3. SOURCES
        1. PART 225
          1. ACI activated carbon injection
          2. CAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule
          3. CASA Clean Air Set-Aside
          4. CPS Combined Pollutant Standard
          5. ESP electrostatic precipitator
          6. HI heat input
          7. NUSA New Unit Set-Aside
          8. SNCR selective noncatalytic reduction
          9. TCGO total converted useful thermal energy

April 16, 2009
(Rulemaking - Air)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
Today the Board adopts for second notice a proposal amending Part 225 of its air
pollution regulations. On October 3, 2008, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(Agency or IEPA or Illinois EPA) initiated this proceeding by filing a proposal under the general
rulemaking provisions of Sections 27 and 28 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415
ILCS 5/27 (2006)). Generally, the Agency proposed to recreate certain monitoring provisions of
the federal Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR), which the United States Court of Appeals recently
vacated, by adding those provisions to Illinois’ mercury rule. On October 28, 2008, the Agency
filed a motion for expedited review of its proposal.
In an order dated November 5, 2008, the Board, among other actions, granted the
Agency’s motion for expedited review and sent the Agency’s proposal to first notice publication
in the
Illinois Register
without commenting on the substantive merits of the proposal.
32 Ill.
Reg. 18507-18826 (Dec. 5, 2008). The Board has now held two hearings on the Agency’s
proposal: the first on December 17, 2008, in Springfield; and the second on February 10, 2009,
in Chicago. In its order below, the Board directs the Clerk to file the proposal with the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules for second-notice review.
In this opinion and order, the Board first provides the procedural history of this
rulemaking. The Board then addresses a number of preliminary issues, including motions to
correct the transcript of the Board’s second hearing and motions to file
. After
providing a brief background on Illinois’ regulation of mercury emissions, the Board summarizes
participants’ post-hearing comments. The Board then makes its findings on the economic
reasonableness and technical feasibility of the second-notice proposal before proceeding to a
section-by-section summary. Finally, the Board directs the Clerk to file the proposed
amendments to Part 225 with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for second-notice
On October 3, 2008, the Agency filed a rulemaking proposal (Prop.) under the general
rulemaking provisions of Sections 27 and 28 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/27, 28 (2006)). A
Statement of Reasons (Statement) and Technical Support Document (TSD) accompanied the

proposal. A motion for waiver of various filing requirements also accompanied the proposal.
On October 28, 2008, the Agency also filed a motion for expedited review in this matter.
In an order dated November 5, 2008, the Board accepted the Agency’s proposal for
hearing and granted the Agency’s motions for waiver of filing requirements and expedited
review. In the same order, the Board sent the proposal to first-notice publication in the
without commenting on its substantive merits.
32 Ill. Reg. 18507-18826 (Dec. 5,
2008). In a letter dated November 7, 2008, the Board requested that the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) conduct an economic impact study of the
Agency’s rulemaking proposal.
415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2006). DCEO has not responded to this
In an order dated November 7, 2008, the hearing officer scheduled a first hearing on
December 17, 2008, in Springfield and a second hearing on January 13, 2009, in Chicago.
On December 2, 2008, the Board received pre-filed testimony on behalf of the Agency by
Mr. Jim Ross, Mr. David E. Bloomberg, Mr. Rory A. Davis, and Mr. Kevin J. Mattison. Also on
December 2, 2008, the Agency filed its First
Sheet (
1). On December 10, 2008,
the Board received amended testimony on behalf of the Agency from Mr. Ross and Mr.
The first hearing in this proceeding took place as scheduled on December 17, 2008, in
Springfield. At the first hearing, the hearing officer admitted into the record seven exhibits: the
pre-filed testimony of Mr. Mattison (Exh. 1); the original pre-filed testimony of Mr. Bloomberg
(Exh. 2); the pre-filed testimony of Mr. Davis (Exh. 3); the original pre-filed testimony of Mr.
Ross (Exh. 4); the first
sheet (Exh. 5 or
1); the amended pre-filed testimony by Mr.
Bloomberg (Exh. 6); and the amended pre-filed testimony of Mr. Ross. (Exh. 7). The Board
received the transcript of the first hearing (Tr.1) on December 29, 2008.
In an order dated December 23, 2008, the hearing officer cancelled the second hearing
originally scheduled on January 13, 2009, and rescheduled that hearing to February 10, 2009.
Tr.1 at 203.
On January 14, 2009, the Agency filed post-hearing comments (PC 1) addressing
questions raised and requests for information at the first hearing. Also on January 14, 2009, the
Agency filed its Second
Sheet (
2) and a motion for waiver of filing requirements.
On January 30, 2009, the Board received pre-filed testimony on behalf of Midwest
Generation from Mr. Scott Millerand a request from Midwest Generation to replace specified
language within proposed regulatory language submitted by Mr. Miller. On February 2, 2009,
the Board received pre-filed testimony on behalf of Dynegy Midwest Generation, Inc. (Dynegy)
from Mr. Aric D. Diericx, pre-filed testimony on behalf of Kincaid Generation LLC (Kincaid)
from Mr. David Nuckols, and pre-filed testimony on behalf of Ameren Energy Generating
Company, AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company, and Electric Energy, Inc.
(collectively, Ameren) from Mr. Michael L. Menne. On February 5, 2009, Ameren filed a
motion to file
the testimony of Mr. Gary M. Rygh.

In an order dated February 5, 2009, the Board granted the Agency’s January 14, 2009,
motion for waiver of filing requirements.
On February 6, 2009, the Agency filed its Third
Sheet (
The second hearing in this proceeding took place as re-scheduled on February 10, 2009,
in Chicago. At the re-scheduled second hearing, the hearing officer admitted into the record nine
exhibits: the Agency’s proposed amendments to Section 225.260(b), Appendix B, Section 1.8,
and Section 225.290(b)(3)(C) (Exh. 8); the Agency’s proposed amendment to Appendix B,
Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(iv) (Exh. 9); the pre-filed testimony of Mr. Nuckols (Exh. 10); “Stay of the
Effectiveness of Requirements for Air Emission Testing Bodies,” 73 Fed. Reg. 65554-56 (Nov.
4, 2008) (Exh. 11); the pre-filed testimony of Mr. Miller (Exh. 12); the request to replace
specified language within proposed regulatory language submitted by Mr. Miller (Exh. 13); the
pre-filed testimony of Mr. Diericx (Exh. 14); the pre-filed testimony of Mr. Menne (Exh. 15);
and the motion to file
the pre-filed testimony of Mr. Rygh, accompanied by his pre-
filed testimony (Exh. 16). The Board received the transcript of the re-scheduled second hearing
(Tr.2) on February 19, 2008.
During the re-scheduled second hearing, four persons offered public comment: Ms.
Heather Hampton-Knodle of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (Tr.2
at 95-99), Mr. Terry L. Denison of the Jacksonville Regional Economic Development
Corporation (Tr.2 at 100-04), Mr. Alvis L. Martin of the Illinois AFL-CIO (Tr.2 at 104-06), and
Mr. Robert M. Lewis of Development Strategies (Tr.2 at 106-09).
On February 19, 2009, and as requested at the re-scheduled second hearing, the Agency
filed its proposal as revised by each of its
sheets and by the two hearing exhibits
proposing amendments (Rev. Prop.).
Exhs. 8, 9; Tr.2 at 111. Also on February 19, 2009,
the Agency filed its fourth
sheet (
4), which is reflected in its revised proposal filed
on the same date.
On March 5, 2009, the Board received from the Agency, Midwest Generation, Dynegy,
and Ameren a joint motion to correct the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing. On March
6, 2009, the Board received from Kincaid a motion to correct the transcript of the February 10,
2009, hearing.
On March 5, 2009, the Board received the post-hearing comments of Midwest Generation
(MG Comment) and Dynegy (Dynegy Comment). On March 6, 2009, the Board received post-
hearing comments from the Agency (Agency Comment), Kincaid (Kincaid Comment), and
Ameren (Ameren Comment).
On March 11, 2009, the Board received a motion to file
Midwest Generation’s
response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments (MG Mot.), accompanied by Midwest
Generation’s response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments (MG Resp.). On March 13, 2009,
the Board received a motion to file
Dynegy’s response to the Agency’s post-hearing

comments (Dynegy Mot.), accompanied by Dynegy’s response to the Agency’s post-hearing
comments (Dynegy Resp.).
Motions to Correct Transcript
Joint Motion
As noted above under “Procedural History,” the Board on March 5, 2009, received from
the Agency, Midwest Generation, Dynegy, and Ameren (jointly, movants) a joint motion to
correct the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing (Joint Mot.). In their motion, the
movants identified errors in that transcript.
Joint Mot. at 1-9,
35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.604
(Formal Board Transcript). The movants requested that the Board order correction and
republication of the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing “because of the significant
number of errors in this transcript and because of the significance of some of those errors.”
. at
The Board notes the movant’s request to “search entire document for ‘board’ and change
to ‘Board.’” Joint Mot. at 1. Having reviewed the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing,
the Board locates such a change at page five of the transcript on lines 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23,
and 24; on page 16 of the transcript at line 24; and on page 95 of the transcript at line 11.
Tr.2 at 5, 16, 95. The Board also notes the movants’ request that, “[w]here ‘member’ follows
‘Board,’ ‘member’ should be capitalized in the entire document.” Joint Mot. at 1. The Board
locates such a change at page two of the transcript on lines 2, 3, and 4 and on page five of the
transcript on lines 18, 19, 21, and 23.
Tr.2 at 2, 5.
Kincaid’s Motion
As noted above under “Procedural History,” the Board on March 6, 2009, received from
Kincaid a motion to correct the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing (Kincaid Mot.). In
its single proposed correction, Kincaid seeks on page 42 at line 19 to “[c]hange ‘can’t’ to ‘can.’”
Kincaid Mot. at 1. Kincaid requests that, “because of the significance of this error,” the Board
order correction and republication of the transcript.
. The Board notes that movants’ requested
corrections included this proposed change.
Joint Mot. at 5.
Discussion of Motions to Correct
Section 101.500(d) of the Board’s procedural rules provides in pertinent part that,
“[w]ithin 14 days after service of a motion, a party may file a response to the motion. If no
response is filed, the party will be deemed to have waived objection to the granting of the
motion, but the waiver of objection does not bind the Board or the hearing officer in its
disposition of the motion.” 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.500(d). The Board has received no response
to either movants’ or Kincaid’s motion to correct.

Based on its review of the movants’ and Kincaid’s motions to correct, and in the absence
of any response to either of those motions, the Board grants both motions to correct. The Board
directs the Clerk to obtain corrections of the transcript of the February 10, 2009, hearing as set
forth in the motions and to obtain republication of the transcript. The Board notes that, on March
23, 2009, the Board received and included in the record of this proceeding a corrected transcript
of the second hearing.
Motions to File
Midwest Generation’s Motion
On March 11, 2009, the Board received from Midwest Generation a motion to file
its response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments. Midwest Generation notes that,
in its own post-hearing comments filed on March 5, 2009, it proposed that the Board amend
Section 225.294(j)(2) to correspond to the Agency’s proposed language for Section
225.294(g)(4). MG Mot. at 1, citing MG Comments at 4. Midwest Generation also noted that
the Agency filed post-hearing comments on March 6, 2009. MG Mot. at 1;
Comments. Midwest Generation states that, “[i]n its Post-Hearing Comments, the Agency
responded to Midwest Generation’s suggested amendment to Section 225.294(j)(2) by
suggesting different language and by adding amendments to Section 225.294(j)(1) as well.” MG
Mot. at 2, citing Agency Comments at 16. Midwest Generation concludes that “[a]ccepting and
considering Midwest Generation’s Response to the Agency’s Post-Hearing Comments will not
delay the Board’s decision in this matter and will provide the Board with a statement of Midwest
Generation’s support of the Agency’s proposed changes to Section 225.294(j)(1) and (2).” MG
Mot. at 2.
Dynegy’s Motion
On March 13, 2009, the Board received from Dynegy a motion to file
response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments. Dynegy notes that, in its own post-hearing
comments filed on March 5, 2009, it proposed that the Board amend Section 225.265(a)(1)(C)
“to allow for compositing coal samples to correspond to the period that sorbent traps, or excepted
monitoring systems, remain in the stack.” Dynegy Mot. at 1, citing Dynegy Comments at 2-3.
Dynegy notes that it also proposed that the Board amend Section 225.233(c)(5)(B) to correspond
to the Agency’s proposed language for Section 225.233(c)(2)(D). Dynegy Mot. at 1, citing
Agency Comments at 3-4. Dynegy also notes that it proposed amending Section 225.290(b)(4)
“to allow additional time for companies using excepted monitoring systems to submit their
quarterly reports.” Dynegy Mot. at 2, citing Dynegy Comments at 4.
Dynegy states that the Agency filed post-hearing comments on March 6, 2009. Dynegy
Mot. at 2;
Agency Comments. Dynegy further states that the Agency’s post-hearing
comments responded to Dynegy “either by pointing out that sufficient flexibility already exists
or by proposing slightly different language.” Dynegy Mot. at 2;
Agency Comments at 14-17.
Dynegy concludes that granting the motion to file
will not delay the Board’s decision in
this matter and will provide the Board with a response supporting the Agency’s proposed
changes. Dynegy Mot. at 2.

Discussion of Motions to File
Section 101.500(d) of the Board’s procedural rules provides in pertinent part that,
“[w]ithin 14 days after service of a motion, a party may file a response to the motion. If no
response is filed, the party will be deemed to have waived objection to the granting of the
motion, but the waiver of objection does not bind the Board or the hearing officer in its
disposition of the motion.” 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.500(d). The Board has received no response
to either Midwest Generation’s or Dynegy’s motion to file
Based on its review of the motions, and in the absence of any response to either of them,
the Board grants both Midwest Generation’s and Dynegy’s motion to file
. The Board
accepts Midwest Generation’s response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments (MG Resp.) and
also accepts Dynegy’s response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments (Dynegy Resp.). The
statements and arguments made in those responses are included below in the summaries of post-
hearing comments and in the Board’s second-notice proposal.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) promulgated CAMR on
May 18, 2005. Statement at 6, citing 70 Fed. Reg. 28606. The Agency states that it determined,
“and still believes,” that CAMR would not result in sufficient reductions of mercury in a timely
manner, and that CAMR would impede its efforts to encourage clean-coal technology that will
allow Illinois’ abundant coal reserves to be used in an environmentally responsible manner.”
Statement at 6-7. Noting that CAMR did not preclude states from adopting more stringent
mercury controls, the Agency concluded that “the optimum method to comply with the federal
requirements under CAMR, and protect the health of Illinois citizens, was to adopt mercury
emission standards for coal-fired power plants in Illinois.”
. at 7, 10, citing 70 Fed. Reg.
The Agency filed its mercury rulemaking proposal with the Board on March 14, 2006. In
the Matter of: Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225 Control of Emissions From Large
Combustion Sources (Mercury)
The Agency states that, “[o]n February 8, 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia vacated CAMR.” Statement at 11, citing
, R06-25. The Board adopted Part 225 on December 21, 2006.
31 Ill. Reg. 129 (Jan. 5, 2007);
35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 225, Exh. 7 at 2-3, Agency
Comment at 1.
CAMR required each state to comply with the provisions of Part 75 of the Code of
Federal Regulations “with regard to monitoring emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.”
Statement at 10, citing 70 Fed. Reg. 28649;
40 C.F.R. 75. Illinois required affected sources
to comply with the provisions of Section 225.240 through 225.290, “which specifically required
compliance with 40 C.F.R. Part 75.” Statement at 10-11.
New Jersey v. Envtl. Prot.
Agency, 517 F.3d 574, 578-81 (D.C. Cir. 2008);
PC 1 at 5-6. The Agency argues that,
“[a]lthough the court’s decision vacated the portions of 40 C.F.R 75 enacted as part of CAMR,

including those provisions that authorize the continuous emissions monitoring of mercury, the
had nothing to do with the technical or economic reasonableness of CAMR’s
monitoring provisions.” Statement at 11. The Agency claims that the court objected to
USEPA’s approach to regulating mercury but nonetheless, “whether intending to or not, removed
the entire monitoring scheme relied on by USEPA to monitor mercury emissions.”
. The
Agency concludes that, although USEPA is likely to have to recreate federal monitoring
provisions, “it is necessary for Illinois’ rules to reference its own monitoring provisions.”
. at
Exh. 7 at 3, Agency Comment at 2.
Accordingly, the Agency proposes to “replace the relied-upon federal monitoring
references with appropriate monitoring provisions for the Illinois mercury rule in the absence of
the vacated CAMR program by incorporating the sections of Part 75 that were previously relied
upon.” TSD at 6. Specifically, the Agency proposed amendments including “the appropriate
provisions of Part 75 monitoring requirements, with noted changes. “Such changes include the
removal of provisions that were appropriate only with the existence of a national mercury trading
program and a state-by-state emissions cap (
, bias adjustment factor, missing data
substitution).” Agency Comment at 3.
In consecutive subsections below, the Board summarizes the post-hearing comments filed
by the following participants: Midwest Generation, Dynegy, Kincaid, Ameren, and the Agency.
The Board then summarizes the responses to the Agency’s post-hearing comments filed by
Midwest Generation and Dynegy.
Midwest Generation
Midwest Generation states that it “generally supports” the Agency’s proposal as it has
been amended in the course of these proceedings and as it is reflected in the February 19, 2009,
filing compiling the Agency’s proposed amendments. MG Comment at 1;
see generally
Prop. Nonetheless, Midwest Generation proposes one further amendment to Section
225.294(j)(2), as described in the following subsection, and raises other issues that “deserve
particular attention,” which the Board addresses in subsequent subsections. MG Comment at 2.
Regarding the Agency’s proposed Section 225.294(g)(4), Midwest Generation
encourages the Board to adopt the Agency’s proposal to delete the requirement for temperature
correction. MG Comment at 3;
see Errata
3 at 11. Midwest Generation first supports its request
by arguing that this deletion “would allow for a reasonable implementation of the sorbent
injection requirements of the Combined Pollutant Standard (CPS) as our understanding of the
most effective design of sorbent injection systems evolves.”
. Specifically, Midwest
Generation claims that “[t]his revision allows sources to increase the amount of time and space
in which flue gas is exposed to sorbent without unnecessarily imposing an increase in the amount
of sorbent that must be injected.”
Midwest Generation also claims that its proposed revision
“more faithfully reflects the Agency’s understanding of the effect that injecting sorbent at a rate
Deletion of Temperature Correction and Proposed Amendment of Section 225.294(j)(2)

of 5 lb/macf [pounds per million actual cubic feet] has on removing mercury from the flue gas
Midwest Generation argues that, if the Board adopts the proposal to remove from Section
225.294(g)(4) the temperature correction factor for units other than those equipped with sorbent
injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator (ESP), the Board should also remove from
Section 225.294(j)(2) the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting of “flue gas temperature at
the point of sorbent injection” for all units except those injecting sorbent prior to a hot-side ESP.
MG Comment at 4. Midwest Generation claims that “[t]his particular point was not identified
during the discussions that addressed Section 225.294(g)(4), but the correction corresponds to
that revision.”
. Midwest Generation proposes specific language amending Section
225.294(j)(2) and “encourages the Board to adopt both of these revisions to the proposal.”
Stack Testing and Monitor Availability
Midwest Generation notes that the Agency proposes to add Section 225.239 “to provide
for stack testing as the means for demonstrating compliance with the mercury rule through June
30, 2012.” MG Comment at 2. Midwest Generation emphasizes Mr. Miller’s testimony, which
describes difficulties with CEMS and states that the company, despite approximately two years
of experience with the systems, had at that time monitor availability of zero percent.
., citing
Tr.2 at 75, Exh. 12 at 12-18. Midwest Generation states that, because of the amount of time that
CEMS is not available, it favors the Agency’s proposal to add Section 225.239. MG Comment
at 3.
Coal Sampling
First, Midwest Generation notes that the Agency has proposed in Section 225.140(h)(7)
to incorporate by reference ASTM D6722-01, “Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal
and Coal Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis (2001),” as a method for
determining the amount of mercury in coal. MG Comment at 5. Midwest Generation states that
it “supports this addition and urges the Board to adopt this amendment to the mercury rule.”
Second, Midwest Generation claims that the Agency’s proposal did not clearly allow
weighted averaging in monthly determinations of the amount of mercury in coal burned. MG
Comment at 5. Midwest Generation argues that the Agency’s testimony clarifies “that
companies may use weighted averaging. . . .”
., citing Tr.2 at 21 (Bloomberg testimony). In
support of this clarification, Midwest Generation expresses the belief “that weighted averaging
will provide a more accurate report of the amount of mercury in the coal burned.” MG Comment
at 5.
Third, “Midwest Generation supports the Agency’s proposal to reduce the frequency of
coal sampling to monthly from daily for CPS units where the units have not opted in to the 90%
reduction requirement.” MG Comment at 5;
Rev. Prop. at 176 (proposed Section
Approved Sorbents

Midwest Generation notes that the Agency proposes to add to the regulation’s list of
approved sorbents two sorbents manufactured by Calgon. MG Comment at 5. Midwest
Generation states that it “appreciates the Agency’s willingness to codify its approval of these two
sorbents, Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus and Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC MC Plus, and
urges the Board to adopt that amendment.”
Matching Inlet Mercury Emissions to Quality-Assured Monitor Operating (QAMO) Outlet
Midwest Generation notes that the Agency “proposed to allow the option of utilizing the
inlet mercury emissions based on coal sampling that matches in time the QAMO hours of the
outlet mercury emissions when calculating the percent mercury reduction.” MG Comment at 6;
Rev. Prop. at 3 (proposed Section 225.290(b)(3)(F)). Midwest Generation states that it
“agrees that this is a more accurate method for calculating mercury emission reductions and
urges the Board to adopt this amendment.” MG Comment at 6.
Retroactive Noncompliance Under Section 225.239(g)(2)
Midwest Generation states that the Agency’s revised proposal responds to its questions
regarding retroactive noncompliance under the stack testing alternative. MG Comment at 6;
Rev. Prop. at 58 (proposed Section 225.239(g)(2)). Midwest Generation states that the Agency
limits “the period of time during which a company relying on stack testing as its means of
demonstrating compliance could be found noncompliant as a result of a failed stack test.” MG
Comment at 6. Midwest Generation further states that the Agency would limit noncompliance
“retrospectively to the more recent of the first day of the quarter in which the failed stack test
occurred, the last day of certified CEMS data demonstrating compliance, or the date on which a
significant change occurred that would require retesting and continuing until compliance is
. Midwest Generation characterizes this as an “acceptable” approach and
encourages the Board’s adoption of the proposed Section 225.239(g)(2).
However, Midwest
Generation argues that this approach does not necessarily apply with regard to other pollutants
for which stack testing may be the method for demonstrating compliance.
“Optimum Manner”
Midwest Generation states that it has had questions regarding the requirement that units
subject to the CPS must inject sorbent in an “optimum manner.” MG Comment at 7;
Prop. at 85 (proposed Section 225.294(g). Midwest Generation states that the Agency has
clarified this issue and that it “seeks no further clarification or other action from the Board
regarding “optimum manner.” MG Comment at 7, citing Tr.2 at 12-16 (statement by Jim Ross).
Dynegy states that it “generally supports” the Agency’s proposal as it has been amended
in the course of these proceedings and as it is reflected in the February 19, 2009, filing compiling
the Agency’s proposed amendments. Dynegy Comment at 1, 6;
see generally
Rev. Prop.

Nonetheless, Dynegy proposes three further amendments and also raises other issues that it
“wishes particularly to address.” Dynegy Comment at 1, 6. The Board summarizes these
proposed amendments and other issues in subsequent subsections.
Coal Analysis
On the issue of coal sampling, Dynegy expresses the understanding that, under the
Agency’s proposed rule, semi-annual reports submitted by MPS companies relying on stack
testing for units that do not opt into the 90% reduction standard before the compliance deadline
are not required to include coal data. Dynegy Comment at 1-2. Dynegy states that, “this data is
to be maintained at each power station and made available to the Agency upon request.”
. at 2.
Dynegy also expresses the understanding that MPS units relying on stack testing that
comply with the mercury standard before 2015 “must collect and analyze coal samples for
mercury content for each day during stack testing and then on a monthly basis between stack
tests.” Dynegy Comment at 2. Dynegy states that “the coal sampling requirement is
contemporaneous with the emission sampling period.”
Dynegy also expresses the understanding that MPS units complying with the mercury
emission standard through 90% reduction and relying on sorbent traps for monitoring “must
collect daily coal samples.” Dynegy Comment at 2. Dynegy argues that the Agency’s proposed
Section 225.265 addresses sampling, analyzing, and averaging those analyses “but does not
specifically allow or prohibit compositing of samples prior to analysis.”
Rev. Prop. at
71-72 (proposed Section 225.265). Dynegy claims that, “[i]n other words, the daily coal
sampling requirement is much more frequent than the emission sampling period.” Dynegy
Comment at 2.
Dynegy proposes that the Board allow the period for analyzing daily coal samples to
correspond with the period for sorbent trap data capture. Dynegy Comment at 2. Dynegy states
that this data capture period “varies depending on the flue gas flow rate in the stack and the
mercury emission rate.”
. Dynegy expects that sorbent traps will capture data in stacks for
periods of seven to eight days, during which they effectively create a composite of mercury
emissions during that period.
Dynegy also proposes that “coal samples could be composited over a period of time
corresponding to the sorbent trap sampling period.” Dynegy Comment at 2. Dynegy argues that
“[t]his practice would produce more relevant data because the data analyzed would have been
collected over a similar period of time.”
. Dynegy offers language reflecting these comments
with which to amend the Agency’s proposed Section 225.265(a)(1)(C).
Rev. Prop. at 72.
Dynegy notes removal of the temperature correction factor for units other than those
equipped with sorbent injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Dynegy
Comment at 3;
see errata
3 at 3-4, Rev. Prop. at 32 (proposed Section 225.233(c)(2)(D)).
Dynegy argues that, in conjunction with this removal, “the monitoring, recordkeeping, and
Temperature Correction Factor

reporting of ‘flue gas temperature at the point of sorbent injection’ should be removed from
Section 225.233(c)(5)(B) for all units except those injecting sorbent prior to a hot-side ESP.”
Dynegy Comment at 3;
Rev. Prop. at 34 (proposed Section 225.233(c)(5)(B)). Dynegy
proposes specific language to effect this revision. Dynegy Comment at 3-4.
Reporting Deadline
Dynegy expresses the understanding that “EGUs using excepted monitoring systems will
be hard-pressed to have their end-of-quarter emission measurements collected, sent off-site for
analysis, and the reported data then included in the quarterly report for submittal to the Agency,
all within 45 days.” Dynegy Comment at 4. Dynegy argues that “[a] 60-day reporting deadline
is more appropriate for the additional transportation and analytical steps associated with excepted
monitoring systems.”
Rev. Prop. at 78 (proposed Section 225.290(b)(4)) Dynegy
proposes specific language to effect this revision. Dynegy Comment at 3-4.
Dynegy states that it injects SO
“prior to the ESP on some units to enhance particulate
capture. However, the presence of SO
in the flue gas can inhibit mercury capture by
halogenated activated carbon.” Dynegy Comment at 4 (citations omitted). Dynegy argues that
the scientific literature indicates that it “should expect reduced mercury removal at those units
where it injects SO
, even, perhaps, those units controlled by both an ESP and a baghouse.”
Sulfur Trioxide (SO
) Injection
at 4-5. Dynegy concludes its discussion of this issue by stating that its “units injecting SO
not be able to achieve mercury reductions at levels normally anticipated to be achieved through
injection of sorbent at a rate of 5 lb/macf, despite that the injection system is ‘designed for
effective absorption of mercury’ in accordance with Section 225.233(c)(2).”
. at 5.
“Optimum Manner”
Dynegy states that it had questions regarding the Agency’s application of the requirement
that MPS units must inject sorbent in an optimum manner. Dynegy Comment at 5;
35 Ill.
Adm. Code 225.233(c)(2). Dynegy states that the Agency has clarified this issue and that it
“seeks no further clarification or other action from the Board regarding “optimum manner.”
Dynegy Comment at 5, citing Tr.2 at 12-16 (statement by Jim Ross).
Dynegy specifically cites two documents: Ramsay Change and Katherine Dombrowski, “Near
and Long Term Options for Controlling Mercury Emissions from Power Plants,” Paper #25,
MEGA Symposium (2008) at 9; and Thomas J. Feeley, III,
et al
., “DOE/NETLS’s Mercury
Control Technology R&D Program –
Taking Technology from Concept to Commercial Reality
Paper #42, MEGA Symposium (2008) at 6. Dynegy notes that these documents are,
respectively, Exhibit 4 and 5 to its recent petition for a variance (Dynegy Midwest Generation v.
IEPA, PCB 09-48 (Jan. 9, 2009)) and that the documents “so are readily available to the Board
for further review.” Dynegy Comment at 5 n.1.

Kincaid states that it participated in the Board’s second hearing in order to raise two
issues. Kincaid Comment at 1. First, Kincaid sought greater flexibility with requirements for the
availability of CEMS.
. Kincaid states that the Agency addressed this issue “with language
submitted during the hearing allowing quarterly stack tests to be performed during the first three
years of this regulation. Three years of experience with mercury CEMS should allow for
development of availability information sufficient to comply with the rule at that time.”
Exh. 8.
Second, Kincaid states that it “alerted the Board about the potential inconsistency
between state and federal rules should the Board adopt the Agency’s proposed Appendix B
restating the language of 40 C.F.R. 75 as it applies to constituents other than mercury.” Kincaid
Comment at 1. Kincaid notes that Mr. Nuckols testified and responded to questions regarding
this issue at the second hearing and that Kincaid continued after the hearing to discuss the issue
with the Agency.
. On the basis of these discussions, Kincaid believes, “with respect to any
conflict between Appendix B and 40 C.F.R. 75 as they relate to monitoring for constituents other
than mercury, that the IEPA would resolve conflicts in favor of the federal rules.”
. Kincaid
expresses concern about including provisions regarding these other constituents in Appendix B.
. Nonetheless, Kincaid understands that “IEPA will work with a source to resolve any issues
that arise.”
Ameren states that it “generally supports” the Agency’s revised proposal filed on
February 19, 2009, which encompasses a number of clarifications and corrections offered over
the course of this proceeding. Ameren Comment at 2;
Rev. Prop. Ameren states that the
Agency’s revised proposal “helps clarify how the Agency intends to administer the Mercury
Rule and consequently assists companies such as Ameren in developing appropriate compliance
strategies and implementing procedures.” Ameren Comment at 2. While Ameren professes that
the proposed rules offer “valuable flexibility,” it offers comments on the issues of activated
carbon injection, emission monitoring, and coal sampling as clarifications rather than as
objections to those elements of the Agency’s revised proposal.
Id.; see id
. at 16 (Miscellaneous
Comments Regarding Agency Fourth
Ameren also proposes that the Board amend the Agency’s revised proposal by adding a
Section 225.233(e)(3) changing SO
and NO
emission rates under the MPS for specified years.
Ameren Comment at 2, Exh. 15 at 5-6;
Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy
Resources Generating Company, and Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21, slip op. at 28-29
(Oct. 1,2008) (petition for variance). Ameren states that it seeks this relief “consistent with and
pursuant to the Agency’s Recommendation in the PCB 09-21 proceeding.” Ameren Comment at
2, citing Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and
Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21, slip op. at 10 (Nov. 17, 2008). Ameren claims that,
“[a]t no time prior to or during the Hearing has the Agency substantively or procedurally
objected to Ameren’s proposed revision to add Section 225.233(e)(3) to the Mercury Rule.
Ameren Comment at 3.

The Board summarizes Ameren’s comment on its proposal to add Section 225.233(e)(3)
in the following subsections of the opinion.
Ameren cites “extreme financial conditions and the near collapse of capital markets
within the U.S.” to argue that compliance with the SO
emission rates of the MPS beginning in
2013 would cause it significant economic hardship. Ameren Comment at 3, citing Exh. 15 at 7-
11, Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and
Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21, slip op. at 8-12 (Dec. 30, 2008) (Ameren public
comments). Ameren argues that its proposal alleviates this hardship by deferring capital
expenditures while including more stringent emission rates that will “more than offset the
impact” of this deferral. Ameren Comment at 3, citing Exh. 15 at 14-17; Ameren Comment,
Atts. B, C; Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and
Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21 (Nov. 17, 2008) (Agency Recommendation). Ameren
further argues that, “largely because the proposed revision changes only the compliance dates
and emission rates for NO
and SO
as they apply to Ameren’s MPS Group and because the
technologies used to control NO
and SO
have already been found to be economically
reasonable and technically feasible, the revisions is both economically reasonable and technically
feasible. Ameren Comment at 3, citing In the Matter of Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225:
Control of Emissions from Large Combustion Sources (Mercury), R06-25, slip op. at 37-38, 77-
78 (Nov. 2, 2006).
Ameren argues that, although the Agency is the original proponent of the amendments to
Part 225, “[t]he Board has the authority to adopt Ameren’s proposal as an amendment to the
Amended Proposal.” Ameren Comment at 4. Ameren states that the Agency’s original proposal
included amendments to the MPS, opening Section 225.233 to revision.
Ameren further
states that the Board has statutory authority to revise rulemaking in response to suggestions such
as its own written and oral testimony.
., citing 415 ILCS 5/28(a) (2006), Exhs. 15, 16. In
addition, Ameren claims that the Agency has lodged no objection to its request to add Section
225.233(e)(3). Ameren Comment at 5.
Summary of MPS and Ameren’s Proposed New Section 225.233(e)(3)
The MPS requires eligible EGUs to “achieve the more stringent of either enumerated SO
and NO
emission rates or emission limits equivalent to a percentage of the base emission rate
for that pollutant (“percent of baseline”).” Ameren Comment at 7-8, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code
225.130 (establishing baseline period of 2003-05). Ameren states that, when it opted into the
MPS, it “provided the requisite demonstration indicating that the enumerated emission rates in
the MPS were, in fact, the more stringent of the regulatory requirements.” Ameren Comment at
8, citing Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and
Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21 (Oct. 1,2008) (Exhibit 2 to Attachment A of petition
for variance).

Applying the enumerated rate, the MPS requires that eligible EGUs attain a system-wide
emission rate of 0.33 lbs/mmBtu beginning January 1, 2013 and continuing through
December 31, 2014. Ameren Comment at 5;
35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233(e)(2)(A), Exh. 15 at
4. The MPS then requires a final SO
emission rate of 0.25 lbs/mmBtu beginning on January 1,
2015, and continuing in each calendar year thereafter. Ameren Comment at 5-6;
35 Ill. Adm.
Code 225.233(e)(2)(B), Exh. 15 at 4.
Applying the enumerated rates, the MPS also requires that, beginning in calendar year
2012 and continuing in each calendar year thereafter, eligible EGUs attain a system-wide overall
annual emission rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233(e)(1)(A).
Beginning in the 2012 ozone season and continuing in each ozone season thereafter, the MPS
also requires that eligible EGUs attain a system-wide overall NO
seasonal emission rate of no
more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233(e)(1)(B).
Ameren states that it proposed MPS revision includes the following provisions:
(i) earlier seasonal and annual NO
emission rates in calendar years 2010 and
2011 of 0.11 lb/mmBtu and 0.14 lb/mmBtu, respectively; (ii) an earlier SO
emission rate of 0.50 lbs/mmBtu in calendar years 2010 through 2013; (iii) an
emission rate of 0.43 lbs/mmBtu in calendar year 2014; (iv) an SO
rate of 0.25 lbs/mmBtu in calendar years 2015 and 2016; and (iv) a more stringent
emission rate of 0.23 lbs/mmBtu beginning in 2017 and continuing
thereafter. Ameren Comment at 6, citing Exh. 15 at 5-6 (proposed new
subsection 225.233(e)(3));
Exh. 15 at 4-6,
, Attachment A (Ameren’s
Proposed Amendment vs. MPS Requirements: Emission Limits and Compliance
Under subsection (b) of the MPS, owners of EGUs intending to comply with the
requirements of Part 225 through the MPS must notify the Agency of their election to do so no
later than December 31, 2007. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233(b). Ameren states that it notified the
Agency on December 27, 2007, that it elected to make all 21 of its EGUs at its seven coal-fired
power stations in the state
Affected Sources
subject to the NO
and SO
provisions of the MPS. Ameren
Comment at 7, citing Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating
Company, and Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA
Ameren identifies these seven coal-fired power stations as the Coffeen Power Station in
Montgomery County, the Duck Creek Power Station in Fulton County, the E.D. Edward Power
Station in Peoria County, the Joppa Power Station in Massac County, the Hutsonville Power
Station in Crawford County, the Meredosia Power Station in Morgan County, and the Newton
Power Station in Jasper County. Ameren Comment at 6-7. “These are primarily base load
facilities which provide electricity for central and southern Illinois homes and businesses.” Exh.
15 at 2.
, PCB 09-21 (Oct. 1,2008) (Exhibit 2 to Attachment
A to petition for variance);
Exh. 15 at 2.

Ameren states that its proposal “revises NO
and SO
emission rates for only Ameren’s
MPS Group.” Ameren Comment at 7. Ameren further states that “[t]he proposed revision does
not revise eligibility requirements for opting in the MPS and, to that extent, does not permit
EGUs not already subject to the pending SO
and NO
emission rates under Section 225.233(e)
to be subject to the revised emission rates under Ameren’s proposal.”
. Ameren also describes
the pollution control equipment necessary to comply with the MPS and argues that its proposed
revision does not relieve Ameren from having to install that equipment at its EGUs to comply
with emission limits.
Stringency of Proposed Section 225.233(e)(3)
Ameren notes that the Board asked during the second hearing why Ameren’s proposal
“did not provide for the more stringent of the specified emission rates or percent of baseline.”
Ameren Comment at 8, citing Tr.2 at 89. Ameren states that the alternate emission limits
effectively recognize that “each system’s generation and emission profile is different” and that
“the MPS had to express emission reduction requirements in terms as encompassing as possible.”
Ameren Comment at 8. Ameren states that, in negotiating the MPS, it reached agreement with
the Agency on specific emission rates.
. Ameren further states that the Agency itself added
the “percent of baseline” alternative, “presumably in anticipation of other EGU systems choosing
the MPS.”
. at n.4.
Ameren states that, because the enumerated emission rates are the more stringent
alternative for its system, it “has always intended to comply with the enumerated rates” rather
than the “percent of baseline” reduction.
. at n.4. Ameren argues that a “percent of baseline”
alternative would not make its proposal more stringent and is therefore “not necessary or
. at 9; citing
., Attachment D (comparing alternative limits); Ameren Energy
Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and Electric Energy, Inc. v.
IEPA, PCB 09-21 (Oct. 1,2008) (Exhibit 2 to Attachment A to petition for variance).
Ameren emphasizes that its proposal does not eliminate its “obligation to comply with
the MPS through the installation of pollution control equipment” but does allow Ameren “to
defer capital expenditures from 2009-2012 to 2013-2015.” Ameren Comment at 10, citing Exh.
15 at 3 (estimating deferred amount of $500 million). Specifically, the revision allows Ameren
to defer the cost of constructing flue gas desulfurization (FGD) “necessary to achieve the 0.33
lbs/mmBtu SO
emission rate in calendar years 2013 and 2014.” Ameren Comment at 10, citing
Tr.2 at 92. Ameren stresses that this deferral does not affect its mercury controls, which it will
have regardless of the Board’s action on this proposal, but affects only FGD associated with SO
emissions. Ameren Comment at 10-11. Ameren concludes that, with the deferral of significant
Economic Reasonableness and Technical Feasibility
Ameren states that “[c]ompliance with the MPS requires substantial long-term capital
investments associated with the installation of pollution control equipment.” Ameren Comment
at 10. Ameren further states that its ability to obtain financing has suffered as a result both of
tight credit markets and “the downturn of future power price expectations.”
., citing Exh. 15 at
8-9, Exh. 16 at 3-5.

capital expenditures to 2013-15, it proposal is economically reasonable.
. at 11;
Exh. 15 at
Ameren argues that the technology require to meet the limits in its proposal “are no
different in kind or scope than the technologies necessary to meeting the current emission limits
under Section 225.233(e).” Ameren Comment at 11. Ameren further argues that the Board in
the original mercury rulemaking has found these technologies to be technically feasible and
economically reasonable.
., citing In the Matter of Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225:
Control of Emissions from Large Combustion Sources (Mercury), R06-25, slip op. at 37-38, 77-
78 (Nov. 2, 2006);
Exh. 15 at 12-13.
Emission Reductions Under Proposal
Ameren argues that it has cooperated with the Agency to reduce the environmental
impact of its proposal. Ameren Comment at 12, citing Exh. 15 at 14-16. Ameren further argues
that, because it “has agreed to commit to earlier and more stringent SO
and NO
emission rates,
the restructuring of the MPS compliance commitments will not result in environmental harm.”
Ameren Comment at 12.
Ameren states that it worked with the Agency to evaluate “projected mass emissions
under the MPS and the [Ameren] proposal over an eleven-year period. Ameren Comment at 14;
Ameren Energy Generating Co., Amerenenergy Resources Generating Company, and
Electric Energy, Inc. v. IEPA, PCB 09-21. An evaluation performed in the fall of 2008
confirmed that Ameren’s proposal resulted in a projected environmental benefit of 842 tons of
emissions. Ameren Comment at 14, citing
., Attachment B;
Exh. 15 at 14-15. Ameren
states that it later repeated this analysis to include calendar year 2008 and found that the proposal
“will reduce the total SO
and NO
emissions for the period between 2010 and 2020 by 851
tons”. Ameren Comment at 14, citing
., Attachment C;
Exh. 15 at 16.. Noting that the
proposed more stringent SO
emission rates continue beyond 2017, Ameren argues that the
projected environmental benefit will increase over time.
. at 15, Exh. 15 at 16-17.
The Agency notes that, during the first hearing, it addressed the issue of its interpretation
of the term “optimum manner” as that term is employed in the Board’s mercury emission
regulations. Agency Comment at 5, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233(c)(2), 225.615(g);
Rev. Prop. at 85 (proposed Section 225.294(g)). Specifically, the Agency states that it responded
to questions regarding “what data companies needed to submit and how the data submitted by
companies will be used to evaluate compliance with the requirement that units inject sorbent in
an optimum manner.” Agency Comment at 5. The Agency indicates that it discussed these
matters with industry between the two hearings and clarified its position.
. The Agency notes
that it began the second hearing with a statement on the issue of “optimum manner” that
addressed industry’s concerns.
. at 6;
Tr.2 at 12-16 (statement by Jim Ross). The Agency
expresses the belief “that this issue is resolved and no further action is necessary.”
Comment at 7, Dynegy Comment at 5 (seeking no further clarification or Board action on the

The Agency also notes that the first hearing included discussion of “coal sampling data
from units that have opted into the MPS and CPS.” Agency Comment at 6. Although the
Agency believes that it has resolved this issue, it offers final comments on it. Specifically, the
Agency argues that it has justified its need for coal sampling data and mercury control efficiency.
. The Agency states that the mercury content of coal “is needed to determine inlet mercury,
which is necessary to determine mercury control efficiency and the level of mercury reduction
. The Agency further states that data on control efficiency provides a basis to
determine “the effectiveness of control systems on the various types of configurations and units.”
. The Agency also stresses that this information will assist it “in future decisions regarding
mercury control and in demonstrations that may be required by USEPA regarding mercury
control and reductions in Illinois.”
The Agency states that it has negotiated with regulated entities “throughout the
rulemaking process to resolve outstanding issues and address expressed concerns.” Agency
Comment at 4. The Agency emphasizes that, before the second hearing, it resolved all contested
issues with Midwest Generation.
. at 5, citing Tr.2 at 65 (statement by Scott Miller). The
Agency also stresses that it has resolved all contested issues with Dynegy. Agency Comment at
5, citing Tr.2 at 79 (statement by Aric Diericx). Nonetheless, the Agency addresses specific
issues raised by various regulated entities, including Midwest Generation and Dynegy. The
following subsections separately address those entities.
The Agency also addresses Midwest Generations’ comment that “the corrections made to
Section 225.233(c)(2)(D) and Section 225.294(g)(4) to account for units equipped with sorbent
injection prior to a hot-side ESP necessitate changes to Sections 225.233(c)(5)(B) and
225.294(j)(2) as well.” Agency Comment at 14, citing MG Comment at 3-4. Although the
Agency agrees that additional changes are necessary, it argues that Midwest Generation’s
Midwest Generation
The Agency notes that Mr. Miller’s prefiled testimony on behalf of Midwest Generation
raised three specific issues, each of which the Agency claims to have resolved. Agency
Comment at 7;
see generally
Exh. 12 (Miller Pre-filed Testimony). First, the Agency states that
Mr. Miller addressed the Agency’s definition or interpretation of the term “optimum manner.”
Agency Comment at 7;
Exh. 12 at 3-12. The Agency claims that it has settled this issue.
Agency Comment at 7;
MG Comment at 7, citing Tr.2 at 12-16 (statement by Jim Ross).
Second, the Agency states that Mr. Miller had addressed “the 75% monitor uptime requirements
and suggested calculating monitor availability on an annual basis.” Agency Comment at 7;
Exh. 12 at 12-18. The Agency notes Mr. Miller’s statement during the second hearing that the
Agency has presented revised language that “satisfactorily addresses this issue.” Agency
Comment at 7, citing Tr.2 at 66. Third, the Agency notes that “Mr. Miller requested that the
Board amend or delete the requirement n Section 225.294(g)(4) for correcting injection rates for
the difference in temperature in certain plant configurations.” Agency Comment at 7;
12 at 18-24. The Agency states that its third
sheet proposed amended language for this
subsection and that it resolved Midwest Generation’s concerns.
., citing Tr.2 at 66;
see Errata
3 at 11.

proposed language is “insufficient.” Agency Comment at 14. The Agency proposes
modification of its February 19, 2009, proposal.
. at 14-16.
The Agency claims that Mr. Diericx’s pre-filed testimony raised five specific issues, each
of which has “been put to rest.” Agency Comment at 7;
see generally
Exh. 14 (Diericx Pre-filed
Testimony). First, the Agency states that Mr. Diericx addressed the Agency’s definition or
interpretation of the term “optimum manner.” Agency Comment at 8;
Exh. 14 at 3-4. The
Agency claims that it has resolved this issue. Agency Comment at 8;
Dynegy Comment at 5.
Second, the Agency refers to a “supposed” exposure to retrospective noncompliance but
emphasizes Mr. Diericx’s statement at the second hearing that a proposed revision of the relevant
language had resolved the issue. Agency Comment at 8, citing Tr.2 at 79;
Exh. 14 at 4-6.
Third, the Agency notes that Mr. Diericx had also raised the issue of flue gas temperature
correction. Agency Comment at 7-8;
Exh. 14 at 6-7. Again, the Agency argues that its
proposed amendments have resolved the issue. Agency Comment at 8, citing Tr.2 at 78;
3 at 3-4. Fourth, the Agency notes that Mr. Diericx had questioned the Agency’s use of
ther term “excepted” and “accepted.” While the Agency’s post-hearing comment did not
specifically address this matter, the Board notes Mr. Diericx’s testimony that the Agency has
“satisfactorily explained that. . . .” Tr.2 at 78;
Tr.2 at 21-23 (Bloomberg testimony). Finally,
the Agency states that Mr. Diericx had raised the issue of “mercury emission reduction
calculation procedures.” Agency Comment at 7-8;
Exh. 14 at 7-8. The Agency notes Mr.
Diericx’s statement that Dynegy does not intend to pursue any further discussion on that issue
and his testimony that all of the issue raised in his pre-filed testimony had been resolved.
Agency Comment at 8, citing Tr.2 at 78, 79.
The Agency also responds to Dynegy’s post-hearing comments. First, the Agency notes
Dynegy’s statement that “sources in the MPS complying by stack testing are not required to
submit coal data in semi-annual reports, but that such information must be maintained at the
source.” Agency Comment at 13, citing Dynegy Comment at 1-2. The Agency acknowledges
that this view “is correct” but notes that sources need to submit this data with each required
emissions test report. Agency Comment at 13.
Second, the Agency notes Dynegy’s proposal “that the Board allow for the period over
which the daily samples are analyzed to correspond with the sorbent trap data capture period”
and that “the coal samples could be composited over a period o time corresponding to the sorbent
trap sampling period.” Agency Comment at 13, citing Dynegy Comment at 2. The Agency
notes that the proposed rule includes no specification describing this composting, and the
Agency opposes Dynegy’s proposed language. Agency Comment at 13. Nonetheless, the
Agency states that it “does not oppose the concept of composting proposed by Dynegy.”
The Agency notes that its proposal allows alternative monitoring and measurement to be
submitted for its approval.
, citing Rev. Prop. at 19, 20 (proposed Sections 225.202(a) and
225.210(b)(1)). The Agency stresses that any request for an alternative should include, among
other elements, “modified versions of the appropriate ASTM standards.” Agency Comment at

The Agency also addresses Dynegy’s comment that “the corrections made to Section
225.233(c)(2)(D) and Section 225.294(g)(4) to account for units equipped with sorbent injection
prior to a hot-side ESP necessitate changes to Sections 225.233(c)(5)(B) and 225.294(j)(2) as
well.” Agency Comment at 14, citing Dynegy Comment at 3-4. Although the Agency agrees
that additional changes are necessary, it argues that Dynegy’s proposed language is
“insufficient.” Agency Comment at 14. The Agency proposes modification of its February 19,
2009, proposal.
. at 14-16.
Finally, the Agency notes Dynegy’s request for “an extension of time to submit end-of-
quarter reports when using excepted monitoring systems.” Agency Comment at 17, citing
Dynegy Comment at 4. The Agency states that it “agrees that Dynegy’s request is reasonable.”
Agency Comment at 17. The Agency claims that, for clarification, Dynegy’s request requires
“slightly different language,” which the Agency proposed for Section 225.290.
The Agency argues with regard to other issues raised by Kincaid that it “has worked to
reduce or dispel any confusion.” Agency Comment at 9. The Agency notes that Mr. Nuckols
testified on the status of relative accuracy testing by the Air Emissions Testing Bodies (AETB)
as a result of a federal stay.
Exh. 10 at 14-16, Exh. 11 (Stay of the Effectiveness of
Requirements for Air Emission Testing Bodies, 73 Fed. Reg. 65554-56 (Nov. 4, 2008)).
Specifically, Mr. Nuckols expressed concern that “sources would be required to comply with
The Agency claims that Mr. Nuckols’ pre-filed testimony on behalf of Kincaid raised
seven unresolved issues. Agency Comment at 8-9;
see generally
Exh. 10. Before turning to
those, the Agency noted Mr. Nuckols’ statement that “[o]ur biggest concerns involve the use of
missing data substitution and bias adjustment factors[,] which have been addressed.”
at 9,
citing Tr.2 at 35-36.
Of the unresolved issues, the Agency first notes Kincaid’s concern with the period for
calculating data availability. Agency Comment at 8, 9;
Exh. 10 at 9-11. The Agency
stresses Mr. Nuckols’ testimony at the second hearing that the Agency had proposed a
“reasonable” approach to this issue. Agency Comment at 9, citing Tr.2 at 37. Second, the
Agency notes Kincaid’s position in favor of removing “the single trap adjustment factor for data
collected by a single sorbent trap when one of the traps in a pair is invalid.” Agency Comment at
9; Exh. 10 at 16-17. The Agency emphasizes that “it had already proposed deleting this
adjustment factor in its Third
.” Agency Comment at 9, citing Tr. 2 at 40;
see Errata
3 at
The Agency also notes Mr. Nuckols’ position that “the Agency should eliminate the
CEMS 75% uptime requirements for the first year.” Agency Comment at 11;
Exh. 10 at 11-
12. The Agency stresses Mr. Nuckols’ testimony that the Agency addressed this concern with
proposed revisions regarding monitor data availability. Agency Comment at 11, citing Tr.2 at
46-47, 59-60. Emphasizing that it is willing to work with sources to overcome any difficulties,
the Agency states that “no further changes to the Agency’s proposal on this issue are necessary.”
Agency Comment at 11.

certain stayed requirements under the Agency’s proposal.” Agency Comment at 9, citing Tr.2 at
53, 55. The Agency states that it has clarified this issue: “the Illinois mercury rule would
impose no burdens upon sources while the federal stay is in place, and that it is the Agency’s
position that, ‘assuming that the federal accreditation requirements are still stayed as of July ’09,
. . . there will be no requirements under the Illinois rule for accreditation.’” Agency Comment at
9, citing Tr.2 at 55, 56.
The Agency also addressed Kincaid’s concerns with weekly system integrity tests.
Agency Comment at 10;
Exh. 10 at 12-14. The Agency stresses Mr. Nuckol’s
acknowledgement that “there are no differences between the Agency’s proposal and USEPA’s
original Part 75 requirements.” Agency Comment at 10, citing Tr.2 at 49. In addition, the
Agency argues that Kincaid presented “inadequate justification for any revisions to weekly
systems integrity test measurements.” Agency Comment at 10.
The Agency also notes Mr. Nuckols’ concern that the Agency’s proposed Appendix B
and its exhibits included references to NO
and SO
. Agency Comment at 10. The Agency
expresses the belief that it has succeeded in removing such references from its proposal.
. The
Agency adds that, “[a]s far as references to other non-mercury monitoring, such as CO
or flow,
it was the Agency’s intent to replicate the appropriate Part 75 provisions into the Illinois rule.”
. The Agency continues that “[i]f at some point an unintentional deviation is brought to the
Agency’s attention, the Agency is willing to work with sources to resolve the issue.”
. The
Agency also states that it does not favor language providing that “all conflicts between the
Agency’s Appendix B and 40 C.F.R. Part 75 regarding monitoring for pollutants other than
mercury will be resolved in favor of Part 75.”
. Noting that it is willing to resolve issues of
this nature in the event that they arise, the Agency claims that such language would be
unnecessary and overly broad and may present unforeseen consequences.
The Agency states that only Kincaid among the utilities has proposed making the stack
testing alternative permanent. Agency Comment at 11. The Agency argues that this alternative
allows sources three years to overcome technical problems and for CEMS technology to mature.
. Furthermore, the Agency states that it “anticipates that during the three-year window in
which stack testing is allowed as an alternative, new federal regulations will prescribe
monitoring provisions for mercury emissions and the Illinois EPA will either adopt or otherwise
allow the use of those provisions to demonstrate compliance with the Illinois mercury rule going
. at 11-12. The Agency argues that the stack testing alternative provides “maximum
flexibility for sources” and demonstrates the lengths to which it has gone to allay utilities’
. at 12.
The Agency notes that Ameren’s testimony addressed only its proposed revisions to the
MPS at Section 225.233(c)(2). Agency Comment at 12;
Exhs. 15, 16. The Agency states
that it “is neutral on the proposed revisions” and “does not oppose the proposed Ameren
revisions.” Agency Comment at 12. The Agency acknowledges that “there exists some
regulatory uncertainty, and that these are challenging economic times.” Id. Although stressing
that it “worked with Ameren to ensure that the proposed revision would result in a slight

environmental benefit,” the Agency argues that the original MPS was negotiated and accepted in
good faith.
. The Agency emphasizes that it “wants to make clear that our position is that the
language in the MPS should not generally be amended, and that our neutral position in this case
is not indicative of how we will treat any future attempt to further amend the MPS.”
The Agency claims that
of CAMR justifies limited revisions to the Part 225.
Agency Comment at 17. The Agency argues that its proposal does not change emission or
control requirements and merely addresses measuring mercury emissions for demonstrating
. The Agency concludes by urging the Board to adopt its proposed revisions.
Midwest Generation’s Response
Midwest Generation states that, in its post-hearing comments file March 5, 2009, it
proposed amending Section 225.294(j)(2) in order to correspond with an amendment to Section
225.924(g)(4) “deleting the temperature correction factor for units that do not have hot-side
electrostatic precipitators.” MG Resp.at 1, citing MG Comment at 4;
Rev. Prop. at 86, 88.
Midwest Generation further notes that the Agency’s post-hearing comment suggests “slightly
different” language and also suggests amending Section 225.294(j)(1). MG Resp. at 1, citing
Agency Comment at 16. Responding to that comment, Midwest Generation states that “[t]he
Agency’s proposed language is acceptable to Midwest Generation, and Midwest Generation
encourages the Board to adopt the amendatory language proposed by the Agency for both of
these sections.” MG Resp. at 1.
Second, Dynegy states that it “suggested an amendment to Section 225.233(c)(5)(B) to
correspond to the amendment to Section 225.233(c)(2)(D) deleting the temperature correction for
all units except those with hot-side electrostatic precipitators.” Dynegy Resp. at 2, citing
Dynegy’s Response
Dynegy states that, in its post-hearing comments filed March 6, 2009, it suggested several
amendments to the Agency’s proposal as the proposal is reflected in the February 19, 2009,
filing compiling the Agency’s proposed amendments. Dynegy Resp. at 1,
Dynegy Comment
at 3-4. Dynegy notes that the Agency’s post-hearing comments suggested “slightly different”
language for each of these suggested amendments. Dynegy Resp. at 1.
First, Dynegy states that it “suggested an amendment to Section 225.265(a)(1)(C) to
allow for compositing coal samples so that they would correspond to the emission sampling
period of a sorbent trap, or excepted, monitoring system.” Dynegy Resp. at 1, citing Dynegy
Comment at 3. Dynegy notes the Agency’s response that there exists sufficient flexibility
through Sections 225.202(a) and 225.210(b)(1) for Dynegy to propose this compositing. Dynegy
Resp. at 1-1, citing Agency Comment at 13. Dynegy characterizes the Agency’s response as
“satisfactory.” Dynegy Resp. at 2.

Dynegy Comment at 3-4. Dynegy notes that the Agency’s post-hearing comments offer “slightly
different language” and also offer an amendment to Section 225.233(c)2)(C). Dynegy states that
the Agency’s proposed language is “acceptable.” Dynegy Resp. at 2.
Third, Dynegy states that it “proposed an amendment to Section 225.290(b)(4) to allow
additional time at the end of a quarter for companies using excepted monitoring systems to
submit their reports.” Dynegy Resp. at 2, citing Dynegy Comment at 4. Dynegy notes that the
Agency agreed with this proposal “in concept but suggested different language in its
Comments.” Dynegy Resp. at 2, citing Agency Comment at 17. Dynegy states that “[t]he
Agency’s proposed language is acceptable.” Dynegy Resp. at 2. Dynegy concludes by
encouraging the Board to accept the changes proposed by the Agency and summarized in the
preceding paragraphs.
In an order dated November 5, 2008, the Board sent the Agency’s original proposal to
first-notice publication in the
Illinois Register
without commenting on the substantive merits of
the proposal.
32 Ill. Reg. 18507-18826 (Dec. 5, 2008); In the Matter of: Amendments to 35
Ill. Adm. Code 225: Control of Emissions from Large Combustion Sources (Mercury
Monitoring), R09-10 (Nov. 5, 2008). The Board has carefully reviewed and largely adopted the
revisions to the Agency’s original proposal offered by the Agency itself and by participants
including Ameren. Below, after reaching its findings on the economic reasonableness and
technical feasibility of the amended proposal, the Board provides a detailed section-by-section
discussion of its second-notice proposal.
Economic Reasonableness and Technical Feasibility
The Agency argues that “[t]he methods for monitoring mercury from EGUs that were
considered in the initial mercury rulemaking remain valid, technically feasible, and economically
reasonable.” TSD at 8;
Exh. 1 at 2. Claiming that the federal court did not vacate CAMR
because of any doubt about the reasonableness of the cost of monitoring, the Agency states that it
seeks merely to reconstitute those provisions at 40 C.F.R. into Part 225. TSD at 8;
Exh. 1 at
2. The Agency claims that both USEPA and the Board have considered the costs and feasibility
of this monitoring and that both have found it to be reasonable and feasible. TSD at 9-10;
Exh. 1 at 2. The Agency argues that the
of CAMR casts no doubt on these findings.
at 9;
Exh. 3 at 2-3.
On the issue of economic reasonableness, the Agency stresses that its proposal includes
provisions for monitoring alternatives in order to “provide a greater degree of flexibility and
potentially lower costs in mercury monitoring.” TSD at 10;
Exh. 1 at 3, Prop. at 49-56
(proposed new Section 225.239). The Agency claims that its proposed alternative is an
additional option for demonstrating compliance, and that “it is considered to be an economically
reasonable addition to the Illinois mercury rule without consideration of specific cost estimates
for emissions testing.” TSD at 13. Nonetheless, the Agency estimates that this alternative
testing would result in average costs of approximately $50,000 per test.
Exh. 3 at 3. The

Agency also stresses that, “through discussion with vendors of mercury monitoring systems and
USEPA, [] the great majority of coal-fired EGUs originally affected by CAMR have already
purchased monitoring systems complaint with Part 75 requirements.” TSD at 10.
On the issue of technical feasibility, the Agency argues that it proposes three approved
test methods for demonstrating compliance with emissions standards. TSD at 12, Exh. 1 at 3-4.
The Agency emphasizes that these “methods were approved by USEPA for initial certification
and relative accuracy test audits (“RATA”) of Part 75 monitoring equipment.
On the basis of its review of the record, the Board finds that the Agency’s revised
proposal, as amended by Ameren’s proposed language for Section 225.233, is both technically
feasible and economically reasonable. Accordingly, in its order below, the Board will direct the
Clerk to file the proposal with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules for second-notice
The Board proceeds below with its section-by-section discussion of the proposal.
Subpart A: General Provisions
Section 225.120: Abbreviations and Acronyms
Section 225.120 provides abbreviations and acronyms used in Part 225. 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 225.120. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to include “additional abbreviations
and acronyms used in Part 225, as well as abbreviations and acronyms used in the new Appendix
B to Part 225.” Statement at 16;
Prop. at 4-5. In its second
sheet, the Agency sought
to amend its proposal by adding to this section the acronym “QAMO,” or “quality-assured
monitor operating.”
2 at 1. The Agency states that this addition stems “from a change to
the monitoring calculation provisions.”
see id
. at 5-9 (amending calculations in Section
225.230). Also in its second
sheet, the Agency proposes under the acronym “QC” to
change the reference from “quality certification” to “quality control,” which the Agency
describes as “the proper term.”
. at 1.
Section 225.130: Definitions
Section 225.130 provides definitions applicable for the purposes of Part 225. 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 225.130. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to amend the definition of
“designated representative” and add definitions for terms appearing in Appendix B to Part 225.
Statement at 16;
Prop. at 5-13. In its second
sheet, the Agency amended its proposal
in a number of ways. First, the Agency responded to questions at the first hearing by changing
the definition of “designated representative” in order “to account for the separation of the Illinois
Mercury Rule and the federal Clean Air Interstate Rule” and “to remove any confusion about the
need to refer to federal programs when implementing the Illinois Mercury Rule.”
2 at 1-
2. Second, the Agency added a definition of “Sorbent Trap Monitoring System” that it had
inadvertently omitted from the original proposal.
. at 1, 3. Third, the Agency amended the
definition of “NIST traceable elemental mercury standards” to respond to USEPA’s comment
that “interim versions of the mercury generator protocols will be issued in early 2009 and are

acceptable until final protocols are issued.”
. at 1-2. Fourth, the Agency proposed “for clarity”
to add to this section a definition of “excepted monitoring system.”
. at 2.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed two additional amendments to this section.
First, the Agency proposed to correct punctuation errors in the definition of “NIST traceable
elemental mercury standards” and “NIST traceable source of oxidized mercury” in the second
3 at 1-2;
see errata
2 at 2. Second, the Agency proposed to remove the
definition of “designated representative” “in response to industry comment that the term is not
necessary and would lead to confusion.”
3 at 2.
Section 225.140: Incorporations by Reference
Section 225.140 provides various materials incorporated by reference. 35 Ill. Adm. Code
225.140. In its original proposal, the Agency sought “to remove various Sections of 40 C.F.R 60
and 40 C.F.R. 75 that were vacated by the Court and to add specific Sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 that
were unaffected by the
.” Statement at 16;
New Jersey,
et al
. v. Environmental
Protection Agency, 517 F.3d 574 (D.C. Cir. 2008), Prop. at 13-15. The Agency’s original
proposal also seeks “to add several additional ASTM [American Society for Testing and
Materials] standards as well and incorporate definitions from 40 C.F.R 72.2.” Statement at 16;
Prop. at 14.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed additional amendments. First,
responding to USEPA and to provide greater clarity, the Agency sought to cite more accurately
to the provision of the Code of Federal Regulations.
2 at 3. Second, the Agency seeks to
amend its proposal by incorporating 40 C.F.R. 75, as it proposes to add two references to Part 75.
see id.
at 37-46 (proposing amendment to Section 225.290). Third, the Agency proposes to
add an incorporation of ASTM D6722-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and
Coal Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis (2001).
at 3-4. Midwest
Generation has urged the board to adopt this proposed incorporation. MG Comment at 5.
Subpart B: Control of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Electric Generating Units
Section 225.202: Measurement Methods
Section 225.202 provides methods for measuring mercury under Part 225. 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 225.202. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to replace references to the vacated
40 C.F.R. 75 “with references to the newly created Appendix B to Part 225.” Statement at 16-
Prop. at 16-17. The Agency also proposed language allowing sources to submit
alternative monitoring plans to the Agency for approval. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 16.
Finally, the Agency also sought to add a citation to Appendix A of 40 C.F.R. 60 regarding
emissions testing. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 17 (proposing new subsection 225.202(g)).
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed additional amendments to this section.
First, the Agency seeks to include as an allowable test method for determining mercury content
of coal ASTM D6722-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and Coal
Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis (2001), which the Agency has proposed to

incorporate by reference.
Errata 2
at 4-5 (proposed new subsection 225.202(f))
; see id.
at 3-4.
The Agency also proposes to expand the citation to 40 C.F.R. 60 in order “to specify the proper
test methods.”
. at 5 (listing Methods 29, 30A, and 30B in Appendix A-8).
Section 225.210: Compliance Requirements
Section 225.210 specifies various compliance requirements for EGUs subject to Subpart
B. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.210. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to create “an
alternative monitoring scheme and method of determining compliance based on periodic
emissions testing and provides a mechanism for sources to submit alternative monitoring plans to
the Agency for approval.” Statement at 17;
Prop. at 18-19. The proposal also requires
recordkeeping and reporting of periodic emissions testing. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 19.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that, in response
to a question during the first hearing, it had “agreed to identify the rule provisions that allow
submission of alternative mercury monitoring plans.” PC 1 at 1 (¶3);
Tr.1 at 18. The
Agency identifies these provisions as Sections 225.210(b)(1) and (b)(2). PC 1 at 1;
Prop. at
Section 225.220: Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) Permit Requirements
Section 225.220 provides CAAPP permit requirements for sources with one or more
EGUs subject to Subpart B. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.220. In its original proposal, the Agency had
proposed to amend this language only by requiring “that CAAPP permit applicants describe their
intended approach to the emissions testing requirements” if relying upon alternative testing under
the proposed Section 225.239. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 20.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that, in response
to a question during the first hearing, it had “agreed to consider deferring the December 31, 2008
date in Section 225.220(a)(2)(A). as the current rulemaking will not be completed by that date.”
PC 1 at 1 (¶2);
35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.220(a)(2)(A), Tr.1 at 5. In its post-hearing comment,
the Agency expresses the belief “that the date in the current proposal is appropriate. All of the
subject sources have already submitted their initial permit applications and thus no revision is
necessary.” PC 1 at 1.
Section 225.230: Emission Standards for EGUs at Existing Sources
Section 225.230 establishes emissions standards for EGUs at existing sources. 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 225.230. In its original proposal, the Agency seeks to add language to Section
225.230(a)(1) establishing that alternatives under Sections 225.230(b), 225.230(d), and 225.232
through 225.234 are exceptions to the general mercury emission standard. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 20-21. The proposal also provides additional alternatives under Section 225.239 and
225.291 through 225.299. Statement at 17;
Prop. at 20-21. Also, in language addressing
EGUs that are served by a single stack, the Agency seeks to replace references to 40 C.F.R. 75
with references to the newly created Appendix B to Part 225. Statement at 17,
Prop. at 23.

In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes amendments responding to comments by
the USEPA and relating to the elimination of data substitution procedures.
2 at 5-9. The
Agency states that,
[b]ecause EGUs could potentially have monitor downtime of up to 25% during a
given quarter, allowable emissions must be based upon emissions that are
recorded during quality-assured monitor operating (“QAMO”) hours. Sources
recording emissions for less than 100% of operating hours cannot calculate an
emission rate or control efficiency based on only the emissions recorded during
monitor up time while averaging emissions over 100% of operating hours.
Emission rates and control efficiencies will be calculated using emissions from
QAMO hours and an average of mercury input or electrical output for a given
month based upon the uptime of the monitor system recording emissions.
. at 5.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend Section 225.230(a)(1) to clarify that
Section 225.235, addressing units scheduled for permanent shutdown, is also an exception to the
general mercury emission standard.
3 at 2-3.
Section 225.232: Averaging Demonstrations for Existing Sources
Section 225.232 provides for averaging demonstrations on the part of existing sources.
35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.232. In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend
subsection (a) to remove the word “actual,” which was necessitated by changes to emissions
calculations in Section 225.230.
2 at 9-10;
see id
. at 5-9 (amending Section 225.230).
Section 225.233: Multi-Pollutant Standards
Section 225.233 provides the multi-pollutant standards as an alternative to compliance
with the emissions standards of Section 225.230(a). 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.233;
35 Ill. Adm.
Code 225.230(a), TSD at 14. In its original proposal, the Agency first sought to “add a sorbent
to the list of approved sorbents for the injection of halogenated activated carbon.” Statement at
Prop. at 28, Exh. 6 at 3, Exh. 7 at 5 (Approved Sorbents). The Agency also sought to
provide that, “as an alternative to the CEMS monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU may elect to
comply with the applicable emissions testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.239.” Statement at 18;
Prop. at 31, Exh. 6 at 2-3. In addition,
the Agency sought to provide that, as an alternative to demonstrating compliance with the
subsection (d) emissions standards, “the owner or operator of an EGU may elect to comply with
the applicable emissions testing requirements in Section 225.239.” Statement at 18;
Prop. at
32, TSD at 14. Finally, the Agency’s original proposal also “replaced references to the CAIR
trading program with references to any trading program due to the recent
of CAIR.
Statement at 18, TSD at 4;
Prop. at 34.
In its first
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend subsection (c)(2)(B)to add Calgon
Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus to the list of sorbents that meet criteria for use under Part 225.

