35 Ill. ADM. CODE 733 ) R98-12
The following is the transcript of a hearing held in
the above-entitled matter, taken
stenographically by Kim
M. Howells, CSR, a notary public within and for the
County of Cook and State of Illinois, before CYNTHIA I.
ERVIN, Hearing Officer, at the James B. Thompson Center,
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 9-040, Chicago, Illinois
on the 15th day of December, 1997,
A.D., commencing at
the hour of 10:00 a.m.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
A P P E A R A N C E S:
600 South Second Street
Suite 402
Springfield Illinois 62704
(217) 524-8509
Ms. Claire A. Manning
Mr. Anand Rao
Ms. Kathleen
Ms. Whitney
Wagner Rosen
Mr. Peter G.
Mr. Christopher P.
There were also other appearances not listed on this
appearance page.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
Testimony of David C.
Jansen......... 49
Testimony of Jerry
Kuhn.............. 51
Testimony of Todd Marvel............. 54
Question and Answer Period........... 61
Testimony of Jennifer
Cawein......... 65
Question and Answer Period........... 75
Testimony of Lawrence Kelly.......... 117
Question and Answer Period........... 122
Testimony of Dale
Duffala............ 135
Closing Remarks...................... 142
Admitted into
Exhibit No. 8........................ 61
Exhibit No. 9........................ 74
Exhibit No. 10....................... 80
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Good morning. My name is
Cynthia Ervin. I'm the hearing officer in this
proceeding originally entitled In The Matter of:
Amendments of 35 Illinois Administrative Code 703, 720,
721, 724, 725, 728, and 733, Standards for Universal
Waste Management.
This is the second hearing in this rulemaking. The
first was held in Springfield on December 9th.
Present today on behalf of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board is a presiding board member in this
rulemaking to my right Chairman -- sorry, to my left
Chairman Claire Manning.
MS. MANNING: Good morning.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Also joining us is Board
Member Kathleen
MS. HENNESSEY: Good morning.
Anand Rao from the --
our technical unit.
As background, on October 17, 1997, the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency filed this proposal for
rulemaking to amend the Board's regulations concerning
standards for universal waste management to include
mercury-containing lamps as a category of universal
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This rulemaking was in response to Public Act 90-502
which changed the designation of fluorescent and
high-intensity discharge lamps from hazardous waste to
universal waste. The legislation also required the board
to adopt the agency's proposal within six months of
receipt of the agency's proposal.
On November 6, 1997, the board accepted the proposal
for hearing and due to the stringent time frames for
adopting the agency's proposal sent this matter to first
notice without commenting on the proposal. The rule
adopted for first notice was published in the Illinois
Register on November 21, 1997.
As noted earlier, the board held a hearing in this
matter on December 9th in Springfield. At this hearing,
the agency provided testimony in support of its
proposal. The purpose of today's hearing is to allow the
agency to present some follow-up testimony based on
questions asked at the hearing and further question the
agency and also to provide anyone else who would like to
testify in this matter an opportunity to do so.
Procedurally, this is how I would like to proceed.
The agency will provide a summary of the testimony
provided in Springfield. They will then provide some
additional testimony based on questions raised at that
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hearing. We will then allow for questioning of the
At this questioning period, I prefer that all persons
with questions raise their hand and wait for me to
acknowledge them. After being acknowledged, please state
your name and organization that you represent, if any.
After this questioning period, anyone else who would like
to testify will be given the opportunity to do so.
This hearing will be governed by the board's
procedural rules for regulatory proceedings. All
information which is relevant and not repetitious or
privileged will be admitted. All witnesses will be sworn
and subject to cross-questioning.
Are there any questions regarding the procedures we
will follow this morning?
Seeing none, I will then ask if Chairman Manning or
Board Member
Hennessey have any additional comments
before we proceed.
MS. MANNING: No. Just welcome you all to this
proceeding, and we hope to proceed expeditiously and
Thank you.
MS. HENNESSEY: Nothing in addition to that.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: At this time, I'll turn to
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the agency.
Mr. Orlinsky, do you want to make an opening
MR. ORLINSKY: No, I have no opening statement.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Would you like to then
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes. We had not prepared to
resummarize our testimony, but if you'd like us to do so,
we can do that.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Why don't you because
there are some people that didn't attend the first
MR. ORLINSKY: Do the witnesses need to be
Will the court reporter please swear in the
(Whereupon the witnesses, David
Jansen, Jerry Kuhn and Todd
Marvel, were sworn by the
Notary Public.)
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
D A V I D C. J A N S E N ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and
saith as follows:
MR. JANSEN: Yes. My name is David
Jansen. I'm
the Springfield Regional Manager for the Bureau of Land
in the Field Operations Section. I wanted to summarize
my testimony before the board.
The proposal before the board does not change existing
definitions of universal waste, small and large quantity
transporters, and destination facilities. It
does not change existing Part 733 universal waste
requirements for small quantity and large quantity
handlers and
transporters of universal waste regarding
disposal and treatment prohibitions, notification,
accumulation time limits, employee training, responses to
releases, off-site shipments, tracking of shipments and
exports. It also does not change the destination
facility requirements.
The proposal defines the applicability of the
standards and provides for specific mercury-containing
lamp waste management and labeling and marketing
standards for small quantity and large quantity
handlers. Under the proposal
transporters and small
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quantity and large quantity handlers will not be allowed
to intentionally crush bulbs. The small quantity
handlers do not need to notify their activities or keep
track of their shipments.
The agency estimates that if approximately 23 million
bulbs are generated in Illinois on an annual basis for
disposal, 1,375 pounds of mercury are being discarded
annually. Reducing the amount of mercury going into
landfills and incinerators, you will reduce the amount of
mercury entering groundwater, surface water, the food
chain, and the air we breathe.
The agency will attempt to reduce the number of
mercury-containing lamps destined for disposal primarily
through the education of generators in the requirements
of the proposal and the promotion of land recycling.
During its routine inspections of generators,
transporters, treaters, storers, and disposers of waste,
the agency will determine if they are in compliance with
the lamp rules in an attempt to obtain their voluntary
compliance. The sites not achieving voluntary compliance
with the rules will be considered for enforcement action
following the procedures of Section 31 of the act.
At this time, no special efforts are planned to
specifically target regulated generators of
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mercury-containing lamps for inspection, compliance and
enforcement action.
Any complaints the agency receives regarding the
generation, transportation, storage, treatment or
disposal of mercury-containing lamps will be investigated
and the necessary follow-up action will be completed.
R Y K U H N ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and
saith as follows:
MR. KUHN: My name s Jerry
Kuhn. I'm the manager
of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act unit within the
Permit Section, Division of Land Pollution Control,
Bureau of Land in the Illinois Environmental Protection
My comments today will address the characteristic of
spent mercury-containing lamps that render them hazardous
waste and discuss the reasons for prohibiting the
intentional crushing or breaking of the lamps by
Many commonly used lights contain small amounts of
mercury. Such lights include fluorescent, high pressure
sodium, mercury vapor, and metal halide lights. Used
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mercury-containing lights may be a RCRA hazardous waste
if the material exhibits the characteristic of toxicity.
Toxicity is one of the four characteristics used to
identify waste as hazardous along with
corrosivity, and reactivity.
The Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, TCLP
test, is used to define the toxicity of a waste. Mercury
is a well-known toxin that primarily affects the central
nervous system and kidneys. If, when using the TCLP, the
extract from a representative sample of waste contains
mercury at a concentration greater than or equal to the
maximum contaminant concentration of point parts per
million, the waste would be hazardous waste.
According to the U.S. EPA, past testing of used
fluorescent lamps showed that a high percentage of the
lamps tested exhibited toxicity characteristic for
Generators of used mercury-containing lights are
responsible for determining if their lighting wastes are
hazardous. If the lighting wastes have not been tested
to show that they are not hazardous or if the generator
doesn't have other supporting data such as manufacturer's
information, then the generator should assume the lights
are hazardous and manage them as a hazardous waste.
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Also, the proposed regulations prohibit the
intentional crushing for breaking of used
mercury-containing lamps by small and large quantity
handlers and
transporters. They do not prohibit
destination facilities, however, from crushing or
breaking lamps.
In the U.S. EPA report, Mercury Emissions from the
Disposal of Fluorescent Lamps, it was concluded that a
large amount of the total mercury released to the
environment would be as a result of breakage of the lamps
during handling and transportation to the disposal and/or
recycling facility.
Drum top crushing is a treatment technology providing
volume reduction by crushing lamps before transport.
Estimates of the control efficiency provided by these
devices vary from zero percent to about 90 percent for
the more complex devices. Operational difficulties have
been reported, however, including leaks at the seal
between the drum and crusher, resulting in violations of
the OSHA mercury standards.
The report recommends that procedures be established
to minimize emissions during transport and/or processing;
i.e., crushing of used mercury-containing lamps.
The agency believes that limiting the intentional
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crushing and breakage of lamps to the destination
facility only is the most appropriate way to address this
issue. Destination facilities are subject to full RCRA
permitting requirements, and all would be required to
have the appropriate equipment, expertise, safety
measures, and the ability to respond to and contain
D M A R V E L ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and
saith as follows:
MR. MARVEL: My name is Todd Marvel. I'm the RCRA
coordinator -- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
coordinator and the U.S. EPA liaison for the Bureau of
Land, and I've also recently been named the acting
assistant manager of the field operations section within
the Bureau of Land.
My today -- my testimony summary today will cover the
federal rulemaking and RCRA authorization issues as they
relate to mercury-containing lamps as part of the
Universal Waste Rule.
On February 11th of 1993, U.S. EPA proposed a
Universal Waste Rule with new streamlined hazardous waste
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
management regulations governing the collection and
management of certain widely generated hazardous wastes
known as universal waste.
On May 11th of 1995, U.S. EPA promulgated a final
Universal Waste Rule very similar to the proposed rule.
In between those two dates, U.S. EPA published a proposed
rule specifically addressing the regulations for
fluorescent lamp management.
Two options for changing the regulations were
proposed. The first option was a conditional exemption
from regulation as a hazardous waste. The second option
was to add fluorescent lamps to the Universal Waste
In the proposed Universal Waste Rule, U.S. EPA
originally had fluorescent lamps as part of the rule.
However, prior to the proposal, fluorescent lamps and
high-intensity discharge lamps were removed from the rule
because they felt that further investigation of the risk
posed by mercury-containing lamps was needed.
To date no further action has been taken to
specifically address the regulation of mercury-containing
lamps under RCRA. However, on June 30th of 1997, U.S.
EPA published a study entitled Mercury Emissions from the
Disposal of Fluorescent Lamps, Final Report. This report
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
is further discussed in Mr.
Kuhn's testimony.
During the Illinois Pollution Control Board's rules
adoption process for the Universal Waste Rule, they
stated that they could not add a hazardous waste to the
Universal Waste Rule until U.S. EPA authorized the
Illinois universal waste regulations. In response to
that order, the agency submitted Authorization Revision
Application No. 7 to the U.S. EPA. This application
contained the Universal Waste Rule.
No action to date has been taken on that application,
although the Waste Pesticides and
Toxics Division of U.S.
EPA Region 5 has reviewed the application and indicated
that the application is complete and ready for approval.
