Appendix E
Thomas V. Skinner, Director
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
Brent Manning, Director
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
S. Second Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1787
Dear Director Skinner and Director Manning:
S cund St •
41)2 •
Sprm~)i ki. IL 6271)4
217 524
2 7 ~24—S5US
On behalf of the Pollution Control Board, I am happy to present the
following information for the review of the Water Resources Advisory
Committee. While the Vonnahme-Park letter of October
2000 to the
Committee seeks commentary in three assignment areas, these remarks focus on
“Assignment Number One”: the need for substantive changes in law or
regulation governing the usage of water in the State of Illinois.
In the June 6, 2000 press release announcing the establishment of this
committee, Governor Ryan explained: “I want this new committee to take a close
look at our water resources and specifically examine the impact of industry,
agriculture and population on Illinois’ groundwater and surface water supplies.
It’s important for us to look into the effects of our usage of our limited natural
resources.” More specifically, the Governor set forth the committee’s task as
follows: to focus on our water resources and its usage, including the effects of
peaker plants on groundwater and surface water supplies.
As all of you know, at the same time Governor Ryan created this
committee, he asked the Pollution Control Board to hold a series of Inquiry
Hearings concerning the potential environmental impact of proposed new natural
gas-fired peaker plants. Given the proliferation of these new facilities and the
expressed public concerns, he asked the Board to specifically address the issue of
whether further regulations or legislation is necessary to adequately protect the
environment. Pursuant to that request, the Board held seven days of public hearing (August
23-24, Chicago; September 7, Naperville; September 14, Joliet; September 21, Grayslake; and
Springfield.) During those hearings, the Board heard testimony from over 80
representing a broad variety of interests: state and local government officials;
legislators; industry representatives, and concerned citizens. I have enclosed a list of those
persons who testified. The complete transcript of testimony for each hearing is available on
the Board’s Web site at
While water usage was NOT the focus of these Board hearings, the issue of water usage
was nonetheless an expressed concern of many who testified. Since it is the function of this
committee to address those concerns, the Board has prepared a summary of all testimony
relevant to the issue of water usage. For review by this committee, I have attached that
summary. Especially important, I believe, is the testimony of local government officials who
seek greater regional or state regulation of the State’s precious supply of water.
For review of this committee, I have also asked Board staff to research the regulatory
framework of several other Midwestern states (Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio,
Wisconsin) as it concerns the use of water in each state. Interestingly, Illinois is alone in the
virtual absence of state controls or plans regarding the use of water.
Based upon the enclosed information, I believe it is time to focus the committee’s
attention on the development of a workable regulatory framework for the conservation and fair
allocation of water resources in this great State: one that meets the needs of all concerned
entities and citizens. I hope the enclosed information aids us in that important task. I look
forward to seeing you both at the next meeting of the Governor’s Water Resources Advisory
Claire A. Manning
Renee Cipriano
Members of the Water Resources Advisory Committee
Chicago Hearings
August 23, 2000
Charles Fisher, Executive Director, Illinois Commerce Commission
Thomas Skinner, Director, JEPA
Christopher Romaine, Manager, Utility Unit, Permit Section, Division of Air Pollution
Control, Bureau of Air, JEPA
Robert Kaleel, Manager of Air Quality Modeling Unit, Division of Air Pollution
Control, Bureau of Air, TEPA
Greg Zak, Noise Advisor, IEPA
Steve Nightingale, Manager, Industrial Unit, Bureau of Water Permits Section, IEPA
Rick Cobb, Manager, Groundwater Section, Bureau of Water, IEPA
Todd Marvel, Assistant Manager of Field Operations Section and RCRA
Coordinator! USEPA Lialson/IEPA
Brian Anderson, Director, Office of Scientific Research and Analysis, IDNR
Derek Winstanley. Chief, Illinois State Water Survey, IDNR
August 24, 2000
Gerald Erjavec, Business Development, Indeck Energy Services, Inc.
Greg Wassilkowsky, Mauager, Business Developnient, Indeck Energy Services, Inc.
Arlene Juracek, Vice President, Regulatory and Legislative Services, CornEd
Steve Nauman, Vice President, Transmission Services, CornEd
Deirdre Hirner, Executive Director, IERG
Richard Bulley, Executive Director of Mid-America Interconnected Network
Freddi Greenberg, Executive Director and General Counsel, Midwest Independent
Power Suppliers
Michael Kearney, Manager, Economic Development, Ameren Corp.
Richard Trzupek, Manager, Air Quality, Huff & Huff
Suburban Hearings
September 7. 2000
Mayor George Pradel, Naperville
State Senator Chris Lauzen
State Representative Mary Lou Cowlishaw
Mayor Vivian Lund, Warrenville
Paul Hass, Zoning Manager, DuPage County Department of Development
Environmental Concerns
Richard Ryan, President and Chairman, Standard Power and Light, Oak Brook
Diana Turnball, Consultant to variety of citzen groups, private foundations and
businesses who have been in opposition to some of the peaker plants
Carol Dorge, Attorney representing Lake County Conservation Alliance
Connie Schmidt, Representative of River Prairie Group
Mark Golf, Resident, Warrenville
Cathy Capezio, Resident, Aurora
Terry Voitik, Resident, DuPage County, and Founder of Citizens Against Power Plants
in Residential Areas (CAPPRA)
Maurice Gravenhorst, Member, CAPPRA
Lucy Debarharo, Member, CAPPRA
Terry Voitik on behalf of Steve Arrigo, CAPPRA
Susan Zingle, Executive Director, Lake County Conservation Alliance
Beverly Dejovine, Representative, Citizens Advocating Responsible Environments
(CARE), Bartlett
Cathy Johnson, Vice Chair, Rural and City Preservation Association (R&CPA)
Chris Gobel, Member, CAPPRA
Elliot “Bud” Nesvig
Sandy Cole, Commissioner, Lake County Board
Chris Gobel, Member, CAPPRA
September 14, 2000
Dr. Thomas Overbye, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Alan Jirik, Director, Environmental Affairs, Corn Products International, Inc.
Carol Stark, Director, Citizens Against Ruining the Environment, Lockport
Susan Zingle, Executive Director, Lake County Conservation Alliance
Keith Harley, Chicago Legal Clinic
Elliot “Bud”
Michael Shay, Senior Plamier Responsible for Long-Range Planning, Will Counly
SeDtember 21, 2000
State Senator Terry Link
State Representative Susan Garrett
Tom Lynch, Trustee, Libertyville Township
Betty Rae Kaiser, Trustee, Village of Wadsworth
Daniel J. Kucera, Chapman & Cutler, appearing on behalf of the Lake County Public
Water District
Jim LaBelle, Chairman, Lake County Board
Sandy Cole, Commissioner, Lake County Board
Bonnie Carter, Commissioner, Lake County Board
Greg Elarn, CEO, American Energy
i.arry Eaton, Attorney, on behalf of the I .iherty Prairie Conservancy, Prairie Holdings
Corporation, and Prairie Crossing Homeowners Association
Toni Larsen, Resident, Zion
Chris Geiselhart, Chairperson, Concerned Citizens of Lake County
Diane Turnball, Representing Liberty Prairie Conservancy, Concerned Citizens of Lake
County, CARE from McHenry County, Bartlett CARE, and Southwest Michigan
Perservation Association
Lisa Snider, Resident, Wadsworth
Verena Owen, Co-Chair, Zion Against Peaker Plants
Elliot “Bud” Nesvig
Carolyn Muse, Resident, Zion
John Matijevich
Dennis Wilson, Resident, Island Lake
Terry Jacobs, Resident, Libertyville
Jim Booth, Resident, Newport Township in Lake County
William McCarthy, Resident, Libertyville
Susan Zingle, Executive Director, Lake County Conservation Alliance
Barbara Amendola, Resident, Zion
Mark Sargis, Attorney, working with citizens who have been concerned about peaker
Cindy Skrukrud, Resident, Olin Mills, McHenry County
Paul Geiselhart, Resident, Libertyville
Dr. William Holaman, President, Illinois Citizen Action
Evan Craig, Volunteer Chair, Woods and Wet Lands Group of the Sierra Club
Phillip Lane Tanton
Springfield Hearings
Roger Finnell, Engineer. Division of Aeronautics, Bureau of Airport Engineering,
John Smith, Representative of Illinois Section of American Waterworks Association
Brent Gregory, Representative of National Association of Water Companies, illinois
James R~Monk, President, Illinois Energy Association
Patricio Silva, Midwest Activities Coordinator, Natural Resources Defense Council
Brian Urbaszewski, Director, Environmental Health Programs, American Lung
Elliot “Bud” Nesvig
Carol Dorge, Attorney representing Lake County Conservation Alliance
October 6. 2000
Susan Zingle, Executive Director, Lake County Conservation Alliance
Scott Phillips, Attorney, IEPA
Kathleen Bassi, Attorney, IEPA
Chris Romaine, Manager, Utility Unit, Permit Section, Division of Air Pollution
Control, Bureau of Air, IEPA
Greg Zak, Noise Advisor, IEPA
Todd Marvel, Assistant Manager of Field Operations Section and RCRA
Coordinator/USEPA Liaison/IEPA
Steve Nightingale, Manager, Industrial Unit, Bureau of Water Permits Section, IEPA
Testimony and Comments Regarding
Use of Water by Peaker Plants
given to IPCB in
context of Peaker Plant Hearings
Commonwealth Edison
Prefiled Testimony of Arlene A. Juracek and Steven T.
impacts, including with regard to any potential contamination and water
supply, are also carefully assessed during the planning and development of any
peaker plant. Stringent state requirements regulate the discharge of
contaminants while local authorities often directly oversee issues of water
supply. In addition, the impact of peaker plants and other facilities on water
resources and usage will be closely examined by Governor Ryan’s newly
appointed Water Resources Advisory Committee, which will present its
recommendations to the Governor by December 2000.
Indenendent Power Sunuliers Coordination Groun
Prefiled Testimony of
Freddi Greenberg
While water usage will vary depending upon the specifics of the plant involved,
the simple cycle technology currently used for peaker facilities typically places a
small demand on water resources. For example, the owner of onepea.ker plant
located in Kane County advises that the plant consumes no more than
million gallons of water in a year. In comparison, the average golf course in
the Great Lakes region consume~sj almost 31,000,000 gallons of water in a
year. (Weathermetrics, Inc. 1999 website) MWIPS recommends that the
Pollution Control Board defer its consideration of the impact of peaker plants on
water resources so as to consider the report the impact of peaker plants on water
supply which will be issued by Governor Ryan’s Water Resources Advisory
Indeck Ener~vServices. Inc.
