1. Section 602.113 Duration
        2. Section 602.116 Requirement for As-Built Plans
        3. Section 602.117 Existence of Permit No Defense
        4. Section 602.119 Revocations
  1. Section 602.520 Extension of Permit Duration
        1. Section 602.APPENDIX A  References to Former Rules

PART 602
602.101 Purpose
602.102 Community Water Supply Permits
602.103 Public Water Supply Capacity Development
602.104 Emergency Permits
602.105 Standards for Issuance
602.106 Restricted Status
602.107 Critical Review
602.108 Right of Inspection
602.109 Fees
602.110 Signatory Requirement for Permit Applications
602.111 Application Forms and Additional Information
602.112 Filing and Final Action by Agency on Permit Applications
602.113 Duration
602.114 Conditions (Repealed)
602.115 Design, Operation and Maintenance Criteria
602.116 Requirement for As-Built Plans
602.117 Existence of Permit No Defense
602.118 Appeal of Final Agency Action on a Permit Application
602.119 Revocations
602.120 Limitations
602.200 Construction Permit Requirement
602.205 Preliminary Plans
602.210 Construction Permit Applications
602.215 Submission of Applications, Plans and Specifications
602.220 Alterations
602.225 Engineer's Report
602.230 Design Criteria
602.235 Specifications
602.240 Plans
602.245 Source Construction Applications
602.250 Treatment Construction Applications
602.255 Storage Construction Applications
602.260 Water Main Construction Applications
602.300 Operating Permit Requirement
602.305 Operating Permit Applications
602.310 Projects Requiring Disinfection
602.315 Projects Not Requiring Disinfection
602.320 Partial Operating Permits
602.400 Algicide Permit Requirement
602.405 Algicide Permit Applications
602.410 Sampling
602.415 Required Permit Modification
602.500 Other Aquatic Pesticide Permit Requirement
602.505 Other Aquatic Pesticide Permit Application Contents
602.510 Permits Under Public Health Related Emergencies
602.515 State Agency Programs
602.520 Extension of Permit Duration
Appendix A References to Former Rules
AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 17 and authorized by Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/17 and 27].
SOURCE: Filed with Secretary of State January 1, 1978; amended and codified at 6 Ill. Reg. 11497, effective September 14, 1982; amended at 8 Ill. Reg. 2157, effective February 7, 1984; emergency amendment at 9 Ill. Reg. 13371, effective August 16, 1985, for a maximum of 150 days; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 7337, effective April 22, 1986,; amended in R96-18 at 21 Ill. Reg. 6562, effective May 8, 1997; amended in R03-21 at 27 Ill. Reg.18030, effective November 12, 2003; amended in R15-22 at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016.
Section 602.101 Purpose
The purpose of this Part is to establish and enforce minimum standards for the permitting of community water supplies. The definitions in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 601.105 apply to this Part.
a) No person shall construct, install, or operate a community water supply without a permit granted by the Agency. [415 ILCS 5/18(a)(3)]
b) Owners are required to submit plans and specifications to the Agency and obtain written approval before construction, installation, changes or additions to a community water supply, except as provided in Section 602.104. [415 ILCS 5/15(a)].
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.102 Community Water Supply Permits
A community water supply may seek the following types of permits issued by the Agency:
a) Construction Permit, pursuant to Subpart B of this Part;
b) Operating Permit, pursuant to Subpart C of this Part;
c) Algicide Permit, pursuant to Subpart D of this Part; or
d) Aquatic Pesticide Permit, pursuant to Subpart E of this Part.
(Source: Former Section repealed and new Section added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.103 Public Water Supply Capacity Development
All new community water supplies must demonstrate technical, financial, and managerial capacity as a condition for issuance of construction and operating permits by the Agency. The demonstration must be consistent with the technical, financial and managerial provisions of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USC 300f), and regulations adopted by the Agency. [415 ILCS 5/15(b)]
(Source: Former Section repealed and new Section added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.104 Emergency Permits
a) Whenever emergency conditions require immediate action, the Agency may issue construction and operating permits by telephone to the owner, official custodian, or Responsible Operator in Charge, with whatever special conditions the Agency deems to be necessary for the proper safeguarding of the health of the water consumers.
b) Emergency conditions are hazards or threats to public health caused by:
1) accidents;
2) equipment failures;
3) human error; or
4) natural disasters.
c) The Agency shall confirm to a permit applicant, in writing, within 10 days after issuance, its granting of an emergency permit. The confirmation will be conditioned upon the receipt and approval, by the Agency, of as-built plans and specifications.
d) As-built plans and specifications covering the work performed under the emergency permit and any information required by special conditions in the emergency permit must be submitted to the Agency within 60 days after issuance of the emergency permit, unless otherwise stated by the Agency in writing.
e) The Agency may request that the community water supply make modifications after review of the as-built plans and specifications covering the work performed under the emergency permit. Modifications must be made within 90 days after the Agency's written request, unless otherwise stated by the Agency.
f) The Agency can be contacted by calling:
1) Bureau of Water, Division of Public Water Supplies Permit Section (217/782-1724); or
2) after normal business hours, the State emergency number (217/782-3637 (STA-EMER) or 800/782-7860).
g) Each applicant for an emergency permit to install or extend a water main must submit the appropriate fee, as specified in Section 16.1 of the Act, to the Agency within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the emergency construction permit. [415 ILCS 5/16.1]
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
a) Construction Permits and Operating Permits
1) The Agency shall not issue any construction or operating permit required by this Part unless the applicant submits adequate proof that the community water supply will be constructed, modified or operated so as not to cause a violation of the Act or Board rules.
2) Except as provided in subsection (a)(3), the Agency shall not issue any construction or operating permit required by this Part unless the applicant submits adequate proof that the community water supply facility conforms to the following design criteria. When the design criteria in the documents listed in this subsection (a)(2) conflict, the applicant must comply with the design criteria listed in subsection (a)(2)(A).
A) Criteria promulgated by the Agency under Section 39(a) of the Act or Section 602.115;
B) Recommended Standards for Water Works, incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 601.115; and
C) AWWA, ASTM, ANSI or NSF standards incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 601.115.
3) When the documents listed in subsection (a)(2) do not provide design criteria for the proposed community water supply facility, the Agency must not issue the construction or operating permit unless the applicant submits adequate proof that the community water supply facility conforms to other design criteria that the applicant proves will produce consistently satisfactory results.
4) The Agency shall not issue any construction permit required by this Part unless the applicant submits proof that all plan and specification documents required by this Section and Subpart B of this Part have been prepared by a person licensed under the Illinois Architecture Practice Act [225 ILCS 305], the Illinois Professional Engineering Practice Act [225 ILCS 325], the Illinois Structural Engineering Licensing Act [225 ILCS 340], or, for site and groundwater conditions, under the Professional Geologist Licensing Act [225 ILCS 745], or any required combination of these Acts.
5) The Agency must not issue a construction permit unless the community water supply has filed a notification of ownership pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 603.101.
6) The existence of a violation of the Act, Board regulation, or Agency regulation will not prevent the issuance of a construction permit if:
A) the applicant has been granted a variance or an adjusted standard from the regulation by the Board;
B) the permit application is for construction or installation of equipment to alleviate or correct a violation;
C) the permit application is for a water main extension to serve existing residences or commercial facilities when the permit applicant can show that those residences or commercial facilities are being served by a source of water of a quality or quantity that violates the primary drinking water standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611; or
D) the Agency determines the permit application is for construction or installation of equipment necessary to produce water that is assuredly safe, as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 601.101.
b) Algicide or Aquatic Pesticide Permit The Agency must not issue an algicide or pesticide permit required by this Part unless the applicant submits adequate proof that the application of the algicide or aquatic pesticide will not cause a violation of the Act, Board regulation, or Agency regulation.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.106 Restricted Status
