1. Section 807.101 Authority, Policy and Purposes
      2. Section 807.102 Repeals
      3. Section 807.103 Severability
      4. Section 807.104 Definitions
      1. Section 807.201 Development Permits
      2. Section 807.202 Operating Permits
      3. Section 807.203 Experimental Permits
      4. Section 807.204 Former Authorization
      5. Section 807.205 Applications for Permit
      6. Section 807.206 Permit Conditions
      7. Section 807.207 Standards for Issuance
      8. Section 807.208 Permit No Defense
      9. Section 807.209 Permit Revision
      10. Section 807.210 Supplemental Permits
      11. Section 807.211 Transfer of Permits
      12. Section 807.212 Permit Revocation
      13. Section 807.213 Design, Operation, and Maintenance Criteria
      14. Section 807.214 Revised Cost Estimates
      1. Section 807.301 Prohibition
      2. Section 807.302 Compliance with Permit
      3. Section 807.303 Methods of Operation
      4. Section 807.304 Equipment, Personnel and Supervision
      5. Section 807.305 Cover
      6. Section 807.306 Litter
      7. Section 807.307 Salvaging
      8. Section 807.308 Scavenging
      9. Section 807.309 Animal Feeding
      10. Section 807.310 Special Wastes
      11. Section 807.311 Open Burning
      12. Section 807.312 Air Pollution
      13. Section 807.313 Water Pollution
      14. Section 807.314 Standard Requirements
      15. Section 807.315 Protection of Waters of the State
      16. Section 807.316 Application
      17. Section 807.317 Operating Records
      18. Section 807.318 Completion or Closure Requirements
      1. Section 807.501 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
      2. Section 807.502 Closure Performance Standard
      3. Section 807.503 Closure Plan
      4. Section 807.504 Amendment of Closure Plan
      5. Section 807.505 Notice of Closure and Final Amendment to Pl
      6. Section 807.506 Initiation of Closure
      7. Section 807.507 Partial Closure
      8. Section 807.508 Certification of Closure
      9. Section 807.509 Use of Waste Following Closure
      10. Section 807.523 Post-Closure Care Plan
      11. Section 807.524 Implementation and Completion of Post-Closur
      1. Section 807.600 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
      2. Section 807.601 Requirement to Obtain Financial Assurance
      3. Section 807.602 Time for Submission of Financial Assurance
      4. Section 807.603 Upgrading Financial Assurance
      5. Section 807.604 Release of Financial Institution
      6. Section 807.605 Application of Proceeds and Appeal
      7. Section 807.606 Release of the Operator
      8. Section 807.620 Current Cost Estimate
      9. Section 807.621 Cost Estimate for Closure
      10. Section 807.622 Cost Estimate for Post-closure Care
      11. Section 807.623 Biennial Revision of Cost Estimate
      12. Section 807.624 Interim Formula for Cost Estimate
      13. Section 807.640 Mechanisms for Financial Assurance
      14. Section 807.641 Use of Multiple Financial Mechanisms
      15. Section 807.642 Use of a Financial Mechanism for Multiple S
      16. Section 807.643 Trust Fund for Unrelated Sites
      17. Section 807.644 RCRA Financial Assurance
      18. Section 807.661 Trust Fund
      19. Section 807.662 Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment
      20. Section 807.663 Surety Bond Guaranteeing Performance
      21. Section 807.664 Letter of Credit
      22. Section 807.665 Closure Insurance
      23. Section 807.666 Self-insurance for Non-commercial Sites
      1. Section 807.700 Cretex Pressure Pipe, Inc. Concrete Waste D

Authority, Policy and Purposes
807.102 Repeals
807.103 Severability
807.104 Definitions
Relation to Other Rules
807.201 Development
807.202 Operating
807.203 Experimental
807.204 Former
Applications for Permit
807.206 Permit
Standards for Issuance
Permit No Defense
807.209 Permit
807.210 Supplemental
Transfer of Permits
807.212 Permit
Design, Operation and Maintenance Criteria
Revised Cost Estimates
807.301 Prohibition
Compliance with Permit
Methods of Operation
Equipment, Personnel and Supervision
807.305 Cover
807.306 Litter
807.307 Salvaging
807.308 Scavenging

807.309 Animal
807.310 Special
807.311 Open
807.312 Air
807.313 Water
807.314 Standard
Protection of Waters of the State
807.316 Application
807.317 Operating
Completion or Closure Requirements
Purpose, Scope and Applicability
Closure Performance Standard
807.503 Closure
Amendment of Closure Plan
Notice of Closure and Final Amendment to Plan
Initiation of Closure
807.507 Partial
Certification of Closure
Use of Waste Following Closure
Post-closure Care Plan
Implementation and Completion of Post-closure Care Plan
Purpose, Scope and Applicability
Requirement to Obtain Financial Assurance
Time for Submission of Financial Assurance
Upgrading Financial Assurance
Release of Financial Institution
Application of Proceeds and Appeal
Release of the Operator
Current Cost Estimate
Cost Estimate for Closure
Cost Estimate for Post-closure Care
Biennial Revision of Cost Estimate
Interim Formula for Cost Estimate
Mechanisms for Financial Assurance
Use of Multiple Financial Mechanisms
Use of Financial Mechanism for Multiple Sites
Trust Fund for Unrelated Sites

RCRA Financial Assurance
807.661 Trust
Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment
Surety Bond Guaranteeing Performance
Letter of Credit
807.665 Closure
Self-insurance for Non-commercial Sites
Cretex Pressure Pipe, Inc. Concrete Waste Disposal Site
807.Appendix A
Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration A Trust Agreement
Illustration B Certificate of Acknowledgment
Illustration C Forfeiture Bond
Illustration D Performance Bond
Illustration E Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
Illustration F Certificate of Insurance for Closure and/or Post-closure Care
Illustration G Operator's Bond Without Surety
Illustration H Operator's Bond With Parent Surety
Illustration I Letter from Chief Financial Officer
807.Appendix B Old Rule Numbers Referenced
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 5, 21.1 and 22 and authorized by Section 27 of
the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/5, 21.1, 22, and 27].
SOURCE: Adopted as an emergency rule and filed with the Secretary of State July 27,
1973; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 16, p. 3, effective April 10, 1978; codified at 7 Ill. Reg.
13636; recodified from Subchapter h to Subchapter i at 8 Ill. Reg. 13198; emergency
amendment in R84-22A at 9 Ill. Reg. 741, effective January 3, 1985, for a maximum of
150 days; amended in R84-22B at 9 Ill. Reg. 6722, effective April 29, 1985; amended in
R84-22C at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985; amended in R84-45 at 12 Ill.
Reg. 15566, effective September 14, 1988; amended in R88-7 at 14 Ill. Reg. 15832,
effective September 18, 1990; emergency amendment in R93-25 at 17 Ill. Reg. 17268,
effective September 24, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days; amended in R90-26 at 18 Ill.
Reg. 12451, effective August 1, 1994; amended in R96-1 at 20 Ill. Reg. 12549, effective
August 15, 1996.
NOTE: Capitalization denotes statutory language.

Section 807.101 Authority, Policy and Purposes
Pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 5, 22 and 27 of the Environmental
Protection Act, (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1001, et seq., "the Act") and
consistent with the policy and purposes expressed in Section 20 (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981,
ch. 111 1/2, par. 1020) thereof, the Pollution Control Board ("the Board") adopts the
following Rules and Regulations.
Section 807.102 Repeals
These rules and regulations replace and supersede Rules and Regulations for Refuse
Disposal Sites and Facilities, adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health on
March 22, 1966 and continuing in effect pursuant to Section 49(c) of the Act
(Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1049(c)) except that any proceeding
arising from any occurrence happening prior to the applicable provision of these rules
and regulations shall be governed by the above described Rules.
Section 807.103 Severability
If any provision of these regulations or the application thereof to any person or in any
circumstance is adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of these
Regulations as a whole or of any part thereof not adjudged invalid.
Section 807.104 Definitions
Except as hereinafter stated, and unless a different meaning of a word or term is clear
from its context, the definitions of words or terms as are used in this Part shall be the
same as those used in the Environmental Protection Act.
"Abandonment" means the failure to initiate closure within 30 days after
receipt of the "final volume of waste".
"Bedrock" means the solid rock exposed at the surface of the earth or
overlain by unconsolidated material.
"Cell" means compacted refuse completely enclosed by cover material.
"Compaction" means the reduction of volume of material under load.
Compaction is a "treatment".
"Cover material" means soil or other material that is used to cover
compacted solid waste in a sanitary landfill and that is free of objects that

would hinder compaction and free of content that would be conducive to
vector harborage, feeding or breeding.
"Development" means construction or installation of a unit.
"Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling,
leaking or placing of any waste into or on any land or water or into any
well so that such waste or any constituent thereof may enter the
environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters,
including groundwater. As used in this Part, "disposal" includes methods
of storage or treatment in which there is no certain plan to remove wastes
or waste residues from the storage or treatment unit to another unit for
ultimate disposal.
"Facility", as used in this Part, means the same thing as "unit".
"Final volume of waste" means the last quantity of waste received by the
operator at the site. A quantity of waste is assumed to be the final volume
if the operator receives no additional waste within 30 days after receiving
that quantity, unless the operator demonstrates that the operator expects
additional waste. Waste arriving at the site for disposal in a manner which
is not controlled by the operator does not affect the determination of when
the final volume of waste was received by the operator.
"Groundwater" means water occurring in the zone of saturation in any
aquifer or soil.
"Hazardous waste" is as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.
"Indefinite storage" means "treatment" or "storage" in such a manner that
a person would face technical difficulties or high costs in removing the
wastes or waste residues from the treatment or storage unit to a disposal
unit, so that it may become necessary to close the treatment or storage unit
as a disposal unit. A treatment or storage unit in which wastes or waste
residues remain for more than one year is assumed to be "indefinite
storage" unless the operator demonstrates that it will be technically
feasible and economically reasonable to remove the waste for ultimate
disposal prior to or upon closure.
"Leachate" means liquid containing materials removed from solid waste.
"Lift" means an accumulation of refuse which is compacted into a cell and
over which compacted cover is placed.
"Modification" means any physical change, or change in the method of
operation, of a solid waste management unit. For purposes of permits

issued pursuant to this Part, the Agency may specify conditions under
which a solid waste management unit may be operated without causing a
modification as herein defined.
"Operator" means a person who conducts a waste treatment, waste storage
or waste disposal operation.
"Owner" means a person who has an interest, directly or indirectly, in
land, including a leasehold interest, on which a person conducts a waste
treatment, waste storage or waste disposal operation. The "owner" is the
"operator" if there is no other person who is conducting a waste treatment,
waste storage or waste disposal operation.
"Permeability" means the capability of a material to pass a fluid.
"Professional Engineer" means an engineer registered to practice
engineering in the State of Illinois.
"Refuse" means waste.
"Salvaging" means the return of waste materials to beneficial use.
"Scavenging" means the removal of materials from a solid waste
management unit in a manner not in conformity with the regulations
governing salvaging.
"Site" means any location, place or tract of land used for waste
management. A site may include one or more units.
"Solid waste" means waste.
"Solid waste management" means "waste management".
"Storage" means the containment of waste, either on a temporary basis or
for a period of years, in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such
"Surface water" means all water the surface of which is exposed to the
"Treatment" means any method, technique or process designed to change
the physical, chemical or biological character or composition of any waste
so as to neutralize such waste or so as to render such waste safer for
transport, amenable for storage or reduced in volume.
"Unit" means any device, mechanism, equipment or area used for storage,

treatment or disposal of waste.
"Vector" means any living agent, other than human, capable of
transmitting, directly or indirectly, an infectious disease.
1954, AS AMENDED (42 U.S.C.A. 2011 et seq.) OR ANY SOLID OR
THEREUNDER (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983 ch. 96 1/2, par. 7901.01 et seq.
and 62 Ill. Adm. Code 1700 through 1845) (Section 3 (11) of the Act).
"Waste management" means the process of storage, treatment or disposal
of waste, not including hauling or transport.
"Water table" means that surface in unconfined water at which the
pressure is atmospheric and is defined by the levels at which water stands
in wells that penetrate the water just far enough to hold standing water.
"Working face" means any part of a sanitary landfill where waste is being
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.105 Relation to Other Rules
a) Persons and facilities regulated pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 700 through
749 are not subject to the requirements of this Part or of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
811 through 817. However, if such a facility also contains one or more
units used solely for the disposal of solid wastes, as defined in 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 810.103, such units are subject to requirements of this Part
and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811 through 817.

