PART 870
Grant Assistance Availability
Assistance Amount
Required Content of Applications for MWP Grants
Agency Action on Application
Grant Award and Acceptance
Grantee Responsibilities
Supplemental SWP Grants (Repealed)
Grant Payment Schedule
Noncompliance with Grant Conditions
Guidance for Planning (Repealed)
Grant Assistance Availability
Assistance Amount
Required Content of Applications for SMWE Grants
Agency Action on Application
Grant Award and Acceptance
Evaluation of Performance
Supplemental SWE Grants (Repealed)
Grant Payment Schedule
Noncompliance with Grant Conditions
: Implementing and authorized by Section 22.15 of the Environmental
Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/22.15].
: Emergency rules adopted at 10 Ill. Reg. 17780, effective September 29,
1986, for a maximum of 150 days; adopted at 11 Ill. Reg. 9585, effective May 15,
1987; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 19024, effective November 13, 1990; amended at 15 Ill.
Reg. 9311, effective June 18, 1991; amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August
3, 1995.
Section 870.101 Purpose
a) The Illinois Solid Waste Management Act [415 ILCS 20] amended the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5] (Act) by adding Section
22.15 of the Act which authorized the Environmental Protection Agency
Provide financial assistance to units of local government in
planning for the management of nonhazardous solid waste
municipal waste
where alternatives to disposal of nonhazardous
solid waste
or municipal waste
in a sanitary landfill will receive
full evaluation and consideration in the planning process;
or in
plans prepared pursuant to the Local Solid Waste
Disposal Act or
the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act
[415 ILCS
5/22.15(g)]; and
financial assistance to units of local government for the
performance of inspecting, investigating and enforcement
activities pursuant to Section 4(r)
of the Act
at nonhazardous
solid waste
or municipal waste
disposal sites
[415 ILCS
b) This part sets forth the procedures used by the Agency in the issuance of
grants to units of local government for:
1) planning for the management of municipal waste in accordance
with Section 22.15(g) of the Act [415 ILCS 5/22.15(g)] of the
Act; and
2) inspecting, investigating and enforcement activities at
nonhazardous solid waste or municipal waste disposal sites in
accordance with Section 22.15(h) [415 ILCS 5/22.15(h)].
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.102 Definitions
For purposes of this Part, the words and terms used in this Part shall have the meanings
below. Words and terms not defined in this Part, if defined in the Environmental
Protection Act [415 ILCS 5], shall have the meanings as defined therein. Words and
terms not defined in this Part and not defined in the Environmental Protection Act [415
ILCS 5] shall have the meaning as defined in the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling
Act [415 ILCS 15].
“Act” or “Environmental Protections Act” means the Environmental
Protection Act at 415 ILCS 5.
“Advertising” means costs for advertising related to grant activities.
Public notices, newspaper advertisements, and consultant procurement
costs are typically included in the advertising category.
Agency” means the Environmental Protection Agency established by the
Environmental Protection Act
. (Section 3.01 of the Act)
“Allowable costs” means allocable project costs of the grantee that are
reasonable and necessary. These may include, but are not limited to:
Costs of salaries, benefits, and expendable material incurred by
the grantee for the project, except as provided in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 871.601(b)(7);
Professional and consultant services;
Project feasibility and engineering reports; and
Materials acquired, consumed, or expended specifically for the
“Amortization” means the prorating of appropriate other direct costs
over a useful life, and the subsequent submittal of the prorated cost to
the Agency for reimbursement.
“An accounting” means a compilation of documentation to establish,
substantiate and justify the nature and extent of the charges for which the
grantee is requesting reimbursement.
“Applicant” means the unit of local government that is applying for a
municipal waste planning or nonhazardous solid or municipal waste
enforcement grant under Section 22.15 of the Act.
“Combustion”, as applied to municipal waste, means the incineration of
municipal waste for either energy recovery or volume reduction.
“Commercial waste”, as applied to municipal waste, means
nonhazardous waste originating from wholesale, retail, or service
establishments such as office buildings, stores, markets, theaters, hotels,
motels, and warehouses.
means the biological treatment process by which
microorganisms decompose the organic fraction of waste, producing
. (Section 3.70 of the Act)
“Computer charges” means expenses related to the lease or rental of
computers, printers, and accessories.
“Conference or training registration” means expenses related to
registration for conferences, workshops, seminars, and training that are
“Construction or demolition debris”, as applied to municipal waste,
means nonhazardous materials, such as broken concrete, stone, rock,
bricks or building or construction debris resulting from construction or
demolition activities.
“Content”, as applied to municipal waste, means the composition or
characterization of that waste.
“Contractor” means the person, as defined in Section 3.26 of the Act, to
whom a subagreement is awarded.
“Delegation agreement” means an agreement authorized by Section 4(r)
of the Act under which the Agency may delegate inspection,
investigation and enforcement authority at nonhazardous solid or
municipal waste facilities or sites to a unit of local government.
“Direct labor costs” means expenses for personnel working on grant-
related activities that can be directly identified to the grant. These costs
may include costs for the applicant’s or grantee’s direct personnel, in-
kind contributions, and fringe benefits, but do not include contractors’
“Direct personnel costs” means expenses for an applicant’s or grantee’s
employees that can be directly identified to the grant. These costs do not
include subcontractors’ costs.
“Directly identifiable costs” means grant expenses that can be
documented and traced to allowable grant activities and are supported by
accurate and adequate documentation, such as timesheets, receipts, logs
and vouchers.
“Economic assessment” means a study, review, or evaluation of the
economic effects of a particular municipal waste management option or
combination of options on the study area.
“Environmental assessment” means a study, review, or evaluation of the
environmental effects of a particular municipal waste management option
or combination of options on the study area.
“Equipment” means items to be purchased for grant activities that
individually cost $50 or more and have a useful life of one year or more.
These typically include office furniture, computers and printers,
calculators and adding machines, and cameras.
“Expensed” means that requests for reimbursement for other direct costs
are submitted by the grantee during the year in which the costs were
“Facilities, projects or programs”, as applied to municipal waste
management, means existing and proposed sites, operations, activities,
and other recommended actions related to municipal waste management
“Fringe benefits” means benefits for the applicant’s or grantee’s
personnel. These may include, but are not limited to, social security,
retirement, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and health
“Garbage” means
waste resulting from the handling, processing,
preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, and wastes from the
handling, processing, storage, and sale of produce
. (Section 3.11 of the
“General household waste”, as applied to municipal waste, means
nonhazardous solid waste originating in single and multiple-family
“Grant agreement” means the written agreement and amendments thereto
between the Agency and a grantee in which the terms and conditions
governing the grant are stated and agreed to by both parties.
“Grantee” means the unit of local government that has been awarded a
grant for municipal waste planning or nonhazardous solid or municipal
waste enforcement under Section 22.15 of the Act.
“Implementation”, as applied to municipal waste planning, means
activities related to the initiation or execution of facilities, projects, or
programs included in an adopted waste management plan.
“Indirect Costs” means those costs incurred by an applicant or grantee
for a common or joint purpose but benefitting more than one cost
objective, and not readily identifiable to the cost objectives specifically
benefitted. Procedures for the determination of indirect costs and
indirect cost rates are found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.Appendix B.
“Industrial lunchroom or office waste” means non-industrial waste
produced in industrial lunchrooms, cafeterias or food-serving functions,
or offices.
“In-kind contributions” means goods and services donated to the
applicant’s or grantee’s grant program by a second unrelated party.
These goods and services must be contributed to the applicant or grantee
and a fair market value must be assigned to these contributions.
“Institutional waste”, as applied to municipal waste, means non-
industrial waste originating in facilities such as schools, hospitals,
correctional facilities, and research institutions.
“Landscape Waste” means
all accumulations of grass or shrubbery
cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and other materials accumulated as the result
of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees
. (Section 3.20 of the
“Licensed professional engineer” means an individual currently licensed
to practice professional engineering in the State of Illinois.
“Local Solid Waste Disposal Act” or “LSWDA” means the Local Solid
Waste Disposal Act at 415 ILCS 10.