Gerald M. Eriavec
Prefiled Testimony
To counter this effect, various methods are
employed to cool the inlet air and
increase its density. One such method is the use
of chillers; however, these
require power to operate and are sometimes counter productive. Another
method is called evaporative cooling, in which the air stream is passed over
water and the air is cooled through evaporation, much like perspiration cools the
skin, This cooling effect can be limited on humid days. While water
consumption varies based on temperature and humidity, an evaporative cooleron
a 300 MW plant will average about 40 gallons per minute (gpm) of water
Even though these hearings are directed at peaking plants, the subject of
combined cycle plants is sure to come up, so a brief discussion of them is in
order. Simply put, a combined cycle plant adds a steam cycle to the process but
directing the hot exhaust gas from the combustion turbine through a boiler,
which generates steam to turn a steam turbine. Because more energy from the
fuel is recovered and used to produce electricity, combined cycle plants can be
as much as
more energy efficient tha~n “simple cycle” peakers; however,
they are not suited to peaking use because they cannot be brought on line
quickly enough to function as peakers. Combined cycle plants also have
increased water needs compared to peakers. The first use of water, in the steam
system, is minimal, about 25 gallons per minute in a system that has been
coupled to 300 MW of combustion turbines to create a 200 MW steam cycle.
Water can also be used to cool the steam after it passes through the steam
turbine. If water is the sole medium, up to 2,500 gpm can be consumed, which
may be significant in some areas. Fortunately, advances have been made in
cooling technologies so that this use can be greatly reduced or eliminated if the
situation calls for it.
Water consumption impacts were also compared against other enterprises and
found, in most cases, to be at the low end of the impacts.
Testimony at Hearing
Water consumption can vary by humidity and temperature. For example, on a
very humid day, you’ll evaporate very little water. So very little water will be
used. On a hot, dry day would probably be your maximum consumption.
Typical for, say, a 300 megawatt unit would be about an average of 40 gallons
per minute. It can range from about zero to 80, depending upon the
temperature and the humidity.
One of the things that’s a concern about this type of plant here is the water use,
and I would like to bring that up. The water use, there’s two places. Number
one, there’s water in the steam system going around this way. You have to
you get some trace contamination going in there. So you have to occasionally
blow it down. The steam cycle on this plant, this is based on putting a heat
recovery unit on the back of a 300 megawatt plant, would probably be about 25
gallons per minute, which is not a lot.
You can use about 2500 GPM, which can trend toward, depending upon where
you are, significant numbers.
Now, the good news is that there are other ways to attack this problem.
They’ve made significant advances in dry-cooling systems, which would not
require this water at all. There are some hybrid systems that cut down on the
amount of water use.
Water use, as ~Inoted before, when operating a typical 300 megawattpeaker
plant with an evaporative cooler uses a maximum of 80 gallons per minute, an
average of about
Technology, the evaporative cooler generally is only used
above 60 degrees.
** *
What is
gallons per minute? Well, basically it’s the
of 11 homes
watering their lawns at the same time. If you walk down the street and you saw
11 homes watering their lawns, you probably wouldn’t think anything of it. On
an annual basis, approximately the consumption of about 30 homes, 30 average
homes. Other water impacts that need to be considered are wastewater and
starmwater. Stormwater is captured on site.
Water consumption, a million gallons per year. Compare your 300 megawatt
peaking plant to a 50-home subdivision, a typical high school, or a retirement
home, a 200-bed medical center, or a 400-room hotel, way down at the low
end, I think my laser pointer is dying here, of water consumption.
Testimony of Brian
Anderson. Director. Office of Scientific Research and
In Illinois, except for withdrawals of water from Lake Michigan, thereis
extremely limited regulatory authorities associated with water withdrawals from
our other surface waters and from groundwater. It’s, therefore, more
appropriate to deal with water quantity issues in front of
in the context of
Water Resources Advisory Committee, however, we do acknowledge the
relationship between these issues and I have asked Dr. Derek Winstanley, Chief
of the Illinois Water Survey, to provide a concise summary of some of the water
quantity issues relating to peaker power plants.
Illinois State Water Survey,
Testimony of
Dr. Derek
Winstanley, Chief of the
illinois State Water
One focal point that I do wish to make is that the discussion of peaker power
plants and the impacts on groundwater resources should be placed within the
context of all other water demands including those
combined cycle plants as
well as Illinois’ growing water needs for domestic, municipal, agricultural and
other industrial uses. We do need to look at total demands from groundwater
resources as a basis for sound water resource management. The water demands
from the peaker power plants vary widely depending upon plant design, their
intended use and the number of days of operation.
I would like to give you some examples of the quantities of water that may be
associated with operations of peaker power plants by putting that in context of
some other water uses. First of all, peaker power plants, and I am going to
focus on just a simple cycle power plant when I refer to the peaker power
plants, these are typically small producing a few tenths to a few hundred,
perhaps a thousand megawatts of electricity. They do not operate everyday of
the year. The typical period of operation is from perhaps 20 to 90 days per
year. The range of water use there is from less than 100,000 gallons per day to
about 2 million gallons per day. Translating that into an annual use that gives
us a range of from about 1.4 to 180 million gallons of water per year.
Turning to baseload power plants, which is combined cycle, these are obviously
much larger, typically generate maybe 500 to several thousand megawatts of
electricity and are intended to operate more or less continuously throughout the
year. They consume water within the range of about
to 20 million gallons per
day. Translating that to an annual water use, that gives us a range from about
1,500 million gallons per year to 6,000 million gallons per year.
So in context, the peaker power plants consume about a fraction of 1 percent to
about 3 percent of the water used by typical baseload combined cycle plants.
Another example of water use, municipal water use, and I give you data from
Champaign, Urbana, for context. Champaign, Urbana, has a population of
about 120,000 people, and they need that water supply regularly 365 days per
year. Champaign, Urbana, currently consumes about 20 million gallons per day
of groundwater, which translates into an annual use of about 7,300 million
gallons per year.
So to put the water use by peaker plant in context of a municipal use, a typical
peaker plant would use the same amount of water as between about 25 and
3,000 people, depending upon the nature of the peaker.
One concept that is important in examining not only peaker power plants but all
groundwater use is the concept of sustainable yields. And in my written
testimony, I refer to that as potential yield. Sustainable yield is a fairly diffuse
concept but generally, it tends to mean the yield of water that can be sustained
over the long term so that it can be used not only by the current population but
also by future
and a yield that will have no significant impacts.
The determining sustainable yield is a complex scientific exercise that involves
consideration of variables such as rainfall, recharge rates, geology and impacts.
Impacts not only on existing wells, but on peaker systems and on stream flows.
The point here is that for most aquifers in Illinois, we do not have a very highly
accurate estimate of sustainable yield. We need much better scientific data and
modeling capabilities to be able to estimate sustainable yields.
Another important point is that aquifers themselves are not very sensitive to the
end uses of water. That is an aquifer doesn’t really differentiate whether a
million gallons of water is going to be used for drinking water or for peaking
power plants or for golf courses but the public often does differentiate among
those end uses and, I think, trying to incorporate the public values and
preferences into the equation on water resource management is an important
consideration as well as the actual amount of water used.
Water quality has been mentioned by people from Environmental Protection
Agency giving previous testimony. There are natural occurrences of various
chemicals in the groundwaters throughout Illinois. These lead to mineral
concentrations that can effect not only the operation of the peaker plants, but
also the discharges from the peaker plants. So the water quality also needs to be
In conclusion, I would like to make two points, one focusing exclusively on
groundwater, the other combining groundwater with surface water.
Focusing on groundwater, it’s important to recognize that in the use of
groundwater resources, all uses of groundwater, not just peakers, that we need
to consider the scale of the natural resource, that is the aquifer.
Groundwater typically is found in discrete squifers that transcends political
jurisdictions. They cut across municipalities, counties and even states.
Plumbing management by individual communities will not solve problems in the
long term, we need to take an aquifer-wide perspective. Beyond just
groundwater, I think that we need much more consideration of the conjunctive
use of surface and groundwater. There can be many efficiencies gained in water
supplying usage~by considering conjunctive uses of surface and groundwater.
So my bottom line is that I think Illinois would benefit from moving towards
ziiuch more comprehensive regional water resource planning and management.
This will bring together communities and cut across jurisdictions and we’d
much more appropriate to the scale of the natural resources, that is the aquifers
in the case of the groundwater supplies and river basins and water sheds for
surface waters.
Let me give you one example I think is an excellent model of what is going on
in one part of Illinois and that is in central Illinois. We have a major aquifer,
the Mahomet aquifer, that extends from the Illinois River across to Indiana,
which embraces 15 counties. Now, in the past couple of years, the local
communities in that 15 county area have bonded together to form what is called
the Mahomet aquifer consortium and they’re collectively concerned about the
future of their own water resources, want to better characterize those resources
and opportunities as a basis for self-management to the water resources. So, I
think, on the one hand we may need new laws, regulations, but I think we also
need to encourage local communities to attempt to solve their own problems.
Prefiled Testimony of Richard
P. Cobb. Mana2er of
Groundwater Section of
Bureau of Water
However, the few Illinois court decisions since the enactment ofthe Water Use
Act have interpreted that “reasonable use” for groundwater does not restrict the
use of groundwater except from malicious or wasteful purposes of the user.
Concurrent with the requirement for these hearings, Governor Ryan, by
Executive Order, established a WaterResources Advisory Committee. The
committee’s task will be to focus on our water resources and its usage,
including the effects of peaker plants on groundwater and surface water
supplies. The committee will also examine the various economic and social
issues related to energy producing facilities and water use in Illinois and present
recommendations for action to the Governor by December 2000. I plan on
attending this committee’s first meeting on August 31, 2000.
Prefiled Testimony of Christonher Romaine. Manager of the Utility Unit in the
Permit Section of Division of Air
A key factor in the design of a peaker plant is the capability to maximize the
power output of the plant to be able to meet peak electric power demand. This
leads to a number of variations on the basic simple cycle turbine, all due to the
scientific fact that the power output of a gas turbine varies based on the density
of the air being used in the turbine. The denser the air, the more air that can be
pushed through the turbine and the higher the power output. This means that in
the absence of any adjustments, the output of a given gas turbine will be
significantly less on a 90°Fday in July, when peak power is most likely to be
needed, than on a 20°Fday in January. To correct for this phenomenon, the
modem simple cycle turbines used in peaking plants are routinely equipped with
devices to cool the air going into the turbine. While it may appear
counterproductive to cool the air in a turbine before heating it, cooling the air
allows more air to be handled by the air compressor, thereby allowing more fuel
to be burned and increasing the power output of the turbine.
Gas turbines can be equipped with several different types of air cooling systems
that vary in the effectiveness with which they can cool the inlet air to boost a
gas turbine’s power output. In the simplest system, water is injected directly
into the incoming air to cool the air by evaporative cooling. Clean
demineralized water must be used to prevent excess build up of scale or erosion
of the blades in the air compressor of power turbine. In more advanced
systems, water may also be injected at a point in the air compressor itself. The
inlet air may also be cooled by indirect systems in which the air passes through
cooling coils. In this case, water may still be used in an open cooling tower
where evaporation of water is used to dissipate the heat generated by a
mechanical refrigeration unit. Alternatively, a dry cooling system may be used
in which the heat generated by a refrigeration unit is dissipated to the
atmosphere by dry cooling towers or radiators. The more complex the cooling
system, the greater the amount of energy that is consumed in its pumps and
compressors, which accounts for some of the increase in power output.
