March 6, 1997
    PCB 96-233
    (Enforcement - Land)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by M. McFawn):
    This matter comes before the Board on a motion for summary judgment filed on
    December 16, 1996, by the People of the State of Illinois (complainant). On December 19,
    1996, ESG Watts, Inc. (ESG Watts or respondent) filed a motion for extension of time to
    respond to complainant’s motion for summary judgment. The hearing officer granted ESG
    Watts’ motion, allowing until December 27, 1996 for a response to be filed. ESG Watts has
    not filed a response to the motion for summary judgment. A party who fails to file a response
    to a motion is deemed to have waived objection to the granting of the motion, but the Board is
    not bound by the waiver in its decision on the motion. (35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.241.)
    Complainant seeks summary judgment on Counts I, II and III of the complaint based
    upon respondent’s response to the request for admission of facts. On June 18, 1996,
    complainant filed a request for admission of facts. ESG Watts filed its response on August 28,
    1996 admitting all facts alleged therein by complainant. Complainant’s motion for summary
    judgment is premised on ESG Watts’ admissions.
    Summary judgment is proper only when the pleadings, affidavits, admissions and other
    items in the record demonstrate that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that the
    moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. (Waste Management of Illinois v.
    IEPA, (July 21, 1994), PCB 94-153; Solomon v. American Nat'l Bank & Trust Co., 243
    Ill.App.3d 132, 612 N.E.2d 3 (1st Dist. 1993).)
    On January 10, 1997, complainant moved to amend the complaint to include violations
    that have occurred or continued subsequent to the filing of the initial complaint. Specifically,
    complainant seeks to amend Count I by adding an allegation that ESG Watts failed to upgrade
    its financial assurance, as required by its permit, by December 5, 1996. ESG Watts has not
    filed a response to the motion to amend the complaint. The Board grants complainant’s
    motion to amend. However, the amendments to Count I of the complaint are not covered by
    the motion for summary judgment.

    The five count complaint in this matter was filed on May 15, 1996 against ESG Watts.
    ESG Watts is an Iowa corporation authorized to do business in Illinois and is a wholly owned
    subsidiary of Watts Trucking Service. (Compl. at par. 5.)
    ESG Watts operates the Viola
    Landfill near Viola in Mercer County, Illinois. The landfill occupies approximately 30 acres.
    (Compl. at par. 4.) The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) has issued
    permits to ESG Watts or Watts Trucking Service authorizing waste disposal and sanitary
    landfill operations at the Viola Landfill. (Compl. at par. 7.)
    The complaint alleges that ESG Watts violated various sections of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/5
    et seq
    .) and the Board’s regulations in operating the Viola
    Landfill. Pertinent to this pending motion, the complaint alleges that ESG Watts failed to
    maintain the necessary funds in its trust fund to demonstrate adequate financial assurance for
    closure and post-closure care, failed to file the proper reports concerning the same, and failed
    to monitor groundwater as required by its permit and submit quarterly groundwater monitoring
    As already stated, the motion for summary judgment is premised upon admissions
    made by ESG Watts in its response to complainant’s request for admission of facts.
    Complainant also requests that the Board find that the violations were willful, knowing or
    repeated and award costs and reasonable attorney’s fees pursuant to Section 42(f) of the Act.
    In addition, complainant requests that the Board order ESG Watts to post $249,067 in its trust
    fund to correct the financial assurance violations. Further, complainant requests that the Board
    order ESG Watts to submit a revision of the current cost estimates and post-closure care in
    compliance with the Board’s regulations. Complainant also requests that a hearing be
    scheduled for the allegations of violations not subject to summary judgment.
    Count I: Financial Assurance Violations
    Count I of the complaint alleges that ESG Watts violated its supplemental permits
    because it failed to upgrade the amount of its financial assurance since at least September 9,
    1991. Count I alleges that ESG Watts failed to timely revise the current cost estimates of
    closure and post-closure care as required by its permits and necessitated by changes in
    circumstances, and therefore, ESG Watts also operated the landfill in violation of the
    conditions of its permits. As a result of these failures, the complaint alleges that ESG Watts
    violated Sections 21(d)(1) and (2), 21(e), 21(o)(13) and 21.1(a) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 807.603 and 807.623.
