
    5) Other relevant factors.
    b) The procedures for this decision are set forth in Section 720.141.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.141 Procedures for case-by-case regulation Case-by-Case Regulation of
    hazardous waste Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities
    The Agency shall must use the following procedures when determining whether to regulate
    hazardous waste recycling activities described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.106(a)(2)(D) under the
    provisions of 35 Ill Adm. Code 721.106(b) and (c) rather than under the provisions of Subpart F
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F.
    a) If a generator is accumulating the waste, the Agency shall must issue a notice
    setting forth the factual basis for the decision and stating that the person shall
    must comply with the applicable requirements of Subparts A, C, D and E of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subparts A, C, D and E. The notice will become final within
    30 days, unless the person served requests a public hearing to challenge the
    decision. Upon receiving such a request, the Agency shall must hold a public
    hearing. The Agency shall must provide notice of the hearing to the public and
    allow public participation at the hearing. The Agency shall must issue a final
    written memorandum of decision after the hearing stating whether or not
    compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 is required, and setting forth the reasons
    for the Agency’s decision, including all findings of fact and conclusions of law.
    Such memorandum of decision shall will constitute a final administrative action,
    and may be appealed to the Board. The decision becomes effective 35 days after
    service of the decision unless the Agency specifies a later date or unless an appeal
    has been filed with the Board. The decision may be appealed to the Board by any
    person who participated in the hearing. Proceedings before the Board shall must
    be in general accordance with the rules set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 105.
    b) If the person is accumulating the recyclable material as a storage facility, the
    notice must state that the person shall must obtain a permit in accordance with all
    applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705. The owner or
    operator of the facility shall must apply for a permit within no less than 60 days
    and no more than six months of notice, as specified in the notice. If the owner or

    operator of the facility wishes to challenge the Agency’s decision, it may do so in
    its permit application, in a public hearing held on the draft permit, or in comments
    filed on the draft permit or on the notice of intent to deny the permit. The fact
    sheet accompanying the permit will specify the reasons for the Agency’s
    determination. The question of whether the Agency’s decision was proper will
    remain open for consideration during the public comment period discussed under
    Subparts D and E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 705.Subparts D and E, and in any
    subsequent hearing.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 720.Appendix A Overview of 40 CFR, Subtitle C Regulations
    See Appendix I to 40 CFR 260.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    PART 721
    721.101 Purpose and Scope
    721.102 Definition of Solid Waste
    721.103 Definition of Hazardous Waste
    721.104 Exclusions
    721.105 Special Requirements for Hazardous Waste Generated by Small Quantity
    721.106 Requirements for Recyclable Materials
    721.107 Residues of Hazardous Waste in Empty Containers
    721.108 PCB Wastes Regulated under TSCA
    721.109 Requirements for Universal Waste
    721.110 Criteria for Identifying the Characteristics of Hazardous Waste
    721.111 Criteria for Listing Hazardous Waste

    721.120 General
    721.121 Characteristic of Ignitability
    721.122 Characteristic of Corrosivity
    721.123 Characteristic of Reactivity
    721.124 Toxicity Characteristic
    721.130 General
    721.131 Hazardous Wastes from Nonspecific Sources
    721.132 Hazardous Waste from Specific Sources
    721.133 Discarded Commercial Chemical Products, Off-Specification Species, Container
    Residues, and Spill Residues Thereof
    721.135 Wood Preserving Wastes
    721.138 Comparable or Syngas Fuel Exclusion
    721.Appendix A Representative Sampling Methods
    721.Appendix B Method 1311 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
    721.Appendix C Chemical Analysis Test Methods
    Table A Analytical Characteristics of Organic Chemicals (Repealed)
    Table B Analytical Characteristics of Inorganic Species (Repealed)
    Table C Sample Preparation/Sample Introduction Techniques (Repealed)
    721.Appendix G Basis for Listing Hazardous Wastes
    721.Appendix H Hazardous Constituents
    721.Appendix I Wastes Excluded by Administrative Action
    Table A Wastes Excluded by U.S. EPA USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22
    from Non-Specific Sources
    Table B Wastes Excluded by USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22 from
    Specific Sources
    Table C Wastes Excluded by U.S. EPA USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22
    from Commercial Chemical Products, Off-Specification Species,
    Container Residues, and Soil Residues Thereof
    Table D Wastes Excluded by the Board by Adjusted Standard
    721.Appendix J Method of Analysis for Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and
    Dibenzofurans (Repealed)
    721.Appendix Y Table to Section 721.138
    721.Appendix Z Table to Section 721.102
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2 and 22.4 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 22.4 and 27].

    SOURCE: Adopted in R81-22 at 5 Ill. Reg. 9781, effective May 17, 1982; amended and
    codified in R81-22 at 6 Ill. Reg. 4828, effective May 17, 1982; amended in R82-18 at 7 Ill. Reg.
    2518, effective February 22, 1983; amended in R82-19 at 7 Ill. Reg. 13999, effective October 12,
    1983; amended in R84-34, 61 at 8 Ill. Reg. 24562, effective December 11, 1984; amended in
    R84-9 at 9 Ill. Reg. 11834, effective July 24, 1985; amended in R85-22 at 10 Ill. Reg. 998,
    effective January 2, 1986; amended in R85-2 at 10 Ill. Reg. 8112, effective May 2, 1986;
    amended in R86-1 at 10 Ill. Reg. 14002, effective August 12, 1986; amended in R86-19 at 10 Ill.
    Reg. 20647, effective December 2, 1986; amended in R86-28 at 11 Ill. Reg. 6035, effective
    March 24, 1987; amended in R86-46 at 11 Ill. Reg. 13466, effective August 4, 1987; amended in
    R87-32 at 11 Ill. Reg. 16698, effective September 30, 1987; amended in R87-5 at 11 Ill. Reg.
    19303, effective November 12, 1987; amended in R87-26 at 12 Ill. Reg. 2456, effective January
    15, 1988; amended in R87-30 at 12 Ill. Reg. 12070, effective July 12, 1988; amended in R87-39
    at 12 Ill. Reg. 13006, effective July 29, 1988; amended in R88-16 at 13 Ill. Reg. 382, effective
    December 27, 1988; amended in R89-1 at 13 Ill. Reg. 18300, effective November 13, 1989;
    amended in R90-2 at 14 Ill. Reg. 14401, effective August 22, 1990; amended in R90-10 at 14 Ill.
    Reg. 16472, effective September 25, 1990; amended in R90-17 at 15 Ill. Reg. 7950, effective
    May 9, 1991; amended in R90-11 at 15 Ill. Reg. 9332, effective June 17, 1991; amended in R91-
    1 at 15 Ill. Reg. 14473, effective September 30, 1991; amended in R91-12 at 16 Ill. Reg. 2155,
    effective January 27, 1992; amended in R91-26 at 16 Ill. Reg. 2600, effective February 3, 1992;
    amended in R91-13 at 16 Ill. Reg. 9519, effective June 9, 1992; amended in R92-1 at 16 Ill. Reg.
    17666, effective November 6, 1992; amended in R92-10 at 17 Ill. Reg. 5650, effective March 26,
    1993; amended in R93-4 at 17 Ill. Reg. 20568, effective November 22, 1993; amended in R93-
    16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 6741, effective April 26, 1994; amended in R94-7 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12175,
    effective July 29, 1994; amended in R94-17 at 18 Ill. Reg. 17490, effective November 23, 1994;
    amended in R95-6 at 19 Ill. Reg. 9522, effective June 27, 1995; amended in R95-20 at 20 Ill.
    Reg. 10963, effective August 1, 1996; amended in R96-10/R97-3/R97-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 275,
    effective December 16, 1997; amended in R98-12 at 22 Ill. Reg. 7615, effective April 15, 1998;
    amended in R97-21/R98-3/R98-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 17531, effective September 28, 1998; amended
    in R98-21/R99-2/R99-7 at 23 Ill. Reg. 1718, effective January 19, 1999; amended in R99-15 at
    23 Ill. Reg. 9135, effective July 26, 1999; amended in R00-13 at 24 Ill. Reg. 9481, effective June
    20, 2000; amended in R01-3 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1281, effective January 11, 2001; amended in R01-
    21/R01-23 at 25 Ill. Reg. 9108, effective July 9, 2001; amended in R02-1/R02-12/R02-17 at 26
    Ill. Reg. 6584, effective April 22, 2002; amended in R03-18 at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective
    Section 721.101 Purpose and Scope
    a) This Part identifies those solid wastes which that are subject to regulation as
    hazardous wastes under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, and 722 through 725,
    and 728, and which are subject to the notification requirements of Section 3010 of
    the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 U.S.C. USC 6901 et
    seq.). In this Part:

    1) Subpart A of this Part defines the terms “solid waste” and “hazardous
    waste,” identifies those wastes which that are excluded from regulation
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, and 722 through 726, and 728, and
    establishes special management requirements for hazardous waste
    produced by conditionally exempt small quantity generators and
    hazardous waste which that is recycled.
    2) Subpart B of this Part sets forth the criteria used to identify characteristics
    of hazardous waste and to list particular hazardous wastes.
    3) Subpart C of this Part identifies characteristics of hazardous wastes.
    4) Subpart D of this Part lists particular hazardous wastes.
    b) Limitations on definition of solid waste:.
    1) The definition of solid waste contained in this Part applies only to wastes
    that also are hazardous for purposes of the regulations implementing
    Subtitle C of RCRA. For example, it does not apply to materials (such as
    non-hazardous scrap, paper, textiles or rubber) that are not otherwise
    hazardous wastes and that are recycled.
    2) This Part identifies only some of the materials which that are solid wastes
    and hazardous wastes under Sections 1004(5), 1004(27) and 7003 of
    RCRA. A material which that is not defined as a solid waste in this Part,
    or is not a hazardous waste identified or listed in this Part, is still a
    hazardous waste for purposes of those Sections if, in the case of Section
    7003 of RCRA, the statutory elements are established.
    c) For the purposes of Sections 721.102 and 721.106 the following definitions apply:
    1) A “spent material” is any material that has been used and as a result of
    contamination can no longer serve the purpose for which it was produced
    without processing.
    2) “Sludge” has the same meaning used in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110.
    3) A “by-product” is a material that is not one of the primary products of a
    production process and is not solely or separately produced by the
    production process. Examples are process residues such as slags or
    distillation column bottoms. The term does not include a co-product that
    is produced for the general public’s use and is ordinarily used in the form
    it is produced by the process.

    4) A material is “reclaimed” if it is processed to recover a usable product, or
    if it is regenerated. Examples are recovery of lead values from spent
    batteries and regeneration of spent solvents.
    5) A material is “used or reused” if it is either of the following is true:
    A) Employed
    It is employed as an ingredient (including use as an
    intermediate) in an industrial process to make a product (for
    example, distillation bottoms from one process used as feedstock
    in another process). However, a material will not satisfy this
    condition if distinct components of the material are recovered as
    separate end products (as when metals are recovered from metal-
    containing secondary materials); or
    B) Employed
    It is employed in a particular function or application as
    an effective substitute for a commercial product (for example,
    spent pickle liquor used as phosphorus precipitant and sludge
    conditioner in wastewater treatment).
    6) “Scrap metal” is bits and pieces of metal parts (e.g., bars, turnings, rods,
    sheets, wire) or metal pieces that may be combined together with bolts or
    soldering (e.g., radiators, scrap automobiles, railroad box cars) which that
    when worn or superfluous can be recycled.
    7) A material is “recycled” if it is used, reused or reclaimed.
    8) A material is “accumulated speculatively” if it is accumulated before
    being recycled. A material is not accumulated speculatively, however, if
    the person accumulating it can show that the material is potentially
    recyclable and has a feasible means of being recycled; and that, —during
    the calendar year (commencing on January 1), —the amount of material
    that is recycled, or transferred to a different site for recycling, equals at
    least 75 percent by weight or volume of the amount of that material
    accumulated at the beginning of the period. In calculating the percentage
    of turnover, the 75 percent requirement is to be applied to each material of
    the same type (e.g., slags from a single smelting process) that is recycled
    in the same way (i.e., from which the same material is recovered or that is
    used in the same way). Materials accumulating in units that would be
    exempt from regulation under Section 721.104(c) are not to be included in
    making the calculation. (Materials that are already defined as solid wastes
    also are not to be included in making the calculation.) Materials are no
    longer in this category once they are removed from accumulation for
    recycling, however.

    9) “Excluded scrap metal” is processed scrap metal, unprocessed home scrap
    metal, and unprocessed prompt scrap metal.
    10) “Processed scrap metal” is scrap metal that has been manually or
    physically altered to either separate it into distinct materials to enhance
    economic value or to improve the handling of materials. Processed scrap
    metal includes, but is not limited to, scrap metal that has been baled,
    shredded, sheared, chopped, crushed, flattened, cut, melted, or separated
    by metal type (i.e., sorted), and fines, drosses and related materials that
    have been agglomerated. (Note: shredded circuit boards being sent for
    recycling are not considered processed scrap metal. They are covered
    under the exclusion from the definition of solid waste for shredded circuit
    boards being recycled (Section 721.104(a)(13))).
    11) “Home scrap metal” is scrap metal as generated by steel mills, foundries,
    and refineries, such as turnings, cuttings, punchings, and borings.
    12) “Prompt scrap metal” is scrap metal as generated by the metal
    working/fabrication industries, and it includes such scrap metal as
    turnings, cuttings, punchings, and borings. Prompt scrap metal is also
    known as industrial or new scrap metal.
    d) The Agency has inspection authority pursuant to Section 3007 of RCRA and
    Section 4 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/4].
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.102 Definition of Solid Waste
    a) Solid waste.
    1) A solid waste is any discarded material that is not excluded by Section
    721.104(a) or that is not excluded pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.130
    and 720.131.
    2) A discarded material is any material that is described as follows:
    A) Abandoned, as explained in subsection (b) of this Section;
    B) Recycled, as explained in subsection (c) of this Section;
    C) Considered inherently waste-like, as explained in subsection (d) of
    this Section; or

    D) A military munition identified as a solid waste in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.302.
    b) Materials are A material is a solid waste if they are it is abandoned by being in
    one of the following ways:
    1) Disposed
    It is disposed of; or
    2) Burned
    It is burned or incinerated; or
    3) Accumulated,
    It is accumulated, stored, or treated (but not recycled)
    before or in lieu of being abandoned by being disposed of, burned, or
    c) Materials are
    A material is a solid wastes waste if they are it is recycled--or
    accumulated, stored, or treated before recycling--as specified in subsections (c)(1)
    through (c)(4) of this Section, if they are one of the following occurs with regard
    to the material:
    1) Used
    The material is used in a manner constituting disposal.
    A) Materials
    A material that is noted with a “yes” in column 1 of the
    table in Appendix Z of this Part are is a solid wastes waste when
    they are one of the following occurs:
    i) Applied
    The material is applied to or placed on the land in
    a manner that constitutes disposal; or
    ii) Used
    The material is used to produce products that are
    applied to or placed on the land or are otherwise contained
    in products that are applied to or placed on the land (in
    which cases the product itself remains a solid waste).
    B) However, a
    commercial chemical products product that is listed in
    Section 721.133 are is not a solid wastes waste if they are it is
    applied to the land and that is their its ordinary manner of use.
    2) Burned
    The material is burned for energy recovery.
    A) Materials
    A material that is noted with a “yes” in column 2 of the
    table in Appendix Z of this Part are is a solid wastes waste when
    they are one of the following occurs:

    i) Burned
    It is burned to recover energy;
    ii) Used
    It is used to produce a fuel or are is otherwise
    contained in fuels (in which case the fuel itself remains a
    solid waste);
    iii) Contained
    It is contained in fuels (in which case the fuel
    itself remains a solid waste).
    B) However, a
    commercial chemical products product that is listed in
    Section 721.133 are is not a solid wastes waste if they are
    themselves fuels it is itself a fuel.
    3) Reclaimed. Materials A material noted with a “yes” in column 3 of the
    table in Appendix Z of this Part are is a solid wastes waste when
    reclaimed (except as provided under Section 721.104(a)(17)). Materials A
    material noted with a “--” in column 3 of Appendix Z of this Part are is
    not a solid wastes waste when reclaimed.
    4) Accumulated speculatively. Materials A material noted with “yes” in
    column 4 of the table in Appendix Z of this Part are is a solid wastes waste
    when accumulated speculatively.
    d) Inherently waste-like materials. The following materials are solid wastes when
    they are recycled in any manner:
    1) Hazardous waste numbers F020, F021 (unless used as an ingredient to
    make a product at the site of generation), F022, F023, F026, and F028.
    2) Secondary materials
    A secondary material fed to a halogen acid furnace
    that exhibit exhibits a characteristic of a hazardous waste or are which is
    listed as a hazardous waste, as defined in Subpart C or D of this Part,
    except for brominated material that meets the following criteria:
    A) The material must contain a bromine concentration of at least 45
    B) The material must contain less than a total of one percent of toxic
    organic compounds listed in Appendix H of this Part; and
    C) The material is processed continually on-site in the halogen acid
    furnace via direct conveyance (hard piping).
    3) The following criteria are used to add wastes to the list:

    A) Disposal method or toxicity.
    i) The materials are material is ordinarily disposed of, burned,
    or incinerated; or
    ii) The materials contain material contains toxic constituents
    listed in Appendix H of this Part and these constituents are
    not ordinarily found in raw materials or products for which
    the materials substitute material substitutes (or are found in
    raw materials or products in smaller concentrations) and
    are is not used or reused during the recycling process; and
    B) The material may pose a substantial hazard to human health and
    the environment when recycled.
    e) Materials that are not solid waste when recycled.
    1) Materials are
    A material is not solid wastes a waste when they it can be
    shown to be recycled by being fulfilling one of the following conditions:
    A) Used
    It is used or reused as ingredients an ingredient in an
    industrial process to make a product, provided the materials are
    material is not being reclaimed; or
    B) Used
    It is used or reused as effective substitutes for commercial
    products; or
    C) Returned
    It is returned to the original process from which they are
    it is generated, without first being reclaimed or land disposed. The
    material must be returned as a substitute for feedstock materials.
    In cases where the original process to which the material is
    returned is a secondary process, the materials material must be
    managed in such a manner that there is no placement on the land.
    In cases where the materials are material is generated and
    reclaimed within the primary mineral processing industry, the
    conditions of the exclusion found at Section 721.104(a)(17) apply
    rather than this provision.
    2) The following materials are solid wastes, even if the recycling involves
    use, reuse, or return to the original process (described in subsections
    (e)(1)(A) through (e)(1)(C) of this Section):

    A) Materials
    A material used in a manner constituting disposal or
    used to produce products a product that are is applied to the land;
    B) Materials
    A material burned for energy recovery, used to produce a
    fuel, or contained in fuels; or
    C) Materials
    A material accumulated speculatively; or
    D) Materials
    A material listed in subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this
    f) Documentation of claims that materials are a material is not a solid wastes waste
    or are is conditionally exempt from regulation. Respondents A respondent in an
    actions action to enforce regulations implementing Subtitle C of RCRA or Section
    21 of the Environmental Protection Act that raise raises a claim that a certain
    material is not a solid waste or that the material is conditionally exempt from
    regulation must demonstrate that there is a known market or disposition for the
    material and that they meet the material meets the terms of the exclusion or
    exemption. In doing so, the person must provide appropriate documentation
    (such as contracts showing that a second person uses the material as an ingredient
    in a production process) to demonstrate that the material is not a waste or that the
    material is exempt from regulation. In addition, owners an owner or operators
    operator of facilities a facility claiming that they it actually are is recycling
    materials a material must show that they have it has the necessary equipment to
    do so recycle that material.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.103 Definition of Hazardous Waste
    a) A solid waste, as defined in Section 721.102, is a hazardous waste if the following
    is true of the waste:
    1) It is not excluded from regulation as a hazardous waste under Section
    721.104(b); and
    2) It meets any of the following criteria:
    A) It exhibits any of the characteristics of hazardous waste identified
    in Subpart C of this Part. However, any mixture of a waste from
    the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals
    excluded under Section 721.104(b)(7) and any other solid waste
    exhibiting a characteristic of hazardous waste under Subpart C of

    this Part is a hazardous waste only if it exhibits a characteristic that
    would not have been exhibited by the excluded waste alone if such
    mixture had not occurred, or if the mixture continues to exhibit any
    of the characteristics exhibited by the non-excluded wastes prior to
    mixture. Further, for the purposes of applying the toxicity
    characteristic to such mixtures, the mixture is also a hazardous
    waste if it exceeds the maximum concentration for any
    contaminant listed in Section 721.124 that would not have been
    exceeded by the excluded waste alone if the mixture had not
    occurred or if it continues to exceed the maximum concentration
    for any contaminant exceeded by the nonexempt waste prior to
    B) It is listed in Subpart D of this Part and has not been excluded from
    the lists in Subpart D of this Part under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120
    and 720.122.
    C) This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 261.3(a)(2)(iii), which
    USEPA removed and marked as “reserved” at 66 Fed. Reg. 27266
    (May 16, 2001). This statement maintains structural consistency
    with the federal regulations.
    D) It is a mixture of solid waste and one or more hazardous wastes
    listed in Subpart D of this Part and has not been excluded from this
    subsection (a)(2) under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120 and 720.122,
    subsection (g) of this Section, or subsection (h) of this Section;
    however, the following mixtures of solid wastes and hazardous
    wastes listed in Subpart D of this Part are not hazardous wastes
    (except by application of subsection (a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(B) of this
    Section) if the generator demonstrates that the mixture consists of
    wastewater the discharge of which is subject to regulation under
    either 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309 or 310 (including wastewater at
    facilities that have eliminated the discharge of wastewater) and the
    following is true of the waste:
    i) One
    It is one or more of the following solvents listed in
    Section 721.131: carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene,
    trichloroethylene, provided that the maximum total weekly
    usage of these solvents (other than the amounts that can be
    demonstrated not to be discharged to wastewater) divided
    by the average weekly flow of wastewater into the
    headworks of the facility’s wastewater treatment or
    pretreatment system does not exceed 1 part per million;

    ii) One
    It is one or more of the following spent solvents listed
    in Section 721.131: methylene chloride, 1,1,1-trichloro-
    ethane, chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene, cresols, cresylic
    acid, nitrobenzene, toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, carbon
    disulfide, isobutanol, pyridine, spent chlorofluorocarbon
    solvents, provided that the maximum total weekly usage of
    these solvents (other than the amounts that can be
    demonstrated not to be discharged to wastewater) divided
    by the average weekly flow of wastewater into the
    headworks of the facility’s wastewater treatment or
    pretreatment system does not exceed 25 parts per million;
    iii) One
    It is one of the following wastes listed in Section
    721.132, provided that the wastes are discharged to the
    refinery oil recovery sewer before primary oil/water/solids
    separation: heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from
    the petroleum refining industry (USEPA hazardous waste
    no. K050), crude oil storage tank sediment from petroleum
    refining operations (USEPA hazardous waste number
    K169), clarified slurry oil tank sediment or in-line
    filter/separation solids from petroleum refining operations
    (USEPA hazardous waste number K170), spent
    hydrotreating catalyst (USEPA hazardous waste number
    K171), and spent hydrorefining catalyst (USEPA hazardous
    waste number K172);
    iv) A
    It is a discarded commercial chemical product or
    chemical intermediate listed in Section 721.133 arising
    from de minimis losses of these materials from
    manufacturing operations in which these materials are used
    as raw materials or are produced in the manufacturing
    process. For purposes of this subsection, “de minimis”
    losses include those from normal material handling
    operations (e.g., spills from the unloading or transfer of
    materials from bins or other containers, leaks from pipes,
    valves, or other devices used to transfer materials); minor
    leaks of process equipment, storage tanks, or containers;
    leaks from well-maintained pump packings and seals;
    sample purgings; relief device discharges; discharges from
    safety showers and rinsing and cleaning of personal safety
    equipment; and rinsate from empty containers or from
    containers that are rendered empty by that rinsing;

    v) Wastewater
    It is wastewater resulting from laboratory
    operations containing toxic (T) wastes listed in Subpart D
    of this Part, provided that the annualized average flow of
    laboratory wastewater does not exceed one percent of total
    wastewater flow into the headworks of the facility’s
    wastewater treatment or pretreatment system or provided
    that the wastes’ combined annualized average
    concentration does not exceed one part per million in the
    headworks of the facility’s wastewater treatment or
    pretreatment facility. Toxic (T) wastes used in laboratories
    that are demonstrated not to be discharged to wastewater
    are not to be included in this calculation;
    vi) One
    It is one or more of the following wastes listed in
    Section 721.132: wastewaters from the production of
    carbamates and carbamoyl oximes (USEPA Hazardous
    Waste No. K157), provided that the maximum weekly
    usage of formaldehyde, methyl chloride, methylene
    chloride, and triethylamine (including all amounts that
    cannot be demonstrated to be reacted in the process,
    destroyed through treatment, or recovered, i.e., what is
    discharged or volatilized) divided by the average weekly
    flow of process wastewater prior to any dilutions into the
    headworks of the facility’s wastewater treatment system
    does not exceed a total of 5 parts per million by weight; or
    vii) Wastewaters
    It is wastewater derived from the treatment of
    one or more of the following wastes listed in Section
    721.132: organic waste (including heavy ends, still
    bottoms, light ends, spent solvents, filtrates, and
    decantates) from the production of carbamates and
    carbamoyl oximes (USEPA Hazardous Waste No. K156),
    provided that the maximum concentration of formaldehyde,
    methyl chloride, methylene chloride, and triethylamine
    prior to any dilutions into the headworks of the facility’s
    wastewater treatment system does not exceed a total of 5
    milligrams per liter.
    E) Rebuttable presumption for used oil. Used oil containing more
    than 1,000 ppm total halogens is presumed to be a hazardous waste
    because it has been mixed with halogenated hazardous waste listed
    in Subpart D of this Part. Persons may rebut this presumption by
    demonstrating that the used oil does not contain hazardous waste
    (for example, by using an analytical method from SW-846,

    incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, to show
    that the used oil does not contain significant concentrations of
    halogenated hazardous constituents listed in Appendix H of this
    i) The rebuttable presumption does not apply to a
    metalworking oils oil or fluids fluid containing chlorinated
    paraffins if they are it is processed through a tolling
    arrangement, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739.124(c),
    to reclaim metalworking oils or fluids. The presumption
    does apply to a metalworking oils oil or fluids fluid if such
    oils an oil or fluids are fluid is recycled in any other
    manner, or disposed.
    ii) The rebuttable presumption does not apply to a used oils oil
    contaminated with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) removed
    from refrigeration units where the CFCs are destined for
    reclamation. The rebuttable presumption does apply to a
    used oils oil contaminated with CFCs that have been mixed
    with used oil from sources a source other than a
    refrigeration units unit.
    b) A solid waste that is not excluded from regulation under subsection (a)(1) of this
    Section becomes a hazardous waste when any of the following events occur:
    1) In the case of a waste listed in Subpart D of this Part, when the waste first
    meets the listing description set forth in Subpart D of this Part.
    2) In the case of a mixture of solid waste and one or more listed hazardous
    wastes, when a hazardous waste listed in Subpart D of this Part is first
    added to the solid waste.
    3) In the case of any other waste (including a waste mixture), when the waste
    exhibits any of the characteristics identified in Subpart C of this Part.
    c) Unless and until it meets the criteria of subsection (d) of this Section, a hazardous
    waste will remain a hazardous waste.
    BOARD NOTE: This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 261.3(c)(1). The
    Board has codified 40 CFR 261.3(c)(2) at subsection (e) of this Section.
    d) Any solid waste described in subsection (c) (e) of this Section is not a hazardous
    waste if it meets the following criteria:

    1) In the case of any solid waste, it does not exhibit any of the characteristics
    of hazardous waste identified in Subpart C of this Part. (However, wastes
    that exhibit a characteristic at the point of generation may still be subject
    to the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728, even if they no longer
    exhibit a characteristic at the point of land disposal.)
    2) In the case of a waste that is a listed waste under Subpart D of this Part, a
    waste that contains a waste listed under Subpart D of this Part, or a waste
    that is derived from a waste listed in Subpart D of this Part, it also has
    been excluded from subsection (c) (e) of this Section under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.120 and 720.122.
    e) Specific inclusions and exclusions.
    1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e)(2), (g), or (h) of this
    Section, any solid waste generated from the treatment, storage, or disposal
    of a hazardous waste, including any sludge, spill residue, ash, emission
    control dust, or leachate (but not including precipitation run-off), is a
    hazardous waste. (However, materials that are reclaimed from solid
    wastes and that are used beneficially are not solid wastes and hence are
    not hazardous wastes under this provision unless the reclaimed material is
    burned for energy recovery or used in a manner constituting disposal.)
    2) The following solid wastes are not hazardous even though they are
    generated from the treatment, storage, or disposal of a hazardous waste,
    unless they exhibit one or more of the characteristics of hazardous waste:
    A) Waste pickle liquor sludge generated by lime stabilization of spent
    pickle liquor from the iron and steel industry (SIC Codes 331 and
    B) Wastes from burning any of the materials exempted from
    regulation by Section 721.106(a)(3)(C) and (a)(3)(D).
    C) Nonwastewater residues, such as slag, resulting from high
    temperature metal recovery (HTMR) processing of K061, K062, or
    F006 waste in the units identified in this subsection (e)(2) that are
    disposed of in non-hazardous waste units, provided that these
    residues meet the generic exclusion levels identified in the tables
    in this subsection (e)(2)(C) for all constituents and the residues
    exhibit no characteristics of hazardous waste. The types of units
    identified are rotary kilns, flame reactors, electric furnaces, plasma
    arc furnaces, slag reactors, rotary hearth furnace/electric furnace
    combinations, or the following types of industrial furnaces (as

    defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110): blast furnaces,; smelting,
    melting, and refining furnaces (including pyrometallurgical
    devices such as cupolas, reverberator furnaces, sintering machines,
    roasters, and foundry furnaces),; and other furnaces designated by
    the Agency pursuant to that definition.
    i) Testing requirements must be incorporated in a facility’s
    waste analysis plan or a generator’s self-implementing
    waste analysis plan; at a minimum, composite samples of
    residues must be collected and analyzed quarterly and
    when the process or operation generating the waste
    ii) Persons claiming this exclusion in an enforcement action
    will have the burden of proving by clear and convincing
    evidence that the material meets all of the exclusion
    requirements. The generic exclusion levels are the
    Constituent Maximum for any single
    composite sample (mg/L)
    Generic exclusion levels for K061 and K062
    nonwastewater HTMR residues.:
    Constituent Maximum for any single
    composite sample (mg/L)
    Antimony 0.10
    Arsenic 0.50
    Barium 7.6
    Beryllium 0.010
    Cadmium 0.050
    Chromium (total) 0.33
    Lead 0.15
    Mercury 0.009
    Nickel 1.0
    Selenium 0.16
    Silver 0.30
    Thallium 0.020
    Vanadium 1.26
    Zinc 70
    Generic exclusion levels for F006 nonwastewater HTMR

    Constituent Maximum for any single
    composite sample (mg/L)
    Antimony 0.10
    Arsenic 0.50
    Barium 7.6
    Beryllium 0.010
    Cadmium 0.050
    Chromium (total) 0.33
    Cyanide (total) (mg/kg) 1.8
    Lead 0.15
    Mercury 0.009
    Nickel 1.0
    Selenium 0.16
    Silver 0.30
    Thallium 0.020
    Zinc 70
    iii) A one-time notification and certification must be placed in
    the facility’s files and sent to the Agency (or, for out-of-
    State shipments, to the appropriate Regional Administrator
    of USEPA or the state agency authorized to implement 40
    CFR 268 requirements) for K061, K062, or F006 HTMR
    residues that meet the generic exclusion levels for all
    constituents, and which do not exhibit any characteristics,
    and which are sent to RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid
    waste landfill) units. The notification and certification that
    is placed in the generator’s or treater’s files must be
    updated if the process or operation generating the waste
    changes or if the RCRA Subtitle D unit receiving the waste
    changes. However, the generator or treater need only
    notify the Agency on an annual basis if such changes
    occur. Such notification and certification should be sent to
    the Agency by the end of the calendar year, but no later
    than December 31. The notification must include the
    following information: the name and address of the
    nonhazardous waste management unit receiving the waste
    shipment; the USEPA hazardous waste number and
    treatability group at the initial point of generation; and the
    treatment standards applicable to the waste at the initial
    point of generation. The certification must be signed by an
    authorized representative and must state as follows:

    “I certify under penalty of law that the generic
    exclusion levels for all constituents have been met
    without impermissible dilution and that no
    characteristic of hazardous waste is exhibited. I am
    aware that there are significant penalties for
    submitting a false certification, including the
    possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
    D) Biological treatment sludge from the treatment of one of the
    following wastes listed in Section 721.132: organic waste
    (including heavy ends, still bottoms, light ends, spent solvents,
    filtrates, and decantates) from the production of carbamates and
    carbamoyl oximes (USEPA Hazardous Waste No. K156) and
    wastewaters from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl
    oximes (USEPA Hazardous Waste No. K157).
    E) Catalyst inert support media separated from one of the following
    wastes listed in Section 721.132: spent hydrotreating catalyst
    (USEPA hazardous waste number K171) and spent hydrorefining
    catalyst (USEPA hazardous waste number K172).
    BOARD NOTE: This subsection would normally correspond with 40 CFR
    261.3(e), a subsection which that has been deleted and marked “reserved” by
    USEPA. Rather, this subsection (e) corresponds with 40 CFR 261.3(c)(2), which
    the Board codified here to comport with codification requirements and to enhance
    f) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (e) of this Section and provided the
    debris, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.102, does not exhibit a characteristic
    identified at Subpart C of this Part, the following materials are not subject to
    regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 720, 721 to 726, or 728, or 730:
    1) Hazardous debris as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.102 that has been
    treated using one of the required extraction or destruction technologies
    specified in Table F to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table F; persons claiming
    this exclusion in an enforcement action will have the burden of proving by
    clear and convincing evidence that the material meets all of the exclusion
    requirements; or
    2) Debris, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.102, that the Agency,
    considering the extent of contamination, has determined is no longer
    contaminated with hazardous waste.

    g) Exclusion of certain wastes listed in Subpart D of this Part solely because they
    exhibit a characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity.
    1) A hazardous waste that is listed in Subpart D of this Part solely because it
    exhibits one or more characteristics of ignitability, as defined under
    Section 721.121; corrosivity, as defined under Section 721.122; or
    reactivity, as defined under Section 721.123 is not a hazardous waste if the
    waste no longer exhibits any characteristic of hazardous waste identified
    in Subpart C of this Part.
    2) The exclusion described in subsection (g)(1) of this Section also pertains
    to the following:
    A) Any mixture of a solid waste and a hazardous waste listed in
    Subpart D of this Part solely because it exhibits the characteristics
    of ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity, as regulated under
    subsection (a)(2)(D) of this Section; and
    B) Any solid waste generated from treating, storing, or disposing of a
    hazardous waste listed in Subpart D of this Part solely because it
    exhibits the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity,
    as regulated under subsection (e)(1) of this Section.
    3) Wastes excluded under this subection (g) are subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    728 (as applicable), even if they no longer exhibit a characteristic at the
    point of land disposal.
    h) Eligible radioactive mixed waste.
    1) Hazardous waste containing radioactive waste is no longer a hazardous
    waste when it meets the eligibility criteria and conditions of Subpart N of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart N (i.e., it is “eligible radioactive mixed
    2) The exemption described in subsection (h)(1) of this Section also pertains
    to the following:
    A) Any mixture of a solid waste and an eligible radioactive mixed
    waste; and
    B) Any solid waste generated from treating, storing, or disposing of
    an eligible radioactive mixed waste.

    3) Waste exempted under this subsection (h) must meet the eligibility criteria
    and specified conditions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.325 and 726.330 (for
    storage and treatment) and in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.410 and 726.415 (for
    transportation and disposal). Waste that fails to satisfy these eligibility
    criteria and conditions is regulated as hazardous waste.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.104 Exclusions
    a) Materials that are not solid wastes. The following materials are not solid wastes
    for the purpose of this Part:
    1) Sewage:.
    A) Domestic sewage (untreated sanitary wastes that pass through a
    sewer system); and
    B) Any mixture of domestic sewage and other waste that passes
    through a sewer system to publicly-owned treatment works for
    2) Industrial wastewater discharges that are point source discharges with
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits issued
    by the Agency pursuant to Section 12(f) of the Environmental Protection
    Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.
    BOARD NOTE: This exclusion applies only to the actual point source
    discharge. It does not exclude industrial wastewaters while they are being
    collected, stored, or treated before discharge, nor does it exclude sludges
    that are generated by industrial wastewater treatment.
    3) Irrigation return flows.
    4) Source, by-product, or special nuclear material, as defined by the Atomic
    Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2011 et seq.).
    5) Materials subjected to in-situ mining techniques that are not removed from
    the ground as part of the extraction process.
    6) Pulping liquors (i.e., black liquors) that are reclaimed in a pulping liquor
    recovery furnace and then reused in the pulping process, unless it is
    accumulated speculatively, as defined in Section 721.101(c).

    7) Spent sulfuric acid used to produce virgin sulfuric acid, unless it is
    accumulated speculatively, as defined in Section 721.101(c).
    8) Secondary materials that are reclaimed and returned to the original process
    or processes in which they were generated, where they are reused in the
    production process, provided that the following is true:
    A) Only tank storage is involved, and the entire process through
    completion of reclamation is closed by being entirely connected
    with pipes or other comparable enclosed means of conveyance;
    B) Reclamation does not involve controlled flame combustion (such
    as occurs in boilers, industrial furnaces, or incinerators);
    C) The secondary materials are never accumulated in such tanks for
    over twelve 12 months without being reclaimed; and
    D) The reclaimed material is not used to produce a fuel or used to
    produce products that are used in a manner constituting disposal.
    9) Wood preserving wastes.
    A) Spent wood preserving solutions that have been used and which
    are reclaimed and reused for their original intended purpose;
    B) Wastewaters from the wood preserving process that have been
    reclaimed and which are reused to treat wood; and
    C) Prior to reuse, the wood preserving wastewaters and spent wood
    preserving solutions described in subsections (a)(9)(A) and
    (a)(9)(B) of this Section, so long as they meet all of the following
    i) The wood preserving wastewaters and spent wood
    preserving solutions are reused on-site at water borne
    water-borne plants in the production process for their
    original intended purpose;
    ii) Prior to reuse, the wastewaters and spent wood preserving
    solutions are managed to prevent release to either land or
    groundwater or both;

    iii) Any unit used to manage wastewaters or spent wood
    preserving solutions prior to reuse can be visually or
    otherwise determined to prevent such releases;
    iv) Any drip pad used to manage the wastewaters or spent
    wood preserving solutions prior to reuse complies with the
    standards in Subpart W of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart
    W, regardless of whether the plant generates a total of less
    than 100 kg/month of hazardous waste; and
    v) Prior to operating pursuant to this exclusion, the plant
    owner or operator submits a one-time notification to the
    Agency stating that the plant intends to claim the exclusion,
    giving the date on which the plant intends to begin
    operating under the exclusion, and containing the following
    language: “I have read the applicable regulation
    establishing an exclusion for wood preserving wastewaters
    and spent wood preserving solutions and understand it
    requires me to comply at all times with the conditions set
    out in the regulation.” The plant must maintain a copy of
    that document in its on-site records for a period of no less
    than three years from the date specified in the notice. The
    exclusion applies only so long as the plant meets all of the
    conditions. If the plant goes out of compliance with any
    condition, it may apply to the Agency for reinstatement.
    The Agency must reinstate the exclusion in writing if it
    finds that the plant has returned to compliance with all
    conditions and that violations are not likely to recur. If the
    Agency denies an application, it must transmit to the
    applicant specific, detailed statements in writing as to the
    reasons it denied the application. The applicant under this
    subsection (a)(9)(C)(v) may appeal the Agency’s
    determination to deny the reinstatement, to grant the
    reinstatement with conditions, or to terminate a
    reinstatement before the Board pursuant to Section 40 of
    the Act [415 ILCS 5/40].
    10) Hazardous waste numbers K060, K087, K141, K142, K143, K144, K145,
    K147, and K148, and any wastes from the coke by-products processes that
    are hazardous only because they exhibit the toxicity characteristic
    specified in Section 721.124, when subsequent to generation these
    materials are recycled to coke ovens, to the tar recovery process as a
    feedstock to produce coal tar, or are mixed with coal tar prior to the tar’s
    sale or refining. This exclusion is conditioned on there being no land

    disposal of the waste from the point it is generated to the point it is
    recycled to coke ovens, to tar recovery, to the tar refining processes, or
    prior to when it is mixed with coal.
    11) Nonwastewater splash condenser dross residue from the treatment of
    hazardous waste number K061 in high temperature metals recovery units,
    provided it is shipped in drums (if shipped) and not land disposed before
    12) Certain oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials and recovered oil, as
    A) Oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials (i.e., sludges, by-
    products, or spent materials) that are generated at a petroleum
    refinery (standard industrial classification (SIC code 2911) and are
    inserted into the petroleum refining process (SIC code 2911:
    including, but not limited to, distillation, catalytic cracking,
    fractionation, or thermal cracking units (i.e., cokers)), unless the
    material is placed on the land, or speculatively accumulated before
    being so recycled. Materials inserted into thermal cracking units
    are excluded under this subsection (a)(12), provided that the coke
    product also does not exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste.
    Oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials may be inserted into
    the same petroleum refinery where they are generated or sent
    directly to another petroleum refinery and still be excluded under
    this provision. Except as provided in subsection (a)(12)(B) of this
    Section, oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials generated
    elsewhere in the petroleum industry (i.e., from sources other than
    petroleum refineries) are not excluded under this section Section.
    Residuals generated from processing or recycling materials
    excluded under this subsection (a)(12)(A), where such materials as
    generated would have otherwise met a listing under Subpart D of
    this Part, are designated as USEPA hazardous waste number F037
    listed wastes when disposed of or intended for disposal.
    B) Recovered oil that is recycled in the same manner and with the
    same conditions as described in subsection (a)(12)(A) of this
    Section. Recovered oil is oil that has been reclaimed from
    secondary materials (including wastewater) generated from normal
    petroleum industry practices, including refining, exploration and
    production, bulk storage, and transportation incident thereto (SIC
    codes 1311, 1321, 1381, 1382, 1389, 2911, 4612, 4613, 4922,
    4923, 4789, 5171, and 5172). Recovered oil does not include oil-
    bearing hazardous wastes listed in Subpart D of this Part; however,

    oil recovered from such wastes may be considered recovered oil.
    Recovered oil does not include used oil, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 739.100.
    13) Excluded scrap metal (processed scrap metal, unprocessed home scrap
    metal, and unprocessed prompt scrap metal) being recycled.
    14) Shredded circuit boards being recycled, provided that they meet the
    following conditions:
    A) The circuit boards are stored in containers sufficient to prevent a
    release to the environment prior to recovery; and
    B) The circuit boards are free of mercury switches, mercury relays,
    and nickel-cadmium batteries, and lithium batteries.
    15) Condensates derived from the overhead gases from kraft mill steam
    strippers that are used to comply with federal Clean Air Act regulation 40
    CFR 63.446(e). The exemption applies only to combustion at the mill
    generating the condensates.
    16) Comparable fuels or comparable syngas fuels (i.e., comparable or syngas
    fuels) that meet the requirements of Section 721.138.
    17) Spent materials (as defined in Section 721.101) (other than hazardous
    wastes listed in Subpart D of this Part) generated within the primary
    mineral processing industry from which minerals, acids, cyanide, water, or
    other values are recovered by mineral processing or by benefication,
    provided that the following is true:
    A) The spent material is legitimately recycled to recover minerals,
    acids, cyanide, water, or other values;
    B) The spent material is not accumulated speculatively;
    C) Except as provided in subsection (a)(17)(D) of this Section, the
    spent material is stored in tanks, containers, or buildings that meet
    the following minimum integrity standards: a building must be an
    engineered structure with a floor, walls, and a roof all of which are
    made of non-earthen materials providing structural support (except
    that smelter buildings may have partially earthen floors, provided
    that the spent material is stored on the non-earthen portion), and
    have a roof suitable for diverting rainwater away from the
    foundation; a tank must be free standing, not be a surface

    impoundment (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110), and be
    manufactured of a material suitable for containment of its contents;
    a container must be free standing and be manufactured of a
    material suitable for containment of its contents. If a tank or
    container contains any particulate which that may be subject to
    wind dispersal, the owner or operator must operate the unit in a
    manner that controls fugitive dust. A tank, container, or building
    must be designed, constructed, and operated to prevent significant
    releases to the environment of these materials.
    D) The Agency must allow by permit that solid mineral processing
    spent materials only may be placed on pads, rather than in tanks,
    containers, or buildings if the facility owner or operator can
    demonstrate the following: the solid mineral processing secondary
    materials do not contain any free liquid; the pads are designed,
    constructed, and operated to prevent significant releases of the
    spent material into the environment; and the pads provide the same
    degree of containment afforded by the non-RCRA tanks,
    containers, and buildings eligible for exclusion.
    i) The Agency must also consider whether storage on pads
    poses the potential for significant releases via groundwater,
    surface water, and air exposure pathways. Factors to be
    considered for assessing the groundwater, surface water,
    and air exposure pathways must include the following: the
    volume and physical and chemical properties of the spent
    material, including its potential for migration off the pad;
    the potential for human or environmental exposure to
    hazardous constituents migrating from the pad via each
    exposure pathway; and the possibility and extent of harm to
    human and environmental receptors via each exposure
    ii) Pads must meet the following minimum standards: they
    must be designed of non-earthen material that is compatible
    with the chemical nature of the mineral processing spent
    material; they must be capable of withstanding physical
    stresses associated with placement and removal; they must
    have runon and runoff controls; they must be operated in a
    manner which that controls fugitive dust; and they must
    have integrity assurance through inspections and
    maintenance programs.

    iii) Before making a determination under this subsection
    (a)(17)(D), the Agency must provide notice and the
    opportunity for comment to all persons potentially
    interested in the determination. This can be accomplished
    by placing notice of this action in major local newspapers,
    or broadcasting notice over local radio stations.
    BOARD NOTE: See Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    703.Subpart D for the RCRA Subtitle C permit public
    notice requirements.
    E) The owner or operator provides a notice to the Agency, providing
    the following information: the types of materials to be recycled,
    the type and location of the storage units and recycling processes,
    and the annual quantities expected to be placed in non-land-based
    units. This notification must be updated when there is a change in
    the type of materials recycled or the location of the recycling
    F) For purposes of subsection (b)(7) of this Section, mineral
    processing spent materials must be the result of mineral processing
    and may not include any listed hazardous wastes. Listed
    hazardous wastes and characteristic hazardous wastes generated by
    non-mineral processing industries are not eligible for the
    conditional exclusion from the definition of solid waste.
    18) Petrochemical recovered oil from an associated organic chemical
    manufacturing facility, where the oil is to be inserted into the petroleum
    refining process (SIC code 2911) along with normal petroleum refinery
    process streams, provided that both of the following conditions are true of
    the oil:
    A) The oil is hazardous only because it exhibits the characteristic of
    ignitability (as defined in Section 721.121) or toxicity for benzene
    (Section 721.124, USEPA hazardous waste code D018);
    B) The oil generated by the organic chemical manufacturing facility is
    not placed on the land, or speculatively accumulated before being
    recycled into the petroleum refining process. An “associated
    organic chemical manufacturing facility” is a facility for which all
    of the following is true: its primary SIC code is 2869, but its
    operations may also include SIC codes 2821, 2822, and 2865; it is
    physically co-located with a petroleum refinery; and the petroleum
    refinery to which the oil being recycled is returned also provides

    hydrocarbon feedstocks to the organic chemical manufacturing
    facility. “Petrochemical recovered oil” is oil that has been
    reclaimed from secondary materials (i.e., sludges, by-products, or
    spent materials, including wastewater) from normal organic
    chemical manufacturing operations, as well as oil recovered from
    organic chemical manufacturing processes.
    19) Spent caustic solutions from petroleum refining liquid treating processes
    used as a feedstock to produce cresylic or naphthenic acid, unless the
    material is placed on the land, or accumulated speculatively, as defined in
    Section 721.101(c).
    20) Hazardous secondary materials used to make zinc fertilizers, provided that
    the following conditions are satisfied:
    A) Hazardous secondary materials used to make zinc micronutrient
    fertilizers must not be accumulated speculatively, as defined in
    Section 721.101(c)(8).
    B) A generator or intermediate handler of zinc-bearing hazardous
    secondary materials that are to be incorporated into zinc fertilizers
    must fulfill the following conditions:
    i) It must submit a one-time notice to the Agency that
    contains the name, address, and USEPA identification
    number of the generator or intermediate handler facility,
    that provides a brief description of the secondary material
    that will be subject to the exclusion, and which identifies
    when the manufacturer intends to begin managing excluded
    zinc-bearing hazardous secondary materials under the
    conditions specified in this subsection (a)(20).
    ii) It must store the excluded secondary material in tanks,
    containers, or buildings that are constructed and maintained
    in a way which prevents releases of the secondary materials
    into the environment. At a minimum, any building used for
    this purpose must be an engineered structure made of non-
    earthen materials that provide structural support, and it
    must have a floor, walls, and a roof that prevent wind
    dispersal and contact with rainwater. A tank used for this
    purpose must be structurally sound and, if outdoors, it must
    have a roof or cover that prevents contact with wind and
    rain. A container used for this purpose must be kept
    closed, except when it is necessary to add or remove

    material, and it must be in sound condition. Containers that
    are stored outdoors must be managed within storage areas
    that fulfill the conditions of subsection (a)(20)(F) of this
    iii) With each off-site shipment of excluded hazardous
    secondary materials, it must provide written notice to the
    receiving facility that the material is subject to the
    conditions of this subsection (a)(20).
    iv) It must maintain records at the generator’s or intermediate
    handler’s facility for no less than three years of all
    shipments of excluded hazardous secondary materials. For
    each shipment these records must, at a minimum, contain
    the information specified in subsection (a)(20)(G) of this
    C) A manufacturer of zinc fertilizers or zinc fertilizer ingredients
    made from excluded hazardous secondary materials must fulfill the
    following conditions:
    i) It must store excluded hazardous secondary materials in
    accordance with the storage requirements for generators
    and intermediate handlers, as specified in subsection
    (a)(20)(B)(ii) of this Section.
    ii) It must submit a one-time notification to the Agency that, at
    a minimum, specifies the name, address, and USEPA
    identification number of the manufacturing facility and
    which identifies when the manufacturer intends to begin
    managing excluded zinc-bearing hazardous secondary
    materials under the conditions specified in this subsection
    iii) It must maintain for a minimum of three years records of
    all shipments of excluded hazardous secondary materials
    received by the manufacturer, which must at a minimum
    identify for each shipment the name and address of the
    generating facility, the name of transporter, and the date on
    which the materials were received, the quantity received,
    and a brief description of the industrial process that
    generated the material.

    iv) It must submit an annual report to the Agency that
    identifies the total quantities of all excluded hazardous
    secondary materials that were used to manufacture zinc
    fertilizers or zinc fertilizer ingredients in the previous year,
    the name and address of each generating facility, and the
    industrial processes from which the hazardous secondary
    materials were generated.
    D) Nothing in this Section preempts, overrides, or otherwise negates
    the provision in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111 that requires any
    person who generates a solid waste to determine if that waste is a
    hazardous waste.
    E) Interim status and permitted storage units that have been used to
    store only zinc-bearing hazardous wastes prior to the submission
    of the one-time notice described in subsection (a)(20)(B)(i) of this
    Section, and that afterward will be used only to store hazardous
    secondary materials excluded under this subsection (a)(20), are not
    subject to the closure requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and
    F) A container used to store excluded secondary material must fulfill
    the following conditions:
    i) It must have containment structures or systems sufficiently
    impervious to contain leaks, spills, and accumulated
    ii) It must provide for effective drainage and removal of leaks,
    spills, and accumulated precipitation; and
    iii) It must prevent run-on into the containment system.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsections (a)(20)(F)(i) through (a)(20)(F)(iii)
    are derived from 40 CFR 261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B)(
    ) through
    ). The Board added the preamble to these federal
    paragraphs as subsection (a)(20)(F) to comport with Illinois
    Administrative Code codification requirements.
    G) Required records of shipments of excluded hazardous secondary
    materials must, at a minimum, contain the following information:
    i) The name of the transporter and date of the shipment;

    ii) The name and address of the facility that received the
    excluded material, along with documentation confirming
    receipt of the shipment; and
    iii) The type and quantity of excluded secondary material in
    each shipment.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsections (a)(20)(G)(i) through (a)(20)(G)(iii)
    are derived from 40 CFR 261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D)(
    ) through
    ). The Board added the preamble to these federal
    paragraphs as subsection (a)(20)(G) to comport with Illinois
    Administrative Code codification requirements.
    21) Zinc fertilizers made from hazardous wastes or hazardous secondary
    materials that are excluded under subsection (a)(20) of this Section,
    provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
    A) The fertilizers meet the following contaminant limits:
    i) For metal contaminants:
    Constituent Maximum Allowable Total Concentration
    in Fertilizer, per Unit (1%) of Zinc (ppm)
    Arsenic 0.3
    Cadmium 1.4
    Chromium 0.6
    Lead 2.8
    Mercury 0.3
    ii) For dioxin contaminants, the fertilizer must contain no
    more than eight parts per trillion of dioxin, measured as
    toxic equivalent (TEQ).
    B) The manufacturer performs sampling and analysis of the fertilizer
    product to determine compliance with the contaminant limits for
    metals no less frequently than once every six months, and for
    dioxins no less frequently than once every 12 months. Testing
    must also be performed whenever changes occur to manufacturing
    processes or ingredients that could significantly affect the amounts
    of contaminants in the fertilizer product. The manufacturer may
    use any reliable analytical method to demonstrate that no
    constituent of concern is present in the product at concentrations
    above the applicable limits. It is the responsibility of the
    manufacturer to ensure that the sampling and analysis are

    unbiased, precise, and representative of the products introduced
    into commerce.
    C) The manufacturer maintains for no less than three years records of
    all sampling and analyses performed for purposes of determining
    compliance with the requirements of subsection (a)(21)(B) of this
    Section. Such records must at a minimum include the following:
    i) The dates and times product samples were taken, and the
    dates the samples were analyzed;
    ii) The names and qualifications of the persons taking the
    iii) A description of the methods and equipment used to take
    the samples;
    iv) The name and address of the laboratory facility at which
    analyses of the samples were performed;
    v) A description of the analytical methods used, including any
    cleanup and sample preparation methods; and
    vi) All laboratory analytical results used to determine
    compliance with the contaminant limits specified in this
    subsection (a)(21).
    b) Solid wastes that are not hazardous wastes. The following solid wastes are not
    hazardous wastes:
    1) Household waste, including household waste that has been collected,
    transported, stored, treated, disposed, recovered (e.g., refuse-derived fuel),
    or reused. “Household waste” means any waste material (including
    garbage, trash, and sanitary wastes in septic tanks) derived from
    households (including single and multiple residences, hotels, and motels,
    bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds,
    and day-use recreation areas). A resource recovery facility managing
    municipal solid waste must not be deemed to be treating, storing,
    disposing of, or otherwise managing hazardous wastes for the purposes of
    regulation under this Part, if the following describe the such facility:
    A) Receives
    The facility receives and burns only the following waste:

    i) Household waste (from single and multiple dwellings,
    hotels, motels, and other residential sources); and or
    ii) Solid waste from commercial or industrial sources that
    does not contain hazardous waste; and
    B) Such
    The facility does not accept hazardous waste and the owner
    or operator of such facility has established contractual
    requirements or other appropriate notification or inspection
    procedures to assure that hazardous wastes are not received at or
    burned in such facility.
    BOARD NOTE: The U.S. Supreme Court determined, in City of Chicago
    v. Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., 511 U.S. 328, 114 S. Ct. 1588, 128
    L. Ed. 2d 302 (1994), that this exclusion and RCRA section 3001(i) (42
    USC 6921(i)) do not exclude the ash from facilities covered by this
    subsection (b)(1) from regulation as a hazardous waste. At 59 Fed. Reg.
    29372 (June 7, 1994), USEPA granted facilities managing ash from such
    facilities that is determined a hazardous waste under Subpart C of this Part
    until December 7, 1994 to file a Part A permit application pursuant to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 703.181. At 60 Fed. Reg. 6666 (Feb. 3, 1995), USEPA
    stated that it interpreted that the point at which ash becomes subject to
    RCRA Subtitle C regulation is when that material leaves the combustion
    building (including connected air pollution control equipment).
    2) Solid wastes generated by any of the following that are returned to the soil
    as fertilizers:
    A) The growing and harvesting of agricultural crops, or
    B) The raising of animals, including animal manures.
    3) Mining overburden returned to the mine site.
    4) Fly ash waste, bottom ash waste, slag waste, and flue gas emission control
    waste generated primarily from the combustion of coal or other fossil
    fuels, except as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.212 for facilities that
    burn or process hazardous waste.
    5) Drilling fluids, produced waters, and other wastes associated with the
    exploration, development, or production of crude oil, natural gas, or
    geothermal energy.
    6) Chromium wastes:.

    A) Wastes that fail the test for the toxicity characteristic (Sections
    Section 721.124 and 721.Appendix B to this Part) because
    chromium is present or which are listed in Subpart D of this Part
    due to the presence of chromium, that do not fail the test for the
    toxicity characteristic for any other constituent or which are not
    listed due to the presence of any other constituent, and that do not
    fail the test for any other characteristic, if it is shown by a waste
    generator or by waste generators that the waste generator shows
    the following:
    i) The chromium in the waste is exclusively (or nearly
    exclusively) trivalent chromium;
    ii) The waste is generated from an industrial process that uses
    trivalent chromium exclusively (or nearly exclusively) and
    the process does not generate hexavalent chromium; and
    iii) The waste is typically and frequently managed in non-
    oxidizing environments.
    B) Specific
    The following are specific wastes that meet the standard
    in subsection (b)(6)(A) of this Section (so long as they do not fail
    the test for the toxicity characteristic for any other constituent and
    do not exhibit any other characteristic) are:
    i) Chrome (blue) trimmings generated by the following
    subcategories of the leather tanning and finishing industry:
    hair pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, retan/wet finish, no beamhouse,
    through-the-blue, and shearling;
    ii) Chrome (blue) shavings generated by the following
    subcategories of the leather tanning and finishing industry:
    hair pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, retan/wet finish, no beamhouse,
    through-the-blue, and shearling;
    iii) Buffing dust generated by the following subcategories of
    the leather tanning and finishing industry: hair
    pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, retan/wet finish, no beamhouse,

    iv) Sewer screenings generated by the following subcategories
    of the leather tanning and finishing industry: hair
    pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, retan/wet finish, no beamhouse,
    through-the-blue, and shearling;
    v) Wastewater treatment sludges generated by the following
    subcategories of the leather tanning and finishing industry:
    hair pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, retan/wet finish, no beamhouse,
    through-the-blue, and shearling;
    vi) Wastewater treatment sludges generated by the following
    subcategories of the leather tanning and finishing industry:
    hair pulp/chrome tan/retan/wet finish, hair save/chrome
    tan/retan/wet finish, and through-the-blue;
    vii) Waste scrap leather from the leather tanning industry, the
    shoe manufacturing industry, and other leather product
    manufacturing industries; and
    viii) Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of
    titanium dioxide pigment using chromium-bearing ores by
    the chloride process.
    7) Solid waste from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and
    minerals (including coal, phosphate rock, and overburden from the mining
    of uranium ore), except as provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.212 for
    facilities that burn or process hazardous waste.
    A) For purposes of this subsection (b)(7), beneficiation of ores and
    minerals is restricted to the following activities: crushing;
    grinding; washing; dissolution; crystallization; filtration; sorting;
    sizing; drying; sintering; pelletizing; briquetting; calcining to
    remove water or carbon dioxide; roasting; autoclaving or
    chlorination in preparation for leaching (except where the roasting
    (or autoclaving or chlorination) and leaching sequence produces a
    final or intermediate product that does not undergo further
    beneficiation or processing); gravity concentration; magnetic
    separation; electrostatic separation; floatation; ion exchange;
    solvent extraction; electrowinning; precipitation; amalgamation;
    and heap, dump, vat tank, and in situ leaching.

    B) For the purposes of this subsection (b)(7), solid waste from the
    processing of ores and minerals includes only the following wastes
    as generated:
    i) Slag from primary copper processing;
    ii) Slag from primary lead processing;
    iii) Red and brown muds from bauxite refining;
    iv) Phosphogypsum from phosphoric acid production;
    v) Slag from elemental phosphorus production;
    vi) Gasifier ash from coal gasification;
    vii) Process wastewater from coal gasification;
    viii) Calcium sulfate wastewater treatment plant sludge from
    primary copper processing;
    ix) Slag tailings from primary copper processing;
    x) Fluorogypsum from hydrofluoric acid production;
    xi) Process wastewater from hydrofluoric acid production;
    xii) Air pollution control dust or sludge from iron blast
    xiii) Iron blast furnace slag;
    xiv) Treated residue from roasting and leaching of chrome ore;
    xv) Process wastewater from primary magnesium processing
    by the anhydrous process;
    xvi) Process wastewater from phosphoric acid production;
    xvii) Basic oxygen furnace and open hearth furnace air pollution
    control dust or sludge from carbon steel production;
    xviii) Basic oxygen furnace and open hearth furnace slag from
    carbon steel production;

    xix) Chloride processing waste solids from titanium
    tetrachloride production; and
    xx) Slag from primary zinc production.
    C) A residue derived from co-processing mineral processing
    secondary materials with normal beneficiation raw materials or
    with normal mineral processing raw materials remains excluded
    under this subsection (b) if the following conditions are fulfilled:
    i) The owner or operator processes at least 50 percent by
    weight normal beneficiation raw materials or normal
    mineral processing raw materials; and
    ii) The owner or operator legitimately reclaims the secondary
    mineral processing materials.
    8) Cement kiln dust waste, except as provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.212
    for facilities that burn or process hazardous waste.
    9) Solid waste that consists of discarded arsenical-treated wood or wood
    products that fails the test for the toxicity characteristic for hazardous
    waste codes D004 through D017 and which is not a hazardous waste for
    any other reason if the waste is generated by persons that utilize the
    arsenical-treated wood and wood products for these materials’ intended
    end use.
    10) Petroleum-contaminated media and debris that fail the test for the toxicity
    characteristic of Section 721.124 (hazardous waste codes D018 through
    D043 only) and which are subject to corrective action regulations under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 731.
    11) This subsection (b)(11) corresponds with 40 CFR 261.4(b)(11), which
    expired by its own terms on January 25, 1993. This statement maintains
    structural parity with USEPA regulations.
    12) Used chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants from totally enclosed heat transfer
    equipment, including mobile air conditioning systems, mobile
    refrigeration, and commercial and industrial air conditioning and
    refrigeration systems, that use chlorofluorocarbons as the heat transfer
    fluid in a refrigeration cycle, provided the refrigerant is reclaimed for
    further use.

    13) Non-terne plated used oil filters that are not mixed with wastes listed in
    Subpart D of this Part, if these oil filters have been gravity hot-drained
    using one of the following methods:
    A) Puncturing the filter anti-drain back valve or the filter dome end
    and hot-draining;
    B) Hot-draining and crushing;
    C) Dismantling and hot-draining; or
    D) Any other equivalent hot-draining method that will remove used
    14) Used oil re-refining distillation bottoms that are used as feedstock to
    manufacture asphalt products.
    15) Leachate or gas condensate collected from landfills where certain solid
    wastes have been disposed of, under certain the following circumstances:
    A) The following conditions must be fulfilled:
    i) The solid wastes disposed of would meet one or more of
    the listing descriptions for the following USEPA hazardous
    waste numbers that is are generated after the effective date
    listed for the waste:
    USEPA Hazardous Waste
    Listing Effective
    K169, K170, K171, and K172
    February 8, 1999
    K174 and K175
    May 7, 2001
    K176, K177, and K178 May 20, 2002
    ii) The solid wastes described in subsection (b)(15)(A)(i) of
    this Section were disposed of prior to the effective date of
    the listing (as set forth in that subsection);
    iii) The leachate or gas condensate does not exhibit any
    characteristic of hazardous waste nor is derived from any
    other listed hazardous waste; and

    iv) Discharge of the leachate or gas condensate, including
    leachate or gas condensate transferred from the landfill to a
    POTW by truck, rail, or dedicated pipe, is subject to
    regulation under section 307(b) or 402 of the federal Clean
    Water Act.
    B) Leachate or gas condensate derived from K169, K170, K171, or
    K172 waste will no longer be exempt if it is stored or managed in a
    surface impoundment prior to discharge. After November 21,
    2003, leachate or gas condensate derived from K176, K177, or
    K178 waste will no longer be exempt if it is stored or managed in a
    surface impoundment prior to discharge. There is one exception:
    if the surface impoundment is used to temporarily store leachate or
    gas condensate in response to an emergency situation (e.g.,
    shutdown of wastewater treatment system), provided the
    impoundment has a double liner, and provided the leachate or gas
    condensate is removed from the impoundment and continues to be
    managed in compliance with the conditions of this subsection
    (b)(15) of this Section after the emergency ends.
    c) Hazardous wastes that are exempted from certain regulations. A hazardous waste
    that is generated in a product or raw material storage tank, a product or raw
    material transport vehicle or vessel, a product or raw material pipeline, or in a
    manufacturing process unit, or an associated non-waste-treatment manufacturing
    unit, is not subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, and 722
    through 725, and 728 or to the notification requirements of section 3010 of RCRA
    until it exits the unit in which it was generated, unless the unit is a surface
    impoundment, or unless the hazardous waste remains in the unit more than 90
    days after the unit ceases to be operated for manufacturing or for storage or
    transportation of product or raw materials.
    d) Samples.
    1) Except as provided in subsection (d)(2) of this Section, a sample of solid
    waste or a sample of water, soil, or air that is collected for the sole
    purpose of testing to determine its characteristics or composition is not
    subject to any requirements of this Part or 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703,
    705, and 722 through 726, and 728. The sample qualifies when it fulfills
    one of the following conditions:
    A) The sample is being transported to a laboratory for the purpose of

    B) The sample is being transported back to the sample collector after
    C) The sample is being stored by the sample collector before transport
    to a laboratory for testing;
    D) The sample is being stored in a laboratory before testing;
    E) The sample is being stored in a laboratory for testing but before it
    is returned to the sample collector; or
    F) The sample is being stored temporarily in the laboratory after
    testing for a specific purpose (for example, until conclusion of a
    court case or enforcement action where further testing of the
    sample may be necessary).
    2) In order to qualify for the exemption in subsection (d)(1)(A) or (d)(1)(B)
    of this Section, a sample collector shipping samples to a laboratory and a
    laboratory returning samples to a sample collector must do the following:
    A) Comply with U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), U.S.
    Postal Service (USPS), or any other applicable shipping
    requirements; or
    B) Comply with the following requirements if the sample collector
    determines that USDOT, USPS, or other shipping requirements do
    not apply to the shipment of the sample:
    i) Assure that the following information accompanies the
    sample: The sample collector’s name, mailing address, and
    telephone number; the laboratory’s name, mailing address,
    and telephone number; the quantity of the sample; the date
    of the shipment; and a description of the sample.; and
    ii) Package the sample so that it does not leak, spill, or
    vaporize from its packaging.
    3) This exemption does not apply if the laboratory determines that the waste
    is hazardous but the laboratory is no longer meeting any of the conditions
    stated in subsection (d)(1) of this Section.
    e) Treatability study samples.

    1) Except as is provided in subsection (e)(2) of this Section, a person that
    generates or collects samples for the purpose of conducting treatability
    studies, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110, are not subject to any
    requirement of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 through 723 or to the notification
    requirements of section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery
    Act. Nor are such samples included in the quantity determinations of
    Section 721.105 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.134(d) when:
    A) The sample is being collected and prepared for transportation by
    the generator or sample collector;
    B) The sample is being accumulated or stored by the generator or
    sample collector prior to transportation to a laboratory or testing
    facility; or
    C) The sample is being transported to the laboratory or testing facility
    for the purpose of conducting a treatability study.
    2) The exemption in subsection (e)(1) of this Section is applicable to samples
    of hazardous waste being collected and shipped for the purpose of
    conducting treatability studies provided that the following conditions are
    A) The generator or sample collector uses (in “treatability studies”) no
    more than 10,000 kg of media contaminated with non-acute
    hazardous waste, 1000 kg of non-acute hazardous waste other than
    contaminated media, 1 kg of acute hazardous waste, or 2500 kg of
    media contaminated with acute hazardous waste for each process
    being evaluated for each generated waste stream;
    B) The mass of each shipment does not exceed 10,000 kg; the 10,000
    kg quantity may be all media contaminated with non-acute
    hazardous waste, or may include 2500 kg of media contaminated
    with acute hazardous waste, 1000 kg of hazardous waste, and 1 kg
    of acute hazardous waste;
    C) The sample must be packaged so that it does not leak, spill, or
    vaporize from its packaging during shipment and the requirements
    of subsections (e)(2)(C)(i) or (e)(2)(C)(ii) of this Section are met.
    i) The transportation of each sample shipment complies with
    U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), U.S. Postal
    Service (USPS), or any other applicable shipping
    requirements; or

    ii) If the USDOT, USPS, or other shipping requirements do
    not apply to the shipment of the sample, the following
    information must accompany the sample: The name,
    mailing address, and telephone number of the originator of
    the sample; the name, address, and telephone number of the
    facility that will perform the treatability study; the quantity
    of the sample; the date of the shipment; and, a description
    of the sample, including its USEPA hazardous waste
    D) The sample is shipped to a laboratory or testing facility that is
    exempt under subsection (f) of this Section, or has an appropriate
    RCRA permit or interim status;
    E) The generator or sample collector maintains the following records
    for a period ending three years after completion of the treatability
    i) Copies of the shipping documents;
    ii) A copy of the contract with the facility conducting the
    treatability study; and
    iii) Documentation showing the following: The amount of
    waste shipped under this exemption; the name, address, and
    USEPA identification number of the laboratory or testing
    facility that received the waste; the date the shipment was
    made; and whether or not unused samples and residues
    were returned to the generator; and
    F) The generator reports the information required in subsection
    (e)(2)(E)(iii) of this Section in its report under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    3) The Agency may grant requests on a case-by-case basis for up to an
    additional two years for treatability studies involving bioremediation. The
    Agency may grant requests, on a case-by-case basis, for quantity limits in
    excess of those specified in subsections (e)(2)(A), (e)(2)(B), and (f)(4) of
    this Section, for up to an additional 5000 kg of media contaminated with
    non-acute hazardous waste, 500 kg of non-acute hazardous waste, 2500 kg
    of media contaminated with acute hazardous waste, and 1 kg of acute
    hazardous waste under the circumstances set forth in either subsection

    (e)(3)(A) or (e)(3)(B) of this Section, subject to the limitations of
    subsection (e)(3)(C) of this Section:
    A) In response to requests for authorization to ship, store, and conduct
    further treatability studies on additional quantities in advance of
    commencing treatability studies. Factors to be considered in
    reviewing such requests include the nature of the technology, the
    type of process (e.g., batch versus continuous), the size of the unit
    undergoing testing (particularly in relation to scale-up
    considerations), the time or quantity of material required to reach
    steady-state operating conditions, or test design considerations,
    such as mass balance calculations.
    B) In response to requests for authorization to ship, store, and conduct
    treatability studies on additional quantities after initiation or
    completion of initial treatability studies when the following
    occurs: There has been an equipment or mechanical failure during
    the conduct of the treatability study, there is need to verify the
    results of a previously-conducted treatability study, there is a need
    to study and analyze alternative techniques within a previously-
    evaluated treatment process, or there is a need to do further
    evaluation of an ongoing treatability study to determine final
    specifications for treatment.
    C) The additional quantities allowed and timeframes allowed in
    subsections (e)(3)(A) and (e)(3)(B) of this Section are subject to all
    the provisions in subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2)(B) through (e)(2)(F)
    of this Section. The generator or sample collector must apply to
    the Agency and provide in writing the following information:
    i) The reason why the generator or sample collector requires
    additional time or quantity of sample for the treatability
    study evaluation and the additional time or quantity
    ii) Documentation accounting for all samples of hazardous
    waste from the waste stream that have been sent for or
    undergone treatability studies, including the date each
    previous sample from the waste stream was shipped, the
    quantity of each previous shipment, the laboratory or
    testing facility to which it was shipped, what treatability
    study processes were conducted on each sample shipped,
    and the available results of each treatability study;

    iii) A description of the technical modifications or change in
    specifications that will be evaluated and the expected
    iv) If such further study is being required due to equipment or
    mechanical failure, the applicant must include information
    regarding the reason for the failure or breakdown and also
    include what procedures or equipment improvements have
    been made to protect against further breakdowns; and
    v) Such other information as the Agency determines is
    4) Final Agency determinations pursuant to this subsection (e) may be
    appealed to the Board.
    f) Samples undergoing treatability studies at laboratories or testing facilities.
    Samples undergoing treatability studies and the laboratory or testing facility
    conducting such treatability studies (to the extent such facilities are not otherwise
    subject to RCRA requirements) are not subject to any requirement of this Part, or
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726, and 728 or to the
    notification requirements of Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and
    Recovery Act, provided that the requirements of subsections (f)(1) through (f)(11)
    of this Section are met. A mobile treatment unit may qualify as a testing facility
    subject to subsections (f)(1) through (f)(11) of this Section. Where a group of
    mobile treatment units are located at the same site, the limitations specified in
    subsections (f)(1) through (f)(11) of this Section apply to the entire group of
    mobile treatment units collectively as if the group were one mobile treatment unit.
    1) No less than 45 days before conducting treatability studies, the facility
    notifies the Agency in writing that it intends to conduct treatability studies
    under this subsection (f).
    2) The laboratory or testing facility conducting the treatability study has a
    USEPA identification number.
    3) No more than a total of 10,000 kg of “as received” media contaminated
    with non-acute hazardous waste, 2500 kg of media contaminated with
    acute hazardous waste, or 250 kg of other “as received” hazardous waste
    is subject to initiation of treatment in all treatability studies in any single
    day. “As received” waste refers to the waste as received in the shipment
    from the generator or sample collector.

    4) The quantity of “as received” hazardous waste stored at the facility for the
    purpose of evaluation in treatability studies does not exceed 10,000 kg, the
    total of which can include 10,000 kg of media contaminated with non-
    acute hazardous waste, 2500 kg of media contaminated with acute
    hazardous waste, 1000 kg of non-acute hazardous wastes other than
    contaminated media, and 1 kg of acute hazardous waste. This quantity
    limitation does not include treatment materials (including non-hazardous
    solid waste) added to “as received” hazardous waste.
    5) No more than 90 days have elapsed since the treatability study for the
    sample was completed, or no more than one year (two years for
    treatability studies involving bioremediation) has elapsed since the
    generator or sample collector shipped the sample to the laboratory or
    testing facility, whichever date first occurs. Up to 500 kg of treated
    material from a particular waste stream from treatability studies may be
    archived for future evaluation up to five years from the date of initial
    receipt. Quantities of materials archived are counted against the total
    storage limit for the facility.
    6) The treatability study does not involve the placement of hazardous waste
    on the land or open burning of hazardous waste.
    7) The facility maintains records for three years following completion of
    each study that show compliance with the treatment rate limits and the
    storage time and quantity limits. The following specific information must
    be included for each treatability study conducted:
    A) The name, address, and USEPA identification number of the
    generator or sample collector of each waste sample;
    B) The date the shipment was received;
    C) The quantity of waste accepted;
    D) The quantity of “as received” waste in storage each day;
    E) The date the treatment study was initiated and the amount of “as
    received” waste introduced to treatment each day;
    F) The date the treatability study was concluded;
    G) The date any unused sample or residues generated from the
    treatability study were returned to the generator or sample

    collector or, if sent to a designated facility, the name of the facility
    and the USEPA identification number.
    8) The facility keeps, on-site, a copy of the treatability study contract and all
    shipping papers associated with the transport of treatability study samples
    to and from the facility for a period ending three years from the
    completion date of each treatability study.
    9) The facility prepares and submits a report to the Agency by March 15 of
    each year that estimates the number of studies and the amount of waste
    expected to be used in treatability studies during the current year, and
    includes the following information for the previous calendar year:
    A) The name, address, and USEPA identification number of the
    facility conducting the treatability studies;
    B) The types (by process) of treatability studies conducted;
    C) The names and addresses of persons for whom studies have been
    conducted (including their USEPA identification numbers);
    D) The total quantity of waste in storage each day;
    E) The quantity and types of waste subjected to treatability studies;
    F) When each treatability study was conducted; and
    G) The final disposition of residues and unused sample from each
    treatability study.
    10) The facility determines whether any unused sample or residues generated
    by the treatability study are hazardous waste under Section 721.103 and, if
    so, are subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 721 through 728, unless
    the residues and unused samples are returned to the sample originator
    under the exemption of subsection (e) of this Section.
    11) The facility notifies the Agency by letter when the facility is no longer
    planning to conduct any treatability studies at the site.
    g) Dredged material that is not a hazardous waste. Dredged material that is subject to
    the requirements of a permit that has been issued under section 404 of the Federal
    Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1344) is not a hazardous waste. For the
    purposes of this subsection (g), the following definitions apply:

    “Dredged material” has the same meaning as in 40 CFR 232.2, incorporated
    by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    “Permit” means any of the following:
    A permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps)
    under section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33
    USC 1344);
    A permit issued by the Army Corps under section 103 of the Marine
    Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 USC 1413);
    In the case of Army Corps civil works projects, the administrative
    equivalent of the permits referred to in the preceding two paragraphs
    of this definition, as provided for in Army Corps regulations (for
    example, see 33 CFR 336.1, 336.2, and 337.6).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.105 Special Requirements for Hazardous Waste Generated by Small Quantity
    a) A generator is a conditionally exempt small quantity generator in a calendar
    month if it generates no more than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste in that
    month. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 700 explains the relation of this to the 100 kg/mo
    exception of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809.
    b) Except for those wastes identified in subsections (e), (f), (g), and (j) of this
    Section, a conditionally exempt small quantity generator’s hazardous wastes are
    not subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705 and 722 through
    726, and 728, and the notification requirements of section 3010 of Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act, provided the generator complies with the
    requirements of subsections (f), (g), and (j) of this Section.
    c) When making the quantity determinations of this Part and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722,
    the generator must include all hazardous waste that it generates, except the
    following hazardous waste:
    1) Hazardous waste that is exempt from regulation under Section 721.104(c)
    through (f), 721.106(a)(3), 721.107(a)(1), or 721.108;

    2) Hazardous waste that is managed immediately upon generation only in on-
    site elementary neutralization units, wastewater treatment units, or totally
    enclosed treatment facilities, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110;
    3) Hazardous waste that is recycled, without prior storage or accumulation,
    only in an on-site process subject to regulation under Section
    4) Hazardous waste that is used oil managed under the requirements of
    Section 721.106(a)(4) and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739;
    5) Hazardous waste that is spent lead-acid batteries managed under the
    requirements of Subpart G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart G; and
    6) Hazardous waste that is universal waste managed under Section 721.109
    and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.
    d) In determining the quantity of hazardous waste it generates, a generator need not
    include the following:
    1) Hazardous waste when it is removed from on-site storage; or
    2) Hazardous waste produced by on-site treatment (including reclamation) of
    its hazardous waste so long as the hazardous waste that is treated was
    counted once; or
    3) Spent materials that are generated, reclaimed, and subsequently reused on-
    site, so long as such spent materials have been counted once.
    e) If a generator generates acute hazardous waste in a calendar month in quantities
    greater than set forth below, all quantities of that acute hazardous waste are
    subject to full regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705 and 722 through
    726, and 728, and the notification requirements of section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act:
    1) A total of one kilogram of one or more of the acute hazardous wastes
    listed in Section 721.131, 721.132, or 721.133(e); or
    2) A total of 100 kilograms of any residue or contaminated soil, waste, or
    other debris resulting from the clean-up of a spill, into or on any land or
    water, of any one or more of the acute hazardous wastes listed in Section
    721.131, 721.132, or 721.133(e).