“Municipal joint action agency” means a planning or implementation
agency formed pursuant to Section 3 of the Intergovernmental
Cooperation Act [5 ILCS 220/3] consisting of any two or more
municipalities, counties, or combination thereof formed by
intergovernmental agreement to provide for efficient and
environmentally sound collection, transportation, processing, storage,
and disposal of municipal waste.
“Municipal waste” means
garbage, general household, institutional and
commercial waste, industrial lunchroom or office waste, landscape
waste, and construction or demolition debris
. (Section 3 of the Solid
Waste Planning and Recycling Act [415 ILCS 15/3]).
“Municipal waste management plan” means a program designed to
manage municipal waste over a 20-year period. Plans shall include an
evaluation of the existing municipal waste management system and a set
of recommended actions that matches municipal waste management
alternatives to applicable portions of the waste stream, and shall be
adopted in accordance with the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act
[415 ILCS 15].
“Municipal waste management planning” means the evaluation of
various municipal waste management alternatives, using economic,
energy, environmental, political, and technical criteria appropriate to the
planning area, for incorporation in a municipal waste management plan
to be adopted in accordance with the Solid Waste Planning and
Recycling Act [415 ILCS 15].
“Nonhazardous Municipal Waste Planning Grants” or “MWP” Grants
means grants issued pursuant to Section 22.15(g) of the Act and Subpart
B of this Part.
“Municipal Waste Planning Grants” or “MWP Grants” means grants
issued pursuant to Section 22.15(g) of the Act and Subpart B of this
“Nonhazardous Solid Waste or Municipal Waste Enforcement Grants” or
“SMWE Grants” means grants issued pursuant to Section 22.15(h) of the
Act and Subpart C of this Part.
“Office lease and utility expenses” means expenses for the lease or rental
of office space and the concomitant utility expenses such as for heat and
“Origin”, as applied to municipal waste, means the source of that waste,
such as the general household, commercial, or institutional sector of the
waste stream.
“Other direct costs” means those grant costs that can be directly
identified as grant-related. These include travel, equipment, supplies,
postage, advertising, computer charges, telecommunications, office lease
and utility costs, vehicle charges, printing, and conference and training
“Outputs” means all draft and final reports, documents, plans, and other
materials produced for grant program elements. These include Phase I-
Needs Assessments and Phase II-Municipal Waste Management Plans
adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Solid Waste Planning
and Recycling Act [415 ILCS 15].
“Phase I MWP Grant” means a Municipal Waste Needs Assessment
Grant issued pursuant to Section 22.15(g) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 870.204(b).
“Phase II MWP Grant” means a Municipal Waste Planning Grant issued
pursuant to Section 22.15(g) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code
“Phase III MWP Grant” means a Municipal Waste Implementation
Planning Grant issued pursuant to Section 22.15(g) of the Act and 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 870.204(d).
“Postage” means expenses for transmitting mail and packages for grant
activities. These typically include regular, certified, express mail, and
shipping charges for packages.
“Printing” means expenses related to copying, printing, reproduction,
and document preparation.
“Program elements” means all activities, tasks, duties, assignments,
functions, or responsibilities to be conducted to complete grant outputs,
projects or programs.
“Recycling center” means
a site or facility that accepts only segregated,
nonhazardous, nonspecial, homogenous, nonputrescible materials, such
as dry paper, glass, cans or plastics, for subsequent use in the secondary
materials market
. (Section 3.81 of the Act)
“Recycling program” means facilities, projects, activities, or
recommendations included in a municipal waste management plan that
comply with the provisions of the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling
Act [415 ILCS 15].
“Recycling, reclamation or reuse” means
a method, technique or process
designed to remove any contaminant from waste so as to render such
waste reusable, or any process by which materials that would otherwise
be disposed of or discarded are collected, separated or processed and
returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials or
. (Section 3.30 of the Act)
“Solid Waste” means
(Section 3.82 of the Act)
“Solid Waste Management Act” means the Solid Waste Management Act
at 415 ILCS 20.
“Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act” or “SWPRA” means the
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act at 415 ILCS 15.
“Source reduction”, as applied to municipal waste, means the design,
manufacture, acquisition, purchase, or use of materials or products to
reduce the amount or toxicity of municipal waste before it enters the
municipal waste stream. This may be accomplished through the redesign
of manufacturing processes; redesign of products; changes in consumers’
purchasing decisions, use, and disposal habits; and backyard composting.
“State” means the State of Illinois.
“Subagreement” means a written agreement between the grantee and
another party, such as a contractor, and any tier of agreement thereunder
for the furnishing of services, supplies, or equipment necessary to
complete the project for which a grant was awarded, including contracts
for personal and professional services and purchase orders.
“Subcontractor progress report” means a summary of a subcontrator’s
progress in meeting its tasks required under a grantee subagreement.
Subcontractor progress reports shall include: the tasks completed during
the reporting period; a description of any problems or delays; and a
listing of current billing information. Subcontractors shall submit
progress reports to grantees for transmittal to the Agency in accordance
with the schedule in the grant agreement.
“Supplies” means items to be purchased for grant activities that have an
individual cost of less than $50 and a useful life of less than one year
and/or are personal (fitted or sized, such as gloves and boots) in nature.
“Telecommunications” means expenses related to telecommunications,
such as telephone installation and usage, portable telephones, and pagers.
“Transfer station” means
a site or facility that accepts waste for
temporary storage or consolidation and for further transfer to a waste
disposal, treatment or storage facility. “Transfer station” includes a site
where waste is transferred from:
A rail carrier to a motor vehicle or water carrier;
A water carrier to a rail carrier or motor vehicle;
A motor vehicle to a rail carrier, water carrier or motor vehicle;
A rail carrier to a rail carrier, if the waste is removed from a rail
car; or
A water carrier to a water carrier, if the waste is removed from a
. (Section 3.83 of the Act)
“Travel” means expenses related to the applicant’s or grantee’s execution
of grant-related activities while on travel status. These typically include
mileage, transportation, lodging, meals or per diem, and parking.
"Unallowable costs" means costs that exceed the total amount of the
grant offer or which are not necessary for completion of the work
required by the grant agreement. Such costs include, but are not limited
Areawide planning or enforcement not directly related to the
Bonus payments not legally required for completion of the
Personal injury compensation or damages arising out of the
project, whether determined by adjudication, arbitration,
negotiation, or otherwise;
Fines and penalties resulting from violations of, or failure to
comply with, federal, State or local laws;
Costs outside the scope of the approved planning or enforcement
Interest on bonds or any other form of indebtedness required to
finance the project costs;
Ordinary operating expenses of local governments, such as
salaries and expenses of a mayor, city council members, or city
attorney, except as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.601(d);
Site acquisition (for example, sanitary landfills and sludge
disposals areas);
Costs for which payment has been or will be received under
another State or federal assistance program;
Costs of equipment or material procured in violation of any of the
35 Ill. Adm. Code 871 provisions;
Costs of special funds (i.e., industry advancement funds; funds to
reimburse bidding costs to unsuccessful offerors, etc.) financed
by contractors, contributions in the industry for methods and
materials research, public and industry relations, market
development, labor-management matters, wage negotiations,
jurisdictional disputes, or defraying of all or part of unsuccessful
offerors’ bidding costs;
Costs under contracts that are incurred after the expiration of the
applicable contractual completion date, even if the contractual
completion date is subsequently extended by the grantee, unless
such extention has been approved by the Agency in accordance
with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.402;
Personal and professional consultant services costs arising under
cost-plus-percentage-of-cost type of agreement (including the
multiplier contract where profit is in the multiplier);
Personal and professional consultant services costs when the
Agency has been refused access to the books and records of the
contractor or the contractor has refused to renegotiate a personal
or professional services contract in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 302; and
Increases in personal and professional consultant services contract
fees which are based solely on a percentage of increased costs
notwithstanding the contractual liabilities of the grantee under
such contract.
"Unit of local government" means a municipality, county, or a municipal
joint action agency pursuant to Section 3 of the Intergovernmental
Cooperation Act [5 ILCS 220/3], or if the context requires, the member
municipalities of such an agency or its territory.