a) Restricted status shall be defined as the Agency determination, pursuant to Section 39(a) of the Act and Section 602.105, that a community water supply facility, or portion thereof, may no longer be issued a construction permit without causing a violation of the Act or Board or Agency rules. Violations of Board rules that can result in a restricted status determination include, but are not limited to, regulations establishing maximum contaminant levels, treatment techniques, source water quantity requirements, treatment unit loading rates, storage volume requirements, and minimum pressure for a distribution system.
1) When the Agency cannot issue a construction permit to a community water supply because that issuance would extend an existing violation of the Act or Board or Agency rules, the Agency must place the community water supply on restricted status.
2) Except as specified in Section 602.105(a)(5), the Agency must not issue a permit for water main extension construction when the water main would extend an existing violation of the Act or Board or Agency rules.
b) The Agency must publish on its website and in the Environmental Register and update, at intervals of not more than three months, a comprehensive list of community water supplies subject to restrictive status. This list will be entitled the "Restricted Status List".
c) The Agency shall notify the owners or official custodian and Responsible Operator in Charge of a community water supply when the community water supply is initially placed on restricted status by the Agency.
d) The restricted status list must include a statement of the potential or existing violation of the Act or Board regulations that caused the community water supply's inclusion on the list.
e) Owners or official custodians of community water supplies that have been placed on restricted status must notify any person requesting construction of a water main extension of this status.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.107 Critical Review
a) The Agency must publish in the Environmental Register and on its webpage, at the same frequency as the Restricted Status List, a list of those community water supplies that Agency records indicate exceed 80 percent of the rate of any of the quantity requirements in the Board's or Agency's rules. This list will be entitled the "Critical Review List".
b) The Critical Review List must include a description of the cause of the community water supply's inclusion on the list.
c) The Agency must notify the owner or official custodian and the Responsible Operator in Charge of the community water supply when the community water supply is initially placed on critical review status by the Agency.
d) Owners or official custodians of community water supplies that have been placed on critical review status must notify of this status any person requesting construction of a water main extension.
(Source: Former Section 602.107 renumbered to Section 602.110 and new Section 602.107 added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.108 Right of Inspection
The permittee must allow the Agency and its duly authorized representatives to perform inspections in accordance with its authority under the Act, including but not limited to:
a) entering at reasonable times the permittee's premises where treatment or distribution facilities are located or where any activity is to be conducted pursuant to a permit;
b) having access to and copying at reasonable times any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of a permit;
c) inspecting at reasonable times, including during any hours of operation:
1) equipment constructed or operated under the permit;
2) equipment or monitoring methodology; or
3) equipment required to be kept, used, operated, calibrated and maintained under the permit;
d) obtaining and removing at reasonable times samples of any raw or finished water, discharge or emission of pollutants;
e) entering at reasonable times to use any photographic, recording, testing, monitoring or other equipment for the purpose of preserving, testing, monitoring or recording any raw or finished water, activity, discharge or emission authorized by a permit.
(Source: Former Section repealed and new Section added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.109 Fees
a) Each applicant required to pay a fee must submit the fee to the Agency along with the permit application or as-built plans. The Agency must deny any construction permit application for which a fee is required that does not contain the appropriate fee. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(a)]
b) The following fees are required by the Act:
1) $240 if the construction permit application is to install or extend water main that is more than 200 feet, but not more than 1,000 feet in length. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(d)(1)]
2) $720 if the construction permit application is to install or extend water main that is more than 1,000 feet but not more than 5,000 feet in length. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(d)(2)]
3) $1200 if the construction permit application is to install or extend water main that is more than 5,000 feet in length. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(d)(3)]
c) Any applicant who submits as-built plans to install or extend a water main must pay the fees listed in subsection (b). [415 ILCS 5/16.1(c)]
d) Each applicant for an emergency construction permit to install or extend a water main must submit the appropriate fee to the Agency within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the emergency permit. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(c)]
e) This Section does not apply to following:
1) any department, agency or unit of State government for installing or extending a water main; 
2) any unit of local government with which the Agency has entered into a written delegation agreement under Section 4 of the Act which allows such unit to issue construction permits under Title IV of the Act, or regulations adopted under Title IV (see, for example, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 690 or 35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle F generally), for installing or extending a water main; or 
3) any unit of local government or school district for installing or extending a water main where both of the following conditions are met: 
A) the cost of the installation or extension is paid wholly from monies of the unit of local government or school district, State grants or loans, federal grants or loans, or any combination thereof; and 
B) the unit of local government or school district is not given monies, reimbursed or paid, either in whole or in part, by another person (except for State grants or loans or federal grants or loans) for the installation or extension. [415 ILCS 5/16.1(f)]
(Source: Former Section repealed and new Section added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.110 Signatory Requirement for Permit Applications
All permit applications must be signed by the owner or official custodian of the community water supply, or by the owner's duly authorized agent, and must be accompanied by evidence of authority to sign the application.
(Source: Former Section 602.110 repealed and former Section 602.107 renumbered to Section 602.110 at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.111 Application Forms and Additional Information
The Agency may prescribe the form in which all information required under this Part shall be submitted and may require such additional information as is necessary to determine whether the community water supply will meet the requirements of the Act and this Chapter.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.112 Filing and Final Action by Agency on Permit Applications
a) For permits without a fee under Section 602.109:
1) An application for permit shall be deemed to be filed on the date of initial receipt by the Agency of the application documents. The Agency shall send the applicant written notification of receipt of the complete application.
2) Except for emergency permits, applications for construction permits must be filed at least 90 days before the expected start of construction.
3) If the Agency fails to take final action, by granting or denying the permit as requested or with conditions, within 90 days from the filing of the completed application, the applicant may deem the permit granted for a period of one year.
4) Any applicant for a permit may waive in writing the requirement that the Agency must take final action within 90days from the filing of the application.
b) For permits with a fee under Section 602.109:
1) An application for a permit must be deemed to be filed on the date the Agency has received the application documents and required fee. The Agency must send the applicant written notification of receipt of the complete application.
2) Except for emergency construction permits, applications for construction permits must be filed at least 45 days before the expected start of construction.
3) The Agency must deny construction permit applications that do not contain the entire fee.
4) The Agency must take final action by granting or denying permits within 45 days after the filing of an application and the payment of the required fee. If the Agency fails to take final action within 45 days after filing the application and payment of the required fee, the applicant may deem the permit issued.
c) The Agency must maintain a progress record of all permit applications, including interim and final action dates. This information is available to the applicant upon request.
d) The Agency must send all notices of final action by U.S. mail. The Agency must be deemed to have taken final action on the date that the notice is mailed.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.113  Duration