The application -- excuse me. The approval has not
been published in the Federal Register due to several
enforcement-related issues involving statutory revisions
in Illinois over the last several years.
This rulemaking is submitted in response to Public Act
90-502. The Universal Waste Rule with mercury-containing
lamps in the rule is less stringent than the federal RCRA
regulations and could be considered inconsistent with the
federal program.
However, several states' frustration with the lack of
regulatory action by U.S. EPA has prompted the addition
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of mercury-containing lamps to their Universal Waste
Rules. U.S. EPA has not and has stated that they will
not take action against those states.
Currently, there are 14 states that have
mercury-containing lamps as part of their Universal Waste
Rule. Six of those states are listed in the attachment
to my testimony, and those are the six that we have
copies of the regulations for.
On February 13th of 1997, U.S. EPA published a
universal waste rule Questions and Answer Document. This
document was authored by Mike
Shapiro, the director of
the Office of Solid Waste. In the first question under
that document, there's a question as to whether or not
states can add waste to the Universal Waste Rule prior to
obtaining authorization, and the answer specifically
states that states can add a hazardous waste to the
Universal Waste Rule prior to authorization provided that
the waste meets three criteria identified in the
Universal Waste Rule.
The agency believes that mercury-containing lamps do
meet those three criteria and that that is the
appropriate regulatory proposal for mercury-containing
lamps. The agency has notified U.S. EPA of this action
and provided them with a copy of our proposed rule.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MR. ORLINSKY: That concludes our summarized
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: There were also some
additional matters that were raised at the previous
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes. There were a few questions we
told you that we would get back to you on. One had to do
with the consistency of the proposed regulation to the
handlers in the act as promulgated by the legislature.
Mr. Kuhn has a statement on that.
MR. KUHN: House Bill 2164, Minute Section 22.238
of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act designated
waste fluorescent bulbs and high intensity discharge
lamps as universal waste.
Section 22.238 includes a definition of fluorescent or
HID lamps as a lighting device that contains mercury and
generates light through the discharge of electricity.
The definition provided in the agency proposal for
addition to the Universal Waste Rule is for a
mercury-containing lamp, which means an electric lamp in
which mercury is purposely introduced by the
Now, both definitions include examples of these types
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of lights. In Section 22.238 of the act, examples are
mercury vapor, high pressure sodium, or metal halite
lamps. In the Universal Waste Rule, the examples
provided for mercury-containing lamps are fluorescent in
So in summary, in fact, both definitions are
equivalent since both definitions include the universal
lamps that contain mercury. So they're equal even though
they go about different ways to define them.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Do you want to --
Mr. Orlinsky, would you like to proceed with all the
testimony on these additional matters, then we'll do
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes. The other question, as I
recall, had to do with the economics of the proposal, and
Mr. Jansen will address that.
MR. JANSEN: The agency believes that the proposed
regulations will reduce the regulatory burdens and
accompanying costs on handlers and mercury-containing
lamps in the state of Illinois.
The costs associated with managing the lamps in
accordance with RCRA hazardous waste regulations are
larger than most associated with handling them under the
universal waste regulations. This is because of less of
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
record keeping management.
In addition, the Illinois EPA believes the Illinois
legislature considered the positive economic effects in
directing that mercury-containing lamps be added to the
Universal Waste Rules.
MR. ORLINSKY: That's their testimony.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: I think there was an
exhibit that you also were going to introduce.
MR. PERZAN: Yeah. I'm Chris
Perzan, co-counsel
for the agency.
There was an exhibit that we offered, I think it was
Exhibit 7, at the last hearing. It was a portion of a
document entitled Universal Waste Questions and Answers
Document from the U.S. EPA. The date is February 13,
1997. The board requested that we offer into evidence
the entire document, and we have that here today. I'd
like to offer that.
Are there any objection to the admittance of this
document? Seeing none, the Universal Waste Questions and
Answers Document of the United States Environmental
Protection Agency will be admitted as Exhibit No. 8.
(Whereupon, Exhibit No. 8 is
admitted into evidence.)
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
Orlinsky, do you have
anything further at this time?
MR. ORLINSKY: No, we do not.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Okay. Seeing none, we
will now proceed with the questions for the agency's
Does the board have any additional questions?
MS. MANNING: I just -- I just wanted to -- there
was a question we had at the last hearing as well about
the statement that, I think, Mr. Marvel made about the
enforcement activities and the U.S. EPA not acting yet on
the -- the request, the No. 7 request that was given, and
the idea was that there was some sort of enforcement
activity concern that they had, and I had asked whether
the U.S. EPA's concerns to the agency were ever indicated
in writing, and I was wondering if you had an answer for
me on the record, Mr.
Orlinsky, to that question.
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes. I've talked to Renee
who's our associate director who had been dealing with
U.S. EPA on this matter. She said she has not seen
anything in writing from the U.S. EPA. At this point,
it's just a matter of hearsay.
MS. MANNING: Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Does the board have any
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
other questions?
We'll open it up then. Is there anyone in the
audience that has questions for the agency at this time?
MR. BERNSTEIN: My name is Gene
Bernstein, and I
entered an appearance in this proceeding on behalf of
Edison and Company.
I'd like to direct just a couple of questions, if I
may to, Mr.
Kuhn or whoever the agency prefers to answer
the question, but I think the questions relate to the
subject that he addressed in his testimony.
Did the agency model the language that it incorporated
in the regulation that prohibits crushing on language
that it found in the regulations in any of the other
states whose regulations were examined?
MR. KUHN: Not that I'm aware of.
MR. BERNSTEIN: Did you find prohibition on
crushing of mercury-containing lamps in the regulation in
any of the other states?
MR. KUHN: Not a prohibition that is as direct as
what ours is.
Kuhn, what do you mean
"not as direct"?
MR. KUHN: Well, our language specifically
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prohibits, and I believe many of the states that prohibit
it, prohibit it through not allowing treatment of
universal waste, and crushing of a lamp would be
MR. BERNSTEIN: Excuse me. Can I ask you to
repeat the last few words? What did you say about
crushing and treatment? I couldn't hear the words.
MR. KUHN: Okay. Crushing would be volume
reduction, which if you look at the definition of
treatment in RCRA, it would fall under that definition.
MR. BERNSTEIN: Are you familiar with the EPA
interpretation that crushing of lamps that are destined
for recycling is not regarded as treatment?
MR. KUHN: No, I'm not aware.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Any other questions for
the agency at this time? Seeing none, is there anyone
else who would like to testify today?
The agency, you can be excused.
MS. ROSEN: My name is Whitney
Rosen. I'm with
the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group, and with me
today is Jennifer
Cawein who is going to be offering
testimony on behalf of Commonwealth
Edison and IERG.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: If you can step forward.
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(Brief pause.)
MS. ROSEN: Just before we begin, we have made
copies of Jennifer's testimony available. They are on
the back table. She will be reading the document into
the record, and then we will move to admit it as an
exhibit. I believe we discussed that that would be the
most appropriate way to handle it.
Rosen, do you have an
opening statement you'd like to make?
MS. ROSEN: I believe we're okay. I've already
introduced myself for the record and Gene
Bernstein and
Cawein, and, as I said, Jennifer's testimony is
on behalf of Commonwealth
Edison and IERG. IERG is a
trade association of approximately 59 companies that are
members of industry within the state, I guess is a fairly
general description.
A number of our members have issues with the lamps
that could be managed as universal waste lamps pursuant
to the regulations, and we're interested in this issue.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Okay. Would the court
reporter please swear in the witness?
(Witness sworn.)
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
N I F E R C A W E I N ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and
saith as follows:
MS. CAWEIN: Good morning. My name is Jennifer
Cawein. I'm an environmental engineer in the Corporate
Environmental Services Department at Commonwealth
Company. For the past four years, I've served as the
company's principal RCRA regulatory expert. My
responsibilities include providing RCRA compliance
guidance to all
ComEd facilities as well as overseeing
ComEd's waste disposal contacts. I also serve on several
Utility Solid Waste Activity Group Committees or USWAG,
an industry group that works closely with the U.S. EPA on
the federal level to promote reasonable regulation of
solid and hazardous wastes.
My educational background includes a bachelor's degree
in chemistry and a master's degree in environmental
engineering both from Northwestern University.
I appreciate being given the opportunity to address
you today on behalf of
ComEd and the Illinois
Environmental Regulatory Group or IERG regarding the
proposed Illinois universal waste standards for the
management of spent mercury-containing lamps.
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As the largest electric utility in Illinois,
generates thousands of spent fluorescent lamps each year
from our over 50 different facilities in northern
Illinois. We also have an extensive program that
provides guidance and assistance to our commercial,
municipal, and industrial customers to help them install
energy-efficient lighting. IERG represents 59 members of
industry with numerous facilities throughout the state,
many of whom will be impacted by this rulemaking.
IERG and
ComEd commend the IEPA and the state of
Illinois for its commitment to develop an alternative
regulatory scheme for mercury-containing lighting wastes
that is more appropriate than the existing highly
prescriptive "one-size-fits-all" approach of RCRA
Subtitle C hazardous waste rules.
But having waited years for some relief, we are
disappointed that IEPA has elected to include a
prohibition against intentional crushing of spent
fluorescent lamps.
While we understand the concern that IEPA has
expressed regarding the integrity of some of today's
crushers, we believe that a blanket prohibition against
crushing is short sighted and unwise. Lamp recycling is
a relatively recent phenomenon, and the technology is
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still evolving. Barring crushing is likely to preclude
the introduction in Illinois of important improvements in
lamp recycling technology.
It would unnecessarily inflate the cost of recycling
and place Illinois businesses who wish to recycle at a
disadvantage relative to their counterparts in other
In short, it may seriously undermine attempts to
increase lamp recycling and mercury recovery in the state
of Illinois. We were aware of no other state that has
imposed such a prohibition.
At the outset, we should note that crushing is not
widely utilized in Illinois.
ComEd, for example, crushes
fewer than one percent of its generated lamps, all in a
highly controlled environment. We are, however, aware of
several trends in the mercury recovery and recycling
industry including the development of new and improved
crushers that are expected to significantly drive down
the cost of lamp recycling and mercury recovery. Cost
reduction, we believe, will be the primary factor in
capturing more lamps for mercury recovery, and we should
encourage the use in Illinois of new technology that may
eventually result in more recycling.
It's important for the board to understand that only a
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small fraction of discarded mercury-containing lamps will
be directly affected by this rulemaking because most
lamps are generated by Conditionally Exempt Small
Quantity Generators or
CESQGs. CESQGs are currently
exempt from most RCRA Subtitle C requirements. They will
also be exempt from the universal waste standards and
The U.S. EPA recognizes that monthly generation of
about 350 four-foot lamps would be necessary to exceed
the 100 kilogram per month threshold for Conditionally
Exempt Small Quantity Generators which is roughly 4,200
lamps discarded per year.
After analyzing commercial floor space and lamp
density, the U.S. EPA concludes that less than 20 percent
of commercial buildings are large enough to exceed this
threshold and that 80 to 90 percent of discarded lamps
fall into the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity
Generator or Subtitle C status and these estimates come
from the Mercury Emissions from the Disposal of
Fluorescent Lamps final report at 2-23.