"Vehicle changes" means costs for the lease, rental, purchase or
utilization of a vehicle for grant activities. If a vehicle is purchased,
only an amortized amount, calculated over a 36 month lifespan, may be
reimbursed by the Agency.
"Volume reduction at the source" means source reduction.
"Waste" means
any garbage, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water
supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility or other discarded
material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous
material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural
operations, and from community activities, but does not include solid or
dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges
which are point sources subject to permits under Section 402 of the
federal Water Pollution Control Act, as now or hereafter amended, or
source, special nuclear, or by-product materials as defined in the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 U.S.C. 921) or any solid or
dissolved materials from any facility subject to the federal Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87) or the rules
and regulations thereunder or any law or rule or regulation adopted by
the State of Illinois pursuant thereto
, except that for the purposes of this
Part, waste does not include hazardous waste. (Section 3.53 of the Act)
"Waste audit" or "Waste stream audit", as applied to municipal waste,
means a systematic accounting of materials (inputs) and products or
waste (outputs) to identify potential waste reduction or recycling
"Waste characterization study", as applied to municipal waste, means a
study designed to determine estimates of the composition or
characterization of that waste.
"Waste generation", as applied to municipal waste, means the weight or
volume of materials and products as they enter the municipal waste
stream, and before materials recovery, combustion, or landfilling occur.
"Waste reduction", as applied to municipal waste, means all municipal
waste management methods resulting in a reduction of municipal waste
requiring final disposal. Municipal waste reduction includes, but is not
limited to, source reduction, recycling, composting, and shredding and
compaction of municipal waste.
"Waste stream", as applied to municipal waste, means the waste
generated by a specific sector as it moves from generation to final
handling. A waste stream may include the municipal waste stream
components, the total waste stream, or any component thereof.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.103 Severability
If any Section, subsection, sentence or clause of this Part shall be adjudged
unconstitutional, void, invalid or otherwise unlawful, such adjudication shall not affect
the validity of this Part as a whole, or any Section, subsection, sentence or clause
thereof not adjudged unconstitutional, void, invalid or otherwise unlawful.
Section 870.201 Grant Assistance Availability
a) Subject to the availability of funding and the limitations and
requirements set forth in this Part, grant assistance is available for the
following planning projects and programs for the management of
municipal waste:
1) Phase I MWP Grants (Municipal Waste Needs Assessment).
2) Phase II MWP Grants (Municipal Waste Planning).
3) Phase I and II MWP Grants (Municipal Waste Needs Assessment
and Planning).
4) Phase III MWP Implementation Grants (Municipal Waste
Implementation Planning).
b) The State share for total eligible costs for MWP Grants shall not exceed
70 percent.
c) Forms and instructions for applying for grant funding will be made
available to eligible units of local government by the Agency.
d) As of September 1, 1995, no applications for Phase I or Phase II Grants
will be accepted by the Agency.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.202 Assistance Amount
a) The amount of assistance to be provided to an applicant will be based
1) Identification of a need for planning in the affected area for
management of municipal waste;
2) Provision of a specific means for satisfying that need through
development of information conducive to the full evaluation and
consideration of each preferred alternative to landfill facilities as
identified in Section 2(b) of the Illinois Solid Waste Management
3) Demonstration that the costs of the work program do not exceed
the benefits from the proposed outputs. If the Agency's
evaluation indicates that the proposed outputs do not justify the
level of funding requested, the Agency may reduce the assistance
amount; and
4) The extent to which the applicant's work program is
demonstrated to be necessary and appropriate and to the extent
that the anticipated cost of the applicant's program is
proportionate to the proposed outputs.
b) No combination of MWP Phase I and II Grants issued under this Subpart
may provide aggregate financial assistance in excess of $500,000.
c) Counties and municipal joint action agencies shall be eligible for Phase
III Municipal Waste Implementation Planning Grants. No Phase III
Municipal Waste Implementation Planning Grant issued under this
Subpart shall provide financial assistance in excess of $500,000.
d) Phase III Municipal Waste Implementation Planning Grants will not be
issued to counties and municipal joint action agencies without an adopted
plan that has been deemed by the Agency to meet the requirements of the
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act and any other applicable State
legislation. These grants will provide funding for further planning
toward implementation of municipal waste management alternatives
identified in adopted plans. These adopted plans may be developed with
State financial assistance. The issuance of Phase III grants is not
contingent upon receipt of previous State financial assistance.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.203 Allocation
a) MWP Phase I and II grant funds shall be allocated for approved
applications in the order of receipt of complete applications, to the extent
that funds are available and appropriate. Priority in awarding grant
funding shall be given to applicants that:
1) Have received no prior MWP grants; or
2) Are conducting planning in areas for which no previous planning
activities have occurred.
b) The Agency shall make application forms, and other forms, and
instructions available to counties and municipal joint action agencies to
apply for Phase III grant funding. The Agency shall accept applications
for Phase III Municipal Waste Implementation Planning Grants only on
December 30 and June 30 of each year. If either of these dates falls on a
weekend or a State holiday, applications will be accepted on the next
business day. Applicants must submit applications on forms prescribed
and provided by the Agency.
1) To the extent that funds are available and appropriated, priority
in reviewing grant applications shall be given to applicants based
on the date and time that a complete application is received from
the grant applicant by the Planning and Grants Unit, Solid Waste
Management Section, Division of Land Pollution Control, Bureau
of Land, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. For
purposes of review prioritizaton, a complete Phase III grant
application must:
A) Include an ordinance or resolution by the applicant
certifying that a municipal waste management plan has
been adopted in accordance with the provisions of the
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act. If the plan has
been revised after initial adoption, a resolution or
ordinance that designates the revisions as part of the plan
must be submitted;
B) Include an ordinance or resolution by the applicant
certifying that implementation of the plan, including the
recycling program, has begun within one year after plan
adoption; and
C) Adequately address the provisions of Section 870.204(d)
of this Part, including but not limited to:
i) A description of the facilities, projects, and
programs included in the adopted municipal waste
management plan, for which funding is requested,
with priority given to projects or programs that are
designed to produce significant increases in waste
reduction or recycling;
ii) The tasks to be completed for the facility, project,
or program. This information shall be specific to
the facility, project, or program, and shall address
the provisions of Section 870.204(d)(4) (A)
through (D) of this Part;
iii) A work program to be carried out under the grant,
including a schedule for completing tasks and
program elements, costs for each program
element, and outputs for each program element;
iv) Cost justification for the amount requested,
including a budget submitted on forms provided
and prescribed by the Agency, in accordance with
instructions provided by the Agency.
Priority in the awarding of such assistance shall be given to
projects and programs that are designed to produce significant
increases in waste reduction or recycling
. (Section 22.15.(g) of
the Act) The Agency shall approve or disapprove complete
applications in accordance with Section 870.205 of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.204 Required Content of Applications for MWP Grants
a) MWP Grants will not be awarded unless complete, acceptable
applications are filed in accordance with the requirements of this
b) A complete, acceptable application for a MWP Grant for a Phase I --
Municipal Waste Needs Assessment shall address and provide
information for the following:
1) The geographic area to be encompassed by the grant, including
demographic data.
2) The methods to be used in assessing municipal waste needs and
obtaining the information required under subsection (b)(3) below.
These may include, but are not limited to, surveys, literature
reviews, waste characterization studies, and weighing and sorting
projects. The statistical methodology that will be used to ensure
that the data to be collected is accurate shall be included.
3) Methods and procedures by which the following information will
be acquired:
A) Origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
currently generated;
B) Origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
annually disposed in landfills;
C) Origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
annually recycled, reclaimed, or reused;
D) Origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
annually combusted for energy recovery;
E) Origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
annually combusted for volume reduction;
F) Weight or volume of municipal waste annually transported
into (imported) and out of (exported) the study area;
G) Average distance municipal waste is transported before
final handling;
H) Weight or volume and handling methods used for
municipal waste managed on-site; and
A description of the facilities where municipal waste is
currently being processed or disposed of and the
remaining available permitted capacity of such facilities
(Section 4 of the SWPRA)
4) Projections of information required under subsection (b)(3) above
for twenty years from the study date as required by the SWPRA.