    BOARD NOTE: “Full regulation” means those regulations applicable to
    generators of greater than 1000 kg of non-acute hazardous waste in a calendar
    f) In order for acute hazardous wastes generated by a generator of acute hazardous
    wastes in quantities equal to or less than those set forth in subsection (e)(1) or
    (e)(2) of this Section to be excluded from full regulation under this Section, the
    generator must comply with the following requirements:
    1) 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111.
    2) The generator may accumulate acute hazardous waste on-site. If the
    generator accumulates at any time acute hazardous wastes in quantities
    greater than set forth in subsection (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this Section, all of
    those accumulated wastes are subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 702, 703, 705 and 722 through 726, and 728, and the applicable
    notification requirements of section 3010 of the Resource Conservation
    and Recovery Act. The time period of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.134(a), for
    accumulation of wastes on-site, begins when the accumulated wastes
    exceed the applicable exclusion limit.
    3) A conditionally exempt small quantity generator may either treat or
    dispose of its acute hazardous waste in an on-site facility or ensure
    delivery to an off-site treatment, storage, or disposal facility, any of
    which, if located in the United States, meets any of the following
    A) The facility is permitted under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703;
    B) The facility has interim status under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703,
    and 725;
    C) The facility is authorized to manage hazardous waste by a state
    with a hazardous waste management program approved by USEPA
    pursuant to 40 CFR 271;
    D) The facility is permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to
    manage municipal solid waste and, if managed in a municipal solid
    waste landfill facility, the landfill is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    810 through 814 or 40 CFR 258;
    E) The facility is permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to
    manage non-municipal non-hazardous waste and, if managed in a

    non-municipal non-hazardous waste disposal unit, the unit is
    subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 257.5 through 257.30;
    BOARD NOTE: The Illinois non-hazardous waste landfill
    regulations, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810 through 814, do not allow the
    disposal of hazardous waste in a landfill regulated under those
    rules. The Board intends that subsections (f)(3)(D) and (f)(3)(E)
    of this Section impose a federal requirement on the hazardous
    waste generator. The Board specifically does not intend that these
    subsections authorize any disposal of conditionally-exempt small
    quantity generator waste in a landfill not specifically permitted to
    accept the particular hazardous waste.
    F) The facility is one that fulfills one of the following conditions:
    i) Beneficially
    It beneficially uses or reuses or legitimately
    recycles or reclaims its waste; or
    ii) Treats
    It treats its waste prior to beneficial use or reuse, or
    legitimate recycling or reclamation; or
    G) For universal waste managed under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 or 40
    CFR 273, the facility is a universal waste handler or destination
    facility subject to the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 or 40
    CFR 273.
    g) In order for hazardous waste generated by a conditionally exempt small quantity
    generator in quantities of less than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste during a
    calendar month to be excluded from full regulation under this Section, the
    generator must comply with the following requirements:
    1) 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111;
    2) The conditionally exempt small quantity generator may accumulate
    hazardous waste on-site. If it accumulates at any time more than a total of
    1000 kilograms of the generator’s hazardous waste, all of those
    accumulated wastes are subject to regulation under the special provisions
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 applicable to generators of between 100 kg and
    1000 kg of hazardous waste in a calendar month, as well as the
    requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705 and 723 through 726,
    and 728, and the applicable notification requirements of Section 3010 of
    the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The time period of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 722.134(d) for accumulation of wastes on-site begins for a

    small quantity generator when the accumulated wastes exceed 1000
    3) A conditionally exempt small quantity generator may either treat or
    dispose of its hazardous waste in an on-site facility or ensure delivery to
    an off-site treatment, storage, or disposal facility, any of which, if located
    in the United States, meets any of the following conditions:
    A) The facility is permitted under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703;
    B) The facility has interim status under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703,
    and 725;
    C) The facility is authorized to manage hazardous waste by a state
    with a hazardous waste management program approved by USEPA
    under 40 CFR 271 (1986) (2002);
    D) The facility is permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to
    manage municipal solid waste and, if managed in a municipal solid
    waste landfill facility, the landfill is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    810 through 814 or 40 CFR 258;
    E) The facility is permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to
    manage non-municipal non-hazardous waste and, if managed in a
    non-municipal non-hazardous waste disposal unit, the unit is
    subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 257.5 through 257.30;
    BOARD NOTE: The Illinois non-hazardous waste landfill
    regulations, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810 through 814, do not allow the
    disposal of hazardous waste in a landfill regulated under those
    rules. The Board intends that subsections (g)(3)(D) and (g)(3)(E)
    of this Section impose a federal requirement on the hazardous
    waste generator. The Board specifically does not intend that these
    subsections authorize any disposal of conditionally-exempt small
    quantity generator waste in a landfill not specifically permitted to
    accept the particular hazardous waste.
    F) The facility is one that fulfills the following conditions:
    i) Beneficially
    It beneficially uses or re-uses, or legitimately
    recycles or reclaims the small quantity generator’s waste;

    ii) Treats
    It treats its waste prior to beneficial use or re-use, re-
    use or legitimate recycling or reclamation; or
    G) For universal waste managed under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 or 40
    CFR 273, the facility is a universal waste handler or destination
    facility subject to the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733 or 40
    CFR 273.
    h) Hazardous waste subject to the reduced requirements of this Section may be
    mixed with non-hazardous waste and remain subject to these reduced
    requirements even though the resultant mixture exceeds the quantity limitations
    identified in this Section, unless the mixture meets any of the characteristics of
    hazardous wastes identified in Subpart C of this Part.
    i) If a small quantity generator mixes a solid waste with a hazardous waste that
    exceeds a quantity exclusion level of this Section, the mixture is subject to full
    j) If a conditionally exempt small quantity generator’s hazardous wastes are mixed
    with used oil, the mixture is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739 if it is destined to be
    burned for energy recovery. Any material produced from such a mixture by
    processing, blending, or other treatment is also so regulated if it is destined to be
    burned for energy recovery.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.106 Requirements for Recyclable Materials
    a) Recyclable materials:
    1) Hazardous wastes that are recycled are subject to the requirements for
    generators, transporters, and storage facilities of subsections (b) and (c) of
    this Section, except for the materials listed in subsections (a)(2) and (a)(3)
    of this Section. Hazardous wastes that are recycled will be known as
    “recyclable materials.”.
    2) The following recyclable materials are not subject to the requirements of
    this Section but are regulated under Subparts C through H of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.Subparts C through H and all applicable provisions in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 702, and 703, and 705.
    A) Recyclable materials used in a manner constituting disposal
    (Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart C);

    B) Hazardous wastes burned for energy recovery in boilers and
    industrial furnaces that are not regulated under Subpart O of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or 725.Subpart O of this Part (Subpart
    H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H);
    C) Recyclable materials from which precious metals are reclaimed
    (Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F); and
    D) Spent lead-acid batteries that are being reclaimed (Subpart G of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart G).
    3) The following recyclable materials are not subject to regulation under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722 through 726, 728, or 702, and 703, or 705 and are not
    subject to the notification requirements of section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act:
    A) Industrial ethyl alcohol that is reclaimed except that, unless
    provided otherwise in an international agreement as specified in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722.158, the following requirements continue to
    i) A person initiating a shipment for reclamation in a foreign
    country and any intermediary arranging for the shipment
    shall must comply with the requirements applicable to a
    primary exporter in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.153;
    722.156(a)(1) through (a)(4), (a)(6), and (b); and 722.157;
    shall must export such materials only upon consent of the
    receiving country and in conformance with the USEPA
    Acknowledgment of Consent, as defined in Subpart E of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart E; and shall must provide a
    copy of the USEPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the
    shipment to the transporter transporting the shipment for
    export; and
    ii) Transporters transporting a shipment for export shall must
    not accept a shipment if the transporter knows that the
    shipment does not conform to the USEPA
    Acknowledgement of Consent, shall must ensure that a
    copy of the USEPA Acknowledgement of Consent
    accompanies the shipment, and shall must ensure that it is
    delivered to the facility designated by the person initiating
    the shipment;
    B) Scrap metal that is not excluded under Section 721.104(a)(13);

    C) Fuels produced from the refining of oil-bearing hazardous wastes
    along with normal process streams at a petroleum refining facility
    if such wastes result from normal petroleum refining, production,
    and transportation practices (this exemption does not apply to fuels
    produced from oil recovered from oil-bearing hazardous waste
    where such recovered oil is already excluded under Section
    D) Petroleum refining wastes.
    i) Hazardous waste fuel produced from oil-bearing hazardous
    wastes from petroleum refining, production, or
    transportation practices or produced from oil reclaimed
    from such hazardous wastes, where such hazardous wastes
    are reintroduced into a process that does not use distillation
    or does not produce products from crude oil, so long as the
    resulting fuel meets the used oil specification under 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 739.111 and so long as no other hazardous
    wastes are used to produce the hazardous waste fuel;
    ii) Hazardous waste fuel produced from oil-bearing hazardous
    waste from petroleum refining production, and
    transportation practices, where such hazardous wastes are
    reintroduced into a refining process after a point at which
    contaminants are removed, so long as the fuel meets the
    used oil fuel specification under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    739.111; and
    iii) Oil reclaimed from oil-bearing hazardous wastes from
    petroleum refining, production, and transportation
    practices, which reclaimed oil is burned as a fuel without
    reintroduction to a refining process, so long as the
    reclaimed oil meets the used oil fuel specification under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 739.111.
    4) Used oil that is recycled and is also a hazardous waste solely because it
    exhibits a hazardous characteristic is not subject to the requirements of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 728, but it is regulated under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 739. Used oil that is recycled includes any used oil that is reused for
    any purpose following its original use (including the purpose for which
    the oil was originally used). Such term includes, but is not limited to, oil
    that is re-refined, reclaimed, burned for energy recovery, or reprocessed.

    5) Hazardous waste that is exported to or imported from designated member
    countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    (OECD), as defined in Section 722.158(a)(1), for the purpose of recovery
    is subject to the requirements of Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    722.Subpart H if it is subject to either the hazardous waste manifesting
    requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 or the universal waste management
    standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.
    b) Generators and transporters of recyclable materials are subject to the applicable
    requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 and 723 and the notification requirements
    under section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, except as
    provided in subsection (a) of this Section.
    c) Storage and recycling:.
    1) Owners or operators of facilities that store recyclable materials before they
    are recycled are regulated under all applicable provisions of Subparts A
    through L, AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705;
    724.Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC; and Subparts A through L,
    AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts A through L, AA,
    BB, and CC; 726; 728; and the notification requirement under section
    3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, except as provided
    in subsection (a) of this Section. (The recycling process itself is exempt
    from regulation, except as provided in subsection (d) of this Section.)
    2) Owners or operators of facilities that recycle recyclable materials without
    storing them before they are recycled are subject to the following
    requirements, except as provided in subsection (a) of this Section, the
    following requirements continue to apply:
    A) Notification requirements under section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act,
    B) 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.171 and 725.172 (dealing with the use of
    the manifest and manifest discrepancies), and
    C) subsection
    Subsection (d) of this Section.
    d) Owners or operators of facilities required to have a RCRA permit pursuant to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 703 with hazardous waste management units that recycle
    hazardous wastes are subject to Subparts AA and BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subparts AA and BB and Subparts AA and BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subparts AA and BB.

    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.107 Residues of Hazardous Waste in Empty Containers
    a) Applicability of rules:.
    1) Any hazardous waste remaining in either an empty container or an inner
    liner removed from an empty container, as defined in subsection (b), is not
    subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 721 through
    725, or 728, or to the notification requirements of Section 3010 of the
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
    2) Any hazardous waste in either a container that is not empty or an inner
    liner that is removed from a container that is not empty, as defined in
    subsection (b), is subject to regulations under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703,
    705, 721 through 725, and 728 and to the notification requirements of
    Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
    b) Definition of “empty:”:
    1) A container or an empty inner liner removed from a container that has
    held any hazardous waste, except a waste that is a compressed gas or that
    is identified as an acute hazardous waste listed in Sections 721.131,
    721.132, or 721.133(e), is empty if the conditions of subsections (b)(1)(A)
    and (b)(1)(B) of this Section exist, subject to the limitations of subsection
    (b)(1)(C) of this Section:
    A) All wastes have been removed that can be removed using the
    practices commonly employed to remove materials from that type
    of container, e.g., pouring, pumping, and aspirating, and
    B) No more than 2.5 centimeters (one inch) of residue remain on the
    bottom of the container or inner liner, or
    C) Weight limits:.
    i) No more than 3 three percent by weight of the total
    capacity of the container remains in the container or inner
    liner if the container is less than or equal to 110 gallons in
    size, or
    ii) No more than 0.3 percent by weight of the total capacity of
    the container remains in the container or inner liner if the
    container is greater than 110 gallons in size.

    2) A container that has held a hazardous waste that is a compressed gas is
    empty when the pressure in the container approaches ambient atmospheric
    3) A container or an inner liner removed from a container that has held an
    acute hazardous waste listed in Sections 721.131, 721.132, or 721.133(e)
    is empty if any of the following occurs:
    A) The container or inner liner has been triple rinsed using a solvent
    capable of removing the commercial chemical product or
    manufacturing chemical intermediate;
    B) The container or inner liner has been cleaned by another method
    that has been shown in the scientific literature, or by tests
    conducted by the generator, to achieve equivalent removal; or
    C) In the case of a container, the inner liner that prevented contact of
    the commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical
    intermediate with the container has been removed.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.108 PCB Wastes Regulated under TSCA
    Polychlorinatedbiphenyl-(PCB-)containing dielectric fluid and electric equipment containing
    such fluid, which that are authorized for use and regulated under 40 CFR 761, incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, and which are hazardous only because they fail the test
    for toxicity characteristic (hazardous waste codes D018 through D043 only), are exempt from
    regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 721 through 725, and 728, and from the
    notification requirements of Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.109 Requirements for Universal Waste
    The wastes listed in this Section are exempt from regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702
    through 705, 703, 722 through 726, and 728, except as specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733, and
    are therefore not fully regulated as hazardous waste. The following wastes listed in this Section
    are subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733:
    a) Batteries, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.102;
    b) Pesticides, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.103;

    c) Thermostats, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.104; and
    d) Lamps, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.105.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.110 Criteria for Identifying the Characteristics of Hazardous Waste
    a) USEPA stated in corresponding 40 CFR 261.10 that it identifies and defines a
    characteristic of hazardous waste in Subpart C of this Part only upon determining
    that the following:
    1) A
    That a solid waste which that exhibits the characteristic may do either
    of the following:
    A) Cause,
    It could cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in
    mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating
    reversible, illness; or
    B) Pose
    It could pose a substantial present or potential hazard to
    human health or the environment when it is improperly treated,
    stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed; and
    2) The
    That the characteristic can be as follows:
    A) Measured
    It can be measured by an available standardized test
    method which that is reasonable within the capability of generators
    of solid waste or private sector laboratories which that are
    available to serve generators of solid waste; or
    B) Reasonably
    It can reasonably be detected by generators of solid
    waste through their knowledge of their waste.
    b) Delisting procedures are contained in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.122.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 721.111 Criteria for Listing Hazardous Waste
    a) USEPA stated in corresponding 40 CFR 261.11 that it lists a solid waste as a
    hazardous waste only upon determining that the solid waste meets one of the
    following criteria:
    1) It
    The solid waste exhibits any of the characteristics of hazardous waste
    identified in Subpart C of this Part; or
    2) Acute hazardous waste. It The solid waste has been found to be fatal to
    humans in low doses or, in the absence of data on human toxicity, it has
    been shown in studies to have an oral LD 50 toxicity (rat) of less than 50
    mg/kg, an inhalation LC 50 toxicity (rat) of less than 2 mg/L, or a dermal
    LD 50 toxicity (rabbit) of less than 200 mg/kg or is otherwise capable of
    causing or significantly contributing to an increase in serious irreversible
    or incapacitating reversible, illness.
    BOARD NOTE: Waste listed in accordance with these criteria are
    designated Acute Hazardous Waste.
    3) Toxic waste. It The solid waste contains any of the toxic constituents
    listed in Appendix H of this Part and, after considering the following
    factors, USEPA concludes that the waste is capable of posing a substantial
    present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when
    improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise
    BOARD NOTE: Substances are listed in Appendix H of this Part only if
    they have been shown in scientific studies to have toxic, carcinogenic,
    mutagenic, or teratogenic effects on humans or other life forms.
    A) The nature of the toxicity presented by the constituent.;
    B) The concentration of the constituent in the waste.;
    C) The potential of the constituent or any toxic degradation product of
    the constituent to migrate from the waste into the environment
    under the types of improper management considered in subsection
    (a)(3)(G). of this Section;
    D) The persistence of the constituent or any toxic degradation product
    of the constituent.;

    E) The potential for the constituent or any toxic degradation product
    of the constituent to degrade into nonharmful constituents and the
    rate of degradation.;
    F) The degree to which the constituent or any degradation product of
    the constituent bioaccumulates in ecosystems.;
    G) The plausible types of improper management to which the waste
    could be subjected.;
    H) The quantities of the waste generated at individual generation sites
    or on a regional or national basis.;
    I) The nature and severity of the human health and environmental
    damage that has occurred as a result of the improper management
    of the wastes containing the constituent.;
    J) Action taken by other governmental agencies or regulatory
    programs based on the health or environmental hazard posed by
    the waste or waste constituent.; and
    K) Such other factors as may be appropriate.
    BOARD NOTE: Wastes listed in accordance with these criteria are
    designated toxic wastes.
    b) USEPA stated in corresponding 40 CFR 261.11(b) that it may list classes or types
    of solid waste as hazardous waste if USEPA has reason to believe that individual
    wastes, within the class or type of waste, typically or frequently are hazardous
    under the definition of hazardous waste found in Section 1004(5) of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act (42 USC 6901 et seq. 6904(5)).
    c) USEPA will use the criteria for listing specified in this Section to establish the
    exclusion limits referred to in Section 721.105(c).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.120 General
    a) A solid waste, as defined in Section 721.102, which is not excluded from
    regulation as a hazardous waste under Section 721.104(b), is a hazardous waste if
    it exhibits any of the characteristics identified in this Subpart C.

    BOARD NOTE: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111 sets forth the generator’s
    responsibility to determine whether the generator’s waste exhibits one or more
    characteristics identified in this Subpart C.
    b) A hazardous waste which that is identified by a characteristic in this Subpart C is
    assigned every USEPA Hazardous Waste Number which hazardous waste number
    that is applicable as set forth in this Subpart C. This number must be used in
    complying with the notification requirements of Section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act (42 USC 6910) and all applicable recordkeeping
    and reporting requirements under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726
    and 728.
    c) For purposes of this Subpart C, a sample obtained using any of the applicable
    sampling methods specified in Appendix A of this Part is a representative sample
    within the meaning of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.
    BOARD NOTE: Since the Appendix A sampling methods are not being formally
    adopted, a person who desires to employ an alternative sampling method is not
    required to demonstrate the equivalency of the person’s method under the
    procedures set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.121.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.121 Characteristic of Ignitability
    a) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of ignitability if a representative sample
    of the waste has any of the following properties:
    1) It is a liquid, other than an aqueous solution containing less than 24
    percent alcohol by volume, and has a flash point less than 60°C (140°F),
    as determined by a Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester, using the test
    method specified in ASTM D-93, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111, or a Setaflash Closed Cup Tester, using the test
    method specified in ASTM Standard D-3828, incorporated by reference in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, or as determined by an equivalent test method
    approved by the Board (35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120).
    2) It is not a liquid and is capable, under standard temperature and pressure,
    of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous
    chemical changes and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently
    that it creates a hazard.

    3) It is an ignitable compressed gas, as defined in 49 CFR 173.300,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, and as
    determined by the test methods described in that regulation or equivalent
    test methods approved by the Board (35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120).
    4) It is an oxidizer, as defined in 49 CFR 173.151, incorporated by reference
    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    b) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of ignitability has the EPA
    Hazardous Waste Number USEPA hazardous waste number of D001.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.122 Characteristic of Corrosivity
    a) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of corrosivity if a representative sample
    of the waste has either of the following properties:
    1) It is aqueous and has a pH less than or equal to 2 or greater than or equal
    to 12.5, as determined by a pH meter using Method 9040 in “Test
    Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    2) It is a liquid and corrodes steel (SAE 1020) at a rate greater than 6.35 mm
    (0.250 inch) per year at a test temperature of 55° C (130° F) as determined
    by the test method specified in NACE (National Association of Corrosion
    Engineers) Standard TM-01-69 as standardized in “Test Methods for the
    Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    BOARD NOTE: The corrosivity characteristic determination currently
    does not apply to non-liquid wastes, as discussed by U.S. EPA USEPA at
    45 Fed. Reg. 33109, May 19, 1980 and at 55 Fed. Reg. 22549, June 1,
    b) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of corrosivity has the U.S. EPA
    Hazardous Waste Number USEPA hazardous waste number of D002.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.123 Characteristic of Reactivity
    a) A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of reactivity if a representative sample of
    the waste has any of the following properties:

    1) It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without
    2) It reacts violently with water.
    3) It forms potentially explosive mixtures with water.
    4) When mixed with water, it generates toxic gases, vapors, or fumes in a
    quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the environment.
    5) It is a cyanide or sulfide bearing waste which, when exposed to pH
    conditions between 2 and 12.5 can generate toxic gases, vapors, or fumes
    in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health or the
    6) It is capable of detonation or explosive reaction if it is subjected to a
    strong initiating source or if heated under confinement.
    7) It is readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction
    at standard temperature and pressure.
    8) It is a forbidden explosive as defined in 49 CFR 173.51, or a Class A
    explosive as defined in 49 CFR 173.53 or a Class B explosive, as defined
    in 49 CFR 173.88, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    b) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of reactivity has the EPA Hazardous
    Waste Number USEPA hazardous waste number of D003.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.124 Toxicity Characteristic
    a) A solid waste (except manufactured gas plant waste) exhibits the characteristic of
    toxicity if, using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), test
    Method 1311 in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
    Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111, the extract from a representative sample of the waste
    contains any of the contaminants listed in the table in subsection (b) below of this
    Section at a concentration equal to or greater than the respective value given in
    that table. Where the waste contains less than 0.5 percent filterable solids, the
    waste itself, after filtering using the methodology outlined in Method 1311, is
    considered to be the extract for the purpose of this Section.

    BOARD NOTE: The reference to the “EP toxicity test” in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    808.410(b)(4) is to be understood as referencing the test required by this Section.
    b) A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of toxicity has the USEPA hazardous
    waste number specified in the following table that corresponds to the toxic
    contaminant causing it to be hazardous.
    Waste No. Contaminant CAS Number Note
    Level (mg/L)
    D004 Arsenic 7440-38-2 5.0
    D005 Barium 7440-39-3 100.0
    D018 Benzene 71-43-2 0.5
    D006 Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.0
    D019 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.5
    D020 Chlordane 57-74-9 0.03
    D021 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 100.0
    D022 Chloroform 67-66-3 6.0
    D007 Chromium 7440-47-3 5.0
    D023 o-Cresol 95-48-7 42 200.0
    D024 m-Cresol 108-39-4 42 200.0
    D025 p-Cresol 106-44-5 42 200.0
    D026 Cresol 42 200.0
    D016 2,4-D 94-75-7 10.0
    D027 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 7.5
    D028 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.5
    D029 1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.7
    D030 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 31 0.13
    D012 Endrin 72-20-8 0.02
    D031 Heptachlor (and its
    76-44-8 0.008
    D032 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 31 0.13
    D033 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.5
    D034 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 3.0
    D008 Lead 7439-92-1 5.0
    D013 Lindane 58-89-9 0.4
    D009 Mercury 7439-97-6 0.2
    D014 Methoxychlor 72-43-5 10.0
    D035 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 200.0

    D036 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 2.0
    D037 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 100.0
    D038 Pyridine 110-86-1 31 5.0
    D010 Selenium 7782-49-2 1.0
    D011 Silver 7440-22-4 5.0
    D039 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.7
    D015 Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.5
    D040 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.5
    D041 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 400.0
    D042 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 2.0
    D017 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 93-72-1 1.0
    D043 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.2
    Notes to Table:
    31 Quantitation limit is greater than the calculated regulatory level. The
    quantitation limit therefore becomes the regulatory level.
    42 If o-, m-, p-cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol
    (D026) concentration is used. The regulatory level of total cresol is 200.0
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.130 General
    a) A solid waste is a hazardous waste if it is listed in this Subpart D, unless it has
    been excluded from this list under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120 and 720.122.
    b) The basis for listing the classes or types of wastes listed in this Subpart D is
    indicated by employing one or more of the Hazard Codes following hazard codes:
    1) Hazard Codes:.
    A) Ignitable Waste waste (I)
    B) Corrosive Waste waste (C)
    C) Reactive Waste waste (R)
    D) Toxicity Characteristic waste (E)

    E) Acute Hazardous Waste hazardous waste (H)
    F) Toxic Waste waste (T)
    2) Appendix G of this Part identifies the constituent which that caused the
    Administrator to list the waste as a Toxicity Characteristic toxicity
    characteristic waste (E) or Toxic Waste toxic waste (T) in Sections
    721.131 and 721.132.
    c) Each hazardous waste listed in this Subpart D is assigned an EPA Hazardous
    Waste Number which USEPA hazardous waste number that precedes the name of
    the waste. This number must be used in complying with the notification
    requirements of Section 3010 of the Act RCRA (42 USC 6910) and certain
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722
    through 725, and 728 and 40 CFR 122.
    d) The following hazardous wastes listed in Section 721.131 or 721.132 are subject
    to the exclusion limits for acute hazardous wastes established in Section 721.105:
    hazardous wastes numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.131 Hazardous Wastes from Nonspecific Sources
    a) The following solid wastes are listed hazardous wastes from non-specific sources,
    unless they are excluded under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120 and 720.122 and listed
    in Appendix I of this Part.
    Waste No. Industry and Hazardous Waste
    F001 The following spent halogenated solvents used in
    degreasing: tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene,
    methylene chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetra-
    chloride, and chlorinated fluorocarbons; all spent
    solvent mixtures and blends used in degreasing
    containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by
    volume) of one or more of the above halogenated
    solvents or those solvents listed in F002, F004, or F005;
    and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent
    solvents and spent solvent mixtures.

    F002 The following spent halogenated solvents: tetrachloro-
    ethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-
    trichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-tri-
    fluoroethane, orthodichlorobenzene, trichloro-
    fluoromethane, and 1,1,2-trichloroethane; all spent
    solvent mixtures and blends containing, before use, a
    total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more
    of the above halogenated solvents or those solvents
    listed in F001, F004, or F005; and still bottoms from the
    recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent
    F003 The following spent non-halogenated solvents: xylene,
    acetone, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, ethyl ether, methyl
    isobutyl ketone, n-butyl alcohol, cyclohexanone, and
    methanol; all spent solvent mixtures and blends
    containing, before use, only the above spent non-
    halogenated solvents; and all spent solvent mixtures and
    blends containing, before use, one or more of the above
    non-halogenated solvents and a total of ten percent or
    more (by volume) of one or more of those solvents listed
    in F001, F002, F004, or F005; and still bottoms from the
    recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent
    F004 The following spent non-halogenated solvents: cresols
    and cresylic acid and nitrobenzene; all spent solvent
    mixtures and blends containing, before use, a total of ten
    percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the
    above non-halogenated solvents or those solvents listed
    in F001, F002, or F005; and still bottoms from the
    recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent
    F005 The following spent non-halogenated solvents: toluene,
    methyl ethyl ketone, carbon disulfide, isobutanol,
    pyridine, benzene, 2-ethoxyethanol, and 2-nitropropane;
    all spent solvent mixtures and blends, containing, before
    use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or
    more of the above non-halogenated solvents or those
    solvents listed in F001, F002, or F004; and still bottoms
    from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent
    solvent mixtures.
    (I, T)

    F006 Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating
    operations except from the following processes: (1)
    sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum; (2) tin plating on
    carbon steel; (3) zinc plating (segregated basis) on
    carbon steel; (4) aluminum or zinc-aluminum plating on
    carbon steel; (5) cleaning/stripping associated with tin,
    zinc, and aluminum plating on carbon steel; and (6)
    chemical etching and milling of aluminum.
    F007 Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating
    (R, T)
    F008 Plating bath residues from the bottom of plating baths
    from electroplating operations where cyanides are used
    in the process.
    (R, T)
    F009 Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from
    electroplating operations where cyanides are used in the
    (R, T)
    F010 Quenching bath residues from oil baths from metal heat
    treating heat-treating operations where cyanides are
    used in the process.
    (R, T)
    F011 Spent cyanide solutions from salt bath pot cleaning from
    metal heat treating heat-treating operations.
    (R, T)
    F012 Quenching wastewater treatment sludges from metal
    heat treating heat-treating operations where cyanides are
    used in the process.
    F019 Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical
    conversion coating of aluminum except from zirconium
    phosphating in aluminum can washing when such
    phosphating is an exclusive conversion coating process.
    F020 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from
    hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or
    manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate
    or component in a formulating process) of tri- or tetra-
    chlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce their
    pesticide derivatives. (This listing does not include
    wastes from the production of hexachlorophene from
    highly purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol.)

    F021 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from
    hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or
    manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate
    or component in a formulating process) of pentachloro-
    phenol, or of intermediates used to produce its
    F022 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from
    hydrogen chloride purification) from the manufacturing
    use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate or component
    in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexa-
    chlorobenzenes under alkaline conditions.
    F023 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from
    hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of
    materials on equipment previously used for the
    production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical
    intermediate or component in a formulating process) of
    tri- and tetrachlorophenols. (This listing does not
    include wastes from equipment used only for the
    production or use of hexachlorophene from highly
    purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol.)
    F024 Process wastes, including but not limited to, distillation
    residues, heavy ends, tars, and reactor cleanout wastes,
    from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic
    hydrocarbons by free radical catalyzed processes. These
    chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having
    carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including
    five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine
    substitution. (This listing does not include wastewaters,
    wastewater treatment sludges, spent catalysts, and
    wastes listed in this Section or in Section 721.132.)
    F025 Condensed light ends, spent filters and filter aids, and
    spent desiccant wastes from the production of certain
    chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by free radical
    catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic
    hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths
    ranging from one to and including five, with varying
    amounts and positions of chlorine substitution.

    F026 Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from
    hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of
    materials on equipment previously used for the
    manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate,
    or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-,
    or hexachlorobenzene under alkaline conditions.
    F027 Discarded unused formulations containing tri-, tetra- or
    pentachlorophenol or discarded unused formulations
    containing compounds derived from these chloro-
    phenols. (This listing does not include formulations
    containing hexachlorophene synthesized from
    prepurified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol as the sole
    F028 Residues resulting from the incineration or thermal
    treatment of soil contaminated with hazardous waste
    numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027.
    F032 Wastewaters (except those that have not come into
    contact with process contaminants), process residuals,
    preservative drippage, and spent formulations from
    wood preserving processes generated at plants that
    currently use or have previously used chlorophenolic
    formulations (except potentially cross-contaminated
    wastes that have had the F032 waste code deleted in
    accordance with Section 721.135 and where the
    generator does not resume or initiate use of chloro-
    phenolic formulations). This listing does not include
    K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of
    wastewater from wood preserving processes that use
    creosote or pentachlorophenol.
    F034 Wastewaters (except those that have not come into
    contact with process contaminants), process residuals,
    preservative drippage, and spent formulations from
    wood preserving processes generated at plants that use
    creosote formulations. This listing does not include
    K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of
    wastewater from wood preserving processes that use
    creosote or pentachlorophenol.

    F035 Wastewaters, (except those that have not come into
    contact with process contaminants), process residuals,
    preservative drippage, and spent formulations from
    wood preserving processes generated at plants that use
    inorganic preservatives containing arsenic or chromium.
    This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment
    sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood
    preserving processes that use creosote or pentachloro-
    F037 Petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation
    sludge -- Any sludge generated from the gravitational
    separation of oil/water/solids during the storage or
    treatment of process wastewaters and oily cooling
    wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such sludges
    include, but are not limited to, those generated in:
    oil/water/solids separators; tanks and impoundments;
    ditches and other conveyances; sumps; and stormwater
    units receiving dry weather flow. Sludge generated in
    stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow,
    sludge generated from non-contact once-through cooling
    waters segregated for treatment from other process or
    oily cooling waters, sludge generated in aggressive
    biological treatment units as defined in subsection (b)(2)
    of this Section (including sludge generated in one or
    more additional units after wastewaters have been
    treated in aggressive biological treatment units), and
    K051 wastes are not included in this listing. This listing
    does include residuals generated from processing or
    recycling oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials
    excluded under Section 721.104(a)(12)(A) if those
    residuals are to be disposed of.

    F038 Petroleum refinery secondary (emulsified)
    oil/water/solids separation sludge -- Any sludge or float
    generated from the physical or chemical separation of
    oil/water/solids in process wastewaters and oily cooling
    wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such wastes
    include, but are not limited to, all sludges and floats
    generated in the following types of units: induced air
    floatation (IAF) units, tanks and impoundments, and all
    sludges generated in dissolved air flotation (DAF) units.
    Sludges generated in stormwater units that do not
    receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non-
    contact once-through cooling waters segregated for
    treatment from other process or oily cooling waters,
    sludges and floats generated in aggressive biological
    treatment units as defined in subsection (b)(2) of this
    Section (including sludges and floats generated in one or
    more additional units after wastewaters have been
    treated in aggressive biological treatment units), F037,
    K048, and K051 wastes are not included in this listing.
    F039 Leachate (liquids which that have percolated through
    land disposed wastes) resulting from the disposal of
    more than one restricted waste classified as hazardous
    under Subpart D. (Leachate resulting from the disposal
    of one or more of the following USEPA hazardous
    wastes and no other hazardous wastes retains its USEPA
    hazardous waste number(s): F020, F021, F022, F026,
    F027, or F028.)
    BOARD NOTE: The primary hazardous properties of these materials have been
    indicated by the letters T (Toxicity), R (Reactivity), I (Ignitability), and C
    (Corrosivity). The letter H indicates Acute Hazardous Waste.
    b) Listing specific
    Listing-specific definitions.
    1) For the purpose of the F037 and F038 listings, “oil/water/solids” is
    defined as oil or water or solids.
    2) For the purposes of the F037 and F038 listings, the following apply:
    A) “Aggressive biological treatment units” are defined as units which
    that employ one of the following four treatment methods:
    activated sludge;, trickling filter;, rotating biological contactor for
    the continuous accelerated biological oxidation of wastewaters;, or

    high-rate aeration. “High-rate aeration” is a system of surface
    impoundments or tanks in which intense mechanical aeration is
    used to completely mix the wastes, enhance biological activity, and
    the following is true:
    i) The units employ a minimum of six horsepower per million
    gallons of treatment volume; and either
    ii) The hydraulic retention time of the unit is no longer than
    five days; or
    iii) The hydraulic retention time is no longer than 30 days and
    the unit does not generate a sludge that is a hazardous
    waste by the toxicity characteristic.
    B) Generators and treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) facilities
    have the burden of proving that their sludges are exempt from
    listing as F037 or F038 wastes under this definition. Generators
    and TSD facilities must maintain, in their operating or other on site
    records, documents and data sufficient to prove that the following:
    i) The unit is an aggressive biological treatment unit, as
    defined in this subsection; and
    ii) The sludges sought to be exempted from F037 or F038
    were actually generated in the aggressive biological
    treatment unit.
    3) Time of generation. For the purposes of the designated waste, the “time of
    generation” is defined as follows:
    A) For the F037 listing, sludges are considered to be generated at the
    moment of deposition in the unit, where deposition is defined as at
    least a temporary cessation of lateral particle movement.
    B) For the F038 listing:
    i) Sludges are considered to be generated at the moment of
    deposition in the unit, where deposition is defined as at
    least a temporary cessation of lateral particle movement;
    ii) Floats are considered to be generated at the moment they
    are formed in the top of the unit.

    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.132 Hazardous Waste from Specific Sources
    The following solid wastes are listed hazardous wastes from specific sources unless they are
    excluded under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120 and 720.122 and listed in Appendix I of this Part.
    Waste No. Industry and Hazardous Waste
    Wood Preservation Process Wastes:
    K001 Bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from
    wood preserving processes that use creosote or pentachloro-
    Inorganic Pigments Production Wastes:
    K002 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome
    yellow and orange pigments.
    K003 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate
    orange pigments.
    K004 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow
    K005 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome
    green pigments.
    K006 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome
    oxide green pigments (anhydrous and hydrated).
    K007 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of iron blue
    K008 Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green

    Organic Chemicals Production Wastes:
    K009 Distillation bottoms from the production of acetaldehyde from
    K010 Distillation side cuts from the production of acetaldehyde from
    K011 Bottom stream from the wastewater stripper in the production of
    (R, T)
    K013 Bottom stream from the acetonitrile column in the production of
    K014 Bottoms from the acetonitrile purification column in the
    production of acrylonitrile.
    K015 Still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride. (T)
    K016 Heavy ends or distillation residues from the production of carbon
    K017 Heavy ends (still bottoms) from the purification column in the
    production of epichlorohydrin.
    K018 Heavy ends from the fractionation column in ethyl chloride
    K019 Heavy ends from the distillation of ethylene dichloride in
    ethylene dichloride production.
    K020 Heavy ends from the distillation of vinyl chloride in vinyl
    chloride monomer production.
    K021 Aqueous spent antimony catalyst waste from fluoromethanes
    K022 Distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol/acetone
    from cumene.
    K023 Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride
    from naphthalene.

    K024 Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride
    from naphthalene.
    K093 Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride
    from ortho-xylene.
    K094 Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride
    from ortho-xylene.
    K025 Distillation bottoms from the production of nitrobenzene by the
    nitration of benzene.
    K026 Stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridines. (T)
    K027 Centrifuge and distillation residues from toluene diisocyanate
    (R, T)
    K028 Spent catalyst from the hydrochlorinator reactor in the production
    of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
    K029 Waste from the product stream stripper in the production of
    K095 Distillation bottoms from the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. (T)
    K096 Heavy ends from the heavy ends column from the production of
    K030 Column bottoms or heavy ends from the combined production of
    trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene.
    K083 Distillation bottoms from aniline production. (T)
    K103 Process residues from aniline extraction from the production of
    K104 Combined wastewater streams generated from
    nitrobenzene/aniline production.
    K085 Distillation or fractionation column bottoms from the production
    of chlorobenzenes.
    K105 Separated aqueous stream from the reactor product washing step
    in the production of chlorobenzenes.

    K107 Column bottoms from product separation from the production of
    1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid
    (C, T)
    K108 Condensed column overheads from product separation and
    condensed reactor vent gases from the production of 1,1-di-
    methylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    (I, T)
    K109 Spent filter cartridges from the product purification from the
    production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic
    acid hydrazides.
    K110 Condensed column overheads from intermediate separation from
    the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from
    carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    K111 Product wastewaters from the production of dinitrotoluene via
    nitration of toluene.
    (C, T)
    K112 Reaction by-product water from the drying column in the
    production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of di-
    K113 Condensed liquid light ends from the purification of toluenedi-
    amine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of
    K114 Vicinals from the purification of toluenediamine in the
    production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of
    K115 Heavy ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the
    production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of di-
    K116 Organic condensate from the solvent recovery column in the
    production of toluene diisocyanate via phosgenation of toluenedi-
    K117 Wastewater from the reactor vent gas scrubber in the production
    of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene.

    K118 Spent adsorbent solids from purification of ethylene dibromide in
    the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene.
    K136 Still bottoms from the purification of ethylene dibromide in the
    production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene.
    K156 Organic waste (including heavy ends, still bottoms, light ends,
    spent solvents, filtrates, and decantates) from the production of
    carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply
    to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl
    K157 Wastewaters (including scrubber waters, condenser waters,
    washwaters, and separation waters) from the production of
    carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply
    to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl
    K158 Baghouse dusts and filter/separation solids from the production
    of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not
    apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-
    propynyl n-butylcarbamate.)
    K159 Organics from the treatment of thiocarbamate wastes. (T)
    K161 Purification solids (including filtration, evaporation, and
    centrifugation solids), bag house dust and floor sweepings from
    the production of dithiocarbamate acids and their salts. (This
    listing does not include K125 or K126.)
    (R, T)
    K174 Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of ethylene
    dichloride or vinyl chloride monomer (including sludges that
    result from commingled ethylene dichloride or vinyl chloride
    monomer wastewater and other wastewater), unless the sludges
    meet the following conditions: (1) they the sludges are disposed
    of in a subtitle RCRA Subtitle C (42 USC 6921-6939e) or non-
    hazardous landfill licensed or permitted by the a state or the
    federal government; (2) they the sludges are not otherwise placed
    on the land prior to final disposal; and (3) the generator maintains
    documentation demonstrating that the waste was either disposed
    of in an on-site landfill or consigned to a transporter or disposal
    facility that provided a written commitment to dispose of the
    waste in an off-site landfill. Upon a showing by the government
    that a respondent in any enforcement action brought to enforce

    the requirements of Subtitle C of this Part managed wastewater
    treatment sludges from the production of vinyl chloride monomer
    or ethylene dichloride, the respondent must demonstrate that it
    meets the conditions of the exclusion that are set forth above. In
    doing so, the respondent must provide appropriate documentation
    that the terms of the exclusion were met (e.g., contracts between
    the generator and the landfill owner or operator, invoices
    documenting delivery of waste to landfill, etc.).
    K175 Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of vinyl
    chloride monomer using mercuric chloride catalyst in an
    acetylene-based process.
    Inorganic Chemicals Production Wastes:
    K071 Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine
    production, where separately prepurified brine is not used.
    K073 Chlorinated hydrocarbon waste from the purification step of the
    diaphragm cell process using graphite anodes in chlorine
    K106 Wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process in
    chlorine production.
    K176 Baghouse filters from the production of antimony oxide,
    including filters from the production of intermediates (e.g.,
    antimony metal or crude antimony oxide).
    K177 Slag from the production of antimony oxide that is speculatively
    accumulated or disposed of, including slag from the production
    of intermediates (e.g., antimony metal or crude antimony oxide).
    K178 Residues from manufacturing and manufacturing-site storage of
    ferric chloride from acids formed during the production of
    titanium dioxide using the chloride-ilmenite process.
    Pesticides Production Wastes:
    K031 By-product salts generated in the production of MSMA and
    cacodylic acid.
    K032 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chlordane. (T)

    K033 Wastewater and scrub water from the chlorination of cyclopenta-
    diene in the production of chlordane.
    K034 Filter solids from the filtration of hexachlorocyclopentadiene in
    the production of chlordane.
    K097 Vacuum stripper discharge from the chlordane chlorinator in the
    production of chlordane.
    K035 Wastewater treatment sludges generated in the production of
    K036 Still bottoms from toluene reclamation distillation in the
    production of disulfoton.
    K037 Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of disulfoton. (T)
    K038 Wastewater from the washing and stripping of phorate
    K039 Filter cake from the filtration of diethylphosphorodithioic acid in
    the production of phorate.
    K040 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of phorate. (T)
    K041 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of toxaphene. (T)
    K098 Untreated process wastewater from the production of toxaphene. (T)
    K042 Heavy ends or distillation residues from the distillation of tetra-
    chlorobenzene in the production of 2,4,5-T.
    K043 2,6-Dichlorophenol waste from the production of 2,4-D. (T)
    K099 Untreated wastewater from the production of 2,4-D. (T)
    K123 Process wastewater (including supernates, filtrates, and
    washwaters) from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic
    acid and its salts.
    K124 Reactor vent scrubber water from the production of ethylenebis-
    dithiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    (C, T)

    K125 Filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids from the
    production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    K126 Baghouse dust and floor sweepings in milling and packaging
    operations from the production or formulation of ethylenebisdi-
    thiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    K131 Wastewater from the reactor and spent sulfuric acid from the acid
    dryer from the production of methyl bromide.
    (C, T)
    K132 Spent absorbent and wastewater separator solids from the
    production of methyl bromide.
    Explosives Production Wastes:
    K044 Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing and
    processing of explosives.
    K045 Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater containing
    K046 Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing,
    formulation and loading of lead-based initiating compounds.
    K047 Pink/red water from TNT operations. (R)
    Petroleum Refining Wastes:
    K048 Dissolved air flotation (DAF) float from the petroleum refining
    K049 Slop oil emulsion solids from the petroleum refining industry. (T)
    K050 Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from the petroleum
    refining industry.
    K051 API separator sludge from the petroleum refining industry. (T)
    K052 Tank bottoms (leaded) from the petroleum refining industry. (T)
    K169 Crude oil storage tank sediment from petroleum refining

    K170 Clarified slurry oil tank sediment or in-line filter/separation
    solids from petroleum refining operations.
    K171 Spent hydrotreating catalyst from petroleum refining operations,
    including guard beds used to desulfurize feeds to other catalytic
    reactors (this listing does not include inert support media).
    (I, T)
    K172 Spent hydrorefining catalyst from petroleum refining operations,
    including guard beds used to desulfurize feeds to other catalytic
    reactors (this listing does not include inert support media).
    (I, T)
    Iron and Steel Production Wastes:
    K061 Emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of
    steel in electric furnaces.
    K062 Spent pickle liquor generated by steel finishing operations of
    facilities within the iron and steel industry (SIC Codes 331 and
    332) (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110).
    (C, T)
    Primary Aluminum Production Wastes:
    K088 Spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction. (T)
    Secondary Lead Production Wastes:
    K069 Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting. (T)
    BOARD NOTE: This listing is administratively stayed for sludge generated from secondary
    acid scrubber systems. The stay will remain in effect until this note is removed.
    K100 Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control
    dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting.
    Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Production Wastes:
    K084 Wastewater treatment sludges generated during the production of
    veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic
    K101 Distillation tar residues from the distillation of aniline-based
    compounds in the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from
    arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds.

    K102 Residue from use of activated carbon for decolorization in the
    production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-
    arsenic compounds.
    Ink Formulation Wastes:
    K086 Solvent washes and sludges, caustic washes and sludges, or water
    washes and sludges from cleaning tubs and equipment used in the
    formulation of ink from pigments, dryers, soaps and stabilizers
    containing chromium and lead.
    Coking Coke Production Wastes:
    K060 Ammonia still lime sludge from coking operations. (T)
    K087 Decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations. (T)
    K141 Process residues from the recovery of coal tar, including, but not
    limited to, collecting sump residues from the production of coke
    from coal or the recovery of coke by-products produced from
    coal. This listing does not include K087 (decanter tank tar
    sludges from coking operations).
    K142 Tar storage tank residues from the production of coke from coal
    or from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal.
    K143 Process residues from the recovery of light oil, including, but not
    limited to, those generated in stills, decanters, and wash oil
    recovery units from the recovery of coke by-products produced
    from coal.
    K144 Wastewater sump residues from light oil refining, including, but
    not limited to, intercepting or contamination sump sludges from
    the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal.
    K145 Residues from naphthalene collection and recovery operations
    from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal.
    K147 Tar storage tank residues from coal tar refining. (T)
    K148 Residues from coal tar distillation, including, but not limited to,
    still bottoms.

    Distillation bottoms from the production of
    - (or methyl-)
    chlorinated toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl
    chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional
    groups. (This waste does not include still bottoms from the
    distillation of benzyl chloride.)
    K150 Organic residuals, excluding spent carbon adsorbent, from the
    spent chlorine gas and hydrochloric acid recovery processes
    associated with the production of
    - (or methyl-) chlorinated
    toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and
    compounds with mixtures of these functional groups.
    K151 Wastewater treatment sludges, excluding neutralization and
    biological sludges, generated during the treatment of wastewaters
    from the production of
    - (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-
    chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with
    mixtures of these functional groups.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.133 Discarded Commercial Chemical Products, Off-Specification Species,
    Container Residues, and Spill Residues Thereof
    The following materials or items are hazardous wastes if and when they are discarded or
    intended to be discarded, as described in Section 721.102(a)(2)(A),; when they are mixed with
    waste oil or used oil or other material and applied to the land for dust suppression or road
    treatment,; when they are otherwise applied to the land in lieu of their original intended use or
    when they are contained in products that are applied to land in lieu of their original intended
    use,; or when, in lieu of their original intended use, they are produced for use as (or as a
    component of) a fuel, distributed for use as a fuel, or burned as a fuel.
    a) Any commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate
    having the generic name listed in subsection (e) or (f) of this Section.
    b) Any off-specification commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical
    intermediate that, if it met specifications, would have the generic name listed in
    subsection (e) or (f) of this Section.
    c) Any residue remaining in a container or inner liner removed from a container that
    has held any commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical
    intermediate having the generic name listed in subsection (e) or (f) of this Section,
    unless the container is empty, as defined in Section 721.107(b)(3).

    BOARD NOTE: Unless the residue is being beneficially used or reused;
    legitimately recycled or reclaimed; or accumulated, stored, transported, or treated
    prior to such use, reuse, recycling, or reclamation, the Board considers the residue
    to be intended for discard, and thus a hazardous waste. An example of a
    legitimate reuse of the residue would be where the residue remains in the
    container and the container is used to hold the same commercial chemical product
    or manufacturing chemical intermediate it previously held. An example of the
    discard of the residue would be where the drum is sent to a drum reconditioner
    that reconditions the drum but discards the residue.
    d) Any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the
    cleanup of a spill into or on any land or water of any commercial chemical
    product or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in
    subsection (e) or (f) of this Section or any residue or contaminated soil, water, or
    other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill into or on any land or water of
    any off-specification chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate
    that, if it met specifications, would have the generic name listed in subsection (e)
    or (f) of this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: The phrase “commercial chemical product or manufacturing
    chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in ...” refers to a chemical
    substance that is manufactured or formulated for commercial or manufacturing
    use which that consists of the commercially pure grade of the chemical, any
    technical grades of the chemical that are produced or marketed, and all
    formulations in which the chemical is the sole active ingredient. It does not refer
    to a material, such as a manufacturing process waste, that contains any of the
    substances listed in subsection (e) or (f) of this Section. Where a manufacturing
    process waste is deemed to be a hazardous waste because it contains a substance
    listed in subsection (e) or (f) of this Section, such waste will be listed in either
    Sections 721.131 or 721.132 or will be identified as a hazardous waste by the
    characteristics set forth in Subpart C of this Part.
    e) The commercial chemical products, manufacturing chemical intermediates, or off-
    specification commercial chemical products or manufacturing chemical
    intermediates referred to in subsections (a) through (d) of this Section are
    identified as acute hazardous waste (H) and are subject to the small quantity
    exclusion defined in Section 721.105(e). These wastes and their corresponding
    USEPA Hazardous Waste Numbers hazardous waste numbers are the following:
    BOARD NOTE: For the convenience of the regulated community, the primary
    hazardous properties of these materials have been indicated by the letters T
    (Toxicity), and R (Reactivity). The absence of a letter indicates that the
    compound is only listed for acute toxicity.

    Waste No.
    Abstracts No.
    (CAS No.) Substance
    P023 107-20-0 Acetaldehyde, chloro-
    P002 591-08-2 Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)
    P057 640-19-7 Acetamide, 2-fluoro-
    P058 62-74-8 Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt
    P002 591-08-2 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea
    P003 107-02-8 Acrolein
    P070 116-06-3 Aldicarb
    P203 1646-88-4 Aldicarb sulfone
    P004 309-00-2 Aldrin
    P005 107-18-6 Allyl alcohol
    P006 20859-73-8 Aluminum phosphide (R, T)
    P007 2763-96-4 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol
    P008 504-24-5 4-Aminopyridine
    P009 131-74-8 Ammonium picrate (R)
    P119 7803-55-6 Ammonium vanadate
    P099 506-61-6 Argentate(1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium
    P010 7778-39-4 Arsenic acid H3AsO4
    P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic oxide As2O3
    P011 1303-28-2 Arsenic oxide As2O5
    P011 1303-28-2 Arsenic pentoxide
    P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic trioxide
    P038 692-42-2 Arsine, diethyl-
    P036 696-28-6 Arsonous dichloride, phenyl-
    P054 151-56-4 Aziridine
    P067 75-55-8 Aziridine, 2-methyl
    P013 542-62-1 Barium cyanide
    P024 106-47-8 Benzenamine, 4-chloro-
    P077 100-01-6 Benzenamine, 4-nitro-
    P028 100-44-7 Benzene, (chloromethyl)-
    P042 51-43-4 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[(1-hydroxy-2-(methyl-
    amino)ethyl])-, (R)-
    P046 122-09-8
    P014 108-98-5 Benzenethiol
    P127 1563-66-2 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-,
    P188 57-64-7 Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compound with (3aS-
    pyrrolo[(2,3-b])indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester

    P001 81-81-2
    2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-
    phenylbutyl)-, and salts, when present at
    concentrations greater than 0.3 percent
    P028 100-44-7 Benzyl chloride
    P015 7440-41-7 Beryllium powder
    P017 598-31-2 Bromoacetone
    P018 357-57-3 Brucine
    P045 39196-18-6 2-Butanone,3,3-dimethyl-1-(methylthio)-, O-
    [(methylamino)carbonyl]) oxime
    P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide
    P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2
    P189 55285-14-8 Carbamic acid, [((dibutylamino)- thio])methyl-,
    2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl ester
    P191 644-64-4 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 1-[((dimethyl-amino)-
    carbonyl])-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl ester
    P192 119-38-0 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1-(1-methyl-
    ethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl ester
    P190 1129-41-5 Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester
    P127 1563-66-2 Carbofuran
    P022 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide
    P095 75-44-5 Carbonic dichloride
    P189 55285-14-8 Carbosulfan
    P023 107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde
    P024 106-47-8 p-Chloroaniline
    P026 5344-82-1 1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea
    P027 542-76-7 3-Chloropropionitrile
    P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide
    P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide CuCN
    P202 64-00-6 m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate
    P030 Cyanides (soluble cyanide salts), not otherwise
    P031 460-19-5 Cyanogen
    P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride
    P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride CNCl
    P034 131-89-5 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol
    P016 542-88-1 Dichloromethyl ether
    P036 696-28-6 Dichlorophenylarsine
    P037 60-57-1 Dieldrin
    P038 692-42-2 Diethylarsine
    P041 311-45-5 Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate
    P040 297-97-2 O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate
    P043 55-91-4 Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)
    P191 644-64-4 Dimetilan

    P004 309-00-2 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-
    P060 465-73-6 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-
    P037 60-57-1 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[(2,3-b])oxirene,
    octahydro-, (1a
    P051 72-20-8
    octahydro-, (1a
    and metabolites
    P044 60-51-5 Dimethoate
    P046 122-09-8
    P047 534-52-1
    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol and salts
    P048 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol
    P020 88-85-7 Dinoseb
    P085 152-16-9 Diphosphoramide, octamethyl-
    P111 107-49-3 Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester
    P039 298-04-4 Disulfoton
    P049 541-53-7 Dithiobiuret
    P185 26419-73-8 1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-,
    O-[((methylamino)- carbonyl])oxime
    P050 115-29-7 Endosulfan
    P088 145-73-3 Endothall
    P051 72-20-8 Endrin
    P051 72-20-8 Endrin, and metabolites
    P042 51-43-4 Epinephrine
    P031 460-19-5 Ethanedinitrile
    P194 23135-22-0 Ethanimidothioc acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-
    methyl ester
    P066 16752-77-5 Ethanimidothioic acid, N-[([((methylamino)-
    carbonyl])oxy])-, methyl ester
    P101 107-12-0 Ethyl cyanide
    P054 151-56-4 Ethylenimine
    P097 52-85-7 Famphur
    P056 7782-41-4 Fluorine
    P057 640-19-7 Fluoroacetamide
    P058 62-74-8 Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt
    P198 23422-53-9 Formetanate hydrochloride
    P197 17702-57-7 Formparanate
    P065 628-86-4 Fulminic acid, mercury (2+) salt (R, T)

    P059 76-44-8 Heptachlor
    P062 757-58-4 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate
    P116 79-19-6 Hydrazinecarbothioamide
    P068 60-34-4 Hydrazine, methyl-
    P063 74-90-8 Hydrocyanic acid
    P063 74-90-8 Hydrogen cyanide
    P096 7803-51-2 Hydrogen phosphide
    P060 465-73-6 Isodrin
    P192 119-38-0 Isolan
    P202 64-00-6 3-Isopropylphenyl-N-methylcarbamate
    P007 2763-96-4 3(2H)-Isoxazolone, 5-(aminomethyl)-
    P196 15339-36-3 Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-
    P196 15339-36-3 Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate
    P092 62-38-4 Mercury, (acetato-O)phenyl-
    P065 628-86-4 Mercury fulminate (R, T)
    P082 62-75-9 Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-
    P064 624-83-9 Methane, isocyanato-
    P016 542-88-1 Methane, oxybis[(chloro-
    P112 509-14-8 Methane, tetranitro- (R)
    P118 75-70-7 Methanethiol, trichloro-
    P198 23422-53-9 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N’-[3-
    P197 17702-57-7 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N’-[(2-methyl-
    P199 2032-65-7 Methiocarb
    P050 115-29-7 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepen,
    hydro-, 3-oxide
    P059 76-44-8 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,4,5,6,7,8,8-hepta-
    P066 16752-77-5 Methomyl
    P068 60-34-4 Methyl hydrazine
    P064 624-83-9 Methyl isocyanate
    P069 75-86-5 2-Methyllactonitrile
    P071 298-00-0 Methyl parathion
    P190 1129-41-5 Metolcarb
    P129 315-8-4 Mexacarbate
    P072 86-88-4
    P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl
    P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4, (T-4)-
    P074 557-19-7 Nickel cyanide
    P074 557-19-7 Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2

    P075 54-11-5
    Nicotine, and salts
    P076 10102-43-9 Nitric oxide
    P077 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline
    P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen dioxide
    P076 10102-43-9 Nitrogen oxide NO
    P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen oxide NO2
    P081 55-63-0 Nitroglycerine (R)
    P082 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine
    P084 4549-40-0 N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine
    P085 152-16-9 Octamethylpyrophosphoramide
    P087 20816-12-0 Osmium oxide OsO4, (T-4)-
    P087 20816-12-0 Osmium tetroxide
    P088 145-73-3 7-Oxabicyclo[(2.2.1])heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic
    P194 23135-22-0 Oxamyl
    P089 56-38-2 Parathion
    P034 131-89-5 Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro-
    P128 315-18-4 Phenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-dimethyl-,
    methylcarbamate (ester)
    P199 2032-65-7 Phenol, (3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)-, methyl-
    P048 51-28-5 Phenol, 2,4-dinitro-
    P047 534-52-1
    Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro-, and salts
    P202 64-00-6 Phenol, 3-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate
    P201 2631-37-0 Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl
    P020 88-85-7 Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro-
    P009 131-74-8 Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt (R)
    P092 62-38-4 Phenylmercury acetate
    P093 103-85-5 Phenylthiourea
    P094 298-02-2 Phorate
    P095 75-44-5 Phosgene
    P096 7803-51-2 Phosphine
    P041 311-45-5 Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester
    P039 298-04-4 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[(2-
    (ethylthio)ethyl]) ester
    P094 298-02-2 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[((ethyl-
    thio)methyl]) ester
    P044 60-51-5 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-dimethyl S-[(2-
    P043 55-91-4 Phosphorofluoridic
    acid, bis(1-methylethyl)ester
    P089 56-38-2 Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-(4-
    nitrophenyl) ester

    P040 297-97-2 Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-pyrazinyl
    P097 52-85-7 Phosphorothioic acid, O-[(4-[((dimethylamino)-
    sulfonyl)])phenyl]) O,O-dimethyl ester
    P071 298-00-0 Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-dimethyl O-(4-
    nitrophenyl) ester
    P204 57-47-6 Physostigmine
    P188 57-64-7 Physostigmine salicylate
    P110 78-00-2 Plumbane, tetraethyl-
    P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide
    P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide KCN
    P099 506-61-6 Potassium silver cyanide
    P201 2631-37-0 Promecarb
    P203 1646-88-4 Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methyl-sulfonyl)-, O-
    [((methylamino)carbonyl]) oxime
    P070 116-06-3 Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylthio)-, O-
    P101 107-12-0 Propanenitrile
    P027 542-76-7 Propanenitrile, 3-chloro-
    P069 75-86-5 Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-
    P081 55-63-0 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate- (R)
    P017 598-31-2 2-Propanone, 1-bromo-
    P102 107-19-7 Propargyl alcohol
    P003 107-02-8 2-Propenal
    P005 107-18-6 2-Propen-1-ol
    P067 75-55-8 1,2-Propylenimine
    P102 107-19-7 2-Propyn-1-ol
    P008 504-24-5 4-Pyridinamine
    P075 54-11-5
    Pyridine, 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)- and
    P204 57-47-6 Pyrrolo[(2,3-b])indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexa-
    hydro-1,3a,8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate
    (ester), (3aS-cis)-
    P114 12039-52-0 Selenious acid, dithallium (1+) salt
    P103 630-10-4 Selenourea
    P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide
    P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide AgCN
    P105 26628-22-8 Sodium azide
    P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide
    P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide NaCN
    P108 57-24-9
    Strychnidin-10-one, and salts
    P018 357-57-3 Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3-dimethoxy-
    P108 57-24-9
    Strychnine and salts
    P115 7446-18-6 Sulfuric acid, dithallium (1+) salt

    P109 3689-24-5 Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate
    P110 78-00-2 Tetraethyl lead
    P111 107-49-3 Tetraethylpyrophosphate
    P112 509-14-8 Tetranitromethane (R)
    P062 757-58-4 Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester
    P113 1314-32-5 Thallic oxide
    P113 1314-32-5 Thallium oxide Tl2O3
    P114 12039-52-0 Thallium (I) selenite
    P115 7446-18-6 Thallium (I) sulfate
    P109 3689-24-5 Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester
    P045 39196-18-4 Thiofanox
    P049 541-53-7 Thioimidodicarbonic diamide [((H2N)C(S)])2NH
    P014 108-98-5 Thiophenol
    P116 79-19-6 Thiosemicarbazide
    P026 5344-82-1 Thiourea, (2-chlorophenyl)-
    P072 86-88-4 Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl-
    P093 103-85-5 Thiourea, phenyl-
    P123 8001-35-2 Toxaphene
    P185 26419-73-8 Tirpate
    P118 75-70-7 Trichloromethanethiol
    P119 7803-55-6 Vanadic acid, ammonium salt
    P120 1314-62-1 Vanadium oxide V2O5
    P120 1314-62-1 Vanadium pentoxide
    P084 4549-40-0 Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-
    P001 81-81-2
    Warfarin, and salts, when present at
    concentrations greater than 0.3 percent
    P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide
    P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2
    P205 137-30-4 Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S’)-
    P122 1314-84-7 Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at
    concentrations greater than 10 percent (R, T)
    P205 137-30-4 Ziram
    BOARD NOTE: An asterisk (*) following the CAS number indicates that the
    CAS number is given for the parent compound only.
    f) The commercial chemical products, manufacturing chemical intermediates, or off-
    specification commercial chemical products referred to in subsections (a) through
    (d) of this Section, are identified as toxic wastes (T) unless otherwise designated
    and are subject to the small quantity exclusion defined in Section 721.105(a) and
    (g). These wastes and their corresponding USEPA Hazardous Waste Numbers
    hazardous waste numbers are the following:

    BOARD NOTE: For the convenience of the regulated community, the primary
    hazardous properties of these materials have been indicated by the letters T
    (Toxicity), R (Reactivity), I (Ignitability), and C (Corrosivity). The absence of a
    letter indicates that the compound is only listed for toxicity.
    Waste No.
    Abstracts No.
    (CAS No.)
    U394 30558-43-1 A2213
    U001 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde (I)
    U034 75-87-6 Acetaldehyde, trichloro-
    U187 62-44-2 Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-
    U005 53-96-3 Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl-
    U240 P 94-75-7 Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-, salts and
    U112 141-78-6 Acetic acid, ethyl ester (I)
    U144 301-04-2 Acetic acid, lead (2+) salt
    U214 563-68-8 Acetic acid, thallium (1+) salt
    See F027 93-76-5 Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-
    U002 67-64-1 Acetone (I)
    U003 75-05-8 Acetonitrile (I,
    U004 98-86-2 Acetophenone
    U005 53-96-3 2-Acetylaminofluorene
    U006 75-36-5 Acetyl chloride (C, R, T)
    U007 79-06-1 Acrylamide
    U008 79-10-7 Acrylic acid (I)
    U009 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile
    U011 61-82-5 Amitrole
    U012 62-53-3 Aniline (I,
    U136 75-60-5 Arsinic acid, dimethyl-
    U014 492-80-8 Auramine
    U015 115-02-6 Azaserine
    U010 50-07-7 Azirino[(2',3':3,4])pyrrolo[(1,2-a])indole-4,7-di-
    one, 6-amino-8-[([((aminocarbonyl)oxy])-
    5-methyl-, [(1a-S-(1a
    U280 101-27-9 Barban
    U278 22781-23-3 Bendiocarb
    U364 22961-82-6 Bendiocarb phenol
    U271 17804-35-2 Benomyl
    U157 56-49-5 Benz[(j])aceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro-3-methyl-
    U016 225-51-4 Benz(c)acridine
    U017 98-87-3 Benzal chloride

    U192 23950-58-5 Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-
    U018 56-55-3 Benz[(a])anthracene
    U094 57-97-6 Benz[(a])anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl-
    U012 62-53-3 Benzenamine (I,
    U014 492-80-8 Benzenamine, 4,4'-carbonimidoylbis[(N,N-di-
    U049 3165-93-3 Benzenamine, 4-chloro-2-methyl-, hydrochloride
    U093 60-11-7 Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4-(phenylazo)-
    U328 95-53-4 Benzenamine, 2-methyl-
    U353 106-49-0 Benzenamine, 4-methyl-
    U158 101-14-4 Benzenamine, 4,4'-methylenebis[(2-chloro-
    U222 636-21-5 Benzenamine, 2-methyl-, hydrochloride
    U181 99-55-8 Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro-
    U019 71-43-2 Benzene (I,
    U038 510-15-6 Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro-
    -hydroxy-, ethyl ester
    U030 101-55-3 Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy-
    U035 305-03-3 Benzenebutanoic acid, 4-[(bis(2-chloroethyl)-
    U037 108-90-7 Benzene, chloro-
    U221 25376-45-8 Benzenediamine, ar-methyl-
    U028 117-81-7 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl)
    U069 84-74-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester
    U088 84-66-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester
    U102 131-11-3 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester
    U107 117-84-0 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester
    U070 95-50-1 Benzene, 1,2-dichloro-
    U071 541-73-1 Benzene, 1,3-dichloro-
    U072 106-46-7 Benzene, 1,4-dichloro-
    U060 72-54-8 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2-dichloroethylidene)bis[(4-
    U017 98-87-3 Benzene, (dichloromethyl)-
    U223 26471-62-5 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- (R, T)
    U239 1330-20-7 Benzene, dimethyl- (I, T)
    U201 108-46-3 1,3-Benzenediol
    U127 118-74-1 Benzene, hexachloro-
    U056 110-82-7 Benzene, hexahydro- (I)
    U220 108-88-3 Benzene, methyl-
    U105 121-14-2 Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro-
    U106 606-20-2 Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro-
    U055 98-82-8 Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- (I)
    U169 98-95-3 Benzene, nitro-

    U183 608-93-5 Benzene, pentachloro-
    U185 82-68-8 Benzene, pentachloronitro-
    U020 98-09-9 Benzenesulfonic acid chloride (C, R)
    U020 98-09-9 Benzenesulfonyl chloride (C, R)
    U207 95-94-3 Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-
    U061 50-29-3 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[(4-
    U247 72-43-5 Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[(4-
    U023 98-07-7 Benzene, (trichloromethyl)-
    U234 99-35-4 Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro-
    U021 92-87-5 Benzidene
    U202 P 81-07-2 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, and
    U203 94-59-7 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)-
    U141 120-58-1 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)-
    U090 94-58-6 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-propyl-
    U278 22781-23-3 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl
    U364 22961-82-6 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-
    U367 1563-38-8 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-
    U064 189-55-9 Benzo[(rst])pentaphene
    U248 P 81-81-2 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-
    phenylbutyl)-, and salts, when present at
    concentrations of 0.3 percent or less
    U022 50-32-8 Benzo[(a])pyrene
    U197 106-51-4 p-Benzoquinone
    U023 98-07-7 Benzotrichloride (C,
    R, T)
    U085 1464-53-5 2,2'-Bioxirane
    U021 92-87-5 [(1,1'-Biphenyl])-4,4'-diamine
    U073 91-94-1 [(1,1'-Biphenyl])-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dichloro-
    U091 119-90-4 [(1,1'-Biphenyl])-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethoxy-
    U095 119-93-7 [(1,1'-Biphenyl])-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethyl-
    U225 75-25-2 Bromoform
    U030 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
    U128 87-68-3 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-
    U172 924-16-3 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso-
    U031 71-36-3 1-Butanol (I)
    U159 78-93-3 2-Butanone (I,
    U160 1338-23-4 2-Butanone, peroxide (R, T)
    U053 4170-30-3 2-Butenal
    U074 764-41-0 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro- (I, T)

    U143 303-34-4 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 7-[([(2,3-dihydroxy-
    ester, [(1S-[(1
    (Z), 7(2S*,3R*), 7a
    U031 71-36-3 n-Butyl alcohol (I)
    U136 75-60-5 Cacodylic acid
    U032 13765-19-0 Calcium chromate
    U372 10605-21-7 Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl
    U271 17804-35-2 Carbamic acid, [(1-[((butylamino)carbonyl])-1H-
    benzimidazol-2-yl])-, methyl ester
    U280 101-27-9 Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-
    butynyl ester
    U238 51-79-6 Carbamic acid, ethyl ester
    U178 615-53-2 Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester
    U373 122-42-9 Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester
    U409 23564-05-8 Carbamic acid, [(1,2-phenylenebis(imino-
    carbonothioyl)])bis-, dimethyl ester
    U097 79-44-7 Carbamic chloride, dimethyl-
    U114 P 111-54-6 Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2-ethanediylbis-, salts
    and esters
    U062 2303-16-4 Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3-
    dichloro-2-propenyl) ester
    U389 2303-17-5 Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-
    (2,3,3-trichloro-2-propenyl) ester
    U387 52888-80-9 Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-(phenylmethyl)
    U279 63-25-2 Carbaryl
    U372 10605-21-7 Carbendazim
    U367 1563-38-8 Carbofuran phenol
    U215 6533-73-9 Carbonic acid, dithallium (1+) salt
    U033 353-50-4 Carbonic difluoride
    U156 79-22-1 Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester (I, T)
    U033 353-50-4 Carbon oxyfluoride (R, T)
    U211 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride
    U034 75-87-6 Chloral
    U035 305-03-3 Chlorambucil
    U036 57-74-9 Chlordane,
    U026 494-03-1 Chlornaphazin
    U037 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene
    U038 510-15-6 Chlorobenzilate
    U039 59-50-7 p-Chloro-m-cresol
    U042 110-75-8 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether
    U044 67-66-3 Chloroform

    U046 107-30-2 Chloromethyl methyl ether
    U047 91-58-7
    U048 95-57-8 o-Chlorophenol
    U049 3165-93-3 4-Chloro-o-toluidine, hydrochloride
    U032 13765-19-0 Chromic acid H2CrO4, calcium salt
    U050 218-01-9 Chrysene
    U051 Creosote
    U052 1319-77-3 Cresol (Cresylic acid)
    U053 4170-30-3 Crotonaldehyde
    U055 98-82-8 Cumeme (I)
    U246 506-68-3 Cyanogen bromide CNBr
    U197 106-51-4 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione
    U056 110-82-7 Cyclohexane (I)
    U129 58-89-9 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-,
    U057 108-94-1 Cyclohexanone (I)
    U130 77-47-4 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5-hexachloro-
    U058 50-18-0 Cyclophosphamide
    U240 P 94-75-7 2,4-D, salts and esters
    U059 20830-81-3 Daunomycin
    U060 72-54-8 DDD
    U061 50-29-3 DDT
    U062 2303-16-4 Diallate
    U063 53-70-3 Dibenz[(a,h])anthracene
    U064 189-55-9 Dibenzo[(a,i])pyrene
    U066 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
    U069 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate
    U070 95-50-1 o-Dichlorobenzene
    U071 541-73-1 m-Dichlorobenzene
    U072 106-46-7 p-Dichlorobenzene
    U073 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine
    U074 764-41-0 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene (I,
    U075 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane
    U078 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene
    U079 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloroethylene
    U025 111-44-4 Dichloroethyl ether
    U027 108-60-1 Dichloroisopropyl ether
    U024 111-91-1 Dichloromethoxy ethane
    U081 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol
    U082 87-65-0 2,6-Dichlorophenol
    U084 542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene
    U085 1464-53-5 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane (I,
    U395 5952-26-1 Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate
    U108 123-91-1 1,4-Diethyleneoxide

    U028 117-81-7 Diethylhexyl phthalate
    U086 1615-80-1 N,N’-Diethylhydrazine
    U087 3288-58-2 O,O-Diethyl S-methyl dithiophosphate
    U088 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate
    U089 56-53-1 Diethylstilbestrol
    U090 94-58-6 Dihydrosafrole
    U091 119-90-4 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine
    U092 124-40-3 Dimethylamine (I)
    U093 60-11-7 p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene
    U094 57-97-6 7,12-Dimethylbenz[(a])anthracene
    U095 119-93-7 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine
    U096 80-15-9
    -Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide (R)
    U097 79-44-7 Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride
    U098 57-14-7 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine
    U099 540-73-8 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine
    U101 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol
    U102 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate
    U103 77-78-1 Dimethyl sulfate
    U105 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
    U106 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene
    U107 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate
    U108 123-91-1 1,4-Dioxane
    U109 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine
    U110 142-84-7 Dipropylamine (I)
    U111 621-64-7 Di-n-propylnitrosamine
    U041 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin
    U001 75-07-0 Ethanal (I)
    U404 121-44-8 Ethanamine, N,N-diethyl-
    U174 55-18-5 Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso-
    U155 91-80-5 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N’-2-
    U067 106-93-4 Ethane, 1,2-dibromo-
    U076 75-34-3 Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-
    U077 107-06-2 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-
    U131 67-72-1 Ethane, hexachloro-
    U024 111-91-1 Ethane, 1,1'-[(methylenebis(oxy) ])bis[(2-chloro-
    U117 60-29-7 Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis- (I)
    U025 111-44-4 Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[(2-chloro-
    U184 76-01-7 Ethane, pentachloro-
    U208 630-20-6 Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-
    U209 79-34-5 Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-
    U218 62-55-5 Ethanethioamide
    U226 71-55-6 Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-
    U227 79-00-5 Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-

    U410 59669-26-0 Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N’- [(thiobis[((methyl-
    imino)carbonyloxy])])bis-, dimethyl ester
    U394 30558-43-1 Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-
    hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester
    U359 110-80-5 Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-
    U173 1116-54-7 Ethanol, 2,2'-(nitrosoimino)bis-
    U395 5952-26-1 Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate
    U004 98-86-2 Ethanone, 1-phenyl-
    U043 75-01-4 Ethene, chloro-
    U042 110-75-8 Ethene, (2-chloroethoxy)-
    U078 75-35-4 Ethene, 1,1-dichloro-
    U079 156-60-5 Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-, (E)-
    U210 127-18-4 Ethene, tetrachloro-
    U228 79-01-6 Ethene, trichloro-
    U112 141-78-6 Ethyl acetate (I)
    U113 140-88-5 Ethyl acrylate (I)
    U238 51-79-6 Ethyl carbamate (urethane)
    U117 60-29-7 Ethyl ether
    U114 P 111-54-6 Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts and esters
    U067 106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide
    U077 107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride
    U359 110-80-5 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
    U115 75-21-8 Ethylene oxide (I, T)
    U116 96-45-7 Ethylenethiourea
    U076 75-34-3 Ethylidene dichloride
    U118 97-63-2 Ethyl methacrylate
    U119 62-50-0 Ethyl methanesulfonate
    U120 206-44-0 Fluoranthene
    U122 50-00-0 Formaldehyde
    U123 64-18-6 Formic acid (C, T)
    U124 110-00-9 Furan (I)
    U125 98-01-1 2-Furancarboxaldehyde (I)
    U147 108-31-6 2,5-Furandione
    U213 109-99-9 Furan, tetrahydro- (I)
    U125 98-01-1 Furfural (I)
    U124 110-00-9 Furfuran (I)
    U206 18883-66-4 Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitroso-
    ureido)-, D-
    U206 18883-66-4 D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2-[([((methylnitrosoamino)-
    U126 765-34-4 Glycidylaldehyde
    U163 70-25-7 Guanidine, N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitroso-
    U127 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene
    U128 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene

    U130 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
    U131 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane
    U132 70-30-4 Hexachlorophene
    U243 1888-71-7 Hexachloropropene
    U133 302-01-2 Hydrazine (R,
    U086 1615-80-1 Hydrazine, 1,2-diethyl-
    U098 57-14-7 Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl-
    U099 540-73-8 Hydrazine, 1,2-dimethyl-
    U109 122-66-7 Hydrazine, 1,2-diphenyl-
    U134 7664-39-3 Hydrofluoric acid (C, T)
    U134 7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride (C, T)
    U135 7783-06-4 Hydrogen sulfide
    U135 7783-06-4 Hydrogen sulfide H2S
    U096 80-15-9 Hydroperoxide, 1-methyl-1-phenylethyl- (R)
    U116 96-45-7 2-Imidazolidinethione
    U137 193-39-5 Indeno[(1,2,3-cd])pyrene
    U190 85-44-9 1,3-Isobenzofurandione
    U140 78-83-1 Isobutyl alcohol (I, T)
    U141 120-58-1 Isosafrole
    U142 143-50-0 Kepone
    U143 303-34-4 Lasiocarpene
    U144 301-04-2 Lead acetate
    U146 1335-32-6 Lead, bis(acetato-O)tetrahydroxytri-
    U145 7446-27-7 Lead phosphate
    U146 1335-32-6 Lead subacetate
    U129 58-89-9 Lindane
    U163 70-25-7 MNNG
    U147 108-31-6 Maleic anhydride
    U148 123-33-1 Maleic hydrazide
    U149 109-77-3 Malononitrile
    U150 148-82-3 Melphalan
    U151 7439-97-6 Mercury
    U152 126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile (I,
    U092 124-40-3 Methanamine, N-methyl- (I)
    U029 74-83-9 Methane, bromo-
    U045 74-87-3 Methane, chloro- (I, T)
    U046 107-30-2 Methane, chloromethoxy-
    U068 74-95-3 Methane, dibromo-
    U080 75-09-2 Methane, dichloro-
    U075 75-71-8 Methane, dichlorodifluoro-
    U138 74-88-4 Methane, iodo-
    U119 62-50-0 Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester
    U211 56-23-5 Methane, tetrachloro-
    U153 74-93-1 Methanethiol (I,

    U225 75-25-2 Methane, tribromo-
    U044 67-66-3 Methane, trichloro-
    U121 75-69-4 Methane, trichlorofluoro-
    U036 57-74-9 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-
    U154 67-56-1 Methanol (I)
    U155 91-80-5 Methapyrilene
    U142 143-50-0 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta[(cd])pentalen-2-
    one, 1,1a,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachloro-
    U247 72-43-5 Methoxychlor
    U154 67-56-1 Methyl alcohol (I)
    U029 74-83-9 Methyl bromide
    U186 504-60-9 1-Methylbutadiene (I)
    U045 74-87-3 Methyl chloride (I, T)
    U156 79-22-1 Methyl chlorocarbonate (I, T)
    U226 71-55-6 Methylchloroform
    U157 56-49-5 3-Methylcholanthrene
    U158 101-14-4 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)
    U068 74-95-3 Methylene bromide
    U080 75-09-2 Methylene chloride
    U159 78-93-3 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) (I, T)
    U160 1338-23-4 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (R, T)
    U138 74-88-4 Methyl iodide
    U161 108-10-1 Methyl isobutyl ketone (I)
    U162 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate (I, T)
    U161 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (I)
    U164 56-04-2 Methylthiouracil
    U010 50-07-7 Mitomycin C
    U059 20830-81-3 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8-acetyl-10-[((3-amino-
    methoxy-, (8S-cis)-
    U167 134-32-7 1-Naphthalenamine
    U168 91-59-8 2-Naphthalenamine
    U026 494-03-1 Naphthaleneamine, N,N’-bis(2-chloroethyl)-
    U165 91-20-3 Naphthalene
    U047 91-58-7 Naphthalene, 2-chloro-
    U166 130-15-4 1,4-Naphthalenedione
    U236 72-57-1 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-[((3,3'-di-
    amino-4-hydroxy])-, tetrasodium salt
    U279 63-25-2 1-Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate
    U166 130-15-4 1,4-Naphthoquinone

    U167 134-32-7
    U168 91-59-8
    U217 10102-45-1 Nitric acid, thallium (1+) salt
    U169 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene (I,
    U170 100-02-7 p-Nitrophenol
    U171 79-46-9 2-Nitropropane (I,
    U172 924-16-3 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine
    U173 1116-54-7 N-Nitrosodiethanolamine
    U174 55-18-5 N-Nitrosodiethylamine
    U176 759-73-9 N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea
    U177 684-93-5 N-Nitroso-N-methylurea
    U178 615-53-2 N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane
    U179 100-75-4 N-Nitrosopiperidine
    U180 930-55-2 N-Nitrosopyrrolidine
    U181 99-55-8 5-Nitro-o-toluidine
    U193 1120-71-4 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2-dioxide
    U058 50-18-0 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin-2-amine, N,N-bis(2-
    chloroethyl)tetrahydro-, 2-oxide
    U115 75-21-8 Oxirane (I,
    U126 765-34-4 Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde
    U041 106-89-8 Oxirane, (chloromethyl)-
    U182 123-63-7 Paraldehyde
    U183 608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene
    U184 76-01-7 Pentachloroethane
    U185 82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)
    See F027 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol
    U161 108-10-1 Pentanol, 4-methyl-
    U186 504-60-9 1,3-Pentadiene (I)
    U187 62-44-2 Phenacetin
    U188 108-95-2 Phenol
    U048 95-57-8 Phenol, 2-chloro-
    U039 59-50-7 Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl-
    U081 120-83-2 Phenol, 2,4-dichloro-
    U082 87-65-0 Phenol, 2,6-dichloro-
    U089 56-53-1 Phenol, 4,4'-(1,2-diethyl-1,2-ethenediyl)bis-, (E)-
    U101 105-67-9 Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl-
    U052 1319-77-3 Phenol, methyl-
    U132 70-30-4 Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis[(3,4,6-trichloro-
    U411 114-26-1 Phenol, 2-(1-methylethoxy)-, methylcarbamate
    U170 100-02-7 Phenol, 4-nitro-
    See F027 87-86-5 Phenol, pentachloro-
    See F027 58-90-2 Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro-
    See F027 95-95-4 Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro-
    See F027 88-06-2 Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro-

    U150 148-82-3 L-Phenylalanine, 4-[(bis(2-chloroethyl)amino])-
    U145 7446-27-7 Phosphoric acid, lead (2+) salt (2:3)
    U087 3288-58-2 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-methyl
    U189 1314-80-3 Phosphorus sulfide (R)
    U190 85-44-9 Phthalic anhydride
    U191 109-06-8 2-Picoline
    U179 100-75-4 Piperidine, 1-nitroso-
    U192 23950-58-5 Pronamide
    U194 107-10-8 1-Propanamine (I,
    U111 621-64-7 1-Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl-
    U110 142-84-7 1-Propanamine, N-propyl- (I)
    U066 96-12-8 Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro-
    U083 78-87-5 Propane, 1,2-dichloro-
    U149 109-77-3 Propanedinitrile
    U171 79-46-9 Propane, 2-nitro- (I, T)
    U027 108-60-1 Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[(2-chloro-
    See F027 93-72-1 Propanoic acid, 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-
    U193 1120-71-4 1,3-Propane sultone
    U235 126-72-7 1-Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate (3:1)
    U140 78-83-1 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- (I, T)
    U002 67-64-1 2-Propanone (I)
    U007 79-06-1 2-Propenamide
    U084 542-75-6 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-
    U243 1888-71-7 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro-
    U009 107-13-1 2-Propenenitrile
    U152 126-98-7 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- (I, T)
    U008 79-10-7 2-Propenoic acid (I)
    U113 140-88-5 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester (I)
    U118 97-63-2 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester
    U162 80-62-6 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester (I, T)
    U373 122-42-9 Propham
    U411 114-26-1 Propoxur
    See F027 93-72-1 Propionic acid, 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)-
    U194 107-10-8 n-Propylamine (I,
    U083 78-87-5 Propylene dichloride
    U387 52888-80-9 Prosulfocarb
    U148 123-33-1 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro-
    U196 110-86-1 Pyridine
    U191 109-06-8 Pyridine, 2-methyl-
    U237 66-75-1 2,4-(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5-[(bis(2-chloro-
    U164 58-04-2 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-2-

    U180 930-55-2 Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso-
    U200 50-55-5 Reserpine
    U201 108-46-3 Resorcinol
    U202 P 81-07-2 Saccharin and salts
    U203 94-59-7 Safrole
    U204 7783-00-8 Selenious acid
    U204 7783-00-8 Selenium dioxide
    U205 7488-56-4 Selenium sulfide
    U205 7488-56-4 Selenium sulfide SeS2 (R, T)
    U015 115-02-6 L-Serine, diazoacetate (ester)
    See F027 93-72-1 Silvex (2,4,5-TP)
    U206 18883-66-4 Streptozotocin
    U103 77-78-1 Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester
    U189 1314-80-3 Sulfur phosphide (R)
    See F027 93-76-5 2,4,5-T
    U207 95-94-3 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
    U208 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
    U209 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
    U210 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene
    See F027 58-90-2 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
    U213 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran (I)
    U214 563-68-8 Thallium (I) acetate
    U215 6533-73-9 Thallium (I) carbonate
    U216 7791-12-0 Thallium (I) chloride
    U216 7791-12-0 Thallium chloride TlCl
    U217 10102-45-1 Thallium (I) nitrate
    U218 62-55-5 Thioacetamide
    U410 59669-26-0 Thiodicarb
    U153 74-93-1 Thiomethanol (I,
    U244 137-26-8 Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [((H2N)C(S)])2S2,
    U409 23564-05-8 Thiophanate-methyl
    U219 62-56-6 Thiourea
    U244 137-26-8 Thiram
    U220 108-88-3 Toluene
    U221 25376-45-8 Toluenediamine
    U223 26471-62-5 Toluene diisocyanate (R, T)
    U328 95-53-4 o-Toluidine
    U353 106-49-0 p-Toluidine
    U222 636-21-5 o-Toluidine hydrochloride
    U389 2303-17-5 Triallate
    U011 61-82-5 1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine
    U227 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
    U228 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene

    U121 75-69-4 Trichloromonofluoromethane
    See F027 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
    See F027 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
    U404 121-44-8 Triethylamine
    U234 99-35-4 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene (R,
    U182 123-63-7 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl-
    U235 126-72-7 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate
    U236 72-57-1 Trypan blue
    U237 66-75-1 Uracil mustard
    U176 759-73-9 Urea, N-ethyl-N-nitroso-
    U177 684-93-5 Urea, N-methyl-N-nitroso-
    U043 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride
    U248 P 81-81-2 Warfarin, and salts, when present at
    concentrations of 0.3 percent or less
    U239 1330-20-7 Xylene (I)
    U200 50-55-5 Yohimban-16-carboxylic acid, 11,17-dimethoxy-
    18-[((3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)oxy])-, methyl
    ester, (3
    U249 1314-84-7 Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at
    concentrations of 10 percent or less
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.135 Wood Preserving Wastes
    a) Wastes from wood preserving processes at plants that do not resume or initiate
    use of chlorophenolic preservatives will not meet the listing definition of F032
    once the generator has met all of the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of
    this Section. These wastes may, however, continue to meet another hazardous
    waste listing description or may exhibit one or more of the hazardous waste
    b) Generators shall
    must either clean or replace all process equipment that may have
    come into contact with chlorophenolic formulations or constituents thereof,
    including, but not limited to, treatment cylinders, sumps, tanks, piping systems,
    drip pads, fork lifts and trams, in a manner which that minimizes or eliminates the
    escape of hazardous waste or constituents, leachate, contaminated drippage or
    hazardous waste decomposition products to the groundwater, surface water, or
    1) Generators shall
    must do one of the following:
    A) Prepare and follow an equipment cleaning plan and clean
    equipment in accordance with this Section; or

    B) Prepare and follow an equipment replacement plan and replace
    equipment in accordance with this Section; or
    C) Document cleaning and replacement in accordance with this
    Section, carried out after termination of use of chlorophenolic
    2) Cleaning requirements.
    A) Prepare
    The generator must prepare and sign a written equipment
    cleaning plan that describes the following:
    i) The equipment to be cleaned.;
    ii) How the equipment will be cleaned.;
    iii) The solvent to be used in cleaning.;
    iv) How solvent rinses will be tested. And,; and
    v) How cleaning residues will be disposed of.
    B) Equipment must be cleaned as follows:
    i) Remove all visible residues from process equipment.; and
    ii) Rinse process equipment with an appropriate solvent until
    dioxins and dibenzofurans are not detected in the final
    solvent rinse.
    C) Analytical requirements.
    i) Rinses must be tested in accordance with SW-846, Method
    8290, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    ii) “Not detected” means at or below the lower method
    calibration limit (MCL) in Method 8290, Table 1.
    D) The generator must manage all residues from the cleaning process
    as F032 waste.
    3) Replacement requirements.