b) Persons and facilities subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807, 809 or 811
through 817 may be subject to other applicable Parts of 35 Ill. Adm. Code:
Chapter I based on the language of those other Parts. Specific examples
of such applicability are provided as explained at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
c) The requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810 through 817 are intended to
supersede the requirements of this Part. Persons and facilities regulated
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810 through 817 are not subject to the
requirements of this Part. This Part does not apply to new units as defined
in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 810.103.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 12549, effective August 15, 1996)
Section 807.201 Development Permits
Subject to such exemption as expressly provided in Section 21(e) (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981,
ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(e)) of the Act as to the requirement of obtaining a permit, no
person shall cause or allow the development of any new solid waste management site or
cause or allow the modification of an existing solid waste management site without a
Development Permit issued by the Agency.
Section 807.202 Operating Permits
a) New Solid Waste Management Sites.
Subject to such exemption as expressly provided in Section 21(e) of the
Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1982, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(e)) as to the
requirement of obtaining a permit, no person shall cause or allow the use
or operation of any solid waste management site for which a Development
Permit is required under Section 807.201 without an Operating Permit
issued by the Agency, except for such testing operations as may be
authorized by the Development Permit.
b) Existing Solid Waste Management Sites.
1) Subject to such exemption as expressly provided in Section 21(e)
of the Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(e)) as to
the requirement of obtaining a permit, no person shall cause or
allow the use or operation of any existing solid waste management
site without an Operating Permit issued by the Agency not later
than one year after the effective date of these Regulations.
2) All applications for Operating Permits shall be submitted to the
Agency at least 90 days prior to the date on which such permit is

required; however, the Agency may waive such provision when
3) The Agency may, if necessary to prevent an unmanageable
workload, extend the date by which Operating Permits are required
for a period not to exceed 180 days. The Agency shall notify the
persons affected and the Board, in writing, of such extension at
least ninety days in advance of the date set forth in Section
c) Duration of Operating Permits.
All operating permits shall remain valid until the site is completed or
closed, or until revoked, as provided herein.
Section 807.203 Experimental Permits
a) To best aid the improvement of solid waste management technology, the
Agency may issue Experimental Permits for processes or techniques that
do not satisfy the standards for issuance set forth in Section 807.207, if the
applicant can provide proof that the process or technique has a reasonable
chance for success and that the environmental hazards are minimal.
b) A valid Experimental Permit shall constitute a prima facie defense to any
action brought against the permit holder for a violation of the Act or
Regulations, but only to the extent that such action is based upon the
failure of the process or technique.
c) All Experimental Permits shall have a duration not to exceed two years.
d) Application for renewal of an experimental permit shall be submitted to
the Agency at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the existing permit.
To the extent the information to be supplied for renewal is identical with
that contained in the prior permit application, the applicant shall so note
on the renewal application, and the Agency shall not require the
resubmittal of data and information so previously supplied to it.
Section 807.204 Former Authorization
a) The issuance of any authorization to operate a solid waste management
site prior to July 1, 1970 from any person does not excuse compliance
with the requirements for obtaining an Operating Permit.
b) The issuance of an Operating Permit by the Agency on July 1, 1970 or
thereafter, but prior to the effective date of these regulations, is a valid

Section 807.205 Applications for Permit
a) All applications for permit required under these regulations shall contain
all data and information specified in those rules governing the type of unit
or site for which the permit is required.
b) The Agency may adopt procedures requiring such additional information
as is reasonably necessary to determine whether the waste management
site will meet the requirements of the Act and regulations.
c) The Agency may prescribe the form in which all information required
under these regulations shall be submitted.
d) All permit applications shall be signed by the owner and operator of the
waste management site or their duly authorized agents, shall be
accompanied by evidence of authority to sign the application and shall be
certified as to all engineering features by a professional engineer.
e) All permit applications shall be mailed or delivered to the appropriate
address designated by the Agency, and shall be sent by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested or delivered in person.
Applications which are hand-delivered shall be delivered to and receipted
for by the Manager of the Agency's Division of Land Pollution Control or
his designee.
f) An application for permit shall not be deemed filed until the Agency has
received, at the designated address, all information, documents, and
authorization in the form and with the content required by these rules and
related Agency procedures. However, if the Agency fails to notify the
applicant within 45 days after the receipt of an application for
development permit and 30 days after the receipt of an application for an
operating permit, that the application is incomplete, and of the reasons, the
application shall be deemed to have been filed on the date received by the
Agency. An applicant may deem the Agency's notification that the
application is incomplete as a denial of the permit for purposes of review
pursuant to Section 40 of the Act.
g) If the Agency fails to take final action on the application for development
permit within 90 days from the filing thereof, or on the application for
operating permit within 45 days from the filing thereof, the applicant may
deem the permit granted on the 91st day or the 46th day after the
application was filed.
h) Any applicant for a permit may waive the requirement that the Agency
shall take final action within 90 days or 45 days from the filing of the

i) The Agency shall send all notices of final action by registered or certified
mail, return receipt requested. Final action shall be deemed to have taken
place on the date that such notice is mailed.
j) If specifically authorized by statute, any person may petition the Board for
a hearing before the Board to contest the issuance by the Agency. (Title X
of the Act).
k) Upon receipt of a request for a permit required by these regulations, the
Agency shall notify the State's Attorney and the Chairman of the County
Board of the county in which the subject facility is located and each
member of the General Assembly from the legislative district in which
that site is located and the clerk of each municipality any portion of which
is within three miles of the site.
l) All applications filed after March 1, 1985, shall include, if required by
Subparts E and F, a closure plan, a post-closure care plan, a closure cost
estimate and a post-closure care cost estimate showing how the operator
will close each unit and provide post-closure care in accordance with all
applicable Board regulations.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.206 Permit Conditions
b) The applicant may deem any condition imposed by the Agency as a denial
of the permit for purposes of review pursuant to Section 40 of the Act.
c) All permits issued after March 1, 1985 shall include the following
1) A closure plan;
2) A post-closure care plan if required;

3) A requirement that the operator notify the Agency within 30 days
after receiving the final volume of waste;
4) A requirement that the operator initiate implementation of the
closure plan within 30 days after the site receives its final volume
of waste;
5) A requirement that the operator not file any application to modify a
closure plan less than 180 days prior to receipt of the final volume
of waste;
6) A requirement that the operator provide financial assurance in
accordance with Subpart F, in an amount equal to the current cost
estimate for closure and post-closure care;
7) A requirement that the operator file revised cost estimates for
closure and post-closure care at least every two years in
accordance with Subpart F.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.207 Standards for Issuance
The Agency shall not grant any permit, except an Experimental Permit under Section
807.203 unless the applicant submits adequate proof that the solid waste management
a) will be developed, modified, or operated so as not to cause a violation of
the Act or the Rules, or has been granted a variance pursuant to Title IX of
the Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1035 - 1038); and
b) conforms to the design criteria promulgated by the Agency under Section
807.213, or conforms to such other criteria which the applicant
demonstrates will achieve consistently satisfactory results; and
c) in the case of operating permits only, conforms to all conditions contained
in the development permit.
Section 807.208 Permit No Defense
The existence of a permit under this Part shall not constitute a defense to a violation of
the Act or this Part, except for development, modification or operation without a permit.
Section 807.209 Permit Revision

a) The agency shall revise any permit issued by it to make the permit
compatible with any relevant new regulations adopted by the Board.
b) The permittee may request modification of a permit at any time by filing
pursuant to Section 807.205 an application reflecting the modification
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.210 Supplemental Permits
No person shall cause or allow modification of any solid waste management site, or
accept any type of waste except under conditions specified in a permit issued by the
Agency. Development, operating and experimental permits may be modified by a
supplemental permit issued by the Agency to allow such modifications.
Section 807.211 Transfer of Permits
No permit is transferable from one person to another except as approved by the Agency
under procedures it adopts pursuant to Section 807.213.
Section 807.212 Permit Revocation
Violation of any permit conditions or failure to comply with any rule or regulation of this
Part shall be grounds for sanctions as provided in the Act, including revocation of permit.
Such sanctions shall be sought by filing a complaint with the Board pursuant to Title VIII
of the Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1046 - 1051).
Section 807.213 Design, Operation, and Maintenance Criteria
a) The Agency may adopt procedures which set forth criteria for the design,
operation, and maintenance of solid waste management sites and other
procedures the Agency deems reasonably necessary to perform its duties
under this Part and as are consistent with Subpart C thereof. All such
procedures shall be revised from time to time to reflect current
engineering judgment and advances in the state of the art. Such
procedures and revisions thereto shall not become effective until filed with
the Administrative Code Unit of the Office of the Secretary of State
pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, as amended (Ill.
Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 127, pars. 1001, et seq.).
b) Before adopting new criteria or making substantive changes to any criteria
adopted by the Agency, the Agency shall:
1) publish a summary of the proposed changes in the Board
Newsletter; and

2) provide a copy of full text of the proposed changes to all persons
who hold Agency permits or have active applications pending, and
any person who in writing so requests; and
3) defer adoption of the changes for 60 days from the date of
publication to allow submission and consideration of written
comments on the proposed changes.
Section 807.214 Revised Cost Estimates
a) A revised cost estimate is any cost estimate other than one which results
from modification of a closure or post-closure care plan.
b) A revised cost estimate shall identify the operator, site and closure or post-
closure care plan to which it relates, but need not include any additional
information required pursuant to Section 807.205.
c) A revised cost estimate is a permit modification application. The revised
cost estimate shall be deemed incorporated into the permit unless the
Agency takes final action on the revised cost estimate within 90 days after
its receipt as provided by Section 39(a) of the Act.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.301 Prohibition
No person shall cause or allow the operation of a sanitary landfill unless each
requirement of this Subpart is performed.
Section 807.302 Compliance with Permit
All conditions and provisions of each permit shall be complied with.
Section 807.303 Methods of Operation
Unless otherwise specifically provided by permit, the following methods of operations
shall be followed:
a) Unloading - all refuse shall be deposited into the toe of the fill or into the
bottom of the trench.

b) Spreading and Compacting - as rapidly as refuse is deposited at the toe of
the fill, all refuse shall be spread and compacted in layers within the cell,
such layers not to exceed a depth of two feet.
c) Working Face - the slope of the working face shall be maintained at a ratio
of no greater than two horizontal to one vertical.
Section 807.304 Equipment, Personnel and Supervision
Sufficient equipment, personnel and supervision shall be available at the site to ensure
that operations comply with the permit and the Act and the Pollution Control Board
Section 807.305 Cover
Unless otherwise specifically provided by permit, the following cover requirements shall
be followed:
a) Daily Cover - a compacted layer of at least 6 inches of suitable material
shall be placed on all exposed refuse at the end of each day of operation.
b) Intermediate Cover - at the end of each day of operation, in all but the
final lift of a sanitary landfill, a compacted layer of at least 12 inches of
suitable material shall be placed on all surfaces of the landfill where no
additional refuse will be deposited within 60 days.
c) Final Cover - a compacted layer of not less than two feet of suitable
material shall be placed over the entire surface of each portion of the final
lift not later than 60 days following the placement of refuse in the final
lift, unless a different schedule has been authorized in the Operating
Section 807.306 Litter
All litter shall be collected from the sanitary landfill site by the end of each working day
and either placed in the fill and compacted and covered that day, or stored in a covered
Section 807.307 Salvaging
a) All salvaging operations at a sanitary landfill site shall be conducted in a
sanitary manner.
b) All salvaging operations at a sanitary landfill site shall be confined to an
area remote from the operating face of the landfill.