5) The work program to be carried out under the grant. The work
program must specify:
A) Number of months and/or work years needed for each
program element;
B) The outputs committed to under each program element,
including outputs required under subsections (b)(3) and
(b)(4) above;
C) A schedule for accomplishment of outputs and the tasks to
be accomplished to meet the outputs;
D) Identification of the unit of local government responsible
for each of the elements and outputs; and
E) Identification of the public involvement process to be used
in developing the program. At a minimum, such process
shall provide for at least one public meeting to be held,
after reasonable notice to the public, for the purpose of
receiving public comment.
6) Cost justifications for the amount requested, including a budget
submitted on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency for
the expenses to be incurred. With the exception of indirect costs
(as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.Appendix B), all costs must
be directly identified as grant related. To be directly identifiable
and eligible for grant reimbursement, expenses must be
documentable and traceable to the grant.
7) The budget, which shall be submitted to the Agency on forms
prescribed and provided by the Agency, shall include at a
A) Demonstration through an ordinance or resolution of
source of funds for the local share.
B) Direct labor costs, which shall be itemized as follows:
i) Direct personnel;
ii) In-kind contributions;
iii) Fringe benefits.
C) Indirect costs, as defined and described in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 871.Appendix B.
D) Other direct costs include:
i) Travel;
ii) Equipment;
iii) Supplies;
iv) Postage;
v) Advertising;
vi) Computer charges;
vii) Telecommunications;
viii) Office lease and utility costs;
ix) Vehicle charges;
x) Printing; and
xi) Training and conference registration.
E) Subagreements.
F) Total estimated cost.
G) Source of funds by budget category.
H) Allocation of funds by State fiscal year.
I) Local contributions.
c) Applicants for a MWP Grant for Phase II -- Municipal Waste Planning
must submit applications that reflect the final plan adopted by the county
as required by Section 4(b) of the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling
Act on or before September 1, 1995. Such an application shall address
and provide information for the following:
1) The geographic area to be encompassed by the grant, including
demographic data.
2) An assessment of the municipal waste needs for the planning area
which includes the information required under subsections (b)(3)
and (b)(4) above.
3) The outputs to be developed by the applicant in planning for the
effective and efficient management of solid
or municipal
waste in
a manner that promotes economic development, protects the
environment and public health and safety and allows the most
practical and beneficial use of the material and energy values of
or municipal
. (Section 2(a)(4) of the Illinois Solid
Waste Management Act)
4) The outputs to be developed by the applicant to assure that, with
respect to all identified municipal waste needs for the planning
alternatives to disposal of nonhazardous waste in a sanitary
landfill will receive full evaluation and consideration in the
planning process
or in plans prepared pursuant to the Local Solid
Waste Disposal Act or the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling
. (Section 22.15(g) of the Act) The applicant must
demonstrate the environmental, economic, and technical
feasibility aspects of each alternative in accordance with
following management hierarchy, in descending
order of
Volume reduction at the source.
Recycling and reuse.
Combustion with energy recovery.
Combustion for volume reduction.
Disposal in landfill facilities.
(Section 2(b) of the Illinois
Solid Waste Management Act)
5) The methods to be used by the applicant to ensure development
of a municipal waste management plan in accordance with the
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act or the Local Solid
Waste Disposal Act. These methods shall provide, at a
minimum, the following:
A description of the origin, content, and weight or volume
of municipal waste currently generated within
the planning
boundaries, and the origin, content, and weight or
volume of municipal waste that will be generated during
the next 20 years, including an assessment of the primary
variables affecting this estimate and the extent to which
they can reasonably be expected to occur;
A description of the facilities where municipal waste is
currently being processed or disposed of and the
remaining available permitted capacity of such facilities;
A description of the facilities and programs that are
proposed for the management of municipal waste
generated within the
planning area's
boundaries during
the next 20 years, including, but not limited to, their size,
expected cost and financing method;
An evaluation of the environmental, energy, life cycle cost
and economic advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed waste management facilities and programs;
A description of the time schedule for the development and
operation of each proposed facility or program;
The identity of potential sites within the
planning area
where each proposed waste processing, disposal, and
recycling program will be located or an explanation of
how the sites will be chosen. For any facility outside the
planning area
that is proposed to be used, the plan shall
explain the reasons for selecting such facility
(Section 4 of
the SWPRA);
If the plan concludes that waste stream control measures
are necessary to implement the plan, the identification of
those measures
(Section 3 of the Local Solid Waste
Disposal Act);
The identity of the governmental entity responsible for
implementing the plan and an explanation of the legal
basis for the entity's authority to do so
(Section 6 of the
Adequate provision for the present and reasonably
anticipated future needs of the recycling and resource
recovery interests within the area
(Section 3 of the Local
Solid Waste Disposal Act); and
J) A description of the planning area's recycling program.
Such recycling program:
Shall be
designed to be
implemented throughout
planning area's
boundaries and
include a
time schedule for implementation.
Shall provide for the designation of a recycling
coordinator to administer the program.
Shall be designed to recycle, by the end of the
third and fifth years of the program respectively,
15% and 25% of the municipal waste generated
the planning area,
subject to the existence of a
viable market for the recycled material, based on
measurements of recycling and waste generated in
terms of weight. The determination of recycling
rate shall not include: discarded motor vehicles,
wastes used for clean fill or erosion control, or
commercial, institutional, or industrial machinery
or equipment.
May provide for the construction and operation of
one or more recycling centers by a unit of local
government, or for contracting with other public or
private entities for the operation of recycling
be designed to
require residents to separate
recyclable materials at the time of disposal or
trash pick-up
be designed to
make special provision for
commercial and institutional establishments that
implement their own specialized recycling
programs, provided that such establishments
annually provide written documentation of the total
number of tons of material recycled
in the planning
be designed to
provide for separate collection
and composting of leaves
Shall include public education and notification
programs to foster understanding of and encourage
compliance with the recycling program.
be designed to
include provisions for
compliance, including incentives and penalties
Shall include provisions for recycling the collected
materials, identifying potential markets for at least
3 recyclable materials, and promoting the use of
products made from recovered or recycled
materials among businesses, newspapers, and
local governments in the
planning area.
be designed to
provide for the payment of
recycling diversion credits to public and private
parties engaged in recycling activities
. (Section 6
of the SWPRA)
Any other information that the Agency may require
(Section 4 of the SWPRA)
6) The work program to be carried out under the grant. The work
program shall specify:
A) The number of months and/or work years needed for each
program element;
B) The outputs committed to under each program element
including outputs required under subsections
870.204(c)(3) and (c)(4) above;
C) A schedule for accomplishment of outputs and the tasks to
be accomplished to meet the outputs;
D) The unit of local government responsible for each of the
elements and outputs; and
E) The public involvement process to be used in developing
the program. At a minimum, such process shall comply
with the public involvement process included in the Solid
Waste Planning and Recycling Act, and provide for at
least one public hearing to be held, after reasonable notice
to the public, for the purpose of receiving public
7) Cost justifications for the amount requested, including a budget
submitted on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency for
the expenses to be incurred. With the exception of indirect costs
(as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.Appendix B), all costs must
be directly identified as grant-related. To be directly identifiable
and eligible for grant reimbursement, expenses must be
documentable and traceable to the grant.
8) The budget, which shall be submitted to the Agency on forms
prescribed and provided by the Agency, shall include at a
A) Demonstration through an ordinance or resolution of the
source of funds for the local share.
B) Direct labor costs, which shall be itemized as follows:
i) Direct personnel;
ii) In-kind contributions; and
iii) Fringe benefits.
C) Indirect costs, as defined and described in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 871.Appendix B.
D) Other direct costs, which shall include:
i) Travel;
ii) Equipment;
iii) Supplies;
iv) Postage;
v) Advertising;
vi) Computer charges;
vii) Telecommunications;
viii) Office lease and utility costs;
ix) Vehicle charges;
x) Printing; and
xi) Training and conference registration.
E) Subagreements.
F) Total estimated cost.
G) Source of funds by budget category.
H) Allocation of funds by State fiscal year.