    A) Prepare and sign a written equipment replacement plan that
    describes the following:
    i) The equipment to be replaced;
    ii) How the equipment will be replaced; and
    iii) How the equipment will be disposed of.
    B) The generator must manage the discarded equipment as F032
    4) Documentation requirements. Document that previous equipment
    cleaning and replacement was performed in accordance with this Section
    and ocurred after cessation of use of chlorophenolic preservatives.
    c) The generator shall must maintain the following records documenting the
    cleaning and replacement as part of the facility’s operating record:
    1) The name and address of the facility;
    2) Formulations previously used and the date on which their use ceased in
    each process at the plant;
    3) Formulations currently used in each process at the plant;
    4) The equipment cleaning or replacement plan;
    5) The name and address of any persons who conducted the cleaning and
    6) The dates on which cleaning and replacement were accomplished;
    7) The dates of sampling and testing;
    8) A description of the sample handling and preparation techniques used for
    extraction, containerization, preservation and chain-of-custody of the
    9) A description of the tests performed, the date the tests were performed and
    the results of the tests;

    10) The name and model numbers of the instrument(s) instruments used in
    performing the tests;
    11) QA/QC documentation; and
    12) The following statement signed by the generator or the generator’s
    authorized representative:
    I certify under penalty of law that all process equipment required
    to be cleaned or replaced under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.135 was
    cleaned or replaced as represented in the equipment cleaning and
    replacement plan and accompanying documentation. I am aware
    that there are significant penalties for providing false information,
    including the possibility of fine or imprisonment.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.138 Comparable or Syngas Fuel Exclusion
    Wastes that meet the following comparable or syngas fuel requirements are not solid wastes:
    a) Comparable fuel specifications.
    1) Physical specifications.
    A) Heating value. The heating value must exceed 5,000 Btu/lb
    (11,500 J/g).
    B) Viscosity. The viscosity must not exceed 50 cs, as-fired as fired.
    2) Constituent specifications. For the compounds listed, the constituent
    specification levels and minimum required detection limits (where non-
    detect is the constituent specification) are set forth in the table at
    subsection (d) of this Section.
    b) Synthesis gas fuel specification. Synthesis gas fuel (i.e., syngas fuel) that is
    generated from hazardous waste must fulfill the following requirements:
    1) It must have a minimum Btu value of 100 Btu/Scf;
    2) It must contain less than 1 ppmv of total halogen;
    3) It must contain less than 300 ppmv of total nitrogen other than diatomic
    nitrogen (N2);

    4) It must contain less than 200 ppmv of hydrogen sulfide; and
    5) It must contain less than 1 ppmv of each hazardous constituent in the
    target list of Appendix H constituents listed in Appendix H of this Part.
    c) Implementation. Waste that meets the comparable or syngas fuel specifications
    provided by subsection (a) or (b) of this Section (these constituent levels must be
    achieved by the comparable fuel when generated, or as a result of treatment or
    blending, as provided in subsection (c)(3) or (c)(4) of this Section) is excluded
    from the definition of solid waste provided that the following requirements are
    1) Notices. For purposes of this Section, the person claiming and qualifying
    for the exclusion is called the comparable or syngas fuel generator and the
    person burning the comparable or syngas fuel is called the comparable or
    syngas burner. The person that generates the comparable fuel or syngas
    fuel must claim and certify to the exclusion.
    A) Notice to the Agency.
    i) The generator must submit a one-time notice to the
    Agency, certifying compliance with the conditions of the
    exclusion and providing documentation, as required by
    subsection (c)(1)(A)(iii) of this Section;
    ii) If the generator is a company that generates comparable or
    syngas fuel at more than one facility, the generator must
    specify at which sites the comparable or syngas fuel will be
    iii) A comparable or syngas fuel generator’s notification to the
    Agency must contain the items listed in subsection
    (c)(1)(C) of this Section.
    B) Public notice. Prior to burning an excluded comparable or syngas
    fuel, the burner must publish in a major newspaper of general
    circulation, local to the site where the fuel will be burned, a notice
    entitled “Notification of Burning a Comparable or Syngas Fuel
    Excluded Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”
    containing the following information:
    i) The name, address, and USEPA identification number of
    the generating facility;

    ii) The name and address of the units that will burn the
    comparable or syngas fuel;
    iii) A brief, general description of the manufacturing,
    treatment, or other process generating the comparable or
    syngas fuel;
    iv) An estimate of the average and maximum monthly and
    annual quantity of the waste claimed to be excluded; and
    v) The name and mailing address of the Agency office to
    which the claim was submitted.
    C) Required content of comparable or syngas notification to the
    i) The name, address, and USEPA identification number of
    the person or facility claiming the exclusion;
    ii) The applicable USEPA hazardous waste codes for the
    hazardous waste;
    iii) The name and address of the units that meet the
    requirements of subsection (c)(2) of this Section that will
    burn the comparable or syngas fuel; and
    iv) The following statement, signed and submitted by the
    person claiming the exclusion or its authorized
    Under penalty of criminal and civil prosecution for
    making or submitting false statements,
    representations, or omissions, I certify that the
    requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.138 have
    been met for all waste identified in this
    notification. Copies of the records and information
    required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.138(c)(10) are
    available at the comparable or syngas fuel
    generator’s facility. Based on my inquiry of the
    individuals immediately responsible for obtaining
    the information, the information is, to the best of
    my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
    complete. I am aware that there are significant

    penalties for submitting false information, including
    the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
    knowing violations.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsections (c)(1)(C)(i) through (c)(1)(C)(iv) are
    derived from 40 CFR 261.138(c)(1)(i)(C)(
    ) and (c)(1)(i)(C)(
    which the Board has codified here to comport with Illinois
    Administrative Code format requirements.
    2) Burning. The comparable or syngas fuel exclusion for fuels that meet the
    requirements of subsections (a) or (b) and (c)(1) of this Section applies
    only if the fuel is burned in the following units that also must be subject to
    federal, State, and local air emission requirements, including all applicable
    federal Clean Air Act (CAA) maximum achievable control technology
    (MACT) requirements:
    A) Industrial furnaces, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110;
    B) Boilers, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110, that are further
    defined as follows:
    i) Industrial boilers located on the site of a facility engaged in
    a manufacturing process where substances are transformed
    into new products, including the component parts of
    products, by mechanical or chemical processes; or
    ii) Utility boilers used to produce electric power, steam,
    heated or cooled air, or other gases or fluids for sale;
    C) Hazardous waste incinerators subject to regulation under Subpart
    O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or Subpart O of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 725.Subpart O or applicable CAA MACT standards.
    D) Gas turbines used to produce electric power, steam, heated or
    cooled air, or other gases or fluids for sale.
    3) Blending to meet the viscosity specification. A hazardous waste blended
    to meet the viscosity specification must fulfill the following requirements:
    A) As generated and prior to any blending, manipulation, or
    processing, the waste must meet the constituent and heating value
    specifications of subsections (a)(1)(A) and (a)(2) of this Section;

    B) The waste must be blended at a facility that is subject to the
    applicable requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725 or 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722.134; and
    C) The waste must not violate the dilution prohibition of subsection
    (c)(6) of this Section.
    4) Treatment to meet the comparable fuel exclusion specifications.
    A) A hazardous waste may be treated to meet the exclusion
    specifications of subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Section
    provided the treatment fulfills the following requirements:
    i) The treatment destroys or removes the constituent listed in
    the specification or raises the heating value by removing or
    destroying hazardous constituents or materials;
    ii) The treatment is performed at a facility that is subject to the
    applicable requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725
    or 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.134; and
    iii) The treatment does not violate the dilution prohibition of
    subsection (c)(6) of this Section.
    B) Residuals resulting from the treatment of a hazardous waste listed
    in Subpart D of this Part to generate a comparable fuel remain a
    hazardous waste.
    5) Generation of a syngas fuel.
    A) A syngas fuel can be generated from the processing of hazardous
    wastes to meet the exclusion specifications of subsection (b) of this
    Section provided the processing fulfills the following
    i) The processing destroys or removes the constituent listed in
    the specification or raises the heating value by removing or
    destroying constituents or materials;
    ii) The processing is performed at a facility that is subject to
    the applicable requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and
    725 or 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.134 or is an exempt recycling
    unit pursuant to Section 721.106(c); and

    iii) The processing does not violate the dilution prohibition of
    subsection (c)(6) of this Section.
    B) Residuals resulting from the treatment of a hazardous waste listed
    in Subpart D of this Part to generate a syngas fuel remain a
    hazardous waste.
    6) Dilution prohibition for comparable and syngas fuels. No generator,
    transporter, handler, or owner or operator of a treatment, storage, or
    disposal facility must in any way dilute a hazardous waste to meet the
    exclusion specifications of subsection (a)(1)(A), (a)(2), or (b) of this
    7) Waste analysis plans. The generator of a comparable or syngas fuel must
    develop and follow a written waste analysis plan that describes the
    procedures for sampling and analysis of the hazardous waste to be
    excluded. The waste analysis plan must be developed in accordance with
    the applicable sections of the “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods” (SW-846). The plan must be followed and
    retained at the facility excluding the waste.
    A) At a minimum, the plan must specify the following:
    i) The parameters for which each hazardous waste will be
    analyzed and the rationale for the selection of those
    ii) The test methods that will be used to test for these
    iii) The sampling method that will be used to obtain a
    representative sample of the waste to be analyzed;
    iv) The frequency with which the initial analysis of the waste
    will be reviewed or repeated to ensure that the analysis is
    accurate and up to date; and
    v) If process knowledge is used in the waste determination,
    any information prepared by the generator in making such
    B) The waste analysis plan must also contain records of the following:

    i) The dates and times waste samples were obtained, and the
    dates the samples were analyzed;
    ii) The names and qualifications of the persons who obtained
    the samples;
    iii) A description of the temporal and spatial locations of the
    iv) The name and address of the laboratory facility at which
    analyses of the samples were performed;
    v) A description of the analytical methods used, including any
    clean-up and sample preparation methods;
    vi) All quantitation limits achieved and all other quality
    control results for the analysis (including method blanks,
    duplicate analyses, matrix spikes, etc.), laboratory quality
    assurance data, and description of any deviations from
    analytical methods written in the plan or from any other
    activity written in the plan that occurred;
    vii) All laboratory results demonstrating that the exclusion
    specifications have been met for the waste; and
    viii) All laboratory documentation that supports the analytical
    results, unless a contract between the claimant and the
    laboratory provides for the documentation to be maintained
    by the laboratory for the period specified in subsection
    (c)(11) of this Section and also provides for the availability
    of the documentation to the claimant upon request.
    C) Syngas fuel generators must submit for approval, prior to
    performing sampling, analysis, or any management of a syngas
    fuel as an excluded waste, a waste analysis plan containing the
    elements of subsection (c)(7)(A) of this Section to the Agency.
    The approval of waste analysis plans must be stated in writing and
    received by the facility prior to sampling and analysis to
    demonstrate the exclusion of a syngas. The approval of the waste
    analysis plan may contain such provisions and conditions as the
    regulatory authority deems appropriate.
    8) Comparable fuel sampling and analysis.

    A) General. For each waste for which an exclusion is claimed, the
    generator of the hazardous waste must test for all the constituents
    on Appendix H of this Part, except those that the generator
    determines, based on testing or knowledge, should not be present
    in the waste. The generator is required to document the basis of
    each determination that a constituent should not be present. The
    generator may not determine that any of the following categories
    of constituents should not be present:
    i) A constituent that triggered the toxicity characteristic for
    the waste constituents that were the basis of the listing of
    the waste stream, or constituents for which there is a
    treatment standard for the waste code in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    ii) A constituent detected in previous analysis of the waste;
    iii) Constituents introduced into the process that generates the
    waste; or
    iv) Constituents that are byproducts or side reactions to the
    process that generates the waste.
    B) For each waste for which the exclusion is claimed where the
    generator of the comparable or syngas fuel is not the original
    generator of the hazardous waste, the generator of the comparable
    or syngas fuel may not use process knowledge pursuant to
    subsection (c)(8)(A) of this Section and must test to determine that
    all of the constituent specifications of subsections (a)(2) and (b) of
    this Section have been met.
    C) The comparable or syngas fuel generator may use any reliable
    analytical method to demonstrate that no constituent of concern is
    present at concentrations above the specification levels. It is the
    responsibility of the generator to ensure that the sampling and
    analysis are unbiased, precise, and representative of the waste. For
    the waste to be eligible for exclusion, a generator must
    demonstrate the following:
    i) That each constituent of concern is not present in the waste
    above the specification level at the 95 percent upper
    confidence limit around the mean; and

    ii) That the analysis could have detected the presence of the
    constituent at or below the specification level at the 95
    percent upper confidence limit around the mean.
    D) Nothing in this subsection (c)(8) preempts, overrides, or otherwise
    negates the provision in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111 that requires
    any person which that generates a solid waste to determine if that
    waste is a hazardous waste.
    E) In an enforcement action, the burden of proof to establish
    conformance with the exclusion specification must be on the
    generator claiming the exclusion.
    F) The generator must conduct sampling and analysis in accordance
    with its waste analysis plan developed under subsection (c)(7) of
    this Section.
    G) Syngas fuel and comparable fuel that has not been blended in order
    to meet the kinematic viscosity specifications must be analyzed as
    H) If a comparable fuel is blended in order to meet the kinematic
    viscosity specifications, the generator must undertake the
    following actions:
    i) Analyze the fuel as generated to ensure that it meets the
    constituent and heating value specifications; and
    ii) After blending, analyze the fuel again to ensure that the
    blended fuel continues to meet all comparable or syngas
    fuel specifications.
    I) Excluded comparable or syngas fuel must be retested, at a
    minimum, annually and must be retested after a process change
    that could change the chemical or physical properties of the waste.
    Note to subsection (c)(8): Any claim under this Section must be valid and
    accurate for all hazardous constituents; a determination not to test for a
    hazardous constituent will not shield a generator from liability should that
    constituent later be found in the waste above the exclusion specifications.
    9) Speculative accumulation. Any persons handling a comparable or syngas
    fuel are subject to the speculative accumulation test under Section

    10) Records. The generator must maintain records of the following
    information on-site:
    A) All information required to be submitted to the implementing
    authority as part of the notification of the claim:
    i) The owner or operator name, address, and RCRA facility
    USEPA identification number of the person claiming the
    ii) The applicable USEPA hazardous waste codes for each
    hazardous waste excluded as a fuel; and
    iii) The certification signed by the person claiming the
    exclusion or his authorized representative;
    B) A brief description of the process that generated the hazardous
    waste and process that generated the excluded fuel, if not the same;
    C) An estimate of the average and maximum monthly and annual
    quantities of each waste claimed to be excluded;
    D) Documentation for any claim that a constituent is not present in the
    hazardous waste, as required under subsection (c)(8)(A) of this
    E) The results of all analyses and all detection limits achieved, as
    required under subsection (c)(8) of this Section;
    F) If the excluded waste was generated through treatment or blending,
    documentation, as required under subsection (c)(3) or (c)(4) of this
    G) If the waste is to be shipped off-site, a certification from the
    burner, as required under subsection (c)(12) of this Section;
    H) A waste analysis plan and the results of the sampling and analysis
    that include the following:
    i) The dates and times waste samples were obtained, and the
    dates the samples were analyzed;

    ii) The names and qualifications of the persons that obtained
    the samples;
    iii) A description of the temporal and spatial locations of the
    iv) The name and address of the laboratory facility at which
    analyses of the samples were performed;
    v) A description of the analytical methods used, including any
    clean-up and sample preparation methods;
    vi) All quantitation limits achieved and all other quality
    control results for the analysis (including method blanks,
    duplicate analyses, matrix spikes, etc.), laboratory quality
    assurance data, and description of any deviations from
    analytical methods written in the plan or from any other
    activity written in the plan that occurred;
    vii) All laboratory analytical results demonstrating that the
    exclusion specifications have been met for the waste; and
    viii) All laboratory documentation that supports the analytical
    results, unless a contract between the claimant and the
    laboratory provides for the documentation to be maintained
    by the laboratory for the period specified in subsection
    (c)(11) of this Section and also provides for the availability
    of the documentation to the claimant upon request; and
    I) If the generator ships comparable or syngas fuel off-site for
    burning, the generator must retain for each shipment the following
    information on-site:
    i) The name and address of the facility receiving the
    comparable or syngas fuel for burning;
    ii) The quantity of comparable or syngas fuel shipped and
    iii) The date of shipment or delivery;
    iv) A cross-reference to the record of comparable or syngas
    fuel analysis or other information used to make the
    determination that the comparable or syngas fuel meets the

    specifications, as required under subsection (c)(8) of this
    Section; and
    v) A one-time certification by the burner, as required under
    subsection (c)(12) of this Section.
    11) Records retention. Records must be maintained for the period of three
    years. A generator must maintain a current waste analysis plan during that
    three year three-year period.
    12) Burner certification. Prior to submitting a notification to the Agency, a
    comparable or syngas fuel generator that intends to ship its fuel off-site for
    burning must obtain a one-time written, signed statement from the burner
    that includes the following:
    A) A certification that the comparable or syngas fuel will only be
    burned in an industrial furnace or boiler, utility boiler, or
    hazardous waste incinerator, as required under subsection (c)(2) of
    this Section;
    B) Identification of the name and address of the units that will burn
    the comparable or syngas fuel; and
    C) A certification that the state in which the burner is located is
    authorized to exclude wastes as comparable or syngas fuel under
    the provisions of this Section.
    13) Ineligible waste codes. Wastes that are listed because of presence of
    dioxins or furans, as set out in Appendix G of this Part, are not eligible for
    this exclusion, and any fuel produced from or otherwise containing these
    wastes remains a hazardous waste subject to full RCRA hazardous waste
    management requirements.
    d) Table Y of this Part sets forth the table of detection and detection limit values for
    comparable fuel specification.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix A Representative Sampling Methods
    See Appendix I to 40 CFR 261
    The methods and equipment used for sampling waste materials will vary with the form and
    consistency of the waste materials to be sampled. Samples collected using the sampling

    protocols listed below, for sampling waste with properties similar to the indicated materials, are
    considered by USEPA to be representative of the waste.
    Extremely viscous liquid: ASTM Standard D140–70, Standard Practice for Sampling
    Bituminous Materials, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    Crushed or powdered material: ASTM Standard D346–75, Standard Practice for Collection and
    Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111.
    Soil or rock-like material: ASTM Standard D420–69, Guide to Site Characterization for
    Engineering, Design, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    Soillike material: ASTM Standard D1452–65, Standard Practice for Soil Investigation and
    Sampling by Auger Borings, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    Fly Ash-like material: ASTM Standard D2234–76, Standard Practice for Collection of a Gross
    Sample of Coal, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    Containerized liquid wastes: “COLIWASA” described in “Test Methods for the Evaluation of
    Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111.
    BOARD NOTE: This method is also described in “Samplers and Sampling Procedures for
    Hazardous Waste Streams,” EPA 600/2–80–018, January 1980.
    Liquid waste in pits, ponds, lagoons, and similar reservoirs: “Pond Sampler,” described in “Test
    Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” SW-846, incorporated
    by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    BOARD NOTE: This manual also contains additional information on application of these
    protocols. This method is also described in “Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous
    Waste Streams,” EPA 600/2–80–018, January 1980, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111..
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix B Method 1311 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
    NOTE: The TCLP (Method 1311) is published in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, U.S. EPA USEPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 721.Appendix C Chemical Analysis Test Methods
    NOTE: Appropriate analytical procedures to determine whether a sample contains a given toxic
    constituent are specified in Chapter Two, “Choosing the Correct Procedure,”, found in “Test
    Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, U.S. EPA USEPA
    Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. Prior to final
    sampling and analysis method selection, the individual should consult the specific section or
    method described in SW-846 for additional guidance on which of the approved methods should
    be employed for a specific sample analysis situation.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix G Basis for Listing Hazardous Wastes
    USEPA hazard-
    ous waste No.
    Hazardous constituents for which listed
    F001 Tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-
    trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, chlorinated fluorocarbons.
    F002 Tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-
    trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichlorethane, chlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-
    trifluoroethane, ortho-dichlorobenzene, trichlorofluoromethane.
    F003 N.A.
    F004 Cresols and cresylic acid, nitrobenzene.
    F005 Toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, carbon disulfide, isobutanol, pyridine, 2-
    ethoxyethanol, benzene, 2-nitropropane.
    F006 Cadmium, hexavalent chromium, nickel, cyanide (complexed).
    F007 Cyanide (salts).
    F008 Cyanide (salts).
    F009 Cyanide (salts).
    F010 Cyanide (salts).
    F011 Cyanide (salts).
    F012 Cyanide (complexed).
    F019 Hexavalent chromium, cyanide (complexed).
    F020 Tetra- and pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra- and
    pentachlorodibenzofurans; tri- and tetrachlorophenols and their
    clorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amines, and other salts.
    F021 Penta- and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; penta- and
    hexachlorodibenzofurans; pentachlorophenol and its derivatives.
    F022 Tetra-, penta- and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and
    F023 Tetra- and pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra- and
    pentachlorodibenzofurans; tri- and tetra- chlorophenols and their
    chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amines, and other salts.

    F024 Chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride,
    chloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-
    dichloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-
    trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-
    tetrachloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, pentachloroethane, hexachloroethane,
    allyl chloride (3-chloropropene), dichloropropane, dichloropropene, 2-
    chloro-1,3-butadiene, hexachloro-1,3-butadiene, hexachlorochylopentadiene,
    hexachlorocylohexane, benzene, chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzenes, 1,2,4-
    trichlorobenzene, tetrachlorobenzenes, pentachlorobenzene,
    hexachlorobenzene, toluene, naphthalene.
    F025 Chloromethane, dicloromethane, trichloromethane; carbon tetrachloride;
    chloroethylene; 1,1-dichloroethane; 1,2-dichloroethane; trans-1,2-
    dichloroethylene; 1,1-dichloroethylene; 1,1,1-trichloroethane; 1,1,2-
    trichloroethane; trichloroethylene; 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2,2-
    tetrachloroethane; tetrachloroethylene; pentachloroethane; hexachloroethane;
    allyl chloride (3-chloropropene); dichloropropane; dichloropropene; 2-
    chloro-1,3-butadiene; hexachloro-1,3-butadiene; hexachlorocyclopentadiene;
    benzene; chlorobenzene; dichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene;
    tetrachlorobenzene; pentachlorobenzene; hexachlorobenzene; toluene;
    F026 Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and
    F027 Tetra-, penta, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and
    hexachlorodibenzofurans; tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorophenols and their
    chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amines, and other salts.
    F028 Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and
    hexachlorodibenzofurans; tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorophenols and their
    chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amines, and other salts.
    F032 Benz(a)anthracene; benzo(a)pyrene; dibenz(a,h)anthracene; indeno(1,2,3-
    cd)pyrene; pentachlorophenol; arsenic; chromium; tetra-, penta-, hexa-, and
    heptachlorordibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, hexa-, and
    F034 Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene,
    dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, naphthalene, arsenic,
    F035 Arsenic, chromium, lead.
    F037 Benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, lead, chromium.
    F038 Benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, lead, chromium.
    F039 All constituents for which treatment standards are specified for multi-source
    leachate (wastewaters and non-wastewaters) under Table B to 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728.Table B (Constituent Concentrations in Waste).

    K001 Pentachlorophenol, phenol, 2-chlorophenol, p-chloro-m-cresol, 2,4-
    dimethylphenol, 2,4- dinitrophenol, trichlorophenols, tetrachlorophenols,
    2,4- dinitrophenol, creosote, chrysene, naphthalene, fluoranthene,
    benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, benz(a)
    anthracene, dibenz(a)anthracene, acenaphthalene.
    K002 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K003 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K004 Hexavalent chromium.
    K005 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K006 Hexavalent chromium.
    K007 Cyanide (complexed), hexavalent chromium.
    K008 Hexavalent chromium.
    K009 Chloroform, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, methyl chloride,
    paraldehyde, formic acid.
    K010 Chloroform, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, methyl chloride,
    paraldehyde, formic acid, chloroacetaldehyde.
    K011 Acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, hydrocyanic acid.
    K013 Hydrocyanic acid, acrylonitrile, acetonitrile.
    K014 Acetonitrile, acrylamide.
    K015 Benzyl chloride, chlorobenzene, toluene, benzotrichloride.
    K016 Hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, carbon tetrachloride,
    hexachloroethane, perchloroethylene.
    K017 Epichlorohydrin, chloroethers [(bis(chloromethyl) ether and bis- (2-
    chloroethyl) ethers]), trichloropropane, dichloropropanols.
    K018 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, hexachlorobutadiene,
    K019 Ethylene dichloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane,
    tetrachloroethanes (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane),
    trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,
    vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride.
    K020 Ethylene dichloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloro-
    ethanes (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane),
    trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,
    vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride.
    K021 Antimony, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform.
    K022 Phenol, tars (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).
    K023 Phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride.
    K024 Phthalic anhydride, 1,4-naphthoguinone.
    K025 Meta-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene.
    K026 Paraldehyde, pyridines, 2-picoline.
    K027 Toluene diisocyanate, toluene-2,4-diamine.
    K028 1,1,1-trichloroethane, vinyl chloride.
    K029 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, vinyl chloride, vinylidene
    chloride, chloroform.

    K030 Hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, hexachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-
    tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, ethylene dichloride.
    K031 Arsenic.
    K032 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.
    K033 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.
    K034 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.
    K035 Creosote, chrysene, naphthalene, fluoranthene, benzo(b) fluoranthene,
    benzo(a)-pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene,
    dibenzo(a)anthracene, acenaphthalene.
    K036 Toluene, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters.
    K037 Toluene, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters.
    K038 Phorate, formaldehyde, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters.
    K039 Phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters.
    K040 Phorate, formaldehyde, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters.
    K041 Toxaphene.
    K042 Hexachlorobenzene, ortho-dichlorobenzene.
    K043 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,6-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol.
    K044 N.A.
    K045 N.A.
    K046 Lead.
    K047 N.A.
    K048 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K049 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K050 Hexavalent chromium.
    K051 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K052 Lead.
    K060 Cyanide, naphthalene, phenolic compounds, arsenic.
    K061 Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium.
    K062 Hexavalent chromium, lead.
    K064 Lead, cadmium.
    K065 Lead, cadmium.
    K066 Lead, cadmium.
    K069 Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium.
    K071 Mercury.
    K073 Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane, trichloroethane,
    tetrachloroethylene, dichloroethylene, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane.
    K083 Aniline, diphenylamine, nitrobenzene, phenylenediamine.
    K084 Arsenic.
    K085 Benzene, dichlorobenzenes, trichlorobenzenes, tetrachlorobenzenes,
    pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, benzyl chloride.
    K086 Lead, hexavalent chromium.
    K087 Phenol, naphthalene.
    K088 Cyanide (complexes).
    K090 Chromium.

    K091 Chromium.
    K093 Phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride.
    K094 Phthalic anhydride.
    K095 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane.
    K096 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane.
    K097 Chlordane, heptachlor.
    K098 Toxaphene.
    K099 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol.
    K100 Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium.
    K101 Arsenic.
    K102 Arsenic.
    K103 Aniline, nitrobenzene, phenylenediamine.
    K104 Aniline, benzene, diphenylamine, nitrobenzene, phynylenediamine.
    K105 Benzene, monochlorobenzene, dichlorobenzenes, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol.
    K106 Mercury.
    K111 2,4-Dinitrotoluene.
    K112 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine, aniline.
    K113 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine, aniline.
    K114 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine.
    K115 2,4-Toluenediamine.
    K116 Carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene, chloroform, phosgene.
    K117 Ethylene dibromide.
    K118 Ethylene dibromide.
    K123 Ethylene thiourea.
    K124 Ethylene thiourea.
    K125 Ethylene thiourea.
    K126 Ethylene thiourea.
    K131 Dimethyl sulfate, methyl bromide.
    K132 Methyl bromide.
    K136 Ethylene dibromide.
    K141 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
    benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.
    K142 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
    benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.
    K143 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene.
    K144 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
    benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
    K145 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene,
    K147 Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
    benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.
    K148 Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
    benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.

    K149 Benzotrichloride, benzyl chloride, chloroform, chloromethane,
    chlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene,
    pentachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, toluene.
    K150 Carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, 1,4-dichlorobenzene,
    hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, 1,1,2,2-
    tetrachloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene.
    K151 Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, hexachlorobenzene,
    pentachlorobenzene, toluene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene,
    K156 Benomyl, carbaryl, carbendazim, carbofuran, carbosulfan, formaldehyde,
    methylene chloride, triethylamine.
    K157 Carbon tetrachloride, formaldehyde, methyl chloride, methylene chloride,
    pyridine, triethylamine.
    K158 Benomyl, carbendazim, carbofuran, carbosulfan, chloroform, methylene
    K159 Benzene, butylate, EPTC, molinate, pebulate, vernolate.
    K161 Antimony, arsenic, metam-sodium, ziram.
    K169 Benzene.
    K170 Benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, benzo (a) anthracene,
    benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, 3-methylcholanthrene, 7,12-
    K171 Benzene, arsenic.
    K172 Benzene, arsenic.
    K174 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD),
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF), 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-
    heptachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,6,7,8,9-HpCDF), all hexachlorodibenzo-p-
    dioxins (HxCDDs), all hexachlorodibenzofurans (HxCDFs), all
    pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PeCDDs), 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octachlorodibenzo-
    p-dioxin (OCDD), 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9- octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF), all
    pentachlorodibenzofurans (PeCDFs), all tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    (TCDDs), all tetrachlorodibenzofurans (TCDFs).
    K175 Mercury.
    K176 Arsenic, lead.
    K177 Antimony.
    K178 Thallium.
    N.A.--Waste is hazardous because it fails the test for the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity,
    or reactivity.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 721.Appendix I Wastes Excluded by Administrative Action
    Table A Wastes Excluded by U.S. EPA USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22 from
    Non-Specific Sources
    Facility Address Waste Description
    (None excluded from an Illinois source at this time)
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix I Wastes Excluded by Administrative Action
    Table B Wastes Excluded by USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22 from Specific
    Facility Address Waste Description
    Amoco Oil Company
    Wood River, Illinois
    150 million gallons of DAF float from petroleum refining
    contained in four surge ponds after treatment with the
    Chemfix stabilization process. This waste contains USEPA
    hazardous waste number K048. This exclusion applies to
    the 150 million gallons of waste after chemical stabilization
    as long as the mixing ratios of the reagent with the waste
    are monitored continuously and do not vary outside of the
    limits presented in the demonstration samples and one grab
    sample is taken each hour from each treatment unit,
    composited, and EP toxicity TCLP tests performed on each
    sample. If the levels of lead or total chromium exceed 0.5
    ppm in the EP extract, then the waste that was processed
    during the compositing period is considered hazardous; the
    treatment residue shall must be pumped into bermed cells
    to ensure that the waste is identifiable in the event that
    removal is necessary.
    USX Steel Corporation
    Chicago, Illinois
    Fully-cured chemically stabilized electric arc furnace
    dust/sludge (CSEAFD) treatment residue (USEPA
    hazardous waste number K061) generated from the primary
    production of steel after April 29, 1991. This exclusion
    (for 35,000 tons of CSEAFD per year) is conditioned on
    the data obtained from USX’s full-scale CSEAFD
    treatment facility. To ensure that hazardous constituents
    are not present in the waste at levels of regulatory concern
    once the full-scale treatment facility is in operation, USX

    shall implement a testing program for the petitioned waste.
    This testing program must meet the following conditions
    for the exclusion to be valid:
    Testing: Sample collection and analyses (including
    quality control (QC) procedures) must be performed
    according to SW-846 methodologies, incorporated
    by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    Initial Testing: During the first four weeks
    of operation of the full scale treatment
    system, USX shall collect representative
    grab samples of each treated batch of the
    CSEAFD and composite the grab samples
    daily. The daily composites, prior to
    disposal, must be analyzed for the EP
    leachate concentrations of all the EP toxic
    metals, nickel, and cyanide (using distilled
    water in the cyanide extractions), and the
    total concentrations of reactive sulfide and
    reactive cyanide. USX must report the
    analytical test data, including quality control
    information, obtained during this initial
    period no later than 90 days after the
    treatment of the first full-scale batch.
    Subsequent Testing: USX shall collect
    representative grab samples from every
    treated batch of CSEAFD generated daily
    and composite all of the grab samples to
    produce a weekly composite sample. USX
    then shall analyze each weekly composite
    sample for all of the EP toxic metals and
    nickel. The analytical data, including
    quality control information, must be
    compiled and maintained on site for a
    minimum of three years. These data must
    be furnished upon request and made
    available for inspection by any employee or
    representative of USEPA or the Agency.
    Delisting levels: If the EP extract concentrations
    for chromium, lead, arsenic, or silver exceed 0.315
    mg/l; barium exceeds 6.3 mg/l; cadmium or

    selenium exceed 0.063 mg/l; mecury exceeds
    0.0126 mg/l; nickel exceeds 3.15 mg/l; or cyanide
    exceeds 4.42 mg/l or total reactive cyanide or total
    reactive sulfide levels exceed 250 mg/kg and 500
    mg/kg, respectively, the waste must either be re-
    treated until it meets these levels or managed and
    disposed of in accordance with Subpart C of
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42
    U.S.C. 6901 et seq.).
    Data submittal to and enforcement by USEPA:
    Within one week of system start-up USX must
    notify the Section Chief, Delisting Section (see
    address below) when their full-scale stabilization
    system is on-line and waste treatment has begun.
    The data obtained through condition (1)(A) shall be
    submitted to the Section Chief, Delisting Section,
    CAD/OSW (OS-333), USEPA, 401 M Street, S.W.,
    Washington, DC 20460 within the time period
    specified. At USEPA’s request, USX must submit
    any other analytical data obtained through
    conditions (1)(A) or (1)(B) within the time peirod
    specified by the Section Chief. Failure to submit
    the required data obtained from conditions (1)(A) or
    (1)(B) within the specified time period or maintain
    the required records for the specified time will be
    considered by USEPA, at its decision, sufficient
    basis to revoke USX’s Federal exclusion to the
    extent directed by USEPA. All data must be
    accompanied by the following certification
    statement: “Under civil and criminal penalty of law
    for the making or submission of false or fraudulent
    statements or representations (pursuant to the
    applicable provisions of the Federal Code which
    include, but may not be limited to, 18 U.S.C.
    Section 6928), I certify that the information
    contained in or accompanying this document is true,
    accurate and complete. As to the (those) identified
    section(s) of this document for which I cannot
    personally verify its (their) truth and accuracy, I
    certify as the company official having supervisory
    responsibility for the persons who, acting under my
    direct instructions, made the vertification that this
    information is true, accurate and complete. In the

    event that any of this information is determined by
    USEPA in its sole discretion to be false, inaccurate
    or incomplete, and upon conveyance of this fact to
    the company, I recognize and agree that this federal
    exclusion of wastes will be void as if it never had
    effect or to the extent directed by USEPA and that
    the company will be liable for any actions taken in
    contravention of the company’s RCRA and
    CERCLA obligations premised upon the company’s
    reliance on the void exclusion.”
    Data Submittal to Agency: The data obtained
    through condition (1)(A) must be submitted to the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Planning
    and Reporting Section, 2200 Churchill Road, P.O.
    Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276 within the
    time period specified. At Agency’s request, USX
    must submit any other analytical data obtained
    through conditions (1)(A) or (1)(B) within the time
    period specified by the Agency. All data must be
    accompanied by the following certification
    statement: “Under civil and criminal penalty of law
    for the making or submission of false or fraudulent
    statements or representations (pursuant to the
    applicable provisions of Illinois’ Environmental
    Protection Act), I certify that the information con-
    tained in or accompanying this document is true,
    accurate and complete. As to the (those) identified
    section(s) of this document for which I cannot
    personally verify its (their) truth and accuracy, I
    certify as the company official having supervisory
    responsibility for the persons who, acting under my
    direct instructions, made the verification that this
    information is true, accurate and complete.”
    Enforcement by the Agency: Whenever the Agency
    finds that USX has violated the standards in this
    exclusion, has failed to submit the required data
    obtained from conditions (1)(A) or (1)(B) within the
    specified time period, has failed to maintain the
    required records for the specified time or has
    submitted false, inaccurate or incomplete data, the
    Agency may take such action as is allowed by Title
    VIII of the Act.

    Notification to the Board: Upon modification,
    termination, revocation, or other alteration of this
    exemption by USEPA, USX shall file a petition,
    pursuant to Part 102, with this Board requesting that
    the Board follow the USEPA action.
    Conversion Systems, Inc.
    Horsham, Pennsylvania
    (Sterling, Illinois operations)
    Chemically stabilized electric arc furnace dust (CSEAFD)
    that is generated by Conversion Systems, Inc. (CSI) (using
    the Super Detox
    treatment process, as modified by CSI to
    treat electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) (USEPA hazardous
    waste no. K061)), at the following site and which is
    disposed of in a RCRA Subtitle D municipal solid waste
    landfill (MSWLF): Northwestern Steel, Sterling, Illinois.
    CSI must implement a testing program for each site that
    meets the following conditions:
    1. Verification testing requirements: Sample collection and
    analyses, including quality control procedures, must be
    performed according to SW-846 methodologies,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    A. Initial verification testing: During the first 20
    days of full-scale operation of a newly-constructed
    Super Detox
    treatment facility, CSI shall must
    analyze a minimum of four composite samples of
    CSEAFD representative of the full 20-day period.
    Composite samples must be composed of
    representative samples collected from every batch
    generated. The CSEAFD samples must be analyzed
    for the constituents listed in condition 3 below. CSI
    shall must report the operational and analytical test
    data, including quality control information, obtained
    during this initial period no later than 60 days after
    the generation of the first batch of CSEAFD.
    B. Addition of new Super Detox
    facilities to the exclusion:
    Option 1: If USEPA approves additional facilities,
    CSI may petition the Board for identical-in
    substance amendment of this exclusion pursuant to
    Section 22.4 for the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 102

    and 720.120(a), or
    Option 2: If USEPA has not approved such
    amendment, CSI may petition the Board for
    amendment pursuant to the general rulemaking
    procedures of Section 27 of the Act and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 102 and 720.120(b); or
    Option 3: Alternatively to options 1 or 2 above,
    CSI may petition the Board for a hazardous waste
    delisting pursuant to Section 28.1 of the Act and
    Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106 104 and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.122.
    If CSI pursues general rulemaking (option 2 above)
    or hazardous waste delisting (option 3 above), it
    must demonstrate that the CSEAFD generated by a
    specific Super Detox
    treatment facility
    consistently meets the delisting levels specified in
    condition 3 below.
    C. Subsequent verification testing: For the
    approved facility, CSI shall must collect and
    analyze at least one composite sample of CSEAFD
    each month. The composite samples must be
    composed of representative samples collected from
    all batches treated in each month. These monthly
    representative samples must be analyzed, prior to
    the disposal of the CSEAFD, for the constituents
    listed in condition 3 below. CSI may, at its
    discretion, analyze composite samples gathered
    more frequently to demonstrate that smaller batches
    of waste are nonhazardous.
    2. Waste holding and handling: CSI shall must store as
    hazardous all CSEAFD generated until verification testing,
    as specified in condition 1A or 1C above, as appropriate, is
    completed and valid analyses demonstrate that condition 3
    below is satisfied. If the levels of constituents measured in
    the samples of CSEAFD do not exceed the levels set forth
    in condition 3, then the CSEAFD is nonhazardous and may
    be disposed of in a RCRA Subtitle D municipal solid waste
    landfill. If constituent levels in a sample exceed any of the
    delisting levels set forth in condition 3 below, the CSEAFD

    generated during the time period corresponding to this
    sample must be retreated until it meets these levels or
    managed and disposed of as hazardous waste, in
    accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 through 705, 720
    through 726, 728, and 733. CSEAFD generated by a new
    CSI treatment facility must be managed as a hazardous
    waste prior to the addition of the name and location of the
    facility to this exclusion pursuant to condition 1C above.
    After addition of the new facility to the exclusion pursuant
    to condition 1B above, CSEAFD generated during the
    verification testing in condition 1A is also non-hazardous if
    the delisting levels in condition 3 are satisfied.
    3. Delisting levels: All leachable concentrations for metals
    must not exceed the following levels (in parts per million
    (ppm)): antimony--0.06; arsenic --0.50; barium--7.6;
    beryllium--0.010; cadmium--0.050; chromium--0.33; lead--
    0.15; mercury--0.009; nickel--1; selenium--0.16; silver--
    0.30; thallium--0.020; vanadium--2; and zinc--70. Metal
    concentrations must be measured in the waste leachate by
    the method specified in Section 721.124.
    4. Changes in operating conditions: After initiating
    subsequent testing, as described in condition 1C, if CSI
    significantly changes the stabilization process established
    under condition 1 (e.g., use of new stabilization reagents),
    CSI shall must seek amendment of this exclusion using one
    of the options set forth in condition 1B above. After
    written amendment of this exclusion, CSI may manage
    CSEAFD wastes generated from the new process as
    nonhazardous if the wastes meet the delisting levels set
    forth in condition 3 above.
    5. Data submittals: At least one month prior to operation of
    a new Super Detox
    treatment facility, CSI must notify the
    Agency in writing when the Super Detox
    facility is scheduled to be on-line. The data obtained
    through condition 1A must be submitted to the Agency
    within the time period specified. Records of operating
    conditions and analytical data from condition 1 must be
    compiled, summarized, and maintained on site for a
    minimum of five years. These records and data must be
    furnished to the Agency upon request and made available
    for inspection. Failure to submit the required data within

    the specified time period or to maintain the required
    records on site for the specified time will be considered a
    violation of the Act and Board regulations. All data
    submitted must be accompanied by a signed copy of the
    following certification statement to attest to the truth and
    accuracy of the data submitted:
    “Under civil and criminal penalty of law for the making or
    submission of false or fraudulent statements or
    representations, I certify that the information contained in
    or accompanying this document is true, accurate, and
    “As to (those) identified section(s) of this document for
    which I cannot personally verify its (their) truth and
    accuracy, I certify as the company official having
    supervisory responsibility for the persons who, acting
    under my direct instructions, made the verification that this
    information is true, accurate, and complete.
    “In the event that any of this information is determined by
    the Board or a court of law to be false, inaccurate, or
    incomplete, and upon conveyance of this fact to the
    company, I recognize and agree that this exclusion of waste
    will be void as if it never had effect or to the extent
    directed by the Board or court and that the company will be
    liable for any actions taken in contravention of the
    company’s obligations under the federal RCRA and
    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
    and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq.) and
    corresponding provisions of the Act premised upon the
    company’s reliance on the void exclusion.”
    BOARD NOTE: The obligations of this exclusion are
    derived from but also distinct from the obligations under
    the corresponding federally-granted exclusion of 40 CFR
    261, Appendix IX, Table 2.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 721.Appendix I Wastes Excluded by Administrative Action
    Table C Wastes Excluded by U.S. EPA USEPA under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22 from
    Commercial Chemical Products, Off-Specification Species, Container Residues,
    and Soil Residues Thereof
    Facility Address Waste Description
    (None excluded from an Illinois source at this time)
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix I Wastes Excluded by Administrative Action
    Table D Wastes Excluded by the Board by Adjusted Standard
    The Board has entered the following orders on petitions for adjusted standards for delisting,
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.122.
    AS91-1 Petition of Keystone Steel and Wire Co. for Hazardous Waste Delisting,
    February 6, 1992, and modified at 133 PCB 189, April 23, 1992. (treated
    Treated K061 waste)
    AS91-3 Petition of Peoria Disposal Co. for an Adjusted Standard from Subpart D
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D, February 6 and March 11, 1993.
    (treated Treated F006 waste)
    AS93-7 Petition of Keystone Steel & Wire Co. for an Adjusted Standard from
    Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D, February 17, 1994, as
    modified March 17, 1994. (treated Treated K062 waste)
    AS94-10 Petition of Envirite Corporation for an Adjusted Standard from Subpart D
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D, December 14, 1994, as modified on
    February 16, 1995. (treated Treated F006, F007, F008, F009, F011, F012,
    F019, K002, K003, K004, K005, K006, K007, K008, and K062 wastes)
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 721.Appendix Y Table to Section 721.138
    Chemical name
    CAS No
    tion limit
    (mg/kg at
    Total Nitrogen as N NA 9000 18400 4900
    Total Halogens as Cl NA 1000 18400 540
    Total Organic Halogens as
    NA -- -- (Note 1)
    Polychlorinated biphenyls,
    total [(Arocolors, total])
    1336-36-3 ND -- ND 1.4
    Cyanide, total 57-12-5 ND -- ND 1.0
    Antimony, total 7440-36-0 ND -- 12
    Arsenic, total 7440-38-2 ND -- 0.23
    Barium, total 7440-39-3 ND -- 23
    Beryllium, total 7440-41-7 ND -- 1.2
    Cadmium, total 7440-43-9 -- ND 1.2
    Chromium, total 7440-47-3 ND -- 2.3
    Cobalt 7440-48-4 ND -- 4.6
    Lead, total 7439-92-1 57 18100 31
    Manganese 7439-96-5 ND -- 1.2
    Mercury, total 7439-97-6 ND -- 0.25
    Nickel, total 7440-02-0 106 18400 58
    Selenium, total 7782-49-2 ND -- 0.23
    Silver, total 7440-22-4 ND -- 2.3
    Thallium, total 7440-28-0 ND -- 23
    Benzo[(a])anthracene 56-55-3 ND -- 2400
    Benzene 71-43-2 8000 19600 4100
    Benzo[(b])fluoranthene 205-99-2 ND -- 2400
    Benzo[(k])fluoranthene 207-08-9 ND -- 2400
    Benzo[(a])pyrene 50-32-8 ND -- 2400
    Chrysene 218-01-9 ND -- 2400
    53-70-3 ND -- 2400
    57-97-6 ND -- 2400
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 ND -- 2400
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 ND -- 2400

    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 ND -- 2400
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 6200 19400 3200
    Toluene 108-88-3 69000 19400 36000
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 ND -- 2400
    Acrolein 107-02-8 ND -- 39
    Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 ND -- 30
    phthalate [(Di-2-ethyl-
    hexyl phthalate])
    117-81-7 ND -- 2400
    Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 ND -- 2400
    o-Cresol [(2-Methyl
    95-48-7 ND -- 2400
    m-Cresol [(3-M ethyl
    108-39-4 ND -- 2400
    p-Cresol [(4-Methyl
    106-44-5 ND -- 2400
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 ND -- 2400
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 ND -- 2400
    2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 ND -- 2400
    Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 ND -- 2400
    Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 ND -- 2400
    Endothall 145-73-3 ND -- 100
    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 ND -- 39
    [(Ethylene glycol
    monoethyl ether ].)
    110-80-5 ND -- 100
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 ND -- 39
    Isosafrole 120-58-1 ND -- 2400
    Methyl ethyl ketone
    78-93-3 ND -- 39
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 ND -- 39
    1,4-Naphthoquinone 130-15-4 ND -- 2400
    Phenol 108-95-2 ND -- 2400
    Propargyl alcohol [(2-
    107-19-7 ND -- 30.
    Safrole 94-59-7 ND -- 2400
    Sulfonated Organics:
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 ND -- ND 39
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 ND -- ND 2400
    Ethyl methanesulfonate 62-50-0 ND -- ND 2400

    Methyl methane-
    66-27-3 ND -- ND 2400
    Phorate 298-02-2 ND -- ND 2400
    1,3-Propane sultone 1120-71-4 ND -- ND 100
    phosphate [(Sulfotepp])
    3689-24-5 ND -- ND 2400
    Thiophenol [(Benzene-
    108-98-5 ND -- ND 30
    126-68-1 ND -- ND 2400
    Nitrogenated Organics:
    Acetonitrile [(Methyl
    75-05-8 ND -- ND 39
    53-96-3 ND -- ND 2400
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 ND -- ND 39
    4-Aminobiphenyl 92-67-1 ND -- ND 2400
    4-Aminopyridine 504-24-5 ND -- ND 100
    Aniline 62-53-3 ND -- ND 2400
    Benzidine 92-87-5 ND -- ND 2400
    Dibenz[(a,j])acridine 224-42-0 ND -- ND 2400
    O,O-Diethyl O-
    pyrazinyl phophoro-
    thioate [(Thionazin].)
    297-97-2 ND -- ND 2400
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 ND -- ND 2400
    benzene [(4-Dimethyl-
    60-11-7 ND -- ND 2400
    3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 ND -- ND 2400
    122-09-8 ND -- ND 2400
    119-90-4 ND -- ND 100
    99-65-0 ND -- ND 2400
    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 534-52-1 ND -- ND 2400
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 ND -- ND 2400
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 ND -- ND 2400
    2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 ND -- ND 2400
    Dinoseb [(2-sec-Butyl-
    88-85-7 ND -- ND 2400
    Diphenylamine 122-39-4 ND -- ND 2400

    Ethyl carbamate
    51-79-6 ND -- ND 100
    Ethylenethiourea (2-
    96-45-7 ND -- ND 110
    Famphur 52-85-7 ND -- ND 2400
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 ND -- ND 39
    Methapyrilene 91-80-5 ND -- ND 2400
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 ND -- ND 57
    cyanohydrin]. )
    75-86-5 ND -- ND 100
    Methyl parathion 298-00-0 ND -- ND 2400
    MNNG (N-Metyl-N-
    70-25-7 ND -- ND 110
    1-Naphthylamine, [(
    134-32-7 ND -- ND 2400
    2-Naphthylamine, [(
    91-59-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Nicotine 54-11-5 ND -- ND 100
    4-Nitroaniline, [(p-
    100-01-6 ND -- ND 2400
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 ND -- ND 2400
    p-Nitrophenol, [(p-
    100-02-7 ND -- ND 2400
    5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 ND -- ND 2400
    924-16-3 ND -- ND 2400
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 ND -- ND 2400
    amine, [(Diphenyl-
    86-30-6 ND -- ND 2400
    10595-95-6 ND -- ND 2400
    N-Nitrosomorpholine 59-89-2 ND -- ND 2400
    N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 ND -- ND 2400
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 ND -- ND 2400
    2-Nitropropane 79-46-9 ND -- ND 30
    Parathion 56-38-2 ND -- ND 2400
    Phenacetin 62-44-2 ND -- ND 2400
    1,4-Phenylene diamine,
    106-50-3 ND -- ND 2400

    N-Phenylthiourea 103-85-5 ND -- ND 57
    2-Picoline [(alpha-
    109-06-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Propythioracil [(6-
    51-52-5 ND -- ND 100
    Pyridine 110-86-1 ND -- ND 2400
    Strychnine 57-24-9 ND -- ND 100
    Thioacetamide 62-55-5 ND -- ND 57
    Thiofanox 39196-18-4 ND -- ND 100
    Thiourea 62-56-6 ND -- ND 57
    95-80-7 ND -- ND 57
    823-40-5 ND -- ND 57
    o-Toluidine 95-53-4 ND -- ND 2400
    p-Toluidine 106-49-0 ND -- ND 100
    99-35-4 ND -- ND 2400
    Halogenated Organics:
    Allyl chloride 107-05-1 ND -- ND 39
    Aramite 140-57-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Benzal chloride [(Di-
    chloromethyl benzene])
    98-87-3 ND -- ND 100
    Benzyl chloride 100-44-77 ND -- ND 100
    [(Dichloroethyl ether])
    111-44-4 ND -- ND 2400
    75-25-2 ND -- ND 39
    [(Methyl bromide])
    74-83-9 ND -- ND 39
    4-Bromophenyl phenyl
    ether [(p-Bromodi-
    phenyl ether])
    101-55-3 ND -- ND 2400
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 ND -- ND 39
    Chlordane 57-74-9 ND -- ND 14
    p-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 ND -- ND 39
    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 ND -- ND 2400
    p-Chloro-m-cresol 59-50-7 ND -- ND 2400
    2-Chloroethyl vinyl
    110-75-8 ND -- ND 39

    Chloroform 67-66-3 ND -- ND 39
    [(Methyl chloride])
    74-87-3 ND -- ND 39
    91-58-7 ND -- ND 2400
    2-Chlorophenol [(o-
    95-57-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Chloroprene [(2-
    1126-99-8 ND -- ND 39
    2,4-D [(2,4-Dichloro-
    phenoxyacetic acid])
    94-75-7 ND -- ND 7.0
    Diallate 2303-16-4 ND -- ND 2400
    96-12-8 ND -- ND 39
    95-50-1 ND -- ND 2400
    541-73-1 ND -- ND 2400
    106-46-7 ND -- ND 2400
    3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 ND -- ND 2400
    methane [(CFC-12])
    75-71-8 ND -- ND 39
    [(Ethylene dichloride])
    107-06-2 ND -- ND 39
    [(Vinylidene chloride])
    75-35-4 ND -- ND 39
    ethane [(Bis(2-chloro-
    111-91-1 ND -- ND 2400
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 ND -- ND 2400
    2,6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 ND -- ND 2400
    78-87-5 ND -- ND 39
    10061-01-5 ND -- ND 39
    10061-02-6 ND -- ND 39
    96-23-1 ND -- ND 30
    Endosulfan I 959-98-8 ND -- ND 1.4

    Endosulfan II 33213-65-9 ND -- ND 1.4
    Endrin 72-20-8 ND -- ND 1.4
    Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 ND -- ND 1.4
    Endrin Ketone 53494-70-5 ND -- ND 1.4
    Epichlorohydrin [(1-
    106-89-8 ND -- ND 30
    Ethylidene dichloride
    75-34-3 ND -- ND 39
    2-Fluoroacetamide 640-19-7 ND -- ND 100
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 ND -- ND 1.4
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 ND -- ND 2.8
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 ND -- ND 2400
    diene [(Hexachloro-
    87-68-3 ND -- ND 2400
    77-47-4 ND -- ND 2400
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 ND -- ND 2400
    Hexachlorophene 70-30-4 ND -- ND 59000
    1888-71-7 ND -- ND 2400
    Isodrin 465-73-6 ND -- ND 2400
    143-50-0 ND -- ND 4700
    Lindane [(gamma-
    hexane]) [gamma-(
    58-89-9 ND -- ND 1.4
    Methylene chloride
    75-09-2 ND -- ND 39
    101-14-4 ND -- ND 100
    Methyl iodide [(Iodo-
    74-88-4 ND -- ND 39
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 ND -- ND 2400
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 ND -- ND 39
    benzene [(PCNB])
    82-68-8 ND -- ND 2400
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 ND -- ND 2400

    Pronamide 23950-58-5 ND -- ND 2400
    Silvex [(2,4,5-Tri-
    propionic acid])
    93-72-1 ND -- ND 7.0
    1746-01-6 ND -- ND 30
    95-94-3 ND -- ND 2400
    79-34-5 ND -- ND 39
    127-18-4 ND -- ND 39
    58-90-2 ND -- ND 2400
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 ND -- ND 2400
    [(Methyl chloroform])
    71-55-6 ND -- ND 39
    [(Vinyl trichloride])
    79-00-5 ND -- ND 39
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 ND -- ND 39
    methane [(Trichloro-
    75-69-4 ND -- ND 39
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 ND -- ND 2400
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 ND -- ND 2400
    1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 ND -- ND 39
    Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 ND -- ND 39
    NA means not applicable.
    ND means nondetect.
    Note 1: 25 (mg/kg at 10,000 Btu/lb) as organic halogen or as the individual halogenated
    organics listed in the table at the levels indicated.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 721.Appendix Z Table to Section 721.102

    1 2 3 4
    Burning for
    recovery or
    use to produce
    a fuel
    (except as
    provided in
    (a)(17) for
    Applicable Subsection of
    Section 721.102: (c)(1) (c)(2) (c)(3) (c)(4)
    Spent materials Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Sludges (listed in
    Section 721.131 or
    Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Sludges exhibiting a
    characteristic of
    hazardous waste
    Yes Yes -- Yes
    By-products (listed in
    Section 721.131 or
    Yes Yes Yes Yes
    By-products exhibiting a
    characteristic of
    hazardous waste
    Yes Yes -- Yes
    Commercial chemical
    products listed in Section
    Yes Yes -- --
    Scrap metal other than
    excluded scrap metal
    (see Section 721.101-
    Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Yes - Defined as a solid waste
    No - Not defined as a solid waste

    BOARD NOTE: Derived from Table 1 to 40 CFR 261.2 (1997) (2002), as amended at 63 Fed.
    Reg. 28636 (May 26, 1998). The terms “spent materials,”, “sludges,”, “by-products,”, “scrap
    metal,”, and “processed scrap metal” are defined in Section 721.101.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    PART 726
    726.120 Applicability
    726.121 Standards applicable
    Applicable to generators Generators and transporters
    Transporters of materials used Materials Used in a manner Manner that
    constitutes disposal Constitutes Disposal
    726.122 Standards applicable
    Applicable to storers Storers, who are not Who Are Not the
    ultimate users Ultimate Users, of materials Materials that are to be used Are To
    Be Used in a manner manner that constitutes disposal Constitutes Disposal
    726.123 Standards Applicable to Users of Materials that are Are Used in a Manner that
    Constitutes Disposal
    726.130 Applicability (Repealed)
    726.131 Prohibitions (Repealed)
    726.132 Standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste fuel (Repealed)
    726.133 Standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste fuel (Repealed)
    726.134 Standards applicable to marketers of hazardous waste fuel (Repealed)
    726.135 Standards applicable to burners of hazardous waste fuel (Repealed)
    726.136 Conditional exemption for spent materials and by-products exhibiting a
    characteristic of hazardous waste (Repealed)
    726.140 Applicability (Repealed)
    726.141 Prohibitions (Repealed)

    726.142 Standards applicable to generators of used oil burned for energy recovery
    726.143 Standards applicable to marketers of used oil burned for energy recovery
    726.144 Standards applicable to burners of used oil burned for energy recovery
    726.170 Applicability and requirements Requirements
    726.180 Applicability and requirements Requirements
    726.200 Applicability
    726.201 Management prior
    Prior to Burning
    726.202 Permit standards
    Standards for Burners
    726.203 Interim Status Standards for Burners
    726.204 Standards to Control Organic Emissions
    726.205 Standards to control Control PM
    726.206 Standards to Control Metals Emissions
    726.207 Standards to control Control HCl and Chlorine Gas Emissions
    726.208 Small quantity
    Quantity On-site On-Site Burner Exemption
    726.209 Low risk waste Risk Waste Exemption
    726.210 Waiver of DRE trial burn Trial Burn for Boilers
    726.211 Standards for direct Direct Transfer
    726.212 Regulation of Residues
    726.219 Extensions of Time
    726.300 Applicability
    726.301 Definitions
    726.302 Definition of Solid Waste
    726.303 Standards Applicable to the Transportation of Solid Waste Military Munitions
    726.304 Standards Applicable to Emergency Responses
    726.305 Standards Applicable to the Storage of Solid Waste Military Munitions
    726.306 Standards Applicable to the Treatment and Disposal of Waste Military Munitions

    726.310 Definitions
    726.320 Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    726.325 Wastes Eligible for a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption for Low-
    Level Mixed Waste
    726.330 Conditions to Qualify for and Maintain a Storage and Treatment Conditional
    726.335 Treatment Allowed by a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    726.340 Loss of a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption and Required Action
    726.345 Reclaiming a Lost Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    726.350 Recordkeeping for a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    726.355 Waste No Longer Eligible for a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    726.360 Applicability of Closure Requirements to Storage Units
    726.405 Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption
    726.410 Wastes Eligible for a Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption
    726.415 Conditions to Qualify for and Maintain a Transportation and Disposal Conditional
    726.420 Treatment Standards for Eligible Waste
    726.425 Applicability of the Manifest and Transportation Condition
    726.430 Effectiveness of a Transportation and Disposal Exemption
    726.435 Disposal of Exempted Waste
    726.440 Containers Used for Disposal of Exempted Waste
    726.445 Notification
    726.450 Recordkeeping for a Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption
    726.455 Loss of a Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption and Required
    726.460 Reclaiming a Lost Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption
    726.Appendix A Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Metals
    726.Appendix B Tier I Feed Rate Screening Limits for Total Chlorine
    726.Appendix C Tier II Emission Rate Screening Limits for Free Chlorine and Hydrogen
    726.Appendix D Reference Air Concentrations
    726.Appendix E Risk Specific Risk-Specific Doses
    726.Appendix F Stack Plume Rise
    726.Appendix G Health-Based Limits for Exclusion of Waste-Derived Residues
    726.Appendix H Potential PICs for Determination of Exclusion of Waste-Derived Residues
    726.Appendix I Methods Manual for Compliance with BIF Regulations
    726.Appendix J Guideline on Air Quality Models
    726.Appendix K Lead-Bearing Materials That that May be Processed in Exempt Lead

    726.Appendix L Nickel or Chromium-Bearing Materials that may be May Be Processed in
    Exempt Nickel-Chromium Recovery Furnaces
    726.Appendix M Mercury-Bearing Wastes That that May Be Processed in Exempt Mercury
    Recovery Units
    726.Table A Exempt Quantities for Small Quantity Burner Exemption
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2 and 22.4 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 22.4 and 27].
    SOURCE: Adopted in R85-22 at 10 Ill. Reg. 1162, effective January 2, 1986; amended in R86-1
    at 10 Ill. Reg. 14156, effective August 12, 1986; amended in R87-26 at 12 Ill. Reg. 2900,
    effective January 15, 1988; amended in R89-1 at 13 Ill. Reg. 18606, effective November 13,
    1989; amended in R90-2 at 14 Ill. Reg. 14533, effective August 22, 1990; amended in R90-11 at
    15 Ill. Reg. 9727, effective June 17, 1991; amended in R91-13 at 16 Ill. Reg. 9858, effective
    June 9, 1992; amended in R92-10 at 17 Ill. Reg. 5865, effective March 26, 1993; amended in
    R93-4 at 17 Ill. Reg. 20904, effective November 22, 1993; amended in R94-7 at 18 Ill. Reg.
    12500, effective July 29, 1994; amended in R95-6 at 19 Ill. Reg. 10006, effective June 27, 1995;
    amended in R95-20 at 20 Ill. Reg. 11263, effective August 1, 1996; amended in R96-10/R97-
    3/R97-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 754, effective December 16, 1997; amended in R97-21/R98-3/R98-5 at
    22 Ill. Reg. 18042, effective September 28, 1998; amended in R99-15 at 23 Ill. Reg. 9482,
    effective July 26, 1999; amended in R00-13 at 24 Ill. Reg. 9853, effective June 20, 2000;
    amended in R02-1/R02-12/R02-17 at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667, effective April 22, 2002; amended in
    R03-7 at 27 Ill. Reg. 4200, effective February 14, 2003; amended in R03-18 at 27 Ill. Reg.
    ________, effective ______________________.
    Section 726.120 Applicability
    a) The regulations of this Subpart C apply to recyclable materials that are applied to or
    placed on the land in either of the following ways:
    1) Without mixing with any other substance(s) substances; or
    2) After mixing or combination with any other substance(s) substances. These
    materials will be referred to throughout this Subpart C as “materials used in a
    manner that constitutes disposal.”
    b) Products
    A product produced for the general public’s use that are is used in a manner
    that constitutes disposal and that contain which contains recyclable materials are
    material is not presently subject to regulation under this Subpart C if the recyclable
    materials have undergone a chemical reaction in the course of producing the products
    so as to become inseparable by physical means and if such products meet the

    applicable treatment standards in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D (or
    applicable prohibition levels in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.132 or 728.139, where no
    treatment standards have been established) for each recycable material (i.e.,
    hazardous waste) that they contain it contains. Commercial fertilizers that are
    produced for the general public’s use that contain recyclable materials also are not
    presently subject to regulation, provided they meet the same treatment standards or
    prohibitions levels for each recyclable material they contain. However, zinc-
    containing fertilizers using hazardous waste K061 that are produced for the general
    public’s use are not presently subject to regulation under this Subpart.
    c) Anti-skid and deicing uses in a manner constituting disposal of slags that are
    generated from high temperature metals recovery (HTMR) processing of hazardous
    wastes K061, K062, and F006 in a manner constituting disposal are not covered by
    the exemption in subsection (b) above of this Section, and such uses of these
    materials remain subject to regulation.
    d) Fertilizers that contain recyclable materials are not subject to regulation provided
    that the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1) They are zinc fertilizers excluded from the definition of solid waste
    according to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.104(a)(21); or
    2) They meet the applicable treatment standards in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728 for each hazardous waste that they contain.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.121 Standards applicable Applicable to generators Generators and transporters
    Transporters of materials used Materials Used in a manner Manner that
    constitutes disposal Constitutes Disposal
    Generators and transporters A generator or transporter of materials a material that are is used in a
    manner that constitute constitutes disposal are is subject to the applicable requirements of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 722 and 723 and the notification requirement under Section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. USC 6901 et seq.).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.122 Standards applicable Applicable to storers Storers, who are not Who Are
    Not the ultimate users Ultimate Users, of materials Materials that are to be
    used Are To Be Used in a manner manner that constitutes disposal
    Constitutes Disposal

    Owners or operators An owner or operator of facilities a facility that store stores a recyclable
    materials material that are is to be used in a manner that constitutes disposal, but who are which is
    not the ultimate users user of the materials material, are is regulated under all applicable provisions
    of Subparts A through L of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725.Subparts A through L, and 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 702, 703, and 705, and the notification requirement under Section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.123 Standards Applicable to Users of Materials that are Are Used in a Manner
    that Constitutes Disposal
    a) Owners or operators An owner or operator of facilities a facility that use uses a
    recyclable materials material in a manner that constitutes disposal are is regulated
    under all applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705; Subparts A
    through N of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subparts A through N; Subparts A through N
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts A through N; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728; and the
    notification requirement under Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and
    Recovery Act. (These requirements do not apply to products a product that contain
    these recyclable materials contains this recyclable material under the provisions of
    Section 726.120(b)).
    b) The use of waste or used oil or other material that is contaminated with dioxin or any
    other hazardous waste (other than a waste identified solely on the basis of
    ignitability) for dust suppression or road treatment is prohibited.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.170 Applicability and requirements Requirements
    a) The regulations of this subpart Subpart F apply to recyclable materials that are
    reclaimed to recover economically significant amounts of gold, silver, platinum,
    palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, ruthenium, or any combination of these
    b) Persons
    A person that generate generates, transport transports, or store stores
    recyclable materials that are regulated under this Subpart F are is subject to the
    following requirements:
    1) Notification requirements under Section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act;

    2) Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart B (for generators a
    generator), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 723.120 and 121 723.121 (for transporters a
    transporter), and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.171 and 725.172 (for persons a
    person that store stores); and
    3) For precious metals exported to or imported from designated OECD
    member countries for recovery, Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    722.Subpart H and 725.112(a)(2). For precious metals exported to or
    imported from non-OECD countries for recovery, Subparts E and F of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subparts E and F.
    c) Persons
    A person that store stores recycled materials that are regulated under this
    Subpart F shall must keep the following records to document that they are it is not
    accumulating these materials speculatively (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    1) Records showing the volume of these materials stored at the beginning of
    the calendar year;
    2) The amount of these materials generated or received during the calendar
    year; and
    3) The amount of materials remaining at the end of the calendar year.
    d) Recyclable materials that are regulated under this Subpart F that are accumulated
    speculatively (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.101(c)) are subject to all
    applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 722 through 725, and 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703 and 705.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.180 Applicability and requirements Requirements
    a) Are
    Extent of exemption for spent lead-acid batteries exempt from hazardous waste
    management requirements?. If an owner or operator generates, collects, transports,
    stores, or regenerates lead-acid batteries for reclamation purposes, the owner or
    operator may be exempt from certain hazardous waste management requirements.
    Use the following table to determine Subsections (a)(1) though (a)(5) of this
    Section indicate which requirements apply to the owner or operator. Alternatively,
    the owner or operator may choose to manage its spent lead-acid batteries under the
    “Universal Waste” rule in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.

    1) If the batteries will be reclaimed through regeneration (such as by
    electrolyte replacement), the owner or operator is exempt from 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726 (except for 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    722.111), and 728 and the notification requirements of section 3010 of
    RCRA, but the owner or operator is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 and
    2) If the batteries will be reclaimed other than through regeneration, and the
    owner or operator generates, collects, or transports the batteries, the owner
    or operator is exempt from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 722 through
    726 (except for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111) and the notification
    requirements of section 3010 of RCRA, but the owner or operator is
    subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 and 722.111 and applicable provisions of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.
    3) If the batteries will be reclaimed other than through regeneration, and the
    owner or operator stores the batteries, but the owner or operator is not the
    reclaimer, the owner or operator is exempt from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702,
    703, and 722 through 726 (except for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111) and the
    notification requirements of section 3010 of RCRA, but the owner or
    operator is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 and 722.111 and applicable
    provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.
    4) If the batteries will be reclaimed other than through regeneration, and the
    owner or operator stores the batteries before the owner or operator
    reclaims them, the owner or operator must comply with Section
    726.180(b) and other requirements described in that subsection, and the
    owner or operator is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 and 722.111 and
    applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.
    5) If the batteries will be reclaimed other than through regeneration, and the
    owner or operator does not store the batteries before the owner or operator
    reclaims them, the owner or operator is exempt from 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, and 722 through 726 (except for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111) and
    the notification requirements of section 3010 of RCRA, and the owner or
    operator is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 and 722.111 and applicable
    provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.
    If the batteries . . . And if an owner
    or operator . . .
    Then an owner or
    operator . . .
    And an owner or
    operator . . .

    (1) Will be
    reclaimed through
    regeneration (such
    as by electrolyte
    is exempt from 35
    Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, 705, 722
    (except for 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    722.111), 723,
    724, 725, 726,
    728, and the
    requirements at
    section 3010 of
    is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721
    and 722.111
    (2) Will be
    reclaimed other
    than through
    collects, or
    transports these
    is exempt from 35
    Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, 705, 722
    (except for 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    722.111), 723,
    724, 725, 726, and
    the notification
    requirements at
    section 3010 of
    is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721
    and 722.111 and
    provisions under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    (3) Will be
    reclaimed other
    than through
    stores these
    batteries but the
    owner or operator
    is not the
    is exempt from 35
    Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, 705, 722
    (except for 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    722.111), 723,
    724, 725, 726, and
    the notification
    requirements at
    section 3010 of
    is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721
    and 722.111 and
    provisions under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    (4) Will be
    reclaimed other
    than through
    stores these
    batteries before
    the owner or
    operator reclaims
    shall comply with
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.180(b) and, as
    appropriate, other
    described in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721
    and 722.111 and
    provisions under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code

    (5) Will be
    reclaimed other
    than through
    does not store
    these batteries
    before the owner
    or operator
    reclaims them
    is exempt from 35
    Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, 705, 722
    (except for 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code
    722.111), 723,
    724, 725, 726, and
    the notification
    requirements at
    section 3010 of
    is subject to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721
    and 722.111 and
    provisions under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code
    b) If an owner or operator stores Exemption for spent lead-acid batteries stored
    before it reclaims them but not reclamation other than through regeneration, which
    requirements apply?. The requirements of this subsection (b) of this Section apply
    to an owner or operator if the owner or operator that stores spent lead-acid batteries
    before it reclaims them, but where the owner or operator does not reclaim them
    through regeneration. The requirements are slightly different depending on the
    owner’s or operator’s RCRA permit status.
    1) For an interim status facility, the owner or operator shall must comply with
    the following requirements:
    A) The notification requirements under Section 3010 of the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).;
    B) All applicable provisions in Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subpart A.;
    C) All applicable provisions in Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subpart B, except 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.113 (waste analysis).;
    D) All applicable provisions in Subparts C and D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subparts C and D.;
    E) All applicable provisions in Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subpart E, except 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.171 and 725.172
    (dealing with the use of the manifest and manifest discrepancies).;
    F) All applicable provisions in Subparts F through L of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 725.Subparts F through L.; and
    G) All applicable provisions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, and 703, and

    2) For a permitted facility, the following requirements:
    A) The notification requirements under section 3010 of RCRA.;
    B) All applicable provisions in Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subpart A.;
    C) All applicable provisions in Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subpart B, except (but not 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.113 (waste
    D) All applicable provisions in Subparts C and D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subparts C and D.;
    E) All applicable provisions in Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subpart E, except (but not 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.171 or
    724.172 (dealing with the use of the manifest and manifest
    F) All applicable provisions in Subparts F through L of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.Subparts F through L.; and
    G) All applicable provisions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, and 703, and
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.200 Applicability
    a) The regulations of this Subpart H apply to hazardous waste burned or processed in a
    boiler or industrial furnace (BIF) (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110)
    irrespective of the purpose of burning or processing, except as provided by
    subsections (b), (c), (d), (g), and (h) of this Section. In this Subpart H, the term
    “burn” means burning for energy recovery or destruction or processing for materials
    recovery or as an ingredient. The emissions standards of Sections 726.204, 726.205,
    726.206, and 726.207 apply to facilities operating under interim status or under a
    RCRA permit, as specified in Sections 726.202 and 726.203.
    b) Integration of the MACT standards.