c) Salvaging operations at a sanitary landfill site shall not interfere with, or
otherwise delay the operation of the landfill.
d) All materials for salvaging shall be removed from the landfill site daily, or
shall be separated by type and properly stored so as not to create a
nuisance, vector harborage, or unsightly appearance.
Section 807.308 Scavenging
No person shall cause or allow any scavenging operations at a sanitary landfill site.
Section 807.309 Animal Feeding
No person shall cause or allow feeding of farm or domestic animals upon the site of a
sanitary landfill, or with refuse delivered to sanitary landfill site.
Section 807.310 Special Wastes
a) Hot Waste - except in an emergency, no person shall cause or allow the
deposit at a sanitary landfill site of burning material. When such material
is accepted, it shall be deposited at a specific location at the site
designated by permit for such purpose, and the fire shall be immediately
b) Hazardous and liquid wastes - hazardous wastes or liquid wastes and
sludges may be accepted at a sanitary landfill only if authorized by permit.
Section 807.311 Open Burning
No person shall cause or allow open burning at a sanitary landfill site except in
accordance with the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code: Subtitle B (prior to codification:
Chapter 2, Part V: Open Burning), of the Rules and Regulations of the Pollution Control
Board (35 Ill. Adm. Code: Subtitle B, Chapter I).
Section 807.312 Air Pollution
No person shall cause or allow operation of a sanitary landfill so as to cause or threaten
or allow the discharge or emission of any contaminant into the environment in any State
so as to cause or tend to cause air pollution in Illinois, either alone or in combination with
contaminants from other sources, or so as to violate regulations or standards adopted by
the Board under the Act.
Section 807.313 Water Pollution
No person shall cause or allow operation of a sanitary landfill so as to cause or threaten
or allow the discharge of any contaminants into the environment in any State so as to

cause or tend to cause water pollution in Illinois, either alone or in combination with
matter from other sources, or so as to violate regulations or standards adopted by the
Pollution Control Board under the Act.
Section 807.314 Standard Requirements
Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Agency, no person shall cause or allow
the development or operation of a sanitary landfill which does not provide:
a) Adequate shelter, sanitary facilities and emergency communications for
b) Roads adequate to allow orderly operations within the site;
c) Fencing, gates, or other measures to control access to site;
d) Adequate measures for fire protection as approved by the Agency;
e) Adequate measures to monitor and control leachate;
f) Adequate measures to control dust and vectors;
g) An operational safety program approved by the Agency;
h) With respect to sanitary landfill sites for which permits are applied for
following the effective date of these regulations, provision for concealing
sanitary landfill operations from public view.
Section 807.315 Protection of Waters of the State
No person shall cause or allow the development or operation of a sanitary landfill unless
the applicant proves to the satisfaction of the Agency that no damage or hazard will result
to waters of the State because of the development and operation of the sanitary landfill.
Section 807.316 Application
a) An Application for a Development Permit for a sanitary landfill shall
contain evidence adequate to prove to the Agency that the development of
the sanitary landfill will not cause or tend to cause water or air pollution;
will not violate applicable air and water quality standards; and will not
violate any rule or regulation adopted by the Board. The Application shall
include, unless waived in writing by the Agency as inapplicable to the site
in question:
1) Legal description of the proposed sanitary landfill site;

2) Topographic map or maps of the sanitary landfill site drawn to the
scale of 200 feet to the inch or larger, containing 5-foot contour
intervals where the relief exceeds 20 feet, and 2-foot contour
intervals where the relief is 20 feet or less, and referred to a United
States Geological Survey datum;
3) Maps of the sanitary landfill site, and of the area within one-
quarter mile of the boundaries of the site, drawn to scale, showing
the location of:
A) waterways and surface drains; and
B) borings, wells, springs, and their surface elevations, and
depths and elevations of water levels; and
C) field tile drains; and
D) underground and surface mines, elevations of mine pools,
and mine pool discharges.
4) Land use and population density of the proposed sanitary landfill
site and of the area surrounding the site within one mile of the site
5) Sequence of earth materials at the proposed sanitary landfill site to
a depth sufficient to assure the reliability of the site design;
6) Data obtained from soil samples taken from the proposed sanitary
landfill site which describe the soil classification, grain size
distribution, permeability, compactability, and ion-exchange
properties of the subsurface materials for those strata which are
essential to the design of the landfill;
7) Description of groundwater condition, including groundwater flow
below and adjacent to the proposed sanitary landfill site, with an
appraisal of the effect of the landfill on groundwater and surface
8) Comprehensive analysis of water samples from on-site and nearby
wells and surface waters;
9) Schedule of construction;
10) Topographic map indicating the proposed final contours and
landscaping of the completed site with a statement of the proposed
final use of the site, if known;

11) Description of the methods of operations; days and hours of
operations; and number, and duties of employees;
12) Listing of sources and types of wastes to be received; and an
estimate of daily quantity of wastes to be received;
13) A schedule of filling, methods of compaction of solid waste; and
number, type, and size of compacting equipment;
14) Types and sources of daily, intermediate, and final cover to be
15) Map of the sanitary landfill site, drawn to scale, indicating the
location of:
A) Water monitoring wells and gas monitoring points;
B) Points of entrance to and exit from the sanitary landfill site
and to and from the operating area of the sanitary landfill;
C) Interior roads and ramps;
D) Devices for controlling litter;
E) Devices for controlling unauthorized access to the sanitary
landfill site;
F) Drainage facilities, structures, walls, cribbing, surface
protection devices, or any other devices as are necessary to
comply with applicable water quality standards;
G) Fire protection facilities;
H) Utilities;
I) Salvage operations;
J) Fill area;
K) Borrow areas;
L) Gas and oil wells;
M) High tension power lines;
N) Fuel transmission pipelines;

O) Field tile drains;
P) Provisions for concealing the site from public view;
16) Evidence of notification required by the Public Act 77-1948, (Ill.
Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1039), effective October 1,
1972; and
17) If exploration holes are drilled to obtain data, information showing
the manner of plugging or sealing such holes.
b) Operating Permits.
1) An Application for an Operating Permit for a sanitary landfill shall
contain evidence adequate to prove to the Agency that the
operation of the sanitary landfill will not cause any violation of the
Act or of Regulations promulgated by the Board. The Application
shall include certification that all data and information required by
Section 807.316(a) for a Development Permit has been provided,
and that all conditions thereof have been complied with, except
that no information already submitted to the Agency shall be
required to be resubmitted and may be incorporated by reference
into the Application for an Operating Permit.
2) The Agency shall not issue an Operating Permit until it has made
an inspection of the developed site and has determined that the site
has been so developed in accordance with the provisions of the
application for development permit and is in compliance with the
Act (the Act) and all applicable regulations.
Section 807.317 Operating Records
Every holder of an operating permit shall submit to the Agency, Division of Land
Pollution Control on or before the 15th day of January, April, July and October the water
monitoring data required by permit.
Section 807.318 Completion or Closure Requirements
a) The owner or operator of a sanitary landfill site shall monitor gas, water
and settling at the completed site for a period of three years after the site is
completed or closed.
b) The owner or operator shall take whatever remedial action is necessary to
abate any gas, water or settling problems which appear during the three
year period.

c) The owner or operator shall, upon completion or closure, file a detailed
description of the site, including a plat, with the appropriate county land
recording authority for the county in which the site is located.
Section 807.501 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
a) This Subpart contains general provisions governing closure and post-
closure care of waste management sites. These general provisions may be
supplemented by more specific closure and post-closure care requirements
for certain types of waste management sites, specifically the closure and
post-closure care requirements for sanitary landfills contained in Subpart
b) This Subpart requires a closure plan and, for some sites, a post-closure
care plan. These will become permit conditions pursuant to Section
807.206. Sites which are not required to have a permit pursuant to Section
21(d) of the Act are not required to prepare a closure or post-closure care
c) The closure and post-closure care plan form the basis of the cost estimates
and financial assurance required by Subpart F for disposal sites. The
closure plan is also used for making the determination as to whether a unit
is a disposal unit or indefinite storage unit, which must provide financial
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.502 Closure Performance Standard
In addition to the specific requirements of this Part, an operator of a waste management
site shall close the site in a manner which:
a) Minimizes the need for further maintenance; and
b) Controls, minimizes or eliminates post-closure release of waste, waste
constituents, leachate, contaminated rainfall, or waste decomposition
products to the groundwater or surface waters or to the atmosphere to the
extent necessary to prevent threats to human health or the environment.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)

Section 807.503 Closure Plan
a) An operator of a waste management site shall have prepared a written
closure plan which shall be a condition of the site permit.
b) The operator of an indefinite storage unit shall have prepared a written
contingent closure plan which shall be a condition of the site permit. The
contingent closure plan shall be the same as a closure plan, except as
otherwise specifically provided.
c) The closure plan shall include as a minimum:
1) Steps necessary for the premature final closure of the site at the
time during its intended operating life when the cost of closure will
be the greatest;
2) Steps necessary for the final closure of the site at the end of its
intended operating life;
3) Steps necessary to prevent damage to the environment during
temporary suspension of waste acceptance if the operator wants a
permit which would allow temporary suspension of waste
acceptance at the site without initiating final closure;
4) A description of the steps necessary to decontaminate equipment
during closure;
5) An estimate of the year in which the cost of premature closure will
be the greatest;
6) An estimate of the expected year of closure;
7) Schedules for the premature and final closure which shall include
at a minimum:
A) Total time required to close the site; and
B) Time required for closure activities which will allow
tracking of the progress of closure; and
8) A description of methods for compliance with all closure
requirements of this Part.
d) The closure plan shall be included in the permit application pursuant to
Section 807.205.

e) Until closure has been completed, the operator shall maintain a copy of the
closure plan at the site or at a definite location, specified in the permit, so
as to be available during inspection of the site.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.504 Amendment of Closure Plan
An operator of a waste management site shall file a permit application including a revised
closure plan upon:
a) Modification of operating plans or site design affecting the closure other
than modifications authorized in the permit; or
b) Modification of the operations of the site which affect the closure of the
site or any portion of the site, other than modifications authorized in the
permit, which include, but are not limited to:
1) A temporary suspension of waste acceptance at the site; or
2) A reduction or increase in the rate of waste acceptance at the site;
c) Change in the expected year of closure or the year in which the cost of
premature closure will be the greatest.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.505 Notice of Closure and Final Amendment to Plan
a) An operator of a waste management site shall send to the Agency a notice
of closure within 30 days after the date the final volume of waste is
received at a waste management site for treatment, storage or disposal.
b) The operator of a waste management site shall not file an application to
modify the closure plan less than 180 days before receipt of the final
volume of waste. Failure to timely file shall not constitute a bar to
consideration of such an application, but may be alleged in an
enforcement action pursuant to Title VIII of the Act.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.506 Initiation of Closure

a) An operator of a waste management site shall initiate the treatment,
removal from the site or disposal of all wastes and waste residues other
than those from indefinite storage units:
1) Within 30 days after receipt of the final volume of waste; and
2) In accordance with the closure plan.
b) The operator of an indefinite storage unit shall, within 30 days after
receipt of a final volume of waste, either initiate:
1) Removal of all wastes and waste residues from the unit; or,
2) Closure of the unit in accordance with the contingent closure plan.
c) The operator must notify the Agency within 30 days after a temporary
suspension of waste acceptance. The operator must comply with the
requirements of any temporary suspension plan in the permit.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.507 Partial Closure
a) The requirements of Subparts E and F apply to the entire site unless the
permit divides the site into definite areas which include one or more units,
in which case the operator may provide separate closure and post-closure
care plans and cost estimates for each area. In such a case the Agency
shall treat each area as a separate site for purposes of financial assurance.
b) If a site includes a disposal unit, then the operator must provide financial
assurance for closure of associated treatment and storage units, even if the
site is divided into areas as provided in paragraph (a).
c) Post-closure care of areas formed by dividing a site shall continue until
post-closure care of the entire site is completed.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.508 Certification of Closure
a) When closure is completed, the operator of a waste management site shall
submit to the Agency:
1) Plan sheets for the closed site; and

