February 21, 2002
) | ||
(January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001; | ) (Identical-in-Substance | |
Arsenic Rule) | ) | Rulemaking - Public Water Supply) |
Adopted Rule. Final Order.
By this order, the Board is adopting amendments to the Illinois drinking water regulations that are identical in substance to amendments adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300f et seq. (1994)) drinking water regulations. The federal amendments included in this docket include those adopted by USEPA during the period between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2001. The Board has also included a number of amendments prompted by comments from the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency), and USEPA.
These adopted amendments are based on a proposal for public comment adopted by the Board on October 4, 2001, for which a Notice of Proposed Amendments appeared in the October 26, 2001 issue of the Illinois Register. The Board has made only non-substantive changes to the proposal to public comments.
Under Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 17.5 (2000)), the Board today adopts amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to drinking water regulations that USEPA adopted to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (1994)). The nominal timeframe of this docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001.
Sections 7.2 and 17.5 provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2000)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal SDWA regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today. The Board will file the adopted amendments with the Office of the Secretary of State without delay.
Under Section 7.2(b) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2(b) (2000)), the Board is required to complete the rulemaking action on these amendments within one year of the earliest federal amendments involved. As is outlined below, USEPA adopted the earliest federal amendments involved on January 16, 2001. Thus, the nominal deadline for completion of these amendments was January 16, 2002. On December 5, 2001, the Board received a request from USEPA that we extend the public comment period for an additional 30 days. The Board adopted an order on December 20, 2001, that extended the public comment period for the requested 30 days, until January 9, 2002. The Board also set forth reasons for delay in that order, as allowed under Section 7.2(b) of the Act, and the deadline for completion of the rulemaking activities in this matter was extended until February 22, 2002. A Notice of Public Information on Proposed Rules explaining the extension appeared in the January 4, 2002 issue of the Illinois Register (at 26 Ill. Reg. 247).
The following briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this rulemaking.
Docket R02-1: January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 SDWA Amendments
USEPA amended the federal SDWA regulations on only one occasion during the period January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001. This is summarized below:
66 Fed. Reg. 2273 (January 11, 2001)
USEPA approved analytical methods for 13 List 2 unregulated contaminants that suppliers must monitor. List 2 contaminants are those for which analytical methods are under refinement. USEPA also modified the requirements for implementation of monitoring for List 1 and List 2 contaminants.
66 Fed. Reg. 3466 (January 16, 2001)
By a direct final rule, USEPA approved the use of updated test procedures for determination of various contaminants in water and wastewater.
66 Fed. Reg. 3770 (January 16, 2001)
USEPA adopted minor amendments to the December 16, 1998 interim enhanced surface water rule (63 Fed. Reg. 69478) and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule (63 Fed. Reg. 69390). USEPA had earlier adopted these amendments by a direct final rule on April 14, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 20304), but later withdrew those amendments as a result of adverse public comment on June 13, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 37052). USEPA again adopted the amendments with minor revisions after receiving additional public comments.
66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001)
USEPA adopted National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for arsenic in drinking water. The standards included monitoring and reporting requirements for demonstrating compliance. The rules are applicable to non-transient non-community water systems and community water systems.
66 Fed. Reg. 9903 (February 12, 2001)
USEPA corrected its action of January 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 3770) pertaining to interim enhanced surface water rule and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule.
66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001)
USEPA delayed the effective date of the January 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 6976) arsenic rule for 60 days, until May 22, 2001.
66 Fed. Reg. 26795 (May 15, 2001)
USEPA withdrew its January 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 3466) direct final rule that approved the use of updated test procedures for determination of various contaminants in water and wastewater.
66 Fed. Reg. 27215 (May 16, 2001)
USEPA corrected its January 11, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 2273) approval of analytical methods for 13 List 2 unregulated contaminants that suppliers must monitor.
66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001)
USEPA again delayed the effective date of the January 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 6976) arsenic rule to February 22, 2002. The January 22, 2004 effective date for compliance and new-source monitoring aspects of the rule remained unchanged.
66 Fed. Reg. 31086 (June 8, 2001)
USEPA adopted the filter backwash recycling rule. The rule regulates the return of recycled flows to the filtration process, which could potentially threaten the microbiologic integrity of the treatment process.
No Board Action on Certain Federal Actions
Some of the federal actions that occurred during the period of January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 will require no action on the part of the Board to amend the Illinois drinking water regulations. The Board summarizes those federal actions here:
1. | No action will be necessary on the federal January 11, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 2273) unregulated contaminants rules and the May 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 27215) approval of new methods for unregulated contaminants. As stated in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999), R00-10 (Aug. 24, 2000), USEPA and the Agency have both commented that the unregulated contaminant monitoring provisions are not segments of the federal SDWA rules that the Board is required to adopt and maintain. |
2. | On May 15, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 26795), USEPA withdrew its direct final rule of January 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 3466) in which it approved updated test procedures for water contaminants. This withdrawal obviates Board action on the January 16, 2001 amendments (as well as the May 15, 2001 withdrawal of those amendments). |
No Later SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments of Interest
The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this opinion and accompanying order, we have not identified any USEPA actions since June 30, 2001, that further amend the SDWA rules. When the Board observes an action outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that would require expedited consideration in the pending docket, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments. Federal actions that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as soon as possible and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited consideration.
Summary Tabulation of the Federal Actions Included in This Docket
January 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 3770) |
Minor amendments to the December 16, 1998 interim enhanced surface water rule and Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule. |
January 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 6976) |
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for arsenic in drinking water. |
February 12, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 9903) |
USEPA corrected the January 16, 2001 amendments to the interim enhanced surface water rule and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfection byproducts rule. |
March 23, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 16134) |
USEPA delayed the effective date of the January 22, 2001 arsenic rule for 60 days, until May 22, 2001. |
May 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 28342) |
USEPA again delayed the effective date of the January 22, 2001 arsenic rule to February 22, 2002. (The January 22, 2004 effective date for compliance and new-source monitoring aspects of the rule remained unchanged.) |
June 8, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 31086) |
USEPA adopted the filter backwash recycling rule, regulating the return of recycled flows to the filtration process that could potentially threaten the microbiologic integrity of the treatment process. |
The Board adopted a proposal for public comment in this matter on October 4, 2001. A Notice of Proposed Amendments appeared in the October 26, 2001 issue of the Illinois Register (at 25 Ill. Reg. 13382), beginning the 45-day public comment period. On December 20, 2001, at the December 5, 2001 request of USEPA, the Board extended the public comment period until January 9, 2002. At the same time, the Board set forth reasons for delay and extended the deadline for Board adoption of these amendments until February 22, 2002. A Notice of Public Information on Proposed Rules explaining the extension appeared in the January 4, 2002 issue of the Illinois Register (at 26 Ill. Reg. 247)
During the public comment period, the Board received four comments. Those comments are listed as follows:
PC 1 | Lou Allyn Byus, Assistant Manager—Field Operations, Division of Public Water Supplies, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (dated October 19, 2002) |
PC 2 | Lou Allyn Byus, Assistant Manager—Field Operations, Division of Public Water Supplies, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (dated November 1, 2002) |
PC 3 | Rita Garner, Ground Water and Drinking Water Branch, USEPA Region V (dated January 9, 2002) |
PC 4 | Stephen C. Ewart, Deputy Counsel, Division of Legal Counsel, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (dated February 4, 2002) |
In PC 1, the Agency requested that the Board withdraw the amendments based on the federal January 26, 2001 arsenic rule. The Agency essentially stated that the Board should delay action to adopt the amendments because USEPA action to implement the arsenic rule appeared uncertain. In PC 2, however, the Agency withdrew its request for delay in PC 1 because USEPA had announced its intent to implement the arsenic rule without further delay.
In PC 3, USEPA stated that it reviewed the proposed amendments. USEPA suggested a number of corrections that the Board has made in adopting the amendments. In PC 4, the Agency has also suggested a number of corrections to the amendments.
In addition to the public comments, the Board received documents from JCAR that suggested a number of corrections. The Board has revised segments of the amendments in response to the comments received, as appropriate. The table that begins at page 62 of this opinion briefly describes the revisions made since the October 26, 2001 proposal for public comment. The table that begins on page 78 outlines the suggested revisions that the Board has not made.
The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant Federal Register notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors that we see in the text as we engage in these routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the Code of Federal Regulations available to the Board is the July 1, 2000 version. Thus, we have updated all citations to the 2000 version, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate Federal Register citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer, since it is not used in everyday language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board substitutes “must.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,” and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”
JCAR has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—i.e., air, water, drinking water, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” We will continue this conversion in future rulemakings, as additional sections become open to amendment. We will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are set forth and explained beginning at page 13 of this opinion. There is no further discussion of most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
Discussion of the Federal Actions
Amendments to the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule-Subparts I and R and Sections 611.232, 611.250, 611.310, 611.312, 611.313, 611.680, and 611.685
On January 16, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 3770), USEPA adopted minor amendments to the December 16, 1998 interim enhanced surface water rule (63 Fed. Reg. 69478) and the Stage 1 disinfectant residual and disinfection byproducts (DR/DBP) rule (63 Fed. Reg. 69390). On February 12, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 9903), USEPA corrected the January 16, 2001 amendments. USEPA had earlier adopted these amendments by a direct final rule on April 14, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 20304), but later withdrew those amendments as a result of adverse public comment on June 13, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 37052). USEPA ultimately again adopted the amendments on January 16, 2001 after receiving additional public comments.
The Board incorporated the federal amendments into the Illinois drinking water regulations in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998), R99-12 (July 22, 1999), based on an advanced copy of the amendments obtained from the USEPA. At that time the Board chose to proceed without delay to adopt the amendments because they altered the effective dates of the rules that they affected. The amendments ultimately adopted by USEPA on January 16, 2001, have only minimally changed the text of the federal amendments as submitted to the Board in a draft form in 1999. In this present action the Board effects those minimal changes to complete the federal amendments.
The Board has completed the January 16, 2001 federal amendments with only minimal deviation from the text of the federal amendments. Persons interested in a detailed explanation of the substance of the underlying federal action should refer to the notice that appeared in the January 16, 2001 issue of the Federal Register. Table 1, which begins on page 13 of this opinion, outlines the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules that the Board found necessary to incorporate the amendments. The Board will offer no explanation of most of those deviations beyond that set forth in the table, since none of the deviations are significant enough to warrant specific discussion.
The Board requested public comment on our incorporation of the January 16, 2001 federal amendments to the interim enhanced surface water rule and the Stage 1 DR/DBP rule into the Illinois drinking water regulations. The Board received comments from USEPA and incorporated a small number of revisions to the text of the amendments as a result. Those revisions are itemized in the table that begins on page 62 of this opinion.
National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic-Subpart N and 611.101, 611.130, 611.300, 611.301, 611.646, 611.648, 611.884, 611.Appendix A, and Appendix G
On January 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 6976), USEPA adopted National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs) applicable to arsenic in drinking water. The arsenic rule will lower the MCL for arsenic from the current 0.05 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L, and it will revise the analytical methods used to determine compliance, amend the monitoring requirements, and change the public notification requirements that apply to arsenic. USEPA further adopted amendments to the new source compliance demonstration requirements applicable to all inorganic contaminants (IOCs), volatile organic contaminants (VOCs), and synthetic organic contaminants (SOCs). As initially adopted by USEPA, the federal arsenic rule contained a number of different effective dates and compliance dates. The effective date for these amendments was March 23, 2001, except that the monitoring and compliance requirements of the rule were to be effective January 22, 2004, and the compliance deadline for the arsenic MCL was January 23, 2006.
On March 23, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 16134), USEPA delayed the effective date of various aspects of the arsenic NPDWRs until May 22, 2001. On May 22, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 28342), USEPA again delayed various of the effective dates until February 22, 2002. Unaffected by these actions were the effective dates of the January 22, 2001 amendments pertaining to IOCs generally and to VOCs and SOCs. The effect of the March 23, 2001 and May 22, 2001 amendments was to shift the dates when the arsenic rule takes effect. The first action changed the effective date of the arsenic rule from March 23, 2001 to May 22, 2001. The second action shifted the effective date to February 22, 2002. USEPA stated in changing these dates, it was delaying the effective dates of the amendments “to reassess the scientific and cost issues associated with the arsenic rule . . ..” 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001). USEPA stated that the delayed effective dates did not affect the ultimate deadline for compliance with the new MCL for arsenic.