    1) Except as provided by subsection (b)(2) of this Section, the standards of
    this Part no longer apply when an affected source demonstrates
    compliance with the maximum achievable control technology (MACT)
    requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE, incorporated by reference in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, by conducting a comprehensive performance test
    and submitting to the Agency a Notification of Compliance, under 40 CFR
    63.1207(j) and 63.1210(b), documenting compliance with the
    requirements of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE. Nevertheless, even after this
    demonstration of compliance with the MACT standards, RCRA permit
    conditions that were based on the standards of this Part will continue to be
    in effect until they are removed from the permit or the permit is terminated
    or revoked, unless the permit expressly provides otherwise.
    2) The following standards continue to apply:
    A) If an owner or operator elects to comply with 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    703.320(a)(1)(A) to minimize emissions of toxic compounds from
    startup, shutdown, and malfunction events, Section 726.202(e)(1),
    requiring operations in accordance with the operating requirements
    specified in the permit at all times that hazardous waste is in the
    unit, and Section 726.202(e)(2)(C), requiring compliance with the
    emission standards and operating requirements, during startup and
    shutdown if hazardous waste is in the combustion chamber, except
    for particular hazardous wastes. These provisions apply only
    during startup, shutdown, and malfunction events;
    B) The closure requirements of Sections 726.202(e)(11) and
    C) The standards for direct transfer of Section 726.211;
    D) The standards for regulation of residues of Section 726.312; and
    E) The applicable requirements of Subparts A through H, BB, and CC
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725.
    BOARD NOTE: Sections 9.1 and 39.5 of the Environmental Protection Act [415
    ILCS 5/9.1 and 39.5] make the federal MACT standards directly applicable to
    entities in Illinois and authorize the Agency to issue permits based on the federal
    standards. In adopting this subsection (b), USEPA stated as follows (at 64 Fed
    Reg. 52828, 52975 (September 30,1999)):
    Under [the approach adopted by USEPA as a] final rule, MACT
    air emissions and related operating requirements are to be included

    in title V permits; RCRA permits will continue to be required for
    all other aspects of the combustion unit and the facility that are
    governed by RCRA (e.g., corrective action, general facility
    standards, other combustor-specific concerns such as materials
    handling, risk-based emissions limits and operating requirements,
    as appropriate, and other hazardous waste management units).
    c) The following hazardous wastes and facilities are not subject to regulation under this
    Subpart H:
    1) Used oil burned for energy recovery that is also a hazardous waste solely
    because it exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste identified in Subpart C
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721. Such used oil is subject to regulation under 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 739, rather than this Subpart;
    2) Gas recovered from hazardous or solid waste landfills, when such gas is
    burned for energy recovery;
    3) Hazardous wastes that are exempt from regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.104 and 721.106(a)(3)(C) and (a)(3)(D) and hazardous wastes that are
    subject to the special requirements for conditionally exempt small quantity
    generators under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.105; and
    4) Coke ovens, if the only hazardous waste burned is USEPA hazardous waste
    no. K087 decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations.
    d) Owners and operators of smelting, melting, and refining furnaces (including
    pyrometallurgical devices, such as cupolas, sintering machines, roasters, and foundry
    furnaces, but not including cement kilns, aggregate kilns, or halogen acid furnaces
    burning hazardous waste) that process hazardous waste solely for metal recovery are
    conditionally exempt from regulation under this Subpart H, except for Sections
    726.201 and 726.212.
    1) To be exempt from Sections 726.202 through 726.211, an owner or operator
    of a metal recovery furnace or mercury recovery furnace must comply with
    the following requirements, except that an owner or operator of a lead or a
    nickel-chromium recovery furnace or a metal recovery furnace that burns
    baghouse bags used to capture metallic dust emitted by steel manufacturing
    must comply with the requirements of subsection (d)(3) of this Section, and
    an owner or operator of a lead recovery furnace that is subject to
    regulation under the Secondary Lead Smelting NESHAP of 40 CFR 63,
    subpart X must comply with the requirements of subsection (h) of this

    A) Provide a one-time written notice to the Agency indicating the
    i) The owner or operator claims exemption under this
    ii) The hazardous waste is burned solely for metal recovery
    consistent with the provisions of subsection (d)(2) of this
    iii) The hazardous waste contains recoverable levels of metals;
    iv) The owner or operator will comply with the sampling and
    analysis and recordkeeping requirements of this subsection
    B) Sample and analyze the hazardous waste and other feedstocks as
    necessary to comply with the requirements of this subsection (d)
    under procedures specified by “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid
    Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” SW-846, incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, or alternative methods that
    meet or exceed the SW-846 method performance capabilities. If SW-
    846 does not prescribe a method for a particular determination, the
    owner or operator must use the best available method; and
    C) Maintain at the facility for at least three years records to document
    compliance with the provisions of this subsection (d), including limits
    on levels of toxic organic constituents and Btu value of the waste and
    levels of recoverable metals in the hazardous waste compared to
    normal non-hazardous waste feedstocks.
    2) A hazardous waste meeting either of the following criteria is not processed
    solely for metal recovery:
    A) The hazardous waste has a total concentration of organic compounds
    listed in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 exceeding 500 ppm by
    weight, as fired, and so is considered to be burned for destruction.
    The concentration of organic compounds in a waste as-generated may
    be reduced to the 500 ppm limit by bona fide treatment that removes
    or destroys organic constituents. Blending for dilution to meet the
    500 ppm limit is prohibited, and documentation that the waste has not
    been impermissibly diluted must be retained in the records required
    by subsection (d)(1)(C) of this Section; or

    B) The hazardous waste has a heating value of 5,000 Btu/lb or more, as-
    fired, and is so considered to be burned as fuel. The heating value of
    a waste as-generated may be reduced to below the 5,000 Btu/lb limit
    by bona fide treatment that removes or destroys organic constituents.
    Blending for dilution to meet the 5,000 Btu/lb limit is prohibited and
    documentation that the waste has not been impermissibly diluted
    must be retained in the records required by subsection (d)(1)(C) of
    this Section.
    3) To be exempt from Sections 726.202 through 726.211, an owner or operator
    of a lead, nickel-chromium, or mercury recovery furnace, except for an
    owner or operator of a lead recovery furnace that is subject to regulation
    under the Secondary Lead Smelting NESHAP of 40 CFR 63, subpart X, or
    a metal recovery furnace that burns baghouse bags used to capture metallic
    dusts emitted by steel manufacturing must provide a one-time written notice
    to the Agency identifying each hazardous waste burned and specifying
    whether the owner or operator claims an exemption for each waste under this
    subsection (d)(3) or subsection (d)(1) of this Section. The owner or operator
    must comply with the requirements of subsection (d)(1) of this Section for
    those wastes claimed to be exempt under that subsection and must comply
    with the following requirements for those wastes claimed to be exempt under
    this subsection (d)(3):
    A) The hazardous wastes listed in Appendices K, L, and M of this Part
    and baghouse bags used to capture metallic dusts emitted by steel
    manufacturing are exempt from the requirements of subsection (d)(1)
    of this Section, provided the following are true:
    i) A waste listed in Appendix K of this Part must contain
    recoverable levels of lead, a waste listed in Appendix L of
    this Part must contain recoverable levels of nickel or
    chromium, a waste listed in Appendix M of this Part must
    contain recoverable levels of mercury and contain less than
    500 ppm of Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 organic
    constituents, and baghouse bags used to capture metallic
    dusts emitted by steel manufacturing must contain
    recoverable levels of metal;
    ii) The waste does not exhibit the toxicity characteristic of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721.124 for an organic constituent;
    iii) The waste is not a hazardous waste listed in Subpart D of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721 because it is listed for an organic

    constituent, as identified in Appendix G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721; and
    iv) The owner or operator certifies in the one-time notice that
    hazardous waste is burned under the provisions of subsection
    (d)(3) of this Section and that sampling and analysis will be
    conducted or other information will be obtained as necessary
    to ensure continued compliance with these requirements.
    Sampling and analysis must be conducted according to
    subsection (d)(1)(B) of this Section, and records to document
    compliance with subsection (d)(3) of this Section must be
    kept for at least three years.
    B) The Agency may decide, on a case-by-case basis, that the toxic
    organic constituents in a material listed in Appendix K, Appendix L,
    or Appendix M of this Part that contains a total concentration of more
    than 500 ppm toxic organic compounds listed in Appendix H to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721 may pose a hazard to human health and the
    environment when burned in a metal recovery furnace exempt from
    the requirements of this Subpart H. Under these circumstances, after
    adequate notice and opportunity for comment, the metal recovery
    furnace will become subject to the requirements of this Subpart H
    when burning that material. In making the hazard determination, the
    Agency must consider the following factors:
    i) The concentration and toxicity of organic constituents in the
    ii) The level of destruction of toxic organic constituents
    provided by the furnace; and
    iii) Whether the acceptable ambient levels established in
    Appendix D or E of this Part will be exceeded for any toxic
    organic compound that may be emitted based on dispersion
    modeling to predict the maximum annual average off-site
    ground level concentration.
    e) The standards for direct transfer operations under Section 726.211 apply only to
    facilities subject to the permit standards of Section 726.202 or the interim status
    standards of Section 726.203.
    f) The management standards for residues under Section 726.212 apply to any BIF
    burning hazardous waste.

    g) Owners and operators of smelting, melting, and refining furnaces (including
    pyrometallurgical devices such as cupolas, sintering machines, roasters, and foundry
    furnaces) that process hazardous waste for recovery of economically significant
    amounts of the precious metals gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium,
    rhodium, ruthenium, or any combination of these metals are conditionally exempt
    from regulation under this Subpart H, except for Section 726.212. To be exempt
    from Sections 726.202 through 726.211, an owner or operator must do the following:
    1) Provide a one-time written notice to the Agency indicating the following:
    A) The owner or operator claims exemption under this Section,
    B) The hazardous waste is burned for legitimate recovery of precious
    metal, and
    C) The owner or operator will comply with the sampling and analysis
    and recordkeeping requirements of this Section;
    2) Sample and analyze the hazardous waste, as necessary, to document that the
    waste is burned for recovery of economically significant amounts of precious
    metal, using procedures specified by Test Methods for Evaluating Solid
    Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, incorporated by reference in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, or alternative methods that meet or exceed the
    SW-846 method performance capabilities. If SW-846 does not prescribe a
    method for a particular determination, the owner or operator must use the
    best available method; and
    3) Maintain, at the facility for at least three years, records to document that all
    hazardous wastes burned are burned for recovery of economically significant
    amounts of precious metal.
    h) An owner or operator of a lead recovery furnace that processes hazardous waste
    for recovery of lead and which is subject to regulation under the Secondary Lead
    Smelting NESHAP of 40 CFR 63, subpart X, is conditionally exempt from
    regulation under this Subpart, except for Section 726.201. To become exempt, an
    owner or operator must provide a one-time notice to the Agency identifying each
    hazardous waste burned and specifying that the owner or operator claims an
    exemption under this subsection (h). The notice also must state that the waste
    burned has a total concentration of non-metal compounds listed in Appendix H to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 of less than 500 ppm by weight, as fired and as provided in
    subsection (d)(2)(A) of this Section, or is listed in Appendix K to this Part.
    i) Abbreviations and definitions. The following definitions and abbreviations are used
    in this Subpart H:

    “APCS” means air pollution control system.
    “BIF” means boiler or industrial furnace.
    “Carcinogenic metals” means arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, and chromium.
    “CO” means carbon monoxide.
    “Continuous monitor” is a monitor that continuously samples the regulated
    parameter without interruption, that evaluates the detector response at least
    once each 15 seconds, and that computes and records the average value at
    least every 60 seconds.
    “DRE” means destruction or removal efficiency.
    “cu m” or “m
    ” means cubic meters.
    “E” means “ten to the power.” For example, “XE-Y” means “X times ten to
    the -Y power.”
    “Feed rates” are measured as specified in Section 726.202(e)(6).
    “Good engineering practice stack height” is as defined by 40 CFR 51.100(ii),
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    “HC” means hydrocarbon.
    “HCl” means hydrogen chloride gas.
    “Hourly rolling average” means the arithmetic mean of the 60 most recent
    one-minute average values recorded by the continuous monitoring system.
    “K” means Kelvin.
    “kVA” means kilovolt amperes.
    “MEI” means maximum exposed individual.
    “MEI location” means the point with the maximum annual average off-site
    (unless on-site is required) ground level concentration.
    “Noncarcinogenic metals” means antimony, barium, lead, mercury, thallium,
    and silver.

    “One hour block average” means the arithmetic mean of the one minute
    averages recorded during the 60-minute period beginning at one minute after
    the beginning of the preceding clock hour.
    “PIC” means product of incomplete combustion.
    “PM” means particulate matter.
    “POHC” means principal organic hazardous constituent.
    “ppmv” means parts per million by volume.
    “QA/QC” means quality assurance and quality control.
    “Rolling average for the selected averaging period” means the arithmetic
    mean of one hour block averages for the averaging period.
    “RAC” means reference air concentration, the acceptable ambient level for
    the noncarcinogenic metals for purposes of this Subpart. RACs are specified
    in Appendix D of this Part.
    “RSD” means risk-specific dose, the acceptable ambient level for the
    carcinogenic metals for purposes of this Subpart. RSDs are specified in
    Appendix E of this Part.
    “SSU” means “Saybolt Seconds Universal,” a unit of viscosity measured by
    ASTM D 88-87 or D 2161-87, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111.
    “TCLP test” means the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721.124.
    “TESH” means terrain-adjusted effective stack height (in meters).
    “Tier I.” See Section 726.206(b).
    “Tier II.” See Section 726.206(c).
    “Tier III.” See Section 726.206(d).
    “Toxicity equivalence” is estimated, pursuant to Section 726.204(e), using
    “Procedures for Estimating the Toxicity Equivalence of Chlorinated

    Dibenzo-p-Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Congeners,” incorporated by reference
    in Appendix I of this Part.
    “mg” means microgram.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.201 Management prior Prior to Burning
    a) Generators. Generators A generator of hazardous waste that is burned in a BIF are is
    subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.
    b) Transporters. Transporters A transporter of hazardous waste that is burned in a BIF
    are is subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 723.
    c) Storage and treatment facilities.
    1) An owner or operator of a facility that stores or treats hazardous waste that is
    burned in a BIF is subject to the applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    702, 703, 724, and 725 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703, except as
    provided by subsection (c)(2) of this Section. These standards apply to
    storage and treatment by the burner, as well as to any storage or treatment
    facility operated by an intermediary (a processor, blender, distributor, etc.)
    between the generator and the burner.
    2) An owner or operator of a facility that burns, in an on-site BIF exempt from
    regulation under the small quantity burner provisions of Section 726.208,
    hazardous waste that it generates is exempt from regulation under 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 702, 703, 724, and 725 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703
    applicable to storage units for those storage units that store mixtures of
    hazardous waste and the primary fuel to the BIF in tanks that feed the fuel
    mixture directly to the burner. Storage of hazardous waste prior to mixing
    with the primary fuel is subject to regulation, as prescribed in subsection
    (c)(1) of this Section.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.202 Permit standards Standards for Burners
    a) Applicability.
    1) General. Owners and operators An owner or operator of BIFs burning a BIF
    that burns hazardous waste and which does not operating operate under
    interim status shall must comply with the requirements of this Section and 35

    Ill. Adm. Code 703.208 and 703.232, unless exempt under the small quantity
    burner exemption of Section 726.208.
    2) Applicability of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 standards. Owners and operators An
    owner or operator of BIFs a BIF that burn burns hazardous waste are is
    subject to the following provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724, except as
    provided otherwise by this Subpart H:
    A) In Subpart A (General), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.104;
    B) In Subpart B (General facility standards), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.111
    through 724.118;
    C) In Subpart C (Preparedness and prevention), 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.131 through 724.137;
    D) In Subpart D (Contingency plan and emergency procedures), 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.151 through 724.156;
    E) In Subpart E (Manifest system, recordkeeping and reporting), the
    applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.171 through 724.177;
    F) In Subpart F (Corrective Action), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.190 and
    G) In Subpart G (Closure and post-closure), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.211
    through 724.215;
    H) In Subpart H (Financial requirements), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.241,
    724.242, 724.243, and 724.247 through 724.251, except that the State
    of Illinois and the Federal federal government are exempt from the
    requirements of Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart H; and
    I) Subpart BB (Air emission standards for equipment leaks), except 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 724.950(a).
    b) Hazardous waste analysis.
    1) The owner or operator shall must provide an analysis of the hazardous waste
    that quantifies the concentration of any constituent identified in Appendix H
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H that is reasonably be expected to be in
    the waste. Such constituents must be identified and quantified if present, at
    levels detectable by analytical procedures prescribed by Test Methods for
    Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (incorporated by

    reference, see 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111). Alternative methods that meet or
    exceed the method performance capabilities of SW-846 methods may be
    used. If SW-846 does not prescribe a method for a particular determination,
    the owner or operator shall must use the best available method. The
    Appendix H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H constituents excluded
    from this analysis must be identified and the basis for their exclusion
    explained. This analysis must provide all information required by this
    Subpart H and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.208 and 703.232 and must enable the
    Agency to prescribe such permit conditions as are necessary to protect
    human health and the environment. Such analysis must be included as a
    portion of the Part B permit application, or, for facilities operating under the
    interim status standards of this Subpart, as a portion of the trial burn plan that
    may be submitted before the Part B application under provisions of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 703.232(g), as well as any other analysis required by the Agency.
    Owners and operators of BIFs not operating under the interim status
    standards shall must provide the information required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    703.208 and 703.232 in the Part B application to the greatest extent possible.
    2) Throughout normal operation, the owner or operator shall must conduct
    sampling and analysis as necessary to ensure that the hazardous waste, other
    fuels, and industrial furnace feedstocks fired into the BIF are within the
    physical and chemical composition limits specified in the permit.
    c) Emissions standards. Owners and operators shall must comply with emissions
    standards provided by Sections 726.204 through 726.207.
    d) Permits.
    1) The owner or operator shall must burn only hazardous wastes specified in the
    facility permit and only under the operating conditions specified under
    subsection (e), below of this Section, except in approved trial burns under the
    conditions specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.232.
    2) Hazardous wastes not specified in the permit must not be burned until
    operating conditions have been specified under a new permit or permit
    modification, as applicable. Operating requirements for new wastes must be
    based on either trial burn results or alternative data included with Part B of a
    permit application under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.208.
    3) BIFs operating under the interim status standards of Section 726.203 are
    permitted under procedures provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.232(g).
    4) A permit for a new BIF (those BIFs not operating under the interim status
    standards) must establish appropriate conditions for each of the applicable

    requirements of this Section, including but not limited to allowable
    hazardous waste firing rates and operating conditions necessary to meet the
    requirements of subsection (e), below of this Section, in order to comply with
    the following standards:
    A) For the period beginning with initial introduction of hazardous waste
    and ending with initiation of the trial burn, and only for the minimum
    time required to bring the device to a point of operational readiness to
    conduct a trial burn, not to exceed a duration of 720 hours operating
    time when burning hazardous waste, the operating requirements must
    be those most likely to ensure compliance with the emission
    standards of Sections 726.204 through 726.207, based on the
    Agency’s engineering judgment. If the applicant is seeking a waiver
    from a trial burn to demonstrate conformance with a particular
    emission standard, the operating requirements during this initial
    period of operation must include those specified by the applicable
    provisions of Section 726.204, Section 726.205, Section 726.206, or
    Section 726.207. The Agency shall must extend the duration of this
    period for up to 720 additional hours when good cause for the
    extension is demonstrated by the applicant.
    B) For the duration of the trial burn, the operating requirements must be
    sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards of
    Sections 726.204 through 726.207 and must be in accordance with
    the approved trial burn plan;
    C) For the period immediately following completion of the trial burn,
    and only for the minimum period sufficient to allow sample analysis,
    data computation, submission of the trial burn results by the
    applicant, review of the trial burn results, and modification of the
    facility permit by the Agency to reflect the trial burn results, the
    operating requirements must be those most likely to ensure
    compliance with the emission standards Sections 726.204 through
    726.207 based on the Agency’s engineering judgment.
    D) For the remaining duration of the permit, the operating requirements
    must be those demonstrated in a trial burn or by alternative data
    specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.208, as sufficient to ensure
    compliance with the emissions standards of Sections 726.204 through
    e) Operating requirements.

    1) General. A BIF burning hazardous waste must be operated in accordance
    with the operating requirements specified in the permit at all times when
    there is hazardous waste in the unit.
    2) Requirements to ensure compliance with the organic emissions standards.
    A) DRE (destruction or removal efficiency) standard. Operating
    conditions must be specified in either of the following ways: on a
    case-by-case basis for each hazardous waste burned, which
    conditions must be demonstrated (in a trial burn or by alternative
    data, as specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.208) to be sufficient to
    comply with the DRE performance standard of Section 726.204(a);,
    or, as special operating requirements provided by Section
    726.204(a)(4) for the waiver of the DRE trial burn. When the DRE
    trial burn is not waived under Section 726.204(a)(4), each set of
    operating requirements must specify the composition of the
    hazardous waste (including acceptable variations in the physical and
    chemical properties of the hazardous waste which that will not affect
    compliance with the DRE performance standard) to which the
    operating requirements apply. For each such hazardous waste, the
    permit must specify acceptable operating limits including, but not
    limited to, the following conditions, as appropriate:
    i) Feed rate of hazardous waste and other fuels measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    ii) Minimum and maximum device production rate when
    producing normal product expressed in appropriate units,
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    iii) Appropriate controls of the hazardous waste firing system;
    iv) Allowable variation in BIF system design or operating
    v) Minimum combustion gas temperature measured at a location
    indicative of combustion chamber temperature, measured,
    and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    vi) An appropriate indicator of combustion gas velocity,
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),

    below of this Section, unless documentation is provided
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.232 demonstrating adequate
    combustion gas residence time; and
    vii) Such other operating requirements as are necessary to ensure
    that the DRE performance standard of Section 726.204(a) is
    B) CO and hydrocarbon (HC) standards. The permit must incorporate a
    CO limit and, as appropriate, a HC limit as provided by Section
    726.204(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). The permit limits must be specified
    as follows:
    i) When complying with the CO standard of Section
    726.204(b)(1), the permit limit is 100 ppmv;
    ii) When complying with the alternative CO standard under
    Section 726.204(c), the permit limit for CO is based on the
    trial burn and is established as the average over all valid runs
    of the highest hourly rolling average CO level of each run;
    and, the permit limit for HC is 20 ppmv (as defined in Section
    726.204(c)(1)), except as provided in Section 726.204(f).; or
    iii) When complying with the alternative HC limit for industrial
    furnaces under Section 726.204(f), the permit limit for HC
    and CO is the baseline level when hazardous waste is not
    burned as specified by that subsection.
    C) Start-up and shut-down. During start-up and shut-down of the BIF,
    hazardous waste [(except waste fed solely as an ingredient under the
    Tier I (or adjusted Tier I) feed rate screening limits for metals and
    chloride/chlorine, and except low risk waste exempt from the trial
    burn requirements under Sections 726.204(a)(5), 726.205, 726.206,
    and 726.207]) must not be fed into the device, unless the device is
    operating within the conditions of operation specified in the permit.
    3) Requirements to ensure conformance with the particulate matter (PM)
    A) Except as provided in subsections (e)(3)(B) and (e)(3)(C), below of
    this Section, the permit must specify the following operating
    requirements to ensure conformance with the PM standard specified
    in Section 726.205:

    i) Total ash feed rate to the device from hazardous waste, other
    fuels, and industrial furnace feedstocks, measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    ii) Maximum device production rate when producing normal
    product expressed in appropriate units, and measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    iii) Appropriate controls on operation and maintenance of the
    hazardous waste firing system and any air pollution control
    system (APCS);
    iv) Allowable variation in BIF system design including any
    APCS or operating procedures; and
    v) Such other operating requirements as are necessary to ensure
    that the PM standard in Section 726.211(b) is met.
    B) Permit conditions to ensure conformance with the PM standard must
    not be provided for facilities exempt from the PM standard under
    Section 726.205(b);
    C) For cement kilns and light-weight aggregate kilns, permit conditions
    to ensure compliance with the PM standard must not limit the ash
    content of hazardous waste or other feed materials.
    4) Requirements to ensure conformance with the metals emissions standard.
    A) For conformance with the Tier I (or adjusted Tier I) metals feed rate
    screening limits of Section 726.206(b) or (e), the permit must specify
    the following operating requirements:
    i) Total feed rate of each metal in hazardous waste, other fuels
    and industrial furnace feedstocks measured and specified
    under provisions of subsection (e)(6), below of this Section;
    ii) Total feed rate of hazardous waste measured and specified as
    prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this Section; and
    iii) A sampling and metals analysis program for the hazardous
    waste, other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks;

    B) For conformance with the Tier II metals emission rate screening
    limits under Section 726.206(c) and the Tier III metals controls under
    Section 726.206(d), the permit must specify the following operating
    i) Maximum emission rate for each metal specified as the
    average emission rate during the trial burn;
    ii) Feed rate of total hazardous waste and pumpable hazardous
    waste, each measured and specified as prescribed in
    subsection (e)(6)(A), below of this Section;
    iii) Feed rate of each metal in the following feedstreams,
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsections (e)(6),
    below of this Section: total feed streams; total hazardous
    waste feed; and total pumpable hazardous waste feed;
    iv) Total feed rate of chlorine and chloride in total feed streams
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    v) Maximum combustion gas temperature measured at a
    location indicative of combustion chamber temperature, and
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    vi) Maximum flue gas temperature at the inlet to the PM APCS
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    vii) Maximum device production rate when producing normal
    product expressed in appropriate units and measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    viii) Appropriate controls on operation and maintenance of the
    hazardous waste firing system and any APCS;
    ix) Allowable variation in BIF system design including any
    APCS or operating procedures; and
    x) Such other operating requirements as are necessary to ensure
    that the metals standards under Sections 726.206(c) or (d) are

    C) For conformance with an alternative implementation approach
    approved by the Agency under Section 726.206(f), the permit must
    specify the following operating requirements:
    i) Maximum emission rate for each metal specified as the
    average emission rate during the trial burn;
    ii) Feed rate of total hazardous waste and pumpable hazardous
    waste, each measured and specified as prescribed in
    subsection (e)(6)(A), below of this Section;
    iii) Feed rate of each metal in the following feedstreams,
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section: total hazardous waste feed; and total
    pumpable hazardous waste feed;
    iv) Total feed rate of chlorine and chloride in total feed streams
    measured and specified prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below
    of this Section;
    v) Maximum combustion gas temperature measured at a
    location indicative of combustion chamber temperature, and
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    vi) Maximum flue gas temperature at the inlet to the PM APCS
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    vii) Maximum device production rate when producing normal
    product expressed in appropriate units and measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    viii) Appropriate controls on operation and maintenance of the
    hazardous waste firing system and any APCS;
    ix) Allowable variation in BIF system design including any
    APCS or operating procedures; and
    x) Such other operating requirements as are necessary to ensure
    that the metals standards under Sections 726.206(c) or (d) are

    5) Requirements to ensure conformance with the HCl and chlorine gas
    A) For conformance with the Tier I total chlorine and chloride feed rate
    screening limits of Section 726.207(b)(1), the permit must specify the
    following operating requirements:
    i) Feed rate of total chlorine and chloride in hazardous waste,
    other fuels and industrial furnace feedstocks measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    ii) Feed rate of total hazardous waste measured and specified as
    prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this Section; and
    iii) A sampling and analysis program for total chlorine and
    chloride for the hazardous waste, other fuels and industrial
    furnace feedstocks;
    B) For conformance with the Tier II HCl and chlorine gas emission rate
    screening limits under Section 726.207(b)(2) and the Tier III HCl and
    chlorine gas controls under Section 726.207(c), the permit must
    specify the following operating requirements:
    i) Maximum emission rate for HCl and for chlorine gas
    specified as the average emission rate during the trial burn;
    ii) Feed rate of total hazardous waste measured and specified as
    prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this Section;
    iii) Total feed rate of chlorine and chloride in total feed streams,
    measured and specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6),
    below of this Section;
    iv) Maximum device production rate when producing normal
    product expressed in appropriate units, measured and
    specified as prescribed in subsection (e)(6), below of this
    v) Appropriate controls on operation and maintenance of the
    hazardous waste firing system and any APCS;

    vi) Allowable variation in BIF system design including any
    APCS or operating procedures; and
    vii) Such other operating requirements as are necessary to ensure
    that the HCl and chlorine gas standards under Section
    726.207(b)(2) or (c) are met.
    6) Measuring parameters and establishing limits based on trial burn data.
    A) General requirements. As specified in subsections (e)(2) through
    (e)(5), above of this Section, each operating parameter must be
    measured, and permit limits on the parameter must be established,
    according to either of the following procedures:
    i) Instantaneous limits. A parameter is measured and recorded
    on an instantaneous basis (i.e., the value that occurs at any
    time) and the permit limit specified as the time-weighted
    average during all valid runs of the trial burn; or
    ii) Hourly rolling average. The limit for a parameter must be
    established and continuously monitored on an hourly rolling
    average basis, as defined in Section 726.200(g) 726.200(i).
    The permit limit for the parameter must be established based
    on trial burn data as the average over all valid test runs of the
    highest hourly rolling average value for each run.
    B) Rolling average limits for carcinogenic metals and lead. Feed rate
    limits for the carcinogenic metals (as defined in Section 726.200(g)
    726.200(i)) and lead must be established either on an hourly rolling
    average basis, as prescribed by subsection (e)(6)(A), above of this
    Section, or on (up to) a 24 hour rolling average basis. If the owner or
    operator elects to use an average period from 2 to 24 hours, the
    following requirements apply:
    i) The feed rate of each metal must be limited at any time to ten
    times the feed rate that would be allowed on an hourly rolling
    average basis;
    ii) Terms are as defined in Section 726.200(g) 726.200(i); and
    iii) The permit limit for the feed rate of each metal must be
    established based on trial burn data as the average over all
    valid test runs of the highest hourly rolling average feed rate
    for each run.

    C) Feed rate limits for metals, total chlorine and chloride, and ash. Feed
    rate limits for metals, total chlorine and chloride, and ash are
    established and monitored by knowing the concentration of the
    substance (i.e., metals, chloride/chlorine and ash) in each feedstream
    and the flow rate of the feedstream. To monitor the feed rate of these
    substances, the flow rate of each feedstream must be monitored under
    the continuous monitoring requirements of subsections (e)(6)(A) and
    (e)(6)(B), above of this Section.
    D) Conduct of trial burn testing.
    i) If compliance with all applicable emissions standards of
    Sections 726.204 through 726.207 is not demonstrated
    simultaneously during a set of test runs, the operating
    conditions of additional test runs required to demonstrate
    compliance with remaining emissions standards must be as
    close as possible to the original operating conditions.
    ii) Prior to obtaining test data for purposes of demonstrating
    compliance with the emissions standards of Sections 726.204
    through 726.207 or establishing limits on operating
    parameters under this Section, the unit must operate under
    trial burn conditions for a sufficient period to reach steady-
    state operations. However, industrial furnaces that recycle
    collected PM back into the furnace and that comply with an
    alternative implementation approach for metals under Section
    726.206(f) need not reach steady state conditions with respect
    to the flow of metals in the system prior to beginning
    compliance testing for metals emissions.
    iii) Trial burn data on the level of an operating parameter for
    which a limit must be established in the permit must be
    obtained during emissions sampling for the pollutant(s)
    pollutants (i.e., metals, PM, HCl/chlorine gas, organic
    compounds) for which the parameter must be established as
    specified by this subsection (e).
    7) General requirements.
    A) Fugitive emissions. Fugitive emissions must be controlled by in one
    of the following ways:

    i) Keeping
    By keeping the combustion zone totally sealed
    against fugitive emissions; or
    ii) Maintaining
    By maintaining the combustion zone pressure
    lower than atmospheric pressure; or
    iii) An
    alternate By an alternative means of control demonstrated
    (with Part B of the permit application) to provide fugitive
    emissions control equivalent to maintenance of combustion
    zone pressure lower than atmospheric pressure.
    B) Automatic waste feed cutoff. A BIF must be operated with a
    functioning system that automatically cuts off the hazardous waste
    feed when operating conditions deviate from those established under
    this Section. In addition, the following requirements apply:
    i) The permit limit for (the indicator of) minimum combustion
    chamber temperature must be maintained while hazardous
    waste or hazardous waste residues remain in the combustion
    ii) Exhaust gases must be ducted to the APCS operated in
    accordance with the permit requirements while hazardous
    waste or hazardous waste residues remain in the combustion
    chamber; and
    iii) Operating parameters for which permit limits are established
    must continue to be monitored during the cutoff, and the
    hazardous waste feed must not be restarted until the levels of
    those parameters comply with the permit limits. For
    parameters that are monitored on an instantaneous basis, the
    Agency shall must establish a minimum period of time after a
    waste feed cutoff during which the parameter must not
    exceed the permit limit before the hazardous waste feed is
    C) Changes. A BIF must cease burning hazardous waste when
    combustion properties, or feed rates of the hazardous waste, other
    fuels or industrial furnace feedstocks, or the BIF design or operating
    conditions deviate from the limits as specified in the permit.
    8) Monitoring and Inspections.

    A) The owner or operator shall must monitor and record the following,
    at a minimum, while burning hazardous waste:
    i) If specified by the permit, feed rates and composition of
    hazardous waste, other fuels, and industrial furnace
    feedstocks, and feed rates of ash, metals, and total chlorine
    and chloride;
    ii) If specified by the permit, CO, HCs, and oxygen on a
    continuous basis at a common point in the BIF downstream
    of the combustion zone and prior to release of stack gases to
    the atmosphere in accordance with operating requirements
    specified in subsection (e)(2)(B), above of this Section. CO,
    HC, and oxygen monitors must be installed, operated, and
    maintained in accordance with methods specified in
    Appendix I (“eye”) of this Part.
    iii) Upon the request of the Agency, sampling and analysis of the
    hazardous waste (and other fuels and industrial furnace
    feedstocks as appropriate), residues, and exhaust emissions
    must be conducted to verify that the operating requirements
    established in the permit achieve the applicable standards of
    Sections 726.204, 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207.
    B) All monitors must record data in units corresponding to the permit
    limit unless otherwise specified in the permit.
    C) The BIF and associated equipment (pumps, values, pipes, fuel storage
    tanks, etc.) must be subjected to thorough visual inspection when it
    contains hazardous waste, at least daily for leaks, spills, fugitive
    emissions, and signs of tampering.
    D) The automatic hazardous waste feed cutoff system and associated
    alarms must be tested at least once every 7 seven days when
    hazardous waste is burned to verify operability, unless the applicant
    demonstrates to the Agency that weekly inspections will unduly
    restrict or upset operations and that less frequent inspections will be
    adequate. At a minimum, operational testing must be conducted at
    least once every 30 days.
    E) These monitoring and inspection data must be recorded and the
    records must be placed in the operating record required by 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.173.

    9) Direct transfer to the burner. If hazardous waste is directly transferred from a
    transport vehicle to a BIF without the use of a storage unit, the owner and
    operator shall must comply with Section 726.211.
    10) Recordkeeping. The owner or operator shall must keep in the operating
    record of the facility all information and data required by this Section until
    closure of the facility.
    11) Closure. At closure, the owner or operator shall must remove all hazardous
    waste and hazardous waste residues (including, but not limited to, ash,
    scrubber waters, and scrubber sludges) from the BIF.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.203 Interim Status Standards for Burners
    a) Purpose, scope, and applicability.
    1) General.
    A) The purpose of this Section is to establish minimum national
    standards for owners and operators of “existing” BIFs that burn
    hazardous waste where such standards define the acceptable
    management of hazardous waste during the period of interim status.
    The standards of this Section apply to owners and operators of
    existing facilities until either a permit is issued under Section
    726.202(d) or until closure responsibilities identified in this Section
    are fulfilled.
    B) “Existing” or “in existence” means a BIF for which the owner or
    operator filed a certification of precompliance with USEPA pursuant
    to 40 CFR 266.103(b), incorporated by reference in subsection (b)
    below of this Section; provided, however, that USEPA has not
    determined that the certification is invalid.
    C) If a BIF is located at a facility that already has a RCRA permit or
    interim status, then the owner or operator shall must comply with the
    applicable regulations dealing with permit modifications in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 703.280 or changes in interim status in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    2) Exemptions. The requirements of this Section do not apply to hazardous
    waste and facilities exempt under Sections Section 726.200(b) or 726.208.

    3) Prohibition on burning dioxin-listed wastes. The following hazardous waste
    listed for dioxin and hazardous waste derived from any of these wastes must
    not be burned in a BIF operating under interim status: USEPA hazardous
    waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027.
    4) Applicability of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 standards. Owners and operators An
    owner or operator of BIFs a BIF that burn burns hazardous waste and are
    which is operating under interim status are is subject to the following
    provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725, except as provided otherwise by this
    A) In Subpart A of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (General), 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 725.104;
    B) In Subpart B of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (General facility
    standards), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.111 through 725.117;
    C) In Subpart C of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Preparedness and
    prevention), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.131 through 725.137;
    D) In Subpart D of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Contingency plan
    and emergency procedures), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.151 through
    E) In Subpart E of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Manifest system,
    recordkeeping and reporting), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.171 through
    725.177, except that 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.171, 725.172 and
    725.176 do not apply to owners and operators of on-site facilities that
    do not receive any hazardous waste from off-site sources;
    F) In Subpart G of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Closure and post-
    closure), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.211 through 725.215;
    G) In Subpart H of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Financial
    requirements), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.241, 725.242, 725.243, and
    725.247 through 725.251, except that the State of Illinois and the
    Federal government are exempt from the requirements of Subpart H
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart H; and
    H) In Subpart BB of this Part 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 (Air emission
    standards for equipment leaks), except 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.950(a).
    5) Special requirements for furnaces. The following controls apply during
    interim status to industrial furnaces (e.g., kilns, cupolas) that feed hazardous

    waste for a purpose other than solely as an ingredient (see subsection
    (a)(5)(B) above of this Section) at any location other than the hot end where
    products are normally discharged or where fuels are normally fired:
    A) Controls.
    i) The hazardous waste must be fed at a location where
    combustion gas temperatures are temperature is at least 1800°
    ii) The owner or operator shall must determine that adequate
    oxygen is present in combustion gases to combust organic
    constituents in the waste and retain documentation of such
    determination in the facility record;
    iii) For cement kiln systems, the hazardous waste must be fed
    into the kiln; and
    iv) The HC controls of Section 726.204(f) or subsection (c)(5)
    below of this Section apply upon certification of compliance
    under subsection (c) below of this Section, irrespective of the
    CO level achieved during the compliance test.
    B) Burning hazardous waste solely as an ingredient. A hazardous waste
    is burned for a purpose other than “solely as an ingredient” if it meets
    either of these the following criteria:
    i) The hazardous waste has a total concentration of nonmetal
    compounds listed in Appendix H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Appendix H, exceeding 500 ppm by weight, as fired and
    so is considered to be burned for destruction. The
    concentration of nonmetal compounds in a waste as-
    generated may be reduced to the 500 ppm limit by bona fide
    treatment that removes or destroys nonmetal constituents.
    Blending for dilution to meet the 500 ppm limit is prohibited
    and documentation that the waste has not been impermissibly
    diluted must be retained in the facility record; or
    ii) The hazardous waste has a heating value of 5,000 Btu/lb or
    more, as fired, and so is considered to be burned as fuel. The
    heating value of a waste as-generated may be reduced to
    below the 5,000 Btu/lb limit by bona fide treatment that
    removes or destroys organic constituents. The heating value
    of a waste as-generated may be reduced to below the 5,000

    Btu/lb limit by bona fide treatment that removes or destroys
    organic constituents. Blending to augment the heating value
    to meet the 5,000 Btu/lb limit is prohibited and
    documentation that the waste has not been impermissibly
    blended must be retained in the facility record.
    6) Restrictions on burning hazardous waste that is not a fuel. Prior to
    certification of compliance under subsection (c) below of this Section,
    owners and operators shall an owner or operator must not feed hazardous
    waste that has a heating value less than 5000 Btu/lb, as generated, (except
    that the heating value of a waste as-generated may be increased to above the
    5,000 Btu/lb limit by bona fide treatment; however blending to augment the
    heating value to meet the 5,000 Btu/lb limit is prohibited and records must be
    kept to document that impermissible blending has not occurred) in a BIF,
    except that the following may occur:
    A) Hazardous waste may be burned solely as an ingredient; or
    B) Hazardous waste may be burned for purposes of compliance testing
    (or testing prior to compliance testing) for a total period of time not to
    exceed 720 hours; or
    C) Such waste may be burned if the Agency has documentation to show
    that, the following was true prior to August 21, 1991:
    i) The BIF was operating under the interim status standards for
    incinerators or thermal treatment units, Subparts O or P of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts O or P; and
    ii) The BIF met the interim status eligibility requirements under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.153 for Subparts O or P of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 725.Subparts O or P; and
    iii) Hazardous waste with a heating value less than 5,000 Btu/lb
    was burned prior to that date; or
    D) Such waste may be burned in a halogen acid furnace if the waste was
    burned as an excluded ingredient under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102(e)
    prior to February 21, 1991, and documentation is kept on file
    supporting this claim.
    7) Direct transfer to the burner. If hazardous waste is directly transferred from a
    transport vehicle to a BIF without the use of a storage unit, the owner or
    operator shall must comply with Section 726.211.

    b) Certification of precompliance. This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR
    266.103(b), under which USEPA required certain owners and operators to file a
    certification of precompliance by August 21, 1991. No similar filing with the
    Agency was required, so the Board did not incorporate the federal filing
    requirement into the Illinois regulations. This statement maintains structural
    parity with the federal regulations.
    The Board incorporates by reference 40 CFR 266.103(b)(1992); amended
    at 57 Fed. Reg. 38564, August 25, 1992. This Section incorporates no
    later editions or amendments.
    Certain owners and operators were required to file a certification of
    precompliance with USEPA by August 21, 1991, pursuant to 40 CFR
    266.103(b). No separate filing is required with the Agency.
    c) Certification of compliance. The owner or operator shall must conduct emissions
    testing to document compliance with the emissions standards of Sections 726.204(b)
    through (e), 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207, and subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above of
    this Section under the procedures prescribed by this subsection (c), except under
    extensions of time provided by subsection (c)(7) below of this Section. Based on the
    compliance test, the owner or operator shall must submit to the Agency, on or before
    August 21, 1992, a complete and accurate “certification of compliance” (under
    subsection (c)(4) below of this Section) with those emission standards establishing
    limits on the operating parameters specified in subsection (c)(1) below of this
    1) Limits on operating conditions. The owner or operator shall must establish
    limits on the following parameters based on operations during the
    compliance test (under procedures prescribed in subsection (c)(4)(D) below
    of this Section) or as otherwise specified and include these limits with the
    certification of compliance. The BIF must be operated in accordance with
    these operating limits and the applicable emissions standards of Section
    Sections 726.204(b) through (e), 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207 and
    subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above of this Section at all times when there is
    hazardous waste in the unit.
    A) Feed rate of total hazardous waste and (unless complying the Tier I or
    adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening limits under Section
    726.206(b) or (e)), pumpable hazardous waste;
    B) Feed rate of each metal in the following feedstreams:

    i) Total feedstreams, except that industrial furnaces that which
    must comply with the alternative metals implementation
    approach under subsection (c)(3)(B) below of this Section
    must specify limits on the concentration of each metal in
    collected PM in lieu of feed rate limits for total feedstreams;
    and facilities that comply with Tier I or Adjusted Tier I
    metals feed rate screening limits may set their operating limits
    at the metal feed rate screening limits determined under
    subsection 726.206(b) or (e) of this Section;
    BOARD NOTE: Federal subsections 266.103(c)(1)(ii)(A)(1)
    and (c)(1)(ii)(A)(2) are condensed into the above subsection
    ii) Total hazardous waste feed (unless complying with the Tier I
    or adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening limits under
    Section 726.206(b) or (e)); and
    iii) Total pumpable hazardous waste feed (unless complying with
    Tier I or Adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening limits
    under subsection Section 726.206 (b) or (e));
    C) Total feed rate of total chlorine and chloride in total feed streams,
    except that facilities that comply with Tier I or Adjusted Tier I feed
    rate screening limits may set their operating limits at the total
    chlorine and chloride feed rate screening limits determined under
    subsection Section 726.207(b)(1) or (e);
    D) Total feed rate of ash in total feed streams, except that the ash feed
    rate for cement kilns and light-weight aggregate kilns is not limited;
    E) CO concentration, and where required, HC concentration in stack
    gas. When complying with the CO controls of Section 726.204(b),
    the CO limit is 100 ppmv, and when complying with the HC controls
    of Section 726.204(c), the HC limit is 20 ppmv. When complying
    with the CO controls of Section 726.204(c), the CO limit is
    established based on the compliance test;
    F) Maximum production rate of the device in appropriate units when
    producing normal product unless complying with Tier I or Adjusted
    Tier I feed rate screening limits for chlorine under subsection Section
    726.207(b)(1) or (e) and for all metals under subsection Section
    726.207(b) or (e), and the uncontrolled particulate emissions do not
    exceed the standard under subsection Section 726.205;

    G) Maximum combustion chamber temperature where the temperature
    measurement is as close to the combustion zone as possible and is
    upstream of any quench water injection, (unless complying with the
    Tier I adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening limits under Section
    726.206(b) or (e));
    H) Maximum flue gas temperature entering a PM control device (unless
    complying with Tier I or adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening
    limits under Section 726.206(b) or (e));
    I) For systems using wet scrubbers, including wet ionizing scrubbers
    (unless complying with the Tier I or adjusted Tier I metals feed rate
    screening limits under Section 726.206(b) or (e) and the total chlorine
    and chloride feed rate screening limits under Section 726.207(b)(1) or
    i) Minimum liquid to flue gas ratio;
    ii) Minimum scrubber blowdown from the system or maximum
    suspended solids content of scrubber water; and
    iii) Minimum pH level of the scrubber water;
    J) For systems using venturi scrubbers, the minimum differential gas
    pressure across the venturi (unless complying the Tier I or adjusted
    Tier I metals feed rate screening limits under Section 726.206(b) or
    (e) and the total chlorine and chloride feed rate screening limits under
    Section 726.207(b)(1) or (e));
    K) For systems using dry scrubbers (unless complying with the Tier I or
    adjusted Tier I metals feed rate screening limits under Section
    726.206(b) or (e) and the total chlorine and chloride feed rate
    screening limits under Section 726.207(b)(1) or (e)):
    i) Minimum caustic feed rate; and
    ii) Maximum flue gas flow rate;
    L) For systems using wet ionizing scrubbers or electrostatic precipitators
    (unless complying with the Tier I or adjusted Tier I metals feed rate
    screening limits under Section 726.206(b) or (e) and the total chlorine
    and chloride feed rate screening limits under Section 726.207(b)(1) or

    i) Minimum electrical power in kVA to the precipitator plates;
    ii) Maximum flue gas flow rate;
    M) For systems using fabric filters (baghouses), the minimum pressure
    drop (unless complying with the Tier I or adjusted Tier I metals feed
    rate screening limits under Section 726.206(b) or (e) and the total
    chlorine and chloride feed rate screening limits under Section
    726.207(b)(1) or (e)).
    2) Prior notice of compliance testing. At least 30 days prior to the compliance
    testing required by subsection (c)(3) below of this Section, the owner or
    operator shall must notify the Agency and submit the following information:
    A) General facility information including:
    i) USEPA facility ID number;
    ii) Facility name, contact person, telephone number, and
    iii) Person responsible for conducting compliance test, including
    company name, address, and telephone number, and a
    statement of qualifications;
    iv) Planned date of the compliance test;
    B) Specific information on each device to be tested, including the
    i) A Description of BIF;
    ii) A scaled plot plan showing the entire facility and location of
    the BIF;
    iii) A description of the APCS;
    iv) Identification of the continuous emission monitors that are
    installed, including the following: CO monitor; Oxygen
    monitor; HC monitor, specifying the minimum temperature of
    the system, and, if the temperature is less than 150° C, an
    explanation of why a heated system is not used (see

    subsection (c)(5) below of this Section) and a brief
    description of the sample gas conditioning system;
    v) Indication of whether the stack is shared with another device
    that will be in operation during the compliance test; and
    vi) Other information useful to an understanding of the system
    design or operation; and
    C) Information on the testing planned, including a complete copy of the
    test protocol and QA/QC plan, and a summary description for each
    test providing the following information at a minimum:
    i) Purpose of the test (e.g., demonstrate compliance with
    emissions of PM); and
    ii) Planned operating conditions, including levels for each
    pertinent parameter specified in subsection (c)(1) above of
    this Section.
    3) Compliance testing.
    A) General. Compliance testing must be conducted under conditions for
    which the owner or operator has submitted a certification of
    precompliance under subsection (b) above of this Section and under
    conditions established in the notification of compliance testing
    required by subsection (c)(2) above of this Section. The owner or
    operator may seek approval on a case-by-case basis to use
    compliance test data from one unit in lieu of testing a similar on-site
    unit. To support the request, the owner or operator shall must
    provide a comparison of the hazardous waste burned and other
    feedstreams, and the design, operation, and maintenance of both the
    tested unit and the similar unit. The Agency shall must provide a
    written approval to use compliance test data in lieu of testing a
    similar unit if the Agency finds that the hazardous wastes, devices
    and the operating conditions are sufficiently similar, and the data
    from the other compliance test is adequate to meet the requirements
    of this subsection (c).
    B) Special requirements for industrial furnaces that recycle collected
    PM. Owners and operators of industrial furnaces that recycle back
    into the furnace PM from the APCS shall must comply with one of
    the following procedures for testing to determine compliance with the
    metals standards of Section 726.206(c) or (d):

    i) The special testing requirements prescribed in “Alternative
    Method for Implementing Metals Controls” in Section
    726.Appendix I to this Part; or
    ii) Stack emissions testing for a minimum of 6 six hours each
    day while hazardous waste is burned during interim status.
    The testing must be conducted when burning normal
    hazardous waste for that day at normal feed rates for that day
    and when the APCS is operated under normal conditions.
    During interim status, hazardous waste analysis for metals
    content must be sufficient for the owner or operator to
    determine if changes in metals content affect the ability of the
    unit to meet the metals emissions standards established under
    Section 726.206(c) or (d). Under this option, operating limits
    (under subsection (c)(1) above of this Section) must be
    established during compliance testing under this subsection
    (c)(3) only on the following parameters: Feed feed rate of
    total hazardous waste; Total total feed rate of total chlorine
    and chloride in total feed streams; Total total feed rate of ash
    in total feed streams, except that the ash feed rate for cement
    kilns and light-weight aggregate kilns is not limited; CO
    concentration, and where required, HC concentration in stack
    gas; Maximum and maximum production rate of the device in
    appropriate units when producing normal product; or
    iii) Conduct compliance testing to determine compliance with the
    metals standards to establish limits on the operating
    parameters of subsection (c)(1) above of this Section only
    after the kiln system has been conditioned to enable it to
    reach equilibrium with respect to metals fed into the system
    and metals emissions. During conditioning, hazardous waste
    and raw materials having the same metals content as will be
    fed during the compliance test must be fed at the feed rates
    that will be fed during the compliance test.
    C) Conduct of compliance testing.
    i) If compliance with all applicable emissions standards of
    Sections 726.204 through 726.207 is not demonstrated
    simultaneously during a set of test runs, the operating
    conditions of additional test runs required to demonstrate
    compliance with remaining emissions standards must be as
    close as possible to the original operating conditions.

    ii) Prior to obtaining test data for purposes of demonstrating
    compliance with the applicable emissions standards of
    Sections 726.204 through 726.207 or establishing limits on
    operating parameters under this Section, the facility must
    operate under compliance test conditions for a sufficient
    period to reach steady-state operations. Industrial furnaces
    that recycle collected PM back into the furnace and that
    comply with subsections subsection (c)(3)(B)(i) or
    (c)(3)(B)(ii) above of this Section, however, need not reach
    steady state conditions with respect to the flow of metals in
    the system prior to beginning compliance testing for metals.
    iii) Compliance test data on the level of an operating parameter
    for which a limit must be established in the certification of
    compliance must be obtained during emissions sampling for
    the pollutant(s) pollutants (i.e., metals, PM, HCl/chlorine gas,
    organic compounds) for which the parameter must be
    established as specified by subsection (c)(1) above of this
    4) Certification of compliance. Within 90 days of completing compliance
    testing, the owner or operator shall must certify to the Agency compliance
    with the emissions standards of Sections 726.204(b), (c) and (e),; 726.205,;
    726.206,; 726.207,; and subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above of this Section. The
    certification of compliance must include the following information:
    A) General facility and testing information, including the following:
    i) USEPA facility ID number;
    ii) Facility name, contact person, telephone number, and
    iii) Person responsible for conducting compliance testing,
    including company name, address, and telephone number,
    and a statement of qualifications;
    iv) Date(s)
    Dates of each compliance test;
    v) Description of BIF tested;
    vi) Person responsible for QA/QC, title and telephone number,
    and statement that procedures prescribed in the QA/QC plan

    submitted under Section 726.203(c)(2)(C) have been
    followed, or a description of any changes and an explanation
    of why changes were necessary;
    vii) Description of any changes in the unit configuration prior to
    or during testing that would alter any of the information
    submitted in the prior notice of compliance testing under
    subsection (c)(2) above of this Section and an explanation of
    why the changes were necessary;
    viii) Description of any changes in the planned test conditions
    prior to or during the testing that alter any of the information
    submitted in the prior notice of compliance testing under
    subsection (c)(2) above of this Section and an explanation of
    why the changes were necessary; and
    ix) The complete report on results of emissions testing.
    B) Specific information on each test, including the following:
    i) Purpose(s)
    Purposes of test (e.g., demonstrate conformance
    with the emissions limits for PM, metals, HCl, chlorine gas,
    and CO);
    ii) Summary of test results for each run and for each test
    including the following information: Date date of run;
    Duration duration of run; Time-weighted time-weighted
    average and highest hourly rolling average CO level for each
    run and for the test; Highest highest hourly rolling average
    HC level, if HC monitoring is required for each run and for
    the test; If if dioxin and furan testing is required under
    Section 726.204(e), time-weighted average emissions for
    each run and for the test of chlorinated dioxin and furan
    emissions, and the predicted maximum annual average
    ground level concentration of the toxicity equivalency factor
    (defined in Section 726.200(g) 726.200(i)); Time-Weighted
    time-weighted average PM emissions for each run and for the
    test; Time-Weighted time-weighted average HCl and chlorine
    gas emissions for each run and for the test; Time-Weighted
    time-weighted average emissions for the metals subject to
    regulation under Section 726.206 for each run and for the test;
    and QA/QC results.

    C) Comparison of the actual emissions during each test with the
    emissions limits prescribed by Sections 726.204(b), (c), and (e),;
    726.205,; 726.206; and 726.207 and established for the facility in the
    certification of precompliance under subsection (b) above of this
    D) Determination of operating limits based on all valid runs of the
    compliance test for each applicable parameter listed in subsection
    (c)(1) above of this Section using one of the following procedures:
    i) Instantaneous limits. A parameter must be measured and
    recorded on an instantaneous basis (i.e., the value that occurs
    at any time) and the operating limit specified as the time-
    weighted average during all runs of the compliance test.
    ii) Hourly rolling average basis. The limit for a parameter must
    be established and continuously monitored on an hourly
    rolling average basis, as defined in Section 726.200(g)
    726.200(i). The operating limit for the parameter must be
    established based on compliance test data as the average over
    all test runs of the highest hourly rolling average value for
    each run.
    iii) Rolling average limits for carcinogenic metals (as defined in
    Section 726.200(i)) and lead. Feed rate limits for the
    carcinogenic metals and lead must be established either on an
    hourly rolling average basis as prescribed by subsection
    (c)(4)(D)(ii) above of this Section or on (up to) a 24 hour
    rolling average basis. If the owner or operator elects to use an
    averaging period from 2 two to 24 hours the following must
    occur: The the feed rate of each metal must be limited at any
    time to ten times the feed rate that would be allowed on a
    hourly rolling average basis; The the operating limit for the
    feed rate of each metal must be established based on
    compliance test data as the average over all test runs of the
    highest hourly rolling average feed rate for each run; and the
    continuous monitor is and the rolling average for the
    selected averaging period are as defined in Section
    726.200(g) 726.200(i). And the operating limit for the feed
    rate of each metal must be established based on compliance
    test data as the average over all test runs of the highest
    hourly rolling average feed rate for each run.

    iv) Feed rate limits for metals, total chlorine and chloride, and
    ash. Feed rate limits for metals, total chlorine and chloride,
    and ash are established and monitored by knowing the
    concentration of the substance (i.e., metals, chloride/chlorine,
    and ash) in each feedstream and the flow rate of the
    feedstream. To monitor the feed rate of these substances, the
    flow rate of each feedstream must be monitored under the
    continuous monitoring requirements of subsections
    (c)(4)(D)(i) through (c)(4)(D)(iii) above of this Section.
    E) Certification of compliance statement. The following statement must
    accompany the certification of compliance:
    “I certify under penalty of law that this information was
    prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
    with a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel
    properly gathered and evaluated the information and
    supporting documentation. Copies of all emissions tests,
    dispersion modeling results, and other information used to
    determine conformance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 726.203(c) are available at the facility and can be
    obtained from the facility contact person listed above. Based
    on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the
    facility, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
    information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
    knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am
    aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
    information, including the possibility of fine and
    imprisonment for knowing violations.
    I also acknowledge that the operating limits established
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.203(c)(4)(D) are
    enforceable limits at which the facility can legally operate
    during interim status until a revised certification of
    compliance is submitted.”
    5) Special requirements for HC monitoring systems. When an owner or
    operator is required to comply with the HC controls provided by Sections
    Section 726.204(c) or subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above of this Section, a
    conditioned gas monitoring system may be used in conformance with
    specifications provided in Section 726.Appendix I to this Part provided that
    the owner or operator submits a certification of compliance without using
    extensions of time provided by subsection (c)(7) below of this Section.

    6) Special operating requirements for industrial furnaces that recycle collected
    PM. Owners and operators of industrial furnaces that recycle back into the
    furnace PM from the APCS must do the following:
    A) When complying with the requirements of subsection (c)(3)(B)(i)
    above of this Section, comply with the operating requirements
    prescribed in “Alternative Method to Implement the Metals Controls”
    in Section 726.Appendix I to this Part; and
    B) When complying with the requirements of subsection (c)(3)(B)(ii)
    above of this Section, comply with the operating requirements
    prescribed by that subsection.
    7) Extensions of time.
    A) If the owner or operator does not submit a complete certification of
    compliance for all of the applicable emissions standards of Sections
    726.204, 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207 by August 21, 1992, the
    owner or operator shall must do the following:
    i) Stop burning hazardous waste and begin closure activities
    under subsection (l) below of this Section for the hazardous
    waste portion of the facility; or
    ii) Limit hazardous waste burning only for purposes of
    compliance testing (and pretesting to prepare for compliance
    testing) a total period of 720 hours for the period of time
    beginning August 21, 1992, submit a notification to the
    Agency by August 21, 1992 stating that the facility is
    operating under restricted interim status and intends to
    resume burning hazardous waste, and submit a complete
    certification of compliance by August 23, 1993; or
    iii) Obtain a case-by-case extension of time under subsection
    (c)(7)(B) below of this Section.
    B) Case-by-case extensions of time. See Section 726.219.
    8) Revised certification of compliance. The owner or operator may submit at
    any time a revised certification of compliance (recertification of compliance)
    under the following procedures:
    A) Prior to submittal of a revised certification of compliance, hazardous
    waste must not be burned for more than a total of 720 hours under

    operating conditions that exceed those established under a current
    certification of compliance, and such burning must be conducted only
    for purposes of determining whether the facility can operate under
    revised conditions and continue to meet the applicable emissions
    standards of Sections 726.204, 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207;
    B) At least 30 days prior to first burning hazardous waste under
    operating conditions that exceed those established under a current
    certification of compliance, the owner or operator shall must notify
    the Agency and submit the following information:
    i) USEPA facility ID number, and facility name, contact person,
    telephone number, and address;
    ii) Operating conditions that the owner or operator is seeking to
    revise and description of the changes in facility design or
    operation that prompted the need to seek to revise the
    operating conditions;
    iii) A determination that, when operating under the revised
    operating conditions, the applicable emissions standards of
    Sections 726.204, 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207 are not
    likely to be exceeded. To document this determination, the
    owner or operator shall must submit the applicable
    information required under subsection (b)(2) above of this
    Section; and
    iv) Complete emissions testing protocol for any pretesting and
    for a new compliance test to determine compliance with the
    applicable emissions standards of Sections 726.204, 726.205,
    726.206, and 726.207 when operating under revised operating
    conditions. The protocol shall must include a schedule of
    pre-testing and compliance testing. If the owner or operator
    revises the scheduled date for the compliance test, the owner
    or operator shall must notify the Agency in writing at least 30
    days prior to the revised date of the compliance test;
    C) Conduct a compliance test under the revised operating conditions and
    the protocol submitted to the Agency to determine compliance with
    the applicable emissions standards of Sections 726.204, 726.205,
    726.206, and 726.207; and
    D) Submit a revised certification of compliance under subsection (c)(4)
    above of this Section.

    d) Periodic Recertifications. The owner or operator shall must conduct compliance
    testing and submit to the Agency a recertification of compliance under provisions of
    subsection (c) above of this Section within three years from submitting the previous
    certification or recertification. If the owner or operator seeks to recertify compliance
    under new operating conditions, the owner or operator shall must comply with the
    requirements of subsection (c)(8) above of this Section.
    e) Noncompliance with certification schedule. If the owner or operator does not
    comply with the interim status compliance schedule provided by subsections (b), (c),
    and (d) above of this Section, hazardous waste burning must terminate on the date
    that the deadline is missed, closure activities must begin under subsection (l) below
    of this Section, and hazardous waste burning must not resume except under an
    operating permit issued under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.232. For purposes of
    compliance with the closure provisions of subsection (l) below of this Section and 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 725.212(d)(2) and 725.213, the BIF has received “the known final
    volume of hazardous waste” on the date the deadline is missed.
    f) Start-up and shut-down. Hazardous waste (except waste fed solely as an ingredient
    under the Tier I (or adjusted Tier I) feed rate screening limits for metals and
    chloride/chlorine) must not be fed into the device during start-up and shut-down of
    the BIF, unless the device is operating within the conditions of operation specified in
    the certification of compliance.
    g) Automatic waste feed cutoff. During the compliance test required by subsection
    (c)(3) above of this Section and upon certification of compliance under subsection
    (c) above of this Section, a BIF must be operated with a functioning system that
    automatically cuts off the hazardous waste feed when the applicable operating
    conditions specified in subsections (c)(1)(A) and (c)(1)(E) through (c)(1)(M) above
    of this Section deviate from those established in the certification of compliance. In
    addition, the following must occur:
    1) To minimize emissions of organic compounds, the minimum combustion
    chamber temperature (or the indicator of combustion chamber temperature)
    that occurred during the compliance test must be maintained while hazardous
    waste or hazardous waste residues remain in the combustion chamber, with
    the minimum temperature during the compliance test defined as either of the
    A) If compliance with the combustion chamber temperature limit is
    based on a hourly rolling average, the minimum temperature during
    the compliance test is considered to be the average over all runs of
    the lowest hourly rolling average for each run; or

    B) If compliance with the combustion chamber temperature limit is
    based on an instantaneous temperature measurement, the minimum
    temperature during the compliance test is considered to be the time-
    weighted average temperature during all runs of the test; and
    2) Operating parameters limited by the certification of compliance must
    continue to be monitored during the cutoff, and the hazardous waste feed
    must not be restarted until the levels of those parameters comply with the
    limits established in the certification of compliance.
    h) Fugitive emissions. Fugitive emissions must be controlled by as follows:
    1) Keeping
    By keeping the combustion zone totally sealed against fugitive
    emissions; or
    2) Maintaining By maintaining the combustion zone pressure lower than
    atmospheric pressure; or
    3) An alternate
    By an alternative means of control that the owner or operator
    demonstrates provides fugitive emissions control equivalent to maintenance
    of combustion zone pressure lower than atmospheric pressure. Support for
    such demonstration must be included in the operating record.
    i) Changes. A BIF must cease burning hazardous waste when combustion properties,
    or feed rates of the hazardous waste, other fuels or industrial furnace feedstocks, or
    the BIF design or operating conditions deviate from the limits specified in the
    certification of compliance.
    j) Monitoring and Inspections.
    1) The owner or operator shall must monitor and record the following, at a
    minimum, while burning hazardous waste:
    A) Feed rates and composition of hazardous waste, other fuels, and
    industrial furnace feed stocks, and feed rates of ash, metals, and total
    chlorine and chloride as necessary to ensure conformance with the
    certification of precompliance or certification of compliance;
    B) CO, oxygen, and, if applicable, HC, on a continuous basis at a
    common point in the BIF downstream of the combustion zone and
    prior to release of stack gases to the atmosphere in accordance with
    the operating limits specified in the certification of compliance. CO,
    HC, and oxygen monitors must be installed, operated, and maintained

    in accordance with methods specified in Section 726.Appendix I to
    this Part; and
    C) Upon the request of the Agency, sampling and analysis of the
    hazardous waste (and other fuels and industrial furnace feed stocks as
    appropriate) and the stack gas emissions must be conducted to verify
    that the operating conditions established in the certification of
    precompliance or certification of compliance achieve the applicable
    standards of Sections 726.204, 726.205, 726.206, and 726.207.
    2) The BIF and associated equipment (pumps, valves, pipes, fuel storage tanks,
    etc.) must be subjected to thorough visual inspection when they contain
    hazardous waste, at least daily for leaks, spills, fugitive emissions, and signs
    of tampering.
    3) The automatic hazardous waste feed cutoff system and associated alarms
    must be tested at least once every 7 seven days when hazardous waste is
    burned to verify operability, unless the owner or operator can demonstrate
    that weekly inspections will unduly restrict or upset operations and that less
    frequent inspections will be adequate. Support for such demonstration must
    be included in the operating record. At a minimum, operational testing must
    be conducted at least once every 30 days.
    4) These monitoring and inspection data must be recorded and the records must
    be placed in the operating log.
    k) Recordkeeping. The owner or operator shall must keep in the operating record of the
    facility all information and data required by this Section until closure of the BIF unit.
    l) Closure. At closure, the owner or operator shall must remove all hazardous waste
    and hazardous waste residues (including, but not limited to, ash, scrubber waters and
    scrubber sludges) from the BIF and shall must comply with 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.211 through 725.215.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.204 Standards to Control Organic Emissions
    a) DRE standard.
    1) General. Except as provided in subsection (a)(3) of this Section, a BIF
    burning hazardous waste must achieve a DRE of 99.99 percent for all
    organic hazardous constituents in the waste feed. To demonstrate
    conformance with this requirement, 99.99 percent DRE must be

    demonstrated during a trial burn for each principal organic hazardous
    constituent (POHC) designated (under subsection (a)(2) of this Section) in
    its permit for each waste feed. DRE is determined for each POHC from the
    following equation:
    DRE = 100
    (I - O)
    I = Mass feed rate of one POHC in the hazardous waste
    fired to the BIF; and
    O = Mass emission rate of the same POHC present in
    stack gas prior to release to the atmosphere.
    2) Designation of POHCs. POHCs are those compounds for which compliance
    with the DRE requirements of this Section must be demonstrated in a trial
    burn in conformance with procedures prescribed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    703.232. One or more POHCs must be designated by the Agency for each
    waste feed to be burned. POHCs must be designated based on the degree of
    difficulty of destruction of the organic constituents in the waste and on their
    concentrations or mass in the waste feed considering the results of waste
    analyses submitted with Part B of the permit application. POHCs are most
    likely to be selected from among those compounds listed in Appendix H to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H that are also present in the normal waste
    feed. However, if the applicant demonstrates to the Agency that a
    compound not listed in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H
    or not present in the normal waste feed is a suitable indicator of compliance
    with the DRE requirements of this Section, that compound must be
    designated as a POHC. Such POHCs need not be toxic or organic
    3) Dioxin-listed waste. A BIF burning hazardous waste containing (or derived
    from) USEPA Hazardous Wastes Nos. F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, or
    F027 must achieve a destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of 99.9999
    percent for each POHC designated (under subsection (a)(2) of this Section)
    in its permit. This performance must be demonstrated on POHCs that are
    more difficult to burn than tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    and dibenzofurans. DRE is determined for each POHC from the equation in
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section. In addition, the owner or operator of the
    BIF shall must notify the Agency of intent to burn USEPA Hazardous
    Waste Nos. hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, or

    4) Automatic waiver of DRE trial burn. Owners and operators of boilers
    operated under the special operating requirements provided by Section
    726.210 are considered to be in compliance with the DRE standard of
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section and are exempt from the DRE trial burn.
    5) Low risk waste. Owners and operators of BIFs that burn hazardous waste in
    compliance with the requirements of Section 726.209(a) are considered to
    be in compliance with the DRE standard of subsection (a)(1) of this Section
    and are exempt from the DRE trial burn.
    b) CO standard.
    1) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, the stack gas
    concentration of CO from a BIF burning hazardous waste cannot exceed
    100 ppmv on an hourly rolling average basis (i.e., over any 60 minute
    period), continuously corrected to 7 seven percent oxygen, dry gas basis.
    2) CO and oxygen must be continuously monitored in conformance with
    “Performance Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring of
    Carbon Monoxide and Oxygen for Incinerators, Boilers, and Industrial
    Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste” in Section 726.Appendix I to this
    3) Compliance with the 100 ppmv CO limit must be demonstrated during the
    trial burn (for new facilities or an interim status facility applying for a
    permit) or the compliance test (for interim status facilities). To demonstrate
    compliance, the highest hourly rolling average CO level during any valid
    run of the trial burn or compliance test must not exceed 100 ppmv.
    c) Alternative CO standard.
    1) The stack gas concentration of CO from a BIF burning hazardous waste
    may exceed the 100 ppmv limit provided that stack gas concentrations of
    HCs do not exceed 20 ppmv, except as provided by subsection (f) of this
    Section for certain industrial furnaces.
    2) HC limits must be established under this Section on an hourly rolling
    average basis (i.e., over any 60 minute period), reported as propane, and
    continuously corrected to 7 seven percent oxygen, dry gas basis.
    3) HC must be continuously monitored in conformance with “Performance
    Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring of Hydrocarbons for
    Incinerators, Boilers, and Industrial Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste” in

    Section 726.Appendix I to this Part. CO and oxygen must be continuously
    monitored in conformance with subsection (b)(2) of this Section.
    4) The alternative CO standard is established based on CO data during the trial
    burn (for a new facility) and the compliance test (for an interim status
    facility). The alternative CO standard is the average over all valid runs of
    the highest hourly average CO level for each run. The CO limit is
    implemented on an hourly rolling average basis, and continuously corrected
    to 7 seven percent oxygen, dry gas basis.
    d) Special requirements for furnaces. Owners and operators of industrial furnaces
    (e.g., kilns, cupolas) that feed hazardous waste for a purpose other than solely as an
    ingredient (see Section 726.203(a)(5)(B)) at any location other than the end where
    products are normally discharged and where fuels are normally fired must comply
    with the HC limits provided by subsection (c) or (f) of this Section irrespective of
    whether stack gas CO concentrations meet the 100 ppmv limit of subsection (b) of
    this Section.
    e) Controls for dioxins and furans. Owners and operators of BIFs that are equipped
    with a dry PM control device that operates within the temperature range of 450º
    through 750° F, and industrial furnaces operating under an alternative HC limit
    established under subsection (f) of this Section shall must conduct a site-specific
    risk assessment as follows to demonstrate that emissions of chlorinated dibenzo-p-
    dioxins and dibenzofurans do not result in an increased lifetime cancer risk to the
    hypothetical maximum exposed individual (MEI) exceeding 1
    (1 in 100,000):
    1) During the trial burn (for new facilities or an interim status facility applying
    for a permit) or compliance test (for interim status facilities), determine
    emission rates of the tetra-octa congeners of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
    and dibenzofurans (CDDs/CDFs) using Method 0023A, “Sampling Method
    for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated
    Dibenzofurans Emissions from Stationary Sources,” USEPA Publication
    SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111;
    2) Estimate the 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity equivalence of the tetra-octa
    CDDs/CDFs congeners using “Procedures for Estimating the Toxicity
    Equivalence of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxin and Dibenzofuran
    Congeners” in Section 726.Appendix I to this Part. Multiply the emission
    rates of CDD/CDF congeners with a toxicity equivalence greater than zero
    (see the procedure) by the calculated toxicity equivalence factor to estimate
    the equivalent emission rate of 2,3,7,8-TCDD;
    3) Conduct dispersion modeling using methods recommended in 40 CFR 51,
    Appendix W, as incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111

    (“Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)” (1986) and its supplements),
    the “Hazardous Waste Combustion Air Quality Screening Procedure,”,
    provided in Appendix I, or in “Screening Procedures for Estimating Air
    Quality Impact of Stationary Sources, Revised” (incorporated by reference
    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111) to predict the maximum annual average off-
    site ground level concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents determined
    under subsection (e)(2) of this Section. The maximum annual average on-
    site concentration must be used when a person resides on-site; and
    4) The ratio of the predicted maximum annual average ground level
    concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents to the risk-specific dose (RSD)
    for 2,3,7,8-TCDD provided in Section 726.Appendix E to this Part
    ) (2.2
    ) must not exceed 1.0.
    f) Monitoring CO and HC in the by-pass duct of a cement kiln. Cement kilns may
    comply with the CO and HC limits provided by subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this
    Section by monitoring in the by-pass duct provided that the following conditions
    are fulfilled:
    1) Hazardous waste is fired only into the kiln and not at any location
    downstream from the kiln exit relative to the direction of gas flow; and
    2) The by-pass duct diverts a minimum of 10 percent of kiln off-gas into the
    g) Use of emissions test data to demonstrate compliance and establish operating
    limits. Compliance with the requirements of this Section must be demonstrated
    simultaneously by emissions testing or during separate runs under identical
    operating conditions. Further, data to demonstrate compliance with the CO and HC
    limits of this Section or to establish alternative CO or HC limits under this Section
    must be obtained during the time that DRE testing, and where applicable,
    CDD/CDF testing under subsection (e) of this Section and comprehensive organic
    emissions testing under subsection (f) of this Section is conducted.
    h) Enforcement. For the purposes of permit enforcement, compliance with the
    operating requirements specified in the permit (under Section 726.202) will be
    regarded as compliance with this Section. However, evidence that compliance with
    those permit conditions is insufficient to ensure compliance with the requirements
    of this Section is “information” justifying modification or revocation and re-
    issuance of a permit under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.205 Standards to control Control PM
    a) A BIF burning hazardous waste must not emit PM in excess of 180 mg/dry standard
    cu m m
    (0.08 grains/dry standard cubic foot) after correction to a stack gas
    concentration of 7% seven percent oxygen, using procedures prescribed in 40 CFR
    60, Appendix A, methods 1 through 5, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 720.111, and incorporated by reference in Appendix I of this Part.
    b) An owner or operator meeting the requirements of Section 726.209(b) for the low
    risk waste exemption is exempt from the PM standard.
    c) Oxygen correction.
    1) Measured pollutant levels must be corrected for the amount of oxygen in
    the stack gas according to the following formula:
    Pc is the corrected concentration of the pollutant in the stack
    Pm is the measured concentration of the pollutant in the stack
    E is the oxygen concentration on a dry basis in the
    combustion air fed to the device, and
    Y is the measured oxygen concentration on a dry basis in the
    2) For devices that feed normal combustion air, E will equal 21 percent. For
    devices that feed oxygen-enriched air for combustion (that is, air with an
    oxygen concentration exceeding 21 percent), the value of E will be the
    concentration of oxygen in the enriched air.
    3) Compliance with all emission standards provided by this Subpart H must
    be based on correcting to seven percent oxygen using this procedure.
    d) For the purposes of permit enforcement, compliance with the operating requirements
    specified in the permit (under Section 726.202) will be regarded as compliance with
    this Section. However, evidence that compliance with those permit conditions is
    insufficient to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Section is

    “information” justifying modification or revocation and re-issuance of a permit under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq through 703.273.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.206 Standards to Control Metals Emissions
    a) General. The owner or operator shall must comply with the metals standards
    provided by subsections (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of this Section for each metal listed
    in subsection (b) of this Section that is present in the hazardous waste at detectable
    levels using analytical procedures specified in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid
    Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111.
    b) Tier I feed rate screening limits. Feed rate screening limits for metals are
    specified in Section 726.Appendix A to this Part as a function of terrain-adjusted
    effective stack height (TESH) and terrain and land use in the vicinity of the
    facility. Criteria for facilities that are not eligible to comply with the screening
    limits are provided in subsection (b)(7) of this Section.
    1) Noncarcinogenic metals. The feed rates of the noncarcinogenic metals in
    all feed streams, including hazardous waste, fuels, and industrial furnace
    feed stocks must not exceed the screening limits specified in Section
    726.Appendix A to this Part.
    A) The feed rate screening limits for antimony, barium, mercury,
    thallium, and silver are based on either of the following:
    i) An hourly rolling average, as defined in Sections
    726.200(g) and 726.202(e)(6)(A)(ii); or
    ii) An instantaneous limit not to be exceeded at any time.
    B) The feed rate screening limit for lead is based on one of the
    i) An hourly rolling average, as defined in Sections
    726.200(g) and 726.202(e)(6)(A)(ii);
    ii) An averaging period of 2 to 24 hours, as defined in Section
    726.202(e)(6)(B) with an instantaneous feed rate limit not
    to exceed 10 times the feed rate that would be allowed on
    an hourly rolling average basis; or

    iii) An instantaneous limit not to be exceeded at any time.
    2) Carcinogenic metals.
    A) The feed rates of carcinogenic metals in all feed streams, including
    hazardous waste, fuels, and industrial furnace feed stocks must not
    exceed values derived from the screening limits specified in
    Section 726.Appendix A to this Part. The feed rate of each of
    these metals is limited to a level such that the sum of the ratios of
    the actual feed rate to the feed rate screening limit specified in
    Section 726.Appendix A to this Part must not exceed 1.0, as
    provided by the following equation:
    Ai/Fi means the sum of the values of A/F for each
    metal “i,”, from i = 1 to n.
    n = number of carcinogenic metals.
    Ai = the actual feed rate to the device for metal
    Fi = the feed rate screening limit provided by
    Section 726.Appendix A to this Part for
    metal “i.”.
    B) The feed rate screening limits for the carcinogenic metals are
    based on either:
    i) An hourly rolling average; or
    ii) An averaging period of 2 two to 24 hours, as defined in
    Section 726.202(e)(6)(B), with an instantaneous feed rate
    limit not to exceed 10 times the feed rate that would be
    allowed on an hourly rolling average basis.
    3) TESH (terrain adjusted effective stack height).
    A) The TESH is determined according to the following equation:

    TESH = H + P - T
    H = Actual physical stack height (m).
    P = Plume rise (in m) as determined from
    Section 726.Appendix F to this Part as a
    function of stack flow rate and stack gas
    exhaust temperature.
    T = Terrain rise (in m) within five kilometers of
    the stack.
    B) The stack height (H) must not exceed good engineering practice
    stack height, as defined in Section 726.200(g) 726.200(i).
    C) If the TESH calculated pursuant to subsection (b)(3)(A) of this
    Section is not listed in Sections 726.Appendix A through
    726.Appendix C to this Part, the values for the nearest lower TESH
    listed in the table must be used. If the TESH is four meters or less,
    a value based on four meters must be used.
    4) Terrain type. The screening limits are a function of whether the facility is
    located in noncomplex or complex terrain. A device located where any
    part of the surrounding terrain within five kilometers of the stack equals or
    exceeds the elevation of the physical stack height (H) is considered to be
    in complex terrain and the screening limits for complex terrain apply.
    Terrain measurements are to be made from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-
    minute topographic maps of the area surrounding the facility.
    5) Land use. The screening limits are a function of whether the facility is
    located in an area where the land use is urban or rural. To determine
    whether land use in the vicinity of the facility is urban or rural, procedures
    provided in Section 726.Appendix I or Section 726.Appendix J to this Part
    shall must be used.
    6) Multiple stacks. Owers and operators An owners or operator of facilities a
    facility with more than one on-site stack from a BIF, incinerator, or other
    thermal treatment unit subject to controls of metals emissions under a
    RCRA permit or interim status controls shall must comply with the
    screening limits for all such units assuming all hazardous waste is fed into
    the device with the worst-case stack based on dispersion characteristics.

