April 3, 2003
    PCB 02-10
    (Citizens Enforcement - Noise)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by T.E. Johnson):
    This matter is before the Board on a February 20, 2003 motion to dismiss and request for
    sanctions filed by North Point Grade School (North Point). On March 20, 2003, the Board
    received a letter from Rebecca S. Lawrence (Lawrence) with two enclosed letters addressing the
    motion to dismiss. North Point filed a response on March 21, 2003.
    For the reasons identified below, the Board partially grants North Point’s motion to
    dismiss, and dismisses this case without prejudice.
    In the complaint, Lawrence states that she lives at 6 Sun Pointe Court in Bloomington,
    McClean County. She alleges that large air conditioning units, installed on the west side of
    North Point in August 1999, cause constant noise pollution. Lawrence states that during the
    seven months of operation, the units ran twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week. Comp.
    at 3. Lawrence alleges that the noises range from a loud startup of a fan motor through its
    running cycle, to a running motor with a constant humming sound when the air conditioning fan
    shuts off.
    . The fan cycle allegedly runs for three minutes and then shuts off for three to five
    Lawrence alleges that North Point operated the air conditioning units from August to
    November in 1999, and from April to November in 2000. She states that North Point activated
    the units again in April 2001, and the noise is ongoing. Comp. at 3. Lawrence alleges that the
    noise from the air conditioning fan at North Point results in an unreasonable interference with the
    use and enjoyment of her property. Comp. at 4. She states that the noise disturbs her sleep
    during the day and night hours, endangers her physical and emotional health and well being, and
    depresses the value and resale potential of her property.

    The Board accepted this matter for hearing on September 20, 2001. On September 4,
    2001, Lawrence filed a letter requesting that a hearing be scheduled. Board Hearing Officer
    Steven C. Langhoff set a hearing date for January 30, 2002. On January 9, 2002, the hearing
    officer issued an order canceling the January 30, 2002 hearing in part, due to an inability to
    contact Lawrence.
    On January 14, 2002, Lawrence requested that a new hearing officer be assigned to this
    case due to alleged bias towards North Point, and because she felt “bullied” by Hearing Officer
    Langhoff. On January 24, 2002, the Board granted Lawrence’s request and appointed Bradley
    Halloran. On September 11, 2002, the hearing officer received a letter from the complainant
    representing that she is under physician care, and that she anticipates that she will be under
    physician care until October 2002. On February 4, 2003, Hearing Officer Halloran issued an
    order noting that Lawrence has not appeared at numerous telephonic status conferences.
    On February 19, 2003, Lawrence sent a letter to Hearing Officer Halloran advising him
    that due to medical problems, she was requesting that this matter be continued for four to five
    months. The letter was wrongly addressed and never received by Hearing Officer Halloran. On
    March 17, 2003, Lawrence sent another letter to Hearing Officer Halloran indicating that she had
    surgery on March 10, 2003, and was released on March 15, 2003. Once again, she
    recommended that this matter be “sidelined” for the next four to five months until her health
    problems are resolved. Both letters were filed with the Board on March 26, 2003, along with a
    pleading requesting information on the protocol to follow regarding a continuance of the
    complainant due to serious health issues.
    On March 19, 2003, North Point filed a letter with the Board asserting that neither the
    February 19, 2003 letter nor the March 17, 2003 letter changes North Point’s position regarding
    its motion to dismiss this matter with prejudice.
    In its motion, North Point asserts that Lawrence has delayed this proceeding by
    requesting a new hearing officer, by failing to comply with the rules of the Board in regards to
    answering discovery, and by failing to keep four months of telephone status conferences. Mot. at
    2. North Point requests that the Board dismiss the action for an obvious lack of prosecution.
    North Point further asserts that it has expended significant funds to defend this complaint
    including, but not limited to, fees and expenses of expert witnesses, and fees and expenses of
    attorneys. North Point requests that the Board find Lawrence guilty of failure to comply with
    Board rules and of delaying the proceedings, and impose sanctions in the amount of fees
    expended by North Point not to exceed $5,000.
    Lawrence’s response consists of the three letters dated February 19, 2003, March 17,
    2003, and March 26, 2003. Each letter asserts that Lawrence’s serious health issues have
    prevented her from participating in her daily routine and work, including the prosecution of this

    case. Lawrence asserts that she is seeing a physician and could provide a note verifying the
    medical conditions resulting in a slow recovery and preventing physical activity. She indicates
    that if the case is dismissed due to her health situation, she will appeal or file a new complaint
    against North Point.
    Lawrence has not appeared during at least four telephone status conferences. In addition,
    she has acknowledged that she will be unable to adequately prosecute this matter for at least four
    to five months. The Board is cognizant of Lawrence’s purported health issues, but will not allow
    a continued delay in this matter to North Point’s detriment. Accordingly, the motion to dismiss
    is granted in part. However, the Board finds that a dismissal with prejudice would materially
    prejudice Lawrence, and will dismiss the proceeding without prejudice.
    North Point has also requested that the Board impose sanctions in the amount of fees
    expended by the respondent not to exceed $5,000. The Board's procedural rules provide that the
    Board may impose sanctions where a party unreasonably fails to comply with a hearing officer
    or Board order. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.800. The Board may consider factors including the
    relative severity of the refusal or failure to comply, the past history of the proceeding, and the
    degree to which the proceeding has been delayed or prejudiced by the alleged violations.
    However, Section 101.800 does not allow the Board to monetarily sanction the offending
    party (
    Revision of the Board's Procedural Rules: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101-130, R00-20, slip op.
    at 7 (Dec. 21, 2000)), where the Board eliminated language allowing the Board to sanction the
    offending party with reasonable costs incurred by the moving party in obtaining an order for
    sanctions). Thus, North Point’s request for monetary sanctions is denied, and the Board will not
    discuss whether Lawrence’s actions are sanctionable.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above order on April 3, 2003, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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