3. I. Introduction
      4. quality statutes and regulations provide?
      5. State-regulated facilities, with respect to air pollution, noise pollution, or
      6. groundwater or surface water pollution?
      7. IV. Should new or expanding peaker plants be subjected to siting requirements
      8. beyond applicable local zoning requirements?
      9. facilities or only to new facilities and expansions?
      10. VI. How do other states regulate or restrict peaker plants?

I. Introduction
The Midwest Independent Power Suppliers Coordination Group (“MWIPS”) is an
organization of leading competitive power suppliers with a common interest in promoting
full and fair competition in the electric industry in the Midwest. MWIPS members stand
ready to meet the need for new generating capacity in Illinois and elsewhere in the
Midwest in a manner that offers reliability, reduced risk and the lowest cost to
consumers. For that reason, MWIPS members have a strong interest in the outcome of
the Pollution Control Board’s investigation
The fact that a number of peaker plants are installed and proposed in Illinois is a
success story. Badly needed electric generation capacity is being added in a timely
manner to meet the growing demands of electricity customers in Illinois and the region.
Shrinking reserve margins and the spike in the price of wholesale power during the
summer of 1998 provided an indication that additional generating capacity is needed in
the state and in the region. Competitive power suppliers have responded to this
A list of MWIPS member companies is attached hereto as Attachment A. It should be noted that the
comments presented by MWIPS do not necessarily represent the views of each member company.

indication of need by committing to major investments in the Illinois electric market.
Many of these facilities are or will be located in areas designated by the local electric
utilities as the areas where new generation would most effectively serve existing and
forecasted new load and, at the same time, minimize the need for major transmission line
In a report that examined the price spikes in the Midwest electricity market in the
summer of 1998, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) noted that
“growth in the ECAR and MAIN regions (which include Illinois) is placing a significant
strain on existing generation and transmission resources. From 1996 to 1998, the
combined projected summer peak for ECAR and MAIN grew from 127,788 MW to
135,321 MW. This 5.9 percent increase is higher than the growth rate of 4.6 percent in
the remainder of the United States. This indicates that peak load has grown 28 percent
faster in these two regions than in the rest of the country.” (Staff Report to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission on the Causes of the Pricing Abnormalities in the
Midwest during June 1998, p. 2-1.) A review of NERC’s 2000 Summer Assessment,
Reliability of the Bulk Electricity Supply in North America, shows that the forecasted
demand for this area in the summer of 2000 continues to grow at an increasing rate.
ECAR/MAIN demand is forecast at 148,622 MWs or a 9.8% increase from 1998. As the
older generating plants that serve Illinois age and, eventually are repowered or retired, the
need for new capacity will increase further.

In Illinois, competitive suppliers are stepping forward to meet the growing need
for new generation. In a recent report to the Illinois Legislature, the Illinois Commerce
Commission noted that 1,146 MW of new unregulated generating capacity were built in
Illinois during 1999. The report also stated that another 2,547 MW of generating
capacity is expected to begin operation in 2000. (Assessment of Competition in the
Illinois Electric Industry Three Months Following the Initiation of Restructuring, Illinois
Commerce Commission Report to the Illinois General Assembly, January, 2000.)
The concept of a “peaker” plant that generates electricity solely or primarily to
meet peak demand is not new. Electric utilities have traditionally owned and operated
peaker plants. The distinctive characteristic of the peaking plants currently proposed in
Illinois is that these new generating facilities are “merchant plants.” Merchant generating
plants are not part of a utility’s rate base, even where the plant’s owner is the unregulated
affiliate of an electric utility. Most of the new generation proposed in the United States
today is merchant generation and merchant generation provides a growing portion of the
electricity consumed in the United States. The financial risks associated with the
development of merchant plants are born by the plant developer rather than by the
electric ratepayer. Because merchant plants are not part of a utility’s rate base, they are
often referred to as “unregulated” generating plants. It is important to note that these
plants are unregulated as to the rates they charge, but must comply with multiple
regulations, at the development stage and once they begin to operate.