I) Local contributions.
d) A complete, acceptable application for a MWP grant for Phase III --
Municipal Waste Implementation Planning shall address and provide
information for the following:
1) The geographic area to be encompassed by the grant, including
demographic data.
2) A municipal waste management plan adopted in accordance with
the provisions of the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act.
Such plan shall include an ordinance or resolution by the
applicant certifying that a municipal waste management plan has
been adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Solid
Waste Planning and Recycling Act. If the plan has been revised
after initial adoption, a resolution or ordinance which designates
the revisions as part of the plan must be submitted. The
municipal waste management plan shall address, at a minimum,
the following:
A description of the origin, content, and weight or volume
of municipal waste currently generated within the county's
or municipal joint action agency's
boundaries, and the
origin, content, and weight or volume of municipal waste
that will be generated within the county's
or municipal
joint action agency's
boundaries during the next 20 years,
including an assessment of the primary variables affecting
this estimate and the extent to which they can reasonably
be expected to occur
A description of the facilities where municipal waste is
currently being processed or disposed of and the
remaining available permitted capacity of such facilities;
A description of the facilities and programs that are
proposed for the management of municipal waste
generated within the county's
or municipal joint action
boundaries during the next 20 years, including,
but not limited to, their size, expected cost and financing
An evaluation of the environmental, energy, life cycle cost
and economic advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed waste management facilities and programs;
A description of the time schedule for the development and
operation of each proposed facility or program;
The identity of potential sites within the county
municipal joint action agency
where each proposed waste
processing, disposal, and recycling program will be
located, or an explanation of how the sites will be chosen.
For any facility outside the county
or municipal joint
action agency
that is proposed to be used. The plan shall
explain the reasons for selecting such facility
(Section 4 of
the SWPRA);
The identity of the governmental entity responsible for
implementing the plan on behalf of the county
municipal joint action agency
and explanation of the legal
basis for the entity's authority to do so
(Section 6 of the
H) A description of the county's or municipal joint action
agency's recycling program. Such recycling program:
Shall be implemented throughout the county's
municipal joint action agency's
boundaries, and
include a time schedule for implementation;
Shall provide for the designation of a recycling
coordinator to administer the program;
Shall be designed to recycle, by the end of the
third and fifth years of the program respectively,
15% and 25% of the municipal waste generated in
the county
or municipal joint action agency,
subject to the existence of a viable market for the
recycled material, based on measurements of
recycling and waste generated in terms of weight.
The determination of recycling rate shall not
include: discarded motor vehicles, wastes used for
clean fill or erosion control, or commercial,
institutional, or industrial machinery or
May provide for the construction and operation of
one or more recycling centers by a unit of local
government, or for contracting with other public or
private entities for the operation of recycling
May require residents of the county
or municipal
joint action agency
to separate recyclable materials
at the time of disposal or trash pick-up;
May make special provision for commercial and
institutional establishments that implement their
own specialized recycling programs, provided that
such establishments annually provide written
documentation to the county
or municipal joint
action agency
of the total number of tons of
material recycled;
Shall provide for separate collection and
composting of leaves;
Shall include public education and notification
programs to foster understanding of and encourage
compliance with the recycling program;
Shall include provisions for compliance, including
incentives and penalties;
Shall include provisions for recycling the collected
materials, identifying potential markets for at least
3 recyclable materials and promoting the use of
products made from recovered or recycled
materials among businesses, newspapers, and
local governments in the county
or municipal joint
action agency; and
May provide for the payment of recycling diversion
credits to public and private parties engaged in
recycling activities
(Section 6 of the SWPRA).
Any other information that the Agency may require.
(Section 4 of the SWPRA)
3) The facilities, projects, and programs included in the adopted
municipal waste management plan for which funding is
requested. These shall include:
A) The facility, project, or program type;
B) The methods to be used to achieve significant increases in
waste reduction or recycling;
C) The methods and tasks to be used in facility, project, or
program implementation planning;
D) The area to be serviced by the facility, project or
E) The responsible unit of local government; and
F) The proposed owner and operator of the facility, project,
or program.
4) The tasks to be completed under the grant. This information
shall be specific to the selected facility, project or program.
Unless it can be demonstrated to the Agency's satisfaction that
these activities are not applicable, these categories shall include,
but shall not be limited to:
A) For waste reduction (including, but not limited to, source
reduction, recycling, composting, and shredding or
compaction of municipal waste):
i) Waste characterization studies;
ii) Waste stream audits;
iii) Waste reduction studies;
iv) Environmental assessments; and
v) Economic impact analysis.
B) For transfer station facilities:
i) Waste characterization studies;
ii) Computer modeling or simulations for air and
noise emmissions, and waste collection routings;
iii) Economic impact analysis; and
iv) Environmental assessments.
C) For combustion facilities:
i) Computer modeling or simulations for air and
noise emissions;
ii) Economic impact analysis;
iii) Environmental assessments; and
iv) Waste characterization studies.
D) For landfill facilities:
i) Soil sampling, including test borings and soil
ii) Computer modeling or simulations for
groundwater flow, waste collection routings, air
emissions, and surface water impacts;
iii) Engineering and architectural drawings and plans;
iv) Requests for qualifications and requests for
v) Environmental assessments; and
vi) Economic impact analysis.
5) The work program to be carried out under the grant. The work
program must specify:
A) Number of months and/or work years needed for each
program element;
B) Total cost for each program element;
C) The outputs committed to under each program element;
D) A schedule for accomplishment of outputs and the tasks to
be accomplished to meet the outputs; and
E) Identification of a licensed professional engineer
registered in the State of Illinois who will be responsible
for reviewing the appropriate outputs.
6) Cost justifications for the amount requested, including a budget
submitted on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency for
the expenses to be incurred. With the exception of indirect costs
(as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.Appendix B), all costs must
be directly identified as grant-related. To be directly identifiable
and eligible for grant reimbursement, expenses must be
documentable and traceable to the grant.
7) The budget, which shall be submitted to the Agency on forms
prescribed and provided by the Agency, shall include at a
A) Demonstration through an ordinance or resolution of the
source of funds for the local share.
B) Direct labor costs, which shall be itemized as follows:
i) Direct personnel;
ii) In-kind contributions; and
iii) Fringe benefits.
C) Indirect costs, as defined and described in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 871.Appendix B.
D) Other direct costs, which shall include:
i) Travel;
ii) Equipment;
iii) Supplies;
iv) Postage;
v) Advertising;
vi) Computer charges;
vii) Telecommunications;
viii) Office lease and utility costs;
ix) Vehicle charges;
x) Printing; and
xi) Training and conference registration.
E) Subagreements.
F) Total estimated cost.
G) Source of funds by budget category.
H) Allocation of funds by State fiscal year.
I) Local contributions.
8) Items that are not eligible for a Municipal Waste Implementation
Planning Grant shall include, but not be limited to, land
purchase, purchase or lease of construction machinery, building
materials or building legal fees, or lawsuit settlements.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.205 Agency Action on Application
Within 90 days after receipt, the Agency shall review each application and may
approve each complete, acceptable application that meets all criteria and requirements
pursuant to Section 870.204 of this Part, or disapprove each application that does not
meet all criteria and requirements pursuant to Section 870.204 of this Part. When
funds are available, the Agency will award assistance to approved applicants.
a) Approval. Within 90 days after receipt of a complete, acceptable
application that meets all criteria and requirements of Section 870.204 of
this Part, the Agency shall submit written approval of the application to
the applicant. If the Agency needs an extension of time beyond the 90
days, it will notify the applicant of such extension in writing. The
application shall not be deemed automatically approved if the Agency
fails to notify the applicant of approval or disapproval within 90 days
after receipt. The Agency will approve the application only if it satisfies
the terms, conditions, and limitations of Section 870.204 and relevant
statutes and program regulations; and if achievement of the proposed
outputs is feasible, considering the applicant's existing problems, past
performance under previous grants, program authority, organization,
availability of local share resources, and proposed methodologies for
accomplishing outputs.
b) Disapproval. For applications that are not approved, the Agency's
review shall include written comments necessary to revise the application
to develop a complete, acceptable application that meets all criteria and
requirements pursuant to Section 870.204 of this Part. If the application
cannot be approved, the Agency will negotiate with the applicant to
change the output commitments, to reduce the assistance amount, or to
make any other changes necessary for approval. If negotiation fails, the
Agency will disapprove the application in writing.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.206 Grant Award and Acceptance
a) Where the Agency has approved an application, the Agency shall so
notify the applicant in writing. The grant award notification shall
include the following:
1) All conditions of the grant, including:
A) Criteria and procedures for determining allowable costs;
B) The proportion of allowable costs that the State will pay
under the grant (the " State share");
C) The grant payment schedule;
D) Requirements applicable to access, auditing, reporting and
records; and
E) Requirements applicable to contractors and the grantee.