1 at 2. The Agency argues that “[t]his will add even greater flexibility for sources
seeking to comply with the rule.”
In its comments filed after the first hearing and responding to questions raised there, the
Agency identified subsection (d)(4) as a provision limiting “a source’s ability to switch” between
CEMS and the emissions testing alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-28.
Also in those comments, the Agency noted that it had “agreed to consider amending the
date in Section 225.233(f)(5) in light of the dates in Section 225.233(f)(1) and (f)(2).” PC 1 at 2,
citing Tr.1 at 92. The Agency characterizes the date as “appropriate.” PC 1 at 2. The Agency
states that
[b]ecause CAIR allowances are allocated several years in advance, such that
sources can trade them before the date on the allowance, even though the rule
does not restrict trading until ‘vintage years 2012 and beyond,’ the source will
have those allowances in their accounts probably by 2009 and almost certainly by
2010. Allowances for 2012 and beyond do not need to be retired until those
years, and sources will not necessarily be able to determine which allowances are
available due to over compliance until that year has actually passed.
The Agency stresses that the report required by subsection (f)(5) requests information including
“‘identification of any allowances that were sold, gifted, used, exchanged, or traded because they
became available due to over-compliance,’ and it is possible that sources may be able to make a
determination of such actions ahead of time.”
. The Agency argues that, “[s]ince the report
only covers the previous calendar year, the Agency would not be provided with the necessary
information in cases when trading occurred in 2010 or 2011.”
. The Agency therefore claims
that “it is necessary to have sources begin submitting reports in 2021, as currently required in the
Also in those comments filed after the first hearing, the Agency noted that it “had agreed
to consider changing the date in Section 225.233(f)(5) to May 1.” PC 1 at 5, citing Tr.1 at 190.
The Agency declined to propose such a change, stating that “[t]he information required under
subsection (f)(5) is different from other information that sources are required to submit to the
Agency, such as information submitted in Title V annual compliance certifications.” PC 1 at 5.
The Agency concludes that “[t]here is therefore no overlap and no need for a revision.”
Also in those comments filed after the first hearing, the Agency noted that it had “agreed
to address whether Section 225.233(d)(4) accomplishes the same purpose as Section
225.233(c)(6).” PC a at 2, citing Tr.1 at 91. The Agency responds that “[t]he subsections do not
accomplish the same purpose. Section 225.233(c)(6) addresses monitoring, while Section
225.233(d)(4) addresses compliance with emission limits.” PC at 2. In its second
however the Agency proposed to amend subsection (c)(6) “to clarify the ability to use an
excepted monitoring system and clarify that the sunset date of June 30, 2012 applies.”
at 10 (stating that language inadvertently omitted from original proposal). The Agency also
proposed in the second
sheet to amend subsection (d)(4) “to provide the proper citation to
emission testing in Section 225.239.”

The Agency proposed additional changes in its second
sheet. First, the Agency
responded to a request at the first hearing by proposing to amend subsection (d)(3) “to clarify
that EGUs in the MPS may utilize the averaging provisions set forth in Section 225.232 until
December 31, 2013.”
2 at 10. Second, the Agency proposed to amend subsection (f)(4)
in order to make it “consistent with the terms and conditions agreed to by the affected sources in
their multi-pollutant reduction agreements with the Agency regarding the treatment of NO
. The Agency states that this revision stems from uncertainty regarding the
federal CAIR and the expectation that a new or modified version of it is forthcoming from
In his testimony on behalf of Dynegy pre-field for the Second hearing, Mr. Diericx
acknowledges that the Agency intended “to amend the methodology for correction of the flue gas
temperature so that if there is a difference between the temperature of the stack and the
temperature at the point of sorbent injection, it will not increase her pounds of sorbent required
to be injected on an hourly basis.’ Exh. 14 at 6. He states that Dynegy supports amending the
Agency’s proposal in a manner consistent with language he offers for subsection (c)(2)(D).
at 6-7.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 225.233(c)(2)(D) to
reflect new information indicating that some sources “with particulate control devices
downstream of the air preheater may inject activated carbon upstream of the air preheater.”
3 at 3. The Agency states that
[t]his injection point was not contemplated during the original determination of
the required injection rates for units opting into the MPS and CPS. It also brings
to light a need to revise the rule so as to avoid an incentive to inject at a point in
the ductwork that may not be the most desirable. This is because determination of
the flow rate at the point of injection creates an incentive to inject where the flow
rate is low (
, near the back end of the ductwork close to the stack), thereby
potentially making the injection point location decision based on factors other
than the ability to best control mercury emissions.
The Agency also expresses the belief that “measurement of gas flow rate at the point of injection
is likely less reliable in comparison to gas flow rte measurement at the stack due to there
typically being a higher level of operating experience, quality control, and quality assurance of
stack gas flow meters.”
3 at 3, 11. The Agency states that “[t]he requirement for gas
flow rate to be obtained from stack gas flow meters, which are operated under the Acid Rain
Program, will also result in a standardized point of gas flow measurement rather than such
measurements being taken at variable points in the gas flow configuration.”
The Agency explains its proposed revision of Section 225.233(c)(2)(D) as requiring
“determination of the gas flow rate at the stack except in the case of units
equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic
precipitator. For these units, the gas flow rate will still be determined at the inlet

to the hot-side electrostatic precipitator. For this purpose, the gas flow rate would
actually be measured at the stack, however, the stack gas flow rate will be
adjusted for the differences in temperature in the stack and at the inlet to the hot-
side electrostatic precipitator. This adjustment is required since the Agency was
aware in its original determination of the required injection rates that units
equipped with hot-side electrostatic precipitators would be injecting activated
carbon prior to the hot-side electrostatic precipitator and it was recognized that
such units would typically get lower mercury control than those with more
common configurations (
cold-side electrostatic precipitators).
3 at 3-
The Agency states that it recognizes “that some units with hot-side electrostatic precipitators
may be equipped with secondary particulate control devices downstream of the hot-side
electrostatic precipitator and will inject activated carbon downstream of the hot-side electrostatic
. at 4. The Agency further states that “[s]uch units will be treated like other
units and will not be required to adjust the gas flow rate for temperature differences but will
simply measure the gas flow rate at the stack.”
In its post-hearing comments, Dynegy notes that the Agency has removed the
temperature correction factor “from Section 225.233(c)(2)(D) for all units except those equipped
with sorbent injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator.” Dynegy Comment at 3.
Dynegy argues that this removal necessitates a corresponding change in Section
225.233(c)(5)(B) and proposes language for that subsection.
. at 3-4. Although the Agency in
its post-hearing comments agrees that “changes need to be made,” the Agency proposes
alternative language “to address the totality of changes previously made.” Agency Comment at
14-15. In its response to the Agency’s post-hearing comments, Dynegy states that the Agency’s
proposal “is acceptable.” Dynegy Resp. at 2.
Finally, the Board above summarized Ameren’s proposal to amend the MPS by adding a
Section 225.233(e)(3) changing SO
and NO
emission rates under the MPS for specified years.
See supra
at 12-16;
see generally
Exh. 15, Exh. 16, Ameren Comment, Tr.2 at 81-94. On the
basis of its review of the record, particularly the projected environmental benefit and the absence
of any objection on the part of the Agency, the Board finds that the proposal by Ameren is
technically feasible and economically reasonable and includes Ameren’s proposed language in
its order below.
Section 225.234: Temporary Technology-Based Standard for EGUs at Existing Sources
Section 225.234 provides a temporary technology-based standard (TTBS) for EGUs at
existing sources. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.234. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to
provide that, “as an alternative to the CEMS monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU may elect to
comply with the applicable emissions testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.239.” Statement at 18;
Prop. at 35-41.

In its first
sheet, the Agency reported that it “has learned of a new sorbent that
meets the criteria for use in the Illinois Mercury Rule.”
1 at 3. Accordingly, the Agency
seeks to amend its proposal by adding Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus to the list of
acceptable sorbents.
Prop. at 36, Exh. 7 at 5 (amended pre-filed testimony of Jim Ross);
see also Errata
4 at 8-9 (restating listing of sorbent). The Agency argues that “[t]his will add
even greater flexibility for sources seeking to comply with the rule.”
1 at 3.
In its second
sheet, the Agency notes that it was asked during the first hearing to
“clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 14 (¶8);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend Section
225.234(a)(4) to include a reference to excepted monitoring systems.
2 at 14. The
Agency also proposes to amend Section 225.234(b)(3)(B) to remove an unnecessary word
inadvertently left in the original proposal.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend Section 225.234(b)(2).
at 5. The Agency states that it proposes this amendment for the same reason it proposed
amending Section 225.233(c)(2)(D).
. The Agency proposed amending that section in order to
address the issue of determining the flue gas flow rate, as described in the preceding subsection
of this opinion.
See id
. at 3-5.
Section 225.235: Units Scheduled for Permanent Shut Down
Section 225.235 addresses EGUs that will be permanently shut down. 35 Ill. Adm. Code
225.235. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to provide “that an EGU that has completed
the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section, or is scheduled for permanent shut down
pursuant to Section 225.294(b), be exempt from the monitoring and testing requirements in
Section 225.239 and 225.240.” Statement at 18;
Prop. at 43.
Section 225.237: Emission Standards for New Sources with EGUs
Section 225.237 provides mercury emission standards for new sources with EGUs. 35
Ill. Adm. Code 225.237. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to “establish as exceptions
to the general mercury emission standard under Section 225.237(a)(1) the alternatives provided
in Sections 225.238 and 225.239.” Statement at 18-19;
Prop. at 43. The Agency also
proposed to correct a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations in order to reflect that a cited
provision had been vacated. Statement at 19;
Prop. at 43.
In its second
sheet, the Agency notes that it was asked during the first hearing to
“clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 14 (¶9);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend Section
225.237(b) to include a reference to excepted monitoring systems.
2 at 14-15.
Section 225.238: Temporary Technology-Based Standard for New Sources with EGUs
Section 225.238 provides a temporary technology-based standard (TTBS) for new
sources with eligible EGUs. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.238. In its original proposal, the Agency

sought to provide that, “as an alternative to the CEMS monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU using the
TTBS may elect to comply with the emissions testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Section 225.239.” Statement at 19;
Prop. at 43-49.
In its first
sheet, the Agency reported that it “has learned of a new sorbent that
meets the criteria for use in the Illinois Mercury Rule.”
1 at 3. Accordingly, the Agency
seeks to amend its proposal by adding Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus to the list of
acceptable sorbents.
Prop. at 36, Exh. 7 at 5 (amended pre-filed testimony of Jim Ross);
see also Errata
4 at 8-9 (restating listing of sorbent). The Agency argues that “[t]his will add
even greater flexibility for sources seeking to comply with the rule.”
1 at 3.
In its second
sheet, the Agency notes that it was asked during the first hearing to
“clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 15 (¶10);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend Section
225.238(a)(4) to include a reference to excepted monitoring systems.
2 at 14-15.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend Section 225.238(b)(2).
at 6. The Agency states that it proposes this amendment for the same reason it proposed to
amend Section 225.233(c)(2)(D).
. The Agency proposed amending that section in order to
address the issue of determining the flue gas flow rate, as described in the summary of Section
225.233 above.
See id
. at 3-5.
Section 225.239: Periodic Emissions Testing Alternative Requirements
The Agency states in its original proposal that it generally seeks to create an emissions
testing alternative to CEMS available until June 30, 2012. Statement at 19;
Prop. at 49-56.
The Agency anticipates that USEPA will adopt mercury monitoring provisions during this three-
year period and that the Agency will either adopt or allow the use of those provisions to
demonstrate compliance with the Board’s regulations. Agency Comment at 3. The Agency
argues that this “[s]tack testing provides a measure of flexibility and certainty for sources in
demonstrating compliance and therefore is being proposed as a temporary means to demonstrate
compliance during this time of uncertainty.”
. The Agency claims that it has broad knowledge
of and experience with stack testing.
; TSD at 3, 11; Exh. 7 at 4. The Agency argues that the
alternative “is a technically feasible method for the measurement of mercury emissions, and in
many cases may be a lower cost option for mercury measurement than CEMS,” indicating its
economic reasonableness. TSD at 3;
see id
. at 11, 13.
Citing numerous problems it had experienced in operating CEMS, Midwest Generation
stated in its post-hearing comment that it “supports the Agency’s proposal to add Section
225.239” and encouraged the Board to adopt it. MG Comment at 3, citing Exh. 12 at 14 (Miller
pre-filed testimony). Midwest Generation further states that it is likely to rely on the stack
testing alternative while operating CEMS in parallel in order to try to improve CEMS’
availability. MG Comment at 3, citing Tr.2 at 75.

Before addressing this proposed alternative below on a subsection-by-subsection basis,
the Board first notes that, in his prefiled testimony on behalf of Kincaid, Mr. Nuckols expressed
support for this stack testing alternative to CEMS but urged adoption of the option on a
permanent basis. Exh. 10 at 17. Mr. Nuckols also stated that, if the option is not made a
permanent one, Kincaid had provided justification for extending it to 2015 or a later year.
Tr.2 at 38. The Agency in its post-hearing comment responded specifically to this position
by noting that only Kincaid had proposed making the stack testing alternative permanent.
Agency Comment at 11. The Agency argued that the alternative allows sources three years to
overcome technical problems with CEMS and for CEMS technology to mature.
Furthermore, the Agency states that it “anticipates that during the three-year window in which
stack testing is allowed as an alternative, new federal regulations will prescribe monitoring
provisions for mercury emissions and the Illinois EPA will either adopt or otherwise allow the
use of those provisions to demonstrate compliance with the Illinois mercury rule going forward.”
. at 11-12. Based on its review of the record and particularly on the expectation of new federal
monitoring provisions, the Board today declines to extend the availability of the stack testing
option beyond the June 30, 2012, date proposed by the Agency and will reflect that deadline
below in its order.
Subsection (a): General.
In its original proposal, the Agency states that it seeks to
create “a new alternative emissions testing requirement to CEMS based on quarterly emissions
testing, which may be used until June 30, 2012.” Statement at 19;
Prop. at 49 (proposed new
Sections 225.239(a)(1), (a)(3)). The Agency’s proposed language also establishes recordkeeping
and reporting requirements for sources opting to demonstrate compliance through this emissions
testing alternative. Statement at 19;
Prop. at 49 (proposed new Section 225.239(a)(3)); Exh.
6 at 2 (amended pre-filed testimony of David Bloomberg).
The Agency also proposes that, “[i]f an owner or operator of an EGU demonstrating
compliance pursuant to Section 225.230 or 225.237 discontinues use of CEMS before collecting
a full 12 months of CEMS data and elects to demonstrate compliance pursuant to this Section,
the data collected prior to that point must be averaged to determine compliance for such period.”
Statement at 19;
Prop. at 49 (proposed new Section 225.239(a)(4)). In its comments filed
after the first hearing and responding to questions raised there, the Agency identified this
subsection as a provision limiting “a source’s ability to switch” between CEMS and the
emissions testing alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-28.
In its second
sheet, the Agency responded to a request for clarification at the first
hearing by proposing to specify that subsection (a)(4) “applies to EGUs in the MPS and CPS.”
2 at 15, 17.
Finally, in its second
sheet, the Agency notes that it was asked during the first
hearing to “clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as
2 at 15 (¶11);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend
subsections (a)(1), (a)(3), and (a)(4) to include references to “an excepted monitoring system”.
2 at 15-17.

Subsection (b): Emission Limits.
In its original proposal, the Agency stated that it
seeks to require that existing units must begin complying, as determined through quarterly
emissions testing, in the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2009. Statement at 19;
Prop. at
49-50 (proposed new Section 225.239(b)(1)). The Agency also sought to require that new units
must comply, as determined through quarterly emissions testing, within the first 2,160 hours
after commencing commercial operations. Statement at 19;
Prop. at 50 (proposed new
Section 225.239(b)(2)).
Subsection (c): Initial Emissions Testing Requirements for New Units.
In its original
proposal, the Agency proposed language requiring that “[t]he owner or operator of an EGU that
commences commercial operation after June 30, 2009, must also conduct an initial performance
test within the first 2,160 hours after the commencement of commercial operations.” Statement
at 19;
Prop. at 50 (proposed new Section 225.239(c)).
Subsection (d): Emissions Testing Requirements.
In its original proposal, the Agency
proposed language providing that “[s]ources are required to perform quarterly emissions testing,
except those in the MPS or CPS, which must perform semi-annual emissions testing.” Statement
at 19;
Prop at 50 (proposed Sections 225.239(d)(1), (d)(2)). In its second
sheet, the
Agency proposed to amend to amend Section 225.239(d)(2) “to specify that EGUs in the MPS
and CPS that opt into either the 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electric output emission limit or
90% control efficiency requirement early are excepted from performing emissions testing on a
semi-annual calendar basis, and instead must perform such testing on a quarterly basis.”
2 at 15, 18.
In subsection (d)(3), the Agency originally proposed that “[e]missions tests which
demonstrate compliance must be performed at least 45 days apart.” Statement at 20;
at 50 (proposed Section 225.239(d)(3)). The Agency also sought to provide that,
if an emissions test fails to demonstrate compliance or the emissions test is being
performed subsequent to a significant change in the operations of an EGU under
subsection (h)(2) of this Section, the owner or operator of an EGU may perform
additional emissions test(s) using the same test protocol submitted in the same
period, with less than 45 days between tests. Statement at 20;
Prop. at 50
(proposed Section 225.239(d)(3)).
In subsection (d)(4), the Agency originally proposed that “[e]missions test must consist
of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine emissions test runs, lasting at least one hour each,
and averaged to determine compliance.” Statement at 20;
Prop. at 51 (proposed Section
225.239(d)(4)). The Agency also seeks to provide that “[a]ll test runs performed must be
reported.” Statement at 20;
Prop. at 51.
In subsection (d)(5), the Agency originally proposed that,
[i]f an EGU shares a common stack with one or more other EGUs, the owner or
operator of the EGU must conduct emissions testing in the duct to the common
stack from each unit, unless the owner or operator of the EGU considers the

combined emissions measured at the common stack as the mass mercury
emissions for the EGUs for recordkeeping and compliance purposes. Statement at
Prop. at 51 (proposed Section 225.239(d)(5)).
In subsection (d)(6), the Agency originally proposed that, “[i]f an owner or operator of an
EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to this Section later elects to demonstrate compliance
pursuant to the CEMS monitoring provisions in Section 225.230 of this Subpart, the owner or
operator must comply with the emissions monitoring deadlines in Section 225.240(b)(4).”
Statement at 20;
Prop. at 51 (proposed Section 225.239(d)(6)). In its comments filed after
the first hearing and responding to questions raised there, the Agency identified this subsection
as a provision limiting “a source’s ability to switch” between CEMS and the emissions testing
alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-28. Also, in its second
sheet, the Agency notes that
it was asked during the first hearing to “clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent
trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 15 (¶11);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the
Agency proposes to amend subsection (d)(6) to include a reference to “excepted monitoring
system provisions”.
2 at 15, 18.
Subsection (e): Emissions Testing Procedures.
In its original proposal, the Agency
sought to provide that “[o]wners and operators are required to conduct a compliance test in
accordance with Method 29, 30A, or 30B of 40 C.F.R. 60, Appendix A.” Statement at 20;
Prop. at 51 (proposed Section 225.239(e)(1). In his pre-field testimony on behalf of the Agency,
Mr. Mattison stated that these methods “were approved by USEPA for initial certification and
relative accuracy test audits (“RATA”) of Part 75 monitoring equipment, and are considered to
be accurate methods for the measurement of mercury from coal-fired EGU stacks.” Exh. 1 at 3.
Specifically, Mr. Mattison stated that Method 29 determines emissions of various elements and
“has been an approved method for measuring metal emissions from stationary sources since
at 4;
40 C.F.R. 60, Appendix A. Mr. Mattison further stated that USEPA
approved alternative Methods 30A and 30 B in 2007 for the measurement of mercury emissions
from stationary sources. Exh. 1 at 4;
40 C.F.R. 60, Appendix A-8. Mr. Mattison
characterizes Methods 30A and 30B, compared to the wet chemistry methodology of Method 29,
as “a lot simpler to use.” Tr.1 at 200-01.
In subsection (e)(2), the Agency originally proposed that “[m]ercury emissions or control
efficiency must be measured while the affected unit is operating at or above 90% of peak load.”
Statement at 20;
Prop. at 51 (proposed new Section 225.239(e)(2)).
In subsection (e)(3), the Agency originally proposed that, “[f]or units complying with the
control efficiency standard of subsection (b)(1)(B) or (b)(2)(B) of this Section, the owner or
operator must perform coal sampling in accordance with Section 225.265 at least once during
each day of emissions testing and monthly coal sampling at all other times.” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 51 (proposed new Section 225.239(e)(3)). In its first
sheet, the Agency stated that
“a comment from a regulated source suggested the addition of language to address situations
when a boiler has not operated over a given time period.´
1 at 1, 2. Accordingly, the
Agency proposed to amend its language by providing that monthly coal sampling is not required
when “the boiler did not operate or combust coal at all during that month.”
. at 2. Also, in its
sheet, the Agency proposed an additional amendment to this subsection “to clarify

that EGUs in the MPS or CPS complying with the 90% control efficiency requirement and
electing to demonstrate compliance pursuant to the emissions testing requirements in Section
225.239 are included in the group that must perform coal sampling according to the schedule set
forth in subsection (e)(3).”
2 at 15, 19.
In subsection (e)(4), the Agency originally proposed that, “[f]or units complying with the
output-based emission standard of subsection (b)(1)(A) or (b)(2)(A) of this Section, the owner or
operator must monitor gross electrical output for the duration of the testing.” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 51 (proposed new Section 225.239(e)(4)).
In subsection (e)(5), the Agency originally proposed that “[t]he owner or operator of an
EGU may use an alternative emissions testing method if such alternative is submitted to the
Agency in writing and approved in writing by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance
Section.” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 51 (proposed new Section 225.239(e)(5)).
Subsection (f): Notification Requirements.
In its original proposal, the Agency sought
to provide that “[t]he owner or operator of an EGU must submit a testing protocol to the Agency
at least 45 days prior to a schedule emissions test, except as provided in Section 225.239(h)(2) or
(h)(3).” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 52 (proposed new Section 225.239(f)(1). In subsection
(f)(2), the Agency originally proposed that “[n]otification of a scheduled emissions test must be
submitted to the Agency in writing, directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance
Section, at least 30 days prior to the expected date of the emissions test.” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 52 (proposed new Section 225.239(f)(2)). The Agency also originally proposed that
“[n]otification of the actual date and expected time of testing must be submitted in writing,
directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, at least five working days
prior to the actual date of the test.” Statement at 21;
Prop. at 52 (proposed new Section
225.239(f)(3)). In subsection (f)(3), the Agency proposed that, “[i]f an emissions test performed
under the requirements of this Section fails to demonstrate compliance with the limits of
subsection (b) of this Section, the owner or operator of an EGU may perform a new emissions
test using the same test protocol previously submitted in the same period” by submitting
notification at least five working days prior to the actual date of the test. Statement at 21;
Prop. at 52 (proposed new Section 225.239(f)(3)).
In subsection (f)(4), the Agency originally proposed to require that, in addition to the
testing protocol required by subsection (f)(1),
[t]he owner or operator of an EGU that has elected to demonstrate compliance by
use of the emission standards of subsection (b) of this Section must submit a
Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan to the Agency at least 45 days prior to a
scheduled emissions test. The Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan must detail
how the EGU will continue to operate within the parameters enumerated in the
testing protocol and how those parameters will ensure compliance with the
appropriate mercury limit. Statement at 21-22;
Prop. at 52-52 (proposed new
Section 225.239(f)(4).

In pre-filed testimony on behalf of the Agency, Mr. Bloomberg elaborated that sources relying
upon the stack testing alternative “must operate the EGU and all associated relevant controls in a
manner similar to that under which the unit was tested and compliance was determined.” Exh. 6
at 2;
TSD at 12. Mr. Bloomberg further states that the Continuous Parameter Monitoring
Plan ensures such operation. Exh. 6 at 2. In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to
amend subsection (f)(4) “to specify that EGUs in the MPS or CPS that opt into either the 0.0080
lb/GWh emission limit or the 90% control efficiency requirement early and that elect to
demonstrate compliance pursuant to the emissions testing requirements in Section 225.239 must
submit a Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan.”
2 at 16, 20-21.
Subsection (g): Compliance Determination.
In its original proposal, the Agency
sought to require that “[e]ach quarterly emissions test shall determine compliance with Subpart B
for that quarter.” Statement at 22;
Prop. at 53 (proposed new Section 225.239(g)(1)). The
Agency also originally proposed that,
[i]f emission testing conducted pursuant to this Section fails to demonstrate
compliance, the owner or operator of the EGU will be deemed to have been out of
compliance with this Subpart beginning on the day after the most recent emissions
test that demonstrated compliance or the last day of certified CEMS data
demonstrating compliance on a rolling 12-month basis, and the EGU will remain
out of compliance until a subsequent emissions test successfully demonstrates
compliance with the limits of this Section. Statement at 22;
Prop. at 53
(proposed new Section 225.239(g)(2)).
In its comments filed after the first hearing and responding to questions raised there, the Agency
identified this subsection as a provision limiting “a source’s ability to switch” between CEMS
and the emissions testing alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-28. Also, in its second
sheet, the Agency notes that it was asked during the first hearing to “clarify whether references
to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 15 (¶11);
Tr.1 at
96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (g)(2) to include a reference
to “excepted monitoring system provisions”.
2 at 15, 21.
In his pre-filed testimony on behalf of Dynegy, Mr. Diericx states that “Dynegy generally
supports the Agency’s proposal to include the stack testing option at Section 225.239.” Exh. 14
at 4. Mr. Diericx argues, however, that the proposed language providing that noncompliance
shown by one stack test dates back to the most recent complaint stack test “is inconsistent with
general practice regarding reliance on stack testing to demonstrate compliance with a standard.”
. Dynegy “requests that the Board revise this section to provide that noncompliance is
prospective – from the noncompliant stack test to the next compliant stack test.”
. at 4-5.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed amending this subsection in response to
industry comments “to provide that an unsuccessful sack test only indicates noncompliance
dating back to the beginning of the quarter, the last day of certified CEMS data (or certified data
from an excepted monitoring system) demonstrating compliance, or to the date on which a
significant change was made.”
3 at 6-7. The Agency states that “[t]he language is now
consistent with the Agency’s statements that a successful stack test determines compliance for an

entire quarter, and it also acknowledges that a significant change could be the event that triggers
noncompliance, so noncompliance should not be assumed to predate such a change.”
. at 6. In
his testimony at the second hearing, Mr. Diericx noted the language proposed in the third
sheet by stating that it was “acceptable to Dynegy and resolves this issue.” Tr.2 at 79;
Comment at 8.
Subsection (h): Operation Requirements.
In its original proposal, the Agency sought
to require that “EGUs must continue to operate commensurate with the Continuous Parameter
Monitoring Plan until the next compliance demonstration.” Statement at 22;
Prop. at 53
(proposed Section 225.239(h)(1).
The Agency also proposes that, “[i]f the owner or operator makes a significant change to
the operations of an EGU subject to this Section, such as changing from bituminous to
subbituminous coal, the owner or operator must submit a testing protocol to the Agency with a
new Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan and perform an emissions test within seven
operating days of the significant change.” Statement at 22;
Prop. at 53 (proposed Section
225.239(h)(2)). In its second
sheet, the Agency responded to a request at the first hearing
that it “clarify what is meant by a ‘significant change.’”
2 at 16;
Tr.1 at 146-50. The
Agency proposed to amend this subsection to specify that any “change that would render the
most recent test no longer representative of current operations according to the parameters listed
in the Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan” is a significant change.
2 at 16, 21. The
Agency also proposed in response to a request at the second
sheet “to give sources
additional time to perform an emissions test following a significant change.”
at 16;
see id
. at
22, Tr.1 at 149.
In subsection (h)(3), the Agency proposed language providing that, if an EGU combusts a
blend of coal, then “the owner or operator of the EGU must ensure that the EGU continues to
operate using the same blend that was used during the most recent successful emissions test. If
the blend of coal changes, the owner or operator of the EGU must re-test in accordance with
subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) of Section 225.239 within 30 days of the change in coal blend.”
Statement at 22;
Prop. at 54 (proposed new Section 225.239(h)(3)).
Subsection (i): Recordkeeping.
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to provide
that “[t]he owner or operator of an EGU and its designated representative must comply with all
applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this Section.” Statement at 22;
at 54 (proposed new Section 225.239(i)(1)). In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to
amend this subsection to reflect removal of the term “designated representative.”
3 at 7.
The Agency proposed generally to remove it “in response to industry comment that the term is
not necessary and would lead to confusion.”
. at 2.
The Agency also sought to provide in subsection (i)(2) that these recordkeeping and
reporting requirements include records substantiating “that the EGU is operating in compliance
with the parameters listed in the Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan.” Statement at 22;
Prop. at 54 (proposed new Section 225.239(i)(2)). In its second
sheet, the Agency
proposed to amend subsection (i)(2) “to require use of parts per million rather than pounds per
trillion BTUs when recording the daily mercury content of coal used.”
2 at 16, 22.

In subsection (i)(3), the Agency proposed that “EGUs using activated carbon injection
must also maintain records of the usage of sorbent, the exhaust gas flow rate from the EGU, and
the sorbent feed rate, in pounds per million actual cubic feet of exhaust gas at the injection point,
on a weekly average.” Statement at 23;
Prop. at 54 (proposed new Section 225.239(i)(3(A)).
The Agency also proposed that, “if a blend of coal is fired in the EU, the owner or operator of the
EGU must keep records of the amount of each type of coal burned and the required injection rate
for injection of activated carbon, on a weekly basis.” Statement at 23;
Prop. at 54 (proposed
new Section 225.239(i)(3)(B)).
In subsection (i)(4), the Agency originally proposed that “[t]he owner or operator of an
EGU must retain all records required by this Section at the source unless otherwise provided in
the CAAPP permit issued for the source and must make a copy of any record available to the
Agency upon request.” Statement at 23;
Prop. at 55 (proposed new Section 225.239(i)(4)).
In its second
sheet, the Agency in response to a request at the first hearing proposed to
amend this subsection “to require that records be retained for five years.”
2 at 16, 23;
Tr.1 at 155-56.
In subsection (i)(5), the Agency proposed language providing that “[t]he owner or
operator of an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to this Section must monitor and report
the heat input rate at the unit level.” Prop. at 55 (proposed new Section 225.239(i)(5);
Statement at 23. Also, in subsection (i)(6), the Agency proposed that “[t]he owner or operator of
an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to the Section must perform and report coal
sampling in accordance with subsection 225.239(e)(3).” Prop. at 55 (proposed new Section
Statement at 23.
Subsection (j): Reporting Requirements.
In its original proposal, the Agency sought
to require that “[a]n owner or operator of an EGU shall submit to the Agency a Final Source Test
Report for each periodic emissions test within 45 days after the test is completed.” Statement at
Prop. at 55 (proposed new Section 225.239(j)(1). The Agency proposes that this Final
Source Test Report will at a minimum include a summary of results; a description of test
method(s), including a description of sampling points, sampling train, analysis equipment, and
test schedule; and a detailed description of test conditions, including process information, control
equipment information, a discussion of any preparatory actions taken, and data and calculations.
Statement at 23;
Prop. at 55 (proposed new Section 225.239(j)(1)(B)(i-iv)).
In subsection (j)(2), the Agency proposes that “[t]he owner or operator of a source with
one or more EGUs demonstrating compliance with Subpart B in accordance with this Section
must submit to the Agency a Quarterly Certification of Compliance within 45 days following the
end of the calendar quarter covered by this certification.” Statement at 23;
Prop. at 55
(proposed new Section 225.239(j)(2)). The Agency also proposed that “[q]uarterly certification
of compliance must indicate whether compliance existed for each EGU for the previous calendar
quarter and it must certify to that effect.” Statement at 23-24;
Prop. at 55. In the event that
an EGU fails to comply during the quarter covered by the certification, the Agency seeks to
require that “the owner or operator must provide the reasons the EGU or EGUs failed to comply
and a full description of the noncompliance.” Statement at 24;
Prop. at 55-56. Also, the

Agency proposes that, for each EGU, the owner or operator must provide a list of all emissions
tests performed within the calendar quarter and any deviations or exceptions each month.
Statement at 24;
Prop. at 56. The Agency also proposed to require that all Quarterly
Certifications of Compliance required to be submitted must include a certification by a
responsible official. Statement at 24;
Prop. at 56.
In subsection (j)(3), the Agency proposed that “[f]or each EGU, the owner or operator
must promptly notify the Agency of deviations from requirements of this Subpart B.” Statement
at 24;
Prop. at 56 (proposed new Section 225.239(j)(3)). The Agency specifies that, “[a]t a
minimum, these notifications must include a description of such deviations within 30 days after
discovery of the deviations, and a discussion of the possible cause of such deviations, any
corrective actions, and any preventative measures taken.” Statement at 24;
Prop. at 56.
Section 225.240: General Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
Section 225.240 provides general monitoring and reporting requirements for the Board’s
mercury emissions regulations. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.240. In its original proposal, the Agency
first seeks to replace “citations to vacated sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to
the newly created Appendix B to Part 225.” Statement at 24;
Prop. at 56-60. The Agency
also seeks to change the emissions monitoring deadline from January 1, 2009, to July 1, 2009.
Statement at 24;
Prop. at 57, 58.
The Agency’s original proposal also provided that “owners or operators of EGUs that
originally elected to demonstrate compliance pursuant to the emissions testing requirements in
Section 225.239 must record, report, and quality-assure data from the CEMS by the first day of
the calendar quarter following the last emissions test demonstrating compliance with Section
225.239.” Statement at 24;
Prop. at 58 (proposed new Section 225.239(b)(4). In addition,
the Agency proposes to replace “citations to vacated portions of 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding reporting
data with citations to the newly created alternative reporting data requirements in Section
225.239.” Statement at 24;
Prop. at 58-60. Finally, the Agency also seeks to provide that the
Agency will approve alternative systems and methods instead of USEPA. Statement at 24;
Prop. at 59.
The Agency argues that USEPA researched and considered the economic reasonableness
and the technical feasibility of mercury monitoring methods before it promulgated CAMR and
that it determined that the Part 75 monitoring provisions were both reasonable and feasible.
TSD at 8. The Agency states that the federal court vacated CAMR on the basis of USEPA’s
regulatory approach and not because of the cost or feasibility of monitoring.
. at 8-9.
Consequently, the Agency seeks to reconstitute the CAMR monitoring provisions as
amendments to Part 225.
at 8. The Agency stresses that the Board already considered these
provisions in adopting Part 225 and found them to be reasonable and feasible.
at 8-9, citing
In the Matter of Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225: Control of Emissions from Large
Combustion Sources (Mercury), R06-25, slip op. at 78 (Nov. 2, 2006). The Agency also claims,
on the basis of discussion with monitoring system vendors, “that the great majority of coal-fired
EGUs originally affected by CAMR have already purchased monitoring systems compliant with
Part 75 requirements in anticipation of the January 1, 2009 effective date of the now vacated

CAMR.” TSD at 10. The Agency adds that it has proposed in this proceeding both to extend the
monitoring deadline and to provide flexibility through the stack testing alterative at Section
. at 10.
In comments filed January 14, 2009, after the first hearing and responding to questions
raised there, the Agency identified this Section 225.239(b)(4) as a provision limiting “a source’s
ability to switch” between CEMS and the emissions testing alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-
28. In the same comments, the Agency noted that it had been asked to explain the relationship
between dates in Sections 225.240(b)(1) and (b)(3). PC 1 at 2;
Tr. 1 at 156-59. The Agency
responds that no relationship exists because the different dates “deal with two different topics.”
PC 1 at 2. The Agency explains that
Section 225.240(b)(1) covers the deadline date by which monitoring is required
for existing sources; (b)(3) deals with the monitoring date for sources that later
add on a control device. Thus, an existing source needs to begin monitoring with
a certified CEMS by July 1, 2009. . . . If the source then adds a control system
described in (b)(3), the modified CEMS has the lesser of 90 unit operating days
or 180 calendar days to re-certify the CEMS. PC 1 at 2-3.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to delete subsection (c)(2) on the basis
that it is redundant.
2 at 25, 27. The Agency also proposed to delete the title of
subsection (c), “as it does not accurately reflect the content of the subsection.”
. Also in its
sheet, the Agency noted that it was asked during the first hearing to “clarify
whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 25
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend subsections (d)(3)
and (d)(4) to include references to excepted monitoring systems”.
2 at 25, 28.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed additional changes to the originally-
proposed language. First, the Agency proposed amending Section 225.240(b)(3) “in response to
a request by Midwest Generation that the monitor date match the control installation date.”
3 at 7-8. Second, the Agency proposed striking the term “all” from Section 225.240(d)(2)
“because EGUs are not actually required to account for all
emissions (as a result of the removal
of data substitution requirements and the addition of the 75% monitor availability requirement,
for example).”
. at 8 (emphasis in original). Third, the Agency also proposed to amend
Section 225.240(d)(4)(B) “to reflect the removal of the term ‘designated representative.’”
. at
8-9. The third
sheet proposed to remove the term “in response to industry comment that
the term is not necessary and would lead to confusion.”
. at 2. In its fourth
sheet, the
Agency proposed a technical amendment to Section 225.240(a)(1).
4 at 1 (reinserting
Section 225.250: Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures for Emissions
Section 225.250 establishes procedures for the initial certification and recertification for
emissions monitoring systems. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.250. In its original proposal, the Agency
sought to replace “citations to vacated sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to the

newly created Appendix B to Part 225.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at 60-65. The proposal also
provides that written notice of certification testing must be submitted to the Agency instead if
USEPA. Prop. at 61-62 (Section 225.250(a)(3)(A)). The Agency also proposes to remove
“references to missing data substitution procedures relating to CEMS.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at 63-64.
In its second
sheet, the Agency noted that it was asked during the first hearing to
“clarify whether references to ‘CEMS’ include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well.”
2 at 29 (¶13);
Tr.1 at 96, 172-74. Accordingly, the Agency proposes to amend subsections
(a)(1) and (a)(3) to include references to excepted monitoring systems”.
2 at 29, 30. In
its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 225.250(a)(3)(D)(iv) “to correct an
erroneous citation” in a cross-reference.
3 at 45. Similarly, in its fourth
sheet, the
Agency also proposed Section 225.250(a) to correct a technical error.
4 at 1-2 (deleting
Section 225.260: Out of Control Periods and Data Availability for Emissions Monitors
Section 225.260 addresses out of control periods for emission monitors. 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 225.260. In its original proposal, the Agency sought to replace “citations to vacated
sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to the newly created Appendix B to Part 225.”
Statement at 25;
Prop. at 65. The Agency’s proposal “also removes references to missing
data substitution procedures relating to CEMS and establishes minimum monitor data
availability requirements.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at 65, TSD at 17. In his testimony on
behalf of the Agency, Mr. Bloomberg stated that this availability requirement replaces missing
data procedures. Exh. 6 at 4. He further states that USEPA has found the requirement to be
achievable and that it “is comparable to the level of monitor availability for mercury monitoring
of new sources required by 40 C.F.R. 60.49Da(p)(4)(i).”
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 225.260 “to clarify that
MPS and CPS sources are subject to the 75% data availability uptime requirement.”
2 at
33-34, citing Tr.1 at 160. Also in the second
sheet, the Agency proposed in subsection (c)
to change the term “must” to “will.”
2 at 33-34. In its third
sheet, the Agency
proposed to amend subsection (b) “to clarify that all units using CEMS are subject to the 75%
uptime requirement.”
3 at 9. The Agency states that it offered this clarification “[i]n
response to comments by industry and to ensure the regulation matches the Agency’s original
In his pre-filed testimony for the second hearing on behalf of Kincaid, Mr. Nuckols
expresses the belief that “a phase-in of the 75% data availability requirement is warranted. We
suggest the IEPA program begin with a 65% data availability requirement in July 2010 rising to
a 75% standard in July 2011.” Exh. 10 at 11-12. In his pre-filed testimony for the second
hearing on behalf of Midwest Generation, Mr. Miller cites difficulty in operating CEMS to
“propose an availability calculation based on a rolling annual basis as opposed to the quarterly
basis.” Exh. 12 at 12;
Prop. at 65.

At the second hearing, the Agency proposed additional revisions to Section 225.260
regarding monitor data availability. Exh. 8. In its post-hearing comment, the Agency states that
it has addressed Kincaid’s objections on this issue. Agency Comment at 11, citing Tr.2 at 46-47,
Kincaid Comment at 1. Also in its post-hearing comments, the Agency states that it
has satisfactorily addressed Midwest Generation’s position on data availability. Agency
Comment at 7, citing Tr.2 at 66;
MG Comment at 2-3.
Section 225.261: Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data
Section 225.261 establishes additional requirements with regard to providing heat input
data. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.261. In its original proposal, the Agency sought in this section to
replace citations to vacated sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to the newly
created Appendix B to Part 225.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at 66.
Section 225.265: Coal Analysis for Input Mercury Levels
Section 225.265 addresses analysis of coal for input mercury levels. 35 Ill. Adm. Code
225.265. In its original proposal, the Agency first sought to correct an erroneous cross-reference
to Section 225.230 in subsection (a). Statement at 25;
Prop. at 66. The Agency then
proposed to require “sources complying via Section 225.233, 225.239, or 225.291 through
225.299 to perform coal sampling in accordance with this Section.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at
66. Specifically, the Agency sought to require that “EGUs complying by means of Section
225.233 or Sections 225.291 through 225.299 perform coal sampling at least once a month,
EGUs complying by means of Section 225.239 perform coal sampling according to the schedule
provided in Section 225.239(e)(3), and all other EGUs subject to this requirement perform coal
sampling on a daily basis.” Statement at 25;
Prop. at 66-67.
In its first
sheet, the Agency proposed amending Section 225.265(a)(1).
at 1-2. First, the Agency sought to add language clarifying the frequency of required coal
at 1. The Agency also responded to a regulated source, which had “suggested the
addition of language to address situations when a boiler has not operated over a given time
period and asked for clarification about how to handle the testing of multiple coal samples.”
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes a number of changes to Section 225.265.
First, the Agency proposes in subsection (a) to “clarify that the coal sampling requirements in
this Section apply to EGUs in the MPS and CPS, except EGUs subject to the 0.0080 lb/GWh
emission limit.”
2 at 34, 35. The Agency states that “this exception includes EGUs that
opt into the emission limit early.”
. Second, the Agency proposes to clarify the provisions of
subsection (a)(1) by dividing into subsection (a)(1)(A) through (a)(1)(C).
. at 34, 36. The
Agency states that “[t]he proposed revisions to subsection (a)(1)(A) specify that, of the EGUs
that need to perform coal sampling, those in the MPS or CPS, except EGUs complying with the
90% control efficiency standard or utilizing emissions testing to demonstrate compliance, must
perform coal sampling at least once each month.”
. at 34, 35, 36. The Agency further states
that “[t]he proposed revisions to subsection (a)(1)(B) clarify that EGUs in the MPS or CPS
complying with the 90% control efficiency standard, including EGUs that opt into such limit
early, and that utilize emissions testing to demonstrate compliance must perform coal sampling

according to the schedule set forth in Section 225.239.”
. The Agency also states that “[t]he
proposed revisions to subsection (a)(1)(C) clarify that EGUs in the MPS and CPS subject to the
90% control efficiency standard, including EGUs that opt into such limit early, and that utilize
CEMS to demonstrate compliance must perform coal sampling daily.”
. at 34-35, 36. Third,
the Agency proposed to amend subsection (a)(2) “to include ASTM D6722-01 as an approved
method for measuring mercury content of coal “in response to a request by a regulated entity.
at 35, 36.
In its third
sheet, the Agency responds to a comment by Ameren by proposing to
amend Section 225.265(a)(1) “to provide greater flexibility regarding the location at which
sources are required to collect a grab sample.”
3 at 9-10.
In its post-hearing comment, Midwest Generation addressed two aspects of this section.
First, Midwest Generation voices its support for including ASTM D6722-01 in “the list of
methods for determining the amount of mercury in coal.” MG Comment at 5. Midwest
Generation also states that it “supports the Agency’s proposal to reduce the frequency of coal
sampling to monthly from daily for CPS units where the units have not been opted in to the 90%
reduction requirement.”
Dynegy’s post-hearing comments also address this section. First, Dynegy expresses the
understanding that
the rule does not require the inclusion of coal data in the semi-annual reports
submitted by companies complying with the mercury rule through the Multi-
Pollutant Standard (“MPS”), Section 225.233, that are relying on the periodic
stack testing provisions of proposed Section 225.239 for units that are not early
compliers with the 90% reduction standard,
, that have not ‘opted in’ to the
90% reduction requirement prior to the compliance deadline. Rather, this data is
to be maintained at each power station and made available to the Agency upon
request. Dynegy Comment at 1-2.
Dynegy also expresses the understanding that MPS units complying with the mercury
emission standard through 90% reduction and relying on sorbent traps for monitoring “must
collect daily coal samples.” Dynegy Comment at 2. Dynegy argues that the Agency’s proposed
Section 225.265 addresses sampling, analyzing, and averaging those analyses “but does not
specifically allow or prohibit compositing of samples prior to analysis.”
. Dynegy claims
that, “[i] other words, the daily coal sampling requirement is much more frequent than the
emission sampling period.”
. at 2.
To address this, Dynegy proposes that the Board allow the period for analyzing daily coal
samples to correspond with the period for sorbent trap data capture. Dynegy Comment at 2.
Dynegy states that this data capture period “varies depending on the flue gas flow rate in the
stack and the mercury emission rate.”
. Dynegy expects that sorbent traps will capture data in
stacks for periods of seven to eight days, during which they effectively create a composite of
mercury emissions over that period.
. Dynegy also proposes that “coal samples could be
composited over a period of time corresponding to the sorbent trap sampling period.”
at 2.

Dynegy argues that “[t]his practice would produce more relevant data because the data analyzed
would have been collected over a similar period of time.”
. at 3.
Responding to Dynegy’s post-hearing comments, the Agency first notes Dynegy’s
statement that “sources in the MPS complying by stack testing are not required to submit coal
data in semi-annual reports, but that such information must be maintained at the source.”
Agency Comment at 13, citing Dynegy Comment at 1-2. The Agency acknowledges that this
view “is correct” but notes that sources need to submit this data with each required emissions test
report. Agency Comment at 13.
Second, the Agency notes Dynegy’s proposal “that the Board allow for the period over
which the daily samples are analyzed to correspond with the sorbent trap data capture period”
and that “the coal samples could be composited over a period of time corresponding to the
sorbent trap sampling period.” Agency Comment at 13, citing Dynegy Comment at 2. The
Agency notes that the proposed rule includes no specification describing this compositing, and
the Agency opposes Dynegy’s proposed language. Agency Comment at 13. Nonetheless, the
Agency states that it “does not oppose the concept of compositing proposed by Dynegy.”
The Agency notes that its proposal allows alternative monitoring and measurement to be
submitted for its approval.
, citing Rev. Prop. at 19, 20 (proposed Sections 225.202(a) and
225.210(b)(1)). The Agency stresses that any request for an alternative should include, among
other elements, “modified versions of the appropriate ASTM standards.” Agency Comment at
In its response to the Agency’s post-hearing comment, Dynegy noted the Agency’s view
that there exists sufficient flexibility under Sections 225.202(a) and 225.210(b)(1) to propose
compositing as an alternative to the requirements of Section 225.265(a)(1)(C). Dynegy Resp. at
1-2. Dynegy states that “[t]his response is satisfactory.”
. at 2.
Section 225.270: Notifications
Section 225.270 addresses notification by sources to the Agency. 35 Ill. Adm. Code
225.270. The Agency’s original proposal seeks to replace “citations to vacated sections of 40
C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to the newly created Appendix B to Part 225.” Statement at
Prop. at 67.
Section 225.290: Recordkeeping and Reporting
Section 225.290 provides recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the owner or
operator of an EGU. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.290. In its original proposal, the Agency sought a
number of amendments to this provision. First, the Agency proposed to replace “citations to
vacated sections of 40 C.F.R. 75 with equivalent citations to the newly created Appendix B to
Part 225.” Statement at 26;
Prop. at 68-73. Second, the Agency proposed to add
“[r]ecertfication testing that has been performed for any CEMS and the status of the results” as a
required element of quarterly reports. Statement at 26;
Prop. at 70. Third, the Agency
proposes to remove reference to data substitution procedures for CEMS. Statement at 26;

Prop. at 70-71. Finally, the Agency also proposed to correct technical errors in two cross-
references to Section 225.230. Statement at 26;
Prop. at 68.
In comments filed January 14, 2009, after the first hearing and responding to questions
raised there, the Agency stated that it had “agreed to consider allowing additional time for
sources to submit original monitoring reports.” PC 1 at 6. The Agency stated that it “is not
proposing such a change, as it has not identified any reports that would require additional time.
For example, the quarterly reports required pursuant to Section 225.290(b) are due 45 days after
the end of a quarter, meaning the first report will not be due until mid-November.”
. The
Agency offers that, [i]f there is a different report that sources believe requires additional time,
the Agency will consider extending the deadline if such report is identified.”
In its first
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 225.290(d)(2)(F) by
deleting unnecessary references to data substitution.
1 at 2.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed a number of amendments to Section
225.290. First, the Agency proposes to amend Section 225.290(a)(2)(A) “to require use of parts
per million rather than pounds per trillion BTUs when recording the mercury content of coal.”
2 at 37, 38. Second, the Agency responds to requests at the first hearing and
acknowledges that USEPA will not be accepting electronic reports from sources by proposing to
delete subsection (a)(6) referring to electronic reporting.
. at 37, 39. Third, the Agency
proposed to amend the renumbered subsection (a)(6) “to specify that sources must only retain
records for five years.”
. at 37, 39.
Also in its second
sheet, the Agency responds “to requests at hearing and
USEPA’s inability to accept electronic reports” by proposing effectively to replace the original
subsection (b) regarding the content of quarterly reports with new language.
2 at 37, 39-
42 (proposed new subsection (b)(1) through (b)(4)). The Agency attached a draft reporting form,
which it had “previously provided to affected sources and revised based upon comments
received from such sources.”
. at 37;
see id
., Exh. 1 (Mercury Monitoring Reporting Form).
The Agency also proposed to clarify subsection (c)(2) by replacing a “reference to missing data
with a reference to data that is unavailable or out of control.”
. at 37, 43. The Agency also
proposes to amend subsection (c) by replacing “two references to Appendix B with references to
40 C.F.R. 75.”
. at 37, 43. Finally, The Agency proposes to amend subsection (d) “to add
several references to QAMO, resulting from a change to the monitoring calculation provisions.”
. at 37, 44-45; citing
. at 5.
In its third
sheet, the Agency first proposed to amend Section 225.290(a)(1) “to
reflect the removal of the term ‘designated representative.’”
3 at 10. The Agency also
proposed to amend Section 225.290(b)(3)(F) to respond to comments that certain data
acquisition and handling systems are able to record the amount of coal combusted during QAMO
In its fourth
sheet, the Agency proposes several technical corrections to errors
contained in the second
4 at 2-6 (adding underlining). The Agency also
proposes to amend Section 225.290(b)(3)(C) to reflect revisions contained in Exhibit 8.
. at 2;

Exh. 8. For clarification of those revisions, the Agency also proposes to add the term “basis”
in that section.
4 at 2, 3.
In its post-hearing comment, Midwest Generation addressed Section 225.290(b)(3)(F),
noting that “the Agency proposed to allow the option of utilizing the inlet mercury emissions
based on coal sampling that matches in time the QAMO hours of the outlet mercury emissions
when calculating the percent mercury reduction.” MG Comment at 6. Midwest Generation
expresses agreement “that this is a more accurate method for calculating mercury emission
In its post-hearing comment, Dynegy claimed that “EGUs using excepted monitoring
systems will be hard-pressed to have their end-of-quarter emission measurements collected, sent
off-site for analysis, and the reported data then included in the quarterly report for submittal to
the Agency, all within 45 days.” Dynegy Comment at 4. Dynegy further argues that “[a] 60-day
reporting deadline is more appropriate for the additional transportation and analytical steps
associated with excepted monitoring systems.´
. Accordingly, Dynegy proposes that, for
EGUs using excepted monitoring systems, the Board amend Section 225.290(b)(4) to provide 60
days for submitting quarterly reports to the Agency.
In its post-hearing comment, the Agency noted Dynegy’s request for an extension of the
deadline for EGUs using excepted monitoring systems to submit quarterly reports. Agency
Comment at 17, citing Dynegy Comment at 4. The Agency suggested that the Board adopt
slightly different language than that proposed by Dynegy in order to clarify the provision.
Agency Comment at 17. In its response to the Agency’s post-hearing comment, Dynegy stated
with regard to Section 225.290(b)(4) that “[t]he Agency’s proposed language is acceptable.”
Dynegy Resp. at 2.
CPS Generally
The Agency and Midwest Generation negotiated the CPS during the original mercury
rulemaking process. TSD at 4, Exh. 7 at 5;
35 Ill Adm. Code 225 Subpart F. “Similar to the
MPS, the CPS allows flexibility in complying with the mercury provisions in exchange for SO
reductions, NO
reductions, and other considerations agreed to by the parties.” TSD at 4; Exh. 7
at 5. At the time it was negotiated, the parties to the CPS desired to include it in the mercury
rule. TSD at 4; Exh. 7 at 5. As the mercury rule was then in its final stages of adoption, the
parties included the CPS in Illinois’ CAIR. TSD at 4; Exh. 7 at 5. “Consistent with the original
desire and determination that the more appropriate place for the CPS was in the Illinois mercury
rule, the CPS will now be removed from CAIR and included in the Illinois mercury rule. TSD at
4; Exh. 7 at 5;
Prop. at 74-97.
Section 225.291: Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.600
regarding the purpose of the CPS, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with
equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-citations.”

Statement at 26;
Prop. at 74 (proposed new Section 225.291), Prop. at 85 (deleting Section
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.600 (Purpose).
Section 225.292: Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.605
regarding applicability of the CPS, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with
equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-citations.”
Statement at 26;
Prop. at 74-75 (proposed new Section 225.292), Prop. at 86 (deleting
Section 225.605;
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.605 (Applicability).
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend subsection (e) “to delete a
reference to the CAIR designated representative.”
2 at 46. In its third
sheet, the
Agency proposed the further amendment of deleting the entire reference to a “designated
3 at 10-11.
Section 225.293: Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.610
regarding notice of intent to comply with the CPS, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part
225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-
citations.” Statement at 26;
Prop. at 75 (proposed new Section 225.293), Prop. at 86-87
(deleting Section 225.610);
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.610 (Notice of Intent).
Section 225.294: Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements and
Emissions Standards for Mercury
While this proposed new section effectively replaces the existing Section 225.615
regarding the control technologies and emissions standards for the CPS, it also “replaces
citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299,
including internal cross-citations.” Statement at 26;
Prop. at 75-80 (proposed new Section
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.615 (Control Technology Requirements and Emissions
Standards for Mercury).
In his testimony pre-filed for the first hearing, Mr. Bloomberg stated that the Agency
proposed only “minimal technical changes” for the CPS. Exh. 6 at 2. Summarizing those
changes, the first stated that, for three years, CPS sources can opt to rely on alternative emissions
testing instead of the CEMS.
. at 2-3, citing Exh. 1 (Mattison pre-filed testimony). The
Agency concludes that “[s]emi-annual stack testing, along with existing recordkeeping and
reporting, is adequate for evaluation and verification by the Illinois EPA that the installed
mercury control system has been designed for effective absorption of mercury, is utilizing an
approved sorbent, and is injecting sorbent at the required minimum rates, as required by the
rule.” TSD at 14. Mr. Bloomberg also stated that the Agency’s proposal provided flexibility by
adding two new approved sorbents for use at Illinois sources: Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC MC
Plus and Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus. Exh. 6 at 3,
Exh. 7 at 5;
see also
Prop. at 77
(adding FLUEPAC MC Plus),
1 at 4 (adding FLUEPAC CF Plus).

In comments filed January 14, 2009, after the first hearing and responding to questions
raised there, the Agency identified this Section 225.294(e)(1)(B) as a provision limiting “a
source’s ability to switch” between CEMS and the emissions testing alternative. PC 1 at 1;
Tr.1 at 27-28. In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed “amending Section
225.294(e)(1)(B) to correct an error in the Agency’s original proposal regarding the frequency of
emission testing for CPS sources utilizing Section 225.239 to demonstrate compliance.”
2 at 46. The Agency stated that, “[w]hile EGUs in the CPS that are complying with the sorbent
injection rate requirement must perform emissions testing on a semi-annual basis, if such EGUs
opt into either the 0.0080 lb/GWh emission limit or 90% control efficiency requirement early,
they must perform quarterly emissions testing.”
. at 46-47, 48. The Agency also proposed to
amend Section 225.294(e)(1)(B) in response to requests at the first hearing for clarification “to
specify which subsections of Section 225.239 are applicable to EGUs in the CPS that utilize
emissions testing to demonstrate compliance.”
. at 47, 48.
In it second
sheet, the Agency also proposed in response to a request at the first
hearing to amend Section 225.294(f) “to clarify that EGUs in the CPS may utilize the averaging
provisions set forth in Section 225.232.”
2 at 47, 49, citing Tr.1 at 88-89;
35 Ill.
Adm. Code 225.232. The Agency also proposed to amend subsection (l) “to clarify the ‘sunset
date’ for the emissions testing alternative in Section 225.239.”
2 at 47, 52. Finally, the
Agency also proposed in response to a request at the first hearing to amend subsection (l) to
clarify whether reference to CEMS include sorbent trap monitoring systems as well by including
references to “excepted monitoring systems.”
. at 47, 52.
In his pre-filed testimony for the second hearing on behalf of Midwest Generation, Mr.
Miller noted the Agency’s suggestion that injecting halogenated activated carbon in an optimum
manner “may require that sorbent be injected upstream of the air heater.” Exh. 12 at 18. Mr.
Miller stated that “Section 225.294(g)(4) requires for a correction in the flow rate used in
determining the amount of sorbent to be injected when there is at least a 100ºF difference in
temperature between the point of measurement of the flow rate and the point of injection of the
. Although Mr. Miller recognizes that “injecting sorbent upstream of the air heater
may be more “optimum” or, better put, may reflect more effective absorption considering the
configuration of the particular unit in some cases, Midwest Generation is concerned about
IEPA’s potential requirement that sorbent be injected upstream of the air heater . . . for several
. (emphasis in original). Nonetheless, Mr. Miller states the understanding “that IEPA
will propose to amend this requirement for adjusting for the temperature differences.”
Indeed, in its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 225.294(g)(4) to
reflect new information indicating that some sources “with particulate control devices
downstream of the air preheater may inject activated carbon upstream of the air preheater.”
3 at 3, 11. The Agency states that
[t]his injection point was not contemplated during the original determination of
the required injection rates for units opting into the MPS and CPS. It also brings
to light a need to revise the rule so as to avoid an incentive to inject at a point in
the ductwork that may not be the most desirable. This is because determination of

the flow rate at the point of injection creates an incentive to inject where the flow
rate is low (
, near the back end of the ductwork close to the stack), thereby
potentially making the injection point location decision based on factors other
than the ability to best control mercury emissions.
The Agency also expresses the belief that “measurement of gas flow rate at the point of injection
is likely less reliable in comparison to gas flow rte measurement at the stack due to there
typically being a higher level of operating experience, quality control, and quality assurance of
stack gas flow meters.”
3 at 3, 11. The Agency states that “[t]he requirement for gas
flow rate to be obtained from stack gas flow meters, which are operated under the Acid Rain
Program, will also result in a standardized point of gas flow measurement rather than such
measurements being taken at variable points in the gas flow configuration.”
The Agency explains its proposed revision of Section 225.294(g)(4) as requiring
“determination of the gas flow rate at the stack except in the case of units
equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic
precipitator. For these units, the gas flow rate will still be determined at the inlet
to the hot-side electrostatic precipitator. For this purpose, the gas flow rate would
actually be measured at the stack, however, the stack gas flow rate will be
adjusted for the differences in temperature in the stack and at the inlet o the hot-
side electrostatic precipitator. This adjustment is required since the Agency was
aware in its original determination of the required injection rates that units
equipped with hot-side electrostatic precipitators would be injecting activated
carbon prior to the hot-side electrostatic precipitator and it was recognized that
such units would typically get lower mercury control than those with more
common configurations (
cold-side electrostatic precipitators).
3 at 3-
The Agency states that it recognizes “that some units with hot-side electrostatic precipitators
may be equipped with secondary particulate control devices downstream of the hot-side
electrostatic precipitator and will inject activated carbon downstream of the hot-side electrostatic
. at 4. The Agency further states that “[s]uch units will be treated like other
units and will not be required to adjust the gas flow rate for temperature differences but will
simply measure the gas flow rate at the stack.”
In its post-hearing comments, Midwest Generation “encourage the Board to adopt the
deletion of the requirement for temperature correction in Section 225.294(g)(4).” MG Comment
at 3. Midwest Generation claims that “[t]his revision allows sources to increase the amount of
time and space in which flue gas is exposed to sorbent without unnecessarily imposing an
increase in the amount of sorbent that must be injected.”
. However, Midwest Generation
proposes a corresponding amendment: “the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting of ‘flue
gas temperature at the point of sorbent injection’ should be removed from Section 225.294(j)(2)
for all units except those injecting sorbent prior to a hot-side ESP.”
. Midwest Generation
states that “this particular point was not identified during the discussion that addressed Section
225.294(g)(4)” but offers language to revise Section 225.294(j)(2).

In its post-hearing comment addressing this language, the Agency “agrees that changes
need to be made” but proposes alternative language “to address the totality of changes previously
made. . . .” Agency Comment at 14, 16. In its response to the Agency’s comment, Midwest
Generation states that “[t]he Agency’s proposed language is acceptable.” MG Resp. at 1.
Section 225.295: Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions Standards for NO
and SO
Section 225.295 addresses the treatment of mercury allowances allocated to the Agency
by USEPA. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.295. In its original proposal, the Agency first seeks to repeal
this language. Statement at 27;
Prop. at 73-74. The Agency states that, [a]s CAMR is
vacated, the trading program authorized by CAMR has ceased to exist as well. Accordingly,
there was no need for this section.” Statement at 27.
Also in its original proposal, the Agency seeks effectively to restate the existing Section
225.620 regarding emissions standards under the CPS for NO
and SO
. Statement at 27;
Prop. at 80-82 (proposed new Section 225.295, Prop. at 91-93 (deleting Section 225.620);
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.610 (Notice of Intent). The Agency also seeks to replace “citations to
Subpart F of Part 225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including
internal cross-citations.” Statement at 26;
Prop. at 80-82.
Section 225.296: Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements for
, SO
, and PM Emissions
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.610
regarding control technology requirements for NO
, SO
, and PM emissions under the CPS, it
also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291
through 225.299, including internal cross-citations.” Statement at 27;
Prop. at 82-83
(proposed new Section 225.296), Prop. at 93-94 (deleting Section 225.625);
see also
35 Ill Adm.
Code 225.625.
Section 225.297: Combined Pollutant Standard: Permanent Shut Downs
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.630
regarding permanent shut downs under the CPS, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part
225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-
citations.” Statement at 27;
Prop. at 83-84 (proposed new Section 225.297), Prop. at 94-95
(deleting Section 225.630);
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.630.
Section 225.298: Combined Pollutant Standard: Requirements for NO
and SO
While this proposed new section generally restates the existing Section 225.635 regarding
, and SO
, and PM allowances, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with
equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-citations.”
Statement at 27-28;
Prop. at 84-85 (proposed new Section 225.298), Prop. at 95-96 (deleting

Section 225.635);
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.635. The Agency’s original proposal also
replaces “references to the CAIR trading program with references to any trading program due to
the recent
of CAIR.” Statement at 27-28;
TSD at 4, Prop. at 84-85.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (a) “consistent with
the terms and conditions agree to by the affected sources in their multi-pollutant reduction
agreements with the Agency regarding NO
and SO
3 at 11-12. The
Agency attributes the need for this amendment to “the uncertainty surrounding the future of the
federal CAIR as adopted by Illinois.”
, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 225.310, 225.410, 225.510.
Also in the third
sheet, the Agency proposed amendments reflecting the deletion of the
term “designated representative.”
3 at 11-12. Also, in response to industry requests, the
Agency clarifies deadlines by proposing to replace the term “before” with “by.”
Section 225.299: Combined Pollutant Standard: Clean Air Act Requirements
While this proposed new section effectively restates the existing Section 225.640
regarding Clean Air Act requirements, it also “replaces citations to Subpart F of Part 225 with
equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including internal cross-citations.”
Statement at 28;
Prop. at 85 (proposed new Section 225.299), Prop. at 96-97 (deleting
Section 225.640);
see also
35 Ill Adm. Code 225.640.
Subpart F: Combined Pollutant Standards
At the time of its adoption, the Board codified the CPS in Illinois’ CAIR. TSD at 4; Exh.
7 at 5;
35 Ill Adm. Code 225, Subpart F. The Agency claims that the more appropriate place
for the CPS is the mercury rule and proposes to remove the CPS from CAIR in order to
reconstitute it as part of Illinois’ mercury regulations. TSD at 4; Exh. 7 at 5;
Prop. at 74-97.
Specifically, the Agency’s proposal seeks to repeal Subpart F, which is comprised of Sections
225.600, 225.605, 225.610. 225.615, 225.620, 225.625, 225.630, 225.635, and 225.640 and
reconstitute that language as Sections 225.291, 225.292, 225.293, 225.294, 225.295, 225.296,
225.297, 225.298, and 225.299. Statement at 29;
Prop. at 74-97.
225.APPENDIX A: Specified EGUs for Purposes of the CPS (Midwest Generation’s Coal-
Fired Boilers as of July 1, 2006)
This appendix identifies Midwest Generation’s EGUs for the purposes of the CPS. 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 225.APPENDIX A. In its proposal, the Agency seeks to replace “citations to
Subpart F of Part 225 with equivalent citations to Section 225.291 through 225.299, including
internal cross-citations.” Statement at 28;
Prop. at 97.
225.APPENDIX B: Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for Mercury
In its original proposal, the Agency recreates “necessary sections” of 40 C.F.R. 75 as part
of Part 225. Statement at 28. The Agency also “revised Appendices A, B, F, and K to Part 75,
converting them to Exhibits to Appendix B of Part 225.”
. The Agency states that, in doing
so, it converted the outline and citation system of the federal authorities to make them consistent

with Illinois regulations.
In recreating the federal language, the Agency states that it had
“removed references to, and sections regarding, pollutants that are not necessary to monitor
mercury, removed references to missing data substitution procedures and bias adjustment factors,
replaced references to the Administrator of the USEPA with references to the Agency, and
changed cross references to vacated portions of CAMR.” Statement at 30.
In his testimony pre-filed on behalf of the Agency for the first hearing, Mr. Bloomberg
noted that USEPA had promulgated a bias adjustment factor (BAF) for mercury monitoring at 40
C.F.R. Part 75, Appendix A, Section 7.6. Exh. 6 at 4. Mr. Bloomberg states that the BAF “was
intended to ensure that CEMS did not record mercury readings lower than emissions measured
by a reference method. The BAF was intended to account for underestimation of mercury
emissions from a CEMS that failed a bias test, resulting in higher reported emissions.”
TSD at 15-16. He states, however, that the language establishing the BAF “was
vacated along with CAMR.” Exh. 6 at 4. He argues that, “[w]hile conservatively reporting
higher emissions was necessary when CAMR and its associated federal trading and monitoring
regulations were in force, the BAF is unnecessary in the current situation.”
., TSD at 15.
Therefore, in reconstituting the vacated CAMR monitoring provisions, the Agency “did not
include the BAF in the new regulatory language that was taken from Part 75, and struck
references to the BAF where it might have appeared in the previously-promulgated Illinois
Mercury Rule.” Exh. 6, TSD at 15-16 (comparing bias adjustment provisions promulgated in
New Source Performance Standards).
In his testimony pre-filed on behalf of the Agency for the first hearing, Mr. Bloomberg
stated that the Agency “is also proposing to delete references to missing data substitution
procedures.” Exh. 6 at 4. Characterizing these procedures as typical of rules that include a
trading program, he states that they “are used when monitors are offline to produce a
conservative estimate of mercury emissions during that period, and were included to ensure that
affected sources would operate their CEMS with the least possible down time in order to
generate a complete record of a source’s mass mercury emissions.”
., TSD at 16. He further
states, however, that after the vacation of CAMR, the procedures are not necessary for the
Illinois regulations. Exh. 6 at 4, TSD at 16. Instead, the Agency proposes a monitor availability
requirement. Exh. 6 at 4, TSD at 17 (comparing to monitoring requirements at 40 C.F.R.
60.49Da(p)(4)(i)). The Agency stresses that its proposal offers stack testing as a monitoring
alternative. Exh. 6 at 4, TSD at 17.
In his testimony pre-filed on behalf of the Agency for the first hearing, Mr. Davis states
that “[t]he omission of the Bias Adjustment Factor and the missing data procedures should have
no negative economic impact on any source affected by the Illinois mercury rule.” Exh. 3 at 2.
Section 1.1: Applicability
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R. 75.2
regarding applicability. Statement at 28;
40 C.F.R 75.2. The Agency states that, in
recreating Section 75.2, it “deleted subsections (a), (b), (c) and revised subsection (d). Statement
at 30.