2) An affidavit by the operator and by a professional engineer that the
site has been closed in accordance with the closure plan.
b) If the Agency finds that the site has been closed in accordance with the
specifications of the closure plan, and the closure requirements of this
Part, the Agency shall:
1) Issue a certificate of closure for the site;
2) Notify the operator in writing that any applicable post-closure
period has begun; and
3) Provide the date the post-closure care period begins.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.509 Use of Waste Following Closure
After an operator initiates closure of a site the operator may accept waste for disposal or
for use in closure and post-closure care only as authorized in the closure and post-closure
care plans.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.523 Post-Closure Care Plan
a) An operator of an disposal site shall have a written post-closure care plan
which shall be a condition of the site permit.
b) The post-closure care plan shall include as a minimum a description of
methods for compliance with all post-closure care requirements of this
c) An operator of an indefinite storage unit shall have a written contingent
post-closure care plan which shall include as a minimum a description of
methods of compliance with all post-closure care requirements of this Part
assuming the unit will be closed as a disposal unit without removal of all
wastes and waste residues. The contingent post-closure care plan shall be
the same as a post-closure care plan, except as otherwise specifically
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.524 Implementation and Completion of Post-Closure Care Plan

a) The operator of a waste disposal site shall implement the post-closure care
plan commencing with receipt of a certification of closure pursuant to
Section 807.508.
b) The operator of an indefinite storage unit shall implement the contingent
post-closure care plan commencing with receipt of certification of closure
pursuant to the contingent closure plan. The operator is not required to
implement the contingent post-closure care plan if the Agency determines
that the operator has removed all wastes and waste residues from the
indefinite storage unit.
c) The Agency shall certify that the post-closure care period has ended when
it determines:
1) That the post-closure care plan has been completed; and,
2) That the site will not cause future violations of the Act or this Part.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.600 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
a) This Subpart provides procedures by which an operator of a waste
disposal site can give "financial assurance" satisfying the requirement of
Section 21.1(a) of the Act that such operator post with the Agency a
performance bond or other security for the purpose of insuring closure of
the site and post-closure care in accordance with the Act and Board rules.
b) Each operator must file a closure plan as part of a permit application. The
operator of a disposal site or indefinite storage unit must also file a post-
closure care plan (Sections 807.205, 807.503 and 807.523). The operator
of a disposal site or indefinite storage unit must prepare a cost estimate of
closure and post-closure care, and provide financial assurance in this
amount (Sections 807.601 and 807.620). Financial assurance may be
given through a combination of a trust agreement, bond guaranteeing
payment, bond guaranteeing payment or performance, letter of credit,
insurance or self-insurance (Section 807.640). The cost estimate and
amount of financial assurance is to be updated at least on a biennial basis
(Section 807.623).
c) This Subpart applies only to the non-governmental operators of disposal
sites or indefinite storage units (Section 807.601). Whether a site is a

disposal site or, alternatively, a treatment or storage site, depends on
whether the closure plan provides for removal of all wastes and waste
residues from the site prior to completion of closure. Whether a unit is an
indefinite storage unit depends on the technical feasibility and economic
reasonableness of removal of all wastes and waste residues prior to
closure (Section 807.104).
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.601 Requirement to Obtain Financial Assurance
No person shall conduct a waste disposal operation or indefinite storage operation which
requires a permit under Section 21(d) of the Act unless such person has provided
financial assurance in accordance with this Subpart.
a) The financial assurance requirement does not apply to the State of Illinois,
its agencies and instiutions, or to any unit of local government; provided,
however, that any other persons who conduct such a waste disposal
operation on a site which may be owned or operated by such a government
entity must provide financial assurance for closure and post-closure care
of the site.
b) Financial assurance is required of all sites which, on or after March 1,
1985, accept waste for disposal or for indefinite storage.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.602 Time for Submission of Financial Assurance
a) For sites first receiving waste for disposal after March 1, 1985, the owner
or operator must provide financial assurance before receipt of waste for
b) For sites which are required to obtain financial assurance as of March 1,
1985, as provided in Section 807.601, financial assurance must be
tendered to the Agency before March 1, 1985 in an amount equal to the
cost estimate, which may be based on closure and post-closure care plans
or on the formula of Section 807.624.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.603 Upgrading Financial Assurance
a) The operator must maintain financial assurance equal to or greater than
the current cost estimate at all times except as provided in this Section.

b) The operator must increase the total amount of financial assurance so as to
equal the current cost estimate within 90 days after any of the following:
1) An increase in the current cost estimate;
2) A decrease in the value of a trust fund;
3) A determination by the Agency that an operator no longer meets
the gross revenue or financial test; or,
4) Notification by the operator that the operator intends to substitute
alternate financial assurance for self-insurance.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.604 Release of Financial Institution
The Agency will agree to release a trustee, surety, insurer or other financial institution
a) An operator substitutes alternate financial assurance such that the total
financial assurance for the site is equal to or greater than the current cost
estimate without counting the amounts to be released; or,
b) The Agency releases the operator from the requirements of this Subpart.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.605 Application of Proceeds and Appeal
a) The Agency may sue in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce its
rights under financial instruments. The filing of an enforcement action
before the Board is not a condition precedent except when this Subpart or
the terms of the instrument so provide.
b) As provided in Titles VIII and IX of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 103
and 104, the Board may order modifications in permits to change the type
or amount of financial assurance pursuant to an enforcement action or a
variance petition. Also, the Board may order a closure or post-closure
care plan modified, and order proceeds from financial assurance applied to
execution of a closure or post-closure care plan.
c) The following Agency actions may be appealed as a permit denial to the
Board pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 105 and Section 21.1(e) of the Act:
1) Refusal to accept financial assurance tendered by the operator.

2) Refusal to release the operator from the requirement to maintain
financial assurance.
3) Refusal to release excess funds from a trust.
4) Refusal to approve a reduction in the penal sum of a bond.
5) Refusal to approve a reduction in the amount of a letter of credit.
6) Refusal to approve a reduction in the face amount of an insurance
7) Determination that an operator no longer meets the gross revenue
test or financial test.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.606 Release of the Operator
a) Within 60 days after receiving affidavits from the operator and a
professional engineer that closure has been accomplished in accordance
with the closure plan, the Agency will notify the operator in writing that it
is no longer required by this Subpart to maintain financial assurance for
closure of the particular site, unless the Agency has reason to believe that
closure has not been in accordance with the closure plan.
b) Within 60 days after receiving affidavits from the operator and a
professional engineer that post-closure care has been completed in
accordance with the post-closure care plan and the requirements this Part,
the Agency will notify the operator in writing that it is no longer required
to maintain financial assurance for post-closure care of the site, unless the
Agency has reason to believe that continued post-closure care is required
pursuant to the post-closure care plan and this Part.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985
Section 807.620 Current Cost Estimate
The current cost estimate equals:
a) The current closure cost estimate; plus
b) The current post-closure care cost estimate.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)

Section 807.621 Cost Estimate for Closure
a) The operator must have a written estimate of the current cost of closing
the site in accordance with the closure plan. The cost estimate shall be a
condition of the permit.
b) The operator must revise the closure cost estimate whenever a change in
the closure plan increases the closure cost estimate.
c) The closure cost estimate must be based on the steps necessary for the
premature final closure of the site at the time during its intended operating
life when the cost of closure will be greatest, or on the steps necessary for
the final closure of the site at the end of its intended operating life,
whichever is the most expensive.
d) Assumptions:
1) The closure cost estimate must be based on the assumption that the
Agency will contract with a third party to implement the closure
2) The closure cost estimate may not be reduced by allowance for
salvage value of equipment or waste, or for resale value of land.
e) The closure cost estimate must, at a minimum, include the following
elements, if required in the site permit for closure of the site:
1) The area which is to receive final cover;
2) The source of the cover material;
3) The cost of obtaining, moving and placing the cover material;
4) The cost of final grading of the cover material;
5) The cost of moving and placing topsoil on the final cover;
6) The cost of:
A) Fertilizing;
B) Seeding;
C) Mulching.

7) The cost of installation of gas control equipment;
f) This Section does not grant authority to the Agency to require the operator
to perform any of the indicated activities; however, if the site permit
requires a closure activity, the operator must include the cost in the cost
estimate. Once the operator has completed an activity, the operator may
file a permit application indicating that the activity has been completed,
and zeroing that element of the cost estimate.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.622 Cost Estimate for Post-closure Care
a) The operator of a disposal site must have a written estimate of the annual
current cost of post-closure monitoring and maintenance of the site in
accordance with the applicable post-closure care regulations of this Part.
The post-closure care cost estimate is calculated by multiplying the annual
cost estimate by the number of years of post-closure care required by this
Part. The post-closure care cost estimate shall be a condition of the
b) Until the Agency has issued a certificate of closure for the site, the
operator must revise the post-closure care cost estimate whenever a
change in the post-closure care plan increases the cost estimate.
c) Assumptions:
1) The post-closure cost estimate must be based on the assumption
that the Agency will contract with a third party to implement the
post-closure care plan;
2) The post-closure cost estimate may not be reduced by allowance
for salvage value of equipment or waste, or for resale value of
d) The post-closure care cost estimate must, at a minimum, include the
following elements if required in the site permit for post-closure care of
the site:
1) Number of years of post-closure care required.
2) Groundwater monitoring:
A) Number of monitoring points;
B) Parameters to be monitored;

C) Frequency of sampling;
D) Cost per parameter per sampling.
3) Cover stabilization:
A) Estimate of the area which is expected annually to require
residual settlement or erosion control work;
B) Annual cost of residual settlement and erosion control
C) Annual cost of mowing.
e) This Section does not grant authority to the Agency to require the operator
to perform any of the indicated activities; however, if the site permit
requires a closure activity, the operator must include the cost in the cost
estimate. Once the operator has completed an activity, the operator may
file a permit application indicating that the activity has been completed,
and zeroing that element of the cost estimate.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.623 Biennial Revision of Cost Estimate
a) The operator must revise the current cost estimate at least once every two
years. The revised current cost estimate must be filed on or before the
second anniversary of the filing or last revision of the current cost
b) The operator must review the closure and post-closure care plans prior to
filing a revised cost estimate in order to determine whether they are
consistent with current operations and regulations. The operator must
either certify that the plans are consistent, or must file an application
reflecting new plans.
c) The operator must prepare new closure and post-closure cost estimates
reflecting current prices for the items included in the estimates. The
operator must file revised estimates even if the operator determines that
there are no changes in the prices.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.624 Interim Formula for Cost Estimate

a) An operator may temporarily utilize the formula of this Section for
preparing a cost estimate instead of preparing a cost estimate based on
closure and post-closure care plans. No permit application filed after
March 1, 1985 may utilize this formula. Each operator must file an
application to modify the site permit to include closure and post-closure
care plans and cost estimates by March 1, 1988.
b) References to closure and post-closure care plans in financial assurance
instruments shall be construed to refer to the closure and post-closure care
requirements of this Part and the permit for the site.
c) This formula may not be utilized in lieu of the plans and cost estimates
required under 35 Ill. Reg. Adm. Code 724 and 725.
d) The following abbreviations and symbols are used in the formula:
1) AWR: Annual waste received at the site in cubic yards.
2) AD: Average depth of the landfill in feet.
3) Y: Years expected to lapse between cessation of application of
cover by the operator and implementation of site clean-up by the
Agency. Y is assumed to be three years.
4) CPA: Cost per acre of placing final cover, grading, seeding and
venting. CPA is assumed to be $5000/acre.
5) A: Area requiring final cover in acres.
6) P: Fraction of final cover expected to require subsidence or
erosion control each year. P is assumed to be 0.05.
7) M: Number of monitoring wells existing or required in the permit.
M cannot be less than three.
8) CE: Cost estimate in dollars.
e) Area requiring final cover
1) A(1) is the total area which has received waste but which has not
received final cover in accordance with Section 807.305(c) as of
January 1, 1985.
2) A(2) is the total area which would require final cover after Y years
of uncontrolled operation according to the following formula:

A(2) = (Y)(AWR) = 3 AWR
3200(AD) 3200 AD
3) A(3) = A(1) + A(2)
4) A(4) is the total permitted area which has not received final cover
in accordance with Section 807.305(c) as of January 1, 1985
5) Area requiring final cover (A) is the smaller of A(3) or A(4)
f) Cost estimate (dollars)
CE = (CPA)(A) + 3((CPA)(P)(A) + 600(M))
= 5750A + 1800M
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.640 Mechanisms for Financial Assurance
The operator of a waste disposal site may utilize any of the following mechanisms to give
financial assurance for closure and post-closure care:
a) Trust Fund (Section 807.661);
b) Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment (Section 807.662);
c) Surety Bond Guaranteeing Performance (Section 807.663);
d) Letter of Credit (Section 807.664);
e) Closure Insurance (Section 807.665); or,
f) Self-insurance (Section 807.666).
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.641 Use of Multiple Financial Mechanisms
An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by establishing more than one
financial mechanism per site. These mechanisms are limited to trust funds, surety bonds
guaranteeing payment, letters of credit and insurance. The mechanisms must be as
specified in Sections 807.661, 807.662, 807.664 and 807.665, respectively, except that it
is the combination of mechanisms, rather than the single mechanism, which must provide
financial assurance for an amount at least equal to the current cost estimate. The operator
may use any or all of the mechanisms to provide for closure and post-closure care of the

(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.642 Use of a Financial Mechanism for Multiple Sites
An operator may use a financial assurance mechanism specified in this Subpart to meet
the requirements of this Subpart for more than one site. Evidence of financial assurance
submitted to the Agency must include a list showing, for each site, the name, address and
the amount of funds assured by the mechanism. The amount of funds available through
the mechanism must be no less than the sum of funds that would be available if a separate
mechanism had been established and maintained for each site. The amount of funds
available to the Agency must be sufficient to close and provide post-closure care for all
of the operator's sites. In directing funds available through the mechanism for closure
and post-closure care for any of the sites covered by the mechanism, the Agency may
direct only the amount of funds designated for that site, unless the operator agrees to the
use of additional funds available under the mechanism.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.643 Trust Fund for Unrelated Sites
Any person may establish a trust fund for the benefit of the Agency which may receive
funds from more than one operator for closure of different sites. Such a trust fund shall
operate like the trust fund specified in Section 807.661, except as follows:
a) The trustee shall maintain a separate account for each site and shall
evaluate such annually as of the day of creation of the trust;
b) The trustee shall annually notify each operator and the Agency of the
evaluation of each operator's account;
c) The trustee shall release excess funds as required from the account for
each site;
d) The trustee shall reimburse the operator or other person authorized to
perform closure or post-closure care only from the account for that site.
e) The Agency may direct the trustee to withhold payments only from the
account for the site for which it has reason to believe the cost of closure
and post-closure care will be significantly greater than the value of the
account for that site.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.644 RCRA Financial Assurance

The operator is not required to give financial assurance pursuant to this Subpart if the
operator demonstrates:
a) That closure and post-closure care plans filed pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 724 or 725 will result in closure and post-closure care of the site in
accordance with the requirements of this Part; and,
b) That the operator has provided financial assurance adequate to provide for
such closure and post-closure care pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.661 Trust Fund
a) An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by establishing a
trust fund which conforms to the requirements of this Section and
submitting an original, signed duplicate of the trust agreement to the
b) The trustee must be an entity which has the authority to act as a trustee
1) Whose trust operations are regulated by the Illinois Commissioner
of Banks and Trust Companies; or,
2) Who complies with the Foreign Corporations as Fiduciaries Act,
(Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 17, par. 2801 et seq.).
c) The trust agreement must be on forms specified in Appendix A and the
trust agreement must be accompanied by a formal certification of
d) Payments into the trust:
1) The operator must make a payment into the trust fund each year
during the pay-in period.
2) The pay-in period is the number of years remaining until the site
reaches the stage in its expected operating life at which the cost of
premature closure would be the greatest, as indicated by its closure
plan. Provided, however, that the pay-in period shall not be less
than three years nor greater than ten years.
3) Annual payments are determined by the following formula:

Annual payment = (CE-CV)/Y
CE = Current cost estimate
CV = Current value of the trust fund
Y = Number of years remaining in the pay in period.
4) The operator must make the first annual payment prior to the initial
receipt of waste for disposal, or prior to March 1, 1985 for sites
receiving waste for disposal prior to that date. The operator must
also, prior to such initial receipt of waste, submit to the Agency a
receipt from the trustee for the first annual payment.
5) Subsequent annual payments must be made no later than 30 days
after each anniversary of the first payment.
6) The operator may accelerate payments into the trust fund, or may
deposit the full amount of the current cost estimate at the time the
fund is established.
e) The trustee must evaluate the trust fund annually as of the day the trust
was created, or on such earlier date as may be provided in the agreement.
The trustee must notify the operator and the Agency of the value within 30
days after the evaluation date.
f) Release of excess funds:
1) If the value of the financial assurance is greater than the total
amount of the current cost estimate, the operator may submit a
written request to the Agency for release from the trust fund of the
amount in excess of the current cost estimate.
2) Within 60 days after receiving a request from the operator for
release of funds, the Agency will instruct the trustee to release to
the operator such funds as the Agency specifies in writing.
g) Reimbursement for closure and post-closure care expenses:
1) After initiating closure, an operator or any other person authorized
to perform closure or post-closure care may request reimbursement
for closure or post-closure care expenditures by submitting
itemized bills to the Agency.
2) Within 60 days after receiving bills for closure or post-closure care
activities, the Agency will determine whether the expenditures are

in accordance with the closure or post-closure care plan and if so,
it will instruct the trustee to make reimbursement in such amounts
as the Agency specifies in writing.
3) If the Agency has reason to believe that the cost of closure and
post-closure care will be significantly greater than the value of the
trust fund, it may withhold reimbursement of such amounts as it
deems prudent until it determines that the operator is no longer
required to maintain financial assurance for closure and post-
closure care.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.662 Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment
a) An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by obtaining a
surety bond which conforms to the requirements of this Section and
submitting the bond to the Agency.
b) The surety company issuing the bond must be licensed by the Illinois
Department of Insurance.
c) The surety bond must be on forms specified in Appendix A.
d) Any payments made under the bond will be placed in the landfill closure
and post-closure fund within the State Treasury.
e) Conditions:
1) The bond must guarantee that the operator will provide closure and
post-closure care in accordance with the closure and post-closure
care plans in the permit.
2) The surety will become liable on the bond obligation when, during
the term of the bond, the operator fails to perform as guaranteed by
the bond. The operator fails to perform when the operator:
A) Abandons the site;
B) Is adjudicated bankrupt;
C) Fails to initiate closure of the site or post-closure care when
ordered to do so by the Board or a court of competent
jurisdiction; or,

D) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates
closure, but fails to close the site or provide post-closure
care in accordance with the closure and post-closure care
f) Penal sum:
1) The penal sum of the bond must be in an amount at least equal to
the current cost estimate.
2) The Agency shall approve a reduction in the penal sum whenever
the current cost estimate decreases.
g) Term:
1) The bond shall be issued for a term of at least four years and shall
not be cancelable during that term.
2) If the operator fails to provide substitute financial assurance prior
to expiration of a bond, the term of the bond shall be automatically
extended for one twelve-month period starting with the date of
expiration of the bond. During such extension the bond will not
serve as financial assurance satisfying the requirements of this
Part, and will not excuse the operator from the duty to provide
substitute financial assurance.
h) Cure of default and refunds:
1) The Agency shall release the surety if, after the surety becomes
liable on the bond, the operator or another person provides
financial assurance for closure and post-closure care of the site,
unless the Agency determines that a plan or the amount of
substituted financial assurance is inadequate to provide closure and
post-closure care as required by this Part.
2) After closure and post-closure care have been completed in
accordance with the plans and requirements of this Part, the
Agency shall refund any unspent money which was paid to the
Agency by the surety.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.663 Surety Bond Guaranteeing Performance
a) An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by obtaining a
surety bond which conforms to the requirements of this Section and
submitting the bond to the Agency.

b) The surety company issuing the bond must be licensed by the Illinois
Department of Insurance.
c) The surety bond must be on forms specified in Appendix A.
d) Any payments made under the bond will be placed in the landfill closure
and post-closure fund within the State Treasury.
e) Conditions:
1) The bond must guarantee that the operator will provide closure and
post-closure care in accordance with the closure and post-closure
care plans in the permit. The surety shall have the option of
providing closure and post-closure care in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans, or of paying the penal sum.
2) The surety will become liable on the bond obligation when, during
the term of the bond, the operator fails to perform as guaranteed by
the bond. The operator fails to perform when the operator:
A) Abandons the site;
B) Is adjudicated bankrupt;
C) Fails to initiate closure of the site or post-closure care when
ordered to do so by the Board or a court of competent
jurisdiction; or,
D) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates
closure, but fails to close the site or provide post-closure
care in accordance with the closure and post-closure care
f) Penal sum:
1) The penal sum of the bond must be in an amount at least equal to
the current cost estimate.
2) The Agency shall approve a reduction in the penal sum whenever
the current cost estimate decreases.
g) Term:
1) The bond shall be issued for a term of at least four years and shall
not be cancelable during that term.

2) If the operator fails to provide substitute financial assurance prior
to expiration of a bond, the term of the bond shall be automatically
extended for one twelve-month period starting with the date of
expiration of the bond. During such extension the bond will not
serve as financial assurance satisfying the requirements of this
Part, and will not excuse the operator from the duty to provide
substitute financial assurance.
h) Cure of default and refunds:
1) The Agency shall release the surety if, after the surety becomes
liable on the bond, the operator or another person provides
financial assurance for closure and post-closure care of the site,
unless the Agency determines that a plan or the amount of
substituted financial assurance is inadequate to provide closure and
post-closure care as required by this Part.
2) After closure and post-closure care have been completed in
accordance with the plans and requirements of this Part, the
Agency shall refund any unspent money which was paid to the
Agency by the surety.
i) The surety will not be liable for deficiencies in the performance of closure
by the operator after the Agency releases the operator from the
requirements of this Subpart.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.664 Letter of Credit
a) An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by obtaining an
irrevocable standby letter of credit which conforms to the requirements of
this Section and submitting the letter to the Agency.
b) The issuing institution must be an entity which has the authority to issue
letters of credit and:
1) Whose letter-of-credit operations are regulated by the Illinois
Commissioner of Banks and Trust Companies; or,
2) Whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
c) Forms:

1) The letter of credit must be on forms specified in Appendix A.
2) The letter of credit must be accompanied by a letter from the
operator referring to the letter of credit by number, issuing
institution and date and providing the following information: name
and address of the site and the amount of funds assured for closure
of the site by the letter of credit.
d) Any amounts drawn by the Agency pursuant to the letter of credit will be
deposited in the landfill closure and post-closure fund within the State
e) Conditions on which the Agency may draw on the letter of credit:
1) The Agency may draw on the letter of credit if the operator fails to
perform closure or post-closure care in accordance with the closure
and post-closure care plans.
2) The Agency may draw on the letter of credit when the operator:
A) Abandons the site;
B) Is adjudicated bankrupt;
C) Fails to initiate closure or post-closure care of the site when
ordered to do so by the Board or a court of competent
jurisdiction; or
D) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates
closure, but fails to provide closure and post-closure care in
accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans.
f) Amount:
1) The letter of credit must be issued in an amount at least equal to
the current cost estimate.
2) The Agency shall approve a reduction in the amount whenever the
current cost estimate decreases.
g) Term:
1) The letter of credit shall be irrevocable and shall be issued for a
term of at least four years.