    The stack with the lowest value of K is the worst-case stack. K is
    determined from the following equation as applied to each stack:
    K = H
    K = a parameter accounting for relative influence of
    stack height and plume rise;
    H = physical stack height (meters);
    V = stack gas flow rate (m3/sec m
    /sec (cubic meters
    per second); and
    T = exhaust temperature (degrees K).
    7) Criteria for facilities not eligible for screening limits. If any criteria below
    are met, the Tier I (and Tier II) screening limits do not apply. Owners and
    operators of such facilities shall must comply with either the Tier III
    standards provided by subsection (d) of this Section or with the adjusted
    Tier I feed rate screening limits provided by subsection (e) of this Section.
    A) The device is located in a narrow valley less than one kilometer
    B) The device has a stack taller than 20 meters and is located such
    that the terrain rises to the physical height within one kilometer of
    the facility;
    C) The device has a stack taller than 20 meters and is located within
    five kilometers of a shoreline of a large body of water such as an
    ocean or large lake; or
    D) The physical stack height of any stack is less than 2.5 times the
    height of any building within five building heights or five
    projected building widths of the stack and the distance from the
    stack to the closest boundary is within five building heights or five
    projected building widths of the associated building.
    8) Implementation. The feed rate of metals in each feedstream must be
    monitored to ensure that the feed rate screening limits are not exceeded.

    c) Tier II emission rate screening limits. Emission rate screening limits are specified
    in Section 726.Appendix A to this Part as a function of TESH and terrain and land
    use in the vicinity of the facility. Criteria for facilities that are not eligible to
    comply with the screening limits are provided in subsection (b)(7) of this Section.
    1) Noncarcinogenic metals. The emission rates of noncarcinogenic metals
    must not exceed the screening limits specified in Section 726.Appendix A
    to this Part.
    2) Carcinogenic metals. The emission rates of carcinogenic metals must not
    exceed values derived from the screening limits specified in Section
    726.Appendix A to this Part. The emission rate of each of these metals is
    limited to a level such that the sum of the ratios of the actual emission rate
    to the emission rate screening limit specified in Section 726.Appendix A
    to this Part must not exceed 1.0, as provided by the following equation:
    Ai/Ei means the sum of the values of A/E for each metal
    “i,”, from i = 1 to n.
    n = number of carcinogenic metals.
    Ai = the actual emission rate to the device for metal “i.”.
    Ei = the emission rate screening limit provided by
    Section 726.Appendix A to this Part for metal “i.”.
    3) Implementation. The emission rate limits must be implemented by
    limiting feed rates of the individual metals to levels during the trial burn
    (for new facilities or an interim status facility applying for a permit) or the
    compliance test (for interim status facilities). The feed rate averaging
    periods are the same as provided by subsections (b)(1)(A), (b)(1)(B), and
    (b)(2)(B) of this Section. The feed rate of metals in each feedstream must
    be monitored to ensure that the feed rate limits for the feedstreams
    specified under Sections 726.202 or 726.203 are not exceeded.
    4) Definitions and limitations. The definitions and limitations provided by
    subsection (b) of this Section and 726.200(g) for the following terms also
    apply to the Tier II emission rate screening limits provided by this
    subsection (c): TESH, good engineering practice stack height, terrain

    type, land use, and criteria for facilities not eligible to use the screening
    5) Multiple stacks.
    A) Owners and operators An owner or operator of facilities a facility
    with more than one on-site stack from a BIF, incinerator, or other
    thermal treatment unit subject to controls on metals emissions
    under a RCRA permit or interim status controls shall must comply
    with the emissions screening limits for any such stacks assuming
    all hazardous waste is fed into the device with the worst-case stack
    based on dispersion characteristics.
    B) The worst-case stack is determined by procedures provided in
    subsection (b)(6) of this Section.
    C) For each metal, the total emissions of the metal from those stacks
    must not exceed the screening limit for the worst-case stack.
    d) Tier III site-specific risk assessment. The requirements of this subsection (d)
    apply to facilities complying with either the Tier III or Adjusted Tier I except
    where specified otherwise.
    1) General. Conformance with the Tier III metals controls must be
    demonstrated by emissions testing to determine the emission rate for each
    metal. In addition, conformance with either Tier III or Adjusted Tier I
    metals controls must be demonstrated by air dispersion modeling to
    predict the maximum annual average off-site ground level concentration
    for each metal and a demonstration that acceptable ambient levels are not
    2) Acceptable ambient levels. Sections 726.Appendix D and 726.Appendix
    E to this Part list the acceptable ambient levels for purposes of this
    Subpart H. Reference air concentrations (RACs) are listed for the
    noncarcinogenic metals and 1
    RSDs are listed for the carcinogenic
    metals. The RSD for a metal is the acceptable ambient level for that metal
    provided that only one of the four carcinogenic metals is emitted. If more
    than one carcinogenic metal is emitted, the acceptable ambient level for
    the carcinogenic metals is a fraction of the RSD, as described in
    subsection (d)(3) of this Section.
    3) Carcinogenic metals. For the carcinogenic metals the sum of the ratios of
    the predicted maximum annual average off-site ground level
    concentrations (except that on-site concentrations must be considered if a

    person resides on site) to the RSD for all carcinogenic metals emitted must
    not exceed 1.0 as determined by the following equation:
    Pi/Ri means the sum of the values of P/R for each metal
    “i,”, from i = 1 to n.
    n = number of carcinogenic metals.
    Pi = the predicted ambient concentration for metal i.
    Ri = the RSD for metal i.
    4) Noncarcinogenic metals. For the noncarcinogenic metals, the predicted
    maximum annual average off-site ground level concentration for each
    metal must not exceed the RAC.
    5) Multiple stacks. Owners and operators of facilities with more than one
    on-site stack from a BIF, incinerator, or other thermal treatment unit
    subject to controls on metals emissions under a RCRA permit or interim
    status controls shall must conduct emissions testing (except that facilities
    complying with Adjusted Tier I controls need not conduct emissions
    testing) and dispersion modeling to demonstrate that the aggregate
    emissions from all such on-site stacks do not result in an exceedance
    exceedence of the acceptable ambient levels.
    6) Implementation. Under Tier III, the metals controls must be implemented
    by limiting feed rates of the individual metals to levels during the trial
    burn (for new facilities or an interim status facility applying for a permit)
    or the compliance test (for interim status facilities). The feed rate
    averaging periods are the same as provided by subsections (b)(1)(A),
    (b)(1)(B), and (b)(2)(B) of this Section. The feed rate of metals in each
    feedstream must be monitored to ensure that the feed rate limits for the
    feedstreams specified under Sections 726.202 or 726.203 are not
    e) Adjusted Tier I feed rate screening limits. The owner or operator may adjust the
    feed rate screening limits provided by Section 726.Appendix A to this Part to
    account for site-specific dispersion modeling. Under this approach, the adjusted
    feed rate screening limit for a metal is determined by back-calculating from the

    acceptable ambient levels provided by Sections 726.Appendix D and
    726.Appendix E to this Part using dispersion modeling to determine the
    maximum allowable emission rate. This emission rate becomes the adjusted Tier
    I feed rate screening limit. The feed rate screening limits for carcinogenic metals
    are implemented as prescribed in subsection (b)(2) of this Section.
    f) Alternative implementation approaches.
    1) Pursuant to subsection (f)(2) of this Section the Agency shall must approve
    on a case-by-case basis approaches to implement the Tier II or Tier III
    metals emission limits provided by subsection (c) or (d) of this Section
    alternative to monitoring the feed rate of metals in each feedstream.
    2) The emission limits provided by subsection (d) of this Section must be
    determined as follows:
    A) For each noncarcinogenic metal, by back-calculating from the
    RAC provided in Section 726.Appendix D to this Part to determine
    the allowable emission rate for each metal using the dilution factor
    for the maximum annual average ground level concentration
    predicted by dispersion modeling in conformance with subsection
    (h) of this Section; and
    B) For each carcinogenic metal by the following methods:
    i) Back-calculating By back-calculating from the RSD
    provided in Section 726.Appendix E to this Part to
    determine the allowable emission rate for each metal if that
    metal were the only carcinogenic metal emitted using the
    dilution factor for the maximum annual average ground
    level concentration predicted by dispersion modeling in
    conformance with subsection (h) of this Section; and
    ii) If more than one carcinogenic metal is emitted, by selecting
    an emission limit for each carcinogenic metal not to exceed
    the emission rate determined by subsection (f)(2)(B)(i) of
    this Section, such that the sum for all carcinogenic metals
    of the ratios of the selected emission limit to the emission
    rate determined by that subsection does not exceed 1.0.
    g) Emission testing.

    1) General. Emission testing for metals must be conducted using Method
    0060, “Determinations of Metals in Stack Emissions,” USEPA Publication
    SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    2) Hexavalent chromium. Emissions of chromium are assumed to be
    hexavalent chromium unless the owner or operator conducts emissions
    testing to determine hexavalent chromium emissions using procedures
    prescribed in Method 0061, “Determination of Hexavalent Chromium
    Emissions from Stationary Sources,” USEPA Publication SW-846,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    h) Dispersion modeling. Dispersion modeling required under this Section must be
    conducted according to methods recommended in 40 CFR 51, appendix W
    (“Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)” (1986) and its supplements), the
    “Hazardous Waste Combustion Air Quality Screening Procedure” described in
    Section 726.Appendix I to this Part, or in “Screening Procedures for Estimating
    the Air Quality Impact of Stationary Sources, Revised” (incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111) to predict the maximum annual average
    off-site ground level concentration. However, on-site concentrations must be
    considered when a person resides on-site.
    i) Enforcement. For the purposes of permit enforcement, compliance with the
    operating requirements specified in the permit (under Section 726.202) will be
    regarded as compliance with this Section. However, evidence that compliance
    with those permit conditions is insufficient to ensure compliance with the
    requirements of this Section is “information” justifying modification or
    revocation and re-issuance of a permit under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq
    through 703.273.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.207 Standards to Control HCl and Chlorine Gas Emissions
    a) General. The owner or operator shall must comply with the HCl and chlorine gas
    controls provided by subsections subsection (b), (c), or (e), below of this Section.
    b) Screening limits.
    1) Tier I feed rate screening limits. Feed rate screening limits are specified for
    total chlorine in Section 726.Appendix B to this Part as a function of TESH
    and terrain and land use in the vicinity of the facility. The feed rate of total
    chlorine and chloride, both organic and inorganic, in all feed streams,
    including hazardous waste, fuels, and industrial furnace feed stocks must not
    exceed the levels specified.

    2) Tier II emission rate screening limits. Emission rate screening limits for HCl
    and chlorine gas are specified in Section 726.Appendix C to this Part as a
    function of TESH and terrain and land use in the vicinity of the facility. The
    stack emission rates of HCl and chlorine gas must not exceed the levels
    3) Definitions and limitations. The definitions and limitations provided by
    Section Sections 726.200(g) 726.200(i) and 726.206(b) for the following
    terms also apply to the screening limits provided by this subsection: TESH,
    good engineering practice stack height, terrain type, land use, and criteria for
    facilities not eligible to use the screening limits.
    4) Multiple stacks. Owners and operators of facilities with more than one on-
    site stack from a BIF, incinerator or other thermal treatment unit subject to
    controls on HCl or chlorine gas emissions under a RCRA permit or interim
    status controls shall must comply with the Tier I and Tier II screening limits
    for those stacks assuming all hazardous waste is fed into the device with the
    worst-case stack based on dispersion characteristics.
    A) The worst-case stack is determined by procedures provided in
    Section 726.206(b)(6).
    B) Under Tier I, the total feed rate of chlorine and chloride to all subject
    devices must not exceed the screening limit for the worst-case stack.
    C) Under Tier II, the total emissions of HCl and chlorine gas from all
    subject stacks must not exceed the screening limit for the worst-case
    c) Tier III site-specific risk assessments.
    1) General. Conformance with the Tier III controls must be demonstrated by
    emissions testing to determine the emission rate for HCl and chlorine gas, air
    dispersion modeling to predict the maximum annual average off-site ground
    level concentration for each compound, and a demonstration that acceptable
    ambient levels are not exceeded.
    2) Acceptable ambient levels. Section 726.Appendix D to this Part lists the
    RACs for HCl (7 ug/cu mm
    ) and chlorine gas (0.4 ug/cu mm
    3) Multiple stacks. Owners and operators of facilities with more than one on-
    site stack from a BIF, incinerator, or other thermal treatment unit subject to
    controls on HCl or chlorine gas emissions under a RCRA permit or interim

    status controls shall must conduct emissions testing and dispersion modeling
    to demonstrate that the aggregate emissions from all such on-site stacks do
    not result in an exceedance exceedence of the acceptable ambient levels for
    HCl and chlorine gas.
    d) Averaging periods. The HCl and chlorine gas controls are implemented by limiting
    the feed rate of total chlorine and chloride in all feedstreams, including hazardous
    waste, fuels, and industrial furnace feed stocks. Under Tier I, the feed rate of total
    chlorine and chloride is limited to the Tier I Screening Limits. Under Tier II and
    Tier III, the feed rate of total chlorine and chloride is limited to the feed rates during
    the trial burn (for new facilities or an interim status facility applying for a permit) or
    the compliance test (for interim status facilities). The feed rate limits are based on
    either of the following:
    1) An hourly rolling average, as defined in Section Sections 726.200(g)
    726.200(i) and 726.202(e)(6); or
    2) An instantaneous basis not to be exceeded at any time.
    e) Adjusted Tier I feed rate screening limits. The owner or operator may adjust the feed
    rate screening limit provided by Section 726.Appendix B to this Part to account for
    site-specific dispersion modeling. Under this approach, the adjusted feed rate
    screening limit is determined by back-calculating from the acceptable ambient level
    for chlorine gas provided by Section 726.Appendix D to this Part using dispersion
    modeling to determine the maximum allowable emission rate. This emission rate
    becomes the adjusted Tier I feed rate screening limit.
    f) Emissions testing. Emissions testing for HCl and chlorine gas (Cl2) must be
    conducted using the procedures described in Method 0050 or 0051, USEPA
    Publication SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    g) Dispersion modeling. Dispersion modeling must be conducted according to the
    provisions of Section 726.206(h).
    h) Enforcement. For the purposes of permit enforcement, compliance with the
    operating requirements specified in the permit (under Section 726.202) will be
    regarded as compliance with this Section. However, evidence that compliance with
    those permit conditions is insufficient to ensure compliance with the requirements of
    this Section is “information” justifying modification or revocation and re-issuance of
    a permit under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq through 703.273.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.208 Small quantity Quantity On-site On-Site Burner Exemption

    a) Exempt quantities. Owners and operators An owner or operator of facilities a facility
    that burn burns hazardous waste in an on-site BIF are is exempt from the
    requirements of this Subpart H provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1) The quantity of hazardous waste burned in a device for a calendar month
    does not exceed the limits provided in the Table A based on the TESH, as
    defined in Section Sections 726.200(g) 726.200(i) and 726.206(b)(3).
    2) The maximum hazardous waste firing rate does not exceed at any time 1 one
    percent of the total fuel requirements for the device (hazardous waste plus
    other fuel) on a total heat input or mass input basis, whichever results in the
    lower mass feed rate of hazardous waste;
    3) The hazardous waste has a minimum heating value of 5,000 Btu/lb, as
    generated; and
    4) The hazardous waste fuel does not contain (and is not derived from) USEPA
    Hazardous Waste Nos. hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023,
    F026, or F027.
    b) Mixing with nonhazardous fuels. If hazardous waste fuel is mixed with a
    nonhazardous fuel, the quantity of hazardous waste before such mixing is used to
    comply with subsection (a), above of this Section.
    c) Multiple stacks. If an owner or operator burns hazardous waste in more than one on-
    site BIF exempt under this Section, the quantity limits provided by subsection (a)(1),
    above of this Section, are implemented according to the following equation:
    (Ci/Li) means =
    the sum of the values of X for each
    stack i, from i = 1 to n.
    n means the number of stacks;
    Ci Ci = Actual Quantity Burned means the waste quantity burned per
    month in device “i.”.

    Li Li = Allowable Quantity Burned means the maximum allowable
    exempt quantity for stack “i” from Table A.
    BOARD NOTE: Hazardous wastes that are subject to the special
    requirements for small quantity generators under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.105 may be burned in an off-site device under the exemption
    provided by Section 726.208, but must be included in the quantity
    determination for the exemption.
    d) Notification requirements. The owner or operator of facilities qualifying for the
    small quantity burner exemption under this Section shall must provide a one-time
    signed, written notice to the Agency indicating the following:
    1) The combustion unit is operating as a small quantity burner of hazardous
    2) The owner and operator are in compliance with the requirements of this
    Section; and
    3) The maximum quantity of hazardous waste that the facility is allowed to burn
    per month as provided by Section 726.208(a)(1).
    e) Recordkeeping requirements. The owner or operator shall must maintain at the
    facility for at least three years sufficient records documenting compliance with the
    hazardous waste quantity, firing rate and heating value limits of this Section. At a
    minimum, these records must indicate the quantity of hazardous waste and other fuel
    burned in each unit per calendar month and the heating value of the hazardous waste.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.209 Low risk waste Risk Waste Exemption
    a) Waiver of DRE standard. The DRE standard of Section 726.204(a) does not apply if
    the BIF is operated in conformance with subsection (a)(1), below of this Section, and
    the owner or operator demonstrates by procedures prescribed in subsection (a)(2),
    below of this Section, that the burning will not result in unacceptable adverse health
    1) The device must be operated as follows:
    A) A minimum of 50 percent of fuel fired to the device must be fossil
    fuel, fuels derived from fossil fuel, tall oil, or, if approved by the
    Agency on a case-by-case basis, other nonhazardous fuel with

    combustion characteristics comparable to fossil fuel. Such fuels are
    termed “primary fuel” for purposes of this Section. (Tall oil is a fuel
    derived from vegetable and rosin fatty acids.) The 50 percent
    primary fuel firing rate must be determined on a total heat or mass
    input basis, whichever results in the greater mass feed rate of primary
    fuel fired;
    B) Primary fuels and hazardous waste fuels must have a minimum as-
    fired heating value of 8,000 Btu/lb;
    C) The hazardous waste is fired directly into the primary fuel flame zone
    of the combustion chamber; and
    D) The device operates in conformance with the CO controls provided
    by Section 726.204(b)(1). Devices subject to the exemption provided
    by this Section are not eligible for the alternative CO controls
    provided by Section 726.204(c).
    2) Procedures to demonstrate that the hazardous waste burning will not pose
    unacceptable adverse public health effects are as follows:
    A) Identify and quantify those nonmetal compounds listed in Appendix
    H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H, that could reasonably be
    expected to be present in the hazardous waste. The constituents
    excluded from analysis must be identified and the basis for their
    exclusion explained;
    B) Calculate reasonable, worst case emission rates for each constituent
    identified in subsection (a)(2)(A), above of this Section, by assuming
    the device achieves 99.9 percent destruction and removal efficiency.
    That is, assume that 0.1 percent of the mass weight of each
    constituent fed to the device is emitted.
    C) For each constituent identified in subsection (a)(2)(A), above of this
    Section, use emissions dispersion modeling to predict the maximum
    annual average ground level concentration of the constituent.
    i) Dispersion modeling must be conducted using methods
    specified in Section 726.206(h).
    ii) Owners and operators An owner or operator of facilities a
    facility with more than one on-site stack from a BIF that is
    exempt under this Section shall must conduct dispersion
    modeling of emissions from all stacks exempt under this

    Section to predict ambient levels prescribed by this
    subsection (a)(2).
    D) Ground level concentrations of constituents predicted under
    subsection (a)(2)(C), above of this Section, must not exceed the
    following levels:
    i) For the noncarcinogenic compounds listed in Appendix D,
    the levels established in Appendix D;
    ii) For the carcinogenic compounds listed in Appendix E:
    SUM(Ai/Li) £ 1.0
    (Ai/Li) means the sum of the values of X
    for each carcinogen i, from i = 1 to n.
    n means the number of carcinogenic compounds;
    Ai Ai = Actual ground level concentration of
    carcinogen “i.”.
    Li Li = Level established in Appendix E for
    carcinogen “i”; and
    iii) For constituents not listed in Appendix D or E, 0.1 ug/cu
    b) Waiver of particular matter standard. The PM standard of Section 726.205 does not
    apply if the following occur:
    1) The DRE standard is waived under subsection (a), above of this Section; and
    2) The owner or operator complies with the Tier I, or adjusted Tier I, metals
    feed rate screening limits provided by Section 726.206(b) or (e).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.210 Waiver of DRE trial burn Trial Burn for Boilers
    Boilers that operate under the special requirements of this Section, and that do not burn hazardous
    waste containing (or derived from) USEPA Hazardous Waste Nos. hazardous waste numbers F020,
    F021, F022, F023, F026, or F027, are considered to be in conformance with the DRE standard of
    Section 726.204(a), and a trial burn to demonstrate DRE is waived. When burning hazardous waste:
    a) A minimum of 50 percent of fuel fired to the devices must be fossil fuel, fuels
    derived from fossil fuel, tall oil, or, if approved by the Agency on a case-by-case
    basis, other nonhazardous fuel with combustion characteristics comparable to fossil
    fuel. Such fuels are termed “primary fuel” for purposes of this Section. (Tall oil is a
    fuel derived from vegetable and rosin fatty acids.) The 50 percent primary fuel firing
    rate must be determined on a total heat or mass input basis, whichever results in the
    greater mass feed rate of primary fuel fired;
    b) Boiler load must not be less than 40 percent. Boiler load is the ratio at any time of
    the total heat input to the maximum design heat input;
    c) Primary fuels and hazardous waste fuels must have a minimum as-fired heating value
    of 8,000 Btu/lb, and each material fired in a burner where hazardous waste is fired
    must have a heating value of at least 8,000 Btu/lb, as-fired as fired;
    d) The device must operate in conformance with the CO standard provided by Section
    726.204(b)(1). Boilers subject to the waiver of the DRE trial burn provided by this
    Section are not eligible for the alternative CO standard provided by Section
    e) The boiler must be a water tube type boiler that does not feed fuel using a stoker or
    stoker type mechanism; and
    f) The hazardous waste must be fired directly into the primary fuel flame zone of the
    combustion chamber with an air or steam atomization firing system, mechanical
    atomization system or a rotary cup atomization system under the following
    1) Viscosity. The viscosity of the hazardous waste fuel as-fired as fired must
    not exceed 300 SSU;
    2) Particle size. When a high pressure air or steam atomizer, low pressure
    atomizer or mechanical atomizer is used, 70% 70 percent of the hazardous
    waste fuel must pass through a 200 mesh (74 micron) screen, and when a
    rotary cup atomizer is used, 70% 70 percent of the hazardous waste must
    pass through a 100 mesh (150 micron) screen;

    3) Mechanical atomization systems. Fuel pressure within a mechanical
    atomization system and fuel flow rate must be maintained within the design
    range taking into account the viscosity and volatility of the fuel;
    4) Rotary cup atomization systems. Fuel flow rate through a rotary cup
    atomization system must be maintained within the design range taking into
    account the viscosity and volatility of the fuel.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.211 Standards for direct Direct Transfer
    a) Applicability. The regulations in this Section apply to owners and operators of BIFs
    subject to Sections Section 726.202 or 726.203 if hazardous waste is directly
    transferred from a transport vehicle to a BIF without the use of a storage unit.
    b) Definitions.
    1) When used in this Section, the following terms have the following meanings
    given below:
    “Direct transfer equipment” means any device (including but not
    limited to, such devices as piping, fittings, flanges, valves and pumps)
    that is used to distribute, meter or control the flow of hazardous waste
    between a container (i.e., transport vehicle) and a BIF.
    “Container” means any portable device in which hazardous waste is
    transported, stored, treated, or otherwise handled, and includes
    transport vehicles that are containers themselves (e.g., tank trucks,
    tanker-trailers, and rail tank cars) and containers placed on or in a
    transport vehicle.
    2) This Section references several requirements provided in Subparts I and J of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and Subparts I and J of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subparts I and J. For purposes of this Section, the term “tank systems”
    in those referenced requirements means direct transfer equipment, as defined
    in subsection (b)(1), above of this Section.
    c) General operating requirements.
    1) No direct transfer of a pumpable hazardous waste must be conducted from an
    open-top container to a BIF.

    2) Direct transfer equipment used for pumpable hazardous waste must always
    be closed, except when necessary to add or remove the waste, and must not
    be opened, handled, or stored in a manner that could cause any rupture or
    3) The direct transfer of hazardous waste to a BIF must be conducted so that it
    does not do any of the following:
    A) Generate extreme heat or pressure, fire, explosion, or violent
    B) Produce uncontrolled toxic mists, fumes, dusts, or gases in sufficient
    quantities to threaten human health;
    C) Produce uncontrolled flammable fumes or gases in sufficient
    quantities to pose a risk of fire or explosions;
    D) Damage the structural integrity of the container or direct transfer
    equipment containing the waste;
    E) Adversely affect the capability of the BIF to meet the standards
    provided by Sections 726.204 through 726.207; or
    F) Threaten human health or the environment.
    4) Hazardous waste must not be placed in direct transfer equipment, if it could
    cause the equipment or its secondary containment system to rupture, leak,
    corrode, or otherwise fail.
    5) The owner or operator of the facility shall must use appropriate controls and
    practices to prevent spills and overflows from the direct transfer equipment
    or its secondary containment systems. These include the following at a
    A) Spill prevention controls (e.g., check valves, dry discount couplings,
    etc.); and
    B) Automatic waste feed cutoff to use if a leak or spill occurs from the
    direct transfer equipment.
    d) Areas where direct transfer vehicles (containers) are located. Applying the definition
    of container under this Section, owners and operators shall must comply with the
    following requirements:

    1) The containment requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.275;
    2) The use and management requirements of Subpart I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subpart I, except for Sections 725.270 and 725.274, and except that in
    lieu of the special requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.276 for ignitable or
    reactive waste, the owner or operator may comply with the requirements for
    the maintenance of protective distances between the waste management area
    and any public ways, streets, alleys, or an adjacent property line that can be
    built upon, as required in Tables 2-1 through 2-6 of NFPA 30 (incorporated
    by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111). The owner or operator shall
    must obtain and keep on file at the facility a written certification by the local
    Fire Marshal that the installation meets the subject NFPA Codes; and
    3) The closure requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.278.
    e) Direct transfer equipment. Direct transfer equipment must meet the following
    1) Secondary containment. Owners and operators shall must comply with the
    secondary containment requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.293 , except
    for Sections 725.293(a), (d), (e), and (i), as follows:
    A) For all new direct transfer equipment, prior to their being put into
    service; and
    B) For existing direct transfer equipment, by August 21, 1993.
    2) Requirements prior to meeting secondary containment requirements.
    A) For existing direct transfer equipment that does not have secondary
    containment, the owner or operator shall must determine whether the
    equipment is leaking or is unfit for use. The owner or operator shall
    must obtain and keep on file at the facility a written assessment
    reviewed and certified by a qualified, registered professional engineer
    in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.126(d) that attests to the
    equipment’s integrity by August 21, 1992.
    B) This assessment must determine whether the direct transfer
    equipment is adequately designed and has sufficient structural
    strength and compatibility with the waste(s) wastes to be transferred
    to ensure that it will not collapse, rupture, or fail. At a minimum, this
    assessment must consider the following:

    i) Design standard(s) standards, if available, according to which
    the direct transfer equipment was constructed;
    ii) Hazardous characteristics of the waste(s) wastes that have
    been or will be handled;
    iii) Existing corrosion protection measures;
    iv) Documented age of the equipment, if available, (otherwise,
    an estimate of the age); and
    v) Results of a leak test or other integrity examination such that
    the effects of temperature variations, vapor pockets, cracks,
    leaks, corrosion and erosion are accounted for.
    C) If, as a result of the assessment specified above, the direct transfer
    equipment is found to be leaking or unfit for use, the owner or
    operator shall must comply with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 725.296(a) and (b).
    3) Inspections and recordkeeping.
    A) The owner or operator shall must inspect at least once each operating
    hour when hazardous waste is being transferred from the transport
    vehicle (container) to the BIF:
    i) Overfill/spill control equipment (e.g., waste-feed cutoff
    systems, bypass systems, and drainage systems) to ensure that
    it is in good working order;
    ii) The above ground portions of the direct transfer equipment to
    detect corrosion, erosion, or releases of waste (e.g., wet spots,
    dead vegetation, etc.); and
    iii) Data gathered from monitoring equipment and leak-detection
    equipment, (e.g., pressure and temperature gauges) to ensure
    that the direct transfer equipment is being operated according
    to its design.
    B) The owner or operator shall must inspect cathodic protection systems,
    if used, to ensure that they are functioning properly according to the
    schedule provided by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.295(b):.

    C) Records of inspections made under this subsection must be
    maintained in the operating record at the facility, and available for
    inspection for at least 3 three years from the date of the inspection.
    4) Design and installation of new ancillary equipment. Owners and operators
    shall must comply with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.292.
    5) Response to leaks or spills. Owners and operators shall must comply with
    the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.296.
    6) Closure. Owners and operators shall must comply with the requirements of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.297, except for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.297(c)(2)
    through (c)(4).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.212 Regulation of Residues
    A residue derived from the burning or processing of hazardous waste in a BIF is not excluded from
    the definition of a hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.104(b)(4), (b)(7), or (b)(8), unless
    the device and the owner or operator meet the following requirements:
    a) The device meets the following criteria:
    1) Boilers. Boilers must burn at least 50% 50 percent coal on a total heat input
    or mass basis, whichever results in the greater mass feed rate of coal;
    2) Ore or mineral furnaces. Industrial furnaces subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.104(b)(7) must process at least 50% 50 percent by weight of normal,
    nonhazardous raw materials;
    3) Cement kilns. Cement kilns must process at least 50% 50 percent by weight
    of normal cement-production raw materials;
    b) The owner or operator demonstrates that the hazardous waste does not significantly
    affect the residue by demonstrating conformance with either of the following criteria:
    1) Comparison of waste-derived residue with normal residue. The waste-
    derived residue must not contain Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Appendix H constituents (toxic constituents) that could reasonably be
    attributable to the hazardous waste at concentrations significantly higher than
    in residue generated without burning or processing of hazardous waste, using
    the following procedure. Toxic compounds that could reasonably be
    attributable to burning or processing the hazardous waste (constituents of

    concern) include toxic constituents in the hazardous waste, and the organic
    compounds listed in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H that
    may be PICs. Sampling and analyses must be in conformance with
    procedures prescribed in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846, incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111(a). For polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
    dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (D/F), analyses must be
    performed to determine specific congeners and homologues, and the
    results converted to 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent values using the procedure
    specified in section 4.0 of the documents referenced in Appendix I of this
    A) Normal residue. Concentrations of toxic constituents of concern in
    normal residue must be determined based on analyses of a minimum
    of 10 samples representing a minimum of 10 days of operation.
    Composite samples may be used to develop a sample for analysis
    provided that the compositing period does not exceed 24 hours. The
    upper tolerance limit (at 95% 95 percent confidence with a 95% 95
    percent proportion of the sample distribution) of the concentration in
    the normal residue shall must be considered the statistically-derived
    concentration in the normal residue. If changes in raw materials or
    fuels reduce the statistically-derived concentrations of the toxic
    constituents of concern in the normal residue, the statistically-derived
    concentrations must be revised or statistically-derived concentrations
    of toxic constituents in normal residue must be established for a new
    mode of operation with the new raw material or fuel. To determine
    the upper tolerance limit in the normal residue, the owner or operator
    shall must use statistical procedures prescribed in “Statistical
    Methodology for Bevill Residue Determinations,” incorporated by
    reference in Appendix I of this Part.
    B) Waste-derived residue. Waste derived residue must be sampled and
    analyzed as often as necessary to determine whether the residue
    generated during each 24-hour period has concentrations of toxic
    constituents that are higher than the concentrations established for the
    normal residue under subsection (b)(1)(A) of this Section. If so,
    hazardous waste burning has significantly affected the residue and
    the residue is not excluded from the definition of “hazardous waste.”.
    Concentrations of toxic constituents in waste-derived residue must be
    determined based on analysis of one or more samples obtained over a
    24-hour period. Multiple samples may be analyzed, and multiple
    samples may be taken to form a composite sample for analysis
    provided that the sampling period does not exceed 24 hours. If more
    than one sample is analyzed to characterize waste-derived residues

    generated over a 24-hour period, the concentration of each toxic
    constituent must be the arithmetic mean of the concentrations in the
    samples. No results can be disregarded; or
    2) Comparison of waste-derived residue concentrations with health-based
    A) Nonmetal constituents. The concentration of each nonmetal toxic
    constituent of concern (specified in subsection (b)(1) of this Section)
    in the waste-derived residue must not exceed the health-based level
    specified in Appendix G of this Part, or the level of detection (using
    analytical procedures prescribed in “Test Methods for Evaluating
    Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-
    846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111),
    whichever is higher. If a health-based limit for a constituent of
    concern is not listed in Appendix G of this Part, then a limit of 0.002
    mg/kg or the level of detection (using analytical procedures
    prescribed in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111), whichever
    is higher, must be used. The levels specified in Appendix G of this
    Part (and the default level of 0.002 mg/kg or the level of detection for
    constituents, as identified in Note 1 of Appendix G of this Part) are
    administratively stayed under the condition, for those constituents
    specified in subsection (b)(1) of this Section, that the owner or
    operator complies with alternative levels defined as the land disposal
    restriction limits specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.143 and Table B
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table B for F039 nonwastewaters. In
    complying with those alternative levels, if an owner or operator is
    unable to detect a constituent despite documenting use of the best
    good-faith efforts, as defined by applicable USEPA guidance and
    standards, the owner or operator is deemed to be in compliance for
    that constituent. Until USEPA develops new guidance or standards,
    the owner or operator may demonstrate such good-faith efforts by
    achieving a detection limit for the constituent that does not exceed an
    order of magnitude above (ten times) the level provided by 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 728.143 and Table B to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table B
    for F039 nonwastewater levels for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
    dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (D/F), analyses must
    be performed for total hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, total
    hexachlorodibenzofurans, total pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, total
    pentachlorodibenzofurans, total tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, and
    total tetrachlorodibenzofurans;

    BOARD NOTE: In a note to corresponding 40 CFR 266.112(b)(2)(i)
    (1999) (2002), as amended at 64 Fed. Reg. 53076 (Sept. 30, 1999),
    USEPA stated as follows:
    The administrative stay, under the condition that the
    owner or operator complies with alternative levels
    defined as the land disposal restriction limits
    specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.143 for F039
    nonwastewaters, remains in effect until further
    administrative action is taken and notice is
    published in the Federal Register and the Code of
    Federal Regulations.
    Under Section 3006(b) and (g) of RCRA, 42 USC 6926(b) and (g),
    federal amendments do not go into effect in Illinois until the State of
    Illinois incorporates them into the State program. This applies unless
    the authority under which USEPA adopted the amendments is the
    Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), in which
    case the federal amendments become effective in Illinois on their
    federal effective date.
    B) Metal constituents. The concentration of metals in an extract
    obtained using the TCLP test must not exceed the levels specified in
    Appendix G of this Part;
    C) Sampling and analysis. Wastewater-derived residue must be sampled
    and analyzed as often as necessary to determine whether the residue
    generated during each 24-hour period has concentrations of toxic
    constituents that are higher than the health-based levels.
    Concentrations of concern in the wastewater-derived residue must be
    determined based on analysis of one or more samples obtained over a
    24-hour period. Multiple samples may be analyzed, and multiple
    samples may be taken to form a composite for analysis provided that
    the sampling period does not exceed 24 hours. If more than one
    sample is analyzed to characterize waste-derived residues generated
    over a 24-hour period, the concentration of each toxic constituent is
    the arithmetic mean of the concentrations of the samples. No results
    can be disregarded; and
    c) Records sufficient to document compliance with the provisions of this Section must
    be retained until closure of the BIF unit. At a minimum, the following must be

    1) Levels of constituents in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H
    that are present in waste-derived residues;
    2) If the waste-derived residue is compared with normal residue under
    subsection (b)(1) of this Section:
    A) The levels of constituents in Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Appendix H that are present in normal residues; and
    B) Data and information, including analyses of samples as necessary,
    obtained to determine if changes in raw materials or fuels would
    reduce the concentration of toxic constituents of concern in the
    normal residue.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.219 Extensions of Time
    The owner or operator may request a case-by-case extension of time to extend any time limit
    provided by Section 726.203(c). The operator shall must file a petition for a RCRA variance
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104. The Board will grant the variance if compliance with the time
    limit is not practicable for reasons beyond the control of the owner or operator.
    a) In granting an extension, the Board will apply conditions as the facts warrant to
    ensure timely compliance with the requirements of Section 726.203 and that the
    facility operates in a manner that does not pose a hazard to human health and the
    b) When an owner and operator requests an extension of time to enable the facility to
    comply with the alternative hydrocarbon provisions of Section 726.204(f) and obtain
    a RCRA permit because the facility cannot meet the HC limit of Section 726.204(c):
    1) The Board will do the following, in considering whether to grant the
    A) Determine whether the owner and operator have submitted in a
    timely manner a complete Part B permit application that includes
    information required under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.208(b); and
    B) Consider whether the owner and operator have made a good faith
    effort to certify compliance with all other emission controls,
    including the controls on dioxins and furans of Section 726.204(e)
    and the controls on PM, metals and HCl/chlorine gas.

    2) If an extension is granted, the Board will, as a condition of the extension,
    require the facility to operate under flue gas concentration limits on CO and
    HC that, based on available information, including information in the Part B
    permit application, are baseline CO and HC levels as defined by Section
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 266.103(c)(7)(ii), adopted at 56 Fed. Reg. 7206, February
    21, 1991; 56 Fed. Reg. 32688, July 17, 1991; and 57 Fed. Reg. 38566, August 25, 1992 (2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.300 Applicability
    a) The regulations in this Subpart M identify when military munitions become a
    solid waste, and, if these wastes are also hazardous under this Subpart M or 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721, the management standards that apply to these wastes.
    b) Unless otherwise specified in this Subpart M, all applicable requirements in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 720 through 726, and 728 apply to waste military
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.301 Definitions
    In addition to the definitions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110, the following definitions apply to
    this Subpart M:
    “Active range” means a military range that is currently in service and is being
    regularly used for range activities.
    “Chemical agents” and “chemical munitions” are defined as in the Department of
    Defense Authorization Act of 1986, 50 U.S.C. USC 1521(j)(1) (1997),
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    “Director” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702.110.
    “Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist” is as defined in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.110.
    “Explosives or munitions emergency” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110.

    “Explosives or munitions emergency response” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    “Inactive range” means a military range that is not currently being used but which
    is still under military control and considered by the military to be a potential
    range area and which has not been put to a new use that is incompatible with
    range activities.
    “Military” means the United States (U.S.) Department of Defense (DOD), the
    Armed Services, Coast Guard, National Guard, Department of Energy (DOE) or
    other parties under contract or acting as an agent for the foregoing who handle
    military munitions.
    “Military munitions” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110.
    “Military range” means designated land and water areas that are set aside;
    managed; and used to conduct research on, develop, test, and evaluate military
    munitions and explosives, other ordnance, or weapon systems or areas that are set
    aside, managed, and used to train military personnel in their use and handling.
    Ranges include firing lines and positions, maneuver areas, firing lanes, test pads,
    detonation pads, impact areas, and buffer zones with restricted access and
    exclusionary areas.
    “Unexploded ordnance” or “UXO” means military munitions that have been
    primed, fused, armed, or otherwise prepared for action and that have been fired,
    dropped, launched, projected, or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard
    to operations, installation, personnel, or material and remain unexploded either by
    malfunction, design, or any other cause.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.302 Definition of Solid Waste
    a) A military munition is not a solid waste when any of the following situations
    describes the munition:
    1) It is used for its intended purpose, including any of the following uses:
    A) Use in training military personnel or explosives and munitions
    emergency response specialists (including training in proper
    destruction of unused propellant or other munitions);
    B) Use in research, development, testing, and evaluation of military
    munitions, weapons, or weapon systems; or

    C) Recovery, collection, and on-range destruction of unexploded
    ordnance and munitions fragments during range clearance
    activities at active or inactive ranges. However, “use for intended
    purpose” does not include the on-range disposal or burial of
    unexploded ordnance and contaminants when the burial is not a
    result of product use.
    2) It is an unused munition, or component thereof, it is being repaired,
    reused, recycled, reclaimed, disassembled, reconfigured, or otherwise
    subjected to materials recovery activities, unless such activities involve
    use constituting disposal, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102(c)(1),
    or it is burned for energy recovery, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    b) An unused military munition is a solid waste when any of the following occurs:
    1) The munition is abandoned by being disposed of, burned, detonated
    (except during intended use as specified in subsection (a) of this Section),
    incinerated, or treated prior to disposal;
    2) The munition is removed from storage in a military magazine or other
    storage area for the purpose of being disposed of, burned, incinerated, or
    treated prior to disposal;
    3) The munition is deteriorated or damaged (e.g., the integrity of the
    munition is compromised by cracks, leaks, or other damage) to the point
    that it cannot be put into serviceable condition, and cannot reasonably be
    recycled or used for other purposes; or
    4) The munition has been declared a solid waste by an authorized military
    c) A used or fired military munition is a solid waste when either of the following
    activites occurs with regard to the munition:
    1) The munition is transported off-range or from the site of use (where the
    site of use is not a range) for the purpose of storage, reclamation,
    treatment, disposal, or treatment prior to disposal; or
    2) The munition is recovered, collected, and then disposed of by burial or
    landfilling either on or off a range.

    d) For purposes of RCRA section 1004(27) (42 U.S.C. USC 6903(27) (1996)), a
    used or fired military munition is a solid waste, and, therefore, is potentially
    subject to RCRA corrective action authorities under sections 3004(u) and (v) (42
    U.S.C. USC 6924(u) and (v) (1996)), and 3008(h) (42 U.S.C. USC 6928(h)
    (1996)) or to imminent and substantial endangerment authorities under section
    7003 (42 U.S.C. USC 6963 (1996)) if the munition lands off-range and is not
    promptly rendered safe or retrieved. Any imminent and substantial threats
    associated with any remaining material must be addressed. If remedial action is
    infeasible, the operator of the range shall must maintain a record of the event for
    as long as any threat remains. The record shall must include the type of munition
    and its location (to the extent the location is known).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.303 Standards Applicable to the Transportation of Solid Waste Military
    a) Criteria for hazardous waste regulation of waste non-chemical military munitions
    in transportation.
    1) Waste military munitions that are being transported and which exhibit a
    hazardous waste characteristic or which are listed as hazardous waste
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 are subject to regulation under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 702, 703, 705, 720 through 726, and 728, unless the munitions meet
    all the following conditions:
    A) The waste military munitions are not chemical agents or chemical
    B) The waste military munitions are transported in accordance with
    the Department of Defense shipping controls applicable to the
    transport of military munitions;
    C) The waste military munitions are transported from a military-
    owned or -operated installation to a military-owned or -operated
    treatment, storage, or disposal facility; and
    D) The transporter of the waste shall must provide oral notice to the
    Agency within 24 hours from the time when either the transporter
    becomes aware of any loss or theft of the waste military munitions
    or when any failure to meet a condition of subsection (a)(1) of this
    Section occurs that may endanger human health or the
    environment. In addition, a written submission describing the
    circumstances shall must be provided within five days from the

    time when the transporter becomes aware of any loss or theft of the
    waste military munitions or when any failure to meet a condition
    of subsection (a)(1) of this Section occurs.
    2) If any waste military munitions shipped under subsection (a)(1) of this
    Section are not received by the receiving facility within 45 days of after
    the day the waste was shipped, the owner or operator of the receiving
    facility shall must report this non-receipt to the Agency within five days.
    3) The conditional exemption from regulation as hazardous waste in
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section shall must apply only to the transportation
    of non-chemical waste military munitions. It does not affect the
    regulatory status of waste military munitions as hazardous wastes with
    regard to storage, treatment, or disposal.
    4) The conditional exemption in subsection (a)(1) of this Section applies only
    so long as all of the conditions in subsection (a)(1) of this Section are met.
    b) Reinstatement of conditional exemption.
    1) If any waste military munition loses its conditional exemption under
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the transporter may file with the Agency
    an application for reinstatement of the conditional exemption from
    hazardous waste transportation regulation with respect to such munition as
    soon as the munition is returned to compliance with the conditions of
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section.
    2) If the Agency finds that reinstatement of the conditional exemption is
    appropriate, it shall must reinstate the conditional exemption of subsection
    (a)(1) of this Section in writing. The Agency’s decision to reinstate or not
    to reinstate the conditional exemption shall must be based on the nature of
    the risks to human health and the environment posed by the waste and
    either the transporter's provision of a satisfactory explanation of the
    circumstances of the violation or any demonstration that the violations are
    not likely to recur. If the Agency denies an application, it shall must
    transmit to the applicant specific, detailed statements in writing as to the
    reasons it denied the application. In reinstating the conditional exemption
    under subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the Agency may specify additional
    conditions as are necessary to ensure and document proper transportation
    to protect human health and the environment. If the Agency does not take
    action on the reinstatement application within 60 days after receipt of the
    application, then reinstatement shall must be deemed granted, retroactive
    to the date of the application.

    3) The Agency may terminate a conditional exemption reinstated by default
    under the preceding sentence in writing if it finds that reinstatement is
    inappropriate based on its consideration of the factors set forth in
    subsection (b)(2) of this Section. If the Agency terminates a reinstated
    exemption, it shall must transmit to the applicant specific, detailed
    statements in writing as to the reasons it terminated the reinstated
    4) The applicant under this subsection (b) may appeal the Ageny’s Agency’s
    determination to deny the reinstatement, to grant the reinstatement with
    conditions, or to terminate a reinstatement before the Board pursuant to
    Section 40 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/40].
    c) Amendments to DOD shipping controls. The Department of Defense shipping
    controls applicable to the transport of military munitions referenced in subsection
    (a)(1)(B) of this Section are Government Bill of Lading (GBL) (GSA Standard
    Form 1109), Requisition Tracking Form (DD Form 1348), the Signature and
    Talley Record (DD Form 1907), Special Instructions for Motor Vehicle Drivers
    (DD Form 836), and the Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (DD Form 626) in
    effect on November 8, 1995, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    BOARD NOTE: Corresponding federal provision 40 CFR 266.203(c), as added
    at 62 Fed. Reg. 6655 (Feb. 12, 1997), further provides as follows: “Any
    amendments to the Department of Defense shipping controls shall must become
    effective for purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section on the date the
    Department of Defense publishes notice in the Federal Register that the shipping
    controls referenced in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section have been amended.”
    (40 CFR 266.203(a)(1)(ii) corresponds with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.303(a)(1)(B).)
    Section 5-75 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100/5-75]
    prohibits the incorporation of later amendments and editions by reference. For
    this reason, interested members of the regulated community will need to notify
    the Board of any amendments of these references before those amendments can
    become effective under Illinois law.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.304 Standards Applicable to Emergency Responses
    Explosives and munitions emergencies involving military munitions or explosives are subject to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.110(i), 723.110(e), 724.101(g)(8), 725.101(c)(11), and 703.121(c)(3), or,
    alternatively, to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.221.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.305 Standards Applicable to the Storage of Solid Waste Military Munitions
    a) Criteria for hazardous waste regulation of waste non-chemical military munitions
    in storage.
    1) Waste military munitions in storage that exhibit a hazardous waste
    characteristic or are listed as hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721 are listed or identified as a hazardous waste (and thus are subject to
    regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 720 through 726, 728,
    733, and 739), unless all the following conditions are met:
    A) The waste military munitions are not chemical agents or chemical
    B) The waste military munitions must be subject to the jurisdiction of
    the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB);
    C) The waste military munitions must be stored in accordance with
    the DDESB storage standards applicable to waste military
    D) Within 90 days of when a storage unit is first used to store waste
    military munitions, the owner or operator shall must notify the
    Agency of the location of any waste storage unit used to store
    waste military munitions for which the conditional exemption in
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section is claimed;
    E) The owner or operator shall must provide oral notice to the Agency
    within 24 hours from the time the owner or operator becomes
    aware of any loss or theft of the waste military munitions, or any
    failure to meet a condition of subsection (a)(1) of this Section that
    may endanger health or the environment. In addition, a written
    submission describing the circumstances shall must be provided
    within five days from the time the owner or operator becomes
    aware of any loss or theft of the waste military munitions or any
    failure to meet a condition of subsection (a)(1) of this Section;
    F) The owner or operator shall must inventory the waste military
    munitions at least annually, shall must inspect the waste military
    munitions at least quarterly for compliance with the conditions of
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section, and shall must maintain records
    of the findings of these inventories and inspections for at least
    three years; and

    G) Access to the stored waste military munitions must be limited to
    appropriately trained and authorized personnel.
    2) The conditional exemption in subsection (a)(1) of this Section from
    regulation as hazardous waste shall must apply only to the storage of non-
    chemical waste military munitions. It does not affect the regulatory status
    of waste military munitions as hazardous wastes with regard to
    transportation, treatment or disposal.
    3) The conditional exemption in subsection (a)(1) of this Section applies only
    so long as all of the conditions in subsection (a)(1) of this Section are met.
    b) Notice of termination of waste storage. The owner or operator shall must notify
    the Agency when a storage unit identified in subsection (a)(1)(D) of this Section
    will no longer be used to store waste military munitions.
    c) Reinstatement of conditional exemption.
    1) If any waste military munition loses its conditional exemption under
    subsection (a)(1) of this Section, an application may be filed with the
    Agency for reinstatement of the conditional exemption from hazardous
    waste storage regulation with respect to such munition as soon as the
    munition is returned to compliance with the conditions of subsection
    (a)(1) of this Section.
    2) If the Agency finds that reinstatement of the conditional exemption is
    appropriate, it shall must reinstate the conditional exemption of subsection
    (a)(1) of this Section in writing. The Agency’s decision to reinstate or not
    to reinstate the conditional exemption shall must be based on the nature of
    the risks to human health and the environment posed by the waste and
    either the owner’s or operator’s provision of a satisfactory explanation of
    the circumstances of the violation or any demonstration that the violations
    are not likely to recur. If the Agency denies an application, it shall must
    transmit to the applicant specific, detailed statements in writing as to the
    reasons it denied the application. In reinstating the conditional exemption
    under subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the Agency may specify additional
    conditions as are necessary to ensure and document proper storage to
    protect human health and the environment.
    3) The Agency may terminate a conditional exemption reinstated by default
    under the preceding sentence in writing if it finds that reinstatement is
    inappropriate based on its consideration of the factors set forth in
    subsection (c)(2) of this Section. If the Agency terminates a reinstated

    exemption, it shall must transmit to the applicant specific, detailed
    statements in writing as to the reasons it terminated the reinstated
    4) The applicant under this subsection (c) may appeal the Ageny’s Agency’s
    determination to deny the reinstatement, to grant the reinstatement with
    conditions, or to terminate a reinstatement before the Board pursuant to
    Section 40 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/40].
    d) Waste chemical munitions.
    1) Waste military munitions that are chemical agents or chemical munitions
    and that which exhibit a hazardous waste characteristic or which are listed
    as hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, are listed or identified as
    a hazardous waste and shall be are subject to the applicable regulatory
    requirements of RCRA subtitle C.
    2) Waste military munitions that are chemical agents or chemical munitions
    and that exhibit a hazardous waste characteristic or are listed as hazardous
    waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, are not subject to the storage
    prohibition in RCRA section 3004(j), codified at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    e) Amendments to DDESB storage standards. The DDESB storage standards
    applicable to waste military munitions, referenced in subsection (a)(1)(C) of this
    Section, are DOD 6055.9-STD (“DOD Ammunition and Explosive Safety
    Standards”), in effect on November 8, 1995, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111.
    BOARD NOTE: Corresponding federal provision 40 CFR 266.205(e), as added
    at 62 Fed. Reg. 6656 (Feb. 12, 1997), further provides as follows: “Any
    amendments to the DDESB storage standards shall must become effective for
    purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section on the date the Department of Defense
    publishes notice in the Federal Register that the DDESB standards referenced in
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section have been amended.” Section 5-75 of the Illinois
    Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100/5-75] prohibits the incorporation of
    later amendments and editions by reference. For this reason, interested members
    of the regulated community will need to notify the Board of any amendments of
    these references before those amendments can become effective under Illinois
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.310 Definitions
    Terms are defined as follows for the purposes of this Subpart N:
    “CERCLA reportable quantity” means that quantity of a particular substance
    designated by USEPA in 40 CFR 302.4 pursuant to the Comprehensive
    Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 USC 9601
    et seq.) for which notification is required upon a release to the environment.
    “Certified delivery” means certified mail with return receipt requested, equivalent
    courier service, or other means that provides the sender with a receipt confirming
    “Director” is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702.110.
    “DNS” means the Department of Nuclear Safety, the State of Illinois agency
    charged with regulating source, by-product, and special nuclear material in
    Illinois in accordance with an agreement between the State and the federal
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) under section 274(b) of the federal
    Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2021(b)).
    BOARD NOTE: In addition to the materials regulated under this Part, the DNS
    regulates radioactive materials under the Radiation Protection Act of 1990 [420
    ILCS 40] that are not licensed by the federal NRC. For the purposes of notices to
    the DNS required under this Subpart N, the address is as follows:
    Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety
    1035 Outer Park Drive
    Springfield, Illinois 62704
    “Eligible naturally occurring or accelerator-produced radioactive material” means
    naturally occurring or accelerator-produced radioactive material (NARM) that is
    eligible for a transportation and disposal conditional exemption. It is a NARM
    waste that contains RCRA hazardous waste, meets the waste acceptance criteria
    of, and is allowed by State NARM regulations to be disposed of at a low-level
    radioactive waste disposal facility (LLRWDF) licensed in accordance with 10
    CFR 61, DNS regulations, or the equivalent regulations of a licensing agency in
    another state.
    BOARD NOTE: The Illinois DNS regulations are codified at 32 Ill. Adm. Code:
    Chapter II, Subchapter Subchapters b and d.

    “Exempted waste” means a waste that meets the eligibility criteria in Section
    726.325 and all of the conditions in Section 726.330 or a waste that meets the
    eligibility criteria in Section 726.410 and which complies with all the conditions
    in Section 726.415. Such waste is conditionally exempted from the regulatory
    definition of hazardous waste in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103.
    “Hazardous waste” means hazardous waste as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    “Land disposal restriction treatment standards” or “LDR treatment standards”
    means treatment standards, under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728, that a RCRA hazardous
    waste must meet before it can be disposed of in a RCRA hazardous waste land
    disposal unit.
    “License” means a license issued by the federal NRC or the Illinois DNS to a user
    that manages radionuclides regulated by the federal NRC or the Illinois DNS
    under authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2014 et
    seq.) or the Radiation Protection Act of 1990 [420 ILCS 40].
    “Low-level mixed waste” or “LLMW” is a waste that contains both low-level
    radioactive waste and RCRA hazardous waste.
    “Low-level radioactive waste” or “LLRW” is a radioactive waste that contains
    source, by-product, or special nuclear material and which is not classified as high-
    level radioactive waste, transuranic waste, spent nuclear fuel, or by-product
    material, as defined in section 11(e)(2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42
    USC 2014(e)(2)). (See also the NRC definition of waste at 10 CFR 61.2.)
    BOARD NOTE: This definition differs from the similar definitions of low-level
    radioactive waste in the Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act
    [420 ILCS 20/3(k)], the Central Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste
    Compact Act [45 ILCS 140/1, Article II(k)], and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 606.20(g) of
    the DNS regulations. Those basically define low-level radioactive waste as
    radioactive waste that is not (1) high-level radioactive waste, (2) transuranic
    waste, (3) spent nuclear fuel, or (4) by-product material, as such are defined in
    section 11 of the federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC 2014).
    “Mixed waste” means a waste that contains both RCRA hazardous waste and
    source, by-product, or special nuclear material subject to the Atomic Energy Act
    of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2014 et seq.).
    BOARD NOTE: This definition differs from the similar definitions of mixed
    waste in the Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act [420 ILCS

    20/3(l)] and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 606.20(h) of the DNS regulations. Those basically
    define mixed waste as containing both RCRA hazardous waste and low-level
    radioactive waste, as such is defined under Section 3(k) of the Illinois Low-Level
    Radioactive Waste Management Act [420 ILCS 20/3(k)].
    “Naturally occurring or accelerator-produced radioactive material” or “NARM”
    means a radioactive material that fulfills one of the following conditions:
    It is naturally occurring and it is not a source, by-product, or special
    nuclear material, as defined by the federal Atomic Energy Act (42 USC
    2014 et seq.), or
    It is produced by an accelerator.
    BOARD NOTE: NARM is regulated by the State, under the Radiation Protection
    Act of 1990 [420 ILCS 40] and 32 Ill. Adm. Code: Chapter II, Subchapter
    Subchapters b and d, or by the federal Department of Energy (DOE), as
    authorized by the federal Atomic Energy Act (42 USC 2014 et seq.), under DOE
    regulations and orders.
    “NRC” means the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    BOARD NOTE: For the purposes of notices to the NRC required under this
    Subpart N, the address is as follows:
    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III
    801 Warrenville Road
    Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.340 Loss of a Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption and Required
    a) A generator’s LLMW will automatically lose the storage and treatment
    conditional exemption if the generator fails to meet any of the conditions
    specified in Section 726.330. When a generator’s LLMW loses the exemption,
    the generator must immediately manage that waste which failed the condition as
    RCRA hazardous waste, and the storage unit storing the LLMW immediately
    becomes subject to RCRA hazardous waste container or tank storage
    1) If a generator fails to meet any of the conditions specified in Section
    726.330, the generator must report to the Agency, the Illinois DNS, and

    the NRC in writing by certified delivery within 30 days after learning of
    the failure. The generator’s report must be signed by the generator’s
    authorized representative certifying that the information provided is true,
    accurate, and complete. This report must include the following:
    A) The specific conditions that the generator failed to meet;
    B) A description of the LLMW (including the waste name, hazardous
    waste codes and quantity) and storage location at the facility; and
    C) The dates on which the generator failed to meet the conditions.
    2) If the failure to meet any of the conditions may endanger human health or
    the environment, the generator must also immediately notify the Agency
    orally within 24 hours and follow up with a written notification within five
    days. A failure that may endanger human health or the environment may
    include, but is not limited to, discharge of a CERCLA reportable quantity
    or other leaking or exploding tanks or containers, or detection of
    radionuclides above background or hazardous constituents in the leachate
    collection system of a storage area. If the failure may endanger human
    health or the environment, the generator must follow the provisions of its
    emergency plan.
    b) The Board may, by an order issued in an enforcement proceeding against the
    generator, terminate the generator’s conditional exemption for its LLMW, or
    require the generator to meet additional conditions to claim a conditional
    exemption, for serious or repeated noncompliance with any requirements of this
    Subpart N.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.345 Reclaiming a Lost Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption
    a) A generator may reclaim a lost storage and treatment conditional exemption for
    its LLMW if the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1) The generator again meets the conditions specified in Section 726.330;
    2) The generator sends the Agency a notice by certified delivery that the
    generator is reclaiming the exemption for its LLMW. The generator’s
    notice must be signed by its authorized representative certifying that the
    information contained in the generator’s notice is true, complete, and
    accurate. In its notice, the generator must do the following:

    A) Explain the circumstances of each failure.
    B) Certify that the generator has corrected each failure that caused it
    to lose the exemption for its LLMW and that the generator again
    meets all the conditions as of the date that the generator specifies.
    C) Describe plans that the generator has implemented, listing specific
    steps that it has taken, to ensure that the conditions will be met in
    the future.
    D) Include any other information that the generator wants the Agency
    to consider when it reviews the generator’s notice reclaiming the
    b) The Agency may terminate a reclaimed conditional exemption if it determines, in
    writing, pursuant to Section 39 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/39], that the generator’s
    claim is inappropriate based on factors including, but not limited to, the
    following: the generator has failed to correct the problem; the generator
    explained the circumstances of the failure unsatisfactorily; or the generator failed
    to implement a plan with steps to prevent another failure to meet the conditions of
    Section 726.330. In reviewing a reclaimed conditional exemption under this
    Section, the Agency may add conditions to the exemption to ensure that waste
    management during storage and treatment of the LLMW will protect human
    health and the environment. Any Agency determination made pursuant to this
    subsection (b) is subject to review by the Board pursuant to Section 40 of the Act
    [415 ILCS 5/40].
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.360 Applicability of Closure Requirements to Storage Units
    An interim status and permitted storage unit that has been used to store only LLMW prior to
    April 22, 2002 and which, after that date, stores only LLMW that becomes exempt under this
    subpart Subpart N, is not subject to the closure requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725.
    A storage unit (or portions of units) that has been used to store both LLMW and non-mixed
    hazardous waste prior to April 22, 2002 or which is used to store both after that date remain
    subject to closure requirements with respect to the non-mixed hazardous waste.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.420 Treatment Standards for Eligible Waste
    A generator’s LLMW or eligible NARM waste must meet the applicable LDR treatment
    standards specified in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.455 Loss of a Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption and
    Required Action
    a) Any waste will automatically lose the transportation and disposal exemption if the
    generator fails to manage it in accordance with all of the conditions specified in
    Section 726.415.
    1) When the generator fails to meet any of the conditions specified in Section
    726.415 for any of its wastes, the generator must report to the Agency and
    the Illinois DNS, in writing by certified delivery, within 30 days after
    learning of the failure. The generator’s report must be signed by its
    authorized representative certifying that the information provided is true,
    accurate, and complete. This report must include the following:
    A) The specific conditions that the generator failed to meet for the
    B) A description of the waste (including the waste name, hazardous
    waste codes and quantity) that lost the exemption; and
    C) The dates on which the generator failed to meet the conditions for
    the waste.
    2) If the failure to meet any of the conditions may endanger human health or
    the environment, the generator must also immediately notify the Agency
    orally within 24 hours and follow up with a written notification within 5
    five days.
    b) The Board may, by an order issued in an enforcement proceeding against the
    generator, terminate the generator’s ability to claim a conditional exemption for
    its waste, or require the generator to meet additional conditions to claim a
    conditional exemption, for serious or repeated noncompliance with any
    requirements of this Subpart N.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.460 Reclaiming a Lost Transportation and Disposal Conditional Exemption
    a) A generator may reclaim a lost transportation and disposal conditional exemption
    for a waste after the generator has received a return receipt confirming that the
    Agency and the Illinois DNS have received the generator’s notification of the loss
    of the exemption specified in Section 726.455(a) and if the following conditions
    are fulfilled:
    1) The generator again meets the conditions specified in Section 726.415 for
    the waste; and
    2) The generator sends a notice, by certified delivery, to the Agency that the
    generator is reclaiming the exemption for the waste. A generator’s notice
    must be signed by the generator’s authorized representative certifying that
    the information provided is true, accurate, and complete. The notice must
    include all of the following:
    A) An explanation of the circumstances of each failure;
    B) A certification that each failure that caused the generator to lose
    the exemption for the waste has been corrected and that the
    generator again meets all conditions for the waste as of the date the
    generator specifies;
    C) A description of plans that the generator has implemented, listing
    the specific steps that the generator has taken, to ensure that
    conditions will be met in the future; and
    D) Any other information that the generator wants the Agency to
    consider when the Agency reviews the generator’s notice
    reclaiming the exemption.
    b) The Agency may terminate a reclaimed conditional exemption if it determines, in
    writing, pursuant to Section 39 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/39], that the generator’s
    claim is inappropriate based on factors including, but not limited to, the
    following: the generator has failed to correct the problem; the generator
    explained the circumstances of the failure unsatisfactorily; or the generator has
    failed to implement a plan with steps to prevent another failure to meet the
    conditions of Section 726.415. In reviewing a reclaimed conditional exemption
    under this Section, the Agency may add conditions to the exemption to ensure
    that transportation and disposal activities will protect human health and the
    environment. Any Agency determination made pursuant to this subsection (b) is
    subject to review by the Board pursuant to Section 40 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/40].

    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix A Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for
    Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Noncarcinogenic
    Metals for Facilities in Noncomplex Terrain [Values for urban areas]
    TESH (m) Antimony
    Lead (g/hr) Mercury
    Silver (g/hr) Thallium
    4 60. 10000. 18. 60. 600. 60.
    6 68. 11000. 20. 68. 680. 68.
    8 76. 13000. 23. 76. 760. 76.
    10 86. 14000. 26. 86. 860. 86.
    12 96. 17000. 30. 96. 960. 96.
    14 110. 18000. 34. 110. 1100. 110.
    16 130. 21000. 36. 130. 1300. 130.
    18 140. 24000. 43. 140. 1400. 140.
    20 160. 27000. 46. 160. 1600. 160.
    22 180. 30000. 54. 180. 1800. 180.
    24 200. 34000. 60. 200. 2000. 200.
    26 230. 39000. 68. 230. 2300. 230.
    28 260. 43000. 78. 260. 2600. 260.
    30 300. 50000. 90. 300. 3000. 300.
    35 400. 66000. 110. 400. 4000. 400.
    40 460. 78000. 140. 460. 4600. 460.
    45 600. 100000. 180. 600. 6000. 600.
    50 780. 130000. 230. 780. 7800. 780.
    55 960. 170000. 300. 960. 9600. 960.
    60 1200. 200000. 360. 1200. 12000. 1200.
    65 1500. 250000. 430. 1500. 15000. 1500.
    70 1700. 280000. 500. 1700. 17000. 1700.
    75 1900. 320000. 580. 1900. 19000. 1900.
    80 2200. 360000. 640. 2200. 22000. 2200.
    85 2500. 400000. 760. 2500. 25000. 2500.
    90 2800. 460000. 820. 2800. 28000. 2800.
    95 3200. 540000. 960. 3200. 32000. 3200.
    100 3600. 600000. 1100. 3600. 36000. 3600.
    105 4000. 680000. 1200. 4000. 40000. 4000.
    110 4600. 780000. 1400. 4600. 46000. 4600.
    115 5400. 860000. 1600. 5400. 54000. 5400.
    120 6000. 1000000. 1800. 6000. 60000. 6000.

    Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Noncarcinogenic
    Metals for Facilities in Noncomplex Terrain [Values for rural areas]
    TESH (m) Antimony
    Lead (g/hr) Mercury
    Silver (g/hr) Thallium
    4 31. 5200. 9.4 31. 310. 31.
    6 36. 6000. 11. 36. 360. 36.
    8 40. 6800. 12. 40. 400. 40.
    10 46. 7800. 14. 46. 460. 46.
    12 58. 9600. 17. 58. 580. 58.
    14 68. 11000. 21. 68. 680. 68.
    16 86. 14000. 26. 86. 860. 86.
    18 110. 18000. 32. 110. 1100. 110.
    20 130. 22000. 40. 130. 1300. 130.
    22 170. 28000. 50. 170. 1700. 170.
    24 220. 36000. 64. 220. 2200. 220.
    26 280. 46000. 82. 280. 2800. 280.
    28 350. 58000. 100. 350. 3500. 350.
    30 430. 76000. 130. 430. 4300. 430.
    35 720. 120000. 210. 720. 7200. 720.
    40 1100. 180000. 320. 1100. 11000. 1100.
    45 1500. 250000. 460. 1500. 15000. 1500.
    50 2000. 330000. 600. 2000. 20000. 2000.
    55 2600. 440000. 780. 2600. 26000. 2600.
    60 3400. 580000. 1000. 3400. 34000. 3400.
    65 4600. 760000. 1400. 4600. 46000. 4600.
    70 5400. 900000. 1600. 5400. 54000. 5400.
    75 6400. 1100000. 1900. 6400. 64000. 6400.
    80 7600. 1300000. 2300. 7600. 76000. 7600.
    85 9400. 1500000. 2800. 9400. 94000. 9400.
    90 11000. 1800000. 3300. 11000. 110000. 11000.
    95 13000. 2200000. 3900. 13000. 130000. 13000.
    100 15000. 2600000. 4600. 15000. 150000. 15000.
    105 18000. 3000000. 5400. 18000. 180000. 18000.
    110 22000. 3600000. 6600. 22000. 220000. 22000.
    115 26000. 4400000. 7800. 26000. 260000. 26000.
    120 31000. 5000000. 9200. 31000. 310000. 31000.
    Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Noncarcinogenic
    Metals for Facilities in Complex Terrain

    Values for urban and rural areas
    TESH (m) Antimony
    Lead (g/hr) Mercury
    Silver (g/hr) Thallium
    4 14. 2400. 4.3 14. 140. 14.
    6 21. 3500. 6.2 21. 210. 21.
    8 30. 5000. 9.2 30. 300. 30.
    10 43. 7600. 13. 43. 430. 43.
    12 54. 9000. 17. 54. 540. 54.
    14 68. 11000. 20. 68. 680. 68.
    16 78. 13000. 24. 78. 780. 78.
    18 86. 14000. 26. 86. 860. 86.
    20 96. 16000. 29. 96. 960. 96.
    22 100. 18000. 32. 100. 1000. 100.
    24 120. 19000. 35. 120. 1200. 120.
    26 130. 22000. 36. 130. 1300. 130.
    28 140. 24000. 43. 140. 1400. 140.
    30 160. 27000. 46. 160. 1600. 160.
    35 200. 33000. 58. 200. 2000. 200.
    40 240. 40000. 72. 240. 2400. 240.
    45 300. 50000. 90. 300. 3000. 300.
    50 360. 60000. 110. 360. 3600. 360.
    55 460. 76000. 140. 460. 4600. 460.
    60 580. 94000. 170. 580. 5800. 580.
    65 680. 110000. 210. 680. 6800. 680.
    70 780. 130000. 240. 780. 7800. 780.
    75 860. 140000. 260. 860. 8600. 860.
    80 960. 160000. 290. 960. 9600. 960.
    85 1100. 180000. 330. 1100. 11000. 1100.
    90 1200. 200000. 360. 1200. 12000. 1200.
    95 1400. 230000. 400. 1400. 14000. 1400.
    100 1500. 260000. 460. 1500. 15000. 1500.
    105 1700. 280000. 500. 1700. 17000. 1700.
    110 1900. 320000. 580. 1900. 19000. 1900.
    115 2100. 360000. 640. 2100. 21000. 2100.
    120 2400. 400000. 720. 2400. 24000. 2400.
    Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Carcinogenic Metals
    for Facilities in Noncomplex Terrain
    Values for use in urban areas
    Values for use in rural areas

    Values for use in urban areas Values for use in rural areas
    4 0.46 1.1 0.17 0.82 0.24 0.58 0.086 0.43
    6 0.54 1.3 0.19 0.94 0.28 0.66 0.10 0.50
    8 0.60 1.4 0.22 1.1 0.32 0.76 0.11 0.56
    10 0.68 1.6 0.24 1.2 0.36 0.86 0.13 0.64
    12 0.76 1.8 0.27 1.4 0.43 1.1 0.16 0.78
    14 0.86 2.1 0.31 1.5 0.54 1.3 0.20 0.96
    16 0.96 2.3 0.35 1.7 0.68 1.6 0.24 1.2
    18 1.1 2.6 0.40 2.0 0.82 2.0 0.30 1.5
    20 1.2 3.0 0.44 2.2 1.0 2.5 0.37 1.9
    22 1.4 3.4 0.50 2.5 1.3 3.2 0.48 2.4
    24 1.6 3.9 0.58 2.8 1.7 4.0 0.60 3.0
    26 1.8 4.3 0.64 3.2 2.1 5.0 0.76 3.9
    28 2.0 4.8 0.72 3.6 2.7 6.4 0.98 5.0
    30 2.3 5.4 0.82 4.0 3.5 8.2 1.2 6.2
    35 3.0 6.8 1.0 5.4 5.4 13. 1.9 9.6
    40 3.6 9.0 1.3 6.8 8.2 20. 3.0 15.
    45 4.6 11. 1.7 8.6 11. 28. 4.2 21.
    50 6.0 14. 2.2 11. 15. 37. 5.4 28.
    55 7.6 18. 2.7 14. 20. 50. 7.2 36.
    60 9.4 22. 3.4 17. 27. 64. 9.6 48.
    65 11. 28. 4.2 21. 36. 86. 13. 64.
    70 13. 31. 4.6 24. 43. 100. 15. 76.
    75 15. 36. 5.4 27. 50. 120. 18. 90.
    80 17. 40. 6.0 30. 60. 140. 22. 110.
    85 19. 46. 6.8 34. 72. 170. 26. 130.
    90 22. 50. 7.8 39. 86. 200. 30. 150.
    95 25. 58. 9.0 44. 100. 240. 36. 180.
    100 28. 68. 10. 50. 120. 290. 43. 220.
    105 32. 76. 11. 56. 140. 340. 50. 260.
    110 36. 86. 13. 64. 170. 400. 60. 300.
    115 40. 96. 15. 72. 200. 480. 72. 360.
    120 46. 110. 17. 82. 240. 580. 86. 430.
    Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Carcinogenic Metals
    for Facilities in Complex Terrain
    Values for use in urban and rural areas

    TESH (m) Arsenic (g/hr) Cadmium (g/hr) Chromium (g/hr) Beryllium (g/hr)
    4 0.11 0.26 0.040 0.20
    6 0.16 0.39 0.058 0.29
    8 0.24 0.58 0.086 0.43
    10 0.35 0.82 0.13 0.62
    12 0.43 1.0 0.15 0.76
    14 0.50 1.3 0.19 0.94
    16 0.60 1.4 0.22 1.1
    18 0.68 1.6 0.24 1.2
    20 0.76 1.8 0.27 1.3
    22 0.82 1.9 0.30 1.5
    24 0.90 2.1 0.33 1.6
    26 1.0 2.4 0.36 1.8
    28 1.1 2.7 0.40 2.0
    30 1.2 3.0 0.44 2.2
    35 1.5 3.7 0.54 2.7
    40 1.9 4.6 0.68 3.4
    45 2.4 5.4 0.84 4.2
    50 2.9 6.8 1.0 5.0
    55 3.5 8.4 1.3 6.4
    60 4.3 10. 1.5 7.8
    65 5.4 13. 1.9 9.6
    70 6.0 14. 2.2 11.
    75 6.8 16. 2.4 12.
    80 7.6 18. 2.7 13.
    85 8.2 20. 3.0 15.
    90 9.4 23. 3.4 17.
    95 10. 25. 4.0 19.
    100 12. 28. 4.3 21.
    105 13. 32. 4.8 24.
    110 15. 35. 5.4 27.
    115 17. 40. 6.0 30.
    120 19. 44. 6.4 33.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix D Reference Air Concentrations
    BOARD NOTE: The RAC for other Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H
    constituents not listed below or in Appendix E is 0.1 ug/cu mm
    Constituent CAS No. RAC (ug/cu mm

    Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 10
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 10
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 100
    Acrolein 107-02-8 20
    Aldicarb 116-06-3 1
    Aluminum Phosphide 20859-73-8 0.3
    Allyl Alcohol 107-18-6 5
    Antimony 7440-36-0 0.3
    Barium 7440-39-3 50
    Barium Cyanide 542-62-1 50
    Bromomethane 74-83-9 0.8
    Calcium Cyanide 592-01-8 30
    Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 200
    Chloral 75-87-6 2
    Chlorine (free) 0.4
    2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene 126-99-8 3
    Chromium III 16065-83-1 1000
    Copper Cyanide 544-92-3 5
    Cresols 1319-77-3 50
    Cumene 98-82-8 1
    Cyanide (free) 57-12-15 20
    Cyanogen 460-19-5 30
    Cyanogen Bromide 506-68-3 80
    Di-n-butyl Phthalate 84-74-2 100
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 10
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 10
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 200
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 3
    Diethyl Phthalate 84-66-2 800
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 0.8
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 2
    Dinoseb 88-85-7 0.9
    Diphenylamine 122-39-4 20
    Endosulfan 115-29-1 0.05
    Endrin 72-20-8 0.3
    Fluorine 7782-41-4 50
    Formic Acid 64-18-6 2000
    Glycidylaldehyde 765-34-4 0.3
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 5
    Hexachlorophene 70-30-4 0.3
    Hydrocyanic Acid 74-90-8 20
    Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-1 7
    Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 3

    Isobutyl Alcohol 78-83-1 300
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.09
    Maleic Anhydride 108-31-6 100
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.3
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 0.1
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 20
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 50
    Methyl Chlorocarbonate 79-22-1 1000
    Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78-93-3 80
    Methyl Parathion 298-00-0 0.3
    Nickel Cyanide 557-19-7 20
    Nitric Oxide 10102-43-9 100
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.8
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.8
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 30
    Phenol 108-95-2 30
    M-Phenylenediamine 108-45-2 5
    Phenylmercuric Acetate 62-38-4 0.075
    Phosphine 7803-51-2 0.3
    Phthalic Anhydride 85-44-9 2000
    Potassium Cyanide 151-50-8 50
    Potassium Silver Cyanide 506-61-6 200
    Pyridine 110-86-1 1
    Selenious Acid 7783-60-8 3
    Selenourea 630-10-4 5
    Silver 7440-22-4 3
    Silver Cyanide 506-64-9 100
    Sodium Cyanide 143-33-9 30
    Strychnine 57-24-9 0.3
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.3
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 30
    Tetraethyl Lead 78-00-2 0.0001
    Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 10
    Thallic Oxide 1314-32-5 0.3
    Thallium 7440-28-0 0.5
    Thallium (I) Acetate 563-68-8 0.5
    Thallium (I) Carbonate 6533-73-9 0.3
    Thallium (I) Chloride 7791-12-0 0.3
    Thallium (I) Nitrate 10102-45-1 0.5
    Thallium Selenite 12039-52-0 0.5
    Thallium (I) Sulfate 7446-18-6 0.075
    Thiram 137-26-8 5
    Toluene 108-88-3 300
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 20

    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 300
    2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 100
    Vanadium Pentoxide 1314-62-1 20
    Warfarin 81-81-2 0.3
    Xylenes 1330-20-7 80
    Zinc Cyanide 557-21-1 50
    Zinc Phosphide 1314-84-7 0.3
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix E Risk Specific Risk-Specific Doses
    BOARD NOTE: These are risk specific doses (RSDs) based on a risk of 1 in 10,000 (1´10
    Constituent CAS No. Unit risk (m
    /mg) RSD (mg/m
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 0.0013 0.0077
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.000068 0.15
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.0049 0.0020
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.0000074 1.4
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.0043 0.0023
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.00089 0.011
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.0000083 1.2
    Benzidine 92-87-5 0.067 0.00015
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.0033 0.0030
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.0024 0.0042
    Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.00033 0.030
    Bis(chloromethyl)ether 542-88-1 0.062 0.00016
    117-81-7 0.00000024 42.
    1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 0.00028 0.036
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.0018 0.0056
    Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.000015 0.67
    Chlordane 57-74-9 0.00037 0.027
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.000023 0.43
    Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.0000036 2.8
    Chromium VI 7440-47-3 0.012 0.00083
    DDT 50-29-3 0.000097 0.10
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.014 0.00071
    96-12-8 0.0063 0.0016
    1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.00022 0.045
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.000026 0.38
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.000026 0.38

    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.000050 0.20
    1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 0.35 0.000029
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.0046 0.0022
    Diethylstilbestrol 56-53-1 0.14 0.000071
    Dimethylnitrosamine 62-75-9 0.014 0.00071
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.000088 0.11
    1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 0.00022 0.045
    1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 0.0000014 7.1
    Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 0.0000012 8.3
    Ethylene Oxide 75-21-8 0.00010 0.10
    Ethylene Dibromide 106-93-4 0.00022 0.045
    Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.000013 0.77
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0013 0.0077
    Heptachlor Epoxide 1024-57-3 0.0026 0.0038
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.00049 0.020
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.000020 0.50
    319-84-6 0.0018 0.0056
    319-85-7 0.00053 0.019
    58-89-9 0.00038 0.026
    hexane, Technical
    0.00051 0.020
    dioxin(1,2 Mixture)
    1.3 0.0000077
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.0000040 2.5
    Hydrazine 302-01-2 0.0029 0.0034
    Hydrazine Sulfate 302-01-2 0.0029 0.0034
    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 0.0027 0.0037
    Methyl Hydrazine 60-34-4 0.00031 0.032
    Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 0.0000041 2.4
    101-14-4 0.000047 0.21
    Nickel 7440-02-0 0.00024 0.042
    Nickel Refinery Dust 7440-02-0 0.00024 0.042
    Nickel Subsulfide 12035-72-2 0.00048 0.021
    2-Nitropropane 79-46-9 0.027 0.00037
    924-16-3 0.0016 0.0063
    684-93-5 0.086 0.00012
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.043 0.00023
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.00061 0.016

    82-68-8 0.000073 0.14
    PCBs 1336-36-3 0.0012 0.0083
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 0.0000046 2.2
    Reserpine 50-55-5 0.0030 0.0033
    1746-01-6 45. 0.00000022
    79-34-5 0.000058 0.17
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.00000048 21.
    Thiourea 62-56-6 0.00055 0.018
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.000016 0.63
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.0000013 7.7
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.0000057 1.8
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.00032 0.031
    Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 0.0000071 1.4
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix F Stack Plume Rise
    Estimated Plume Rise (in Meters)
    Based on Stack Exit Flow Rate and Gas Temperature
    Exhaust Temperature (K°)
    Flow rate
    (cu mm
    <325 325-
    <0.5 0
    0 0
    0.5-0.9 0
    1 1
    1.0-1.9 0
    3 4
    2.0-2.9 0
    8 9
    3.0-3.9 0
    9 10 11 12 13
    4.0-4.9 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 17
    5.0-7.4 2 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 21
    7.5-9.9 3 5 8 12 15 17 20 22 22 23 24
    10.0-12.4 4 6 10 15 19 21 23 24 25 26 27
    12.5-14.9 4 7 12 18 22 23 25 26 27 28 29
    15.0-19.9 5 8 13 20 23 24 26 27 28 29 31
    20.0-24.9 6 10 17 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 34
    25.0-29.9 7 12 20 25 27 29 31 32 33 35 36
    30.0-34.9 8 14 22 26 29 31 33 35 36 37 39
    35.0-39.9 9 16 23 28 30 32 35 36 37 39 41

    40.0-49.9 10 17 24 29 32 34 36 38 39 41 42
    50.0-59.9 12 21 26 31 34 36 39 41 42 44 46
    60.0-69.9 14 22 27 33 36 39 42 43 45 47 49
    70.0-79.9 16 23 29 35 38 41 44 46 47 49 51
    80.0-89.9 17 25 30 36 40 42 46 48 49 51 54
    90.0-99.9 19 26 31 38 42 44 48 50 51 53 56
    100.0-119.9 21 26 32 39 43 46 49 52 53 55 58
    120.0-139.9 22 28 35 42 46 49 52 55 56 59 61
    140.0-159.9 23 30 36 44 48 51 55 58 59 62 65
    160.0-179.9 25 31 38 46 50 54 58 60 62 65 67
    180.0-199.9 26 32 40 48 52 56 60 63 65 67 70
    >199.9 26 33 41 49 54 58 62 65 67 69 73
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix G Health-Based Limits for Exclusion of Waste-Derived Residues
    NOTE 1: Under Section 726.212(b)(2)(A), the health-based concentration limits for Appendix H
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H constituents for which a health-based concentration is not
    provided below is 0.002 2
    mg/kg (0.000002 mg/kg or 0.002
    NOTE 2: The levels specified in this Section and the default level of 0.002
    g/kg (0.000002
    mg/kg) or the level of detection for constituents, as identified in Note 1, are administratively stayed
    under the condition, for those constituents specified in Section 726.212(b)(1), that the owner or
    operator complies with alternative levels defined as the land disposal restriction limits specified in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.143 and Table B to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table B for F039
    nonwastewaters. See Section 726.212(b)(2)(A).
    Metals-TCLP Extract Concentration Limits
    Constituent CAS No. Concentration
    limits (mg/L)
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 5.
    Barium 7440-39-3 100.
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.007
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 1.
    Chromium 7440-47-3 5.
    Lead 7439-92-1 5.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.2
    Nickel 7440-02-0 70.
    Selenium 7782-49-2 1.
    Silver 7440-22-4 5.