Section 1.2: General operating requirements
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.10 regarding general operating requirements. Statement at 28;
40 C.F.R 75.10. The
Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.10, it “deleted subsection (a) and (d)(2).” Statement
at 30.
In its second
sheet, the Agency addressed comments by USEPA. Specifically, in
subsections (a) and (c) the Agency sought to include in the proposed equipment performance
requirements “auxiliary monitors such as auxiliary flow monitors, diluent gas monitors, moisture
monitors, or other auxiliary monitors.”
2 at 52-53. In its third
sheet, the Agency
proposed to amend subsection (f) “to reflect the removal of the term ‘designated representative.’”
3 at 13.
Section 1.3: Special provisions for measuring mercury mass emissions using the excepted
sorbent trap monitoring methodology
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.15 regarding special provisions for measuring emissions using the excepted sorbent trap
monitoring methodology. Statement at 28-29;
40 C.F.R 75.15. In its fourth
sheet, the
Agency sought to amend the proposal by deleting a “reference to electronic quarterly reports, as
the Agency is not requiring such electronic reporting.”
4 at 7.
Section 1.4: Initial certification and recertification procedures
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.20 regarding initial certification and recertification procedures. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R
75.20. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.20, it “deleted references to deadlines
specified in 40 C.F.R. 75.4 and references to the Acid Rain Program.” Statement at 30. The
Agency further states that it revised subsection (a)(5) by replacing references to missing data
substitution with references to the proposed Section 225.239 and revised subsection (b)(3)(A) by
replacing references to missing data substitution with references to requirements regarding
estimation of mercury emission.
. The Agency also states that it “deleted subsections
(a)(4)(iv), (c)(3), (c)(8), (c)(10)(ii), (d)(2)(iv), (g), and (h).”
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes a number of revisions to this section.
First, in response to comments by USEPA, the Agency proposed to amend subsection (a) by
including references to auxiliary monitoring systems.
2 at 53-55. Second, the Agency
proposes to amend subsection (b) to include references to auxiliary monitoring systems. In the
same subsection, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to delete the term “continuous
mercury emission” twice in order “to clarify that all monitors within the monitoring system in
the recertification approval process are included.”
. at 55-56. Third, the Agency again
responds to USEPA by seeking in subsection (b)(3)(C) to delete the word “mercury” in order “to
include all relevant CEMS in the recertification process.”
. at 56. Fourth, the Agency again
responds to USEPA by seeking to amend subsection (b)(3)(D)(i) “in order to include a system
integrity check in the recertification process.:
at 56-57, citing 40 C.F.R. 72.2. Fifth, the

Agency again responds to USEPA by proposing in various subsections of Section 1.4(b) to
delete the term “mercury” in order “to include all relevant CEMS.´
2 at 57-58. Sixth, the
Agency again responds to USEPA by proposing in subsection (b)(3)(G)(ii) “in order to include a
system integrity check in the recertification process.”
. at 58-59. Seventh, the Agency
proposes to amend subsection (b)(3)(G)(iv) by removing the term “twice” in order to clarify that
“[a] daily calibration error test is failed when the results of the test exceed the performance
specifications, not by exceeding twice the specification.”
. at 59. Eighth, the Agency responds
to changes recommended by USEPA by proposing the amend subsection (b)(3)(G)(v) in order
“to reflect the appropriate technical specifications and conditions for when trial gas injections
and trial RATA runs are permissible.”
. at 59-60.
Ninth, the Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to amend subsection (b)(3)(H) in
order to include a system integrity check in its provisions.
. at 60-61. Tenth, the Agency
proposes in subsection (b)(3)(I) to delete references to electronic reporting, which it will not
. at 60-61. Eleventh, the Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to amend
subsection (b)(4) to strike the term “mercury” from a reference to emission monitoring systems.
. at 61. Twelfth, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (c) be deleting the term “mercury”
and the redundant term “or components” from references to emission monitoring systems.
. at
62. Thirteenth, the Agency proposes to delete subsection (c)(1)(D), which refers to bias testing
that it will not require, and renumbers the subsequent subsections.
. at 62-63. Fourteenth, the
Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to strike references to “level” from subsection
. at 63. The Agency states that “[a]ll EGUs have load, and the references to levels
apply only to non-EGU sources.”
. Fifteenth, the Agency proposes to delete Subsection
(c)(2)(C), (c)(2)(D), and (c)(7), which refer to bias testing that it will not require.
. at 63-64.
Sixteenth, the Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to strike subsection (c)(9)(A) referring
to cyclonic flow during performance testing.
. at 64. The Agency states that “the absence of
cyclonic flow is not essential to the testing.”
. Seventeenth, the Agency proposes to amend
subsection (d)(2) in order to delete additional references to electronic data submissions.
. at
65-66. Eighteenth, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (d)(2)(H) in order to correct a
. at 66.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend subsections (a)(1), (a)(4)(B) ,
(a)(5)(B), (b)(2), (b)(4), (b)(5), and (f) by deleting the term “designated representative.”
3 at 13-17. The Agency also proposed a number of technical changes to clarify language in the
E.g., id
. at 14-15 (addressing punctuation errors).
Finally, in its fourth
sheet, the Agency proposed a number of technical changes to
Exhibit 9, which modified Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(v).
4 at 7-8;
Section 1.5: Quality assurance and quality control requirements
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.21 regarding quality assurance and quality control requirements. Statement at 29;
C.F.R 75.21. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.21, it “deleted subsections (a)(4)
through (a)(10), (b), (d), and (e).” Statement at 30.

Section 1.6: Reference test methods
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.22 regarding reference test methods. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.22. The Agency states
that, in recreating Section 75.22, it “deleted subsections (a)(5) (a)(6), (b)(2), (b)(3), and (c)(2).”
Statement at 30.
In its second
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to amend
Section 1.6 by including “more accurate references to the appendices to 40 C.F.R. 60.”
at 66-70. In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed technical corrections to these
3 at 17.
Section 1.7: Out-of-control periods
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.24 regarding out-of-control periods. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.24. The Agency states
that, in recreating Section 75.24, it “deleted subsections (c)(1) and (e).” Statement at 30. In its
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to add subsection (a)(4)
“specifying what an out of control period is for a weekly system integrity check.”
2 at 70.
The Agency also proposed to strike a reference to bias testing in subsection (d).
Section 1.8: Determination of monitor data availability
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.32 regarding determination of monitor data availability. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.32.
The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.32, it “changed the title of the Section, deleted
subsections (a)(1), (a)(2), and (b), deleted references to Equation 9, [and] added a new subsection
requiring use of Equation 8 to calculate percent monitor data availability.” Statement at 31.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. However, the Agency states that proposes no changes in Section 1.8(a).
. The Agency elaborates that “[t]he monitor availability calculations in 40 C.F.R 75, suggested
for use here by Midwest generation, are to be performed for missing data substitution
calculations for a trading regulations and are not appropriate for this command and control rule.
In addition, these calculations are for annual calculations, while the Illinois Mercury Rule uses a
quarterly standard.”
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend Equation 8 by adding the term
“or stack” in the numerator and denominator for clarification of the operating hours.
2 at

In his testimony on behalf of Kincaid filed for the second hearing, Mr. Nuckols stated
that “the compliance determination for the monitoring systems should be based on the same
period as the mercury emissions standard, which is 12-month rolling average.” Exh. 10 at 9. In
its post-hearing comments, the Agency argues that it had resolved this issue with Kincaid and
that Mr. Nuckols had described the Agency’s approach as a “reasonable” one. Agency Comment
at 9, citing Tr.2 at 37;
Exh. 8 (amending Section 1.8(a)(1)).
Section 1.9: Determination of sorbent trap monitoring systems data availability
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.39 regarding determination of sorbent trap monitoring systems data availability. Statement at
40 C.F.R 75.39. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.39, it “changed the title
of the Section.” Statement at 31. The Agency also states that it “replaced references to
maximum potential mercury concentration with references to quarterly emissions testing under
Section 225.239” and “deleted subsections (c), (e), and (f).”
Section 1.10: Monitoring plan
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.53 regarding monitoring plans. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.53. The Agency states that,
in recreating Section 75.53, it “deleted subsections (a)(1), (c), (d), (e), (f)(1) through (f)(3),
(f)(5), (f)(6), (g)(1)(i)(G), (g)(1)(viii)(B) through (E), and (h).” Statement at 31. The Agency
also states that it “deleted references to dual range mercury monitors and peaking units.”
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 1.10(d)(1)(A-I), the Agency states that it
removed references to electronic reporting but also states that “the electronic storage of data will
be required to be furnished to the Agency upon request.” PC 1 at 3.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes to eliminate subsection (c) regarding
electronic data submission and to renumber subsections accordingly.
2 at 71. In addition,
the Agency proposed to add language “to require electronic storage of data and to make the data
available to the Agency upon request.”
. at 71-72. The Agency also proposed to amend
subsection (c)(1)(B) to include moisture as a monitored parameter.
. at 72. The Agency
responded to USEPA by proposing to delete subsection (c)(1)(E)(vii) because “references to
default high range value only apply to SO
and NO
and are inappropriate for this section.”
Finally, the Agency also propose a technical correction to a cross-reference in subsection
Section 1.11: General recordkeeping requirements

In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.57 regarding general recordkeeping requirements. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.57. The
Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.57, it “deleted subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (i)(1)(iv),
(i)(5)(iii), and (j)(1)(iv)” and the second sentence regarding common stacks from subsection (a).
Statement at 31. The Agency states that it also “added a new subsection (b)(4) regarding steam
load information.”
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 1.11(a), the Agency states that it removed
references to electronic reporting but also states that “the electronic storage of data will be
required to be furnished to the Agency upon request.” PC 1 at 3. Regarding Section 1.11(b-f),
the Agency proposes no revisions on the basis that the language involves a decision to be made
by the owner or operator and a vendor.
In its second
, the Agency first proposes to amend Section 1.11(a)(5) “to require
hardcopy submission of monitoring plans submitted to the Agency.”
2 at 73. Second, the
Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to delete language in subsections (b)(4) and (b)(7) to
reflect a revision to 40 C.F.R. 75.
. Third, the Agency proposed to amend subsections (b)(3)
through (b)(7) “so that sources are required to submit hourly gross load or steam load, and not
Fourth, the Agency proposed to amend subsection (e)(1)(C) to remove an erroneous
reference to sorbent trap systems from a section dealing only with CEMS monitoring.
. at 74.
Finally, the Agency also proposes to amend Table 4a at subsection (f)(8) in order to strike “Code
55” referring to data substitution.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (a) “to require five
years for record retention so as to be consistent with Section 225.290(a)(6).”
3 at 18. The
Agency also proposed various technical corrections.
Section 1.12: General recordkeeping provisions for specific situations
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.58 regarding general recordkeeping requirements under specific situations. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.58. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.57, it “deleted subsections
(a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3)(iii), (b)(3)(iv), (c), (d), and (e).” Statement at 31.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the

items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 1.12(a-b), the Agency states that it
proposes no revisions.
. The Agency further states that this language “does not concern
missing data substitution, but rather parametric monitoring when the mercury CEMS is
Section 1.13: Certification, quality assurance, and quality control record provisions
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.59 regarding certification, quality assurance, and quality control records. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.59. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.59, it deleted subsections
(a)(5)(iii)(G), (a)(5)(v), (a)(7)(iv)(V) and (W), (a)(12)(iii), (a)(13), (b), and (d). Statement at 31.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 1.13(a)(1-7), the Agency states that it
removed references to electronic reporting but also states that “the electronic storage of data will
be required to be furnished to the Agency upon request.” PC 1 at 3. With specific regard to
Section 1.13(b), the Agency states that it proposes no revisions.
. The Agency further states
that this language “does not concern missing data substitution, but rather parametric monitoring
when the mercury CEMS is unavailable.”
In its second
sheet, the Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to amend
subsection (a) “to include a requirement that EGUs use ‘calibration gas’ to calibrate and certify
applicable equipment.”
2 at 75. Second, with the addition of this general language, the
Agency proposes to revise and re-number subsequent subsections.
Third, the Agency the
Agency responds to USEPA by proposing to amend subsection (a)(1) to require system integrity
checks on a weekly and not daily basis.
. Fourth, the Agency proposes to amend subsection
(a)(3)(H) by adding language referring to “measurement error.”
. at 76. Fifth, the Agency
again responds to USEPA by proposing to amend subsections (a)(5)(B)(xii) and (a)(5)(C)(v) in
order to remove language applicable only to non-EGUs.
. Sixth, the Agency proposes to
amend subsection (a)(5)(C)(vi) to remove a reference to bias testing.
. at 77. Seventh, the
Agency responds to USEPA by rewording subsection (a)(5)(E) for clarification.
. Eighth, the
Agency proposes to amend subsection (a)(7)(D) by adding language clarifying that 3A is a
reference method.
. Ninth, throughout subsection (a)(7)(G), the Agency proposes to correct
the abbreviation of “gram.”
. Tenth, the Agency proposes in subsection (a)(10) in order “to
remove unnecessary references to testing for SO
and NO
. at 77-78. Eleventh,
the Agency proposes to amend subsection (a)(12)(A)(vi) by removing language applying “only
to SO
monitor RATA exemptions” and renumbering accordingly.
. Twelfth, the Agency
proposes to delete subsection (a)(12)(C) “because it refers only to fuel flow meters” that coal-
fired units do not use.
. Thirteenth, the Agency proposes to strike from subsection
renumbered subsection (a)(12)(C) language applying only to non-EGUs.
. at 78-79. Finally,

the Agency also proposes to amend subsection (d) to strike a reference to missing data
. at 79.
Section 1.14: General provisions
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.80 regarding general provisions. Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.80. The Agency states
that, in recreating Section 75.59, it “deleted subsections (a)(2), (d), and (f).” Statement at 31.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to replace an “unnecessarily vague”
reference to “such a program” with a reference to the more specific “Part 225.”
2 at 79-
80. In its third
sheet, the Agency first proposed to amend subsections (a), (c)(4)(C),
(f)(1), and (f)(3) to strike a reference to “designated representative.”
3 at 19. Second, the
Agency proposes in subsection (c)(2) to strike the word “all” because “EGUs are not actually
require to account for all emissions (as a result of the removal of data substitution requirements
and the addition of the 75% monitor availability requirements, for example).”
. (emphasis in
Section 1.15: Monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at the unit level
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.81 regarding monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at the unit level.
Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.81. The Agency states that, in recreating Section 75.81, it
added a description of mercury concentration monitoring system.” Statement at 32. In its
sheet, the Agency proposed in subsection (d)(1) to strike a reference to electronic
data submission and in subsection (d)(4)(c) to make a “minor rewording.”
2 at 80.
Section 1.16: Monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at common and
multiple stacks
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.82 regarding monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at the unit level.
Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.82. In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to strike the
term “designated representative” in subsection (b)(2).
3 at 21-22.
Section 1.17: Calculation of mercury mass emissions and heat input rate
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.83 regarding monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at the unit level.
Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.83.
Section 1.18: Recordkeeping and reporting
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at 40 C.F.R.
75.84 regarding monitoring of mercury mass emissions and heat input at the unit level.
Statement at 29;
40 C.F.R 75.84.

In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
With specific regard to Section 1.18(a)(1), the Agency states that it proposes no revisions
on the basis that the language involves a decision to be made by the owner or operator and a
vendor. PC 1 at 3. Regarding Section 1.18(a)(2), the Agency states that it propose no revisions
as the section “”does not concern missing data substitution, but rather parametric monitoring
when the mercury CEMS is unavailable.
. at 2. Regarding Section 1.18(c)(1) and (f)(1), the
Agency states that it made revisions to remove electronic reporting but will require electronic
storage of data to be furnished to the Agency upon request.
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (c)(3) to correct a
2 at 80. The Agency also proposes to amend subsection (e) to strike
references to electronic data submission.
. at 80-81. The Agency also proposes to amend
subsection (f) “to include requirements for submitting quarterly reports in the appropriate
manner, and to remove references to electronic data submission.”
. at 81-85. In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes to amend subsection (d) to remove the term “designated
3 at 22-24.
The Agency states that, similar to the recreation of Part 75, it “revised Appendices A, B,
F, and K to Part 75, and converted them to Exhibits A, B, C, and D to Appendix B of Part, 225,
respectively.” Statement at 32. In recreating the federal language, the Agency states that it had
“removed references to, and sections regarding, pollutants that are not necessary to monitor
mercury, removed references to missing data substitution procedures and bias adjustment factors,
replaced references to the Administrator of the USEPA with references to the Agency, and
changed cross references to vacated portions of CAMR.”
Exhibit A to Appendix B: Specifications and Test Procedures
Section 1: Installation and Measurement Location
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 1 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding installation and measurement location. Prop, Exh. A at 1-
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix A. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted
Section 1.1.2. Statement at 32.
Section 2: Equipment Specifications

In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 2 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding installation and measurement location. Prop, Exh. A at 2-
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix A. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted
Sections 2.1.1,,,,,, 2.1.2,,,,,,,,, 2.1.5, and 2.1.6. Statement at 32-33.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Sections,,, and,
the Agency states that it proposes no revisions. PC 1 at 4. The Agency further states that the
sections do “not concern missing data substitution, and the value(s) needed for calculating the
proper span and range of the CEMS.”
In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 2.1 “to reflect language
in Exhibit A, Section, which provides that Section 2.1 does not apply to mercury
monitoring systems.”
2 at 85. The Agency also, in response to a request at the first
hearing, proposed to amend Section 2.1.1 by deleting references to electronic recordkeeping and
reporting requirements, where appropriate.
. The Agency also responds to USEPA by
amending Section “to delete portions regarding units that do not produce electrical or
thermal output, as such units are not subject to the Agency’s proposed rule.”
. at 85-86.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section in order “to add
an option to certify additional calibration points rather than ordering new calibration materials.”
3 at 24.
Section 3: Performance Standards
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 3 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding performance standards. Prop, Exh. A at 10-13;
C.F.R 75 Appendix A. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted Sections
3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.5, 3.3.7, and 3.4.1. Statement at 33-34.
In its second
sheet, the Agency, in response to a request at the first hearing,
proposed to delete references to a bias adjustment factor, where appropriate.
2 at 86. In
its third
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing a number of amendments to
Section 3.
3 at 24-25. First, the Agency proposed to amend Section 3.2 “to include
system integrity checks.”
. The Agency also proposed to amend the section by changing
“linearity error” to “measurement error” and by including system integrity checks in the
definition for “measurement error.”
Section 4: Data Acquisition and Handling Systems

In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 4 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding data acquisition and handling systems. Prop, Exh. A at
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix A.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 4, the Agency states that it revised the
language to strike references to electronic reporting. PC 1 at 4. The Agency further states that
electronic storage of data will be required to be furnished to the Agency upon request.”
In its third
a sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 4 “to eliminate references
to electronic submission of data, and to require hardcopy recordkeeping.
3 at 25-26. The
Agency also “removed references to the bias adjustment factor.”
Section 5: Calibration Gas
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 5 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding calibration gas. Prop, Exh. A at 13-16;
40 C.F.R 75
Appendix A.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 5.1.9, the Agency states that it propose no
revisions, as it “believes that there will be NIST traceable source standards for oxidized mercury
prior to January 10, 2010.”
In its third
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to revise Section
5 “to include mercury monitors in span requirements for various concentrations.”
3 at 26.
Section 6: Certification Tests and Procedures
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 6 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding certification tests and procedures. Prop, Exh. A at 16-32;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix A. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted
Section 6.5.3. Statement at 34.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment

factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 6.1.2(a-c), the Agency states that “these
provisions will be stayed indefinitely pending an outcome by the USEPA.”
In its first
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 6.1.2 “to ad a citation that
was inadvertently omitted from the original proposal.”
1 at 4-5. In its second
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Sections 6.3.2 and 6.4 by changing the date “to July 1,
2009, in order to be consistent with dates in Part 225.”
2 at 87-89. The Agency
responded to a request at the first hearing by proposing in Section 6.5 to delete the reference
there to bias test.
. at 89. The Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to delete subsection
(e) of Section 6.5.2 and amend Section, “as units that do not produce electrical or thermal
output are not subject to the Agency’s proposed rule.”
. at 89-92. Reflecting the deletion of
subsection (e) of Section 6.5.2, the Agency proposes to amend Section to strike a
reference to that deleted language.
. at 92-93.
In its third
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to amend
Sections 6.2(h) and 6.3.1 “to include chlorine in mercury monitor linearity checks” and to strike
language considered to be inaccurate.
3 at 26-27. The Agency also proposed to amend
Sections 6.5.2,,, and 6.5.8 to strike references to “operating levels,” which pertain
strictly to non-EGUs.
. at 27-30, 32. The Agency also proposes to amend Section 6.5.3 to
strike a reference to bias adjustment.
. at 30. The Agency also proposes to amend Section by including the term “RATA,” correcting units for some measurements, and
incorporating preferred terms.
. at 31-32. The Agency also responds to USEPA by proposing
to amend Section 6.5.6 “to refer to mercury monitoring systems more specifically than the
previously more general ‘pollutant concentration monitor.’”
. at 31-32. Finally, the Agency
responds to USEPA by proposing to amend Section 6.5.9 “to allow appropriate reference method
testing and to correct [an] improper citation.”
. at 32-33.
In his testimony on behalf of Kincaid pre-filed for the second hearing, Mr. Nuckols
argued that the Board should strike Section 6.1.2 regarding requirements for Air Emission
Testing Bodies. Exh. 10 at 14-16. He notes that USEPA has withdrawn this portion of the rules
pending review of legal issues.
. at 14, citing 73 Fed. Reg. 65554 (Nov. 4, 2008). In its post-
hearing comments, the Agency stressed that it had responded to this concern and “clarified at the
hearing that the Illinois mercury rule would impose no burdens upon sources while the federal
stay is in place, and that it is the Agency’s position that, ‘assuming that the federal accreditation
requirements are still stayed as of July ’09, . . . there will be no requirement under the Illinois
rule for accreditation.’” Agency Comment at 14, citing Tr.2 at 55.
Section 7: Calculations
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 7 of
Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding calculations. Prop, Exh. A at 32-42;
40 C.F.R 75

Appendix A. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted Sections 7.4, 7.4.1,
7.4.2, 7.4.3, 7.5, and 7.6.5. Statement at 34-35.
In its second
sheet, the Agency responded to a request at the first hearing by
proposing to delete remaining references to a bias adjustment factor.
2 at 93. The
Agency responds to USEPA by proposing in Section 7.6 “to delete portions of the Section
concerning units that do not produce electrical or thermal output, as such units are not subject to
the Agency’s proposed rule.”
. at 94.
In its third
sheet, the Agency proposed to amend Section 7.1 “to amend the title to
include system integrity checks, to change linearity error to measurement error, and to add
language to include system integrity checks in the definition for measurement error.”
3 at
Exhibit B to Appendix B: Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
Section 1: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 1 of
Appendix B to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding a quality assurance/quality control program. Prop, Exh. B
at 43-46;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix B. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it
deleted Sections 1.3, and 1.4. Statement at 35.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the
items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 1.2.4, the Agency states that it proposes no
revisions to this language, which “does not concern missing data substitution, but rather
parametric monitoring when the mercury CEMS is unavailable.”
. at 5.
Section 2: Frequency of Testing
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 2 of
Appendix B to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding frequency of testing. Prop, Exh. B at 46-71;
40 C.F.R
75 Appendix B. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted Section 2.3.4.
Statement at 35.
In post-hearing comments filed on January 14, 2009, the Agency noted that it “was asked
to review a list to be submitted by Midwest Generation detailing references to bias adjustment
factor and missing data substitution procedures and strike such references from the proposed rule
where appropriate. PC 1 at 3;
Tr.1 at 172. Midwest Generation provided such a list, which
also included references to records, reports, electronic data, AETB, NIST, and designated
representatives.” PC 1 at 3. The Agency states that its second
sheet revises several of the

items on that list.
. With specific regard to Section 2.6, the Agency states that it proposes no
revisions to this language. PC 1 at 5. The Agency states that “Exhibit A, Section 5.1.9 has
already addressed the use of a NIST traceable source for oxidized mercury standards.”
In its second
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to amend
Section and Footnote 1 to Figure 1 in order to strike a cross-reference to language that
has been deleted from Exhibit A.
2 at 94-95, 96;
see id
. at 89-90 (deleting Section
6.5.2(e) of Exhibit A). The Agency also proposes in response to a request at hearing to amend
Section 2.3.2 to strike references to bias tests.
. at 95-96.
In its third
sheet, the Agency first proposes to amend Section 2.2.1 “to remove an
exemption for linearity checks that would apply only to SO
and NO
3 at 34-
35. The Agency also proposes to amend Section “to specify that each moisture monitor
must undergo a RATA.”
. at 38. The Agency also proposes to amend Sections, 2.3.2
and 2.4 to remove references to operating levels, which apply strictly to non-EGUs.
. at 38-40,
40-41. The Agency also proposed to amend Section 2.4 to clarify requirements regarding RATA
. at 41. The Agency also responds to USEPA by proposing to amend Section 2.5
“to include an alternative to an additional audit test that is successful.”
. at 42. In its third and
sheets, the Agency also proposes to amend Exhibit B by making a number of
technical corrections.
. at 34 (correcting erroneous citation),
4 at 8 (removing
In his testimony on behalf of Kincaid pre-filed for the second hearing, Mr. Nuckols noted
that Section 2.6 “specifies failed integrity tests as an ‘out-of-control period.” Exh. 10 at 12. He
argues that, because “[t]hese tests are difficult to pass,” the Board should consider less stringent
. at 12-14 (proposing revision). In its post-hearing comments, the Agency stresses
that Mr. Nuckols acknowledged that “there are no differences between the Agency’s proposal
and USEPA’s original Part 75 requirements.” Agency Comment at 10, citing Tr.2 at 49. The
Agency also argued that he had not sufficiently justified “any revisions to weekly systems
integrity test requirements.” Agency Comment at 10.
Exhibit C to Appendix B: Conversion Procedures
Section 1: Applicability
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 1 of
Appendix F to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding applicability. Prop, Exh. B at 72;
40 C.F.R 75
Appendix F. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted Sections 2, 3, 4, 7, and
8 of the federal language. Statement at 35-36.
Section 2: Procedures for Heat Input
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 5 of
Appendix F to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding procedures for heat input. Prop, Exh. B at 72-77;
C.F.R 75 Appendix F. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted Sections 5.4,
5.5, and 5.8. Statement at 36.

Section 3: Procedure for Converting Volumetric Flow to STP
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 6 of
Appendix F to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding the procedure for converting volumetric flow to STP.
Prop, Exh. B at 78;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix F.
Section 4: Procedures for Mercury Mass Emissions
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 9 of
Appendix F to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding applicability. Prop, Exh. B at 78-80;
40 C.F.R 75
Appendix F.
In its second
sheet, the Agency in response to a request at the first hearing
proposed to amend Section 4.1.1 “to remove references to bias adjustment factors from the
2 at 96-97. The Agency proposes a similar amendment to Section 4.1.2.
at 97-98. The Agency also proposes a technical amendment to Section 4.3.
. at 98. In its third
sheet, the Agency proposes a number of technical changes in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.
E.g, errata
3 at 43-44 (correcting capitalization error).
Section 5: Moisture Determination From Wet and Dry O
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 10 of
Appendix F to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding moisture determination from wet and dry O
Prop, Exh. B at 80-81;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix F.
Exhibit D to Appendix B: Quality Assurance and Operating Procedures for Sorbent Trap
Monitoring Systems
Section 1: Scope and Application
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 1 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding scope and application. Prop, Exh. B at 81-82;
C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
Section 2: Principle
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 2 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding principles. Prop, Exh. B at 82;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix
K. In its third
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by proposing to remove from
Section 2.0 “language that has subsequently been removed from 40 C.F.R. Part 75.”
3 at
Section 3: Clean Handling and Contamination

In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 3 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding clean handling and contamination. Prop, Exh. B at 82;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
Section 4: Safety
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 4 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding safety. Prop, Exh. B at 81-82;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix
Section 5: Equipment and Supplies
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 5 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding equipment and supplies. Prop, Exh. B at 83-85;
C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
Section 6: Reagents and Standards
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 6 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding reagents and standards. Prop, Exh. B at 85;
40 C.F.R
75 Appendix K.
Section 7: Sample Collection and Transport
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 7 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding sample collection and transport. Prop, Exh. B at 85-88;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
Section 8: Quality Assurance and Quality Control
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 8 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding quality assurance and quality control. Prop, Exh. B at 88-
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
In its third
sheet, the Agency responded to industry comments by proposing to
amend Table K-1 Footnote FN** “to remove language involving [a] multiplying factor of 1.11
for single trap data.”
3 at 44-45. The Agency elaborates that. “[w]hen one trap fails to
meet QA requirements the valid trap may be used.”
. at 44. In its post-hearing comments, the
Agency argues that this proposed amendment ought to satisfy Kincaid’s concern with the issue.
Agency Comment at 9, citing Tr.2 at 40;
Exh. 10 at 16-17 (Nuckols’ pre-filed testimony).
Section 9: Calibration and Standardization
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 9 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding calibration and standardization. Prop, Exh. B at 92-94;
40 C.F.R 75 Appendix K.

Section 10: Analytical Procedures
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 10 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding analytical procedures. Prop, Exh. B at 94-96;
C.F.R 75 Appendix K.
Section 11: Calculations and Data Analysis
In its original proposal, the Agency sought to recreate federal language at Section 1 of
Appendix K to 40 C.F.R. 75 regarding scope and application. Prop, Exh. B at 81-82;
C.F.R 75 Appendix K. In recreating this language, the Agency states that it deleted the federal
Section 11.5. Statement at 37. In its third
sheet, the Agency responded to USEPA by
proposing to amend Section 11.7”to correct two erroneous references.”
3 at 45.
The Board directs the Clerk to file the following proposed amendments with the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules for second-notice review. Proposed additions are
underlined, and proposed deletions appear stricken.
PART 225
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Incorporations by Reference
Commence Commercial Operation
Measurement Methods

Compliance Requirements
Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) Permit Requirements
Emission Standards for EGUs at Existing Sources
Averaging Demonstrations for Existing Sources
Multi-Pollutant Standard (MPS)
Temporary Technology-Based Standard for EGUs at Existing Sources
Units Scheduled for Permanent Shut Down
Emission Standards for New Sources with EGUs
Temporary Technology-Based Standard for New Sources with EGUs
Periodic Emissions Testing Alternative Requirements
General Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures for Emissions Monitoring
Out of Control Periods and Data Availability for Emission Monitors
Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data
Monitoring of Gross Electrical Output
Coal Analysis for Input Mercury Levels
Recordkeeping and Reporting
Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose
Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard
Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent
Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements and Emissions
Standards for Mercury
Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions Standards for NO
and SO
of Mercury Allowances
Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements for NO
, SO
and PM Emissions
Combined Pollutant Standard: Permanent Shut-Downs
Combined Pollutant Standard: Requirements for NO
and SO
Combined Pollutant Standard: Clean Air Act Requirements
Compliance Requirements
Appeal Procedures
Permit Requirements
Trading Program

Compliance Requirements
Appeal Procedures
Permit Requirements
Annual Trading Budget
Timing for Annual Allocations
Methodology for Calculating Annual Allocations
Annual Allocations
New Unit Set-Aside (NUSA)
Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Gross Electrical
Output and Useful Thermal Energy
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Renewable Energy, and Clean Technology
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Allowances
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications
Agency Action on Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications
Compliance Supplement Pool
Compliance Requirements
Appeal Procedures
Permit Requirements
Ozone Season Trading Budget
Timing for Ozone Season Allocations
Methodology for Calculating Ozone Season Allocations
Ozone Season Allocations
New Unit Set-Aside (NUSA)
Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Gross Electrical
Output and Useful Thermal Energy
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Renewable Energy, and Clean Technology
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Allowances
Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications
Agency Action on Clean Air Set-Aside (CASA) Applications
Purpose (Repealed)
Applicability (Repealed)
Notice of Intent (Repealed)

Control Technology Requirements and Emissions Standards for Mercury
Emissions Standards for NO
and SO
Control Technology Requirements for NO
, SO
, and PM Emissions (Repealed)
Permanent Shut-Downs (Repealed)
Requirements for CAIR SO
, and CAIR NO
Ozone Season
Allowances (Repealed)
Clean Air Act Requirements (Repealed)
Specified EGUs for Purposes of the CPSSubpart F (Midwest Generation’s
Coal-Fired Boilers as of July 1, 2006)
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for Mercury
AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act
[415 ILCS 5/27].
SOURCE: Adopted in R06-25 at 31 Ill. Reg. 129, effective December 21, 2006; amended in
R06-26 at 31 Ill. Reg. 12864, effective August 31, 2007; amended in R09-10 at 33 Ill. Reg.
_______, effective __________.
Section 225.100 Severability
If any Section, subsection or clause of this Part is found invalid, such finding must not affect the
validity of this Part as a whole or any Section, subsection or clause not found invalid.
Section 225.120 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Unless otherwise specified within this Part, the abbreviations used in this Part must be the same
as those found in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211. The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in
this Part:
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5]
activated carbon injection
Air Emission Testing Body
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
British thermal unit
Clean Air Act [42 USC 7401 et seq.]
Clean Air Act Permit Program
Clean Air Interstate Rule
Clean Air Set-Aside
continuous emission monitoring system
carbon dioxide

Combined Pollutant Standard
converted gross electrical output
certified reference materials
converted useful thermal energy
data acquisition and handling system
dry standard cubic meters
electric generating unit
electrostatic precipitator
flue gas desulfurization
feet per minute
gross electrical output
gigawatt hour
heat input
International Organization for Standardization
Multi-Pollutant Standard
Material Safety Data Sheet
megawatt electrical
megawatt hour
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
National Institute of Standards and Technology
nitrogen oxides
NIST Traceable Reference Material
New Unit Set-Aside
Office of Regulatory Information Systems
particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter
quality assurance
quality-assured monitor operating
quality control
relative accuracy test audit
reference gas flow meter
sulfur dioxide
selective noncatalytic reduction
Temporary Technology Based Standard
total converted useful thermal energy
useful thermal energy
United States Environmental Protection Agency
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _____)

Section 225.130 Definitions
The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Part. Unless otherwise defined in this
Section or a different meaning for a term is clear from its context, the terms used in this Part
have the meanings specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211.
“Agency” means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
[415 ILCS 5/3.105]
“Averaging demonstration” means, with regard to Subpart B of this Part, a demonstration
of compliance that is based on the combined performance of EGUs at two or more
“Base Emission Rate” means, for a group of EGUs subject to emission standards for NOx
and SO
pursuant to Section 225.233, the average emission rate of NO
or SO
from the
EGUs, in pounds per million Btu heat input, for calendar years 2003 through 2005 (or,
for seasonal NO
, the 2003 through 2005 ozone seasons), as determined from the data
collected and quality assured by the USEPA, pursuant to the 40 CFR 72 and 96 federal
Acid Rain and NO
Budget Trading Programs, for the emissions and heat input of that
group of EGUs.
“Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
[415 ILCS 5/3.130]
“Boiler” means an enclosed fossil or other fuel-fired combustion device used to produce
heat and to transfer heat to recirculating water, steam, or other medium.
“Bottoming-cycle cogeneration unit” means a cogeneration unit in which the energy
input to the unit is first used to produce useful thermal energy and at least some of the
reject heat from the useful thermal energy application or process is then used for
electricity production.
“CAIR authorized account representative” means, for the purpose of general accounts, a
responsible natural person who is authorized, in accordance with 40 CFR 96, subparts
BB, FF, BBB, FFF, BBBB, and FFFF to transfer and otherwise dispose of CAIR NO
, and NO
Ozone Season allowances, as applicable, held in the CAIR NO
, SO
, and
Ozone Season general account, and for the purpose of a CAIR NO
account, a CAIR SO
compliance account, or a CAIR NO
Ozone Season compliance
account, the CAIR designated representative of the source.
“CAIR designated representative” means, for a CAIR NO
source, a CAIR SO
and a CAIR NO
Ozone Season source and each CAIR NO
unit, CAIR SO
unit and
Ozone Season unit at the source, the natural person who is authorized by the
owners and operators of the source and all such units at the source, in accordance with 40
CFR 96, subparts BB, FF, BBB, FFF, BBBB, and FFFF as applicable, to represent and
legally bind each owner and operator in matters pertaining to the CAIR NO
Trading Program, CAIR SO
Trading Program, and CAIR NO
Ozone Season Trading
Program, as applicable. For any unit that is subject to one or more of the following

programs: CAIR NO
Annual Trading Program, CAIR SO
Trading Program, CAIR NO
Ozone Season Trading Program, or the federal Acid Rain Program, the designated
representative for the unit must be the same natural person for all programs applicable to
the unit.
“Coal” means any solid fuel classified as anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, or
lignite by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard
Specification for Classification of Coals by Rank D388-77, 90, 91, 95, 98a, or 99
(Reapproved 2004).
“Coal-derived fuel” means any fuel (whether in a solid, liquid or gaseous state) produced
by the mechanical, thermal, or chemical processing of coal.
“Coal-fired” means:
For purposes of Subparts B and F, or for purposes of allocating allowances under
Sections 225.435, 225.445, 225.535, and 225.545, combusting any amount of coal
or coal-derived fuel, alone or in combination with any amount of any other fuel,
during a specified year;
Except as provided above, combusting any amount of coal or coal-derived fuel,
alone or in combination with any amount of any other fuel.
“Cogeneration unit” means, for the purposes of Subparts C, D, and E, a stationary, fossil
fuel-fired boiler or a stationary, fossil fuel-fired combustion turbine of which both of the
following conditions are true:
It uses equipment to produce electricity and useful thermal energy for industrial,
commercial, heating, or cooling purposes through the sequential use of energy;
It produces either of the following during the 12-month period beginning on the
date the unit first produces electricity and during any subsequent calendar year
after that in which the unit first produces electricity:
For a topping-cycle cogeneration unit, both of the following:
Useful thermal energy not less than five percent of total energy
output; and
Useful power that, when added to one-half of useful thermal
energy produced, is not less than 42.5 percent of total energy input,
if useful thermal energy produced is 15 percent or more of total
energy output, or not less than 45 percent of total energy input if
useful thermal energy produced is less than 15 percent of total
energy output; or

For a bottoming-cycle cogeneration unit, useful power not less than 45
percent of total energy input.
“Combined cycle system” means a system comprised of one or more combustion
turbines, heat recovery steam generators, and steam turbines configured to improve
overall efficiency of electricity generation or steam production.
“Combustion turbine” means:
An enclosed device comprising a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine and in
which the flue gas resulting from the combustion of fuel in the combustor passes
through the turbine, rotating the turbine; and
If the enclosed device described in the above paragraph of this definition is
combined cycle, any associated duct burner, heat recovery steam generator and
steam turbine.
“Commence commercial operation” means, for the purposes of Subparts B and F of this
Part, with regard to an EGU that serves a generator, to have begun to produce steam, gas,
-or other heated medium used to generate electricity for sale or use, including test
generation. Such date must remain the unit's date of commencement of operation even if
the EGU is subsequently modified, reconstructed or repowered. For the purposes of
Subparts C, D and E, “commence commercial operation” is as defined in Section
“Commence construction” means, for the purposes of Section 225.460(f), 225.470,
225.560(f), and 225.570, that the owner or owner’s designee has obtained all necessary
preconstruction approvals (e.g., zoning) or permits and either has:
Begun, or caused to begin, a continuous program of actual on-site construction of
the source, to be completed within a reasonable time; or
Entered into binding agreements or contractual obligations, which cannot be
cancelled or modified without substantial loss to the owner or operator, to
undertake a program of actual construction of the source to be completed within a
reasonable time.
For purposes of this definition:
“Construction” shall be determined as any physical change or change in
the method of operation, including but not limited to fabrication, erection,
installation, demolition, or modification of projects eligible for CASA
allowances, as set forth in Sections 225.460 and 225.560.

“A reasonable time” shall be determined considering but not limited to the
following factors: the nature and size of the project, the extent of design
engineering, the amount of off-site preparation, whether equipment can be
fabricated or can be purchased, when the project begins (considering both
the seasonal nature of the construction activity and the existence of other
projects competing for construction labor at the same time, the place of the
environmental permit in the sequence of corporate and overall
governmental approval), and the nature of the project sponsor (e.g.,
private, public, regulated).
“Commence operation”, for purposes of Subparts C, D and E, means:
To have begun any mechanical, chemical, or electronic process, including, for the
purpose of a unit, start-up of a unit’s combustion chamber, except as provided in
40 CFR 96.105, 96.205, or 96.305, as incorporated by reference in Section
For a unit that undergoes a physical change (other than replacement of the unit by
a unit at the same source) after the date the unit commences operation as set forth
in the first paragraph of this definition, such date will remain the date of
commencement of operation of the unit, which will continue to be treated as the
same unit.
For a unit that is replaced by a unit at the same source (e.g., repowered), after the
date the unit commences operation as set forth in the first paragraph of this
definition, such date will remain the replaced unit’s date of commencement of
operation, and the replacement unit will be treated as a separate unit with a
separate date for commencement of operation as set forth in this definition as
“Common stack” means a single flue through which emissions from two or more units
are exhausted.
“Compliance account” means:
For the purposes of Subparts D and E, a CAIR NO
Allowance Tracking System
account, established by USEPA for a CAIR NO
source or CAIR NO
Season source pursuant to 40 CFR 96, subparts FF and FFFF in which any CAIR
allowance or CAIR NO
Ozone Season allowance allocations for the CAIR
units or CAIR NO
Ozone Season units at the source are initially recorded
and in which are held any CAIR NO
Ozone Season allowances
available for use for a control period in order to meet the source’s CAIR NO
Ozone Season emissions limitations in accordance with Sections
225.410 and 225.510, and 40 CFR 96.154 and 96.354, as incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140. CAIR NO
allowances may not be used for
compliance with the CAIR NO
Ozone Season Trading Program and CAIR NO

Ozone Season allowances may not be used for compliance with the CAIR NO
Annual Trading Program; or
For the purposes of Subpart C, a “compliance account” means a CAIR SO
compliance account, established by the USEPA for a CAIR SO
source pursuant
to 40 CFR 96, subpart FFF, in which any SO
units at the source are initially
recorded and in which are held any SO
allowances available for use for a control
period in order to meet the source’s CAIR SO
emissions limitations in
accordance with Section 225.310 and 40 CFR 96.254, as incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
“Control period” means:
For the CAIR SO
and NO
Annual Trading Programs in Subparts C and D, the
period beginning January 1 of a calendar year, except as provided in Sections
225.310(d)(3) and 225.410(d)(3), and ending on December 31 of the same year,
inclusive; or
For the CAIR NO
Ozone Season Trading Program in Subpart E, the period
beginning May 1 of a calendar year, except as provided in Section 225.510(d)(3),
and ending on September 30 of the same year, inclusive.
“Designated representative ” means, for the purposes of Subpart B of this Part, the natural
person as defined in 40 CFR 60.4102, and is the same natural person as the person who is
the designated representative for the CAIR trading and Acid Rain programs.
“Electric generating unit” or “EGU” means a fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler,
combustion turbine or combined cycle system that serves a generator that has a
nameplate capacity greater than 25 MWe and produces electricity for sale.
“Excepted monitoring system” means a sorbent trap monitoring system, as defined in this
“Flue” means a conduit or duct through which gases or other matter is exhausted to the
“Fossil fuel” means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous
fuel derived from such material.
“Fossil fuel-fired” means the combusting of any amount of fossil fuel, alone or in
combination with any other fuel in any calendar year.
“Generator” means a device that produces electricity.
“Gross electrical output” means the total electrical output from an EGU before making
any deductions for energy output used in any way related to the production of energy.

For an EGU generating only electricity, the gross electrical output is the output from the
turbine/generator set.
“Heat input” means, for the purposes of Subparts C, D, and E, a specified period of time,
the product (in mmBtu/hr) of the gross calorific value of the fuel (in Btu/lb) divided by
1,000,000 Btu/mmBtu and multiplied by the fuel feed rate into a combustion device (in lb
of fuel/time), as measured, recorded and reported to USEPA by the CAIR designated
representative and determined by USEPA in accordance with 40 CFR 96, subpart HH,
HHH, or HHHH, if applicable, and excluding the heat derived from preheated
combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or exhaust from other sources.
“Higher heating value” or “HHV” means the total heat liberated per mass of fuel burned
(Btu/lb), when fuel and dry air at standard conditions undergo complete combustion and
all resultant products are brought to their standard states at standard conditions.
“Input mercury” means the mass of mercury that is contained in the coal combusted
within an EGU.
“Integrated gasification combined cycle” or “IGCC” means a coal-fired electric utility
steam generating unit that burns a synthetic gas derived from coal in a combined-cycle
gas turbine. No coal is directly burned in the unit during operation.
“Long-term cold storage” means the complete shutdown of a unit intended to last for an
extended period of time (at least two calendar years) where notice for long-term cold
storage is provided under 40 CFR 75.61(a)
“Nameplate capacity” means, starting from the initial installation of a generator, the
maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that the generator is capable of
producing on a steady-state basis and during continuous operation (when not restricted by
seasonal or other deratings) as of such installation as specified by the manufacturer of the
generator or, starting from the completion of any subsequent physical change in the
generator resulting in an increase in the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe)
that the generator is capable of producing on a steady-state basis and during continuous
operation (when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings), such increased maximum
amount as of completion as specified by the person conducting the physical change.
“NIST traceable elemental mercury standards” means either:
Compressed gas cylinders having known concentrations of elemental
mercury, which have been prepared according to the "EPA Traceability
Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards"; or
Calibration gases having known concentrations of elemental mercury,
produced by a generator that fully meets the performance requirements of
the "EPA Traceability Protocol for Qualification and Certification of

Elemental Mercury Gas Generators," or an interim version of that protocol
until such time as a final protocol is issued.
“NIST traceable source of oxidized mercury” means a generator that is capable of
providing known concentrations of vapor phase mercuric chloride (HgCl
), and that fully
meets the performance requirements of the "EPA Traceability Protocol for Qualification
and Certification of Mercuric Chloride Gas Generators," or an interim version of that
protocol until such time as a final protocol is issued.
“Oil-fired unit” means a unit combusting fuel oil for more than 15.0 percent of the annual
heat input in a specified year and not qualifying as coal-fired.
“Output-based emission standard” means, for the purposes of Subpart B of this Part, a
maximum allowable rate of emissions of mercury per unit of gross electrical output from
an EGU.
“Potential electrical output capacity” means 33 percent of a unit’s maximum design heat
input, expressed in mmBtu/hr divided by 3.413 mmBtu/MWh, and multiplied by 8,760
“Project sponsor” means a person or an entity, including but not limited to the owner or
operator of an EGU or a not-for-profit group, that provides the majority of funding for an
energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, or clean technology project as
listed in Sections 225.460 and 225.560, unless another person or entity is designated by a
written agreement as the project sponsor for the purpose of applying for NO
or NO
Ozone Season allowances from the CASA.
“Rated-energy efficiency” means the percentage of thermal energy input that is recovered
as useable energy in the form of gross electrical output, useful thermal energy, or both
that is used for heating, cooling, industrial processes, or other beneficial uses as follows:
For electric generators, rated-energy efficiency is calculated as one kilowatt hour
(3,413 Btu) of electricity divided by the unit’s design heat rate using the higher
heating value of the fuel, and expressed as a percentage.
For combined heat and power projects, rated-energy efficiency is calculated using
the following formula:
((GO + UTE)/HI)
Rated-energy efficiency, expressed as percentage.
Gross electrical output of the system expressed in Btu/hr.

Useful thermal output from the system that is used for
heating, cooling, industrial processes or other beneficial uses, expressed in
Heat input, based upon the higher heating value of fuel, in
“Repowered” means, for the purposes of an EGU, replacement of a coal-fired boiler with
one of the following coal-fired technologies at the same source as the coal-fired boiler:
Atmospheric or pressurized fluidized bed combustion;
Integrated gasification combined cycle;
Direct and indirect coal-fired turbines;
Integrated gasification fuel cells; or
As determined by the USEPA in consultation with the United States Department
of Energy, a derivative of one or more of the technologies under this definition
and any other coal-fired technology capable of controlling multiple combustion
emissions simultaneously with improved boiler or generation efficiency and with
significantly greater waste reduction relative to the performance of technology in
widespread commercial use as of January 1, 2005.
“Rolling 12-month basis” means, for the purposes of Subparts
B and F of this Part, a
determination made on a monthly basis from the relevant data for a particular calendar
month and the preceding 11 calendar months (total of 12 months of data), with two
exceptions. For determinations involving one EGU, calendar months in which the EGU
does not operate (zero EGU operating hours) must not be included in the determination,
and must be replaced by a preceding month or months in which the EGU does operate, so
that the determination is still based on 12 months of data. For determinations involving
two or more EGUs, calendar months in which none of the EGUs covered by the
determination operates (zero EGU operating hours) must not be included in the
determination, and must be replaced by preceding months in which at least one of the
EGUs covered by the determination does operate, so that the determination is still based
on 12 months of data.
“Sorbent Trap Monitoring System” means the equipment required by Appendix B of this
Part for the continuous monitoring of Hg emissions, using paired sorbent traps containing
iodated charcoal (IC) or other suitable reagents. This excepted monitoring system
consists of a probe, the paired sorbent traps, an umbilical line, moisture removal
components, an air tight sample pump, a gas flow meter, and an automated data
acquisition and handling system. The monitoring system samples the stack gas at a rate
proportional to the stack gas volumetric flowrate. The sampling is a batch process.

Using the sample volume measured by the gas flow meter and the results of the analyses
of the sorbent traps, the average mercury concentration in the stack gas for the sampling
period is determined, in units of micrograms per dry standard cubic meter (μg/dscm).
Mercury mass emissions for each hour in the sampling period are calculated using the
average Hg concentration for that period, in conjunction with contemporaneous hourly
measurements of the stack gas flow rate, corrected for the stack moisture content.
“Total energy output” means, with respect to a cogeneration unit, the sum of useful
power and useful thermal energy produced by the cogeneration unit.
“Useful thermal energy” means, for the purpose of a cogeneration unit, the thermal
energy that is made available to an industrial or commercial process, excluding any heat
contained in condensate return or makeup water:
Used in a heating application (e.g., space heating or domestic hot water heating);
Used in a space cooling application (e.g., thermal energy used by an absorption
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg._____, effective _____)
Section 225.140 Incorporations by Reference
The following materials are incorporated by reference. These incorporations do not include any
later amendments or editions.
Appendices A-1 through A-8, Subpart A, and Performance Specifications 2 and 3
of Appendix B of 40 CFR 60, 60.17, 60.45a, 60.49a(k)(1) and (p), 60.50a(h), and
60.4170 through 60.4176 (2005).
40 CFR 72.2 (2005).
40 CFR 75 (2006), Sections,, 7.7, and 7.8 of Appendix A to 40
CFR 75, Appendix C to 40 CFR 75, Section 3.3.5 of Appendix F to 40 CFR 75
(2006).40 CFR 75 (2006).
40 CFR 78 (2006).
40 CFR 96, CAIR SO
Trading Program, subparts AAA (excluding 40 CFR
96.204 and 96.206), BBB, FFF, GGG, and HHH (2006).
40 CFR 96, CAIR NO
Annual Trading Program, subparts AA (excluding 40
CFR 96.104, 96.105(b)(2), and 96.106), BB, FF, GG, and HH (2006).

40 CFR 96, CAIR NO
Ozone Season Trading Program, subparts AAAA
(excluding 40 CFR 96.304, 96.305(b)(2), and 96.306), BBBB, FFFF, GGGG, and
HHHH (2006).
ASTM. The following methods from the American Society for Testing and
Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken PA
19428-2959, (610) 832-9585:
ASTM D388-77 (approved February 25, 1977), D388-90 (approved
March 30, 1990), D388-91a (approved April 15, 1991), D388-95
(approved January 15, 1995), D388-98a (approved September 10, 1998),
or D388-99 (approved September 10, 1999, reapproved in 2004),
Classification of Coals by Rank.
ASTM D3173-03, Standard Test Method for Moisture in the Analysis
Sample of Coal and Coke (Approved April 10, 2003).
ASTM D3684-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal by the
Oxygen Bomb Combustion/Atomic Absorption Method (Approved
October 10, 2001).
ASTM D4840-99, Standard Guide for Sampling Chain-of-Custody
Procedures (Reapproved 2004).
ASTM D5865-04, Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of
Coal and Coke (Approved April 1, 2004).
ASTM D6414-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and
Coal Combustion Residues by Acid Extraction or Wet Oxidation/Cold
Vapor Atomic Absorption (Approved October 10, 2001).
ASTM D6722-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and
Coal Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis (2001).
ASTM D6784-02, Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized,
Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method) (Approved April 10, 2002).
ASTM D6911-03, Standard Guide for Packaging and Shipping
Environmental Samples for Laboratory Analysis.
ASTM D7036-04, Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission
Testing Bodies.
Federal Energy Management Program, M&V Guidelines: Measurement and
Verification for Federal Energy Projects, US Department of Energy, Office of

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Version 2.2, DOE/GO-102000-0960
(September 2000).
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _____).
Section 225.150 Commence Commercial Operation
Commence commercial operation means, for the purposes of Subparts C, D and E, with regard to
a unit:
To have begun to produce steam, gas, or other heated medium used to
generate electricity for sale or use, including test generation, except as
provided in 40 CFR 96.105, 96.205, or 96.305, as incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
For a unit that is a CAIR SO
unit, CAIR NO
unit, or a CAIR NO
Ozone Season unit pursuant to Sections 225.305, 225.405, and
225.505, respectively, on the date the unit commences commercial
operation on the later of November 15, 1990 or the date the unit
commences commercial operation as defined in subsection (a) of
this Section and that subsequently undergoes a physical change
(other than replacement of the unit by a unit at the same source),
such date will remain the unit’s date of commencement of
commercial operation, which will continue to be treated as the
same unit.
For a unit that is a CAIR SO
unit, CAIR NO
unit, or a CAIR NO
Ozone Season unit pursuant to Sections 225.305, 225.405, and
225.505, respectively, on the later of November 15, 1990 or the
date the unit commences commercial operation as defined in
subsection (a) of this Section and that is subsequently replaced by
a unit at the same source (e.g., repowered), such date will remain
the replaced unit’s date of commencement of commercial
operation, and the replacement unit will be treated as a separate
unit with a separate date for commencement of commercial
operation as defined in subsection (a) or (b) of this Section as
Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section and except as provided in
40 CFR 96.105, 96.205, or 96.305 for a unit that is not a CAIR SO
unit, or a CAIR NO
Ozone Season unit pursuant to Section
225.305, 225.405, or 225.505, respectively, on the later of November 15,
1990 or the date the unit commences commercial operation as defined in
subsection (a) of this Section, the unit’s date for commencement of
commercial operation will be the date on which the unit becomes a CAIR

unit, CAIR NO
unit, or CAIR NO
Ozone Season unit pursuant to
Section 225.305, 225.405, or 225.505, respectively.
For a unit with a date for commencement of
commercial operation as defined in subsection (b) of this Section
and that subsequently undergoes a physical change (other than
replacement of the unit by a unit at the same source), such date will
remain the unit’s date of commencement of commercial operation,
which shall continue to be treated as the same unit.
For a unit with a date for commencement of commercial operation
as defined in subsection (b) of this Section and that is subsequently
replaced by a unit at the same source (e.g., repowered), such date
will remain the replaced unit’s date of commencement of
commercial operation, and the replacement unit will be treated as a
separate unit with a separate date for commencement of
commercial operation as defined in subsection (a) or (b) of this
Section as appropriate.
(Source: Added at 31 Ill. Reg. 12864, effective August 31, 2007)
Section 225.200 Purpose
The purpose of this Subpart B is to control the emissions of mercury from coal-fired EGU
operating in Illinois.
Section 225.202 Measurement Methods
Measurement of mercury must be according to the following:
Continuous emission monitoring pursuant to Appendix B to this Part or an
alternative emissions monitoring system, alternative reference method for
measuring emissions, or other alternative to the emissions monitoring and
measurement requirements of Sections 225.240 through 225.290, if such
alternative is submitted to the Agency in writing and approved in writing by the
Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section. 40 CFR 75 (2005).
ASTM D3173-03, Standard Test Method for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of
Coal and Coke (Approved April 10, 2003), incorporated by reference in Section

ASTM D3684-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal by the
Oxygen Bomb Combustion/Atomic Absorption Method (Approved October 10,
2001), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
ASTM D5865-04, Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and
Coke (Approved April 1, 2004), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
ASTM D6414-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and Coal
Combustion Residues by Acid Extraction or Wet Oxidation/Cold Vapor Atomic
Absorption (Approved October 10, 2001), incorporated by reference in Section
ASTM D6722-01, Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and Coal
Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis (2001), incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
ASTM D6784-02, Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound
and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources
(Ontario Hydro Method) (Approved April 10, 2002), incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140.
Emissions testing pursuant to Methods 29, 30A, and 30B in Appendix A-8 to 40
CFR 60.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ________)
Section 225.205 Applicability
The following stationary coal-fired boilers and stationary coal-fired combustion turbines are
EGUs and are subject to this Subpart B:
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, a unit serving, at any time
since the start-up of the unit’s combustion chamber, a generator with nameplate
capacity of more than 25 MWe producing electricity for sale.
For a unit that qualifies as a cogeneration unit during the 12-month period starting
on the date the unit first produces electricity and continues to qualify as a
cogeneration unit, a cogeneration unit serving at any time a generator with
nameplate capacity of more than 25 MWe and supplying in any calendar year
more than one-third of the unit's potential electric output capacity or 219,000
MWh, whichever is greater, to any utility power distribution system for sale. If a
unit qualifies as a cogeneration unit during the 12-month period starting on the
date the unit first produces electricity but subsequently no longer qualifies as a
cogeneration unit, the unit must be subject to subsection (a) of this Section
starting on the day on which the unit first no longer qualifies as a cogeneration

Section 225.210 Compliance Requirements
Permit Requirements.
The owner or operator of each source with one or more EGUs subject to this
Subpart B at the source must apply for a CAAPP permit that addresses the
applicable requirements of this Subpart B.
Monitoring and Testing Requirements.
The owner or operator of each source and each EGU at the source must
comply with either the monitoring requirements of Sections 225.240
through 225.290 of this Subpart B, the periodic emissions testing
requirements of Section 225.239 of this Subpart B, or an alternative
emissions monitoring system, alternative reference method for measuring
emissions, or other alternative to the emissions monitoring and
measurement requirements of Sections 225.240 through 225.290, if such
alternative is submitted to the Agency in writing and approved in writing
by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section.
The compliance of each EGU with the mercury requirements of Sections
225.230 and 225.237 of this Subpart B must be determined by the
emissions measurements recorded and reported in accordance with either
Sections 225.240 through 225.290 of this Subpart B, Section 225.239 of
this Subpart B, or an alternative emissions monitoring system, alternative
reference method for measuring emissions, or other alternative to the
emissions monitoring and measurement requirements of Sections 225.240
through 225.290, if such alternative is submitted to the Agency in writing
and approved in writing by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s
Compliance Section.
Mercury Emission Reduction Requirements
The owner or operator of any EGU subject to this Subpart B must comply with
applicable requirements for control of mercury emissions of Section 225.230 or
Section 225.237 of this Subpart B.
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
Unless otherwise provided, the owner or operator of a source with one or more
EGUs at the source must keep on site at the source each of the documents listed in
subsections (d)(1) through (d)(3) of this Section for a period of five years from the
date the document is created. This period may be extended, in writing by the
Agency, for cause, at any time prior to the end of five years.

All emissions monitoring information gathered in accordance with
Sections 225.240 through 225.290 and all periodic emissions testing
information gathered in accordance with Section 225.239.
Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other submissions and
all records made or required or documents necessary to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of this Subpart B.
Copies of all documents used to complete a permit application and any
other submission under this Subpart B.
The owner or operator of each source with one or more EGUs must meet
the requirements of this Subpart B.
Any provision of this Subpart B that applies to a source must also apply to
the owner and operator of such source and to the owner or operator of
each EGU at the source.
Any provision of this Subpart B that applies to an EGU must also apply to
the owner or operator of such EGU.
Effect on Other Authorities. No provision of this Subpart B may be construed as
exempting or excluding the owner or operator of a source or EGU from
compliance with any other provision of an approved State Implementation Plan, a
permit, the Act, or the CAA.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.220 Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) Permit Requirements
Application Requirements.
Each source with one or more EGUs subject to the requirements of this
Subpart B is required to submit a CAAPP permit application that
addresses all applicable requirements of this Subpart B, applicable to each
EGU at the source.
For any EGU that commenced commercial operation:
on or before December 31, 2008, the owner or operator of such
EGUs must submit an initial permit application or application for
CAAPP permit modification that meets the requirements of this
Section on or before December 31, 2008.

after December 31, 2008, the owner or operator of any such EGU
must submit an initial CAAPP permit application or application for
CAAPP modification that meets the requirements of this Section
not later than 180 days before initial startup of the EGU, unless the
construction permit issued for the EGU addresses the requirements
of this Subpart B.
Contents of Permit Applications.
In addition to other information required for a complete application for CAAPP
permit or CAAPP permit modification, the application must include the following
The ORIS (Office of Regulatory Information Systems) or facility code
assigned to the source by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy
Information Administration, if applicable.
Identification of each EGU at the source.
The intended approach to the monitoring requirements of Sections
225.240 through 225.290 of this Subpart B, or, in the alternative, the
applicant may include its intended approach to the testing requirement of
Section 225.239 of this Subpart B.
The intended approach to the mercury emission reduction requirements of
Section 225.230 or 225.237 of this Subpart B, as applicable.
Permit Contents.
Each CAAPP permit issued by the Agency for a source with one or more
EGUs subject to the requirements of this Subpart B must contain federally
enforceable conditions addressing all applicable requirements of this
Subpart B, which conditions must be a complete and segregable portion of
the source’s entire CAAPP permit.
In addition to conditions related to the applicable requirements of this
Subpart B, each such CAAPP permit must also contain the information
specified under subsection (b) of this Section.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.230 Emission Standards for EGUs at Existing Sources
Emission Standards.

Except as provided in Sections 225.230(b) and (d), 225.232 through
225.235, 225.239, and 225.291 through 225.299 of this Subpart B,
beginning Beginning July 1, 2009, the owner or operator of a source with
one or more EGUs subject to this Subpart B that commenced commercial
operation on or before December 31, 2008, must comply with one of the
following standards for each EGU on a rolling 12-month basis:
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90-percent reduction of input mercury.
For an EGU complying with subsection (a)(1)(A) of this Section, the
actual mercury emission rate during quality-assured monitor operating
“QAMO” hours of the EGU for each 12-month rolling period, as
monitored in accordance with this Subpart B and calculated as follows,
must not exceed the applicable emission standard:
ER = MercuryActual mercury emissions rate of the EGU during QAMO
hours for the particular 12-month rolling period, expressed in
MercuryActual mercury emissions of the EGU during QAMO
hours, in lbs, in an individual month in the 12-month rolling
period, as determined in accordance with the emissions monitoring
provisions of this Subpart B.
Gross electrical output of the EGU during QAMO hours, in GWh,
in an individual month in the 12-month rolling period, as
determined in accordance with Section 225.263 of this Subpart B.
For an EGU complying with subsection (a)(1)(B) of this Section, the
actual control efficiency for mercury emissions achieved by the EGU for
each 12-month rolling period, as monitored in accordance with this
Subpart B and calculated as follows, must meet or exceed the applicable
efficiency requirement:
CE 100 {1 (

CE = ControlActual control efficiency for mercury emissions of the
EGU during QAMO hours for the particular 12-month rolling
period, expressed as a percent.
MercuryActual mercury emissions of the EGU, in lbs during
QAMO hours, in an individual month in the 12-month rolling
period, as determined in accordance with the emissions monitoring
provisions of this Subpart B.
Amount of mercury in the fuel fired in the EGU during QAMO
hours, in lbs, in an individual month in the 12-month rolling
period, as determined in accordance with Section 225.265 of this
Subpart B. I
is determined by multiplying the amount of mercury
in the fuel fired in the EGU in month
by the number of QAMO
hours in that month, and dividing that product by the number of
EGU operating hours in that month.
Alternative Emission Standards for Single EGUs.
As an alternative to compliance with the emission standards in subsection
(a) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU may comply with the
emission standards of this Subpart B by demonstrating that the actual
emissions of mercury from the EGU are less than the allowable emissions
of mercury from the EGU on a rolling 12-month basis.
For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the alternative emission
standards of this subsection (b), for each rolling 12-month period, the
actual emissions of mercury from the EGU, as monitored in accordance
with this Subpart B, must not exceed the allowable emissions of mercury
from the EGU, as further provided by the following formulas:
= MercuryActual mercury emissions of the EGU during QAMO hours
for the particular 12-month rolling period.
= Allowable mercury emissions of the EGU during QAMO hours for
the particular 12-month rolling period.
= MercuryActual mercury emissions of the EGU during QAMO hours
in an individual month in the 12-month rolling period.

= Allowable mercury emissions of the EGU during QAMO hours in an
individual month in the 12-month rolling period, based on either the input
mercury to the unit (A
Input i
) or the electrical output from the EGU (A
), as selected by the owner or operator of the EGU for that given month.
is determined by multiplying the allowable mercury emissions based on
either input mercury or electrical output in month i by the number of
QAMO hours in that month, and dividing that product by the number of
EGU operating hours in that month.
Input i
= Allowable mercury emissions of the EGU in an individual month
based on the input mercury to the EGU, calculated as 10.0 percent (or
0.100) of the input mercury to the EGU.
Output i
= Allowable mercury emissions of the EGU in a particular month
based on the electrical output from the EGU, calculated as the product of
the output based mercury limit, i.e., 0.0080 lb/GWh, and the electrical
output from the EGU, in GWh.
If the owner or operator of an EGU does not conduct the necessary
sampling, analysis, and recordkeeping, in accordance with Section
225.265 of this Subpart B, to determine the mercury input to the EGU, the
allowable emissions of the EGU must be calculated based on the electrical
output of the EGU.
If two or more EGUs are served by common stacks and the owner or operator
conducts monitoring for mercury emissions in the common stacks, as provided for
by Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B to this Part, 40 CFR 75, Subpart
I,such that the mercury emissions of each EGU are not determined separately,
compliance of the EGUs with the applicable emission standards of this Subpart B
must be determined as if the EGUs were a single EGU.
Alternative Emission Standards for Multiple EGUs.
As an alternative to compliance with the emission standards of subsection
(a) of this Section, the owner or operator of a source with multiple EGUs
may comply with the emission standards of this Subpart B by
demonstrating that the actual emissions of mercury from all EGUs at the
source during QAMO hours are less than the allowable emissions of
mercury from all EGUs at the source on a rolling 12-month basis.
For the purposes of the alternative emission standard of subsection (d)(1)
of this Section, for each rolling 12-month period, the actual emissions of
mercury from all the EGUs at the source during QAMO hours, as
monitored in accordance with this Subpart B, must not exceed the sum of

the allowable emissions of mercury from all the EGUs at the source, as
further provided by the following formulas:
= Sum of the actual mercury emissions of the EGUs at the source
during QAMO hours.
= Sum of the allowable mercury emissions of the EGUs at the source
during QAMO hours.
= MercuryActual mercury emissions of an individual EGU at the source
during QAMO hours
, as determined in accordance with subsection (b)(2)
of this Section.
= Allowable mercury emissions of an individual EGU at the source
during QAMO hours, as determined in accordance with subsection (b)(2)
of this Section.
n = Number of EGUs covered by the demonstration.
If an owner or operator of a source with two or more EGUs that is relying
on this subsection (d) to demonstrate compliance fails to meet the
requirements of this subsection (d) in a given 12-month rolling period, all
EGUs at such source covered by the compliance demonstration are
considered out of compliance with the applicable emission standards of
this Subpart B for the entire last month of that period.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.232 Averaging Demonstrations for Existing Sources
Through December 31, 2013, as an alternative to compliance with the emission
standards of Section 225.230(a) of this Subpart B, the owner or operator of an
EGU may comply with the emission standards of this Subpart B by means of an
Averaging Demonstration (Demonstration) that demonstrates that the actual
emissions of mercury from the EGU and other EGUs at the source and other
EGUs at other sources covered by the Demonstration are less than the allowable
emissions of mercury from all EGUs covered by the Demonstration on a rolling
12-month basis.

The EGUs at each source covered by a Demonstration must also comply with one
of the following emission standards on a source-wide basis for the period covered
by the Demonstration:
An emission standard of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical output; or
A minimum 75 percent reduction of input mercury.
For the purpose of this Section, compliance must be demonstrated using the
equations in Section 225.230(a)(2), (a)(3), or (d)(2), as applicable, addressing all
EGUs at the sources covered by the Demonstration, rather than by using only the
EGUs at one source.
Limitations on Demonstrations.
The owners or operators of more than one existing source with EGUs can
only participate in Demonstrations that include other existing sources that
they own or operate.
Single Existing Source Demonstrations
The owner or operator of only a single existing source with EGUs
(i.e., City, Water, Light & Power, City of Springfield, ID
167120AAO; Kincaid Generating Station, ID 021814AAB; and
Southern Illinois Power Cooperative/Marion Generating Station,
ID 199856AAC) can only participate in Demonstrations with other
such owners or operators of a single existing source of EGUs.
Participation in Demonstrations under this Section by the owner or
operator of only a single existing source with EGUs must be
authorized through federally enforceable permit conditions for
each such source participating in the Demonstration.
A source may be included in only one Demonstration during each rolling 12-
month period.
The owner or operator of EGUs using Demonstrations to show compliance with
this Subpart B must complete the determination of compliance for each 12-month
rolling period no later than 60 days following the end of the period.
If averaging is used to demonstrate compliance with this Subpart B, the effect of a
failure to demonstrate compliance will be that the compliance status of each
source must be determined under Section 225.230 of this Subpart B as if the
sources were not covered by a Demonstration.

For purposes of this Section, if the owner or operator of any source that
participates in a Demonstration with an owner or operator of a source that does
not maintain the required records, data, and reports for the EGUs at the source, or
that does not submit copies of such records, data, or reports to the Agency upon
request, then the effect of this failure will be deemed to be a failure to
demonstrate compliance and the compliance status of each source must be
determined under Section 225.230 of this Subpart B as if the sources were not
covered by a Demonstration.
Section 225.233 Multi-Pollutant Standards (MPS)
As an alternative to compliance with the emissions standards of Section
225.230(a), the owner of eligible EGUs may elect for those EGUs to
demonstrate compliance pursuant to this Section, which establishes
control requirements and standards for emissions of NO
and SO
, as well
as for emissions of mercury.
For the purpose of this Section, the following requirements apply:
An eligible EGU is an EGU that is located in Illinois and which
commenced commercial operation on or before December 31,
2004; and
Ownership of an eligible EGU is determined based on direct
ownership, by the holding of a majority interest in a company that
owns the EGU or EGUs, or by the common ownership of the
company that owns the EGU, whether through a parent-subsidiary
relationship, as a sister corporation, or as an affiliated corporation
with the same parent corporation, provided that the owner has the
right or authority to submit a CAAPP application on behalf of the
The owner of one or more EGUs electing to demonstrate compliance with
this Subpart B pursuant to this Section must submit an application for a
CAAPP permit modification to the Agency, as provided in Section
225.220, that includes the information specified in subsection (b) of this
Section and which clearly states the owner’s election to demonstrate
compliance pursuant to this Section 225.233.
If the owner of one or more EGUs elects to demonstrate
compliance with this Subpart pursuant to this Section, then all
EGUs it owns in Illinois as of July 1, 2006, as defined in
subsection (a)(2)(B) of this Section, must be thereafter subject to
the standards and control requirements of this Section, except as

provided in subsection (a)(3)(B). Such EGUs must be referred to
as a Multi-Pollutant Standard (MPS) Group.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner may exclude from an
MPS Group any EGU scheduled for permanent shutdown that the
owner so designates in its CAAPP application required to be
submitted pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this Section, with
compliance for such units to be achieved by means of Section
When an EGU is subject to the requirements of this Section, the
requirements apply to all owners or operators of the EGU, and to the
designated representative for the EGU.
Notice of Intent.
The owner of one or more EGUs that intends to comply with this Subpart B by
means of this Section must notify the Agency of its intention by December 31,
2007. The following information must accompany the notification:
The identification of each EGU that will be complying with this Subpart B
by means of the multi-pollutant standards contained in this Section, with
evidence that the owner has identified all EGUs that it owned in Illinois as
of July 1, 2006 and which commenced commercial operation on or before
December 31, 2004;
If an EGU identified in subsection (b)(1) of this Section is also owned or
operated by a person different than the owner submitting the notice of
intent, a demonstration that the submitter has the right to commit the EGU
or authorization from the responsible official for the EGU accepting the
The Base Emission Rates for the EGUs, with copies of supporting data
and calculations;
A summary of the current control devices installed and operating on each
EGU and identification of the additional control devices that will likely be
needed for the each EGU to comply with emission control requirements of
this Section, including identification of each EGU in the MPS group that
will be addressed by subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section, with information
showing that the eligibility criteria for this subsection (b) are satisfied; and
Identification of each EGU that is scheduled for permanent shut down, as
provided by Section 225.235, which will not be part of the MPS Group
and which will not be demonstrating compliance with this Subpart B
pursuant to this Section.