The proposed plants, if constructed, will enhance reliability of electric service to
Illinois consumers by increasing the generating capacity that is available for resale to
them and by providing voltage support and other benefits to the local utility that serves
those consumers. This new capacity also will increase competition in the wholesale
market so as to reduce the probability of price spikes due to capacity shortages. This
result is exactly what the Illinois legislature envisioned when it enacted the Electric
Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Act of 1997 which was intended to ensure that
all customers continue to receive safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally safe
electric service as a competitive electric market develops (220 ILCS 5/16-101A).
Against this background, MWIPS offers the following answers to the specific questions
contained in the Pollution Control Board’s notice initiating this proceeding.
Do peaker plants need to be regulated more strictly than Illinois’ current air
quality statutes and regulations provide?
The current statutes and regulations adequately protect air quality in Illinois. Illinois
air quality regulations that are applicable to peaker plants are consistent with federal
standards and requirements for protection of air quality and take into account the effect of
pollutants on human health. The air quality analysis required to demonstrate that a
facility will not cause a violation of the federal air quality standards is commensurate
with the magnitude of the facility emissions and whether the facility is defined as a major
or minor source of emissions. A peaker plant operates during a small percentage of the
total hours in a year, i.e. typically less than 1,500 hours out of

the yearly total of 8,760 hours
. The fact that a peaking plant operates for so few hours,
together with the reduced emissions associated with new high efficiency gas- fired
technology, typically make the new peaking facility a minor source. The minimal impact
of these facilities is best illustrated by considering the permitted emission levels of
peaker facilities to be located in the greater Chicago (Cook, Lake, Kane, McHenry , Will
and DuPage Counties) area that recently were issued draft or final permits from the
Illinois Environmental Protection. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s
webpage shows that ten projected facilities comprising a total of 3,997 MW of capacity
are permitted to emit 2,241 tons of NOX per year. The same NOX emission level
appears in a permit to operate an older natural gas fired peaker in DuPage County with a
generating capacity of only 250 MW. This comparison demonstrates that new facilities
are being required to meet higher standards with respect to air emissions and that the new
facilities will have a much reduced impact on air quality when compared to older plants.
Concerns have been expressed that peaker facilities might ultimately be operated
for a significantly greater percentage of the year than proposed in the initial permitting
process. However, in order to operate a peaker plant economically for a significantly
greater number of hours, the facility would have to be converted from simple cycle to
combined cycle technology. Both cost and operational considerations mandate this
result. First, the per-unit cost to generate electricity from a simple cycle plant is greater
than the per-unit cost to generate electricity using combined cycle technology. In
A peaker plant may operate during far less than 1,500 hours in a given year.

addition, a peaker plant can be brought up to full operation very quickly in response to
consumer demand during periods of peak electric usage. This flexibility of operation
makes a simple cycle plant more suitable than a combined cycle plant to provide peaking
power, while the higher operating cost of a simple cycle plant makes it uneconomic to
operate other than at peak times. Conversion from simple cycle to combined cycle
technology requires significant modification of the facility and, would require the
issuance of additional permits through processes that allow for public participation, just
as public participation is part of the initial permitting process for peakers. Although the
conversion would increase annual emissions from the plant, the combined cycle facility
would have a lower per-unit emission rating, as noted above, and a lower per-unit
operating cost.
III. Do peaker plants pose a unique threat, or a greater threat than other types of
State-regulated facilities, with respect to air pollution, noise pollution, or
groundwater or surface water pollution?
No, peaker plants do not pose a unique threat or a greater threat than other types
of state-regulated facilities. Peaker plants are subject to the same review as other types of
state-regulated facilities. Air emissions are tightly regulated under the New Source
Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD)
provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act. These provisions are designed to insure that air
quality standards are achieved and maintained with an adequate margin of safety.

The noise issues surrounding the construction and operation of power generation
facilities are not unique to peaker plants and similar issues will arise with respect to any
proposed industrial facility. In fact, Illinois has stricter and more comprehensive noise
regulations than do most other states or local jurisdictions. The Illinois regulations limit
the noise impacts of each octave band separately during the day and at night, and also are
specific as to the sensitivity of the noise receptor (i.e., residential, commercial, or
industrial). It is incumbent on the owner of a facility to demonstrate compliance with the
Illinois noise regulations. Many other states have no specific noise requirements except
for any requirements that may be imposed at the local level. In those states, a noise
complaint would have to be proven to be a ‘nuisance’ in a court of law instead of a
violation of an stated standard.
While water usage will vary depending upon the specifics of the plant involved,
the simple cycle technology currently used for peaker facilities typically places a small
demand on water resources. For example, the owner of one peaker plant located in Kane
County advises that the plant consumes no more than 2.5 million gallons of water in a
year. In comparison, the average golf course in the Great Lakes region consumer almost
31,000,000 gallons of water in a year. (Weathermetrics, Inc. 1999 website) MWIPS
recommends that the Pollution Control Board defer its consideration of the impact of
peaker plants on water resources so as to consider the report the impact of peaker plants
on water supply which will be issued by Governor Ryan’s Water Resources Advisory