    In pertinent part, Section 21(d) prohibits conducting waste-disposal operations: (1) in
    violation of a permit condition, or (2) in violation of the Board’s regulations. Section 21(e) of
    the Act prohibits the disposal of any waste except at a facility meeting the requirements of the
    References to the complaint filed on May 15, 1996 are indicated by Compl. at par. __.

    Act and Board regulations. Section 21.1(a) of the Act requires the posting of a performance
    bond or other security to conduct waste disposal, while Section 21(o)(13) prohibits operating a
    permitted sanitary landfill if a cost estimate, performance bond or other security is not
    submitted as required. Pursuant to Section 807.603 of the Board’s regulations, an operator of
    a landfill is required to maintain financial assurance equal to or greater than the current cost
    estimate at all times, and to increase the amount of financial assurance within 90 days of an
    increase in a cost estimate. Section 807.623 requires that the operator revise and file the
    revised cost estimates for closure and post-closure care plans at least every two years, even if
    there are no changes in costs.
    Complainant claims that the admissions by respondent prove that respondent has failed
    to timely and adequately upgrade the financial assurance for the Viola landfill and to timely
    revise the current cost estimates of closure and post-closure care. Complainant relies on
    respondent’s responses # 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 and 50 as proof that respondent did not
    maintain financial assurance as required. Complainant relies on responses #42, 47, 50 and 69
    to show that respondent has failed to revise the current cost estimates of closure and post-
    closure care.
    In its response to the admission of facts, ESG Watts admits that its supplemental
    permits require it to provide financial assurance in specific amounts by certain dates and that
    the financial assurance trust fund for the Viola Landfill did not contain the required funds.
    (Res. # 40 -50)
    ESG Watts also admits that it did not revise and keep current cost estimates
    for closure and post-closure care. (Res. # 42, 47, 50 and 69.)
    The Board grants summary judgment to complainant on Count I of the complaint. ESG
    Watts admits that it did not maintain sufficient financial assurance for its landfill operation or
    provide current cost estimates of closure and post-closure care as required by a condition in its
    supplemental permits and Board regulation. These failures by ESG Watts are in violation of
    permit conditions, the Act and Board regulations. Additionally, ESG Watts continued to
    operate the landfill while violating a condition of its permit. Therefore, ESG Watts violated
    Section 21(d) of the Act by operating its landfill in violation of a permit condition and Board
    regulation. Section 21.1(a) and Section 807.603 require landfill operators to upgrade financial
    assurance within 90 days when conditions change. Section 807.623 requires that the operator
    revise its cost estimates at least every two years. By failing to maintain sufficient financial
    assurance, ESG Watts violated Section 21.1(a) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.603 of
    the Board’s regulations, and by failing to update its financial assurance estimates on or before
    December 9, 1993 as required by its 1991 permit, ESG Watts violated its permit and Section
    807.623. ESG Watts also violated Section 21(o)(13) by continuing to operate the Viola
    Landfill without providing the required financial assurance.
    Based upon ESG Watts’ admissions, the financial assurance fund for the Viola Landfill
    has not contained the proper dollar amount required by its supplemental permits and by Board
    ESG Watts’ response to complaint’s requests to admit facts was filed on August 28, 1996.
    This document is referenced as Res.#___; the number refers to the number of facts to which
    Watts responded.

    regulations since September 19, 1991 through May 15, 1996—the date this complaint was
    filed. The trust fund has contained no more than $30,000 at any time, although the amount
    required was $249,067 as of May 9, 1995. The Board will order ESG Watts to deposit
    sufficient funds into the trust fund within 45 days of the date of this order so that the fund
    provides at least $249,067 financial assurance.
    The Board notes that the amendments to Count I accepted by today’s order are not
    included in the summary judgment since the complaint was amended after the motion for
    summary judgment was filed and there are no admissions by ESG Watts concerning them.