2) Grounds and procedures for action by the Agency in the event of
noncompliance with these rules or any grant conditions.
b) Within 45 days after receipt of a grant award notification under this
Section, the grantee shall notify the Agency in writing of its acceptance
by submitting the grant agreement with appropriate signatures to the
Agency. Failure to submit the notice of acceptance required by the grant
offer during this period may result in:
1) Withholding of the grant award;
2) Termination of the grant award; or
3) Such other action as the Agency may be authorized to take.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.207 Grantee Responsibilities
The recipient of a Phase I, Phase II, or a Phase I and II grant shall develop draft and
final documents in accordance with the approved grant agreement's budget, scope of
work, and schedule. Grantees shall submit draft sections of their documents and
reports to the Agency for review and comment. Agency input shall be provided in
response to these draft sections in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days from receipt
of outputs. The Agency shall make recommendations on the draft and final documents
to ensure compliance with provisions of the grant award and to ensure production of an
acceptable document. Grantees shall make revisions in response to Agency
recommendations in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days from receipt of Agency
comments. Failure to develop and submit draft and final documents in accordance with
the approved grant agreement's budget, scope of work, and schedule may subject the
grantee to the noncompliance provisions in Section 870.210 of this Part.
a) Grantees shall collect and compile data as required by Section
870.204(b)(3) of this Part. Data collection methods shall be the most
statistically accurate and economical within the scope of the grant award,
and may include, but not be limited to, surveys, literature reviews, waste
characterization studies, and weighing and sorting projects. Grantees
shall make good faith efforts to collect and compile the most accurate
and comprehensive data possible. Grantees are responsible for the
reliability and verification of data presented in their documents.
b) Grantees shall develop projections for data as required by Section
870.204(b)(4) of this Part. Information used to develop these
projections shall include municipal waste generation data on a per capita
basis and population and employment data. Any assumptions used to
develop these projections shall be included and a single projection shall
be selected for the required information.
c) Grantees shall develop final documents for Phase I, Phase II, Phase I
and II or Phase III MWP grants. These shall adequately address the
applicable requirements of Section 870.204(b), (c) or (d) of this Part, the
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act, the Local Solid Waste Disposal
Act, and any other applicable legislation. The Agency will approve final
documents and make final payments only after the requirements of
Section 870.204(b), (c) or (d) of this Part, as applicable, have been
addressed to the Agency's satisfaction and revisions have been made in
response to the Agency's comments.
d) Upon receipt of the grant, grantees shall identify a project manager to
oversee the administration of the grant. The project manager shall be an
employee of the grantee and shall not be a contractor hired by the
grantee. The project manager shall act as the primary contact between
the grantee and the Agency and shall have direct responsibility for
project administration and completion. In the case of a multi-county
regional planning grant, the counties shall designate a project manager to
administer the grant on their behalf. This project manager shall maintain
regular correspondence with each county and act as the liaison between
the grantee and the Agency. The grantee shall notify the Agency in a
timely manner of any changes in the project manager's status relative to
the project.
Project managers shall oversee contractors hired by the grantee to
complete the project. Project managers shall submit correspondence,
reports and drafts, and requests for payment and subcontractor progress
reports to the Agency on behalf of the grantee as well as any other
materials required by the Agency, during the course of the project.
e) Grantees shall submit outputs committed to under each program element
in accordance with the schedule presented in the grant agreement. The
Agency may issue no-cost time extensions to grantees to allow for
further time to complete the requirements of the grant agreement.
Extensions shall not exceed one calendar year from the scheduled
completion date in the original grant agreement. These shall be
approved only if each of the following is met:
1) Agency evaluation of the grantee's performance and progress
toward completing the outputs in the approved work program
indicates that a good faith effort has been made;
2) The grantee has submitted outputs on a quarterly basis, or in
accordance with the schedule in the approved grant agreement;
3) The grantee has submitted requests for payment and progress
reports in accordance with the schedule included in the grant
agreement; and
4) The grantee submits a revised schedule for completing the
remaining requirements of the grant agreement.
f) The Agency will oversee each grantee's performance under the grant
agreement. The Agency will evaluate grantee performance and progress
toward completing the outputs in the approved work program according
to the schedule in the grant agreement. The grantee shall submit outputs
to the Agency on a quarterly basis or in accordance with the schedule in
the approved grant agreement. The Agency will review grantee outputs
for compliance with the grant agreement and provide comments to the
grantee in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days from receipt of the
outputs. Grantees shall make revisions to draft documents in accordance
with Agency comments before preparation of the final documents. If the
evaluation reveals that the recipient is not achieving the conditions of the
grant agreement to the Agency's satisfaction, the Agency will attempt to
resolve the situation through negotiations. If agreement is not reached,
the Agency may impose sanctions as set forth in Section 870.210 of this
g) Each Phase I, Phase II, Phase I and II or Phase III MWP grantee shall
notify the Agency in writing when it has completed 50 percent of the
work to be performed under the grant agreement. Upon receipt of the
notification, the Agency shall schedule a meeting with the grantee to
discuss the progress in meeting the requirements of the grant agreement
and to determine whether the grantee will meet the requirements of the
grant agreement in a timely manner.
h) Under Phase I, Phase II, or Phase I and II MWP Grants final documents
shall be sent to the Agency in a finished and printed form, with five
copies, by the date set forth in the grant agreement. Each Phase I final
report shall provide the information obtained, as specified in Section
870.204(b) of this Part. Each Phase II final report shall provide the
information required as specified in Section 870.204(c) of this Part,
including all conclusions, recommendations and demonstrations called
for under the approved application. The Agency will review Phase I and
Phase II documents and make appropriate recommendations to ensure
these meet the requirements of the grant agreement.
i) Appropriate and relevant Phase III outputs, as defined in the grant
agreement, shall be submitted to the Agency in accordance with the
schedule in the grant agreement. The Agency will review Phase III
documents and make appropriate recommendations to ensure these meet
the requirements of the grant agreement. All design work related to
facilities needing permits shall be prepared by, or under the supervision
of, a Licensed Professional Engineer. The Licensed Professional
Engineer shall affix the engineer's name, date of preparation,
registration number, a statement attesting to the accuracy of the
information and design, and a professional seal to all designs.
(Source: Section repealed, new Section added at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August
3, 1995)
Section 870.208 Supplemental SWP Grants (Repealed)
(Source: Repealed at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.209 Grant Payment Schedule
a) Requests for partial or final payment shall be sent by the grantee to the
Agency and shall demonstrate the performance of work in accordance
with the terms of the grant agreement. Requests shall be made
according to the grant payment schedule. The Agency shall not make
payment for requests for payment that are submitted by a grantee more
than 12 months after the eligible grant expenses have been incurred. In
addition, grantees shall submit grantee progress reports, on forms
prescribed and provided by the Agency, in accordance with the grant
b) With the exception of indirect costs (as defined in Section 871.Appendix
B of this Part) all grant costs must be directly identified as grant-related.
To be directly identifiable and eligible for grant reimbursement,
expenses must be documentable and traceable to the grant and submitted
on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency, in accordance with the
Agency's instructions. Accurate documentation must be submitted by
the grantee with the request for payment in accordance with the payment
schedule in the grant agreement. If accurate documentation for all grant
expenses cannot be provided by the grantee, reimbursement shall not be
c) The grantee shall be paid the State share of allowable costs incurred
within the scope of an approved project not to exceed the total grant,
subject to the limitations of the conditions of the grant. Such payments
must be in accordance with the payment schedule and the grant amount
set forth in the grant agreement. Where the Agency has issued a Phase I
and II MWP Grant, the Agency will not make payment for Phase II
work items until all Phase I work items have been completed in
accordance with the terms of the grant agreement.