The following tables illustrate the initial and amended effective dates for the various aspects of the arsenic rule and the concurrent amendments:
Initial Effective Date (as published on January 22, 2001): March 23, 2001
First Revised Effective Date (as published on March 23, 2001): May 22, 2001
Current Effective Date (as published on May 22, 2001): February 22, 2002
Subject Matter |
Federal Section (40 C.F.R.) |
Illinois Section (35 Ill. Adm. Code) |
Definitions |
141.2 |
611.101 |
Old MCL (expires 1-23-2006) |
141.11 |
611.300(a) |
Analytical and monitoring requirements (the listed MCL changes on 1-23-2006) |
141.23(a) |
611.600(d) |
Monitoring requirements |
141.23(c) |
611.603 preamble |
Confirmation sampling |
141.23(f)(1) |
611.606(a) |
Approved methods (method expires 1-23-2006) |
141.23(k)(1) note 15 |
611.611(a)(2)(A) Board note |
Sample collection |
141.23(k)(2) |
611.611(b) & (b)(2) |
Mandatory health effects language (the levels that trigger the need to use the mandated language change on 7-1-2001, 7-1-2002, and 1-22-2006) |
141.154(b) |
611.884(b) |
Initial Effective Date (as published on January 22, 2001): March 23, 2001
First Revised Effective Date (as published on March 23, 2001): May 22, 2001
Current Effective Date (as published on May 22, 2001): January 22, 2004
Subject Matter |
Federal Section (40 C.F.R.) |
Illinois Section (35 Ill. Adm. Code) |
New system compliance (a system that begins operation or uses a new source of water after 1-22-2004) |
141.23(c)(9) |
611.603(i) |
Unchanged Effective Date (as published on January 22, March 23, and May 22, 2001): January 22, 2004
Subject Matter |
Federal Section (40 C.F.R.) |
Illinois Section (35 Ill. Adm. Code) |
Compliance determination (IOCs) |
141.23(i)(1) & (i)(2) |
611.609(a) |
Compliance determination (VOCs) |
141.24(f)(15) |
611.646(o) |
New system compliance (VOCs) (a system that begins operation or uses a new source of water after 1-22-2004) |
141.24(f)(22) |
611.646(v) |
Compliance determination (SOCs) |
141.24(h)(11) |
611.648(k) |
New system compliance (SOCs) (a system that begins operation or uses a new source of water after 1-22-2004) |
141.24(h)(20) |
611.648(t) |
Unchanged Effective Date (as published on January 22, March 23, and May 22, 2001): January 23, 2006
Subject Matter |
Federal Section (40 C.F.R.) |
Illinois Section (35 Ill. Adm. Code) |
Results reporting |
141.23(i)(4) |
611.609(d) |
Laboratory certification |
141.23(k)(3) |
611.611(c) |
New MCL & BAT |
141.62 |
611.301(b) |
Mandatory health effects language (the listed MCL changes on 1-23-2006) |
Appendix A to Subpart O |
611.Appendix A |
Summary of public notice requirements (the listed MCL and Tier 3 violation citations change on 1-23-2006) |
Appendix A to Subpart Q |
611.Appendix G |
Standard health effects language (the listed MCL changes on 1-23-2006) |
Appendix B to Subpart Q |
611.Appendix H |
Variance and exemption requirements |
142.62(b) |
611.130(c)(1) Board note |
The Board has incorporated the federal arsenic rule amendments into the Illinois drinking water regulations with minimal deviation from the literal text of the federal amendments. Persons interested in the substance of the underlying federal action should refer to the notice that appeared in the January 22, 2001, March 23, 2001, and May 22, 2001 issues of the Federal Register. Table 1, which begins on page 14 of this opinion, outlines the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules that the Board found necessary to incorporate the amendments. The Board will offer no explanation of most of those deviations beyond that set forth in the table. We do, however, explain the more significant deviations in this discussion.
One set of deviations from the federal text that the Board has found necessary relates to the various federal effective dates involved. We have found it necessary to preface several provisions with their federal effective dates. As explained in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000), R01-20 (Oct. 4, 2001), under federal law, USEPA can codify two versions of a single provision, with one effective up to a certain date and another effective after that date. The Board must codify those versions as separate provisions, and we can then later amend the regulations to remove the expired provision. The Board will codify the new provision under the existing subsection designation as effective on some future date, then renumber the existing provision under a new subsection designation as effective until that future date. Thus, the Board has prefaced Sections 611.601(d)(2), 611.603 preamble, 611.606(a), 611.609(a) and (b), as effective on February 22, 2002; Sections 611.611(b), (c), (o), and (o)(1) through (o)(6), and 611.648(k) and (k)(1) through (k)(5) as effective January 22, 2004 and Sections 611.646(o)(6) and (o)(7) and 611.648(k)(6) and (k)(7) as effective until January 22, 2004, the old MCL listed at Section 611.Appendix A (“arsenic”) as effective until January 23, 2006 and the new MCL as effective on January 23, 2006, and Section 611.300(b) as effective until January 23, 2006.
The Board makes a specific observation on one aspect of the effect of the federal arsenic rule on the Illinois regulations. Most segments of Section 611.300, as it exists today, are derived from the Illinois regulations adopted under Section 27 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27 (2000)) that predate the federally derived SDWA regulations adopted as identical-in-substance rules under Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 17.5 (2000)) and currently codified as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611 today. See Safe Drinking Water Act Regulations, R88-26 (Aug. 9, 1990) at pp. 73-74; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.202 (1988). Over time, the federally-derived MCLs have been removed from this Section, leaving only the state-only inorganic MCLs but those for iron, manganese, and zinc. 1 The January 23, 2006 expiration of the old arsenic MCL will remove that last federally derived rule from Section 611.300. After that date, the remaining provisions in this Section will be exclusively state-derived rules.
The Board requested public comment on our incorporation of the January 16, 2001 federal amendments to the radiologic contaminant rules into the Illinois drinking water regulations. The Board received comments from USEPA and incorporated a small number of revisions to the text of the amendments as a result. Those revisions are itemized in the table that begins on page 62 of this opinion.
Filter Backwash Rule-Sections 611.276 and 611.Appendices A and G
On June 8, 2001 (66 Fed. Reg. 31086), USEPA adopted the filter backwash recycling rule (FBRR). USEPA stated that the purpose of the FBRR is to protect public health by requiring suppliers to change their practice of return of filter backwash water to the treatment process; the purpose of the change is to avoid any compromise of microbial control. The FBRR addresses filter backwash water, sludge thickener supernatant water, and waters from dewatering processes. The FBRR added new 40 C.F.R. 141.76 to the regulations, which requires suppliers to submit a detailed written notification to the State by December 8, 2003, if it recycles spent filter backwash water, thickener supernatant, or dewatering process liquids. Suppliers are prohibited, effective June 8, 2004, against returning these flows to the treatment process except through the existing filtration system or to an alternative location approved by the State. The new rule requires that a supplier must complete all capital improvements necessary to comply with the rule’s requirements before June 8, 2006. Also effective June 8, 2004, the suppliers are required to maintain records containing specified information for State inspection.
The Board has incorporated the federal amendments into the Illinois drinking water regulations as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.276 with minimal deviation from the literal text of corresponding 40 C.F.R. 141.76. Persons interested in the substance of the underlying federal action should refer to the notice that appeared in the June 8, 2001 issue of the Federal Register. Table 1, which begins on page 13 of this opinion, outlines the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules that the Board found necessary to incorporate the amendments. The Board will offer no explanation of those deviations beyond that set forth in the table. We do, however, consider in this discussion specific significant issues raised by subsection (c) of the new Section.
The first issue relating to subsection (c) relates to State designation of alternative locations to return the backwash flows. The information required of the supplier for submission to the State is detailed engineering information that would help the State to gauge the performance and effectiveness of the supplier’s filtration process. No segment of the rule, however, sets forth an objective standard for performance or otherwise sets forth a basis for a State determination of an alternative location for introducing the flows. For this reason, and since the only basis for an Agency determination under the Act is by a permit issued pursuant to Section 39 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/39 (2000)), the Board has specified that an Agency determination of an alternative location for reintroducing return flows is to be made as a permit decision. Since standards for Agency permit issuance are set forth in Section 39 of the Act, with an Agency permit decision being subject to Board review under Section 40 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/39, 40 (2000)).
The second issue relating to subsection (c) of the new provision appears to require compliance with a plan approved by the State by June 8, 2004, but it also provides that the supplier must comply by no later than June 8, 2006 if capital improvements are necessary to achieve compliance. The question arises as to what must occur by June 8, 2004: must the State approve the point for reintroduction of the return flows, or must the supplier comply by returning those flows only to that point by that date? The Board reads this provision as requiring compliance by reintroducing the return flows only at an Agency-approved point in the process by that date. The second question that arises is whether the need for capital improvements to achieve compliance automatically extends the date for compliance until June 8, 2006, or if the mention of the extended compliance date is an indication that the State can extend the date in a specific case where proof has been made that capital improvements are required. The Board notes that section 1412(b)(10) of the federal SDWA (42 U.S.C. § 300g-1(b)(10) (1994)) allows the State to extend the deadline for compliance for up to two years where it determines that such an extension is necessary because the supplier needs to undertake capital improvements to achieve compliance. We read the extension provision of 40 C.F.R. 141.76(c) as referring to a two-year extension as allowed under section 1412(b) of SDWA, and not as automatically allowing such an extension. Thus, in order to obtain an extension of the compliance deadline, the supplier must file an appropriate petition under Section 28.1 or 37 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.1 or 37 (2000)) before the Board for relief from the June 8, 2004 date.
The Board requested public comment on our incorporation of the January 16, 2001 federal amendments to the filter backwash rule into the Illinois drinking water regulations. In particular, we requested specific comment on our interpretations concerning standards for State determination of the appropriate alternative location for reintroduction of return flows to the treatment process and to the availability of a two-year extension of the compliance deadline where capital improvements are necessary to achieve compliance. The Board received no comments on this aspect of the October 4, 2001 proposal for public comment.
Agency or Board Action
Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify portions of the program USEPA over which will retain decision making authority. Based on the general division of functions within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State agency is to make decisions.
In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-making authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to avoid specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of authority between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
1. | Whether the person making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or taking action contrary to (“waiving”) a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board action to “waive” a Board regulation. |
2. | Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give meaningful review to an Agency decision. |
3. | Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement itself. If so, Board action is generally required. |
4. | Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act. If so, it must be made by the Board. |
There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can be temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard or site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these decisions between the USEPA and Board regulations.
Discussion of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
The tables below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current federal amendments. The first table (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in the adopted amendments from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. The second table (beginning below at page 20) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in this second table are not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Table 3 (beginning on page 62 below) is a listing of revisions made to the text of the amendments from that proposed and set forth in the Board’s opinion and order of September 7, 2000. Table 3 indicates the changes made, as well as the source that suggested each of the changes. Table 4 (beginning on page 78 below) lists a small number of suggested revisions that the Board cannot incorporate into the text of the amendments. Table 4 indicates the suggested revision, the source of the suggestion, and the reason we cannot make the suggested change. Some of the entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at page 5 of this opinion.