Another approach to boost power output of a gas turbine is to inject clean water
of steam into the burners or to inject steam after the burners. All these
measures increase the gas flow through the power turbine and thus increase its
power output. Because fuel must be burned to evaporate the water (either in the
turbine itself or in a separate boiler to make steam), these measures to increase
power output are accompanied by a loss of fuel efficiency by a gas turbine.
Connie Schmidt, Representative of River Prairie Group
DuPage County is so close to Chicago, one would think it is very urban. I
myselfhave a well and septic on my property and I am incorporated. I live
within the city limits of Warrenville. So it is not totally unusual
and all my
neighbors do because we don’t have city water in our neighborhood. So the
groundwater use as well as what happens to it after it’s been used, I think, is a
realistic concern in our area.
Resident, Warrenville
So obviously well water is a concern.
Coun~Conservation Alliance
Testimony of Susan Zin2le. Executive Director
A lot of people have talked about water supply. Some of the peakers do use
vast amounts of water. Some of them as much as a combined cycle plant
We’re looking at Zion is going to use over 200 gallons (sic) a day. That’s as
much as the entire city of Zion in itself. McHenry and parts of Wisconsin draw
on that same aquifer. How can Woodstock and Zion even be aware of each
other’s plants let alone determine which of the two plants is built if either.
Water supply is not a local issue
Rural and City Preservation Association (.R&CPA~.Cathy Johnson, Vice Chair
The water issue, which is a major one in Mdllenry County, is barely even
considered in the new standards. A new peaker plant has to only respond to
how the water it uses affects the area one-quarter of a mile around the plant.
This is ridiculous. This standard isn’t there to protect us.
Corn Products Internal. Inc., Alan Jirik. Director. Environmental Affairs
With regards to cooling water consumption, our plant currently takes water
from the Sanitary and Ship Canal. The water is used for non-contact cooling
purposed for the corn wet milling operating and then returned to the canal
In a
clever and environmentally friendly approach, we plan to use the existing
cooling water flow to supply cooling water io the new cogeneration operation.
accomplish this by routing an additional loop from our existing cooling
water line to serve the cooling needs of the cogen. After servicing the cogen,
the water will return to our existing line and be discharged the same as it is
today. Thus, the project will not increase our current water withdrawal and will
not result in any new water discharges, any new intake or outfall structures, or
cause any other disruptions to water bodies, water tables, groundwater, aquifers
or burden the community drinking water supply.
Citizens A2ainst Ruining the Environment. Lockport.
Carol Stark, Director
Board Member Kezelis
We. also have information that states the aquifers located on this
are joined
together. This is the first of our concerns. The fact that the aquifers, our water
supply, could be affected by this peaker using thousands of gallons a day is not
a comforting
Board Member Kezelis: Ms. Stark, do you know what the source of your
public water supply is in Lockport?
Ms. Stark: We do
Board Member Kezelis: Is it the aquifer?
Ms. Stark: Yeah. We do have
and then there are some people that are on
wells, but yes, it’s the aquifer. We have never tied into Lake Michigan water.
Michael Shay. Senior Planner Responsible for Lon2-Ran2e Plannin2 and
Exchange with Chairman Manning. Board Members Flemal. Girard. Kezelis and
The largest thing that we found that concerned us was that Will County’s
aquifer reserve water is about 66 million gallons a day. That’s how much we
it’s currently recharging
that we could use for water supply. We
contacted several facilities and went on several industry websites and they said
to 12 million gallons a day per facility for a combined cycle facility and
roughly a million gallons a day for a simple cycle facility.
So we contacted some of them that actually started operation in Will County,
including the one that you visited today. We arrange tours. On our
tour, we
found out they’re actually planning
or they were planning for an expansion
and this comes to a key point that I’d like to discuss today. There was
discussion earlier about separating simple and combined cycle plants. We do
not think you can separate those two facilities.
Simple cycle facilities are designed and physically organized to be converted to
combined cycle facilities down the road and that plans that we received as we
reviewed these petitions explicitly and clearly state that; that they are designed
to be converted or added Onto at a later date. So we do not want to see those
two issues separated at all.
So they
we get into more discussions with them and they say 16 million
gallons a day for one of the facilities which we visited, which means that four
such facilities of which there are already that many could eat up the entire
reserve water capacity for Will County. We are not likely to get more lake
water. River water is another issue altogether regarding quality of our water.
So when you add that to the fact that we are the fastest growing
growing county in Illinois and also the fastest in the sunbelt, we see a problem
for a collision between growth and these facilities for that resource.
We are also concerned
when we continue to do our research, we said, that’s a
lot of water to draw from one facility. How do you get that? Well, they drop
wells in the aquifer obviously and they pull it up at such a rate that it creates a
drawdown. It creates a reverse cone or a cone of water supply and
the radius
on that for a facility of the magnitude that we were discussing is six miles
drawdown, 300 feel drawdown at the point of the well and still 35 to 50 feet of
the six-mile radius.
. .
Will County has thousands and thousands of wells; residential, industrial or
group wells. We’re concerned about well failure because we continue to place
these facilities over time and if they’re to be converted to combined use
Board Member Kezelis: I have a question. I, too, hope to be brief, Mr. Shay.
That status of the suggestions that you and the planners for Will County propose
to your board, what is the current status?
-Mr. Shay: Well, we have a first set of regulations in place. We re currently
discussing the second set of-- we’re researching and discussing the second set.
If I had to provide a guess, which bureaucrats despise doing, but I will do
nonetheless, I would suspect that they will prohibit the use of aquifer water for
electric generation.
Board Member McFawn: Is the only industry that you’re concerned about the
drawdown well or is that general a concern?
Mr. Shay: It’s the only industry we know of that draws that amount that
quickly. We can’t find another that draws from the aquifer at that rate, but
we’re unaware of one that draws at that rate.
Let me illustrate this real quickly. When you’re talking about 16 million gallons
a day, that means that three of those facilities could put a pipe on the end of the
Fox River in St. Charles and the river would end while it was in operation.
Chairman Maiming: Where did you get those figures in terms of the drawdown
effect and how much water is actually being used by these facilities?
Mr. Shay: We got from the-- well, we got the information on flow and amount
of the aquifers and reserve capacity from the Illinois Water Survey. They
regularly publish those statistics and we acquired them from them and then we
acquired numbers on the use actually directly from the industry itself.
The engineers who built the Elwood plant, we
our land use and zoning
committee and planning and zoning committee visited those facilities. In those
discussions, we asked them about water use and they gave us very frank
answers on that. The number that they gave us came out to 16 million gallons a
day and we confirmed with them that that was
accurate assessment. So we’re
fairly confident of those numbers.
Board Member Kezeiis: Mr. Shay, what’s your
about the
Elwood facility; single or combined?
Mr. Shay: My understanding is that it is currently a single cycle plant that the
two additional
the Elwood two and Elwood three will also be simple cycle.
All three of those phases, though, are designed to be converted to combined
cycle should they wish to do so.
Board Member Kezelis: So the 16 million gallons per day
Mr. Shay: Would be if they became a combined cycle. They are not currently.
They do have a well, but it’s comparably small.
Board Member Girard: Mr. Shay, if Will County passes an ordinance that
prohibits the use of aquifer water or electrical generating facilities, would that
also apply to a facility that tried to site itself inside a municipality in Will
Mr. Shay: No. That’s why we’re concerned about jurisdiction hopping, but it
would also cover a number of the intersections of pipelines and transmission
Board Member Flemal: One of the things that this board may see it necessary
to do ultimately in our decision here is to address the issue of how much local
and how much regional or state level oversight there ought to be in the siting of
these facilities.
We’ve heard quite a range of perspectives from it should be entirely in the
hands of the locals with the facility to what I think I heard you say that there
should be a strong top-down oversight on the plants.
First off, have I characterized where you’re coming from correctly?
Mr. Shay: Okay. I would like a strong state or national presence on the issue
of drawing from wells.
Board Member Flemal: Soley on that issue?
Mr. Shay: And issues that affect cross-jurisdictional
an aquifer doesn’t make
a jurisdictional boundary. It could go across several counties and several
municipalities, et cetera. Well, local authorities, because we are competing for
economical development efforts and because of the nature
the politics
between them, are often played against each other by the private industry
Board Member Kezelis: Mr. Shay, the water use, as you know, is not
that we
to address. The Governor has
appointed the water
commission to address water use for the state. Nonetheless, your reference to
the water use a few moments ago, I needed clarification of.
You indicated that approximately 16 million gallons per day would be used by a
combined peaker facility and that the drawdown for such a facility would impact
roughly a six-mile radius, is that correct?
Mr. Shay: That’s correct, according to the information we have from the
Illinois Water Survey
Board Member Kezelis: So you received that information from the Water
Survey itself?
Mr. Shay: Yes. We got it off their website. They have a very graphical
Testimony of State Senator Terry Link
Since the effect of peaker power plants, air quality, water supply, natural gas
supply, noise, taxes, are felt regionally, not just locally, I believe we must take
a regional approach in regulating the pearkers.
Testimony of State Representative Susan Garrett
Our aquifer is on the verge of being mined. We are concerned for our long-
term water supply. We need to resolve this.
Testimony of Sally Ball on behalf of State Representative Lauren Beth Gash
Our friends and neighbors are understandably worried about the impact of so-
called peaker plants on air quality and water supplies.
Appearin2 on behalf of the
County Public Water District, Daniel J. Kucera.
Chapman & Cutler and Exchange with Board Member Kezelis
Now, the term peaker plants is a misnomer because it implies an
oversimplification. The types of electric generating facilities being proposed
throughout the state, and which are raising environmental concerns for many
people, are both base-load plants and peak-demand plants. The environmental
impact issues raised by such plants, including water use, differ only in
In addition, these plants can be both simple cycle and combined cycle.
Accordingly, demand for water and resulting environmental impact of that
demand can vary according to the type of plant. Clearly, a combined cycle
plant, which uses steam to generate a portion of its electricity, can be expected
to use more water than a small simple-cycle plant, which uses water only for
A witness for the Illinois State Water Survey in these proceedings, Mr.
Winstanley, has testified that simple-cycle peaker plants can use up to 2 million
gallons of water per day. And combined-cycle plants can use
million to 20
million gallons per day.
Presently with very limited exception, there is no permitting process or
regulatory oversight over the uses of water by peaker plants. Witnesses for
IEPA in these proceedings have acknowledged that IEPA currently has no
jurisdictional responsibility over peaker plant water use.
A public water supply providing Lake Michigan water to a peaker plant would
have to have a sufficient allocation from the Department of Natural Resources to
enable it to supply peaker plant demand.
The Illinois Water Use Act of 1983,
et seq.,
was cited by one of
the IEPA witnesses in this proceeding. Section 5 of the Act does provide that a
land owner who proposes a new well expected to withdraw over 100,000
gallons per day must notify the local soil and water conservation district. The
district is then to notify other units of local government whose water systems
may be impacted. And the district is to review the impact and make findings.
