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Carol Webb, Hearing Officer
Illinois Pollution Control Board
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
P. O. Box 19274
Springfield, IL 62794-9274
DEC 0 7 2007
Dear Ms. Webb,
I am writing to ask the Illinois Pollution Control Board to uphold the Illinois EPA's denial of PDC's request for a Class 3 permit
modification (case PCB 2008-025). In its request, PDC claims to be a waste generator and, as such, exempt from local siting
This claim is false. Common sense makes it clear that PDC does not generate waste. PDC trucks in waste from multiple
states, treats It and landfills It–garbage in and garbage out. Nothing of value is produced and them are no customers. PDC's
claim is merely an attempt to circumvent the local siting process. The Peoria County Board has already voted to protect
Peoria County's water supply and deny PDC's identical expansion request. You have already upheld the Peoria County
Board's denial. Now please help preserve local control and safeguard our aquifer by shutting PDC's backup plan for

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