Table 1:
Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section |
40 C.F.R. Section |
Revision(s) |
611.276(a) |
141.76(a) |
Changed “subpart H systems . . . employ . . . recycle” to singular “a Subpart H system supplier . . . employs . . . recycles”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
611.276(b) |
141.76(b) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “(b)(1) and (2)” to “(b)(1) and (b)(2)”; added “as follows” offset by a comma; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
611.276(b)(1) |
141.76(b)(1) |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.276(b)(2) |
141.76(b)(2) |
Changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); changed to more specific singular “a determination” |
611.276(c) |
141.76(c) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “a system’s” to more specific “the supplier’s”; added a comma before “as determined” to offset a parenthetical’ changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added “a permit issued by”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.276(d) |
141.76(d) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “(d)(1) through (6)” to more specific “(d)(1) through (d)(6)”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “as follows” offset by a comma; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
611.276(d)(1) |
141.76(d)(1) |
Added the indefinite article “a” |
611.276(d)(2) |
141.76(d)(2) |
Added the indefinite article “a” |
611.276(d)(3) |
141.76(d)(3) |
Added the definite article “the” |
611.276(d)(4) |
141.76(d)(4) |
Added the definite article “the” |
611.276(d)(6) |
141.76(d)(6) |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
611.276 Board note |
141.76 |
Added an indication the federal source of this provision |
611.300(a) |
141.11(a) |
Changed “maximum contaminant level” to the standardized abbreviation “MCL” |
611.300(b) |
141.11(b) |
Retained the old arsenic MCL and added “until January 23, 2006” |
611.301(b) |
141.62(b) |
Added a parenthetical “effective January 23, 2006)” for the federal effective date |
611.301(c) |
141.62(c) |
Placed the content of footnote 4 in a parenthetical in the first column; changed “As V” to “As V” (twice); changed “As III” to “As III”; replaced the BAT notes with abbreviations for the technologies; placed the content of footnote 5 in a parenthetical appended to “O/F” in the second column; added the definite article “the” to the note text |
611.301(c) “C/F” |
141.62(c) note 2 |
Changed “systems” to singular “a system”; changed “<” to “that has fewer than” |
611.301(c) “O/F” |
141.62(c) note 12 |
Used the abbreviation “O/F” to designate this technology; used lower-case “filtration” |
611.301(d) |
141.62(d) |
Changed “the Administrator . . . hereby identifies in the following table” to “At 40 CFR 141.62(d) . . . USEPA identified the following as”; |
611.301(d) note 1 |
141.62(d) note 1 |
Added “the federal”; added the United States Code citation; changed “small systems” to singular “a small system supplier” |
611.301(d) note 2 |
141.62(d) note 2 |
Changed “As V” to “As V” (twice); changed “As III” to “As III” |
611.301(d) note 3 |
141.62(d) note 3 |
Changed “the Act (Ibid.)” to “the federal SDWA”; changed “small systems” to singular “small system suppliers”; changed the roman numerals to arabic numerals |
611.301(d) note 4 |
141.62(d) note 4 |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.382(b)(1)(C) |
141.132(b)(1)(iii) |
Changed “0.060 mg/L or 0.045 mg/L for TTHMs or HAA5, respectively” to “0.060 mg/L for TTHMs or 0.045 mg/L for HAA5”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “0.080 mg/L or 0.060 mg/L for TTHMs or HAA5, respectively” to “0.080 mg/L for TTHMs or 0.060 mg/L for HAA5” |
611.382(b)(1)(D) |
141.132(b)(1)(iv) |
Added a comma after “monitoring” to offset the parenthetical |
611.384(b) table |
141.134 table |
Changed “average of all samples taken in each three samples set” to “average of each three-sample set for all sample sets” |
611.600(d) table note 6 |
141.23(a)(4)(i) table note 6 |
Corrected “unit” to “unit” |
611.600(d) table note 7 |
141.23(a)(4)(i) table note 7 |
Changed “EPA method” to “USEPA Method” (twice); used lower-case with added parentheses “atomic absorption-platform furnace (stabilized temperature)”; corrected “a MCL” to “an MCL” |
611.600(d) table note 8 |
141.23(a)(4)(i) table note 8 |
Changed “EPA method” to “USEPA Method”; corrected “a MCL” to “an MCL” |
611.601(d)(2) |
141.23(a)(5) |
Added the federal effective date, “February 22, 2002,” in parentheses |
611.603 preamble |
141.23(c) |
Added the federal effective date, “February 22, 2002,” in parentheses |
611.603(i) |
141.23(c)(9) |
Changed “all new systems or systems that use” to singular “a new system supplier . . . or a supplier . . . that uses”; moved the restrictive relative clause “that begins operation after January 22, 2004” for enhanced clarity; changed “that use a new source of water” to “whose system uses”; changed “specified by the State” to “specified by a permit issued by the Agency”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.603(i) Board note |
141.76 |
Added an indication the federal source of this provision |
611.606(a) |
141.23(f)(1) |
Added the federal effective date, “February 22, 2002,” in parentheses |
611.609(a) |
141.23(i)(1) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” in parentheses; added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
611.609(b) |
141.23(i)(2) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” in parentheses; changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “effective “January 22, 2004” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.609(d) |
141.23(i)(4) |
Changed “will be reported” to “must be reported” |
611.611(a) Board note |
141.23(k)(1) table note 13 |
Moved the text of the footnote into a Board note; changed “EPA Methods” to “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”; changed “Method 200.7” to “USEPA Environmental Metals Method 200.7”; changed ”Method 3120 B” to “Standard Method 3120 B”; changed “Method 200.9” to “USEPA Environmental Metals Method 200.9”; changed ”Method 3113 B” to “Standard Method 3113 B”; changed “Method D3559-90D” to “ASTM Method D3559-90D” |
611.611(a)(2) Board note |
141.23(k)(1) table note 14 |
Moved the text of the footnote into a Board note |
611.611(a)(2)(A) Board note |
141.23(k)(1) table note 15 |
Moved the text of the footnote into a Board note; changed “after” to “effective”; changed “analytical methods . . . may not be used” to “a supplier may no longer employ”; changed “SM 3120 B” to “Standard Methods, Method 3120 B”; changed “prior to 2005” to “prior to the January 23, 2006 effective date” changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.611(b) |
141.23(k)(2) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” in parentheses |
611.611(c) |
141.23(k)(3) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” in parentheses |
611.646(o) |
141.24(f)(15) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
611.646(o)(1) |
141.24(f)(15)(i) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “systems monitoring” to singular “a supplier that monitors” |
611.646(o)(2) |
141.24(f)(15)(ii) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “systems monitoring” to singular “a supplier that monitors” |
611.646(o)(3) |
141.24(f)(15)(iii) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.646(o)(4) |
141.24(f)(15)(iv) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.646(o)(5) |
141.24(f)(15)(v) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 23, 2006,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
611.646(v) |
141.24(f)(22) |
Changed “all new systems or systems that use . . . begin” to singular “a new system supplier or a supplier that uses . . . begins”; changed “specified by the State” to “specified by a permit issued by the Agency”; changed “the State” to “the Agency”; changed “a system” to “the supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(k) |
141.24(h)(11) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.648(k)(1) |
141.24(h)(11)(i) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “systems monitoring” to singular “a supplier that monitors” |
611.648(k)(2) |
141.24(h)(11)(ii) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “systems monitoring” to singular “a supplier that monitors” |
611.648(k)(3) |
141.24(h)(11)(iii) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to singular “supplier” |
611.648(k)(4) |
141.24(h)(11)(iv) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to singular “supplier” |
611.648(k)(5) |
141.24(h)(11)(v) |
Added the federal effective date, “January 22, 2004,” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; changed “system” to singular “supplier” |
611.648(t) |
141.24(h)(20) |
Changed “All new systems or systems that use . . . that begin” to singular “a new system supplier or a supplier that uses . . . begins”; changed “specified by the State” to “specified by a permit issued by the Agency”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “a system” to “the supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.884(b) |
141.154(b) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); removed the definite article “the” from before “0.05 mg/L” |
611.884(b)(1) |
141.154(b)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; put quotation marks on the required language; changed “EPA” to “USEPA” (three times) |
611.884(f) |
141.154(f) |
Changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier” |
611.Appendix A “arsenic” |
Appendix A to Part 141, Subpart O |
Retained the present MCL as effective “until January 23, 2006” and predicated the new MCL as “effective January 23, 2006”; added “effective January 26, 2006” in parentheses to the MCLG |
611.Appendix G ¶ IV.B. |
Appendix A to Part 141, Subpart Q |
Renumbered the end note “18” to “20” |
Table 2:
Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section |
Source |
Revision(s) |
611.101 “Agency” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; changed “shall” to “will” |
611.101 “Agency” Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the parenthetical abbreviation “Public Health”; changed “Public Health” to “the Department of Public Health” |
611.101 “Ai” |
Board |
Moved the closing period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “Approved source of bottled water” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “Approved source of bottled water” Board note |
Board; JCAR |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition; changed “Good Manufacturing Practices for human foods” to the actual title of 21 C.F.R. 110, “Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food” |
611.101 “best available technology” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “CAS No.” |
Board |
Added a period to the abbreviated term “No.”; moved the closing period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “CT” |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); moved the closing period inside closing quotation mark (twice); changed “point(s)” to “points” |
611.101 “CT” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “CT99.9” |
Board |
Moved the closing period inside the closing quotation mark; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “coagulation” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “community water system” |
Board |
Changed the defined term to lower-case “water system” |
611.101 “community water system” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “compliance cycle” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “compliance period” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “comprehensive performance evaluation” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “confluent growth” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “contaminant” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “conventional filtration treatment” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “diatomaceous earth filtration” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “direct filtration” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “disinfectant” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “disinfectant contact time” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “disinfection” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “disinfection byproduct” |
Board |
Changed the defined term to lower-case “byproduct” |
611.101 “disinfection profile” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “domestic or other non-distribution system plumbing problem” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “dose equivalent” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “enhanced coagulation” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “enhanced softening” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “filter profile” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “filtration” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “flocculation” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “GAC10” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “gross alpha particle activity” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “gross beta particle activity” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “groundwater under the direct influence of surface water” |
Board |
Added a comma before “such as” to offset a parenthetical; added commas to offset the parenthetical “such as . . . pH”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.101 “groundwater under the direct influence of surface water” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “GWS” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “GWS” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “haloacetic acids (five)” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “halogen” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “HPC” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “inactivation ratio” |
Board; JCAR |
Changed the defined term to lower-case “ratio”; restored the symbol “ S ” to reflect text on file with the Office of the Secretary of State |
611.101 “inactivation ratio” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “initial compliance period” |
Changed “benzo[a]pyrene” to “benzo(a)pyrene” |
611.101 “initial compliance period” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “inorganic contaminants” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “L” |
Board |
Moved the closing period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “legionella” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “man-made beta particle and photon emitters” |
Board |
Placed the reference title, “Maximum Permissible . . . Occupational Exposure” in quotation marks |
611.101 “man-made beta particle and photon emitters” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “maximum contaminant level” |
Board |
Removed the parentheses from the alternative defined term “MCL” and offset it with the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “maximum contaminant level” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “maximum contaminant level goal” |
Board |
Removed the parentheses from the alternative defined term “MCL” and offset it with the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “maximum contaminant level goal” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “maximum residual disinfectant level” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “maximum residual disinfectant level goal” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “maximum total trihalomethane potential” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “MFL” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “mixed system” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “near the first service connection” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “non-transient non-community water system” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “NPDWR |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “NTU |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “old MCL” |
Changed to capitalized “State” |
611.101 “P-A coliform test |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.101 “performance evaluation sample” |
Board |
Added the alternative defined term “PE sample” offset by the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “performance evaluation sample” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “person” |
Changed to capitalized “State” |
611.101 “person” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “picocurie” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “point of disinfectant application” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “point-of-entry treatment device” |
Board |
Added the alternative define term “POE” offset by the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “point-of-entry treatment device” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “point-of-use treatment device” |
Board |
Added the alternative define term “POU” offset by the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “point-of-use treatment device” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “Public Health” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.101 “public water system” |
Changed to the numeric “15” |
611.101 “public water system” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “radioactive contaminants” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “reliably and consistently” |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.101 “reliably and consistently” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “Rem” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “repeat compliance period” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “residual disinfectant concentration period” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “Safe Drinking Water Act” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “sanitary survey” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “sedimentation” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “service connection” |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.101 “service connection” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “slow sand filtration” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 ”SOC” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.101 “special irrigation district” |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.101 “special irrigation district” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “standard sample” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “Subpart B system” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “supplier of water” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “surface water” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “SUVA” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 ”SWS” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.101 “SWS” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.101 “system with a single service connection” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “too numerous to count” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “total organic carbon” |
Board |
Changed the defined term to lower-case “organic carbon” |
611.101 “total organic carbon” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “total trihalomethanes” Board note |
Board |
Changed “derived from” to “see”; changed “total trihalomethanes” to “trihalomethanes”; removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2; removed parentheses; removed “see the definition of THMs” |
611.101 “transient, non-community water system” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice); added a comma after “transient” |
611.101 “treatment” |
JCAR, Board |
Removed quotation marks and changed the language to read “a point of use treatment device or a point of entry treatment device”; removed the quotation marks from the word “treatment” |