IV. Should new or expanding peaker plants be subjected to siting requirements
beyond applicable local zoning requirements?
No, the existing combination of state environmental regulation and local land use
permitting processes is adequate to protect the public interest. Siting requirements
should, and in Illinois do, allow for consideration of the impacts of plant siting and for
public input. Further, recent experience in Illinois demonstrates that neighbors who
believe they will be adversely affected by the proposed location of a peaker plant do not
hesitate to express their views when local hearings are held. Illinois should be very
cautious about imposing even stricter siting requirements in order to avoid a situation
where needed new generation cannot be built in a timely fashion. In such event, Illinois
would risk a power shortage which will be accompanied by increases in the cost of
electricity and possible reliability problems. This is just the situation that has occurred in
California. In response, California is now seeking ways to streamline and expedite the
plant siting process in order to obtain needed electric supply.
V. If the Board determines that peaker plants should be more strictly regulated or
restricted, should additional regulations or restrictions apply to currently permitted
facilities or only to new facilities and expansions?
New regulations should apply only to new plants, or to expansions of existing
plants. Projects that already have received local and state authorizations should not be
required to retroactively comply with new, potentially burdensome requirements except

to the extent an expansion or modification would modify the plant’s impact on the
environment. In that event, standards applicable at the time the new permit is obtained
would be applicable.
VI. How do other states regulate or restrict peaker plants?
Most states have a regulatory regime comparable to that of Illinois with respect to
environmental standards applicable to peaker plants. All states use federal environmental
standards as the minimum requirement. A number of states (i.e., IN, TX, MS, AL, KY,
TN, NC, SC, GA, NM, CO, MI, OK, AR, LA) have approval processes for peak power
plants that are essentially the same as the Illinois process. Such a process requires
developers of peaker plants to obtain necessary environmental approvals from the
appropriate agency as well as any necessary zoning approval and does not include
participation by the state public utility commission.
A smaller number of states (i.e., OH, CA, NY, NJ, WI, and AZ) have adopted a
process for siting and permitting new peaker facilities that is administered by the state
public utility commission or by a siting authority. This latter type of process generally is
the process that is used to approve ratebased generation proposed by utilities. In the case
of utility-owned generation, the process considers the extent to which the proposed plant
meets the utility’s need for new capacity, to ensure that ratepayers do not pay for
unnecessary capacity. In the case of a merchant plant, the merchant plant owner rather
than the rate payer will bear the financial risk if new capacity is not needed. Therefore a
siting analysis that considers the traditional concept of utility need is inapplicable.

California is currently experiencing the consequences of a highly bureaucratic
and time consuming process for siting power plants. Any power plant of 50 MWs or
greater must obtain approval from the California Energy Commission. Many proposals
have taken well over a year to make their way through this process. The result has been
that California has not added generation resources at anywhere near its growth in
electrical demand.
Currently over $10 billion in new electric generation remains in the queue in
California. According to statistics in a report presented last week to Governor Davis by
the President of the California Public Utility Commission and the Chairman of the
Oversight Board, between 1996 and 1999, 672 MW of new generation were added to the
California system. During that same time, peak period demand jumped more than 5,500
MW. Recognizing this fact, California Governor Gray Davis issued an Executive Order
(D-14-00) earlier this month, directing all state agencies involved in the licensing of
proposed electric power plants in California to review and respond to applications within
100 days of the submittal of a complete application.
In conclusion, a merchant power producer typically does not wish to build and
operate a plant in an area where the plant will not be accepted by the local community.
Communities which welcome peaker plants recognize the benefits and positive impacts
that such development will have on their community. This includes new jobs, increased
tax base and possible attraction of additional economic development to the area. Such a
community also understands that a peaker has relatively few negative impacts on the

community. A peaker is not a big user of community infrastructure, such as schools,
roads, housing, police and fire services and is not a significant intrusion on community
lifestyle. Peaking power facilities provide a necessary service to the community and
benefit the public welfare by contributing to the maintenance of a dependable local and
regional electric power system which, in turn, enhances the community’s quality of life.
MWIPS appreciates the opportunity to present these comments and would be pleased
to respond to any additional questions posed by the Pollution Control Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Midwest Independent Power Suppliers
Coordination Group
Freddi L. Greenberg
Executive Director and General Counsel
1603 Orrington Avenue, Suite 1050
Evanston, Illinois 60201
(847) 864-4010
Fax: (847) 864-4037
August 16, 2000

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