a)  Construction Permits
1)  Construction permits for community water supply facilities expire one year from the date of issuance or renewal, unless construction has started. If construction does not commence within one year from the date of issuance or renewal, the permit may be renewed for additional one year periods at the discretion of the Agency, upon written request of the applicant.
2)  If construction commences within one year from the date of issuance or renewal of the construction permit, the permit expires five years from the date of issuance or renewal. Thereafter, the permit may be renewed for periods specified by the Agency at its discretion, upon written request of the applicant.
3)  For the purposes of this Section, construction must be deemed commenced when work at the site has been initiated and proceeds in a reasonably continuous manner to completion.
b)  Operating permits shall be valid until revoked unless otherwise stated in the permit.
c)  Algicide permits must be issued for fixed terms of five years.
d)  Aquatic pesticide permits must be valid for a fixed term, not to exceed one year.

(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.114 Conditions
In addition to specific conditions authorized under this Part, the Agency may impose conditions in a permit necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Act and that are not inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the Board.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.115 Design, Operation, and Maintenance Criteria
a) The Agency may adopt criteria in rules for the design, operation, and maintenance of community water supply facilities as necessary to insure safe, adequate, and clean water. These criteria shall be revised from time to time to reflect current engineering judgment and advances in the state of the art.
b) Before adopting new criteria or making substantive changes to any of its rules for community water supplies, the Agency shall comply with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100].
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.116  Requirement for As-Built Plans
If any portion of a community water supply has been constructed without a construction permit as required by Section 602.101, or an emergency permit issued pursuant to Section 602.104, the community water supply must submit to the Agency as-built plans and specifications and a construction permit application. As-built plans and specifications must be prepared by a qualified person as described in Section 602.105(a)(4). All plans and specifications submitted to the Agency under this Section must be clearly marked "as-built" or "record drawings". Any deficiencies requiring correction, as determined by the Agency, must be corrected within a time limit set by the Agency. Submission of as-built plans and the correction of any deficiencies does not relieve the owner or official custodian from any liability for construction without a permit.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.117  Existence of Permit No Defense
The existence of a permit under this Chapter shall not constitute a defense to a violation of the Act, Board regulation, or Agency regulation except for the requirements to secure construction, operating, algicide, aquatic pesticide or emergency permits.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.118 Appeal of Final Agency Action on a Permit Application 

a)  If the Agency denies a permit required under this Part, the applicant may petition the Board to appeal the Agency's final decision pursuant to Section 40 of the Act.


b)  An applicant may consider any condition imposed by the Agency in a permit as a refusal by the Agency to grant a permit that shall entitle the applicant to appeal the Agency's decision to the Board pursuant to Section 40 of the Act.


c)  All appeals must be filed with the Board within 35 days after the date on which the Agency served its decision on the applicant.

(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.119  Revocations
Violation of any permit conditions or failure to comply with the Act, Board regulation or Agency regulation shall be grounds for enforcement actions as provided in the Act, including revocation of a permit. Revocation of a permit shall be sought by filing a complaint with the Board pursuant to Title VIII of the Act.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