611.101 “trihalomethane” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “ m g” |
Restored the symbol “ m ” to reflect text on file with the Office of the Secretary of State. |
611.101 “uncovered finished water storage facility” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 ”VOC” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (three times) |
611.101 “VOC” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “waterborne disease outbreak” Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
611.101 “Wellhead Protection Program” |
Board |
Changed the defined term to lower-case “protection program” |
611.101 “Wellhead Protection Program” Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.101 Board note |
Board |
Added a citation to 40 C.F.R. 141.2 for the entire Section |
611.102(a) ”Colisure Test” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Dioxin and Furan Method 1613” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”GLI Method 2” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Dioxin and Furan Method 1613” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Guidance Manual for . . . Surface Water Sources” |
Board |
Removed the entry from the listing of abbreviated names |
611.102(a) ”Maximum permissible . . . Occupational Exposure” |
Board |
Removed the entry from the listing of abbreviated names |
611.102(a) ”NCRP” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”NTIS” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”New Jersey Radium Method” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”New York Radium Method” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”ONGP-MUG Test” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(a) ”Palintest Method 1001” |
Board |
Added the entry to the listing of abbreviated names |
611.102(a) ”Procedures for Radiochemical . . . Solutions” |
Board |
Removed the entry from the listing of abbreviated names |
611.102(a) ”Radiochemical Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Standard Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(a) ”Technical Bulletin 601” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Technicon Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; changed the source to “Bran & Luebbe” |
611.102(a) ”USDOE Manual” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.1” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; added the reference date to the listing |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.2” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; added the reference date to the listing |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Environmental Inorganics Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; added the reference date to the listing; removed references to “Methods for the Determination of . . . Environmental Samples” and “Determination or Inorganic Anions . . . by Ion Chromatography” |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Environmental Metals Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Inorganic Methods” |
Board |
Added the entry to the listing of abbreviations |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Interim Radiochemical Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Organic Methods” |
Board |
Moved the entry to its appropriate alphabetic position in the listing of abbreviations; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (four times) |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Radioactivity Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Radiochemical Analyses” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Radiochemistry Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USEPA Technical Notes” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”USGS Methods” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(a) ”Waters Method B-1011” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; changed the source to “Waters Corporation, Technical Services Division” |
611.102(b) “Access Analytical Systems” |
Marked parenthetical “see Environetics, Inc.” deleted in a previous rulemaking and inadvertently restored without underlining |
611.102(b) “Advanced Plymer Systems” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “(1999)” to “(1998)” to reflect text on file and marked that for amendment to “(2000)” |
611.102(b) ”American Public Health Association,” “Standard Methods . . .” 17th edition |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; added a comma before “1989” |
611.102(b) ”American Public Health Association,” “Standard Methods . . .” 18th edition |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice); changed “Water Works” to “Waterworks” |
611.102(b) ”American Public Health Association,” “Standard Methods . . .” 19th edition |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”American Water Works Association,” “Standard Methods . . .” 18th edition |
Board |
Added a listing for “Method 3500-mg E” |
611.102(b) ”American Water Works Association,” “Standard Methods . . .” 18th edition |
Board |
Added listings for “Method 2320 B” through “Method 4500-Si F” |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 18th ed. “Method 7500 3H” |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “3H” to “3H”; removed the comma after “3H” |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 7120 B” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 7500-U C” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 6251 B” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “Analytical Technology” |
Removed the parentheses from “ATI Orion” that were deleted in a previous rulemaking and inadvertently restored without underlining |
611.102(b) ”ASTM” |
Board |
Updated the address and phone number information |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D511-93 A and B” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice); capitalized “Complexometirc” |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D515-88 A and B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D859-88” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1067-92 B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1125-91 A” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1179-93 B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1293-84” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D1688-90 A or C” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2036-91 A or B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) “ASTM” “ASTM Method D2459-72” |
Restored the entry, which was previously inadvertently omitted |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2460-90” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2907-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D2972-93 B or C” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3223-91 |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3454-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3559-90 D” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3645-93 B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3649-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3697-92” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3859-93 A” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3867-90 A and B” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D3972-90” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4107-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4327-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D4785-88” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D5174-91” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”ASTM,” “ASTM Method D 1253-86” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”Bran & Luebbe” |
Board |
Added document source for methods for fluoride testing |
611.102(b) “ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “(1999)” to “(1998)” to reflect text on file and marked that for amendment to “(1999)” |
611.102(b) ”The Hach Company” |
Board |
Added document source for a method for lead testing |
611.102(b) ”Millipore Corporation” |
Board |
Deleted the listing in favor of listing under Waters Corporation |
611.102(b) ”NCRP,” “Maximum Permissible . . . Exposure” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Interim Radiochemical Methodology . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens . . .” |
Restored the entry, which was previously inadvertently omitted |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Method 100.1” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Method 100.2” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; deleted the comma after “June”; changed to lower-case “referred” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; deleted the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances. . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Added the reference previously listed only in subsection (a); corrected the spelling of “inorganic” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for the Determination of Metals . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “June”; added a reference to the 1994 supplement |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for the Determination of Metals . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . .” |
Removed the comma after “December” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . . Supplement I” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “July”; corrected “EPA-600-4-90-020” to “EPA/600-4-90-020” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . . Supplement II” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “August” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Prescribed Procedures . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Procedures for Radiochemical . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “May” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Radiochemical Analytical Procedures . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Radiochemistry Procedures Manual” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “December” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) ”NTIS,” “Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins . . . ” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) ”New Jersey Department of Environment,” “Determination of Radium-228 . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”New York Department of Health,” “Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-228 (Ra-02)” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”Palintest” |
Board |
Added the listed method from this source. |
611.102(b) ”Technicon Industrial Systems” |
Board |
Deleted the listing in favor of listing under Bran & Luebbe |
611.102(b) ”United States Department of Energy,” “EML Procedures Manual” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) ”USEPA, EMSL” “Interim Radiochemical Methodology . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) “USEPA, EMSL” “Methods for the Determination . .” |
Moved the ending period inside the closing parenthesis |
611.102(b) ”USEPA, EMSL” “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark |
611.102(b) “USEPA, Science and Technology Branch” |
Added a comma after “Washington” |
611.102(b) ”USEPA, Science and Technology Branch” “Guidance Manual for Compliance . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark; removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) ”USGS” |
Board |
Corrected the ZIP code to “25286” |
611.102(b) ”USGS” “Methods for Analysis . . .” |
Board; JCAR |
Corrected “of” to “for” in the document title; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice); added the document publication date “1993”; changed “3d” to “3rd” |
611.102(b) ”USGS” “Methods for Determination . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
611.102(b) ”Waters Corporation” |
Board |
Moved the listing from under “Millipore Corporation” |
611.102(c) |
Removed the overstruck “(1999)” and removed the underlining from “(2000)” to reflect an amendment from a prior rulemaking that was inadvertently omitted |
611.130(c)(1) Board note |
Board |
Deleted unnecessary date from a citation to the Code of Federal Regulations (twice) |
611.130(c)(2) |
Changed “a MCL” to “an MCL” |
611.130(c) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to include a reference to later Federal Register amendments |
611.130(d) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “water” to offset the introductory phrase; removed the unnecessary conjunction “or”; changed “point-of-use or point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-use treatment device, or a point-of-entry treatment device; changed “point-of-entry devices, or point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device, or a point-of-use treatment device |
611.130(d)(1) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices, or point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device, or a point-of-use treatment device; added a comma before “or other means” to offset the final element of a series |
611.130(d)(2) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “water” to offset the introductory phrase; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and”; changed “point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-use treatment device”; changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(d)(3) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(e) |
Removed the unnecessary comma from after “611.311”; added a comma after “(e)(5)” to offset the final element of a series |
611.130(e)(1) |
Corrected the reference to “this subsection (e)” |
611.130(f) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device”; changed “point-of-entry device” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(g)(1) |
Changed to Lower-case “radon” and “uranium” |
611.130(g)(1)(A) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted |
611.130(g)(1)(B) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted |
611.130(g)(2) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted; changed “a variance” to “relief” to reflect a prior amendment |
611.130(g)(3) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted; changed “a variance” to “relief” to reflect a prior amendment |
611.130(g)(5) |
Board; JCAR |
Changed “community water system” to the standardized abbreviation “CWS”; changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.130(g)(6) |
Changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.130(g)(7) |
Changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.232 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.232(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.232(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.232(a)(2)(A) |
Removed the unnecessary comma from after “611.241(b)(1)” |
611.232(a)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
611.232(a)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
611.232(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.232(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.232(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.232(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.232(b)(1)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.232(b)(1)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.232(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.232(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.232(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.232(c)(7) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.232(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.232(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.232(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.232 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to include a reference to later Federal Register amendments |
611.250 preamble |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to plural “Sections” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.250(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to singular “a system”; changed to definite article “the”; removed the unnecessary comma that separated “except that if”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.250(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed to singular “a system”; changed to definite article “the”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.250(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed to singular “a system”; changed to definite article “the” |
611.250(c)(2) |
JCAR, Agency, USEPA |
Corrected “5 NTU” |
611.250(d) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.250(e) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.250 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to include a reference to later Federal Register amendments |
611.300(a) |
Board |
Corrected the cross-reference to “Sections 611.600 through 611.611” |
611.300(a) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition and to include a reference to later Federal Register amendments |
611.300(b) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition, including a reference to later Federal Register amendments; removed language explaining the federal history of this provision; added language explaining that this will become a State-only provision upon expiration of the old arsenic MCL; changed to lower-case “arsenic” |
611.300(c) |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.300(d) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.301(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.301 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition and to include a reference to later Federal Register amendments |
611.301(b) “nitrate” |
Removed the decimal from “10” |
611.301(b) “nitrite” |
Removed the decimal from “1” |
611.301(b) “total nitrate and nitrite” |
Removed the decimal from “10” |
611.301(b) Board note |
Added the spaces after the colon |
611.301(c) “arsenic” |
Removed the space from after the opening parenthesis |
611.301(c) “chromium” |
Corrected “Cr(III)” to “CrIII” |
611.301(c) “mercury” |
Restored the symbols “ £ ” and “µ” to reflect the text on file (three times) |
611.301(c) “selenium” |
Corrected “Se(IV)” to “SEIV” |
611.301(d) table |
JCAR, Board |
Changed to lower-case “alumina” (twice); changed to lower-case “point-of-use” (twice); changed to lower-case “filtration” (twice); changed “501-3,300” to “501-3,300 persons” (five times); changed “3,300-10,000” to “3,300-10,000 persons”; changed to lower-case “microfiltration”; changed to lower-case “exchange”; changed to lower-case “softening”; changed to lower-case “osmosis” |
611.301(d) table note 3 |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “fewer than 501” to “fewer than 501 persons”; removed an unnecessary comma before “but” (twice); changed “fewer than 3,301” to “fewer than 3,301 persons”; changed “fewer than 10,001” to “fewer than 10,001 persons” |
611.310(a) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.310(b) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition |
611.310(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “community water system” to the standardized abbreviation “CWS supplier” |
611.310(c)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “community water systems that use” to the singular standardized abbreviation “a CWS supplier that uses”; corrected to singular “serves” |
611.310(c) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the 2000 edition; changed “supplies other than CWSs that add . . . and which provide” to singular “a supplier other than a CWS supplier that adds . . . and which provides” |
611.312(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “and” to “or”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.312(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.312 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.313(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “and” to “or”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.313(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “and” to “or”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.313(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.313 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.380(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “community water systems (CWSs) and non-transient, non-community water systems (NTNCWSs) that add . . . or which provide . . . their” to the singular standardized abbreviations “a CWS supplier or an NTNCWS supplier that adds . . . or which provides . . . its” |
