JAN 13 2003
Pre-filed Testimony
Beth Wentzel, Watershed Scientist, Prairie Rivers Network
Pollution Control Board
My name is Beth Wentzel, and I am the Watershed Scientist forPraine Rivers Network,
a statewide river conservation organization and National Wildlife Federation’s Illinois
PrairieRivers Networksupports the proposed changes to the existing regulations. It is
the intent ofthe Clean Water Act that the public has full and fair opportunity to
participate in the NPDES permitting process. The public should be allowed to
~understandthe basis for and comment on all terms and conditions ofthe permits. For this
to occur, the changes and clarifications to the regulations that are-proposed should be
adopted to ensure that the public always fully understands how to participate, information
demonstrating that the permits satisfy all federal and state laws must alwaysbe available
to the public as part ofthe record, and all terms and conditions ofthe permit, including
monitoring requirements, must be available to the public for comment prior to issuance of
the permit.
The existing law requires that a permit may not be issued that allows a discharge to cause
orcontribute to water quality standards violations. Therefore permit writers must
currently conduct appropriate analyses to determinethat permit conditions satisfy-this
requirement. It is necessary to conduct all suchanalyses prior to releasing the draft
permit forpublic comment, and it is only fair that such analyses be made available to
interested members ofthe public. Public participation is not meaningful ifpeople are
allowed to see only the terms.of the permit without access to the derivation ofthose terms
and assurance that those terms protect the waters oftheir communities. Therefore, we
emphasize oursupport forthe proposal to require that all informationjustifying permit
terms and conditions be incorporated into the record.
In the case that information is not available to justify all terms and conditions ofthe
permit at the time ofthe first draft, the permit should not be finalized until such
information is available, and the permit should be re-noticed prior to issuance in order
that the public has the opportunity to examine and comment on additional information
and modified terms. Fair participation requires that the public have the opportunity to
raise concerns to the IEPA regarding every termofthe permit.
This opportunity for public participation should be required for all terms and conditions,
including discharge monitoring requirements. Becausedischarge monitoring is the mOst
effective, and in many cases the only, means ofdeterminingcompliance with effluent
limitations, the monitoring regime is an extremely important condition ofpermits.
ensure that no permit is finalized without this critical element ofthe permit fully
described, we feel that the proposed changes to section309.146 are very necessary.
Finally, while many ofthe regulatory changes proposed would not cause a change in
agencypractice formost permits, it is appropriate that these requirements be formalized
by incorporation in the regulations rather than left to the discretion ofagency staff:
participation in the NPDES process is too important to be subject to unnecessary
or inappropriate limitation. Prairie Rivers Network urges the Pollution Control Board to
adopt these changes to ensure that the public will always have full and fair opportunity to
participate in this process.