Section 602.120 Limitations
Issuance of a permit under this Part does not relieve the applicant of the obligation to obtain other permits required from other State entities, the Agency, or local governing bodies.
(Source: Amended at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.200 Construction Permit Requirement
a) No person shall cause or allow the construction of any new community water supply installation, or cause or allow the change of or addition to any existing community water supply, without a construction permit issued by the Agency.
b) Construction permits must be obtained by the owner or official custodian of a community water supply:
1) prior to beginning construction of any proposed community water supply;
2) prior to all alterations, changes or additions to an existing community water supply that may affect the sanitary quality, mineral quality or adequacy of the community water supply; and
3) prior to adding new chemicals to the treatment process or changing the points of chemical application.
c) A construction permit is not needed for normal work items such as:
1) installation of customer service connections to distribution system water mains;
2) installation or replacement of hydrants and valves in the distribution system;
3) repair of water mains, including replacement of existing water mains with mains of equivalent size pipe in the same location;
4) routine maintenance of equipment, such as painting, reconditioning or servicing;
5) replacement of chemical feeders, pumps, controls, filter media, softener resins, pipes and appurtenances that have the same rated capacity as existing facilities previously permitted by the Agency; or
6) installation or replacement of meters.
d) All work performed on a community water supply must be in accordance with accepted engineering practices.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.205 Preliminary Plans
a) To expedite the review of subsequent construction permit application plan documents, preliminary plans may be submitted prior to the submission of a construction permit application. No construction permit shall be issued until the completed application, required fee, plans and specifications have been submitted.
b) If preliminary plans are submitted, as directed under the Illinois Drinking Water Revolving Loan Funding Process (see 35 Ill. Adm. Code 664), the documents must include a description of alternate solutions, a discussion of the alternatives and reasons for selecting the alternative recommended.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.210 Construction Permit Applications
All applications for construction permits required under this Part must contain, when appropriate, the following information and documents:
a) General information, including, but not limited to:
1) name of the community water supply;
2) community water supply identification number;
3) the name and mailing address of the owner or official custodian of the community water supply; and
4) name, scope and location of the project;
b) Engineer's report as specified in Section 602.225;
c) A summary of the design criteria as specified in Section 602.230;
d) Specifications as specified in Section 602.635;
e) Plans as specified in Section 602.240;
f) Specific information for the type of construction, as follows:
1) For source construction, information specified in Section 602.245;
2) For the construction of treatment facilities, information specified in Section 602.250;
3) For the construction of storage facilities, information specified in Section 602.255;
4) For the construction of water mains, information specified in Section 602.260;
g) Water purchase contracts between water supplies and/or inter-municipal agreements, when applicable;
h) Evaluation of technical, managerial and financial capacity as specified in Section 602.103 for new community water supplies;
i) Certification by each person signing the application that the information in the application is complete and accurate, and that the text of the application has not been changed from the Agency's official construction permit application form; and
j) Any other information required by the Agency for proper consideration of the permit.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.215 Submission of Applications, Plans and Specifications
a) Two copies of the completed application and of any required plans, specifications and supplemental schedules must be submitted to the Agency for review and approval.
b) All permit applications must be mailed or delivered to the appropriate address designated by the Agency.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.220 Alterations
a) Before any deviations from plans and specifications approved by the Agency are made, the owner or official custodian, or an authorized delegate, must make a written request for a supplemental permit.
b) Revised plans or specifications must be submitted to and approved by the Agency with the supplemental permit request.
c) The Agency must approve supplemental permit requests if those requests comply with Section 602.105 and this Subpart.
d) A supplemental permit is not required for minor changes that will not affect the location, capacity, hydraulic conditions, water treatment processes or sanitary or mineral quality of the water to be delivered.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.225 Engineer's Report
Upon request from the Agency, an applicant for a construction permit must submit an Engineer's Report. Types of construction projects for which the Agency may request an Engineer's Report include, but are not limited to, the construction of a new community water supply, a new source location, or a new water treatment process other than chemical feeding only. The Engineer's Report may be submitted as a preliminary plan pursuant to Section 602.205. An Engineer's Report submitted pursuant to this Section must contain the information specified by this Section.
a) General information, including:
1) a description of existing community water supply;
2) a description of sewerage facilities;
3) a description of the municipality or area to be served; and
4) the name and mailing address of the owner or official custodian of the community water supply.
b) The extent of the community water supply system, including:
1) a map of the area to be served with water and any provisions for extending the community water supply system;
2) maps of additional areas to be served and an appraisal of the future requirements for service; and
3) present and prospective industrial and commercial water supply needs that are likely to be required in the near future.
c) Water consumption data, including:
1) population trends as indicated by available records;
2) an estimate of the number of consumers, based on population trends, who will be served by the proposed or expanded water supply system 20 years in the future;
3) present and future water consumption values used as the basis of design;
4) present and estimated future yield of the water sources for a community water supply; and
5) estimated water loss in the distribution system based on available records.
d) A justification for the project when two or more solutions exist for providing community water supply facilities, as directed under the Illinois Drinking Water Revolving Loan Funding Process, each of which is feasible and practicable. The Engineer's Report must discuss the alternatives and provide reasons for selecting the one recommended, including financial considerations, operational requirements, operator qualifications, reliability and water quality considerations.
e) Sources of Water Supply. The Engineer's Report must describe the proposed source or sources of water supply to be developed and the reasons for their selection, and provide information as follows:
1) For surface water sources:
A) hydrological data, stream flow and weather records;
B) safe yield, including all factors that may affect it;
C) documentation of structural safety of any spillway or dam to assure the spillway or dam can continue to provide a source of water during extreme weather;
D) description of the watershed, noting any existing or potential sources of contamination (such as highways, railroads, chemical facilities, land/water use activities, etc.) that may affect water quality;
E) summarized quality of the raw water with special reference to fluctuations in quality, changing meteorological conditions, etc.; and
F) source water protection issues or measures, including erosion and siltation control structures, that need to be considered or implemented.
2) For groundwater sources:
A) the sites considered;
B) advantages of the site selected;
C) the elevations above mean sea level of site selected;
D) the probable character of geologic formations through which the source is to be developed;
E) hydrogeologic conditions affecting the site, such as anticipated interference between proposed and existing wells;
F) sources of possible contamination such as sewers and sewage treatment/disposal facilities, highways, railroads, landfills, outcroppings of consolidated water bearing formations, chemical facilities, waste disposal wells, and agricultural uses;
G) the test well depth and method of construction, including placement of liners or screens;
H) test pumping rates and their duration, including water levels and specific yield;
I) test well water quality information; and
J) wellhead protection measures being considered.
f) Project sites, including:
1) a discussion of the various sites considered and advantages of the chosen one;
2) the proximity of residences, industries and other establishments; and
3) any potential sources of pollution that may influence the quality of the supply or interfere with effective operation of the water works system, such as sewage absorption systems, septic tanks, privies, cesspools, sink holes, sanitary landfills, and refuse and garbage dumps, etc.
g) Proposed Treatment Processes. The Engineer's Report shall describe all proposed treatment processes necessary to meet the requirements of this Chapter and any available supporting data.
h) Automation. The Engineer's Report must provide supporting data justifying automatic equipment, including the servicing and operator training to be provided, and must provide for manual override for any automatic controls.