611.380(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “transient, non-community water systems (transient non-CWSs) that use . . . their” to the singular standardized abbreviation “a transient non-CWS supplier that uses . . . its” |
611.380(a)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; corrected the spelling of “trichloroacetic” |
611.380(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to the singular “a supplier” (twice); changed a period to a colon; changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “and” to “or” |
611.380(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “systems” to the singular “a supplier”; changed “and” to “or” |
611.380(c) |
Board |
Changed “each CWS and NTNCWS” to “each CWS or NTNCWS supplier” |
611.380(d) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.380 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.381(a) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “method(s)” to “methods” |
611.381(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.381(b)(1) table |
Board, JCAR |
Reformatted for enhanced clarity and to fit within the page borders; changed “X indicates” to “the listed” in note 1; capitalized “Method” (twice); removed the unnecessary Board note indication of the source of this provision |
611.381(b)(1) table Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary citation of the source of this provision |
611.381(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.381(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.381(c)(1) table |
Board |
Reformatted for enhanced clarity and to fit within the page borders; changed “X indicates” to “the listed” in note 1; capitalized “Method” (twice); removed the unnecessary Board note indication of the source of this provision |
611.381(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.381(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.381(d) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.381(d)(1) |
Corrected the reference to “Section 611.611(a)(21)” |
611.381(d)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a space to “254 nm”; corrected the format of “m-1”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.381 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.382(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.382(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.382(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(b)(1)(A) table |
Board, JCAR |
Reformatted for enhanced clarity and to fit within the page borders; changed “system” to “supplier” (six times); changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (three times); added the definite article “the” before “standards”; moved footnote marking “2” outside the period; corrected the cross-reference to “subsection (b)(1)(D) of this Section” (twice); changed systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); added a comma before “with” to offset a parenthetical; removed the unnecessary Board note indication of the source of this provision |
611.382(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.382(b)(1)(B) table |
Board, JCAR |
Reformatted for enhanced clarity and to fit within the page borders; changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (three times); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “system” to “supplier”; added the definite article “the” before “supplier”; corrected “or” to lower case; removed the unnecessary Board note indication of the source of this provision |
611.382(b)(1)(C) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (five times); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); corrected to singular “does”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); corrected “ ³ ” to “>”; removed the unnecessary Board note indication of the source of this provision |
611.382(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “the” to “its” |
611.382(b)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.382(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “community and nontransient noncommunity water systems” to singular standardized abbreviations “a CWS or NTNCWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(b)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to the singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.382(b)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.382(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(b)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (four times); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(b)(3)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “community and nontransient noncommunity water systems” to singular standardized abbreviations “a CWS or NTNCWS supplier”changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; |
611.382(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.382(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “community and nontransient noncommunity water systems that use” to singular standardized abbreviations “a CWS or NTNCWS supplier that uses”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.382(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “community, nontransient noncommunity and transient noncommunity water systems that use” to singular standardized abbreviations “a CWS, an NTNCWS, or a non-transient non-CWS supplier that uses”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “system” to singular “supplier” |
611.382(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
611.382(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “all systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.382(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B supplier”; changed “systems shall” to singular “a supplier must” |
611.382(e) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “systems shall” to singular “a supplier must” |
611.382(f) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B supplier” |
611.382(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed the cross-reference to “this Subpart I” |
611.382(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.382 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.383(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.383(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.383(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.383(b)(1)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed “systems demonstrate” to singular “the supplier demonstrates”; corrected to singular “exceeds”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); added a comma before “and such a system is not . . .” to offset an independent clause |
611.383(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.383(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier” |
611.383(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed to numeric “12” |
611.383(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.383(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.383(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “systems switch” to singular “a supplier switches” |
611.383(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times) |
611.383(c)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); added a comma before “in addition to” to offset a parenthetical (twice) |
611.383(d) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (three times); changed to numeric “12” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” (four times) |
611.383 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.384(a) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.384(b) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.384(b) table |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “you are” to “a supplier is”; removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (24 times); changed “you” to “the supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” (six times); corrected the spelling of “Section” (five times); changed “average of all samples taken in the month” to “average of each three-sample set for all sample sets taken in the distribution system” |
611.384(b) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary citation of the source of this provision |
611.384(c) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.384(c) table |
Board |
Changed “you are” to “a supplier is”; changed “you” to “the supplier”; removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (nine times); changed to numeric “12”; changed “system” to “supplier” (three times) |
611.384(c) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary citation of the source of this provision |
611.384(d) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.384(d) table |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “you are” to “a supplier is”; changed “you” to “the supplier”; removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (16 times); changed the reference to “Section 611.385(b)(2) or (b)(3)”; changed “system” to “supplier” (six times); changed the reference to “Section 611.385(a)(2) or (a)(3)”; corrected the cross-reference to “Section 611.385(a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(C)”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (eight times); changed “systems” to singular “supplier” |
611.384(d) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary citation of the source of this provision |
611.384 Board note |
Board |
Added a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including a citation to later Federal Register amendments |
611.385(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(2)(A) through (a)(2)(F)”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.385(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.385(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.385(a)(2)(C) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “a NPDWR” to “an NPDWR” |
611.385(a)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(a)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.385(a)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.385(a)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed the reference to “subsections (a)(3)(A) and (a)(3)(B)”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “the alternative . . . as follows” followed by a colon |
611.385(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the supplier may undertake” |
611.385(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “the supplier may undertake” |
611.385(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.385(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.385(b)(2) table |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(2)(A) through (a)(2)(F)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.385(b)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); corrected “alternate” to “alternative” |
611.385(b)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “alternate” to “alternative” (twice); changed “applications” to singular “an application”; changed “enhanced coagulation systems” to singular “an enhanced coagulation system supplier” |
611.385(b)(4)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “alternate” to lower-case “alternative”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.385(b)(4)(D) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(b)(4)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.385(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(1)(A) |
Added spaces to “treated water TOC” and “source water TOC” |
611.385(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed to numeric “12” (twice) |
611.385(c)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed the reference to “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(E)”; changed the reference to “subsections (c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(E)” |
611.385(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.385(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier”; changed the reference to “subsection (a)(2) or (a)(3)” |
611.385(d) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” |
611.385 Board note |
Board |
Added a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including a citation to later Federal Register amendments |
611.600(c) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary citation of the source of this provision |
611.600(d) table “antimony” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “5” previously omitted |
611.600(d) table “arsenic” |
Corrected the spelling of “absorption” |
611.600(d) table “asbestos” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “1” previously omitted |
611.600(d) table “barium” |
Removed the unnecessary space from “absorption-furnace” and “absorption-direct” |
611.600(d) table “beryllium” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “2” previously omitted, removing text from the table; added footnote marking “5” previously omitted |
611.600(d) table “cyanide” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “3” previously omitted, removing text from the table (three times); added footnote marking “4” previously omitted, removing text from the table |
611.600(d) table “nickel” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “2” previously omitted, removing text from the table; added footnote marking “5” previously omitted |
611.600(d) table “thallium” |
Board |
Added footnote marking “5” previously omitted |
611.600 Board note |
Board |
Changed “derived from” to “subsections (a) through (c) of this Section are derived from”; added the date for the most recent edition of the Code of Federal Regulations; added a comma to offset an independent clause; changed “paragraph (a)(4)(i)” to “subsection (d) is derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4)(i)”; updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.601(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.601(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or a mixed system supplier”; changed “a SWS” to “an SWS” |
611.601(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.603(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “GWSs” to singular “a GWS supplier” |
611.603(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or a mixed system supplier” |
611.603(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(d) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed system suppliers” to singular “an SWS or a mixed system supplier” |
611.603(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(e)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed to possessive “CWS’s” |
611.603(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.603(g) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the list of contaminants |
611.603(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(h)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.603(h)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “an SWS or mixed system” to “an SWS or a mixed system supplier” |
611.603(h)(3) |
Board |
Changed “all SEPs that allow” to singular “any SEP that allows” |
611.606(b)(2) |
Changed “within two weeks of” to “within two weeks after” |
611.606 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.609 preamble |
Board |
Corrected the reference to “Section 611.300 or 611.301”; changed “result(s)” to “results” |
611.609(b) |
Removed the duplicate definite article “the”; corrected the spelling of “exceedence” |
611.609(d) |
Board |
Replaced the existing provision relating to public notification (removed by USEPA on May 4, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 25982)) with the text of new 40 C.F.R. 141.23(i)(4) |
611.609 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.611(a) Board note |
Board |
Added text previously omitted from footnote 13 to the table at 40 C.F.R. 141.23(k)(1) |
611.611(a)(1) Board note |
Board |
Added text previously omitted from footnote 14 to 40 C.F.R. 141.23(k)(1) |
611.611(a)(1)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(2)(D) |
Corrected the spelling of “absorption” |
611.611(a)(2)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(2)(E)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(4)(C) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(4)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(5)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(5)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(6)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(7)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(7)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(A) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(C) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(8)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(9)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(9)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(9)(C)(i) |
Corrected the reference to “D1179-93 B” |
611.611(a)(9)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(9)(E)(i) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(10)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(11)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(11)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(11)(E) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(12)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(12)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(12)(C)(i) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(12)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(13)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(13)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(13)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(13)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(14)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(14)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(16)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(16)(D) |
Board |
Add the previously omitted “Palintest Method 1001” |
611.611(a)(17)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(17)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(17)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(19)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(20)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(20)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(20)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(21)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(22)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(22)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(22)(F)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(23)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(23)(E) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(23)(F) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(23)(G)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(24) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(a)(25)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “18th” to “18th or 19th” |
611.611(b) |
Board |
Added the previously omitted federal footnote text as a Board note |
611.611(b)(8)(A) |
Changed “4 ° C” to “4 ° C” |
611.611(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.611(c)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the abbreviated form “PE” in parentheses; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186” |
611.611 Board note |
Board |
Added a citation to the Code of Federal Regulation source of this provision, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.646(a) “detection limit” Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(a) “method detection limit” Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed to singular “a GWS”; changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or mixed system supplier”; changed “a SEP” to “an SEP”; changed “a SWS” to “an SWS” |