However, the statute provides no enforcement mechanism.
Moreover, this provision does not even apply to the region governed by
diversion and allocation of Lake Michigan water under 615 ILCS 50/1
et seq.
The Water Use Act states that the rule of reasonable use does apply to ground
water withdrawals, but it does not provide supporting, permitting
or regulation.
As to the need for permitting and regulator oversight, I would first address
Lake Michigan water. Lake Michigan is a valuable and limited domestic water
supply resource. It is valuable because in northern Illinois lake water is
perceived to be superior to ground water.
Aquifers in the region commonly contain high levels of iron, manganese and
other constituents which raise esthetic issues and which can require costly
treatment facilities Deep wells often contain high radium or alpha-particle
Further, in portions of northern Illinois, water levels in the aquifers have
diminished and some deep wells have been mined into salt water.
Obviously, there is a great demand for lake water to provide the domestic
water supply for as many communities as possible. However, Lake Michigan
water is a limited resource because of legal limits on how much water Illinois
may withdraw.
Accordingly, the use of Lake Michigan water by peaker plants
for cooling, steam production or even as backup to ground water for these uses
should be limited or even prohibited.
As to ground water, because peaker plants can be heavy users of ground water,
upwards of several million gallons per day, there should be regulatory
oversight over such uses. In particular, the potential effects upon aquifers and
ground water domestic water supplies should be evaluated as part of the
permitting and regulatory process. Mr. Winstanely has well stated the issues
in his testimony in this proceeding.
It is also important to point out that the ground water is a limited resource in
certain portions of the state. For example, in parts of central Illinois ground
water is extremely limited, even for domestic water supplies and, of course,
aquifers in northern Illinois have been subject to diminishment.
Finally, other surface water, needless to say where a peaker plan may withdraw
water from a stream or inland lake, the impact of such withdrawal also could
be evaluated. For example, it could reduce the resource value of the water
body for domestic water supply, aquatic life or recreation.
There are now some additional water issues that I would like to bring to your
attention, one of them is decommissioning.
For example, if a plant is terminated, who will be responsible for resulting
excess capacity in the local public water supply? Who will be responsible for
capping the plant s wells? Who will be responsible if leakage from the plant
has contaminated the source of supply for the local water utility or for
individual residential wells? Where is the accountability when these plants are
closed down?
It would seem appropriate to enact a decommissioning procedure to protect
water sources and the public when these plants are removed from service. At
the very least, there should be a procedure for a state administered trust
account, which peaker plants would be required to fund, to assure remediation
and restoration funds will be available if plant owners abandon plants without
protecting water resources.
Another possibility is a requirement that a surety bond or letter of credit be
posted to
secure the obligation to
Another issue is competition. Public water supplies can be expected to remain
a highly regulated industry so as to continue to assure safe drinking water for
the public. Unlike other utility functions, public water supply is not likely to
be deregulated or to be subject to the competitive marketplace. The investment
in water infrastructure per customer far exceeds the comparable investment for
other utilities. This investment in water infrastructure will only continue to
increase under the Sale Drinking Water Act amendments as new requirements
are proposed. Redundant water systems do not make sense.
It is important, therefore, that electric generating plants not be permitted to
engage in helping to finance new public water supplies which may compete
with existing public water supplies. Such predatory competition could deny
customer the benefits of economies of scale.
Another issue we believe is siting. Presently siting of electric generating plants
is considered to be a local issue. However, there may be siting concerns of a
broader interest, as related to water use. Recent proposals indicate multiple
peaker plants in close proximity to each other. What is the impact of multiple
draw-downs on an aquifer at a particular location?
Another concern relates to soil conditions at a proposed site. How vulnerable
are site conditions to a contamination spill? Could a shallow aquifer be
adversely impacted? Presently, there is no regulatory oversight of these siting
Finally, cross-connection. When an electric generation facility is partially
served by a public water supply and partially served by the facility’s own
wells, there must be assurance that no cross-connections will exist. For
example, the public water supply may provide water for domestic use and fire
protection, while the facility uses its own wells for process water. However,
the public water supply might also provide backup in the event the wells are out
of service.
Local governments may not necessarily have the staff with skills to constantly
monitor for cross-connections in generating plants. Indeed, it is not clear that
they ever would have access to the plants. Who then will be responsible for
policing for cross-connections and protecting the public water supply?
The District understands that the Governor’s water advisory committee may be
considering waLer issues related to peaker plants. We are not aware whcther
that committee is soliciting public comment. Therefore, we believe it is
important that the Pollution Control Board in its report to the Governor include
water issues related to peaker plants discussed in the testimony and comments
submitted in
this proceeding.
In conclusion, we suggest that the Illinois legislature should adopt a permitting
of regulatory oversight requirement for process water used by all electric
generating facilities, including both base-load and peaker plants
Board Member Kezelis:
just have a question. Can you
the record tell
what your rate of capacity is and roughly how many gallons per day your
customers do take?
Mr. Kucera: Our peak day capacity is 6 million gallons per day. I think iii
actuality the customers average between 3 and 4 million gallons a day.
County Board. Jim LaBelle, Chairman
The process should not only consider air quality but also other environmental
factors such as water consumption impacts on aquifers or Lake Michigan water
In addition to the JEPA considering the polluting impact of multiple plants, the
Department of Natural Resources and the ICC need to consider the impact on
ground water resources, natural gas availability and pricing impact if numerous
peakers operate at the same time.
The high volume of ground water usage can lessen the supply for any other
entity tapping the same aquifer.
County Board. Sandy Cole, Commissioner
Tn addition to air quality, peaker power plants may affect the region’s water
supply as they need to draw significant amounts of water from Lake Michigan
or local aquifers.
Lake County Board. Bonnie Carter, Commissioner
The village of Island Lake was being
asked to
annex the land. The plant
proposed for the small community on the far western edge of Lake County was
not a peaker plant. The plant was proposed to provide base-load power year
round with ground water usage of 4 to 8 million gallons daily.
Local officials, myself included, and concerned citizens began investigating the
issues surrounding the type of power plant involved. Many issues such as air
quality, noise and lighting were raised. Water usage was by far the most
overwhelming environmental concern. While gathering information, I became
well acquainted with the work of the Illinois State Water Survey, a division of
the Department of Natural Resources and an affiliate of the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign. According to data assembled by the ISWS, the volume
of water required to supply the proposed plant for a year would have been far
greater than what was required for the village’s entire population.
I further learned that neither the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, nor
the ISWS or any other state agency had any authority limiting ground water
withdrawal. The proposal for the Island Lake plant was eventually withdrawn
and most of the subsequent plant proposals in Lake County are forpeakers, not
base-load. This, I feel, is a direct result of the hightened awareness of the water
withdrawal issue and how precious a resource water is. Though the issue of
water usage is not as critical with peakers, it is still significant enough to
warrant scrutiny.
In February 1999 I drove to Springfield with my two constituents who had
originally brought this issue to my attention. We met with IEPA Director Tom
Skinner, officials from Storm Water Management, Illinois Department of
Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife, the IEPA Bureau of Water, the IEPA
Bureau of Air and two state legislators. We expressed our deep concerns with
the permitting process of a 90-day review on construction applications, the lack
of regulatory authority over ground water withdrawal and the lack of public
hearings. We also discussed air quality impacts along with the noise and
We all felt that the JEPA directors and supervisors that sat among us were
frustrated with having to review permit applications without being able to take
the regional impacts of these plants into consideration. They agreed that a
regional element should be included in the review. We were surprised and
shocked to learn that each division did not review the applications together.
One division follows the application approval process after the other division has
completed its work. They may never have been aware of the combined impact
on adjoining property owners or cumulative environmental impacts. In other
words, they didn’t talk to each other.
After we left Springfield that day, some minor changes did take place. The 90-
day review process was reversed back to 180 days. Public hearings started to
take place on applications and the IEPA Director Skinner never forgot us in
Lake County.
As you may see, we are still dealing with this issue today and we are still very
frustrated. I hope and pray we will all be heard today and that, as a result, you
recommend improvements, not only to the process, but to help reduce the
negative impact power plants could have depending on where they are sited.
As with many of the issues surrounding peaker plants, it is important to
recognize that ground water is a regional issue. It is also important to recognize
while one peaker plant may not threaten a region’s water supply, multiple
peakers may. Aquifers do not end at municipal or political boundaries. The
water consumed in one village not only limits the supply of its immediate
neighbors, but impacts the supply of further villages, commercial wells and deep
community wells which draw from the same aquifer.
In the case of the Island Lake proposal, adjacent villages would have realized
significant financial impacts. Nowhere in the permit application process
submitted by the applicant were those impacts acknowledged or addressed. One
neighboring village, the village of Wauconda, would have incurred expenses
close to $1 million to reset the pumping well head in two municipal wells. The
taxpayers of this neighboring village, not the power company, would have borne
this expense, $1 million. This village had no opportunity to voice its concern
during the application review. Surely, this demonstrates why a regional
application approach must be in place, must be put into practice.
Determining the amount of water available for peaker use as well as all other
users is a significant undertaking for any local community. Dr. Derek
Winstanley of the ISWS in his written testimony to this Board wrote of the
expense of collecting ground water data. Conducting a study to determine the
sustainable level of water usage for Lake County is estimated to be a multi-
million dollar project. To expect local communities to shoulder this burden is
unreasonable. Yet without regional data, a single community cannot make an
informed decision on water supply.
At the August 18th, 1999 meeting of the Lake County Public Works and
Transportation Committee, Illinois State Water survey Director Dr. Derek
Winstanley reported that around the year 2030, Lake County will maximize its
water use. Today, we are at the maximum sustainable level of the northeastern
Illinois deep bedrock. We cannot continue to increase withdrawals from the
deep aquifer. Water demand is up 20 percent, and we are at the point where
supply and demand are beginning to conflict.
Another large source of water for the Lake County area is Lake Michigan.
Here again, the County’s usage impacts the supply of other counties and states.
The supreme court fixes allocations. Local governments do not have an
endless supply.
Peaker plants will either draw ground water, which will have an impact on
neighboring wells, or draw on Lake Michigan water that has already been fully
allocated. Clearly this issue needs to be understood and addressed.
The quality of water will also be impacted by extensive withdrawal. Research
has shown that when too much water
is pumped, surface
waters can be
impacted. Water availability to stream beds, wetlands and lakes can decrease,
and the quality of the existing water may be threatened. Eventually, animal and
plant life will be threatened. Since the technology exists to convert peaker
plants to combines plants at any time, peakers should not be considered as a
minor use, but rather as a major use with regional impact. I would suggest that
all applications should be specific as to whether they are peaker or base-load.
Applications for peakers should question the intention toward possible future
conversion to a base-load.
Allowing one industry that provides a very few number ofjobs to have
unlimited use of our water supply impacts the economic growth in communities
where other industries also require water.