i) Power. The Engineer's Report must include the following power description:
1) the main source of power;
2) dedicated standby power capable of providing power to operate the community water supply's water source, treatment plant and distribution facilities during power outages; and
3) outside emergency power sources that are available. 
j) Soil characteristics, groundwater conditions and foundation problems, including:
1) the character of the soil through which water mains are to be laid;
2) the foundation conditions prevailing at sites of proposed structures; and
3) the approximate elevation of groundwater relative to mean sea level at its expected highest level in relation to subsurface structures. k)  Flow requirements, including a hydraulic analysis based on flow demands and pressure requirements.
BOARD NOTE: Fire flows, when fire protection is provided, should meet the recommendations of the Illinois Insurance Services Office or other similar agency for the service area involved.
l) Water Plant Wastes. When waste treatment facilities are necessary for the addition of a new process or an increase in water treatment plant capacity, those facilities must be included as part of the engineering plans and specifications, and the Engineer's Report must include the following:
1) an estimate of the character and volume of the waste that will be generated and its proposed disposition; and
2) the type of waste treatment, discharge location and frequency of discharge.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.230 Design Criteria
A summary of complete design criteria must be submitted for the proposed project containing, when applicable, the following:
a) long term dependable yield of the source of supply;
b) reservoir surface area, volume, and a volume versus depth curve;
c) area of the watershed;
d) estimated average and maximum daily water demands for the design period;
e) number of proposed service connections;
f) firefighting requirements;
g) flash mix, flocculation and settling basin capacities;
h) retention times;
i) unit loadings;
j) filter area and the proposed filtration rate;
k) backwash rate;
l) feeder capacities and ranges; and
m) minimum and maximum chemical application rates.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.235 Specifications
a) Complete detailed specifications must be supplied or referenced from Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 601.115, for all community water supply construction.
b) The specifications must have a professional seal and signature that satisfy Section 602.105(a)(4).
c) Water main standard specifications that have been adopted by a community water supply or a consulting engineer may be submitted for review by the Agency. If approved standard specifications are kept on file with the Agency, the community water supply or consulting engineer need not resubmit the specifications unless changes occur. Standard specifications must equal or exceed the requirements of Section 602.105.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.240 Plans
a) Unless otherwise specified by the Agency, plans submitted to the Agency must provide the following:
1) a suitable title;
2) the name of the owner of the community water supply;
3) the area or institution to be served;
4) a scale;
5) a north point;
6) the data used;
7) the boundaries of the municipality or area to be served;
8) the date and the name and address of the designing engineer;
9) a professional engineer's seal and signature to satisfy Section 602.105(a)(4);
10) the locations and sizes of existing water mains;
11) the locations and nature of existing water works structures and appurtenances affecting the proposed construction, noted on one sheet;
12) the locations of any petroleum storage tanks within 400 feet of the proposed construction;
13) dimensions, elevations and explanatory notes; and
14) details as specified in Sections 620.245 through Section 602.260.
b) Plans must be drawn to a scale that will describe the proposed structures and equipment.
c) The size of plans submitted to the Agency must not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.245 Source Construction Applications
Construction permit applications for the construction of a new, or the modification of an existing, well or surface water intake must include the information specified by this Section.
a) Well construction permit applications must specify the following:
1) the latitude and longitude of the well location;
2) the location and nature of all potential routes, potential primary sources, and potential secondary sources of contamination within 2,500 feet of the well location;
3) for sites subject to flooding, the well casing heights and maximum flood level based upon best available information, which includes, but is not limited to, the flood of record or the 100 year or 500 year flood projections;
4) a general aquifer description;
5) the total well depth;
6) the well casing diameter, material, depth, weight, height above ground, and thickness;
7) the grout type, thickness and depth;
8) the screen diameter, material, slot size and length, if applicable;
9) temporary capping and security measures during well construction;
10) proposed pump test procedures;
11) sampling procedures, if necessary under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.212, for wells that may be subject to surface water influences;
12) the type, design capacity, head rating, and depth of pump setting;
13) the column pipe diameter, length, material and joint;
14) the discharge pipe diameter, depth of cover, material and valving;
15) the casing vent diameter;
16) the airline length;
17) the location of the raw water sample tap;
18) a description of how the top of the well casing is sealed;
19) a description of access to the well site; and
20) well hydraulics and aquifer property data.
b) The following information must be submitted on plans for well construction permit applications:
1) the well location and a 2,500 foot radius showing the location of potential routes, potential primary sources, and potential secondary sources of contamination;
2) the well location and a 400 foot radius showing the location of the sources of pollution listed in Table A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.118;
3) a cross-section of the well showing finished grade, natural ground surface, vent, casing, column pipe, screen, well depth, pump depth, grout, gravel pack and discharge piping;
4) all discharge piping, including pressure gauge, meter, sample tap, check valve, shut-off valve and vacuum/air release valve, if applicable;
5) well house construction, if provided;
6) the locations of all electrical junction boxes;
7) the locations of all observation wells; and
8) piping showing the ability to pump to waste.
c) The following information must be submitted on plans for surface water intake construction permit applications:
1) plan and profile views of the intake structure showing the location, elevation of intake ports, fish screens, valves, piping and pumps, if applicable;
2) location of inspection manholes, if applicable; and
3) location of chemical treatment, if applicable.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.250 Treatment Construction Applications
The following information must be submitted on plans for the construction of treatment facilities:
a) all appurtenances, specific structures or equipment having any connection with the planned water treatment improvements;
b) detailed hydraulic profiles of water flowing through treatment systems;
c) schematic plumbing for all structures and equipment;
d) location of feeders, piping layout and points of application;
e) locations of the sources of pollution listed in Table A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.118;
f) for sites subject to flooding, the maximum flood level based upon best available information, including, but not limited to, the flood of record or the 100 year or 500 year flood projections; and
g) security provisions.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.255 Storage Construction Applications
The following information must be submitted on plans for the construction of storage facilities:
a) storage capacity;
b) plan and profile views showing the location, elevation, piping, access hatches, vents, overflows, safety appurtenances and sample taps;
c) for below ground or partially below ground storage tanks, locations of the sources of pollution listed in Table A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.118 within a 400 foot radius of the storage structure;
d) security provisions;
e) baffling arrangement, if applicable;
f) for sites subject to flooding, the maximum flood level based upon best available information, including, but not limited to, the flood of record or the 100 year or 500 year flood projections; and
g) for hydropneumatic tanks, the bypass piping, access manhole, drain, sight glass, pressure gauge, pressure relief valve, air compressor and housing;
h) mixing systems, if applicable; and
i) the ability to drain a storage tank without causing the pressure in the distribution system to drop below 20 psi.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.260  Water Main Construction Applications 
a) Water main construction permit applications must specify the following:
1) the existing population served by the present supply, and the population to be served by the water main extension;
2) the average daily pumpage for the community water supply on an annual basis;
3) the maximum daily pumpage;
4) the capacity of the community water supply;
5) the capacity of the raw water source;
6) the capacity of the proposed water main;
7) the normal expected operating pressure on the proposed water main;
8) the minimum expected operating pressure on the proposed water main;
9) the pressure at the point of connection at present maximum demand;
10) the calculated pressure at the point of connection under maximum demand after installation of the water main;
11) the size of the pipe and total feet of the water main;
12) the pipe material and type of joint;
13) the proposed depth below ground surface of the water main;
14) sewer and water separation:
A) an indication of whether the minimum horizontal and vertical separation requirements in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.119 have been met; and
B) an explanation of other measures taken to protect the water main if the separation requirements are not met;
