JUL ii 2005
Pollution Control Board
July 6, 2005
Marie E. Tipsord
t. ___—
Hearing Officer
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 West Ratidôlph, Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
Proposed Revisions to Leaking Underground Storage Tank Regulations
R04-22 and R04-23
Dear Ms Tipsord
I am wnting to express my concerns in regard to revisions proposed by the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) ~oregulations govemn~igleaking underground
storage tanks (USTs).
As I’m sure you are aware, UST Owners and Operators are required by Illinois leaking
underground storage tank (LUST) regulations to satisfy a financial responsibility
adequate to cover
costs of environmental clean-up incurred in response to a leaking
UST. Like most Illinois UST Owners and Operators, I rely on the Illinois LUST Fund to
satisfy this financial responsibility for costs exceeding my deductible. I consider the
deductible itself to be a considerable sum of money. if there is even the slightest
potential that the revisions proposed by the IEPA will increase the amount of non-
recoverable costs from the LUST Fund beyond my deductible, I am not supportive of
these revisions. Illinois UST Owners and Operators contribute to the LUST Fund for the
very specific purpose of satisfying our financial responsibility. I will not support
regulations that will ultimately result in increasing the costs I must incur in order to
satisfy this financial responsibility.
I must rely on environmental professionals to assist me in my effort to comply with
LUST regulations I must also rely upon the Illinois LUST Fund to ensure the cost of
professional aSsistance is recovered in full. ~B~i1i~able1t& do SO is critical to my financial
stability. I will not support proposed revisions that could potentially result in my ability
to recover Only a portion ofthe costs I incur as a result ofseeking professional assistance
to comply with LUST regulations. This is simply not a financial risk I am willing to take.
I recognize the need for cost containment. However, this is an extremely important issue
be evaluated thoroughly and addressed responsibly. In the Illinois Pollution
Control Board (IPCB) decision to move to First Notice, you acknowledged that the IEPA
proposed revisions were not well supported by scientific or statistical data. If the
proposed revisions are not well supported by scientific or statistical data, then it appears
to me that a thorough and responsible evaluation has not been performed. I fear that the
propOsed revisions to provide cost containment measures will have a negative financial
impact on me and other Illinois UST Owners and Operators. I strongly urge the IPCB to
demand that
proposed revision be adequately supported by scientific and statistical
data to ensure the intended purpose (i.e., cost containment) is achieved without posing
unnecessary financial threats to illinois UST Owners and Operators. In addition, this
information must be fully-disclosed and available to the public. I would suggest that
such notices and proposed changes of LUST regulations be forwarded to each Illinois
UST Owner and Operator.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mr. Tom Mueller
Belleville, IL