1) Requests for payment
The grantee shall submit requests for payments and progress
reports to the Agency for allowable costs incurred in accordance
with the payment schedule set forth in the grant agreement. The
grantee shall include an accounting of all eligible grant expenses
to the Agency with the requests for payment. Subject to the
availability of appropriated funding, the Agency shall cause
payment to be disbursed to the grantee upon receipt of accurate
documentation with the request for payment. Such funds shall be
disbursed so that the total amount of State payments made to the
grantee for the project is equal to the State share of the actual or
estimated allowable project costs incurred to date, as certified by
the grantee in its most recent request for payment. Failure to
submit requests for payments and progress reports in accordance
with the payment schedule set forth in the grant agreement may
subject the grantee to the noncompliance provisions of Section
870.210 of this Part.
2) Adjustment
At any time or times prior to final payment under the grant, the
Agency may cause any request(s) for payment to be reviewed or
audited by the Agency. Each subsequent payment shall be
subject to reduction for amounts included in the related request
for payment which are found, on the basis of such review or
audit not to constitute allowable costs. Any payment will be
reduced for overpayments or increased for underpayments on
preceding requests for payment.
3) Refunds, rebates, credits, etc.
The State share of any refunds, rebates, credits, or other amounts
(including any interest thereon) accruing to or received by the
grantee with respect to the project, to the extent that they are
properly allocable to costs for which the grantee has been paid
under a grant, must be paid to the State of Illinois Solid Waste
Management Fund. Reasonable expenses incurred by the grantee
for the purposes of securing such refunds, rebates, credits, or
other amounts shall be allowable costs under the grant.
4) Final payment
The Agency will retain ten percent of all documented costs and
will not issue payment for the retained amount until compliance
with all applicable requirements of the grant has been
demonstrated by the grantee. Upon compliance by the grantee
with all applicable requirements of the grant, the Agency shall
cause to be disbursed to the grantee any balance of approved
allowable project costs which has not been paid to the grantee.
Prior to final payment under the grant, the grantee must execute
and deliver an unconditional assignment to the Agency, on forms
prescribed and provided by the Agency, of the State share of
refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts (including any interest
thereon) properly allocable to costs for which the grantee has
been paid by the State under the grant, and a release discharging
the State of Illinois, its officers, agents, and employees from all
liabilities, obligations, and claims arising out of the project work
or under the grant. Exceptions to such release shall be allowed
only where the grantee is powerless as a matter of law, or
precluded by litigation, from conveying such an unconditional
5) Schedule of payment
Payments for eligible grant expenses will be paid by the Agency
in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in the grant
agreement, subject to appropriation of funds by the Illinois
General Assembly. Failure to submit requests for payment and
grantee progress reports in accordance with the schedule in the
grant agreement may subject the grantee to the noncompliance
provisions in Section 870.210 of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.210 Noncompliance with Grant Conditions
a) In addition to such other remedies as may be provided by law, in the
event of noncompliance with any condition imposed pursuant to a MWP
1) The grant may be annulled and all grant funds recovered;
2) The grant may be terminated;
3) The project work may be suspended;
4) An injunction may be entered by an appropriate court; or
5) Such other action as the Agency may be authorized to take.
b) No action shall be taken under this Section without prior consultation
with the grantee.
c) Recovery actions taken under this Section shall be pursuant to the Illinois
Grant Funds Recovery Act [30 ILCS 705].
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.211 Indemnity
The grantee shall assume the entire risk, responsibility and liability for any and all loss
or damage to property owned by the grantee, the Agency or third persons, and any
injury to or death of any persons (including employees of the grantee) caused by,
arising out of, or occurring in connection with the execution of any work, contract or
subcontract arising out of this grant, and the grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and
defend the State of Illinois and the Agency from all claims for any such loss, damage,
injury or death whether caused by the negligence of the State of Illinois, the Agency,
their agents or employees or otherwise consistent with the provisions of the
Construction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act [740 ILCS 35]. The grantee
shall require that any and all contractors or subcontractors engaged by the grantee shall
agree in writing that they shall look solely to the grantee for performance of such
contract or satisfaction of any and all claims arising thereunder.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.212 Guidance for Planning (Repealed)
(Source: Repealed at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.301 Grant Assistance Availability
a) Subject to the availability of funding and the limitation and requirements
set forth in this Part, grant assistance is available to units of local
government that have entered into written delegation agreements with the
Agency pursuant to Section 4(r) of the Act under which the Agency has
delegated all or portions of its inspecting, investigating and enforcement
functions at nonhazardous solid waste or municipal waste disposal sites.
b) The State share for total eligible costs for SMWE Grants shall not
exceed 70 percent.
c) SMWE Grants shall be issued with budget periods which shall be
concurrent with the state fiscal year. SMWE Grants may be issued in
subsequent fiscal years subject to funding availability and the
requirements of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.302 Assistance Amount
a) In determining the amount of assistance to an applicant, the Agency will
evaluate the extent to which the applicant's work program is
demonstrated to be necessary and appropriate and the anticipated cost of
the applicant's program is proportionate to the proposed outputs.
b) If the Agency's evaluation of the applicant's work program indicates that
the proposed outputs do not justify the level of funding requested, the
Agency will reduce the assistance amount.
c) No SMWE grant issued under this Subpart may provide financial
assistance in excess of $100,000.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.303 Required Content of Applications for SMWE Grants
a) SMWE Grants will not be awarded unless complete, acceptable
applications are submitted in accordance with the requirements of this
Section. Forms and instructions for applying for grant funding will be
made available to all eligible units of local government by the Agency.
b) A complete, acceptable application for a SMWE Grant shall address the
1) The geographic area to be encompassed by the grant.
2) The status of a written delegation agreement pursuant to Section
4(r) of the Act.
A) Applicants with a current delegation agreement shall
provide the following:
i) The level of resources to which the applicant is
currently committed;
ii) The current annual number of inspections being
conducted; and
iii) A description of the applicant's capabilities to
conduct the local enforcement program, along with
a discussion of the process to be used to implement
administrative citation authority.
B) Applicants with no delegation agreement shall initiate a
discussion of negotiation for a delegation agreement with
the Agency.
3) The work program to be carried out under the grant. The work
program shall include:
A) A brief narrative on the local nonhazardous solid or
municipal waste management system to be subject to the
enforcement program. This shall encompass information
based on the Agency's Division of Land Pollution
Control, Field Operations Section data on the current
annual number of inspections being conducted by the
Agency or the applicant;
B) The number of currently permitted nonhazardous solid or
municipal waste disposal sites to be subject to local
C) An inspection schedule including the number and
frequency of activities for:
i) Permitted nonhazardous solid or municipal waste
landfills and transfer stations;
ii) Permitted landscape waste composting facilities;
iii) Closed and covered nonhazardous solid or
municipal waste landfills; and
iv) Open dump investigations, including follow-up
D) A description of a training program for assigned staff,
developed in conjunction with Agency staff;
E) A description of equipment requirements needed to
implement the local nonhazardous solid waste or
municipal waste enforcement program;
F) Coordination procedures to be used between the applicant
and Agency staff related to inspection protocol and
response times;
G) Establishment of open dump investigation procedures and
response times;
H) Methods for assessing compliance with recordkeeping and
payment procedures related to the solid waste tipping fee
at permitted landfills; and
I) A description of the total number of activities to be
conducted under the grant. At least 100 activities should
be conducted by each full-time inspector on an annual
basis. Agency staff will provide assistance in developing
the local enforcement program schedule, scope of work,
and budget.