Officials in Lake realize that it is not only peaker plants that threaten our water
supply. Development of any kind, whether residential, commercial or industrial
will place an additional burden on limited resources. County officials further
realize that electricity may be one of the resources in short supply. However,
our analysis of the realities of peaker power plants and the marketing of power
do not convince us that peaker plants located in Lake County will alleviate a
power shortage in Lake county. We feel we are being asked to give up one
precious natural resource with no guarantee that the sacrifice will realize a
benefit for the county’s citizens.
The Water Use Act of 1983 and the Water Authorities Act do not give counties
the authority to regulate ground water withdrawal. A plan that regulates major
aquifer draw-downs is needed. The Lake County Board recommended
legislation to do just that. It is believed that there is support from state agencies
to clarify regulatory authority for ground water withdrawal. These initiatives
are included for your review.
The state needs to determine what the reasonable use is. I finally realize that the
IPCB does not have the authority to regulate ground water withdrawal. I have
the pleasure of being a member of the Water Resources Advisory committee that
was recently initiated by Governor Ryan. This issue will be covered in this
committee and our recommendations will be made to the Governor in
December. I feel it is imperative to point out that we need to share our
expertise with all governing state agencies in order to be better equipped to
make decisions involving, the power industry. It is too complex an issue for one
agency to comprehensively see all facets. I believe that the Pollution Control
Board, the ICC, the IEPA, the ISWS also all need to support each other and
work together. We need a regional cooperative group with regulatory authority
when reviewing applications.
The Lake County Board has made a decision last year to be proactive and not
reactive. Our actions support that position. I ask you to support this board and
the people of Lake County by doing the same. Place a moratorium on all
pending and new applications for power or peaker plants until such time as all
agencies have collaboratively worked together reducing and/or eliminating- the
negative impact to our quality of life. Thank you, Chairman Manning and the
Toni Larsen. Resident, Zion
In the Zion area, there are at least five pending permits which will be licensed
separately for future plants. I believe all facilities within Lake County need to
be evaluated regionally to assess the cumulative effect. One of the sites is in
Zion and it is zoned industrial, although most of the neighboring properties are
not in Zion.
These neighboring communities have no say what goes in their backyard.
These communities get their water from wells. One of the proposed peaker
plants plans on drilling an industrial well. This plant can use up to 2 million
gallons of water a day. I believe that needs to be more study on ground water
supply issues.
Concerned Citizens of Lake County. Chris Geiselhart, Chairperson
There is a potential drawdown of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water
from Lake Michigan, which already exceeded water usage for the mining of
deep well aquifers as sources of water for these facilities.
Zion A2ainst Peaker Plants, Verena Owen. Co-Chair
Environmental impact studies for peaker plants are required by other states, for
instance, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. The environmental impact studies
should contain at a minimum hydrology and water quality, water usage, waste
water, water run-off and potentially polluted run-off containment, air quality,
biology, loss of habitat, loss of agricultural land, land use and community
character, archaeology, socioeconomic impact, visual
impact, impact on
services, traffic, noise and public health and safety.
Jim Booth. Resident.
Newport Township in Lake County
Upon investigation, I learned that the city of Zion, who purchases their water
from the Lake County Public Water District had exceeded its 822.345 million
gallons of Lake Michigan water by 22 million gallons. They purchased 844
million gallons from the Lake County Water District in the period May 1999
through April of 2000.
Zion, of course, is consideringi the peaker power plant, which would use a
maximum peak of 2.124 million gallons of water per day when they are
operating their five turbines. And they divide this by
days a year, of
course. And that would run 230,000 gallons per day. Unless Zion files and is
awarded an increased allocation of Lake Michigan water, they cannot serve my
business nor can they serve the proposed peaker plant.
The state of Illinois is in debt to Canada for exceeding their Lake Michigan
water allocation. This debt is to be repaid by 2019. I assume you are familiar
with that. For 20 years, Illinois took more than their allotted amount of water
out of Lake Michigan, and now they have to pay it back. The bottom line is
that there is less water to be divided among the municipalities, 177 or so, that
use Lake Michigan water.
But the peaker power plant has an alternative which I do not have. They can
drill wells and tap into the Ironton Galesville Sandstone Aquifer.
Circular 182 from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Water Survey
by Adrian A. Zuchowski addressed the water level trends and pumpings into
the deep bedrock aquifers in the Chicago region in the period 1991 through
On page 15 he wrote that Schiect in 1976 estimated that the practical sustained
yield of the deep bedrock aquifers regardless of the scheme of well development
cannot exceed
million gallons a day.
The practical sustained yield of the deep aquifers is defmed as the maximum
amount of water that can be withdrawn without eventually dewatering the most
productive water yielding formation, that is the Ironton Galesville Sandstone
In a fax dated August 15th of this year, Mr. Scott Meyer of the Illinois State
Water Survey faxed me and said I recently estimated deep bedrock withdrawals
in that area, referring to Zion, at about 71 million gallons a day That is 6
million gallons above the practical sustained yield.
The point is this. One peaker power plant drawing 230,000 gallons per day
from the Ironton Galesville Sandstone may not seem overly significant. But it is
reported that there is some
peaker power plants proposed in the state of
Illinois. How many will be drawing water from the Ironton Galesville
Sandstone aquifer in the eight-county area?
Now, the survey that I referred to, the circular 182 involved water being taken
from the following eight counties: Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall,
Lake. McHenry and Will. Now, five plants the size of the proposed Zion plant
would draw 1,150,000 gallons of water per day from that aquifer. For 20
months plants would draw 4,600,000 gallons per day average, but at peak
would draw 42 million gallons in one day. Now, this is out of an aquifer that
can only sustain 65 million gallons and is currently being drawn at 71 million
The former state senator and minority leader Everitt McKinley Dickson once
said after attending his first budget meeting, a billion dollars here and a
dollars there, and pretty soon it added up to some real money. The same thing
is true of the peaker power plants and their great appetite for water.
I ask you to consider the following questions. Should quality Lake Michigan
water by used for peaker power plants or should that be reserved for human
consumption? Should there be a limit on the quantity of water mined from the
Ironton Galesville Sandstone Aquifer considering eight counties depend upon
this water source, Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, mclienry and
Will Counties? This is not a local issue. This is a regional issue.
And remember, this Ironton Galesville Sandstone Aquifer begins in Minnesota,
runs through Wisconsin, northern Illinois, central Illinois, into Missouri and
finally into the state of Iowa. It can be mined dry.
William McCarthy, Resident. Libertyville
As far as water use is concerned, these plants do use a lot of water.
** *
Peaker Plants are inefficient. They only covert 28 percent of the power that
they burn into electrical energy. Combined-cycle plants convert 56 percent.
Obviously, you are going to get a lot more bang for your buck with a combined-
cycle plant.
The problem is combined-cycle plants use more than 2 million gallons of water
a day. Peaker plants use maybe 120,000 gallons a day. That is a big
And as has been mentioned before, Illinois is under water use restrictions
because they don’t want Lake Michigan being drained for all different
uses. And probably some of you read National Geographic and you are aware
of the Arrow Sea disaster in the Soviet Union. The Arrow Sea was completely
drained within a period of 20 years by overirrigation. And it is a water body
one fourth the size of Lake Michigan. So they drained
I think it was 100
billion trilliongallons of water. It is practically gone. If you could just look it
up on the Internet, you will see.
Cindy Skrukrud. Resident,
Olin Mills. Mcllenrv County
First, relating to the State’s commitment to water conservation, ground water
withdrawals, McHenry County is one of the many counties in Illinois totally
dependent on ground water for our drinking water. Combined-cycle plants with
their massive need for water pose a real competitive threat to these water
supplies. This is an issue we need to address.
Illinois Section of American Water-works Association
Testimony of John Smith
Exchange with Chairman Mannin2 and Board Members Girard and McFawm
Number three: Should new or expanding peaker plants be subject to siting
requirements beyond applicable local zoning requirements? ISAWWA believes
that peaker plant siting requirements should encourage the siting of these plants
near a sanitary water treatment plant, if practical, so as to utilize the discharge
from the sanitary water treatment plant known as gray water or cooling water.”
We only wish to comment on the use of water resources by these facilities.
Number one, the State of Illinois must manage, protect and enhance the
development of the water resources of the state as a natural and public resource.
Number two, water resources have an essential and pervasive role in the social
and economic well-being of the people of Illinois and is of vital importance to
the general health, safety and economic welfare. Number three, water
resources of the state must be used for beneficial and legitimate purposes. And
number four, waste and degradation of water resources must be prevented.
ISAWWA is not opposed to the use of water resources by peaker plants. We
are only asking for the responsible use of water resources by these facilities and
all major new water consumers. We believe the regulation or permitting of
large water resource withdrawals should be the responsibility of regional
agencies, such as municipalities, counties or water boards, and that a state
agency should have oversight of these regional agencies.
We believe that the basis for the decision on how much water can be safely used
from a designated water resource be based on the existing knowledge and
scientific studies of that resource, and, if knowledge of that resource is lacking,
then additional research into the adequacy of this source should be done before
allowing major withdrawals. The decision to allow the development of existing
or new water resources must be based on sound science, not politics. We
believe that funding must be adequate for the state agency to perform these
In conclusion, Illinois Section AWWA is not opposed to peaker facilities. We
are calling for the rules and regulations of water resources be based on
scientific studies of our valuable water resources and that an unbiased state
agency be charged with oversight of regional water use. Adequate funding for
the state agency must allow for the scientific study of our state water resources,,.
and the State must have a plan for the efficient management of water resources.
Chairman Manning: Thank you for being here today. I do have just one
question. Are you aware of any projects right now that are ongoing between a
peaker plant developer and a sanitary treatment facility in the state we could
speak to?
Mr. Smith: I’m not aware of any
Board Member Girard: So what you’re advocating is that we have a state water
resources board that allocates these large withdrawals? Is that what you’re
Mr. Smith: What we are saying is that we believe a state agency such as the
Illinois State Water Survey should have some oversight over the regional
agencies that normally would have some control over water. We believe that in
most cases, the regional agency has at least some knowledge of the water
resource and how much of that resource can be used safely without impacting
other consumers or their industries. However, if the local agency has
unreasonably tries to restrict the use of these water resources, then a state
agency could have oversight of the local agency.
Board Member McFawn: Is your association involved at all with any studies of
water resources, be they groundwater or surface water, and their adequacy or
even just their quantity?
Mr. Smith: Yes, we are. illinois Section of AWWA is involved with the
Mahomet Aquifer Consortium, which has
is trying to secure federal funding
to do further studies of the Mahomet aquifer located in the central part of
Illinois. This consortium and the action that we are doing to try to study this
reservoir has already generated interest from other states in that they have
inquired how we have put together the consortium and how we are going about
to try and initiate these studies.
Our friends and neighbors are understandably worried about the impact of so-
called peaker plants on air quality and water supplies.
