    0 6 2000
    Pollution Control
    Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
    illinois Pollution Control Board
    James R. Thompson Center
    100 West Randolph, Suite 11-500
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Amy L. Jackson, Esq.
    Hearing Officer
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    600 South Second Street
    Suite 402
    Springfield, IL
    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have today filed with the Office of the Clerk of Pollution
    Control Board the
    Comments of Midwest Ceneration EME, LLC, a
    copy ofwhich is herewith
    served upon you.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Midwest Generation EME, LLC
    November 6, 2000
    Mary A. Gade
    Cynthia A. Faur
    Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal
    8000 Sears Tower
    233 S. Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60606

    NOV 062008
    Pollution Control
    Comments of Midwest Generation EME, LLC
    Midwest Generation EMil, LLC (“Midwest Generation”) hereby submits the following
    comments in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s inquiry hearings concerning the potential
    environmental impact of natural gas-fired, peak-load electrical power generating facilities
    (“peaker plants”).
    Midwest Generation is anew company to Illinois with its headquarters in Chicago. It is a
    subsidiary of Edison Mission Energy, which is one of the largest independent power producers in
    the world with an installed capacity of over 27,000 megawatts of electrical generation. On
    December 15, 1999, Midwest Generation purchased the fossil fuel-fired assets of
    Commonwealth Edison (“CornEd”). These assets included coal-fired power plants located in
    Chicago, Waukegan, Romeoville (Will County), Joliet, and Pekin (Powerton), Illinois. Midwest
    Generation also acquired from Comild agas/oil-fired power plant near Morris, Illinois and9
    natural gas peaking sites. Midwest Generation has an installed capacity of approximately 10,000
    megawatts in Illinois
    nearly 1,000 megawatts of which is existing peaking capacity. Midwest
    Generation’s existing peaking capacity is acritical component of the overall supply ofelectricity
    required to meet demand during peak periods.
    While Midwest Generation is an independent power producer, it is currently
    contractually obligated to provide power on demand to CornEd to serve CornEd’s customers.
    Typically, the peaking units in Midwest Generation’s system are the last plants called upon to

    provide power. These plants generally operate only a few hundred hours per year, but they are
    an important defense against power outages andbrownouts. As demand for electricity continues
    to grow, the need for additional generating capacity in the State is apparent.
    To improve its ability to help ensure areliable supply of electricityin Illinois, Midwest
    Generationhas applied to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (the “Agency”) for a
    permit to install an additional 300 MW ofpeaking capacity at its existing Waukegan Generating
    Station. Specifically, Midwest Generation has applied for a permit to construct 2 simple cycle
    gas turbines, each equipped with dry low NOx combus!.ors for NOx emission control. These
    peaking units will be subject to New Source Performance Standards (“NSPS”), which in this
    case will be equivalent to Best Available Control Technology (“BACT”), and NOx emissions
    from these units will be limited to less than40 tons per year.
    As stated above, Midwest Generation intends to install these units at the Waukegan
    Station as a modification ofthat existing source. Since purchasing the Waukegan Station from
    CornEd in December of 1999, Midwest Generationhas commenced a project to significantly
    reduce NOx emissions from that station. Midwest Generation has already installed control
    equipment atthe Waukegan station which has reduced NOx emissions from the coal-fired
    generating units at that station by
    tons during this past ozone season and 2,300 tons
    annually. When (lie NOx emission reduction project is completed, therewill be atotal emission
    reduction of 4,000 tons annually and 2,000 tons during the ozone season. In permitting new
    peaking capacity at the Waukegan station, Midwest Generation is not using any of these
    emission reductions to offset emission increases from thenew peaking units. Instead, Midwest
    Generation has elected to accept more stringent operating requirements on the peaking units
    themselves. As a result, the net effect of all the projects that Midwest Generation is undertaking