611.646(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(c) Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(e) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(f) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(g) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs”; changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.646(g) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available; added a comma after “paragraph” to offset the parenthetical |
611.646(h) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to lower-case “assessment”; changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(i) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (five times) |
611.646(i)(1) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(i) Board note |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or mixed system supplier” |
611.646(j) |
Board |
Changed “SEPs” to singular “an SEP”; changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or mixed system supplier” |
611.646(j)(1) |
Board |
Corrected “a SWS” to “an SWS” (three times); changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.646(j)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP”; corrected “a SWS” to “an SWS” |
611.646(j) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available (twice); changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or mixed system supplier”; changed “GWSs” to singular “a GWS supplier”; changed “mixed systems” to singular “a mixed system supplier” (twice); changed “SWSs” to singular “an SWS supplier” |
611.646(k)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(k)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(k)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “a SWS or mixed system” to “an SWS or mixed system supplier” |
611.646(k)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP”; changed “all SEPs that allow” to singular “any SEP that allows” |
611.646(k)(4) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(k)(5)(C) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(l)(1) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(l)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(l)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(l)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP”; changed “all SEPs that allow” to singular “any SEP that allows” |
611.646(l)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “quarter(s)” to “quarters” |
611.646(m) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(n) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary parenthetical “1999” that denoted the version of the Code of Federal Regulations |
611.646(o)(6) |
Board |
Renumbered and retained the pre-existing subsection (o)(1); added the federal sunset date “until January 22, 2004”; changed “systems that conduct” to singular “a supplier that conducts” |
611.646(o)(7) |
Board |
Renumbered and retained the pre-existing subsection (o)(2); added the federal sunset date “until January 22, 2004” (twice) |
611.646(p) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary date from the citation to the parallel Code Federal Regulations provision |
611.646(q)(1) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
611.646(q)(1)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the abbreviated form “PE” in parentheses; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186.170” |
611.646(q)(1)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride, Phase II VOCs, except vinyl chloride, or Phase V VOCs” to “regulated organic contaminants in the PE sample” |
611.646(q)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(2)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE”; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186.170” |
611.646(q)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(2)(D) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
611.646(r)(1) |
Changed “the effective date of this Section” to “December 1, 1992” |
611.646(r)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646(s) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.646 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.648(a) “detect” |
Board |
Corrected the placement of quotation marks on the defined terms “detect” and “detection”; placed the period inside the closing quotation mark. |
611.648(a) Board note |
Board |
Placed the period inside the closing quotation mark. |
611.648(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “SWSs and mixed systems” to singular “an SWS or mixed system supplier”; changed “a SWS” to “an SWS” |
611.648(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(c) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available |
611.648(e) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.648(f) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(g)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(g)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(g)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “a SWS or mixed system” to “an SWS or mixed system supplier” |
611.648(g)(2)(C) |
Board |
Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(g)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “all SEPs that allow” to singular “any SEP that allows” |
611.648(g)(4) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(h)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(h)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(h)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(h)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “all SEPs that allow” to singular “any SEP that allows” |
611.648(k) |
Board |
Restored federal text previously deleted in error |
611.648(k)(2) |
Corrected the spelling “subsection” |
611.648(k)(3) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(k)(4) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(k)(5) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(k)(6) |
Board |
Renumbered and retained the pre-existing subsection (k)(1); added the federal sunset date “until January 22, 2004”; changed “systems conducting” to singular “a supplier that conducts” |
611.648(k)(7) |
Board |
Renumbered and retained the pre-existing subsection (k)(2); added the federal sunset date “until January 22, 2004” (twice); changed “if monitoring is conducted” to singular “if the supplier conducts monitoring” |
611.648(l) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary date from the citation to the parallel Code Federal Regulations provision |
611.648(m)(2) |
Corrected to singular “Method 505 or 508” |
611.648(n)(2) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(o) |
Board |
Changed “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.648(s)(1) |
Changed “following conditions” to “conditions of subsection (2)(2) of this Section” |
611.648(s)(2)(A) |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.648 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.680(a)(1) |
Board, USEPA |
Changed to singular “a CWS supplier”; added “that serves . . . treatment process” present in corresponding 40 C.F.R. 141.30(a) but missing from this subsection; corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.680(a)(2) |
Board |
Corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.680(b) |
Board |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier” |
611.680(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier” (twice); changed to singular “a goundwater source”; removed amendment to “supplier” to restore the existing “system”; added the definite article “the” before “number”; changed “within 30 days of” to “within 30 days after” |
611.680(b)(3) |
Board |
Corrected the reference to “this subsection (b)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.680(b) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available |
611.680(c) |
Board |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “CWS” to “CWS supplier” |
611.680(d) |
Board, USEPA |
Changed to singular “a CWS supplier”; corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart” |
611.685 preamble |
Board |
Added semicolons to separate elements of a series; deleted an unnecessary conjunction “and” |
611.685 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulation citation to the latest edition available, including the citation of later Federal Register amendments |
611.740(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Capitalized “this Part”; changed “Subpart B system” to “Subpart B system supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.740(b) |
Board |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier” |
611.740(c) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.740 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.741 preamble |
Board |
Changed “public water supply” to “PWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.741(a) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.741(a)(1) |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.741(a)(2) |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.741(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.741 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision |
611.742(a) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “public water system” to “a PWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(1)(A) |
Board, Agency, USEPA |
Changed “those systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the cross-reference to “former 40 C.F.R. 141.42 (1994), as amended at 59 Fed. Reg. 62456 (Dec. 5, 1994)” |
611.742(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “those systems that use” to singular “a supplier that uses”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “those systems that use” to singular “a supplier that uses”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “those systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed to singular “has” |
611.742(a)(2)(C) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to singular “has” |
611.742(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.742(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.742(a)(5) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(5)(A) through (a)(5)(E) of this Section” |
611.742(a)(5)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems” to singular “a supplier”; corrected “date” to “data”; corrected to plural “subsections (a)(1)(A) and (a)(2)(A)”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to numeric “12” |
611.742(a)(5)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems that have” to singular “a supplier that has”; corrected the cross-reference to “former 40 C.F.R. 141.42 (1994), as amended at 59 Fed. Reg. 62456 (Dec. 5, 1994)”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.742(a)(5)(C) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems that conduct” to singular “a supplier that conducts”; removed the unnecessary comma from after “Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(5)(D) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “those systems that elect” to singular “a supplier that elects”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “their” to singular “its” |
611.742(a)(5)(E) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(a)(6) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.742(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (five times); changed “shall” to “must” (five times); changed to numeric “12”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (b)(2)(A) through (b)(2)(D)” (twice) |
611.742(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.742(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “time(s)” to “times” |
611.742(b)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “concentration(s)” to “concentrations” |
611.742(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.742(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier”; corrected “April 1, 2000” to “March 31, 2000”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.742(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.742(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.742(b)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; added the parenthetical “ S (CTcalc/CT99.9)”; removed the parentheses from “CTcalc/CT99.9” (twice); removed parentheses from “ S (CTcalc/CT99.9)” |
611.742(b)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsection (b)(4)(A) or (b)(4)(B) of this Section” |
611.742(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.742(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “disinfectant(s)” to “disinfectants” |
611.742(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsection (c)(2)(A) or (c)(2)(B) of this Section” |
611.742(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.742(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.742(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (c)(4)(A) through (c)(4)(C) of this Section” |
611.742 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision |
611.743 preamble |
Board |
Changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” |
611.743(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.743(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.743(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.743(b) |
Board |
Changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
611.743 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision to the latest edition available, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.745 preamble |
Board |
Changed “PWS” to “PWS supplier” (twice) |
611.745(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.745(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (three times); changed to singular “it has”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “systems that use” to singular “a supplier that uses” |
611.745(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times) |
611.745(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times) |
611.745(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.745(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.745(c)(2) |
Changed “practical” to “possible” |
611.745 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision by including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.884(a) |
Board |
Put quotation marks on the required language |
611.884(b) |
Corrected the spelling of “above” |
611.884(b)(1) |
Added the closing period to the text of the required statement |
611.884(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.884(c) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; added a comma after “MCL” to offset the parenthetical |
611.884(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; put quotation marks on the required language |
611.884(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.884(d) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.884(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; put quotation marks on the required language |
611.884(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.884(e) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.884 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision to the latest edition available, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.Appendix A “total coliform bacteria” |
Board |
Changed “systems that collect” to singular “a supplier that collects” (three times) |
611.Appendix A “mercury” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “inorganic” |
611.Appendix A “2,4,5-TP” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “silvex” |
611.Appendix A “benzo(a)pyrene” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “PAH” |
611.Appendix A “dibromochloropropane” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “DBCP” |
611.Appendix A “dioxin” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “2,3,7,8-TCDD” |
611.Appendix A “oxamyl” |
JCAR, Board |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses and used lower case for “vydate” |
611.Appendix A “PCBs” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “polychlorinated biphenyls” |
611.Appendix A “haloacetic acids” |
Changed to lower-case “acids” |
611.Appendix A “TTHMs” |
JCAR, Board |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses and used lower case for “total trihalomethanes”; changed to singular “nervous system” |
611.Appendix A abbreviations |
Changed to lower-case “action level”; changed to lower-case “maximum contaminant level”; changed to lower-case “maximum contaminant level goal”; changed to lower-case “maximum residual disinfectant level”; changed to lower-case “maximum residual disinfectant level goal”; changed to lower-case “millirems” to reflect text on file; changed to lower-case “not applicable”; changed to lower-case “nephelometric turbidity units”; changed to lower-case “picocuries” to reflect text on file; changed to lower-case “treatment technique” |
611.Appendix A Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision to the latest edition available, including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.9. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.10. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.22. |
Removed the unnecessary hyphen from “hexachlorocyclopentadiene” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.G.8. |
Board |
Changed “sample(s)” to “samples” |
611.Appendix G ¶ III.B. |
Corrected the footnote number to “19” |
611.Appendix G ¶ IV.B. |
Board |
Changed “non-community systems” to the singular standardized abbreviation “a non-CWS supplier” |
611.Appendix G ¶ IV.F. |
Board |
Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP” |
611.Appendix G note 1 |
Board |
Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice) |
611.Appendix G note 5 |
Board |
Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”; changed ”system” to “supplier” |
611.Appendix G note 6 |
Board |
Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”; changed ”system” to “supplier” |
611.Appendix G note 7 |
Board |
Changed ”systems” to singular “a supplier” |
611.Appendix G note 11 |
Board |
Changed ”all community water systems” to singular “a CWS supplier” |
611.Appendix G note 12 |
Board |
Changed ”all community water systems” to singular “a CWS supplier” |
611.Appendix G Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision by including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.Appendix H ¶ 2a. |
Added a comma after “diarrhea” to offset the final element of a series |
611.Appendix H ¶ 3. |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 10. |
Added a space to “7 MFL” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 33. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate” (twice) |
611.Appendix H ¶ 34. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate” (twice) |
611.Appendix H ¶ 58. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “o-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 59. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “p-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 79. |
Replaced listing as “uranium” to reflect text on file, showing appended footnote number “16” changed to note “17” |
611.Appendix H Heading “H” |
Restored appended footnote “17” to reflect text on file, then marked it for amendment to note “18” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 80. |
Renumbered the entry to “80” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “18” and “19” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “19” and “20” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 81. |
Renumbered the entry to “81” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “20” and “21” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “20” and “21” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 82. |
Renumbered the entry to “82” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 83. |