Control Technology Requirements for Emissions of Mercury.
Requirements for EGUs in an MPS Group.
For each EGU in an MPS Group other than an EGU that is
addressed by subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section for the period
beginning July 1, 2009 (or December 31, 2009 for an EGU for
which an SO
scrubber or fabric filter is being installed to be in
operation by December 31, 2009), and ending on December 31,
2014 (or such earlier date that the EGU is subject to the mercury
emission standard in subsection (d)(1) of this Section), the owner
or operator of the EGU must install, to the extent not already
installed, and properly operate and maintain one of the following
emission control devices:
A Halogenated Activated Carbon Injection System,
complying with the sorbent injection requirements of
subsection (c)(2) of this Section, except as may be
otherwise provided by subsection (c)(4) of this Section, and
followed by a Cold-Side Electrostatic Precipitator or Fabric
Filter; or
If the boiler fires bituminous coal, a Selective Catalytic
Reduction (SCR) System and an SO
An owner of an EGU in an MPS Group has two options under this
subsection (c). For an MPS Group that contains EGUs smaller
than 90 gross MW in capacity, the owner may designate any such
EGUs to be not subject to subsection (c)(1)(A) of this Section. Or,
for an MPS Group that contains EGUs with gross MW capacity of
less than 115 MW, the owner may designate any such EGUs to be
not subject to subsection (c)(1)(A) of this Section, provided that
the aggregate gross MW capacity of the designated EGUs does not
exceed 4% of the total gross MW capacity of the MPS Group. For
any EGU subject to one of these two options, unless the EGU is
subject to the emission standards in subsection (d)(2) of this
Section, beginning on January 1, 2013, and continuing until such
date that the owner or operator of the EGU commits to comply
with the mercury emission standard in subsection (d)(2) of this
Section, the owner or operator of the EGU must install and
properly operate and maintain a Halogenated Activated Carbon
Injection System that complies with the sorbent injection
requirements of subsection (c)(2) of this Section, except as may be
otherwise provided by subsection (c)(4) of this Section, and
followed by either a Cold-Side Electrostatic Precipitator or Fabric

Filter. The use of a properly installed, operated, and maintained
Halogenated Activated Carbon Injection System that meets the
sorbent injection requirements of subsection (c)(2) of this Section
is defined as the “principal control technique.”
For each EGU for which injection of halogenated activated carbon is
required by subsection (c)(1) of this Section, the owner or operator of the
EGU must inject halogenated activated carbon in an optimum manner,
which, except as provided in subsection (c)(4) of this Section, is defined as
all of the following:
The use of an injection system designed for effective absorption of
mercury, considering the configuration of the EGU and its
The injection of halogenated activated carbon manufactured by
Alstom, Norit, or Sorbent Technologies, Calgon Carbon’s
FLUEPAC CF Plus, or Calgon Carbon's FLUEPAC MC Plus, or
the injection of any other halogenated activated carbon or sorbent
that the owner or operator of the EGU has demonstrated to have
similar or better effectiveness for control of mercury emissions;
The injection of sorbent at the following minimum rates, as
For an EGU firing subbituminous coal, 5.0 lbs per million
actual cubic feet or, for any cyclone-fired EGU that will
install a scrubber and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and
which already meets an emission rate of 0.020 lbs
mercury/GWh gross electrical output or at least 75 percent
reduction of input mercury, 2.5 lbs per million actual cubic
For an EGU firing bituminous coal, 10.0 lbs per million
actual cubic feet for any cyclone-fired EGU that will install
a scrubber and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and which
already meets an emission rate of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh
gross electrical output or at least 75 percent reduction of
input mercury, 5.0 lbs per million actual cubic feet;
For an EGU firing a blend of subbituminous and
bituminous coal, a rate that is the weighted average of the
above rates, based on the blend of coal being fired; or

A rate or rates set lower by the Agency, in writing, than the
rate specified in any of subsections (c)(2)(C)(i),
(c)(2)(C)(ii), or (c)(2)(C)(iii) of this Section on a unit-
specific basis, provided that the owner or operator of the
EGU has demonstrated that such rate or rates are needed so
that carbon injection will not increase particulate matter
emissions or opacity so as to threaten noncompliance with
applicable requirements for particulate matter or opacity.
For the purposes of subsection (c)(2)(C) of this Section, the flue
gas flow rate must be determined for the point of sorbent injection;
provided that this flow rate may shall be assumed to be identical to
the stack gas flow rate in the stack for all units except for those
equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side
electrostatic precipitator; for units equipped with activated carbon
injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, the flue gas
flow rate shall be the gas flow rate at the inlet to the hot-side
electrostatic precipitator, which shall be determined as the stack
flow rate adjusted through the use of Charles’s Law for the
differences in gas temperatures in the stack and at the inlet to the
electrostatic precipitator (V
= V
x T
, where V = gas
flow rate in acf and T = gas temperature in Kelvin or Rankine). if
the gas temperatures at the point of injection and the stack are
normally within 100
F, or the flue gas flow rate may otherwise be
calculated from the stack flow rate, corrected for the difference in
gas temperatures.
The owner or operator of an EGU that seeks to operate an EGU with an
activated carbon injection rate or rates that are set on a unit-specific basis
pursuant to subsection (c)(2)(C)(iv) of this Section must submit an
application to the Agency proposing such rate or rates, and must meet the
requirements of subsections (c)(3)(A) and (c)(3)(B) of this Section, subject
to the limitations of subsections (c)(3)(C) and (c)(3)(D) of this Section:
The application must be submitted as an application for a new or
revised federally enforceable operating permit for the EGU, and it
must include a summary of relevant mercury emission data for the
EGU, the unit-specific injection rate or rates that are proposed, and
detailed information to support the proposed injection rate or rates;
This application must be submitted no later than the date that
activated carbon must first be injected. For example, the owner or
operator of an EGU that must inject activated carbon pursuant to
subsection (c)(1)(A) of this subsection must apply for unit-specific

injection rate or rates by July 1, 2009. Thereafter, the owner or
operator of the EGU may supplement its application; and
Any decision of the Agency denying a permit or granting a permit with
conditions that set a lower injection rate or rates may be appealed to the
Board pursuant to Section 39 of the Act; and
The owner or operator of an EGU may operate at the injection rate or rates
proposed in its application until a final decision is made on the
application, including a final decision on any appeal to the Board.
During any evaluation of the effectiveness of a listed sorbent, an
alternative sorbent, or other technique to control mercury emissions, the
owner or operator of an EGU need not comply with the requirements of
subsection (c)(2) of this Section for any system needed to carry out the
evaluation, as further provided as follows:
The owner or operator of the EGU must conduct the evaluation in
accordance with a formal evaluation program submitted to the
Agency at least 30 days prior to commencement of the evaluation;
The duration and scope of the evaluation may not exceed the
duration and scope reasonably needed to complete the desired
evaluation of the alternative control technique, as initially
addressed by the owner or operator in a support document
submitted with the evaluation program;
The owner or operator of the EGU must submit a report to the
Agency no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the evaluation
that describes the evaluation conducted and which provides the
results of the evaluation; and
If the evaluation of the alternative control technique shows less
effective control of mercury emissions from the EGU than was
achieved with the principal control technique, the owner or
operator of the EGU must resume use of the principal control
technique. If the evaluation of the alternative control technique
shows comparable effectiveness to the principal control technique,
the owner or operator of the EGU may either continue to use the
alternative control technique in a manner that is at least as effective
as the principal control technique, or it may resume use of the
principal control technique. If the evaluation of the alternative
control technique shows more effective control of mercury
emissions than the control technique, the owner or operator of the
EGU must continue to use the alternative control technique in a

manner that is more effective than the principal control technique,
so long as it continues to be subject to this subsection (c).
In addition to complying with the applicable recordkeeping and
monitoring requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the
owner or operator of an EGU that elects to comply with this Subpart B
by means of this Section must also comply with the following additional
For the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it must
maintain records of the usage of sorbent, the flueexhaust gas flow
rate from the EGU (and, if the unit is equipped with activated
carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, flue
gas temperature at the inlet of the hot-side electrostatic precipitator
and in the stack), and the sorbent feed rate, in pounds per million
actual cubic feet of flueexhaust gas at the injection point, on a
weekly average;
After the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it
must monitor activated sorbent feed rate to the EGU, flue gas
temperature at the point of sorbent injection, and exhaust gas flow
rate in the stackfrom the EGU, and, if the unit is equipped with
activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic
precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet of the hot-side
electrostatic precipitator and in the stack. It must automatically
recording this data and the sorbent carbon feed rate, in pounds per
million actual cubic feet of flueexhaust
gas at the injection point,
on an hourly average; and
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the
EGU, it must keep records of the amount of each type of coal
burned and the required injection rate for injection of activated
carbon, on a weekly basis.
Until June 30, 2012, as an alternative to the CEMS or excepted monitoring
system (sorbent trap system) monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator
of an EGU may elect to comply with the emissions testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in Section 225.239(c), (d), (e),
(f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), (i)(3) and (4), and (j)(1).
In addition to complying with the applicable reporting requirements in
Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU that
elects to comply with this Subpart B by means of this Section must also
submit quarterly reports for the recordkeeping and monitoring conducted
pursuant to subsection (c)(5) of this Section.

Emission Standards for Mercury.
For each EGU in an MPS Group that is not addressed by subsection
(c)(1)(B) of this Section, beginning January 1, 2015 (or such earlier date
when the owner or operator of the EGU notifies the Agency that it will
comply with these standards) and continuing thereafter, the owner or
operator of the EGU must comply with one of the following standards on
a rolling 12-month basis:
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90-percent reduction of input mercury.
For each EGU in an MPS Group that has been addressed under subsection
(c)(1)(B) of this Section, beginning on the date when the owner or
operator of the EGU notifies the Agency that it will comply with these
standards and continuing thereafter, the owner or operator of the EGU
must comply with one of the following standards on a rolling 12-month
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90-percent reduction of input mercury.
Compliance with the mercury emission standard or reduction requirement
of this subsection (d) must be calculated in accordance with Section
225.230(a) or (d), or Section 225.232 until December 31, 2013.
Until June 30, 2012, as an alternative to demonstrating compliance with
the emissions standards in this subsection (d), the owner or operator of an
EGU may elect to comply with the emissions testing requirements in
Section 225.239(a)(4), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (j) of this
Emission Standards for NO
and SO
Emission Standards.
Beginning in calendar year 2012 and continuing in each calendar
thereafter, for the EGUs in each MPS Group, the owner and
operator of the EGUs must comply with an overall NOx annual
emission rate of no more than 0.11 lb/million Btu or an emission

rate equivalent to 52 percent of the Base Annual Rate of NO
emissions, whichever is more stringent.
Beginning in the 2012 ozone season and continuing in each ozone
season thereafter, for the EGUs in each MPS Group, the owner and
operator of the EGUs must comply with an overall NO
emission rate of no more than 0.11 lb/million Btu or an emission
rate equivalent to 80 percent of the Base Seasonal Rate of NO
emissions, whichever is more stringent.
Emission Standards.
Beginning in calendar year 2013 and continuing in calendar year
2014, for the EGUs in each MPS Group, the owner and operator of
the EGUs must comply with an overall SO
annual emission rate
of 0.33 lb/million Btu or a rate equivalent to 44 percent of the Base
Rate of SO
emissions, whichever is more stringent.
Beginning in calendar year 2015 and continuing in each calendar
year thereafter, for the EGUs in each MPS Grouping, the owner
and operator of the EGUs must comply with an overall annual
emission rate for SO
of 0.25 lbs/million Btu or a rate equivalent to
35 percent of the Base Rate of SO
emissions, whichever is more
Ameren MPS Group Multi-Pollutant Standard
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (e)(1) and (2) of this
Section, this subsection (e)(3) applies to the Ameren MPS Group
as described in the notice of intent submitted by Ameren Energy
Resources in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section.
Emission Standards.
Beginning in the 2010 ozone season and continuing in
each ozone season thereafter, for the EGUs in the Ameren
MPS Group, the owner and operator of the EGUs must
comply with an overall NO
seasonal emission rate of no
more than 0.11 lb/million Btu.
Beginning in calendar year 2010 and continuing in calendar
year 2011, for the EGUs in the Ameren MPS Group, the
owner and operator of the EGUs must comply with an
overall NO
annual emission rate of no more than 0.14 lb/
million Btu.

Beginning in calendar year 2012 and continuing in each
calendar year thereafter, for the EGUs in the Ameren MPS
Group, the owner and operator of the EGUs must comply
with an overall NO
annual emission rate of no more than
0.11 lb/million Btu.
Emission Standards
Beginning in calendar year 2010 and continuing in each
calendar year through 2013, for the EGUs in the Ameren
MPS Group, the owner and operator of the EGUs must
comply with an overall SO
annual emission rate of 0.50
lbs/million Btu.
In calendar year 2014, for the EGUs in the Ameren MPS
Group, the owner and operator of the EGUs must comply
with an overall SO
annual emission rate of 0.43 lbs/million
Beginning in calendar year 2015 and continuing in calendar
year 2016, for the EGUs in the Ameren MPS Group, the
owner and operator of the EGUs must comply with an
overall SO
annual emission rate of 0.25 lbs/million Btu.
The owner or operator of EGUs in an MPS Group must not sell or trade to
any person or otherwise exchange with or give to any person NO
allowances allocated to the EGUs in the MPS Group for vintage years
2012 and beyond that would otherwise be available for sale, trade, or
exchange as a result of actions taken to comply with the standards in
subsection (e) of this Section. Such allowances that are not retired for
compliance must be surrendered to the Agency on an annual basis,
Beginning in calendar year 2017 and continuing in each
calendar year thereafter, for the EGUs in the Ameren MPS
Group, the owner and operator of the EGUs must comply
with an overall SO
annual emission rate of 0.23 lbs/million
Compliance with the NO
and SO
emission standards must be
demonstrated in accordance with Sections 225.310, 225.410, and 225.510.
The owner or operator of EGUs must complete the demonstration of
compliance before March 1 of the following year for annual standards and
before November 1 for seasonal standards, by which date a compliance
report must be submitted to the Agency.
Requirements for NO
and SO

beginning in calendar year 2013. This provision does not apply to the use,
sale, exchange, gift, or trade of allowances among the EGUs in an MPS
The owners or operators of EGUs in an MPS Group must not sell or trade
to any person or otherwise exchange with or give to any person SO
allowances allocated to the EGUs in the MPS Group for vintage years
2013 and beyond that would otherwise be available for sale or trade as a
result of actions taken to comply with the standards in subsection (e) of
this Section. Such allowances that are not retired for compliance, or
otherwise surrendered pursuant to a consent decree to which the State of
Illinois is a party, must be surrendered to the Agency on an annual basis,
beginning in calendar year 2014. This provision does not apply to the use,
sale, exchange, gift, or trade of allowances among the EGUs in an MPS
The provisions of this subsection (f) do not restrict or inhibit the sale or
trading of allowances that become available from one or more EGUs in a
MPS Group as a result of holding allowances that represent over-
compliance with the NO
or SO
standard in subsection (e) of this Section,
once such a standard becomes effective, whether such over-compliance
results from control equipment, fuel changes, changes in the method of
operation, unit shut downs, or other reasons.
For purposes of this subsection (f), NO
and SO
allowances mean
allowances necessary for compliance with Sections 225.310, 225.410, or
225.510, 40 CFR 72, or
subparts Subparts AA and AAAA of 40 CFR 96,
or any future federal NO
or SO
emissions trading programs that modify
or replace these programs. This Section does not prohibit the owner or
operator of EGUs in an MPS Group from purchasing or otherwise
obtaining allowances from other sources as allowed by law for purposes of
complying with federal or state requirements, except as specifically set
forth in this Section.
By Before March 1, 2010, and continuing each year thereafter, the owner
or operator of EGUs in an MPS Group must submit a report to the Agency
that demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this subsection (f)
for the previous calendar year, and which includes identification of any
allowances that have been surrendered to the USEPA or to the Agency and
any allowances that were sold, gifted, used, exchanged, or traded because
they became available due to over-compliance. All allowances that are
required to be surrendered must be surrendered by August 31, unless
USEPA has not yet deducted the allowances from the previous year. A
final report must be submitted to the Agency by August 31 of each year,
verifying that the actions described in the initial report have taken place
or, if such actions have not taken place, an explanation of all changes that

have occurred and the reasons for such changes. If USEPA has not
deducted the allowances from the previous year by August 31, the final
report willmust be due, and all allowances required to be surrendered must
be surrendered, within 30 days after such deduction occurs.
Notwithstanding 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.146(hhh), until an EGU has complied
with the applicable emission standards of subsections (d) and (e) of this Section
for 12 months, the owner or operator of the EGU must obtain a construction
permit for any new or modified air pollution control equipment that it proposes to
construct for control of emissions of mercury, NO
, or SO
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ______)
Section 225.234 Temporary Technology-Based Standard for EGUs at Existing Sources
At a source with EGUs that commenced commercial operation on or
before December 31, 2008, for an EGU that meets the eligibility criteria in
subsection (b) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU may
temporarily comply with the requirements of this Section through June 30,
2015, as an alternative to compliance with the mercury emission standards
in Section 225.230, as provided in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this
An EGU that is complying with the emission control requirements of this
Subpart B by operating pursuant to this Section may not be included in a
compliance demonstration involving other EGUs during the period that is
operating pursuant to this Section.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is complying with this Subpart B by
means of the temporary alternative emission standards of this Section is
not excused from any of the applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and
reporting requirements set forth in Sections 225.240 through 225.290.
Until June 30, 2012, as an alternative to the CEMS (or an excepted
monitoring system) monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator
of an EGU may elect to comply with the emissions testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in Section 225.239(c), (d), (e),
(f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), (i)(3) and (4), and (j)(1).
To be eligible to operate an EGU pursuant to this Section, the following criteria
must be met for the EGU:

The EGU is equipped and operated with the air pollution control
equipment or systems that include injection of halogenated activated
carbon and either a cold-side electrostatic precipitator or a fabric filter.
The owner or operator of the EGU is injecting halogenated activated
carbon in an optimum manner for control of mercury emissions, which
must include injection of Alstrom, Norit, Sorbent Technologies, Calgon
Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus, Calgon Carbon's FLUEPAC MC Plus, or
other halogenated activated carbon that the owner or operator of the EGU
has demonstrated to have similar or better effectiveness for control of
mercury emissions, at least at the following rates set forth in subsections
(b)(2)(A) through (b)(2)(D) of this Section, unless other provisions for
injection of halogenated activated carbon are established in a federally
enforceable operating permit issued for the EGU, using an injection
system designed for effective absorption of mercury, considering the
configuration of the EGU and its ductwork. For the purposes of this
subsection (b)(2), the flue gas flow rate shall be the flow rate in the stack
for all units except for those equipped with activated carbon injection prior
to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator; for units equipped with activated
carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, the flue gas
flow rate shall be the gas flow rate at the inlet to the hot-side electrostatic
precipitator, which shall be determined as the stack flow rate adjusted
through the use of Charles’s Law for the differences in gas temperatures in
the stack and at the inlet to the electrostatic precipitator (V
= V
, where V = gas flow rate in acf and T = gas temperature in
Kelvin or Rankine).must be determined for the point of sorbent injection
(provided, however, that this flow rate may be assumed to be identical to
the stack flow rate if the gas temperatures at the point of injection and the
stack are normally within 100º F) or may otherwise be calculated from the
stack flow rate, corrected for the difference in gas temperatures.
For an EGU firing subbituminous coal, 5.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet.
For an EGU firing bituminous coal, 10.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet.
For an EGU firing a blend of subbituminous and bituminous coal,
a rate that is the weighted average of the above rates, based on the
blend of coal being fired.
A rate or rates set on a unit-specific basis that are lower than the
rate specified above to the extent that the owner or operator of the
EGU demonstrates that such rate or rates are needed so that carbon
injection would not increase particulate matter emissions or

opacity so as to threaten compliance with applicable regulatory
requirements for particulate matter or opacity.
The total capacity of the EGUs that operate pursuant to this Section does
not exceed the applicable of the following values:
For the owner or operator of more than one existing source with
EGUs, 25 percent of the total rated capacity, in MW, of all the
EGUs at the existing sources that it owns or operates, other than
any EGUs operating pursuant to Section 225.235 of this Subpart B.
For the owner or operator of only a single existing source with
EGUs (i.e., City, Water, Light & Power, City of Springfield, ID
167120AAO; Kincaid Generating Station, ID 021814AAB; and
Southern Illinois Power Cooperative/Marion Generating Station,
ID 199856AAC), 25 percent of the total rated capacity, in MW, of
the all the EGUs at the existing sources, other than any EGUs
operating pursuant to Section 225.235.
Compliance Requirements.
Emission Control Requirements.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is operating pursuant to this Section
must continue to maintain and operate the EGU to comply with the criteria
for eligibility for operation pursuant to this Section, except during an
evaluation of the current sorbent, alternative sorbents or other techniques
to control mercury emissions, as provided by subsection (e) of this
Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements.
In addition to complying with all applicable reporting monitoring and
recordkeeping requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290 or
Section 225.239(c), (d), (e), (f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), and (i)(3) and (4), the
owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this Section must also:
Through December 31, 2012, it must maintain records of the usage
of activated carbon, the flueexhaust gas flow rate from the EGU
(and, if the unit is equipped with activated carbon injection prior to
a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet
of the hot-side electrostatic precipitator and in the stack), and the
activated carbon feed rate, in pounds per million actual cubic feet
of flueexhaust gas at the injection point, on a weekly average.

Beginning January 1, 2013, it must monitor activated carbon feed
rate to the EGU, flue gas temperature at the point of sorbent
injection, and exhaust gas flow rate from the EGU, in the stack,
and, if the unit is equipped with activated carbon injection prior to
a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet
of the hot-side electrostatic precipitator and in the stack. It must
automatically recording this data and the activated carbon feed
rate, in pounds per million actual cubic feet of flueexhaust gas at
the injection point, on an hourly average.
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the
EGU, it must maintain records of the amount of each type of coal
burned and the required injection rate for injection of halogenated
activated carbon, on a weekly basis.
Notification and Reporting Requirements.
In addition to complying with all applicable reporting requirements in
Sections 225.240 through 225.290 or Section 225.239(f)(1), (f)(2), and
(j)(1), the owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this Section
must also submit the following notifications and reports to the Agency:
Written notification prior to the month in which any of the
following events will occur:
The EGU will no longer be eligible to operate under this
Section due to a change in operation;
The type of coal fired in the EGU will change; the mercury
emission standard with which the owner or operator is
attempting to comply for the EGU will change; or
Operation under this Section will be terminated.
Quarterly reports for the recordkeeping and monitoring or
emissions testing conducted pursuant to subsection (c)(2) of this
Annual reports detailing activities conducted for the EGU to
further improve control of mercury emissions, including the
measures taken during the past year and activities planned for the
current year.
Applications to Operate under the Technology-Based Standard
Application Deadlines.

The owner or operator of an EGU that is seeking to operate the
EGU pursuant to this Section must submit an application to the
Agency no later than three months prior to the date on which
compliance with Section 225.230 of this Subpart B would
otherwise have to be demonstrated. For example, the owner or
operator of an EGU that is applying to operate the EGU pursuant
to this Section on June 30, 2010, when compliance with applicable
mercury emission standards must be first demonstrated, must apply
by March 31, 2010 to operate under this Section.
Unless the Agency finds that the EGU is not eligible to operate
pursuant to this Section or that the application for operation
pursuant to this Section does not meet the requirements of
subsection (d)(2) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU
is authorized to operate the EGU pursuant to this Section
beginning 60 days after receipt of the application by the Agency.
The owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this
Section must reapply to operate pursuant to this Section:
If it operated the EGU pursuant to this Section 225.234
during the period of June 2010 through December 2012 and
it seeks to operate the EGU pursuant to this Section
225.234 during the period from January 2013 through June
If it is planning a physical change to or a change in the
method of operation of the EGU, control equipment or
practices for injection of activated carbon that is expected to
reduce the level of control of mercury emissions.
Contents of Application. An application to operate an EGU pursuant to
this Section 225.234 must be submitted as an application for a new or
revised federally enforceable operating permit for the EGU, and it must
include the following documents and information:
A formal request to operate pursuant to this Section showing that
the EGU is eligible to operate pursuant to this Section and
describing the reason for the request, the measures that have been
taken for control of mercury emissions, and factors preventing
more effective control of mercury emissions from the EGU.
The applicable mercury emission standard in Section 225.230(a)
with which the owner or operator of the EGU is attempting to

comply and a summary of relevant mercury emission data for the
If a unit-specific rate or rates for carbon injection are proposed
pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of this Section, detailed information
to support the proposed injection rates.
An action plan describing the measures that will be taken while
operating under this Section to improve control of mercury
emissions. This plan must address measures such as evaluation of
alternative forms or sources of activated carbon, changes to the
injection system, changes to operation of the unit that affect the
effectiveness of mercury absorption and collection, changes to the
particulate matter control device to improve performance, and
changes to other emission control devices. For each measure
contained in the plan, the plan must provide a detailed description
of the specific actions that are planned, the reason that the measure
is being pursued and the range of improvement in control of
mercury that is expected, and the factors that affect the timing for
carrying out the measure, together with the current schedule for the
Evaluation of Alternative Control Techniques for Mercury Emissions.
During an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current sorbent,
alternative sorbent, or other technique to control mercury emissions, the
owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this Section need not
comply with the eligibility criteria for operation pursuant to this Section as
needed to carry out an evaluation of the practicality and effectiveness of
such technique, subject to the following limitations:
The owner or operator of the EGU must conduct the evaluation in
accordance with a formal evaluation program that it has submitted
to the Agency at least 30 days prior to beginning the evaluation.
The duration and scope of the formal evaluation program must not
exceed the duration and scope reasonably needed to complete the
desired evaluation of the alternative control technique, as initially
addressed by the owner or owner in a support document that it has
submitted with the formal evaluation program pursuant to
subsection (e)(1)(A) of this Section.
Notwithstanding 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.146(hhh), the owner or
operator of the EGU must obtain a construction permit for any new
or modified air pollution control equipment to be constructed as
part of the evaluation of the alternative control technique.

The owner or operator of the EGU must submit a report to the
Agency, no later than 90 days after the conclusion of the formal
evaluation program describing the evaluation that was conducted,
and providing the results of the formal evaluation program.
If the evaluation of the alternative control technique shows less effective
control of mercury emissions from the EGU than achieved with the prior
control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU must resume use of
the prior control technique. If the evaluation of the alternative control
technique shows comparable control effectiveness, the owner or operator
of the EGU may either continue to use the alternative control technique in
an optimum manner or resume use of the prior control technique. If the
evaluation of the alternative control technique shows more effective
control of mercury emissions, the owner or operator of the EGU must
continue to use the alternative control technique in an optimum manner, if
it continues to operate pursuant to this Section.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.235 Units Scheduled for Permanent Shut Down
The emission standards of Section 225.230(a) are not applicable to an EGU that
will be permanently shut down as described in this Section:
The owner or operator of an EGU that relies on this Section must
complete the following actions before June 30, 2009:
Have notified the Agency that it is planning to permanently shut
down the EGU by the applicable date specified in subsection (a)(3)
or (4) of this Section. This notification must include a description
of the actions that have already been taken to allow the shut down
of the EGU and a description of the future actions that must be
accomplished to complete the shut down of the EGU, with the
anticipated schedule for those actions and the anticipated date of
permanent shut down of the unit.
Have applied for a construction permit or be actively pursuing a
federally enforceable agreement that requires the EGU to be
permanently shut down in accordance with this Section.
Have applied for revisions to the operating permits for the EGU to
include provisions that terminate the authorization to operate the
unit in accordance with this Section.

The owner or operator of an EGU that relies on this Section must, before
June 30, 2010, complete the following actions:
Have obtained a construction permit or entered into a federally
enforceable agreement as described in subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
Section; or
Have obtained revised operating permits in accordance with
subsection (a)(1)(C) of this Section.
The plan for permanent shut down of the EGU must provide for the EGU
to be permanently shut down by no later than the applicable date specified
If the owner or operator of the EGU is not constructing a new EGU
or other generating unit to specifically replace the existing EGU,
by December 31, 2010.
If the owner or operator of the EGU is constructing a new EGU or
other generating unit to specifically replace the existing EGU, by
December 31, 2011.
The owner or operator of the EGU must permanently shut down the EGU
by the date specified in subsection (a)(3) of this Section, unless the owner
or operator submits a demonstration to the Agency before the specified
date showing that circumstances beyond its reasonable control (such as
protracted delays in construction activity, unanticipated outage of another
EGU, or protracted shakedown of a replacement unit) have occurred that
interfere with the plan for permanent shut down of the EGU, in which case
the Agency may accept the demonstration as substantiated and extend the
date for shut down of the EGU as follows:
If the owner or operator of the EGU is not constructing a new EGU
or other generating unit to specifically replace the existing EGU,
for up to one year, i.e., permanent shut down of the EGU to occur
by no later than December 31, 2011; or
If the owner or operator of the EGU is constructing a new EGU or
other generating unit to specifically replace the existing EGU, for
up to 18 months, i.e., permanent shutdown of the EGU to occur by
no later than June 30, 2013; provided, however, that after
December 31, 2012, the existing EGU must only operate as a back-
up unit to address periods when the new generating units are not in

Notwithstanding Sections 225.230 and 225.232, any EGU that is not required to
comply with Section 225.230 pursuant to this Section must not be included when
determining whether any other EGUs at the source or other sources are in
compliance with Section 225.230.
If an EGU, for which the owner or operator of the source has relied upon this
Section in lieu of complying with Section 225.230(a) is not permanently shut
down as required by this Section, the EGU must be considered to be a new EGU
subject to the emission standards in Section 225.237(a) beginning in the month
after the EGU was required to be permanently shut down, in addition to any other
penalties that may be imposed for failure to permanently shut down the EGU in
accordance with this Section.
An EGU that has completed the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section is
exempt from the monitoring and testing requirements in Sections 225.239 and
An EGU that is scheduled for permanent shut down pursuant to Section
225.294(b) is exempt from the monitoring and testing requirements in Sections
225.239 and 225.240.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.237 Emission Standards for New Sources with EGUs
Except as provided in Sections 225.238 and 225.239, the owner or
operator of a source with one or more EGUs, but that previously had not
had any EGUs that commenced commercial operation before January 1,
2009, must comply with one of the following emission standards for each
EGU on a rolling 12-month basis:
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90 percent reduction of input mercury.
For this purpose, compliance may be demonstrated using the equations in
Section 225.230(a)(2), (a)(3), or (b)(2).
The initial 12-month rolling period for which compliance with the emission
standards of subsection (a)(1) of this Section must be demonstrated for a new
EGU will commence on the date that the initial performance testing commences
under 40 CFR 60.8. for the mercury emission standard under 40 CFR 60.45a also
commences. The CEMS (or excepted monitoring system) monitoring required by

this Subpart B for mercury emissions from the EGU must be certified prior to this
date. Thereafter, compliance must be demonstrated on a rolling 12-month basis
based on calendar months.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg_______, effective _______)
Section 225.238 Temporary Technology-Based Standard for New Sources with EGUs
At a source with EGUs that previously had not had any EGUs that
commenced commercial operation before January 1, 2009, for an EGU
that meets the eligibility criteria in subsection (b) of this Section, as an
alternative to compliance with the mercury emission standards in Section
225.237, the owner or operator of the EGU may temporarily comply with
the requirements of this Section, through December 31, 2018, as further
provided in subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this Section.
An EGU that is complying with the emission control requirements of this
Subpart B by operating pursuant to this Section may not be included in a
compliance demonstration involving other EGUs at the source during the
period that the temporary technology-based standard is in effect.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is complying with this Subpart B
pursuant to this Section is not excused from applicable monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of Sections 225.240 through
Until June 30, 2012, as an alternative to the CEMS (or excepted
monitoring system) monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator
of an EGU may elect to comply with the emissions testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in Section 225.239(c), (d), (e),
(f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), (i)(3) and (4), and (j)(1).
To be eligible to operate an EGU pursuant to this Section, the following criteria
must be met for the EGU:
The EGU is subject to Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for
emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, and the
EGU is equipped and operated with the air pollution control equipment or
systems specified below, as applicable to the category of EGU:

For coal-fired boilers, injection of sorbent or other mercury control
technique (e.g., reagent) approved by the Agency.
For an EGU firing fuel gas produced by coal gasification,
processing of the raw fuel gas prior to combustion for removal of
mercury with a system using a sorbent or other mercury control
technique approved by the Agency.
For an EGU for which injection of a sorbent or other mercury control
technique is required pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this Section, the
owner or operator of the EGU is injecting sorbent or other mercury control
technique in an optimum manner for control of mercury emissions, which
must include injection of Alstrom, Norit, Sorbent Technologies, Calgon
Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus, Calgon Carbon's FLUEPAC MC Plus, or
other sorbent or other mercury control technique that the owner or
operator of the EGU demonstrates to have similar or better effectiveness
for control of mercury emissions, at least at the rate set forth in the
appropriate of subsections (b)(2)(A) through (b)(2)(C) of this Section,
unless other provisions for injection of sorbent or other mercury control
technique are established in a federally enforceable operating permit
issued for the EGU, with an injection system designed for effective
absorption of mercury. For the purposes of this subsection (b)(2), the flue
gas flow rate shall be the gas flow rate in the stack for all units except for
those equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side
electrostatic precipitator; for units equipped with activated carbon
injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic precipitator, the flue gas flow rate
shall be the gas flow rate at the inlet to the hot-side electrostatic
precipitator, which shall be determined as the stack flow rate adjusted
through the use of Charles’s Law for the differences in gas temperatures in
the stack and at the inlet to the electrostatic precipitator (V
= V
, where V = gas flow rate in acf and T = gas temperature in
Kelvin or Rankine).must be determined for the point of sorbent injection
or other mercury control technique (provided, however, that this flow rate
may be assumed to be identical to the stack flow rate if the gas
temperatures at the point of injection and the stack are normally within
100º F) , or the flow rate may otherwise be calculated from the stack flow
rate, corrected for the difference in gas temperatures.
For an EGU firing subbituminous coal, 5.0 pounds per million
actual cubic feet.
For an EGU firing bituminous coal, 10.0 pounds per million actual
cubic feet.

For an EGU firing a blend of subbituminous and bituminous coal,
a rate that is the weighted average of the above rates, based on the
blend of coal being fired.
A rate or rates set on a unit-specific basis that are lower than the
rate specified in subsections (b)(2)(A), (B), and (C) of this Section,
to the extent that the owner or operator of the EGU demonstrates
that such rate or rates are needed so that sorbent injection or other
mercury control technique would not increase particulate matter
emissions or opacity so as to threaten compliance with applicable
regulatory requirements for particulate matter or opacity or cause a
safety issue.
Compliance Requirements.
Emission Control Requirements.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is operating pursuant to this Section
must continue to maintain and operate the EGU to comply with the criteria
for eligibility for operation under this Section, except during an evaluation
of the current sorbent, alternative sorbents, or other techniques to control
mercury emissions, as provided by subsection (e) of this Section.
Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements.
In addition to complying with all applicable reporting monitoring and
recordkeeping requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290 or
Section 225.239(c), (d), (e), (f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), and( i)(3) and (4), the
owner or operator of a new EGU operating pursuant to this Section must
Monitor sorbent feed rate to the EGU, flue gas temperature at the
point of sorbent injection or other mercury control technique,gas
flow rate in the stack, and, exhaust gas flow rate from the EGU,if
the unit is equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-
side electrostatic precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet of the
hot-side electrostatic precipitator and in the stack. It must
automatically recording this data and the sorbent feed rate, in
pounds per million actual cubic feet of flueexhaust gas at the
injection point, on an hourly average.
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the
EGU, maintain records of the amount of each type of coal burned
and the required injection rate for injection of sorbent, on a weekly

If a mercury control technique other than sorbent injection is
approved by the Agency, monitor appropriate parameter for that
control technique as specified by the Agency.
Notification and Reporting Requirements.
In addition to complying with all applicable reporting requirements of
Sections 225.240 through 225.290 or Section 225.239(f)(1) and (2) and
(j)(1), the owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this Section
must also submit the following notifications and reports to the Agency:
Written notification prior to the month in which any of the
following events will occur: the EGU will no longer be eligible to
operate under this Section due to a change in operation; the type of
coal fired in the EGU will change; the mercury emission standard
with which the owner or operator is attempting to comply for the
EGU will change; or operation under this Section will be
Quarterly reports for the recordkeeping and monitoring or
emissions testing conducted pursuant to subsection (c)(2) of this
Annual reports detailing activities conducted for the EGU to
further improve control of mercury emissions, including the
measures taken during the past year and activities planned for the
current year.
Applications to Operate under the Technology-Based Standard.
Application Deadlines.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is seeking to operate the
EGU pursuant to this Section must submit an application to the
Agency no later than three months prior to the date that
compliance with Section 225.237 would otherwise have to be
Unless the Agency finds that the EGU is not eligible to operate
pursuant to this Section or that the application for operation under
this Section does not meet the requirements of subsection (d)(2) of
this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU is authorized to
operate the EGU pursuant to this Section beginning 60 days after
receipt of the application by the Agency.

The owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this
Section must reapply to operate pursuant to this Section if it is
planning a physical change to or a change in the method of
operation of the EGU, control equipment, or practices for injection
of sorbent or other mercury control technique that is expected to
reduce the level of control of mercury emissions.
Contents of Application.
An application to operate pursuant to this Section must be submitted as an
application for a new or revised federally enforceable operating permit for
the new EGU, and it must include the following information:
A formal request to operate pursuant to this Section showing that
the EGU is eligible to operate pursuant to this Section and
describing the reason for the request, the measures that have been
taken for control of mercury emissions, and factors preventing
more effective control of mercury emissions from the EGU.
The applicable mercury emission standard in Section 225.237 with
which the owner or operator of the EGU is attempting to comply
and a summary of relevant mercury emission data for the EGU.
If a unit-specific rate or rates for sorbent or other mercury control
technique injection are proposed pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of
this Section, detailed information to support the proposed injection
An action plan describing the measures that will be taken while
operating pursuant to this Section to improve control of mercury
emissions. This plan must address measures such as evaluation of
alternative forms or sources of sorbent or other mercury control
technique, changes to the injection system, changes to operation of
the unit that affect the effectiveness of mercury absorption and
collection, and changes to other emission control devices. For
each measure contained in the plan, the plan must provide a
detailed description of the specific actions that are planned, the
reason that the measure is being pursued and the range of
improvement in control of mercury that is expected, and the factors
that affect the timing for carrying out the measure, with the current
schedule for the measure.
Evaluation of Alternative Control Techniques for Mercury Emissions.
During an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current sorbent,
alternative sorbent, or other technique to control mercury emissions, the

owner or operator of an EGU operating pursuant to this Section does not
need to comply with the eligibility criteria for operation pursuant to this
Section as needed to carry out an evaluation of the practicality and
effectiveness of such technique, further subject to the following
The owner or operator of the EGU must conduct the evaluation in
accordance with a formal evaluation program that it has submitted
to the Agency at least 30 days prior to beginning the evaluation.
The duration and scope of the formal evaluation program must not
exceed the duration and scope reasonably needed to complete the
desired evaluation of the alternative control technique, as initially
addressed by the owner or operator in a support document that it
has submitted with the formal evaluation program pursuant to
subsection (e)(1)(A) of this Section.
Notwithstanding 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.146(hhh), the owner or
operator of the EGU must obtain a construction permit for any new
or modified air pollution control equipment to be constructed as
part of the evaluation of the alternative control technique.
The owner or operator of the EGU must submit a report to the
Agency no later than 90 days after the conclusion of the formal
evaluation program describing the evaluation that was conducted
and providing the results of the formal evaluation program.
If the evaluation of the alternative control technique shows less effective
control of mercury emissions from the EGU than was achieved with the
prior control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU must resume
use of the prior control technique. If the evaluation of the alternative
control technique shows comparable effectiveness, the owner or operator
of the EGU may either continue to use the alternative control technique in
an optimum manner or resume use of the prior control technique. If the
evaluation of the alternative control technique shows more effective
control of mercury emissions, the owner or operator of the EGU must
continue to use the alternative control technique in an optimum manner, if
it continues to operate pursuant to this Section.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.239 Periodic Emissions Testing Alternative Requirements

As an alternative to demonstrating compliance with the emissions
standards of Sections 225.230(a) or 225.237(a), the owner or operator of
an EGU may elect to demonstrate compliance pursuant to the emission
standards in subsection (b) of this Section and the use of quarterly
emissions testing as an alternative to the use of CEMS or an excepted
monitoring system;
The owner or operator of an EGU that elects to demonstrate compliance
pursuant to this Section must comply with the testing, recordkeeping, and
reporting requirements of this Section in addition to other applicable
recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this Subpart;
The alternative method of compliance provided under this subsection may
only be used until June 30, 2012, after which a CEMS (or an excepted
monitoring system) certified in accordance with Section 225.250 of this
Subpart B must be used.
If an owner or operator of an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to
Section 225.230, 225.233(d)(1) or (2), 225.237, or 225.294(e)(1)(A)
discontinues use of CEMS (or an excepted monitoring system) before
collecting a full 12 months of data and elects to demonstrate compliance
pursuant to this Section, the data collected prior to that point must be
averaged to determine compliance for such period. In such case, for
purposes of calculating an emission standard or mercury control efficiency
using the equations in Section 225.230(a) or (b), the “12” in the equations
will be replaced by a variable equal to the number of full and partial
months for which the owner or operator collected data from a CEMS or an
excepted monitoring system.
Emission Limits.
Existing Units: Beginning July 1, 2009, the owner or operator of a source
with one or more EGUs subject to this Subpart B that commenced
commercial operation on or before June 30, 2009, must comply with one
of the following standards for each EGU, as determined through quarterly
emissions testing according to subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90-percent reduction of input mercury.
New Units: Beginning within the first 2,160 hours after the
commencement of commercial operations, the owner or operator of a
source with one or more EGUs subject to this Subpart B that commenced

commercial operation after June 30, 2009, must comply with one of the
following standards for each EGU, as determined through quarterly
emissions testing in accordance with subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f) of
this Section:
An emission standard of 0.0080 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical
output; or
A minimum 90-percent reduction of input mercury.
Initial Emissions Testing Requirements for New Units. The owner or operator of
an EGU that commenced commercial operation after June 30, 2009, and that is
complying by means of this Section must conduct an initial performance test in
accordance with the requirements of subsections (d) and (e) of this Section within
the first 2,160 hours after the commencement of commercial operations.
Emissions Testing Requirements
Subsequent to the initial performance test, emissions tests must be
performed on a quarterly calendar basis in accordance with the
requirements of subsections (d), (e), and (f) of this Section;
Notwithstanding the provisions in subjection (d)(1)(1), owners or
operators of EGUs demonstrating compliance under Section 225.233 or
Sections 225.291 through 225.299, and which have not opted in to the
emission limit provisions of Section 225.233(d)(1) or (d)(2), or Section
225.294(c) pursuant to Section 225.294(e)(1)(B), must perform emissions
testing on a semi-annual calendar basis, where the periods consist of the
months of January through June and July through December, in
accordance with the requirements of subsections (d), (e), and (f)(1) and (2)
of this Section;
Emissions tests which demonstrate compliance with this Subpart must be
performed at least 45 days apart. However, if an emissions test fails to
demonstrate compliance with this Subpart or the emissions test is being
performed subsequent to a significant change in the operations of an EGU
under subsection (h)(2) of this Section, the owner or operator of an EGU
may perform additional emissions tests using the same test protocol
previously submitted in the same period, with less than 45 days in between
emissions tests;
A minimum of three and a maximum of nine emissions test runs, lasting at
least one hour each, shall be conducted and averaged to determine
compliance. All test runs performed will be reported.

If the EGU shares a common stack with one or more other EGUs, the
owner or operator of the EGU will conduct emissions testing in the duct to
the common stack from each unit, unless the owner or operator of the
EGU considers the combined emissions measured at the common stack as
the mass emissions of mercury for the EGUs for recordkeeping and
compliance purposes.
If an owner or operator of an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to
this Section later elects to demonstrate compliance pursuant to the CEMS
monitoring provisions (or excepted monitoring system provisions) in
Section 225.240 of this Subpart, the owner or operator must comply with
the emissions monitoring deadlines in Section 225.240(b)(4) of this
Emissions Testing Procedures
The owner or operator must conduct a compliance test in accordance with
Method 29, 30A, or 30B of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, as incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140;
Mercury emissions or control efficiency must be measured while the
affected unit is operating at or above 90% of peak load;
For units complying with the control efficiency standard of subsection
(b)(1)(B) or (b)(2)(B) of this Section, Section 225.233(d)(1)(B) or
(d)(2)(B) and electing to demonstrate compliance pursuant to Section
225.233(d)(4), or Section 225.294(c)(2) pursuant to Section
225.294(e)(1)(B), the owner or operator must perform coal sampling as
in accordance with Section 225.265 of this Subpart at least once
during each day of testing; and
in accordance with Section 225.265 of this Subpart, once each
month in those months when emissions testing is not performed
unless the boiler did not operate or combust coal at all during that
For units complying with the output-based emission standard of
subsection (b)(1)(A) or (b)(2)(A) of this Section, the owner or operator
must monitor gross electrical output for the duration of the testing.
The owner or operator of an EGU may use an alternative emissions testing
method if such alternative is submitted to the Agency in writing and
approved in writing by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance

Notification Requirements
The owner or operator of an EGU must submit a testing protocol as
described in USEPA’s Emission Measurement Center’s Guideline
Document #42 to the Agency at least 45 days prior to a scheduled
emissions test, except as provided in Section 225.239(h)(2) and (h)(3).
Upon written request directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s
Compliance Section, the Agency may, in its sole discretion, waive the 45-
day requirement. Such waiver shall only be effective if it is provided in
writing and signed by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance
Section, or his or her designee;
Notification of a scheduled emissions test must be submitted to the
Agency in writing, directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s
Compliance Section, at least 30 days prior to the expected date of the
emissions test. Upon written request directed to the Manager of the
Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, the Agency may, in its sole
discretion, waive the 30-day notification requirement. Such waiver shall
only be effective if it is provided in writing and signed by the Manager of
the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, or his or her designee.
Notification of the actual date and expected time of testing must be
submitted in writing, directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s
Compliance Section, at least five working days prior to the actual date of
the test;
For an EGU that has elected to demonstrate compliance by use of the
emission standards of subsection (b) of this Section, if an emissions test
performed under the requirements of this Section fails to demonstrate
compliance with the limits of subsection (b) of this Section, the owner or
operator of an EGU may perform a new emissions test using the same test
protocol previously submitted in the same period, by notifying the
Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section or his or her designee
of the actual date and expected time of testing at least five working days
prior to the actual date of the test. The Agency may, in its sole discretion,
waive this five-day notification requirement. Such waiver shall only be
effective if it is provided in writing and signed by the Manager of the
Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, or his or her designee;
In addition to the testing protocol required by subsection (f)(1) of this
Section, the owner or operator of an EGU that has elected to demonstrate
compliance by use of the emission standards of subsection (b) of this
Section, that opts into Section 225.233(d)(1) or (d)(2) early and elects to
demonstrate compliance pursuant to Section 225.233(d)(4), or that opts
into Section 225.294(c) pursuant to Section 225.294(e)(1)(B), must submit
a Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan to the Agency at least 45 days

prior to a scheduled emissions test. Upon written request directed to the
Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, the Agency may, in
its sole discretion, waive the 45-day requirement. Such waiver shall only
be effective if it is provided in writing and signed by the Manager of the
Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, or his or her designee. The
Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan must detail how the EGU will
continue to operate within the parameters enumerated in the testing
protocol and how those parameters will ensure compliance with the
applicable mercury limit. For example, the Continuous Parameter
Monitoring Plan must include coal sampling as described in Section
225.239(e)(3) of this Subpart and must ensure that an EGU that performs
an emissions test using a blend of coals continues to operate using that
same blend of coal. If the Agency disapproves the Continuous Parameter
Monitoring Plan, the owner or operator of the EGU has 30 days from the
date of receipt of the disapproval to submit more detailed information in
accordance with the Agency’s request.
Compliance Determination
Each successful quarterly emissions test shall determine compliance with
this Subpart for that quarter, except for days in the quarter before and after
a failed test and until a successful re-test as described in subsection(g)(2)
below, where the quarterly periods consist of the months of January
through March, April through June, July through September, and October
through December;
If emissions testing conducted pursuant to this Section fails to demonstrate
compliance, the owner or operator of the EGU will be deemed to have
been out of compliance with this Subpart beginning on the first day of the
current quarter, the last day of certified CEMS data (or certified data from
an excepted monitoring system) demonstrating compliance, or the date on
which a significant change was made pursuant to subsection (h)(2) of this
Section if such a change was made, whichever is later; the EGU will
remain out of compliance until a subsequent emissions test successfully
demonstrates compliance with the limits of this Section.
Operation Requirements
The owner or operator of an EGU that has elected to demonstrate
compliance by use of the emission standards of subsection (b) of this
Section must continue to operate the EGU commensurate with the
Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan until another Continuous
Parameter Monitoring Plan is developed and submitted to the Agency in
conjunction with the next compliance demonstration, in accordance with
subsection (f)(4) of this Section.

If the owner or operator makes a significant change to the operations of an
EGU subject to this Section, such as changing from bituminous to
subbituminous coal or any other change that would render the most recent
test no longer representative of current operations according to the
parameters listed in the Continuous Parameter Monitoring Plan, the owner
or operator must submit a testing protocol to the Agency within seven
operating days of the significant change and perform an emissions test
within 30 days of the change if the change takes place more than 30 days
before the end of the current calendar quarter, or within 30 days of the
beginning of the new quarter if the change takes place less than 30 days
before the end of the current calendar quarter. In addition, the owner or
operator of an EGU that has elected to demonstrate compliance by use of
the emission standards of subsection (b) of this Section, Section
225.233(d)(1) or (d)(2), or Section 225.294(c) pursuant to Section
225.294(e)(1)(B) must submit an updated Continuous Parameter
Monitoring Plan within seven operating days of the significant change.
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the EGU, the
owner or operator of the EGU must ensure that the EGU continues to
operate using the same blend that was used during the most recent
successful emissions test. If the blend of coal changes, the owner or
operator of the EGU must re-test in accordance with subsections (d), (e),
(f), and (g) of this Section within 30 days of the change in coal blend,
notwithstanding the requirement of subsection (d)(3) of this Section that
there must be 45 days between emissions tests.
The owner or operator of an EGU and its designated representative must
comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements in
this Section.
Continuous Parameter Monitoring. The owner or operator of an EGU
must maintain records to substantiate that the EGU is operating in
compliance with the parameters listed in the Continuous Parameter
Monitoring Plan, detailing the parameters that impact mercury reduction
and including the following records related to the emissions of mercury:
For an EGU for which the owner or operator is complying with
this Subpart B pursuant to Section 225.239(b)(1)(B) or
225.239(b)(2)(B), records of the daily mercury content of coal
used (parts per million) and the daily and quarterly input mercury
For an EGU for which the owner or operator of an EGU complying
with this Subpart B pursuant to Section 225.239(b)(1)(A) or

225.239(b)(2)(A), records of the daily and quarterly gross
electrical output (MWh) on an hourly basis.:
The owner or operator of an EGU using activated carbon injection must
also comply with the following requirements:
Maintain records of the usage of sorbent, the exhaust gas flow rate
from the EGU, and the sorbent feed rate, in pounds per million
actual cubic feet of exhaust gas at the injection point, on a weekly
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the
EGU, keep records of the amount of each type of coal burned and
the required injection rate for injection of activated carbon, on a
weekly basis.
The owner or operator of an EGU must retain all records required by this
Section at the source for a period of five years from the date the document
is created unless otherwise provided in the CAAPP permit issued for the
source and must make a copy of any record available to the Agency
promptly upon request. This period may be extended in writing by the
Agency, for cause, at any time prior to the end of five years.
The owner or operator of an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to
this Section must monitor and report the heat input rate at the unit level.
The owner or operator of an EGU demonstrating compliance pursuant to
this Section must perform and report coal sampling in accordance with
subsection 225.239(e)(3).
Reporting Requirements
An owner or operator of an EGU shall submit to the Agency a Final
Source Test Report for each periodic emissions test within 45 days after
the test is completed. The Final Source Test Report will be directed to the
Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, or his or her
designee, and include at a minimum:
A summary of results;
A description of test methods, including a description of sampling
points, sampling train, analysis equipment, and test schedule, and a
detailed description of test conditions, including:

Process information, including but not limited to modes of
operation, process rate, and fuel or raw material
Control equipment information (i.e., equipment condition
and operating parameters during testing);
A discussion of any preparatory actions taken (i.e.,
inspections, maintenance, and repair); and
Data and calculations, including copies of all raw data
sheets and records of laboratory analyses, sample
calculations, and data on equipment calibration.
The owner or operator of a source with one or more EGUs demonstrating
compliance with Subpart B in accordance with this Section must submit to
the Agency a Quarterly Certification of Compliance within 45 days
following the end of each calendar quarter. Quarterly certifications of
compliance must certify whether compliance existed for each EGU for the
calendar quarter covered by the certification. If the EGU failed to comply
during the quarter covered by the certification, the owner or operator must
provide the reasons the EGU or EGUs failed to comply and a full
description of the noncompliance (i.e., tested emissions rate, coal sample
data, etc.). In addition, for each EGU, the owner or operator must provide
the following appropriate data to the Agency as set forth in this Section.
A list of all emissions tests performed within the calendar quarter
covered by the Certification and submitted to the Agency for each
EGU, including the dates on which such tests were performed.
Any deviations or exceptions each month and discussion of the
reasons for such deviations or exceptions.
All Quarterly Certifications of Compliance required to be
submitted must include the following certification by a responsible
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all
attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I
am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false

information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.
Deviation Reports. For each EGU, the owner or operator must promptly
notify the Agency of deviations from any of the requirements of this
Subpart B. At a minimum, these notifications must include a description
of such deviations within 30 days after discovery of the deviations, and a
discussion of the possible cause of such deviations, any corrective actions,
and any preventative measures taken.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg_______, effective _______)
Section 225.240 General Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
The owner or operator of an EGU must comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and
reporting requirements as provided in this Section, Sections 225.250 through 225.290 of this
Subpart B, and Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B to this Part. Subpart I of 40 CFR 75
(sections 75.80 through 75.84), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. If the EGU
utilizes a common stack with units that are not EGUs and the owner or operator of the EGU does
not conduct emissions monitoring in the duct to the common stack from each EGU, the owner or
operator of the EGU must conduct emissions monitoring in accordance with Section 1.16(b)(2)
of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75.82(b)(2) and this Section, including monitoring in the duct
to the common stack from each unit that is not an EGU, unless the owner or operator of the EGU
counts the combined emissions measured at the common stack as the mass emissions of mercury
for the EGUs for recordkeeping and compliance purposes.
Requirements for installation, certification, and data accounting. The owner or
operator of each EGU must:
Install all monitoring systems required pursuant to this Section and
Sections 225.250 through 225.290 for monitoring mercury mass emissions
(including all systems required to monitor mercury concentration, stack
gas moisture content, stack gas flow rate, and CO
or O
concentration, as
applicable, in accordance with Sections 1.15 and 1.16 of Appendix B to
this Part). 40 CFR 75.81 and 75.82).
Successfully complete all certification tests required pursuant to Section
225.250 and meet all other requirements of this Section, Sections 225.250
through 225.290, and Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B to this
Part subpart I of 40 CFR Part 75 applicable to the monitoring systems
required under subsection (a)(1) of this Section.
Record, report, and assure the quality of the data from the monitoring
systems required under subsection (a)(1) of this Section.

If the owner or operator elects to use the low mass emissions excepted
monitoring methodology for an EGU that emits no more than 464 ounces
(29 pounds) of mercury per year pursuant to Section 1.15(b) of Appendix
B to this Part 40 CFR 75.81(b), it must perform emissions testing in
accordance with Section 1.15(c) of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR
75.81(c) to demonstrate that the EGU is eligible to use this excepted
emissions monitoring methodology, as well as comply with all other
applicable requirements of Section 1.15(b) through (f) of Appendix B to
this Part. 40 CFR 75.81(b) through (f). Also, the owner or operator must
submit a copy of any information required to be submitted to the USEPA
pursuant to these provisions to the Agency. The initial emissions testing
to demonstrate eligibility of an EGU for the low mass emissions excepted
methodology must be conducted by the applicable of the following dates:
If the EGU has commenced commercial operation before July 1,
2008, at least by July January 1, 2009, or 45 days prior to relying
on the low mass emissions excepted methodology, whichever date
is later.
If the EGU has commenced commercial operation on or after July
1, 2008, at least 45 days prior to the applicable date specified
pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of this Section or 45 days prior to
relying on the low mass emissions excepted methodology,
whichever date is later.
Emissions Monitoring Deadlines. The owner or operator must meet the emissions
monitoring system certification and other emissions monitoring requirements of
subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Section on or before the applicable of the
following dates. The owner or operator must record, report, and quality-assure
the data from the emissions monitoring systems required under subsection (a)(1)
of this Section on and after the applicable of the following dates:
For the owner or operator of an EGU that commences commercial
operation before July 1, 2008, by July January 1, 2009, except that an
EGU in an MPS Group for which an SO
scrubber or fabric filter is being
installed to be in operation by December 31, 2009, as described in Section
225.233(c)(1)(A), shall have a date of January 1, 2010.
For the owner or operator of an EGU that commences commercial
operation on or after July 1, 2008, by 90 unit operating days or 180
calendar days, whichever occurs first, after the date on which the EGU
commences commercial operation.
For the owner or operator of an EGU for which construction of a new
stack or flue or installation of add-on mercury emission controls, a flue
gas desulfurization system, a selective catalytic reduction system, a fabric

filter, or a compact hybrid particulate collector system is completed after
the applicable deadline pursuant to subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this
Section, by 90 unit operating days or 180 calendar days, whichever occurs
first, after the date on which emissions first exit to the atmosphere through
the new stack or flue, add-on mercury emission controls, flue gas
desulfurization system, selective catalytic reduction system, fabric filter,
or compact hybrid particulate collector system.
For an owner or operator of an EGU that originally elected to demonstrate
compliance pursuant to the emissions testing requirements in Section
225.239, by the first day of the calendar quarter following the last
emissions test demonstrating compliance with Section 225.239.
Reporting Data.
Except as provided in subsection (c)(2) of this Section, Thethe owner or
operator of an EGU that does not meet the applicable emissions
monitoring date set forth in subsection (b) of this Section for any
emissions monitoring system required pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this
Section must begin periodic emissions testing in accordance with Section
225.239., for each such monitoring system, determine, record, and report
the maximum potential (or, as appropriate, the minimum potential) values
for mercury concentration, the stack gas flow rate, the stack gas moisture
content, and any other parameters required to determine mercury mass
emissions in accordance with 40 CFR 75.80(g).
The owner or operator of an EGU that does not meet the applicable
emissions monitoring date set forth in subsection (b)(3) of this Section for
any emissions monitoring system required pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of
this Section must, for each such monitoring system, determine, record, and
report substitute data using the applicable missing data procedures as set
forth in40 CFR 75.80(f), in lieu of the maximum potential (or, as
appropriate, minimum potential) values for a parameter, if the owner or
operator demonstrates that there is continuity between the data streams for
that parameter before and after the construction or installation pursuant to
subsection (b)(3) of this Section.
No owner or operator of an EGU may use any alternative emissions
monitoring system, alternative reference method for measuring emissions,
or other alternative to the emissions monitoring and measurement
requirements of this Section and Sections 225.250 through 225.290, unless
such alternative is submitted to the Agency in writing and approved in
writing by the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance Section, or his
or her designee. promulgated by the USEPA and approved in writing by

the Agency, or the use of such alternative is approved in writing by the
Agency and USEPA.
No owner or operator of an EGU may operate its EGU so as to discharge,
or allow to be discharged, mercury emissions to the atmosphere without
accounting for all such emissions in accordance with the applicable
provisions of this Section, Sections 225.250 through 225.290, and
Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B to this Part, unless
demonstrating compliance pursuant to Section 225.239, as applicable.
subpart I of 40 CFR 75.
No owner or operator of an EGU may disrupt the CEMS (or excepted
monitoring system), any portion thereof, or any other approved emission
monitoring method, and thereby avoid monitoring and recording mercury
mass emissions discharged into the atmosphere, except for periods of
recertification or periods when calibration, quality assurance testing, or
maintenance is performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of
this Section, Sections 225.250 through 225.290, and Sections 1.14 through
1.18 of Appendix B to this Part. subpart I of 40 CFR 75.
No owner or operator of an EGU may retire or permanently discontinue
use of the CEMS (or excepted monitoring system) or any component
thereof, or any other approved monitoring system pursuant to this Subpart
B, except under any one of the following circumstances:
The owner or operator is monitoring emissions from the EGU with
another certified monitoring system that has been approved, in
accordance with the applicable provisions of this Section, Sections
225.250 through 225.290 of this Subpart B, and Sections 1.14
through 1.18 of Appendix B to this Part, subpart I of 40 CFR 75,
by the Agency for use at that EGU and that provides emission data
for the same pollutant or parameter as the retired or discontinued
monitoring system; or
The owner or operator or designated representative submits
notification of the date of certification testing of a replacement
monitoring system for the retired or discontinued monitoring
system in accordance with Section 225.250(a)(3)(A).
The owner or operator is demonstrating compliance pursuant to the
applicable subsections of Section 225.239.
Long-term Cold Storage.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is in long-term cold storage is subject to
the provisions of 40 CFR 75.4 and 40 CFR 75.64, incorporated by reference in

Section 225.140, relating to monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting for units in
long-term cold storage.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. ________, effective _______)
Section 225.250 Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures for Emissions
The owner or operator of an EGU must comply with the following initial
certification and recertification procedures for a CEMS (i.e., a CEMS or an
excepted monitoring system (sorbent trap monitoring system) pursuant to Section
1.3 of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75.15, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140) required by Section 225.240(a)(1). The owner or operator of an EGU
that qualifies for, and for which the owner or operator elects to use, the low-mass-
emissions excepted methodology pursuant to Section 1.15(b) of Appendix B to
this Part 40 CFR 75.81(b), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, must
comply with the procedures set forth in subsection (c) of this Section.
Requirements for Initial Certification. The owner or operator of an EGU
must ensure that, for each CEMS (or excepted monitoring system)
required by Section 225.240(a)(1) (including the automated data
acquisition and handling system), the owner or operator successfully
completes all of the initial certification testing required pursuant to Section
1.4 of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75.80(d), incorporated by reference
in Section 225.140, by the applicable deadline in Section 225.240(b). In
addition, whenever the owner or operator of an EGU installs a monitoring
system to meet the requirements of this Subpart B in a location where no
such monitoring system was previously installed, the owner or operator
must successfully complete the initial certification requirements of Section
1.4 of Appendix B to this Part40 CFR 75.80(d).
Requirements for Recertification. Whenever the owner or operator of an
EGU makes a replacement, modification, or change in any certified
CEMS, or an excepted monitoring system (sorbent
trap monitoring
system) pursuant to Section 1.3 of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75.15,
and required by Section 225.240(a)(1), that may significantly affect the
ability of the system to accurately measure or record mercury mass
emissions or heat input rate or to meet the quality-assurance and quality-
control requirements of Section 1.5 of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR
75.21 or Exhibit B to Appendix B to this PartAppendix B to 40 CFR 75,
each incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, the owner or operator
of an EGU must recertify the monitoring system in accordance with
Section 1.4(b) of Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR 75.20(b), incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140. Furthermore, whenever the owner or
operator of an EGU makes a replacement, modification, or change to the
flue gas handling system or the EGU’s operation that may significantly

change the stack flow or concentration profile, the owner or operator must
recertify each CEMS, and each excepted monitoring system (sorbent trap
monitoring system) pursuant to Section 1.3 to Appendix B to this Part, 40
CFR 75.15, whose accuracy is potentially affected by the change, all in
accordance with Section 1.4(b) to Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR
75.20(b). Examples of changes to a CEMS that require recertification
include, but are not limited to, replacement of the analyzer, complete
replacement of an existing CEMS, or change in location or orientation of
the sampling probe or site.
Approval Process for Initial Certification and Recertification. Subsections
(a)(3)(A) through (a)(3)(D) of this Section apply to both initial
certification and recertification of a CEMS (or an excepted monitoring
system) required by Section 225.240(a)(1). For recertifications, the words
“certification” and “initial certification” are to be read as the word
“recertification”, the word “certified” is to be read as the word
“recertified”, and the procedures set forth in Section 1.4(b)(5) of Appendix
B to this Part 40 CFR 75.20(b)(5) are to be followed in lieu of the
procedures set forth in subsection (a)(3)(E) of this Section.
Notification of Certification. The owner or operator must submit
written notice of the dates of certification testing to the Agency,
directed to the Manager of the Bureau of Air’s Compliance
SectionUSEPA Region 5, and the Administrator of the USEPA
written notice of the dates of certification testing, in accordance
with Section 225.270.
Certification Application. The owner or operator must submit to
the Agency a certification application for each monitoring system.
A complete certification application must include the information
specified in 40 CFR 75.63, incorporated by reference in Section
Provisional Certification Date. The provisional certification date
for a monitoring system must be determined in accordance with
Section 1.4(a)(3) of Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR 75.20(a)(3),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. A provisionally
certified monitoring system may be used pursuant to this Subpart B
for a period not to exceed 120 days after receipt by the Agency of
the complete certification application for the monitoring system
pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(B) of this Section. Data measured
and recorded by the provisionally certified monitoring system, in
accordance with the requirements of Appendix B to this Part 40
CFR 75, will be considered valid quality-assured data (retroactive
to the date and time of provisional certification), provided that the
Agency does not invalidate the provisional certification by issuing

a notice of disapproval within 120 days after the date of receipt by
the Agency of the complete certification application.
Certification Application Approval Process. The Agency must
issue a written notice of approval or disapproval of the certification
application to the owner or operator within 120 days after receipt
of the complete certification application required by subsection
(a)(3)(B) of this Section. In the event the Agency does not issue a
written notice of approval or disapproval within the 120-day
period, each monitoring system that meets the applicable
performance requirements of Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75
and which is included in the certification application will be
deemed certified for use pursuant to this Subpart B.
Approval Notice. If the certification application is
complete and shows that each monitoring system meets the
applicable performance requirements of Appendix B to this
Part, 40 CFR 75, then the Agency must issue a written
notice of approval of the certification application within
120 days after receipt.
Incomplete Application Notice. If the certification
application is not complete, then the Agency must issue a
written notice of incompleteness that sets a reasonable date
by which the owner or operator must submit the additional
information required to complete the certification
application. If the owner or operator does not comply with
the notice of incompleteness by the specified date, the
Agency may issue a notice of disapproval pursuant to
subsection (a)(3)(D)(iii) of this Section. The 120-day
review period will not begin before receipt of a complete
certification application.
Disapproval Notice. If the certification application shows
that any monitoring system does not meet the performance
requirements of Appendix B to this Part, 40 CFR 75, or if
the certification application is incomplete and the
requirement for disapproval pursuant to subsection
(a)(3)(D)(ii) of this Section is met, the Agency must issue a
written notice of disapproval of the certification
application. Upon issuance of such notice of disapproval,
the provisional certification is invalidated, and the data
measured and recorded by each uncertified monitoring
system will not be considered valid quality-assured data
beginning with the date and hour of provisional
certification (as defined pursuant to Section 1.4(a)(3) of

Appendix B to this Part). 40 CFR 75.20(a)(3)). The owner
or operator must follow the procedures for loss of
certification set forth in subsection (a)(3)(E) of this Section
for each monitoring system that is disapproved for initial
Audit Decertification. The Agency may issue a notice of
disapproval of the certification status of a monitor in
accordance with Section 225.260(cb).
Procedures for Loss of Certification. If the Agency issues a notice
of disapproval of a certification application pursuant to subsection
(a)(3)(D)(iii) of this Section or a notice of disapproval of
certification status pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(D)(iv) of this
Section, the owner or operator must fulfill the following
The owner or operator must substitute the following values
for each disapproved monitoring system and for each hour
of EGU operation during the period of invalid data
specified pursuant to 40 CFR 75.20(a)(4)(iii) or 75.21(e),
continuing until the applicable date and hour specified
pursuant to 40 CFR 75.20(a)(5)(i), each incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140. For a disapproved mercury
pollutant concentration monitor and disapproved flow
monitor, respectively, the maximum potential concentration
of mercury and the maximum potential flow rate, as
defined in sections and of Appendix A to 40
CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. For
a disapproved moisture monitoring system and disapproved
diluent gas monitoring system, respectively, the minimum
potential moisture percentage and either the maximum
potential CO
concentration or the minimum potential O
concentration (as applicable), as defined in 2.1.5,,
and of Appendix A to 40 CFR 75, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140. For a disapproved excepted
monitoring system (sorbent trap monitoring system)
pursuant to 40 CFR 75.15 and disapproved flow monitor,
respectively, the maximum potential concentration of
mercury and maximum potential flow rate, as defined in
sections and of Appendix A to 40 CFR 75,
incorporated by reference in section 225.140.
The owner or operator must submit a notification of
certification retest dates and a new certification application

in accordance with subsections (a)(3)(A) and (B) of this
The owner or operator must repeat all certification tests or
other requirements that were failed by the monitoring
system, as indicated in the Agency’s notice of disapproval,
no later than 30 unit operating days after the date of
issuance of the notice of disapproval.
If an emissions monitoring system has been previously certified in
accordance with Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75 and the applicable
quality assurance and quality control requirements of Section 1.5 and
Exhibit B to Appendix B to this Part 40 CFR 75.21 and Appendix B to 40
CFR 75 are fully met, the monitoring system will be exempt from the
initial certification requirements of this Section.
The recertification provisions of this Section apply to an emissions
monitoring system required by Section 225.240(a)(1) exempt from initial
certification requirements pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this Section.
Initial certification and recertification procedures for EGUs using the mercury low
mass emissions excepted methodology pursuant to Section 1.15(b) of Appendix B
to this Part. 40 CFR 75.81(b). The owner or operator that has elected to use the
mercury-low-mass-emissions-excepted methodology for a qualified EGU
pursuant to Section 1.15(b) to Appendix B to this Part
40 CFR 75.81(b) must
meet the applicable certification and recertification requirements in Section
1.15(c) through (f) to Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR 75.81(c) through (f),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Certification Applications. The owner or operator of an EGU must submit an
application to the Agency within 45 days after completing all initial certification
or recertification tests required pursuant to this Section, including the information
required pursuant to 40 CFR 75.63, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.260 Out of Control Periods and Data Availability for Emission Monitors
Out of control periods must be determined in accordance with Section 1.7 of
Appendix B.
Monitor data availability for all EGUs using a CEMS (or an excepted monitoring
system) shall be greater than or equal to 75 percent; that is, quality assured data
must be recorded by a certified primary monitor, a certified redundant or non-

redundant backup monitor, or reference method for that unit at least 75 percent of
the time the unit is in operation. Monitor data availability must be determined in
accordance with Section 1.8 of Appendix B following initial certification of the
required CO
, O
, flow monitor, or mercury concentration or moisture monitoring
system(s) at a particular unit or stack location; monitor data availability shall be
determined on a calendar quarterly basis until June 30, 2012, and on a rolling 12-
month average basis from July 1, 2012, forward (the first such 12-month period
will cover July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013). Compliance with the percent
reduction standard in Section 225.230(a)(1)(B), 225.233(d)(1)(B) or (d)(2)(B),
225.237(a)(1)(B), or 225.294(c)(2), or the emissions concentration standard in
Section 225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A) or (d)(2)(A), 225.237(a)(1)(A), or
225.294(c)(1), can only be demonstrated if the monitor data availability is equal
to or greater than 75 percent. Whenever any emissions monitoring system fails to
meet the quality-assurance and quality-control requirements or data validation
requirements of 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, data
must be substituted using the applicable missing data procedures in Subparts D
and I of 40 CFR 75, each incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Audit Decertification. Whenever both an audit of an emissions monitoring
system and a review of the initial certification or recertification application reveal
that any emissions monitoring system should not have been certified or recertified
because it did not meet a particular performance specification or other
requirement pursuant to Section 225.250 or the applicable provisions of Appendix
B to this Part, 40 CFR 75, both at the time of the initial certification or
recertification application submission and at the time of the audit, the Agency
must issue a notice of disapproval of the certification status of such monitoring
system. For the purposes of this subsection (cb)
, an audit must be either a field
audit or an audit of any information submitted to the Agency. By issuing the
notice of disapproval, the Agency revokes prospectively the certification status of
the emissions monitoring system. The data measured and recorded by the
monitoring system willmust
not be considered valid quality-assured data from the
date of issuance of the notification of the revoked certification status until the date
and time that the owner or operator completes subsequently approved initial
certification or recertification tests for the monitoring system. The owner or
operator must follow the applicable initial certification or recertification
procedures in Section 225.250 for each disapproved monitoring system.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.261 Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data
The owner or operator of an EGU that monitors and reports mercury mass emissions using a
mercury concentration monitoring system and a flow monitoring system must also monitor and
report the heat input rate at the EGU level using the procedures set forth in Appendix B to this
Part. 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.