    Thallium 7440-28-0 7.
    Nonmetals-Residue Concentration Limits
    Constituent CAS No. Concentration
    limits for
    residues (mg/kg)
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 0.2
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 4.
    Acrolein 107-02-8 0.5
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 0.0002
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.0007
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.00002
    Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 0.2
    Aluminum phosphide 20859-73-8 0.01
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.06
    Barium cyanide 542-62-1 1.
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.0001
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.005
    Benzidine 92-87-5 0.000001
    Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 111-44-4 0.0003
    Bis(chloromethyl) ether 542-88-1 0.000002
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 30.
    Bromoform 75-25-2 0.7
    Calcium cyanide 592-01-8 0.000001
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 4.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.005
    Chlordane 57-74-9 0.0003
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.06
    Copper cyanide 544-92-3 0.2
    Cresols (Cresylic acid) 1319-77-3 2.
    Cyanogen 460-19-5 1.
    DDT 50-29-3 0.001
    Dibenz(a, h)-anthracene 53-70-3 0.000007
    1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 0.00002
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.07.5
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 7.
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.005
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.1
    1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 0.001
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.00002
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 30.

    Diethylstilbestrol 56-53-1 0.000000
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 0.03
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.0005
    Diphenylamine 122-39-4 0.9
    1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 0.0005
    Endosulfan 115-29-7 0.002
    Endrin 72-20-8 0.0002
    Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 0.04
    Ethylene dibromide 106-93-4 0.000000
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 0.0003
    Fluorine 7782-41-4 4.
    Formic acid 64-18-6 70.
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.00008
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.00004
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.0002
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.005
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.2
    Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins 19408-74-3
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.03
    Hydrazine 302-01-1 0.0001
    Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8 0.00007
    Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 0.000001
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 10.
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 1.
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.1
    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 0.00004
    4,4'-Methylenebis (2-chloroaniline) 101-14-4 0.002
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.05
    Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 78-93-3 2.
    Methyl hydrazine 60-34-4 0.0003
    Methyl parathion 298-00-0 0.02
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 10.
    Nickel cyanide 557-19-7 0.7
    Nitric oxide 10102-43-9 4.
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.02
    N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 924-16-3 0.00006
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.000002
    N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 684-93-5
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.0002
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.03

    Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) 82-68-8 0.1
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 1.
    Phenol 108-95-2 1.
    Phenylmercury acetate 62-38-4 0.003
    Phosphine 7803-51-2 0.01
    Polychlorinated biphenyls, N.O.S 1336-36-3 0.00005
    Potassium cyanide 151-50-8 2.
    Potassium silver cyanide 506-61-6 7.
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 3.
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.04
    Reserpine 50-55-5 0.00003
    Selenourea 630-10-4 0.2
    Silver cyanide 506-64-9 4.
    Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 1.
    Strychnine 57-24-9 0.01
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.01
    1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.002
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.7
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.01
    Tetraethyl lead 78-00-2 0.000004
    Thiourea 62-56-6 0.0002
    Toluene 108-88-3 10.
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.005
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.006
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.005
    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 10.
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 4.
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 4.
    Vanadium pentoxide 1314-62-1 0.7
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.002
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix I Methods Manual for Compliance with BIF Regulations
    See “Methods Manual for Compliance with BIF Regulations.”. This document is available from
    two sources. It is available through NTIS, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720.111. It is also available as 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX (1997), incorporated by reference in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix J Guideline on Air Quality Models

    See “Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised).”. This document is available from two sources.
    It is available through NTIS, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. It is also
    available as 40 CFR 266, Appendix X, adopted at 56 Fed. Reg. 32688, July 17, 1991 and
    amended at 56 Fed. Reg. 42511, August 27, 1991, which is incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111. This incorporation includes no future editions or amendments.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix K Lead-Bearing Materials That that May be Processed in Exempt Lead
    a) Exempt Lead-Bearing Materials When Generated or Originally Produced By Lead-
    Associated Industries. lead-bearing materials when generated or originally produced
    by lead-associated industries.
    BOARD NOTE: Lead-associated industries are lead smelters, lead-acid battery
    manufacturing and lead chemical manufacturing (e.g., manufacturing of lead oxide
    or other lead compounds).
    Acid dump/fill solids
    Sump mud
    Materials from laboratory analyses
    Acid filters
    Baghouse bags
    Clothing (e.g., coveralls, aprons, shoes, hats,, gloves)
    Air filter bags and cartridges
    Respiratory cartridge filters
    Shop abrasive
    Stacking boards
    Waste shipping containers (e.g., cartons, bags, drums, cardboard)
    Paper hand towels

    Wiping rags and sponges
    Contaminated pallets
    Water treatment sludges, filter cakes, residues, and solids
    Emission control dusts, sludges, filter cakes, residues, and solids from lead-
    associated industries (e.g., K069 and D008 wastes)
    Spent grinds, posts and separators
    Spend batteries
    Lead oxide and lead oxide residues
    Lead plates and groups
    Spent battery cases, covers, and vents
    Pasting belts
    Water filter media
    Cheesecloth from pasting rollers
    Pasting additive bags
    Asphalt paving materials
    b) Exempt Lead-Bearing Materials When Generated or Originally Produced By Any
    Industry lead-bearing materials when generated or originally produced by any
    Charging jumpers and clips
    Platen abrasive
    Fluff from lead wire and cable casings
    Lead-based pigments and compounding pigment dust
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 726.Appendix L Nickel or Chromium-Bearing Materials that may May be Processed
    in Exempt Nickel-Chromium Recovery Furnaces
    a) Exempt Nickel or chromium-Bearing Materials when Generated by Manufacturers
    or Users of Nickel, Chromium or Iron. nickel or chromium-bearing materials when
    generated by manufacturers or users of nickel, chromium, or iron.
    Baghouse bags
    Raney nickel catalyst
    Floor sweepings
    Air filters
    Electroplating bath filters
    Wastewater filter media
    Wood Pallets
    Disposable clothing (coveralls, aprons, hats, and gloves)
    Laboratory samples and spent chemicals
    Shipping containers and plastic liners from containers or vehicles used to
    transport nickel or chromium-containing wastes
    Respirator cartridge filters
    Paper hand towels
    b) Exempt Nickel or Chromium-Bearing Materials when Generated by Any Industry
    nickel or chromium-bearing materials when generated by any industry.
    Electroplating wastewater treatment sludges (F006)
    Nickel and/or chromium-containing solutions
    Nickel and/or chromium-containing catalysts
    Nickel-cadmium and nickel-iron batteries

    Filter cake from wet scrubber system water treatment plants in the specialty
    steel industry
    Filter cake from nickel-chromium alloy pickling operations
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 726.Appendix M Mercury-Bearing Wastes That that May Be Processed in Exempt
    Mercury Recovery Units
    The following materials are exempt mercury-bearing materials containing less than 500 ppm of
    Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H organic constituents, when generated by
    manufacturers or users of mercury or mercury products:
    Activated carbon
    Decomposer graphite
    Protective clothing
    Respiratory cartridge filters
    Cleanup articles
    Plastic bags and other contaminated containers
    Laboratory and process control samples
    K106 and other wastewater treatment plant sludge and filter cake
    Mercury cell sump and tank sludge
    Mercury cell process solids
    Recoverable levels of mercury contained in soil
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    PART 728
    728.101 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
    728.102 Definitions
    728.103 Dilution Prohibited as a Substitute for Treatment

    728.104 Treatment Surface Impoundment Exemption
    728.105 Procedures for case-by-case Case-by-Case Extensions to an Effective Date
    728.106 Petitions to Allow Land Disposal of a Waste Prohibited under Subpart C
    728.107 Testing, Tracking, and Recordkeeping Requirements for Generators, Treaters, and
    Disposal Facilities
    728.108 Landfill and Surface Impoundment Disposal Restrictions (Repealed)
    728.109 Special Rules for Characteristic Wastes
    728.110 First Third (Repealed)
    728.111 Second Third (Repealed)
    728.112 Third Third (Repealed)
    728.113 Newly Listed Wastes
    728.114 Surface Impoundment exemptions Exemptions
    728.130 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Wood Preserving Wastes
    728.131 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Dioxin-Containing Wastes
    728.132 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Soils Exhibiting the Toxicity
    Characteristic for Metals and Containing PCBs
    728.133 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Chlorinated Aliphatic Wastes
    728.134 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes
    728.135 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Petroleum Refining Wastes
    728.136 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Inorganic Chemical Wastes
    728.137 Waste Specific
    Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Ignitable and Corrosive
    Characteristic Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated
    728.138 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: Newly-Identified Organic Toxicity Characteristic
    Wastes and Newly-Listed Coke By-Product and Chlorotoluene Production
    728.139 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: Spent Aluminum Potliners and Carbamate Wastes
    728.140 Applicability of Treatment Standards
    728.141 Treatment Standards Expressed as Concentrations in Waste Extract
    728.142 Treatment Standards Expressed as Specified Technologies
    728.143 Treatment Standards Expressed as Waste Concentrations
    728.144 Adjustment of Treatment Standard
    728.145 Treatment Standards for Hazardous Debris
    728.146 Alternative Treatment Standards Based on HTMR
    728.148 Universal Treatment Standards

    728.149 Alternative LDR Treatment Standards for Contaminated Soil
    728.150 Prohibitions on Storage of Restricted Wastes
    728.Appendix A Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) (Repealed)
    728.Appendix B Treatment Standards (As concentrations in the Treatment Residual
    Extract) (Repealed)
    728.Appendix C List of Halogenated Organic Compounds Regulated under Section
    728.Appendix D Wastes Excluded from Lab Packs
    728.Appendix E Organic Lab Packs (Repealed)
    728.Appendix F Technologies to Achieve Deactivation of Characteristics
    728.Appendix G Federal Effective Dates
    728.Appendix H National Capacity LDR Variances for UIC Wastes
    728.Appendix I EP Toxicity Test Method and Structural Integrity Test
    728.Appendix J Recordkeeping, Notification, and Certification Requirements (Repealed)
    728.Appendix K Metal Bearing Metal-Bearing Wastes Prohibited From from Dilution in a
    Combustion Unit According to Section 728.103(c)
    728.Table A Constituent Concentrations in Waste Extract (CCWE)
    728.Table B Constituent Concentrations in Wastes (CCW)
    728.Table C Technology Codes and Description of Technology-Based Standards
    728.Table D Technology-Based Standards by RCRA Waste Code
    728.Table E Standards for Radioactive Mixed Waste
    728.Table F Alternative Treatment Standards for Hazardous Debris
    728.Table G Alternative Treatment Standards Based on HTMR
    728.Table H Wastes Excluded from CCW Treatment Standards
    728.Table I Generator Paperwork Requirements
    728.Table T Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes
    728.Table U Universal Treatment Standards (UTS)
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2 and 22.4 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 22.4 and 27].
    SOURCE: Adopted in R87-5 at 11 Ill. Reg. 19354, effective November 12, 1987; amended in
    R87-39 at 12 Ill. Reg. 13046, effective July 29, 1988; amended in R89-1 at 13 Ill. Reg. 18403,
    effective November 13, 1989; amended in R89-9 at 14 Ill. Reg. 6232, effective April 16, 1990;
    amended in R90-2 at 14 Ill. Reg. 14470, effective August 22, 1990; amended in R90-10 at 14 Ill.
    Reg. 16508, effective September 25, 1990; amended in R90-11 at 15 Ill. Reg. 9462, effective
    June 17, 1991; amended in R90-11 at 15 Ill. Reg. 11937, effective August 12, 1991; amendment
    withdrawn at 15 Ill. Reg. 14716, October 11, 1991; amended in R91-13 at 16 Ill. Reg. 9619,
    effective June 9, 1992; amended in R92-10 at 17 Ill. Reg. 5727, effective March 26, 1993;
    amended in R93-4 at 17 Ill. Reg. 20692, effective November 22, 1993; amended in R93-16 at 18

    Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 26, 1994; amended in R94-7 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12203, effective July
    29, 1994; amended in R94-17 at 18 Ill. Reg. 17563, effective November 23, 1994; amended in
    R95-6 at 19 Ill. Reg. 9660, effective June 27, 1995; amended in R95-20 at 20 Ill. Reg. 11100,
    effective August 1, 1996; amended in R96-10/R97-3/R97-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 783, effective
    December 16, 1997; amended in R98-12 at 22 Ill. Reg. 7685, effective April 15, 1998; amended
    in R97-21/R98-3/R98-5 at 22 Ill. Reg. 17706, effective September 28, 1998; amended in R98-
    21/R99-2/R99-7 at 23 Ill. Reg. 1964, effective January 19, 1999; amended in R99-15 at 23 Ill.
    Reg. 9204, effective July 26, 1999; amended in R00-13 at 24 Ill. Reg. 9623, effective June 20,
    2000; amended in R01-3 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1296, effective January 11, 2001; amended in R01-
    21/R01-23 at 25 Ill. Reg. 9181, effective July 9, 2001; amended in R02-1/R02-12/R02-17 at 26
    Ill. Reg. 6687, effective April 22, 2002; amended in R03-18 at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective
    Section 728.101 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
    a) This Part identifies hazardous wastes that are restricted from land disposal and
    defines those limited circumstances under which an otherwise prohibited waste
    may continue to be land disposed.
    b) Except as specifically provided otherwise in this Part or 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721,
    the requirements of this Part apply to persons that generate or transport hazardous
    waste and to owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and
    disposal facilities.
    c) Restricted wastes may continue to be land disposed as follows:
    1) Where persons have a person has been granted an extension to the
    effective date of a prohibition under Subpart C of this Part or pursuant to
    Section 728.105, with respect to those wastes covered by the extension;
    2) Where persons have a person has been granted an exemption from a
    prohibition pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to
    those wastes and units covered by the petition;
    3) A waste that is hazardous only because it exhibits a characteristic of
    hazardous waste and that which is otherwise prohibited under this Part is
    not prohibited if the following is true of the waste:
    A) Is
    The waste is disposed into a nonhazardous or hazardous waste
    injection well, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704.106(a); and

    B) Does
    The waste does not exhibit any prohibited characteristic of
    hazardous waste identified in Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Subpart C at the point of injection.
    4) A waste that is hazardous only because it exhibits a characteristic of
    hazardous waste and which is otherwise prohibited under this Part is not
    prohibited if the waste meets any of the following criteria, unless the
    waste is subject to a specified method of treatment other than DEACT in
    Section 728.140 or is D003 reactive cyanide:
    A) Any of the following is true of either treatment or management of
    the waste:
    i) The waste is managed in a treatment system which that
    subsequently discharges to waters of the United States
    pursuant to a permit issued under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309;
    ii) The waste is treated for purposes of the pretreatment
    requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 307 and 310; or
    iii) The waste is managed in a zero discharge system engaged
    in Clean Water Act (CWA)-equivalent treatment, as
    defined in Section 728.137(a); and
    B) The waste no longer exhibits a prohibited characteristic of
    hazardous waste at the point of land disposal (i.e., placement in a
    surface impoundment).
    d) This Part does not affect the availability of a waiver under Section 121(d)(4) of
    the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of
    1980 (CERCLA) (42 USC §§ 9601 et seq. 9621(d)(4)).
    e) The following hazardous wastes are not subject to any provision of this Part:
    1) Waste generated by small quantity generators of less than 100 kg of non-
    acute hazardous waste or less than 1 kg of acute hazardous waste per
    month, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.105;
    2) Waste pesticide that a farmer disposes of pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    3) Waste identified or listed as hazardous after November 8, 1984, for which
    USEPA has not promulgated a land disposal prohibition or treatment

    4) De minimis losses of waste that exhibits a characteristic of hazardous
    waste to wastewaters are not considered to be prohibited waste and are
    defined as losses from normal material handling operations (e.g., spills
    from the unloading or transfer of materials from bins or other containers
    or leaks from pipes, valves, or other devices used to transfer materials);
    minor leaks of process equipment, storage tanks, or containers; leaks from
    well-maintained pump packings and seals; sample purgings; relief device
    discharges; discharges from safety showers and rinsing and cleaning of
    personal safety equipment; rinsate from empty containers or from
    containers that are rendered empty by that rinsing; and laboratory waste
    that does not exceed one percent of the total flow of wastewater into the
    facility’s headworks on an annual basis, or with a combined annualized
    average concentration not exceeding one part per million (ppm) in the
    headworks of the facility’s wastewater treatment or pretreatment facility;
    5) Land disposal prohibitions for hazardous characteristic wastes do not
    apply to laboratory wastes displaying the characteristic of ignitability
    (D001), corrosivity (D002), or organic toxicity (D012 through D043) that
    are mixed with other plant wastewaters at facilities whose ultimate
    discharge is subject to regulation under the CWA (including wastewaters
    at facilities that have eliminated the discharge of wastewater), provided
    that the annualized flow of laboratory wastewater into the facility’s
    headworks does not exceed one percent or that the laboratory wastes’
    combined annualized average concentration does not exceed one part per
    million in the facility’s headworks.
    f) A universal waste handler or universal waste transporter (as defined in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.110) is exempt from Sections 728.107 and 728.150 for the
    hazardous wastes listed below. Such a handler or transporter is subject to
    regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.
    1) Batteries, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.102;
    2) Pesticides, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.103;
    3) Thermostats, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.104; and
    4) Lamps, as described in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.105.
    g) This Part is cumulative with the land disposal restrictions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    729. The Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) shall must not issue a
    wastestream authorization pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 709 or Section 22.6 or

    39(h) of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.6 or 39(h)] unless the
    waste meets the requirements of this Part as well as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 729.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.102 Definitions
    When used in this Part, the following terms have the meanings given below. All other terms
    have the meanings given under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702.110, 720.110, or 721.102 through
    “Agency” means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
    “Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    “CERCLA” means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
    and Liability Act of 1980 (42 USC 9601 et seq.)
    “Debris” means solid material exceeding a 60 mm particle size that is intended for
    disposal and that is: a manufactured object; plant or animal matter; or natural
    geologic material. However, the following materials are not debris: any material
    for which a specific treatment standard is provided in Subpart D of this Part,
    namely lead acid batteries, cadmium batteries, and radioactive lead solids; process
    residuals, such as smelter slag and residues from the treatment of waste,
    wastewater, sludges, or air emission residues; and intact containers of hazardous
    waste that are not ruptured and that retain at least 75 percent of their original
    volume. A mixture of debris that has not been treated to the standards provided
    by Section 728.145 of this Part and other material is subject to regulation as
    debris if the mixture is comprised primarily of debris, by volume, based on visual
    “End-of-pipe” refers to the point where effluent is discharged to the environment.
    “Halogenated organic compounds” or “HOCs” means those compounds having a
    carbon-halogen bond that are listed under Appendix C of this Part.
    “Hazardous constituent or constituents” means those constituents listed in
    Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H.
    “Hazardous debris” means debris that contains a hazardous waste listed in
    Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D or that exhibits a characteristic of
    hazardous waste identified in Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C.
    Any deliberate mixing of prohibited waste with debris that changes its treatment

    classification (i.e., from waste to hazardous debris) is not allowed under the
    dilution prohibition in Section 728.103.
    “Inorganic metal-bearing waste” is one for which USEPA has established
    treatment standards for metal hazardous constituents that does not otherwise
    contain significant organic or cyanide content, as described in Section
    728.103(b)(1), and which is specifically listed in Appendix K of this Part.
    “Land disposal” means placement in or on the land, except in a corrective action
    management unit or staging pile, and “land disposal” includes, but is not limited
    to, placement in a landfill, surface impoundment, waste pile, injection well, land
    treatment facility, salt dome formation, salt bed formation, underground mine or
    cave, or placement in a concrete vault or bunker intended for disposal purposes.
    “Nonwastewaters” are wastes that do not meet the criteria for “wastewaters” in
    this Section.
    “Polychlorinated biphenyls” or “PCBs” are halogenated organic compounds
    defined in accordance with 40 CFR 761.3, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111.
    “ppm” means parts per million.
    “RCRA corrective action” means corrective action taken under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.200 or 725.193, 40 CFR 264.100 or 265.93 (1996), or similar regulations in
    other states with RCRA programs authorized by USEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 271
    “Soil” means unconsolidated earth material composing the superficial geologic
    strata (material overlying bedrock), consisting of clay, silt, sand, or gravel size
    particles, as classified by the United States Natural Resources Conservation
    Service, or a mixture of such materials with liquids, sludges, or solids that is
    inseparable by simple mechanical removal processes and which is made up
    primarily of soil by volume based on visual inspection. Any deliberate mixing of
    prohibited waste with debris that changes its treatment classification (i.e., from
    waste to hazardous debris) is not allowed under the dilution prohibition in Section
    “Stormwater impoundments” are surface impoundments that receive wet weather
    flow and which receive process waste only during wet weather events.
    “Underlying hazardous constituent” means any constituent listed in Table U of
    this Part, “Universal Treatment Standards (UTS),”, except fluoride, selenium,
    sulfides, vanadium, and zinc, that can reasonably be expected to be present at the

    point of generation of the hazardous waste at a concentration above the
    constituent-specific UTS treatment standard.
    “USEPA” or “U.S. EPA” means the United States Environmental Protection
    “Wastewaters” are wastes that contain less than 1 one percent by weight total
    organic carbon (TOC) and less than 1 one percent by weight total suspended
    solids (TSS).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.103 Dilution Prohibited as a Substitute for Treatment
    a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, no generator, transporter,
    handler, or owner or operator of a treatment, storage, or disposal facility shall
    must in any way dilute a restricted waste or the residual from treatment of a
    restricted waste as a substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with
    Subpart D of this Part, to circumvent the effective date of a prohibition in Subpart
    C of this Part, to otherwise avoid a prohibition in Subpart C of this Part, or to
    circumvent a land disposal restriction imposed by RCRA section 3004 (42 USC
    b) Dilution of waste that is hazardous only because it exhibits a characteristic of
    hazardous waste in a treatment system that treats wastes subsequently discharged
    to a water of the State pursuant to an NPDES permit issued under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 309, that treats wastes in a CWA-equivalent treatment system, or that treats
    wastes for purposes of pretreatment requirements under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 310 is
    not impermissible dilution for purposes of this Section, unless a method other
    than DEACT has been specified in Section 728.140 as the treatment standard or
    unless the waste is a D003 reactive cyanide wastewater or nonwastewater.
    c) Combustion of waste designated by any of the USEPA hazardous waste codes
    listed in Section 728.Appendix J to this Part is prohibited, unless the waste can be
    demonstrated to comply with one or more of the following criteria at the point of
    generation or after any bona fide treatment, such as cyanide destruction prior to
    combustion (unless otherwise specifically prohibited from combustion):
    1) The waste contains hazardous organic constituents or cyanide at levels
    exceeding the constituent-specific treatment standard found in Section

    2) The waste consists of organic, debris-like materials (e.g., wood, paper,
    plastic, or cloth) contaminated with an inorganic metal-bearing hazardous
    3) The waste has reasonable heating value, such as greater than or equal to
    5000 Btu per pound, at the point of generation;
    4) The waste is co-generated with wastes for which combustion is a required
    method of treatment;
    5) The waste is subject to any federal or state requirements necessitating
    reduction of organics (including biological agents); or
    6) The waste contains greater than one percent Total Organic Carbon (TOC).
    d) It is a form of impermissible dilution, and therefore prohibited, to add iron filings
    or other metallic forms of iron to lead-containing hazardous wastes in order to
    achieve any land disposal restriction treatment standard for lead. Lead-containing
    wastes include D008 wastes (wastes exhibiting a characteristic due to the
    presence of lead), all characteristic wastes containing lead as an underlying
    hazardous constituent, listed wastes containing lead as a regulated constitutent
    constituent, and hazardous media containing any of the aforementioned lead-
    containing wastes.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.104 Treatment Surface Impoundment Exemption
    a) Wastes which
    that are otherwise prohibited from land disposal under this Part
    may be treated in a surface impoundment or series of impoundments provided that
    all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
    1) Treatment of such wastes occurs in the impoundments;
    2) The following conditions are met:
    A) Sampling and testing. For wastes with treatment standards in
    Subpart D or prohibition levels in Subpart C, the residues from
    treatment are analyzed, as specified in Section 728.107 or 728.132,
    to determine if they meet the applicable treatment standards or,
    where no treatment standards have been established for the waste,
    the applicable prohibition levels. The sampling method, specified
    in the waste analysis plan under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.113 or
    725.113, must be designed such that representative samples of the

    sludge and the supernatant are tested separately rather than mixed
    to form homogeneous samples.
    B) Removal. The following treatment residues (including any liquid
    waste) must be removed at least annually: residues which that do
    not meet the treatment standards promulgated under Subpart D of
    this Part; residues which that do not meet the prohibition levels
    established under Subpart C of this Part or imposed by federal
    statute (where no treatment standards have been established);
    residues that are from the treatment of wastes prohibited from land
    disposal under Subpart C of this Part (where no treatment
    standards have been established and no prohibition levels apply);
    or residues from managing listed wastes that are not delisted under
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.122. If the volume of liquid flowing
    through the impoundment or series of impoundments annually is
    greater than the volume of the impoundment or impoundments,
    this flow-through constitutes removal of the supernatant for the
    purpose of this requirement.
    C) Subsequent management. Treatment residues must not be placed
    in any other surface impoundment for subsequent management.
    D) Recordkeeping. Sampling, testing, and recordkeeping provisions
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.113 or 725.113 apply;
    3) The impoundment meets the design requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.321(c) or 725.321(a) even though the unit may not be new, expanded
    or a replacement, and must be in compliance with applicable groundwater
    monitoring requirements of Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart F
    or Subpart F of this Part, unless any of the following conditions is
    A) The impoundment is exempted pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.321(d) or (e), or to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.321(c) or (d);
    B) Upon application by the owner or operator, the Agency has by
    permit provided that the requirements of this Part do not apply on
    the basis that the surface impoundment fulfills all of the following
    i) The impoundment has at least one liner, for which there is
    no evidence that such liner is leaking;

    ii) The impoundment is located more than one-quarter mile
    from an underground source of drinking water; and
    iii) The impoundment is in compliance with generally
    applicable groundwater monitoring requirements for
    facilities with permits; or
    C) Upon application by the owner or operator, the Board has,
    pursuant to Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106 104, granted an
    adjusted standard from the requirements of this Part. The
    justification for such an adjusted standard shall must be a
    demonstration that the surface impoundment is located, designed,
    and operated so as to assure that there will be no migration of any
    hazardous constituent into groundwater or surface water at any
    future time; and
    4) The owner or operator submits to the Agency a written certification that
    the requirements of subsection (a)(3) of this Section have been met. The
    following certification is required:
    I certify under penalty of law that the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728.104(a)(3) have been met for all surface impoundments
    being used to treat restricted wastes. I believe that the submitted
    information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there
    are significant penalties for submitting false information, including
    the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    b) Evaporation of hazardous constituents as the principal means of treatment is not
    considered to be a treatment for purposes of an exemption under this Section.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.105 Procedures for case-by-case Case-by-Case Extensions to an Effective Date
    a) The Board incorporates by reference 40 CFR 268.5 (1989) (2002), as amended at
    54 Fed. Reg 36970, September 6, 1989, at 55 Fed. Reg. 23935, June 13, 1990, and
    57 Fed. Reg. 37270, August 18, 1992. This Part incorporates no future editions or
    b) Persons may apply to USEPA for extensions of effective dates pursuant to 40 CFR
    268.5. Extensions which that are granted by USEPA will be deemed extensions of
    dates specified in the derivative Board rule.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.106 Petitions to Allow Land Disposal of a Waste Prohibited under Subpart C
    a) Any person seeking an exemption from a prohibition under Subpart C for the
    disposal of a restricted hazardous waste in a particular unit or units shall must submit
    a petition to the Board demonstrating, to a reasonable degree of certainty, that there
    will be no migration of hazardous constituents from the disposal unit or injection
    zone for as long as the wastes remain hazardous. The demonstration must include
    the following components:
    1) An identification of the specific waste and the specific unit for which the
    demonstration will be made;
    2) A waste analysis to describe fully the chemical and physical characteristics of
    the subject waste;
    3) A comprehensive characterization of the disposal unit site including an
    analysis of background air, soil, and water quality;
    4) A monitoring plan which that detects migration at the earliest practical time;
    5) Sufficient information to assure the Agency that the owner or operator of a
    land disposal unit receiving restricted wastes will comply with other
    applicable federal, state, and local laws;
    6) Whether the facility is in interim status, or, if a RCRA permit has been
    issued, the term of the permit.
    b) The demonstration referred to in subsection (a) of this Section must meet the
    following criteria:
    1) All waste and environmental sampling, test and analysis data must be
    accurate and reproducible to the extent that state-of-the-art techniques allow;
    2) All sampling, testing and estimation techniques for chemical and physical
    properties of the waste and all environmental parameters must conform with
    “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste” and with “Generic Quality
    Assurance Project Plan for Land Disposal Restrictions Program,”
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    3) Simulation models must be calibrated for the specific waste and site
    conditions, and verified for accuracy by comparison with actual

    4) A quality assurance and quality control plan that addresses all aspects of the
    demonstration and conforms with “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid
    Waste” and with “Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan for Land Disposal
    Restrictions Program,” incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    720.111.; and
    5) An analysis must be performed to identify and quantify any aspects of the
    demonstration that contribute significantly to uncertainty. This analysis must
    include an evaluation of the consequences of predictable future events,
    including, but not limited to, earthquakes, floods, severe storm events,
    droughts, or other natural phenomena.
    c) Each petition referred to in subsection (a) of this Section must include the following:
    1) A monitoring plan that describes the monitoring program installed at or
    around the unit to verify continued compliance with the conditions of the
    adjusted standard. This monitoring plan must provide information on the
    monitoring of the unit or the environment around the unit. The following
    specific information must be included in the plan:
    A) The media monitored in the cases where monitoring of the
    environment around the unit is required;
    B) The type of monitoring conducted at the unit, in the cases where
    monitoring of the unit is required;
    C) The location of the monitoring stations;
    D) The monitoring interval (frequency of monitoring at each station);
    E) The specific hazardous constituents to be monitored;
    F) The implementation schedule for the monitoring program;
    G) The equipment used at the monitoring stations;
    H) The sampling and analytical techniques employed; and
    I) The data recording and reporting procedures.
    2) Where applicable, the monitoring program described in subsection (c)(1) of
    this Section must be in place for a period of time specified by the Board, as
    part of its approval of the petition, prior to receipt of prohibited waste at the

    3) The monitoring data collected according to the monitoring plan specified
    under subsection (c)(1) of this Section must be sent to the Agency according
    to a format and schedule specified and approved in the monitoring plan, and.
    4) A copy of the monitoring data collected under the monitoring plan specified
    under subsection (c)(1) of this Section must be kept on-site at the facility in
    the operating record.
    5) The monitoring program specified under subsection (c)(1) of this Section
    must meet the following criteria:
    A) All sampling, testing, and analytical data must be approved by the
    Board and must provide data that is accurate and reproducible.;
    B) All estimation and monitoring techniques must be approved by the
    Board.; and
    C) A quality assurance and quality control plan addressing all aspects of
    the monitoring program must be provided to and approved by the
    d) Each petition must be submitted to the Board as provided in Subpart D of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104.
    e) After a petition has been approved, the owner or operator shall must report any
    changes in conditions at the unit or the environment around the unit that significantly
    depart from the conditions described in the petition and affect the potential for
    migration of hazardous constituents from the units as follows:
    1) If the owner or operator plans to make changes to the unit design,
    construction, or operation, the owner or operator shall, must do the
    following at least 90 days prior to making the change, either:
    A) File a petition for modification of or a new petition to amend an
    adjusted standard with the Board reflecting the changes; or,
    B) Demonstrate to the Agency that the change can be made consistent
    with the conditions of the existing adjusted standard.
    2) If the owner or operator discovers that a condition at the site which that was
    modeled or predicted in the petition does not occur as predicted, this change
    must be reported, in writing, to the Agency within 10 days of after
    discovering the change. The Agency shall must determine whether the

    reported change from the terms of the petition requires further action, which
    may include termination of waste acceptance, a petition for modification of
    or a new petition for an adjusted standard.
    f) If there is migration of hazardous constituent(s) constituents from the unit, as
    determined by the owner or operator, the owner or operator shall must:
    1) Immediately suspend receipt of prohibited waste at the unit, and
    2) Notify the Agency, in writing, within 10 days of after the determination that a
    release has occurred.
    3) Following receipt of the notification, the Agency shall, within 60 days of
    after receiving notification:
    A) Determine whether the owner or operator can continue to receive
    prohibited waste in the unit under the conditions of the adjusted
    B) If modification or vacation of the adjusted standard is necessary, file
    a motion to modify or vacate the adjusted standard with the Board.
    C) Determine whether further examination of any migration is required
    under the applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or 725.
    g) Each petition must include the following statement signed by the petitioner or an
    authorized representative:
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am
    familiar with the information submitted in this petition and all attached
    documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately
    responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that submitted
    information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are
    significant penalties for submitting false information, including the
    possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    h) After receiving a petition, the Board may request any additional information that may
    be required to evaluate the demonstration.
    i) If approved, the petition will apply to land disposal of the specific restricted waste at
    the individual disposal unit described in the demonstration and will not apply to any
    other restricted waste at that disposal unit, or to that specific restricted waste at any
    other disposal unit.

    j) The Board will give public notice and provide an opportunity for public comment, as
    provided in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104. Notice of a final
    decision on a petition will be published in the Environmental Register.
    k) The term of a petition granted under this Section will be no longer than the term of
    the RCRA permit if the disposal unit is operating under a RCRA permit, or up to a
    maximum of 10 years from the date of approval provided under subsection (g) of
    this Section if the unit is operating under interim status. In either case, the term of
    the granted petition expires upon the termination or denial of a RCRA permit, or
    upon the termination of interim status or when the volume limit of waste to be land
    disposed during the term of petition is reached.
    l) Prior to the Board’s decision, the applicant shall must comply with all restrictions on
    land disposal under this Part once the effective date for the waste has been reached.
    m) The petition granted by the Board does not relieve the petitioner of responsibilities in
    the management of hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 720
    through 726.
    n) Liquid hazardous wastes containing PCBs at concentrations greater than or equal to
    500 ppm are not eligible for an adjusted standard under this Section.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.107 Testing, Tracking, and Recordkeeping Requirements for Generators,
    Treaters, and Disposal Facilities
    a) Requirements for generators:.
    1) A generator of a hazardous waste shall must determine if the waste has to
    be treated before it can be land disposed. This is done by determining if
    the hazardous waste meets the treatment standards in Section 728.140,
    728.145, or 728.149. This determination can be made in either of two
    ways: testing the waste or using knowledge of the waste. If the generator
    tests the waste, testing determines the total concentration of hazardous
    constituents or the concentration of hazardous constituents in an extract of
    the waste obtained using SW-846 Method 1311 (the Toxicity
    Characteristic Leaching Procedure), incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111, depending on whether the treatment standard for the
    waste is expressed as a total concentration or concentration of hazardous
    constituent in the waste extract. In addition, some hazardous wastes must
    be treated by particular treatment methods before they can be land
    disposed and some soils are contaminated by such hazardous wastes.
    These treatment standards are also found in Section 728.140 and Table T

    of this Part, and are described in detail in Table C of this Part. These
    wastes and soils contaminated with such wastes do not need to be tested
    (however, if they are in a waste mixture, other wastes with concentration
    level treatment standards must be tested). If a generator determines that it
    is managing a waste or soil contaminated with a waste that displays a
    hazardous characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity,
    the generator shall must comply with the special requirements of Section
    728.109 in addition to any applicable requirements in this Section.
    2) If the waste or contaminated soil does not meet the treatment standard, the
    generator shall must send a one-time written notice to each treatment or
    storage facility receiving the waste with the initial shipment of waste to
    each treatment or storage facility, and the generator shall must place a
    copy of the one-time notice in the file. The notice must include the
    information in column “728.107(a)(2)” of the Generator Paperwork
    Requirements Table in Table I of this Part. No further notification is
    necessary until such time that the waste or facility changes, in which case
    a new notification must be sent and a copy placed in the generator’s file.
    A) For contaminated soil, the following certification statement should
    be included, signed by an authorized representative:
    I certify under penalty of law that I personally have
    examined this contaminated soil and it (does/does not)
    contain listed hazardous waste and (does/does not) exhibit
    a characteristic of hazardous waste and requires treatment
    to meet the soil treatment standards as provided by 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 728.149(c).
    B) This subsection (a)(2)(B) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.7(a)(2)(ii),
    which is marked “reserved” by USEPA. This statement maintains
    structural consistency with USEPA rules.
    3) If the waste or contaminated soil meets the treatment standard at the
    original point of generation, the waste generator must do the following:
    A) With the initial shipment of waste to each treatment, storage, or
    disposal facility, the generator shall must send a one-time written
    notice to each treatment, storage, or disposal facility receiving the
    waste, and place a copy in its own file. The notice must include
    the information indicated in column “728.107(a)(3)” of the
    Generator Paperwork Requirements Table in Table I of this Part
    and the following certification statement, signed by an authorized

    I certify under penalty of law that I personally have
    examined and am familiar with the waste through analysis
    and testing or through knowledge of the waste to support
    this certification that the waste complies with the treatment
    standards specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 728. I believe that the information I
    submitted is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that
    there are significant penalties for submitting a false
    certification, including the possibility of a fine and
    B) For contaminated soil, with the initial shipment of wastes to each
    treatment, storage, or disposal facility, the generator must send a
    one-time written notice to each facility receiving the waste and
    place a copy in the file. The notice must include the information in
    the column headed “(a)(3)” in Table I of this Part.
    C) If the waste changes, the generator shall must send a new notice
    and certification to the receiving facility and place a copy in its
    files. A generator of hazardous debris excluded from the definition
    of hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(f) is not
    subject to these requirements.
    4) For reporting, tracking and recordkeeping when exceptions allow certain
    wastes or contaminated soil that do not meet the treatment standards to be
    land disposed, there are certain exemptions from the requirement that
    hazardous wastes or contaminated soil meet treatment standards before
    they can be land disposed. These include, but are not limited to, case-by-
    case extensions under Section 728.105, disposal in a no-migration unit
    under Section 728.106, or a national capacity variance or case-by-case
    capacity variance under Subpart C of this Part. If a generator’s waste is so
    exempt, then with the initial shipment of waste, the generator shall must
    send a one-time written notice to each land disposal facility receiving the
    waste. The notice must include the information indicated in column
    “728.107(a)(4)” of the Generator Paperwork Requirements Table in Table
    I of this Part. If the waste changes, the generator shall must send a new
    notice to the receiving facility, and place a copy in its file.
    5) If a generator is managing and treating prohibited waste or contaminated
    soil in tanks, containers, or containment buildings regulated under 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 722.134 to meet applicable LDR treatment standards found at
    Section 728.140, the generator shall must develop and follow a written
    waste analysis plan that describes the procedures it will carry out to

    comply with the treatment standards. (Generators treating hazardous
    debris under the alternative treatment standards of Table F of this Part,
    however, are not subject to these waste analysis requirements.) The plan
    must be kept on site in the generator’s records, and the following
    requirements must be met:
    A) The waste analysis plan must be based on a detailed chemical and
    physical analysis of a representative sample of the prohibited
    wastes being treated, and contain all information necessary to treat
    the wastes in accordance with the requirements of this Part,
    including the selected testing frequency;
    B) Such plan must be kept in the facility’s on-site files and made
    available to inspectors; and
    C) Wastes shipped off-site pursuant to this subsection (a)(5) of this
    Section must comply with the notification requirements of
    subsection (a)(3) of this Section.
    6) If a generator determines that the waste or contaminated soil is restricted
    based solely on its knowledge of the waste, all supporting data used to
    make this determination must be retained on-site in the generator’s files.
    If a generator determines that the waste is restricted based on testing this
    waste or an extract developed using SW-846 Method 1311 (the Toxicity
    Characteristic Leaching Procedure), incorporated by reference in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 720.111, all waste analysis data must be retained on-site in the
    generator’s files.
    7) If a generator determines that it is managing a prohibited waste which that
    is excluded from the definition of hazardous or solid waste or which is
    exempt from Subtitle C regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102
    through 721.106 subsequent to the point of generation (including
    deactivated characteristic hazardous wastes that are managed in
    wastewater treatment systems subject to the CWA, as specified at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721.104(a)(2); that are CWA-equivalent; or that are managed
    in an underground injection well regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 730),
    the generator shall must place a one-time notice stating such generation,
    subsequent exclusion from the definition of hazardous or solid waste or
    exemption from RCRA Subtitle C regulation, and the disposition of the
    waste in the generating facility’s on-site file.
    8) A generator shall must retain a copy of all notices, certifications, waste
    analysis data, and other documentation produced pursuant to this Section
    on-site for at least three years from the date that the waste that is the

    subject of such documentation was last sent to on-site or off-site
    treatment, storage, or disposal. The three year three-year record retention
    period is automatically extended during the course of any unresolved
    enforcement action regarding the regulated activity or as requested by the
    Agency. The requirements of this subsection (a)(8) apply to solid wastes
    even when the hazardous characteristic is removed prior to disposal, or
    when the waste is excluded from the definition of hazardous or solid waste
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102 through 721.106, or exempted from
    RCRA Subtitle C regulation, subsequent to the point of generation.
    9) If a generator is managing a lab pack containing hazardous wastes and
    wishes to use the alternative treatment standard for lab packs found at
    Section 728.142(c), the generator shall must fulfill the following
    A) With the initial shipment of waste to a treatment facility, the
    generator shall must submit a notice that provides the information
    in column “Section 728.107(a)(9)” in the Generator Paperwork
    Requirements Table of Table I of this Part and the following
    certification. The certification, which must be signed by an
    authorized representative and must be placed in the generator’s
    files, must say the following:
    I certify under penalty of law that I personally have
    examined and am familiar with the waste and that the lab
    pack contains only wastes that have not been excluded
    under Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Appendix D
    and that this lab pack will be sent to a combustion facility
    in compliance with the alternative treatment standards for
    lab packs at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(c). I am aware that
    there are significant penalties for submitting a false
    certification, including the possibility of fine or
    B) No further notification is necessary until such time as the wastes in
    the lab pack change, or the receiving facility changes, in which
    case a new notice and certification must be sent and a copy placed
    in the generator’s file.
    C) If the lab pack contains characteristic hazardous wastes (D001-
    D043), underlying hazardous constituents (as defined in Section
    728.102(i)) need not be determined.

    D) The generator shall must also comply with the requirements in
    subsections (a)(6) and (a)(7) of this Section.
    10) Small quantity generators with tolling agreements pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 722.120(e) shall must comply with the applicable notification and
    certification requirements of subsection (a) of this Section for the initial
    shipment of the waste subject to the agreement. Such generators shall
    must retain on-site a copy of the notification and certification, together
    with the tolling agreement, for at least three years after termination or
    expiration of the agreement. The three-year record retention period is
    automatically extended during the course of any unresolved enforcement
    action regarding the regulated activity or as requested by the Agency.
    b) The owner or operator of a treatment facility shall must test its wastes according
    to the frequency specified in its waste analysis plan, as required by 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.113 (for permitted TSDs) or 725.113 (for interim status facilities).
    Such testing must be performed as provided in subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and
    (b)(3) of this Section.
    1) For wastes or contaminated soil with treatment standards expressed in the
    waste extract (TCLP), the owner or operator of the treatment facility shall
    must test an extract of the treatment residues using SW-846 Method 1311
    (the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure), incorporated by
    reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, to assure that the treatment
    residues extract meets the applicable treatment standards.
    2) For wastes or contaminated soil with treatment standards expressed as
    concentrations in the waste, the owner or operator of the treatment facility
    shall must test the treatment residues (not an extract of such residues) to
    assure that the treatment residues meet the applicable treatment standards.
    3) A one-time notice must be sent with the initial shipment of waste or
    contaminated soil to the land disposal facility. A copy of the notice must
    be placed in the treatment facility’s file.
    A) No further notification is necessary until such time that the waste
    or receiving facility changes, in which case a new notice must be
    sent and a copy placed in the treatment facility’s file.
    B) The one-time notice must include the following requirements
    indicated in the following table:
    Treatment Facility Paperwork Requirements Table

    Required information Section
    1. USEPA hazardous waste number and
    manifest number of first shipment.
    2. The waste is subject to the LDRs. The
    constituents of concern for F001 through
    F005 and F039 waste and underlying
    hazardous constituents in characteristic
    wastes, unless the waste will be treated and
    monitored for all constituents. If all
    constituents will be treated and monitored,
    there is no need to put them all on the LDR
    3. The notice must include the applicable
    wastewater/ nonwastewater category (see
    Section 728.102(d) and (f)) and subdivisions
    made within a waste code based on waste-
    specific criteria (such as D003 reactive
    4. Waste analysis data (when available).
    5. For contaminated soil subject to LDRs as
    provided in Section 728.149(a), the
    constituents subject to treatment as described
    in Section 728.149(d) and the following
    statement, “this contaminated soil (does/does
    not) contain listed hazardous waste and
    (does/does not) exhibit a characteristic of
    hazardous waste and (is subject to/complies
    with) the soil treatment standards as
    provided by Section 728.149(c).
    6. A certification is needed (see applicable
    section for exact wording).
    i) USEPA hazardous waste number and manifest number of
    first shipment;
    ii) The waste is subject to the LDRs. The constituents of
    concern for F001 through F005 and F039 waste and
    underlying hazardous constituents in characteristic wastes,
    unless the waste will be treated and monitored for all
    constituents. If all constituents will be treated and
    monitored, there is no need to put them all on the LDR

    iii) The notice must include the applicable wastewater/
    nonwastewater category (see Section 728.102(d) and (f))
    and subdivisions made within a waste code based on waste-
    specific criteria (such as D003 reactive cyanide);
    iv) Waste analysis data (when available);
    v) For contaminated soil subject to LDRs as provided in
    Section 728.149(a), the constituents subject to treatment as
    described in Section 728.149(d) and the following
    statement, “this contaminated soil (does/does not) contain
    listed hazardous waste and (does/does not) exhibit a
    characteristic of hazardous waste and (is subject
    to/complies with) the soil treatment standards as provided
    by Section 728.149(c)”; and
    vi) A certification is needed (see applicable Section for exact
    4) The owner or operator of a treatment facility shall must submit a
    certification signed by an authorized representative with the initial
    shipment of waste or treatment residue of a restricted waste to the land
    disposal facility. The certification must state as follows:
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and
    am familiar with the treatment technology and operation of the
    treatment process used to support this certification. Based on my
    inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining
    this information, I believe that the treatment process has been
    operated and maintained properly so as to comply with the
    treatment standards specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.140
    without impermissible dilution of the prohibited waste. I am aware
    there are significant penalties for submitting a false certification,
    including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    A certification is also necessary for contaminated soil and it must state as
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and
    am familiar with the treatment technology and operation of the
    treatment process used to support this certification and believe that
    it has been maintained and operated properly so as to comply with
    treatment standards specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.149
    without impermissible dilution of the prohibited wastes. I am

    aware there are significant penalties for submitting a false
    certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    A) A copy of the certification must be placed in the treatment
    facility’s on-site files. If the waste or treatment residue changes,
    or the receiving facility changes, a new certification must be sent
    to the receiving facility, and a copy placed in the treatment
    facility’s file.
    B) Debris excluded from the definition of hazardous waste under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(e) (i.e., debris treated by an extraction or
    destruction technology listed in Table F of this Part and debris that
    the Agency has determined does not contain hazardous waste) is
    subject to the notification and certification requirements of
    subsection (d) of this Section rather than the certification
    requirements of this subsection (b)(4).
    C) For wastes with organic constituents having treatment standards
    expressed as concentration levels, if compliance with the treatment
    standards is based in part or in whole on the analytical detection
    limit alternative specified in Section 728.140(d), the certification
    must be signed by an authorized representative and must state the
    following as follows:
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally
    examined and am familiar with the treatment technology
    and operation of the treatment process used to support this
    certification. Based on my inquiry of those individuals
    immediately responsible for obtaining this information, I
    believe that the nonwastewater organic constituents have
    been treated by combustion units as specified in Table C to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table C. I have been unable to
    detect the nonwastewater organic constituents, despite
    having used best good faith efforts to analyze for such
    constituents. I am aware that there are significant penalties
    for submitting a false certification, including the possibility
    of fine and imprisonment.
    D) For characteristic wastes that are subject to the treatment standards
    in Section 728.140 and Table T of this Part (other than those
    expressed as a required method of treatment) or Section 728.149
    and which contain underlying hazardous constituents, as defined in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 728.102(i); if these wastes are treated
    on-site to remove the hazardous characteristic; and that are then

    sent off-site for treatment of underlying hazardous constituents, the
    certification must state the following as follows:
    I certify under penalty of law that the waste has been
    treated in accordance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728.140 and Table T of Section 728.149 of that Part
    to remove the hazardous characteristic. This
    decharacterized waste contains underlying hazardous
    constituents that require further treatment to meet treatment
    standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties
    for submitting a false certification, including the possibility
    of fine and imprisonment.
    E) For characteristic wastes that contain underlying hazardous
    constituents, as defined in Section 728.102(i), that are treated on-
    site to remove the hazardous characteristic and to treat underlying
    hazardous constituents to levels in Section 728.148 and Table U of
    this Part universal treatment standards, the certification must state
    the following as follows:
    I certify under penalty of law that the waste has been
    treated in accordance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728.140 and Table T of that Part to remove the
    hazardous characteristic and that underlying hazardous
    constituents, as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.102(i),
    have been treated on-site to meet the universal treatment
    standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.148 and Table U of that
    Part. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
    submitting a false certification, including the possibility of
    fine and imprisonment.
    5) If the waste or treatment residue will be further managed at a different
    treatment, storage, or disposal facility, the treatment, storage, or disposal
    facility sending that sends the waste or treatment residue off-site must
    comply with the notice and certification requirements applicable to
    generators under this Section.
    6) Where the wastes are recyclable materials used in a manner constituting
    disposal subject to the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.120(b),
    regarding treatment standards and prohibition levels, the owner or
    operator of a treatment facility (i.e., the recycler) is not required to notify
    the receiving facility pursuant to subsection (b)(3) of this Section. With
    each shipment of such wastes the owner or operator of the recycling
    facility shall must submit a certification described in subsection (b)(4) of

    this Section and a notice that includes the information listed in subsection
    (b)(3) of this Section (except the manifest number) to the Agency. The
    recycling facility also shall must keep records of the name and location of
    each entity receiving the hazardous waste-derived product.
    c) Except where the owner or operator is disposing of any waste that is a recyclable
    material used in a manner constituting disposal pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.120(b), the owner or operator of any land disposal facility disposing any
    waste subject to restrictions under this Part shall do the following:
    1) Maintain in its files copies of the notice and certifications specified in
    subsection (a) or (b) of this Section.
    2) Test the waste or an extract of the waste or treatment residue developed
    using SW-846 Method 1311 (the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
    Procedure), incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, to
    assure that the waste or treatment residue is in compliance with the
    applicable treatment standards set forth in Subpart D of this Part. Such
    testing must be performed according to the frequency specified in the
    facility’s waste analysis plan as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.113 or
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.113.
    3) Where the owner or operator is disposing of any waste that is subject to
    the prohibitions under Section 728.133(f) but not subject to the
    prohibitions set forth in Section 728.132, the owner or operator shall must
    ensure that such waste is the subject of a certification according to the
    requirements of Section 728.108 prior to disposal in a landfill or surface
    impoundment unit, and that such disposal is in accordance with the
    requirements of Section 728.105(h)(2). The same requirement applies to
    any waste that is subject to the prohibitions under Section 728.133(f) and
    also is subject to the statutory prohibitions in the codified prohibitions in
    Section 728.139 or Section 728.132.
    4) Where the owner or operator is disposing of any waste that is a recyclable
    material used in a manner constituting disposal subject to the provisions of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.120(b), the owner or operator is not subject to
    subsections (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this Section with respect to such
    d) A generator or treater that first claims that hazardous debris is excluded from the
    definition of hazardous waste under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(e) (i.e., debris
    treated by an extraction or destruction technology provided by Table F of this
    Part, and debris that has been delisted) is subject to the following notification and
    certification requirements:

    1) A one-time notification must be submitted to the Agency including the
    following information:
    A) The name and address of the RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid
    waste landfill) facility receiving the treated debris;
    B) A description of the hazardous debris as initially generated,
    including the applicable USEPA hazardous waste numbers; and
    C) For debris excluded under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(e)(1), the
    technology from Table F of this Part used to treat the debris.
    2) The notification must be updated if the debris is shipped to a different
    facility and, for debris excluded under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.102(e)(1), if
    a different type of debris is treated or if a different technology is used to
    treat the debris.
    3) For debris excluded under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.103(e)(1), the owner or
    operator of the treatment facility shall must document and certify
    compliance with the treatment standards of Table F of this Part, as
    A) Records must be kept of all inspections, evaluations, and analyses
    of treated debris that are made to determine compliance with the
    treatment standards;
    B) Records must be kept of any data or information the treater obtains
    during treatment of the debris that identifies key operating
    parameters of the treatment unit; and
    C) For each shipment of treated debris, a certification of compliance
    with the treatment standards must be signed by an authorized
    representative and placed in the facility’s files. The certification
    must state the following as follows:
    I certify under penalty of law that the debris has been
    treated in accordance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 728.145. I am aware that there are significant
    penalties for making a false certification, including the
    possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    e) A generator or treater that first receives a determination from USEPA or the
    Agency that a given contaminated soil subject to LDRs, as provided in Section

    728.149(a), no longer contains a listed hazardous waste and generators and
    treaters a generator or treater that first determine determines that a contaminated
    soil subject to LDRs, as provided in Section 728.149(a), no longer exhibits a
    characteristic of hazardous waste shall must do the following:
    1) Prepare a one-time only documentation of these determinations including
    all supporting information; and
    2) Maintain that information in the facility files and other records for a
    minimum of three years.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.109 Special Rules for Characteristic Wastes
    a) The initial generator of a solid waste shall must determine each USEPA
    hazardous waste number (waste code) applicable to the waste in order to
    determine the applicable treatment standards under Subpart D of this Part. For
    purposes of this Part, the waste must carry the waste code for any applicable
    listing under Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D. In addition, the
    waste must carry one or more of the waste codes under Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 721.Subpart C where the waste exhibits a characteristic, except in the case
    when the treatment standard for the listed waste operates in lieu of the treatment
    standard for the characteristic waste, as specified in subsection (b) of this
    Section. If the generator determines that its waste displays a characteristic of
    hazardous waste (and the waste is not D001 nonwastewaters treated by CMBST,
    RORGS, or POLYM of Section 728.Table C to this Part), the generator shall must
    determine the underlying hazardous constituents (as defined at Section
    728.102(i)) in the characteristic waste.
    b) Where a prohibited waste is both listed under Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.Subpart D and exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste under Subpart C
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C, the treatment standard for the waste code
    listed in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D will operate in lieu of the
    standard for the waste code under Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C,
    provided that the treatment standard for the listed waste includes a treatment
    standard for the constituent that causes the waste to exhibit the characteristic.
    Otherwise, the waste must meet the treatment standards for all applicable listed
    and characteristic waste codes.
    c) In addition to any applicable standards determined from the initial point of
    generation, no prohibited waste that exhibits a characteristic under Subpart C of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C shall must be land disposed, unless the waste
    complies with the treatment standards under Subpart D of this Part.

    d) A waste that exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste under Subpart C of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721 is also subject to Section 728.107 requirements, except that
    once the waste is no longer hazardous, a one-time notification and certification
    must be placed in the generator’s or treater’s files and sent to the Agency, except
    for those facilities described in subsection (f) of this Section. The notification and
    certification that is placed in the generator’s or treater’s files must be updated if
    the process or operation generating the waste changes or if the RCRA Subtitle D
    (municipal solid waste landfill) facility receiving the waste changes. However,
    the generator or treater need only notify the Agency on an annual basis if such
    changes occur. Such notification and certification should be sent to the Agency
    by the end of the year, but no later than December 31.
    1) The notification must include the following information:
    A) The name and address of the RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid
    waste landfill) facility receiving the waste shipment; and
    B) A description of the waste as initially generated, including the
    applicable USEPA hazardous waste numbers, the treatability
    groups, and the underlying hazardous constituents (as defined in
    Section 728.102(i)), unless the waste will be treated and monitored
    for all underlying hazardous constituents. If all underlying
    hazardous constituents will be treated and monitored, there is no
    requirement to list any of the underlying hazardous constituents on
    the notice.
    2) The certification must be signed by an authorized representative and must
    state the language found in Section 728.107(b)(4). If treatment removes
    the characteristic but does not meet standards applicable to underlying
    hazardous constituents, then the certification found in Section
    728.107(b)(4)(D) applies.
    3) For a characteristic waste whose ultimate disposal will be into a Class I
    nonhazardous waste injection well, and for which compliance with the
    treatment standards set forth in Sections Section 728.148 and 728.Table U
    to this Part for underlying hazardous constituents is achieved through
    pollution prevention that meets the criteria set forth at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    738.101(d), the following information must also be included:
    A) A description of the pollution prevention mechanism and when it
    was implemented, if already complete;

    B) The mass of each underlying hazardous constituent before
    pollution prevention;
    C) The mass of each underlying hazardous constituent that must be
    removed, adjusted to reflect variations in mass due to normal
    operating conditions; and
    D) The mass reduction of each underlying hazardous constituent that
    is achieved.
    e) For a decharacterized waste managed on-site in a wastewater treatment system
    subject to the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) or zero-dischargers engaged in
    CWA-equivalent treatment, compliance with the treatment standards set forth in
    Sections 728.148 and 728.Table D to this Part must be monitored quarterly,
    unless the treatment is aggressive biological treatment, in which case compliance
    must be monitored annually. Monitoring results must be kept in on-site files for 5
    five years.
    f) For a decharacterized waste managed on-site in a wastewater treatment system
    subject to the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) for which all underlying hazardous
    constituents (as defined in Section 728.102) are addressed by a CWA permit, this
    compliance must be documented and this documentation must be kept in on-site
    g) For a characteristic waste whose ultimate disposal will be into a Class I
    nonhazardous waste injection well that qualifies for the de minimis exclusion
    described in Section 728.101, information supporting that qualification must be
    kept in on-site files.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.113 Newly Listed Wastes
    The Board incorporates by reference 40 CFR 268.13 (1991). This Section incorporates no later
    editions or amendments.
    In corresponding 40 CFR 268.13, USEPA stated that it would make a land disposal prohibition
    determination for any hazardous waste identified or listed after November 8, 1984 within six
    months after the date of identification or listing. This statement maintains structural consistency
    with the corresponding federal regulations.

    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.114 Surface Impoundment exemptions Exemptions.
    a) This Section defines additional circumstances under which an otherwise prohibited
    waste may continue to be placed in a surface impoundment.
    b) Wastes which
    that are newly identified or listed by USEPA persuant to Section 3001
    of RCRA (42 U.S.C. USC § 6921) after November 8, 1984, and which are stored in
    a surface impoundment that is newly subject to subtitle C of RCRA (42 U.S.C. USC
    § 6921 et seq.) as a result of the additional identification or listing, may continue to
    be stored in the surface impoundment for 48 months after the promulgation of the
    additional listing or characteristic, not withstanding notwithstanding the fact that the
    waste is otherwise prohibited from land disposal, provided that the surface
    impoundment is in compliance with the requirements of Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 725.Subpart F within 12 months after promulgation of the new listing or
    c) Wastes which
    that are newly identified or listed by USEPA under Section 3001 of
    RCRA (42 U.S.C. § 6921) after November 8, 1984, and which are treated in a
    surface impoundment that is newly subject to Subtitle C of RCRA (42 U.S.C. § 6921
    et seq.) as a result of the additional identification or listing, may continue to be
    treated in that surface impoundment, notwithstanding the fact that the waste is
    otherwise prohibited from land disposal, provided that the surface impoundment is in
    compliance with the requirements of Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart F
    within 12 months after the promulgation of the new listing or characteristic. In
    addition, if the surface impoundment continues to treat hazardous waste after 48
    months from promulgation of the additional listing or characteristic, it must then be
    in compliance with Section 728.104.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.130 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Wood Preserving Wastes
    a) The following wastes are prohibited from land disposal: the wastes specified in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 as USEPA hazardous waste numbers F032, F034, and
    b) Effective May 12, 1999, the The following wastes are prohibited from land
    disposal: soil and debris contaminated with the wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 721 as F032, F034, F035; and radioactive wastes mixed with USEPA
    hazardous waste numbers F032, F034, and F035.

    c) Until May 12, 1999, soil and debris contaminated with the wastes specified in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721 as USEPA hazardous waste numbers F032, F034, F035; and
    radioactive waste mixed with USEPA hazardous waste numbers F032, F034, and
    F035 may be disposed of in a landfill or surface impoundment only if such unit is
    in compliance with the requirements specified in Section 728.105(h)(2). This
    subsection (c) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.30(c), which expired by its own
    terms on May 12, 1999. This statement maintains structural consistency with the
    corresponding federal regulations.
    d) The requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section do not apply if any of
    the following conditions is fulfilled:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes
    and units covered by the petition;
    3) The wastes meet the applicable alternate treatment standards established
    pursuant to a petition granted under Section 728.144; or
    4) Persons have
    A person has been granted an extension to the effective date
    of a prohibition pursuant to 40 CFR 268.5 (see Section 728.105), with
    respect to those wastes covered by the extension.
    e) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this Section exceeds the
    applicable treatment standards specified in Sections Section 728.140 and
    728.Table T to this Part, the initial generator shall must test a sample of the waste
    extract or the entire waste, depending on whether the treatment standards are
    expressed as concentrations in the waste extract or the waste, or the generator
    may use knowledge of the waste. If the waste contains constituents in excess of
    the applicable universal treatment standard levels of Sections Section 728.148 and
    728.Table U to this Part, the waste is prohibited from land disposal and all
    requirements of Part 728 are applicable, except as otherwise specified.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.131 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Dioxin-Containing Wastes
    a) The dioxin-containing wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.131 as USEPA
    Hazardous Waste Numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, F027, and F028 are
    prohibited from land disposal, unless the following condition applies: The the

    dioxin-containing waste is contaminated soil and debris resulting from a CERCLA
    response or a RCRA corrective action.
    b) Effective November 8, 1990, USEPA Hazardous Waste Numbers F020, F021,
    F022, F023, F026, F027 and F028, and dioxin-containing waste which that is
    contaminated soil and debris resulting from a CERCLA response or a RCRA
    corrective action listed in subsection (a) of this Section are prohibited from land
    c) Until November 8, 1990, wastes included in subsection (b) may be disposed of in
    a landfill or surface impoundment only if the facility is in compliance with the
    requirements specified in 40 CFR 268.5(h)(2), incorporated by reference in
    Section 728.105, and all other applicable requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724
    and 725. This subsection (c) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.31(c), which expired
    by its own terms on November 8, 1990. This statement maintains structural
    consistency with the corresponding federal regulations.
    d) The requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section do not apply if any of the
    following conditions is fulfilled:
    1) The wastes meet the standards of Subpart D of this Part; or,
    2) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes and
    units covered by the petition; or
    3) Persons have
    A person has been granted an extension from the effective
    date of a prohibition pursuant to Section 728.105, with respect to those
    wastes and units covered by the extension.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.132 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Soils Exhibiting the Toxicity
    Characteristic for Metals and Containing PCBs
    a) The following wastes are prohibited from land disposal: any volumes of soil
    exhibiting the toxicity characteristic solely because of the presence of metals
    (USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through D011) and containing PCBs.
    b) The requirements of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply if any of the
    following conditions is fulfilled:
    1) Low-halogenated organics waste meeting Subpart D the treatment
    standards of Subpart D of this Part:

    A) The wastes contain halogenated organic compounds in total
    concentration less than 1,000 mg/kg; and
    B) The wastes meet the treatment standards specified in Subpart D of
    this part Part for USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through
    D011, as applicable; or
    2) Low-halogenated organics waste meeting alternative treatment standards
    for contaminated soil:
    A) The wastes contain halogenated organic compounds in total
    concentration less than 1,000 mg/kg; and
    B) The wastes meet the alternative treatment standards specified in
    Section 728.149 for contaminated soil; or
    3) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes
    and units covered by the petition; or
    4) The wastes meet applicable alternative treatment standards established
    pursuant to a petition granted under Section 728.144.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.133 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Chlorinated Aliphatic Wastes
    a) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 as USEPA hazardous wastes
    numbers K174 and K175, soil and debris contaminated with these wastes,
    radioactive wastes mixed with these wastes, and soil and debris contaminated
    with radioactive wastes mixed with these wastes are prohibited from land
    b) The requirements of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply if any of the
    following conditions is fulfilled:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes
    and units covered by the petition;

    3) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards established pursuant
    to a petition granted under Section 728.144;
    4) Hazardous debris has met the treatment standards in Section 728.140 or
    the alternative treatment standards in Section 728.145; or
    5) Persons have
    A person has been granted an extension to the effective date
    of a prohibition pursuant to Section 728.105, with respect to those wastes
    covered by the extension.
    c) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this Section exceeds the
    applicable treatment standards specified in Section 728.140, the initial generator
    must test a sample of the waste extract or the entire waste, depending on whether
    the treatment standards are expressed as concentrations in the waste extract or the
    waste, or the generator may use knowledge of the waste. If the waste contains
    regulated constituents in excess of the applicable levels of Subpart D of this Part,
    the waste is prohibited from land disposal, and all requirements of this Part 728
    are applicable, except as otherwise specified.
    d) Disposal of USEPA hazardous waste number K175 wastes that have complied
    with all applicable Section 728.140 treatment standards must also be
    macroencapsulated in accordance with Table F of this Part, unless the waste is
    placed in one of the following:
    1) A RCRA Subtitle C monofill containing only K175 wastes that meet all
    applicable Section 728.140 treatment standards; or
    2) A dedicated RCRA Subtitle C landfill cell in which all other wastes being
    co-disposed are at pH
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.134 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes
    a) The following wastes are prohibited from land disposal: the wastes specified in
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 as USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through D011
    that are newly identified (i.e., wastes, soil, or debris identified as hazardous by the
    Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure but not the Extraction Procedure), and
    waste, soil, or debris from mineral processing operations that is identified as
    hazardous by the specifications at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.
    b) The following waste is prohibited from land disposal: slag from secondary lead
    smelting that exhibits the characteristic of toxicity due to the presence of one or
    more metals.

    c) The following wastes are prohibited from land disposal: newly identified
    characteristic wastes from elemental phosphorus processing; radioactive wastes
    mixed with USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through D011 wastes that are
    newly identified (i.e., wastes, soil, or debris identified as hazardous by the Toxic
    Characteristic Leaching Procedure but not the Extraction Procedure); or mixed
    with newly identified characteristic mineral processing wastes, soil, or debris.
    d) This provision
    subsection (d) corresponds with 40 CFR 269.34(d), which was
    applicable expired by its own terms only until on May 26, 2000. We have
    removed this subsection (d), since it no longer applies. This statement maintains
    structural consistency with the corresponding federal regulations.
    e) The requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section do not apply if any of
    the following applies to the waste:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) The Board has granted an exemption from a prohibition pursuant to a
    petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes and units
    covered by the petition;
    3) The wastes meet the applicable alternate treatment standards established
    pursuant to a petition granted under Section 728.144; or
    4) USEPA has granted an extension to the effective date of a prohibition
    pursuant to 40 CFR 268.5, with respect to those wastes covered by the
    f) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this Section exceeds the
    applicable treatment standards specified in Section 728.140 and Table T of this
    Part, the initial generator must test a sample of the waste extract or the entire
    waste, depending on whether the treatment standards are expressed as
    concentrations in the waste extract or the waste, or the generator may use
    knowledge of the waste. If the waste contains constituents (including underlying
    hazardous constituents in characteristic wastes) in excess of the applicable
    universal treatment standard levels of Section 728.148 and Table U of this Part,
    the waste is prohibited from land disposal, and all requirements of this Part are
    applicable, except as otherwise specified.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.135 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Petroleum Refining Wastes
    a) Effective February 8, 1999, the The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.132 as USEPA hazardous wastes numbers K169, K170, K171, and K172;
    soils and debris contaminated with these wastes; radioactive wastes mixed with
    these hazardous wastes; and soils and debris contaminated with these radioactive
    mixed wastes are prohibited from land disposal.
    b) The requirements of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply under if any of the
    following circumstances applies to the waste:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) The Board has granted an adjusted standard that exempts waste from a
    prohibition pursuant to Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes and
    units covered by the adjusted standard;
    3) The wastes meet an adjusted standard from an applicable treatment
    standard granted under Section 728.144;
    4) The waste is hazardous debris that has met the treatment standards set
    forth in Section 728.140 and Table T of this Part or the alternative
    treatment standards in Section 728.145; or
    5) USEPA has granted an extension to the effective date of a prohibition
    pursuant to 40 CFR 268.5, with respect to these wastes covered by the
    c) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this section Section exceeds
    the applicable treatment standards specified in Section 728.140, the initial
    generator must test a sample of the waste extract or the entire waste, depending
    on whether the treatment standards are expressed as concentrations in the waste
    extract or the waste, or the generator may use knowledge of the waste. If the
    waste contains constituents in excess of the applicable universal treatment
    standard levels of Section 728.148 and Table U of this Part, the waste is
    prohibited from land disposal, and all requirements of this Part are applicable,
    except as otherwise specified.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.136 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Inorganic Chemical Wastes
    a) Effective May 20, 2002, the The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721 as
    USEPA hazardous wastes numbers K176, K177, and K178, and soil and debris
    contaminated with these wastes, radioactive wastes mixed with these wastes, and
    soil and debris contaminated with radioactive wastes mixed with these wastes are
    prohibited from land disposal.
    b) The requirements of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply if any of the
    following is true with regard applies to the waste:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes
    and units covered by the petition;
    3) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards established pursuant
    to a petition granted under Section 728.144;
    4) Hazardous debris has met the treatment standards in Sections Section
    728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part or the alternative treatment standards
    in Section 728.145; or
    5) Persons
    have A person has been granted an extension to the effective date
    of a prohibition pursuant to Section 728.105, with respect to these wastes
    covered by the extension.
    c) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this Section exceeds the
    applicable treatment standards specified in Sections Section 728.140 and
    728.Table T to this Part, the initial generator must test a sample of the waste
    extract or the entire waste, depending on whether the treatment standards are
    expressed as concentrations in the waste extract or the waste, or the generator
    may use knowledge of the waste. If the waste contains regulated constituents in
    excess of the applicable Subpart D levels of Subpart D of this Part, the waste is
    prohibited from land disposal, and all requirements of this part are applicable,
    except as otherwise specified.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.137 Waste Specific Waste-Specific Prohibitions: -- Ignitable and Corrosive
    Characteristic Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated
    a) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.121 as D001 (and is not in the High
    TOC Ignitable Liquids Subcategory), and specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.122 as
    D002, that are managed in systems other than those whose discharge is regulated
    under the Clean Water Act (CWA), or that inject in Class I deep wells regulated
    under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), or that are zero dischargers that engage
    in CWA-equivalent treatment before ultimate land disposal, are prohibited from land
    disposal. CWA-equivalent treatment means biological treatment for organics,
    alkaline chlorination or ferrous sulfate precipitation for cyanide,
    precipitation/sedimentation for metals, reduction of hexavalent chromium, or other
    treatment technology that can be demonstrated to perform equally or greater than
    these technologies.
    b) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.121 as D001 (and is not in the High
    TOC Ignitable Liquids Subcategory), and specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.122 as
    D002, that are managed in systems defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704 and 730 as
    Class V injection wells, that do not engage in CWA-equivalent treatment before
    injection, are prohibited from land disposal.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.138 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: Newly-Identified Organic Toxicity
    Characteristic Wastes and Newly-Listed Coke By-Product and Chlorotoluene
    Production Wastes
    a) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.132 as U.S. EPA USEPA hazardous
    waste numbers K141, K142, K143, K144, K145, K147, K148, K149, K150, and
    K151 are prohibited from land disposal. In addition, debris contaminated with U.S.
    EPA USEPA hazardous waste numbers F037, F038, K107 through K112, K117,
    K118, K123 through K126, K131, K132, K136, U328, U353, U359 and soil and
    debris contaminated with D012 through D043, K141 through K145, and K147
    through K151 are prohibited from land disposal. The following wastes that are
    specified in the table at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.124(b) as U.S. EPA USEPA
    hazardous waste numbers D012, D013, D014, D015, D016, D017, D018, D019,
    D020, D021, D022, D023, D024, D025, D026, D027, D028, D029, D030, D031,
    D032, D033, D034, D035, D036, D037, D038, D039, D040, D041, D042, and D043
    that are not radioactive, that are managed in systems other than those whose
    discharge is regulated under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA; 33 U.S.C. U.S.C.
    §§ 1251 et seq.), that are zero dischargers that do not engage in CWA-equivalent
    treatment before ultimate land disposal, or that are injected in Class I deep wells
    regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) are prohibited from land
    disposal. “CWA-equivalent treatment,”, as used in this Section, means biological

    treatment for organics, alkaline chlorination or ferrous sulfate precipitation for
    cyanide, precipitation and sedimentation for metals, reduction for hexavalent
    chromium, or another treatment technology that can be demonstrated to perform
    equally to or better than these technologies.
    b) On September 19, 1996, radioactive Radioactive wastes that are mixed with any of
    U.S. EPA USEPA hazardous waste number numbers D018 through D043 waste that
    are managed in systems other than those whose discharge is regulated under the
    Clean Water Act (CWA), in systems that inject in Class I deep wells regulated under
    the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), or in systems that are zero dischargers that
    engage in CWA-equivalent treatment, as defined in subsection (a) above of this
    Section, before ultimate land disposal are prohibited from land disposal. Radioactive
    wastes mixed with any of U.S. EPA USEPA hazardous waste number numbers
    K141 through K145 and K147 through K151 are also prohibited from land disposal.
    In addition, soil and debris contaminated with these radioactive mixed wastes are
    prohibited from land disposal.
    c) Between December 19, 1994 and September 19, 1996, the wastes included in
    subsection (b) above may be disposed in a landfill or surface impoundment only if
    such unit is in compliance with the requirements specified in Section
    728.105(h)(2). This subsection (c) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.38(c), which
    expired by its own terms on September 19, 1996. This statement maintains
    structural consistency with the corresponding federal regulations.
    d) The requirements of subsections (a), (b), and (c) above of this Section do not apply
    if any of the following applies to the waste:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in 728.Subpart
    D of this Part;
    2) Persons have
    A person has been granted an exemption from a prohibition
    pursuant to a petition under Section 728.106, with respect to those wastes and
    units covered by the petition;
    3) The wastes meet the applicable alternate treatment standards established
    pursuant to a petition granted under Section 728.144;
    4) Persons have
    A person has been granted an extension to the effective date of
    a prohibition pursuant to Section 728.105, with respect to these wastes
    covered by the extension.
    e) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this section Section exceeds
    the applicable treatment standards specified in Sections Section 728.140 and
    728.Table T to this Part, the initial generator must test a sample of the waste extract

    or the entire waste, depending on whether the treatment standards are expressed as
    concentrations in the waste extract or the waste, or the generator may use knowledge
    of the waste. If the waste contains constituents in excess of the applicable
    728.Subpart D levels of Subpart D of this Part, the waste is prohibited from land
    disposal and all requirements of this Part are applicable, except as otherwise
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.139 Waste-Specific Prohibitions: Spent Aluminum Potliners and Carbamate
    a) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.132 as USEPA Hazardous Waste
    numbers K156-K159 and K161; and in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.133 as USEPA
    hazardous waste numbers P127, P128, P185, P188 through P192, P194, P196
    through P199, P201 through P205, U271, U278 through U280, U364, U367,
    U372, U373, U387, U389, U394, U395, U404, and U409 through U411 are
    prohibited from land disposal. In addition, soil and debris contaminated with
    these wastes are prohibited from land disposal.
    b) The wastes identified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123 as USEPA hazardous waste
    number D003 are prohibited from land disposal, other than those that are
    managed in a system whose discharge is regulated under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code:Subtitle C, one that injects hazardous waste in Class I waste injection well
    regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 704, and 730, or one that is a zero
    discharger that engages in federal Clean Water Act (CWA)-equivalent treatment
    before ultimate land disposal. This prohibition does not apply to unexploded
    ordnance and other explosive devices that have been the subject of an emergency
    response. (Such D003 wastes are prohibited unless they meet the treatment
    standard of DEACT before land disposal (see Section 728.140)).
    c) The wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.132 as USEPA hazardous waste
    number K088 are prohibited from land disposal. In addition, soil and debris
    contaminated with these wastes are prohibited from land disposal.
    d) Radioactive wastes mixed with waste designated by any of USEPA hazardous
    waste numbers K088, K156 through K159, K161, P127, P128, P185, P188
    through P192, P194, P196 through P199, P201 through P205, U271, U278
    through U280, U364, U367, U372, U373, U387, U389, U394, U395, U404, and
    U409 through U411 are prohibited from land disposal. In addition, soil and
    debris contaminated with these radioactive mixed wastes are prohibited from land

    e) This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 268.39(e), which expired by its own
    terms after April 8, 1998. This statement maintains structural parity consistency
    with the corresponding federal regulations.
    f) The requirements of subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this Section do not apply
    if any of the following applies to the waste:
    1) The wastes meet the applicable treatment standards specified in Subpart D
    of this Part;
    2) The person conducting the disposal has been granted an exemption from a
    prohibition under a petition pursuant to Section 728.106, with respect to
    those wastes and units covered by the petition;
    3) The wastes meet the applicable alternative treatment standards established
    pursuant to a petition granted under Section 728.144; or
    4) The person conducting the disposal has been granted an extension to the
    effective date of a prohibition pursuant to Section 728.105, with respect to
    those wastes covered by the extension.
    g) To determine whether a hazardous waste identified in this Section exceeds the
    applicable treatment standards set forth in Section 728.140, the initial generator
    shall must test a sample of the waste extract or the entire waste, depending on
    whether the treatment standards are expressed as concentrations in the waste
    extract or in the waste, or the generator may use knowledge of the waste. If a
    waste contains constituents in excess of the applicable 728.Subpart D levels of
    Subpart D of this Part, the waste is prohibited from land disposal and all
    requirements of this Part are applicable to the waste, except as otherwise
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.140 Applicability of Treatment Standards
    a) A prohibited waste identified in Table T of this Part, “Treatment Standards for
    Hazardous Wastes,”, may be land disposed only if it meets the requirements
    found in that Table. For each waste, Table T of this Part identifies one of three
    types of treatment standard requirements:

    1) All hazardous constituents in the waste or in the treatment residue must be
    at or below the values found in Table T of this Part for that waste (total
    waste standards);
    2) The hazardous constituents in the extract of the waste or in the extract of
    the treatment residue must be at or below the values found in Table T of
    this Part (waste extract standards); or
    3) The waste must be treated using the technology specified in Table T of
    this Part (technology standard), which is described in detail in Table C of
    this Part, “Technology Codes and Description of Technology-Based
    b) For wastewaters, compliance with concentration level standards is based on
    maximums for any one day, except for D004 through D011 wastes for which the
    previously promulgated treatment standards based on grab samples remain in
    effect. For all nonwastewaters, compliance with concentration level standards is
    based on grab sampling. For wastes covered by the waste extract standards, the
    test Method 1311, the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, found in “Test
    Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA
    Publication SW-846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111,
    must be used to measure compliance. An exception is made for D004 and D008,
    for which either of two test methods may be used: Method 1311 or Method 1310,
    the Extraction Procedure Toxicity Test, found in “Test Methods for Evaluating
    Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846,
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. For wastes covered by a
    technology standard, the wastes may be land disposed after being treated using
    that specified technology or an equivalent treatment technology approved by the
    Agency pursuant to Section 728.142(b).
    c) When wastes with differing treatment standards for a constituent of concern are
    combined for purposes of treatment, the treatment residue must meet the lowest
    treatment standard for the constituent of concern.
    d) Notwithstanding the prohibitions specified in subsection (a) of this Section,
    treatment and disposal facilities may demonstrate (and certify pursuant to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code Section 728.107(b)(5)) compliance with the treatment standards for
    organic constituents specified by a footnote in Table T of this Part, provided the
    following conditions are satisfied:
    1) The treatment standards for the organic constituents were established
    based on incineration in units operated in accordance with the technical
    requirements of Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, or based

    on combustion in fuel substitution units operating in accordance with
    applicable technical requirements;
    2) The treatment or disposal facility has used the methods referenced in
    subsection (d)(1) of this Section to treat the organic constituents; and
    3) The treatment or disposal facility may demonstrate compliance with
    organic constituents if good-faith analytical efforts achieve detection
    limits for the regulated organic constituents that do not exceed the
    treatment standards specified in this Section and Table T of this Part by an
    order of magnitude.
    e) For a characteristic waste (USEPA hazardous waste number D001 through D043)
    that is subject to treatment standards set forth in Table T of this Part, “Treatment
    Standards for Hazardous Wastes,”, and the waste is not managed in a wastewater
    treatment system that is either regulated under the Clean Water Act (CWA) or one
    that is CWA-equivalent or the waste is injected into a Class I non-hazardous deep
    injection well, all underlying hazardous constituents (as defined in Section
    728.102) must meet the universal treatment standards, set forth in Table U of this
    Part prior to land disposal, as defined in Section 728.102.
    f) The treatment standards for USEPA hazardous waste numbers F001 through F005
    nonwastewater constituents carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone, or methanol apply
    to wastes that contain only one, two, or three of these constituents. Compliance is
    measured for these constituents in the waste extract from test Method 1311, the
    Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure found in “Test Methods for
    Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-
    846, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. If the waste
    contains any of these three constituents along with any of the other 25
    constituents found in USEPA hazardous waste numbers F001 through F005, then
    compliance with treatment standards for carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone, or
    methanol are not required.
    g) This subsection (g) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.40(g), added at 61 Fed. Reg.
    43927 (Aug. 26, 1996), which has expired by its own terms on March 4, 1999.
    This statement maintains structural consistency with the corresponding federal
    h) Prohibited USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through D011, mixed
    radioactive wastes, and mixed radioactive listed wastes containing metal
    constituents that were previously treated by stabilization to the treatment
    standards in effect at that time and then put into storage do not have to be re-
    treated to meet treatment standards in this Section prior to land disposal.

    i) Zinc micronutrient fertilizers that are produced for the use of the general public and
    which are produced from or contain recycled characteristic hazardous wastes (D004
    through D011) are subject to the applicable treatment standards set forth in 40 CFR
    268.41 (1999), incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111(b).This
    subsection (i) corresponds with 40 CFR 268.40(i), which USEPA has removed and
    marked “reserved.” This statement maintains structural consistency with the
    corresponding federal regulations.
    BOARD NOTE: USEPA added 40 CFR 268.40(i) at 63 Fed. Reg. 46331 (Aug. 31,
    1998) to stay the Phase IV land disposal restrictions (LDRs) as they apply to zinc-
    containing fertilizers while it develops a more comprehensive set of regulations
    applicable to use of hazardous waste in making fertilizers. To effect the stay,
    USEPA applied the 1990 LDR standards to the affected materials.
    j) The treatment standards for the wastes specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.133 as
    USEPA hazardous waste numbers P185, P191, P192, P197, U364, U394, and U395
    may be satisfied by either meeting the constituent concentrations presented in Table
    T of this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes,” or by treating the
    waste by the following technologies: combustion, as defined by the technology
    code CMBST at Table C, for nonwastewaters; biodegradation, as defined by the
    technology code BIODG; carbon adsorption, as defined by the technology code
    CARBN; chemical oxidation, as defined by the technology code CHOXD; or
    combustion, as defined as technology code CMBST at Table C, for wastewaters.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.141 Treatment Standards Expressed as Concentrations in Waste Extract
    For the requirements previously found in this Section and for treatment standards in Section
    728.Table A to this Part, “Table CCWE-Constituent Concentrations in Waste Extracts,”, refer to
    Section 728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.142 Treatment Standards Expressed as Specified Technologies
    a) The following wastes listed in Table T of this Part, “Treatment Standards for
    Hazardous Wastes,” for which standards are expressed as a treatment method rather
    than a concentration level, must be treated using the technology or technologies
    specified in Table C of this Part.
    1) Liquid hazardous wastes containing PCBs at concentrations greater than or
    equal to 50 ppm but less than 500 ppm must be incinerated in accordance
    with the technical requirements of 40 CFR 761.70, incorporated by reference

    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, or burned in high efficiency boilers in
    accordance with the technical requirements of 40 CFR 761.60. Liquid
    hazardous wastes containing PCBs at concentrations greater than or equal to
    500 ppm must be incinerated in accordance with the technical requirements
    of 40 CFR 761.70. Thermal treatment in accordance with this Section must
    be in compliance with applicable regulations in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724, 725,
    and 726.
    2) Nonliquid hazardous wastes containing halogenated organic compounds
    (HOCs) in total concentrations greater than or equal to 1000 mg/kg and
    liquid HOC-containing wastes that are prohibited under Section
    728.132(e)(1) must be incinerated in accordance with the requirements of
    Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 725.Subpart O. These treatment standards do not apply where the
    waste is subject to a treatment standard codified in Subpart C of this Part for
    a specific HOC (such as a hazardous waste chlorinated solvent for which a
    treatment standard is established under Section 728.141(a)).
    3) A mixture consisting of wastewater, the discharge of which is subject to
    regulation under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309 or 310, and de minimis losses of
    materials from manufacturing operations in which these materials are used as
    raw materials or are produced as products in the manufacturing process that
    meet the criteria of the D001 ignitable liquids containing greater than 10
    percent total organic constituents (TOC) subcategory are subject to the
    DEACT treatment standard described in Table C of this Part. For purposes
    of this subsection (a)(3), “de minimis losses” include the following:
    A) Those from normal material handling operations (e.g., spills from the
    unloading or transfer of materials from bins or other containers, or
    leaks from pipes, valves, or other devices used to transfer materials);
    B) Minor leaks from process equipment, storage tanks, or containers;
    C) Leaks from well-maintained pump packings and seals;
    D) Sample purgings; and
    E) Relief device discharges.
    b) Any person may submit an application to the Agency demonstrating that an
    alternative treatment method can achieve a level of performance equivalent to that
    achievable by methods specified in subsections (a), (c), and (d) of this Section for
    wastes or specified in Table F of this Part for hazardous debris. The applicant shall
    must submit information demonstrating that the applicant’s treatment method is in

    compliance with federal and state requirements, including this Part; 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 709, 724, 725, 726, and 729; and Sections 22.6 and 39(h) of the Environmental
    Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.6 and 39(h)] and that the treatment method is
    protective of human health and the environment. On the basis of such information
    and any other available information, the Agency shall must approve the use of the
    alternative treatment method if the Agency finds that the alternative treatment
    method provides a measure of performance equivalent to that achieved by methods
    specified in subsections (a), of this Section and (c), and (d) of this Section and in
    Table F of this Part, for hazardous debris. Any approval must be stated in writing
    and may contain such provisions and conditions as the Agency determines to be
    appropriate. The person to whom such approval is issued shall must comply with all
    limitations contained in such determination.
    c) As an alternative to the otherwise applicable treatment standards of Subpart D of this
    Part, lab packs are eligible for land disposal provided the following requirements are
    1) The lab packs comply with the applicable provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.416 and 725.416;
    BOARD NOTE: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 729.301 and 729.312 include additional
    restrictions on the use of lab packs.
    2) The lab pack does not contain any of the wastes listed in Appendix D of this
    3) The lab packs are incinerated in accordance with the requirements of Subpart
    O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    725.Subpart O; and
    4) Any incinerator residues from lab packs containing D004, D005, D006,
    D007, D008, D010, and D011 are treated in compliance with the applicable
    treatment standards specified for such wastes in Subpart D of this Part.
    d) Radioactive hazardous mixed wastes are subject to the treatment standards in Section
    728.140 and Table T of this Part. Where treatment standards are specified for
    radioactive mixed wastes in Table T of this Part, “Table of Treatment Standards,”,
    those treatment standards will govern. Where there is no specific treatment standard
    for radioactive mixed waste, the treatment standard for the hazardous waste (as
    designated by USEPA hazardous waste code) applies. Hazardous debris containing
    radioactive waste is subject to the treatment standards specified in Section 728.145.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.143 Treatment Standards Expressed as Waste Concentrations
    For the requirements previously found in this Section and for treatment standards in Section
    728.Table A to this Part, “CCW-Constituent Concentrations in Wastes,”, refer to Section 728.140
    and 728.Table T to this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.144 Adjustment of Treatment Standard
    a) Based on a petition filed by a generator or treater of hazardous waste, the Board
    will grant an adjusted standard from an applicable treatment standard if the
    petitioner can demonstrate that either of the following applies to treatment of the
    1) It is not physically possible to treat the waste to the level specified in the
    treatment standard, or by the method specified as the treatment standard.
    To show that this is the case, the petitioner must demonstrate that because
    the physical or chemical properties of the waste differ significantly from
    waste analyzed in developing the treatment standard, the waste cannot be
    treated to the specified level or by the specified method; or
    2) It is inappropriate to require the waste to be treated to the level specified
    in the treatment standard or by the method specified as the treatment
    standard, even though such treatment is technically possible. To show
    that this is the case, the petitioner must demonstrate that either of the
    following applies to treatment of the waste:
    A) Treatment to the specified level or by the specified method is
    technically inappropriate (for example, resulting in combustion of
    large amounts of mildly contaminated environmental media); or
    B) For remediation waste only, treatment to the specified level or by
    the specified method is environmentally inappropriate because it
    would likely discourage aggressive remediation.
    BOARD NOTE: 40 CFR 268.44 refers to these as “treatability
    variances.”. The Board has not used this term in its rules to avoid
    confusion with the Board variances under Title IX of the Environmental
    Protection Act. The equivalent Board procedures are an “adjusted
    standard from a treatment standard” pursuant to subsections (a) through (l)
    (m) of this Section, or a “treatability exception” adopted pursuant to
    subsections (m) et seq. subsection (p) of this Section. While the latter is
    adopted by “identical in substance” rulemaking following a USEPA

    action, the former is an original Board action which that will be the only
    mechanism following authorization to the State of this component of the
    RCRA program.
    b) Each petition must be submitted in accordance with the procedures in Subpart D
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104.
    c) Each petition must include the following statement signed by the petitioner or an
    authorized representative:
    I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am
    familiar with the information submitted in this petition and all attached
    documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals
    immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the
    submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that
    there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including
    the possibility of fine and imprisonment.
    d) After receiving a petition for an adjusted treatment standard, the Board may
    request any additional information or samples which that are necessary to
    evaluate the petition.
    e) The Board will give public notice and provide an opportunity for public comment,
    as provided in Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104. In conjunction
    with any updating of the RCRA regulations, the Board will maintain, in this Part,
    a listing of all adjusted treatment standards granted by the Board pursuant to this
    FISCAL YEAR. (Section 28.1(d)(3) of the Environmental Protection Act [415
    ILCS 5/28.1(d)(3)].)
    f) A generator, treatment facility or disposal facility that is managing a waste
    covered by an adjusted treatment standard shall must comply with the waste
    analysis requirements for restricted wastes found under Section 728.107.
    g) During the petition review process, the applicant is required to comply with all
    restrictions on land disposal under this Part once the effective date for the waste
    has been reached.
    h) Based on a petition filed by a generator or treater of hazardous waste, the Board
    will grant an andjusted adjusted standard from an applicable treatment standard if
    the petitioner can demonstrate that either of the following applies to treatment of
    the waste:

    1) It is not physically possible to treat the waste to the level specified in the
    treatment standard, or by the method specified as the treatment standard.
    To show that this is the case, the petitioner must demonstrate that because
    the physical or chemical properties of the waste differ significantly from
    waste analyzed in developing the treatment standard, the waste cannot be
    treated to the specified level or by the specified method; or
    2) It is inappropriate to require the waste to be treated to the level specified
    in the treatment standard or by the method specified as the treatment
    standard, even though such treatment is technically possible. To show
    that this is the case, the petitioner must demonstrate that either of the
    following applies to treatment of the waste:
    A) Treatment to the specified level or by the specified method is
    technically inappropriate (for example, resulting in combustion of
    large amounts of mildly contaminated environmental media where
    the treatment standard is not based on combustion of such media);
    B) For remediation waste only, treatment to the specified level or by
    the specified method is environmentally inappropriate because it
    would likely discourage aggressive remediation.
    3) For contaminated soil only, treatment to the level or by the method
    specified in the soil treatment standards would result in concentrations of
    hazardous constituents that are below (i.e., lower than) the concentrations
    necessary to minimize short- and long-term threats to human health and
    the environment. An adjusted standard from a treatment standard granted
    under this subsection (h)(3) will include the following features:
    A) At a minimum, the adjusted standard from the treatment standard
    will impose an alternative land disposal restriction treatment
    standard that will achieve the following, using a reasonable
    maximum exposure scenario:
    i) For carcinogens, it will achieve constituent concentrations
    that result in the total excess risk to an individual exposed
    over a lifetime, generally falling within a range from 10
    ; and
    ii) For constituents with non-carcinogenic effects, it will
    achieve constituent concentrations that an individual could

    be exposed to on a daily basis without appreciable risk of
    deleterious effect during a lifetime.
    B) The treatment adjusted standard will not consider post-land-
    disposal controls.
    4) For contaminated soil only, treatment to the level or by the method
    specified in the soil treatment standards would result in concentrations of
    hazardous constituents that are below (i.e., lower than) natural background
    concentrations at the site where the contaminated soil will be land
    5) The Board will follow the procedures of Section 28.1 of the Act and
    Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G 104 pertaining to public
    notice and a reasonable opportunity for public comment before granting or
    denying a petition.
    i) Each petition for a site-specific adjusted treatment standard must include the
    information in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.120(b)(1) through (b)(4).
    j) After receiving a petition for a site-specific adjusted treatment standard, the Board
    may request any additional information or samples which that the Board
    determines are necessary to evaluate the petition.
    k) A generator, treatment facility or disposal facility which that is managing a waste
    covered by a site-specific adjusted treatment standard shall must comply with the
    waste analysis requirements for restricted wastes in Section 728.107.
    l) During the petition review process, the petitioner for a site-specific adjusted
    treatment standard shall must comply with all restrictions on land disposal under
    this Part once the effective date for the waste has been reached.
    m) For any adjusted standard from a treatment standard, the petitioner must also
    demonstrate that compliance with the requested adjusted standard is sufficient to
    minimize threats to human health and the environment posed by land disposal of
    the waste. In evaluating this demonstration, the Board will take into account
    whether the adjusted standard should be granted if the subject waste is to be used
    in a manner constituting disposal pursuant to Sections 728.120 through 728.123.
    n) This subsection (n) corresponds with 40 CFR 264.1030(n), marked “reserved” by
    USEPA. This statement maintains structural consistency with USEPA rules
    corresponding federal regulations.

    o) The facilities listed in Table H of this Part are excluded from the treatment
    standards under Sections Section 728.143(a) and Table B of this Part, and are
    subject to the constituent concentrations listed in Table H of this Part.
    p) If USEPA grants a treatability exception by regulatory action pursuant to 40 CFR
    268.44 (1996) and a person demonstrates that the treatability exception needs to
    be adopted as part of the Illinois RCRA program because the waste is generated
    or managed in Illinois, the Board will adopt the treatability exception by identical
    in substance rulemaking pursuant to Section 22.4(a) of the Environmental
    Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.4(a)].
    BOARD NOTE: The Board will adopt the treatability exception during a RCRA
    update Docket if a timely demonstration is made. Otherwise, the Board will
    assign the matter to a separate Docket.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.145 Treatment Standards for Hazardous Debris
    a) Treatment standards. Hazardous debris must be treated prior to land disposal as
    follows, unless the Board Agency has determined, under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.103(f)(2), that the debris is no longer contaminated with hazardous waste or the
    debris is treated to the waste-specific treatment standard provided in this Subpart D
    for the waste contaminating the debris:
    1) General. Hazardous debris must be treated for each “contaminant subject to
    treatment,”, defined by subsection (b) of this Section, using the technology
    or technologies identified in Table F of this Part.
    2) Characteristic debris. Hazardous debris that exhibits the characteristic of
    ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity identified under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.121, 721.122, or 721.123, respectively, must be deactivated by treatment
    using one of the technologies identified in Table F of this Part.
    3) Mixtures of debris types. The treatment standards of Table F of this Part
    must be achieved for each type of debris contained in a mixture of debris
    types. If an immobilization technology is used in a treatment train, it must be
    the last treatment technology used.
    4) Mixtures of contaminant types. Debris that is contaminated with two or
    more contaminants subject to treatment identified under subsection (b) of
    this Section must be treated for each contaminant using one or more
    treatment technologies identified in Table F of this Part. If an

    immobilization technology is used in a treatment train, it must be the last
    treatment technology used.
    5) Waste PCBs. Hazardous debris that is also a waste PCB under 40 CFR 761
    is subject to the requirements of either 40 CFR 761 or the requirements of
    this Section, whichever are more stringent.
    b) Contaminants subject to treatment. Hazardous debris must be treated for each
    “contaminant subject to treatment.”. The contaminants subject to treatment must be
    determined as follows:
    1) Toxicity characteristic debris. The contaminants subject to treatment for
    debris that exhibits the Toxicity Characteristic (TC) by 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.124 are those EP constituents for which the debris exhibits the TC
    toxicity characteristic.
    2) Debris contaminated with listed waste. The contaminants subject to
    treatment for debris that is contaminated with a prohibited listed hazardous
    waste are those constituents or wastes for which treatment standards are
    established for the waste under Section 728.140 and Table T of this Part.
    3) Cyanide reactive debris. Hazardous debris that is reactive because of cyanide
    must be treated for cyanide.
    c) Conditioned exclusion of treated debris. Hazardous debris that has been treated
    using one of the specified extraction or destruction technologies in Table F of this
    Part and that does not exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste identified under
    Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C after treatment is not a hazardous
    waste and need not be managed in a subtitle C facility. Hazardous debris
    contaminated with a listed waste that is treated by an immobilization technology
    specified in Table F of this Part is a hazardous waste and must be managed in a
    RCRA Subtitle C treatment, storage, or disposal facility.
    d) Treatment residuals.
    1) General requirements. Except as provided by subsections (d)(2) and (d)(4)
    of this Section:
    A) Residue from the treatment of hazardous debris must be separated
    from the treated debris using simple physical or mechanical means;

    B) Residue from the treatment of hazardous debris is subject to the
    waste-specific treatment standards provided by Subpart D of this Part
    for the waste contaminating the debris.
    2) Nontoxic debris. Residue from the deactivation of ignitable, corrosive, or
    reactive characteristic hazardous debris (other than cyanide-reactive) that is
    not contaminated with a contaminant subject to treatment defined by
    subsection (b) of this Section, must be deactivated prior to land disposal and
    is not subject to the waste-specific treatment standards of Subpart D of this
    3) Cyanide-reactive debris. Residue from the treatment of debris that is reactive
    because of cyanide must meet the standards for USEPA hazardous waste
    number D003 under Section 728.140 and Table T of this Part.
    4) Ignitable nonwastewater residue. Ignitable nonwastewater residue
    containing equal to or greater than 10 percent total organic carbon is subject
    to the technology specified in the treatment standard for USEPA hazardous
    waste number D001: Ignitable Liquids.
    5) Residue from spalling. Layers of debris removed by spalling are hazardous
    debris that remain remains subject to the treatment standards of this Section.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.146 Alternative Treatment Standards Based on HTMR
    For the treatment standards previously found in Section 728.Table G to this Part, as formerly
    referenced in this Section, refer to Sections Section 728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part,
    “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.148 Universal Treatment Standards
    Section 728.Table U to this Part, “Universal Treatment Standards (UTS),”, identifies the
    hazardous constituents, along with the nonwastewater and wastewater treatment standard levels,
    that are used to regulate most prohibited hazardous wastes with numerical limits. For
    determining compliance with treatment standards for underlying hazardous constituents, as
    defined in Section 728.102(i), these treatment standards may not be exceeded. Compliance with
    these treatment standards is measured by an analysis of grab samples, unless otherwise noted in
    Section 728.Table U to this Part.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.149 Alternative LDR Treatment Standards for Contaminated Soil
    a) Applicability. An owner or operator must comply with LDRs prior to placing soil
    that exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste or which exhibited a
    characteristic of hazardous waste at the time it was generated into a land disposal
    unit. The following chart describes whether an owner or operator must comply
    with LDRs prior to placing soil contaminated by listed hazardous waste into a
    land disposal unit:
    If the LDRs And if the LDRs And if Then the owner or
    Applied to the
    listed waste when
    it contaminated
    the soil*.
    Apply to the listed
    waste now.
    — Must comply with
    Did not apply to
    the listed waste
    when it contamin-
    ated the soil*.
    Apply to the listed
    waste now.
    The soil is deter-
    mined to contain
    the listed waste
    when the soil is
    first generated.
    Must comply with
    Did not apply to
    the listed waste
    when it contamin-
    ated the soil*.
    Apply to the listed
    waste now.
    The soil is deter-
    mined not to
    contain the listed
    waste when the
    soil is first
    Needs not comply
    with LDRs.
    Did not apply to
    the listed waste
    when it contamin-
    ated the soil*.
    Do not apply to
    the listed waste
    — Needs not comply
    with LDRs.
    * For dates of LDR applicability, see Appendix G of this Part. To determine the
    date any given listed hazardous waste contaminated any given volume of soil,
    use the last date any given listed hazardous waste was placed into any given
    land disposal unit or, in the case of an accidental spill, the date of the spill.
    b) Prior to land disposal, contaminated soil identified by subsection (a) of this
    Section as needing to comply with LDRs must be treated according to the
    applicable treatment standards specified in subsection (c) of this Section or
    according to the universal treatment standards specified in Section 728.148 and
    Table U of this Part applicable to the contaminating listed hazardous waste or the
    applicable characteristic of hazardous waste if the soil is characteristic. The
    treatment standards specified in subsection (c) of this Section and the universal

    treatment standards may be modified through a treatment variance approved in
    accordance with Section 728.144.
    c) Treatment standards for contaminated soils. Prior to land disposal, contaminated
    soil identified by subsection (a) of this Section as needing to comply with LDRs
    must be treated according to all the standards specified in this subsection (c) or
    according to the universal treatment standards specified in Section 728.148 and
    Table U of this Part.
    1) All soils. Prior to land disposal, all constituents subject to treatment must
    be treated as follows:
    A) For non-metals except carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone, and
    methanol, treatment must achieve 90 percent reduction in total
    constituent concentrations, except as provided by subsection
    (c)(1)(C) of this Section.
    B) For metals and carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone, and methanol,
    treatment must achieve 90 percent reduction in constituent
    concentrations as measured in leachate from the treated media
    (tested according to the TCLP) or 90 percent reduction in total
    constituent concentrations (when a metal removal treatment
    technology is used), except as provided by subsection (c)(1)(C) of
    this Section.
    C) When treatment of any constituent subject to treatment to a 90
    percent reduction standard would result in a concentration less
    than 10 times the universal treatment standard for that constituent,
    treatment to achieve constituent concentrations less than 10 times
    the universal treatment standard is not required. The universal
    treatment standards are identified in Table U of this Part.
    2) Soils that exhibit the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity or
    reactivity. In addition to the treatment required by subsection (c)(1) of
    this Section, prior to land disposal, soils that exhibit the characteristic of
    ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity must be treated to eliminate these
    3) Soils that contain nonanalyzable constituents. In addition to the treatment
    requirements of subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this Section, prior to land
    disposal, the following treatment is required for soils that contain
    nonanalyzable constituents:

    A) For soil that contains only analyzable and nonanalyzable organic
    constituents, treatment of the analyzable organic constituents to the
    levels specified in subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this Section; or
    B) For soil that contains only nonanalyzable constituents, treatment
    by the methods specified in Section 728.142 for the waste
    contained in the soil.
    d) Constituents subject to treatment. When applying the soil treatment standards in
    subsection (c) of this Section, constituents subject to treatment are any
    constituents listed in Table U of this Part, entitled “Universal Treatment
    Standards,” that are reasonably expected to be present in any given volume of
    contaminated soil, except fluoride, selenium, sulfides, vanadium, zinc, and that
    are present at concentrations greater than ten times the universal treatment
    standard. PCBs are not constituents subject to treatment in any given volume of
    soil that exhibits the toxicity characteristic solely because of the presence of
    e) Management of treatment residuals. Treatment residuals from treating
    contaminated soil identified by subsection (a) of this Section as needing to
    comply with LDRs must be managed as follows:
    1) Soil residuals are subject to the treatment standards of this Section;
    2) Non-soil residuals are subject to the following requirements:
    A) For soils contaminated by listed hazardous waste, the RCRA
    Subtitle C standards applicable to the listed hazardous waste; and
    B) For soils that exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste, if the
    non-soil residual also exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste,
    the treatment standards applicable to the characteristic hazardous
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.150 Prohibitions on Storage of Restricted Wastes
    a) Except as provided in this Section, the storage of hazardous wastes restricted from
    land disposal under Subpart C of this Part is prohibited, unless the following
    conditions are met:

    1) A generator stores such wastes in tanks, containers, or containment buildings
    on-site solely for the purpose of the accumulation of such quantities of
    hazardous waste as necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or
    disposal and the generator complies with the requirements in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 722.134 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725. (A generator that is in
    existence on the effective date of a regulation under this Part and which must
    store hazardous wastes for longer than 90 days due to the regulations under
    this Part becomes an owner or operator of a storage facility and shall must
    obtain a RCRA permit, as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703. Such a facility
    may qualify for interim status upon compliance with the regulations
    governing interim status under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.153.)
    2) An owner or operator of a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal
    facility stores such wastes in tanks, containers, or containment buildings
    solely for the purpose of the accumulation of such quantities of hazardous
    waste as necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or disposal and
    each of the following conditions are fulfilled:
    A) Each container is clearly marked to identify its contents and the date
    each period of accumulation begins; and
    B) Each tank is clearly marked with a description of its contents, the
    quantity of each hazardous waste received and the date each period of
    accumulation begins, or such information is recorded and maintained
    in the operating record at the facility. Regardless of whether the tank
    itself is marked, the owner and operator shall must comply with the
    operating record requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.173 or
    3) A transporter stores manifested shipments of such wastes at a transfer facility
    for 10 days or less.
    b) An owner or operator of a treatment, storage, or disposal facility may store such
    wastes for up to one year unless the Agency can demonstrate that such storage was
    not solely for the purpose of accumulation of such quantities of hazardous waste as
    are necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or disposal.
    c) An owner or operator of a treatment, storage, or disposal facility may store wastes
    beyond one year; however, the owner or operator bears the burden of proving that
    such storage was solely for the purpose of accumulation of such quantities of
    hazardous waste as are necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or disposal.
    d) If a generator’s waste is exempt from a prohibition on the type of land disposal
    utilized for the waste (for example, because of an approved case-by-case extension

    under 40 CFR 268.5, incorporated by reference in Section 728.105, an approved
    Section 728.106 petition or a national capacity variance under 40 CFR 268, Subpart
    C), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply during the period of such
    e) The prohibition in subsection (a) of this Section does not apply to hazardous wastes
    that meet the treatment standards specified under Sections 728.141, 728.142, and
    728.143 or the adjusted treatment standards specified under Section 728.144, or,
    where treatment standards have not been specified, the waste is in compliance with
    the applicable prohibitions specified in Section 728.132 or 728.139.
    f) Liquid hazardous wastes containing PCBs at concentrations greater than or equal to
    50 ppm must be stored at a facility that meets the requirements of 40 CFR 761.65(b),
    incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, and must be removed from
    storage and treated or disposed as required by the Part within one year of the date
    when such wastes are first placed into storage. The provisions of subsection (c) of
    this Section do not apply to such PCB wastes prohibited under Section 728.132.
    g) The prohibition and requirements in this Section do not apply to hazardous
    remediation wastes stored in a staging pile approved pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.654.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix C List of Halogenated Organic Compounds Regulated under Section
    In determining the concentration of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) in a hazardous
    waste for purposes of the Section 728.132 land disposal prohibition, USEPA has defined the
    HOCs that must be included in a calculation as any compounds having a carbon-halogen bond
    which that are listed in this Appendix (see Section 728.102). This Appendix C to Part 728
    consists of the following compounds:
    I. Volatiles
    1. Bromodichloromethane
    2. Bromomethane
    3. Carbon Tetrachloride
    4. Chlorobenzene
    5. 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene
    6. Chlorodibromomethane
    7. Chloroethane
    8. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether
    9. Chloroform

    10. Chloromethane
    11. 3-Chloropropene
    12. 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
    13. 1,2-Dibromomethane
    14. Dibromomethane
    15. Trans-1,4-Dichloro-2--butene
    16. Dichlorodifluoromethane
    17. 1,1-Dichloroethane
    18. 1,2-Dichloroethane
    19. 1,1-Dichloroethylene
    20. Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene
    21. 1,2-Dichloropropane
    22. Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene
    23. cis-1,3-Dichloropropene
    24. Iodomethane
    25. Methylene chloride
    26. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane
    27. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
    28. Tetrachloroethene
    29. Tribromomethane
    30. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
    31. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
    32. Trichloroethene
    33. Trichloromonofluoromethane
    34. 1,2,3-Thrichloropropane
    35. Vinyl Chloride
    II. Semivolatiles
    1. Bis(2-chloroethoxy)ethane
    2. Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether
    3. Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether
    4. p-Chloroaniline
    5. Chlorobenzilate
    6. p-Chloro-m-cresol
    7. 2-Chloronaphthalene
    8. 2-Chlorophenol
    9. 3-Chloropropionitrile
    10. m-Dichlorobenzene
    11. o-Dichlorobenzene
    12. p-Dichlorobenzene
    13. 3.3'-Dichlorobenzidine
    14. 2,4-Dichlorophenol
    15. 2,6-Dichlorophenol

    16. Hexachlorobenzene
    17. Hexachlorobutadiene
    18. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
    19. Hexachloroethane
    20. Hexachlorophene
    21. Hexachloropropene
    22. 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroanaline)
    23. Pentachlorobenzene
    24. Pentachloroethane
    25. Pentachloronitrobenzene
    26. Pentachlorophenol
    27. Pronamide
    28. 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
    29. 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
    30. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
    31. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol
    32. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
    33. Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate
    III. Organochlorine Pesticides
    1. Aldrin
    2. alpha-BHC
    3. beta-BHC
    4. delta-BHC
    5. gamma-BHC
    6. Chlorodane
    7. DDD
    8. DDE
    9. DDT
    10. Dieldrin
    11. Endosulfan I
    12. Endosulfan II
    13. Endrin
    14. Endrin aldehyde
    15. Heptachlor
    16. Heptachlor epoxide
    17. Isodrin
    18. Kepone
    19. Methoxyclor
    20. Toxaphene

    IV. Phenoxyacetic Acid Herbicides
    1. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
    2. Silvex
    3. 2,4,5-T
    V. PCBs
    1. Aroclor 1016
    2. Aroclor 1221
    3. Aroclor 1232
    4. Aroclor 1242
    5. Aroclor 1248
    6. Aroclor 1254
    7. Aroclor 1260
    8. PCBs not otherwise specified
    VI. Dioxins and Furans
    1. Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    2. Hexachlorodibenzofuran
    3. Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    4. Pentachlorodibenzofuran
    5. Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    6. Tetrachlorodibenzofuran
    7. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 268, Appendix III, as added at 65 Fed. Reg. 81340
    (December 26, 2000) (2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix D Wastes Excluded from Lab Packs
    Hazardous waste with the following U.S. EPA USEPA hazardous waste codes may not be placed in
    lab packs under the alternative lab pack treatment standards of Section 728.142(c): D009, F019,
    K003, K004, K005, K006, K062, K071, K100, K106, P010, P011, P012, P076, P078, U134, and
    BOARD NOTE: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 729.301 and 729.312 include additional limitations on the use
    of lab packs.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.Appendix F Technologies to Achieve Deactivation of Characteristics
    The treatment standard for many characteristic wastes is stated in the Section 728.Table T of this
    Part, entitled “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes,” as “DEACT and meet Section
    728.148 standards.” USEPA has determined that many technologies, when used alone or in
    combination, can achieve the deactivation portion of the treatment standard. Characteristic
    wastes that are not managed in a facility regulated by the CWA or in a CWA-equivalent facility,
    and that also contain underlying hazardous constituents (see Section 728.102(i)) must be treated
    not only by a “deactivating” technology to remove the characteristic, but also to achieve the
    universal treatment standards (UTS) for underlying hazardous constituents. This appendix
    Appendix F presents a partial list of technologies, utilizing the five letter technology codes
    established in Table C of this Part, that may be useful in meeting the treatment standard. Use of
    these specific technologies is not mandatory and does not preclude direct reuse, recovery or the
    use of other pretreatment technologies, provided deactivation is achieved and underlying
    hazardous constituents are treated to achieve the UTS.
    Waste code/subcategory Nonwastewaters Wastewaters
    D001 Ignitable Liquids based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.121(a)(1)—Low TOC Nonwastewater
    Subcategory (containing one percent to <10 percent
    D001 Ignitable Liquids based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.121(a)(1)—Ignitable Wastewater Subcategory
    (containing <1 one percent TOC)
    n.a. WETOX
    D001 Compressed Gases based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    ADGAS fb.
    ADGAS fb.
    (CHOXD; or
    D001 Ignitable Reactives based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    D001 Ignitable Oxidizers based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    D002 Acid Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.122(a)(1) with pH less than or equal to 2 two
    D002 Alkaline Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 721.122(a)(1) with pH greater than or equal to
    D002 Other Corrosives based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    D003 Water Reactives based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.123(a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4)
    D003 Reactive Sulfides based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    D003 Explosives based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.123(a) (6), (a)(7), and (a)(8)
    D003 Other Reactives based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    K044 Wastewater treatment sludges from the
    manufacturing and processing of explosives

    K045 Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewaters
    containing explosives
    K047 Pink/red water from TNT operations CHOXD
    Note: “n.a.” stands for “not applicable.”.
    “fb.” Stands for “followed by.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix G Federal Effective Dates
    The following are the effective dates for the USEPA rules in 40 CFR 268. These generally became
    effective as Illinois rules at a later date.
    TABLE 1
    Waste code Waste category Effective date
    All (except High TOC Ignitable Liquids) Aug. August 9, 1993.
    D001 High TOC Ignitable Liquids Aug. August 8, 1990.
    All Aug.
    August 9, 1993.
    Newly identified surface-disposed
    elemental phosphorus processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D004 Newly identified D004 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,
    D004 Mixed radioactive/newly identified D004
    or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D005 Newly identified D005 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,
    D005 Mixed radioactive/newly identified D005
    or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D006 Newly identified D006 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,

    D006 Mixed radioactive/newly identified D006
    or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D007 Newly identified D007 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,
    D007 Mixed radioactive/newly identified
    D007or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D008 Newly identified D008 and mineral
    processing waste
    Aug. August 24,
    D008 Mixed radioactive/newly identified D008
    or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D009 Newly identified D009 and mineral
    processing waste
    Aug. August 24,
    D009 Mixed radioactive/newly identified
    D009or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D010 Newly identified D010 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,
    D010 Mixed radioactive/newly identified D010
    or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D011 Newly identified D011 and mineral
    processing wastes
    Aug. August 24,
    D011 Mixed radioactive/newly identified
    D011or mineral processing wastes
    May 26, 2000.
    D012 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D013 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D014 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D015 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D016 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D017 (that exhibit the toxici-
    ty characteristic based on the
    All Dec.
    December 14,
    D018 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D018 All others Dec.
    December 19,

    D019 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D019 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D020 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D020 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D021 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D021 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D022 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D022 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D023 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D023 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D024 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D024 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D025 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D025 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D026 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D026 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D027 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D027 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D028 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D028 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D029 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D029 All others Dec.
    December 19,

    D030 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D030 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D031 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D031 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D032 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D032 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D033 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D033 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D034 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D034 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D035 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D035 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D036 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D036 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D037 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D037 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D038 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D038 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D039 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D039 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D040 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D040 All others Dec.
    December 19,

    D041 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D041 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D042 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D042 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    D043 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    D043 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    F001 Small quantity generators, CERCLA
    response/RCRA corrective action, initial
    generator’s solvent-water mixtures, solvent-
    containing sludges and solids
    Nov. November 8,
    F001 All others Nov.
    November 8,
    F002 (1,1,2-trichloroethane) Wastewater and Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    F002 Small quantity generators, CERCLA
    response/RCRA corrective action, initial
    generator’s solvent-water mixtures, solvent-
    containing sludges and solids
    Nov. November 8,
    F002 All others Nov.
    November 8,
    F003 Small quantity generators, CERCLA
    response/RCRA corrective action, initial
    generator’s solvent-water mixtures, solvent-
    containing sludges and solids
    Nov. November 8,
    F003 All others Nov.
    November 8,
    F004 Small quantity generators, CERCLA
    response/RCRA corrective action, initial
    generator’s solvent-water mixtures, solvent-
    containing sludges and solids
    Nov. November 8,
    F004 All others Nov.
    November 8,
    F005 (benzene, 2-ethoxy
    ethanol, 2-nitropropane)
    Wastewater and Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    F005 Small quantity generators, CERCLA
    response/RCRA corrective action, initial
    generator’s solvent-water mixtures, solvent-
    containing sludges and solids
    Nov. November 8,

    F005 All others Nov.
    November 8,
    F006 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    F006 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    F006 (cyanides) Nonwastewater July 8, 1989.
    F007 All July 8, 1989.
    F008 All July 8, 1989.
    F009 All July 8, 1989.
    F010 All June 8, 1989.
    F011 (cyanides) Nonwastewater Dec. December 8,
    F011 All others July 8, 1989.
    F012 (cyanides) Nonwastewater Dec. December 8,
    F012 All others July 8, 1989.
    F019 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    F020 All Nov.
    November 8,
    F021 All Nov.
    November 8,
    F025 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    F026 All Nov.
    November 8,
    F027 All Nov.
    November 8,
    F028 All Nov.
    November 8,
    F032 Mixed with radioactive wastes May 12, 1999.
    F032 All others Aug.
    August 12,
    F034 Mixed with radioactive wastes May 12, 1999.
    F034 All others Aug.
    August 12,
    F035 Mixed with radioactive wastes May 12, 1999.
    F035 All others Aug.
    August 12,
    F037 Not generated from surface impoundment
    cleanouts or closures
    June 30, 1993.
    F037 Generated from surface impoundment
    cleanouts or closures
    June 30, 1994.
    F037 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    F038 Not generated from surface impoundment
    cleanouts or closures
    June 30, 1993.

    F038 Generated from surface impoundment
    cleanouts or closures
    June 30, 1994.
    F038 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    F039 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    F039 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K001 (organics)
    All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K001 All others Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K002 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K003 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K004 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K004 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K005 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K005 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K006 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K007 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K007 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K008 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K008 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K009 All June 8, 1989.
    K010 All June 8, 1989.
    K011 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K011 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K013 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K013 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K014 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K014 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K015 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K015 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K016 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K017 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K018 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K019 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K020 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K021 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K021 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K022 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K022 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K023 All June 8, 1989.
    K024 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K025 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K025 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K026 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K027 All June 8, 1989.
    K028 (metals) Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.

    K028 All others June 8, 1989.
    K029 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K029 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K030 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K031 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K031 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K032 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K033 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K034 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K035 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K036 Wastewater June 8, 1989.
    K036 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K037 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K038 All June 8, 1989.
    K039 All June 8, 1989.
    K040 All June 8, 1989.
    K041 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K042 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K043 All June 8, 1989.
    K044 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K045 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K046 (Nonreactive) Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1988.
    K046 All others Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K047 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K048 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K048 Nonwastewater Nov.
    November 8,
    K049 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K049 Nonwastewater Nov.
    November 8,
    K050 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K050 Nonwastewater Nov.
    November 8,
    K051 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K051 Nonwastewater Nov.
    November 8,
    K052 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K052 Nonwastewater Nov. November 8,
    K060 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K060 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K061 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K061 Nonwastewater June 30, 1992.

    K062 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K069 (Non-Calcium Sulfate)
    (non-calcium sulfate)
    Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K069 All others Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K071 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K073 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K083 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K084 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K084 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K085 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K086 (organics)
    All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K086 All others Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K087 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K088 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K088 All others Oct.
    October 8,
    K093 All June 8, 1989.
    K094 All June 8, 1989.
    K095 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K095 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K096 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K096 Nonwastewater June 8, 1989.
    K097 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K098 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K099 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K100 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K100 Nonwastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K101 (organics) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1988.
    K101 (metals) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    K101 (organics) Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1988.
    K101 (metals) Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K102 (organics) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1988.
    K102 (metals) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    K102 (organics) Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1988.
    K102 (metals) Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K103 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K104 All Aug.
    August 8, 1988.
    K105 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K106 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    K106 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    K107 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K107 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K108 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.

    K108 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K109 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K109 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K110 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K110 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K111 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K111 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K112 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K112 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K113 All June 8, 1989.
    K114 All June 8, 1989.
    K115 All June 8, 1989.
    K116 All June 8, 1989.
    K117 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K117 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K118 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K118 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K123 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K123 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K124 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K124 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K125 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K125 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K126 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K126 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K131 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K131 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K132 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    K132 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K136 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.

    K136 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    K141 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K141 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K142 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K142 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K143 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K143 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K144 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K144 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K145 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K145 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K147 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K147 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K148 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K148 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K149 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K149 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K150 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K150 All others Dec.
    December 19,
    K151 Mixed with radioactive wastes Sep. September 19,
    K151 All others Dec. December 19,
    K156 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K156 All others July 8, 1996.

    K157 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K157 All others July 8, 1996.
    K158 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K158 All others July 8, 1996.
    K159 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K159 All others July 8, 1996.
    K160 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K160 All others July 8, 1996.
    K161 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    K161 All others July 8, 1996.
    P001 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P002 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P003 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P004 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P005 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P006 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P007 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P008 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P009 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P010 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P010 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P011 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P011 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P012 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P012 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P013 (barium) Nonwastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    P013 All others June 8, 1989.
    P014 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P015 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P016 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P017 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P018 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P020 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P021 All June 8, 1989.
    P022 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P023 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P024 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P026 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P027 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P028 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P029 All June 8, 1989.
    P030 All June 8, 1989.
    P031 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P033 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    P034 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P036 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P036 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P037 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P038 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P038 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P039 All June 8, 1989.
    P040 All June 8, 1989.
    P041 All June 8, 1989.
    P042 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P043 All June 8, 1989.
    P044 All June 8, 1989.
    P045 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P046 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P047 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P048 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P049 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P050 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P051 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P054 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P056 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P057 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P058 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P059 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P060 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P062 All June 8, 1989.
    P063 All June 8, 1989.
    P064 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P065 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P065 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P066 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P067 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P068 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P069 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P070 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P071 All June 8, 1989.
    P072 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P073 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P074 All June 8, 1989.
    P075 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P076 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P077 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P078 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P081 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    P082 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P084 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P085 All June 8, 1989.
    P087 All May 8, 1992.
    P088 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    P089 All June 8, 1989.
    P092 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P092 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    P093 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P094 All June 8, 1989.
    P095 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P096 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P097 All June 8, 1989.
    P098 All June 8, 1989.
    P099 (silver) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    P099 All others June 8, 1989.
    P101 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P102 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P103 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P104 (silver) Wastewater Aug. August 8, 1990.
    P104 All others June 8, 1989.
    P105 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P106 All June 8, 1989.
    P108 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P109 All June 8, 1989.
    P110 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P111 All June 8, 1989.
    P112 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P113 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P114 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    P115 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P116 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P118 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P119 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P120 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P121 All June 8, 1989.
    P122 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P123 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    P127 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P127 All others July 8, 1996.
    P128 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P128 All others July 8, 1996.
    P185 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P185 All others July 8, 1996.

    P188 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P188 All others July 8, 1996.
    P189 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P189 All others July 8, 1996.
    P190 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P190 All others July 8, 1996.
    P191 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P191 All others July 8, 1996.
    P192 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P192 All others July 8, 1996.
    P194 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P194 All others July 8, 1996.
    P196 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P196 All others July 8, 1996.
    P197 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P197 All others July 8, 1996.
    P198 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P198 All others July 8, 1996.
    P199 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P199 All others July 8, 1996.
    P201 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P201 All others July 8, 1996.
    P202 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P202 All others July 8, 1996.
    P203 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P203 All others July 8, 1996.
    P204 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P204 All others July 8, 1996.
    P205 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    P205 All others July 8, 1996.
    U001 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U002 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U003 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U004 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U005 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U006 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U007 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U008 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U009 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U010 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U011 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U012 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U014 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U015 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    U016 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U017 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    U018 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U019 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U020 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U021 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U022 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U023 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U024 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U025 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U026 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U027 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U028 All June 8, 1989.
    U029 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U030 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U031 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U032 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U033 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U034 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U035 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U036 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U037 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U038 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U039 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U041 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U042 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U043 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    U044 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U045 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U046 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U047 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U048 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U049 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U050 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U051 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U052 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U053 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U055 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U056 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U057 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U058 All June 8, 1989.
    U059 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U060 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U061 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    U062 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U063 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U064 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U066 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U067 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U068 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U069 All June 30, 1992.
    U070 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U071 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U072 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U073 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U074 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U075 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U076 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U077 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U078 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U079 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U080 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U081 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U082 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U083 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U084 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U085 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U086 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U087 All June 8, 1989.
    U088 All June 8, 1989.
    U089 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U090 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U091 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U092 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U093 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U094 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U095 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U096 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U097 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U098 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U099 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U101 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U102 All June 8, 1989.
    U103 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U105 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U106 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    U107 All June 8, 1989.
    U108 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    U109 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U110 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U111 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U112 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U113 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U114 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U115 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U116 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U117 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U118 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U119 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U120 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U121 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U122 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U123 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U124 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U125 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U126 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U127 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U128 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U129 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U130 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U131 All Aug. August 8, 1990.
    U132 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U133 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U134 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U135 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U136 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U136 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    U137 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U138 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U140 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U141 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U142 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U143 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U144 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U145 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U146 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U147 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U148 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U149 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U150 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U151 Wastewater Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U151 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.

    U152 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U153 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U154 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U155 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U156 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U157 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U158 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U159 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U160 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U161 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U162 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U163 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U164 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U165 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U166 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U167 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U168 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U169 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U170 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U171 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U172 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U173 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U174 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U176 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U177 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U178 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U179 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U180 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U181 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U182 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U183 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U184 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U185 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U186 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U187 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U188 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U189 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U190 All June 8, 1989.
    U191 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U192 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U193 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U194 All June 8, 1989.
    U196 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U197 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.

    U200 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U201 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U202 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U203 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U204 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U205 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U206 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U207 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U208 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U209 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U210 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U211 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U213 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U214 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U215 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U216 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U217 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U218 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U219 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U220 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U221 All June 8, 1989.
    U222 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U223 All June 8, 1989.
    U225 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U226 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U227 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U228 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U234 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U235 All June 8, 1989.
    U236 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U237 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U238 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U239 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U240 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U243 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U244 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U246 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U247 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U248 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U249 All Aug.
    August 8, 1990.
    U271 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U271 All others July 8, 1996.
    U277 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U277 All others July 8, 1996.

    U278 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U278 All others July 8, 1996.
    U279 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U279 All others July 8, 1996.
    U280 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U280 All others July 8, 1996.
    U328 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    U328 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    U353 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    U353 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    U359 Mixed with radioactive wastes June 30, 1994.
    U359 All others Nov.
    November 9,
    U364 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U364 All others July 8, 1996.
    U365 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U365 All others July 8, 1996.
    U366 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U366 All others July 8, 1996.
    U367 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U367 All others July 8, 1996.
    U372 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U372 All others July 8, 1996.
    U373 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U373 All others July 8, 1996.
    U375 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U375 All others July 8, 1996.
    U376 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U376 All others July 8, 1996.
    U377 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U377 All others July 8, 1996.
    U378 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U378 All others July 8, 1996.
    U379 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U379 All others July 8, 1996.
    U381 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U381 All others July 8, 1996.
    U382 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U382 All others July 8, 1996.
    U383 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U383 All others July 8, 1996.
    U384 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.

    U384 All others July 8, 1996.
    U385 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U385 All others July 8, 1996.
    U386 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U386 All others July 8, 1996.
    U387 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U387 All others July 8, 1996.
    U389 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U389 All others July 8, 1996.
    U390 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U390 All others July 8, 1996.
    U391 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U391 All others July 8, 1996.
    U392 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U392 All others July 8, 1996.
    U393 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U393 All others July 8, 1996.
    U394 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U394 All others July 8, 1996.
    U395 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U395 All others July 8, 1996.
    U396 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U396 All others July 8, 1996.
    U400 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U400 All others July 8, 1996.
    U401 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U401 All others July 8, 1996.
    U402 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U402 All others July 8, 1996.
    U403 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U403 All others July 8, 1996.
    U404 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U404 All others July 8, 1996.
    U407 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U407 All others July 8, 1996.
    U409 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U409 All others July 8, 1996.
    U410 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U410 All others July 8, 1996.
    U411 Mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8, 1998.
    U411 All others July 8, 1996.

    This table does not include mixed radioactive wastes (from the First, Second, and Third
    Third rules) which that are receiving a national capacity variance until May 8, 1992.
    This table also does not include contaminated soil and debris wastes.
    The standard was revised in the Third Third Final Rule (adopted by USEPA at 55 Fed.
    Reg. 22520 (June 1, 1990) and by the Board in docket R90-11 by orders dated April 11,
    May 23, and August 8 and 22, 1991).
    USEPA amended the standard in the Third Third Emergency Rule (at 58 Fed. Reg. 29860
    (May 24, 1993), which the Board adopted in docket R93-16 on March 17, 1994); the
    original effective date was August 8, 1990.
    The standard was revised in the Phase II Final Rule (which that USEPA adopted at 59
    Fed. Reg. 47982 (Sept. September 19, 1994) and the Board adopted in docket R95-6 by
    orders dated June 1 and 15, 1995); the original effective date was August 8, 1990.
    The standards for selected reactive wastes was revised in the Phase III Final Rule (which
    that USEPA adopted at 61 Fed. Reg. 15566 (Apr. April 8, 1996) and the Board adopted
    in docket R96-10/R97-3/R97-5 (consolidated) by an order dated November 6, 1997); the
    original effective date was August 8, 1990.
    TABLE 2
    Restricted hazardous waste in CSD Effective date
    1. Solvent- (F001-F005) and dioxin- (F020-F023 and F026-F028) containing soil
    and debris from CERCLA response or RCRA corrective actions.
    Nov. November 8,
    2. Soil and debris not from CERCLA response or RCRA corrective actions
    contaminated with less than one percent total solvents (F001-F005) or dioxins
    (F020-F023 and F026-F028).
    Nov. November 8,
    3. All soil and debris contaminated with First Third wastes for which treatment
    standards are based on incineration.
    Aug. August 8,
    4. All soil and debris contaminated with Second Third wastes for which treatment
    standards are based on incineration.
    June 8, 1991.
    5. All soil and debris contaminated with Third Third wastes or, First or Second
    Third “soft hammer” wastes which that had treatment standards promulgated in
    the Third Third rule, for which treatment standards are based on incineration,
    vitrification, or mercury retorting, acid leaching followed by chemical
    precipitation, or thermal recovery of metals, as well as all inorganic solids debris
    contaminated with D004-D011 wastes, and all soil and debris contaminated with
    mixed RCRA/radioactive wastes.
    May 8, 1992.
    6. Soil and debris contaminated with D012-D043, K141-K145, and K147-151
    Dec. December
    19, 1994.

    7. Debris (only) contaminated with F037, F038, K107-K112, K117, K118,
    K123-K126, K131, K132, K136, U328, U353, U359.
    Dec. December
    19, 1994
    8. Soil and debris contaminated with K156- K161, P127, P128, P188-P192,
    P194, P196- P199, P201-P205, U271, U277-U280, U364-U367, U372, U373,
    U375-U379, U381-U387, U389-U396, U400-U404, U407, and U409-U411
    July 8, 1996.
    9. Soil and debris contaminated with K088 wastes. Oct. October 8,
    10. Soil and debris contaminated with radioactive wastes mixed with K088,
    K156-K161, P127, P128, P188-P192, P194, P196-P199, P201-P205, U271,
    U277-U280, U364-U367, U372, U373, U375-U379, U381-U387, U389-
    U396, U400-U404, U407, and U409-U411 wastes.
    April 8, 1998.
    11. Soil and debris contaminated with F032, F034, and F035. May 12, 1997.
    12. Soil and debris contaminated with newly identified D004-D011 toxicity
    characteristic wastes and mineral processing wastes.
    Aug. August 24,
    13. Soil and debris contaminated with mixed radioactive newly identified D011
    characteristic wastes and mineral processing wastes.
    May 26, 2000.
    BOARD NOTE: This table is provided for the convenience of the reader.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix H National Capacity LDR Variances for UIC Wastes
    See Note
    Waste code Waste category Effective date
    D001 (except High
    TOC Ignitable Liquids
    All Feb.
    10, 1994.
    D001 (High TOC
    Ignitable Characteristic
    Liquids Subcategory)
    Nonwastewater Sep.
    19, 1995.
    All May 8, 1992.
    All Feb.
    10, 1994.
    D003 (cyanides) All May 8, 1992.
    D003 (sulfides) All May 8, 1992.
    D003 (explosives,
    All May 8, 1992.
    D007 All May 8, 1992.
    D009 Nonwastewater May 8, 1992.
    D012 All Sep.
    19, 1995.

    D013 All Sep.
    19, 1995.
    D014 All Sep.
    19, 1995.
    D015 All Sep.
    19, 1995.
    D016 All Sep.
    19, 1995.
    D017 All Sep.
    19, 1995.
    D018 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D019 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D020 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D021 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D022 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D023 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D024 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D025 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D026 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D027 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D028 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D029 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D030 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D031 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D032 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D033 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D034 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,

    D035 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D036 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D037 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D038 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D039 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D040 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D041 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D042 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    D043 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes Apr. April 8,
    F001-F005 All spent F001-F005 solvent containing less than 1
    percent total F001-F005 solvent constituents
    Aug. August 8,
    F007 All June 8, 1991.
    F032 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes May 12, 1999.
    F034 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes May 12,1999.
    F035 All, including mixed with radioactive wastes May 12, 1999.
    F037 All Nov.
    8, 1992.
    F038 All Nov.
    8, 1992.
    F039 Wastewater May 8, 1992.
    K009 Wastewater June 8, 1991.
    K011 Nonwastewater June 8, 1991.
    K011 Wastewater May 8, 1992.
    K013 Nonwastewater June 8, 1991.
    K013 Wastewater May 8, 1992.
    K014 All May 8, 1992.
    K016 (dilute) All June 8, 1991.
    K049 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K050 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K051 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K052 All Aug.
    August 8,

    K062 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K071 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K088 All Jan.
    January 8,
    K104 All Aug.
    August 8,
    K107 All Nov.
    8, 1992.
    K108 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K109 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K110 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K111 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K112 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K117 All June 30, 1995.
    K118 All June 30, 1995.
    K123 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K124 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K125 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K126 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K131 All June 30, 1995.
    K132 All June 30, 1995.
    K136 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    K141 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K142 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K143 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K144 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K145 All Dec.
    19, 1994.

    K147 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K148 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K149 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K150 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K151 All Dec.
    19, 1994.
    K156 All July 8, 1996.
    K157 All July 8, 1996.
    K158 All July 8, 1996.
    K159 All July 8, 1996.
    K160 All July 8, 1996.
    K161 All July 8, 1996.
    NA Newly identified mineral processing wastes from
    titanium dioxide production and mixed
    radioactive/newly identified D004-D011
    characteristic wastes and mineral processing wastes.
    May 26, 2000.
    P127 All July 8, 1996.
    P128 All July 8, 1996.
    P185 All July 8, 1996.
    P188 All July 8, 1996.
    P189 All July 8, 1996.
    P190 All July 8, 1996.
    P191 All July 8, 1996.
    P192 All July 8, 1996.
    P194 All July 8, 1996.
    P196 All July 8, 1996.
    P197 All July 8, 1996.
    P198 All July 8, 1996.
    P199 All July 8, 1996.
    P201 All July 8, 1996.
    P202 All July 8, 1996.
    P203 All July 8, 1996.
    P204 All July 8, 1996.
    P205 All July 8, 1996.
    U271 All July 8, 1996.
    U277 All July 8, 1996.
    U278 All July 8, 1996.
    U279 All July 8, 1996.
    U280 All July 8, 1996.

    U328 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    U353 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    U359 All Nov.
    9, 1992.
    U364 All July 8, 1996.
    U365 All July 8, 1996.
    U366 All July 8, 1996.
    U367 All July 8, 1996.
    U372 All July 8, 1996.
    U373 All July 8, 1996.
    U375 All July 8, 1996.
    U376 All July 8, 1996.
    U377 All July 8, 1996.
    U378 All July 8, 1996.
    U379 All July 8, 1996.
    U381 All July 8, 1996.
    U382 All July 8, 1996.
    U383 All July 8, 1996.
    U384 All July 8, 1996.
    U385 All July 8, 1996.
    U386 All July 8, 1996.
    U387 All July 8, 1996.
    U389 All July 8, 1996.
    U390 All July 8, 1996.
    U391 All July 8, 1996.
    U392 All July 8, 1996.
    U395 All July 8, 1996.
    U396 All July 8, 1996.
    U400 All July 8, 1996.
    U401 All July 8, 1996.
    U402 All July 8, 1996.
    U403 All July 8, 1996.
    U404 All July 8, 1996.
    U407 All July 8, 1996.
    U409 All July 8, 1996.
    U410 All July 8, 1996.
    U411 All July 8, 1996.
    Wastes that are deep well disposed on-site receive a six-month variance, with restrictions,
    effective in November 1990.

    Deep well injected D002 liquids with a pH less than 2 two must meet the California List
    treatment standards on August 8, 1990.
    Managed in systems defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 730.105(e) as Class V injection wells
    that do not engage in CWA-equivalent treatment before injection.
    BOARD NOTE: This table is provided for the convenience of the reader.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix I EP Toxicity Test Method and Structural Integrity Test
    Note: The EP (Method 1310) is published in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, U.S. EPA USEPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference
    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Appendix K Metal Bearing Metal-Bearing Wastes Prohibited From from
    Dilution in a Combustion Unit According to Section 728.103(c)
    BOARD NOTE: A combustion unit is defined as any thermal technology subject to Subpart O
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O, or Subpart
    H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H.
    Waste code Waste description
    D004 Toxicity Characteristic for Arsenic.
    D005 Toxicity Characteristic for Barium.
    D006 Toxicity Characteristic for Cadmium.
    D007 Toxicity Characteristic for Chromium.
    D008 Toxicity Characteristic for Lead.
    D009 Toxicity Characteristic for Mercury.
    D010 Toxicity Characteristic for Selenium.
    D011 Toxicity Characteristic for Silver.

    F006 Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations except from the
    following processes: (1) sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum; (2) tin plating
    carbon steel; (3) zinc plating basis on carbon steel; (4) aluminum or zinc-plating
    on carbon steel; (5) cleaning/stripping associated with tin, zinc and aluminum
    plating on carbon steel; and (6) chemical etching and milling of aluminum.
    F007 Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating operations.
    F008 Plating bath residues from the bottom of plating baths from electroplating
    operations where cyanides are used in the process.
    F009 Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from electroplating operations where
    cyanides are used in the process.
    F010 Quenching bath residues from oil baths from metal treating operations where
    cyanides are used in the process.
    F011 Spent cyanide solutions from salt bath pot cleaning from metal heat treating heat-
    treating operations.
    F012 Quenching waste water treatment sludges from metal heat treating heat-treating
    operations where cyanides are used in the process.
    F019 Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical conversion coating of aluminum
    except from zirconium phosphating in aluminum car washing when such
    phosphating is an exclusive conversion coating process.
    K002 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome yellow and orange
    K003 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate orange pigments.
    K004 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow pigments.
    K005 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome green pigments.
    K006 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green
    pigments (anhydrous and hydrated).
    K007 Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of iron blue pigments.
    K008 Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green pigments.

    K061 Emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electric
    K069 Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting.
    K071 Brine purification muds from the mercury cell processes in chlorine production,
    where separately prepurified brine is not used.
    K100 Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control dust/sludge from
    secondary lead smelting.
    K106 Sludges from the mercury cell processes for making chlorine.
    P010 Arsenic acid H3AsO4.
    P011 Arsenic oxide As2O5.
    P012 Arsenic trioxide.
    P013 Barium cyanide.
    P015 Beryllium.
    P029 Copper (I) cyanide Cu(CN).
    P074 Nickel (II) cyanide Ni(CN)2.
    P087 Osmium (VIII) tetroxide OsO4.
    P099 Potassium silver cyanide KAg(CN)2.
    P104 Silver cyanide AgCN.
    P113 Thallic (III) oxide Tl2O3.
    P114 Thallium (I) selenite Tl2SeO3.
    P115 Thallium (I) sulfate Tl2SO4.
    P119 Ammonium (V) vanadate NH3VO3.
    P120 Vanadium (V) oxide V2O5.
    P121 Zinc cyanide ZnCN.

    U032 Calcium chromate CaCrO4.
    U145 Lead phosphate.
    U151 Mercury.
    U204 Selenous acid H2SeO3.
    U205 Selenium (IV) disulfide SeS2.
    U216 Thallium (I) chloride TlCl.
    U217 Thallium (I) nitrate TlNO3.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table A Constituent Concentrations in Waste Extract (CCWE)
    For the requirements previously found in this Section and Section 728.141, refer to Section 728.140
    and 728.Table T to this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table B Constituent Concentrations in Wastes (CCW)
    For the requirements previously found in this Section and for treatment standards in Section
    728.143, “Constituent Concentrations in Wastes (CCW),”, refer to Section 728.140 and 728.Table T
    to this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table C Technology Codes and Description of Technology-Based
    code Code Description of technology-based standard Technology-Based Standard
    ADGAS Venting of compressed gases into an absorbing or reacting media (i.e., solid or
    liquid)--venting can be accomplished through physical release utilizing valves or
    piping; physical penetration of the container; or penetration through detonation.
    AMLGM Amalgamation of liquid, elemental mercury contaminated with radioactive
    materials utilizing inorganic reagents such as copper, zinc, nickel, gold, and sulfur

    that result in a nonliquid, semi-solid amalgam and thereby reducing potential
    emissions of elemental mercury vapors to the air.
    BIODG Biodegradation of organics or non-metallic inorganics (i.e., degradable inorganics
    that contain the elements of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur) in units operated
    under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions such that a surrogate compound or
    indicator parameter has been substantially reduced in concentration in the
    residuals (e.g., total organic carbon (TOC) can often be used as an indicator
    parameter for the biodegradation of many organic constituents that cannot be
    directly analyzed in wastewater residues).
    CARBN Carbon adsorption (granulated or powdered) of non-metallic inorganics, organo-
    metallics, or organic constituents, operated so that a surrogate compound or
    indicator parameter has not undergone breakthrough (e.g., total organic carbon
    (TOC) can often be used as an indicator parameter for the adsorption of many
    organic constituents that cannot be directly analyzed in wastewater residues).
    Breakthrough occurs when the carbon has become saturated with the constituent
    (or indicator parameter) and substantial change in adsorption rate associated with
    that constituent occurs.
    CHOXD Chemical or electrolytic oxidation utilizing the following oxidation reagents (or
    waste reagents) or combinations or reagents:
    1) hypochlorite (e.g., bleach);
    2) chlorine;
    3) chlorine dioxide;
    4) ozone or UV (ultraviolet light) assisted ozone;
    5) peroxides;
    6) persulfates;
    7) perchlorates;
    8) permanganates; or
    9) other oxidizing reagents of equivalent efficiency, performed in units
    operated so that a surrogate compound or indicator parameter has been
    substantially reduced in concentration in the residuals (e.g., total organic
    carbon (TOC) can often be used as an indicator parameter for the
    oxidation of many organic constituents that cannot be directly analyzed in

    wastewater residues). Chemical oxidation specifically includes what is
    commonly referred to as alkaline chlorination.
    CHRED Chemical reduction utilizing the following reducing reagents (or waste reagents)
    or combinations of reagents:
    1) sulfur dioxide;
    2) sodium, potassium, or alkali salts of sulfites, bisulfites, metabisulfites, and
    polyethylene glycols (e.g., NaPEG and KPEG);
    3) sodium hydrosulfide;
    4) ferrous salts; or
    5) other reducing reagents of equivalent efficiency, performed in units
    operated such that a surrogate compound or indicator parameter has been
    substantially reduced in concentration in the residuals (e.g., total organic
    halogens (TOX) can often be used as an indicator parameter for the
    reduction of many halogenated organic constituents that cannot be directly
    analyzed in wastewater residues). Chemical reduction is commonly used
    for the reduction of hexavalent chromium to the trivalent state.
    CMBST High temperature organic destruction technologies, such as combustion in
    incinerators, boilers, or industrial furnaces operated in accordance with the
    applicable requirements of Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O,
    Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O, or Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    726.Subpart H, and in other units operated in accordance with applicable
    technical operating requirements; and certain non-combustive technologies, such
    as the Catalytic Extraction Process.
    DEACT Deactivation to remove the hazardous characteristics of a waste due to its
    ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity.
    FSUBS Fuel substitution in units operated in accordance with applicable technical
    operating requirements.
    HLVIT Vitrification of high level high-level mixed radioactive wastes in units in
    compliance with all applicable radioactive protection requirements under control
    of the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    IMERC Incineration of wastes containing organics and mercury in units operated in
    accordance with the technical operating requirements of Subpart O of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O.

    All wastewater and nonwastewater residues derived from this process must then
    comply with the corresponding treatment standards per waste code with
    consideration of any applicable subcategories (e.g., high or low mercury sub-
    INCIN Incineration in units operated in accordance with the technical operating
    requirements of Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, or Subpart O of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O.
    LLEXT Liquid-liquid extraction (often referred to as solvent extraction) of organics from
    liquid wastes into an immiscible solvent for which the hazardous constituents
    have a greater solvent affinity, resulting in an extract high in organics that must
    undergo either incineration, reuse as a fuel, or other recovery or reuse and a
    raffinate (extracted liquid waste) proportionately low in organics that must
    undergo further treatment as specified in the standard.
    MACRO Macroencapsulation with surface coating materials such as polymeric organics
    (e.g., resins and plastics) or with a jacket of inert inorganic materials to
    substantially reduce surface exposure to potential leaching media.
    Macroencapsulation specifically does not include any material that would be
    classified as a tank or container according to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110.
    NEUTR Neutralization with the following reagents (or waste reagents) or combinations of
    1) acids;
    2) bases; or
    3) water (including wastewaters) resulting in a pH greater than 2 two but less
    than 12.5 as measured in the aqueous residuals.
    NLDBR No land disposal based on recycling.
    POLYM Formation of complex high-molecular weight solids through polymerization of
    monomers in high-TOC D001 nonwastewaters that are chemical components in
    the manufacture of plastics.
    PRECP Chemical precipitation of metals and other inorganics as insoluble precipitates of
    oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, sulfides, sulfates, chlorides, fluorides, or
    phosphates. The following reagents (or waste reagents) are typically used alone
    or in combination:
    1) lime (i.e., containing oxides or hydroxides of calcium or magnesium);

    2) caustic (i.e., sodium or potassium hydroxides);
    3) soda ash (i.e., sodium carbonate);
    4) sodium sulfide;
    5) ferric sulfate or ferric chloride;
    6) alum; or
    7) sodium sulfate. Additional flocculating, coagulation, or similar reagents
    or processes that enhance sludge dewatering characteristics are not
    precluded from use.
    RBERY Thermal recovery of beryllium.
    RCGAS Recovery or reuse of compressed gases including techniques such as reprocessing
    of the gases for reuse or resale; filtering or adsorption of impurities; remixing for
    direct reuse or resale; and use of the gas as a fuel source.
    RCORR Recovery of acids or bases utilizing one or more of the following recovery
    1) distillation (i.e., thermal concentration);
    2) ion exchange;
    3) resin or solid adsorption;
    4) reverse osmosis; or
    5) incineration for the recovery of acid
    Note: this does not preclude the use of other physical phase separation or
    concentration techniques such as decantation, filtration (including ultrafiltration),
    and centrifugation, when used in conjunction with the above listed recovery
    RLEAD Thermal recovery of lead in secondary lead smelters.
    RMERC Retorting or roasting in a thermal processing unit capable of volatilizing mercury
    and subsequently condensing the volatilized mercury for recovery. The retorting
    or roasting unit (or facility) must be subject to one or more of the following:

    a) A national emissions standard for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for
    mercury (40 CFR 61, Subpart E);
    b) A best available control technology (BACT) or a lowest achievable
    emission rate (LAER) standard for mercury imposed pursuant to a
    prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permit (including 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 201 through 203); or
    c) A state permit that establishes emission limitations (within meaning of
    Section 302 of the Clean Air Act) for mercury, including a permit issued
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201. All wastewater and nonwastewater
    residues derived from this process must then comply with the
    corresponding treatment standards per waste code with consideration of
    any applicable subcategories (e.g., high or low mercury subcategories).
    RMETL Recovery of metals or inorganics utilizing one or more of the following direct
    physical or removal technologies:
    1) ion exchange;
    2) resin or solid (i.e., zeolites) adsorption;
    3) reverse osmosis;
    4) chelation or solvent extraction;
    5) freeze crystallization;
    6) ultrafiltration; or
    7) simple precipitation (i.e., crystallization)
    Note: this does not preclude the use of other physical phase separation or
    concentration techniques such as decantation, filtration (including ultrafiltration),
    and centrifugation, when used in conjunction with the above listed recovery
    RORGS Recovery of organics utilizing one or more of the following technologies:
    1) Distillation;
    2) thin film evaporation;

    3) steam stripping;
    4) carbon adsorption;
    5) critical fluid extraction;
    6) liquid-liquid extraction;
    7) precipitation or crystallization (including freeze crystallization); or
    8) chemical phase separation techniques (i.e., addition of acids, bases,
    demulsifiers, or similar chemicals).
    Note: This does not preclude the use of other physical phase separation
    techniques such as decantation, filtration (including ultrafiltration), and
    centrifugation, when used in conjunction with the above listed recovery
    RTHRM Thermal recovery of metals or inorganics from nonwastewaters in units defined as
    cement kilns, blast furnaces, smelting, melting and refining furnaces, combustion
    devices used to recover sulfur values from spent sulfuric acid and “other devices”
    determined by the Agency pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.110, the definition
    of “industrial furnace.”.
    RZINC Resmelting in high temperature metal recovery units for the purpose of recovery
    of zinc.
    STABL Stabilization with the following reagents (or waste reagents) or combinations of
    1) Portland cement; or
    2) lime or pozzolans (e.g., fly ash and cement kiln dust)--this does not
    preclude the addition of reagents (e.g., iron salts, silicates, and clays)
    designed to enhance the set or cure time or compressive strength, or to
    overall reduce the leachability of the metal or inorganic.
    SSTRP Steam stripping of organics from liquid wastes utilizing direct application of
    steam to the wastes operated such that liquid and vapor flow rates, as well as,
    temperature and pressure ranges have been optimized, monitored, and
    maintained. These operating parameters are dependent upon the design
    parameters of the unit such as, the number of separation stages and the internal
    column design. Thus, resulting in a condensed extract high in organics that must
    undergo either incineration, reuse as a fuel, or other recovery or reuse and an

    extracted wastewater that must undergo further treatment as specified in the
    WETOX Wet air oxidation performed in units operated such that a surrogate compound or
    indicator parameter has been substantially reduced in concentration in the
    residuals (e.g., total organic carbon (TOC) can often be used as an indicator
    parameter for the oxidation of many organic constituents that cannot be directly
    analyzed in wastewater residues).
    WTRRX Controlled reaction with water for highly reactive inorganic or organic chemicals
    with precautionary controls for protection of workers from potential violent
    reactions as well as precautionary controls for potential emissions of toxic or
    ignitable levels of gases released during the reaction.
    Note 1: When a combination of these technologies (i.e., a treatment train) is specified as a
    single treatment standard, the order of application is specified in Section
    728.Table T to this Part by indicating the five letter technology code that must be
    applied first, then the designation “fb.” (an abbreviation for “followed by”), then
    the five letter technology code for the technology that must be applied next, and
    so on.
    Note 2: When more than one technology (or treatment train) are specified as alternative
    treatment standards, the five letter technology codes (or the treatment trains) are
    separated by a semicolon (;) with the last technology preceded by the word
    “OR.”. This indicates that any one of these BDAT technologies or treatment
    trains can be used for compliance with the standard.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 268.42, Table 1 (1997) (2002).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table D Technology-Based Standards by RCRA Waste Code
    BOARD NOTE: For the requirements previously found in this Section, refer to Sections Section
    728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table E Standards for Radioactive Mixed Waste
    BOARD NOTE: For the requirements previously found in this Section, refer to Sections Section
    728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 728.Table F Alternative Treatment Standards For Hazardous Debris
    a) Hazardous debris must be treated by either the standards indicated in this Table F or
    by the waste-specific treatment standards for the waste contaminating the debris.
    The treatment standards must be met for each type of debris contained in a mixture
    of debris types, unless the debris is converted into treatment residue as a result of the
    treatment process. Debris treatment residuals are subject to the waste-specific
    treatment standards for the waste contaminating the debris.
    b) Definitions. For the purposes of this Table F, the following terms are defined as
    “Clean debris surface” means the surface, when viewed without
    magnification, shall must be free of all visible contaminated soil and
    hazardous waste except that residual staining from soil and waste consisting
    of light shadows, slight streaks, or minor discolorations, and soil and waste in
    cracks, crevices, and pits may be present provided that such staining and
    waste and soil in cracks, crevices, and pits shall must be limited to no more
    than 5% five percent of each square inch of surface area.
    “Contaminant restriction” means that the technology is not BDAT for that
    contaminant. If debris containing a restricted contaminant is treated by the
    technology, the contaminant must be subsequently treated by a technology
    for which it is not restricted in order to be land disposed (and excluded from
    Subtitle C regulation).
    “Dioxin-listed wastes” means wastes having any of U.S. EPA USEPA
    Hhazardous hazardous waste numbers FO20, FO21, FO22, FO23, FO26, or
    c) Notes. In the this Table F, the following text is to be read in conjunction with the
    tabulated text where the appropriate notations appear:
    Acids, solvents, and chemical reagents may react with some debris and
    contaminants to form hazardous compounds. For example, acid washing of
    cyanide-contaminated debris could result in the formation of hydrogen
    cyanide. Some acids may also react violently with some debris and
    contaminants, depending on the concentration of the acid and the type of
    debris and contaminants. Debris treaters should refer to the safety
    precautions specified in Material Safety Data Sheets for various acids to
    avoid applying an incompatible acid to a particular debris/contaminant
    combination. For example, concentrated sulfuric acid may react violently
    with certain organic compounds, such as acrylonitrile.

    If reducing the particle size of debris to meet the treatment standards results
    in material that no longer meets the 60 mm minimum particle size limit for
    debris, such material is subject to the waste-specific treatment standards for
    the waste contaminating the material, unless the debris has been cleaned and
    separated from contaminated soil and waste prior to size reduction. At a
    minimum, simple physical or mechanical means must be used to provide
    such cleaning and separation of nondebris materials to ensure that the debris
    surface is free of caked soil, waste, or other nondebris material.
    Thermal desorption is distinguished from thermal destruction in that the
    primary purpose of thermal desorption is to volatilize contaminants and to
    remove them from the treatment chamber for subsequent destruction or other
    The demonstration of “equivalent technology” under Section 728.142(b)
    must document that the technology treats contaminants subject to treatment
    to a level equivalent to that required by the performance and design and
    operating standards for other technologies in this table such that residual
    levels of hazardous contaminants will not pose a hazard to human health and
    the environment absent management controls.
    Any soil, waste, and other nondebris material that remains on the debris
    surface (or remains mixed with the debris) after treatment is considered a
    treatment residual that must B be separated from the debris using, at a
    minimum, simple physical or mechanical means. Examples of simple
    physical or mechanical means are vibratory or trommel screening or water
    washing. The debris surface need not be cleaned to a “clean debris surface”
    as defined in subsection (b) above of this Section when separating treated
    debris from residue; rather, the surface must be free of caked soil, waste, or
    other nondebris material. Treatment residuals are subject to the waste-
    specific treatment standards for the waste contaminating the debris.
    Technology description
    Performance or design and
    operating standard
    Contaminant restrictions
    A. Extraction Technologies:
    1. Physical Extraction
    a. Abrasive Blasting: Removal
    of contaminated debris surface
    layers using water and/or air
    pressure to propel a solid media
    Glass, Metal, Plastic, Rubber:
    Treatment to a clean debris
    Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    All Debris: None.

    (e.g., steel shot, aluminum oxide
    grit, plastic beads).
    Pavement, Rock, Wood:
    Removal of at least 0.6 cm of
    the surface layer; treatment to a
    clean debris surface.
    b. Scarification, Grinding, and
    Planing: Process utilizing
    striking piston heads, saws, or
    rotating grinding wheels such
    that contaminated debris surface
    layers are removed.
    Same as above Same as above
    c. Spalling: Drilling or chipping
    holes at appropriate locations
    and depth in the contaminated
    debris surface and applying a
    tool which that exerts a force on
    the sides of those holes such
    that the surface layer is
    removed. The surface layer
    removed remains hazardous
    debris subject to the debris
    treatment standards.
    Same as above Same as above
    d. Vibratory Finishing: Process
    utilizing scrubbing media,
    flushing fluid, and oscillating
    energy such that hazardous
    contaminants or contaminated
    debris surface layers are
    Same as above Same as above
    e. High Pressure Steam and
    Water Sprays: Application of
    water or steam sprays of
    sufficient temperature, pressure,
    residence time, agitation,
    surfactants, and detergents to
    remove hazardous contaminants
    from debris surfaces or to
    remove contaminated debris
    surface layers
    Same as above Same as above.

