CLERfc~ ~
    November 18, 2003
    2 0
    ~ II-
    Suite 11-500
    100 W. Randolph
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    Re: Request ofExtension of Time for Hearing
    Case number 02-164 Citizens Enforcement/Noise
    From: Ronald and Barbara Stuart
    213 E. Corning Rd.
    Beecher, Illinois 60401
    Dear Mr. Halloran,
    On Thursday November
    2003 my law Donald Stuart was transferred to the
    Intensive Care Unit at South Suburban Hospital in Hazel crest, Illinois. Donald is the
    identical twin ofmy husband Ronald.
    The day before he was admitted to a regular floor for what appeared to be a gall bladder
    problem. Unfortunately Thursday morning he developed more severe pain in the
    abdominal area, even though he was on a morphine drip he had no relief.
    It was discovered through an Ultrasound that he had an acute onset ofPancreatitis non
    alcohol related. His breathing became rapid and shallow, and his blood pressure quickly
    dropped. He was now in respiratory distress. Afterbeing transferred to the unit, Don was
    put on a ventilator to save his life. The pancreatitis is severe in nature, Also his kidneys
    ceased working and he is now on dialysis. His condition is critical/guarded.
    With Ron being an identical twin you can only imagine what he is going through. We are
    at the hospital day and night.
    The prognosis is somewhat grim. An infection yesterday set in and is now being
    addressed. There may have to be some type ofemergency intervention with the surgeon.
    This is still unclear.
    IfDonald is to survive Pancreatitis it is going to be a very long haul. He will be on the
    ventilator for at least 3 or more weeks. Then there is dialysis, and addressing the gall
    stone issue which caused this illness.

    I realize you have been so understanding about uncontrollable situations for us in the
    past. I am truly sorry that I need to ask for an extension of time for a hearing. But at this
    time we really need to be with our family. All ofus are very close. This is undoubtedly
    the worst ordeal we have ever had to endure. Don is only 52, married and has 4 children.
    Ifit is possible, Mr. Halloran would you please grant us at least a 2 month extension on a
    hearing date. The doctors tell us it will take Don 3 months to recover from this because
    the pancreatitis is so severe. There actually is no guarantee he is going to make it through
    the next three weeks. We are all praying for him. And right now he is in God’s hands,
    and all we can do is wait for the outcome.
    We are scheduled to have a teleconference on December 2, 2003. You can tell me at that
    time if you agree to this request ofours. Or you can call me at my home number, leave a
    message on my voice mail. Any decisionyou make will be respected.
    I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. We will be up at the hospital
    most ofthe time. Our cell phone number is 708-846-0516. Thank you for patience.
    I will be sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Harding attorney for Franidin and Phyllis
    Fisher, Dorothy Gunn ofthe IPCB, and to Bobby Petrungarro ofthe Will County States
    Attorney office. It will be sent via U.S. postage mail and mailed today the
    November, 2003.
    Barbara Stuart

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