(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.263 Monitoring of Gross Electrical Output
The owner or operator of an EGU complying with this Subpart B by means of Section
225.230(a)(1) or using electrical output (O
) and complying by means of Section 225.230(b) or
(d) or Section 225.232 must monitor gross electrical output of the associated generator(s) in
MWh on an hourly basis.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.265 Coal Analysis for Input Mercury Levels
The owner or operator of an EGU complying with this Subpart B by means of
Section 225.230(a)(12)(B); or using input mercury levels (I
) and complying by
means of Section 225.230(b) or (d) or Section 225.232; electing to comply with
the emissions testing, monitoring, and recordkeeping requirements under Section
225.239; demonstrating compliance under Section 225.233, except an EGU in an
MPS Group that elects to comply with the emission standard in Section
225.233(d)(1)(A) or (d)(2)(A); or demonstrating compliance under Sections
225.291 through 225.299, except an EGU in a CPS Group that elects to comply
with the emission standard in Section 225.294(c)(1) or that opts into the emission
standard in Section 225.294(c)(1) pursuant to Section 225.294(e)(1), must fulfill
the following requirements:
Perform daily sampling of the coal combusted in the EGU for mercury
content. The owner or operator of such EGU must collect a minimum of
one 2-lb. grab sample per day of operation from the belt feeders anywhere
between the crusher house or breaker building and the boiler or, in cases
where a crusher house or breaker building are not present, at a reasonable
point close to the boiler of a subject EGU, according to the schedule
below. The sample must be taken in a manner that provides a
representative mercury content for the coal burned on that day. If multiple
samples are tested, the owner or operator must average those tests to arrive
at the final mercury content for that time period. The owner or operator of
the EGU must perform coal sampling as follows:
EGUs complying by means of Section 225.233, except an EGU in
an MPS Group that elects to comply with the control efficiency
standard in Section 225.233(d)(1)(B) or (d)(2)(B) or elects to
comply with Section 225.233(d)(4), or Sections 225.291 through
225.299, except an EGU in a CPS Group that elects to comply with
the control efficiency standard in Section 225.294(c)(2) or that opts
into the emission standard in Section 225.294(c)(2) pursuant to
Section 225.294(e)(1), must perform such coal sampling at least

once per month unless the boiler did not operate or combust coal at
all during that month;
EGUs complying by means of the emissions testing, monitoring,
and recordkeeping requirements under Section 225.239 or Section
225.233(d)(4), or EGUs that opt into the emission standard in
Section 225.294(c)(2) pursuant to Section 225.294(e)(1)(B), must
perform such coal sampling according to the schedule provided in
Section 225.239(e)(3) of this Subpart;
All other EGUs subject to this requirement, including EGUs in an
MPS or CPS Group electing to comply with the control efficiency
standard in Section 225.233(d)(1)(B) or (d)(2)(B), Section
225.294(c)(2), or Section 225.294(c)(2) pursuant to Section
225.294(e)(1)(A), must perform such coal sampling on a daily
basis when the boiler is operating and combusting coal.
Analyze the grab coal sample for the following:
Determine the heat content using ASTM D5865-04 or an
equivalent method approved in writing by the Agency.
Determine the moisture content using ASTM D3173-03 or an
equivalent method approved in writing by the Agency.
Measure the mercury content using ASTM D6414-01, ASTM
D3684-01, ASTM D6722-01,
or an equivalent method approved in
writing by the Agency.
The owner or operator of multiple EGUs at the same source using the
same crusher house or breaker building may take one sample per crusher
house or breaker building, rather than one per EGU.
The owner or operator of an EGU must use the data analyzed pursuant to
subsection (b) of this Section to determine the mercury content in terms of
parts per millionlbs/trillion
The owner or operator of an EGU that must conduct sampling and analysis of coal
pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section must begin such activity by the
following date:
If the EGU is in daily service, at least 30 days before the start of the month
for which such activity will be required.
If the EGU is not in daily service, on the day that the EGU resumes

(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.270 Notifications
The owner or operator of a source with one or more EGUs must submit written notice to the
Agency according to the provisions in 40 CFR 75.61, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140 (as a segment of 40 CFR 75), for each EGU or group of EGUs monitored at a common
stack and each non-EGU monitored pursuant to Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of Appendix B to this Part.
40 CFR 75.82(b)(2)(ii), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _________, effective _________)
Section 225.290 Recordkeeping and Reporting
General Provisions.
The owner or operator of an EGU and its designated representative must
comply with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements in
this Section and with all applicable recordkeeping and reporting
requirements of Section 1.18 to Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR 75.84,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
The owner or operator of an EGU must maintain records for each month
identifying the emission standard in Section 225.230(a) or 225.237(a) of
this Section with which it is complying or that is applicable for the EGU
and the following records related to the emissions of mercury that the
EGU is allowed to emit:
For an EGU for which the owner or operator is complying with
this Subpart B by means of Section 225.230(a)(12)(B) or
225.237(a)(1)(B) or using input mercury levels to determine the
allowable emissions of the EGU, records of the daily mercury
content of coal used (parts per millionlbs/trillion Btu) and the daily
and monthly input mercury (lbs), which must be kept in the file
pursuant to Section 1.18(a) of Appendix B to this Part. 40 CFR
For an EGU for which the owner or operator of an EGU complying
with this Subpart B by means of Section 225.230(a)(1)(A) or
225.237(a)(1)(A) or using electrical output to determine the
allowable emissions of the EGU, records of the daily and monthly
gross electrical output (GWh), which must be kept in the file
required pursuant to Section 1.18(a) of Appendix B to this Part 40
CFR 75.84(a).

The owner or operator of an EGU must maintain records of the following
data for each EGU:
Monthly emissions of mercury from the EGU.
For an EGU for which the owner or operator is complying by
means of Section 225.230(b) or (d) of this Subpart B, records of
the monthly allowable emissions of mercury from the EGU.
The owner or operator of an EGU that is participating in an Averaging
Demonstration pursuant to Section 225.232 of this Subpart B must
maintain records identifying all sources and EGUs covered by the
Demonstration for each month and, within 60 days after the end of each
calendar month, calculate and record the actual and allowable mercury
emissions of the EGU for the month and the applicable 12-month rolling
The owner or operator of an EGU must maintain the following records
related to quality assurance activities conducted for emissions monitoring
The results of quarterly assessments conducted pursuant to Section
section 2.2 of Exhibit B to Appendix B to this Part Appendix B of
40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; and
Daily/weekly system integrity checks pursuant to Section section
2.6 of Exhibit B to Appendix B to this Part
Appendix B of 40 CFR
75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
The owner or operator of an EGU must maintain an electronic copy of all
electronic submittals to the USEPA pursuant to 40 CFR 75.84(f),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
The owner or operator of an EGU must retain all records required by this
Section at the source for a period of five years from the date the document
is created unless otherwise provided in the CAAPP permit issued for the
source and must make a copy of any record available to the Agency upon
request. This period may be extended in writing by the Agency, for cause,
at any time prior to the end of five years.
Quarterly Reports. The owner or operator of a source with one or more EGUs
using CEMS or excepted monitoring systems at any time during a calendar
quarter must submit quarterly reports to the Agency as follows:
These reports must include the following information for operation of the
EGUs during the quarter:

The total operating hours of each EGU and the mercury CEMS, as
also reported in accordance with 40 CFR 75, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
A discussion of any significant changes in the measures used to
control emissions of mercury from the EGUs or the coal supply to
the EGUs, including changes in the source of coal.
Summary information on the performance of the mercury CEMS.
When the mercury CEMS was not inoperative, repaired, or
adjusted, except for routine zero and span checks, this must be
stated in the report.
If the CEMS downtime was more than 5.0 percent of the total
operating time for the EGU: the date and time identifying each
period during which the CEMS was inoperative, except for routine
zero and span checks; the nature of CEMS repairs or adjustments
and a summary of quality assurance data consistent with 40 CFR
i.e., the dates and results of the Linearity Tests and any RATAs
during the quarter; a listing of any days when a required daily
calibration was not performed; and the date and duration of any
periods when the CEMS was out-of-control as addressed by
Section 225.260.
Recertification testing that has been performed for any CEMS and
the status of the results.
Source information such as source name, source ID number, and the
period covered by the report;
A list of all EGU(s) at the source that identifies the applicable Part 225
monitoring and reporting requirements with which each EGU is
complying for the reported quarter, including the following EGUs, which
are excluded from subsection (b)(3) of this Section:
All EGUs using the periodic emissions testing provisions of
Section 225.239, 225.233(d)(4), or Section 225.294(c) pursuant to
Section 225.294(e)(1)(B) for the quarter.
All EGUs using the low mass emissions (LME) excepted
monitoring methodology pursuant to Section 1.15(b) of Appendix
B to this Part.
For only those EGUs using CEMS or excepted monitoring systems at any
time during a calendar quarter:

An indication of whether the identified EGUs were in compliance
with all applicable monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements of Part 225 for the entire reporting period.
The total quarterly operating hours of each EGU.
The CEMS or excepted monitoring system quality-assured monitor
operating (QAMO) hours on a quarterly basis and percentage data
availability on a quarterly or rolling 12-month basis (for each
concluding 12-month period in that quarter), as appropriate
according to the schedule provided in Section 225.260(b). The
data availability shall be determined in accordance with Sections
1.8 (CEMS) or 1.9 (excepted monitoring system) of Appendix B to
this Part.
The average monthly mercury concentration of the coal combusted
in each EGU in parts per million (determined by averaging all
analyzed coal samples in the month) and the quarterly total amount
of mercury (calculated by multiplying the total amount of coal
combusted each month by the average monthly mercury
concentration and converting to ounces, then adding together for
the quarter) of the coal combusted in each EGU. If the EGU is
complying by means of Sections 225.230(a)(1)(A),
225.233(d)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(2)(A), or Section 225.294(c)(1),
reporting of the data in this subparagraph D is not required.
The quarterly mercury mass emissions (in ounces), determined
from the QAMO hours in accordance with Section 4.2 of Exhibit C
to Appendix B to this Part. If the EGU is complying by means of
Sections 225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(2)(A), or
Section 225.294(c)(1), reporting of the data in this subparagraph E
is not required.
The average monthly and quarterly mercury control efficiency.
This is determined by dividing the mercury mass emissions
recorded during QAMO hours, calculated each month and quarter,
by the total amount of mercury in the coal combusted weighted by
the monitor availability (total mercury content multiplied by the
percent monitor availability, or QAMO hours divided by total
hours) for each month and quarter. If the DAHS for the EGU has
the ability to record the amount of coal combusted during QAMO
hours, the average monthly and quarterly control efficiency shall
be reported without the calculation above. If the EGU is complying
by means of Sections 225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A),

225.233(d)(2)(A), or Section 225.294(c)(1), reporting of the data in
this subparagraph F is not required.
The average monthly and quarterly mercury emission rate (in
lb/GWh) for each EGU, determined in accordance with Section
225.230(a)(2). Only those EGUs complying by means of Sections
225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(2)(A), or Section
225.294(c)(1) are required to report the data in this subparagraph
The 12-month rolling average control efficiency (percentage) or
emission rate (in lb/GWh) for each month in the reporting period,
as applicable (or the rolling average control efficiency or emission
rate for a lesser number of months if a full 12 months of data is not
available). This applicable data is determined according to the
following requirements:
The 12-month rolling average control efficiency is required
for those sources complying by means of Sections
225.230(a)(1)(B), 225.233(d)(1)(B), 225.233(d)(2)(B),
225.294(c)(2), 225.230(b), 225.230(d), 225.232(b)(2), or
The 12-month rolling average emission rate is required for
those sources complying by means of Sections
225.230(a)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(1)(A), 225.233(d)(2)(A), or
Section 225.294(c)(1), 225.230(b), 225.230(d),
225.232(b)(1), or 225.237(a)(1)(A).
If the CEMS or excepted monitoring system percentage data
availability was less than 95.0 percent of the total operating time
for the EGU, the date and time identifying each period during
which the CEMS was inoperative, except for routine zero and span
checks; the nature of CEMS repairs or adjustments and a summary
of quality assurance data consistent with Appendix B to this Part,
i.e., the dates and results of the Linearity Tests and any RATAs
during the quarter; a listing of any days when a required daily
calibration was not performed; and the date and duration of any
periods when the CEMS was unavailable or out-of-control as
addressed by Section 225.260.
The owner or operator must submit each quarterly report to the Agency
within 45 days following the end of the calendar quarter covered by the
report, except that the owner or operator of an EGU that used an excepted
monitoring system at any time during a calendar quarter must submit each

quarterly report within 60 days following the end of the calendar quarter
covered by the report.
Compliance Certification. The owner or operator of a source with one or more
EGUs must submit to the Agency a compliance certification in support of each
quarterly report based on reasonable inquiry of those persons with primary
responsibility for ensuring that all of the EGUs' emissions are correctly and fully
monitored. The certification must state:
That the monitoring data submitted were recorded in accordance with the
applicable requirements of this Section, Sections 225.240 through 225.270
and Section 225.290 of this Subpart B, and Appendix B to this Part 40
CFR 75, including the quality assurance procedures and specifications;
For an EGU with add-on mercury emission controls, a flue gas
desulfurization system, a selective catalytic reduction system, or a
compact hybrid particulate collector system and for all hours where
mercury data is unavailable or out of control that: are substituted in
accordance with 40 CFR 75.34(a)(1):
The mercury add-on emission controls, flue gas desulfurization
system, selective catalytic reduction system, or compact hybrid
particulate collector system was operating within the range of
parameters listed in the quality assurance/quality control program
pursuant to Exhibit B to Appendix B to this Part Appendix B to 40
CFR 75; or
With regard to a flue gas desulfurization system or a selective
catalytic reduction system, quality-assured SO
emission data
recorded in accordance with Appendix B to this Part
the 40 CFR
75 document that the flue gas desulfurization system was operating
properly, or quality-assured NO
emission data recorded in
accordance with Appendix B to this Part the 40 CFR 75 document
that the selective catalytic reduction system was operating
properly, as applicable; and
The substitute data values do not systematically underestimate
mercury emissions.
Annual Certification of Compliance.
The owner or operator of a source with one or more EGUs subject to this
Subpart B must submit to the Agency an Annual Certification of

Compliance with this Subpart B no later than May 1 of each year and must
address compliance for the previous calendar year. Such certification
must be submitted to the Agency, Air Compliance and Enforcement
Section, and the Air Regional Field Office.
Annual Certifications of Compliance must indicate whether compliance
existed for each EGU for each month in the year covered by the
Certification and it must certify to that effect. In addition, for each EGU,
the owner or operator must provide the following appropriate data as set
forth in subsections (d)(2)(A) through (d)(2)(E) of this Section, together
with the data set forth in subsection (d)(2)(F) of this Section:
If complying with this Subpart B by means of Section
225.230(a)(1)(A) or 225.237(a)(1)(A):
Actual Emissionsemissions rate during QAMO hours, in
lb/GWh, for each 12-month rolling period ending in the
year covered by the Certification;
Actual Emissionsemissions during QAMO hours, in lbs,
and gross electrical output, in GWh, for each 12-month
rolling period ending in the year covered by the
Certification; and
Actual Emissionsemissions during QAMO hours, in lbs,
and gross electrical output, in GWh, for each month in the
year covered by the Certification and in the previous year.
If complying with this Subpart B by means of Section
225.230(a)(1)(B) or 225.237(a)(1)(B):
Controlcontrol efficiency for emissions during
QAMO hours for each 12-month rolling period ending in
the year covered by the Certification, expressed as a
Actual Emissionsemissions during QAMO hours, in lbs,
and mercury content in the fuel fired in such EGU, in lbs,
for each 12-month rolling period ending in the year covered
by the Certification; and
Actual Emissionsemissions during QAMO hours, in lbs,
and mercury content in the fuel fired in such EGU, in lbs,
for each month in the year covered by the Certification and
in the previous year.

If complying with this Subpart B by means of Section 225.230(b):
Actual Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours for each 12-month rolling period ending in
the year covered by the Certification; and
Actual Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours, and which standard of compliance the owner
or operator was utilizing for each month in the year covered
by the Certification and in the previous year.
If complying with this Subpart B by means of Section 225.230(d):
Actual Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours for all EGUs at the source for each 12-month
rolling period ending in the year covered by the
Certification; and
Actual Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours, and which standard of compliance the owner
or operator was utilizing for each month in the year covered
by the Certification and in the previous year.
If complying with this Subpart B by means of Section 225.232:
Actual Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours for all EGUs at the source in an Averaging
Demonstration for each 12-month rolling period ending in
the year covered by the Certification; and
Emissionsemissions and allowable emissions during
QAMO hours, with the standard of compliance the owner
or operator was utilizing for each EGU at the source in an
Averaging Demonstration for each month for all EGUs at
the source in an Averaging Demonstration in the year
covered by the Certification and in the previous year.
Any deviations, data substitutions,
or exceptions each month and
discussion of the reasons for such deviations, data substitutions, or
All Annual Certifications of Compliance required to be submitted must
include the following certification by a responsible official:
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system

designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate
the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons
directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting
false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.
The owner or operator of an EGU must submit its first Annual
Certification of Compliance to address calendar year 2009 or the calendar
year in which the EGU commences commercial operation, whichever is
later. Notwithstanding subsection (d)(2) of this Section, in the Annual
Certifications of Compliance that are required to be submitted by May 1,
2010, and May 1, 2011, to address calendar years 2009 and 2010,
respectively, the owner or operator is not required to provide 12-month
rolling data for any period that ends before June 30, 2010.
Deviation Reports. For each EGU, the owner or operator must promptly notify
the Agency of deviations from requirements of this Subpart B. At a minimum,
these notifications must include a description of such deviations within 30 days
after discovery of the deviations, and a discussion of the possible cause of such
deviations, any corrective actions, and any preventative measures taken.
Quality Assurance RATA Reports. The owner or operator of an EGU must
submit to the Agency, Air Compliance and Enforcement Section, the quality
assurance RATA report for each EGU or group of EGUs monitored at a common
stack and each non-EGU pursuant to Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of Appendix B to this
Part 40 CFR 75.82(b)(2)(ii), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, within
45 days after completing a quality assurance RATA.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective ______)
Section 225.291 Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose
The purpose of Sections 225.291 through 225.299 (hereinafter referred to as the Combined
Pollutant Standard (“CPS”)) is to allow an alternate means of compliance with the emissions
standards for mercury in Section 225.230(a) for specified EGUs through permanent shut-down,
installation of ACI, and the application of pollution control technology for NO
, PM, and SO
emissions that also reduce mercury emissions as a co-benefit and to establish permanent
emissions standards for those specified EGUs. Unless otherwise provided for in the CPS,
owners and operators of those specified EGUs are not excused from compliance with other
applicable requirements of Subparts B, C, D, and E.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.292 Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard

As an alternative to compliance with the emissions standards of Section
225.230(a), the owner or operator of specified EGUs in the CPS located at Fisk,
Crawford, Joliet, Powerton, Waukegan, and Will County power plants may elect
for all of those EGUs as a group to demonstrate compliance pursuant to the CPS,
which establishes control requirements and emissions standards for NO
, PM,
, and mercury. For this purpose, ownership of a specified EGU is determined
based on direct ownership, by holding a majority interest in a company that owns
the EGU or EGUs, or by the common ownership of the company that owns the
EGU, whether through a parent-subsidiary relationship, as a sister corporation, or
as an affiliated corporation with the same parent corporation, provided that the
owner or operator has the right or authority to submit a CAAPP application on
behalf of the EGU.
A specified EGU is a coal-fired EGU listed in Appendix A, irrespective of any
subsequent changes in ownership of the EGU or power plant, the operator, unit
designation, or name of unit.
The owner or operator of each of the specified EGUs electing to demonstrate
compliance with Section 225.230(a) pursuant to the CPS must submit an
application for a CAAPP permit modification to the Agency, as provided for in
Section 225.220, that includes the information specified in Section 225.293 that
clearly states the owner’s or operator’s election to demonstrate compliance with
Section 225.230(a) pursuant to the CPS.
If an owner or operator of one or more specified EGUs elects to demonstrate
compliance with Section 225.230(a) pursuant to the CPS, then all specified EGUs
owned or operated in Illinois by the owner or operator as of December 31, 2006,
as defined in subsection (a) of this Section, are thereafter subject to the standards
and control requirements of the CPS. Such EGUs are referred to as a Combined
Pollutant Standard (CPS) group.
If an EGU is subject to the requirements of this Section, then the requirements
apply to all owners and operators of the EGU. and to the CAIR designated
representative for the EGU.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.293 Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent
The owner or operator of one or more specified EGUs that intends to comply with Section
225.230(a) by means of the CPS must notify the Agency of its intention on or before
December 31, 2007. The following information must accompany the notification:
The identification of each EGU that will be complying with Section 225.230(a)
pursuant to the CPS, with evidence that the owner or operator has identified all

specified EGUs that it owned or operated in Illinois as of December 31, 2006, and
which commenced commercial operation on or before December 31, 2004;
If an EGU identified in subsection (a) of this Section is also owned or operated by
a person different than the owner or operator submitting the notice of intent, a
demonstration that the submitter has the right to commit the EGU or authorization
from the responsible official for the EGU submitting the application; and
A summary of the current control devices installed and operating on each EGU
and identification of the additional control devices that will likely be needed for
each EGU to comply with emission control requirements of the CPS.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.294 Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements and
Emissions Standards for Mercury
Control Technology Requirements for Mercury.
For each EGU in a CPS group other than an EGU that is addressed by
subsection (b) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU must
install, if not already installed, and properly operate and maintain, by the
dates set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this Section, ACI equipment
complying with subsections (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k) of this Section, as
By the following dates, for the EGUs listed in subsections (a)(2)(A) and
(B), which include hot and cold side ESPs, the owner or operator must
install, if not already installed, and begin operating ACI equipment or the
Agency must be given written notice that the EGU will be shut down on or
before the following dates:
Fisk 19, Crawford 7, Crawford 8, Waukegan 7, and Waukegan 8
on or before July 1, 2008; and
Powerton 5, Powerton 6, Will County 3, Will County 4, Joliet 6,
Joliet 7, and Joliet 8 on or before July 1, 2009.
Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, the following EGUs are not
required to install ACI equipment because they will be permanently shut down, as
addressed by Section 225.297, by the date specified:
EGUs that are required to permanently shut down:
On or before December 31, 2007, Waukegan 6; and

On or before December 31, 2010, Will County 1 and Will County
Any other specified EGU that is permanently shut down by December 31,
Beginning on January 1, 2015, and continuing thereafter, and measured on a
rolling 12-month basis (the initial period is January 1, 2015, through December
31, 2015, and, then, for every 12-month period thereafter), each specified EGU,
except Will County 3, shall achieve one of the following emissions standards:
An emissions standard of 0.0080 lbs mercury/GWh gross electrical output;
A minimum 90 percent reduction of input mercury.
Beginning on January 1, 2016, and continuing thereafter, Will County 3 shall
achieve the mercury emissions standards of subsection (c) of this Section
measured on a rolling 12-month basis (the initial period is January 1, 2016,
through December 31, 2016, and, then, for every 12-month period thereafter).
Compliance with Emission Standards
At any time prior to the dates required for compliance in subsections (c)
and (d) of this Section, the owner or operator of a specified EGU, upon
notice to the Agency, may elect to comply with the emissions standards of
subsection (c) of this Section measured on either:
a rolling 12-month basis, or;
a quarterly calendar basis pursuant to the emissions testing
requirements in Section 225.239(a)(4), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),
and (j) of this Subpart until June 30, 2012.
Once an EGU is subject to the mercury emissions standards of subsection
(c) of this Section, it shall not be subject to the requirements of
subsections (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of this Section.
Compliance with the mercury emissions standards or reduction requirement of
this Section must be calculated in accordance with Section 225.230(a) or (b), or
Section 225.232 until December 31, 2013.
For each EGU for which injection of halogenated activated carbon is required by
subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU must inject
halogenated activated carbon in an optimum manner, which, except as provided in
subsection (h) of this Section, is defined as all of the following:

The use of an injection system for effective absorption of mercury,
considering the configuration of the EGU and its ductwork;
The injection of halogenated activated carbon manufactured by Alstom,
Norit, or Sorbent Technologies, Calgon Carbon’s FLUEPAC CF Plus, or
Calgon Carbon's FLUEPAC MC Plus, or the injection of any other
halogenated activated carbon or sorbent that the owner or operator of the
EGU has demonstrated to have similar or better effectiveness for control
of mercury emissions; and
The injection of sorbent at the following minimum rates, as applicable:
For an EGU firing subbituminous coal, 5.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet or, for any cyclone-fired EGU that will install a scrubber
and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and which already meets an
emission rate of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical output or
at least 75 percent reduction of input mercury, 2.5 lbs per million
actual cubic feet;
For an EGU firing bituminous coal, 10.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet or, for any cyclone-fired EGU that will install a scrubber
and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and which already meets an
emission rate of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical output or
at least 75 percent reduction of input mercury, 5.0 lbs per million
actual cubic feet;
For an EGU firing a blend of subbituminous and bituminous coal,
a rate that is the weighted average of the rates specified in
subsections (g)(3)(A) and (B), based on the blend of coal being
fired; or
A rate or rates set lower by the Agency, in writing, than the rate
specified in any of subsection (g)(3)(A), (B), or (C) of this Section
on a unit-specific basis, provided that the owner or operator of the
EGU has demonstrated that such rate or rates are needed so that
carbon injection will not increase particulate matter emissions or
opacity so as to threaten noncompliance with applicable
requirements for particulate matter or opacity.
For purposes of subsection (g)(3) of this Section, the flue gas flow rate
shall be the gas flow rate in the stack for all units except for those
equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-side electrostatic
precipitator; for units equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a
hot-side electrostatic precipitator, the flue gas flow rate shall be the gas
flow rate at the inlet to the hot-side electrostatic precipitator, which shall

be determined as the stack flow rate adjusted through the use of Charles’s
Law for the differences in gas temperatures in the stack and at the inlet to
the electrostatic precipitator (V
= V
x T
, where V = gas flow
rate in acf and T = gas temperature in Kelvin or Rankine).
The owner or operator of an EGU that seeks to operate an EGU with an activated
carbon injection rate or rates that are set on a unit-specific basis pursuant to
subsection (g)(3)(D) of this Section must submit an application to the Agency
proposing such rate or rates, and must meet the requirements of subsections (h)(1)
and (h)(2) of this Section, subject to the limitations of subsections (h)(3) and
(h)(4) of this Section:
The application must be submitted as an application for a new or revised
federally enforceable operation permit for the EGU, and it must include a
summary of relevant mercury emissions data for the EGU, the unit-
specific injection rate or rates that are proposed, and detailed information
to support the proposed injection rate or rates; and
This application must be submitted no later than the date that activated
carbon must first be injected. For example, the owner or operator of an
EGU that must inject activated carbon pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this
Section must apply for unit-specific injection rate or rates by July 1, 2008.
Thereafter, the owner or operator may supplement its application; and
Any decision of the Agency denying a permit or granting a permit with
conditions that set a lower injection rate or rates may be appealed to the
Board pursuant to Section 39 of the Act; and
The owner or operator of an EGU may operate at the injection rate or rates
proposed in its application until a final decision is made on the application
including a final decision on any appeal to the Board.
During any evaluation of the effectiveness of a listed sorbent, alternative sorbent,
or other technique to control mercury emissions, the owner or operator of an EGU
need not comply with the requirements of subsection (g) of this Section for any
system needed to carry out the evaluation, as further provided as follows:
The owner or operator of the EGU must conduct the evaluation in
accordance with a formal evaluation program submitted to the Agency at
least 30 days prior to commencement of the evaluation;
The duration and scope of the evaluation may not exceed the duration and
scope reasonably needed to complete the desired evaluation of the
alternative control techniques, as initially addressed by the owner or
operator in a support document submitted with the evaluation program;

The owner or operator of the EGU must submit a report to the Agency no
later than 30 days after the conclusion of the evaluation that describes the
evaluation conducted and which provides the results of the evaluation; and
If the evaluation of alternative control techniques shows less effective
control of mercury emissions from the EGU than was achieved with the
principal control techniques, the owner or operator of the EGU must
resume use of the principal control techniques. If the evaluation of the
alternative control technique shows comparable effectiveness to the
principal control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU may either
continue to use the alternative control technique in a manner that is at least
as effective as the principal control technique or it may resume use of the
principal control technique. If the evaluation of the alternative control
technique shows more effective control of mercury emissions than the
control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU must continue to use
the alternative control technique in a manner that is more effective than
the principal control technique, so long as it continues to be subject to this
In addition to complying with the applicable recordkeeping and monitoring
requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an
EGU that elects to comply with this Subpart B by means of Section 225.291
through 225.299 must also comply with the following additional requirements:
For the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it must
maintain records of the usage of sorbent, the flue gas flow rate from the
EGU (and, if the unit is equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a
hot-side electrostatic precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet of the
hot-side electrostatic precipitator and in the stack), and the sorbent feed
rate, in pounds per million actual cubic feet of flue gas, on a weekly
After the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it must
monitor activated sorbent feed rate to the EGU, gas flow rate in the stack,
and, if the unit is equipped with activated carbon injection prior to a hot-
side electrostatic precipitator, flue gas temperature at the inlet of the hot-
side electrostatic precipitator and in the stack. It must automatically
record this data and the sorbent carbon feed rate, in pounds per million
actual cubic feet of flue gas, on an hourly average; and
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the EGU, it
must keep records of the amount of each type of coal burned and the
required injection rate for injection of activated carbon on a weekly basis.

In addition to complying with the applicable reporting requirements in Sections
225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU that elects to comply
with Section 225.230(a) by means of the CPS must also submit quarterly reports
for the recordkeeping and monitoring conducted pursuant to subsection (j) of this
Until June 30, 2012, as an alternative to the CEMS (or excepted monitoring
system) monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in Sections
225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU may elect to comply
with the emissions testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements
in Section 225.239(c), (d), (e), (f)(1) and (2), (h)(2), (i)(3) and (4), and (j)(1).
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.295 Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions Standards for NO
and SO
Treatment of Mercury Allowances
Any mercury allowances allocated to the Agency by the USEPA must be treated as follows:
No such allowances may be allocated to any owner or operator of an EGU or
other sources of mercury emissions into the atmosphere or discharges into the
waters of the State.
The Agency must hold all allowances allocated by the USEPA to the State. At
the end of each calendar year, the Agency must instruct the USEPA to retire permanently all
such allowances.
Emissions Standards for NO
and Reporting Requirements.
Beginning with calendar year 2012 and continuing in each calendar year
thereafter, the CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs that have not
been permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable
calendar year, must comply with a CPS group average annual NO
emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
Beginning with ozone season control period 2012 and continuing in each
ozone season control period (May 1 through September 30) thereafter, the
CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs that have not been
permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable ozone
season, must comply with a CPS group average ozone season NO
emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
The owner or operator of the specified EGUs in the CPS group must file,
not later than one year after startup of any selective SNCR on such EGU, a
report with the Agency describing the NO
emissions reductions that the
SNCR has been able to achieve.

Emissions Standards for SO
. Beginning in calendar year 2013 and continuing in
each calendar year thereafter, the CPS group must comply with the applicable
CPS group average annual SO
emissions rate listed as follows:
Compliance with the NO
and SO
emissions standards must be demonstrated in
accordance with Sections 225.310, 225.410, and 225.510. The owner or operator
of the specified EGUs must complete the demonstration of compliance pursuant
to Section 225.298(c) before March 1 of the following year for annual standards
and before November 30 of the particular year for ozone season control periods
(May 1 through September 30) standards, by which date a compliance report must
be submitted to the Agency.
The CPS group average annual SO
emission rate, annual NO
emission rate and
ozone season NO
emission rates shall be determined as follows:
= Σ (S
Σ (H
= average annual or ozone season emission rate in
lbs/mmBbtu of all EGUs in the CPS group.
i ,
heat input for the annual or ozone control period of each
EGU, in mmBtu.
actual annual SO
tons of each EGU in the CPS group.
actual annual or ozone season NO
tons of each EGU in
the CPS group.
N =
number of EGUs that are in the CPS group
each EGU in the CPS group.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.296 Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements for
, SO
, and PM Emissions

Control Technology Requirements for NO
and SO
On or before December 31, 2013, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Waukegan 7;
On or before December 31, 2014, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Waukegan 8;
On or before December 31, 2015, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Fisk 19;
If Crawford 7 will be operated after December 31, 2018, and not
permanently shut down by this date, the owner or operator must:
On or before December 31, 2015, install and have operational
SNCR or equipment capable of delivering essentially equivalent
reductions on Crawford 7; and
On or before December 31, 2018, install and have operational FGD
equipment on Crawford 7;
If Crawford 8 will be operated after December 31, 2017 and not
permanently shut down by this date, the owner or operator must:
On or before December 31, 2015, install and have operational
SNCR or equipment capable of delivering essentially equivalent
emissions reductions on Crawford 8; and
On or before December 31, 2017, install and have operational FGD
equipment on Crawford 8.
Other Control Technology Requirements for SO
. Owners or operators of
specified EGUs must either permanently shut down or install FGD equipment on
each specified EGU (except Joliet 5), on or before December 31, 2018, unless an
earlier date is specified in subsection (a) of this Section.
Control Technology Requirements for PM. The owner or operator of the two
specified EGUs listed in this subsection that are equipped with a hot-side ESP
must replace the hot-side ESP with a cold-side ESP, install an appropriately
designed fabric filter, or permanently shut down the EGU by the dates specified.
Hot-side ESP means an ESP on a coal-fired boiler that is installed before the
boiler's air-preheater where the operating temperature is typically at least 550º F,

as distinguished from a cold-side ESP that is installed after the air pre-heater
where the operating temperature is typically no more than 350º F.
Waukegan 7 on or before December 31, 2013; and
Will County 3 on or before December 31, 2015.
Beginning on December 31, 2008, and annually thereafter up to and including
December 31, 2015, the owner or operator of the Fisk power plant must submit in
writing to the Agency a report on any technology or equipment designed to affect
air quality that has been considered or explored for the Fisk power plant in the
preceding 12 months. This report will not obligate the owner or operator to install
any equipment described in the report.
Notwithstanding 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.146(hhh), until an EGU has complied
with the applicable requirements of subsections 225.296(a), (b), and (c), the
owner or operator of the EGU must obtain a construction permit for any new or
modified air pollution control equipment that it proposes to construct for control
of emissions of mercury, NO
, PM, or SO
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.297 Combined Pollutant Standard: Permanent Shut-Downs
The owner or operator of the following EGUs must permanently shut down the
EGU by the dates specified:
Waukegan 6 on or before December 31, 2007; and
Will County 1 and Will County 2 on or before December 31, 2010.
No later than 8 months before the date that a specified EGU will be permanently
shut down, the owner or operator must submit a report to the Agency that includes
a description of the actions that have already been taken to allow the shutdown of
the EGU and a description of the future actions that must be accomplished to
complete the shutdown of the EGU, with the anticipated schedule for those
actions and the anticipated date of permanent shutdown of the unit.
No later than six months before a specified EGU will be permanently shut down,
the owner or operator shall apply for revisions to the operating permits for the
EGU to include provisions that terminate the authorization to operate the unit on
that date.
If after applying for or obtaining a construction permit to install required control
equipment, the owner or operator decides to permanently shut-down a Specified
EGU rather than install the required control technology, the owner or operator

must immediately notify the Agency in writing and thereafter submit the
information required by subsections (b) and (c) of this Section.
Failure to permanently shut down a specified EGU by the required date shall be
considered separate violations of the applicable emissions standards and control
technology requirements of the CPS for NO
, PM, SO
, and mercury.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.298 Combined Pollutant Standard: Requirements for NO
and SO
The following requirements apply to the owner and operator with respect to SO
and NO
allowances, which mean, for the purposes of this Section 225.298,
allowances necessary for compliance with Section 225.310, 225.410, or 225.510,
40 CFR 72, or Subparts AA and AAAA of 40 CFR 96, or any future federal NO
or SO
emissions trading programs that modify or replace these programs:
The owner or operator of specified EGUs in a CPS group is permitted to
sell, trade, or transfer SO
and NO
emissions allowances of any vintage
owned, allocated to, or earned by the specified EGUs (the "CPS
allowances") to its affiliated Homer City, Pennsylvania, generating station
for as long as the Homer City Station needs the CPS allowances for
When and if the Homer City Station no longer requires all of the CPS
allowances, the owner or operator of specified EGUs in a CPS group may
sell any and all remaining CPS allowances, without restriction, to any
person or entity located anywhere, except that the owner or operator may
not directly sell, trade, or transfer CPS allowances to a unit located in
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa,
Minnesota, or Texas.
In no event shall this subsection (a) require or be interpreted to require any
restriction whatsoever on the sale, trade, or exchange of the CPS
allowances by persons or entities who have acquired the CPS allowances
from the owner or operator of specified EGUs in a CPS group.
The owner or operator of EGUs in a specified CPS group is prohibited from
purchasing or using SO
and NO
allowances for the purposes of meeting the SO
and NO
emissions standards set forth in Section 225.295.
By March 1, 2010, and continuing each year thereafter, the owner or operator of
the EGUs in a CPS group must submit a report to the Agency that demonstrates
compliance with the requirements of this Section for the previous calendar year
and ozone season control period (May 1 through September 30), and includes
identification of any NO
or SO
allowances that have been used for compliance

with any NO
or SO
trading programs, and any NO
or SO
allowances that were
sold, gifted, used, exchanged, or traded. A final report must be submitted to the
Agency by August 31 of each year, providing either verification that the actions
described in the initial report have taken place, or, if such actions have not taken
place, an explanation of the changes that have occurred and the reasons for such
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.299 Combined Pollutant Standard: Clean Air Act Requirements
The SO
emissions rates set forth in the CPS shall be deemed to be best available retrofit
technology (“BART”) under the Visibility Protection provisions of the CAA (42 USC 7491),
reasonably available control technology (“RACT”) and reasonably available control measures
(“RACM”) for achieving fine particulate matter (“PM
”) requirements under NAAQS in effect
on August 31, 2007, as required by the CAA (42 USC 7502). The Agency may use the SO
emissions reductions required under the CPS in developing attainment demonstrations and
demonstrating reasonable further progress for PM
and 8 hour ozone standards, as required
under the CAA. Furthermore, in developing rules, regulations, or State Implementation Plans
designed to comply with PM
and 8 hour ozone NAAQS, the Agency, taking into account all
emission reduction efforts and other appropriate factors, will use best efforts to seek SO
emissions rates from other EGUs that are equal to or less than the rates applicable to the
CPS group and will seek SO
and NO
reductions from other sources before seeking additional
emissions reductions from any EGU in the CPS group.
(Source: Added at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.600 Purpose (Repealed)
The purpose of this Subpart F is to allow an alternate means of compliance with the emissions
standards for mercury in Section 225.230(a) for specified EGUs through permanent shut-down,
installation of ACI, and the application of pollution control technology for NO
, PM, and SO
emissions that also reduce mercury emissions as a co-benefit and to establish permanent
emissions standards for those specified EGUs. Unless otherwise provided for in this Subpart F,
owners and operators of those specified EGUs are not excused from compliance with other
applicable requirements of Subparts B, C, D, and E.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.605 Applicability (Repealed)
As an alternative to compliance with the emissions standards of Section
225.230(a), the owner or operator of specified EGUs in this Subpart F located at
Fisk, Crawford, Joliet, Powerton, Waukegan, and Will County power plants may

elect for all of those EGUs as a group to demonstrate compliance pursuant to this
Subpart F, which establishes control requirements and emissions standards for
, PM, SO
, and mercury. For this purpose, ownership of a specified EGU is
determined based on direct ownership, by holding a majority interest in a
company that owns the EGU or EGUs, or by the common ownership of the
company that owns the EGU, whether through a parent-subsidiary relationship, as
a sister corporation, or as an affiliated corporation with the same parent
corporation, provided that the owner or operator has the right or authority to
submit a CAAPP application on behalf of the EGU.
A specified EGU is a coal-fired EGU listed in Appendix A, irrespective of any
subsequent changes in ownership of the EGU or power plant, the operator, unit
designation, or name of unit.
The owner or operator of each of the specified EGUs electing to demonstrate
compliance with Section 225.230(a) pursuant to this Subpart must submit an
application for a CAAPP permit modification to the Agency, as provided for in
Section 225.220, that includes the information specified in Section 225.610 that
clearly states the owner’s or operator’s election to demonstrate compliance with
Section 225.230(a) pursuant to this Subpart F.
If an owner or operator of one or more specified EGUs elects to demonstrate
compliance with Section 225.230(a) pursuant to this Subpart F, then all specified
EGUs owned or operated in Illinois by the owner or operator as of December 31,
2006, as defined in subsection (a) of this Section, are thereafter subject to the
standards and control requirements of this Subpart F. Such EGUs are referred to
as a Combined Pollutant Standard (CPS) group.
If an EGU is subject to the requirements of this Section, then the requirements
apply to all owners and operators of the EGU, and to the CAIR designated
representative for the EGU.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg. _______, effective _______)
Section 225.610 Notice of Intent (Repealed)
The owner or operator of one or more specified EGUs that intends to comply with Section
225.230(a) by means of this Subpart F must notify the Agency of its intention on or before
December 31, 2007. The following information must accompany the notification:
The identification of each EGU that will be complying with Section 225.230(a)
pursuant to this Subpart F, with evidence that the owner or operator has identified
all specified EGUs that it owned or operated in Illinois as of December 31, 2006,
and which commenced commercial operation on or before December 31, 2004;

If an EGU identified in subsection (a) of this Section is also owned or operated by
a person different than the owner or operator submitting the notice of intent, a
demonstration that the submitter has the right to commit the EGU or authorization
from the responsible official for the EGU submitting the application; and
A summary of the current control devices installed and operating on each EGU
and identification of the additional control devices that will likely be needed for
each EGU to comply with emission control requirements of this Subpart F.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.615 Control Technology Requirements and Emissions Standards for Mercury
Control Technology Requirements for Mercury.
For each EGU in a CPS group other than an EGU that is addressed by
subsection (b) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU must
install, if not already installed, and properly operate and maintain, by the
dates set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this Section, ACI equipment
complying with subsections (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k) of this Section, as
By the following dates, for the EGUs listed in subsections (a)(2)(A) and
(B), which include hot and cold side ESPs, the owner or operator must
install, if not already installed, and begin operating ACI equipment or the
Agency must be given written notice that the EGU will be shut down on or
before the following dates:
Fisk 19, Crawford 7, Crawford 8, Waukegan 7, and Waukegan 8
on or before July 1, 2008; and
Powerton 5, Powerton 6, Will County 3, Will County 4, Joliet 6,
Joliet 7, and Joliet 8 on or before July 1, 2009.
Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, the following EGUs are not
required to install ACI equipment because they will be permanently shut down, as
addressed by Section 225.630, by the date specified:
EGUs that are required to permanently shut down:
On or before December 31, 2007, Waukegan 6; and
On or before December 31, 2010, Will County 1 and Will County

Any other specified EGU that is permanently shut down by December 31,
Beginning on January 1, 2015 and continuing thereafter, and measured on a
rolling 12-month basis (the initial period is January 1, 2015, through December
31, 2015, and, then, for every 12-month period thereafter), each specified EGU,
except Will County 3, shall achieve one of the following emissions standards:
An emissions standard of 0.0080 lbs mercury/GWh gross electrical output;
A minimum 90 percent reduction of input mercury.
Beginning on January 1, 2016, and continuing thereafter, Will County 3 shall
achieve the mercury emissions standards of subsection (c) of this Section
measured on a rolling 12-month basis (the initial period is January 1, 2016
through December 31, 2016, and, then, for every 12-month period thereafter).
At any time prior to the dates required for compliance in subsections (c) and (d)
of this Section, the owner or operator of a specified EGU, upon notice to the
Agency, may elect to comply with the emissions standards of subsection (c) of
this Section measured on a rolling 12-month basis for one or more EGUs. Once
an EGU is subject to the mercury emissions standards of subsection (c) of this
Section, it shall not be subject to the requirements of subsections (g), (h), (i), (j)
and (k) of this Section.
Compliance with the mercury emissions standards or reduction requirement of
this Section must be calculated in accordance with Section 225.230(a) or (b).
For each EGU for which injection of halogenated activated carbon is required by
subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the owner or operator of the EGU must inject
halogenated activated carbon in an optimum manner, which, except as provided in
subsection (h) of this Section, is defined as all of the following:
The use of an injection system for effective absorption of mercury,
considering the configuration of the EGU and its ductwork;
The injection of halogenated activated carbon manufactured by Alstom,
Norit, or Sorbent Technologies, or the injection of any other halogenated
activated carbon or sorbent that the owner or operator of the EGU has
demonstrated to have similar or better effectiveness for control of mercury
emissions; and
The injection of sorbent at the following minimum rates, as applicable:

For an EGU firing subbituminous coal, 5.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet or, for any cyclone-fired EGU that will install a scrubber
and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and which already meets an
emission rate of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical output or
at least 75 percent reduction of input mercury, 2.5 lbs per million
actual cubic feet;
For an EGU firing bituminous coal, 10.0 lbs per million actual
cubic feet or, for any cyclone-fired EGU that will install a scrubber
and baghouse by December 31, 2012, and which already meets an
emission rate of 0.020 lb mercury/GWh gross electrical output or
at least 75 percent reduction of input mercury, 5.0 lbs per million
actual cubic feet;
For an EGU firing a blend of subbituminous and bituminous coal,
a rate that is the weighted average of the rates specified in
subsections (g)(3)(A) and (B), based on the blend of coal being
fired; or
A rate or rates set lower by the Agency, in writing, than the rate
specified in any of subsection (g)(3)(A), (B), or (C) of this Section
on a unit-specific basis, provided that the owner or operator of the
EGU has demonstrated that such rate or rates are needed so that
carbon injection will not increase particulate matter emissions or
opacity so as to threaten noncompliance with applicable
requirements for particulate matter or opacity.
For purposes of subsection (g)(3) of this Section, the flue gas flow rate
must be determined for the point sorbent injection; provided that this flow
rate may be assumed to be identical to the stack flow rate if the gas
temperatures at the point of injection and the stack are normally within
100º F, or the flue gas flow rate may otherwise be calculated from the
stack flow rate, corrected for the difference in gas temperatures.
The owner or operator of an EGU that seeks to operate an EGU with an activated
carbon injection rate or rates that are set on a unit-specific basis pursuant to
subsection (g)(3)(D) of this Section must submit an application to the Agency
proposing such rate or rates, and must meet the requirements of subsections (h)(1)
and (h)(2) of this Section, subject to the limitations of subsections (h)(3) and
(h)(4) of this Section:
The application must be submitted as an application for a new or revised
federally enforceable operation permit for the EGU, and it must include a
summary of relevant mercury emissions data for the EGU, the unit-
specific injection rate or rates that are proposed, and detailed information
to support the proposed injection rate or rates; and

This application must be submitted no later than the date that activated
carbon must first be injected. For example, the owner or operator of an
EGU that must inject activated carbon pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this
Section must apply for unit-specific injection rate or rates by July 1, 2008.
Thereafter, the owner or operator may supplement its application; and
Any decision of the Agency denying a permit or granting a permit with
conditions that set a lower injection rate or rates may be appealed to the
Board pursuant to Section 39 of the Act; and
The owner or operator of an EGU may operate at the injection rate or rates
proposed in its application until a final decision is made on the application
including a final decision on any appeal to the Board.
During any evaluation of the effectiveness of a listed sorbent, alternative sorbent,
or other technique to control mercury emissions, the owner or operator of an EGU
need not comply with the requirements of subsection (g) of this Section for any
system needed to carry out the evaluation, as further provided as follows:
The owner or operator of the EGU must conduct the evaluation in
accordance with a formal evaluation program submitted to the Agency at
least 30 days prior to commencement of the evaluation;
The duration and scope of the evaluation may not exceed the duration and
scope reasonably needed to complete the desired evaluation of the
alternative control techniques, as initially addressed by the owner or
operator in a support document submitted with the evaluation program;
The owner or operator of the EGU must submit a report to the Agency no
later than 30 days after the conclusion of the evaluation that describes the
evaluation conducted and which provides the results of the evaluation; and
If the evaluation of alternative control techniques shows less effective
control of mercury emissions from the EGU than was achieved with the
principal control techniques, the owner or operator of the EGU must
resume use of the principal control techniques. If the evaluation of the
alternative control technique shows comparable effectiveness to the
principal control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU may either
continue to use the alternative control technique in a manner that is at least
as effective as the principal control technique or it may resume use of the
principal control technique. If the evaluation of the alternative control
technique shows more effective control of mercury emissions than the
control technique, the owner or operator of the EGU must continue to use
the alternative control technique in a manner that is more effective than

the principal control technique, so long as it continues to be subject to this
In addition to complying with the applicable recordkeeping and monitoring
requirements in Sections 225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an
EGU that elects to comply with Section 225.230(a) by means of this Subpart F
must also comply with the following additional requirements:
For the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it must
maintain records of the usage of sorbent, the exhaust gas flow rate from
the EGU, and the sorbent feed rate, in pounds per million actual cubic feet
of exhaust gas at the injection point, on a weekly average;
After the first 36 months that injection of sorbent is required, it must
monitor activated sorbent feed rate to the EGU, flue gas temperature at the
point of sorbent injection, and exhaust gas flow rate from the EGU,
automatically recording this data and the sorbent carbon feed rate, in
pounds per million actual cubic feet of exhaust gas at the injection point,
on an hourly average; and
If a blend of bituminous and subbituminous coal is fired in the EGU, it
must keep records of the amount of each type of coal burned and the
required injection rate for injection of activated carbon on a weekly basis.
In addition to complying with the applicable reporting requirements in Sections
225.240 through 225.290, the owner or operator of an EGU that elects to comply
with Section 225.230(a) by means of this Subpart F must also submit quarterly
reports for the recordkeeping and monitoring conducted pursuant to subsection (j)
of this Section.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.620 Emissions Standards for NO
and SO
Emissions Standards for NO
and Reporting Requirements.
Beginning with calendar year 2012 and continuing in each calendar year
thereafter, the CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs that have not
been permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable
calendar year, must comply with a CPS group average annual NO
emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
Beginning with ozone season control period 2012 and continuing in each
ozone season control period (May 1 through September 30) thereafter, the
CPS group, which includes all specified EGUs that have not been
permanently shut down by December 31 before the applicable ozone

season, must comply with a CPS group average ozone season NO
emissions rate of no more than 0.11 lbs/mmBtu.
The owner or operator of the specified EGUs in the CPS group must file,
not later than one year after startup of any selective SNCR on such EGU, a
report with the Agency describing the NO
emissions reductions that the
SNCR has been able to achieve.
Emissions Standards for SO
. Beginning in calendar year 2013 and continuing in
each calendar year thereafter, the CPS group must comply with the applicable
CPS group average annual SO
emissions rate listed as follows:
Compliance with the NO
and SO
emissions standards must be demonstrated in
accordance with Sections 225.310, 225.410, and 225.510. The owner or operator
of the specified EGUs must complete the demonstration of compliance pursuant
to Section 225.635(c) before March 1 of the following year for annual standards
and before November 30 of the particular year for ozone season control periods
(May 1 through September 30) standards, by which date a compliance report must
be submitted to the Agency.
The CPS group average annual SO
emission rate, annual NO
emission rate and
ozone season NO
emission rates shall be determined as follows:
Σ (S
or NO
Σ (H
average annual or ozone season emission rate in lbs/mmBbtu
of all EGUs in the CPS group.
heat input for the annual or ozone control period of each EGU,
in mmBtu.
actual annual SO
tons of each EGU in the CPS group.
actual annual or ozone season NO
tons of each EGU in the
CPS group.
n =
number of EGUs that are in the CPS group

I =
each EGU in the CPS group.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.625 Control Technology Requirements for NO
, SO
, and PM Emissions
Control Technology Requirements for NO
and SO
On or before December 31, 2013, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Waukegan 7;
On or before December 31, 2014, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Waukegan 8;
On or before December 31, 2015, the owner or operator must either
permanently shut down or install and have operational FGD equipment on
Fisk 19;
If Crawford 7 will be operated after December 31, 2018, and not
permanently shut down by this date, the owner or operator must:
On or before December 31, 2015, install and have operational
SNCR or equipment capable of delivering essentially equivalent
reductions on Crawford 7; and
On or before December 31, 2018, install and have operational FGD
equipment on Crawford 7;
If Crawford 8 will be operated after December 31, 2017 and not
permanently shut down by this date, the owner or operator must:
On or before December 31, 2015, install and have operational
SNCR or equipment capable of delivering essentially equivalent
emissions reductions on Crawford 8; and
On or before December 31, 2017, install and have operational FGD
equipment on Crawford 8.
Other Control Technology Requirements for SO
. Owners or operators of
specified EGUs must either permanently shut down or install FGD equipment on
each specified EGU (except Joliet 5), on or before December 31, 2018, unless an
earlier date is specified in subsection (a) of this Section.

Control Technology Requirements for PM. The owner or operator of the two
specified EGUs listed in this subsection that are equipped with a hot-side ESP
must replace the hot-side ESP with a cold-side ESP, install an appropriately
designed fabric filter, or permanently shut down the EGU by the dates specified.
Hot-side ESP means an ESP on a coal-fired boiler that is installed before the
boiler's air-preheater where the operating temperature is typically at least 550º F,
as distinguished from a cold-side ESP that is installed after the air pre-heater
where the operating temperature is typically no more than 350º F.
Waukegan 7 on or before December 31, 2013; and
Will County 3 on or before December 31, 2015.
Beginning on December 31, 2008, and annually thereafter up to and including
December 31, 2015, the owner or operator of the Fisk power plant must submit in
writing to the Agency a report on any technology or equipment designed to affect
air quality that has been considered or explored for the Fisk power plant in the
preceding 12 months. This report will not obligate the owner or operator to install
any equipment described in the report.
Notwithstanding 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.146(hhh), until an EGU has complied
with the applicable requirements of subsections 225.625(a), (b), and (c), the
owner or operator of the EGU must obtain a construction permit for any new or
modified air pollution control equipment that it proposes to construct for control
of emissions of mercury, NO
, PM, or SO
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.630 Permanent Shut Downs (Repealed)
The owner or operator of the following EGUs must permanently shut down the
EGU by the dates specified:
Waukegan 6 on or before December 31, 2007; and
Will County 1 and Will County 2 on or before December 31, 2010.
No later than 8 months before the date that a specified EGU will be permanently
shut down, the owner or operator must submit a report to the Agency that includes
a description of the actions that have already been taken to allow the shutdown of
the EGU and a description of the future actions that must be accomplished to
complete the shutdown of the EGU, with the anticipated schedule for those
actions and the anticipated date of permanent shutdown of the unit.
No later than six months before a specified EGU will be permanently shut down,
the owner or operator shall apply for revisions to the operating permits for the

EGU to include provisions that terminate the authorization to operate the unit on
that date.
If after applying for or obtaining a construction permit to install required control
equipment, the owner or operator decides to permanently shut-down a Specified
EGU rather than install the required control technology, the owner or operator
must immediately notify the Agency in writing and thereafter submit the
information required by subsections (b) and (c) of this Section.
Failure to permanently shut down a specified EGU by the required date shall be
considered separate violations of the applicable emissions standards and control
technology requirements of this Subpart F for NO
, PM, SO
, and mercury.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.635 Requirements for CAIR SO
, and CAIR NO
Ozone Season
Allowances (Repealed)
The following requirements apply to the owner, the operator and the designated
representative with respect to CAIR SO
, and CAIR NO
Season allowances:
The owner, operator, and CAIR designated representative of specified
EGUs in a CPS group is permitted to sell, trade, or transfer SO
and NO
emissions allowances of any vintage owned, allocated to, or earned by the
specified EGUs (the "CPS allowances") to its affiliated Homer City,
Pennsylvania generating station for as long as the Homer City Station
needs the CPS allowances for compliance.
When and if the Homer City Station no longer requires all of the CPS
allowances, the owner, operator, or CAIR designated representative of
specified EGUs in CPS group may sell any and all remaining CPS
allowances, without restriction, to any person or entity located anywhere,
except that the owner or operator may not directly sell, trade, or transfer
CPS allowances to a CAIR NO
unit located in Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa,
Minnesota, or Texas.
In no event shall this subsection (a) require or be interpreted to require any
restriction whatsoever on the sale, trade, or exchange of the CPS
allowances by persons or entities who have acquired the CPS allowances
from the owner, operator, or CAIR designated representative of specified
EGUs in a CPS group.
The owner, operator, and CAIR designated representative of EGUs in a specified
CPS group is prohibited from purchasing or using CAIR SO
, and

Ozone Season allowances for the purposes of meeting the SO
emissions standards set forth in Section 225.620.
Before March 1, 2010, and continuing each year thereafter, the CAIR designated
representative of the EGUs in a CPS group must submit a report to the Agency
that demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this Section for the
previous calendar year and ozone season control period (May 1 through
September 30), and includes identification of any CAIR allowances that have
been used for compliance with the CAIR Trading Programs as set forth in
Subparts C, D, and E, and any CAIR allowances that were sold, gifted, used,
exchanged, or traded. A final report must be submitted to the Agency by August
31 of each year, providing either verification that the actions described in the
initial report have taken place, or, if such actions have not taken place, an
explanation of the changes that have occurred and the reasons for such changes.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
Section 225.640 Clean Air Act Requirements (Repealed)
The SO
emissions rates set forth in this Subpart F shall be deemed to be best available retrofit
technology (“BART”) under the Visibility Protection provisions of the CAA (42 USC 7491),
reasonably available control technology (“RACT”) and reasonably available control measures
(“RACM”) for achieving fine particulate matter (“PM
”) requirements under NAAQS in effect
on August 31, 2007, as required by the CAA (42 USC 7502). The Agency may use the SO
emissions reductions required under this Subpart F in developing attainment demonstrations
and demonstrating reasonable further progress for PM
and 8 hour ozone standards, as required
under the CAA. Furthermore, in developing rules, regulations, or State Implementation Plans
designed to comply with PM
and 8 hour ozone NAAQS, the Agency, taking into account all
emission reduction efforts and other appropriate factors, will use best efforts to seek SO
emissions rates from other EGUs that are equal to or less than the rates applicable to the
CPS group and will seek SO
and NO
reductions from other sources before seeking additional
emissions reductions from any EGU in the CPS group.
(Source: Repealed at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
225.APPENDIX A Specified EGUs for Purposes of the CPS
Subpart F (Midwest
Generation’s Coal-Fired Boilers as of July 1, 2006)
Permit designation
CPS Subpart F
Unit 7 Boiler BLR1
Crawford 7
Unit 8 Boiler BLR2
Crawford 8
Unit 19 Boiler BLR19
Fisk 19

Unit 7 Boiler BLR71
Joliet 7
Unit 7 Boiler BLR72
Joliet 7
Unit 8 Boiler BLR81
Joliet 8
Unit 8 Boiler BLR82
Joliet 8
Unit 6 Boiler BLR5
Joliet 6
Unit 5 Boiler BLR 51
Powerton 5
Unit 5 Boiler BLR 52
Powerton 5
Unit 6 Boiler BLR 61
Powerton 6
Unit 6 Boiler BLR 62
Powerton 6
Unit 6 Boiler BLR17
Waukegan 6
Unit 7 Boiler BLR7
Waukegan 7
Unit 8 Boiler BLR8
Waukegan 8
Will County 197810AAK
Unit 1 Boiler BLR1
Will County 1
Unit 2 Boiler BLR2
Will County 2
Unit 3 Boiler BLR3
Will County 3
Unit 4 Boiler BLR4
Will County 4
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg._______, effective _______)
225.APPENDIX B Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for Mercury
Section 1.1 Applicability
The provisions of this Appendix apply to sources subject to 35 Ill Admin. Code Part 225
mercury (Hg) mass emission reduction program.
Section 1.2 General Operating Requirements
Primary Equipment Performance Requirements. The owner or operator must
ensure that each continuous mercury emission monitoring system and each
auxiliary monitoring system required by this Appendix meets the equipment,
installation and performance specifications in Exhibit A to this Appendix and is
maintained according to the quality assurance and quality control procedures in
Exhibit B to this Appendix.
Heat Input Rate Measurement Requirement. The owner or operator must
determine and record the heat input rate, in units of mmBtu/hr, to each affected
unit for every hour or part of an hour any fuel is combusted following the
procedures in Exhibit C to this Appendix.
Primary Equipment Hourly Operating Requirements. The owner or operator must
ensure that all continuous mercury emission monitoring systems and all auxiliary
monitoring systems required by this Appendix are in operation and monitoring

unit emissions at all times that the affected unit combusts any fuel except during
periods of calibration, quality assurance, or preventive maintenance, performed
pursuant to Section 1.5 of this Appendix and Exhibit B to this Appendix, periods
of repair, periods of backups of data from the data acquisition and handling
system, or recertification performed pursuant to Section 1.4 of this Appendix.
The owner or operator must ensure that each continuous emission
monitoring system is capable of completing a minimum of one cycle of
operation (sampling, analyzing and data recording) for each successive 15-
minute interval. The owner or operator must reduce all volumetric flow,
concentration, O
concentration and mercury concentration data
collected by the monitors to hourly averages. Hourly averages must be
computed using at least one data point in each 15-minute quadrant of an
hour, where the unit combusted fuel during that quadrant of an hour.
Notwithstanding this requirement, an hourly average may be computed
from at least two data points separated by a minimum of 15 minutes
(where the unit operates for more than one quadrant of an hour) if data are
unavailable as a result of the performance of calibration, quality assurance,
or preventive maintenance activities pursuant to Section 1.5 of this
Appendix and Exhibit B to this Appendix, or backups of data from the
data acquisition and handling system, or recertification, pursuant to
Section 1.4 of this Appendix. The owner or operator must use all valid
measurements or data points collected during an hour to calculate the
hourly averages. All data points collected during an hour must be, to the
extent practicable, evenly spaced over the hour.
Failure of a CO
or O
emissions concentration monitor, mercury
concentration monitor, flow monitor, or a moisture monitor to acquire the
minimum number of data points for calculation of an hourly average in
subsection (c)(1) of this Section must result in the failure to obtain a valid
hour of data and the loss of such component data for the entire hour. For a
moisture monitoring system consisting of one or more oxygen analyzers
capable of measuring O
on a wet-basis and a dry-basis, an hourly average
percent moisture value is valid only if the minimum number of data points
is acquired for both the wet-and dry-basis measurements.
Optional Backup Monitor Requirements. If the owner or operator chooses to use
two or more continuous mercury emission monitoring systems, each of which is
capable of monitoring the same stack or duct at a specific affected unit, or group
of units using a common stack, then the owner or operator must designate one
monitoring system as the primary monitoring system, and must record this
information in the monitoring plan, as provided for in Section 1.10 of this
Appendix. The owner or operator must designate the other monitoring systems as
backup monitoring systems in the monitoring plan. The backup monitoring
systems must be designated as redundant backup monitoring systems, non-
redundant backup monitoring systems, or reference method backup systems, as

described in Section 1.4(d) of this Appendix. When the certified primary
monitoring system is operating and not out-of-control as defined in Section 1.7 of
this Appendix, only data from the certified primary monitoring system must be
reported as valid, quality-assured data. Thus, data from the backup monitoring
system may be reported as valid, quality-assured data only when the backup is
operating and not out-of-control as defined in Section 1.7 of this Appendix (or in
the applicable reference method in appendix A of 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140) and when the certified primary monitoring system
is not operating (or is operating but out-of-control). A particular monitor may be
designated both as a certified primary monitor for one unit and as a certified
redundant backup monitor for another unit.
Minimum Measurement Capability Requirement. The owner or operator must
ensure that each continuous emission monitoring system is capable of accurately
measuring, recording, and reporting data, and must not incur an exceedance of the
full scale range, except as provided in Section of Exhibit A to this
Minimum Recording and Recordkeeping Requirements. The owner or operator
must record and report the hourly, daily, quarterly, and annual information
collected under the requirements as specified in subpart G of 40 CFR 75,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and Section 1.11 through 1.13 of
this Appendix.
Section 1.3 Special Provisions for Measuring Mercury Mass Emissions Using the Excepted
Sorbent Trap Monitoring Methodology
For an affected coal-fired unit under 35 Ill Adm. Code 225 if the owner or operator elects to use
sorbent trap monitoring systems (as defined in Section 225.130) to quantify mass emissions, the
guidelines in subsections (a) through (l) of this Section must be followed for this excepted
monitoring methodology:
For each sorbent trap monitoring system (whether primary or redundant backup),
the use of paired sorbent traps, as described in Exhibit D to this Appendix, is
Each sorbent trap must have a main section, a backup section and a third section
to allow spiking with a calibration gas of known mercury concentration, as
described in Exhibit D to this Appendix;
A certified flow monitoring system is required;
Correction for stack gas moisture content is required, and in some cases, a
certified O
or CO
monitoring system is required (see Section 1.15(a)(4));

Each sorbent trap monitoring system must be installed and operated in accordance
with Exhibit D to this Appendix. The automated data acquisition and handling
system must ensure that the sampling rate is proportional to the stack gas
volumetric flow rate.
At the beginning and end of each sample collection period, and at least once in
each unit operating hour during the collection period, the gas flow meter reading
must be recorded.
After each sample collection period, the mass of mercury adsorbed in each
sorbent trap (in all three sections) must be determined according to the applicable
procedures in Exhibit D to this Appendix.
The hourly mercury mass emissions for each collection period are determined
using the results of the analyses in conjunction with contemporaneous hourly data
recorded by a certified stack flow monitor, corrected for the stack gas moisture
content. For each pair of sorbent traps analyzed, the average of the 2 mercury
concentrations must be used for reporting purposes under Section 1.18(f) of this
Appendix. Notwithstanding this requirement, if, due to circumstances beyond the
control of the owner or operator, one of the paired traps is accidentally lost,
damaged, or broken and cannot be analyzed, the results of the analysis of the
other trap may be used for reporting purposes, provided that the other trap has met
all of the applicable quality-assurance requirements of this Part.
All unit operating hours for which valid mercury concentration data are obtained
with the primary sorbent trap monitoring system (as verified using the quality
assurance procedures in Exhibit D to this Appendix) must be reported in the
electronic quarterly report under Section 1.18(f) of this Appendix. For hours in
which data from the primary monitoring system are invalid, the owner or operator
may, in accordance with Section 1.4(d) of this Appendix, report valid mercury
concentration data from: A certified redundant backup CEMS or sorbent trap
monitoring system; a certified non-redundant backup CEMS or sorbent trap
monitoring system; or an applicable reference method under Section 1.6 of this
Initial certification requirements and additional quality-assurance requirements
for the sorbent trap monitoring systems are found in Section 1.4(c)(7), in Section
6.5.6 of Exhibit A to this Appendix, in Sections 1.3 and 2.3 of Exhibit B to this
Appendix, and in Exhibit D to this Appendix.
During each RATA of a sorbent trap monitoring system, the type of sorbent
material used by the traps must be the same as for daily operation of the
monitoring system. A new pair of traps must be used for each RATA run.
However, the size of the traps used for the RATA may be smaller than the traps
used for daily operation of the system.

Whenever the type of sorbent material used by the traps is changed, the owner or
operator must conduct a diagnostic RATA of the modified sorbent trap
monitoring system within 720 unit or stack operating hours after the date and hour
when the new sorbent material is first used. If the diagnostic RATA is passed,
data from the modified system may be reported as quality-assured, back to the
date and hour when the new sorbent material was first used. If the RATA is
failed, all data from the modified system must be invalidated,back to the date and
hour when the new sorbent material was first used, and data from the system must
remain invalid until a subsequent RATA is passed. If the required RATA is not
completed within 720 unit or stack operating hours, but is passed on the first
attempt, data from the modified system must be invalidated beginning with the
first operating hour after the 720 unit or stack operating hour window expires and
data from the system must remain invalid until the date and hour of completion of
the successful RATA.
Section 1.4 Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures
Initial Certification Approval Process. The owner or operator must ensure that
each continuous mercury emission monitoring system or auxiliary monitoring
system required by this Appendix meets the initial certification requirements of
this Section. In addition, whenever the owner or operator installs a continuous
mercury emission monitoring system in order to meet the requirements of Section
1.3 of this Appendix and 40 CFR sections 75.11 through 75.14 and 75.16 through
75.18, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, where no continuous
emission monitoring system was previously installed, initial certification is
Notification of initial certification test dates. The owner or operator must
submit a written notice of the dates of initial certification testing at the unit
as specified in 40 CFR 75.61(a)(1), incorporated by reference in Section
Certification application. The owner or operator must apply for
certification of each continuous mercury emission monitoring system and,
if not previously certified, for each auxiliary monitoring system. The
owner or operator must submit the certification application in accordance
with 40 CFR 75.60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and
each complete certification application must include the information
specified in 40 CFR 75.63, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Provisional approval of certification (or recertification) applications. Upon
the successful completion of the required certification (or recertification)
procedures of this Section, each continuous mercury emission monitoring
system and each auxiliary monitoring system must be deemed
provisionally certified (or recertified) for use for a period not to exceed
120 days following receipt by the Agency of the complete certification (or

recertification) application under subsection (a)(4) of this Section. Data
measured and recorded by a provisionally certified (or recertified)
continuous emission monitoring system, operated in accordance with the
requirements of Exhibit B to this Appendix, will be considered valid
quality-assured data (retroactive to the date and time of provisional
certification or recertification), provided that the Agency does not
invalidate the provisional certification (or recertification) by issuing a
notice of disapproval within 120 days of receipt by the Agency of the
complete certification (or recertification) application. Note that when the
conditional data validation procedures of subsection (b)(3) of this Section
are used for the initial certification (or recertification) of a continuous
emissions monitoring system, the date and time of provisional certification
(or recertification) of the CEMS may be earlier than the date and time of
completion of the required certification (or recertification) tests.
Certification (or recertification) application formal approval process. The
Agency will issue a notice of approval or disapproval of the certification
(or recertification) application to the owner or operator within 120 days
after receipt of the complete certification (or recertification) application. In
the event the Agency does not issue such a notice within 120 days after
receipt, each continuous emission monitoring system which meets the
performance requirements of this Part and is included in the certification
(or recertification) application will be deemed certified (or recertified) for
use under 35 Ill Adm. Code 225.
Approval notice. If the certification (or recertification) application
is complete and shows that each continuous emission monitoring
system meets the performance requirements of this part, then the
Agency will issue a notice of approval of the certification (or
recertification) application within 120 days of receipt.
Incomplete application notice. A certification (or recertification)
application will be considered complete when all of the applicable
information required to be submitted in 40 CFR 75.63,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, has been received by
the Agency. If the certification (or recertification) application is
not complete, then the Agency will issue a notice of
incompleteness that provides a reasonable timeframe for the owner
or operator to submit the additional information required to
complete the certification (or recertification) application. If the
owner or operator has not complied with the notice of
incompleteness by a specified due date, then the Agency may issue
a notice of disapproval specified under paragraph (a)(4)(C) of this
Section. The 120-day review period will not begin prior to receipt
of a complete application.