A prohibition against crushing under the universal
waste standards will apply only to the regulated 20
percent of discarded lamps. Ironically, the generators
of these lamps, who either generate large quantities or
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generate other hazardous wastes, will tend to be those
that are the most
knowledgable about potential problems
with crushers.
These larger and more aware generators are also the
driving force behind new technology development to lower
mercury recovery and lamp recycling costs, including,
potentially, the creation of new and more protective
ComEd was, in fact, told a few months ago by
one mercury retorting facility that it's in the process
of developing a new crusher that, quote, will satisfy
even ComEd.
IERG and
ComEd agree with IEPA that the new universal
waste standards should result in some increased recycling
by encouraging on-site consolidation of lighting wastes
and by enhancing compliance through increased generator
awareness. The majority of lamps, however, will remain
unregulated and unaffected by this rulemaking.
If Illinois truly wishes to have an impact on mercury
emissions attributable to lamp disposal, it must
encourage mercury recovery and recycling within the
unregulated 80 percent. Thus the prime environmental
benefit of the rule should come from the 80 percent of
used lamps that historically end up as municipal solid
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We firmly believe that most companies, whether or not
it's required, would choose to recycle lamps over
landfilling provided the costs can be brought down to a
comparable level. Therefore, Illinois must promote
policies to help drive down the cost of recycling.
Unfortunately, a prohibition on crushing would have the
opposite effect, keeping costs high. More importantly, a
crushing prohibition will likely slam the door on
existing -- on certain emerging technologies that are
expected to reduce costs.
The lamp recycling industry is in its infancy. We are
unaware of any
recycler in the Midwest that's more than
five years old, and like any other new industry, it will
likely undergo many transformations as it matures.
Currently, all-inclusive prices for lamp recycling in
northern Illinois range from a low of about 35 cents per
12-foot bulb to a high of about $1.25 per four-foot
bulb. There are two major cost components, the cost
related to the actual processing of the spent lamps and
the cost associated with handling, management, storage,
and transportation of the bulbs.
Disregarding the costs of handling, management, and
storage, the cost associated with transportation can
comprise up to 60 percent of the total recycling cost.
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Because Illinois has done little to promote the
development of the recycling industry within our state,
there are no land
recyclers in Illinois. Consequently,
lamps destined for recycling must be transported to other
states and thus transportation costs can be high.
How can transportation costs be reduced? One way
would be to eliminate transportation entirely by
fostering the development of on-site mobile recycling
units. We are aware of several
recyclers that have
developed the technology to do just that. However,
because a mobile unit would require intentional crushing,
a crushing prohibition will discourage the development of
this option.
Another way to reduce transportation costs is to
transport more lamps per trip. Including lamps as a
category of universal waste, it is, in fact, expected to
lower the cost of transportation slightly by allowing
generators to build up larger quantities of lamps before
calling for a pick up, thereby reducing the number of
milk runs.
However, space is often at a premium particularly in
and around the city of Chicago, and many facilities
simply will not have enough room to build up the quantity
of lamps necessary to see real and significant cost
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
Crushing, however, would allow significant volume
reduction in both lamp storage and transportation.
Obviously, the more lamps transported per trip, the less
the cost per lamp. Although most
recyclers now prefer to
receive lamps whole due to the design of their equipment,
there's a growing initiative among mercury retorting
facilities to encourage generators to crush lamps.
One large mercury retorting facility has even informed
us that it's looking into developing a lamp maintenance
program similar to that used for parts washers in which
the lamp crushing equipment would be installed, serviced,
and maintained on the generator's premises by the mercury
recovery facility.
Crushing can be accomplished in a manner that's
protective of workers and the environment, crushing units
in which air is passed through a cyclone, a HEPA filter,
and a carbon absorber before being released are now
available and reportedly capture roughly 90 percent of
the mercury. Better systems are on the horizon.
Prohibiting all crushing would preclude the use of not
just today's crude drum top crushers, but also the more
efficient devices including those likely to emerge in the
next few years. And we believe that the long-term
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
benefits in cost reduction for mercury recovery and the
resultant increase in recycling that may be promoted
through the eventual use of crushers will far outweigh
the negative impact created by the potential release of
mercury from the few poorly-designed crushers now in
Our suggestion to fix the proposed regulation is
simple. Section 733.113(d), Waste Management, as
proposed by IEPA should be revised as follows: In
Paragraph 2, a large (sic) quantity handler of universal
waste lamps must at all times manage waste lamps in a way
that minimizes insert unintentional lamp breakage.
Paragraph 5, striking universal waste
mercury-containing lamps shall not be intentionally
broken or crushed and replacing with universal waste
lamps may be intentionally broken or crushed to reduce
storage volume. Such breaking, crushing, handling, or
storing must be conducted in equipment specifically
designed and operated to minimize the release of mercury
to the workplace or environment and must ensure
compliance with applicable OSHA exposure levels for
mercury. Similar language changes should be made to
733.133(d) and 733.151.
The simplicity of this language is its greatest
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
virtue. It allows crushing activities that are conducted
in a manner that is protective of both workers in the
environment, but it does so without imposing an
inflexible standard that could preclude innovation and
progress in an industry, lamp recycling, that is likely
to experience significant changes in the coming years.
It would likely be a costly mistake to regulate based
solely on today's conditions and without regard for a
different tomorrow.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in these
Ms. Rosen, do you have anything else?
MS. ROSEN: Well, I would like to have this
admitted as an exhibit.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any objections
to the admittance of this testimony? Seeing none, we
will enter into the record as Exhibit No. 9 the statement
of Jennifer Cawein.
(Whereupon, Exhibit No. 9 is
admitted into evidence.)
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: We'll now open it up for
any questions -- well, I guess, Ms. Rosen, do you have
anything further?
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MS. ROSEN: No, I have nothing further at this
We'll open it up for questions for Ms. Cawein. I will
first ask Mr. Orlinsky. I realize that the agency just
received this testimony this morning. Would you like to
take a short recess to go over it, or are you ready?
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, we have several questions
that we can ask now, but I think we could probably do a
better job if you can give us a short recess.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Certainly. We'll do
that. Will a ten-minute recess be enough?
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Then we'll reconvene in
ten minutes.
(Break taken.).
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: We'll now proceed with
questions for Ms. Cawein.
Are there any questions?
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes, the agency has some
Ms. Cawein, is it my understanding then that the main
reason that Commonwealth Edison is proposing that
crushing of mercury-containing lamps be permissible is
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
that by doing a crushing, you'd be reducing the volume of
the lamps?
MS. CAWEIN: I would say the main reason is to
leave open options for the future. We don't know, but it
appears that that may be one of the primary cost savings,
but, again, we're speculating right now about that. We
don't know what's coming down the road. We want to be
open to what's coming down the road.
MR. ORLINSKY: But there's no question though that
crushing would lead to volume reduction?
MS. CAWEIN: Right.
MR. ORLINSKY: Sections 731.111(b) and 733.131(b)
of the current board regulations prohibit a handler of
universal waste from diluting or treating a waste.
In your opinion, wouldn't both crushing constitute
MS. CAWEIN: No, not if it was intended to lead to
recycling because the U.S. EPA has determined that that
is their interpretation, and we have a letter to that
MR. ORLINSKY: That letter you have is not -- is
not an exhibit in this hearing at this point, is it?
MR. BERNSTEIN: I don't believe so. We were not
at the last hearing.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MS. ROSEN: No, it's not part of the record.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Would you like to
introduce it into the record?
MS. CAWEIN: Yes, yes. I can read portions of it.
MS. CAWEIN: Thank you for your letter dated March
30th, 1992 --
MS. ROSEN: One moment. Identify who the letter
is from and who it is directed to.
MS. CAWEIN: Oh, right. The letter is from
Michael Petruska, chief regulatory development branch of
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
MR. BERNSTEIN: Spell Petruska.
MS. CAWEIN: Petruska is spelled P-e-t-r-u-s-k-a.
And it's dated June 5th, 1995, and was in response to a
letter from Mr. Steven O. Jenkins, chief RCRA compliance
branch land division of Alabama Department of
Environmental Management.
The letter addresses a question that Mr. Jenkins had
obviously asked about what he was interpreting as
conflicting guidance from the U.S. EPA on the crushing of
mercury-containing lamps.
The original letter had referenced two documents from
the U.S. EPA. The first document referenced was a letter
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
dated July 28, 1993, from Jeffery Denit, D-e-n-i-t,
acting director of the office of solid waste. This
letter clarifies, quote, that the crushing of fluorescent
lamps as a necessary step of a legitimate recycling
process is exempt under 40 CFR 261.6(c) and, therefore,
would not be subject to RCRA Subtitle C regulatory
requirements except as specified in 406 CFR 261.6(d).
The letter further clarifies that the crushing
activities may occur at this generator's facility or at
the recycler's facility and remain exempt under 40 CFR
261.6(c). The agency had considered an interpretation of
261.6(c) where the recycling would have to take place at
the same site as the crushing but determined that as long
as recycling occurs, it does not have to be at the same
Under this interpretation, the person claiming the
exemption, the generator, is responsible for ensuring
that the crush bulbs do end up being recycled, not just
disposed of. This remains the current regulatory status
of lamp crushing activities that are part of a legitimate
recycling process.
MS. ROSEN: We'd like to have this admitted for
the record.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any objections
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
to the admittance of this document?
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, I would like to know before
it's admitted -- the copy of the letter I have has no
address on it. We don't know who Michael Petruska is, if
he's at U.S. EPA headquarters, if he's in one of the
regional offices, and as long as it's not going to be
admitted for the purpose of stating that this is U.S. EPA
policy because we don't know that, we just have a letter
from one person of some unidentified office to another
person in Alabama that -- you know, with those caveats, I
have no objection to it being admitted as an exhibit.
MS. ROSEN: Well, I would note that the letter is
on United States Environmental Protection Agency
letterhead, and we will make an effort to better identify
if that is from within a region or from the main
office. We will trace back that address within our
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: If you could provide those
in your final comments, that would be great.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Mr. Orlinsky, then you are
objecting to this document?
MR. ORLINSKY: No, I will not object to it.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: All right. Seeing no
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
objections, the document from Michael Petruska will be
admitted into evidence as Exhibit No. Ten.
(Whereupon, Exhibit No. 10 is
admitted into evidence.)
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Mr. Orlinsky, do you have
further questions?
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes, I do.
Along those same lines of treatment, you told us what
Mr. Petruska's opinion is at least. I just would like
you to take a look for a second at the Illinois Pollution
Control Board definition of treatment which is found as
35 Illinois Administrative code 720.110, and I can read
that to you.
It says treatment means any method, technique, or
process including neutralization, design to change the
physical, chemical, or biological character or
composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize
such waste or so as to recover energy or material
resources from the waste or so as to render such waste
not hazardous or less hazardous, safer to transport,
store or dispose of, or amenable for recovery, amenable
for storage or reduced in volume.
Given that definition of treatment, which is the
board's current definition of treatment, wouldn't you
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
think that crushing would include changing the physical
characteristic of a waste so as to make it amenable for
storage or reduced in volume?
MS. ROSEN: Could I ask that we have a -- that she
could look at the copy while she gives her answer?
(Mr. Orlinsky tendered documents
to the witness.)