15) a disinfection plan that details the chemical to be used, initial disinfectant concentration, final disinfectant concentration and retention time in hours; and
16) a water sampling plan to meet the requirements of Section 602.310.
b) The following information must be submitted on plans with water main construction permit applications:
1) the border lines of the municipality, water district or area to be served;
2) the size, length and identity of proposed water mains and water system structures;
3) the elevation of water mains where necessary to show proper separation from sewers and the elevation of other water system structures;
4) the location of existing or proposed streets;
5) the location of storm, sanitary, combined and house sewers, septic tanks, disposal fields and cesspools;
6) the location of pipelines and other sources containing hydrocarbons;
7) the distance between the community water supply structures and the sources of pollution listed in Table A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.118;
8) stream crossings with elevations of the stream bed shown, including the normal, extreme high and extreme low water levels of the stream; and
9) all appurtenances, specific structures or equipment having any connection with planned water mains and water system structures.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.300 Operating Permit Requirement
a) No person shall cause or allow the use or operation of any new community water supply, or any new addition to an existing community water supply, for which a construction permit is required under this Part, without an operating permit issued by the Agency.
b) The operating permit application must be filed with the Agency when construction is complete.
c) The operating permit must be obtained before the project is placed in service.
d) Partial operating permits may be obtained pursuant to Section 602.320.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.305 Operating Permit Applications
a) All applications for operating permits must contain:
1) the name, signature and identification number of the Responsible Operator in Charge (see 35 Ill. Adm. Code 603);
2) the community water supply's name, address, identification number and project name;
3) the construction permit number, type of construction permit, and date the construction permit was issued;
4) an explanation of the status of the construction project. If the project is only partially completed, the applicant must provide the information set forth in Section 602.320; and
5) any other information required by the Agency for proper consideration of the permit, including, but not limited to, the submission of the water sample results pursuant to Section 602.310.
b) If the operating permit application is for the operation of a well, the operating permit application must include the following information in addition to the information required by subsection (a):
1) final geologic well log;
2) aquifer property data;
3) lateral area of influence, as calculated pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 671.Subpart B;
4) delineated well head protection area; and
5) analyses of water samples for the constituents listed in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.410(a) and (b).
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.310 Projects Requiring Disinfection
a) Satisfactory disinfection as specified in this Section must be demonstrated before the issuance of an operating permit for completed construction projects when facilities produce, contain, treat or carry water that must be bacteriologically safe. This includes, but is not limited to, water mains, filters, finished water storage tanks and wells.
b) Disinfection of a filter with granular activated carbon (GAC) must be completed prior to adding the GAC. Disinfection of an ion exchange unit must be completed prior to adding a resin with a low chlorine tolerance. Disinfection of a membrane unit must be completed prior to adding membrane material with a low chlorine tolerance. Care should be taken when handling the GAC, resin or membrane to keep the material as clean as possible.
c) Except as specified in subsection (d), satisfactory disinfection is demonstrated when two consecutive water sample sets collected from the completed project at least 24 hours apart indicate no bacterial growths as measured by the membrane filter technique or no tubes testing positive as measured by the presumptive test, fermentation tube method, as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611. A sample set consists of the following: 
1) For water mains, representative water samples must be collected from every 1,200 feet of new main along each branch and from the end of the line. The Agency may approve a different sampling plan on a site-specific basis.
2) For water treatment plants, representative water samples must be collected from each aerator, detention tank, filter, ion exchange unit and clearwell, from all other treatment components other than those not requiring disinfection under Section 602.315, and from the entry point to the distribution system.
d) For water main construction projects at existing community water supplies practicing chlorination in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.240, satisfactory disinfection is demonstrated when:
1) one water sample set from the completed project collected in accordance with subsection (c)(1) indicates no bacterial growths as measured by the membrane filter technique or no tubes testing positive as measured by the presumptive test, fermentation tube method as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611; and
2) Adequate chlorine residual is present at the point of connection. Adequate chlorine residuals exist in a distribution system when there is a minimum of 0.2 mg/l free chlorine residual for water supplies practicing free chlorination or 0.5 mg/l combined chlorine residual for water supplies practicing combined chlorination.
e) If the analyses performed pursuant to subsection (d) indicate the presence of bacterial growth, the community water supply must do the following to demonstrate satisfactory disinfection:
1) resample at the sampling point indicating contamination and at every sampling point downstream of the point indicating contamination;
2) submit a general layout sheet of the project indicating the location of all water mains to be operating; and
3) submit evidence to the Agency that two consecutive water sample sets collected as specified in subsection (e)(1) indicated no bacterial growths as measured by the membrane filter technique or no tubes testing positive as measured by the presumptive test, fermentation tube method as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.
f) Analyses conducted pursuant to this Section must be performed by a certified laboratory.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.315 Projects Not Requiring Disinfection
Disinfection is not required for projects involving installation of equipment not in contact with finished water, which includes, but is not limited to, chemical feeders, coagulation basins and raw surface water transmission lines.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.320 Partial Operating Permits
a) If all phases of a construction project will not be completed at one time, the Agency must issue a partial operating permit pursuant to Section 602.105 upon receipt of:
1) a cover letter describing which sections of the project are completed;
2) a general layout plan sheet of the project indicating the location of water mains, treatment processes or storage facilities to be operated;
3) a completed and signed operating permit application; and
4) bacteriological analyses results from water samples collected from the completed section of the project verifying satisfactory disinfection in accordance with Section 602.310.
b) Additional operating permits may be obtained in accordance with this Section as other portions of the project are completed.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.400 Algicide Permit Requirement 
a) No person shall apply algicide, copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids to any stream, reservoir, lake, pond or other body of water used as a community water supply source without an Algicide Permit issued by the Agency.
b) Permits issued under this Subpart D will be valid for community water supply sources only.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.405 Algicide Permit Applications
All applications for Algicide Permits must contain:
a) the name and identification number of the Responsible Operator in Charge supervising the application of the copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids;
b) a statement describing the extent of the algae problem, history of any past algae problems, and past algicide treatments;
c) a description of any adverse effects algae has had on the various treatment processes and on the finished water quality;
d) a description of any fish kills that might have resulted from past use of copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, and copper sulfate chemical aids;
e) the location and volume of the body of water where the copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids will be applied;
f) the name of the source stream (if any);
g) the amount of copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids to be used for each treatment;
h) the time interval between treatments;
i) a copy of the applicant's authorization to discharge under an NPDES permit if the algicide, copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids is applied to a water of the United States;
j) additional information requested by the Agency to assure the safety of a community water supply, as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.210; and
k) any other information required by the Agency for proper consideration of the permit.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.410 Sampling
a) The owner or official custodian, or an authorized delegate, must collect water samples for each application of copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids. Water samples must be collected at the locations and times established in this subsection (a).
1) From the raw water intake, one sample must be collected before treatment.