Disapproval notice. If the certification (or recertification)
application shows that any continuous emission monitoring system
does not meet the performance requirements of this part, or if the
certification (or recertification) application is incomplete and the
requirement for disapproval under subsection (a)(4)(B) of this
Section has been met, the Agency must issue a written notice of
disapproval of the certification (or recertification) application
within 120 days after receipt. By issuing the notice of disapproval,
the provisional certification (or recertification) is invalidated by the
Agency, and the data measured and recorded by each uncertified
continuous emission or opacity monitoring system must not be
considered valid quality-assured data as follows: from the hour of
the probationary calibration error test that began the initial
certification (or recertification) test period (if the conditional data
validation procedures of subsection (b)(3) of this Section were
used to retrospectively validate data); or from the date and time of
completion of the invalid certification or recertification tests (if the
conditional data validation procedures of subsection (b)(3) of this
Section were not used). The owner or operator must follow the
procedures for loss of initial certification in subsection (a)(5) of
this Section for each continuous emission monitoring system that
is disapproved for initial certification. For each disapproved
recertification, the owner or operator must follow the procedures of
subsection (b)(5) of this Section.
Procedures for loss of certification. When the Agency issues a notice of
disapproval of a certification application or a notice of disapproval of
certification status (as specified in subsection (a)(4) of this Section), then:
Until such time, date, and hour as the continuous mercury emission
monitoring system can be adjusted, repaired, or replaced and
certification tests successfully completed (or, if the conditional
data validation procedures in subsections (b)(3)(B) through (I) of
this Section are used, until a probationary calibration error test is
passed following corrective actions in accordance with subsection
(b)(3)(B) of this Section), the owner or operator must perform
emissions testing pursuant to Section 225.239.
The owner or operator must submit a notification of certification
pretest dates as specified in Section 225.250(a)(3)(A) and a new
certification application according to the procedures in Section
225.250(a)(3)(B); and
The owner or operator must repeat all certification tests or other
requirements that were failed by the continuous mercury emission
monitoring system, as indicated in the Agency’s notice of

disapproval, no later than 30 unit operating days after the date of
issuance of the notice of disapproval.
Recertification Approval Process. Whenever the owner or operator makes a
replacement, modification, or change in a certified continuous mercury emission
monitoring system or auxiliary monitoring system that may significantly affect
the ability of the system to accurately measure or record the gas volumetric flow
rate, mercury concentration, percent moisture, or to meet the requirements of
Section 1.5 of this Appendix or Exhibit B to this Appendix, the owner or operator
must recertify the monitoring system, according to the procedures in this
subsection. Examples of changes that require recertification include: replacement
of the analyzer; change in location or orientation of the sampling probe or site;
and complete replacement of an existing monitoring system. The owner or
operator must also recertify the continuous emission monitoring systems for a unit
that has recommenced commercial operation following a period of long-term cold
storage as defined in Section 225.130. Any change to a flow monitor or gas
monitoring system for which a RATA is not necessary will not be considered a
recertification event. In addition, changing the polynomial coefficients or K
factors of a flow monitor will require a 3-load RATA, but is not considered to be
a recertification event; however, records of the polynomial coefficients or K
factors currently in use must be maintained on-site in a format suitable for
inspection. Changing the coefficient or K factor(s) of a moisture monitoring
system will require a RATA, but is not considered to be a recertification event;
however, records of the coefficient or K factor(s) currently in use by the moisture
monitoring system must be maintained on-site in a format suitable for inspection.
In such cases, any other tests that are necessary to ensure continued proper
operation of the monitoring system (e.g., 3-load flow RATAs following changes
to flow monitor polynomial coefficients, linearity checks, calibration error tests,
DAHS verifications, etc.) must be performed as diagnostic tests, rather than as
recertification tests. The data validation procedures in subsection (b)(3) of this
Section must be applied to RATAs associated with changes to flow or moisture
monitor coefficients, and to linearity checks, 7-day calibration error tests, and
cycle time tests, when these are required as diagnostic tests. When the data
validation procedures of subsection (b)(3) of this Section are applied in this
manner, replace the word "recertification" with the word "diagnostic."
Tests required. For all recertification testing, the owner or operator must
complete all initial certification tests in subsection (c) of this Section that
are applicable to the monitoring system, except as otherwise approved by
the Agency. For diagnostic testing after changing the flow rate monitor
polynomial coefficients, the owner or operator must complete a 3-level
RATA. For diagnostic testing after changing the K factor or mathematical
algorithm of a moisture monitoring system, the owner or operator must
complete a RATA.

Notification of recertification test dates. The owner or operator or
designated representative must submit notice of testing dates for
recertification under this subsection as specified in 40 CFR 75.61(a)(1)(ii),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, unless all of the tests in
subsection (c) of this Section are required for recertification, in which case
the owner or operator must provide notice in accordance with the notice
provisions for initial certification testing in 40 CFR 75.61(a)(1)(i),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Recertification test period requirements and data validation. The data
validation provisions in subsections (b)(3)(A) through (b)(3)(I) of this
Section will apply to all mercury CEMS recertifications and diagnostic
testing. The provisions in subsections (b)(3)(B) through (b)(3)(I) of this
Section may also be applied to initial certifications (see Sections 6.2(a),
6.3.1(a), 6.3.2(a), 6.4(a) and 6.5(f) of Exhibit A to this Appendix) and may
be used to supplement the linearity check and RATA data validation
procedures in Sections 2.2.3(b) and 2.3.2(b) of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
The owner or operator must report emission data using a reference
method or another monitoring system that has been certified or
approved for use under this Part, in the period extending from the
hour of the replacement, modification, or change made to a
monitoring system that triggers the need to perform recertification
testing, until either: the hour of successful completion of all of the
required recertification tests; or the hour in which a probationary
calibration error test (according to subsection (b)(3)(B) of this
Section) is performed and passed, following all necessary repairs,
adjustments, or reprogramming of the monitoring system. The first
hour of quality-assured data for the recertified monitoring system
must either be the hour after all recertification tests have been
completed or, if conditional data validation is used, the first
quality-assured hour must be determined in accordance with
subsections (b)(3)(B) through (I) of this Section. Notwithstanding
these requirements, if the replacement, modification, or change
requiring recertification of the CEMS is such that the historical
data stream is no longer representative (e.g., where the mercury
concentration and stack flow rate change significantly after
installation of a wet scrubber), the owner or operator must estimate
the mercury emissions over that time period and notify the Agency
within 15 days after the replacement, modification, or change
requiring recertification of the CEMS.
Once the modification or change to the CEMS has been completed
and all of the associated repairs, component replacements,
adjustments, linearization and reprogramming of the CEMS have
been completed, a probationary calibration error test is required to

establish the beginning point of the recertification test period. In
this instance, the first successful calibration error test of the
monitoring system following completion of all necessary repairs,
component replacements, adjustments, linearization and
reprogramming must be the probationary calibration error test. The
probationary calibration error test must be passed before any of the
required recertification tests are commenced.
Beginning with the hour of commencement of a recertification test
period, emission data recorded by the CEMS are considered to be
conditionally valid, contingent upon the results of the subsequent
recertification tests.
Each required recertification test must be completed no later than
the following number of unit operating hours (or unit operating
days) after the probationary calibration error test that initiates the
test period:
For a linearity check, a system integrity check, and/or cycle
time test, 168 consecutive unit operating hours, as defined
in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, or, for CEMS installed on common stacks or
bypass stacks, 168 consecutive stack operating hours, as
defined in 40 CFR 72.2;
For a RATA (whether normal-load or multiple-load), 720
consecutive unit operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR
72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, or, for
CEMS installed on common stacks or bypass stacks, 720
consecutive stack operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR
72.2; and
For a 7-day calibration error test, 21 consecutive unit
operating days, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
All recertification tests must be performed hands-off. No
adjustments to the calibration of the CEMS, other than the routine
calibration adjustments following daily calibration error tests as
described in Section 2.1.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix, are
permitted during the recertification test period. Routine daily
calibration error tests must be performed throughout the
recertification test period, in accordance with Section 2.1.1 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix. The additional calibration error test
requirements in Section 2.1.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix, must
also apply during the recertification test period.

If all of the required recertification tests and required daily
calibration error tests are successfully completed in succession
with no failures, and if each recertification test is completed within
the time period specified in subsection (b)(3)(D)(i), (ii) or (iii) of
this Section, then all of the conditionally valid emission data
recorded by the CEMS will be considered quality assured, from the
hour of commencement of the recertification test period until the
hour of completion of the required tests.
If a required recertification test is failed or aborted due to a
problem with the CEMS, or if a daily calibration error test is failed
during a recertification test period, data validation must be done as
If any required recertification test is failed, it must be
repeated. If any recertification test other than a 7-day
calibration error test is failed or aborted due to a problem
with the CEMS, the original recertification test period is
ended, and a new recertification test period must be
commenced with a probationary calibration error test. The
tests that are required in the new recertification test period
will include any tests that were required for the initial
recertification event that were not successfully completed
and any recertification or diagnostic tests that are required
as a result of changes made to the monitoring system to
correct the problems that caused the failure of the
recertification test. For a 2- or 3-load flow RATA, if the
relative accuracy test is passed at one or more load levels,
but is failed at a subsequent load level, provided that the
problem that caused the RATA failure is corrected without
re-linearizing the instrument, the length of the new
recertification test period must be equal to the number of
unit operating hours remaining in the original
recertification test period, as of the hour of failure of the
RATA. However, if re-linearization of the flow monitor is
required after a flow RATA is failed at a particular load
level, then a subsequent 3-load RATA is required, and the
new recertification test period must be 720 consecutive unit
(or stack) operating hours. The new recertification test
sequence must not be commenced until all necessary
maintenance activities, adjustments, linearization and
reprogramming of the CEMS have been completed;
If a linearity check, RATA system integrity check, or cycle
time test is failed or aborted due to a problem with the

mercury CEMS, all conditionally valid emission data
recorded by the CEMS are invalidated, from the hour of
commencement of the recertification test period to the hour
in which the test is failed or aborted, except for the case in
which a multiple-load flow RATA is passed at one or more
load levels, failed at a subsequent load level, and the
problem that caused the RATA failure is corrected without
re-linearizing the instrument. In that case, data invalidation
will be prospective, from the hour of failure of the RATA
until the commencement of the new recertification test
period. Data from the CEMS remain invalid until the hour
in which a new recertification test period is commenced,
following corrective action, and a probationary calibration
error test is passed, at which time the conditionally valid
status of emission data from the CEMS begins again;
If a 7-day calibration error test is failed within the
recertification test period, previously-recorded
conditionally valid emission data from the mercury CEMS
are not invalidated. The conditionally valid data status is
unaffected, unless the calibration error on the day of the
failed 7-day calibration error test exceeds twice the
performance specification in Section 3 of Exhibit A to this
Appendix, as described in subsection (b)(3)(G)(iv) of this
If a daily calibration error test is failed during a
recertification test period (i.e., the results of the test exceed
the applicable performance specification in Section 2.1.4 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix), the CEMS is out-of-control as
of the hour in which the calibration error test is failed.
Emission data from the CEMS will be invalidated
prospectively from the hour of the failed calibration error
test until the hour of completion of a subsequent successful
calibration error test following corrective action, at which
time the conditionally valid status of data from the
monitoring system resumes. Failure to perform a required
daily calibration error test during a recertification test
period will also cause data from the CEMS to be
invalidated prospectively, from the hour in which the
calibration error test was due until the hour of completion
of a subsequent successful calibration error test. Whenever
a calibration error test is failed or missed during a
recertification test period, no further recertification tests
must be performed until the required subsequent calibration
error test has been passed, re-establishing the conditionally

valid status of data from the monitoring system. If a
calibration error test failure occurs while a linearity check
or RATA is still in progress, the linearity check or RATA
must be re-started.
Trial gas injections and trial RATA runs are permissible
during the recertification test period, prior to commencing a
linearity check or RATA, for the purpose of optimizing the
performance of the CEMS. The results of such gas
injections and trial runs must not affect the status of
previously-recorded conditionally valid data or result in
termination of the recertification test period, provided that
they meet the following specifications and conditions: for
diluent gas injections, the stable, ending monitor response
is within ±5 percent of the tag value of the reference gas or
0.5% CO
or O
. For Hg vapor injections, the stable,
ending monitor response is within ± 10 percent of the value
of the reference gas or 0.8 μg/scm; for RATA trial runs, the
average reference method reading and the average CEMS
reading for the run differ by no more than ± 10% of the
average reference method value (for flow, diluent gas, and
moisture monitors), or ± 20% of the average reference
method value or 1.0μg/scm (for mercury monitors), or
differ by no more than 1.0% CO
or O2, 1.5% H
O from
the average reference method value, as applicable. No
adjustments to the calibration of the CEMS shall be made
following the trial injections or runs, other than the
adjustments permitted under Section 2.1.3 of Exhibit B to
this Appendix and the CEMS is not repaired, re-linearized
or reprogrammed (e.g., changing flow monitor polynomial
coefficients, linearity constants, or K-factors) after the trial
injections or runs
If the results of any trial gas injections or RATA runs are
outside the limits in subsection (b)(3)(G)(v) of this Section
or if the CEMS is repaired, re-linearized, or reprogrammed
after the trial injections or runs the trial injections or runs
will be counted as a failed linearity check or RATA
attempt. If this occurs, follow the procedures pertaining to
failed and aborted recertification tests in subsections
(b)(3)(G)(i) and (b)(3)(G)(ii) of this Section.
If any required recertification test is not completed within its
allotted time period, data validation must be done as follows.: for
a late linearity test, RATA system integrity check or cycle time test
that is passed on the first attempt, data from the monitoring system

will be invalidated from the hour of expiration of the recertification
test period until the hour of completion of the late test. For a late 7-
day calibration error test, whether or not it is passed on the first
attempt, data from the monitoring system will also be invalidated
from the hour of expiration of the recertification test period until
the hour of completion of the late test. For a late linearity test,
RATA system integrity check, or cycle time test that is failed on
the first attempt or aborted on the first attempt due to a problem
with the monitor, all conditionally valid data from the monitoring
system will be considered invalid back to the hour of the first
probationary calibration error test that initiated the recertification
test period. Data from the monitoring system will remain invalid
until the hour of successful completion of the late recertification
test and any additional recertification or diagnostic tests that are
required as a result of changes made to the monitoring system to
correct problems that caused failure of the late recertification test.
If any required recertification test of a monitoring system has not
been completed by the end of a calendar quarter and if data
contained in the quarterly report are conditionally valid pending
the results of tests to be completed in a subsequent quarter, the
owner or operator must indicate this by means of a notification
within the quarterly report for that quarter. The owner or operator
must resubmit the report for that quarter if the required
recertification test is subsequently failed. If any required
recertification test is not completed by the end of a particular
calendar quarter but is completed no later than 30 days after the
end of that quarter (i.e., prior to the deadline for submitting the
quarterly report under 40 CFR 75.64, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140), the test data and results may be submitted with
the earlier quarterly report even though the test dates are from the
next calendar quarter. In such instances, if the recertification tests
are passed in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(3)
of this Section, conditionally valid data may be reported as quality-
assured. The Agency may invalidate any conditionally valid data
that remains unresolved at the end of a particular calendar year.
Recertification application. The owner or operator must apply for
recertification of each continuous emission monitoring system. The owner
or operator must submit the recertification application in accordance with
40 CFR 75.60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and each
complete recertification application must include the information specified
in 40 CFR 75.63, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Approval or disapproval of request for recertification. The procedures for
provisional certification in subsection (a)(3) of this Section apply to

recertification applications. The Agency will issue a notice of approval,
disapproval, or incompleteness according to the procedures in subsection
(a)(4) of this Section. Data from the monitoring system remain invalid
until all required recertification tests have been passed or until a
subsequent probationary calibration error test is passed, beginning a new
recertification test period. The owner or operator must repeat all
recertification tests or other requirements, as indicated in the Agency’s
notice of disapproval, no later than 30 unit operating days after the date of
issuance of the notice of disapproval. The owner or operator must submit a
notification of the recertification retest dates, as specified in 40 CFR
75.61(a)(1)(ii), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and must
submit a new recertification application according to the procedures in
subsection (b)(4) of this Section.
Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures. Prior to the applicable
deadline in 35 Ill Adm.. Code 225.240(b), the owner or operator must conduct
initial certification tests and in accordance with 40 CFR 75.63, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, the designated representative must submit an
application to demonstrate that the continuous emission monitoring system and
components of the system meet the specifications in Exhibit A to this Appendix.
The owner or operator must compare reference method values with output from
the automated data acquisition and handling system that is part of the continuous
mercury emission monitoring system being tested. Except as otherwise specified
in subsections (b)(1), (d), and (e) of this Section, and in Sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2
of Exhibit A to this Appendix, the owner or operator must perform the following
tests for initial certification or recertification of continuous emission monitoring
systems according to the requirements of Exhibit B to this Appendix:
For each mercury concentration monitoring system:
A 7-day calibration error test;
A linearity check, for mercury monitors, perform this check with
elemental mercury standards;
A relative accuracy test audit must be done on a μg/scm basis;
A cycle time test;
For mercury monitors a 3-level system integrity check, using a
NIST-traceable source of oxidized mercury, as described in
Section 6.2 of Exhibit A to this Appendix. This test is not required
for a mercury monitor that does not have a converter.
For each flow monitor:

A 7-day calibration error test;
Relative accuracy test audits, as follows:
A single-load RATA at the normal load, as defined in
Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix, for a flow
monitor installed on a peaking unit or bypass stack, or for a
flow monitor exempted from multiple-load RATA testing
under Section 6.5.2(e) of Exhibit A to this Appendix;
For all other flow monitors, a RATA at each of the three
load levels corresponding to the three flue gas velocities
described in Section 6.5.2(a) of Exhibit A to this Appendix;
For each diluent gas monitor used only to monitor heat input rate:
A 7-day calibration error test;
A linearity check;
A relative accuracy test audit, where, for an O
monitor used to
determine CO
concentration, the CO
reference method must be
used for the RATA; and
A cycle-time test.
For each continuous moisture monitoring system consisting of wet- and
dry-basis O
A 7-day calibration error test of each O
A cycle time test of each O
A linearity test of each O
analyzer; and
A RATA directly comparing the percent moisture measured by the
monitoring system to a reference method.
For each continuous moisture sensor: A RATA directly comparing the
percent moisture measured by the monitor sensor to a reference method.
For a continuous moisture monitoring system consisting of a temperature
sensor and a data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) software
component programmed with a moisture lookup table: A demonstration
that the correct moisture value for each hour is being taken from the
moisture lookup tables and applied to the emission calculations. At a

minimum, the demonstration must be made at three different temperatures
covering the normal range of stack temperatures from low to high.
For each sorbent trap monitoring system, perform a RATA, on a μg/dscm
For the automated data acquisition and handling system, tests designed to
verify the proper computation of hourly averages for pollutant
concentrations, flow rate, pollutant emission rates and pollutant mass
The owner or operator must provide adequate facilities for initial
certification or recertification testing that include:
Sampling ports adequate for test methods applicable to such
facility, such that volumetric flow rate, pollutant concentration and
pollutant emission rates can be accurately determined by
applicable test methods and procedures; and
Basic facilities (e.g., electricity) for sampling and testing
Initial Certification and Recertification and Quality Assurance Procedures for
Optional Backup Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems.
Redundant backups. The owner or operator of an optional redundant
backup CEMS must comply with all the requirements for initial
certification and recertification according to the procedures specified in
subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this Section. The owner or operator must
operate the redundant backup CEMS during all periods of unit operation,
except for periods of calibration, quality assurance, maintenance or repair.
The owner or operator must perform upon the redundant backup CEMS all
quality assurance and quality control procedures specified in Exhibit B to
this Appendix, except that the daily assessments in Section 2.1 of Exhibit
B to this Appendix are optional for days on which the redundant backup
CEMS is not used to report emission data under this Part. For any day on
which a redundant backup CEMS is used to report emission data, the
system must meet all of the applicable daily assessment criteria in Exhibit
B to this Appendix.
Non-redundant backups. The owner or operator of an optional non-
redundant backup CEMS or like-kind replacement analyzer must comply
with all of the following requirements for initial certification, quality
assurance, recertification and data reporting:

Except as provided in subsection (d)(2)(E) of this Section, for a
regular non-redundant backup CEMS (i.e., a non-redundant backup
CEMS that has its own separate probe, sample interface, and
analyzer), or a non-redundant backup flow monitor, all of the tests
in subsection (c) of this Section are required for initial certification
of the system, except for the 7-day calibration error test.
For a like-kind replacement non-redundant backup analyzer (i.e., a
non-redundant backup analyzer that uses the same probe and
sample interface as a primary monitoring system), no initial
certification of the analyzer is required.
Each non-redundant backup CEMS or like-kind replacement
analyzer must comply with the daily and quarterly quality
assurance and quality control requirements in Exhibit B to this
Appendix for each day and quarter that the non-redundant backup
CEMS or like-kind replacement analyzer is used to report data, and
must meet the additional linearity and calibration error test
requirements specified in this subsection. The owner or operator
must ensure that each non-redundant backup CEMS or like-kind
replacement analyzer passes a linearity check (for mercury
concentration and diluent gas monitors) or a calibration error test
(for flow monitors) prior to each use for recording and reporting
emissions. When a non-redundant backup CEMS or like-kind
replacement analyzer is brought into service, prior to conducting
the linearity test, a probationary calibration error test (as described
in subsection (b)(3)(B) of this Section), which will begin a period
of conditionally valid data, may be performed in order to allow the
validation of data retrospectively, as follows. Conditionally valid
data from the CEMS or like-kind replacement analyzer are
validated back to the hour of completion of the probationary
calibration error test if the following conditions are met: if no
adjustments are made to the CEMS or like-kind replacement
analyzer other than the allowable calibration adjustments specified
in Section 2.1.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix between the
probationary calibration error test and the successful completion of
the linearity test; and if the linearity test is passed within 168 unit
(or stack) operating hours of the probationary calibration error test.
However, if the linearity test is performed within 168 unit or stack
operating hours but is either failed or aborted due to a problem
with the CEMS or like-kind replacement analyzer, then all of the
conditionally valid data are invalidated back to the hour of the
probationary calibration error test, and data from the non-
redundant backup CEMS or from the primary monitoring system
of which the like-kind replacement analyzer is a part remain
invalid until the hour of completion of a successful linearity test.

Notwithstanding this requirement, the conditionally valid data
status may be re-established after a failed or aborted linearity
check, if corrective action is taken and a calibration error test is
subsequently passed. However, in no case will the use of
conditional data validation extend for more than 168 unit or stack
operating hours beyond the date and time of the original
probationary calibration error test when the analyzer was brought
into service.
For each parameter monitored (i.e., CO
, O
, Hg or flow rate) at
each unit or stack, a regular non-redundant backup CEMS may not
be used to report data at that affected unit or common stack for
more than 720 hours in any one calendar year (in accordance with
40 CFR 75.74(c), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140),
unless the CEMS passes a RATA at that unit or stack. For each
parameter monitored at each unit or stack, the use of a like-kind
replacement non-redundant backup analyzer (or analyzers) is
restricted to 720 cumulative hours per calendar year, unless the
owner or operator redesignates the like-kind replacement analyzers
as components of regular non-redundant backup CEMS and each
redesignated CEMS passes a RATA at that unit or stack.
For each regular non-redundant backup CEMS, no more than eight
successive calendar quarters must elapse following the quarter in
which the last RATA of the CEMS was done at a particular unit or
stack, without performing a subsequent RATA. Otherwise, the
CEMS may not be used to report data from that unit or stack until
the hour of completion of a passing RATA at that location.
Each regular non-redundant backup CEMS must be represented in
the monitoring plan required under Section 1.10 of this Appendix
as a separate monitoring system, with unique system and
component identification numbers. When like-kind replacement
non-redundant backup analyzers are used, the owner or operator
must represent each like-kind replacement analyzer used during a
particular calendar quarter in the monitoring plan required under
Section 1.10 of this Appendix as a component of a primary
monitoring system. The owner or operator must also assign a
unique component identification number to each like-kind
replacement analyzer, beginning with the letters LK (e.g., LK1,
LK2, etc.) and must specify the manufacturer, model and serial
number of the like-kind replacement analyzer. This information
may be added, deleted or updated as necessary, from quarter to
quarter. The owner or operator must also report data from the like-
kind replacement analyzer using the system identification number

of the primary monitoring system and the assigned component
identification number of the like-kind replacement analyzer.
When reporting data from a certified regular non-redundant backup
CEMS, use a method of determination code “02”(MODC). When
reporting data from a like-kind replacement non-redundant backup
analyzer, use a MODC of "17" (see Table 4a under Section 1.11 of
this Appendix).
For non-redundant backup mercury CEMS and sorbent trap
monitoring systems, and for like-kind replacement mercury
analyzers, the following provisions apply in addition to, or, in
some cases, in lieu of, the general requirements in subsections
(d)(2)(A) through (H) of this Section:
When a certified sorbent trap monitoring system is brought
into service as a regular non-redundant backup monitoring
system, the system must be operated according to the
procedures in Section 1.3 of this Appendix and Exhibit D
to this Appendix;
When a regular non-redundant backup mercury CEMS or a
like-kind replacement mercury analyzer is brought into
service, a linearity check with elemental mercury standards,
as described in subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section and
Section 6.2 of Exhibit A to this Appendix, and a single-
point system integrity check, as described in Section 2.6 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix, must be performed.
Alternatively, a 3-level system integrity check, as described
in subsection (c)(1)(E) of this Section and subsection (g) of
Section 6.2 in Exhibit A to this Appendix, may be
performed in lieu of these two tests.
The weekly single-point system integrity checks described
in Section 2.6 of Exhibit B to this Appendix are required as
long as a non-redundant backup mercury CEMS or like-
kind replacement mercury analyzer remains in service,
unless the daily calibrations of the mercury analyzer are
done using a NIST-traceable source or other approved
source of oxidized mercury.
Reference method backups. A monitoring system that is operated as a
reference method backup system pursuant to the reference method
requirements of Methods 2, 3A, 30A and 30B in appendix A of 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, need not perform and

pass the certification tests required by subsection (c) of this Section prior
to its use pursuant to this subsection.
Certification/Recertification Procedures for Either Peaking Unit or By-pass
Stack/Duct Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems. The owner or operator of
either a peaking unit or a by-pass stack/duct continuous emission monitoring
system must comply with all the requirements for certification or recertification
according to the procedures specified in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this
Section, except as follows: the owner or operator need only perform one Nine-run
relative accuracy test audit for certification or recertification of a flow monitor
installed on the by-pass stack/duct or on the stack/duct used only by affected
peaking units. The relative accuracy test audit must be performed during normal
operation of the peaking units or the by-pass stack/duct.
Certification/Recertification Procedures for Alternative Monitoring Systems. The
owner or operator of each alternative monitoring system approved by the Agency
as equivalent to or better than a continuous emission monitoring system according
to the criteria in subpart E of 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, must apply for certification to the Agency prior to use of the system
under Subpart B of this Part, and must apply for recertification to the Agency
following a replacement, modification, or change according to the procedures in
subsection (c) of this Section. The owner or operator of an alternative monitoring
system must comply with the notification and application requirements for
certification or recertification according to the procedures specified in subsections
(a) and (b) of this Section.
Section 1.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Requirements
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems. The owner or operator of an affected
unit must operate, calibrate and maintain each continuous mercury emission
monitoring system used to report mercury emission data as follows:
The owner or operator must operate, calibrate and maintain each primary
and redundant backup continuous emission monitoring system according
to the quality assurance and quality control procedures in Exhibit B to this
The owner or operator must ensure that each non-redundant backup
CEMS meets the quality assurance requirements of Section 1.4(d) of this
Appendix for each day and quarter that the system is used to report data.
The owner or operator must perform quality assurance upon a reference
method backup monitoring system according to the requirements of
Method 2 or 3A in appendix A of 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140 (supplemented, as necessary, by guidance from the
Administrator or the Agency), or one of the mercury reference methods in

Section 1.6 of this Appendix, as applicable, instead of the procedures
specified in Exhibit B of this Appendix.
Calibration Gases. The owner or operator must ensure that all calibration gases
used to quality assure the operation of the instrumentation required by this
Appendix must meet the definition in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140.
Section 1.6 Reference Test Methods
The owner or operator must use the following methods, which are found in
appendices A-1 through A-8 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, or have been published by ASTM, to conduct the following tests:
monitoring system tests for certification or recertification of continuous mercury
emission monitoring systems; the emission tests required under Section 1.15(c)
and (d) of this Appendix; and required quality assurance and quality control tests:
Methods 1 or 1A in appendix A-1 to 40 CFR 60 are the reference methods
for selection of sampling site and sample traverses.
Method 2 or its allowable alternatives, as provided in appendix A-1 to 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, except for Methods
2B and 2E, are the reference methods for determination of volumetric
Methods 3, 3A or 3B in appendix A-2 to 40 CFR 60 are the reference
methods for the determination of the dry molecular weight O
and CO
concentrations in the emissions.
Method 4 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR 60 (either the standard procedure
described in Section 8.1 of the method or the moisture approximation
procedure described in Section 8.2 of the method) must be used to correct
pollutant concentrations from a dry basis to a wet basis (or from a wet
basis to a dry basis) and must be used when relative accuracy test audits of
continuous moisture monitoring systems are conducted. For the purpose of
determining the stack gas molecular weight, however, the alternative wet
bulb-dry bulb technique for approximating the stack gas moisture content
described in Section 2.2 of Method 4 may be used in lieu of the
procedures in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 of the method.
ASTM D6784-02, Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized,
Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method) (incorporated by reference
under Section 225.140) is the reference method for determining mercury

Alternatively, Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, may be used, with
these caveats: The procedures for preparation of mercury standards
and sample analysis in Sections through ASTM
D6784-02 (incorporated by reference under Section 225.140) must
be followed instead of the procedures in Sections 7.5.33 and 11.1.3
of Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60, and the QA/QC
procedures in Section 13.4.2 of ASTM D6784-02 (incorporated by
reference under Section 225.140) must be performed instead of the
procedures in Section 9.2.3 of Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40
CFR 60. The tester may also opt to use the sample recovery and
preparation procedures in ASTM D6784-02 (incorporated by
reference under Section 225.140) instead of the Method 29 in
appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60 procedures, as follows: Sections 8.2.8
and of Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60 may be
replaced with Sections through of ASTM D6784-
02 (incorporated by reference under Section 225.140); Sections and of Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60
may be replaced with Sections through of
ASTM D6784-02 (incorporated by reference under Section
225.140); Section 8.3.4 of Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR
60 may be replaced with Section 13.3.4 or 13.3.6 of ASTM
D6784-02 (as appropriate) (incorporated by reference under
Section 225.140); and Section 8.3.5 of Method 29 in appendix A-8
to 40 CFR 60 may be replaced with Section 13.3.5 or 13.3.6 of
ASTM D6784-02 (as appropriate) (incorporated by reference
under Section 225.140).
Whenever ASTM D6784-02 (incorporated by reference under
Section 225.140) or Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140 is used, paired
sampling trains are required. To validate a RATA run or an
emission test run, the relative deviation (RD), calculated according
to Section 11.6 of Exhibit D to this Appendix, must not exceed 10
percent when the average concentration is greater than 1.0 μg/m3.
If the average concentration is less than or equal to 1.0 μg/m3, the
RD must not exceed 20 percent. The RD results are also acceptable
if the absolute difference between the mercury concentrations
measured by the paired trains does not exceed 0.03 μg/m3. If the
RD criterion is met, the run is valid. For each valid run, average
the mercury concentrations measured by the two trains (vapor
phase only).
Two additional reference methods in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60
that may be used to measure mercury concentration are: Method

30A, Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions
from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) and
Method 30B, "Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury
Emissions from Coal-Fired Combustion Sources Using Carbon
Sorbent Traps".
When Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, or ASTM D6784- 02 (incorporated
by reference under Section 225.140) is used for the mercury
emission testing required under Section 1.15(c) and (d) of this
Appendix, locate the reference method test points according to
Section 8.1 of Method 30A, and if mercury stratification testing is
part of the test protocol, follow the procedures in Sections 8.1.3
through of Method 30A.
The owner or operator may use any of the following methods, which are found in
appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, or have
been published by ASTM, as a reference method backup monitoring system to
provide quality-assured monitor data:
Method 3A in appendix A-2 to 40 CFR 60 for determining O
or CO
Method 2 in appendix A-1 to 40 CFR 60, or its allowable alternatives, as
provided in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140, except for Methods 2B and 2E, for determining
volumetric flow. The sample points for reference methods must be located
according to the provisions of Section 6.5.4 of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
ASTM D6784-02, Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized,
Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method) (incorporated by reference
under Section 225.140) for determining mercury concentration;
Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140, for determining mercury concentration;
Method 30A in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60 for determining mercury
concentration; and
Method 30B in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60 for determining mercury
Instrumental EPA Reference Method 3A in appendix A-2 of 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, must be conducted using calibration
gases as defined in Section 5 of Exhibit A to this Appendix. Otherwise,

performance tests must be conducted and data reduced in accordance with the test
methods and procedures of this Part unless the Agency:
Specifies or approves, in specific cases, the use of a reference method with
minor changes in methodology;
Approves the use of an equivalent method; or
Approves shorter sampling times and smaller sample volumes when
necessitated by process variables or other factors.
Section 1.7 Out-of-Control Periods
If an out-of-control period occurs to a monitor or continuous emission monitoring
system, the owner or operator must take corrective action and repeat the tests
applicable to the "out-of-control parameter" as described in Exhibit B to this
For daily calibration error tests, an out-of-control period occurs when the
calibration error of a pollutant concentration monitor exceeds the
applicable specification in Section 2.1.4 of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For quarterly linearity checks, an out-of-control period occurs when the
error in linearity at any of three gas concentrations (low, mid-range and
high) exceeds the applicable specification in Exhibit A to this Appendix.
For relative accuracy test audits, an out-of-control period occurs when the
relative accuracy exceeds the applicable specification in Exhibit A to this
For weekly system integrity checks, an out-of-control period occurs when
the error exceeds the applicable specification in Exhibit A to this
When a monitor or continuous emission monitoring system is out-of-control, any
data recorded by the monitor or monitoring system are not quality-assured and
must not be used in calculating monitor data availabilities pursuant to Section 1.8
to this Appendix.
When a monitor or continuous emission monitoring system is out-of-control, the
owner or operator must take one of the following actions until the monitor or
monitoring system has successfully met the relevant criteria in Exhibits A and B
to this Appendix as demonstrated by subsequent tests:
Use a certified backup monitoring system or a reference method for
measuring and recording emissions from the affected units; or

Adjust the gas discharge paths from the affected units with emissions
normally observed by the out-of-control monitor or monitoring system so
that all exhaust gases are monitored by a certified monitor or monitoring
system meeting the requirements of Exhibits A and B to this Appendix.
Section 1.8
Determination of Monitor Data Availability
Following initial certification of the required CO
, O
, flow monitoring systems,
Hg concentration, or moisture monitoring system(s) at a particular unit or stack
location (i.e., the date and time at which quality-assured data begins to be
recorded by CEMSs at that location), the owner or operator must begin
calculating the percent monitor data availability as described in subsection (a)(1)
of this Section, by means of the automated data acquisition and handling system,
and the percent monitor data availability for each monitored parameter.
Following initial certification, the owner or operator must use Equation 8
to calculate, hourly, percent monitor data availability for each calendar
quarter or 12-month rolling period, as applicable according to the schedule
provided in Section 225.260(b).
Total unit or stack operating hours
for which quality-assured data
was recorded for the appropriate time period
monitor data =
X 100
(Eq. 8)
Total unit or stack operating hours
for the appropriate time period
When calculating percent monitor data availability using Equation 8, the
owner or operator must include all unit operating hours, and all monitor
operating hours for which quality-assured data were recorded by a
certified primary monitor; a certified redundant or non-redundant backup
monitor or a reference method for that unit.
Section 1.9 Determination of Sorbent Trap Monitoring Systems Data Availability
If a primary sorbent trap monitoring system has not been certified by the
applicable compliance date specified under Subpart B of this Part, and if quality-
assured mercury concentration data from a certified backup mercury monitoring
system, reference method or approved alternative monitoring system are
unavailable, the owner or operator must perform quarterly emissions testing in
accordance with Section 225.239 until such time the primary sorbent trap
monitoring system has been certified.

For a certified sorbent trap system, a missing data period will occur in the
following circumstances, unless quality-assured mercury concentration data from
a certified backup mercury CEMS, sorbent trap system, reference method or
approved alternative monitoring system are available:
A gas sample is not extracted from the stack during unit operation (e.g.,
during a monitoring system malfunction or when the system undergoes
maintenance); or
The results of the mercury analysis for the paired sorbent traps are missing
or invalid (as determined using the quality assurance procedures in Exhibit
D to this Appendix). The missing data period begins with the hour in
which the paired sorbent traps for which the mercury analysis is missing
or invalid were put into service. The missing data period ends at the first
hour in which valid mercury concentration data are obtained with another
pair of sorbent traps (i.e., the hour at which this pair of traps was placed in
service), or with a certified backup mercury CEMS, reference method or
approved alternative monitoring system.
Following initial certification of the sorbent trap monitoring system, begin
reporting the percent monitor data availability in accordance with Section 1.8 of
this Appendix.
Section 1.10 Monitoring Plan
The owner or operator of an affected unit must prepare and maintain a mercury
emissions monitoring plan.
Whenever the owner or operator makes a replacement, modification or change in
the certified CEMS, including a change in the automated data acquisition and
handling system or in the flue gas handling system, that affects information
reported in the monitoring plan (e.g., a change to a serial number for a component
of a monitoring system), then the owner or operator must update the monitoring
plan, by the applicable deadline specified in 40 CFR 75.62, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, or elsewhere in this Appendix.
Contents of the Mercury Monitoring Plan. The requirements of subsection (d) of
this Section must be met on and after July 1, 2009. Each monitoring plan must
contain the information in subsection (d)(1) of this Section in electronic format
and the information in subsection (d)(2) of this Section in hardcopy format.
Electronic storage of all monitoring plan information, including the hardcopy
portions, is permissible provided that a paper copy of the entire monitoring plan
can be furnished upon request for audit purposes.
The following information must be retained on site in electronic storage

and furnished to the Agency in hardcopy, upon request for audit purposes.
The facility ORISPL number developed by the Department of
Energy and used in the National Allowance Data Base (or
equivalent facility ID number assigned by USEPA, if the facility
does not have an ORISPL number). Also provide the following
information for each unit and (as applicable) for each common
stack and/or pipe, and each multiple stack and/or pipe involved in
the monitoring plan:
A representation of the exhaust configuration for the units
in the monitoring plan. Provide the ID number of each unit
and assign a unique ID number to each common stack,
common pipe, multiple stack, and/or multiple pipe
associated with the units represented in the monitoring
plan. For common and multiple stacks and/or pipes,
provide the activation date and deactivation date (if
applicable) of each stack and/or pipe;
Identification of the monitoring system locations (e.g., at
the unit-level, on the common stack, at each multiple stack,
etc.). Provide an indicator (flag) if the monitoring location
is at a bypass stack or in the ductwork (breeching);
The stack exit height (ft) above ground level and ground
level elevation above sea level, and the inside cross-
sectional area (ft
) at the flue exit and at the flow
monitoring location (for units with flow monitors, only).
Also use appropriate codes to indicate the materials of
construction and the shapes of the stack or duct cross-
sections at the flue exit and (if applicable) at the flow
monitor location;
The types of fuels fired by each unit. Indicate the start and
(if applicable) end date of combustion for each type of fuel,
and whether the fuel is the primary, secondary, emergency,
or startup fuel;
The types of emission controls that are used to reduce
mercury emissions from each unit. Also provide the
installation date, optimization date, and retirement date (if
applicable) of the emission controls, and indicate whether
the controls are an original installation; and
Maximum hourly heat input capacity of each unit.

For each monitored parameter (i.e., mercury concentration, diluent
concentration, moisture or flow) at each monitoring location,
specify the monitoring methodology for the parameter. If the
unmonitored bypass stack approach is used for a particular
parameter, indicate this by means of an appropriate code. Provide
the activation date/hour, and deactivation date/hour (if applicable)
for each monitoring methodology.
For each required continuous emission monitoring system and each
sorbent trap monitoring system (as defined in Section 225.130),
identify and describe the major monitoring components in the
monitoring system (e.g., gas analyzer, flow monitor, moisture
sensor, DAHS software, etc.). Other important components in the
system (e.g., sample probe, PLC, data logger, etc.) may also be
represented in the monitoring plan, if necessary. Provide the
following specific information about each component and
monitoring system:
For each required monitoring system, assign a unique, 3-
character alphanumeric identification code to the system;
indicate the parameter monitored by the system; designate
the system as a primary, redundant backup, non-redundant
backup, data backup or reference method backup system, as
provided in Section 1.2(d) of this Appendix; and indicate
the system activation date/hour and deactivation date/hour
(as applicable).
For each component of each monitoring system represented
in the monitoring plan, assign a unique, 3-character
alphanumeric identification code to the component;
indicate the manufacturer, model and serial number;
designate the component type; for gas analyzers, indicate
the moisture basis of measurement; indicate the method of
sample acquisition or operation, (e.g., extractive pollutant
concentration monitor or thermal flow monitor); and
indicate the component activation date/hour and
deactivation date/hour (as applicable).
Explicit formulas, using the component and system identification
codes for the primary monitoring system, and containing all
constants and factors required to derive the required emission rates,
heat input rates, etc. from the hourly data recorded by the
monitoring systems. Formulas using the system and component ID
codes for backup monitoring systems are required only if different
formulas for the same parameter are used for the primary and
backup monitoring systems (e.g., if the primary system measures

pollutant concentration on a different moisture basis from the
backup system). Provide the equation number or other appropriate
code for each emissions formula (e.g., use code F-1 if Equation F-1
in Exhibit C to this Appendix is used to calculate SO
emissions). Also identify each emissions formula with a unique
three character alphanumeric code. The formula effective start
date/hour and inactivation date/hour (as applicable) must be
included for each formula.
For each parameter monitored with CEMS, provide the following
Measurement scale;
Maximum potential value (and method of calculation);
Maximum expected value (if applicable) and method of
Span values and full-scale measurement ranges;
Daily calibration units of measure;
Effective date/hour, and (if applicable) inactivation
date/hour of each span value.
If the monitoring system or excepted methodology provides for the
use of a constant, assumed or default value for a parameter under
specific circumstances, then include the following information for
each such value for each parameter:
Identification of the parameter;
Default, maximum, minimum, or constant value, and units
of measure for the value;
Purpose of the value;
Indicator of use, i.e., during controlled hours, uncontrolled
hours or all operating hours;
Type of fuel;
Source of the value;
Value effective date and hour;

Date and hour value is no longer effective (if applicable);
Unless otherwise specified in Section of Exhibit A to this
Appendix, for each unit or common stack on which hardware
CEMS are installed:
Maximum hourly gross load (in MW, rounded to the
nearest MW, or steam load in 1000 lb/hr (i.e., klb/hr),
rounded to the nearest klb/hr, or thermal output in
mmBtu/hr, rounded to the nearest mmBtu/hr), for units that
produce electrical or thermal output;
The upper and lower boundaries of the range of operation
(as defined in Section of Exhibit A to this
Appendix), expressed in megawatts, thousands of lb/hr of
steam, mmBtu/hr of thermal output or ft/sec (as
Except for peaking units, identify the most frequently and
second most frequently used load (or operating) levels (i.e.,
low, mid or high) in accordance with Section of
Exhibit A to this Appendix, expressed in megawatts,
thousands of lb/hr of steam, mmBtu/hr of thermal output or
ft/sec (as applicable);
An indicator of whether the second most frequently used
load (or operating) level is designated as normal in Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix;
The date of the data analysis used to determine the normal
load (or operating) levels and the two most frequently-used
load (or operating) levels (as applicable); and
Activation and deactivation dates and hours, when the
maximum hourly gross load, boundaries of the range of
operation, normal load (or operating) level(s) or two most
frequently-used load (or operating) levels change and are
For each unit for which CEMS are not installed, the maximum
hourly gross load (in MW, rounded to the nearest MW, or steam
load in klb/hr, rounded to the nearest klb/hr or steam load in
mmBtu/hr, rounded to the nearest mmBtu/hr);

For each unit with a flow monitor installed on a rectangular stack
or duct, if a wall effects adjustment factor (WAF) is determined
and applied to the hourly flow rate data:
Stack or duct width at the test location, ft;
Stack or duct depth at the test location, ft;
Wall effects adjustment factor (WAF), to the nearest
Method of determining the WAF;
WAF effective date and hour;
WAF no longer effective date and hour (if applicable);
WAF determination date;
Number of WAF test runs;
Number of Method 1 traverse points in the WAF test;
Number of test ports in the WAF test; and
Number of Method 1 traverse points in the reference flow
Information, including (as applicable): Identification of the test
strategy; protocol for the relative accuracy test audit; other relevant
test information; calibration gas levels (percent of span) for the
calibration error test and linearity check and span; and
apportionment strategies under Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of this
Description of site locations for each monitoring component in the
continuous emission monitoring systems, including schematic
diagrams and engineering drawings specified in 40 CFR
75.53(g)(2)(iv) and (g)(2)(v), incorporated by reference in Section
225.140 and any other documentation that demonstrates each
monitor location meets the appropriate siting criteria.
A data flow diagram denoting the complete information handling
path from output signals of CEMS components to final reports.

For units monitored by a continuous emission monitoring system, a
schematic diagram identifying entire gas handling system from
boiler to stack for all affected units, using identification numbers
for units, monitoring systems and components, and stacks
corresponding to the identification numbers provided in
subsections (c)(1)(A) and C) of this Section. The schematic
diagram must depict stack height and the height of any monitor
locations. Comprehensive and/or separate schematic diagrams
must be used to describe groups of units using a common stack.
For units monitored by a continuous emission monitoring system,
stack and duct engineering diagrams showing the dimensions and
location of fans, turning vanes, air preheaters, monitor
components, probes, reference method sampling ports and other
equipment that affects the monitoring system location,
performance, or quality control checks.
Section 1.11 General Recordkeeping Provisions
The owner or operator must meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of Section
225.290 and of this Section.
Recordkeeping Requirements for Affected Sources. The owner or operator of any
affected source subject to the requirements of this Appendix must maintain for
each affected unit a file of all measurements, data, reports, and other information
required by Subpart B of this Part at the source in a form suitable for inspection
for at least 5 years from the date of each record. The file must contain the
following information:
The data and information required in subsections (b) through (h) of this
Section, beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification
or July 1, 2009;
The supporting data and information used to calculate values required in
subsections (b) through (g) of this Section, excluding the subhourly data
points used to compute hourly averages under Section 1.2(c) of this
Appendix, beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional
certification or July 1, 2009;
The data and information required in Section 1.12 of this Appendix for
specific situations, beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional
certification or July 1, 2009;
The certification test data and information required in Section 1.13 of this
Appendix for tests required under Section 1.4 of this Appendix, beginning

with the date of the first certification test performed, the quality assurance
and quality control data and information required in Section 1.13 of this
Appendix for tests, and the quality assurance/quality control plan required
under Section 1.5 of this Appendix and Exhibit B to this Appendix,
beginning with the date of provisional certification;
The current monitoring plan as specified in Section 1.10 of this Appendix,
beginning with the initial submission to the Agency required by 40 CFR
75.62, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; and
The quality control plan as described in Section 1 of Exhibit B to this
Appendix, beginning with the date of provisional certification.
Operating Parameter Record Provisions. The owner or operator must record for
each hour the following information on unit operating time, heat input rate and
load, separately for each affected unit and also for each group of units utilizing a
common stack and a common monitoring system:
Date and hour;
Unit operating time (rounded up to the nearest fraction of an hour (in
equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one quarter of an
hour, at the option of the owner or operator));
Hourly gross unit load (rounded to nearest MWge), or steam load in 1000
lbs/hr at stated temperatures and pressures, rounded to the nearest 1000
Operating load range corresponding to hourly gross load of 1 to 10, except
for units using a common stack, which may use up to 20 load ranges for
stack gas flow rate, as specified in the monitoring plan;
Hourly heat input rate (mmBtu/hr, rounded to the nearest tenth);
Identification code for formula used for heat input, as provided in Section
1.10 of this Appendix; and
For Mercury CEMS units only, F-factor for heat input calculation.
Diluent Record Provisions. The owner or operator of a unit using a flow monitor
and an O
diluent monitor to determine heat input, in accordance with Equation F-
17 or F-18 of Exhibit C to this Appendix, or a unit that accounts for heat input
using a flow monitor and a CO
diluent monitor (which is used only for heat input
determination and is not used as a CO
pollutant concentration monitor) must
keep the following records for the O
or CO
diluent monitor:

Component-system identification code as provided in Section 1.10 of this
Date and hour;
Hourly average diluent gas (O
or CO
) concentration (in percent, rounded
to the nearest tenth);
Percent monitor data availability for the diluent monitor (recorded to the
nearest tenth of a percent) calculated pursuant to Section 1.8 of this
Appendix; and
Method of determination code for diluent gas (O
or CO
) concentration
data using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this Section.
Missing Data Records. The owner or operator must record the causes of any
missing data periods and the actions taken by the owner or operator to correct
such causes.
Mercury Emission Record Provisions (CEMS). The owner or operator must
record for each hour the information required by this subsection for each affected
unit using mercury CEMS in combination with flow rate, and (in certain cases)
moisture, and diluent gas monitors, to determine mercury concentration and (if
applicable) unit heat input under Subpart B of this Part.
For mercury concentration during unit operation, as measured and
reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor or
other approved method of emissions determination:
Component-system identification code as provided in Section 1.10
of this Appendix;
Date and hour;
Hourly mercury concentration (μg/scm, rounded to the nearest
Method of determination for hourly mercury concentration using
Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this Section; and
The percent monitor data availability (to the nearest tenth of a
percent) calculated pursuant to Section 1.8 of this Appendix.
For flue gas moisture content during unit operation (if required), as
measured and reported from each certified primary monitor certified back-
up monitor or other approved method of emissions determination (except

where a default moisture value is approved under 40 CFR 75.66,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140):
Component-system identification code, as provided in Section 1.10
of this Appendix;
Date and hour;
Hourly average moisture content of flue gas (percent, rounded to
the nearest tenth). If the continuous moisture monitoring system
consists of wet-and dry-basis oxygen analyzers, also record both
the wet- and dry-basis oxygen hourly averages (in percent O
rounded to the nearest tenth);
Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a
percent) for the moisture monitoring system calculated pursuant to
Section 1.8 of this Appendix; and
Method of determination for hourly average moisture percentage
using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this Section.
For diluent gas (O
or CO
) concentration during unit operation (if
required), as measured and reported from each certified primary monitor,
certified back-up monitor or other approved method of emissions
Component-system identification code as provided in Section 1.10
of this Appendix;
Date and hour;
Hourly average diluent gas (O
or CO
) concentration (in percent,
rounded to the nearest tenth);
Method of determination code for diluent gas (O
or CO
concentration data using Codes 1-55 in Table 4a of this Section;
The percent monitor data availability (to the nearest tenth of a
percent) for the O
or CO
monitoring system (if a separate O
monitoring system is used for heat input determination)
calculated pursuant to Section 1.8 of this Appendix.
For stack gas volumetric flow rate during unit operation, as measured and
reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor or
other approved method of emissions determination, record the information

required under 40 CFR 75.57(c)(2)(i) through (vi), incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
For mercury mass emissions during unit operation, as measured and
reported from the certified primary monitoring systems, certified
redundant or non-redundant back-up monitoring systems, or other
approved methods of emissions determination:
Date and hour;
Hourly mercury mass emissions (ounces, rounded to three decimal
Identification code for emissions formula used to derive hourly
mercury mass emissions from mercury concentration, flow rate
and moisture data, as provided in Section 1.10 of this Appendix.
Mercury Emission Record Provisions (Sorbent Trap Systems). The owner or
operator must record for each hour the information required by this subsection,
for each affected unit using sorbent trap monitoring systems in combination with
flow rate, moisture, and (in certain cases) diluent gas monitors, to determine
mercury mass emissions and (if required) unit heat input under this Part.
For mercury concentration during unit operation, as measured and
reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor or
other approved method of emissions determination:
Component-system identification code as provided in Section 1.10
of this Appendix;
Date and hour;
Hourly mercury concentration (μg/dscm, rounded to the nearest
tenth). For a particular pair of sorbent traps, this will be the flow-
proportional average concentration for the data collection period;
Method of determination for hourly average mercury concentration
using Codes 1- 55 in Table 4a of this Section; and
Percent monitor data availability (recorded to the nearest tenth of a
percent) calculated pursuant to Section 1.8 of this Appendix;
For flue gas moisture content during unit operation, as measured and
reported from each certified primary monitor certified back-up monitor, or
other approved method of emissions determination (except where a default
moisture value is approved under 40 CFR 75.66, incorporated by reference

in Section 225.140), record the information required under subsections
(e)(2)(A) through (E) of this Section;
For diluent gas (O
or CO
) concentration during unit operation (if
required for heat input determination), record the information required
under subsections (e)(3)(A) through (E) of this Section.
For stack gas volumetric flow rate during unit operation, as measured and
reported from each certified primary monitor, certified back-up monitor or
other approved method of emissions determination, record the information
required under 40 CFR 75.57(c)(2)(i) through (vi), incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140.
For mercury mass emissions during unit operation, as measured and
reported from the certified primary monitoring systems, certified
redundant or non-redundant back-up monitoring systems or other
approved methods of emissions determination, record the information
required under subsection (e)(5) of this Section.
Record the average flow rate of stack gas through each sorbent trap (in
appropriate units, e.g., liters/min, cc/min, dscm/min).
Record the gas flow meter reading (in dscm, rounded to the nearest
hundredth) at the beginning and end of the collection period and at least
once in each unit operating hour during the collection period.
Calculate and record the ratio of the bias-adjusted stack gas flow rate to
the sample flow rate, as described in Section 11.2 of Exhibit D to this
Table 4a -
Codes for Method of Emissions and Flow Determination Code
Hourly emissions/flow measurement or estimation method
Certified primar emission/flow monitoring system.
Certified backup emission/flow monitoring system.
Approved alternative monitoring system.
Reference method.
Like-ind replacement non-redundant backup analyzer
Hourly HG concentration determined rom analysis of a
Single trap invalidated or damaged (See Exhibit D,
section 8.
Hourly HG concentration determined from the trap
resulting in the higher HG concentration when the
relative deciation criterion for the paired trap is not
met (See Exhibit D, section 8).

Fuel Specific default value (or prorated default value)
used for the hour
Other quality assured methodologies approved through
petition. These hours are included in missing data
lookback and are treated as unavailable hours for
percent monitor availability calculations.
Section 1.12 General Recordkeeping Provisions for Specific Situations
The owner or operator must meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of this
Section. In accordance with 40 CFR 75.34, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, the
owner or operator of an affected unit with add-on emission controls must record the applicable
information in this Section for each hour of missing mercury concentration data. Except as
otherwise provided in 40 CFR 75.34(d), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, for units
with add-on mercury emission controls, the owner or operator must record:
Parametric data that demonstrate, for each hour of missing mercury emission data,
the proper operation of the add-on emission controls, as described in the quality
assurance/quality control program for the unit. The parametric data must be
maintained on site and must be submitted, upon request, to the Agency.
Alternatively, for units equipped with flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, the
owner or operator may use quality-assured data from a certified SO
monitor to
demonstrate proper operation of the emission controls during periods of missing
mercury data;
A flag indicating, for each hour of missing mercury emission data, either that the
add-on emission controls are operating properly, as evidenced by all parameters
being within the ranges specified in the quality assurance/quality control program,
or that the add-on emission controls are not operating properly.
Section 1.13 Certification, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control Record Provisions
The owner or operator must meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of this
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
The owner or operator must record the
applicable information in this Section for each certified monitor or certified
monitoring system (including certified backup monitors) measuring and recording
emissions or flow from an affected unit. Further, the owner or operator must
verify (e.g., by means of a certificate or data from the cylinder gas vendor or
CEMS vendor) that only “calibration gas” (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140 and in Exhibit A to this Appendix)
is used for all required calibration error test, linearity checks, and system integrity

For each flow monitor, mercury monitor or diluent gas monitor (including
wet- and dry-basis O
monitors used to determine percent moisture), the
owner or operator must record the following for all daily and 7-day
calibration error tests, all weekly system integrity checks and all off-line
calibration demonstrations, including any follow-up tests after corrective
Component-system identification code (on and after January 1,
2009, only the component identification code is required);
Instrument span and span scale;
Date and hour;
Reference value (i.e., calibration gas concentration or reference
signal value, in ppm or other appropriate units);
Observed value (monitor response during calibration, in ppm or
other appropriate units);
Percent calibration or measurement error (rounded to the nearest
tenth of a percent) (flag if using alternative performance
specification for low emitters or differential pressure flow
Reference signal or calibration gas level;
For 7-day calibration error tests, a test number and reason for test;
Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance
prior to a passed test or following a failed test; and
Indication of whether the unit is off-line or on-line.
For each flow monitor, the owner or operator must record the following
for all daily interference checks, including any follow-up tests after
corrective action.
Component-system identification code (after January 1, 2009, only
the component identification code is required);
Date and hour;
Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the interference
check; and

Description of any adjustments, corrective actions or maintenance
prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
For each mercury concentration monitor, or diluent gas monitor (including
wet- and dry-basis O
monitors used to determine percent moisture), the
owner or operator must record the following for the initial and all
subsequent linearity checks and 3-level system integrity checks (mercury
monitors with converters, only), including any follow-up tests after
corrective action:
Component-system identification code (on and after July 1, 2009,
only the component identification code is required);
Instrument span and span scale (only span scale is required on and
after July 1, 2009);
Calibration gas level;
Date and time (hour and minute) of each gas injection at each
calibration gas level;
Reference value (i.e., reference gas concentration for each gas
injection at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate
Observed value (monitor response to each reference gas injection
at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate units);
Mean of reference values and mean of measured values at each
calibration gas level;
Linearity error or measurement error at each of the reference gas
concentrations (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent) (flag if using
alternative performance specification);
Test number and reason for test (flag if aborted test); and
Description of any adjustments, corrective action, or maintenance
prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
For each differential pressure type flow monitor, the owner or operator
must record items in subsections (a)(4)(A) through (E) of this Section, for
all quarterly leak checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective
action. For each flow monitor, the owner or operator must record items in
subsections (a)(4)(F) and (G) of this Section for all flow-to-load ratio and
gross heat rate tests:

Component-system identification code (on and after July 1, 2009,
only the system identification code is required).
Date and hour.
Reason for test.
Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the quarterly leak
Description of any adjustments, corrective actions or maintenance
prior to a passed test or following a failed test.
Test data from the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate (GHR)
evaluation, including:
Monitoring system identification code;
Calendar year and quarter;
Indication of whether the test is a flow-to-load ratio or
gross heat rate evaluation;
Indication of whether bias adjusted flow rates were used;
Average absolute percent difference between reference
ratio (or GHR) and hourly ratios (or GHR values);
Test result;
Number of hours used in final quarterly average;
Number of hours exempted for use of a different fuel type;
Number of hours exempted for load ramping up or down;
Number of hours exempted for scrubber bypass;
Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a normal-
load flow RATA;
Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a
successful diagnostic test, following a documented monitor
repair or major component replacement;

Number of hours excluded for flue gases discharging
simultaneously thorough a main stack and a bypass stack;
Test number.
Reference data for the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate
evaluation, including (as applicable):
Reference flow RATA end date and time;
Test number of the reference RATA;
Reference RATA load and load level;
Average reference method flow rate during reference flow
Reference flow/load ratio;
Average reference method diluent gas concentration during
flow RATA and diluent gas units of measure;
Fuel specific F
-or F
-factor during flow RATA and F-
factor units of measure;
Reference gross heat rate value;
Monitoring system identification code;
Average hourly heat input rate during RATA;
Average gross unit load;
Operating load level; and
An indicator (flag) if separate reference ratios are
calculated for each multiple stack.
For each flow monitor, each diluent gas (O
or CO
) monitor used to
determine heat input, each moisture monitoring system, mercury
concentration monitoring system, each sorbent trap monitoring system and
each approved alternative monitoring system the owner or operator must
record the following information for the initial and all subsequent relative
accuracy test audits:

Reference methods used.
Individual test run data from the relative accuracy test audit for the
flow monitor, CO
emissions concentration monitor-diluent
continuous emission monitoring system, diluent gas (O
or CO
monitor used to determine heat input, moisture monitoring system,
mercury concentration monitoring system, sorbent trap monitoring
system or approved alternative monitoring system, including:
Date, hour and minute of beginning of test run;
Date, hour and minute of end of test run;
Monitoring system identification code;
Test number and reason for test;
Operating level (low, mid, high or normal, as appropriate)
and number of operating levels comprising test;
Normal load (or operating level) indicator for flow RATAs
(except for peaking units);
Units of measure;
Run number;
Run value from CEMS being tested, in the appropriate
units of measure;
Run value from reference method, in the appropriate units
of measure;
Flag value (0, 1 or 9, as appropriate) indicating whether run
has been used in calculating relative accuracy and bias
values or whether the test was aborted prior to completion;
Average gross unit load, expressed as a total gross unit
load, rounded to the nearest MWe, or as steam load,
rounded to the nearest 1000 lb/hr; and
Flag to indicate whether an alternative performance
specification has been used.
Calculations and tabulated results, as follows:

Arithmetic mean of the monitoring system measurement
values, of the reference method values and of their
differences, as specified in Equation A–7 in Exhibit A to
this Appendix;
Standard deviation, as specified in Equation A–8 in Exhibit
A to this Appendix;
Confidence coefficient, as specified in Equation A–9 in
Exhibit A to this Appendix;
Statistical t value used in calculations;
Relative accuracy test results, as specified in Equation A–
10 in Exhibit A to this Appendix. For multi-load flow
monitor tests the relative accuracy test results must be
recorded at each load level tested. Each load level must be
expressed as a total gross unit load, rounded to the nearest
MWe, or as steam load, rounded to the nearest 1000 lb/hr;
Description of any adjustment, corrective action or maintenance
prior to a passed test or following a failed or aborted test.
For flow monitors, the equation used to characterize the flow
monitor and the numerical values of the polynomial coefficients or
K factors of that equation.
For moisture monitoring systems, the coefficient or K factor or
other mathematical algorithm used to adjust the monitoring system
with respect to the reference method.
For each mercury concentration monitor, and each CO
or O
used to determine heat input, the owner or operator must record the
following information for the cycle time test:
Component-system identification code (on and after July 1, 2009,
only the component identification code is required);
Start and end times;
Upscale and downscale cycle times for each component;
Stable start monitor value;

Stable end monitor value;
Reference value of calibration gases;
Calibration gas level;
Total cycle time;
Reason for test; and
Test number.
In addition to the information in subsection (a)(5) of this Section, the
owner or operator must record, for each relative accuracy test audit,
supporting information sufficient to substantiate compliance with all
applicable Sections and Appendices in this Part. Unless otherwise
specified in this part or in an applicable test method, the information in
subsections (a)(7)(A) through (H) of this Section may be recorded either
in hard copy format, electronic format or a combination of the two, and
the owner or operator must maintain this information in a format suitable
for inspection and audit purposes. This RATA supporting information
must include, but must not be limited to, the following data elements:
For each RATA using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable
alternatives) in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, to determine volumetric flow rate:
Information indicating whether or not the location meets
requirements of Method 1 in appendix A to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; and
Information indicating whether or not the equipment passed
the required leak checks.
For each run of each RATA using Reference Method 2 (or its
allowable alternatives in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140) to determine volumetric flow
rate, record the following data elements (as applicable to the
measurement method used):
Operating level (low, mid, high or normal, as appropriate);
Number of reference method traverse points;
Average stack gas temperature (°F);

Barometric pressure at test port (inches of mercury);
Stack static pressure (inches of H
Absolute stack gas pressure (inches of mercury);
Percent CO
and O
in the stack gas, dry-basis;
and O
reference method used;
Moisture content of stack gas (percent H
Molecular weight of stack gas, dry-basis (lb/lb-mole);
Molecular weight of stack gas, wet-basis (lb/lb-mole);
Stack diameter (or equivalent diameter) at the test port (ft);
Average square root of velocity head of stack gas (inches of
O) for the run;
Stack or duct cross-sectional area at test port (ft
Average velocity (ft/sec);
Average stack flow rate, adjusted, if applicable, for wall
effects (scfh, wet-basis);
Flow rate reference method used;
xviii) Average velocity, adjusted for wall effects;
Calculated (site-specific) wall effects adjustment factor
determined during the run, and, if different, the wall effects
adjustment factor used in the calculations; and
Default wall effects adjustment factor used.
For each traverse point of each run of each RATA using Reference
Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives in appendix A to 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140) to determine
volumetric flow rate, record the following data elements (as
applicable to the measurement method used):
Reference method probe type;

Pressure measurement device type;
Traverse point ID;
Probe or pitot tube calibration coefficient;
Date of latest probe or pitot tube calibration;
Average velocity differential pressure at traverse point
(inches of H
O) or the average of the square roots of the
velocity differential pressures at the traverse point ((inches
of H
, stack temperature at the traverse point (°F);
Composite (wall effects) traverse point identifier;
Number of points included in composite traverse point;
Yaw angle of flow at traverse point (degrees);
Pitch angle of flow at traverse point (degrees);
Calculated velocity at traverse point both accounting and
not accounting for wall effects (ft/sec); and
Probe identification number.
For each RATA using Reference Method 3A in appendix A to 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, to
determine, CO
, or O
Pollutant or diluent gas being measured;
Span of reference method analyzer;
Type of reference method system (e.g., extractive or
dilution type);
Reference method dilution factor (dilution type systems
Reference gas concentrations (zero, mid, and high gas
levels) used for the 3-point pre-test analyzer calibration
error test (or, for dilution type reference method systems,

for the 3-point pre-test system calibration error test) and for
any subsequent recalibrations;
Analyzer responses to the zero- mid- and high-level
calibration gases during the 3-point pre-test analyzer (or
system) calibration error test and during any subsequent
Analyzer calibration error at each gas level (zero, mid and
high) for the 3-point pre-test analyzer (or system)
calibration error test and for any subsequent recalibrations
(percent of span value);
Upscale gas concentration (mid or high gas level) used for
each pre-run or post-run system bias check or (for dilution
type reference method systems) for each pre-run or post-
run system calibration error check;
Analyzer response to the calibration gas for each pre-run or
post-run system bias (or system calibration error) check;
The arithmetic average of the analyzer responses to the
zero-level gas, for each pair of pre- and post-run system
bias (or system calibration error) checks;
The arithmetic average of the analyzer responses to the
upscale calibration gas for each pair of pre- and post-run
system bias (or system calibration error) checks;
The results of each pre-run and each post-run system bias
(or system calibration error) check using the zero-level gas
(percentage of span value);
The results of each pre-run and each post-run system bias
(or system calibration error) check using the upscale
calibration gas (percentage of span value);
Calibration drift and zero drift of analyzer during each
RATA run (percentage of span value);
Moisture basis of the reference method analysis;
Moisture content of stack gas, in percent, during each test
run (if needed to convert to moisture basis of CEMS being

xvii) Unadjusted (raw) average pollutant or diluent gas
concentration for each run;
xviii) Average pollutant or diluent gas concentration for each run,
corrected for calibration bias (or calibration error) and, if
applicable, corrected for moisture;
The F-factor used to convert reference method data to units
of lb/mmBtu (if applicable);
Date(sof the latest analyzer interference tests;
Results of the latest analyzer interference tests; and
xxii) For each calibration gas cylinder used during each RATA,
record the cylinder gas vendor, cylinder number, expiration
date, pollutants in the cylinder, and certified gas
For each test run of each moisture determination using Method 4 in
appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, (or its allowable alternatives), whether the determination
is made to support a gas RATA to support a flow RATA,or to
quality assure the data from a continuous moisture monitoring
system, record the following data elements (as applicable to the
moisture measurement method used):
Test number;
Run number;
The beginning date, hour and minute of the run;
The ending date, hour and minute of the run;
Unit operating level (low, mid, high or normal, as
Moisture measurement method;
Volume of H
O collected in the impingers (ml);
Mass of H
O collected in the silica gel (g);
Dry gas meter calibration factor;

Average dry gas meter temperature (°F);
Barometric pressure (inches of mercury);
Differential pressure across the orifice meter (inches of
Initial and final dry gas meter readings (ft
Total sample gas volume, corrected to standard conditions
(dscf); and
Percentage of moisture in the stack gas (percent H
The raw data and calculated results for any stratification tests
performed in accordance with Sections through of
Exhibit A to this Appendix.
For each RATA run using the Ontario Hydro Method to determine
mercury concentration:
Percent CO
and O
in the stack gas, dry-basis;
Moisture content of the stack gas (percent H
Average stack temperature (°F);
Dry gas volume metered (dscm);
Percent isokinetic;
Particle-bound mercury collected by the filter, blank and
probe rinse (μg);
Oxidized mercury collected by the KCl impingers (μg);
Elemental mercury collected in the HNO
and in the KMnO
impingers (μg);
Total mercury, including particle-bound mercury (μg); and
Total mercury, excluding particle-bound mercury (μg)
All appropriate data elements for Methods 30A and 30B.