MS. ROSEN: Thank you.
MS. CAWEIN: First of all, I believe this word for
word comes out of the U.S. EPA guidelines, Federal RCRA
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, my question to you has
nothing to do with federal guidelines.
My question to you is, does crushing constitute
treatment as so defined by Pollution Control Board
MS. CAWEIN: I'm not sure that it does, I mean,
safer to transport. Reduced in volume, yes, it does
reduce the volume.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. Thank you. That's all I
wanted to know.
Now, I would like to take a look at your testimony
concerning your proposed regulation. First of all, when
you refer to 733.113(d), I think you probably were
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
mistaken. You said large quantity handlers. I assume
you meant that to be small quantity handlers because the
large quantity handlers were at 733.133?
MS. CAWEIN: Oh, yes. Right. All three sections
should be amended in a similar way, yes, you're right.
MR. ORLINSKY: All right. But my question to you
has to do with the language where you say such breaking,
crushing, handling, or storage must be conducted in
equipment specifically designed and operated to minimize
the release of mercury to the workplace or environment.
Now, minimize is a pretty general term, and I just
pulled out a dictionary, and my dictionary defines it as
minimize, to reduce to the smallest possible amount,
extent, size, or degree.
Are you then proposing that the smallest -- that by
minimizing it that companies that do crushing should be
required to put out the least amount of emissions as
MS. CAWEIN: I think as far as it's technically
feasible, yes. I think that the word "minimize" in this
context means that the person who's conducting the
crushing has an obligation to ensure that they're doing
it in some way that limits the emissions of mercury to
the environment, and that means to me that they can't do
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
it with baseball bats or trash compactors. They must
have some equipment that's designed for that purpose, to
minimize and reduce the emissions of mercury.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. The U.S. EPA report which is
Exhibit 3 identifies crushing technology, and it says
that crushers have -- that they're aware of crushers with
control efficiencies ranging from zero to 90 percent.
Would 90 percent then be the efficiency you're looking
at as being the best available technique to reduce
MS. CAWEIN: Where was that?
MR. ORLINSKY: In your testimony, you refer to the
federal report that says that -- you said crushing units
are available that capture roughly 90 percent of the
mercury, and that figure came -- I'm assuming came from
the federal report, which is Exhibit 3.
MS. CAWEIN: No. That, I did not get from the
federal report. No. I don't really recall anything that
says crushers in the federal report except that it may be
a cost saving measure for large mercury retrofit
projects. That's the only recollection I have of them
mentioning it.
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, maybe I can --
MS. CAWEIN: Oh, here. Okay. Here we go. Yes.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
Estimates of control efficiency provided by these devices
vary from zero percent for the uncontrolled case to about
90 percent for the more complex devices.
MR. ORLINSKY: So then would 90 percent efficiency
be the equivalent of minimizing the releases?
MS. CAWEIN: Well, I would say that when you're
talking about minimizing, you're talking about looking at
the current technology that's available. This number and
these figures come from a report that came out in 1994.
I'm not sure that that's the current state.
MR. ORLINSKY: So you're saying it may be greater
than 90 percent?
MS. CAWEIN: It could be.
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, wouldn't it make more sense
then to put in an efficiency figure than just say a
general term like minimize?
MS. CAWEIN: Well, I think it's a little premature
to do that, and I think that we don't really know the
current state of the technology as far as -- or where
it's going, and I think you're locking yourself into a
number too early --
MS. CAWEIN: -- if we try to do that.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. In Exhibit 6, which is a
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
compilation of the different state regulations that we're
aware of that have to do with mercury-containing lamps,
the Oregon provision allows for crushing, and let me just
read it to you and see if you think that that would
comport with what you're suggesting.
It says handlers of universal waste may treat
mercury-containing lamps for the purpose of volume
reduction at the site they were generated provided the
handler crushes the lamps in a controlled unit that does
not allow releases of mercury or other hazardous
constituents to the environment.
So the question is, do you believe that the Oregon --
that the Oregon regulation is such that it would minimize
emissions to the environment?
MS. CAWEIN: What was the question again?
MR. ORLINSKY: Let me rephrase it. Let me
rephrase it. We were talking about what minimize means,
and then we -- I cited the Oregon regulation that says no
emissions of mercury should go into the environment.
Is that -- would that be equivalent to minimizing?
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah, I would say so.
MR. ORLINSKY: Would that be 100 percent of
efficiency they're looking for in the Oregon standard?
MS. CAWEIN: That to me seems very restrictive and
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
that is what they're looking for, and I think that is
what the goal is.
MR. ORLINSKY: You're saying that's a goal, but do
you think that's not enforceable?
MS. CAWEIN: I don't know how you could especially
since there's no detection equipment that goes down to
MR. ORLINSKY: Are you -- okay. Let me go on.
Are you aware of any U.S. EPA policy that would state
that if bulbs are to be crushed that all emissions must
be contained?
MS. CAWEIN: No. The U.S. EPA has stated that
they're looking at that right now --
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. Well, let me.
MS. CAWEIN: -- as part of the universal waste
MR. ORLINSKY: Let me cite you the Petruska
letter, which was just entered into as an exhibit which
states such waste management requirements may include
volume reduction incident to collection activities and
should be designed to ensure that these management
practices do not dilute the hazardous constituents or
release them to the environment.
After researching and considering the issue, a state
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
may decide that crushing be allowed as appropriate
management if the crushing process was performed in a
controlled unit which did not allow any releases of
mercury or other hazardous constituents to the
By any releases of mercury, is that then saying that
you must have a control of an efficiency of 100 percent
if you're going to crush bulbs?
MS. CAWEIN: First of all, this is not a
rulemaking guidance, and I think --
MR. ORLINSKY: Oh, I understand that, but --
MS. CAWEIN: -- that they would like that, and I
think everybody who would like that wants to be protected
and would want to eliminate it. And here they're taking
about design of the equipment. Again, we may be limited
on what's possible technology-wise.
MR. ORLINSKY: So are you saying then that the
Oregon regulation which says no emissions of mercury to
the environment and the Petruska letter which says states
should be allowed to -- to allow the handlers to control
as long as there's no emissions to the environment, then
at the present time those are standards that cannot be
MS. CAWEIN: Can you repeat that?
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MR. ORLINSKY: Are you saying that those standards
of no emissions to the environment could not be achieved
at the present time?
MS. CAWEIN: No, I'm not saying that. I'm not
saying that. I don't know. I don't know the limits of
our technology right now.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. Let me ask you a further
Given your proposal which asks handlers to minimize
emissions of mercury to the environment if an Illinois
EPA inspector was to go and observe crushing, what would
be a violation? How would that inspector know if this
regulation was being violated?
MS. CAWEIN: Again, I think it would be reasonable
to assume that if an inspector walked in and saw that the
crushing was being done in a unit that has been
manufactured and designed to contain mercury and to
control the release of mercury that that would be in
compliance with what we are saying.
And I don't know how far ahead or how far behind. I
don't see it as having to have the crusher of the moment
being in compliance. I mean, he may get something that
is the state of the art, and two years later something
slightly better comes out. I wouldn't say that he would
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
necessarily be out of compliance if he didn't have the
very latest as it comes out every time.
I mean, there has to be a certain amount of
reasonableness associated with this in order to encourage
this among the people that are not subject to this
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. But the U.S. EPA report,
Exhibit 3, says that they've looked at crushing equipment
with efficiencies that varied from zero percent to 90
If an inspector were to observe crushing in a piece of
equipment that had a 20 percent efficiency, would that be
in compliance with your proposed rule?
MS. CAWEIN: I would say that the word "minimize"
is flexible enough so that the Illinois EPA could make
their own determination about whether that was minimized
or not. The inspector could make the call about whether
that was minimized or not. Personally, I don't think it
would be.
MR. ORLINSKY: But are you willing to give an
opinion as to what control efficiencies the inspector
should be able to see before in order to say that
minimizing emissions are taking place?
MS. CAWEIN: Well, I don't know how you would
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
demonstrate that. I don't know how an inspector would
walk in and know how to measure that.
I mean, in order to have a reduction, you have to know
what the influence stream is, and you would have to know
what you're reducing from, and there's no way of really
knowing that. The only way -- that's why we thought the
applicable OSHA exposure levels -- that is a number, and
if they're exceeding that, they're in violation according
the way we've written this.
MR. ORLINSKY: Well, is there a way -- is there a
methodology by which the EPA inspector could go in to a
plant and know whether the OSHA levels are being
MS. CAWEIN: If he had a monitor, he could.
MR. ORLINSKY: So are you saying then the
inspector should have monitors or that the plant should
have monitors?
MS. CAWEIN: I really don't think I should take a
position on that.
MR. ORLINSKY: All right. I have no further
questions, but Mr. Perzan does.
MR. PERZAN: Yeah. Can you tell me right now if
you know that there's a significant difference in the
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
cost between getting rid of a crushed lamp versus an
uncrushed lamp?
MS. CAWEIN: It depends on who you talk to.
There's a brand new mercury reporting facility that is
very large that will charge you less for crushed lamps.
Most recyclers currently in existence though prefer to
get lamps whole, and it depends on a number of factors.
It depends on where you're transporting from. If
you're going from Carbondale up to Wisconsin and include
the transportation costs there, it's going to be more
expensive than if you're going from Zion to Wisconsin.
MR. PERZAN: I think the question was a little bit
more specific though. I mean, do you know if there's a
MS. CAWEIN: There is a difference usually.
Although, I've calculated out for some facilities where
it comes out to be just about the same --
MR. PERZAN: It's about the same?
MS. CAWEIN: -- as the prices they quoted, but
we're using estimates on how many lamps fit in a drum of
crushed lamps, for example.
MR. PERZAN: So in the facilities that you've
contacted, it's about the same to dispose of or recycle
crushed versus a noncrushed lamp?
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MS. CAWEIN: No, none of them -- we're not talking
MR. PERZAN: I mean recycling.
MS. CAWEIN: Recycling crushed lamps versus
recycling whole lamps? Yeah. It --
MR. PERZAN: So allowing --
MS. CAWEIN: -- varies depending on the facility.
MR. PERZAN: But I thought you just said that of
the ones that you've talked to, there isn't a difference
MS. CAWEIN: No. I said I've talked to a facility
where there was no big difference. I've talked to other
facilities where there's a big difference. I've talked
to facilities where in one case a whole lamp is actually
more expensive than a crushed lamp.
MR. PERZAN: Do you know how much --
MS. CAWEIN: So I've seen all of it.
MR. PERZAN: Do you know how much a crushing
machine costs?
MS. CAWEIN: All I know is from a conversation I
had with Jerry Kuhn that some of them can be 15 to
$20,000. Other than that, I don't know.
MR. PERZAN: Do you think the cost of operating
and running and managing the crushing machine would have
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
an impact on the cost of recycling?
MS. CAWEIN: It would depend on who was doing the
crushing. If it could -- yeah. It would have some kind
of an impact either lower or raise it depending on who
was doing it, I suppose.
MR. PERZAN: So I think in your testimony you said
that a lot of recyclers now or most or all prefer whole
bulbs record than crushed?
MR. PERZAN: Do you know why that is?