National Association of Water Companies. Testimony of Brent Gre2ory,
Representative of Illinois Chauter and Exchan2e with Board Members
The ability to provide water of sufficient quality and quantity to sustain
commercial, industrial and residential growth goes hand-in-hand with the
availability of electrical power. Water suppliers rely on adequate available
electricity, and generating plants rely on an adequate supply
supports the development of new electrical generating capacity as needed for the
economic advancement of Illinois.
We do not believe that peaker plants pose a unique threat to the environment
compared to other types of state-regulated facilities. We believe that existing
environmental regulations are adequate to address air and water quality concerns
from peaker plants.
We emphasize the need for water use decisions to be based on sound scientific
assessment of local and regional water resources. Where existing knowledge is
insufficient, the state technical agencies should provide the scientific studies
needed to permit or deny water withdrawals. State funding must be adequate to
support these efforts. The right of existing public water supplies to condition
withdrawing at theircurrent installed capacities should be grandfathered into any
program that is developed. The state should consider competent third-party
assessments presented by those seeking to utilize the water resource.
We believe that permitting of new peaker plants and siting requirements should
encourage conservation measures such as recycling of cooling water and use of
other discharges for cooling when possible, such as those from sanitary
treatment plants.
In summary, NAWC believes that the ability to expand power and water
resources is important to the economic growth of Illinois.
Board Member Melas: Do you have any comments about the quantity of the
or the adequacy of particularly groundwater supplies?
Mr. Gregory: Well, we recognize that in certain areas of the state in particular,
there may be some quantity concerns. We’re traditionally known as a water-
rich state, and yet due to concentrations of industry and populations and other
circumstances, there are areas where, particularly in long-term outlook, water
quantity is a concern. That’s why we concur that there is a need for sound
comprehensive management of the state’s water resources with regard to
Board Member McFawn: You mentioned you thought that the quantity
believe it was the assessment of it should be done by an independent third party?
Could you explain that a little bit more?
Mr. Gregory: Yes, I can. If there is some legislative or regulatory control set
up over the use of Illinois water resources, it needs to be based on sound
scientific assessment of the resource, which we believe that the state has
the appropriate
has the appropriate technical resources to conduct those.
if there would arise a dispute
over the use or the application for the
use of water or withdrawal of water and there is better science to be presented
by a petitioner for the use of that water, that should be allowed.
Board Member McFawn: We are talking about just quantification, not quality?
Mr. Gregory: That is really in the context of quantity.
Mr. Gregory: If somebody wants to withdraw water from an aquifer or from a
watershed and is able to hire a qualified consultant to demonstrate the
reasonableness of that petition, then that should be considered.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Testimony of Patricio Silva and Exchange with
Board Member McFawn
Mr. Silva: The water withdrawals were in part because there was some
concern about adverse impact from the water withdrawals on the Hudson River
for several fish species in that section of the Hudson River. I cannot remember
offthe top of my head if there was any impacts for nesting birds, but I don’t
believe so.
Board Member McFawn: You said that NRDC was concerned about water
used in single-cycle units. I’ve always thought that the single-cycles didn’t
cause that concern and it was the combined-cycles.
Mr. Silva: A great many single-cycle combustion turbine projects that we’ve
not just the few that we’ve looked at in Illinois, but
in elsewhere
across the country
rely on once-through cooling. Water is used once for
evaporative cooling at the inlet duct and then essentially discarded. That,
depending on the size of the unit
and remember, the single-cycle turbines,
we’ve seen anywhere from 80, some projects have 1,000 megawatts, so the
water demand is going to be quite dramatic. Some of the combined-cycle units
we’ve seen actually rely on dry cooling where there is essentially a process that
involves a closed loop and onetime withdrawal of water.
So the demands
even though the unit
the technology’s more efficient, in
some applications the combined-cycle units can be hogs as well. They can be
quite water intensive. So
But there is
there are technology options.
Exhibit from Reliant Energy
How much water will the plant use?
The plant does not require a large amount of water. Unlike many older plants,
Reliant Energy Aurora does not use steam to generate electricity and its demand
for water is similar to other light industrial uses. The primary use of water will
be to cool the air flowing into the units and to control emissions.
The only other uses of water will be for the purposes of employee sanitation and
for fire
The plant will use an average of only 300 gallons per minute (gpm) during the
summer months and that the peak water usage rate will be gpm. The water will
be provided from a deep aquifer well (Cambrian Ordovician650) which is at
least one mile away from any known deep aquifer wells in the area. Compared
with the water used in the City of Aurora on an annual basis, the maximum
consumption from this well is less than 1 of’ the city’s water use.
Public Comment #3
Ron Molinaro
Thirdly, there is the amount of water used. These plants can consume up tol 2
million gallons of water a day. At a recent Zion City Council meeting a
gentleman who owns a local confectionery company spoke of the possibility of
the expansion of his business. When checking into the accessibility of
additional water he discovered that the city of Zion exceeded its allocated
amount for 1999 by 22 million gallons. If we were to allow these plants to be
constructed in Zion, will there be enough water allocated for the expansion of
existing business or the construction of new homes? This is a question that
needs to be answered before we allow any power plants to be constructed in this
Comment #7
Attachments to Public Comment #7 submitted by Susan Zingle
three letters
from the Illinois State Water Survey.
Attachments to Public Comment #7 Submitted by Susan Zingle
illinois State Water Survey
Main Oflice
2204 GrUlith
Chompcig”r. LàI820-7495•
Tel f217,)333-2210~
Far (217,) 333o540
Peoria Office. P.O. Oox 697’ Peo;ic, 61652-0697-
(309)671-3196. Fox
~SrouncI.Wwer Section
Tel ~2J?~333-4300
December 4,
Mr. Robert Wargaski
Lake-Mel-lenry Environmental Cooperative
P.O. Box 134
Wauconda, IL 60084
This letter is in response to your request of December?, 1998, concerning the development of two
million gallons per day (rngd) ground-water supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer system
for the purpose of steam generation in electrical
generating facilities. One site (designated herein
as the Island Lake Project) will be located in the SWV4 of Section 9, T.44N., R.9E, Lake County. The
other site (designated herein as the Libertyville Project) will be located in the NE¼
of Section 12,
T44N., R.1OE., Lake County. The distance between these sites is approximately 9 miles. You have
asked the Water Survey to comment on the potential impacts these ground-water withdrawals may have
on surrounding water wells finished within the same aquifer system. You also inquired about ground-
and regulation. The following are responses to the specific questions you posed to~LheWater
Survey concerning this matter:
Island Lake and Libertyr.’ille sites are wIthin JO miles of each other. Each would draw up
of water per clay. ?lea~ccomment on the impact they would hcu~’èoperating together
and simultaneously on the aqu(fer and the surrounding community wells. Which com?nw-iity wells would
be affected by the interface drawdown.”
Withdrawal of ground water from a well may cause water levels in nearby wells-tapping-the-source
aquifer to decline. This water-level decline is referred
as interference drawdown or, more simply, as
interference. Interference drawdowrt decreases with increasing distance in all directions from a pumping
well, defining an inverted conical water-level surface around the well. This is known as the cone of
depression. The size and shape of the cone of depression created by a pumping well will depend on the
areal extent and hydraulic properties of the aquifer, the pumping rate, and the duration of pumping at the
well. When interference drawdown causes the water level in a well to decline-belowthe-pump-intake-(-ki
which case the pump breaks suction)or below a level at which the pump can lift the desired volume of
water to the surface, remedial measures such as lowering the pump setting or sizing a higher capacity
pump may be necessary to restore a normal supply.’ The risk posed by a pumping ~vellon the ability of a
nearby well to deliver its normal supply is, therefore, a function both of the amount of interference and of
various construction features of the affected well chiefly. the pump setting. dynamic head rating of the
pump, and well efficiency.
For the Island Lake and LibertyviUe Projects, nearby existing wells finished
within the Cambrian-
Ordovician-Age aquifersystem, pre-dating the Lake
Michigan water
allocations to the area of question,
may not be severely impacted by the proposed well field because those wells were engineered and
Mr. Robert E. WargaskilPage 2/December 4, 998
constructed when regional water levels were considerably lower
than at present. Prior to Lake Michigan
water allocations, pump intakes in water wells were set at lower depths and had greater water lifting
capacities because of lower ground-water
caused by regional pumpage. However, wells fi~ishcd
the deep sandstones within the last few years could see more severe impacts because they were
consiructed after the regional “recovery” of water levels within the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer
The impact of the withdrawal of
mgd from two sites on ground-water levels with
Ordovician-Age aquifer system was determined through the use of ananalyticaLmathematicat model
using regional values for the hydraulic properties of this aquifer system. The use of this model required
that significant assumptions
be made to simplify the natural variability often encountered-in-aquifer
systems. Assumptions include homogeneous and isotropic aquifer hydraulic
prep-erties~(asopposed to
properties that may vary vertically and horizontally in three dimensions), no ground-water recharge,
infinite aquifer extent (as opposed to geologic and hydraulic features which may limit the size of the
aquifer), and a continuous pumping schedule (as opposed to a time-variantpumping rate).
The hydraulic properties and pumping scenarios were assumed to be identical at the Island Lake
Libertyville Projects sites. As you requested,
proposed well field pumped simultaneously in
model simulation. For purposes of
construction of
model, we
well field would consist
of eight wells (finished in the St. Peter and Ironton-Galcsville Sandstone
aquifers) supplying 5
(about 434 gallons per minute each) on a continuous
basis for 20 years. Given these parameters, the
model provided the graphic output shown in accompanying Pignre 1.
Under the pumping and hydraulic conditions described in
the above scenario, mutual interference effects
between the well
may cause water level declines of as much as 280 feet. Interference effects
decline to approximately 150 feet at 12 miles.
This analytical model also suggests that as much as 520 feet of drawdown would be observed in the
centers of each well field. This would lower the potentiometric head of the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age
aquifer in the study area into the St. Peter sandstone. Dewatering of any artesian aquifer can lead to the
reduction in pumping capacity.
For a properly designed well field, the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer
should be nble
yield the desired quantity of water on a suscairtablebasts.
Given the possibility that the aquifer properties, number of pumping wells, well spacing, pumping
periods, and total pumpage ofthe proposed wells may be different then
assumed for
this report, we recommend a more detailed analysis be made of th-enumber of existing wells and their
distance from the proposed high-capacity well fields. In addition, static water levels, pumping water
levels, and pump intake settings of
nearby water wells
could be analyzed to determine if, and which.
domestic, industrial, or municipal water wells would be potentially impacted.