For a unit with a flow monitor installed on a rectangular stack or
duct, if a site-specific default or measured wall effects adjustment
factor (WAF) is used to correct the stack gas volumetric flow rate
data to account for velocity decay near the stack or duct wall, the
owner or operator must keep records of the following for each flow
RATA performed with EPA Method 2 in appendices A–1 and A–2
to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140,
subsequent to the WAF determination:
Monitoring system ID;
Test number;
Operating level;
RATA end date and time;
Number of Method 1 traverse points; and
Wall effects adjustment factor (WAF), to the nearest
For each RATA run using Method 29 in appendix A–8 to 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, to determine
mercury concentration:
Percent CO
and O
in the stack gas, dry-basis;
Moisture content of the stack gas (percent H
Average stack gas temperature (°F);
Dry gas volume metered (dscm);
Percent isokinetic;
Particulate mercury collected in the front half of the
sampling train, corrected for the front-half blank value
(μgm); and
Total vapor phase mercury collected in the back half of the
sampling train, corrected for the back-half blank value
For each certified continuous emission monitoring system, excepted
monitoring system, or alternative monitoring system, the date and

description of each event that requires certification, recertification, or
certain diagnostic testing of the system and the date and type of each test
performed. If the conditional data validation procedures of Section
1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are to be used to validate and report data prior
to the completion of the required certification, recertification or diagnostic
testing, the date and hour of the probationary calibration error test must be
reported to mark the beginning of conditional data validation.
Hardcopy relative accuracy test reports, certification reports,
recertification reports or semiannual or annual reports for gas or flow rate
CEMS, mercury CEMS, or sorbent trap monitoring systems are required
or requested under 40 CFR 75.60(b)(6) or 75.63, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, the reports must include, at a minimum, the
following elements (as applicable to the types of tests performed:
Summarized test results.
DAHS printouts of the CEMS data generated during the calibration
error, linearity, cycle time and relative accuracy tests.
For pollutant concentration monitor or diluent monitor relative
accuracy tests at normal operating load:
The raw reference method data from each run, i.e., the data
under subsections (a)(7)(D)(xvii) of this Section (usually in
the form of a computerized printout, showing a series of
one-minute readings and the run average);
The raw data and results for all required pre-test, post-test,
pre-run and post-run quality assurance checks (i.e.,
calibration gas injections) of the reference method
analyzers, i.e., the data under subsections (a)(7)(D)(v)
through (xiv) of this Section;
The raw data and results for any moisture measurements
made during the relative accuracy testing, i.e., the data
under subsections (a)(7)(E)(i) through(xv) of this Section;
Tabulated, final, corrected reference method run data (i.e.,
the actual values used in the relative accuracy calculations),
along with the equations used to convert the raw data to the
final values and example calculations to demonstrate how
the test data were reduced.
For relative accuracy tests for flow monitors:

The raw flow rate reference method data, from Reference
Method 2 (or its allowable alternatives) under appendix A
to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, including auxiliary moisture data (often in the
form of handwritten data sheets), i.e., the data under
subsections (a)(7)(B)(i) through )(xx), subsections
(a)(7)(C)(i) through ( (xiii), and, if applicable, subsections
(a)(7)(E)(i) through (xv) of this Section; and
The tabulated, final volumetric flow rate values used in the
relative accuracy calculations (determined from the flow
rate reference method data and other necessary
measurements, such as moisture, stack temperature and
pressure), along with the equations used to convert the raw
data to the final values and example calculations to
demonstrate how the test data were reduced.
Calibration gas certificates for the gases used in the linearity,
calibration error and cycle time tests and for the calibration gases
used to quality assure the gas monitor reference method data
during the relative accuracy test audit.
Laboratory calibrations of the source sampling equipment. For
sorbent trap monitoring systems, the laboratory analyses of all
sorbent traps and information documenting the results of all leak
checks and other applicable quality control procedures.
A copy of the test protocol used for the CEMS certifications or
recertifications, including narrative that explains any testing
abnormalities, problematic sampling, and analytical conditions that
required a change to the test protocol, and/or solutions to technical
problems encountered during the testing program.
Diagrams illustrating test locations and sample point locations (to
verify that locations are consistent with information in the
monitoring plan). Include a discussion of any special traversing or
measurement scheme. The discussion must also confirm that
sample points satisfy applicable acceptance criteria.
Names of key personnel involved in the test program, including
test team members, plant contacts, agency representatives and test
observers on site.

Whenever reference methods are used as backup monitoring systems
pursuant to Section 1.4(d)(3) of this Appendix, the owner or operator must
record the following information:
For each test run using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable
alternatives in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference
in Section 225.140) to determine volumetric flow rate, record the
following data elements (as applicable to the measurement method
Unit or stack identification number;
Reference method system and component identification
Run date and hour;
The data in subsection (a)(7)(B) of this Section, except for
subsections (a)(7)(B)(i), (vi), (viii), (xii) and (xvii) through
(xx); and
The data in subsection (a)(7)(C), except on a run basis.
For each reference method test run using Method 3A in appendix
A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, to
determine CO
, or O
Unit or stack identification number;
The reference method system and component identification
Run number;
Run start date and hour;
Run end date and hour;
The data in subsections (a)(7)(D)(ii) through (ix) and (xii)
through (xv); and (vii) Stack gas density adjustment factor
(if applicable).
For each hour of each reference method test run using Method 3A
in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, to determine CO
, or O

Unit or stack identification number;
The reference method system and component identification
Run number;
Run date and hour;
Pollutant or diluent gas being measured;
Unadjusted (raw) average pollutant or diluent gas
concentration for the hour; and
Average pollutant or diluent gas concentration for the hour,
adjusted as appropriate for moisture, calibration bias (or
calibration error) and stack gas density.
For each other quality-assurance test or other quality assurance activity,
the owner or operator must record the following (as applicable):
Component/system identification code;
Test or activity completion date and hour;
Test or activity description;
Test result;
Reason for test; and
Test code.
For each request for a quality assurance test extension or exemption, for
any loss of exempt status, and for each single-load flow RATA claim
pursuant to Section of Exhibit B to this Appendix, the owner
or operator must record the following (as applicable):
For a RATA deadline extension or exemption request:
Monitoring system identification code;
Date of last RATA;

RATA expiration date without extension;
RATA expiration date with extension;
Type of RATA extension of exemption claimed or lost;
Year to date hours of non-redundant back-up CEMS usage
at the unit/stack; and
Quarter and year.
For a linearity test or flow-to-load ratio test quarterly exemption:
Component-system identification code;
Type of test;
Basis for exemption;
Quarter and year; and
Span scale.
For a single-load flow RATA claim:
Monitoring system identification code;
Ending date of last annual flow RATA;
The relative frequency (percentage) of unit or stack
operation at each load level (low, mid and high) since the
previous annual flow RATA, to the nearest 0.1 percent;
End date of the historical load data collection period; and
Indication of the load level (low, mid or high) claimed for
the single-load flow RATA.
For the sorbent traps used in sorbent trap monitoring systems to quantify
mercury concentration under Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this Appendix
(including sorbent traps used for relative accuracy testing), the owner or
operator must keep records of the following:
The ID number of the monitoring system in which each sorbent
trap was used to collect mercury;

The unique identification number of each sorbent trap;
The beginning and ending dates and hours of the data collection
period for each sorbent trap;
The average mercury concentration (in μgm/dscm) for the data
collection period;
Information documenting the results of the required leak checks;
The analysis of the mercury collected by each sorbent trap; and
Information documenting the results of the other applicable quality
control procedures in Section 1.3 of this Appendix and in Exhibits
B and D to this Appendix.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 1.12(a) of this Appendix, for units with
add-on mercury emission controls, the owner or operator must keep the following
records on-site in the quality assurance/quality control plan required by Section 1
of Exhibit B to this Appendix:
A list of operating parameters for the add-on emission controls, including
parameters in Section 1.12 of this Appendix, appropriate to the particular
installation of add-on emission controls; and
The range of each operating parameter in the list that indicates the add-on
emission controls are properly operating.
Excepted Monitoring for Mercury Low Mass Emission units under Section
1.15(b) of this Appendix. For qualifying coal-fired units using the alternative low
mass emission methodology under Section 1.15(b), the owner or operator must
record the data elements described in Section 1.13(a)(7)(G), Section 1.13(a)(7)(H)
or Section 1.13(a)(7)(J) of this Appendix, as applicable, for each run of each
mercury emission test and re-test required under Section 1.15(c)(1) or Section
1.15(d)(4)(C) of this Appendix.
DAHS Verification
For each DAHS (formula) verification that is required for
initial certification, recertification or for certain diagnostic testing of a monitoring
system, record the date and hour that the DAHS verification is successfully
completed. (This requirement only applies to units that report monitoring plan
data in accordance with Section 1.10(d) of this Appendix.)
Section 1.14 General Provisions
Applicability. The owner or operator of a unit must comply with the requirements
of this Appendix to the extent that compliance is required by this Part. For

purposes of this Appendix, the term "affected unit" means any coal-fired unit (as
defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference) that is subject to this Part. The
term "non-affected unit" means any unit that is not subject to this Part, the term
"permitting authority" means the Agency.
Compliance Dates. The owner or operator of an affected unit must meet the
compliance deadlines established by Subpart B of this Part.
No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under
Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix will use any alternative monitoring
system, alternative reference method, or any other alternative for the
required continuous emission monitoring system without having obtained
prior written approval in accordance with subsection (f) of this Section.
No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under
Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix will operate the unit so as to
discharge, or allow to be discharged, emissions of mercury to the
atmosphere without accounting for such emissions in accordance with the
applicable provisions of this Appendix.
No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under
Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix will disrupt the continuous
emission monitoring system, any portion of thesystem, or any other
approved emission monitoring method, and thereby avoid monitoring and
recording mercury mass emissions discharged into the atmosphere, except
for periods of recertification or periods when calibration, quality assurance
testing or maintenance is performed in accordance with the provisions of
this Appendix applicable to monitoring systems under Section 1.15 of this
No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under
Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) will retire or permanently discontinue use of the
continuous emission monitoring system, any component of the system, or
any other approved emission monitoring system under this Appendix,
except under any one of the following circumstances:
During the period that the unit is covered by a retired unit
exemption that is in effect under this Part; or
The owner or operator is monitoring mercury mass emissions from
the affected unit with another certified monitoring system
approved, in accordance with the provisions of Section 250 of this
Part; or

The owner or operator submits notification of the date of
certification testing of a replacement monitoring system in
accordance with Part 225.240(d).
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Requirements. For units that use
continuous emission monitoring systems to account for mercury mass emissions,
the owner or operator must meet the applicable quality assurance and quality
control requirements in Section 1.5 and Exhibit B to this Appendix for the flow
monitoring systems, mercury concentration monitoring systems, moisture
monitoring systems and diluent monitors required under Section 1.15 of this
Appendix. Units using sorbent trap monitoring systems must meet the applicable
quality assurance requirements in Section 1.3 of this Appendix, Exhibit D to this
Appendix, and Sections 1.3 and 2.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
Reporting Data Prior to Initial Certification. If, by the applicable compliance date
under this Part, the owner or operator of an affected unit has not successfully
completed all required certification tests for any monitoring systems, he or she
must determine, record, and report data prior to initial certification in accordance
with Section 239 of this Part.
The owner or operator of an affected unit that is also subject to the Acid
Rain Program may submit a petition to the Agency requesting an
alternative to any requirement of Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this
Appendix. Such a petition must meet the requirements of 40 CFR 75.66,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and any additional
requirements established by Subpart B of this Part. Use of an alternative to
any requirement of Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this Appendix is in
accordance with Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this Appendix and with
Subpart B of this Part only to the extent that the petition is approved in
writing by the Agency.
Notwithstanding subsection (f)(1) of this Section, petitions requesting an
alternative to a requirement concerning any additional CEMS required
solely to meet the common stack provisions of Section 1.16 of this
Appendix must be submitted to the Agency and will be governed by
paragraph (f)(3) of this Section. Such a petition must meet the
requirements of 40 CFR 75.66, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, and any additional requirements established by Subpart B of this
The owner or operator of an affected unit that is not subject to the Acid
Rain Program may submit a petition to the Agency requesting an
alternative to any requirement of Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this
Appendix. Such a petition must meet the requirements of 40 CFR 75.66,

incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and any additional
requirements established by Subpart B of this Part. Use of an alternative to
any requirement of Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this Appendix is in
accordance with Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of this Appendix only to the
extent that it is approved in writing by the Agency.
Section 1.15 Monitoring of Mercury Mass Emissions and Heat Input at the Unit Level
The owner or operator of the affected coal-fired unit must:
Meet the general operating requirements in Section 1.2 of this Appendix for the
following continuous emission monitors (except as provided in accordance with
subpart E of 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140):
A mercury concentration monitoring system (consisting of a mercury
pollutant concentration monitor and an automated DAHS, which provides
a permanent, continuous record of mercury emissions in units of
micrograms per standard cubic meter (μg/scm)) or a sorbent trap
monitoring system to measure the mass concentration of total vapor phase
mercury in the flue gas, including the elemental and oxidized forms of
mercury, in micrograms per standard cubic meter (μg/scm);
A flow monitoring system;
A continuous moisture monitoring system (if correction of mercury
concentration for moisture is required), as described in 40 CFR 75.11(b),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. Alternatively, the owner or
operator may use the appropriate fuel-specific default moisture value
provided in 40 CFR 75.11, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140,
or a site-specific moisture value approved by petition under 40 CFR 75.66,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; and
If heat input is required to be reported under this Part, the owner or
operator must meet the general operating requirements for a flow
monitoring system and an O
or CO
monitoring system to measure heat
input rate.
For an affected unit that emits 464 ounces (29 lb) of mercury per year or less, use
the following excepted monitoring methodology. To implement this methodology
for a qualifying unit, the owner or operator must meet the general operating
requirements in Section 1.2 of this Appendix for the continuous emission
monitors described in subsections (a)(2) and (a)(4) of this Section, and perform
mercury emission testing for initial certification and on-going quality-assurance,
as described in subsections (c) through (e) of this Section.
To determine whether an affected unit is eligible to use the monitoring provisions

in subsection (b) of this Section:
The owner or operator must perform mercury emission testing within 18
months before the compliance date in Section 1.14(b) of this Appendix to
determine the mercury concentration (i.e., total vapor phase mercury) in
the effluent.
The testing must be performed using one of the mercury reference
methods listed in Section 1.6(a)(5) of this Appendix, and must
consist of a minimum of 3 runs at the normal unit operating load,
while combusting coal. The coal combusted during the testing
must be representative of the coal that will be combusted at the
start of the mercury mass emissions reduction program (preferably
from the same sources of supply).
The minimum time per run must be 1 hour if Method 30A is used.
If either Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated
by reference, ASTM D6784-02 (the Ontario Hydro method)
(incorporated by reference under Section 225.140) or Method 30B
is used, paired samples are required for each test run and the runs
must be long enough to ensure that sufficient mercury is collected
to analyze. When Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference, or the Ontario Hydro method is used,
the test results must be based on the vapor phase mercury collected
in the back-half of the sampling trains (i.e., the non-filterable
impinger catches). For each Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference, Method 30B or Ontario Hydro
method test run, the paired trains must meet the relative deviation
(RD) requirement specified in Section 1.6(a)(5) of this Appendix
or Method 30B, as applicable. If the RD specification is met, the
results of the two samples must be averaged arithmetically.
If the unit is equipped with flue gas desulfurization or add-on
mercury emission controls, the controls must be operating
normally during the testing, and, for the purpose of establishing
proper operation of the controls, the owner or operator must record
parametric data or SO
concentration data in accordance with
Section 1.12(a) of this Appendix.
If two or more of units of the same type qualify as a group of
identical units in accordance with 40 CFR 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(B),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, the owner or
operator may test a subset of these units in lieu of testing each unit
individually. If this option is selected, the number of units required
to be tested must be determined from Table LM-4 in 40 CFR
75.19, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. For the

purposes of the required retests under subsection (d)(4) of this
Section, it is strongly recommended that (to the extent practicable)
the same subset of the units not be tested in two successive retests,
and that every effort be made to ensure that each unit in the group
of identical units is tested in a timely manner.
Based on the results of the emission testing, Equation 1 of this
Section must be used to provide a conservative estimate of the
annual mercury mass emissions from the unit:
(Equation 1)
E = Estimated annual mercury mass emissions from the affected
unit, (ounces/year)
K = Units conversion constant, 9.978 x 10
N =
Either 8,760 (the number of hours in a year) or the
maximum number of operating hours per year (if less than
8,760) allowed by the unit's Federally-enforceable
operating permit.
= The highest mercury concentration (μg/scm) from any of
the test runs or 0.50 μg/scm, whichever is greater
= Maximum potential flow rate, determined according to
Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix, (scfh)
Equation 1 of this Section assumes that the unit operates at its
maximum potential flow rate, either year-round or for the
maximum number of hours allowed by the operating permit (if unit
operation is restricted to less than 8,760 hours per year). If the
permit restricts the annual unit heat input but not the number of
annual unit operating hours, the owner or operator may divide the
allowable annual heat input (mmBtu) by the design rated heat input
capacity of the unit (mmBtu/hr) to determine the value of "N" in
Equation 1. Also, note that if the highest mercury concentration
measured in any test run is less than 0.50 μg/scm, a default value
of 0.50
/scm must be used in the calculations.
If the estimated annual mercury mass emissions from subsection (c)(2) of
this Section are 464 ounces per year or less, then the unit is eligible to use
the monitoring provisions in paragraph (b) of this Section, and continuous
monitoring of the mercury concentration is not required (except as

otherwise provided in subsections (e) and (f) of this Section).
If the owner or operator of an eligible unit under subsection (c)(3) of this Section
elects not to continuously monitor mercury concentration, then the following
requirements must be met:
The results of the mercury emission testing performed under subsection
(c) of this Section must be submitted as a certification application to the
permitting authority, no later than 45 days after the testing is completed.
The calculations demonstrating that the unit emits 464 ounces (or less) per
year of mercury must also be provided, and the default mercury
concentration that will be used for reporting under Section 1.18 of this
Appendix must be specified in the hard copy portions of the monitoring
plan for the unit. The methodology is considered to be provisionally
certified as of the date and hour of completion of the mercury emission
Following initial certification, the same default mercury concentration
value that was used to estimate the unit's annual mercury mass emissions
under subsection (c) of this Section must be reported for each unit
operating hour, except as otherwise provided in subsection (d)(4)(D) or
(d)(6) of this Section. The default mercury concentration value must be
updated as appropriate, according to subsection (d)(5) of this Section.
The hourly mercury mass emissions must be calculated according to
Section 4.1.3 in Exhibit C to this Appendix.
The mercury emission testing described in subsection (c) of this Section
must be repeated periodically, for the purposes of quality-assurance, as
If the results of the certification testing under subsection (c) of this
Section show that the unit emits 144 ounces (9 lb) of mercury per
year or less, the first retest is required by the end of the fourth QA
operating quarter (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by
reference) following the calendar quarter of the certification
testing; or
If the results of the certification testing under subsection (c) of this
Section show that the unit emits more than 144 ounces of mercury
per year, but less than or equal to 464 ounces per year, the first
retest is required by the end of the second QA operating quarter (as
defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference) following the
calendar quarter of the certification testing; and
Thereafter, retesting will be required either semiannually or

annually (i.e., by the end of the second or fourth QA operating
quarter following the quarter of the previous test), depending on
the results of the previous test. To determine whether the next
retest is due within two or four QA operating quarters, substitute
the highest mercury concentration from the current test or 0.50
/scm (whichever is greater) into the equation in subsection (c)(2)
of this Section. If the estimated annual mercury mass emissions
exceeds 144 ounces, the next test is due within two QA operating
quarters. If the estimated annual mercury mass emissions is 144
ounces or less, the next test is due within four QA operating
An additional retest is required when there is a change in the coal
rank of the primary fuel (e.g., when the primary fuel is switched
from bituminous coal to lignite). Use ASTM D388-99
(incorporated by reference under Section 225.140) to determine the
coal rank. The four principal coal ranks are anthracitic, bituminous,
subbituminous and lignitic. The ranks of anthracite coal refuse
(culm) and bituminous coal refuse (gob) must be anthracitic and
bituminous, respectively. The retest must be performed within 720
unit operating hours of the change.
The default mercury concentration used for reporting under Section 1.18
of this Appendix must be updated after each required retest. This includes
retests that are required prior to the compliance date in Section 1.14(b) of
this Appendix. The updated value must either be the highest mercury
concentration measured in any of the test runs or 0.50 μg/scm, whichever
is greater. The updated value must be applied beginning with the first unit
operating hour in which mercury emissions data are required to be
reported after completion of the retest, except as provided in subsection
(d)(4)(D) of this Section, where the need to retest is triggered by a change
in the coal rank of the primary fuel. In that case, apply the updated default
mercury concentration beginning with the first unit operating hour in
which mercury emissions are required to be reported after the date and
hour of the fuel switch.
If the unit is equipped with a flue gas desulfurization system or add-on
mercury controls, the owner or operator must record the information
required under Section 1.12 of this Appendix for each unit operating hour,
to document proper operation of the emission controls.
For units with common stack and multiple stack exhaust configurations, the use of
the monitoring methodology described in subsections (b) through (d) of this
Section is restricted as follows:
The methodology may not be used for reporting mercury mass emissions

at a common stack unless all of the units using the common stack are
affected units and the units' combined potential to emit does not exceed
464 ounces of mercury per year times the number of units sharing the
stack, in accordance with subsections (c) and (d) of this Section. If the test
results demonstrate that the units sharing the common stack qualify as low
mass emitters, the default mercury concentration used for reporting
mercury mass emissions at the common stack must either be the highest
value obtained in any test run or 0.50
/scm, whichever is greater.
The initial emission testing required under subsection (c) of this
Section may be performed at the common stack if the following
conditions are met. Otherwise, testing of the individual units (or a
subset of the units, if identical, as described in subsection (c)(1)(D)
of this Section) is required:
The testing must be done at a combined load corresponding
to the designated normal load level (low, mid or high) for
the units sharing the common stack, in accordance with
Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix;
All of the units that share the stack must be operating in a
normal, stable manner and at typical load levels during the
emission testing. The coal combusted in each unit during
the testing must be representative of the coal that will be
combusted in that unit at the start of the mercury mass
emission reduction program (preferably from the same
sources of supply);
If flue gas desulfurization and/or add-on mercury emission
controls are used to reduce the level of the emissions
exiting from the common stack, these emission controls
must be operating normally during the emission testing
and, for the purpose of establishing proper operation of the
controls, the owner or operator must record parametric data
or SO
concentration data in accordance with Section
1.12(a) of this Appendix;
When calculating E, the estimated maximum potential
annual mercury mass emissions from the stack, substitute
the maximum potential flow rate through the common stack
(as defined in the monitoring plan) and the highest
concentration from any test run (or 0.50
/scm, if greater)
into Equation 1;
The calculated value of E must be divided by the number of
units sharing the stack. If the result, when rounded to the

nearest ounce, does not exceed 464 ounces, the units
qualify to use the low mass emission methodology; and
If the units qualify to use the methodology, the default
mercury concentration used for reporting at the common
stack must be the highest value obtained in any test run or
/scm, whichever is greater; or
The retests required under subsection (d)(4) of this Section may
also be done at the common stack. If this testing option is chosen,
the testing must be done at a combined load corresponding to the
designated normal load level (low, mid, or high) for the units
sharing the common stack, in accordance with Section of
Exhibit A to this Appendix. Provided that the required load level is
attained and that all of the units sharing the stack are fed from the
same on-site coal supply during normal operation, it is not
necessary for all of the units sharing the stack to be in operation
during a retest. However, if two or more of the units that share the
stack are fed from different on-site coal supplies (e.g., one unit
burns low-sulfur coal for compliance and the other combusts
higher-sulfur coal), then either:
Perform the retest with all units in normal operation; or
If this is not possible, due to circumstances beyond the
control of the owner or operator (e.g., a forced unit outage),
perform the retest with the available units operating and
assess the test results as follows. Use the mercury
concentration obtained in the retest for reporting purposes
under this Part if the concentration is greater than or equal
to the value obtained in the most recent test. If the retested
value is lower than the mercury concentration from the
previous test, continue using the higher value from the
previous test for reporting purposes and use that same
higher mercury concentration value in Equation 1 to
determine the due date for the next retest, as described in
subsection (e)(1)(C) of this Section.
If testing is done at the common stack, the due date for the next
scheduled retest must be determined as follows:
Substitute the maximum potential flow rate for the common
stack (as defined in the monitoring plan) and the highest
mercury concentration from any test run (or 0.50
/scm, if
greater) into Equation 1; and

If the value of E obtained from Equation 1, rounded to the
nearest ounce, is greater than 144 times the number of units
sharing the common stack, but less than or equal to 464
times the number of units sharing the stack, the next retest
is due in two QA operating quarters; or
If the value of E obtained from Equation 1, rounded to the
nearest ounce, is less than or equal to 144 times the number
of units sharing the common stack, the next retest is due in
four QA operating quarters.
For units with multiple stack or duct configurations, mercury emission
testing must be performed separately on each stack or duct, and the sum of
the estimated annual mercury mass emissions from the stacks or ducts
must not exceed 464 ounces of mercury per year. For reporting purposes,
the default mercury concentration used for each stack or duct must either
be the highest value obtained in any test run for that stack or 0.50
whichever is greater.
For units with a main stack and bypass stack configuration, mercury
emission testing must be performed only on the main stack. For reporting
purposes, the default mercury concentration used for the main stack must
either be the highest value obtained in any test run for that stack or 0.50
/scm, whichever is greater. Whenever the main stack is bypassed, the
maximum potential mercury concentration, as defined in Section 2.1.3 of
Exhibit A to this Appendix, must be reported.
At the end of each calendar year, if the cumulative annual mercury mass
emissions from an affected unit have exceeded 464 ounces, then the owner must
install, certify, operate and maintain a mercury concentration monitoring system
or a sorbent trap monitoring system no later than 180 days after the end of the
calendar year in which the annual mercury mass emissions exceeded 464 ounces.
For common stack and multiple stack configurations, installation and certification
of a mercury concentration or sorbent trap monitoring system on each stack
(except for bypass stacks) is likewise required within 180 days after the end of the
calendar year, if:
The annual mercury mass emissions at the common stack have exceeded
464 ounces times the number of affected units using the common stack; or
The sum of the annual mercury mass emissions from all of the multiple
stacks or ducts has exceeded 464 ounces; or
The sum of the annual mercury mass emissions from the main and bypass
stacks has exceeded 464 ounces.

For an affected unit that is using a mercury concentration CEMS or a sorbent trap
system under Section 1.15(a) of this Appendix to continuously monitor the
mercury mass emissions, the owner or operator may switch to the methodology in
Section 1.15(b) of this Appendix, provided that the applicable conditions in
subsections (c) through (f) of this Section are met.
Section 1.16 Monitoring of Mercury Mass Emissions and Heat Input at Common and
Multiple Stacks
Unit Utilizing Common Stack with Other Affected Units. When an affected unit
utilizes a common stack with one or more affected units, but no non-affected
units, the owner or operator must either:
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems described in
Section 1.15(a) of this Appendix at the common stack, record the
combined mercury mass emissions for the units exhausting to the common
stack. Alternatively, if, in accordance with Section 1.15(e) of this
Appendix, each of the units using the common stack is demonstrated to
emit less than 464 ounces of mercury per year, the owner or operator may
install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems and perform
the mercury emission testing described under Section 1.15(b) of this
Appendix. If reporting of the unit heat input rate is required, determine the
hourly unit heat input rates either by:
Apportioning the common stack heat input rate to the individual
units according to the procedures in 40 CFR 75.16(e)(3),
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; or
Installing, certifying, operating and maintaining a flow monitoring
system and diluent monitor in the duct to the common stack from
each unit; or
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems and (if
applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in Section
1.15(a) or Section 1.15(b) of this Appendix in the duct to the common
stack from each unit.
Unit utilizing Common Stack with Nonaffected Unit. When one or more affected
units utilizes a common stack with one or more nonaffected units, the owner or
operator must either:
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems and (if
applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in Section
1.15(a) or Section 1.15(b) of this Appendix in the duct to the common
stack from each affected unit; or

Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems described in
Section 1.15(a) of this Appendix in the common stack; and
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems and (if
applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in
Section 1.15(a) or (b) of this Appendix in the duct to the common
stack from each non-affected unit. The owner or operator must
submit a petition to the Agency to allow a method of calculating
and reporting the mercury mass emissions from the affected units
as the difference between mercury mass emissions measured in the
common stack and mercury mass emissions measured in the ducts
of the non-affected units, not to be reported as an hourly value less
than zero. The Agency may approve such a method whenever the
owner or operator demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Agency,
that the method ensures that the mercury mass emissions from the
affected units are not underestimated; or
Count the combined emissions measured at the common stack as
the mercury mass emissions for the affected units, for
recordkeeping and compliance purposes, in accordance with
subsection (a) of this Section; or
Submit a petition to the Agency to allow use of a method for
apportioning mercury mass emissions measured in the common
stack to each of the units using the common stack and for reporting
the mercury mass emissions. The Agency may approve such a
method whenever the owner or operator demonstrates, to the
satisfaction of the Agency, that the method ensures that the
mercury mass emissions from the affected units are not
If the monitoring option in subsection (b)(2) of this Section is selected,
and if heat input is required to be reported under this Part, the owner or
operator must either:
Apportion the common stack heat input rate to the individual units
according to the procedures in 40 CFR 75.16(e)(3), incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140; or
Install a flow monitoring system and a diluent gas (O
or CO
monitoring system in the duct leading from each affected unit to
the common stack, and measure the heat input rate in each duct,
according to Section 2.2 of Exhibit C to this Appendix.
Unit With a Main Stack and a Bypass Stack. Whenever any portion of the flue
gases from an affected unit can be routed through a bypass stack to avoid the

mercury monitoring systems installed on the main stack, the owner and operator
must either:
Install, certify, operate, and maintain the monitoring systems described in
Section 1.15(a) of this Appendix on both the main stack and the bypass
stack and calculate mercury mass emissions for the unit as the sum of the
mercury mass emissions measured at the two stacks;
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems described in
Section 1.15(a) of this Appendix at the main stack and measure mercury
mass emissions at the bypass stack using the appropriate reference
methods in Section 1.6(b) of this Appendix. Calculate mercury mass
emissions for the unit as the sum of the emissions recorded by the installed
monitoring systems on the main stack and the emissions measured by the
reference method monitoring systems;
Install, certify, operate and maintain the monitoring systems and (if
applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in Section
1.15(a) or (b) of this Appendix only on the main stack. If this option is
chosen, it is not necessary to designate the exhaust configuration as a
multiple stack configuration in the monitoring plan required under Section
1.10 of this Appendix, since only the main stack is monitored; or
If the monitoring option in subsection (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this Section is
selected, and if heat input is required to be reported under this Part, the
owner or operator must:
Use the installed flow and diluent monitors to determine the hourly
heat input rate at each stack (mmBtu/hr), according to Section 2.2
of Exhibit C to this Appendix; and
Calculate the hourly heat input at each stack (in mmBtu) by
multiplying the measured stack heat input rate by the
corresponding stack operating time; and
Determine the hourly unit heat input by summing the hourly stack
heat input values.
Unit With Multiple Stack or Duct Configuration. When the flue gases from an
affected unit discharge to the atmosphere through more than one stack, or when
the flue gases from an affected unit utilize two or more ducts feeding into a single
stack and the owner or operator chooses to monitor in the ducts rather than in the
stack, the owner or operator must either:
Install, certify, operate, and maintain the monitoring systems and
(if applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in

Section 1.15(a) or (b) of this Appendix in each of the multiple
stacks and determine mercury mass emissions from the affected
unit as the sum of the mercury mass emissions recorded for each
stack. If another unit also exhausts flue gases into one of the
monitored stacks, the owner or operator must comply with the
applicable requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section,
in order to properly determine the mercury mass emissions from
the units using that stack;
Install, certify, operate, and maintain the monitoring systems and
(if applicable) perform the mercury emission testing described in
Section 1.15(a) or Section 1.15(b) of this Appendix in each of the
ducts that feed into the stack, and determine mercury mass
emissions from the affected unit using the sum of the mercury
mass emissions measured at each duct, except that where another
unit also exhausts flue gases to one or more of the stacks, the
owner or operator must also comply with the applicable
requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section to determine
and record mercury mass emissions from the units using that stack;
If the monitoring option in subsection (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this
Section is selected, and if heat input is required to be reported
under this Part, the owner or operator must:
Use the installed flow and diluent monitors to determine
the hourly heat input rate at each stack or duct (mmBtu/hr),
according to Section 2.2 of Exhibit C to this Appendix; and
Calculate the hourly heat input at each stack or duct (in
mmBtu) by multiplying the measured stack (or duct) heat
input rate by the corresponding stack (or duct) operating
time; and
Determine the hourly unit heat input by summing the
hourly stack (or duct) heat input values.
Section 1.17 Calculation of Mercury Mass Emissions and Heat Input Rate
The owner or operator must calculate mercury mass emissions and heat input rate in accordance
with the procedures in Sections 4.1 through 4.3 of Exhibit F to this Appendix.
Section 1.18 Recordkeeping and Reporting
General recordkeeping provisions. The owner or operator of any affected unit
must maintain for each affected unit and each non-affected unit under Section

1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix a file of all measurements, data, reports, and other
information required by this part at the source in a form suitable for inspection for
at least 5 years from the date of each record. Except for the certification data
required in Section 1.11(a)(4) of this Appendix and the initial submission of the
monitoring plan required in Section 1.11(a)(5) of this Appendix, the data must be
collected beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the
compliance deadline in Section 1.14(b) of this Appendix. The certification data
required in Section 1.11(a)(4) of this Appendix must be collected beginning with
the date of the first certification test performed. The file must contain the
following information:
The information required in Sections 1.11(a)(2), (a)(4), (a)(5), (a)(6), (b),
(c) (if applicable), (d), and (e) or (f) of this Appendix (as applicable);
The information required in Section 1.12 of this Appendix, for units with
flue gas desulfurization systems or add-on mercury emission controls;
For affected units using mercury CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring
systems, for each hour when the unit is operating, record the mercury mass
emissions, calculated in accordance with Section 4 of Exhibit C to this
Heat input and mercury methodologies for the hour; and
Formulas from the monitoring plan for total mercury mass emissions and
heat input rate (if applicable);
Certification, quality assurance and quality control record provisions. The owner
or operator of any affected unit must record the applicable information in Section
1.13 of this Appendix for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a
common stack and each non-affected unit under Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this
Monitoring plan recordkeeping provisions.
General provisions. The owner or operator of an affected unit must
prepare and maintain a monitoring plan for each affected unit or group of
units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under
Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix. The monitoring plan must contain
sufficient information on the continuous monitoring systems and the use
of data derived from these systems to demonstrate that all the unit's
mercury emissions are monitored and reported.
Updates. Whenever the owner or operator makes a replacement,
modification, or change in a certified continuous monitoring system or
alternative monitoring system under 40 CFR 75, subpart E, incorporated

by reference in Section 225.140, including a change in the automated data
acquisition and handling system or in the flue gas handling system, that
affects information reported in the monitoring plan (e.g., a change to a
serial number for a component of a monitoring system), then the owner or
operator must update the monitoring plan.
Contents of the monitoring plan. Each monitoring plan must contain the
information in Section 1.10(c)(1) of this Appendix in electronic format
and the information in Section 1.10(c)(2) in hardcopy format.
General reporting provisions.
The owner or operator of an affected unit must comply with all reporting
requirements in this Section and with any additional requirements set forth
in 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 225.
The owner or operator of an affected unit must submit the following for
each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each
non-affected unit under Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix:
Monitoring plans in accordance with subsection (e) of this Section;
Quarterly reports in accordance with subsection (f) of this Section.
Other petitions and communications. The owner or operator of an affected
unit must submit petitions, correspondence, application forms, and
petition-related test results in accordance with the provisions in Section
1.14(f) of this Appendix.
Quality assurance RATA reports. If requested by the Agency, the owner
or operator of an affected unit must submit the quality assurance RATA
report for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common
stack and each non-affected unit under Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this
Appendix by the later of 45 days after completing a quality assurance
RATA according to Section 2.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix or 15 days
after receiving the request. The owner or operator must report the
hardcopy information required by Section 1.13(a)(9) of this Appendix to
the Agency.
Notifications. The owner or operator of an affected unit must submit
written notice to the Agency according to the provisions in 40 CFR 75.61,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, for each affected unit or
group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit
under Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix.

Monitoring plan reporting. The owner or operator of an affected unit must submit
all of the hardcopy information required under Section 1.10 of this Appendix, for
each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-
affected unit under Section 1.16(b)(2)(B) of this Appendix, to the Agency prior to
initial certification. Thereafter, the owner or operator must submit hardcopy
information only if that portion of the monitoring plan is revised. The owner or
operator must submit the required hardcopy information as follows: no later than
21 days prior to the commencement of initial certification testing; with any
certification or recertification application, if a hardcopy monitoring plan change is
associated with the recertification event; and within 30 days of any other event
with which a hardcopy monitoring plan change is associated, pursuant to Section
1.10(b) of this Appendix.
Quarterly reports. EGUs using CEMS or excepted monitoring systems must
submit quarterly reports pursuant to the requirements in Section 225.290(b).
Exhibit A to Appendix B--Specifications and Test Procedures
1. Installation and Measurement Location
1.1 Gas and Mercury Monitors
Following the procedures in Section 8.1.1 of Performance Specification 2 in Appendix B to 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, install the pollutant concentration
monitor or monitoring system at a location where the pollutant concentration and emission rate
measurements are directly representative of the total emissions from the affected unit. Select a
representative measurement point or path for the monitor probes (or for the path from the
transmitter to the receiver) such that the CO
, O
, concentration monitoring system, mercury
concentration monitoring system, or sorbent trap monitoring system will pass the relative
accuracy test (see Section 6 of this Exhibit).
It is recommended that monitor measurements be made at locations where the exhaust gas
temperature is above the dew-point temperature. If the cause of failure to meet the relative
accuracy tests is determined to be the measurement location, relocate the monitor probes.
1.1.1 Point Monitors
Locate the measurement point (1) within the centroidal area of the stack or duct cross section, or
(2) no less than 1.0 meter from the stack or duct wall.
1.2 Flow Monitors
Install the flow monitor in a location that provides representative volumetric flow over all
operating conditions. Such a location is one that provides an average velocity of the flue gas flow
over the stack or duct cross section and is representative of the pollutant concentration monitor

location. Where the moisture content of the flue gas affects volumetric flow measurements, use
the procedures in both Reference Methods 1 and 4 of appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, to establish a proper location for the flow monitor. The Illinois
EPA recommends (but does not require) performing a flow profile study following the
procedures in 40 CFR 60, appendix A, Method 1, Sections 11.5 or 11.4, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, for each of the three operating or load levels indicated in Section of this Exhibit to determine the acceptability of the potential flow monitor location and to
determine the number and location of flow sampling points required to obtain a representative
flow value. The procedure in 40 CFR 60, appendix A, Test Method 1, Section 11.5, incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140, may be used even if the flow measurement location is greater
than or equal to 2 equivalent stack or duct diameters downstream or greater than or equal to 1/2
duct diameter upstream from a flow disturbance. If a flow profile study shows that cyclonic (or
swirling) or stratified flow conditions exist at the potential flow monitor location that are likely
to prevent the monitor from meeting the performance specifications of this part, then the Agency
recommends either (1) selecting another location where there is no cyclonic (or swirling) or
stratified flow condition, or (2) eliminating the cyclonic (or swirling) or stratified flow condition
by straightening the flow, e.g., by installing straightening vanes. The Agency also recommends
selecting flow monitor locations to minimize the effects of condensation, coating, erosion, or
other conditions that could adversely affect flow monitor performance.
1.2.1 Acceptability of Monitor Location
The installation of a flow monitor is acceptable if either (1) the location satisfies the minimum
siting criteria of Method 1 in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140 (i.e., the location is greater than or equal to eight stack or duct diameters downstream
and two diameters upstream from a flow disturbance; or, if necessary, two stack or duct
diameters downstream and one-half stack or duct diameter upstream from a flow disturbance), or
(2) the results of a flow profile study, if performed, are acceptable (i.e., there are no cyclonic (or
swirling) or stratified flow conditions), and the flow monitor also satisfies the performance
specifications of this part. If the flow monitor is installed in a location that does not satisfy these
physical criteria, but nevertheless the monitor achieves the performance specifications of this
part, then the location is acceptable, notwithstanding the requirements of this Section.
1.2.2 Alternative Monitoring Location
Whenever the owner or operator successfully demonstrates that modifications to the exhaust duct
or stack (such as installation of straightening vanes, modifications of ductwork, and the like) are
necessary for the flow monitor to meet the performance specifications, the Agency may approve
an interim alternative flow monitoring methodology and an extension to the required certification
date for the flow monitor.
Where no location exists that satisfies the physical siting criteria in Section 1.2.1, where the
results of flow profile studies performed at two or more alternative flow monitor locations are
unacceptable, or where installation of a flow monitor in either the stack or the ducts is
demonstrated to be technically infeasible, the owner or operator may petition the Agency for an
alternative method for monitoring flow.

2. Equipment Specifications
2.1 Instrument Span and Range
In implementing Sections 2.1.1 through 2.1.2 of this Exhibit, set the measurement range for each
parameter (CO
, O
, or flow rate) high enough to prevent full-scale exceedances from occurring,
yet low enough to ensure good measurement accuracy and to maintain a high signal-to-noise
ratio. To meet these objectives, select the range such that the majority of the readings obtained
during typical unit operation are kept, to the extent practicable, between 20.0 and 80.0 percent of
the full-scale range of the instrument. These guidelines do not apply to mercury monitoring
2.1.1 CO
and O
For an O
monitor (including O
monitors used to measure CO
emissions or percentage
moisture), select a span value between 15.0 and 25.0 percent O
. For a CO
monitor installed on
a boiler, select a span value between 14.0 and 20.0 percent CO
. For a CO
monitor installed on a
combustion turbine, an alternative span value between 6.0 and 14.0 percent CO
may be used.
An alternative CO
span value below 6.0 percent may be used if an appropriate technical
justification is included in the hardcopy monitoring plan. An alternative O
span value below
15.0 percent O
may be used if an appropriate technical justification is included in the
monitoring plan (e.g., O
concentrations above a certain level create an unsafe operating
condition). Select the full-scale range of the instrument to be consistent with Section 2.1 of this
Exhibit and to be greater than or equal to the span value. Select the calibration gas concentrations
for the daily calibration error tests and linearity checks in accordance with Section 5.1 of this
Exhibit, as percentages of the span value. For O
monitors with span values
≥21.0 perc
ent O
purified instrument air containing 20.9 percent O
may be used as the high-level calibration
material. If a dual-range or autoranging diluent analyzer is installed, the analyzer may be
represented in the monitoring plan as a single component.
2.1.2 Flow Monitors
Select the full-scale range of the flow monitor so that it is consistent with Section 2.1 of this
Exhibit and can accurately measure all potential volumetric flow rates at the flow monitor
installation site. Maximum Potential Velocity and Flow Rate
For this purpose, determine the span value of the flow monitor using the following procedure.
Calculate the maximum potential velocity (MPV) using Equation A-3a or A-3b or determine the
MPV (wet basis) from velocity traverse testing using Reference Method 2 (or its allowable
alternatives) in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. If using
test values, use the highest average velocity (determined from the Method 2 traverses) measured
at or near the maximum unit operating load. Express the MPV in units of wet standard feet per
minute (fpm). For the purpose of providing substitute data during periods of missing flow rate

data in accordance with 40 CFR 75.31 and 75.33 and as required elsewhere in this part, calculate
the maximum potential stack gas flow rate (MPF) in units of standard cubic feet per hour (scfh),
as the product of the MPV (in units of wet, standard fpm) times 60, times the cross-sectional area
of the stack or duct (in ft
) at the flow monitor location.
100 %
20.9 %
20 .9
(Equation A-3a)
100 %
(Equation A-3b)
MPV = maximum potential velocity (fpm, standard wet basis).
= dry-basis F factor (dscf/mmBtu) from Table 1, Section 3.3.5 of Appendix F ,
40 CFR Part 75.
= carbon-based F factor (scf CO
/mmBtu) from Table 1, Section 3.3.5 of
Appendix F , 40 CFR Part 75.
= maximum heat input (mmBtu/minute) for all units, combined, exhausting to
the stack or duct where the flow monitor is located.
A = inside cross sectional area (ft
) of the flue at the flow monitor location.
= maximum oxygen concentration, percent dry basis, under normal
operating conditions.
= minimum carbon dioxide concentration, percent dry basis, under normal
operating conditions.
= maximum percent flue gas moisture content under normal operating
conditions. Span Values and Range
Determine the span and range of the flow monitor as follows. Convert the MPV, as determined
in Section of this Exhibit, to the same measurement units of flow rate that are used for
daily calibration error tests (e.g., scfh, kscfh, kacfm, or differential pressure (inches of water)).
Next, determine the "calibration span value" by multiplying the MPV (converted to equivalent
daily calibration error units) by a factor no less than 1.00 and no greater than 1.25, and rounding
up the result to at least two significant figures. For calibration span values in inches of water,

retain at least two decimal places. Select appropriate reference signals for the daily calibration
error tests as percentages of the calibration span value, as specified in Section of this
Exhibit. Finally, calculate the "flow rate span value" (in scfh) as the product of the MPF, as
determined in Section of this Exhibit, times the same factor (between 1.00 and 1.25) that
was used to calculate the calibration span value. Round off the flow rate span value to the nearest
1000 scfh. Select the full-scale range of the flow monitor so that it is greater than or equal to the
span value and is consistent with Section 2.1 of this Exhibit. Include in the monitoring plan for
the unit: calculations of the MPV, MPF, calibration span value, flow rate span value, and full-
scale range (expressed both in scfh and, if different, in the measurement units of calibration). Adjustment of Span and Range
For each affected unit or common stack, the owner or operator must make a periodic evaluation
of the MPV, span, and range values for each flow rate monitor (at a minimum, an annual
evaluation is required) and must make any necessary span and range adjustments with
corresponding monitoring plan updates, as described in subsections (a) through (c) of this
Section Span and range adjustments may be required, for example, as a result of changes
in the fuel supply, changes in the stack or ductwork configuration, changes in the manner of
operation of the unit, or installation or removal of emission controls. In implementing the
provisions in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, note that flow rate data recorded
during short-term, non-representative operating conditions (e.g., a trial burn of a different type of
fuel) must be excluded from consideration. The owner or operator must keep the results of the
most recent span and range evaluation on-site, in a format suitable for inspection. Make each
required span or range adjustment no later than 45 days after the end of the quarter in which the
need to adjust the span or range is identified.
If the fuel supply, stack or ductwork configuration, operating parameters, or other
conditions change such that the maximum potential flow rate changes
significantly, adjust the span and range to assure the continued accuracy of the
flow monitor. A "significant" change in the MPV means that the guidelines of
Section 2.1 of this Exhibit can no longer be met, as determined by either a
periodic evaluation by the owner or operator or from the results of an audit by the
Agency. The owner or operator should evaluate whether any planned changes in
operation of the unit may affect the flow of the unit or stack and should plan any
necessary span and range changes needed to account for these changes, so that
they are made in as timely a manner as practicable to coordinate with the
operational changes. Calculate the adjusted calibration span and flow rate span
values using the procedures in Section of this Exhibit.
Whenever the full-scale range is exceeded during a quarter, provided that the
exceedance is not caused by a monitor out-of-control period, report 200.0 percent
of the current full-scale range as the hourly flow rate for each hour of the full-
scale exceedance. If the range is exceeded, make appropriate adjustments to the
flow rate span, and range to prevent future full-scale exceedances. Calculate the
new calibration span value by converting the new flow rate span value from units
of scfh to units of daily calibration. A calibration error test must be performed and

passed to validate data on the new range.
Whenever changes are made to the MPV, full-scale range, or span value of the
flow monitor, as described in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, record and
report (as applicable) the new full-scale range setting, calculations of the flow rate
span value, calibration span value, and MPV in an updated monitoring plan for
the unit. The monitoring plan update must be made in the quarter in which the
changes become effective. Record and report the adjusted calibration span and
reference values as parts of the records for the calibration error test required by
Exhibit B to this Appendix. Whenever the calibration span value is adjusted, use
reference values for the calibration error test that meet the requirements of Section of this Exhibit, based on the most recent adjusted calibration span value.
Perform a calibration error test according to Section 2.1.1 of Exhibit B to this
Appendix whenever making a change to the flow monitor span or range, unless
the range change also triggers a recertification under Section 1.4 of this Appendix.
2.1.3 Mercury Monitors
Determine the appropriate span and range values for each mercury pollutant concentration
monitor, so that all expected mercury concentrations can be determined accurately. Maximum Potential Concentration
The maximum potential concentration depends upon the type of coal combusted in the unit. For
the initial MPC determination, there are three options:
Use one of the following default values: 9 μg/scm for bituminous coal; 10
μg/scm for sub-bituminous coal; 16 μg/scm for lignite, and 1 μg/scm for
waste coal, i.e., anthracite culm or bituminous gob. If different coals are
blended, use the highest MPC for any fuel in the blend; or
You may base the MPC on the results of site-specific emission testing
using one of the mercury reference methods in Section 1.6 of this
Appendix, if the unit does not have add-on mercury emission controls or a
flue gas desulfurization system, or if you test upstream of these control
devices. A minimum of 3 test runs are required at the normal operating
load. Use the highest total mercury concentration obtained in any of the
tests as the MPC; or
You may base the MPC on 720 or more hours of historical CEMS data or
data from a sorbent trap monitoring system, if the unit does not have add-
on mercury emission controls or a flue gas desulfurization system (or if
the CEMS or sorbent trap system is located upstream of these control
devices) and if the mercury CEMS or sorbent trap system has been tested
for relative accuracy against one of the mercury reference methods in
Section 1.6 of this Appendix and has met a relative accuracy specification

of 20.0% or less. Maximum Expected Concentration
For units with FGD systems that significantly reduce mercury emissions (including fluidized bed
units that use limestone injection) and for units equipped with add-on mercury emission controls
(e.g., carbon injection), determine the maximum expected mercury concentration (MEC) during
normal, stable operation of the unit and emission controls. To calculate the MEC, substitute the
MPC value from Section of this Exhibit into Equation A-2 in Section of appendix
A to 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. For units with add-on mercury
emission controls, base the percent removal efficiency on design engineering calculations. For
units with FGD systems, use the best available estimate of the mercury removal efficiency of the
FGD system. Span and Range Values
For each mercury monitor, determine a high span value, by rounding the MPC
value from Section of this Exhibit upward to the next highest multiple of
10 μg/scm.
For an affected unit equipped with an FGD system or a unit with add-on mercury
emission controls, if the MEC value from Section of this Exhibit is less
than 20 percent of the high span value from subsection (a) of this Section, and if
the high span value is 20 μg/scm or greater, define a second, low span value of 10
If only a high span value is required, set the full-scale range of the mercury
analyzer to be greater than or equal to the span value.
If two span values are required, you may either:
Use two separate (high and low) measurement scales, setting the range of
each scale to be greater than or equal to the high or low span value, as
appropriate; or
Quality-assure two segments of a single measurement scale. Adjustment of Span and Range
For each affected unit or common stack, the owner or operator must make a periodic evaluation
of the MPC, MEC, span, and range values for each mercury monitor (at a minimum, an annual
evaluation is required) and must make any necessary span and range adjustments, with
corresponding monitoring plan updates. Span and range adjustments may be required, for
example, as a result of changes in the fuel supply, changes in the manner of operation of the unit,
or installation or removal of emission controls. In implementing the provisions in subsections (a)
and (b) of this Section, data recorded during short-term, non-representative process operating

conditions (e.g., a trial burn of a different type of fuel) must be excluded from consideration. The
owner or operator must keep the results of the most recent span and range evaluation on-site, in a
format suitable for inspection. Make each required span or range adjustment no later than 45
days after the end of the quarter in which the need to adjust the span or range is identified, except
that up to 90 days after the end of that quarter may be taken to implement a span adjustment if
the calibration gas concentrations currently being used for calibration error tests, system integrity
checks, and linearity checks are unsuitable for use with the new span value and new calibration
materials must be ordered or additional Hg generator calibration points must be certified.
The guidelines of Section 2.1 of this Exhibit do not apply to mercury monitoring
Whenever a full-scale range exceedance occurs during a quarter and is not caused
by a monitor out-of-control period, proceed as follows:
For monitors with a single measurement scale, report that the system was
out of range and invalid data was obtained until the readings come back
on-scale and, if appropriate, make adjustments to the MPC, span, and
range to prevent future full-scale exceedances; or
For units with two separate measurement scales, if the low range is
exceeded, no further action is required, provided that the high range is
available and is not out-of-control or out-of-service for any reason.
However, if the high range is not able to provide quality assured data at
the time of the low range exceedance or at any time during the
continuation of the exceedance, report that the system was out-of-control
until the readings return to the low range or until the high range is able to
provide quality assured data (unless the reason that the high-scale range is
not able to provide quality assured data is because the high-scale range has
been exceeded; if the high-scale range is exceeded follow the procedures
in subsection (b)(1) of this Section).
Whenever changes are made to the MPC, MEC, full-scale range, or span value of
the mercury monitor, record and report (as applicable) the new full-scale range
setting, the new MPC or MEC and calculations of the adjusted span value in an
updated monitoring plan. The monitoring plan update must be made in the quarter
in which the changes become effective. In addition, record and report the adjusted
span as part of the records for the daily calibration error test and linearity check
specified by Exhibit B to this Appendix. Whenever the span value is adjusted, use
calibration gas concentrations that meet the requirements of Section 5.1 of this
Exhibit, based on the adjusted span value. When a span adjustment is so
significant that the calibration gas concentrations currently being used for
calibration error tests, system integrity checks and linearity checks are unsuitable
for use with the new span value, then a diagnostic linearity or 3-level system
integrity check using the new calibration gas concentrations must be performed
and passed. Use the data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this

Appendix, beginning with the hour in which the span is changed.
2.2 Design for Quality Control Testing
2.2.1 Pollutant Concentration and CO
or O
Design and equip each pollutant concentration and CO
or O
monitor with a
calibration gas injection port that allows a check of the entire measurement
system when calibration gases are introduced. For extractive and dilution type
monitors, all monitoring components exposed to the sample gas, (e.g., sample
lines, filters, scrubbers, conditioners, and as much of the probe as practicable) are
included in the measurement system. For in-situ type monitors, the calibration
must check against the injected gas for the performance of all active electronic
and optical components (e.g. transmitter, receiver, analyzer).
Design and equip each pollutant concentration or CO
or O
monitor to allow
daily determinations of calibration error (positive or negative) at the zero- and
mid-or high-level concentrations specified in Section 5.2 of this Exhibit.
2.2.2 Flow Monitors
Design all flow monitors to meet the applicable performance specifications. Calibration Error Test
Design and equip each flow monitor to allow for a daily calibration error test consisting of at
least two reference values: Zero to 20 percent of span or an equivalent reference value (e.g.,
pressure pulse or electronic signal) and 50 to 70 percent of span. Flow monitor response, both
before and after any adjustment, must be capable of being recorded by the data acquisition and
handling system. Design each flow monitor to allow a daily calibration error test of the entire
flow monitoring system, from and including the probe tip (or equivalent) through and including
the data acquisition and handling system, or the flow monitoring system from and including the
transducer through and including the data acquisition and handling system. Interference Check
Design and equip each flow monitor with a means to ensure that the moisture
expected to occur at the monitoring location does not interfere with the proper
functioning of the flow monitoring system. Design and equip each flow monitor
with a means to detect, on at least a daily basis, pluggage of each sample line and
sensing port, and malfunction of each resistance temperature detector (RTD),
transceiver or equivalent.
Design and equip each differential pressure flow monitor to provide an automatic,
periodic back purging (simultaneously on both sides of the probe) or equivalent
method of sufficient force and frequency to keep the probe and lines sufficiently

free of obstructions on at least a daily basis to prevent velocity sensing
interference, and a means for detecting leaks in the system on at least a quarterly
basis (manual check is acceptable).
Design and equip each thermal flow monitor with a means to ensure on at least a
daily basis that the probe remains sufficiently clean to prevent velocity sensing
Design and equip each ultrasonic flow monitor with a means to ensure on at least
a daily basis that the transceivers remain sufficiently clean (e.g., back purging
system) to prevent velocity sensing interference.
2.2.3 Mercury Monitors
Design and equip each mercury monitor to permit the introduction of known concentrations of
elemental mercury and HgCl2 separately, at a point immediately preceding the sample extraction
filtration system, such that the entire measurement system can be checked. If the mercury
monitor does not have a converter, the HgCl2 injection capability is not required.
3. Performance Specifications
3.1 Calibration Error
The calibration error performance specifications in this Section apply only to 7-
day calibration error tests under Sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 of this Exhibit and to the
offline calibration demonstration described in Section of Exhibit B to this
Appendix. The calibration error limits for daily operation of the continuous
monitoring systems required under this part are found in Section 2.1.4(a) of
Exhibit B to this Appendix.
The calibration error of a mercury concentration monitor must not deviate from
the reference value of either the zero or upscale calibration gas by more than 5.0
percent of the span value, as calculated using Equation A-5 of this Exhibit.
Alternatively, if the span value is 10 μg/scm, the calibration error test results are
also acceptable if the absolute value of the difference between the monitor
response value and the reference value, R-A in Equation A-5 of this Exhibit, is
1.0 μg/scm.
(Equation A-5)
CE = Calibration error as a percentage of the span of the instrument.
R = Reference value of zero or upscale (high-level or mid-level, as applicable)
calibration gas introduced into the monitoring system.

A = Actual monitoring system response to the calibration gas.
S = Span of the instrument, as specified in Section 2 of this Exhibit.
3.2 Linearity and System Integrity Checks
For CO
or O
monitors (including O
monitors used to measure CO
emissions or percent
The error in linearity for each calibration gas concentration (low-, mid-, and high-
levels) must not exceed or deviate from the reference value by more than 5.0
percent as calculated using Equation A-4 of this Exhibit; or
The absolute value of the difference between the average of the monitor response
values and the average of the reference values, R-A in Equation A-4 of this
Exhibit, must be less than or equal to 0.5 percent CO
or O
, whichever is less
For the linearity check and the 3-level system integrity check of a mercury
monitor, which are required, respectively, under Section 1.4(c)(1)(B) and
(c)(1)(E) of this Appendix, the measurement error must not exceed 10.0 percent
of the reference value at any of the three gas levels. To calculate the measurement
error at each level, take the absolute value of the difference between the reference
value and mean CEM response, divide the result by the reference value, and then
multiply by 100. Alternatively, the results at any gas level are acceptable if the
absolute value of the difference between the average monitor response and the
average reference value, i.e.,
in Equation A-4 of this Exhibit, does not
exceed 0.8 μg/m
. The principal and alternative performance specifications in this
Section also apply to the single-level system integrity check described in Section
2.6 of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
(Equation A-4)
ME = Percentage measurement error, for a linearity check or system integrity
check, based upon the reference value.
R =
Reference value of low-, mid-, or high-level calibration gas introduced
into the monitoring system.
A =
Average of the monitoring system responses.
3.3 Relative Accuracy

3.3.1 Relative Accuracy for CO
and O
The relative accuracy for CO
and O
monitors must not exceed 10.0 percent. The relative
accuracy test results are also acceptable if the difference between the mean value of the CO
monitor measurements and the corresponding reference method measurement mean value,
calculated using equation A-7 of this Exhibit, does not exceed ±1.0 percent CO
or O
(Equation A-7)
n =
Number of data points.
The difference between a reference method value and the corresponding
continuous emission monitoring system value (RM
) at a given
point in time i.
3.3.2 Relative Accuracy for Flow Monitors
The relative accuracy of flow monitors must not exceed 10.0 percent at any load
(or operating) level at which a RATA is performed (i.e., the low, mid, or high
level, as defined in Section of this Exhibit).
For affected units where the average of the flow reference method measurements
of gas velocity at a particular load (or operating) level of the relative accuracy test
audit is less than or equal to 10.0 fps, the difference between the mean value of
the flow monitor velocity measurements and the reference method mean value in
fps at that level must not exceed ±- 2.0 fps, wherever the 10.0 percent relative
accuracy specification is not achieved.
3.3.3 Relative Accuracy for Moisture Monitoring Systems
The relative accuracy of a moisture monitoring system must not exceed 10.0 percent. The
relative accuracy test results are also acceptable if the difference between the mean value of the
reference method measurements (in percent H
O) and the corresponding mean value of the
moisture monitoring system measurements (in percent H
O), calculated using Equation A-7 of
this Exhibit does not exceed ±- 1.5 percent H
3.3.4 Relative Accuracy for Mercury Monitoring Systems
The relative accuracy of a mercury concentration monitoring system or a sorbent trap monitoring
system must not exceed 20.0 percent. Alternatively, for affected units where the average of the
reference method measurements of mercury concentration during the relative accuracy test audit
is less than 5.0 μg/scm, the test results are acceptable if the difference between the mean value of
the monitor measurements and the reference method mean value does not exceed 1.0 μg/scm, in
cases where the relative accuracy specification of 20.0 percent is not achieved.

3.4 Cycle Time
The cycle time for mercury concentration monitors, oxygen monitors used to determine percent
moisture, and any other monitoring component of a continuous emission monitoring system that
is required to perform a cycle time test must not exceed 15 minutes.
4. Data Acquisition and Handling Systems
Automated data acquisition and handling systems must read and record the full range of pollutant
concentrations and volumetric flow from zero through span and provide a continuous, permanent
record of all measurements and required information as a computer data file capable of being
reproduced in a readable hard copy format. These systems also must have the capability of
interpreting and converting the individual output signals from a flow monitor, a CO
monitor, an
monitor, a moisture monitoring system, a mercury concentration monitoring system, and a
sorbent trap monitoring system, to produce a continuous readout of pollutant emission rates or
pollutant mass emissions (as applicable) in the appropriate units (e.g., lb/hr, lb/MMBtu,
ounces/hr, tons/hr). These systems also must have the capability of interpreting and converting
the individual output signals from a flow monitor to produce a continuous readout of pollutant
mass emission rates in the units of the standard. Where CO
emissions are measured with a
continuous emission monitoring system, the data acquisition and handling system must also
produce a readout of CO
mass emissions in tons.
Data acquisition and handling systems must also compute and record monitor calibration error;
flow rate data, or mercury emission rate data.
5. Calibration Gas
5.1 Reference Gases
For the purposes of this Appendix, calibration gases include the following:
5.1.1 Standard Reference Materials (SRM)
These calibration gases may be obtained from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) at the following address: Quince Orchard and Cloppers Road, Gaithersburg,
MD 20899-0001.
5.1.2 SRM-Equivalent Compressed Gas Primary Reference Material (PRM)
Contact the Gas Metrology Team, Analytical Chemistry Division, Chemical Science and
Technology Laboratory of NIST, at the address in Section 5.1.1, for a list of vendors and
cylinder gases.
5.1.3 NIST Traceable Reference Materials

Contact the Gas Metrology Team, Analytical Chemistry Division, Chemical Science and
Technology Laboratory of NIST, at the address in Section 5.1.1, for a list of vendors and
cylinder gases that meet the definition for a NIST Traceable Reference Material (NTRM)
provided in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
5.1.4 EPA Protocol Gases
An EPA Protocol Gas is a calibration gas mixture prepared and analyzed
according to Section 2 of the "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and
Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards" September 1997, EPA-600/R-
97/121 or such revised procedure as approved by the Administrator (EPA
Traceability Protocol).
An EPA Protocol Gas must have a specialty gas producer-certified uncertainty
(95-percent confidence interval) that must not be greater than 2.0 percent of the
certified concentration (tag value) of the gas mixture. The uncertainty must be
calculated using the statistical procedures (or equivalent statistical techniques)
that are listed in Section 2.1.8 of the EPA Traceability Protocol.
A copy of EPA-600/R-97/121 is available from the National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 703-605-6585 or
http://www.ntis.gov, and from http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/news.html or http://
5.1.5 Research Gas Mixtures
Research gas mixtures must be vendor-certified to be within 2.0 percent of the concentration
specified on the cylinder label (tag value), using the uncertainty calculation procedure in Section
2.1.8 of the "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration
Standards" September 1997, EPA-600/R-97/121. Inquiries about the RGM program should be
directed to: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Analytical Chemistry Division,
Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory, B-324 Chemistry, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
5.1.6 Zero Air Material
Zero air material is defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
5.1.7 NIST/EPA-Approved Certified Reference Materials
Existing certified reference materials (CRMs) that are still within their certification period may
be used as calibration gas.
5.1.8 Gas Manufacturer's Intermediate Standards
Gas manufacturer's intermediate standards is defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference
in Section 225.140.

5.1.9 Mercury Standards
For 7-day calibration error tests of mercury concentration monitors and for daily calibration error
tests of mercury monitors, either NIST-traceable elemental mercury standards (as defined in
Section 225.130) or a NIST-traceable source of oxidized mercury (as defined in Section
225.130) may be used. For linearity checks, NIST-traceable elemental mercury standards must
be used. For 3- level and single-point system integrity checks under Section 1.4(c)(1)(E) of this
Appendix, Sections 6.2(g) and 6.3.1 of this Exhibit, and Sections 2.1.1, 2.2.1 and 2.6 of Exhibit
B to this Appendix, a NIST-traceable source of oxidized mercury must be used. Alternatively,
other NIST-traceable standards may be used for the required checks, subject to the approval of
the Agency. Notwithstanding these requirements, mercury calibration standards that are not
NIST-traceable may be used for the tests described in this Section until December 31, 2009.
However, on and after January 1, 2010, only NIST-traceable calibration standards must be used
for these tests.
5.2 Concentrations
Four concentration levels are required as follows.
5.2.1 Zero-level Concentration
0.0 to 20.0 percent of span, including span for high-scale or both low- and high-scale for Hg,
and O
monitors, as appropriate.
5.2.2 Low-level Concentration
20.0 to 30.0 percent of span, including span for high-scale or both low- and high-scale for Hg,
and O
monitors, as appropriate.
5.2.3 Mid-level Concentration
50.0 to 60.0 percent of span, including span for high-scale or both low- and high-scale for Hg,
and O
monitors, as appropriate.
5.2.4 High-level Concentration
80.0 to 100.0 percent of span, including span for high-scale or both low-and high-scale for Hg,
and O
monitors, as appropriate.
6. Certification Tests and Procedures
6.1 General Requirements
6.1.1 Pretest Preparation

Install the components of the continuous emission monitoring system (i.e., pollutant
concentration monitors, CO
or O
monitor, and flow monitor) as specified in Sections 1, 2, and
3 of this Exhibit, and prepare each system component and the combined system for operation in
accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. Operate the units during each period
when measurements are made. Units may be tested on non-consecutive days. To the extent
practicable, test the DAHS software prior to testing the monitoring hardware.
6.1.2 Requirements for Air Emission Testing Bodies
On and after January 1, 2009, any Air Emission Testing Body (AETB) conducting
relative accuracy test audits of CEMS and sorbent trap monitoring systems under
Part 225, Subpart B, must conform to the requirements of ASTM D7036-04
pursuant to 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix A Section 6.1.2 (incorporated by reference
in Section 225.140). This Section is not applicable to daily operation, daily
calibration error checks, daily flow interference checks, quarterly linearity checks
or routine maintenance of CEMS.
The AETB must provide to the affected sources certification that the AETB
operates in conformance with, and that data submitted to the Agency has been
collected in accordance with, the requirements of ASTM D7036-04 pursuant to 40
CFR Part 75 Appendix A Section 6.1.2 (incorporated by reference in Section
225.140). This certification may be provided in the form of:
A certificate of accreditation of relevant scope issued by a recognized,
national accreditation body; or
A letter of certification signed by a member of the senior management
staff of the AETB.
The AETB must either provide a Qualified Individual on-site to conduct or must
oversee all relative accuracy testing carried out by the AETB as required in
ASTM D7036-04 pursuant to 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix A Section 6.1.2
(incorporated by reference under Section 225.140). The Qualified Individual must
provide the affected sources with copies of the qualification credentials relevant
to the scope of the testing conducted.
6.2 Linearity Check (General Procedures)
Check the linearity of each CO
, Hg, and O
monitor while the unit, or group of units for a
common stack, is combusting fuel at conditions of typical stack temperature and pressure; it is
not necessary for the unit to be generating electricity during this test. For units with two
measurement ranges (high and low) for a particular parameter, perform a linearity check on both
the low scale and the high scale. For on-going quality assurance of the CEMS, perform linearity
checks, using the procedures in this Section, on the ranges and at the frequency specified in
Section 2.2.1 of Exhibit B to this Appendix. Challenge each monitor with calibration gas, as
defined in Section 5.1 of this Exhibit, at the low-, mid-, and high-range concentrations specified

in Section 5.2 of this Exhibit. Introduce the calibration gas at the gas injection port, as specified
in Section 2.2.1 of this Exhibit. Operate each monitor at its normal operating temperature and
conditions. For extractive and dilution type monitors, pass the calibration gas through all filters,
scrubbers, conditioners, and other monitor components used during normal sampling and
through as much of the sampling probe as is practical. For in-situ type monitors, perform
calibration checking all active electronic and optical components, including the transmitter,
receiver, and analyzer. Challenge the monitor three times with each reference gas (see example
data sheet in Figure 1). Do not use the same gas twice in succession. To the extent practicable,
the duration of each linearity test, from the hour of the first injection to the hour of the last
injection, must not exceed 24 unit operating hours. Record the monitor response from the data
acquisition and handling system. For each concentration, use the average of the responses to
determine the error in linearity using Equation A-4 in this Exhibit. Linearity checks are
acceptable for monitor or monitoring system certification, recertification, or quality assurance if
none of the test results exceed the applicable performance specifications in Section 3.2 of this
Exhibit. The status of emission data from a CEMS prior to and during a linearity test period must
be determined as follows:
For the initial certification of a CEMS, data from the monitoring system are
considered invalid until all certification tests, including the linearity test, have
been successfully completed, unless the conditional data validation procedures in
Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are used. When the procedures in Section
1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are followed, the words “initial certification”apply
instead of "recertification" and complete all of the initial certification tests by
January 1, 2009, rather than within the time periods specified in Section
1.4(b)(3)(D) of this Appendix for the individual tests.
For the routine quality assurance linearity checks required by Section 2.2.1 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix, use the data validation procedures in Section 2.2.3 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix.
When a linearity test is required as a diagnostic test or for recertification, use the
data validation procedures in Section 1.4 (b)(3) of this Appendix.
For linearity tests of non-redundant backup monitoring systems, use the data
validation procedures in Section 1.4(d)(2)(C) of this Appendix.
For linearity tests performed during a grace period and after the expiration of a
grace period, use the data validation procedures in Sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4,
respectively, of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For all other linearity checks, use the data validation procedures in Section 2.2.3
of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For mercury monitors, follow the guidelines in Section 2.2.3 of this Exhibit in
addition to the applicable procedures in Section 6.2 when performing the system
integrity checks described in Section 1.4(c)(1)(E) and in Sections 2.1.1, 2.2.1, and

2.6 of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For mercury concentration monitors, if moisture and/or chlorine is added to the
calibration gas during the required linearity checks or system integrity checks, the
dilution effect of the moisture and/or chlorine addition on the calibration gas
concentration must be accounted for in an appropriate manner.
6.3 7-Day Calibration Error Test
6.3.1 Gas Monitor 7-day Calibration Error Test
Measure the calibration error of each mercury concentration monitor and each CO
or O
monitor while the unit is combusting fuel (but not necessarily generating electricity) once each
day for 7 consecutive operating days according to the following procedures. For mercury
monitors, you may perform this test using either elemental mercury standards or a NIST-
traceable source of oxidized mercury. Also for mercury monitors, if moisture and/or chlorine is
added to the calibration gas, the dilution effect of the added moisture and/or chlorine on the
calibration gas concentration must be accounted for in an appropriate manner. (In the event that
unit outages occur after the commencement of the test, the 7 consecutive unit operating days
need not be 7 consecutive calendar days.) Units using dual span monitors must perform the
calibration error test on both high- and low-scales of the pollutant concentration monitor. The
calibration error test procedures in this Section and in Section 6.3.2 of this Exhibit must also be
used to perform the daily assessments and additional calibration error tests required under
Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix. Do not make manual or automatic
adjustments to the monitor settings until after taking measurements at both zero and high
concentration levels for that day during the 7-day test. If automatic adjustments are made
following both injections, conduct the calibration error test such that the magnitude of the
adjustments can be determined and recorded. Record and report test results for each day using
the unadjusted concentration measured in the calibration error test prior to making any manual or
automatic adjustments (i.e., resetting the calibration). The calibration error tests should be
approximately 24 hours apart, (unless the 7- day test is performed over non-consecutive days).
Perform calibration error tests at both the zero-level concentration and high-level concentration,
as specified in Section 5.2 of this Exhibit. Alternatively, a mid-level concentration gas (50.0 to
60.0 percent of the span value) may be used in lieu of the high-level gas, provided that the mid-
level gas is more representative of the actual stack gas concentrations. Use only calibration gas,
as specified in Section 5.1 of this Exhibit. Introduce the calibration gas at the gas injection port,
as specified in Section 2.2.1 of this Exhibit. Operate each monitor in its normal sampling mode.
For extractive and dilution type monitors, pass the calibration gas through all filters, scrubbers,
conditioners, and other monitor components used during normal sampling and through as much
of the sampling probe as is practical. For in-situ type monitors, perform calibration, checking all
active electronic and optical components, including the transmitter, receiver, and analyzer.
Challenge the pollutant concentration monitors and CO
or O
monitors once with each
calibration gas. Record the monitor response from the data acquisition and handling system.
Using Equation A-5 of this Exhibit, determine the calibration error at each concentration once
each day (at approximately 24-hour intervals) for 7 consecutive days according to the procedures
given in this Section. The results of a 7-day calibration error test are acceptable for monitor or

monitoring system certification, recertification or diagnostic testing if none of these daily
calibration error test results exceed the applicable performance specifications in Section 3.1 of
this Exhibit. The status of emission data from a gas monitor prior to and during a 7-day
calibration error test period must be determined as follows:
For initial certification, data from the monitor are considered invalid until all
certification tests, including the 7-day calibration error test, have been
successfully completed, unless the conditional data validation procedures in
Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are used. When the procedures in Section
1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are followed, the words “initial certification”apply
instead of “recertification” and complete all of the initial certification tests by
January 1, 2009, rather than within the time periods specified in Section
1.4(b)(3)(D) of this Appendix for the individual tests.
When a 7-day calibration error test is required as a diagnostic test or for
recertification, use the data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this
6.3.2 Flow Monitor 7-day Calibration Error Test
Flow monitors installed on peaking units (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference
in Section 225.140) are exempted from the 7-day calibration error test requirements of this part.
In all other cases, perform the 7-day calibration error test of a flow monitor, when required for
certification, recertification or diagnostic testing, according to the following procedures.
Introduce the reference signal corresponding to the values specified in Section of this
Exhibit to the probe tip (or equivalent), or to the transducer. During the 7-day certification test
period, conduct the calibration error test while the unit is operating once each unit operating day
(as close to 24-hour intervals as practicable). In the event that unit outages occur after the
commencement of the test, the 7 consecutive operating days need not be 7 consecutive calendar
days. Record the flow monitor responses by means of the data acquisition and handling system.
Calculate the calibration error using Equation A-6 of this Exhibit. Do not perform any corrective
maintenance, repair, or replacement upon the flow monitor during the 7-day test period other
than that required in the quality assurance/quality control plan required by Exhibit B to this
Appendix. Do not make adjustments between the zero and high reference level measurements on
any day during the 7-day test. If the flow monitor operates within the calibration error
performance specification (i.e., less than or equal to 3.0 percent error each day and requiring no
corrective maintenance, repair, or replacement during the 7-day test period), the flow monitor
passes the calibration error test. Record all maintenance activities and the magnitude of any
adjustments. Record output readings from the data acquisition and handling system before and
after all adjustments. Record and report all calibration error test results using the unadjusted flow
rate measured in the calibration error test prior to resetting the calibration. Record all
adjustments made during the 7-day period at the time the adjustment is made, and report them in
the certification or recertification application. The status of emissions data from a flow monitor
prior to and during a 7-day calibration error test period must be determined as follows:
For initial certification, data from the monitor are considered invalid until all

certification tests, including the 7-day calibration error test, have been
successfully completed, unless the conditional data validation procedures in
Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are used. When the procedures in Section
1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are followed, the words “initial certification”" apply
instead of “recertification” and complete all of the initial certification tests by
July 1, 2009, rather than within the time periods specified in Section 1.4(b)(3)(D)
of this Appendix for the individual tests.
When a 7-day calibration error test is required as a diagnostic test or for
recertification, use the data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3).
(Equation A-6)
CE = Calibration error as a percentage of span.
Low or high level reference value specified in Section of this
Actual flow monitor response to the reference value.
Flow monitor calibration span value as determined under Section
of this Exhibit.
For gas or flow monitors installed on peaking units, the exemption from performing the 7-day
calibration error test applies as long as the unit continues to meet the definition of a peaking unit
in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. However, if at the end of a
particular calendar year or ozone season, it is determined that peaking unit status has been lost,
the owner or operator must perform a diagnostic 7-day calibration error test of each monitor
installed on the unit, by no later than December 31 of the following calendar year.
6.4 Cycle Time Test
Perform cycle time tests for each pollutant concentration monitor and continuous emission
monitoring system while the unit is operating, according to the following procedures. Use a zero-
level and a high-level calibration gas (as defined in Section 5.2 of this Exhibit) alternately. For
mercury monitors, the calibration gas used for this test may either be the elemental or oxidized
form of mercury. To determine the downscale cycle time, measure the concentration of the flue
gas emissions until the response stabilizes. Record the stable emissions value. Inject a zero-level
concentration calibration gas into the probe tip (or injection port leading to the calibration cell,
for in-situ systems with no probe). Record the time of the zero gas injection, using the data
acquisition and handling system (DAHS). Next, allow the monitor to measure the concentration
of the zero gas until the response stabilizes. Record the stable ending calibration gas reading.