MS. CAWEIN: The design of their equipment. Some
of them their mercury retorting facilities are small, and
it's more economical for them to separate out the
phosphor powder and only retort that as opposed to the
whole crushed lamps.
Other mercury retorting facilities that are large and
have large units and are doing other mercury wastes, it
can be cheaper to do the whole lamp rather than go
through the separate step of separating out the glass
from the phosphor powder from the aluminium end cap from
the mercury vapor, so. . .
MR. PERZAN: So let me ask you a little bit about
the process then.
If a generator crushes the lamps and gives it to a
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
transporter, say, how would that be contained? How would
you make sure that whatever mercury has been contained
during the crushing process stays contained when it's
transferred to the transporter and it goes and it ends up
at the recycling facility?
MS. CAWEIN: Well, No. 1, a lot of recyclers only
do the part up to the torting, the retort.
MR. PERZAN: I'm not sure I understand.
MS. CAWEIN: A lot of recyclers will only do the
separation of the glass from the phosphor powder from the
aluminum end caps. They take the phosphor powder which
contains most of the bound mercury. They put it in drums
which is very concentrated, and they ship it now to the
mercury retorting facilities in large truckloads. The
way they're doing it --
MR. PERZAN: Okay. I'm -- you're a couple steps
ahead of me here though. That wasn't really my
question. My question was --
MS. CAWEIN: Well, the way they're doing it --
MR. PERZAN: -- generator to transporter to
MS. CAWEIN: I was going to say the way they're
doing it is --
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Just one speak at a time
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
for the court reporter.
MS. CAWEIN: The way they're doing it is in sealed
drums, you know, and that's a lot more concentrated than
you're going to get from a lamp crusher as far as the
I think if a generator has a drum that is sealed to go
there, it should be all right because --
MR. PERZAN: How does the -- and I'm not real
familiar with this.
How does the crushed lamp get from the crusher to the
MS. CAWEIN: The crushing is done in the drum.
MS. CAWEIN: But, again, you have to remember
we're talking about present technology. My point is, as
I said, we don't crush lamps. We don't think there's a
lot of crushing going on, and a lot of what you're
raising here is the reason it's not done because the
technology is not good enough yet.
But we think there are developments to encourage the
crushing with better technology, and you're asking me to
speculate about technology that I don't know.
MR. PERZAN: Well, I'm not asking you because this
is -- I guess the key to your argument has been that
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
there are going to be these technologies. I just want to
know -- and I think the board will probably be interested
in hearing what the technology is right now because, you
know, these will become final within a couple of months,
and this is what we'll be dealing with.
MS. CAWEIN: Well, the technology right now is you
have to remember that most lamps are being put in trash
compactors, period, and that's where most of them are
going. So we have to leave open the door for these --
any initiatives that are going to help with mercury
recovery and recycling.
MR. PERZAN: Okay. You talked earlier about
how -- and I'm paraphrasing your testimony, and correct
me if I'm wrong. Conditionally exempt small quantity
generators, you were talking about, the way I understand
it, that allowing crushing would encourage more
conditionally exempt small quantity generators to use the
Universal Waste Rule to sent these to recycling?
MS. CAWEIN: Um-hum.
MR. PERZAN: Isn't it true that even after this
Universal Waste Rule is passed the conditionally exempt
small quantity generator can still toss it in the
dumpster, if they wanted to?
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MR. PERZAN: Is there a significant economic
incentive for them to take?
MS. CAWEIN: Right now, no.
MR. PERZAN: No. So there isn't right now?
MS. CAWEIN: No, there isn't.
MS. CAWEIN: And that's what we want to encourage,
the development of economic incentive.
MR. PERZAN: I guess I'm still not clear on how
that will happen.
MS. CAWEIN: Like I said, the lamp recycling
industry is very young. It's very young. The oldest one
in the Midwest is '92. I don't think the equipment
actually began until '91 or was even developed to do
that. So if it's like every other industry, there will
be new innovations which will lead to lower costs
MR. PERZAN: Now, have you discussed with people
who would manage these, what you see, just generally what
these new innovations are? You've talked with them,
MS. CAWEIN: I have -- you mean people who are
developing things? Yes.
I've been told there are crushers now that have no
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mercury emissions. I haven't seen them, but I've been
told they're being developed. I've been told that
certain people are looking at becoming the Safety Kleen
of the fluorescent lamp world where they would just
maintain crushers to -- and I guess the whole purpose is
to come up with something that is more efficient.
And I've also been told by some that the true value in
lamp recycling is to recover mercury, that the raw
material value in a fluorescent lamp is very low, and
there's glass -- mostly glass. There's aluminum, a tiny
bit, in the end caps, and there's phosphor powder, and a
little bit of mercury, none of which have a tremendous
amount of economic value.
So the real advantage to encouraging recycling is
really to capture mercury, and I've been told by some
that if they avoid doing the little stuff and go straight
for the mercury which after all is the true value of
their service, they may be able to lower costs.
MR. PERZAN: Let me ask you another question.
Do you think it's important, from your general
understanding as to how these machines work, to keep them
up and keep them maintained?
If they're not maintained, they don't contain
properly, is that a correct statement?
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MS. CAWEIN: I don't know.
MR. PERZAN: Do you think it's fair to say --
MS. CAWEIN: I've never operated one. We don't --
MR. PERZAN: Do you think it's fair to say though
that if the machine isn't properly maintained and it's
designed to reach a certain level of efficiency that it's
not going to contain as well as it might?
MS. CAWEIN: I would think. I don't know. I'm
MR. PERZAN: Who would be responsible for the
maintenance of the machines?
MS. CAWEIN: It would depend. If you had Safety
Kleen coming out every month or whatever, maybe they
would be. If it was the generator, maybe the generator
would. Again, we're speculating. I'm guessing.
MR. PERZAN: Okay. Do you think a little bit of
oversight on the part of the agency might be helpful in
terms of making sure that machines are maintained
properly, if they're operating?
MS. CAWEIN: I'm not sure I understand. You mean
through a regulation?
MR. PERZAN: Inspection.
MS. CAWEIN: Inspection. If you think that a
typical inspector would know how to.
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MR. PERZAN: Do you think that notification
requirements should crushing be allowed might be a
notification to the agency that crushing activities were
taking place at some point would be a reasonable thing to
have required by the regulations?
MS. CAWEIN: Well, I think certainly if somebody
was in the business of doing this and was, therefore,
maybe a large quantity handler, I think that would be
On the other hand, what we're really trying to do here
is bring the ones that are not regulated and the
conditionally exempt small quantity generators into
becoming, in essence, small quantity handlers.
I think notification, since they wouldn't have to
notify under any other requirements in here, would act as
a distance center.
MR. PERZAN: Do you think you could do it on, say,
a one-page letter to the agency saying that we are doing
this, this activity, and they may never be inspected for
MS. CAWEIN: Well, again, it's adding another
layer to maybe someone who you're encouraging to become a
small quantity generator -- handler rather.
MR. PERZAN: Do you really think that would be a
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distance center?
MS. CAWEIN: I think it could.
MR. PERZAN: Do you think maybe the people that
would be unwilling to do that maybe shouldn't be doing
MS. CAWEIN: I don't know. If you're looking at
the alternative, which is throwing it in the trash
dumpster or throwing it in the trash compactor, I'm not
so sure.
MR. PERZAN: Did you read through the U.S. EPA
report that, I think, is Exhibit 3?
In that report, I think it says that an improperly
functioning crusher machine can actually create more
emissions than incidental breakage during -- you know,
like in a dumpster because of the way it can propel the
emissions outside.
Are you familiar with that?
MS. CAWEIN: I think that is more of an OSHA
issue. I think ultimately if it's broken in the
dumpster, I think you're going to -- by the time it
reaches the landfill, you will have lost the mercury to
the environment.
If you're talking about more concentrated, it's more
of a safety concern, I would think, more concentrated
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emissions in the vicinity of the unit and, again, which
is another reason why we think an OSHA -- yeah. They
already have to comply with an OSHA standard, then they
wouldn't be in that event.
MR. PERZAN: Well, let's all concede that OSHA
has -- you know, OSHA regs. are applicable, and they're
important here, but don't you think that the possibility
of increased emissions is also a matter that the board
and the agency would be concerned with as well?
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah. But I don't see how it would
be increased emissions. I can see how it would be more
concentrated emissions, but I'm not so sure it would be
increased. I mean, there's only so much mercury in a
MR. PERZAN: Well, more coming out of the machine,
I think, is the concern that the U.S. EPA has.
MS. CAWEIN: Okay. I'm going to have to think
about that because I haven't really given that any
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Does the agency have any
further questions?
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes. I just have a few more.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: You can answer that
question in your final comments.
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MR. ORLINSKY: I just have a few more questions.
You testified that ComEd does already at this point
crush some of its lamps, albeit not a lot, but they are
doing --
MS. CAWEIN: A tiny fraction.
MR. ORLINSKY: -- some crushing.
Where do they do their crushing?
MS. CAWEIN: We do it in a nuclear station.
MR. ORLINSKY: Which station?
MS. CAWEIN: In Quad Cities.
MR. ORLINSKY: So it's just one Edison facility?
MS. CAWEIN: No, and it's only a tiny fraction of
theirs. They are in the process of sending a whole slew
of lamps probably today to a recycler in Minnesota, Quad
Cities is. They crush only the lamps that come out of
the radiologically-protected area, and they crush it
together with their radioactive waste.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. But that is the only ComEd
facility where any crushing takes place?
MS. CAWEIN: I think one of our nuclear facilities
does the same, but, again, it's only a small fraction of
the lamps that they generate.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. At those facilities, what
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types of crushing equipment do they use, do you know?
MS. CAWEIN: No. And as I said, it's done -- it's
a crusher that was not designed specifically for lamp
crushing but was designed for compacting and getting
ready for landfilling radioactive dry wastes.
MR. ORLINSKY: So do you know if they have any --
if those crushers at those facilities have any controlled
equipment at all?
MS. CAWEIN: Oh, yes. I can guarantee they're
very, very highly controlled. In fact, the whole room is
highly controlled. So I can guarantee you that no
mercury is getting out from those -- those activities.
MR. ORLINSKY: So you're talking about crushers
with very high control efficiencies?
MS. CAWEIN: Um-hum. It's not just the crusher
MR. ORLINSKY: But while the crushing activities
are going on, there's a very high level of control
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. Do you have any idea what
that equipment costs?
MR. ORLINSKY: Just one other question, before
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when you were talking about trying to get the
conditionally exempt small quantity generators into the
program so that they would be doing recycling as well,
even under your proposal though, they would not be
required to do anything?
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. If crushing were allowed and
there would be a set price for whatever recycling costs,
I mean it may be across the board, it would still always
be cheaper though, wouldn't it, for the conditionally
exempt small quantity generators to continue tossing
their bulbs in the dumpster?
A. Probably. But I'd like to add that our experience
has been that most people want to recycle and will be
willing to pay even if it's a little more to recycle over
landfilling because they feel it's the right thing to
do. I think there has been a lot of publicizing about
mercury in the environment, and we know that a lot of our
customers want to recycle. But the costs are so high
that it's difficult for them to justify economically.
MR. ORLINSKY: Other than general statements like
that, do you have any specific information that you can
provide the board with?