2) If the operator fails to substitute alternate financial assurance prior
to expiration of a letter of credit, the term of the letter of credit
shall be automatically extended for one twelve-month period
starting with the date of expiration. During such extension the
letter of credit will not serve as financial assurance satisfying the
requirements of this Part, and will not excuse the operator from the
duty to provide substitute financial assurance.
h) Cure of default and refunds:
1) The Agency shall release the financial institution if, after the
Agency is allowed to draw on the letter of credit, the operator or
another person provides financial assurance for closure and post-
closure care of the site, unless the Agency determines that a plan
or the amount of substituted financial assurance is inadequate to
provide closure and post-closure care as required by this Part.
2) After closure and post-closure care have been completed in
accordance with the plans and requirements of this Part, the
Agency shall refund any unspent money which was paid to the
Agency by the financial institution.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.665 Closure Insurance
a) An operator may satisfy the requirements of this Subpart by obtaining
closure and post-closure care insurance which conforms to the
requirements of this Section and submitting an executed duplicate original
of such insurance policy to the Agency.
b) The insurer must be licensed to transact the business of insurance by the
Illinois Department of Insurance.
c) The policy must be on forms approved by the Illinois Department of
d) Face amount:
1) The closure and post-closure care insurance policy must be issued
for a face amount at least equal to the current cost estimate. The
term "face amount" means the total amount the insurer is obligated
to pay under the policy. Actual payments by the insurer will not
change the face amount, although the insurer's future liability will
be lowered by the amount of the payments.

2) The Agency shall approve a reduction in the amount of the policy
whenever the current cost estimate decreases.
e) The closure and post-closure care insurance policy must guarantee that
funds will be available to close the site and to provide post-closure care
thereafter. The policy must also guarantee that, once closure begins, the
insurer will be responsible for paying out funds, up to an amount equal to
the face amount of the policy, upon the direction of the Agency to such
party or parties as the Agency specifies. The insurer will be liable when:
1) The operator abandons the site;
2) The operator is adjudicated bankrupt;
3) The Board or a court of competent jurisdiction orders the site
4) The operator notifies the Agency that it is initiating closure; or
5) Any person initiates closure with approval of the Agency.
f) After initiating closure, an operator or any other person authorized to
perform closure or post-closure care may request reimbursement for
closure and post-closure care expenditures by submitting itemized bills to
the Agency. Within 60 days after receiving bills for closure or post-
closure care activities, the Agency will determine whether the
expenditures are in accordance with the closure plan or post-closure care
plan, and if so, will instruct the insurer to make reimbursement in such
amounts as the Agency specifies in writing. If the Agency has reason to
believe that the cost of closure and post-closure care will be significantly
greater than the face amount of the policy, it may withhold reimbursement
of such amounts as it deems prudent until it determines that the operator is
no longer required to maintain financial assurance.
g) Cancellation:
1) The operator shall maintain the policy in full force and effect until
the Agency consents to termination of the policy.
2) The policy must provide that the insurer may not cancel, terminate
or fail to renew the policy except for failure to pay the premium.
The automatic renewal of the policy must, at a minimum, provide
the insured with the option of renewal at the face amount of the
expiring policy. If there is a failure to pay the premium, the
insurer may elect to cancel, terminate or fail to renew the policy by
sending notice by certified mail to the operator and the Agency.

Cancellation, termination or failure to renew may not occur,
however, during the 120 days beginning with the date of receipt of
the notice by both the Agency and the operator, as evidenced by
the return receipts. Cancellation, termination or failure to renew
may not occur and the policy will remain in full force and effect in
the event that on or before the date of expiration the premium due
is paid.
h) Each policy must contain a provision allowing assignment of the policy to
a successor operator. Such assignment may be conditional upon consent
of the insurer, provided such consent is not unreasonably refused.
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.666 Self-insurance for Non-commercial Sites
a) Definitions: The following terms are used in this Section. The definitions
are intended to assist in the understanding of these regulations and are not
intended to limit the meanings of terms in a way that conflicts with
generally accepted accounting principles.
"Assets" means all existing and all probable future economic benefits
obtained or controlled by a particular entity.
"Current assets" means cash or other assets or resources commonly
identified as those which are reasonably expected to be realized in cash or
sold or consumed during the normal operating cycle of the business.
"Current liabilities" means obligations whose liquidation is reasonably
expected to require the use of existing resources properly classifiable as
current assets or the creation of other current liabilities.
"Generally accepted accounting principles" means Accounting Standards,
Financial Accounting Standards Board, June, 1984, which is hereby
incorporated by reference. This incorporation includes no later
amendments or editions.
"Gross Revenue" means total receipts less returns and allowances.
"Independently audited" refers to an audit performed by an independent
certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing
"Liabilities" means probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising
from present obligations to transfer assets or provide services to other
entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events.

"Net working capital" means current assets minus current liabilities.
"Net worth" means total assets minus total liabilities and is equivalent to
owner's equity.
"Tangible net worth" means tangible assets less liabilities; tangible assets
do not include intangibles such as goodwill and rights to patents or
b) An operator may satisfy the financial assurance requirements of this Part
by providing the following:
1) Bond without surety promising to pay the cost estimate (paragraph
2) Proof that the operator meets the gross revenue test (paragraph
3) Proof that the operator meets the financial test (paragraph (e)).
c) Bond without surety. An operator utilizing self-insurance must provide a
bond without surety on forms provided in Appendix A. The operator must
promise to pay the current cost estimate to the Agency unless the operator
provides closure and post-closure care in accordance with the closure and
post-closure care plans.
d) Gross revenue test. The operator must demonstrate that less than one-half
of its gross revenues are derived from waste disposal operations.
e) Financial test:
1) To pass the financial test the operator must meet the criteria of
either paragraph (e)(1)(A) or (e)(1)(B):
A) The operator must have:
i) Two of the following three ratios: a ratio of total
liabilities to net worth less than 2.0; a ratio of the
sum of net income plus depreciation, depletion and
amortization to total liabilities greater than 0.1; or a
ratio of current assets to current liabilities greater
than 1.5; and
ii) Net working capital and tangible net worth each at
least six times the current cost estimate; and

iii) Tangible net worth of at least $10 million; and
iv) Assets in the United States amounting to at least 90
percent of the operator's total assets and at least six
times the current cost estimate.
B) The operator must have:
i) A current rating for its most recent bond issuance of
AAA, AA, A or BBB as issued by Standard and
Poor's or Aaa, Aa, A or Baa as issued by Moody's;
ii) Tangible net worth at least six times the current cost
estimate; and
iii) Tangible net worth of at least $10 million; and
iv) Assets located in the United States amounting to at
least 90 percent of its total assets or at least six
times the current cost estimate.
2) To demonstrate that it meets this test, the operator must submit the
following items to the Agency:
A) A letter signed by the operator's chief financial officer and
worded as specified in Appendix A; and
B) A copy of the independent certified public accountant's
report on examination of the operator's financial statements
for the latest completed fiscal year; and
C) A special report from the operator's independent certified
public accountant to the operator stating that:
i) The accountant has compared the data which the
letter from the chief financial officer specifies as
having been derived from the independently
audited, year-end financial statements for the latest
fiscal year with the amounts in such financial
statements; and
ii) In connection with that procedure, no matters came
to the accountant's attention which caused the
accountant to believe that the specified data should
be adjusted.
f) Updated information:

1) After the initial submission of items specified in paragraphs (d)
and (e), the operator must send updated information to the Agency
within 90 days after the close of each succeeding fiscal year.
2) If the operator no longer meets the requirements of paragraphs (d)
and (e), the operator must send notice to the Agency of intent to
establish alternate financial assurance. The notice must be sent by
certified mail within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year for
which the year-end financial data show that the operator no longer
meets the requirements.
g) Qualified opinions. If the opinion required in paragraphs (e)(2)(B) and
(e)(2)(C) includes an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, the
Agency shall disallow the use of self-insurance. If the opinion includes
other qualifications, the Agency shall disallow the use of self-insurance if:
1) The qualifications relate to the numbers which are used in the
gross revenue test or the financial test; and,
2) In light of the qualifications, the operator has failed to demonstrate
that it meets the gross revenue test or financial test.
h) Parent corporation. An operator may satisfy the financial assurance
requirements of this Part by demonstrating that a corporation which owns
an interest in the operator meets the gross revenue and financial tests. The
operator must also provide a bond with the parent as surety (Appendix A).
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Section 807.700 Cretex Pressure Pipe, Inc. Concrete Waste Disposal Site
a) The cover requirements of Section 807.305(a), (b) and (c) shall not apply
to the on-site disposal of concrete waste resulting from the manufacturing
operations of Cretex Pressure Pipe, Inc. (Cretex) at its South Beloit,
Winnebago County, plant.
b) Disposal activities shall meet the following requirements:
1) Cretex shall limit waste disposal to the types of waste disposed of
pursuant to variance granted in PCB 83-125, which are concrete
waste, cull pipe, and metal reinforcing rods embedded in concrete.
Cretex shall take all reasonable measures to minimize disposal of

such metals as waste through use of recycling, such as reuse of the
metals on-site or sale or exchange of the metals through the Illinois
Industrial Materials Exchange Service.
2) Cretex shall limit the exposed, active surface of its disposal site to
a one acre area, and the height of the fill in the active area to that
of adjacent improved terrain.
3) Once a week, Cretex shall cover the exposed, active surface of its
disposal site with a compacted layer of at least 6 inches of earthen
4) Within 60 days of cessation of disposal activities, in any one acre
area, Cretex shall provide any final, sloping faces of its disposal
site with at least two feet of final cover consisting of compacted
earthen material. Cretex shall insure that a vegetative cover is
established to control erosion.
5) Within 60 days of cessation of disposal activities, Cretex shall
provide any flat reclaimed area of its disposal site which is to be
used for the storage of pipe inventory and equipment, or which is
to be occupied by buildings, with at least six inches of final cover
consisting of silty sand or similar material. However, within 60
days of cessation of such uses, Cretex shall provide at least an
additional 18 inches of final cover material as specified in
subsection (b)(4) above.
(Source: Added at 12 Ill. Reg. 15566, effective September 14, 1988)
APPENDIX A Financial Assurance Forms
ILLUSTRATION A Trust Agreement
Trust Fund Number ______
Trust Agreement, the "Agreement," entered into as of the ____ day of__________, by
and between ________________, a ________________, the "Grantor," and
________________, ________________, the "Trustee."
Whereas, Section 21.1 of the Environmental Protection Act, "Act", prohibits any person
from conducting any waste disposal operation unless such person has posted with the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, "IEPA", a performance bond or other security
for the purpose of insuring closure of the site and post-closure care in accordance with
the Act and Illinois Pollution Control Board, "IPCB", rules.

Whereas, the IPCB has established certain regulations applicable to the Grantor,
requiring that an operator of a waste disposal site provide assurance that funds will be
available when needed for closure and/or post-closure care of the site.
Whereas, the Grantor has elected to establish a trust to provide all or part of such
financial assurance for the sites identified in this agreement.
Whereas, the Grantor, acting through its duly authorized officers, has selected the Trustee
to be the trustee under this agreement, and the Trustee is willing to act as trustee.
Whereas, Trustee is an entity which has authority to act as a trustee and whose trust
operations are regulated by the Illinois Commissioner of Banks & Trust Companies or
who complies with the Foreign Corporations as Fiduciaries Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983,
ch. 17, par. 2801, et seq.) (Line through any condition which does not apply.)
Now, Therefore, the Grantor and the Trustee agree as follows:
Section 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement:
(a) The term "Grantor" means the operator who enters into this Agreement and any
successors or assigns of the operator.
(b) The term "Trustee" means the Trustee who enters into this Agreement and any
successor Trustee.
Section 2. Identification of Sites and Cost Estimates. This Agreement pertains to the
sites and cost estimates identified on attached Schedule A (on Schedule A, list the name
and address and initial cost estimate of each site for which financial assurance is
demonstrated by this agreement).
Section 3. Establishment of Fund. The Grantor and the Trustee hereby establish a
trust fund, the "Fund," for the benefit of the IEPA. The Grantor and the Trustee intend
that no other third party have access to the Fund except as provided in this agreement.
The Fund is established initially as consisting of the property, which is acceptable to the
Trustee, described in Schedule B attached to this agreement. Such property and any
other property subsequently transferred to the Trustee is referred to as the Fund, together
with all earnings and profits on the Fund, less any payments or distributions made by the
Trustee pursuant to this agreement. The Fund shall be held by the Trustee, in trust, as
provided in this agreement. The Trustee shall not be responsible nor shall it undertake
any responsibility for the amount or adequacy of, nor any duty to collect from the
Grantor, any payments necessary to discharge any liabilities of the Grantor.
Section 4. Payment for Closure and Post-Closure Care. The Trustee shall make
payments from the Fund as the IEPA shall direct, in writing, to provide for the payment
of the costs of closure and/or post-closure care of the sites covered by this agreement.