Pumping water from this aquifer in the Island Lake and Libertyville areas has wider ranging effects than
simply being a local phenomenon. Consideration should be given to the effects on the practical sustained
yield of the
entire aquifer system including
the effects of pumping on ground water within the State of
Wisconsin. The aquifer system is currently being pumped at. or slightly above, its estimated practical
sustainable yield of
mgd per day. Further development is likely to contribute to the mining of ground-
water in northeastern Illinois. A more sophisticated ground-water model of northeastern Illinois, one that
Mr. Robert E. WargaskilPage 3/December 4,
can incorporate regional variations
in aquifer properties (unlike
the simplistic analytie~-model we
to calculate drawdowns for this letter), would be a very important planning tool for state
and local
governmental leaders
to have available to
in their efforts tomange-thisnattwaLresource
recommend that a three-dimensional numerical ground-water model be used to better predict what
long-term impacts the proposed ground-water development
would have on the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age
in northeastern Illinois. The Illinois State WaterSurvey has previously modeled this aquifer
system (Prickett 1971, Visocky 1982, Burch
1991); however, the WaterSurvey’s most recent model
(Burch 1991)
will need extensive updating. A three-dimensional numerical ground-water model could
incorporate natural variations
in aquifer
properties, thickness, and withdrawals from existing high-
capacity wells. Such a model would also allow studying the aquifer in a more regional context.
To reiterate, estimates of water-level decline contained in this letter were determined from a-strictly
theoretical consideration of aquifer hydraulics, making use of regional aquifer property data. More
accurate estimates would be possible given better aquifer property data and recharge rate.s collected
through properly conducted “on-site” aquifer tests. It is possible that the predictions in this letter will
prove to be accurate. We, therefore, recommend that further study be made of this particular issue. The
Illinois State Water Survey has the expertise to provide these services to the resid-ents-of-Lake and
McHenry Counties; however, such involved research would require a contractual agreement
(administered through
the University of illinois) between interested parties and the Water Survey.
As to your question relating to whichmunicipal water wells would be affected by the theoretical well
lields. the total number at wells tmpacted anti corresportdtng economic repercussions are impossible to
quantify at this time without further in-depth study.
‘Does Illinois have any regulations on the limit: of water that ca,~-bc-drawn-from-thc-aq~frr? Do other
States have limits and
which ones,”
The State of Illinois does not have
specific laws that limit growid-water-withdrawals. The Rule of
Reasonable Use allows “property owners to unlimited and non-permitted use of the water beneath their
as long as the
use is ‘reasonable’ and injury to a neighboring well does not arise but of malice” as
stated by Bowman (1991).
We suggest
that you contact Mr.
Gary Clark of the Office of Water
Resources, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, at (217) 785-3334 for further information on this
matter. Mr. Clark is one of the State’s leading experts on ground-water law, and we are confident he will
be able to address
any ground-water law
related questions that you pose to
him. For your information,
we have enclosed a copy of an Illinois Department
of Transportation 1985 report to the Illinois
Groundwater Association
Illinois Groundwater Law: The Rule of Reasonable Use.
Mr. Clark is the
author of this document. We are also enclosing a copy of Illinois State Water Survey Report of
Investigation 114
Ground-Water Quantity and Management,
for additional discussions of Illinois
ground-water laws and the law practiced in several other midwestern states.
“What i.c the cha.~zgcin the level of the deep sandstone aquifer since conm,,ZL,niiies swirch~dfrom aqu~/’er
Lstke Michigan
For your information
on this particular subject, we have enclosed Illinois State \Vnter Survey Circular
Water-Level and Pumpage in the Deep Bedrock Aquifers in the C’hicago Region, 1991-1995.
Mr. Robert E. Wargaski/Page 4/December4, 1998
publication is an excellent resource for the analysis of water level trends in the Cambrian-Ordoviciari-
Age aquifer system.
Figure 9
on page 30
of this document shows changes in the potentiometric surface
the deep bedrock aquifers
between 1991 and
In Lake County, therewere areas
that observed
increase in water levels (potentiometric head) of over 250 feet. Wauconda Municipal Well 4, located
Section 24, T.44N., R.9E., Lake County, experienced a rise in ground-water levels of 45 feet between
1991 and
With the growing population trend in Lake and McHeniy County, what (ilnitations
you suggest
be incorporated to protect the aquifer and keep it healthyforfuture gezrerations.”
The Illinois State Water Survey is a strictly an objective scientific organization. We do not make, nor do
we enforce,
rules and regulations. However,
our research and guidance is often utilized in the
development of water-related laws and statutes. In the case of the issues addressed in this letter, we have
the knowledge and expertise to offer the citizens and their governmental
to make
informed decisions about how to develop their natural resources. However, additional research will be
needed before we can more accurately address yotir many concerns.
For your
information, I have enclosed all prior letter correspondence that deal with power generation in
Lake and
McHcnry County
can be of
further assistance, p1ea~efeel free
to call or write.
Buck, P.O.
(217) 333-6800
Enclosures as
Winstanley, ISWS
l3howmik, ISWS
Roadcap, ISWS
created by
each pumping 5 MGD
8 Wells.
(1 15,000 gpd/ft, S 0.0004)
240 -~
Illinois State Water Survey
Main Ottice 2204 G4fi~hDrive ‘Cbompcigri. 0.6 820-7495’
Tel (217,) 333-2210- tOx (217) 333.o5~C
OlOce. P.O. Box 697’ Peoric.
61652-0697’ Tel ~3O9~67i-319ô‘Fax
Ground-Wotar Section
(217,) 333.43w
Fax(217) 2~!4-0777
Decembcr 2, 1998
Mr. Kenneth C. Hopps
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
Lombard. Illinois 60 148-5072
Dear Mr. Hopps:
This lerter is in response to your request concsrning the development of a 2.5- million gallon per day
(mgd) ground-water supply from the Carnbrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer system for the purpose of
steam generation in an electrical power generating facility, We understand that the proposed power
plant wilt be located in the SW’/s of Section 9,T.44N,, R.9E., Lake County. You have asked the
Illinois State Water Survey to comment on the potential impact this ground-water withdrawal may
‘nave on surrounding water wells finished within the overlying unconsoiidatedraad~andgravel
deposits and Silurian-Age dolomite bedrock aquifer. It should be noted that the Water Survey has
previously provided estimates of theoretical water level drawdowns in the Cambrian-Ordovician-
Age aquifer system given several different water withdrawal scenarios. These previous letter reports
to your company were dated September 3 and October 13, l99S, and addressed the interference
effects caused by a theoretical well field on wells finished within the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age
Withdrawal of ground water from a well will cause water levels in nearby ~ve11stapping the source
aquifer to decline. This water-level decline is referred to as interference drawdown or, more simply,
as interference. Interference drawdown decreases with increasing distance in all directions from a
pumping well, defining an inverted conical water-level surface around the well known as the cone
depression. The size and shape of the cone of depression created by a pumping well will depend on
the areal extent and hydraulic properties of the aquifer, the pumping rate, and the duration of
pumping at the ~vcli. When interference drawdown causes the water level in a ~vellto decline below
the pump intake (in which c~sethe pump breaks Suction) or below a level at which the pomp can lift
the desired volume of water to the surface, remedial measures such as lowering of the pump setting
or sizing a higher capacity pump may be necessary to restore a
normal supply. The risk posed by
pumping well on the abilIty of a nearby well
to deliver its normal supply is, therefore,
a function both
of the amount of interference and of various construction features of the affected well
chiefly the
dynamir head rating of the pump, and well efficiency.
With respect to your question, the key variable when determining whether a well(s) withdrawing
ground water will adversely impact a nearby well(s) is dependent on the hydraulic connection
Mr. Kenneth C. HoppsfPagc 2lDecember 2, 1998
bc~weenthe source aquifers. In
this case, you have asked us to address the potential impacts on
wells finished itt the unconsolidated sand and gravel deposits above bedrock and
completed in
the Silurian-Age dolomite when the deeper lying Cambrian-Ordovician-Age sandstone aquifers arc
pumped. For your reference, we have enclosed an excerpt from Illinois State Water Survey Circular
182, titled
Water-Level Trends and Pwnpagc in (he Deep Bedrock ~4quifcrs in the chicago
Region, 1991-1995
(Visocky et al.,
page 6 and 7, figure
2), which shows the
water-yielding properties of the rocks, and the character of the ground water in northeastern Illinoi.c.
In this part of Illinois, the Ordovician-Age Maquoketa shale separates the unconsolidated materials
and Silurian-Age dolomite from the deeper lying Cambrian-Ordovician-Age (St. Peter and Ironcon-
Gatesvi I Ic sandstones) aquifers.
The Maquokeca shale is approximately 105 feet thick in the area of interest. Under natural
conditions, the Maquokeca acts as an effective hydraulic barrier between the upper (sand and gravel
and dolomite) andlower (Cambrian-Ordovician-Age sandstones) aquifer systems. Consequently,
changes in ground-water levels in the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age are relatively independent of those
in the shallower aquifer systems. Given this, pumping the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer system
should not affect water levels in the shallower sand and gravel and-dolomite aquifers. It should be
noted that this assumes that a well finished in the sandstones must be
constructed such that the geologic materials from the Ordovician-Age St Peter sandstone and above
are “cased off”. An “open” bore hole hydraulically connecting the Silurian-Age dolomite and
dcepcr-lyir.g sandstone formations would render the above coaclusions false. Water levels itt the
shallower aquifers probably wilt be impacted by water withdrawals from the Cambrian-Ordovician-
Age sandstone aquifers if the geologic materials above the St. Peter sandstone were not sealed off by
well casing
If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to call or write.
Andrew 0. Buck, P.O.
Assistant Hydrogeologist
Ground-Water Section
Phone: (217) 333-6800
Enclosure as stated
I ~.
0 I S
Illinois State Water Survey
Mom Oltice ‘2204 Gti(fiIh
Dike ‘Cho~pcQn.
II 6l~2C~’.95
Tat (217)333.2210
Fox ~2!7~
PeorioOl’Oce -P.O. Cox ô~7
- ?eoriO. II.
Tel (309) 67l’39o ‘Fax
Ground-Wale; SecTion.
October I, l99S
Mr. Stan A. Smogorzewski
LS Power, LLC
13522 Calais Drive
Del Mar, California 92014
This letter is in response to your request concerning the development of a 10.8 million gallon per day
(mgd) ground-water supply from
Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer system for the purpose of
steam generation in an electrical power generating facility. We understand
that you are considering
two sites
for this facility. One site (designated herein as McHcrtry Project) will be partially Located
in the E½of the NE¼,of SectionS, T.44N., R.9E., McHcnry County and partially
Section 9, T.44N,, R,9E., Lake County. Thc other site (designated herein as Lee Project) will be
in the NY2 of the SEY3 of Section 32, T.21N., R.8E., Lee
County. You have asked
the Water
Survey to comment on the potential impacts these ground-water withdrawals may have on
water wells finished
within the same aquifer system given this
pumping rate over a I-
year period. In this letter report, we will address the theoretical impact that a 7,500 gallon per
minute (gprn) ~velLmay have
on ground-water leveLs within the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age. aquifer
Withdrawal of ground water from a well will cause water levels in nearby wells tapping the source
aquifer to decline. Th~~water-level decline is referred to as interference drawdown or, more simp!y.
as interference. Interference drawdown decreases with increasing distance in all
directions from a
pumping well, defining an inverted conical water-level surface around the well known as the cone of
The size arid shape
of the cone of depression created by a pumping
well will-depend on
the areal extent and hydraulic properties of the aquifer, the pumping rate, and the duration of
he well. When interference drawdown causes the water level in a well to decline below
the pump intake (in which case the pump breaks suction) or below a level at which the pump cam’. lift
the desired volume of water to the surface, remedial measures such as lowering of the pump setting
am, sizing a higher capacity pump may be necessary to restore a normal supply. The risk posed by a
pumping well on the ability of a nearby well to deliver its normal supply is, therefore, a function both
of the amount of interference and of various construction features of the affected well
chiefly the
oump setting, dynamic head radng of the pump, and well efficiency.