    2. Chemical Extraction
    a. Water Washing and Spraying:
    Application of water sprays or
    water baths of sufficient
    temperature, pressure, residence
    time, agitation, surfactants,
    acids, bases, and detergents to
    remove hazardous contaminants
    from debris surfaces and surface
    pores or to remove
    contaminated debris surface
    All Debris: Treatment to a
    clean debris surface; Brick,
    Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood: Debris
    must be no more than 1.2 cm (½
    inch) in one dimension (i.e.,
    thickness limit,
    except that this
    thickness limit may be waived
    under an “Equivalent
    Technology” approval under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code Section
    debris surfaces
    must be in contact with water
    solution for at least 15 minutes
    Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood:
    Contaminant must be soluble to
    at least 5% five percent by
    weight in water solution or 5%
    five percent by weight in
    emulsion; if debris is
    contaminated with a dioxin-
    listed waste,
    an “Equivalent
    Technology” approval under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code Section
    728.142(b) must be obtained.
    b. Liquid Phase Solvent
    Extraction: Removal of
    hazardous contaminants from
    debris surfaces and surface
    pores by applying a nonaqueous
    liquid or liquid solution which
    that causes the hazardous
    contaminants to enter the liquid
    phase and be flushed away from
    the debris along with the liquid
    or liquid solution while using
    appropriate agitation,
    temperature, and residence
    Same as above Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood: Same
    as above, except that
    contaminant must be soluble to
    at least 5% five percent by
    weight in the solvent.
    c. Vapor Phase Solvent
    Extraction: Application of an
    organic vapor using sufficient
    agitation, residence time, and
    temperature to cause hazardous
    contaminants on contaminated
    debris surfaces and surface
    pores to enter the vapor phase
    and be flushed away with the
    organic vapor.
    Same as above, except that
    brick, cloth, concrete, paper,
    pavement, rock and wood
    surfaces must be in contact with
    the organic vapor for at least 60
    Same as above.

    3. Thermal Extraction
    a. High Temperature Metals
    Recovery: Application of
    sufficient heat, residence time,
    mixing, fluxing agents, and/or
    carbon in a smelting, melting, or
    refining furnace to separate
    metals from debris.
    For refining furnaces, treated
    debris must be separated from
    treatment residuals using simple
    physical or mechanical means,
    and, prior to further treatment,
    such residuals must meet the
    waste-specific treatment
    standards for organic
    compounds in the waste
    contaminating the debris.
    Debris contaminated with a
    dioxin-listed waste:
    Obtain an
    “Equivalent Technology”
    approval under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Section 728.142(b).
    b. Thermal Desorption: Heating
    in an enclosed chamber under
    either oxidizing or nonoxidizing
    atmospheres at sufficient
    temperature and residence time
    to vaporize hazardous
    contaminants from
    contaminated surfaces and
    surface pores and to remove the
    contaminants from the heating
    chamber in a gaseous exhaust
    All Debris: Obtain an
    “Equivalent Technology”
    approval under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Section 728.142(b);
    treated debris must be separated
    from treatment residuals using
    simple physical or mechanical
    and, prior to further
    treatment, such residue must
    meet the waste-specific
    treatment standards for organic
    compounds in the waste
    contaminating the debris.
    Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood: Debris
    must be no more than 10 cm (4
    inches) in one dimension (i.e.,
    thickness limit),
    except that this
    thickness limit may be waived
    under the “Equivalent
    Technology” approval
    All Debris: Metals other than
    B. Destruction Technologies:
    1. Biological Destruction
    (Biodegradation): Removal of
    hazardous contaminants from
    debris surfaces and surface
    pores in an aqueous solution
    and biodegration of organic or
    nonmetallic inorganic
    All Debris: Obtain an
    “Equivalent Technology”
    approval under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Section 728.142(b);
    treated debris must be separated
    from treatment residuals using
    simple physical or mechanical
    All Debris: Metal

    compounds (i.e., inorganics that
    contain phosphorus, nitrogen, or
    sulfur) in units operated under
    either aerobic or anaerobic
    and, prior to further
    treatment, such residue must
    meet the waste-specific
    treatment standards for organic
    compounds in the waste
    contaminating the debris.
    Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood: Debris
    must be no more than 1.2 cm (½
    inch) in one dimension (i.e.,
    thickness limit),
    except that this
    thickness limit may be waived
    under the “Equivalent
    Technology” approval
    2. Chemical Destruction
    a. Chemical Oxidation:
    Chemical or electolytic
    electrolytic oxidation utilizing
    the following oxidation reagents
    (or waste reagents) or
    combination of reagents-: (1)
    hypochlorite (e.g., bleach); (2)
    chlorine; (3) chlorine dioxide;
    (4) ozone or UV (ultraviolet
    light) assisted ozone; (5)
    peroxides; (6) persulfates; (7)
    perchlorates; (8)
    permanganates; and/or (9) other
    oxidizing reagents of equivalent
    destruction efficiency.
    Chemical oxidation specifically
    includes what is referred to as
    alkaline chlorination.
    All Debris: Obtain an
    “Equivalent Technology”
    approval under 35 Ill. Adm.
    treated debris
    must be separated from
    treatment residuals using simple
    physical or mechanical means,
    and, prior to further treatment,
    such residue must meet the
    waste-specific treatment
    standards for organic
    compounds in the waste
    contaminating the debris.
    Brick, Cloth, Concrete, Paper,
    Pavement, Rock, Wood: Debris
    must be no more than 1.2 cm (½
    inch) in one dimension (i.e.,
    thickness limit),
    except that this
    thickness limit may be waived
    under the “Equivalent
    Technology” approval
    All Debris: Metal
    b. Chemical Reduction:
    Chemical reaction utilizing the
    following reducing reagents (or
    waste reagents) or combination
    of reagents: (1) sulfur dioxide;
    Same as above Same as above.

    (2) sodium, potassium, or alkali
    salts of sulfites, bisulfites, and
    metabisulfites, and polyethylene
    glycols (e.g., NaPEG and
    KPEG); (3) sodium
    hydrosulfide; (4) ferrous salts;
    and/or (5) other reducing
    reagents of equivalent
    3. Thermal Destruction:
    Treatment in an incinerator
    operating in accordance with
    Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 724.Subpart O or
    Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 725.Subpart O; a boiler
    or industrial furnace operating
    in accordance with Subpart H of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart
    H, or other thermal treatment
    unit operated in accordance with
    Subpart X of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    724.Subpart X, or Subpart P of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart
    P, but excluding for purposes of
    these debris treatment standards
    Thermal Desorption units.
    Treated debris must be
    separated from treatment
    residuals using simple physical
    or mechanical means,
    prior to further treatment, such
    residue must meet the waste-
    specific treatment standards for
    organic compounds in the waste
    contaminating the debris.
    Brick, Concrete, Glass, Metal,
    Pavement, Rock, Metal: Metals
    other than mercury, except that
    there are no metal restrictions
    for vitrification.
    Debris contaminated with a
    dioxin-listed waste.
    Obtain an
    “Equivalent Technology”
    approval under 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Section 728.142(b),
    except that this requirement
    does not apply to vitrification.
    C. Immobilization
    1. Macroencapsulation:
    Application of surface coating
    materials such as polymeric
    organics (e.g., resins and
    plastics) or use of a jacket of
    inert inorganic materials to
    substantially reduce surface
    exposure to potential leaching
    Encapsulating material must
    completely encapsulate debris
    and be resistant to degradation
    by the debris and its
    contaminants and materials into
    which it may come into contact
    after placement (leachate, other
    waste, microbes).
    2. Microencapsulation:
    Stabilization of the debris with
    Leachability of the hazardous
    contaminants must be reduced.

    the following reagents (or waste
    reagents) such that the
    leachability of the hazardous
    contaminants is reduced: (1)
    Portland cement; or (2) lime/
    pozzolans (e.g., fly ash and
    cement kiln dust). Reagents
    (e.g., iron salts, silicates, and
    clays) may be added to enhance
    the set/cure time and/or
    compressive strength, or to
    reduce the leachability of the
    hazardous constituents.
    3. Sealing: Application of an
    appropriate material which that
    adheres tightly to the debris
    surface to avoid exposure of the
    surface to potential leaching
    media. When necessary to
    effectively seal the surface,
    sealing entails pretreatment of
    the debris surface to remove
    foreign matter and to clean and
    roughen the surface. Sealing
    materials include epoxy,
    silicone, and urethane
    compounds, but paint may not
    be used as a sealant
    Sealing must avoid exposure of
    the debris surface to potential
    leaching media and sealant must
    be resistent resistant to
    degradation by the debris and its
    contaminants and materials into
    which it may come into contact
    after placement (leachate, other
    waste, microbes).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table G Alternative Treatment Standards Based on HTMR
    For the treatment standards previously found in this Section and Section 728.146, refer to Sections
    Section 728.140 and 728.Table T to this Part, “Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes.”.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table H Wastes Excluded from CCW Treatment Standards
    The following facilities are excluded from the treatment standard under Section 728.143(a) and
    Table B to this Part, and are subject to the following constituent concentrations. These facilities
    have received a treatability exception by regulatory action from USEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 268.44

    (1991) (2002), and have demonstrated that the Board needs to adopt the treatability exception as part
    of the Illinois RCRA program. The Board may also grant an “adjusted treatment standard” pursuant
    to Section 728.144.
    Facility name and
    See Also Regulated
    Notes Nonwastewaters
    Craftsman Plating
    and Tinning Corp.,
    Chicago, IL
    F006 Section
    1.2 B 1800 D
    0.86 B and C 30 D
    Cadmium 1.6 NA
    Chromium 0.32 NA
    Lead 0.40 NA
    Nickel 0.44 NA
    Northwestern Plating
    Works, Inc., Chicago,
    F006 Section
    1.2 B 970 D
    0.86 B and C 30 D
    Cadmium 1.6 NA
    Chromium 0.32 NA
    Lead 0.40 NA
    Nickel 0.44 NA
    A An owner or operator may certify compliance with these treatment standards according to
    the provisions of Section 728.107.
    B Cyanide wastewater standards for F006 are based on analysis of composite samples.
    C These owners and operators shall must comply with 0.86 mg/L for amenable cyanides in the
    wastewater exiting the alkaline chlorination system. These owners and operators shall must
    also comply with Section 728.107(a)(4) for appropriate monitoring frequency consistent
    with the facilities’ waste analysis plan.
    D Cyanide nonwastewaters are analyzed using SW-846 Method 9010 or 9012, sample size 10
    g, distillation time one hour and fifteen minutes. SW-846 is incorporated by reference in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 720.111.
    NA Not applicable.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from table to 40 CFR 268.44(o) (1997) (2002).

    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table I Generator Paperwork Requirements
    Subsection of Section 728.107 under
    Which the Paperwork is Required:
    Required information (a)(2) (a)(3) (a)(4) (a)(9)
    1. USEPA hazardous waste numbers and manifest
    number of first shipment
    2. Statement: this waste is not prohibited from
    land disposal
    3. The waste is subject to the LDRs. The
    constituents of concern for USEPA hazardous
    waste numbers F001 through F005 and F039
    waste, and underlying hazardous constituents in
    characteristic waste, unless the waste will be
    treated and monitored for all constituents. If all
    constituents will be treated and monitored, there is
    no need to put them all on the LDR notice
    4. The notice must include the applicable
    wastewater/ nonwastewater category (see Section
    728.102(d) and (f)) and subdivisions made within
    a waste code based on waste-specific criteria (such
    as D003 reactive cyanide)
    5. Waste analysis data (when available)
    6. Date the waste is subject to the prohibition
    7. For hazardous debris, when treating with the
    alternative treatment technologies provided by
    Section 728.145: the contaminants subject to
    treatment, as described in Section 728.145(b); and
    an indication that these contaminants are being
    treated to comply with Section 728.145

    8. For contaminated soil subject to LDRs as
    provided in Section 728.149(a), the constituents
    subject to treatment as described in Section
    728.149(d), and the following statement: This
    contaminated soil (does/does not) contain listed
    hazardous waste and (does/does not) exhibit a
    characteristic of hazardous waste and (is subject
    to/complies with) the soil treatment standards as
    provided by Section 728.149(c) or the universal
    treatment standards
    9. A certification is needed (see applicable
    subsection for exact wording)
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from Table 1 to 40 CFR 268.7(a)(4) (1997) (2002), as amended at 63
    Fed. Reg. 28639 (May 26, 1998).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table T Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes
    Note: The treatment standards that heretofore appeared in tables in Sections 728.141, 728.142,
    and 728.143 have been consolidated into this table.
    Waste Code
    Waste Description and Treatment or Regulatory Subcategory
    Regulated Hazardous Constituent Wastewaters Nonwastewaters
    Common Name CAS
    Concentration in
    ; or Techno-
    logy Code
    Concentration in
    noted as “mg/l
    TCLP”; or Tech-
    nology Code
    Ignitable Characteristic Wastes, except for the 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.121(a)(1) High TOC
    NA NA DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    ; or
    RORGS; or
    DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    ; or
    RORGS; or

    High TOC Ignitable Characteristic Liquids Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    721.121(a)(1) - Greater than or equal to 10 percent total organic carbon.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    or POLYM
    Corrosive Characteristic Wastes.
    NA NA DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    D002, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011
    Radioactive high level wastes generated during the reprocessing of fuel rods.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Corrosivity (pH) NA NA HLVIT
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 NA HLVIT
    Barium 7440-39-3 NA HLVIT
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA HLVIT
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 NA HLVIT
    Lead 7439-92-1 NA HLVIT
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA HLVIT
    Selenium 7782-49-2 NA HLVIT
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA HLVIT
    Reactive Sulfides Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(5).
    Explosive subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(6), (a)(7), and (a)(8).
    NA NA DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    Unexploded ordnance and other explosive devices that have been the subject of an emergency

    Other Reactives Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(1).
    NA NA DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    Water Reactive Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4).
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    NA NA NA DEACT and meet
    Section 728.148
    Reactive Cyanides Subcategory based on 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(5).
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 -- 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for arsenic based on
    the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 and meet
    Section 728.148
    5.0 mg/l TCLP and
    meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for barium based on
    the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Barium 7440-39-3 1.2 and meet
    Section 728.148
    21 mg/l TCLP and
    meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for cadmium based
    on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.11 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Cadmium-Containing Batteries Subcategory.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA RTHRM

    Radioactively contaminated cadmium-containing batteries.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA Macroencapsula-
    tion in accordance
    with Section
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for chromium based
    on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.60 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for lead based on the
    toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.75 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Lead Acid Batteries Subcategory
    (Note: This standard only applies to lead acid batteries that are identified as RCRA hazardous
    wastes and that are not excluded elsewhere from regulation under the land disposal restrictions
    of this Part or exempted under other regulations (see 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.180). This
    subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Lead 7439-92-1 NA RLEAD
    Radioactive Lead Solids Subcategory
    (Note: These lead solids include, but are not limited to, all forms of lead shielding and other
    elemental forms of lead. These lead solids do not include treatment residuals such as hydroxide
    sludges, other wastewater treatment residuals, or incinerator ashes that can undergo conventional
    pozzolanic stabilization, nor do they include organo-lead materials that can be incinerated and
    stabilized as ash. This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Lead 7439-92-1 NA MACRO

    Nonwastewaters that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for mercury
    based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311; and
    contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury that also contain organics and are not
    incinerator residues. (High Mercury-Organic Subcategory)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA IMERC; or
    Nonwastewaters that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for mercury
    based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311; and
    contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury that are inorganic, including incinerator
    residues and residues from RMERC. (High Mercury-Inorganic Subcategory)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA RMERC
    Nonwastewaters that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for mercury
    based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311; and
    contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury. (Low Mercury Subcategory)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    All other nonwastewaters that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for
    mercury based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method
    1311; and contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury and that are not residues from RMERC.
    (Low Mercury Subcategory)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    All D009 wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Elemental mercury contaminated with radioactive materials.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA AMLGM

    Hydraulic oil contaminated with Mercury Radioactive Materials Subcategory.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA IMERC
    Radioactively contaminated mercury-containing batteries.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA Macroencapsula-
    tion in accordance
    with Section
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for selenium based
    on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP and
    meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Wastes that exhibit, or are expected to exhibit, the characteristic of toxicity for silver based on
    the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    and meet Section
    728.148 standards
    Radioactively contaminated silver-containing batteries.
    (Note: This subcategory consists of nonwastewaters only.)
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA Macroencapsula-
    tion in accordance
    with Section
    Wastes that are TC for Endrin based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in
    SW-846 Method 1311.
    Endrin 72-20-8 BIODG; or
    0.13 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 BIODG; or
    0.13 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for Lindane based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    319-84-6 CARBN; or
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    319-85-7 CARBN; or
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    319-86-8 CARBN; or
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    -BHC (Lindane)
    58-89-9 CARBN; or
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Methoxychlor based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 WETOX or
    0.18 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Toxaphene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 BIODG or
    2.6 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) based on the toxicity
    characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy-
    acetic acid)
    94-75-7 CHOXD; BIODG;
    or CMBST
    10 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 93-72-1 CHOXD or
    7.9 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for Benzene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 and meet
    Section 728.148
    10 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Carbon tetrachloride based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Chlordane based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.26 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Chlorobenzene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Chloroform based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for o-Cresol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 and meet
    Section 728.148
    5.6 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for m-Cresol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    (difficult to distinguish from p-
    108-39-4 0.77 and meet
    Section 728.148
    5.6 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for p-Cresol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    (difficult to distinguish from m-
    106-44-5 0.77 and meet
    Section 728.148
    5.6 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Cresols (Total) based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Cresol-mixed isomers (Cresylic
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-cresol
    1319-77-3 0.88 and meet
    Section 728.148
    11.2 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for p-Dichlorobenzene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    p-Dichlorobenzene (1,4-
    106-46-7 0.090 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for 1,2-Dichloroethane based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for 1,1-Dichloroethylene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for 2,4-Dinitrotoluene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.32 and meet
    Section 728.148
    140 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Heptachlor based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 and meet
    Section 728.148
    0.066 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Hexachlorobenzene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 and meet
    Section 728.148
    10 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Hexachlorobutadiene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 and meet
    Section 728.148
    5.6 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Hexachloroethane based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 and meet
    Section 728.148
    30 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Methyl ethyl ketone based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 and meet
    Section 728.148
    36 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for Nitrobenzene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 and meet
    Section 728.148
    14 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Pentachlorophenol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 and meet
    Section 728.148
    7.4 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Pyridine based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)
    in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 and meet
    Section 728.148
    16 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Tetrachloroethylene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Trichloroethylene based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 and meet
    Section 728.148
    7.4 and meet
    Section 728.148

    Wastes that are TC for 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol based on the toxicity characteristic leaching
    procedure (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 and meet
    Section 728.148
    7.4 and meet
    Section 728.148
    Wastes that are TC for Vinyl chloride based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
    (TCLP) in SW-846 Method 1311.
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 and meet
    Section 728.148
    6.0 and meet
    Section 728.148
    F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005
    F001, F002, F003, F004, or F005 solvent wastes that contain any combination of one or more of
    the following spent solvents: acetone, benzene, n-butyl alcohol, carbon disulfide, carbon tetra-
    chloride, chlorinated fluorocarbons, chlorobenzene, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, cyclohexanone,
    o-dichlorobenzene, 2-ethoxyethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, ethyl ether, isobutyl alcohol,
    methanol, methylene chloride, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, nitrobenzene, 2-
    nitropropane, pyridine, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane,
    1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, trichloroethylene, trichloromonofluoromethane, or xylenes
    (except as specifically noted in other subcategories). See further details of these listings in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721.131.
    Acetone 67-64-1 0.28 160
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 5.6 2.6
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 NA
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from p-
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from m-
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    Cresol-mixed isomers (Cresylic
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-cresol
    1319-77-3 0.88 11.2
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 NA
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.34 33

    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 0.12 160
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 5.6 170
    Methanol 67-56-1 5.6 NA
    Methylene chloride 75-9-2 0.089 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.14 33
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    76-13-1 0.057 30
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 0.020 30
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005
    F003 and F005 solvent wastes that contain any combination of one or more of the following
    three solvents as the only listed F001 through F005 solvents: carbon disulfide, cyclohexanone,
    or methanol. (Formerly Section 728.141(c)).
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 4.8 mg/l TCLP
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Methanol 67-56-1 5.6 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005
    F005 solvent waste containing 2-Nitropropane as the only listed F001 through F005 solvent.
    2-Nitropropane 79-46-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005
    F005 solvent waste containing 2-Ethoxyethanol as the only listed F001 through F005 solvent.
    2-Ethoxyethanol 110-80-5 BIODG; or
    Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations except from the following
    processes: (1) Sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum; (2) tin plating on carbon steel; (3) zinc

    plating (segregated basis) on carbon steel; (4) aluminum or zinc-aluminum plating on carbon
    steel; (5) cleaning or stripping associated with tin, zinc, and aluminum plating on carbon steel;
    and (6) chemical etching and milling of aluminum.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating operations.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Plating bath residues from the bottom of plating baths from electroplating operations where
    cyanides are used in the process.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from electroplating operations where cyanides are
    used in the process.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP

    Quenching bath residues from oil baths from metal heat treating heat-treating operations where
    cyanides are used in the process.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 NA
    Spent cyanide solutions from salt bath pot cleaning from metal heat treating heat-treating
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Quenching wastewater treatment sludges from metal heat treating heat-treating operations where
    cyanides are used in the process.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 NA 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical conversion coating of aluminum, except from
    zirconium phosphating in aluminum can washing when such phosphating is an exclusive
    conversion coating process.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    F020, F021, F022, F023, F026
    Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the
    production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a
    formulating process) of: (1) tri- or tetrachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce their
    pesticide derivatives, excluding wastes from the production of Hexachlorophene from highly
    purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (i.e., F020); (2) pentachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to
    produce its derivatives (i.e., F021); (3) tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzenes under alkaline
    conditions (i.e., F022) and wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride

    purification) from the production of materials on equipment previously used for the production
    or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating
    process) of: (1) tri- or tetrachlorophenols, excluding wastes from equipment used only for the
    production of Hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (F023) or (2) tetra-,
    penta-, or hexachlorobenzenes under alkaline conditions (i.e., F026).
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    Process wastes, including but not limited to, distillation residues, heavy ends, tars, and reactor
    clean-out wastes, from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by free
    radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon
    chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of
    chlorine substitution. (This listing does not include wastewaters, wastewater treatment sludges,
    spent catalysts, and wastes listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.131 or 721.132.)
    All F024 wastes NA CMBST
    2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene 126-99-8 0.057 0.28
    3-Chloropropylene 107-05-1 0.036 30
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 18
    cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-01-5 0.036 18
    trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-02-6 0.036 18
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP

    Condensed light ends from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by free
    radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon
    chain lengths ranging from one up to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of
    chlorine substitution. F025--Light Ends Subcategory.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 6.0
    Methylene chloride 75-9-2 0.089 30
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Spent filters and filter aids, and spent desiccant wastes from the production of certain chlorinated
    aliphatic hydrocarbons by free radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic
    hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with
    varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. F025--Spent Filters/Aids and Desiccants
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Methylene chloride 75-9-2 0.089 30
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Discarded unused formulations containing tri-, tetra-, or pentachlorophenol or discarded unused
    formulations containing compounds derived from these chlorophenols. (This listing does not
    include formulations containing hexachlorophene synthesized from prepurified 2,4,5-trichloro-
    phenol as the sole component.)
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4

    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    Residues resulting from the incineration or thermal treatment of soil contaminated with USEPA
    hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F023, F026, and F027.
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process
    residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes
    generated at plants that currently use or have previously used chlorophenolic formulations
    (except potentially cross-contaminated wastes that have had the F032 waste code deleted in
    accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.135 or potentially cross-contaminated wastes that are
    otherwise currently regulated as hazardous wastes (i.e., F034 or F035), where the generator does
    not resume or initiate use of chlorophenolic formulations). This listing does not include K001
    bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that
    use creosote or penta-chlorophenol.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 3.4
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8

    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    2-4-Dimethyl phenol 105-67-9 0.036 14
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins NA 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Hexachlorodibenzofurans NA 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Indeno (1,2,3-c,d) pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins NA 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Pentachlorodibenzofurans NA 0.000035 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins NA 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Tetrachlorodibenzofurans NA 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process
    residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes
    generated at plants that use creosote formulations. This listing does not include K001 bottom
    sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use
    creosote or pentachlorophenol.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 3.4
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8

    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Indeno (1,2,3-c,d) pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process
    residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes that are
    generated at plants that use inorganic preservatives containing arsenic or chromium. This listing
    does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood
    preserving processes that use creosote or pentachlorophenol.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation sludge--Any sludge generated from the
    gravitational separation of oil/water/solids during the storage or treatment of process
    wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such sludges include, but
    are not limited to, those generated in: oil/water/solids separators; tanks, and impoundments;
    ditches, and other conveyances; sumps; and stormwater units receiving dry weather flow.
    Sludge generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated
    from non-contact once-through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or
    oily cooling waters, sludges generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 721.131(b)(2) (including sludges generated in one or more additional units after
    wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and K051 wastes are not
    included in this listing.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 NA
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10

    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 NA
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    Petroleum refinery secondary (emulsified) oil/water/solids separation sludge or float generated
    from the physical or chemical separation of oil/water/solids in process wastewaters and oily
    cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such wastes include, but are not limited to, all
    sludges and floats generated in: induced air floatation (IAF) units, tanks, and impoundments,
    and all sludges generated in DAF units. Sludges generated in stormwater units that do not
    receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non-contact once-through cooling waters
    segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges, and floats generated
    in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.131(b)(2) (including
    sludges and floats generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated
    in aggressive biological units) and F037, K048, and K051 are not included in this listing.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 NA
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP

    Leachate (liquids that have percolated through land disposed wastes) resulting from the disposal
    of more than one restricted waste classified as hazardous under Subpart D of this Part. (Leachate
    resulting from the disposal of one or more of the following USEPA hazardous wastes and no
    other hazardous wastes retains its USEPA hazardous waste numbers: F020, F021, F022, F026,
    F027, or F028.).
    Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.059 3.4
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 3.4
    Acetone 67-64-1 0.28 160
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 NA
    Acetophenone 96-86-2 0.010 9.7
    2-Acetylaminofluorene 53-96-3 0.059 140
    Acrolein 107-02-8 0.29 NA
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.021 0.066
    4-Aminobiphenyl 92-67-1 0.13 NA
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Aramite 140-57-8 0.36 NA
    319-84-6 0.00014 0.066
    319-85-7 0.00014 0.066
    319-86-8 0.023 0.066
    58-89-9 0.0017 0.066
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 0.0055 1.8
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.35 15
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 0.055 15
    n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 5.6 2.6
    Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 0.017 28
    88-85-7 0.066 2.5
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 NA
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0

    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 0.26
    p-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 0.46 16
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 0.10 NA
    2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene 126-99-8 0.057 NA
    Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 0.057 15
    Chloroethane 75-00-3 0.27 6.0
    bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 0.036 7.2
    bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.033 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 39638-32-9 0.055 7.2
    p-Chloro-m-cresol 59-50-7 0.018 14
    Chloromethane (Methyl
    74-87-3 0.19 30
    2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 0.055 5.6
    2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.044 5.7
    3-Chloropropylene 107-05-1 0.036 30
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from p-
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from m-
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 NA
    1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 0.11 15
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-
    106-93-4 0.028 15
    Dibromomethane 74-95-3 0.11 15
    2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy-
    acetic acid)
    94-75-7 0.72 10
    o,p'-DDD 53-19-0 0.023 0.087
    p,p'-DDD 72-54-8 0.023 0.087
    o,p'-DDE 3424-82-6 0.031 0.087
    p,p'-DDE 72-55-9 0.031 0.087
    o,p'-DDT 789-02-6 0.0039 0.087
    p,p'-DDT 50-29-3 0.0039 0.087
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Dibenz(a,e)pyrene 192-65-4 0.061 NA
    m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 0.036 6.0
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 0.23 7.2

    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 6.0
    trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156-60-5 0.054 30
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.044 14
    2,6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.044 14
    1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 18
    cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-01-5 0.036 18
    trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-02-6 0.036 18
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.017 0.13
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 0.20 28
    2-4-Dimethyl phenol 105-67-9 0.036 14
    Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 0.047 28
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    1,4-Dinitrobenzene 100-25-4 0.32 2.3
    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 534-52-1 0.28 160
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 0.12 160
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.32 140
    2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 0.55 28
    Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 0.017 28
    Di-n-propylnitrosamine 621-64-7 0.40 14
    1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 12.0 170
    Diphenylamine (difficult to
    distinguish from diphenylnitros-
    122-39-4 0.92 NA
    Diphenylnitrosamine (difficult
    to distinguish from diphenyl-
    86-30-6 0.92 NA
    1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 0.087 NA
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.017 6.2
    Endosulfan I 939-98-8 0.023 0.066
    Endosulfan II 33213-6-5 0.029 0.13
    Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 0.029 0.13
    Endrin 72-20-8 0.0028 0.13
    Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 0.025 0.13
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.34 33
    Ethyl cyanide (Propanenitrile) 107-12-0 0.24 360
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 0.12 160
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 0.14 160
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 0.12 NA
    Famphur 52-85-7 0.017 15
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4

    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 0.066
    dibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    35822-46-9 0.000035 0.0025
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    67562-39-4 0.000035 0.0025
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-
    55673-89-7 0.000035 0.0025
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 0.066
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Hexachloropropylene 1888-71-7 0.035 30
    Indeno (1,2,3-c,d) pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Iodomethane 74-88-4 0.19 65
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 5.6 170
    Isodrin 465-73-6 0.021 0.066
    Isosafrole 120-58-1 0.081 2.6
    Kepone 143-50-8 0.0011 0.13
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 0.24 84
    Methanol 67-56-1 5.6 NA
    Methapyrilene 91-80-5 0.081 1.5
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.25 0.18
    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 0.0055 15
    4,4-Methylene bis(2-chloro-
    101-14-4 0.50 30
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.14 33
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 0.14 160
    Methyl methansulfonate 66-27-3 0.018 NA
    Methyl parathion 298-00-0 0.014 4.6
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 0.52 NA
    p-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 0.028 28
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14

    5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 0.32 28
    p-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 0.12 29
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.40 28
    N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 0.40 NA
    N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine 924-16-3 0.40 17
    N-Nitrosomethylethylamine 10595-95-6 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitrosomorpholine 59-89-2 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 0.013 35
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.013 35
    3268-87-9 0.000063 0.0025
    Parathion 56-38-2 0.014 4.6
    Total PCBs
    (sum of all PCB isomers, or all
    1336-36-3 0.10 10
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 0.055 4.8
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Phenacetin 62-44-2 0.081 16
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Phorate 298-02-2 0.021 4.6
    Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 0.055 NA
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 0.093 1.5
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    Safrole 94-59-7 0.081 22
    Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 93-72-1 0.72 7.9
    2,4,5-T 93-76-5 0.72 7.9
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-6 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10

    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.0095 2.6
    Bromoform (Tribromomethane) 75-25-2 0.63 15
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 0.020 30
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 0.85 30
    76-13-1 0.057 30
    126-72-7 0.11 NA
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Barium 7440-39-3 1.2 21 mg/l TCLP
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.82 NA
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 NA
    Fluoride 16964-48-8 35 NA
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Sulfide 8496-25-8 14 NA
    Thallium 7440-28-0 1.4 NA
    Vanadium 7440-62-2 4.3 NA
    Bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that
    use creosote or pentachlorophenol.
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10

    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome yellow and orange pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate orange pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome green pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green pigments (anhydrous).
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green pigments (hydrated).
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of iron blue pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590

    Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green pigments.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Distillation bottoms from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene.
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Distillation side cuts from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene.
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Bottom stream from the wastewater stripper in the production of acrylonitrile.
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 38
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 19 23
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Cyanide (Total) 57-12-5 1.2 590
    Bottom stream from the acetonitrile column in the production of acrylonitrile.
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 38
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 19 23
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Cyanide (Total) 57-12-5 1.2 590
    Bottoms from the acetonitrile purification column in the production of acrylonitrile.
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 38
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 19 23
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Cyanide (Total) 57-12-5 1.2 590
    Still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride.
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benzal chloride 98-87-3 0.055 6.0
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8

    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Heavy ends or distillation residues from the production of carbon tetrachloride.
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    Heavy ends (still bottoms) from the purification column in the production of epichlorohydrin.
    bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.033 6.0
    1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 18
    1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 0.85 30
    Heavy ends from the fractionation column in ethyl chloride production.
    Chloroethane 75-00-3 0.27 6.0
    Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.19 NA
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 NA 6.0
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    Heavy ends from the distillation of ethylene dichloride in ethylene dichloride production.
    bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.033 6.0
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 NA
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 NA
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6

    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 NA
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    Heavy ends from the distillation of vinyl chloride in vinyl chloride monomer production.
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-6 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    Aqueous spent antimony catalyst waste from fluoromethanes production.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol or acetone from cumene.
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Acetophenone 96-86-2 0.010 9.7
    Diphenylamine (difficult to
    distinguish from diphenylnitros-
    122-39-4 0.92 13
    Diphenylnitrosamine (difficult
    to distinguish from diphenyl-
    86-30-6 0.92 13
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene.
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    100-21-0 0.055 28
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    85-44-9 0.055 28

    Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene.
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    100-21-0 0.055 28
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    85-44-9 0.055 28
    Distillation bottoms from the production of nitrobenzene by the nitration of benzene.
    fb CARBN; or
    Stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridines.
    Centrifuge and distillation residues from toluene diisocyanate production.
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Spent catalyst from the hydrochlorinator reactor in the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156-60-5 0.054 30
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 NA 6.0
    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-6 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 NA
    Chromium(Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Waste from the product steam stripper in the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0

    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 6.0
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Column bodies or heavy ends from the combined production of trichloroethylene and perchloro-
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 NA
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 NA
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Hexachloropropylene 1888-71-7 NA 30
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 NA 10
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 NA 6.0
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    By-product salts generated in the production of MSMA and cacodylic acid.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chlordane.
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 0.26
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 0.066
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 0.066
    Wastewater and scrub water from the chlorination of cyclopentadiene in the production of
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Filter solids from the filtration of hexachlorocyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane.
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Wastewater treatment sludges generated in the production of creosote.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 NA 3.4
    Anthracene 120-12-7 NA 3.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4

    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from p-
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from m-
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 NA 8.2
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4
    Fluorene 86-73-7 NA 3.4
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 NA 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Still bottoms from toluene reclamation distillaiton in the production of disulfoton.
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.017 6.2
    Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of disulfoton.
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.017 6.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Wastewater from the washing and stripping of phorate production.
    Phorate 298-02-2 0.021 4.6
    Filter cake from the filtration of diethylphosphorodithioic acid in the production of phorate.
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of phorate.
    Phorate 298-02-2 0.021 4.6
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of toxaphene.
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.0095 2.6

    Heavy ends or distillation residues from the distillation of tetrachlorobenzene in the production
    of 2,4,5-T.
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    2,6-Dichlorophenol waste from the production of 2,4-D.
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.044 14
    2,6-Dichlorophenol 187-65-0 0.044 14
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing and processing of explosives.
    Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater containing explosives.
    Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing, formulation and loading of lead-based
    initiating compounds.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP

    Pink or red water from TNT operations.
    Dissolved air flotation (DAF) float from the petroleum refining industry.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 NA
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-33 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    Slop oil emulsion solids from the petroleum refining industry.
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 NA
    Chrysene 2218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.036 NA
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30

    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from the petroleum refining industry.
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    API separator sludge from the petroleum refining industry.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 NA
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Chrysene 2218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 105-67-9 0.057 28
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 NA
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.08 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    Tank bottoms (leaded) from the petroleum refining industry.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6

    (difficult to distinguish from p-
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    (difficult to distinguish from m-
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.036 NA
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.08 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Nickel 7440-02-0 NA 11 mg/l TCLP
    Ammonia still lime sludge from coking operations.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Emission control dust or sludge from the primary production of steel in electric furnaces.
    Antimony 7440-36-0 NA 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 NA 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Barium 7440-39-3 NA 21 mg/l TCLP
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 NA 1.22 mg/l TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Selenium 7782-49-2 NA 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 NA 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Thallium 7440-28-0 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    Zinc 7440-66-6 NA 4.3 mg/l TCLP

    Spent pickle liquor generated by steel finishing operations of facilities within the iron and steel
    industry (SIC Codes 331 and 332).
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 NA
    Emission control dust or sludge from secondary lead smelting. - Calcium sulfate (Low Lead)
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Emission control dust or sludge from secondary lead smelting. - Non-Calcium sulfate (High
    Lead) Subcategory.
    K071 (Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine production, where
    separately prepurified brine is not used) nonwastewaters that are residues from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    K071 (Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine production, where
    separately prepurified brine is not used) nonwastewaters that are not residues from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    All K071 wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Chlorinated hydrocarbon waste from the purification step of the diaphragm cell process using
    graphite anodes in chlorine production.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    Distillation bottoms from aniline production.
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14

    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 NA
    (difficult to distinguish from
    122-39-4 0.92 13
    Diphenylnitrosamine (difficult
    to distinguish from diphenyl-
    86-30-6 0.92 13
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludges generated during the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals
    from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Distillation or fractionation column bottoms from the production of chlorobenzenes.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 0.036 6.0
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Total PCBs
    (sum of all PCB isomers, or all
    1336-36-3 0.10 10
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    Solvent wastes and sludges, caustic washes and sludges, or water washes and sludges from
    cleaning tubs and equipment used in the formulation of ink from pigments, driers, soaps, and
    stabilizers containing chromium and lead.
    Acetone 67-64-1 0.28 160
    Acetophenone 96-86-2 0.010 9.7
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 5.6 2.6
    Butylbenzyl phthalate 85-68-7 0.017 28
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 NA
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 0.20 28

    Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 0.047 28
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 0.017 28
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.34 33
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Methanol 67-56-1 5.6 NA
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.14 33
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations.
    Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction.
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 3.4
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.11 6.8

    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 0.0055 1.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4
    Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 26.1 mg/l
    Barium 7440-39-3 1.2 21 mg/l TCLP
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.82 1.22 mg/l TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanide (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanide (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Fluoride 16984-48-8 35 NA
    Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene.
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    100-21-0 0.055 28
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    85-44-9 0.055 28
    Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene.
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    100-21-0 0.055 28
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    85-44-9 0.055 28
    Distillation bottoms from the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 0.055 6.0

    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-6 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Heavy ends from the heavy ends column from the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
    m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 0.036 6.0
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 0.055 6.0
    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-6 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Vacuum stripper discharge from the chlordane chlorinator in the production of chlordane.
    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 0.26
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 0.066
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 0.066
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Untreated process wastewater from the production of toxaphene.
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.0095 2.6
    Untreated wastewater from the production of 2,4-D.
    2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 94-75-7 0.72 10
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001

    Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control dust or sludge from secondary
    lead smelting.
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Distillation tar residues from the distillation of aniline-based compounds in the production of
    veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds.
    o-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 0.27 14
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 NA
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Residue from the use of activated carbon for decolorization in the production of veterinary
    pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds.
    o-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.028 13
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 NA
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 NA
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Process residues from aniline extraction from the production of aniline.
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 0.12 160
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Combined wastewater streams generated from nitrobenzene or aniline production.
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 0.12 160
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590

    Separated aqueous stream from the reactor product washing step in the production of chloro-
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.044 5.7
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    K106 (wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process in chlorine production)
    nonwastewaters that contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA RMERC
    K106 (wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process in chlorine production)
    nonwastewaters that contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury that are residues from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    Other K106 nonwastewaters that contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury and are not residues
    from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    All K106 wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Column bottoms from product separation from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine
    (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    CARBN; or
    BIODG fb

    Condensed column overheads from product separation and condensed reactor vent gases from
    the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    CARBN; or
    BIODG fb
    Spent filter cartridges from product purification from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine
    (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    CARBN; or
    BIODG fb
    Condensed column overheads from intermediate separation from the production of 1,1-dimethyl-
    hydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    CARBN; or
    BIODG fb
    Product washwaters from the production of dinitrotoluene via nitration of toluene.
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-1-1 0.32 140
    2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 0.55 28
    Reaction by-product water from the drying column in the production of toluenediamine via
    hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    CARBN; or
    BIODG fb

    Condensed liquid light ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of
    toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene.
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Vicinals from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydro-
    genation of dinitrotoluene.
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Heavy ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via
    hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene.
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Organic condensate from the solvent recovery column in the production of toluene diisocyanate
    via phosgenation of toluenediamine.
    NA NA CARBN; or
    Wastewater from the reactor vent gas scrubber in the production of ethylene dibromide via
    bromination of ethene.
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-
    106-93-4 0.028 15
    Spent absorbent solids from purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene
    dibromide via bromination of ethene.
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-
    106-93-4 0.028 15

    Process wastewater (including supernates, filtrates, and washwaters) from the production of
    ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    Reactor vent scrubber water from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    Filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids from the production of ethylenebisdithio-
    carbamic acid and its salts.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    Baghouse dust and floor sweepings in milling and packaging operations from the production or
    formulation of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts.
    NA NA CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    Wastewater from the reactor and spent sulfuric acid from the acid dryer from the production of
    methyl bromide.
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    Spent absorbent and wastewater separator solids from the production of methyl bromide.
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15

    Still bottoms from the purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide
    via bromination of ethene.
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-
    106-93-4 0.028 15
    Process residues from the recovery of coal tar, including, but not limited to, collecting sump
    residues from the production of coke or the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal.
    This listing does not include K087 (decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations).
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-2-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Tar storage tank residues from the production of coke from coal or from the recovery of coke by-
    products produced from coal.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4

    Process residues from the recovery of light oil, including, but not limited to, those generated in
    stills, decanters, and wash oil recovery units from the recovery of coke by-products produced
    from coal.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Wastewater sump residues from light oil refining, including, but not limited to, intercepting or
    contamination sump sludges from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Residues from naphthalene collection and recovery operations from the recovery of coke by-
    products produced from coal.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Tar storage tank residues from coal tar refining.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4

    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Residues from coal tar distillation, including, but not limited to, still bottoms.
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(k)-
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene (difficult
    to distinguish from benzo(b)-
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Distillation bottoms from the production of
    - (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-chlorinated
    toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. (This
    waste does not include still bottoms from the distillations of benzyl chloride.)
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.19 30
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Organic residuals, excluding spent carbon adsorbent, from the spent chlorine gas and hydro-
    chloric acid recovery processes associated with the production of
    - (or methyl-) chlorinated
    toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these
    functional groups.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0

    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.19 30
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    Wastewater treatment sludges, excluding neutralization and biological sludges, generated during
    the treatment of wastewaters from the production of
    - (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-
    chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Organic waste (including heavy ends, still bottoms, light ends, spent solvents, filtrates, and
    decantates) from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes.
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 1.8
    Acetophenone 96-86-2 0.010 9.7
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Benomyl 17804-35-2 0.056 1.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Carbaryl 63-25-21 0.006 0.14
    Carbenzadim 10605-21-7 0.056 1.4
    Carbofuran 1563-66-2 0.006 0.14
    Carbosulfan 55285-14-8 0.028 1.4
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 0.028 0.14
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2

    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Triethylamine 121-44-8 0.081 1.5
    Wastewaters (including scrubber waters, condenser waters, washwaters, and separation waters)
    from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Chloromethane 74-87-3 0.19 30
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 0.028 0.14
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    Triethylamine 121-44-8 0.081 1.5
    Baghouse dusts and filter/separation solids from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl
    Benomyl 17804-35-2 0.056 1.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Carbenzadim 10605-21-7 0.056 1.4
    Carbofuran 1563-66-2 0.006 0.14
    Carbosulfan 55285-14-8 0.028 1.4
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Organics from the treatment of thiocarbamate wastes.
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Butylate 2008-41-5 0.042 1.4
    EPTC (Eptam) 759-94-4 0.042 1.4
    Molinate 2212-67-1 0.042 1.4
    Pebulate 1114-71-2 0.042 1.4
    Vernolate 1929-77-7 0.042 1.4
    Purification solids (including filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids), baghouse dust
    and floor sweepings from the production of dithiocarbamate acids and their salts.
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 4.8
    Dithiocarbamates (total) 137-30-4 0.028 28

    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7
    Crude oil tank sediment from petroleum refining operations.
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 0.0055 1.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 81-05-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene (Methyl Benzene) 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes (Total) 1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Clarified slurry oil sediment from petroleum refining operations.
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 0.0055 1.8
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Indeno(1,2,3,-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 81-05-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene (Methyl Benzene) 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes (Total 1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Spent hydrotreating catalyst from petroleum refining operations, including guard beds used to
    desulfurize feeds to other catalytic reactors. (This listing does not include inert support media.)
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Phenanthrene 81-05-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2

    Toluene (Methyl Benzene) 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes (Total) 1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Arsenic 7740-38-2 1.4 5 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11.0 mg/l TCLP
    Vanadium 7440-62-2 4.3 1.6 mg/l TCLP
    Reactive sulfides NA DEACT DEACT
    Spent hydrorefining catalyst from petroleum refining operations, including guard beds used to
    desulfurize feeds to other catalytic reactors. (This listing does not include inert support media.)
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Toluene (Methyl Benzene) 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes (Total) 1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Antimony 7740-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic 7740-38-2 1.4 5 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11.0 mg/l TCLP
    Vanadium 7440-62-2 4.3 1.6 mg/l TCLP
    Reactive Sulfides NA DEACT DEACT
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of ethylene dicholoride or vinyl choloride
    dibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    35822-46-9 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    67562-39-4 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-
    55673-89-7 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or
    All hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    34465-46-8 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    All hexachlorodibenzofurans
    55684-94-1 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    3268-87-9 0.000063 or
    0.005 or CMBST
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-
    39001-02-0 0.000063 or
    0.005 or CMBST
    All pentachlorodibenzo-p-
    dioxins (PeCDDs)
    36088-22-9 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST

    All pentachlorodibenzofurans
    30402-15-4 0.000035 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    All tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins
    41903-57-5 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    All tetrachlorodibenzofurans
    55722-27-5 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Arsenic 7440-36-0 1.4 5.0 mg/L TCLP
    Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of vinyl choloride monomer using mercuric
    chloride catalyst in an acetylene-based process.
    7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/L TCLP
    NA pH
    All K175 wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Baghouse filters from the production of antimony oxide, including filters from the production of
    intermediates e.g., antimony metal or crude antimony oxide).
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/L TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/L TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/L TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/L TCLP
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 0.025 mg/L TCLP
    Slag from the production of antimony oxide that is speculatively accumulated or disposed,
    including slag from the production of intermediates (e.g., antimony metal or crude antimony
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/L TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/L TCLP
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/L TCLP
    Residues from manufacturing and manufacturing-site storage of ferric chloride from acids
    formed during the production of titanium dioxide using the chloride-ilmenite process.
    dibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    35822-46-9 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    67562-39-4 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or

    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-
    55673-89-7 0.000035 or
    0.0025 or
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    34465-46-8 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    3268-87-9 0.000063 or
    0.005 or CMBST
    dibenzofuran (OCDF)
    39001-02-0 0.000063 or
    0.005 or CMBST
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 or
    0.001 or CMBST
    Thallium 7440-28-0 1.4 0.20 mg/L TCLP
    Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3 percent.
    Warfarin 81-81-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1-Acetyl-2-thiourea 591-08-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Acrolein 107-02-8 0.29 CMBST
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.021 0.066

    Allyl alcohol.
    Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Aluminum phosphide.
    Aluminum phosphide 20859-73-8 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    5-Aminomethyl-3-isoxazolol 2763-96-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    4-Aminopyridine 504-24-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Ammonium picrate.
    Ammonium picrate 131-74-8 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Arsenic acid.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic pentoxide.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic trioxide.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP

    Barium cyanide.
    Barium 7440-39-3 NA 21 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Thiophenol (Benzene thiol).
    Thiophenol (Benzene thiol) 108-98-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Beryllium dust.
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 RMETL;or
    RMETL; or
    Dichloromethyl ether (Bis(chloromethyl)ether).
    Dichloromethyl ether 542-88-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Bromoacetone 598-31-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Brucine 357-57-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2-sec-Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (Dinoseb).
    88-85-7 0.066 2.5

    Calcium cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Carbon disulfide.
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 CMBST
    Carbon disulfide; alternate
    standard for nonwastewaters
    75-15-0 NA 4.8 mg/l TCLP
    Chloroacetaldehyde 107-20-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    p-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 0.46 16
    1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea 5344-82-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    3-Chloropropionitrile 542-76-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Benzyl chloride.
    Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Copper cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Cyanides (soluble salts and complexes).
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Cyanogen 460-19-5 CHOXD;
    WETOX; or
    WETOX; or
    Cyanogen chloride.
    Cyanogen chloride 506-77-4 CHOXD;
    WETOX; or
    WETOX; or
    2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 131-89-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.017 0.13
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.017 6.2

    297-97-2 CARBN; or
    Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate.
    Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate 311-45-5 CARBN; or
    Epinephrine 51-43-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP).
    55-91-4 CARBN; or
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 CARBN; or
    Thiofanox 39196-18-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    122-09-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 543-52-1 0.28 160
    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol salts.
    NA NA (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 0.12 160
    Dithiobiuret 541-53-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Endosulfan I 939-98-8 0.023 0.066
    Endosulfan II 33213-6-5 0.029 0.13
    Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 0.029 0.13
    Endrin 72-20-8 0.0028 0.13
    Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 0.025 0.13
    Aziridine 151-56-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Fluoride (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    16964-48-8 35 ADGAS fb

    Fluoroacetamide 640-19-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt.
    Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt 62-74-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 0.066
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 0.066
    Isodrin 465-73-6 0.021 0.066
    Hexaethyl tetraphosphate.
    Hexaethyl tetraphosphate 757-58-4 CARBN; or
    Hydrogen cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Isocyanic acid, ethyl ester.
    Isocyanic acid, ethyl ester 624-83-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    P065 (mercury fulminate) nonwastewaters, regardless of their total mercury content, that are not
    incinerator residues or are not residues from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA IMERC
    P065 (mercury fulminate) nonwastewaters that are either incinerator residues or are residues
    from RMERC; and contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7339-97-6 NA RMERC
    P065 (mercury fulminate) nonwastewaters that are residues from RMERC and contain less than
    260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    P065 (mercury fulminate) nonwastewaters that are incinerator residues and contain less than 260
    mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    All P065 (mercury fulminate) wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2-Methyl-aziridine 75-55-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Methyl hydrazine.
    Methyl hydrazine 60-34-4 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST

    2-Methyllactonitrile 75-86-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Aldicarb 116-06-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Methyl parathion.
    Methyl parathion 298-00-0 0.014 4.6
    1-Naphthyl-2-thiourea 86-88-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Nickel carbonyl.
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    Nicotine and salts.
    Nicotine and salts 54-11-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Nitric oxide.
    Nitric oxide 10102-43-9 ADGAS ADGAS
    p-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 0.028 28
    Nitrogen dioxide.
    Nitrogen dioxide 10102-44-0 ADGAS ADGAS
    Nitroglycerin 55-63-0 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine 4549-40-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Octamethylpyrophosphoramide 152-16-9 CARBN; or
    Osmium tetroxide.
    Osmium tetroxide 20816-12-0 RMETL; or
    RMETL; or

    Endothall 145-73-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Parathion 56-38-2 0.014 4.6
    P092 (phenyl mercuric acetate) nonwastewaters, regardless of their total mercury content, that
    are not incinerator residues or are not residues from RMERC.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA IMERC; or
    P092 (phenyl mercuric acetate) nonwastewaters that are either incinerator residues or are
    residues from RMERC; and still contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA RMERC
    P092 (phenyl mercuric acetate) nonwastewaters that are residues from RMERC and contain less
    than 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    P092 (phenyl mercuric acetate) nonwastewaters that are incinerator residues and contain less
    than 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    All P092 (phenyl mercuric acetate) wastewaters.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Phenylthiourea 103-85-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Phorate 298-02-2 0.021 4.6
    Phosgene 75-44-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Phosphine 7803-51-2 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Famphur 52-85-7 0.017 15
    Potassium cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Potassium silver cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Ethyl cyanide (Propanenitrile).
    Ethyl cyanide (Propanenitrile) 107-12-0 0.24 360
    Propargyl alcohol.
    Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Silver cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Sodium azide.
    Sodium azide 26628-22-8 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Sodium cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Strychnine and salts.
    Strychnine and salts 57-24-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate 3689-24-5 CARBN; or
    Tetraethyl lead.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Tetraethylpyrophosphate 107-49-3 CARBN; or

    Tetranitromethane 509-14-8 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Thallic oxide.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thallium selenite.
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Thallium (I) sulfate.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thiosemicarbazide 79-19-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Trichloromethanethiol 75-70-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Ammonium vanadate.
    Vanadium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-62-2 4.3 STABL
    Vanadium pentoxide.
    Vanadium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-62-2 4.3 STABL

    Zinc cyanide.
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10 percent.
    Zinc Phosphide 1314-84-7 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.0095 2.6
    Carbofuran 1563-66-2 0.006 0.14
    Mexacarbate 315-18-4 0.056 1.4
    Tirpate 26419-73-8 0.056 0.28
    Physostigimine salicylate.
    Physostigmine salicylate 57-64-7 0.056 1.4
    Carbosulfan 55285-14-8 0.028 1.4
    Metolcarb 1129-41-5 0.056 1.4
    Dimetilan 644-64-4 0.056 1.4

    Isolan 119-38-0 0.056 1.4
    Oxamyl 23135-22-0 0.056 0.28
    Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamates (total).
    Dithiocarbamates (total) NA 0.028 28
    Formparanate 17702-57-7 0.056 1.4
    Formetanate hydrochloride.
    Formetanate hydrochloride 23422-53-9 0.056 1.4
    Methiocarb 2032-65-7 0.056 1.4
    Promecarb 2631-37-0 0.056 1.4
    m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate.
    m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate 64-00-6 0.056 1.4
    Aldicarb sulfone.
    Aldicarb sulfone 1646-88-4 0.056 0.28
    Physostigmine 57-47-6 0.056 1.4
    Dithiocarbamates (total) NA 0.028 28

    Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Acetone 67-64-1 0.28 160
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 CMBST
    Acetonitrile; alternate
    for nonwastewaters only
    75-05-8 NA 38
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 0.010 9.7
    2-Acetylaminofluorene 53-96-3 0.059 140
    Acetyl chloride.
    Acetyl chloride 75-36-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Acrylic acid.
    Acrylic acid 79-10-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Mitomycin C.
    Mitomycin C 50-07-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Amitrole 61-82-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Auramine 492-80-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Azaserine 115-02-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Benz(c)acridine 225-51-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Benzal chloride.
    Benzal chloride 98-87-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    Benzenesulfonyl chloride.
    Benzenesulfonyl chloride 98-09-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Benzidine 92-87-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4

    Benzotrichloride 98-07-7 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 0.036 7.2
    bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.033 6.0
    Chlornaphazine 494-03-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 39638-32-9 0.055 7.2
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28
    Methyl bromide (Bromomethane).
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether.
    4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 0.055 15
    n-Butyl alcohol.
    n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 5.6 2.6

    Calcium chromate.
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Carbon oxyfluoride.
    Carbon oxyfluoride 353-50-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Trichloroacetaldehyde (Chloral).
    Trichloroacetaldehyde (Chloral) 75-87-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Chlorambucil 305-03-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 0.26
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0
    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 0.10 CMBST
    p-Chloro-m-cresol 59-50-7 0.018 14

    Epichlorohydrin (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane).
    Epichlorohydrin (1-Chloro-2,3-
    106-89-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether.
    2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 110-75-8 0.062 CMBST
    Vinyl chloride.
    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    Chloromethane (Methyl chloride).
    Chloromethane (Methyl
    74-87-3 0.19 30
    Chloromethyl methyl ether.
    Chloromethyl methyl ether 107-30-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 0.055 5.6
    2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.044 5.7

    4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride.
    4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydro-
    3165-93-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Cresols (Cresylic acid).
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6
    m-Cresol (difficult to
    distinguish from p-cresol)
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    p-Cresol (difficult to distinguish
    from m-cresol)
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    Cresol-mixed isomers (Cresylic
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-cresol
    1319-77-3 0.88 11.2
    Crotonaldehyde 4170-30-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Cumene 98-82-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Cyclohexane 110-82-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 CMBST
    Cyclohexanone; alternate
    standard for nonwastewaters
    108-94-1 NA 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Cyclophosphamide 50-18-0 CARBN; or
    Daunomycin 20830-81-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    o,p'-DDD 53-19-0 0.023 0.087
    p,p'-DDD 72-54-8 0.023 0.087
    o,p'-DDT 789-02-6 0.0039 0.087
    p,p'-DDT 50-29-3 0.0039 0.087
    o,p'-DDD 53-19-0 0.023 0.087
    p,p'-DDD 72-54-8 0.023 0.087

    o,p'-DDE 3424-82-6 0.031 0.087
    p,p'-DDE 72-55-9 0.031 0.087
    Diallate 2303-16-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Dibenz(a,i)pyrene 189-55-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 0.11 15
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-Dibromoethane).
    Ethylene dibromide (1,2-
    106-93-4 0.028 15
    Dibromomethane 74-95-3 0.11 15
    Di-n-butyl phthalate.
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0

    m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 0.036 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    cis-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1476-11-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 764-41-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 0.23 7.2
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 6.0

    trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156-60-5 0.054 30
    Methylene chloride.
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.044 14
    2,6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.044 14
    1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 18
    cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-01-5 0.036 18
    trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-02-6 0.036 18
    1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane 1464-53-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1615-80-1 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    3288-58-2 CARBN; or

    Diethyl phthalate.
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 0.20 28
    Diethyl stilbestrol.
    Diethyl stilbestrol 56-53-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Dihydrosafrole 94-58-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Dimethylamine 124-40-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 60-11-7 0.13 CMBST
    57-97-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    -Dimethyl benzyl hydroperoxide.
    -Dimethyl benzyl hydro-
    80-15-9 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride.
    Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride 79-44-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    57-14-7 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    540-73-8 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.036 14
    Dimethyl phthalate.
    Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 0.047 28

    Dimethyl sulfate.
    Dimethyl sulfate 77-78-1 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.32 140
    2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 0.55 28
    Di-n-octyl phthalate.
    Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 0.017 28
    1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1,4-Dioxane; alternate
    for nonwastewaters only
    123-91-1 12.0 170
    1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    standard for
    wastewaters only
    122-66-7 0.087 NA
    Dipropylamine 142-84-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Di-n-propylnitrosamine 621-64-7 0.40 14
    Ethyl acetate.
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.34 33
    Ethyl acrylate.
    Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid salts and esters.
    Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid 111-54-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Ethylene oxide.
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    CHOXD; or
    Ethylene oxide; alternate
    standard for wastewaters only
    75-21-8 0.12 NA
    Ethylene thiourea.
    Ethylene thiourea 96-45-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Ethyl ether.
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 0.12 160

    Ethyl methacrylate.
    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 0.14 160
    Ethyl methane sulfonate.
    Ethyl methane sulfonate 62-50-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4
    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 0.020 30
    Formaldehyde 50-00-0 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Formic acid.
    Formic acid 64-18-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Furan 110-00-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Furfural 98-01-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Glycidylaldehyde 765-34-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    319-84-6 0.00014 0.066
    319-85-7 0.00014 0.066
    319-86-8 0.023 0.066
    -BHC (Lindane)
    58-89-9 0.0017 0.066
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Hexachlorophene 70-30-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Hydrazine 302-01-2 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Hydrogen fluoride.
    Fluoride (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    16964-48-8 35 ADGAS fb
    NEUTR; or
    Hydrogen sulfide.
    Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Cacodylic acid.
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Iodomethane 74-88-4 0.19 65
    Isobutyl alcohol.
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 5.6 170
    Isosafrole 120-58-1 0.081 2.6
    Kepone 143-50-8 0.0011 0.13

    Lasiocarpine 303-34-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Lead acetate.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Lead phosphate.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Lead subacetate.
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Maleic anhydride.
    Maleic anhydride 108-31-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Maleic hydrazide.
    Maleic hydrazide 123-33-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Malononitrile 109-77-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Melphalan 148-82-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    U151 (mercury) nonwastewaters that contain greater than or equal to 260 mg/kg total mercury.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA RMERC
    U151 (mercury) nonwastewaters that contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury and that are
    residues from RMERC only.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    U151 (mercury) nonwastewaters that contain less than 260 mg/kg total mercury and that are not
    residues from RMERC only.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    All U151 (mercury) wastewater.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 0.15 NA
    Element Elemental Mercury Contaminated with Radioactive Materials.
    Mercury 7439-97-6 NA AMLGM
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 0.24 84
    Methanethiol 74-93-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Methanol 67-56-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Methanol; alternate
    set of
    standards for both wastewaters
    and nonwastewaters
    67-56-1 5.6 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Methapyrilene 91-80-5 0.081 1.5
    Methyl chlorocarbonate.
    Methyl chlorocarbonate 79-22-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 0.0055 15
    4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline).
    4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloro-
    101-14-4 0.50 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone.
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide.
    Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide 1338-23-4 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Methyl isobutyl ketone.
    Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.14 33

    Methyl methacrylate.
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 0.14 160
    70-25-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Methylthiouracil 56-04-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    1,4-Naphthoquinone 130-15-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1-Naphthylamine 134-32-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 0.52 CMBST
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14

    p-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 0.12 29
    2-Nitropropane 79-46-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 924-16-3 0.40 17
    N-Nitrosodiethanolamine 1116-54-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.40 28
    N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea 759-73-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 684-93-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane 615-53-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 0.013 35
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.013 35
    5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 0.32 28
    Paraldehyde 123-63-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Pentachloroethane; alternate
    standards for both wastewaters
    and nonwastewaters
    76-01-7 0.055 6.0
    Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 0.055 4.8

    1,3-Pentadiene 504-60-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Phenacetin 62-44-2 0.081 16
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Phosphorus sulfide.
    Phosphorus sulfide 1314-80-3 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Phthalic anhydride.
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    100-21-0 0.055 28
    Phthalic anhydride (measured as
    Phthalic acid or Terephthalic
    85-44-9 0.055 28
    2-Picoline 109-06-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 0.093 1.5

    1,3-Propane sultone.
    1,3-Propane sultone 1120-71-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    n-Propylamine 107-10-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    p-Benzoquinone 106-51-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Reserpine 50-55-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Resorcinol. 108-46-3 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Saccharin and salts.
    Saccharin 81-07-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Safrole 94-59-7 0.081 22
    Selenium dioxide.
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Selenium sulfide.
    Selenium 7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Streptozotocin 18883-66-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0

    Carbon tetrachloride.
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Thallium (I) acetate.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thallium (I) carbonate.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thallium (I) chloride.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thallium (I) nitrate.
    Thallium (measured in
    wastewaters only)
    7440-28-0 1.4 RTHRM; or
    Thioacetamide 62-55-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Thiourea 62-56-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Toluenediamine 25376-45-8 CARBN; or
    o-Toluidine hydrochloride.
    o-Toluidine hydrochloride 636-21-5 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Toluene diisocyanate.
    Toluene diisocyanate 26471-62-5 CARBN; or
    Bromoform (Tribromomethane).
    Bromoform (Tribromomethane) 75-25-2 0.63 15
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 99-35-4 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    126-72-7 0.11 0.10
    Trypan Blue.
    Trypan Blue 72-57-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Uracil mustard.
    Uracil mustard 66-75-1 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Urethane (Ethyl carbamate).
    Urethane (Ethyl carbamate) 51-79-6 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Xylenes-mixed isomers
    (sum of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid).
    2,4-D (2,4-Dichloro-
    phenoxyacetic acid)
    94-75-7 0.72 10
    2,4-D (2,4-Dichloro-
    phenoxyacetic acid) salts and
    NA (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or

    Hexachloropropylene 1888-71-7 0.035 30
    Thiram 137-26-8 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Cyanogen bromide.
    Cyanogen bromide 506-68-3 CHOXD;
    WETOX; or
    WETOX; or
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.25 0.18
    Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations of 0.3 percent or less.
    Warfarin 81-81-2 (WETOX or
    CHOXD) fb
    CARBN; or
    Zinc phosphide, Zn3P2, when present at concentrations of 10 percent or less.
    Zinc Phosphide 1314-84-7 CHOXD; CHRED;
    or CMBST
    or CMBST
    Benomyl 17804-35-2 0.056 1.4
    Bendiocarb 22781-23-3 0.056 1.4
    Carbaryl 63-25-2 0.006 0.14

    Barban 101-27-9 0.056 1.4
    o-Toluidine 95-53-4 CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    CARBN); or
    BIODG fb
    p-Toluidine 106-49-0 CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    CARBN); or
    BIODG fb
    2-Ethoxyethanol 110-80-5 CMBST; or
    CHOXD fb
    (BIODG or
    CARBN); or
    BIODG fb
    Bendiocarb phenol.
    Bendiocarb phenol 22961-82-6 0.056 1.4
    Carbofuran phenol.
    Carbofuran phenol 1563-38-8 0.056 1.4
    Carbendazim 10605-21-7 0.056 1.4

    Propham 122-42-9 0.056 1.4
    Prosulfocarb 52888-80-9 0.042 1.4
    Triallate 2303-17-5 0.042 1.4
    A2213 30558-43-1 0.042 1.4
    Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate.
    Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate 5952-26-1 0.056 1.4
    Triethylamine 101-44-8 0.081 1.5
    Thiophanate-methyl 23564-05-8 0.056 1.4
    Thiodicarb 59669-26-0 0.019 1.4
    Propoxur 114-26-1 0.056 1.4
    1 The waste descriptions provided in this table do not replace waste descriptions in 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 721. Descriptions of Treatment or Regulatory Subcategories are provided, as
    needed, to distinguish between applicability of different standards.

    2 CAS means Chemical Abstract Services. When the waste code or regulated constituents
    are described as a combination of a chemical with its salts or esters, the CAS number is
    given for the parent compound only.
    3 Concentration standards for wastewaters are expressed in mg/l and are based on analysis
    of composite samples.
    4 All treatment standards expressed as a Technology Code or combination of Technology
    Codes are explained in detail in Table C of this Part, “Technology Codes and
    Descriptions of Technology-Based Standards.”. “fb” inserted between waste codes
    denotes “followed by,”, so that the first-listed treatment is followed by the second-listed
    treatment. “;” A semicolon (;) separates alternative treatment schemes.
    5 Except for Metals (EP or TCLP) and Cyanides (Total and Amenable), the nonwastewater
    treatment standards expressed as a concentration were established, in part, based on
    incineration in units operated in accordance with the technical requirements of Subpart O
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O or
    based on combustion in fuel substitution units operating in accordance with applicable
    technical requirements. A facility may comply with these treatment standards according
    to provisions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 728.140(d). All concentration standards for
    nonwastewaters are based on analysis of grab samples.
    6 Where an alternate treatment standard or set of alternate standards has been indicated, a
    facility may comply with this alternate standard, but only for the Treatment or Regulatory
    Subcategory or physical form (i.e., wastewater or nonwastewater) specified for that
    alternate standard.
    7 Both Cyanides (Total) and Cyanides (Amenable) for nonwastewaters are to be analyzed
    using Method 9010 or 9012, found in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical or Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846, incorporated by reference
    in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, with a sample size of 10 grams and a distillation time of
    one hour and 15 minutes.
    8 These wastes, when rendered non-hazardous and then subsequently managed in CWA or
    CWA-equivalent systems, are not subject to treatment standards. (See Section
    728.101(c)(3) and (c)(4).)
    9 These wastes, when rendered non-hazardous and then subsequently injected in a Class I
    SDWA well, are not subject to treatment standards. (See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 738.101(d).)
    10 The treatment standard for this waste may be satisfied by either meeting the constituent
    concentrations in the table in this Section or by treating the waste by the specified
    technologies: combustion, as defined by the technology code CMBST at Table C, for
    nonwastewaters; and biodegradation, as defined by the technology code BIODG; carbon

    adsorption, as defined by the technology code CARBN; chemical oxidation, as defined by
    the technology code CHOXD; or combustion, as defined as technology code CMBST, at
    Table C, for wastewaters.
    11 For these wastes, the definition of CMBST is limited to any of the following that have
    obtained a determination of equivalent treatment under Section 728.142(b): (1)
    combustion units operating under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726, (2) combustion units permitted
    under Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, or (3) combustion units operating
    under Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O.
    12 Disposal of USEPA hazardous waste number K175 waste that has complied with all
    applicable Section 728.140 treatment standards must also be macroencapsulated in
    accordance with Table F of this Part, unless the waste is placed in either of the following
    types of facilities:
    a) A RCRA Subtitle C monofill containing only K175 wastes that meet all
    applicable 40 CFR 268.40 treatment standards; or
    b) A dedicated RCRA Subtitle C landfill cell in which all other wastes being co-
    disposed are at pH
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from table to 40 CFR 268.40 (2000) (2002), as amended at 65 Fed.
    Reg. 67127 (November 8, 2000) and 66 Fed. Reg. 58258 (November 20, 2001).
    NA means not applicable.
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 728.Table U Universal Treatment Standards (UTS)
    Regulated Constituent-
    Common Name CAS
    Concentration (in
    Concentration (in
    noted as “mg/l
    Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.059 3.4
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.059 3.4
    Acetone 67-64-1 0.28 160
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 5.6 38
    Acetophenone 96-86-2 0.010 9.7
    2-Acetylaminofluorene 53-96-3 0.059 140
    Acrolein 107-02-8 0.29 NA
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 19 23

    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.24 84
    Aldicarb sulfone
    1646-88-4 0.056 0.28
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.021 0.066
    4-Aminobiphenyl 92-67-1 0.13 NA
    Aniline 62-53-3 0.81 14
    Anthracene 120-12-7 0.059 3.4
    Aramite 140-57-8 0.36 NA
    319-84-6 0.00014 0.066
    319-85-7 0.00014 0.066
    319-86-8 0.023 0.066
    58-89-9 0.0017 0.066
    101-27-9 0.056 1.4
    22781-23-3 0.056 1.4
    17804-35-2 0.056 1.4
    Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.059 3.4
    Benzal chloride 98-87-3 0.055 6.0
    Benzene 71-43-2 0.14 10
    (difficult to distinguish from
    205-99-2 0.11 6.8
    (difficult to distinguish from
    207-08-9 0.11 6.8
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 0.0055 1.8
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.061 3.4
    Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.35 15
    Methyl bromide (Bromo-
    74-83-9 0.11 15
    4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 0.055 15
    n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 5.6 2.6
    2008-41-5 0.042 1.4
    Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 0.017 28
    88-85-7 0.066 2.5
    63-25-2 0.006 0.14
    10605-21-7 0.056 1.4
    1563-66-2 0.006 0.14
    Carbofuran phenol
    1563-38-8 0.056 1.4
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 3.8 4.8 mg/l TCLP
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.057 6.0
    55285-14-8 0.028 1.4
    Chlordane (
    57-74-9 0.0033 0.26
    p-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 0.46 16
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.057 6.0

    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 0.10 NA
    2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene 126-99-8 0.057 0.28
    p-Chloro-m-cresol 59-50-7 0.018 14
    Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 0.057 15
    Chloroethane 75-00-3 0.27 6.0
    bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 0.036 7.2
    bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.033 6.0
    2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 110-75-8 0.062 NA
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.046 6.0
    bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 39638-32-9 0.055 7.2
    Chloromethane (Methyl
    74-87-3 0.19 30
    2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 0.055 5.6
    2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.044 5.7
    3-Chloropropylene 107-05-1 0.036 30
    Chrysene 218-01-9 0.059 3.4
    o-Cresol 95-48-7 0.11 5.6
    m-Cresol (difficult to
    distinguish from p-cresol)
    108-39-4 0.77 5.6
    p-Cresol (difficult to
    distinguish from m-cresol)
    106-44-5 0.77 5.6
    m-Cumenyl methyl-
    64-00-6 0.056 1.4
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 0.36 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    o,p'-DDD 53-19-0 0.023 0.087
    p,p'-DDD 72-54-8 0.023 0.087
    o,p'-DDE 3424-82-6 0.031 0.087
    p,p'-DDE 72-55-9 0.031 0.087
    o,p'-DDT 789-02-6 0.0039 0.087
    p,p'-DDT 50-29-3 0.0039 0.087
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.055 8.2
    Dibenz(a,e)pyrene 192-65-4 0.061 NA
    96-12-8 0.11 15
    106-93-4 0.028 15
    Dibromomethane 74-95-3 0.11 15
    m-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 0.036 6.0
    o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.088 6.0
    p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.090 6.0
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 0.23 7.2
    1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 0.059 6.0
    1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.21 6.0
    1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 0.025 6.0

    trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156-60-5 0.054 30
    2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.044 14
    2,6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.044 14
    94-75-7 0.72 10
    1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 18
    cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-01-5 0.036 18
    trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 10061-02-6 0.036 18
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.017 0.13
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 0.20 28
    p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 60-11-7 0.13 NA
    2,4-Dimethyl phenol 105-67-9 0.036 14
    Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 0.047 28
    Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 0.057 28
    1,4-Dinitrobenzene 100-25-4 0.32 2.3
    4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 534-52-1 0.28 160
    2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 0.12 160
    2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 0.32 140
    2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 0.55 28
    Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 0.017 28
    Di-n-propylnitrosamine 621-64-7 0.40 14
    1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 12.0 170
    Diphenylamine (difficult to
    distinguish from
    122-39-4 0.92 13
    (difficult to distinguish from
    86-30-6 0.92 13
    1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 0.087 NA
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.017 6.2
    Dithiocarbamates (total)
    137-30-4 0.028 28
    Endosulfan I 959-98-8 0.023 0.066
    Endosulfan II 33213-65-9 0.029 0.13
    Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 0.029 0.13
    Endrin 72-20-8 0.0028 0.13
    Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 0.025 0.13
    759-94-4 0.042 1.4
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.34 33
    Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.057 10
    Ethyl cyanide
    107-12-0 0.24 360
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 0.12 NA
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 0.12 160
    bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 0.28 28

    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 0.14 160
    Famphur 52-85-7 0.017 15
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.068 3.4
    Fluorene 86-73-7 0.059 3.4
    Formetanate hydrochloride
    23422-53-9 0.056 1.4
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.0012 0.066
    35822-46-9 0.000035 0.0025
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-
    67562-39-4 0.000035 0.0025
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-
    55673-89-7 0.000035 0.0025
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.016 0.066
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.055 10
    Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 0.055 5.6
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 0.057 2.4
    HxCDDs (All Hexachloro-
    NA 0.000063 0.001
    HxCDFs (All Hexachloro-
    55684-94-1 0.000063 0.001
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 0.055 30
    Hexachloropropylene 1888-71-7 0.035 30
    Indeno (1,2,3-c,d) pyrene 193-39-5 0.0055 3.4
    Iodomethane 74-88-4 0.19 65
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 5.6 170
    Isodrin 465-73-6 0.021 0.066
    Isosafrole 120-58-1 0.081 2.6
    Kepone 143-50-0 0.0011 0.13
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 0.24 84
    Methanol 67-56-1 5.6 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    Methapyrilene 91-80-5 0.081 1.5
    2032-65-7 0.056 1.4
    16752-77-5 0.028 0.14
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.25 0.18
    3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 0.0055 15
    4,4-Methylene bis(2-chloro-
    101-14-4 0.50 30
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.089 30
    Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.28 36
    Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.14 33
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 0.14 160

    Methyl methansulfonate 66-27-3 0.018 NA
    Methyl parathion 298-00-0 0.014 4.6
    1129-41-5 0.056 1.4
    315-18-4 0.056 1.4
    2212-67-1 0.042 1.4
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.059 5.6
    2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 0.52 NA
    o-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 0.27 14
    p-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 0.028 28
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.068 14
    5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 0.32 28
    o-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.028 13
    p-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 0.12 29
    N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.40 28
    N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine 924-16-3 0.40 17
    N-Nitrosomethylethylamine 10595-95-6 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitrosomorpholine 59-89-2 0.40 2.3
    N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 0.013 35
    N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.013 35
    3268-87-9 0.000063 0.005
    dibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-
    39001-02-0 0.000063 0.005
    23135-22-0 0.056 0.28
    Parathion 56-38-2 0.014 4.6
    Total PCBs (sum of all PCB
    isomers, or all Aroclors)
    1336-36-3 0.10 10
    1114-71-2 0.042 1.4
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.055 10
    PeCDDs (All Pentachloro-
    36088-22-9 0.000063 0.001
    PeCDFs (All Pentachloro-
    30402-15-4 0.000035 0.001
    Pentachloroethane 76-01-7 0.055 6.0
    Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 0.055 4.8
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.089 7.4
    Phenacetin 62-44-2 0.081 16
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.059 5.6
    Phenol 108-95-2 0.039 6.2
    Phorate 298-02-2 0.021 4.6
    Phthalic acid 100-21-0 0.055 28

    Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 0.055 28
    57-47-6 0.056 1.4
    Physostigmine salicylate
    57-64-7 0.056 1.4
    2631-37-0 0.056 1.4
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 0.093 1.5
    122-42-9 0.056 1.4
    114-26-1 0.056 1.4
    52888-80-9 0.042 1.4
    Pyrene 129-00-0 0.067 8.2
    Pyridine 110-86-1 0.014 16
    Safrole 94-59-7 0.081 22
    Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 93-72-1 0.72 7.9
    1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 0.055 14
    TCDDs (All Tetrachloro-
    41903-57-5 0.000063 0.001
    TCDFs (All Tetrachloro-
    55722-27-5 0.000063 0.001
    1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 0.057 6.0
    1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.057 6.0
    Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 0.056 6.0
    2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58-90-2 0.030 7.4
    59669-26-0 0.019 1.4
    23564-05-8 0.056 1.4
    Toluene 108-88-3 0.080 10
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.0095 2.6
    2303-17-5 0.042 1.4
    75-25-2 0.63 15
    1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 0.055 19
    1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 0.054 6.0
    1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.054 6.0
    Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 0.054 6.0
    Trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4 0.020 30
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.18 7.4
    2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.035 7.4
    93-76-5 0.72 7.9
    1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 0.85 30
    76-13-1 0.057 30
    101-44-8 0.081 1.5
    126-72-7 0.11 0.10
    1929-77-7 0.042 1.4

    Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.27 6.0
    Xylenes-mixed isomers (sum
    of o-, m-, and p-xylene
    1330-20-7 0.32 30
    Antimony 7440-36-0 1.9 1.15 mg/l TCLP
    Arsenic 7440-38-2 1.4 5.0 mg/l TCLP
    Barium 7440-39-3 1.2 21 mg/l TCLP
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.82 1.22 mg/l TCLP
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.69 0.11 mg/l TCLP
    Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 2.77 0.60 mg/l TCLP
    Cyanides (Total)
    57-12-5 1.2 590
    Cyanides (Amenable)
    57-12-5 0.86 30
    16984-48-8 35 NA
    Lead 7439-92-1 0.69 0.75 mg/l TCLP
    from Retort
    7439-97-6 NA 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    Mercury-All Others 7439-97-6 0.15 0.025 mg/l TCLP
    Nickel 7440-02-0 3.98 11 mg/l TCLP
    7782-49-2 0.82 5.7 mg/l TCLP
    Silver 7440-22-4 0.43 0.14 mg/l TCLP
    Sulfide 18496-25-8 14 NA
    Thallium 7440-28-0 1.4 0.20 mg/l TCLP
    7440-62-2 4.3 1.6 mg/l TCLP
    7440-66-6 2.61 4.3 mg/l TCLP
    1 CAS means Chemical Abstract Services. When the waste code or regulated constituents
    are described as a combination of a chemical with its salts or esters, the CAS number is
    given for the parent compound only.
    2 Concentration standards for wastewaters are expressed in mg/l are based on analysis of
    composite samples.
    3 Except for metals (EP or TCLP) and cyanides (total and amenable), the nonwastewater
    treatment standards expressed as a concentration were established, in part, based on
    incineration in units operated in accordance with the technical requirements of Subpart O
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O or
    on combustion in fuel substitution units operating in accordance with applicable technical
    requirements. A facility may comply with these treatment standards according to
    provisions in Section 728.140(d). All concentration standards for nonwastewaters are
    based on analysis of grab samples.
    4 Both Cyanides (Total) and Cyanides (Amenable) for nonwastewaters are to be analyzed
    using Method 9010 or 9012, found in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
    Physical/Chemical Methods,”, USEPA Publication SW-846, incorporated by reference in

    35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111, with a sample size of 10 grams and a distillation time of one
    hour and 15 minutes.
    5 These constituents are not “underlying hazardous constituents” in characteristic wastes,
    according to the definition at Section 728.102(i).
    6 This footnote corresponds with footnote 6 to the table to 40 CFR 268.48(a), which has
    already expired by its own terms. This statement maintains structural consistency with
    the corresponding federal regulations.
    7 This constituent is not an underlying hazardous constituent, as defined at Section
    728.102(i), because its UTS level is greater than its TC level. Thus, a treated selenium
    waste would always be characteristically hazardous unless it is treated to below its
    characteristic level.
    8 This standard is temporarily deferred for soil exhibiting a hazardous characteristic due to
    USEPA hazardous waste numbers D004 through D011 only.
    Note: NA means not applicable.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from table to 40 CFR 268.48(a) (2000) (2002), as amended at 65 Fed.
    Reg. 81381 (December 26, 2000).
    (Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

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