The Trustee shall reimburse the Grantor or other persons as specified by the IEPA from
the Fund for closure and post-closure expenditures in such amounts as the IEPA shall
direct in writing. In addition, the Trustee shall refund to the Grantor such amounts as the
IEPA specifies in writing. Upon refund, such funds shall no longer constitute part of the
Section 5. Payments Comprising the Fund. Payments made to the Trustee for the
Fund shall consist of cash or securities acceptable to the Trustee.
Section 6. Trust Management. The Trustee shall invest and reinvest the principal
and income of the Fund and keep the Fund invested as a single fund, without distinction
between principal and income, in accordance with general investment policies and
guidelines which the Grantor may communicate in writing to the Trustee from time to
time, subject, however, to the provisions of this Section. In investing, reinvesting,
exchanging, selling and managing the Fund, the Trustee shall discharge his duties with
respect to the trust fund solely in the interest of the beneficiary and with the care, skill,
prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing which persons of
prudence, acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters, would use in the
conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; except that:
a) Securities or other obligations of the Grantor, or any other owner or operator of
the site, or any of their affiliates as defined in the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 80a-2.(a), shall not be acquired or held, unless they
are securities or other obligations of the Federal government or the State of
b) The Trustee is authorized to invest the Fund in time or demand deposits of the
Trustee, to the extent insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation.
c) The Trustee is authorized to hold cash awaiting investment or distribution
uninvested for a reasonable time and without liability for the payment of interest
Section 7. Commingling and Investment. The Trustee is expressly authorized in its
a) To transfer from time to time any or all of the assets of the Fund to any common,
commingled or collective trust fund created by the Trustee in which the Fund is
eligible to participate, subject to all of the provisions thereof, to be commingled
with the assets of other trusts participating therein; and
b) To purchase shares in any investment company registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., including one which may be
created, managed, underwritten or to which investment advice is rendered or the

shares of which are sold by the Trustee. The Trustee may vote such shares in its
Section 8. Express Powers of Trustee. Without in any way limiting the powers and
discretions conferred upon the Trustee by the other provisions of this agreement or by
law, the Trustee is expressly authorized and empowered:
a) To sell, exchange, convey, transfer or otherwise dispose of any property held by
it, by public or private sale. No person dealing with the Trustee shall be bound to
see to the application of the purchase money or to inquire into the validity or
expedience of any such sale or other disposition;
b) To make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents of transfer and
conveyance and any and all other instruments that may be necessary or
appropriate to carry out the powers granted in this agreement;
c) To register any securities held in the Fund in its own name or in the name of a
nominee and to hold any security in bearer form or in book entry, or to combine
certificates representing such securities with certificates of the same issue held by
the Trustee in other fiduciary capacities, or to deposit or arrange for the deposit of
such securities in a qualified central depository even though, when so deposited,
such securities may be merged and held in bulk in the name of the nominee of
such depository with other securities deposited therein by another person, or to
deposit or arrange for the deposit of any securities issued by the United States
Government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, with a Federal Reserve
Bank, but the books and records of the Trustee shall at all times show that all such
securities are part of the Fund.
d) To deposit any cash in the Fund in interest-bearing accounts maintained or
savings certificates issued by the Trustee, in its separate corporate capacity, or in
any other banking institution affiliated with the Trustee, to the extent insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Federal Savings & Loan Insurance
Corporation; and
e) To compromise or otherwise adjust all claims in favor of or against the Fund.
Section 9. Taxes and Expenses. All taxes of any kind that may be assessed or levied
against or in respect of the Fund and all brokerage commissions incurred by the Fund
shall be paid from the Fund. All other expenses incurred by the Trustee, to the extent not
paid directly by the Grantor, and all other proper charges and disbursements of the
Trustee shall be paid from the Fund.
Section 10. Annual Valuation. The Trustee shall annually furnish to the Grantor and
to the IEPA a statement confirming the value of the Trust. The evaluation day shall be
each year on the ______ day of __________. Any securities in the Fund shall be valued
at market value as of the evaluation day. The Trustee shall mail the evaluation statement

to the Grantor and the IEPA within 30 days after the evaluation day. The failure of the
Grantor to object in writing to the Trustee within 90 days after the statement has been
furnished to the Grantor and the IEPA shall constitute a conclusively binding assent by
the Grantor, barring the Grantor from asserting any claim or liability against the Trustee
with respect to matters disclosed in the statement.
Section 11. Advice of counsel. The Trustee may from time to time consult with
counsel, who may be counsel to the Grantor, with respect to any question arising as to the
construction of this agreement or any action to be taken hereunder. The Trustee shall be
fully protected, to the extent permitted by law, in acting upon the advice of counsel.
Section 12. Trustee Compensation. The Trustee shall be entitled to reasonable
compensation for its services as agreed upon in writing from time to time with the
Section 13. Successor Trustee. The Trustee may resign or the Grantor may replace the
Trustee, but such resignation or replacement shall not be effective until the Grantor has
appointed a successor trustee and the successor accepts the appointment. The successor
trustee shall have the same powers and duties as those conferred upon the Trustee
hereunder. Upon the successor trustee's acceptance of the appointment, the Trustee shall
assign, transfer and pay over to the successor trustee the funds and properties then
constituting the Fund. If for any reason the Grantor cannot or does not act in the event of
the resignation of the Trustee, the Trustee may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction
for the appointment of a successor trustee or for instructions. The successor trustee shall
specify the date on which it assumes administration of the trust in a writing sent to the
Grantor, the IEPA and the present Trustee by certified mail 10 days before such change
becomes effective. Any expenses incurred by the Trustee as a result of any of the acts
contemplated by this Section shall be paid as provided in Section 9.
Section 14. Instructions to the Trustee. All orders, requests and instructions by the
Grantor to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by such persons as are designated in the
attached Exhibit A or such other designees as the Grantor may designate by amendment
to Exhibit A. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting without inquiry in accordance
with the Grantor's orders, requests and instructions. All orders, requests and instructions
by the IEPA to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by the IEPA Director or his
designees, and the Trustee shall act and shall be fully protected in acting in accordance
with such orders, requests and instructions. The Trustee shall have the right to assume, in
the absence of written notice to the contrary, that no event constituting a change or a
termination of the authority of any person to act on behalf of the Grantor or IEPA
hereunder has occurred. The Trustee shall have no duty to act in the absence of such
orders, requests and instructions from the Grantor and/or IEPA, except as provided in this
Section 15. Notice of Nonpayment. The Trustee shall notify the Grantor and the
IEPA, by certified mail within 10 days following the expiration of the 30-day period after
the anniversary of the establishment of the Trust, if no payment is received from the

Grantor during that period. After the pay-in period is completed, the Trustee shall not be
required to send a notice of nonpayment.
Section 16. Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by an
instrument in writing executed by the Grantor, the Trustee and the IEPA Director, or by
the Trustee and the IEPA Director if the Grantor ceases to exist.
Section 17. Irrevocability and Termination. Subject to the right of the parties to
amend this Agreement as provided in Section 16, this Trust shall be irrevocable and shall
continue until terminated at the written agreement of the Grantor, the Trustee and the
IEPA Director, or by the Trustee and the IEPA, if the Grantor ceases to exist. Upon
termination of the Trust, all remaining trust property, less final trust administration
expenses, shall be delivered to the Grantor.
Section 18. Immunity and Indemnification. The Trustee shall not incur personal
liability of any nature in connection with any act or omission, made in good faith, in the
administration of this Trust, or in carrying out any directions by the Grantor or the IEPA
Director issued in accordance with this Agreement. The Trustee shall be indemnified and
saved harmless by the Grantor or from the Trust Fund, or both, from and against any
personal liability to which the Trustee may be subjected by reason of any act or conduct
in its official capacity, including all expenses reasonably incurred in its defense in the
event the Grantor fails to provide such defense.
Section 19. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be administered, construed and
enforced according to the laws of the State of Illinois.
Section 20. Interpretation. As used in this Agreement, words in the singular include
the plural and words in the plural include the singular. The descriptive headings for each
Section of this Agreement shall not affect the interpretation or the legal efficacy of this
In Witness Whereof the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their
respective officers duly authorized and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and
attested as of the date first above written.
Signature of Grantor
Signature of Trustee

(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration B Certificate of Acknowledgment
State of _____________
County of ___________
On this _____ day of __________, ____________ before me personally came
______________(operator) to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and
say that she/he resides at ___________________________________________(address),
that she/he is _______________(title) of ___________________________(corporation),
the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that she/he knows
the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to such instrument is such corporate
seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, that
she/he signed her/his name thereto by like order.
My Commission Expires
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms

Illustration C Forfeiture Bond
Date bond executed: _________________________________
Effective date: _____________________________________
Principal: __________________________________________
Type of organization: _______________________________
State of incorporation: _____________________________
Surety: _____________________________________________
Amount guaranteed by this bond: $_______________
Amount guaranteed by this bond $____________________
Please attach a separate page if more space is needed for all sites.
Total penal sum of bond: $________________________
Surety's bond number: __________
The Principal and the Surety promise to pay the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency ("IEPA") the above penal sum unless the Principal provides closure and post-
closure care for each site in accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans for

that site. To the payment of this obligation the Principal and Surety jointly and severally
bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
Whereas the Principal is required, under the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(d) to have a permit to conduct a waste disposal
Whereas the Principal is required, under Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021.1,
to provide financial assurance for closure and post-closure care; and
Whereas the Surety is licensed by the Illinois Department of Insurance;
Whereas the Principal and Surety agree that this bond shall be governed by the laws of
the State of Illinois;
The Surety shall pay the penal sum to the IEPA if, during the term of the bond, the
Principal fails to provide closure and post-closure care for any site in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans for that site as guaranteed by this bond. The Principal
fails to so provide when the Principal:
a) Abandons the site;
b) Is adjudicated bankrupt;
c) Fails to initiate closure of the site or post-closure care when ordered to do
so by the Board or a court of competent jurisdiction; or
d) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates closure, but
fails to close the site or provide post-closure care in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans.
The Surety shall pay the penal sum of the bond to the IEPA within 30 days after the
IEPA mails notice to the Surety that the Principal has failed to so provide closure and
post-closure care. Payment shall be made by check or draft payable to the State of
Illinois, Landfill Closure and Post-closure Fund. The liability of the Surety shall not be
discharged by any payment or succession of payments unless and until such payment or
payments shall amount in the aggregate to the penal sum of the bond. In no event shall
the obligation of the Surety exceed the amount of the penal sum.
This bond shall expire on the _____ day of _________ , __________; provided, however,
that if the Principal fails to provide substitute financial assurance prior to the expiration
date, and the IEPA mails notice of such failure to the Surety within 30 days after such
date, the term of this bond shall be automatically extended for one twelve-month period
starting with the date of expiration of the bond.