For the Mci-Ienry Project, nearby existing wells finished within
the Cambrian-Ordoviciarm-Agc
aqui1c~system. pre-dating the Lake Michigan water allocations to the area of question. may not be
severely impacted by the proposed well field because those wells were engineered and constructed
when regional water
were considerably lower than at present. Prior to Lake Michigan water
Mr. Stan Smogorze’.vskifPage 2/October 1, 1998
allocations, pump intakes in water welts were set at lower depths and had greater water lifting
capacities because of lower ground-water levels caused by regional pumpage. Ho~v~ver,wells
finished in the deep sandstones within the last few years could see more severe impacts because they
were constructed after the regional “recovery” of water levels within the Cambrian-Ordovician-Age
aquifer system. This
does not apply to the Lee Project because water levels in that area
have not been regionally lowered.
The impact of the withdrawal of 7,500 gpm on ground-water Levels with the Cambrian-Ordovician-
Age aquifer system were determined through the use of an analytical mathematical model using
regional valucs fo~the hydraulic properties of this aquifer system. The usc of this model required
significant assumptions be made to simplify the natural variability often encountered in aquifer
systems. Assumptions include homogeneous and isotropic aquifer hydraulic properties (as opposed
to properties that may very vertically, horizontally,
and with direction), infinite
aquifer extent
opposed to geologic and hydraulic
features which may limit the size of the aquifer), and a continuous
pumping schedule (as opposed to a time-variant pumping rate).
Because the hydraulic properties and pumping scenarios were assumed to be identical at the
McHenry and Lee Projects, the distance-drawdown estimates shown below apply to both sites. As
you requested, the proposed well field was assumed to consist of only one well (finished in the St.
Peter and J.rotmton-Galesville Sandstone aquifers) supplying 10.8
mgd (7,500 gpm) on a continuous
basis for one year. Given these parameters, the model provided the following distance-drawdown
relationships (also see the enclosed distance-drawdown plot and map):
flic’a,’ee frpni nnrnned well
Drawdown after mm-tome -veer
350 feet or less
285 feet or less
I mile
feet or less
2 miles
170 feet or less
3 miles
135 feet or less
4 miles
110 feet or less
5 miles
90 feet or less
Although these impacts are considerable. the available drawdown in
deep sandstone wells is
probably adequate for the desired
amount of ground-water yield, assuming a properly designed well
field. The number of wells
impacted and corresponding economic repercussions are
impossible to
quantify at this time without further in-depth study.
the possibility that the
aquifer properties, number of pumping
wejls. well spacing,
rates, pumping periods, and total pumpage of the proposâd wells may be different than what was
assumed for this report. we recommend a more detailed analysis be made of the number of weLls and
their distance from the proposed high-capacity wefl field. In addition, static water levels, l)U~P~
water levels, and pump intake settings of nearby water wells could be analyzed to determine if, and
Mr. Stan Srnogorzewski!Page 3/October 1, 1992
which, domestic, industrial, or municipal water ~vclIswould be potentially impacted. Also, i would
be prudent to ruti a sophisticated numerical ground-water model to better predicc
impacts the proposed ground-water development would have on the Cambrian-Ordovicittn-Age
aquifer in northeastern Illinois. Such a model could incorporate natural variations in aquifer
properties, thickness, and withdrawals from existing high-capacity wells. This would be a very
important planning
tool for local
governmental leaders to have available to them in their efforts to
manage this natural resource.
Another issue in any use of water from
Cambrian-Ordovician-Age aquifer system- is water
quality. There are reports of radioactive isotopes associated with these waters which can be a faccor
in its use.
To reiterate, estimates of water-level decline contained in
this letter were determined from a strictly
theoretical consideration of aquifer hydraulics, making use of regional aquifer property data. More
accurate estimates would be possible given better aquifer property data collected through properly
conducted “On-site” well tests. It is possible that the predictions in this letter will not prove to be
accurate. We, therefore, recommend that further study be made of this particular issue. The Illinois
State Water Survey has the expertise to provide these services to LS Power and the citizens of Lake,
McHenry and Lee Counties:
however, such involved research would require a contractual agreement
(administered through the University of Illinois) between your firm
the Water Survey.
To further your knowledge
of the water resources of the deep sandstones aquifers of Illinois, we have
enclosed Cooperative Report 10, titled
Geology. Hydrology, and Water Quality of 1/ze cambrian
and Ordovician Syste,ns in Non/tern Illinois
and Illinois State Water Survey Circular 182, titled
Warer-Ler’el Trends and Pw-npage in I/ac Deep Bedrock.Aquifers in the Clrica~jRegion, 1991-
If we
be ofanyfurthcr assistance, please feel free to call or write.
Andrew G. Buck
Assistant Hydrogeologist
Ground-Water Section
Phone: (217) 333-6800
Enclosures as stated
Regional drawdown in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer
produced by
well pumping 7500 GPM.
(1= 20,000 gpd/ft2,
00004, time
I year)
I 1TT11
li I m
Regional drawdown in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer
produced by
well pumping 7500 GPM.
(T= 20,000 gpd/ft2, S
0.0004, time
1 year)
Distance (miles)
Statute: Code of Iowa, 455B (1999)
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources; Environmental Protection
Summary: Permit is required for any person who diverts, stores or withdraws more
than 25,000 gallons of water per day (surface or groundwater); Permits are generally
issued for 10 years but, depending on geological conditions, can be for lesser period of
time; Permit program insures consistency in decisions on allocations; Allocations
based upon concept of “beneficial use” the key points of which are (1) water resources
are to be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent; (2) waste and unreasonable uses are
prevented: (3) water conservation is expected; (4) established average minimum
instream flows are protected: Administrative process resolves water use conflicts;
Provisions in place for public involvement in issuing water allocation permits and in
generally establishing water use policies.
Statute: Minnestota Siatute 103G.265
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources; Waters Office
Summary: Permit is required for all users withdrawing (surface and groundwater)
more than 10,000 gallons per day or I million gallons per year (Exceptions include:
domestic uses serving less than 25 persons, certain agricultural drainage systems, test
pumping of a groundwater source, and reuse of water already authorized by permit,
e.g., water purchased from a municipal water system); Permits granted for no longer
years; Policy: to manage water resources to ensure an adequate supply to meet
long-range seasonal requirements for domestic, agricultural, fish and wildlife,
recreational, power navigation, and quality control purposes; Water Appropriation
Permit Program exists to balance competing management objectives that include both
development and protection of Minnesota’s water resources; Permitted users required
to submit annual reports of water use; Reported information used to evaluate impacts
and to aid in resolving conflicts.
Statute: Ohio Revised Code Sections 1521.16; 1521.17; Sections 1501.30 and
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources; Division of Water
Summary: Permits are required for those making a new or increased consumptive use
of water greater than an average of 2 million gallons per day over a 30-day period;
Registration is required for
any facility
or combination of facilities with the capacity to
withdraw more than 100,000 gallons of water (surface or ground) daily; Chief of DNR
Division of Water has authority to designate “ground water stress areas” and to require
water withdrawal registration in these areas for users of water less than the normal
100,000 gallon threshold; Annual reporting is required of those who must register;
Purpose of registration and reporting requirements: to gather data to assist in resolving
future water use conflicts; Chief also has responsibility to maintain Water Resources
Inventory which must include information to assist in determining the reasonableness of
water use; While “reasonable use” is used by courts to determine water conflicts,
legislature has set forth nine specific factors (applicable to both surface and
groundwater) which define reasonableness; Consumptive use is defined as a use of
water resources, other than a diversion, that results iii a loss of that water to the basin
from which it is withdrawn and includes, but is not limited to, evaporation,
evapotranspiration, and incorporation of water into a product or agricultural crop.
Statute: Indiana Code, 14-25
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources (DNR); Natural Resources
Commission (NRC)
Summary: Registration and annual reporting requirement for owners of significant
water withdraw facilities (withdrawal of 1,000,000 gallons per day of surface water,
groundwater, or euiiibiuatioai); NRC has statutory authority to require, by rule, a
permit for most water withdrawals from navigable waters, but authority has not yet
been exercised; NRC is required to develop and maintain inventories, gather and
assess all information needed to properly define water resource availability; NRC can
establish, by rule, minimum stream flows; Where groundwater threat, DNR may
designate a “restricted use area.” Permit then required for withdrawal of more than
100,000 gallons per day beyond use at time of restricted use designation; In granting or
refusing a permit, the DNR considers the concept of beneficial use.
Statute: Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Summary: Major water users must register with DNR; A major water user is defined
as an entity that is capable of withdrawing or diverting 100.000 gallons or more per day
from any water source; Failure to register may result in DNR request that Attorney
General file action to stop all withdrawal or diversion; Purpose of registration program
is to insure the development of information required for the analysis of certain future
water resource management needs.
Statute: Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 281; DNR Rules, Chapter
NR 142
Regulatory Entity: Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Summary: Wisconsin law provides for (1) development of statewide water quantity
resources plan; (2) registration and annual reporting (with fees) of major withdrawals
(over 100,000 gallons per day in 30-day period); (3) permit approval process (with
administrative hearing process) for construction, development and operation of wells
where capacity and rate of withdrawal of groundwater from
all wells on one property
in excess of 100,000 gallons a day;
Specifics ofPermit Approval Process:
approval process. Approval withheld or restricted if withdrawal will adversely effect
or reduce availability of public utility water supply or doesn’t meet grounds for
approval which are: (a) No adverse effect on public water rights in navigable waters;
(b~No conflict with any applicable plan for future uses of waters of state or water
quantity resources plan; (c) Reasonable conservation practices have been incorporated;
(d) No significant adverse impact on environment and ecosystem of the Great Lakes
basin or the upper Mississippi River basin; (e) Plan for withdrawal consistent with the
protection of public health, safety and welfare and not detrimental to public interest; (f)
No significant detrimental effect on the quantity and quality of the waters of the state;
(Even more factors apply if the proposed withdrawal will result in an “interbasin
diversion). Regulations define water loss and consumptive use; Also, permit is
required for any diversion of water from any lake or stream for diversions of 2,000,000
gallons per day in any 30-day period; If DNR receives application for a withdrawal
the Great Lakes
that will
in a new water loss averaging 5,000,000,
gallons per day in any 30-day period, DNR notifies governor of other Great Lakes
States, requesting their input. The rules incorporate methods for citizens to initiate
DNR investigations of alleged violations.