    or proposing at Waukegan
    including the installationof 300 MW of new peaking unit capacity
    would be to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by almost 4,000 tons on an annual basis.
    As stated above, Midwest Generationbelieves that additional generating capacity is
    necessary in the State of Illinois to meet the growing demand for electricity. In these
    proceedings, RichardBulley, Executive Director for the Mid-America Interconnected Network
    (“MAIN”) testified that peakingplants have been responsible for keeping the electricity reserve
    margin in the required 1 7-20
    range. $~Transcript of the August 24, 2000 Hearing
    (“August 24 Ilearing Transcript”), p. 317. With the increase in electrical demand, however, the
    existing peaking capacity in Illinois, not including the new peaker plants that have been
    proposed, would have reserve margins for 2001, 2002, and 2003 of 13
    and 10,
    respectively significantly below the 17 percent reserve minimum.
    Additional peaking
    capacity is necessary to meet these reserve minimums and keep pace with increasing demand.
    Midwest Generationis working to meet this increased demand in amanner that
    minimizes environmental impacts, and it believes that under the existingregulatory framework
    in Illinois, Midwest Generation and other entities can install new capacity in a manner that
    recognizes environmental protection goals. With this preface in mind, Midwest Generation
    would like to turn to the questions posed by the Board in this inquiry hearing.’
    Do peaker plants need to be regulated more strictly than Illinois’ current air quality
    statutes and regulations provide?
    Midwest Generation does not believe
    that peaker plants
    warrant more stringent regulation
    than currently provided in existing and proposed Illinois requirements. New peaker plants
    constructed in Illinois are required to submit detailed information, including modeling data, to
    As several other commenters have addressed the regulatory regimes applicable to peaker plants in other states,
    Midwest Generation has not addressed that question in its comments.

    the Agency in order to obtain construction permits for their project. As both Chris Romaine and
    Kathleen Bassi of the Agency testified in these proceedings, based upon the modeling performed
    and the information provided in the applications, peaker plants do not threaten air quality. See
    Transcript ofthe August 23, 2000 hearing (“August 23 Hearing Transcript”), p. 101 (testimony
    of Chris Romaine); Transcript ofthe October 6, 2000 hearing (“October 6 Hearing Transcript”),
    p. 204 (testimony of Kathleen Bassi); ~ ~
    Agency’s Response to Questions, p. 6.
    While there has been much focus in these hearings on the permitted N-Ox-emission- levels
    for many of the new peaking units being constructed in the this State, it is important to note that
    these new peaking units are required to meet the NSPS for Stationary Gas Turbines, 40 CFR §
    60.330 et. ~q This NSPS contains requirements which limit the amount ofNOx and S02 that
    can be emitted from peaking units. In the case of Midwest Generation’s proposed peaking units
    in Waukegan, Midwest Generation is installing BACT-equivalent technology to comply with
    NSPS requirements.
    Additionally, the construction permits issued for the peaking units contain both short and
    long-term emission limitations. Where a peaking unit is located at an existing facility, the
    requirements can be more stringent. In the case ofMidwest Generation’sproposed peaking units
    to be installed at its Waukegan station, Midwest Generation accepted an annual NOx limitation
    of approximately 39 tons on emissions from its two peaking units combined to ensure that the
    addition ofthese units would be treated as a minor modification to the Waukegan station. Since
    Midwest Generation significantly reduced emissions from the Waukegan station in the past year,
    it could have used some of those emission reductions to offset emissions from the new peaking
    thus enabling the peaking unit to operate for more hours in the year. Midwest Generation,
    however, elected not to use any ofthese emission reductions to offset the peaking units.

    Peakerplants generally operate a few 100 hours per year. In fact, in 1999, the peaking units
    currently owned by Midwest Generation ran only 2 of the time or less than 200 hours.
    The peaker plants proposed for construction in Illinois burn natural gas, which is the
    “cleanest” form of fossil fuel. The primaryemissions from these plants will be NOx, but peaker
    plants will only be a smallportion of the NOx emitted in the State. Other NOx sources,
    including boilers and mobile sources, like cars, account for a large percentage ofthe NOx
    emitted in the State. For example, on-road sources accounted for 36 ofall the NOx emitted in
    the State according to the Agency’s 1996 emission inventory.
    With regard to water use, not all peaking units use a great deal of water. In fact, Midwest
    Generation’s existingpeaking units, as well as those proposed to be installed at the Waukegan
    station, use very little water. Midwest Generation does not believe that its peaking units have a
    noticeable effect on the groundwater supply.
    Finally, with regard to noise concerns, peaking units constructed in Illinois are subject to
    stringent noise regulations which require the operators ofpeaking units to address noise issues.
    As Greg Zak ofthe Agency testified, Illinois has been one of the most active states in regulating
    noise, and all of the noise emissions associated with peaker plants will be addressed by the
    existing noise requirements. $~August 23 Hearing Transcript, pp. 135, l98Jl99. Mr. Zak
    further noted in his testirnony that the Agency has not received any noise complaints with regard
    to the existing peaking units in Illinois. August 23 Hearing Transcript, pp. 136-137. Midwest
    Generationbelieves that the State’s noise requirements are sufficient to address any noise
    concerns with peaking units. Given these noise requirements, Midwest Generation does not
    believe that noise from these peaking units will constitute a unique threat.