The Principal may terminate this bond by sending written notice to the Surety; provided,
however, that no such notice shall become effective until the Surety receives written
authorization for termination of the bond from the IEPA.
In Witness Whereof, the Principal and Surety have executed this Forfeiture Bond and
have affixed their seals on the date set forth above.
The persons whose signatures appear below certify that they are authorized to execute
this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and Surety.
Principal Corporate
Signature Name
________________________ ________________________
Type Name
________________________ ________________________
State of Incorporation
________________________ ________________________
Date Signature
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
Corporate seal
Corporate seal
Bond premium: $________________
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration D Performance Bond
Date bond executed:__________________________________

Effective date:_______________________________________
Type of organization:__________________________________
State of incorporation:_________________________________
Amount guaranteed by this bond: $__________________
Amount guaranteed by this bond: $___________________
Please attach a separate page if more space is needed for all sites.
Total penal sum of bond: $______________________
Surety's bond number: ______
The Principal and the Surety promise to pay the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency ("IEPA") the above penal sum unless the Principal or Surety provides closure
and post-closure care for each site in accordance with the closure and post-closure care
plans for that site. To the payment of this obligation the Principal and Surety jointly and
severally bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
Whereas the Principal is required, under the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(d) to have a permit to conduct a waste disposal

Whereas the Principal is required, under Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021.1,
to provide financial assurance for closure and post-closure care; and
Whereas the Surety is licensed by the Illinois Department of Insurance;
Whereas the Principal and Surety agree that this bond shall be governed by the laws of
the State of Illinois;
The Surety shall pay the penal sum to the IEPA or provide closure and post-closure care
in accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans for the site if, during the term
of the bond, the Principal fails to provide closure and post-closure care for any site in
accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans for that site as guaranteed by this
bond. The Principal fails to so provide when the Principal:
a) Abandons the site;
b) Is adjudicated bankrupt;
c) Fails to initiate closure of the site or post-closure care when ordered to do
so by the Board or a court of competent jurisdiction; or
d) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates closure, but
fails to close the site or provide post-closure care in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans.
The Surety shall pay the penal sum of the bond to the IEPA or notify the IEPA that it
intends to provide closure and post-closure care in accordance with the closure and post-
closure care plans for the site within 30 days after the IEPA mails notice to the Surety
that the Principal has failed to so provide closure and post-closure care. Payment shall be
made by check or draft payable to the State of Illinois, Landfill Closure and Post-closure
If the Surety notifies the Agency that it intends to provide closure and post-closure care,
then the Surety must initiate closure and post-closure care within 60 days after the IEPA
mailed notice to the Surety that the Principal failed to provide closure and post-closure
care. The Surety must complete closure and post-closure care in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans, or pay the penal sum.
The liability of the Surety shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of
payments unless and until such payment or payments shall amount in the aggregate to the
penal sum of the bond. In no event shall the obligation of the Surety exceed the amount
of the penal sum.
This bond shall expire on the _____ day of __________, ___________; provided,
however, that if the Principal fails to provide substitute financial assurance prior to the

expiration date, and the IEPA mails notice of such failure to the Surety within 30 days
after such date, the term of this bond shall be automatically extended for one twelve-
month period starting with the date of expiration of the bond.
The Principal may terminate this bond by sending written notice to the Surety; provided,
however, that no such notice shall become effective until the Surety receives written
authorization for termination of the bond from the IEPA.
In Witness Whereof, the Principal and Surety have executed this Forfeiture Bond and
have affixed their seals on the date set forth above.
The persons whose signatures appear below certify that they are authorized to execute
this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and Surety.
Principal Corporate
Signature Name
________________________ ________________________
Typed Name
________________________ ________________________
State of Incorporation
________________________ ________________________
Date Signature
________________________ ________________________
Corporate seal
Corporate seal
Bond premium: $________________
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration E Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
2200 Churchill Road
Springfield, Illinois 62706
Dear Sir or Madam:
We have authority to issue letters of credit. Our letter-of-credit operations are regulated
by the Illinois Commissioner of Banks and Trusts or our deposits are insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation. (Omit language which does not apply)
We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. ______ in your favor,
at the request and for the account of ____________ up to the aggregate amount of
________ U.S. dollars ($_______), available upon presentation of
1. your sight draft, bearing reference to this letter of credit No. _____; and,
2. your signed statement reading as follows: "I certify that the amount of the draft is
payable pursuant to regulations issued under authority of the Environmental Protection
Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1001 et seq. and 35 Ill. Adm. Code
This letter of credit is effective as of ____________ and shall expire on __________; but,
such expiration date shall be automatically extended for one period of twelve months
starting with the expiration date if the operator fails to substitute alternate financial
assurance prior to the expiration of this letter of credit and you notify us of such failure
within 30 days after the above expiration date.
Whenever this letter of credit is drawn on under and in compliance with the terms of this
credit, we shall duly honor such draft upon presentation to us, and we shall deposit the
amount of the draft directly into the State of Illinois landfill closure and post-closure fund
in accordance with your instructions.
This letter of credit is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983,
ch. 26, pars. 1-101 et seq.).
Typed Name

Name and address of issuing institution
This credit is subject to _________________________
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration F Certificate of Insurance for Closure and/or Post-Closure Care
Name and Address of Insurer ("Insurer"):
Name and Address of Insured ("Insured"):
Sites Covered:
Amount insured for this site: $__________________

Amount insured for this site: $___________________
Please attach a separate page if more space is needed for all sites.
Face Amount_______________________________________
Policy Number______________________________________
Effective Date_______________________________________
The Insurer hereby certifies that it is licensed to transact the business of insurance by the
Illinois Department of Insurance.
The insurer hereby certifies that it has issued to the Insured the policy of insurance
identified above to provide financial assurance for closure and post-closure care for the
sites identified above. The Insurer further warrants that such policy conforms in all
respects with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. code 807.665, as applicable and as such
regulations were constituted on the date shown immediately below. It is agreed that any
provision of the policy inconsistent with such regulations is hereby amended to eliminate
such inconsistency.
Name (Authorized signature for Insurer)
Typed Name
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration G Operator's Bond Without Surety

Date bond executed: ____________________________________
Effective date: _________________________________________
Operator's address: ______________________________________
Site: __________________________________________________
Site address: ____________________________________________
Penal sum: $______
The operator promises to pay the penal sum to the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency unless the Operator provides closure and post-closure care of the site in
accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans for the site.
Typed Name
Corporate seal
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms
Illustration H Operator's Bond with Parent Surety

Date bond executed: _________________________
Effective Date: _________________________
Surety: _________________________
Surety's address: _________________________
Operator: _________________________
Operator's address: _________________________
Site: _________________________
Site address: _________________________
Penal sum: $________
The Operator and Surety promise to pay the above penal sum to the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency ("IEPA") unless the Operator provides closure and
post-closure care of the site in accordance with the closure and post-closure care plans for
the site. To the payment of this obligation the Operator and Surety jointly and severally
bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
Whereas the Operator is required under the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev. Stat.
1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021(d) to have a permit to conduct a waste disposal operation;
Whereas the Operator is required, under Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par. 1021.1,
to provide financial assurance for closure and post-closure care; and
Whereas the Operator and Surety agree that this bond shall be governed by the laws of
the State of Illinois; and
Whereas the Surety is a corporation which owns an interest in the Operator;
The Surety shall pay the penal sum to the IEPA if, during the term of the bond, the
Operator fails to provide closure and post-closure care for any site in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans for that site as guaranteed by this bond. The Operator
fails to so provide when the Operator:
a) Abandons the site;
b) Is adjudicated bankrupt;

c) Fails to initiate closure of the site or post-closure care when ordered to do
so by the Board or a court of competent jurisdiction; or
d) Notifies the Agency that it has initiated closure, or initiates closure, but
fails to close the site or provide post-closure care in accordance with the
closure and post-closure care plans.
The Surety shall pay the penal sum of the bond to the IEPA within 30 days after the
IEPA mails notice to the Surety that the Operator has failed to so provide closure and
post-closure care. Payment shall be made by check or draft payable to the State of
Illinois, Landfill Closure and Post-closure Fund.
In Witness Whereof, the Operator and Surety have executed this bond and have affixed
their seals on the date set forth above.
The persons whose signatures appear below certify that they are authorized to execute
this surety bond on behalf of the Operator and Surety.
Operator Surety
Signature Name
_________________________ _________________________
Typed Name
_________________________ _________________________
State of Incorporation
_________________________ _________________________
Date Signature
_________________________ _________________________
Corporate seal
Corporate seal
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix A Financial Assurance Forms

Illustration I Letter from Chief Financial Officer
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
2200 Churchill Road
Springfield, Illinois 62706
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am the chief financial officer of _________________________.
This letter is in support of this firm's use of the gross revenue test and financial test to
demonstrate financial assurance pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.666.
This letter is to demonstrate financial assurance for the following sites:
Current cost estimate: $________
Current cost estimate: $_______
Please attach a separate page if more space is needed for all facilities.
Attached is an Operator's Bond without Surety or an Operator's Bond with Parent
Surety for the current cost estimate for each site. (Strike inapplicable
Gross Revenue Test

1. Gross revenue of the firm
2. Gross revenue from waste disposal operations
3. Line 2 divided by line 3
Financial Test
Alternative I
1. Sum of current cost estimates (total of all cost
estimates shown in paragraphs above)
2. Total liabilities (if any portion of the cost
estimates is included in total liabilities, you may
deduct the amount of that portion from this line and
add that amount to lines 3 and 4)
3. Tangible net worth
4. Net worth
5. Current assets
6. Current liabilities
7. Net working capital (line 5 minus line 6)
8. The sum of net income plus depreciation,
depletion, and amortization
9. Total assets in U.S. (required only if less than
90% of firm's assets are located in the U.S
10. Is line 3 at least $10 million
11. Is line 3 at least 6 times line 1?
12. Is line 7 at least 6 times line 1?
13. Are at least 90% of firm's assets located in the
U.S.? If not, complete line 14.
________ ________
14. Is line 9 at least 6 times line 1?

15. Is line 2 divided by line 4 less than 2.0?
16. Is line 8 divided by line 2 greater than 0.1?
17. Is line 5 divided by line 6 greater than 1.5?
Typed Name
Financial Test
Alternative II
1. Sum of current cost estimates (total of all cost
estimates shown in paragraphs above)
2. Current bond rating of most recent issuance of
this firm and name of rating service
3. Date of issuance of bond
4. Date of maturity of bond
5. Tangible net worth (if any portion of the closure
and post-closure cost estimates is included in "total
liabilities" on your firm's financial statements, you
may add the amount of that portion to this line)
6. Total assets in U.S. (required only if less than
90% of firm's assets are located in the U.S.)
Yes No
7. Is line 5 at least $10 million?
8. Is line 5 at least 6 times line 1?

9. Are at least 90% of firm's assets located in the
U.S.? If not complete line 10.
________ ________
10. Is line 6 at least 6 time line 1?
Typed name
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)
Appendix B Old Rule Numbers Referenced
The following table is provided to aid in referencing old Board rule numbers to section
numbers pursuant to codification.
Chapter 7: Solid Waste
35 Ill. Adm. Code 807
Rule 101
Section 807.101
Rule 102
Section 807.102
Rule 103
Section 807.103
Rule 104
Section 807.104
Rule 201
Section 807.201
Rule 202
Section 807.202
Rule 203
Section 807.203
Rule 204
Section 807.204
Rule 205
Section 807.205
Rule 206
Section 807.206
Rule 207
Section 807.207
Rule 208
Section 807.208
Rule 209
Section 807.209
Rule 210
Section 807.210
Rule 211
Section 807.211
Rule 212
Section 807.212
Rule 213
Section 807.213
Rule 301
Section 807.301
Rule 302
Section 807.302

Rule 303
Section 807.303
Rule 304
Section 807.304
Rule 305
Section 807.305
Rule 306
Section 807.306
Rule 307
Section 807.307
Rule 308
Section 807.308
Rule 309
Section 807.309
Rule 310
Section 807.310
Rule 311
Section 807.311
Rule 312
Section 807.312
Rule 313
Section 807.313
Rule 314
Section 807.314
Rule 315
Section 807.315
Rule 316
Section 807.316
Rule 317
Section 807.317
Rule 318
Section 807.318
(Source: Amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 18942, effective November 25, 1985)

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