1. Board Solicits Comments in Proposal to Amend the Board’s CAFO Regulations

Board Solicits Comments in Proposal to Amend the Board’s CAFO Regulations
In response to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), the Board on August 7,
2014 opened this subdocket when the Board adopted amendments to Parts 501, 502, and 504 of
its agriculture related pollution regulations. This subdocket is intended to address whether
specified unpermitted CAFOs should be required to submit certain information to the IEPA. In
the Matter of: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs): Proposed Amendments to 35
Ill. Adm. Code Parts 501, 502, and 504 (R12-23(A).
On October 2, 2014, the Illinois Pollution Control Board adopted an order directing the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to submit written comments responding to specific
questions on the issue of requiring the submission of information before proceeding to first
Additionally, JCAR recommended that the Board use the subdocket to address matters raised in
a letter to JCAR from the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States
Department of Agriculture (NRCS). The Board has carefully considered NRCS’s concerns on
the possible obsolescence of specific provisions of the Board’s rules. However, the Board
concluded that it has not adopted an obsolete standard that now requires revision. Accordingly,
the Board will not expand the scope of this subdocket to continue consideration of these
additional matters.
The Board directed the IEPA to submit written comments
November 3, 2014. The Board also directed any participant wishing to respond to the IEPA’s
comments or address issues raised by JCAR to file those comments by December 3, 2014.
Public comments should identify this docket number R12-23(A) and must be filed with the Clerk
of the Board at the following address:
Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
In addition, public comments may be filed electronically through COOL at
Any questions about electronic filing through COOL should be directed to the Clerk’s Office at
(312) 814-3629.
Opinions and orders of the Board, hearing transcripts, and other documents in rulemaking
records are posted on the Board’s Web site and may be downloaded from the Web without
charge. Hard copies may be obtained from the Clerk’s office upon payment of reproduction fees
as prescribed by of the Freedom of Information Act.
For more information contact Tim Fox at 312-814-6085 or email at tim.fox@illinois.gov.

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