2) From the entry point to the distribution system:
A) One sample must be collected approximately 24 hours following the copper sulfate treatment.
B) One sample must be collected approximately 48 hours following the copper sulfate treatment.
b) The sample results must demonstrate that concentrations of copper do not pose a high health risk to water consumers in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.350(c)(2).
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.415 Required Permit Modification
After any Algicide Permit is issued, and before the permit expires, if there is any major change either in the operation of the community water supply or in algae growth that affects the use of the algicide, copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids, as outlined in the permit, the community water supply must submit an application for modification of its permit. This application must contain all the information required by Section 602.405.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.500 Other Aquatic Pesticide Permit Requirement  
a) When the application of the pesticide will have an effect on any community water supply, no person shall apply an aquatic pesticide, other than an algicide, copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids to any stream, reservoir, lake, pond or other body of water used as a community water supply source without an Aquatic Pesticide Permit issued by the Agency. Effect is defined as any measurable concentration of the pesticide in the intake water of the community water supply.
b) No person shall apply an aquatic pesticide, other than an algicide, copper sulfate, copper sulfate based products, or copper sulfate chemical aids, within 20 miles upstream of a public or food processing water supply intake without an Aquatic Pesticide Permit issued by the Agency. The 20 mile upstream distance must be measured as follows:
1) for streams, the distance must be measured from the water supply intake to the downstream edge of the application area;
2) for impoundments, the distance must be measured as the straight line distance over water from the intake to the nearest edge of the application area or, if the shape of the impoundment will not allow a straight line measurement over water, the distance must be measured as the shortest distance over water between the intake and the application area;
3) for streams tributary to impoundments, the distance must be the sum of the stream distance plus the shortest line distance described in subsection (b)(2).
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.505 Other Aquatic Pesticide Permit Application Contents
All applications for Aquatic Pesticide Permits must contain, at a minimum:
a) The reasons for controlling the aquatic plant or animal nuisance.
b) Applicant Information
1) The applicant must be the official custodian of, or have control over the waters to which the aquatic pesticide is applied.
2) The application must contain the name, address, telephone number and signature of the applicant. If the applicant's signature cannot be obtained, the application must be accompanied by a signed statement that the applicant has requested or approved the use of the aquatic pesticide for the times and locations identified in the application.
c) Applicator Information
1) The name, address and telephone number of the applicator.
2) The applicator's Illinois Department of Agriculture license number.
3) A list of the limitations imposed by the applicator's license that restrict the types of pesticides that may be used by the applicator.
d) General Information
1) A description of the aquatic pesticide by trade name, chemical name or name of active ingredients, and names of decomposition products.
2) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Registration Number for the pesticide.
3) A description of the steps to be followed in preparing and applying the pesticide, including, but not limited to, proportions, mixing and precautions in preparation. A copy or facsimile of the label containing this information may be used to satisfy this requirement.
e) Time and Location of Treatment
1) A depiction of the area or areas to be treated on a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map reproduction or an accurately drawn map of larger scale. The depiction must include the locations and provide the name of the owners of all water intakes for a distance of 20 miles downstream of each area to be treated.
2) Ponds under 10 acres to be treated, but that are not used as a water source for public or food processing water supplies, must be described using a map of the pond, its tributaries and the surrounding area.
A) Pond locations must be given and described using the quarter section, section number, township, range, county and township name.
B) The name of all public and food processing water supplies for a distance of 20 miles downstream of the pond to be treated must be provided.
3) The date and time required for each treatment.
f) An inventory of the species, size and population of animals or plants to be controlled.
g) Contacts with Downstream Water Users
1) Written documentation showing that all water supplies described in Section 602.500 have been notified of the proposed treatment and provided details of possible adverse effects.
2) The names of water supply operators who will be notified 24 hours before the aquatic pesticide application.
h) Application and Precautions
1) A description of the method to be used to apply the pesticide.
2) A description of the method to be used to protect humans and animals during the time toxic pesticide concentrations exist in the water.
3) A description of the method to be used to remove dead plants or animals should these accumulations result in water quality deterioration.
4) A description of the method to be used to retain water in the impoundment while toxic pesticide concentrations exist.
5) A description of the method to be used for detoxification of the water in the event of water supply contamination.
6) A description of the actions to be taken to insure that tributary streams will not reintroduce the aquatic life being controlled following application of the pesticide. If these actions cannot be taken, the anticipated frequency of retreatment shall be stated.
7) A copy of the contingency plan to be followed by water plant operators for emergency water plant shut down or emergency operation.
i) Water Characteristics and Chemistry
1) The expected life of the pesticide's active ingredient and its decomposition products, considering characteristics of the water such as pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature.
2) A list of the limiting chemical constituents of the water to be treated that can hinder the effectiveness of the pesticide.
3) A list of the short term and chronic effects of the pesticide on people and animals.
4) A description of the weather and stream flow conditions under which the pesticide must be applied.
5) A list of the references used to obtain information required by subsections (i)(1) through (4).
j) Pesticide Dosage and Concentration
1) A description of the pesticide dosage.
2) A description of the concentration of the pesticide in the water immediately after application.
3) A copy of the computations used to determine the concentration.
k) Stream and Impoundment Data
1) Streams
A) The stream flow expected during pesticide application.
B) When stream flows are not available, data on high, average and low stream flow conditions.
C) The specific quantity of discharge in cubic feet per second and the average stream velocity in feet per second.
2) Impoundments
A) The surface area, average depth, maximum depth and volume of the impoundment.
B) The flow expected into and out of the impoundment during the time the pesticide will be active, including the flows attributed to contributing streams, flow over the spillway and water withdrawn by individual users.
C) Information pertinent to the segment in question when only part of the impoundment will be treated.
D) A depiction of the water flow patterns to the water supply intake on a map of the impoundment.
E) An estimate of the minimum time required for the aquatic pesticide to reach the water supply intake.
3) A list of the reference sources or the name and qualifications of the person supplying stream flow and impoundment data.
l) Additional Information and Reports
l) Additional information must be provided to the Agency upon request to assure the safety of a community water supply as required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.210. A copy of the applicant's authorization to discharge under an NPDES permit must be submitted if the aquatic pesticide is applied to a water of the United States.   
2) A report letter must be filed with the Agency within 30 days following each application of the aquatic pesticide. The report must include, but is not limited to:
A) the names and addresses of the applicant and applicator;
B) the aquatic pesticide application permit number;
C) the date of aquatic pesticide application;
D) the name and amount of aquatic pesticide applied; and
E) a description of any mishap that endangered a community water supply and a chronology of the steps taken to correct the problem.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.510 Permits Under Public Health Related Emergencies
The Agency may issue Aquatic Pesticide Permits by telephone whenever public health is immediately endangered by an aquatic pest such as a disease-carrying organism. Aquatic Pesticide Permits issued by telephone must have special conditions for safeguarding downstream public and food processing water supplies.
a) The Agency must confirm to the applicant in writing the granting of an emergency Aquatic Pesticide Permit within 10 days after issuance.
b) A written report containing the same information required for a permit application under Section 602.505 must be made to the Agency within 30 days following pesticide application.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)
Section 602.515 State Agency Programs
The Departments of Public Health, Natural Resources and Agriculture may place on file with the Agency information required by Section 602.505(h), (i) and (j) for reference in future permit applications.
(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)