    3. Should new or expanding peaker plants be subject to siting requirements beyond
    applicable, local zoning requirements?
    Midwest Generation believes that while the Agency can provide technical expertise on
    the air quality impacts ofpeaker plants, local governments are the best suited to make land use
    determinations for theirjurisdictions. As the Agency Director, Tom Skinner testified, local
    governments have the authority to deny siting approval for apeaker plant even ifthe Agency
    grants aconstruction permit for the proposed project. See August 23 Hearing Transcript, p. 63.
    Recent actions taken by localities, like the Village of Libertyville, to deny peaker plant
    applications evidences this local authority.
    Midwest Generationbelieves that in order for zoning requirements to be effective, the
    source must be willing to work with local government and citizens to ensure that theyhave the
    information that they needregarding the project and that the information is presented in an easily
    understood form. Midwest Generation also believes that it is vital to conduct outreach in the
    local community and address concerns raised by local citizens. Midwest Generation is
    committed to working with local government officials and local citizens to address any questions
    or concerns that may arise concerning its proposed projects, and it strives to be flexible when
    addressing these concerns. Midwest Generation believes that where there is an open exchange of
    information and concerns, local zoning requirements can be sufficient to address the siting of
    peaker plants.
    Ifthe Board determines that peaker plants should be more strictly regulated or
    restricted, should additional regulations or restrictions apply to currently permitted
    facilities or only to new facilities or expansions?
    Should the Board propose that more stringent requirements be adopted for peaker plants,
    Midwest Generation does not believe that such requirements should apply retroactively to
    existing peakingunits. Midwest Generation currently operates 9 existing peaking sites
    all of
    which are located in sites that are zoned for that purpose or at existing power plants. These

    peaker plants are a vital portion ofthe Illinois power supply. Generally, these peakers run only
    during peakperiods when their ability to rapidly fire up is crucial to meeting demand and
    maintaining reliability. In 1999, Midwest Generation’s peakers ran about 2 of the time or less
    than 200 hours. As Chris Romaine testified, these existing plants “have had a critical place in
    the power supply system as they have operated to meet the demand for electricity when the
    demand was at its highest.” August 23 Hearing, p. 73. These peak periods can occur at any
    time. Recently, peaker plants were called upon to provide additional power during anuclear
    plant outage. If additional requirements were made applicable to these peakers, it could
    significantly impact the ability of these units to provide needed power during peak periods.
    Therefore, Midwest Generation believes that additional or retroactive regulation ofexisting
    peaker plants is not warranted at this time.

    In conclusion, Midwest Generation believes strongly that peaker plants perform a vital
    function in meeting the electricityneeds of the citizens andbusinesses in Illinois. Without
    additional peaking capacity in the State, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain
    reliable electric service. Peaker plants are the final source of supply and defense against power
    outages and brownouts. While peak power is necessary in Illinois, Midwest Generation believes
    that peaker plants can be constructed in a manner consistent with both the State’s generation
    needs and environmental protection goals. Midwest Generation further believes that these needs
    and goals can be met through the existing regulatory framework and that owners and operators of
    peaker plants can work one on one with local governments and citizens to address concerns and
    the needs of individual communities. Midwest Generation thanks the Board for the opportunity
    to present these comments.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Dated: November 6, 2000
    Mary A. Gade
    Cynthia A. Faur
    Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal
    8000 Sears Tower
    233 S. Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60606
    II 164344v2

    The undersigned, an attorney, certify that I have served upon the individuals named
    true and correct copies of
    Comments of Midwest Generation EME, LLC by
    as indicated or First Class Mail, postage prepaid on November 6, 2000.

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