MS. CAWEIN: I can get it.
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MR. ORLINSKY: Well, I'm sure that will be helpful
to the board.
Thank you. I have nothing further.
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah. We can get letters from some
of our customers.
Are there any other questions for Miss Cawein? I
think the board has some for you.
In addition to the letters that you've just provided,
I would like you to provide whatever information you have
on these technologies and developing technologies. In
your testimony, you talked about the 90 percent rate, yet
there's no -- and then you indicated, I think, in your
testimony that it came from a figure in 1984 or
MS. CAWEIN: '94.
MS. MANNING: '94. I'm sorry. If you could
provide the basis for those conclusions, I think that
would be helpful.
MS. CAWEIN: Okay. You have to understand that a
lot of that comes from people contacting me and telling
me what they have. I do know of one lamp recycler that
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is offered to provide data to us. So I will be able to
get that. I'll make more inquiries.
They call us because we're the utility, you know, and
they call us, and they are testing the market to see
what's out there and what kind of demand there may be.
So I think we're privy to some of these phone calls
that -- and can see growing trends.
MS. MANNING: Well, are you familiar with other
states? I mean, Oregon has obviously some sort of
crushing rule. We just talked about it, and it was put
into evidence. I would assume then that they have
technologies, perhaps, that have been developed in Oregon
that aren't developed elsewhere. I don't know.
I mean, is there any technology that has developed in
other states that do allow for the crushing that might be
wise for the board to look at?
MS. CAWEIN: We can look into that. I just don't
know, but I doubt it. I doubt they have other technology
that hasn't been seen elsewhere, but we can look into
MS. MANNING: You indicated as well in your
testimony that the generally accepted -- you didn't call
it the generally accepted practice, but you basically
said that most -- let's face it, most of the lamps are
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now being disposed of by trash compaction. Obviously,
that's not ComEd. Yours is only a small portion.
But my question is, when they are disposed of through
trash compaction, then I assume that goes into a
municipal waste landfill, and that's part of the problem
we're trying to deal with here and we've been trying to
deal with the whole legislation and the changing it to
universal waste.
My question though is, the way that your suggested
rule revision reads, might some generator of waste
construe this sort of broad language to actually maybe
even indicate that a trash compactor could be such a -- I
guess what I'm saying is, is this language itself,
perhaps, not hinting to people that they continue to
trash compact?
MS. CAWEIN: Hinting to other people that are
not --
MS. MANNING: Well, it says must be conducted in
equipment specifically designed, and, obviously, a trash
compactor is not specifically designed to necessarily
minimize the release of mercury, but there aren't any
standards set forward or --
MS. CAWEIN: For the conditionally exempt?
Are you saying that the conditionally exempt, the ones
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that are not subject to this rule may misinterpret this
and think they can put it in the trash compactor?
MS. MANNING: Well, I'm just wondering whether
this might be an allowance for -- I guess I'm just
wondering whether this might not be misconstrued to
actually allow for the continuation of the practice of
trash compacting. I mean, is this really driving --
MS. CAWEIN: I don't see how anyone can interpret
this to allow it into a trash compactor. I mean, those
things are open. I mean, for all intents, I don't think
anyone would.
MS. MANNING: More specifically, you talk about
the OSHA exposure levels for mercury, would you provide
us in your comments as well what OSHA exposures those
are, the standards, the OSHA standards?
MS. CAWEIN: Um-hum.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Along the same lines as
Chairman Manning's questions about the term "minimize,"
are there any thresholds or standards because that is
somewhat of a broad term?
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah. The only standard I know of is
in the OSHA standard, really. It is broad, but, again,
we want to be flexible here because we want to leave
open -- I mean if you impose, you know, 75 percent
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standard or something like that, then you talk about
well, there's 90 percent ones. If you impose 90 percent,
then what happens if they come out with a cheap one
that's 99 percent? I mean, you're locking yourself in to
a numerical standard that I don't know if it's not too
early to do that right now.
MR. RAO: Can we have a minimum threshold so that
there will be at least a minimum level to which they can
reduce, say, 90 percent or whatever you think is a
reasonable minimum threshold, so if they want to achieve
99 percent or 100 percent they can still do it?
MS. CAWEIN: Again, the difficulty with that is
how you demonstrate that. I'm afraid of the burden on
the industry to try to demonstrate that.
MR. RAO: Do manufacturers of this unit, do they
rate their units, you know, at what efficiency they can
MS. CAWEIN: I don't think so.
MR. RAO: And does the statement from the
manufacturer rectifies to say, you know, that equipment
can reduce up to 90 percent or whatever minimum threshold
that was set to reduce such a threshold?
MS. CAWEIN: I really don't know the answer to
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MR. RAO: Would it be possible for you to get this
information because you said all the manufacturers
contacted you frequently?
MS. CAWEIN: It's not manufacturers of crushers.
You have to understand that.
MR. RAO: Oh, really?
MS. CAWEIN: It's just people talking about
generally, well, if we were able to do this for you,
would you be interested in this? I always -- we're a
very conservative company, and I'm always questioning
them closely about how protective their ideas are.
MR. RAO: But assume that if, you know, people are
going to use these crushing units, they will be a
manufacture of selling them, and if we put in this kind
of thing, if they say it's allowed to at least reduce to
whatever level, they should be able to, say, rate their
equipment that it can reach that level of reduction. So
based on --
MS. CAWEIN: Well, I'll see what I can dig up, and
we'll provide that in our written comments on the
MR. RAO: And it will be helpful if the agency has
any information as to what kind of reduction levels are
currently being achieved that you can provide us.
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MS. MANNING: Also, do you know whether the state
of Oregon has been able to develop an effective recycling
industry with the crusher rule that it has?
MS. CAWEIN: No, but that's a good question. I'd
be interested in knowing that.
MS. MANNING: Thank you. Yeah we would be
interested in knowing that.
MS. HENNESSEY: I had two questions.
Are there any OSHA regulations other than the exposure
levels that you're aware of?
MS. CAWEIN: Are there any other standards?
MS. HENNESSEY: Yes. Well, not -- I know there's
a standard for mercury. But do they specifically address
handling mercury in the workplace other than by setting
an exposure standard?
MS. CAWEIN: Not that I'm aware of.
MS. HENNESSEY: Okay. And then you're discussing
the crushing units that are now available can recapture
90 percent of the mercury.
Can you explain how is it captured?
MS. CAWEIN: It doesn't allow the free
volatilization of mercury out of the container that the
crushing is done in.
I think it can -- I'm going to speculate again, but I
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think that the small amount that gets released is
probably from changing, you know, from taking equipment
off because you're going to have a lag in there. But,
again, I'm speculating because I don't use those, and I
haven't, you know, operated one, so. . .
MS. HENNESSEY: Well, do you know if -- when you
say they capture this mercury, it's trapped in filters?
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah, in filters that are built in to
the crusher primary, but also some of them have, you
know, sealed where there's no air flow.
MS. HENNESSEY: And then do the people that
utilize these crushers extract the mercury --
MS. HENNESSEY: -- from those -- wherever it's
MS. CAWEIN: The whole mess goes into a big
retorting operation, or some of the recyclers actually
dump the drum of the crushed lamps into their separation
unit. So then it will separate the glass from the
phosphor powder from the aluminum and the mercury, and
then we'll just retort the phosphor powder and then also
sometimes retort the drum or we use the reuse of the
MS. HENNESSEY: And where does this typically take
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place, at the generator or the recycler?
MS. CAWEIN: Oh, at the recycler.
Typically, the only thing that happens at the
generator is they just crush it and never open it and
send it off, but at some point, they have to change -- it
all gets crushed in the drum, and then, you know, they
have to change it out, and I'm not sure exactly how
that's accomplished.
MS. HENNESSEY: That's where the releases might
MS. CAWEIN: Might. Again, I don't know how the
technology works, so I don't know, but I can look into
that closely. How they change it out, I'd like to know.
MS. HENNESSEY: And do you know if in the crushing
process there's any hazardous waste generated that can be
MS. HENNESSEY: And you also talked a little bit
about drum top crushers?
MS. CAWEIN: Um-hum.
MS. HENNESSEY: What's the capture rate for those types
of crushers?
MS. CAWEIN: I don't have any data on that, so I
don't know.
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MS. HENNESSEY: Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: I think Mr. Orlinsky asked
you this question. But in your testimony you said though
it would necessarily inflate the cost of recycling if
they were strictly prohibited.
If you do have any actual figures regarding this, if
you could provide those that would be very helpful.
MS. CAWEIN: Yeah, I'm trying to come up with some
of those.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Any other questions? Any
other questions for Ms. Cawein.
MR. HOMER: I'm Mark Homer from the Chemical
Industry Council.
Isn't is true from your testimony that approximately
60 percent of the costs involved in the process are
transportation costs?
MS. CAWEIN: Up to -- yeah. Yeah.
MR. HOMER: Doesn't it make sense that as you
reduced the volume, obviously, those transportation costs
are going to be reduced?
MR. HOMER: So it would be relatively obvious that
a large cost saving will occur simply from reduction of
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MR. HOMER: Isn't that correct?
MS. CAWEIN: I think it's pretty self-evident,
MR. HOMER: Chairman Manning, I don't know if this
is appropriate or not, but could I possibly go back and
ask the agency one question?
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Actually, if you can wait
because we'd like to ask the agency a couple of
MR. HOMER: Sure.
MS. MANNING: They'll be back.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: At this time, are there
any more questions for Ms. Cawein? Seeing none, I'd like
to thank you for your testimony. And if you wouldn't
mind to come up for a few other questions.
MR. KELLY: Are you going to allow additional
testimony this morning? I had signed up.
MR. KELLY: I would appreciate just one moment.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Yes. Why don't we do that
MR. KELLY: Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: We'll take your testimony
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next then.
(Brief pause.)
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Okay. Sir, if you'd like
to state -- well, actually, the court reporter can swear
in the witness.
(Witness sworn.)
L A W R E N C E K E L L Y ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and saith as follows:
MR. KELLY: Good morning. My name is Lawrence
Kelly. I'm currently the president of a company known as
Spent Lamp Recycling Technologies, and I don't have any
prepared testimony. I'm here simply to start with as a
listener, and I thought maybe I might be able to add a
few things to what has gone on here this morning.
Just following up on Ms. Cawein's testimony -- and I,
first of all, would like to say that we at Spent Lamp
have effectively developed a mobile mercury vapor
extraction unit that has consistently demonstrated the
ability to lock up mercury vapors, and we have not
demonstrated any what's known as TCLP or toxic
characteristics in our filter. That's No. 1.
No. 2, we currently use a mercury vapor analyzer and
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do continuous monitoring while the crushing is going on
and effectively have been able to demonstrate that. We
have not emitted into the cavity of our unit, nor have we
admitted at any point along the line of this treatment.
And what this unit consists of is a crusher that has
been designed to crush fluorescent and high pressure
sodium and metal-allied type mercury-containing lamps
that's operated under negative air, and it's drawn
through -- the vapor is drawn through a series of
filters. There's a primary filter and a secondary
And while this process is taking place, we continually
monitor for the presence of mercury vapor. Our data,
which is published -- unfortunately, I don't have it with
me, we didn't know we were going to be doing this until
Friday, but it is available -- is in two forms, manual
readings and a data logger which is done vis-a-vis
software. So it's something that ties in -- on our QA,
QC, it ties in to the manual loggings.