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Section 602.520 Extension of Permit Duration
The Agency may extend the duration of an Aquatic Pesticide Permit when circumstances beyond the control of the applicant prevent the aquatic pesticide application during the time specified in the permit.
a)  All requests for extensions of permit duration must:

1)  be in writing;


2)  list the reasons the aquatic pesticide could not be applied on the date permitted;


3)  give the new date the aquatic pesticide is to be applied;


4)  contain a statement that the aquatic pesticide will be applied in accordance with the conditions listed in the Aquatic Pesticide Permit; and


5)  contain the Aquatic Pesticide Permit Number, the name and Illinois Department of Agriculture license number of the applicator and the signature of the applicant.

b)  Requests for extensions of permit duration may be made by telephone provided:

1)  the information listed in subsection (a) is stated; and


2)  the information listed in subsection (a) is transmitted in writing to the Division of Public Water Supplies Permit Section within five days after the date verbal approval for an extension of permit duration is given by the Agency.


c)  Applications for extensions of permit duration shall not be granted if more than 60 days have elapsed from the date of aquatic pesticide application listed in the permit.


d)  Extensions of permit duration, if granted by the Agency, must be in writing and must state the time of the extension.

(Source: Added at 40 Ill. Reg. 6799, effective April 15, 2016)


Section 602.APPENDIX A    References to Former Rules
The following table is provided to aid in referencing former Board rule numbers
to section numbers pursuant to codification.

Chapter 6: Public Water Supplies 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 602
Part II: Permits Part 602
Rule 201 Section 602.101
Rule 202 Section 602.102
Rule 203 Section 602.103
Rule 204 Section 602.108
  Section 602.109
  Section 602.110
Rule 205 Section 602.107
Rule 206 Section 602.111
  Section 602.112
Rule 207 Section 602.105
Rule 208 Section 602.113
Rule 209 Section 602.116
Rule 210 Section 602.114
Rule 211 Section 602.118
Rule 212 Section 602.115
Rule 213 Section 602.104
Rule 214 Section 602.119
Rule 215 Section 602.120


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