4) Cost justifications for the amount requested including a budget,
submitted on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency, for
the expenses to be incurred. With the exception of indirect costs
(as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 871.Appendix B), all costs must
be directly identified as grant-related. To be directly identifiable
and eligible for grant reimbursement, expenses must be
documentable and traceable to the grant. The budget, which
shall be submitted to the Agency on forms prescribed and
provided by the Agency, shall include at a minimum:
A) Demonstration through an ordinance or resolution of the
source of funds for the local share.
B) Direct labor costs, which shall be itemized as follows:
i) Direct personnel;
ii) In-kind contributions; and
iii) Fringe benefits.
C) Indirect costs, as defined and described in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 871.Appendix B.
D) Other direct costs, which shall include:
i) Travel;
ii) Equipment;
iii) Supplies;
iv) Postage;
v) Advertising;
vi) Computer charges;
vii) Telecommunications;
viii) Office lease and utility costs;
ix) Vehicle charges;
x) Printing; and
xi) Training and conference registration.
E) Subagreements.
F) Total estimated cost.
G) Source of funds by budget category.
H) Allocation of funds by State fiscal year.
I) Local contributions.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.304 Agency Action on Application
Within 90 days after receipt, the Agency will review each application and may
approveeach complete, acceptable application that meets all criteria and requirements
pursuant to Section 870.303 of this Part, or disapprove each application that does not
meet all criteria and requirements pursuant to Section 870.303 of this Part. When
funds are available, the Agency will award assistance to an approved application. For
a continuation award made after the beginning of the approved budget period, the
Agency will reimburse the applicant for allowable costs incurred from the beginning of
the budget period, provided that such costs are contained in the approved application
and that the application was submitted before the expiration of the prior budget period
a) Approval. Within 90 days after receipt of a complete, acceptable
application that meets all criteria and requirements of Section 870.303 of
this Part, the Agency shall submit written approval of the application to
the applicant. If the Agency needs an extension of time beyond 90 days,
it will notify the applicant of such extension in writing. The application
shall not be deemed automatically approved if the Agency fails to notify
the applicant of approval or disapproval within 90 days after receipt.
The Agency will approve the application only if it satisfies the terms,
conditions, and limitations of Section 870.303 and relevant statutes and
program regulations; and if achievement of the proposed outputs is
feasible, considering the applicant's existing problems, past performance
under previous grants, program authority, organization, availability of
local share resources, and proposed methodologies for accomplishing
b) Disapproval. For applications that are not approved, the Agency's
review shall include written comments necessary to revise the application
to develop a complete, acceptable application that meets all criteria and
requirements pursuant to Section 870.303 of this Part. If the application
cannot be approved, the Agency will negotiate with the applicant to
change the output commitments, to reduce the assistance amount, or to
make any other changes necessary for approval. If negotiation fails, the
Agency will disapprove the application in writing.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.305 Grant Award and Acceptance
a) When the Agency has approved an application, the Agency shall notify
the applicant in writing. The grant award notification shall include the
1) All conditions of the grant, including:
A) Criteria and procedures for determining allowable costs;
B) The proportion of allowable costs for which the State will
pay under the grant (the " State share");
C) The grant payment schedule;
D) Requirements applicable to access, auditing, reporting and
records; and
E) Requirements applicable to subagreements and employees
of the grantee.
2) Grounds and procedures for action by the Agency in the event of
noncompliance with these rules or any grant conditions.
b) Within 30 days of receipt of the grant award notification under this
Section, the grantee shall notify the Agency in writing of its acceptance
by submitting the grant agreement, with appropriate signatures, to the
Agency. Failure to submit the notice of acceptance required by the grant
may result in:
1) Withholding of the grant award;
2) Termination of the grant award; or
3) Such other action as the Agency may be authorized to take.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.306 Evaluation of Performance
The Agency will oversee each recipient's performance under an enforcement grant.
The Agency will evaluate grantee performance and progress toward completing the
outputs in the approved work program according to the schedule. If the evaluation
reveals that the grantee is not achieving one or more of the conditions of the assistance
agreement, the Agency will attempt to resolve the situation through negotiation. If
agreement is not reached, the Agency may impose any of the sanctions in Section
870.309 of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.307 Supplemental SWE Grants (Repealed)
(Source: Repealed at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.308 Grant Payment Schedule
a) Request for partial or final payment shall be sent to the Agency and shall
demonstrate the performance of work in accordance with the terms of
the grant agreement. Requests shall be made according to the grant
payment schedule. In addition, grantees shall submit grantee progress
reports, on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency, in accordance
with the grant agreement.
b) With the exception of indirect costs (as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
871.Appendix B), all grant costs must be directly identified as grant
related. To be directly identifiable and eligible for grant reimbursement,
expenses must be documentable and traceable to the grant. Accurate
documentation, on forms prescribed and provided by the Agency, must
be provided by the grantee in accordance with the schedule for payment
in the grant agreement for all grant expenses. If accurate documentation
for all grant expenses cannot be provided by the grantee, reimbursement
shall not be made.
c) The grantee shall be paid the State share of allowable costs incurred
within the scope of an approved project not to exceed the total grant,
subject to the limitations of the conditions of the grant. Such payments
must be in accordance with the payment schedule and the grant amount
set forth in the grant agreement.
1) Request for Payment The grantee shall submit requests for
payment and progress reports to the Agency for allowable costs
incurred in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in the
grant agreement. The grantee shall include an accounting of all
eligible grant expenses to the Agency with the requests for
payment. Subject to the availability of appropriated funding, the
Agency shall cause payment to be disbursed to the grantee upon
receipt of accurate documentation with the request for payment.
Such funds shall be disbursed so that the total amount of State
payments made to the grantee for the project is equal to the State
share of the actual or estimated allowable project costs incurred
to date, as certified by the grantee in its most recent request for
2) Adjustment At any time or times prior to final payment under the
grant, the Agency may cause any request(s) for payment to be
reviewed or audited by the Agency. Each subsequent payment
shall be subject to reduction for amounts included in the related
request for payment which are found, on the basis of such review
or audit, not to constitute allowable costs. Any payment will be
reduced for overpayments or increased for underpayments on
preceding requests for payment.
3) Refunds, rebates, credits, etc. The State share of any refunds,
rebates, credits, or other amounts (including any interest thereon)
accruing to or received by the grantee with respect to the project,
to the extent that they are properly allocable costs for which the
grantee has been paid under a grant, must be paid to the State of
Illinois Solid Waste Management Fund. Reasonable expenses
incurred by the grantee for the purposes of securing such funds,
rebates, credits, or other amounts shall be allowable costs under
the grant.
4) Schedule of payment Payments for eligible grant expenses will be
paid by the Agency in accordance with the payment schedule set
forth in the grant agreement subject to appropriation of funds by
the Illinois General Assembly. Failure to submit requests for
payment and progress reports in accordance with the schedule in
the grant agreement may subject the grantee to the noncompliance
provisions in Section 870.309 of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.309 Noncompliance with Grant Conditions
a) In addition to such other remedies as may be provided by law, in the
event of noncompliance with any condition imposed pursuant to a
SMWE grant:
1) The grant may be annulled and all grant funds recovered;
2) The grant may be terminated;
3) The project work may be suspended;
4) An injunction may be entered by an appropriate court; or
5) Such other action as the Agency may be authorized to take.
b) No action shall be taken under this Section without prior consultation
with the applicant.
c) Recovery actions taken under this Section shall be pursuant to the Illinois
Grant Funds Recovery Act [30 ILCS 705].
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)
Section 870.310 Indemnity
The grantee shall assume the entire risk, responsibility and liability for any and all loss
or damage to property owned by the grantee, the Agency or third persons, and any
injury to or death of any persons (including employees of the grantee) caused by,
arising out of, or occurring in connection with the execution of any work, contract or
subcontract arising out of this grant, and the grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and
defend the State of Illinois and the Agency from all claims for any such loss, damage,
injury or death whether caused by the negligence of the State of Illinois, the Agency,
their agents or employees or otherwise consistent with the provisions of the
Construction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act [740 ILCS 35]. The grantee
shall require that any and all contractors or subcontractors engaged by the grantee shall
agree in writing that they shall look solely to the grantee for performance of such
contract or satisfaction of any and all claims arising thereunder.
(Source: Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11861, effective August 3, 1995)