We have subscribed -- we assumed that somewhere down
the road we were going to have to answer to a regulatory
agency. We never thought we were going to be out there
on our own doing business on our own. So we have looked
at the OSHA guideline, meaning .05 milligrams per cubic
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
meter is what we use as our extent of what would be
considered below regulatory guidelines.
We have not had a reading even close to that with our
mercury vapor analyzer. Our readings are going .003,
not .05, .003 which is significantly less than what the
current emission guidelines state for OSHA being safe
Our technicians work at Level C, which is half-mask
tieback hard hat, so forth and so on. We've crushed
approximately 10,000 lamps, various sizes for various
customers, CTA, Waste Management and smaller generators.
Again, throughout the course of this, we have never
demonstrated any TCLP from our subsequent lab work or
have we ever been able to show an emission that was
above -- I think the highest emission we got was .003,
which is background, which is what the manufacturer calls
background. So that's that part of it.
Now, some of the questions that were brought up by the
regulators today is would you allow somebody to go out in
the street and just say they have a crusher, mail in a
simple notification and say we're in business? I don't
think that would be reasonable.
When we designed our unit, we assumed that some
regulator was going to want to look at us. So we
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basically have built in the concept of yes, we feel that
we should be regulated. We feel that there are
relatively easy methods of doing that and establishing a
nice, safe operation. And what that does at the same
time is when we talk about small quantity generators or
exempt generators, in our profiling of generators, we
find that most companies that are going through any kind
of spent lamps whether they be metal, allied, high
pressure sodium or fluorescents are proactive and would
like to go into a voluntary program if it is cost
And when we talk about cost effective, I can tell you
this. The numbers for transportation alone is upwards of
50 cents with a lot of companies, and that doesn't take
into consideration the cost of an individual in that
company sticking a lamp back in the box, packaging it,
preparing documents, and subsequently getting that on a
skid for transportation to a permitted TSD. That's
No. 1.
No. 2, there are no TSDs in Illinois. So effectively
a generator of a spent material has to address two sets
of regulations, Illinois and Wisconsin. Once you cross a
state line out of Illinois into Wisconsin, that spent
material number on a Wisconsin hazardous waste
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
So now he's become a generator of hazardous waste
instead -- and that, in essence, alone is breaching the
spirit of the universal waste code. There could be a
third set of guidelines, Minnesota, if it goes to
Minnesota. So you're traveling to a third state, and now
you're suggest to another set of guidelines or
Effectively, the wherewithal is there. We have the
proven ability to be able to take spent
mercury-containing materials and render them innocuous,
and our media has not demonstrated any TCLP, which
effectively would allow us to transport spent activated
carbon to a retort without manifesting it. The glass
goes to Owens-Corning, a fiberglass plant. The metal
ends are simply recycled as aluminum.
Like I say, we have data. We're more than happy to
submit that to whomever would like it. We have it in the
form of data logs, and we also have it in the form of
manual readings. This is -- like I say, it's been
demonstrated to environmental engineering firms, lawyers
who are environmentally oriented, companies like Waste
Management, Chicago Transit Authority. They've all had
their health and safety people there, all had an
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
opportunity to view the process, and this unit can treat
1,200 lamps an hour, four footers, 1,200 four-foot
fluorescent lamps an hour.
So it's a pretty efficient unit, pretty
straightforward, and from a regulatory standpoint, we're
prepared to submit data as I sit here, and that's about
all I have to say except, yes, we would expect to be
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: I think the board would
appreciate any data that you have if you could supply
MR. KELLY: I certainly would.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: I'll give you the address
and everything later.
MR. KELLY: If you have any questions.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any questions at
this time?
MR. ORLINSKY: Yes, we have a few questions.
MR. ORLINSKY: Where is your business located?
MR. KELLY: Our corporate office is in
Bensenville. Our facility is in Chicago, 16th and
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. I guess I was having a hard
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
time understanding exactly what the business is.
Are you selling a service, or are you selling
MR. KELLY: No, we're selling a service.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. Now, when you said that
these are mobile units, you then take the unit out to the
generator facility and do the crushing --
MR. KELLY: Correct.
MR. ORLINSKY: -- at that facility?
MR. KELLY: It's literally on wheels. It never
comes off the wheels. I have pictures here, if you'd
like to see them.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. No. I'm just trying to get
an idea of it.
MR. KELLY: Yeah.
MR. ORLINSKY: Then after you've done the crushing
at the site, what's the next step of the process?
MR. KELLY: Okay. The spent materials, after the
mercury vapor has been removed, goes into drums, and it
subsequently separates glass and aluminum. The mercury
is locked up in an activated charcoal filter that
effectively will handle roughly 600,000 lamps without
breaching. It's a redundant system. Effectively, if
there's for some reason it breaches that before then, it
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
will be picked up in the secondary system from the
emissions side.
Now, the glass has demonstrated no TCLP through
various lab work that we offered nor has the aluminum
ends. The phosphorous dust -- although not regulated,
we've gone through TCLP testing on that also to make sure
that we're extracting levels from that nondetect -- so it
comes back nondetect. That's consistent.
So effectively, we've taken a lamp that has mercury
vapor and render it innocuous.
MR. ORLINSKY: Okay. But I guess my question was,
what's the next step in the process once you've done the
crushing, you've got the broken glass and you have, I
guess, mercury in the filters and you've got phosphor
powder and all that?
MR. KELLY: Right.
MR. ORLINSKY: What happens in the next step?
Where does that go?
MR. KELLY: The glass is loaded into a 55-gallon
DOT approved drum, moved on to a sister track that
supplies us with fresh drums, depending on how many lamps
we're crushing, and move back to our facility as a
At that point, once it comes out of the crusher, it is
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a product. So it stays as a product until we can get the
volumes necessary to ship to the big users, and that is
Owens-Corning who needs not truckloads but train car
fulls. So that's what this material will be shipped as
in train cars to Kansas City to their plant.
They've looked at our material. They've accepted it.
The only thing that they have some reservation on is
whether or not we can maintain volumes, and we've told
them that we have a way of doing that.
MR. ORLINSKY: What about the mercury though? Is
the mercury locked up in an assigned place?
MR. KELLY: Mercury is locked up -- yes. It goes
to New York to a retort. We picked the facility, the
permitting facility in New York for two reasons. No. 1,
they'll come out and pick it up so it comes right off of
our truck, goes on another truck, never hits the ground.
Now, remember, at that point, we're not demonstrating
any TCLP in that filter. It's simply locked up in a form
of a mercury sulfate which is neither water -- will not
leach in water nor acid.
The reason we picked the New York facility is because
we checked the regulatory background. They, for some
reason, were pristine. They've never had a hit. So we
figured well, we'll do business with them because once
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you move it, it doesn't -- you know, if it's going to
Indianapolis or New York, it's moot. It doesn't matter.
So we picked it. That's the facility we're going to
MR. ORLINSKY: How many of these crushing units do
you have?
MR. KELLY: We have the first one on the street
right now. It's available for anyone to come and take a
look at it. We're prepared to show you how it operates
with our technicians. They're all OSHA-trained, 40-hour
OSHA-trained. We have a complete health and safety plan
put together that is based on what we assume might come
up regulatory wise.
MR. ORLINSKY: Do you have an estimate as to what
the control efficiencies of that unit are?
MR. KELLY: As far as the emissions go?
MR. KELLY: We have to have an emission nondetect
out of the effluent side of the first filter.
Remember, we have the redundant filter. The effluent
side of the first filter, there's no hit. When we put it
into the chamber when crushing, it goes off the scale.
It takes us half an hour to recalibrate the unit. So
we're locking up almost, if not all, the mercury that's
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available. We have yet to get a hit on it.
MR. ORLINSKY: Then you could comply then it seems
to me with the Oregon regulations that says if you crush,
there should be no further emissions?
MR. KELLY: (Indicating). Like that.
MR. ORLINSKY: You would have no trouble?
MR. KELLY: No problem.
MR. ORLINSKY: How much does your unit cost?
MR. KELLY: It's significant, quite significant.
MR. ORLINSKY: By "significant," are we talking
six figures?
MR. ORLINSKY: Six figures. That's all I can say.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: How much does your service
MR. KELLY: I'm sorry?
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: How much does your service
MR. KELLY: Our service for a four-foot
fluorescent lamp is 40 cents. That's in place, no
packaging on it.
MR. PERZAN: I had a question.
You maintain negative pressure during the crushing?
MR. KELLY: Correct.
MR. PERZAN: What about after?
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MR. KELLY: We maintain negative pressure for a
span of about seven minutes. The air turns four times in
three minutes. For that period of time in between the
crush, we're monitoring the cavity of the unit.
At that point when the readouts come out, then our
technicians can go back to Level D for reloading the
unit, but we make sure that there's no mercury in the
cavity. We have yet to find it, but we do it anyways.
That's part of our health and safety plan. It's the list
that they have to go through.
MR. PERZAN: Just so I have a picture and so the
record is clear --
MR. KELLY: Sure.
MR. PERZAN: -- on this, the way I understand it,
you've got a drum?
MR. KELLY: Not a drum. It's a crusher.
Open crushing, obviously, we're opposed to it also.
Open drum top crushing with no emission controls is
ridiculous. For the purpose of volume reduction, you
violated the spirit of what we're here for, and that is
to capture mercury.
So getting back to what we do, we have what looks to
be an oversized coffin. It's run hydraulically. It's a
big drawer. You can put 400 lamps in that drawer, close
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the unit, shut the door, negative air goes on, starts
running. At that point, after you're through with your
checklist, the mercury vapor monitor is running, and it's
analyzing at the effluent side of the first filter, okay,
then there's a second --
MR. PERZAN: Where it's going in?
MR. KELLY: Coming out, coming out of the first
effluent side.
And when that's up and running, then we can crush, hit
a button. It's all automatic. It goes down. All the
lamps are crushed, and from there, they're manually put
into 55-gallon drums. They do not demonstrate any
toxicity at that point. We made sure of that.
Once it goes through that and there's a three-minute
span of air turned in there, which means it's turned, I
don't know, three to four times, there's no detection,
and the mercury is now all in that filter. The glass nor
the ends do not demonstrate TCLP.
MR. PERZAN: Now, when did you do the TCLP, after
you took the glass out?
MR. KELLY: Well, we've done TCLP testing at
various stages. We have more than one lab result, but,
of course, each time we do TCLP testing it would be
subsequent to the crush; otherwise, obviously, you
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wouldn't have any way to test it.
MR. PERZAN: So you -- the draw comes back out or
the glass falls through a grate.
MR. KELLY: Correct, down in the holding area.
MR. PERZAN: The holding area down there and you
take it out and do a grab sample?
MR. KELLY: Immediately. You mean for our
testing? We don't test every time. We've only --
MR. PERZAN: Well, I'm just talking about when you
MR. KELLY: For the R & D side of it, yes, that's
exactly right.
MR. PERZAN: Do a grab sample and --
MR. KELLY: Right to the lab.
MR. PERZAN: Okay. Have you had any, you know,
independent testing come in and do a test?