    Count II : Groundwater Violation
    Count II of the complaint alleges that a groundwater monitoring report submitted to the
    Agency on July 14, 1995 for the second quarter of 1995 indicates the presence of certain
    organic and inorganic constituents in excess of the groundwater quality standards for either
    Class I or Class II groundwater. (Compl. at par. 13.) The complainant maintains that the
    landfill is a likely source of the chemical constituents, the concentration of which exceed
    groundwater quality standards (Compl. at par. 25.), and that the groundwater underlying the
    landfill is likely a Class I resource groundwater. (Compl. at par. 27.) The complaint alleges
    that ESG Watts has violated 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.115, 620.405 and 620.410 by causing,
    threatening or allowing the release of contaminants to cause exceedences of the groundwater
    standards. (Compl. at par. 26.) In addition, the complainant maintains that by causing
    threatening or allowing the discharge of contaminants into the groundwater, ESG Watts has
    violated Sections 12(a) of the Act, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.301(a), and 807.313 and
    807.315 (Compl. at pars. 28 and 29.) and by doing so has violated Section 21(d)(2) of the
    Section 620.301 prohibits the release of any contaminant to a resource groundwater
    such that treatment is necessary or an existing or potential use of the groundwater is precluded.
    Section 12(a) of the Act prohibits a person from causing, threatening or allowing the discharge
    of contaminants into the environment so as to cause or tend to cause water pollution. The
    operation of a landfill so as to cause, threaten or allow the discharge of any contaminants into
    the environment so as to cause or tend to cause water pollution in Illinois is prohibited by
    Section 807.313. Section 807.315 of the Board’s regulations requires a landfill operator to
    prove that no damage will result to the waters of the State from the operation of the landfill
    and Section 21(d)(2) prohibits conducting waste-disposal operations in violation of the Board’s
    In the motion for summary judgment, complainant asserts that the admission of facts
    establishes that respondent violated Section 12(a) of the Act and Sections 807.313 and
    807.315. Complainant relies on the groundwater report submitted by ESG Watts on July 14,
    1995, which indicates the presence of certain organic and inorganic constituents in excess of
    the groundwater quality standards. ESG Watts admits that the groundwater report from the
    second quarter of 1995 indicates the presence of certain organic and inorganic constituents in
    excess of the groundwater quality standards for both Class I and Class II groundwater (Res.
    #68), and that the report indicated a significant change in groundwater quality. (Res. #69.)

    The Board finds that these admission of facts by ESG Watts supports a finding of the
    alleged violations of 35 Ill Adm. Code 807.313 and 807.315. Concerning the alleged
    violation of Section 12(a), the parties need to address this allegation at hearing. Finally, the
    Board notes that Count II of the complaint alleges additional violations of the Act, as recited
    above. However, the motion for summary judgment does not address those allegations.
    Therefore, they remain to be addressed by the parties at hearing.
    Count III: Groundwater Monitoring Violations
    First, Count III of the complaint alleges that ESG Watts failed to timely submit any
    quarterly groundwater monitoring reports between the second quarter of 1992 and the first
    quarter of 1995. (Compl. at pars. 27-38.) Complainant maintains that ESG Watts admits that
    it did not submit quarterly groundwater reports between the second quarter of 1992 and the
    first quarter of 1995. (Res. #54-65.) Complainant alleges that failure by respondent to file the
    required monitoring reports violated Sections 21(d) and 21(o)(11) of the Act. (Compl. at par.
    39) Again, Section 21(d)(1) prohibits conducting waste disposal operations in violation of a
    permit condition, while Section 21(o)(11) prohibits conducting a sanitary landfill if the
    required reports are not submitted.
    Second, Count III also alleges that ESG Watts violated Section 21(d)(1) of the Act
    because it failed to install the monitoring wells and devices as required by permit. (Compl. at
    pars. 41 and 42.) Complainant maintains that ESG Watts admits that it installed the
    monitoring devices in 1995 (Res. #67) and not by May, 1992 as required by its supplemental
    permit. (Res. #66.)