Renumbered the entry to “83” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 84. |
Renumbered the entry to “84” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “21” and “22” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “22” and “23” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 85. |
Renumbered the entry to “85” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 85a. |
Changed “2” to written “two” to reflect text on file; corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file; changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 86a. |
Renumbered the entry to “86a” to reflect text on file; corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file; changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file; removed the space from “short-term” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 87. |
Renumbered the entry to “87” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 88. |
Renumbered the entry to “88” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 89. |
Renumbered the entry to “89” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 10 |
Corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 17 |
Restored the note “16” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “17” |
611.Appendix H note 18 |
Reverted the note number to “17” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “18”; changed to singular “is” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 19 |
Restored the note “18” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “19”; corrected to single-word “groundwater” to reflect text on file; corrected to “fewer” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 20 |
Restored the note “19” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “20” |
611.Appendix H note 21 |
Restored the note “20” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “21” |
611.Appendix H note 22 |
Restored the note “21” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “22” |
611.Appendix H note 23 |
Restored the note “22” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “23” |
611.Appendix H Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference for the source of this provision by including a Federal Register citation to later amendments |
611.Table Z “Phase II SOCs” |
Changed to lower-case “silvex” |
611.Table Z “Phase IIB SOCs” |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
611.Table Z “disinfection/disinfectant byproducts” |
Board |
Added a listing for amendments adopted July 22, 1999 in docket R99-12 |
611.Table Z “radionuclides” |
Board |
Added a listing for amendments adopted October 4, 2001 in docket R01-20 |
611.Table Z “arsenic” |
Board |
Added a listing for the present amendments |
Table 3:
Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments in Final Adoption
Section Revised |
Source(s) of Revision(s) |
Revision(s) |
611 Source note |
Board, JCAR |
Added source note information for the R01-20 proceeding; changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.101 “Agency” Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the parenthetical abbreviation “Public Health”; changed “Public Health” to “the Department of Public Health” |
611.101 “approved source of bottled water” Board note |
Changed “Good Manufacturing Practices for human foods” to the actual title of 21 C.F.R. 110, “Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food” |
611.101 “inactivation ratio” |
Restored the symbol “ S ” to reflect text on file with the Office of the Secretary of State |
611.101 “initial compliance period” |
Changed “benzo[a]pyrene” to “benzo(a)pyrene” |
611.101 “old MCL” |
Changed to capitalized “State” |
611.101 “performance evaluation sample” |
Board |
Added the alternative defined term “PE sample” offset by the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “person” |
Changed to capitalized “State” |
611.101 “public water system” |
Changed to the numeric “15” |
611.101 “total organic carbon” |
Replaced the parentheses with quotation marks for the alternative defined term “TOC” and offset the term with the conjunction “or” |
611.101 “transient, non-community water ssystem” Board note |
Added a comma after “transient” |
611.101 “treatment” |
JCAR, Board |
Removed quotation marks and changed the language to read “a point of use treatment device or a point of entry treatment device”; removed the quotation marks from the word “treatment” |
611.101 “ m g” |
Restored the symbol “ m ” to reflect text on file with the Office of the Secretary of State. |
611.101 “wellhead protection program” Board note |
JCAR, Board |
Removed the strikeout marks to retain the statement “derived from . . .”; updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.101 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.102(a) “Palintest Method 1001” |
Added missing quotation mark before “Method” |
611.102(b) “Access Analytical Systems” |
Marked parenthetical “see Environetics, Inc.” deleted in a previous rulemaking and inadvertently restored without underlining |
611.102(b) “Advanced Plymer Systems” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “(1999)” to “(1998)” to reflect text on file and marked that for amendment to “(2000)” |
611.102(b) “American Public Health Association” “Standard Methods,” 17th ed. |
Added a comma before “1989” |
611.102(b) “American Public Health Association” “Standard Methods,” 18th ed. |
Board |
Changed “Water Works” to “Waterworks” |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 18th ed. “Method 7500 3H” |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “3H” to “3H”; removed the comma after “3H” |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 7120 B” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 7500-U C” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “American Waterworks Association” “Standard Methods,” 19th ed. “Method 6251 B” |
Board |
Placed the method in the appropriate numeric order |
611.102(b) “Analytical Technology” |
Removed the parentheses from “ATI Orion” that were deleted in a previous rulemaking and inadvertently restored without underlining |
611.102(b) “ASTM” “ASTM Method D511-93” |
Capitalized “Complexometirc” |
611.102(b) “ASTM” “ASTM Method D2459-72” |
Restored the entry, which was previously inadvertently omitted |
611.102(b) “ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “(1999)” to “(1998)” to reflect text on file and marked that for amendment to “(1999)” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens . . .” |
Restored the entry, which was previously inadvertently omitted |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Method 100.2” |
Deleted the comma after “June”; changed to lower-case “referred” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes” |
Deleted the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances . . .” |
Corrected the spelling of “inorganic” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Metals . . .” |
Removed the comma after “June” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . .” |
Removed the comma after “December” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . .—Supplement I” |
Removed the comma after “July”; corrected “EPA-600-4-90-020” to “EPA/600-4-90-020” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds . . .—Supplement II” |
Removed the comma after “August” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis . . .” |
Removed the comma after “May” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Radiochemical Analytical Procedures . . .” |
Removed the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Radiochemistry Procedures Manual” |
Removed the comma after “December” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods” |
Removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) “NTIS” “Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins . .” |
Removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) “Palintest” |
Inserted a comma after “Erlanger” |
611.102(b) “USEPA, EMSL” “Interim Radiochemical Methodology . .” |
Removed the comma after “March” |
611.102(b) “USEPA, EMSL” “Methods for the Determination . .” |
Moved the ending period inside the closing parenthesis |
611.102(b) “USEPA, Science and Technology Branch” |
Added a comma after “Washington” |
611.102(b) “USEPA, Science and Technology Branch” “Guidance Manual for Compliance . .” |
Removed the comma after “October” |
611.102(b) “USGS” “Methods for Analysis . .” |
Changed “3d” to “3rd” |
611.102(c) |
Removed the overstruck “(1999)” and removed the underlining from “(2000)” to reflect an amendment from a prior rulemaking that was inadvertently omitted |
611.102 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.130(c)(2) |
Changed “a MCL” to “an MCL” |
611.130(d) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “water” to offset the introductory phrase; removed the unnecessary conjunction “or”; changed “point-of-use or point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-use treatment device, or a point-of-entry treatment device; changed “point-of-entry devices, or point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device, or a point-of-use treatment device |
611.130(d)(1) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices, or point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device, or a point-of-use treatment device; added a comma before “or other means” to offset the final element of a series |
611.130(d)(2) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “water” to offset the introductory phrase; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and”; changed “point-of-use devices” to “a point-of-use treatment device”; changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(d)(3) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(e) |
Removed the unnecessary comma from after “611.311”; added a comma after “(e)(5)” to offset the final element of a series |
611.130(e)(1) |
Corrected the reference to “this subsection (e)” |
611.130(f) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “point-of-entry devices” to “a point-of-entry treatment device”; changed “point-of-entry device” to “a point-of-entry treatment device” |
611.130(g)(1) |
Changed to Lower-case “radon” and “uranium” |
611.130(g)(1)(A) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted |
611.130(g)(1)(B) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted |
611.130(g)(2) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted; changed “a variance” to “relief” to reflect a prior amendment |
611.130(g)(3) |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a federal section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption” to reflect an amendment adopted in a prior rulemaking but inadvertently omitted; changed “a variance” to “relief” to reflect a prior amendment |
611.130(g)(5) |
Changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.130(g)(6) |
Changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.130(g)(7) |
Changed to lower-case “section” (twice) |
611.130 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.232(a)(2)(A) |
Removed the unnecessary comma from after “611.241(b)(1)” |
611.232(a)(3) |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
611.232(a)(4) |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
611.232 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.250 preamble |
Changed to plural “Sections” (twice) |
611.250(a)(1) |
JCAR, Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma that separated “except that if” |
611.250(c)(2) |
JCAR, Agency, USEPA |
Corrected “5 NTU” |
611.250 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.276 heading |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary “Subpart B” heading |
611.276(b) |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected the spelling of “December”; added “as follows” offset by a comma; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
611.276(d) |
JCAR, Board |
Added “as follows” offset by a comma; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
611.276(d)(1) |
Corrected the cross-reference to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.276 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.300(b) Board note |
Changed to lower-case “arsenic” |
611.300 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.301(b) “nitrate” |
Removed the decimal from “10” |
611.301(b) “nitrite” |
Removed the decimal from “1” |
611.301(b) “total nitrate and nitrite” |
Removed the decimal from “10” |
611.301(b) Board note |
Added the spaces after the colon |
611.301(c) “arsenic” |
Removed the space from after the opening parenthesis |
611.301(c) “chromium” |
Corrected “Cr(III)” to “CrIII” |
611.301(c) “mercury” |
Restored the symbols “ £ ” and “µ” to reflect the text on file (three times) |
611.301(c) “selenium” |
Corrected “Se(IV)” to “SEIV” |
611.301(d) table |
JCAR, Board |
Changed to lower-case “alumina” (twice); changed to lower-case “point-of-use” (twice); changed to lower-case “filtration” (twice); changed “501-3,300” to “501-3,300 persons” (five times); changed “3,300-10,000” to “3,300-10,000 persons”; changed to lower-case “microfiltration”; changed to lower-case “exchange”; changed to lower-case “softening”; changed to lower-case “osmosis” |
611.301(d) table note 3 |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “fewer than 501” to “fewer than 501 persons”; removed an unnecessary comma before “but” (twice); changed “fewer than 3,301” to “fewer than 3,301 persons”; changed “fewer than 10,001” to “fewer than 10,001 persons” |
611.301 Board note |
Removed the overstruck “(1995)” and removed the underlining from “(2000)” to reflect an amendment from a prior rulemaking that was inadvertently omitted |
611.301 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.310(c)(2) |
Corrected to singular “serves” |
611.310 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.312 Board note |
Corrected “C.F.R.” to “CFR” |
611.312 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.313 Board note |
Corrected “C.F.R.” to “CFR” |
611.313 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.380(a)(1) |
Changed “a NTNCWS” to “an NTNCWS” |
611.380(a)(3) |
Corrected the spelling of “trichloroacetic” |
611.380(b)(1) |
Changed a period to a colon |
611.380 Board note |
Corrected “C.F.R.” to “CFR” |
611.380 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.381(b)(1) (table) |
Capitalized “Method” (twice) |
611.381(c)(1) (table) |
Capitalized “Method” (twice) |
611.381(d)(1) |
Corrected the reference to “Section 611.611(a)(21)” |
611.381(d)(4) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a space to “254 nm”; corrected the format of “m-1” |
611.381 Board note |
Corrected “C.F.R.” to “CFR” |
611.381 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.382(b)(1)(A) table |
Moved footnote marking “2” outside the period |
611.382(b)(1)(B) table |
Corrected “or” to lower case |
611.382(b)(1)(C) |
Corrected to singular “does” |
611.382(b)(3)(A) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.382 Board note |
Corrected “C.F.R.” to “CFR” |
611.382 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.383(b)(1)(B) |
Corrected to singular “exceeds” |
611.383(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed to numeric “12” |
611.383(c)(2)(A) |
Added a comma before “in addition to” to offset a parenthetical (twice) |
611.383(c)(2)(B) |
Added a comma before “in addition to” to offset a parenthetical (twice) |
611.383(d) |
Board |
Changed to numeric “12” (twice) |
611.383 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.384(b) table |
JCAR, Board, USEPA |
Removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (24 times); corrected the spelling of “Section” (five times); changed “average of all samples taken in the month” to “average of each three-sample set for all sample sets taken in the distribution system” |
611.384(c) table |
JCAR, Board |
Removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (nine times); changed to numeric “12” |
611.384(d) table |
JCAR, Board |
Removed the opening parenthesis from the table entries (16 times); changed the reference to “Section 611.385(b)(2) or (b)(3)”; changed the reference to “Section 611.385(a)(2) or (a)(3)” |
611.384 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.385(a)(2) |
Capitalized the indefinite article “a” |
611.385(a)(2)(C) |
Changed “a NPDWR” to “an NPDWR” |
611.385(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed the reference to “subsections (a)(3)(A) and (a)(3)(B)”; added “the alternative . . . as follows” followed by a colon |
611.385(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the supplier may undertake” |
611.385(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “the supplier may undertake” |
611.385(b)(3) |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected “alternate” to “alternative” |
611.385(b)(4) |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected “alternate” to “alternative” (twice) |
611.385(b)(4)(A) |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected “alternate” to lower-case “alternative” |
611.385(c)(1)(A) |
Added spaces to “treated water TOC” and “source water TOC” |
611.385(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed to numeric “12” (twice) |
611.385(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed the reference to “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(E)”; changed the reference to “subsections (c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(E)” |
611.385(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed the reference to “subsection (a)(2) or (a)(3)” |
611.385 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.600(d) “arsenic” |
Corrected the spelling of “absorption” |
611.600(d) “barium” |
Removed the unnecessary space from “absorption-furnace” and “absorption-direct” |
611.600(d) “cadmium” |
Removed the unnecessary space from “absorption-furnace” |
611.600(d) “chromium” |
Removed the unnecessary space from “absorption-furnace” |
611.600(d) “selenium” |
Removed the unnecessary space from “absorption-furnace” and “absorption-gaseous” |
611.600(d) note 2 |
Corrected the spelling of “achieved” |
611.600(d) note 7 |
Corrected the spelling of “depositions” |
611.600 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.602 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.603(e)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed to possessive “CWS’s” |
611.603(g) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the list of contaminants |
611.603 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.606(b)(2) |
Changed “within two weeks of” to “within two weeks after” |
611.606 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.609 preamble |
Corrected the reference to “Section 611.300 or 611.301” |
611.609(b) |
Removed the duplicate definite article “the”; corrected the spelling of “exceedence” |
611.609 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.611(a) Board note |
Corrected “2X” to “2 ´ ” |
611.611(a)(2) Board note |
Corrected “100ml” to “100 mL” |
611.611(a)(2)(A) Board note |
Changed “January 23, 2006 effective date” to :2005 through 2007 compliance period”; added a comma after “period” to offset the introductory clause |
611.611(a)(2)(D) |
Corrected the spelling of “absorption” |
611.611(a)(9)(C)(i) |
Corrected the reference to “D1179-93 B” |
611.611(b) Board note |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected “time off” to “time of”; changed “4 deg.C” to “4 ° C”; changed “Methods 200.7 or 200.8 or 200.9 are” to “Method 200.7, 200.8, or 200.9 is” |
611.611(b)(8)(A) |
Changed “4 ° C” to “4 ° C” |
611.611(c)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the abbreviated form “PE” in parentheses; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186” |
611.611 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.646(a) “detection limit” Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(a) “method detection limit” Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed to singular “a GWS” |
611.646(c)(2) |