MR. KELLY: We hired Beling Consultants, which is
a middle-of-the-road conservative environmental
consulting firm that we ask them to simply go out
independently and look at what we're doing, and they have
signed off. If you, you know, want, there are
representatives here from that company.
MR. PERZAN: I think it would help.
MR. KELLY: Sure.
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MR. PERZAN: You said that there were -- and maybe
I got this wrong.
You said there was published data?
MR. KELLY: We have published data that we failed
to bring with us because we didn't know about this until
MR. PERZAN: Published in a journal or something.
MR. KELLY: No, no, published -- in other words,
our data that's done manually and also off a data logger
which is a software that comes with the mercury vapor
analyzer, which, by the way, the Illinois EPA owns one of
them also.
MR. PERZAN: Are you aware of anybody else that
does things similar to you?
MR. KELLY: Nope. This is state of the art.
MR. PERZAN: Nobody else in the country?
MR. KELLY: Not to my knowledge.
MR. PERZAN: You may have answered this question,
but when you send the mercury out, how did that
transaction work? I mean, do you sell that to them? Is
there a market for that?
MR. KELLY: Well, actually it's a trade-off.
There's a market, a very small market, but the costs are
eaten up in the transportation, but, in fact, it is
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product. It's being retorted as being brought back to
product whether its used for mercury switches or
thermometers or the vehicle for igniting fluorescent
MR. PERZAN: So the mercury is in a solid form?
MR. KELLY: Yes, in a salt form.
MR. PERZAN: It's in a salt form?
MR. KELLY: Yes. And then it's flashed at 2,400
degrees which brings it back into a vapor form brought
down into a liquid form in a retort, federally
MR. PERZAN: Do you know the name of that
MR. KELLY: I do, but I don't have it with me.
But I could certainly give you all that data. We have a
whole technical file that we'd love to supply you with.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Okay. Are there any other
questions? Thank you.
Board Member McFawn?
MS. McFAWN: This is probably in the literature,
but did you design the manufacture of your facilities?
MR. KELLY: I'm sorry?
MS. McFAWN: Did you design the manufacture of
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your own facility?
MR. KELLY: Yes, ma'am, and it's patented.
MS. McFAWN: And you said you have some pictures?
MR. KELLY: Yes, I do.
MS. McFAWN: You do? Maybe you'd like to share
them with the board.
MR. KELLY: I can show them to you, no problem.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Could you provide copies
of those for the board?
MR. KELLY: Oh, sure, absolutely. I'd love to.
MS. MANNING: The board really only makes
decisions on what we have in the record.
MS. MANNING: So whatever information you give
us -- pertinent information we'll look at.
MR. KELLY: Absolutely. But the pictures will
help you.
Thanks for your time, if there's any other questions.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any other
MS. McFAWN: Did you want to have those submitted
on the record now?
MR. KELLY: Did you want them now? Well, I'll
give them to you, but it's my only copy I have with me.
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HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Well, if you could maybe
make copies.
MR. KELLY: Yeah, sure. I can get them to you.
Would you rather have them right now, and then
subsequently we can take them back?
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Why don't you just provide
copies for us? That will be the easiest way.
MR. KELLY: Okay. Fine. If the regulators would
like copies, I certainly would be happy to do that also.
Give me your card. I'll make sure you get them.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any other
questions then? All right. Thank you very much for your
MR. KELLY: Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Well, we've been running
for a little over two hours now. I really don't want to
break for lunch because I think we can probably get this
finished rather quickly. We could take about a
five-minute break and have the agency come up. No?
Everybody is shaking their head no. Okay.
MR. DUFFALA: I have a brief statement.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Oh. You'd like to testify
as well?
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MR. DUFFALA: Do it now?
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Let's go ahead and do that
MR. DUFFALA: Thank you.
I won't take all that much time. My name is Dale --
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Excuse me. If the court
reporter can swear you in, please.
MR. DUFFALA: Oh, I'm sorry.
D A L E D U F F A L A ,
called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
testified, and saith as follows:
MR. DUFFALA: My name is Dale Duffala. That's
D-u-f-f-a-l-a, and I'm with Beling Consultants. That's
B-e-l-i-n-g. I'm the environmental department manager
here in Chicago. By way of background, I've got a
master's in environmental science from Indiana, and I've
been an environmental consultant for 20 years now.
Just a couple of things, I'd like to echo what Larry
has said about the process there and what Ms. Cawein has
said earlier. We're here today because we think that as
the regulatory changes are proposed, they represent a
potential or really put a damper on the development and
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
implementation of recycling technologies in Illinois and
also have the potential to drive the recycling costs up
for clients very high or at least prevent them from
coming down.
A couple of things that I'd like to address that
primarily came out of questions that the agency raised,
the issue of minimization of emissions. The agency now
regulates waste water treatment, water treatment, area
emissions, and those kinds of systems have been in place
for a long time. Rather than taking about a percentage
emission reduction, is 90 percent enough, is 95 percent,
it should be a strict numeric standard, I think, because
it's measurable.
There are OSHA limits, the OSHA limits of .05
milligrams per cubic meter, that Larry mentioned is the
NIOSH time-weighted average with a skin notation. The
OSHA ceiling limit is 0.1 milligrams per cubic meter, and
the IDLH or the immediately dangerous life and health
limit is ten milligrams per cubic meter.
The idea of using a percentage standard, 100 percent
control technology will not happen. We know that from
our previous air pollution control experience. So I
would recommend that you consider modeling any regulatory
limits after the existing OSHA standards.
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Other standards you asked about, the only other ones
that are on the record that I'm aware of are the national
emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for
mercury. They are specifically tied, however, to battery
manufacturing plants and municipal waste water treatment
I, unfortunately, do not have those numbers in front
of me, but we can provide them in the final comments that
SLR is going to provide.
As far as maintenance, you raised an issue on
maintenance and monitoring, again, using waste water,
water treatment, air pollution control as a model, it's
incumbent on the operators to prove they're complying
with whatever the regulatory limits are, and I think that
would be a reasonable approach in this case.
The agency reserves the right to pull inspections to
do its own monitoring, but, you know, you don't have the
personnel to go out and monitor all the waste water
treatment plans. You rely upon submitted records to show
that they're maintaining this compliance with discharge
Mr. Kuhn's testimony was really kind of limited to
drum top crushing, and we agree with everything he said.
The SLR process is not drum top crushing. It's a highly
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controlled environment, and one that we've looked at and
think addresses a lot of the issues dealing with the
mercury emissions into the atmosphere, which to us is the
primary thing.
I believe in SLR's final submittal to the board, we
can provide cost data on the process, economic data
regarding cost of disposal versus recycling from the
client base and also the monitoring data that Larry
talked about.
We've got to look over that for proprietary
information though because this is a brand new,
state-of-the-art technology, and I'm sure SLR wants to
maintain their lead in the industry on this.
The last thing that I'd like to say, somebody raised
an issue on conditionally exempt small quantity
generators, what would be economic drivers for them to
get into a program like this. We have heard -- and this
is anecdotal that if a disposal firm sees broken lamps in
a load, they're going to start refusing to take those
loads. That, to me, seems like a pretty large economic
driver to get conditionally exempt small quantity people
out of the habit of throwing them into the dumpster and
into the habit of putting them back into the boxes in
which they came.
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I think that's about all I have to say now, and,
again, I'll work with Mr. Kelly, and we can provide the
final package to you.
Are there any questions. Seeing none, thank you very
MR. DUFFALA: Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Is there anyone else that
would like to testify today? Seeing none, if the agency
would step forward again.
(Brief pause.)
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: We'll open it back up for
questions for the agency. I believe someone in the
audience had a question.
MR. HOMER: Yes. Thank you. Mark Homer from the
Chemical Industry Council again.
Does the agency have any idea as to what the emissions
ranges are at the recycling facilities across the country
currently for crushing?
MR. KUHN: No, I don't really have a number in
mind, although based on what I've seen, some of the
manufacturer's information, the crushing and the
recycling and processing is all done together. So I
would assume being a more highly effect process that the
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emissions are pretty low. I don't have a number for
MR. HOMER: Obviously, these facilities are all
permitted, I would assume. Is that the agency's
MR. KUHN: Recycling is exempt under RCRA.
MR. HOMER: Would it make sense from the agency's
perspective that if a specific number, efficiency
limitation, was put in the regulations for crushing that
obviously it shouldn't exceed what's being currently done
right now at the recycling facilities?
MR. KUHN: That would seem to make sense.
MR. HOMER: Okay. That's all I have. Thanks.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any additional
questions for the agency?
MS. MANNING: Does the agency care to comment on
the process we just heard about?
MR. KUHN: It sounded like a -- the way they
described it, it sounds like a very feasible process. It
sounds like something that's probably going to be under
the Universal Waste Rules. It would be something that I
assume they would be a large quantity handler. To be
able to afford that type of equipment, I would assume
that they would have to crush a large amount of bulbs to
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make it cost effective; otherwise, if it does what they
indicated it does, it sounds like a very good process.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: We've heard testimony
today -- in one of your comments, I don't know which one,
said that there are currently no recycling facilities in
From testimony today, we've heard people talk about
sending recycling to Wisconsin and Minnesota. Are those
the two closest recycling facilities that people send
MR. KUHN: I believe so. Michigan has recyclers,
I believe. Indiana might have too. I'm not aware.
MR. KUHN: Wisconsin and Minnesota are, from what
I hear, the most commonly used.
MS. ROSEN: Yeah. I just want to follow up on
Chairman Manning's questions, you had heard a process
laid out for you today that sounds like they would likely
be a large quantity handler under the rule.
Under the rules proposed, though, isn't it correct
that they would not be able to engage in what the process
they've outlined, the crushing?
MR. KUHN: That's true.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
MS. ROSEN: Okay. Thank you.
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: Are there any other
questions for the agency? Okay. Thank you very much.
We need to go off the record for a moment.
(Discussion had off
the record.)
HEARING OFFICER ERVIN: The board has requested an
expedited transcript of this hearing, and we should
receive that on Thursday or Friday. If anyone would like
a copy of today's transcript from today's hearing, please
speak to the court reporter directly.
If you order a copy of the transcript from the board,
the cost is 75 cents per page. We may also download a
copy of the transcript from the board's web page. The
board will post the transcript on the board's web page
within approximately two days after receipt of the
transcript. The board's web page is at
Final comments in this rulemaking will be due on
January 8th, and responses to any comments filed must be
received by January 15th. The mailbox rule does not
apply. All comments must be served on those on the
service list. An updated service list may be maintained
by calling the hearing officer.
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
Are there any other matters that need to be
addressed? Seeing that there are no further matters,
this matter is hereby adjourned. Thank you for your
attendance and participation.
MS. MANNING: Thank you.
(Whereupon, these were all the
above-entitled proceedings had
at this time.)
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292
) SS.
I, KIM M. HOWELLS, CSR, do hereby state that I am a
court reporter doing business in the City of Chicago,
County of Cook, and State of Illinois; that I reported by
means of machine shorthand the proceedings held in the
foregoing cause, and that the foregoing is a true and
correct transcript of my shorthand notes so taken as
Notary Public, Cook County, IL.
before me this________day
of___________, A.D., 1997.
Notary Public
L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292