    Lastly, Count III of the complaint charges that ESG Watts violated Sections 12(a) and
    21(d)(2) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.313 and 807.315. (Compl. at par. 45.)
    Section 807.313 prohibits the operation of a landfill so as to cause, threaten or allow the
    discharge of any contaminants into the environment so as to cause or tend to cause water
    pollution in Illinois, while Section 807.315 of the Board’s regulations requires a landfill
    operator to prove that no damage will result to the waters of the State from the operation of the
    landfill. Complainant maintains that ESG Watts’ admission that it did not install the
    monitoring devices until 1995 (Res. #67) proves that ESG Watts failed to monitor the water
    quality and thereby violated Section 12(a) of the Act and Sections 807.313 and 807.315.
    The Board grants summary judgment on Count III of the complaint. ESG Watts admits
    that it did not file the groundwater reports or install the monitoring devices as required as a
    condition of its permit. ESG Watts’ failure to file the groundwater reports and install the
    monitoring devices are violations of ESG Watts’ permits. Additionally, ESG Watts continued
    to operate its landfill while violating conditions of its permit and therefore, has violated
    Section 21(d)(1) of the Act. ESG Watts’ failure to submit the required reports also violated
    Section 21(o)(11) of the Act which prohibits operating a landfill without filing the required
    reports. Finally, by failing to install the monitoring equipment, monitor groundwater beneath
    the landfill and submit the monitoring reports as required, ESG Watts operated its landfill in a
    manner which constitutes a threat to waters, which in this case, groundwaters of the State.
    ESG Watts thereby violated Sections 12(a) and 21(d)(2) of the Act and 35 Ill Adm. Code

    807.313 and 807.315.
    Based on the admission of facts by ESG Watts, the Board grants summary judgment in
    favor of complainant on Count I as initially filed, partial summary judgment on Count II, and
    on Count III of the complaint as filed on May 15, 1996. The parties are directed to address at
    hearing those portions of the compliant unresolved by today’s order.
    Furthermore, the Board defers making any determination on penalty until after the
    remaining allegations in the complaint and the amended complaint are adjudicated. Similarly,
    the Board defers any finding on whether the violations were willful, knowing or repeated and
    whether costs and attorney’s fees should be awarded pursuant to Section 42(f) of the Act. At
    hearing, the parties are directed to include in the record evidence and arguments on the
    appropriate penalty to be imposed in this matter and on whether costs and attorney’s fees
    should be awarded. (See 415 ILCS 5/42.)
    1. Complainant’s motion filed on January 10, 1997 to amend the complaint is granted.
    2. Summary judgment for complainant is granted against ESG Watts as to Count I as
    initially filed. (This ruling does not include the amendment allowed to the complaint
    pursuant to paragraph 1.) ESG Watts is found to have violated Sections 21(d)(1) and
    (d)(2), 21(e), 21(o)(13) and 21.1(a) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.603 and
    Partial summary judgment for complainant is granted against ESG Watts as to Count II.
    ESG Watts is found to have violated 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.313 and 807.315.
    Summary judgment for complainant is granted against ESG Watts as to Count III.
    ESG Watts is found in violation Sections 21(d) and 21(o)(11) due to its failure to file
    the required groundwater monitoring reports; and in violation of Section 12(a) and
    21(d)(2) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807.313 and 807.315 due to its failure to
    install the monitoring equipment and to monitor groundwater quality.
    ESG Watts is ordered to deposit sufficient funds into the Viola Landfill trust fund so
    that the fund provides as least the $249,067 as required by Permit 1994-285-SP, within
    45 days of this order.
    ESG Watts is ordered to submit to the Agency a revision of the current cost estimates
    for closure and post-closure of the Viola Landfill in compliance with 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 807.603(b)(1) and 807.621(c) and (d), within 45 days of this order.
    At the scheduled hearing the parties shall address the remaining allegations of the
    complaint, the issues relating to penalty, and awarding of costs and attorney’s fees.

    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
    the above order was adopted on the _____ day of ___________, 1997, by a vote of
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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