Changed to singular “an SWS” |
611.646(c) Board note |
Board |
Updated the version of the Code of Federal Regulations cited to the 2000 edition |
611.646(e) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(f) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(g) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(g) Board note |
Added a comma after “paragraph” to offset the parenthetical |
611.646(h) |
Changed to lower-case “assessment” |
611.646(j) Board note |
Changed “a GWS” to “a GWS supplier”; changed “a mixed system” to “a mixed system supplier” |
611.646(l)(1) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Phase II” to “Phase II VOCs” |
611.646(n) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary parenthetical “1999” that denoted the version of the Code of Federal Regulations |
611.646(q)(1) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
611.646(q)(1)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the abbreviated form “PE” in parentheses; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186.170” |
611.646(q)(1)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride, Phase II VOCs, except vinyl chloride, or Phase V VOCs” to “regulated organic contaminants in the PE sample” |
611.646(q)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(2)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE”; corrected the reference to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186.170” |
611.646(q)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.646(q)(2)(D) |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series that contains a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
611.646(r)(1) |
Changed “the effective date of this Section” to “December 1, 1992” |
611.646 Board note |
Removed a duplicate ending period |
611.646 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.648(k)(2) |
Corrected the spelling “subsection” |
611.648(k)(3) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(k)(4) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(k)(5) |
Added underlining to the subsection number |
611.648(m)(2) |
Corrected to singular “Method 505 or 508” |
611.648(s)(1) |
Changed “following conditions” to “conditions of subsection (2)(2) of this Section” |
611.648(s)(2)(A) |
Changed “performance evaluation” to the standardized abbreviation “PE” |
611.648 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.680(a)(1) |
Board, USEPA |
Changed to singular “a CWS supplier”; added “that serves . . . treatment process” present in corresponding 40 C.F.R. 141.30(a) but missing from this subsection; corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart” |
611.680(a)(2) |
Board |
Corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart” |
611.680(b) |
Board |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier” |
611.680(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier” (twice); changed to singular “a goundwater source”; removed amendment to “supplier” to restore the existing “system”; added the definite article “the” before “number”; changed “within 30 days of” to “within 30 days after” |
611.680(b)(3) |
Corrected the reference to “this subsection (b)” |
611.680(c) |
Board |
Changed “CWSs” to singular “a CWS supplier”; changed “CWS” to “CWS supplier” |
611.680(d) |
Board, USEPA |
Changed to singular “a CWS supplier”; corrected “this Section” to “this Subpart” |
611.680 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.685 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.740(a) |
Capitalized “this Part” |
611.740 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.741(a)(1) |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.741(a)(2) |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
611.741 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.742(a)(1)(A) |
USEPA, Agency, Board |
Corrected the cross-reference to “former 40 C.F.R. 141.42 (1994), as amended at 59 Fed. Reg. 62456 (Dec. 5, 1994)” |
611.742(a)(2)(A) |
USEPA, Agency, Board |
Corrected the cross-reference to “former 40 C.F.R. 141.42 (1994), as amended at 59 Fed. Reg. 62456 (Dec. 5, 1994)” |
611.742(a)(2)(B) |
Changed to singular “has” |
611.742(a)(2)(C) |
Changed to singular “has” |
611.742(a)(5) |
Corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(5)(A) through (a)(5)(E)” |
611.742(a)(5)(A) |
Agency, JCAR, Board |
Corrected “date” to “data”; corrected to plural “subsections (a)(1)(A) and (a)(2)(A)”; changed to numeric “12” |
611.742(a)(5)(B) |
USEPA, Agency, Board |
Corrected the cross-reference to “former 40 C.F.R. 141.42 (1994), as amended at 59 Fed. Reg. 62456 (Dec. 5, 1994)” |
611.742(a)(5)(C) |
Removed the unnecessary comma from after “Section” |
611.742(a)(5)(D) |
Changed “their” to singular “its” |
611.742(a)(6) |
Corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2)” |
611.742(b)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to numeric “12”; corrected the cross-reference to “subsections (b)(2)(A) through (b)(2)(D)” (twice) |
611.742(b)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the parenthetical “ S (CTcalc/CT99.9)”; removed the parentheses from “CTcalc/CT99.9” (twice); removed parentheses from “ S (CTcalc/CT99.9)” |
611.742 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.743 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.745(b) |
Board |
Changed to singular “it has” |
611.745(c)(2) |
Changed “practical” to “possible” |
611.745 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.884(b) |
Corrected the spelling of “above” |
611.884(b)(1) |
Added the closing period to the text of the required statement |
611.884(c) |
Added a comma after “MCL” to offset the parenthetical |
611.884 Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.Appendix A “mercury” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “inorganic” |
611.Appendix A “2,4,5-TP” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “silvex” |
611.Appendix A “benzo(a)pyrene” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “PAH” |
611.Appendix A “dibromochloropropane” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “DBCP” |
611.Appendix A “dioxin” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “2,3,7,8-TCDD” |
611.Appendix A “oxamyl” |
JCAR, Board |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses and used lower case for “vydate” |
611.Appendix A “PCBs” |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses on “polychlorinated biphenyls” |
611.Appendix A “haloacetic acids” |
Changed to lower-case “acids” |
611.Appendix A “TTHMs” |
JCAR, Board |
Replaced the brackets with parentheses and used lower case for “total trihalomethanes”; changed to singular “nervous system” |
611.Appendix A abbreviations |
Changed to lower-case “action level”; changed to lower-case “maximum contaminant level”; changed to lower-case “maximum contaminant level goal”; changed to lower-case “maximum residual disinfectant level”; changed to lower-case “maximum residual disinfectant level goal”; changed to lower-case “millirems” to reflect text on file; changed to lower-case “not applicable”; changed to lower-case “nephelometric turbidity units”; changed to lower-case “picocuries” to reflect text on file; changed to lower-case “treatment technique” |
611.Appendix A Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.9. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.10. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate” |
611.Appendix G ¶ I.D.22. |
Removed the unnecessary hyphen from “hexachlorocyclopentadiene” |
611.Appendix G ¶ III.B. |
Corrected the footnote number to “19” |
611.Appendix G Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 2a. |
Added a comma after “diarrhea” to offset the final element of a series |
611.Appendix H ¶ 3. |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 10. |
Added a space to “7 MFL” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 33. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate” (twice) |
611.Appendix H ¶ 34. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate” (twice) |
611.Appendix H ¶ 58. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “o-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 59. |
Removed the unnecessary space from “p-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 79. |
Replaced listing as “uranium” to reflect text on file, showing appended footnote number “16” changed to note “17” |
611.Appendix H Heading “H” |
Restored appended footnote “17” to reflect text on file, then marked it for amendment to note “18” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 80. |
Renumbered the entry to “80” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “18” and “19” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “19” and “20” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 81. |
Renumbered the entry to “81” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “20” and “21” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “20” and “21” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 82. |
Renumbered the entry to “82” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 83. |
Renumbered the entry to “83” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 84. |
Renumbered the entry to “84” to reflect text on file; restored appended footnotes “21” and “22” to reflect text on file, then marked them for amendment to notes “22” and “23” |
611.Appendix H ¶ 85. |
Renumbered the entry to “85” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 85a. |
Changed “2” to written “two” to reflect text on file; corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file; changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 86a. |
Renumbered the entry to “86a” to reflect text on file; corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file; changed “which” to “that” to reflect text on file; removed the space from “short-term” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 87. |
Renumbered the entry to “87” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 88. |
Renumbered the entry to “88” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H ¶ 89. |
Renumbered the entry to “89” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 10 |
Corrected the spelling of “exceedences” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 17 |
Restored the note “16” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “17” |
611.Appendix H note 18 |
Reverted the note number to “17” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “18”; changed to singular “is” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 19 |
Restored the note “18” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “19”; corrected to single-word “groundwater” to reflect text on file; corrected to “fewer” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H note 20 |
Restored the note “19” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “20” |
611.Appendix H note 21 |
Restored the note “20” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “21” |
611.Appendix H note 22 |
Restored the note “21” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “22” |
611.Appendix H note 23 |
Restored the note “22” to reflect text on file, then marked it for revision to note “23” |
611.Appendix H Board note |
Removed the underlining from “(2000)” to reflect text on file; restored “65 Fed. Reg. 76751 (December 7, 2000), effective December 8, 2003” to reflect text on file |
611.Appendix H Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
611.Table Z “Phase II SOCs” |
Changed to lower-case “silvex” |
611.Table Z Source note |
Changed the Illinois Register citation for R02-5 to “26 Ill. Reg. ________” |
Table 4
Requested Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments Not Made in Final Adoption
Section Affected |
Source(s) of Request: Requested Revision(s) |
Explanation |
Amendments generally |
JCAR: Why has the Board changed “system” to “supplier” throughout the rules? |
In the initial adoption of the SDWA-derived rules on August 9, 1990, R88-26, at 14 Ill. Reg. 16517, effective September 20, 1990, the Board chose to use “supply” because the Act uses “public water supply” (415 ILCS 5/3.28 (2000)) in place of “public water system” in the federal statute (42 U.S.C. 300f(4) (1996)). The Board reads “supplier” as more clearly referring to a person, while “system” can mean the physical facilities used to treat and deliver water. |
611.101 |
JCAR: Why did the Board remove the several notes stating “derived from 40 CFR 141.2? |
Over the years, the Board has occasionally added definitions not directly derived from the corresponding federal compilation of definitions, where the addition of those definitions aids in understanding the regulations. While Section 611.101 is “derived” from 40 C.F.R. 141.2, a fact now noted in the end Board note, it does not precisely parallel that provision. Where definitions derive from federal provisions other than 40 C.F.R. 141.2, the Board has indicated that fact with a Board not attached to the particular definition. The Board has not particularly noted the definitions that the Board has added for the sake of clarity, since such addition would add little or nothing to the rules. |
611.130(c)(2) |
JCAR: Change “a SDWA” to “an SDWA” |
The use of “a” is appropriate because the acronym is generally pronounced as “sid-wa.” |
611.381(d)(4) |
JCAR: What does “m-1” mean? |
The variable “m-1” derives directly from the corresponding federal text. It means reciprocal meters. When the energy absorbed by a unit volume of substance (measured as erg/m3) is factored against the radiant energy incident on a unit area of that substance (measured as erg/m2), the result is measured in reciprocal meters (m-1). |
611.382(b)(1)(A) table |
JCAR: Shorten the table by using the full width of the page. |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.390 requires that the Board indent the table text to the appropriate level for the third subsection level (three inches from the left margin. |
611.382(b)(1)(B) table |
JCAR: Shorten the table by using the full width of the page. |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.390 requires that the Board indent the table text to the appropriate level for the third subsection level (three inches from the left margin. |
611.384(b) note 1 |
JCAR: Change “exceeded” to “violated” |
The language appears as it does in the text of the federal original; changing the language could change the meaning. |
611.383 Board note |
JCAR: Change the indent level of the note to that of a subsection. |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.390 requires that the Board note appear at the indent level of the text to which it refers, and this note relates to the entire Section. |
611.384(c)(2)(C) |
JCAR: Change “exceeded” to “violated” |
The language appears as it does in the text of the federal original; changing the language could change the meaning. |
611.384(c) note 1 |
JCAR: Change “exceeded” to “violated” |
The language appears as it does in the text of the federal original; changing the language could change the meaning. |
611.385(a)(2)(E) |
JCAR: What does “L/mg-m” mean? |
“L/mg-m” means liters per milligram-meter. This derives directly from the corresponding federal text. In determining the SUVA, absorption (measured as m-1) is divided by the DOC (measured as mg/L). The resulting units are liters per milligram-meter (L/mg-m). |
611.385(a)(2)(F) |
JCAR: What does “L/mg-m” mean? |
See the preceding entry for Section 611.385(a)(2)(E). |
611.385(b)(2) |
JCAR: Why is “source-water” hyphenated? |
The term “source-water” derives directly from the corresponding federal text. It is a compound for which hyphenation is appropriate. |
611.385(c)(2)(C) |
JCAR: What does “L/mg-m” mean? |
See the preceding entry for Section 611.385(a)(2)(E). |
611.385(c)(2)(D) |
JCAR: What does “L/mg-m” mean? |
See the preceding entry for Section 611.385(a)(2)(E). |
611.611(a)(20)(A)(i) |
JCAR: Add a comma after “Method.” |
The reference to “ASTM Method D511-93 A” already appears in the standardized format for this type of reference. |
611.646(k) |
JCAR: Change the semicolons to commas to separate the elements of the series. |
Semicolons are appropriate because one element contains a parenthetical offset by a comma. |
611.646(k)(2) |
JCAR: Add “must be required” to “is required”. |
“Annual monitoring” acts as a subsection heading, so the addition is not necessary. Further, the addition to a provision that also allows a reduction in monitoring frequency could cause confusion. |
611.Appendix A, “haloacetic acids” |
JCAR: What is the difference between “HAAs” and HAA5”? |
The abbreviations “HAA5” and “HAA” derive directly from corresponding segments of the federal text. “HAA” means “haloacetic acids” generally, and the Board has rendered the abbreviation as “HAAs” because it represents a plural. USEPA also used “HAAs.” “HAA5” also denotes haloacetic acids, but more specifically refers to the five principal haloacetic acids: monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetic acid. |
611.Appendix G, mandatory health effects language generally |
JCAR: What is the difference between “over a long period of time” and “over many years”? |
The Board is unaware of the difference between “over a long period of time” and “over many years.” The Board cannot explain why USEPA chose one phrase over the other when developing the mandatory health effects language for the various contaminants, however, the Board is compelled by statute to incorporate the federal language into the Illinois regulations. The Board has incorporated the federal language into the Illinois regulations without substantive review, as required. |
611.Appendix G, ¶ I.G. |
JCAR: What is the difference between “HAAs” and HAA5”? |
See the preceding entry for Section 611.Appendix A, “haloacetic acids” |
611.Appendix G, ¶ III |
JCAR: Change “a SDWA” to “an SDWA.” |
The use of “a” is appropriate because the acronym is generally pronounced as “sid-wa.” |
611.Appendix G, note 18 |
JCAR: Capitalize “sections.” |
JCAR has elsewhere requested that the Board use lower-case “sections” when referring to federal provisions. (See, e.g., the JCAR-requested revisions to Sections 611.130(g)(5), (g)(6), and (g)(7).) |
611.Appendix G, note 19 |
JCAR: Change “a SDWA” to “an SDWA.” |
The use of “a” is appropriate because the acronym is generally pronounced as “sid-wa.” |
611.Appendix G, note 19 |
JCAR: Add a date to the reference to “40 CFR 142.307” |
No date is necessary, since this note does not incorporate any requirements of 40 C.F.R. 142.307 and the actual version of that regulation is immaterial to the function of this footnote of informing the regulated community of another federal requirement. |
611.Appendix H, ¶ 24 |
JCAR: “‘Personal doctor’ as opposed to the ‘company doctor’?” |
“Personal doctor” is mandatory federal language derived directly from the corresponding federal requirement. The Board will not change it. |
611.Appendix H ¶ 28 |
JCAR: Add the word “experience” after “or.” |
“Or reproductive difficulties” is mandatory federal language derived directly from the corresponding federal requirement, and the federal language is clear without revision. The Board will not change it. |
611.Appendix H ¶ 32 |
JCAR: “Their kidneys could improve?” |
“Minor kidney changes” is mandatory federal language derived directly from the corresponding federal requirement, and the federal language is clear without revision. We will not change it. |
611.Appendix H ¶ 33 |
JCAR: Add the word “experience” after “or.” |
“Or reproductive difficulties” is mandatory federal language derived directly from the corresponding federal requirement, and the federal language is clear without revision. The Board will not change it. |
611.Appendix H, ¶ 87 |
JCAR: What is the difference between “HAAs” and HAA5”? |
See the preceding entry for Section 611.Appendix A, “haloacetic acids” |
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above opinion on February 21, 2002, by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board