Determine the downscale cycle time as the time it takes for 95.0 percent of the step change to be
achieved between the stable stack emissions value and the stable ending zero gas reading. Then
repeat the procedure, starting with stable stack emissions and injecting the high-level gas, to
determine the upscale cycle time, which is the time it takes for 95.0 percent of the step change to
be achieved between the stable stack emissions value and the stable ending high-level gas
reading. Use the following criteria to assess when a stable reading of stack emissions or
calibration gas concentration has been attained. A stable value is equivalent to a reading with a
change of less than 2.0 percent of the span value for 2 minutes, or a reading with a change of less
than 6.0 percent from the measured average concentration over 6 minutes. Alternatively, the
reading is considered stable if it changes by no more than 0.5 ppm, 0.5 μg/m
(for mercury) for
two minutes. (Owners or operators of systems that do not record data in 1-minute or 3-minute
intervals may petition the Agency for alternative stabilization criteria). For monitors or
monitoring systems that perform a series of operations (such as purge, sample, and analyze),
time the injections of the calibration gases so they will produce the longest possible cycle time.
Refer to Figures 6a and 6b in this Exhibit for example calculations of upscale and downscale
cycle times. Report the slower of the two cycle times (upscale or downscale) as the cycle time
for the analyzer. On and after July 1, 2009, record the cycle time for each component analyzer
separately. For time-shared systems, perform the cycle time tests at each of the probe locations
that will be polled within the same 15-minute period during monitoring system operations. To
determine the cycle time for time-shared systems, at each monitoring location, report the sum of
the cycle time observed at that monitoring location plus the sum of the time required for all
purge cycles (as determined by the continuous emission monitoring system manufacturer) at
each of the probe locations of the time-shared systems. For monitors with dual ranges, report the
test results for each range separately. Cycle time test results are acceptable for monitor or
monitoring system certification, recertification or diagnostic testing if none of the cycle times
exceed 15 minutes. The status of emissions data from a monitor prior to and during a cycle time
test period must be determined as follows:
For initial certification, data from the monitor are considered invalid until all
certification tests, including the cycle time test, have been successfully completed,
unless the conditional data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this
Appendix are used. When the procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix
are followed, the words “initial certification” apply instead of “recertification”
and complete all of the initial certification tests by July 1, 2009, rather than within
the time periods specified in Section 1.4(b)(3)(D) of this Appendix for the
individual tests.
When a cycle time test is required as a diagnostic test or for recertification, use
the data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix.
6.5 Relative Accuracy (General Procedures)
Perform the required relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) as follows for each flow monitor,
each O
or CO
diluent monitor used to calculate heat input, each mercury concentration
monitoring system, each sorbent trap monitoring system, and each moisture monitoring system.

Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, perform each RATA while the
unit (or units, if more than one unit exhausts into the flue) is combusting the fuel
that is a normal primary or backup fuel for that unit (for some units, more than
one type of fuel may be considered normal, e.g., a unit that combusts gas or oil on
a seasonal basis). For units that co-fire fuels as the predominant mode of
operation, perform the RATAs while co-firing. For mercury monitoring systems,
perform the RATAs while the unit is combusting coal. When relative accuracy
test audits are performed on CEMS installed on bypass stacks/ducts, use the fuel
normally combusted by the unit (or units, if more than one unit exhausts into the
flue) when emissions exhaust through the bypass stack/ducts.
Perform each RATA at the load (or operating) levels specified in Section 6.5.1 or
6.5.2 of this Exhibit or in Section of Exhibit B to this Appendix, as
For monitoring systems with dual ranges, perform the relative accuracy test on the
range normally used for measuring emissions. For units with add-on mercury
controls that operate continuously rather than seasonally, or for units that need a
dual range to record high concentration "spikes" during startup conditions, the
low range is considered normal. However, for some dual span units (e.g., for units
that use fuel switching or for which the emission controls are operated
seasonally), provided that both monitor ranges are connected to a common probe
and sample interface, either of the two measurement ranges may be considered
normal; in such cases, perform the RATA on the range that is in use at the time of
the scheduled test. If the low and high measurement ranges are connected to
separate sample probes and interfaces, RATA testing on both ranges is required.
Record monitor or monitoring system output from the data acquisition and
handling system.
Complete each single-load relative accuracy test audit within a period of 168
consecutive unit operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140 (or, for CEMS installed on common stacks or bypass
stacks, 168 consecutive stack operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140). Notwithstanding this requirement,
up to 336 consecutive unit or stack operating hours may be taken to complete the
RATA of a mercury monitoring system, when ASTM 6784-02 (incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140) or Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, is used as the reference method. For
2-level and 3-level flow monitor RATAs, complete all of the RATAs at all levels,
to the extent practicable, within a period of 168 consecutive unit (or stack)
operating hours; however, if this is not possible, up to 720 consecutive unit (or
stack) operating hours may be taken to complete a multiple-load flow RATA.
The status of emission data from the CEMS prior to and during the RATA test
period must be determined as follows:

For the initial certification of a CEMS, data from the monitoring system
are considered invalid until all certification tests, including the RATA,
have been successfully completed, unless the conditional data validation
procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are used. When the
procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix are followed, the words
“initial certification” apply instead of “recertification”and complete all of
the initial certification tests by January 1, 2009, rather than within the time
periods specified in Section 1.4(b)(3)(D) of this Appendix for the
individual tests.
For the routine quality assurance RATAs required by Section 2.3.1 of
Exhibit B to this Appendix, use the data validation procedures in Section
2.3.2 of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For recertification RATAs, use the data validation procedures in Section
For quality assurance RATAs of non-redundant backup monitoring
systems, use the data validation procedures in Section 1.4(d)(2)(D) and (E)
of this Appendix.
For RATAs performed during and after the expiration of a grace period,
use the data validation procedures in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, respectively,
of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For all other RATAs, use the data validation procedures in Section 2.3.2
of Exhibit B to this Appendix.
For each flow monitor, each CO
or O
diluent monitor used to determine heat
input, each moisture monitoring system, each mercury concentration monitoring
system, and each sorbent trap monitoring system, calculate the relative accuracy,
in accordance with Section 7.3 of this Exhibit, as applicable.
6.5.1 Gas and Mercury Monitoring System RATAs (Special Considerations)
Perform the required relative accuracy test audits for each CO
or O
monitor used to determine heat input, each mercury concentration monitoring
system, and each sorbent trap monitoring system at the normal load level or
normal operating level for the unit (or combined units, if common stack), as
defined in Section of this Exhibit. If two load levels or operating levels
have been designated as normal, the RATAs may be done at either load level.
For the initial certification of a gas or mercury monitoring system and for
recertifications in which, in addition to a RATA, one or more other tests are
required (i.e., a linearity test, cycle time test, or 7-day calibration error test), the

Agency recommends that the RATA not be commenced until the other required
tests of the CEMS have been passed.
6.5.2 Flow Monitor RATAs (Special Considerations)
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this Section, perform relative
accuracy test audits for the initial certification of each flow monitor at three
different exhaust gas velocities (low, mid, and high), corresponding to three
different load levels within the range of operation, as defined in Section of
this Exhibit. For a common stack/duct, the three different exhaust gas velocities
may be obtained from frequently used unit/load or operating level combinations
for the units exhausting to the common stack. Select the three exhaust gas
velocities such that the audit points at adjacent load or operating levels (i.e., low
and mid or mid and high), in megawatts (or in thousands of lb/hr of steam
production or in ft/sec, as applicable), are separated by no less than 25.0 percent
of the range of operation, as defined in Section of this Exhibit.
For flow monitors on bypass stacks/ducts and peaking units, the flow monitor
relative accuracy test audits for initial certification and recertification must be
single-load tests, performed at the normal load, as defined in Section of
this Exhibit.
Flow monitor recertification RATAs must be done at three load levels, unless
otherwise specified in subsection (b) of this Section or unless otherwise specified
or approved by the Agency.
The semiannual and annual quality assurance flow monitor RATAs required
under Exhibit B to this Appendix must be done at the load levels specified in
Section of Exhibit B to this Appendix. Range of Operation and Normal Load Levels
The owner or operator must determine the upper and lower boundaries of the
"range of operation" as follows for each unit (or combination of units, for
common stack configurations): The lower boundary of the range of operation of a
unit must be the minimum safe, stable loads for any of the units discharging
through the stack. Alternatively, for a group of frequently-operated units that
serve a common stack, the sum of the minimum safe, stable loads for the
individual units may be used as the lower boundary of the range of operation. The
upper boundary of the range of operation of a unit must be the maximum
sustainable load. The "maximum sustainable load" is the higher of either: the
nameplate or rated capacity of the unit, less any physical or regulatory limitations
or other deratings; or the highest sustainable load, based on at least four quarters
of representative historical operating data. For common stacks, the maximum
sustainable load is the sum of all of the maximum sustainable loads of the
individual units discharging through the stack, unless this load is unattainable in

practice, in which case use the highest sustainable combined load for the units that
discharge through the stack. Based on at least four quarters of representative
historical operating data. The load values for the units must be expressed either in
units of megawatts of thousands of lb/hr of steam load or mmBtu/hr of thermal
The load levels for relative accuracy test audits will, except for peaking units, be
defined as follows: the "low" load level will be the first 30.0 percent of the range
of operation; the "mid" load level will be the middle portion (>30.0 percent, but
≤60.0 percent) of the range of operation; and the "high" load level will be the
upper end (>60.0 percent) of the range of operation. For example, if the upper and
lower boundaries of the range of operation are 100 and 1100 megawatts,
respectively, then the low, mid, and high load levels would be 100 to 400
megawatts, 400 to 700 megawatts, and 700 to 1100 megawatts, respectively.
The owner or operator must identify, for each affected unit or common stack, the
"normal" load level or levels (low, mid or high), based on the operating history of
the units. To identify the normal load levels, the owner or operator must, at a
minimum, determine the relative number of operating hours at each of the three
load levels, low, mid and high over the past four representative operating quarters.
The owner or operator must determine, to the nearest 0.1 percent, the percentage
of the time that each load level (low, mid, high) has been used during that time
period. A summary of the data used for this determination and the calculated
results must be kept on-site in a format suitable for inspection. For new units or
newly-affected units, the data analysis in this subsection may be based on fewer
than four quarters of data if fewer than four representative quarters of historical
load data are available. Or, if no historical load data are available, the owner or
operator may designate the normal load based on the expected or projected
manner of operating the unit. However, in either case, once four quarters of
representative data become available, the historical load analysis must be
Determination of normal load.
Based on the analysis of the historical load data described in subsection (c) of this
Section, the owner or operator must designate the most frequently used load level
as the normal load level for the unit (or combination of units, for common stacks).
The owner or operator may also designate the second most frequently used load
level as an additional normal load level for the unit or stack. If the manner of
operation of the unit changes significantly, such that the designated normal loads
or the two most frequently used load levels change, the owner or operator must
repeat the historical load analysis and must redesignate the normal loads and the
two most frequently used load levels, as appropriate. A minimum of two
representative quarters of historical load data are required to document that a
change in the manner of unit operation has occurred. Update the electronic
monitoring plan whenever the normal load levels and the two most frequently-

used load levels are redesignated.
The owner or operator must report the upper and lower boundaries of the range of
operation for each unit (or combination of units, for common stacks), in units of
megawatts or thousands of lb/hr or mmBtu/hr of steam production (as applicable),
in the electronic monitoring plan required under Section 1.10 of this Appendix. Multi-Load Flow RATA Results
For each multi-load flow RATA, calculate the flow monitor relative accuracy at each load level.
If a flow monitor relative accuracy test is failed or aborted due to a problem with the monitor on
any load level of a 2-load (or 3-load) relative accuracy test audit, the RATA must be repeated at
that load level. However, the entire 2-load (or 3-load) relative accuracy test audit does not have
to be repeated unless the flow monitor polynomial coefficients or K-factors are changed, in
which case a 3-load RATA is required.
6.5.3 Calculations
Using the data from the relative accuracy test audits, calculate relative accuracy in accordance
with the procedures and equations specified in Section 7 of this Exhibit.
6.5.4 Reference Method Measurement Location
Select a location for reference method measurements that is (1) accessible; (2) in the same
proximity as the monitor or monitoring system location; and (3) meets the requirements of
Performance Specification 3 in appendix B of 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, for CO
or O
monitors, or Method 1 (or 1A) in appendix A of 40 CFR 60, incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140, for volumetric flow, except as otherwise indicated in this
Section or as approved by the Agency.
6.5.5 Reference Method Traverse Point Selection
Select traverse points that ensure acquisition of representative samples of pollutant and diluent
concentrations, moisture content, temperature, and flue gas flow rate over the flue cross Section.
To achieve this, the reference method traverse points must meet the requirements of Section
8.1.3 of Performance Specification 2 ("PS No. 2") in appendix B to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140 (for moisture monitoring system RATAs), Performance
Specification 3 in appendix B to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140 (for
and CO
monitor RATAs), Method 1 (or 1A) (for volumetric flow rate monitor RATAs),
Method 3 (for molecular weight), and Method 4 (for moisture determination) in appendix A to
40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. The following alternative reference
method traverse point locations are permitted for moisture and gas monitor RATAs:
For moisture determinations where the moisture data are used only to determine
stack gas molecular weight, a single reference method point, located at least 1.0
meter from the stack wall, may be used. For moisture monitoring system RATAs

and for gas monitor RATAs in which moisture data are used to correct pollutant
or diluent concentrations from a dry basis to a wet basis (or vice-versa), single-
point moisture sampling may only be used if the 12-point stratification test
described in Section of this Exhibit is performed prior to the RATA for at
least one pollutant or diluent gas, and if the test is passed according to the
acceptance criteria in Section of this Exhibit.
For gas monitoring system RATAs, the owner or operator may use any of the
following options:
At any location (including locations where stratification is expected), use a
minimum of six traverse points along a diameter, in the direction of any
expected stratification. The points must be located in accordance with
Method 1 in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140.
At locations where Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2 allows the use of a short
reference method measurement line (with three points located at 0.4, 1.2,
and 2.0 meters from the stack wall), the owner or operator may use an
alternative 3-point measurement line, locating the three points at 4.4, 14.6,
and 29.6 percent of the way across the stack, in accordance with Method 1
in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
At locations where stratification is likely to occur (e.g., following a wet
scrubber or when dissimilar gas streams are combined), the short
measurement line from Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2 (or the alternative line
described in subsection (b)(2) of this Section) may be used in lieu of the
prescribed "long" measurement line in Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2, provided
that the 12-point stratification test described in Section of this
Exhibit is performed and passed one time at the location (according to the
acceptance criteria of Section of this Exhibit) and provided that
either the 12-point stratification test or the alternative (abbreviated)
stratification test in Section of this Exhibit is performed and passed
prior to each subsequent RATA at the location (according to the
acceptance criteria of Section of this Exhibit).
A single reference method measurement point, located no less than 1.0
meter from the stack wall and situated along one of the measurement lines
used for the stratification test, may be used at any sampling location if the
12-point stratification test described in Section of this Exhibit is
performed and passed prior to each RATA at the location (according to the
acceptance criteria of Section of this Exhibit).
For mercury monitoring systems, use the same basic approach for traverse point
selection that is used for the other gas monitoring system RATAs, except that the

stratification test provisions in Sections 8.1.3 through of Method 30A must
apply, rather than the provisions of Sections through of this
Exhibit. Stratification Test
With the units operating under steady-state conditions at the normal load level (or
normal operating level), as defined in Section of this Exhibit, use a
traversing gas sampling probe to measure diluent (CO
or O
) concentrations at a
minimum of 12 points, located according to Method 1 in appendix A to 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Use Method 3A in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140, to make the measurements. Data from the reference method
analyzers must be quality assured by performing analyzer calibration error and
system bias checks before the series of measurements and by conducting system
bias and calibration drift checks after the measurements, in accordance with the
procedures of Method 3A.
Measure for a minimum of 2 minutes at each traverse point. To the extent
practicable, complete the traverse within a 2-hour period.
If the load has remained constant (±-3.0 percent) during the traverse and if the
reference method analyzers have passed all of the required quality assurance
checks, proceed with the data analysis.
Calculate the average CO
(or O
) concentrations at each of the individual
traverse points. Then, calculate the arithmetic average CO
(or O
) concentrations
for all traverse points. Alternative (Abbreviated) Stratification Test
With the units operating under steady-state conditions at the normal load level (or
normal operating level), as defined in Section of this Exhibit, use a
traversing gas sampling probe to measure the diluent (CO
or O
) concentrations
at three points. The points must be located according to the specifications for the
long measurement line in Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2 (i.e., locate the points 16.7
percent, 50.0 percent, and 83.3 percent of the way across the stack). Alternatively,
the concentration measurements may be made at six traverse points along a
diameter. The six points must be located in accordance with Method 1 in
appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Method 3A in appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, to make the measurements. Data from the reference method analyzers
must be quality assured by performing analyzer calibration error and system bias
checks before the series of measurements and by conducting system bias and

calibration drift checks after the measurements, in accordance with the procedures
of Method 3A.
Measure for a minimum of 2 minutes at each traverse point. To the extent
practicable, complete the traverse within a 1-hour period.
If the load has remained constant (+-3.0 percent) during the traverse and if the
reference method analyzers have passed all of the required quality assurance
checks, proceed with the data analysis.
Calculate the average CO
(or O
) concentrations at each of the individual
traverse points. Then, calculate the arithmetic average CO
(or O
) concentrations
for all traverse points. Stratification Test Results and Acceptance Criteria
For each diluent gas RATA, the short reference method measurement line
described in Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2 may be used in lieu of the long
measurement line prescribed in Section 8.1.3 of PS No. 2 if the results of a
stratification test, conducted in accordance with Section or of this
Exhibit (as appropriate; see Section 6.5.5(b)(3) of this Exhibit), show that the
concentration at each individual traverse point differs by no more than ±10.0
percent from the arithmetic average concentration for all traverse points. The
results are also acceptable if the concentration at each individual traverse point
differs by no more than ±0.5 percent CO
(or O
) from the arithmetic average
concentration for all traverse points.
For each diluent gas RATA, a single reference method measurement point,
located at least 1.0 meter from the stack wall and situated along one of the
measurement lines used for the stratification test, may be used for that diluent gas
if the results of a stratification test, conducted in accordance with Section
of this Exhibit, show that the concentration at each individual traverse point
differs by no more than ±5.0 percent from the arithmetic average concentration
for all traverse points. The results are also acceptable if the concentration at each
individual traverse point differs by no more than ±0.3 percent CO
(or O
) from
the arithmetic average concentration for all traverse points.
The owner or operator must keep the results of all stratification tests on-site, in a
format suitable for inspection, as part of the supplementary RATA records
required under Section 1.13(a)(7) of this Appendix.
6.5.6 Sampling Strategy
Conduct the reference method tests so they will yield results representative of the
pollutant concentration, emission rate, moisture, temperature, and flue gas flow
rate from the unit and can be correlated with mercury monitor, CO
or (O

moisture, flow monitoring system, and mercury CEMS (or excepted monitoring
system) measurements (as applicable). The minimum acceptable time for a gas
monitoring system RATA run or for a moisture monitoring system RATA run is
21 minutes. For each run of a gas monitoring system RATA, all necessary
pollutant concentration measurements, diluent concentration measurements, and
moisture measurements (if applicable) must, to the extent practicable, be made
within a 60-minute period. For flow monitor RATAs, the minimum time per run
must be 5 minutes. Flow rate reference method measurements may be made either
sequentially from port to port or simultaneously at two or more sample ports. The
velocity measurement probe may be moved from traverse point to traverse point
either manually or automatically. If, during a flow RATA, significant pulsations
in the reference method readings are observed, be sure to allow enough
measurement time at each traverse point to obtain an accurate average reading
when a manual readout method is used (e.g., a "sight-weighted" average from a
manometer). Also, allow sufficient measurement time to ensure that stable
temperature readings are obtained at each traverse point, particularly at the first
measurement point at each sample port, when a probe is moved sequentially from
port-to-port. A minimum of one set of auxiliary measurements for stack gas
molecular weight determination (i.e., diluent gas data and moisture data) is
required for every clock hour of a flow RATA or for every three test runs
(whichever is less restrictive). Alternatively, moisture measurements for
molecular weight determination may be performed before and after a series of
flow RATA runs at a particular load level (low, mid, or high), provided that the
time interval between the two moisture measurements does not exceed three
hours. If this option is selected, the results of the two moisture determinations
must be averaged arithmetically and applied to all RATA runs in the series.
Successive flow RATA runs may be performed without waiting in-between runs.
If an O
-diluent monitor is used as a CO
continuous emission monitoring system,
perform a CO
system RATA (i.e., measure CO
, rather than O
, with the
reference method). For moisture monitoring systems, an appropriate coefficient,
"K" factor or other suitable mathematical algorithm may be developed prior to the
RATA, to adjust the monitoring system readings with respect to the reference
method. If such a coefficient, K-factor or algorithm is developed, it must be
applied to the CEMS readings during the RATA and (if the RATA is passed), to
the subsequent CEMS data, by means of the automated data acquisition and
handling system. The owner or operator must keep records of the current
coefficient, K factor or algorithm, as specified in Section 1.13(a)(5)(F) of this
Appendix. Whenever the coefficient, K factor or algorithm is changed, a RATA
of the moisture monitoring system is required. For the RATA of a mercury CEMS
using the Ontario Hydro Method, or for the RATA of a sorbent trap system
(irrespective of the reference method used), the time per run must be long enough
to collect a sufficient mass of mercury to analyze. For the RATA of a sorbent trap
monitoring system, the type of sorbent material used by the traps must be the
same as for daily operation of the monitoring system; however, the size of the
traps used for the RATA may be smaller than the traps used for daily operation of
the system. Spike the third section of each sorbent trap with elemental mercury, as

described in Section 7.1.2 of Exhibit D to this Appendix. Install a new pair of
sorbent traps prior to each test run. For each run, the sorbent trap data must be
validated according to the quality assurance criteria in Section 8 of Exhibit D to
this Appendix.
To properly correlate the mercury, volumetric flow rate, moisture, CO
monitoring system data with the reference method data, annotate the beginning
and end of each reference method test run (including the exact time of day) on the
individual chart recorders or other permanent recording devices.
6.5.7 Correlation of Reference Method and Continuous Emission Monitoring System
Confirm that the monitoring system and reference method test results are on consistent moisture,
pressure, temperature, and diluent concentration basis (e.g., since the flow monitor measures
flow rate on a wet basis, Method 2 test results must also be on a wet basis). Compare flow-
monitor and reference method results on a scfh basis. Also, consider the response times of the
pollutant concentration monitor, the continuous emission monitoring system, and the flow
monitoring system to ensure comparison of simultaneous measurements.
For each relative accuracy test audit run, compare the measurements obtained from the
continuous emission monitoring system (in μg/m
, percent CO
, percent O
, or %H
O, as
applicable) against the corresponding reference method values. Tabulate the paired data in a
table such as the one shown in Figure 2.
6.5.8 Number of Reference Method Tests
Perform a minimum of nine sets of paired monitor (or monitoring system) and reference method
test data for every required (i.e., certification, recertification, diagnostic, semiannual, or annual)
relative accuracy test audit. For 2-load and 3-load relative accuracy test audits of flow monitors,
perform a minimum of nine sets at each of the load levels.
6.5.9 Reference Methods
The following methods are from appendix A to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140, or have been published by ASTM, and are the reference methods for performing
relative accuracy test audits under this part: Method 1 or 1A in appendix A-1 to 40 CFR 60 for
siting; Method 2 or its allowable alternatives in appendices A-1 and A-2 to 40 CFR 60 (except
for Methods 2B and 2E) for stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate; Methods 3, 3A or 3B in
appendix A-2 to 40 CFR 60 for O
and CO
; Method 4 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR 60 for
moisture; and for mercury, either ASTM D6784-02 (the Ontario Hydro Method, incorporated by
reference under Section 225.140), or Method 29 , Method 30A, or Method 30B in appendix A-8
to 40 CFR 60.
7. Calculations
7.1 Linearity and System Integrity Checks

Analyze the linearity check data for Hg, CO
, and O
monitors and the system integrity check
data for Hg CEMS as follows. Calculate the percentage measurement error based upon the
reference value at the low-level, mid-level, and high-level concentrations specified in Section 6.2
of this Exhibit. Perform this calculation once during the certification test. Use the following
equation to calculate the measurement error for each reference value.
(Equation A-4)
ME = Percentage measurement error, based upon the reference value.
R =
eference value of Low, mid, or high-level calibration gas introduced into
the monitoring system.
A =
Average of the monitoring system responses.
7.2 Calibration Error
7.2.1 Pollutant Concentration and Diluent Monitors
For each reference value, calculate the percentage calibration error based upon instrument span
for daily calibration error tests using the following equation:
(Equation A-5)
CE = Calibration error as a percentage of the span of the instrument.
R =
Reference value of zero or upscale (high-level or mid-level, as applicable)
calibration gas introduced into the monitoring system.
A =
Actual monitoring system response to the calibration gas.
S =
Span of the instrument, as specified in Section 2 of this Exhibit.
7.2.2 Flow Monitor Calibration Error
For each reference value, calculate the percentage calibration error based upon span using the
following equation:
(Equation A-6)

CE = Calibration error as a percentage of span.
R =
Low or high level reference value specified in Section of this
A =
Actual flow monitor response to the reference value.
S =
Flow monitor calibration span value as determined under Section
of this Exhibit.
7.3 Relative Accuracy for O
Monitors, Mercury Monitoring Systems,
and Flow Monitors
Analyze the relative accuracy test audit data from the reference method tests for CO
or O
monitors used only for heat input rate determination, mercury monitoring systems used to
determine mercury mass emissions under Sections 1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B, and flow
monitors using the following procedures. Summarize the results on a data sheet. An example is
shown in Figure 2. Calculate the mean of the monitor or monitoring system measurement values.
Calculate the mean of the reference method values. Using data from the automated data
acquisition and handling system, calculate the arithmetic differences between the reference
method and monitor measurement data sets. Then calculate the arithmetic mean of the
difference, the standard deviation, the confidence coefficient, and the monitor or monitoring
system relative accuracy using the following procedures and equations.
7.3.1 Arithmetic Mean
Calculate the arithmetic mean of the differences, d, of a data set as follows.
(Equation A-7)
N = Number of data points.
The difference between a reference method value and the corresponding
continuous emission monitoring system value (RM
) at a given
point in time i.
7.3.2 Standard Deviation
Calculate the standard deviation, S
, of a data set as follows:

(Equation A-8)
n =
Number of data points.
The difference between a reference method value and the corresponding
continuous emission monitoring system value (RM
) at a given
point in time i.
7.3.3 Confidence Coefficient
Calculate the confidence coefficient (one-tailed), cc, of a data set as follows:
cc t
(Equation A-9)
t0.025=t value (see Table 7-1).
Table 7-1 t-Values
7.3.4 Relative Accuracy

Calculate the relative accuracy of a data set using the following equation.
(Equation A-10)
= Arithmetic mean of the reference method values.
= The absolute value of the mean difference between the reference method
values and the corresponding continuous emission monitoring system
= The absolute value of the confidence coefficient.
7.5 Reference Flow-to-Load Ratio or Gross Heat Rate
Except as provided in Section 7.6 of this Exhibit, the owner or operator must
, the reference value of the ratio of flow rate to unit load, each time
that a passing flow RATA is performed at a load level designated as normal in
Section of this Exhibit. The owner or operator must report the current
value of
in the electronic quarterly report required under 40 CFR 75.64,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, and must also report the completion
date of the associated RATA. If two load levels have been designated as normal
under Section of this Exhibit, the owner or operator must determine a
value for each of the normal load levels. The reference flow-to-load
ratio must be calculated as follows:
(Equation A-13)
= Reference value of the flow-to-load ratio, from the most recent normal-load
flow RATA, scfh/megawatts, scfh/1000 lb/hr of steam, or scfh/ (mmBtu/hr
of steam output).
= Average stack gas volumetric flow rate measured by the reference method
during the normal-load RATA, scfh.

= Average unit load during the normal-load flow RATA, megawatts, 1000
lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr of thermal output.
In Equation A-13, for a common stack, determine
by summing, for each
RATA run, the operating loads of all units discharging through the common stack,
and then taking the arithmetic average of the summed loads. For a unit that
discharges its emissions through multiple stacks, either determine a single value
for the unit or a separate value of
for each stack. In the former case,
by summing, for each RATA run, the volumetric flow rates through
the individual stacks and then taking the arithmetic average of the summed RATA
run flow rates. In the latter case, calculate the value of
for each stack by
taking the arithmetic average, for all RATA runs, of the flow rates through the
stack. For a unit with a multiple stack discharge configuration consisting of a
main stack and a bypass stack (e.g., a unit with a wet SO
scrubber), determine
separately for each stack at the time of the normal load flow RATA. Round
off the value of
to two decimal places.
In addition to determining
or as an alternative to determine
, a reference
value of the gross heat rate (GHR) may be determined. In order to use this option,
quality assured diluent gas (CO
or O
) must be available for each hour of the
most recent normal-load flow RATA. The reference value of the GHR must be
determined as follows:
(Equation A-13a)
Reference value of the gross heat rate at the time of the
most recent normal-load flow RATA, Btu/kwh, Btu/lb
steam load, or Btu heat input/mmBtu steam output.
Average hourly heat input during the normal-load flow
RATA, as determined using the applicable equation in
Exhibit C to this Appendix, mmBtu/hr. For multiple stack
configurations, if the reference GHR value is determined
separately for each stack, use the hourly heat input
measured at each stack. If the reference GHR is determined
at the unit level, sum the hourly heat inputs measured at the
individual stacks.

Average unit load during the normal-load flow RATA,
megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal
In the calculation of
, use
, the average volumetric flow rate
measured by the reference method during the RATA, and use the average diluent
gas concentration measured during the flow RATA (i.e., the arithmetic average of
the diluent gas concentrations for all clock hours in which a RATA run was
7.6 Flow-to-Load Test Exemptions
For complex stack configurations (e.g., when the effluent from a unit is divided and discharges
through multiple stacks in such a manner that the flow rate in the individual stacks cannot be
correlated with unit load), the owner or operator may petition the USEPA under 40 CFR 75.66,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, for an exemption from the requirements of Section
7.7 to Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75 and Section 2.2.5 of Exhibit B to Appendix B. The petition
must include sufficient information and data to demonstrate that a flow-to-load or gross heat rate
evaluation is infeasible for the complex stack configuration.
Figures for Exhibit A to Appendix B
Figure 1. Linearity Error Determination
Date and
Percent of

Figure 2. Relative Accuracy Determination (Pollutant Concentration Monitors)
(ppm [FNc])
(Pollutant) (ppm [FNc])
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7).
Confidence Coeffecient (Eq. A-9).
Relative Accuracy (Eq. A-10).

[FNa] RM means "reference method data".
[FNb] M means "monitor data".
[FNc] Make sure the RM and M data are on a consistent basis, either wet or dry.

Figure 3. Relative Accuracy Determination (Flow Monitors)
Flow rate (Low)
Flow rate (Normal)
Flow rate (High)
(scf/hr) [FNa]
(scf/hr) [FNa]
(scf/hr) [FNa]
time RM
time RM
time RM
M Diff
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7).
Confidence Coeffecient (Eq. A-9).
Relative Accuracy (Eq. A-10).
[FNa] Make sure the RM and M data are on a consistent basis, either wet or dry.
Figure 4. Relative Accuracy Determination (NO
/Dilent Combined System)
Reference method data NO
system (lb/mmBtu)

and time NO
( )
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
Arithmetic Mean Difference (Eq. A-7).
Confidence Coeffecient (Eq. A-9).
Relative Accuracy (Eq. A-10).
[FNa] Specify units: ppm, lb/dscf, mg/dscm.
Figure 5. Cycle Time
Date of test
Component/system ID#:
Analyzer type
Serial Number
High level gas concentration:
ppm/% (circle one)
Zero level gas concentration:
ppm/% (circle one)
Analyzer span setting:
ppm/% (circle one)

Stable starting monitor value:
ppm/% (circle one)
Stable ending monitor reading:
ppm/% (circle one)
Elapsed time:
Stable starting monitor value:
ppm/% (circle one)
Stable ending monitor reading:
ppm/% (circle one)
Elapsed time:
Component cycle time =
System cycle time =
A. To determine the upscale cycle time (Figure 6a), measure the flue gas emissions until
the response stabilizes. Record the stabilized value (see Section 6.4 of this Exhibit for the
stability criteria).
B. Inject a high-level calibration gas into the port leading to the calibration cell or thimble
(Point B). Allow the analyzer to stabilize. Record the stabilized value.
C. Determine the step change. The step change is equal to the difference between the
final stable calibration gas value (Point D) and the stabilized stack emissions value (Point
D. Take 95% of the step change value and add the result to the stabilized stack emissions
value (Point A). Determine the time at which 95% of the step change occurred (Point C).
E. Calculate the upscale cycle time by subtracting the time at which the calibration gas
was injected (Point B) from the time at which 95% of the step change occurred (Point C).
In this example, upscale cycle time = (11-5) = 6 minutes.
F. To determine the downscale cycle time (Figure 6b) repeat the procedures above,
except that a zero gas is injected when the flue gas emissions have stabilized, and 95% of
the step change in concentration is subtracted from the stabilized stack emissions value.
G. Compare the upscale and downscale cycle time values. The longer of these two times
is the cycle time for the analyzer.
Exhibit B to Appendix B--Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures
1. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program
Develop and implement a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program for the continuous
emission monitoring systems, and their components. At a minimum, include in each QA/QC
program a written plan that describes in detail (or that refers to separate documents containing)
complete, step-by-step procedures and operations for each of the following activities. Upon

request from regulatory authorities, the source must make all procedures, maintenance records,
and ancillary supporting documentation from the manufacturer (e.g., software coefficients and
troubleshooting diagrams) available for review during an audit. Electronic storage of the
information in the QA/QC plan is permissible, provided that the information can be made
available in hardcopy upon request during an audit.
1.1 Requirements for All Monitoring Systems
1.1.1 Preventive Maintenance
Keep a written record of procedures needed to maintain the monitoring system in proper
operating condition and a schedule for those procedures. This must, at a minimum, include
procedures specified by the manufacturers of the equipment and, if applicable, additional or
alternate procedures developed for the equipment.
1.1.2 Recordkeeping and Reporting
Keep a written record describing procedures that will be used to implement the recordkeeping
and reporting requirements in subparts E and G of 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140, and Sections 1.10 through 1.13 of Appendix B, as applicable.
1.1.3 Maintenance Records
Keep a record of all testing, maintenance, or repair activities performed on any monitoring
system or component in a location and format suitable for inspection. A maintenance log may be
used for this purpose. The following records should be maintained: date, time, and description of
any testing, adjustment, repair, replacement, or preventive maintenance action performed on any
monitoring system and records of any corrective actions associated with a monitor's outage
period. Additionally, any adjustment that recharacterizes a system's ability to record and report
emissions data must be recorded (e.g., changing of flow monitor or moisture monitoring system
polynomial coefficients, K factors or mathematical algorithms, changing of temperature and
pressure coefficients and dilution ratio settings), and a written explanation of the procedures used
to make the adjustments must be kept.
The requirements in Section 6.1.2 of Exhibit A to this Appendix must be met by any Air
Emissions Testing Body (AETB) performing the semiannual/annual RATAs described in Section
2.3 of this Exhibit and the mercury emission tests described in Sections 1.15(c) and 1.15(d)(4) of
Appendix B.
1.2 Specific Requirements for Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems
1.2.1 Calibration Error Test and Linearity Check Procedures
Keep a written record of the procedures used for daily calibration error tests and linearity checks

(e.g., how gases are to be injected, adjustments of flow rates and pressure, introduction of
reference values, length of time for injection of calibration gases, steps for obtaining calibration
error or error in linearity, determination of interferences, and when calibration adjustments
should be made). Identify any calibration error test and linearity check procedures specific to the
continuous emission monitoring system that vary from the procedures in Exhibit A to this
1.2.2 Calibration and Linearity Adjustments
Explain how each component of the continuous emission monitoring system will be adjusted to
provide correct responses to calibration gases, reference values, and/or indications of
interference both initially and after repairs or corrective action. Identify equations, conversion
factors and other factors affecting calibration of each continuous emission monitoring system.
1.2.3 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Procedures
Keep a written record of procedures and details peculiar to the installed continuous emission
monitoring systems that are to be used for relative accuracy test audits, such as sampling and
analysis methods.
1.2.4 Parametric Monitoring for Units With Add-on Emission Controls
The owner or operator shall keep a written (or electronic) record including a list of operating
parameters for the add-on mercury emission controls, as applicable, and the range of each
operating parameter that indicates the add-on emission controls are operating properly. The
owner or operator shall keep a written (or electronic) record of the parametric monitoring data
during each mercury missing data period.
1.3 Requirements for Sorbent Trap Monitoring Systems
1.3.1 Sorbent Trap Identification and Tracking
Include procedures for inscribing or otherwise permanently marking a unique identification
number on each sorbent trap for tracking purposes. Keep records of the ID of the monitoring
system in which each sorbent trap is used, and the dates and hours of each mercury collection
1.3.2 Monitoring System Integrity and Data Quality
Explain the procedures used to perform the leak checks when sorbent traps are placed in service
and removed from service. Also explain the other QA procedures used to ensure system integrity
and data quality, including, but not limited to, gas flow meter calibrations, verification of
moisture removal, and ensuring air-tight pump operation. In addition, the QA plan must include
the data acceptance and quality control criteria in Section 8 of Exhibit D to this Appendix. All
reference meters used to calibrate the gas flow meters (e.g., wet test meters) must be periodically

recalibrated. Annual, or more frequent, recalibration is recommended. If a NIST-traceable
calibration device is used as a reference flow meter, the QA plan must include a protocol for
ongoing maintenance and periodic recalibration to maintain the accuracy and NIST-traceability
of the calibrator.
1.3.3 Mercury Analysis
Explain the chain of custody employed in packing, transporting, and analyzing the sorbent traps
(see Sections 7.2.8 and 7.2.9 in Exhibit D to this Appendix.). Keep records of all mercury
analyses. The analyses must be performed in accordance with the procedures described in
Section 10 of Exhibit D to this Appendix.
1.3.4 Laboratory Certification
The QA Plan must include documentation that the laboratory performing the analyses on the
carbon sorbent traps is certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to
have a proficiency that meets the requirements of ISO 17025. Alternatively, if the laboratory
performs the spike recovery study described in Section 10.3 of Exhibit D to this Appendix and
repeats that procedure annually, ISO certification is not required.
1.3.5 Data Collection Period
State, and provide the rationale for, the minimum acceptable data collection period (e.g., one
day, one week, etc.) for the size of the sorbent trap selected for the monitoring. Include in the
discussion such factors as the mercury concentration in the stack gas, the capacity of the sorbent
trap, and the minimum mass of mercury required for the analysis.
1.3.6 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Procedures
Keep records of the procedures and details peculiar to the sorbent trap monitoring systems that
are to be followed for relative accuracy test audits, such as sampling and analysis methods.
2. Frequency of Testing
A summary chart showing each quality assurance test and the frequency at which each test is
required is located at the end of this Exhibit in Figure 1.
2.1 Daily Assessments
Perform the following daily assessments to quality-assure the hourly data recorded by the
monitoring systems during each period of unit operation, or, for a bypass stack or duct, each
period in which emissions pass through the bypass stack or duct. These requirements are
effective as of the date when the monitor or continuous emission monitoring system completes
certification testing.
2.1.1 Calibration Error Test

Except as provided in Section of this Exhibit, perform the daily calibration error test of
each gas monitoring system (including moisture monitoring systems consisting of wet- and dry-
basis O
analyzers) according to the procedures in Section 6.3.1 of Exhibit A to this Appendix,
and perform the daily calibration error test of each flow monitoring system according to the
procedure in Section 6.3.2 of Exhibit A to this Appendix. When two measurement ranges (low
and high) are required for a particular parameter, perform sufficient calibration error tests on
each range to validate the data recorded on that range, according to the criteria in Section 2.1.5 of
this Exhibit.
For units with add-on emission controls and dual-span or auto-ranging monitors, and other units
that use the maximum expected concentration to determine calibration gas values, perform the
daily calibration error tests on each scale that has been used since the previous calibration error
test. For example, if the pollutant concentration has not exceeded the low-scale value (based on
the maximum expected concentration) since the previous calibration error test, the calibration
error test may be performed on the low-scale only. If, however, the concentration has exceeded
the low-scale span value for one hour or longer since the previous calibration error test, perform
the calibration error test on both the low- and high-scales. On-line Daily Calibration Error Tests
Except as provided in Section of this Exhibit, all daily calibration error tests must be
performed while the unit is in operation at normal, stable conditions (i.e., "on-line"). Off-line Daily Calibration Error Tests
Daily calibrations may be performed while the unit is not operating (i.e., "off-line") and may be
used to validate data for a monitoring system that meets the following conditions:
An initial demonstration test of the monitoring system is successfully completed
and the results are reported in the quarterly report required under 40 CFR 75.64,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. The initial demonstration test,
hereafter called the "off-line calibration demonstration", consists of an off-line
calibration error test followed by an on-line calibration error test. Both the off-line
and on-line portions of the off-line calibration demonstration must meet the
calibration error performance specification in Section 3.1 of Exhibit A to
Appendix B. Upon completion of the off-line portion of the demonstration, the
zero and upscale monitor responses may be adjusted, but only toward the true
values of the calibration gases or reference signals used to perform the test and
only in accordance with the routine calibration adjustment procedures specified in
the quality control program required under Section 1 of this Exhibit. Once these
adjustments are made, no further adjustments may be made to the monitoring
system until after completion of the on-line portion of the off-line calibration
demonstration. Within 26 clock hours after the completion hour of the off-line
portion of the demonstration, the monitoring system must successfully complete
the first attempted calibration error test, i.e., the on-line portion of the

For each monitoring system that has passed the off-line calibration demonstration,
off-line calibration error tests may be used on a limited basis to validate data, in
accordance with subsection (2) in Section of this Exhibit.
2.1.2 Daily Flow Interference Check
Perform the daily flow monitor interference checks specified in Section of Exhibit A to
this Appendix while the unit is in operation at normal, stable conditions.
2.1.3 Additional Calibration Error Tests and Calibration Adjustments
In addition to the daily calibration error tests required under Section 2.1.1 of this
Exhibit, a calibration error test of a monitor must be performed in accordance
with Section 2.1.1 of this Exhibit, as follows: whenever a daily calibration error
test is failed; whenever a monitoring system is returned to service following repair
or corrective maintenance that could affect the monitor's ability to accurately
measure and record emissions data; or after making certain calibration
adjustments, as described in this Section. Except in the case of the routine
calibration adjustments described in this Section, data from the monitor are
considered invalid until the required additional calibration error test has been
successfully completed.
Routine calibration adjustments of a monitor are permitted after any successful
calibration error test. These routine adjustments must be made so as to bring the
monitor readings as close as practicable to the known values of the calibration
gases or to the actual value of the flow monitor reference signals. An additional
calibration error test is required following routine calibration adjustments where
the monitor's calibration has been physically adjusted (e.g., by turning a
potentiometer) to verify that the adjustments have been made properly. An
additional calibration error test is not required, however, if the routine calibration
adjustments are made by means of a mathematical algorithm programmed into the
data acquisition and handling system. It is recommended that routine calibration
adjustments be made, at a minimum, whenever the daily calibration error exceeds
the limits of the applicable performance specification in Exhibit A to this
Appendix for the pollutant concentration monitor, CO
or O
monitor, or flow
Additional (non-routine) calibration adjustments of a monitor are permitted prior
to (but not during) linearity checks and RATAs and at other times, provided that
an appropriate technical justification is included in the quality control program
required under Section 1 of this Exhibit. The allowable non-routine adjustments
are as follows. The owner or operator may physically adjust the calibration of a
monitor (e.g., by means of a potentiometer), provided that the post-adjustment
zero and upscale responses of the monitor are within the performance

specifications of the instrument given in Section 3.1 of Exhibit A to this
Appendix. An additional calibration error test is required following such
adjustments to verify that the monitor is operating within the performance
specifications at both the zero and upscale calibration levels.
2.1.4 Data Validation
An out-of-control period occurs when the calibration error of a CO
or O
(including O
monitors used to measure CO
emissions or percent moisture)
exceeds 1.0 percent CO
or O
, or when the calibration error of a flow monitor or
a moisture sensor exceeds 6.0 percent of the span value, which is twice the
applicable specification of Exhibit A to this Appendix. Notwithstanding, a
differential pressure-type flow monitor for which the calibration error exceeds 6.0
percent of the span value will not be considered out-of-control if
, the
absolute value of the difference between the monitor response and the reference
value in Equation A-6 of Exhibit A to this Appendix, is < 0.02 inches of water.
For a mercury monitor, an out-of-control period occurs when the calibration error
exceeds 5.0% of the span value. Notwithstanding, the mercury monitor will not be
considered out-of-control if
in Equation A-5 does not exceed 1.0 μg/scm.
The out-of-control period begins upon failure of the calibration error test and ends
upon completion of a successful calibration error test. Note, that if a failed
calibration, corrective action, and successful calibration error test occur within the
same hour, emission data for that hour recorded by the monitor after the
successful calibration error test may be used for reporting purposes, provided that
two or more valid readings are obtained as required by Section 1.2 of this
Appendix. Emission data must not be reported from an out-of-control monitor.
An out-of-control period also occurs whenever interference of a flow monitor is
identified. The out-of-control period begins with the hour of completion of the
failed interference check and ends with the hour of completion of an interference
check that is passed.
2.1.5 Quality Assurance of Data With Respect to Daily Assessments
When a monitoring system passes a daily assessment (i.e., daily calibration error test or daily
flow interference check), data from that monitoring system are prospectively validated for 26
clock hours (i.e., 24 hours plus a 2-hour grace period) beginning with the hour in which the test
is passed, unless another assessment (i.e., a daily calibration error test, an interference check of a
flow monitor, a quarterly linearity check, a quarterly leak check, or a relative accuracy test audit)
is failed within the 26-hour period. Data Invalidation with Respect to Daily Assessments
The following specific rules apply to the invalidation of data with respect to daily assessments:

Data from a monitoring system are invalid, beginning with the first hour
following the expiration of a 26-hour data validation period or beginning
with the first hour following the expiration of an 8-hour start-up grace
period (as provided under Section of this Exhibit), if the required
subsequent daily assessment has not been conducted.
For a monitor that has passed the off-line calibration demonstration, a
combination of on-line and off-line calibration error tests may be used to
validate data from the monitor, as follows. For a particular unit (or stack)
operating hour, data from a monitor may be validated using a successful
off-line calibration error test if: a) An on-line calibration error test has
been passed within the previous 26 unit (or stack) operating hours; and b)
the 26 clock hour data validation window for the off-line calibration error
test has not expired. If either of these conditions is not met, then the data
from the monitor are invalid with respect to the daily calibration error test
requirement. Data from the monitor must remain invalid until the
appropriate on-line or off-line calibration error test is successfully
completed so that both conditions in subsections a) and b) are met.
For units with two measurement ranges (low and high) for a particular
parameter, when separate analyzers are used for the low and high ranges, a
failed or expired calibration on one of the ranges does not affect the
quality-assured data status on the other range. For a dual-range analyzer
(i.e., a single analyzer with two measurement scales), a failed calibration
error test on either the low or high scale results in an out-of-control period
for the monitor. Data from the monitor remain invalid until corrective
actions are taken and "hands-off" calibration error tests have been passed
on both ranges. However, if the most recent calibration error test on the
high scale was passed but has expired, while the low scale is up-to-date on
its calibration error test requirements (or vice-versa), the expired
calibration error test does not affect the quality-assured status of the data
recorded on the other scale. Daily Assessment Start-Up Grace Period
For the purpose of quality assuring data with respect to a daily assessment (i.e. a daily calibration
error test or a flow interference check), a start-up grace period may apply when a unit begins to
operate after a period of non-operation. The start-up grace period for a daily calibration error test
is independent of the start-up grace period for a daily flow interference check. To qualify for a
start-up grace period for a daily assessment, there are two requirements:
The unit must have resumed operation after being in outage for 1 or more
hours (i.e., the unit must be in a start-up condition) as evidenced by a
change in unit operating time from zero in one clock hour to an operating
time greater than zero in the next clock hour.

For the monitoring system to be used to validate data during the grace
period, the previous daily assessment of the same kind must have been
passed on-line within 26 clock hours prior to the last hour in which the
unit operated before the outage. In addition, the monitoring system must
be in-control with respect to quarterly and semi-annual or annual
If both of the above conditions are met, then a start-up grace period of up to 8 clock hours
applies, beginning with the first hour of unit operation following the outage. During the start-up
grace period, data generated by the monitoring system are considered quality-assured. For each
monitoring system, a start-up grace period for a calibration error test or flow interference check
ends when either: (1) a daily assessment of the same kind (i.e., calibration error test or flow
interference check) is performed; or (2) 8 clock hours have elapsed (starting with the first hour of
unit operation following the outage), whichever occurs first.
2.1.6 Data Recording
Record and tabulate all calibration error test data according to month, day, clock-hour, and
magnitude in either ppm, percent volume, or scfh. Program monitors that automatically adjust
data to the corrected calibration values (e.g., microprocessor control) to record either: (1) the
unadjusted concentration or flow rate measured in the calibration error test prior to resetting the
calibration, or (2) the magnitude of any adjustment. Record the following applicable flow
monitor interference check data: (1) sample line/sensing port pluggage, and (2) malfunction of
each RTD, transceiver, or equivalent.
2.2 Quarterly Assessments
For each primary and redundant backup monitor or monitoring system, perform the following
quarterly assessments. This requirement applies as of the calendar quarter following the calendar
quarter in which the monitor or continuous emission monitoring system is provisionally certified.
2.2.1 Linearity Check
Perform a linearity check, in accordance with the procedures in Section 6.2 of Exhibit A to this
Appendix, for each primary and redundant backup, mercury monitor and each primary and
redundant backup CO
or O
monitor (including O
monitors used to measure CO
emissions or
to continuously monitor moisture) at least once during each QA operating quarter, as defined in
40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. For mercury monitors, perform the
linearity checks using elemental mercury standards. Alternatively, you may perform 3-level
system integrity checks at the same three calibration gas levels (i.e., low, mid, and high), using a
NIST-traceable source of oxidized mercury. If you choose this option, the performance
specification in Section 3.2(c) of Exhibit A to this Part must be met at each gas level. For units
using both a low and high span value, a linearity check is required only on the ranges used to
record and report emission data during the QA operating quarter. Conduct the linearity checks no
less than 30 days apart, to the extent practicable. The data validation procedures in Section
2.2.3(e) of this Exhibit must be followed.

2.2.2 Leak Check
For differential pressure flow monitors, perform a leak check of all sample lines (a manual check
is acceptable) at least once during each QA operating quarter. For this test, the unit does not have
to be in operation. Conduct the leak checks no less than 30 days apart, to the extent practicable.
If a leak check is failed, follow the applicable data validation procedures in Section 2.2.3(g) of
this Exhibit.
2.2.3 Data Validation
A linearity check must not be commenced if the monitoring system is operating
out-of-control with respect to any of the daily or semiannual quality assurance
assessments required by Sections 2.1 and 2.3 of this Exhibit or with respect to the
additional calibration error test requirements in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit.
Each required linearity check must be done according to subsection (b)(1), (b)(2)
or (b)(3) of this Section:
The linearity check may be done "cold," i.e., with no corrective
maintenance, repair, calibration adjustments, re-linearization or
reprogramming of the monitor prior to the test.
The linearity check may be done after performing only the routine or non-
routine calibration adjustments described in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit
at the various calibration gas levels (zero, low, mid or high), but no other
corrective maintenance, repair, re-linearization or reprogramming of the
monitor. Trial gas injection runs may be performed after the calibration
adjustments and additional adjustments within the allowable limits in
Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit may be made prior to the linearity check, as
necessary, to optimize the performance of the monitor. The trial gas
injections need not be reported, provided that they meet the specification
for trial gas injections in Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(v) of this Appendix.
However, if, for any trial injection, the specification in Section
1.4(b)(3)(G)(v) is not met, the trial injection must be counted as an aborted
linearity check.
The linearity check may be done after repair, corrective maintenance or
reprogramming of the monitor. In this case, the monitor must be
considered out-of-control from the hour in which the repair, corrective
maintenance or reprogramming is commenced until the linearity check has
been passed. Alternatively, the data validation procedures and associated
timelines in Sections 1.4(b)(3)(B) through (I) of this Appendix may be
followed upon completion of the necessary repair, corrective maintenance,
or reprogramming. If the procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) are used, the
words “quality assurance” apply instead of the word “recertification”.

Once a linearity check has been commenced, the test must be done hands-off.
That is, no adjustments of the monitor are permitted during the linearity test
period, other than the routine calibration adjustments following daily calibration
error tests, as described in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit. If a routine daily
calibration error test is performed and passed just prior to a linearity test (or
during a linearity test period) and a mathematical correction factor is
automatically applied by the DAHS, the correction factor must be applied to all
subsequent data recorded by the monitor, including the linearity test data.
If a daily calibration error test is failed during a linearity test period, prior to
completing the test, the linearity test must be repeated. Data from the monitor are
invalidated prospectively from the hour of the failed calibration error test until the
hour of completion of a subsequent successful calibration error test. The linearity
test must not be commenced until the monitor has successfully completed a
calibration error test.
An out-of-control period occurs when a linearity test is failed (i.e., when the error
in linearity at any of the three concentrations in the quarterly linearity check (or
any of the six concentrations, when both ranges of a single analyzer with a dual
range are tested) exceeds the applicable specification in Section 3.2 of Exhibit A
to this Appendix) or when a linearity test is aborted due to a problem with the
monitor or monitoring system. The out-of-control period begins with the hour of
the failed or aborted linearity check and ends with the hour of completion of a
satisfactory linearity check following corrective action and/or monitor repair,
unless the option in subsection (b)(3) of this Section to use the data validation
procedures and associated timelines in Section 1.4(b)(3)(B) through (I) of this
Appendix has been selected, in which case the beginning and end of the out-of-
control period must be determined in accordance with Sections 1.4(b)(3)(G)(i)
and (ii). For a dual-range analyzer, "hands-off" linearity checks must be passed on
both measurement scales to end the out-of-control period.
No more than four successive calendar quarters must elapse after the quarter in
which a linearity check of a monitor or monitoring system (or range of a monitor
or monitoring system) was last performed without a subsequent linearity test
having been conducted. If a linearity test has not been completed by the end of the
fourth calendar quarter since the last linearity test, then the linearity test must be
completed within a 168 unit operating hour or stack operating hour "grace period"
(as provided in Section 2.2.4 of this Exhibit) following the end of the fourth
successive elapsed calendar quarter, or data from the CEMS (or range) will
become invalid.
An out-of-control period also occurs when a flow monitor sample line leak is
detected. The out-of-control period begins with the hour of the failed leak check
and ends with the hour of a satisfactory leak check following corrective action.

For each monitoring system, report the results of all completed and partial
linearity tests that affect data validation (i.e., all completed, passed linearity
checks; all completed, failed linearity checks; and all linearity checks aborted due
to a problem with the monitor, including trial gas injections counted as failed test
attempts under subsection (b)(2) of this Section or under Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(vi)
of Appendix B), in the quarterly report required under 40 CFR 75.64,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. Note that linearity attempts that are
aborted or invalidated due to problems with the reference calibration gases or due
to operational problems with the affected units need not be reported. Such partial
tests do not affect the validation status of emission data recorded by the monitor.
A record of all linearity tests, trial gas injections and test attempts (whether
reported or not) must be kept on-site as part of the official test log for each
monitoring system.
2.2.4 Linearity and Leak Check Grace Period
When a required linearity test or flow monitor leak check has not been completed
by the end of the QA operating quarter in which it is due or if, due to infrequent
operation of a unit or infrequent use of a required high range of a monitor or
monitoring system, four successive calendar quarters have elapsed after the
quarter in which a linearity check of a monitor or monitoring system (or range)
was last performed without a subsequent linearity test having been done, the
owner or operator has a grace period of 168 consecutive unit operating hours, as
defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140 (or, for
monitors installed on common stacks or bypass stacks, 168 consecutive stack
operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2) in which to perform a linearity test or
leak check of that monitor or monitoring system (or range). The grace period
begins with the first unit or stack operating hour following the calendar quarter in
which the linearity test was due. Data validation during a linearity or leak check
grace period must be done in accordance with the applicable provisions in Section
2.2.3 of this Exhibit.
If, at the end of the 168 unit (or stack) operating hour grace period, the required
linearity test or leak check has not been completed, data from the monitoring
system (or range) will be invalid, beginning with the first unit operating hour
following the expiration of the grace period. Data from the monitoring system (or
range) remain invalid until the hour of completion of a subsequent successful
hands-off linearity test or leak check of the monitor or monitoring system (or
range). Note that when a linearity test or a leak check is conducted within a grace
period for the purpose of satisfying the linearity test or leak check requirement
from a previous QA operating quarter, the results of that linearity test or leak
check may only be used to meet the linearity check or leak check requirement of
the previous quarter, not the quarter in which the missed linearity test or leak
check is completed.
2.2.5 Flow-to-Load Ratio or Gross Heat Rate Evaluation

Applicability and methodology. Unless exempted from the flow-to-load ratio test
under Section 7.6 of Exhibit A to this Appendix, the owner or operator must, for
each flow rate monitoring system installed on each unit, common stack or
multiple stack, evaluate the flow-to-load ratio quarterly, i.e., for each QA
operating quarter (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section
225.140). At the end of each QA operating quarter, the owner or operator must
use Equation B-1 to calculate the flow-to-load ratio for every hour during the
quarter in which: the unit (or combination of units, for a common stack) operated
within ±10.0 percent of
, the average load during the most recent normal-load
flow RATA; and a quality assured hourly average flow rate was obtained with a
certified flow rate monitor. Alternatively, for the reasons stated in subsections
(c)(1) through (c)(6) of this Section, the owner or operator may exclude from the
data analysis certain hours within ±10.0 percent of
and may calculate
values for only the remaining hours.
(Equation B-1)
= Hourly value of the flow-to-load ratio, scfh/megawatts, scfh/1000
lb/hr of steam, or scfh/(mmBtu/hr thermal output).
= Hourly stack gas volumetric flow rate, as measured by the flow
rate monitor, scfh.
= Hourly unit load, megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr
thermal output; must be within + 10.0 percent of
during the
most recent normal-load flow RATA.
In Equation B-1, the owner or operator may use either bias-adjusted flow
rates or unadjusted flow rates, provided that all of the ratios are calculated
the same way. For a common stack,
will be the sum of the hourly
operating loads of all units that discharge through the stack. For a unit that
discharges its emissions through multiple stacks or that monitors its
emissions in multiple breechings,
will be either the combined hourly
volumetric flow rate for all of the stacks or ducts (if the test is done on a
unit basis) or the hourly flow rate through each stack individually (if the
test is performed separately for each stack). For a unit with a multiple
stack discharge configuration consisting of a main stack and a bypass
stack, each of which has a certified flow monitor (e.g., a unit with a wet

scrubber), calculate the hourly flow-to-load ratios separately for each
stack. Round off each value of
to two decimal places.
Alternatively, the owner or operator may calculate the hourly gross heat
rates (GHR) in lieu of the hourly flow-to-load ratios. The hourly GHR
must be determined only for those hours in which quality assured flow rate
data and diluent gas (CO
or O
) concentration data are both available
from a certified monitor or monitoring system or reference method. If this
option is selected, calculate each hourly GHR value as follows:
(Equation B-1a)
Hourly value of the gross heat rate, Btu/kwh, Btu/lb steam load, or
1000 mmBtu heat input/mmBtu thermal output.
= Hourly heat input, as determined from the quality assured flow
rate and diluent data, using the applicable equation in Exhibit C to
this Appendix, mmBtu/hr.
Hourly unit load, megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr
thermal output; must be within + 10.0 percent of
during the
most recent normal-load flow RATA.
In Equation B-1a, the owner or operator may either use bias-adjusted flow
rates or unadjusted flow rates in the calculation of
, provided
that all of the heat input values are determined in the same manner.
The owner or operator must evaluate the calculated hourly flow-to-load
ratios (or gross heat rates) as follows. A separate data analysis must be
performed for each primary and each redundant backup flow rate monitor
used to record and report data during the quarter. Each analysis must be
based on a minimum of 168 acceptable recorded hourly average flow rates
(i.e., at loads within ± 10 percent of
). When two RATA load levels
are designated as normal, the analysis must be performed at the higher
load level, unless there are fewer than 168 acceptable data points available
at that load level, in which case the analysis must be performed at the
lower load level. If, for a particular flow monitor, fewer than 168
acceptable hourly flow-to-load ratios (or GHR values) are available at any
of the load levels designated as normal, a flow-to-load (or GHR)

evaluation is not required for that monitor for that calendar quarter.
For each flow monitor, use Equation B-2 in this Exhibit to calculate
the absolute percentage difference between each hourly
value and
, the reference value of the flow-to-load ratio, as determined in
accordance with Section 7.5 of Exhibit A to this Appendix. Note that
must always be based upon the most recent normal-load RATA, even if
that RATA was performed in the calendar quarter being evaluated.
(Equation B-2)
= Absolute percentage difference between the hourly average flow-
to-load ratio and the reference value of the flow-to-load ratio at
normal load.
= The hourly average flow-to-load ratio, for each flow rate recorded
at a load level within ±10.0 percent of
= The reference value of the flow-to-load ratio from the most recent
normal-load flow RATA, determined in accordance with Section
7.5 of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
Equation B-2 must be used in a consistent manner. That is, use
if the
flow-to-load ratio is being evaluated, and use (GHR)ref and (GHR) h if the gross
heat rate is being evaluated. Finally, calculate
, the arithmetic average of all of
the hourly
values. The owner or operator must report the results of each
quarterly flow-to-load (or gross heat rate) evaluation, as determined from
Equation B-2, in the electronic quarterly report required under 40 CFR 75.64,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140.
Acceptable results. The results of a quarterly flow-to-load (or gross heat rate)
evaluation are acceptable, and no further action is required, if the calculated value
is less than or equal to: (1) 15.0 percent, if
for the most recent normal-
load flow RATA is
≥60 megawatts (or ≥500 klb/hr of steam) and if unadjusted
flow rates were used in the calculations; or (2) 10.0 percent, if
for the most

recent normal-load flow RATA is
≥60 megawatts (or ≥500 klb/hr of steam) and if
bias-adjusted flow rates were used in the calculations; or (3) 20.0 percent, if
for the most recent normal-load flow RATA is <60 megawatts (or <500 klb/hr of
steam) and if unadjusted flow rates were used in the calculations; or (4) 15.0
percent, if
for the most recent normal-load flow RATA is <60 megawatts (or
<500 klb/hr of steam) and if bias-adjusted flow rates were used in the
calculations. If
is above these limits, the owner or operator must either:
implement Option 1 in Section of this Exhibit; or perform a RATA in
accordance with Option 2 in Section of this Exhibit; or re-examine the
hourly data used for the flow-to-load or GHR analysis and recalculate
, after
excluding all non-representative hourly flow rates. If
is above these limits, the
owner or operator must either: implement Option 1 in Section of this
Exhibit; perform a RATA in accordance with Option 2 in Section of this
Exhibit; or (if applicable) re-examine the hourly data used for the flow-to-load or
GHR analysis and recalculate
, after excluding all non-representative hourly
flow rates, as provided in subsection (c) of this Section.
Recalculation of
. If the owner or operator did not exclude any hours within
±10 percent of
from the original data analysis and chooses to recalculate
the flow rates for the following hours are considered non-representative and may
be excluded from the data analysis:
Any hour in which the type of fuel combusted was different from the fuel
burned during the most recent normal-load RATA. For purposes of this
determination, the type of fuel is different if the fuel is in a different state
of matter (i.e., solid, liquid, or gas) than is the fuel burned during the
RATA or if the fuel is a different classification of coal (e.g., bituminous
versus sub-bituminous). Also, for units that co-fire different types of fuels,
if the reference RATA was done while co-firing, then hours in which a
single fuel was combusted may be excluded from the data analysis as
different fuel hours (and vice-versa for co-fired hours, if the reference
RATA was done while combusting only one type of fuel);
For a unit that is equipped with an SO
scrubber and which always
discharges its flue gases to the atmosphere through a single stack, any
hour in which the SO
scrubber was bypassed;
Any hour in which "ramping" occurred, i.e., the hourly load differed by
more than ±15.0 percent from the load during the preceding hour or the
subsequent hour;
For a unit with a multiple stack discharge configuration consisting of a

main stack and a bypass stack, any hour in which the flue gases were
discharged through both stacks;
If a normal-load flow RATA was performed and passed during the quarter
being analyzed, any hour prior to completion of that RATA; and
If a problem with the accuracy of the flow monitor was discovered during
the quarter and was corrected (as evidenced by passing the abbreviated
flow-to-load test in Section of this Exhibit), any hour prior to
completion of the abbreviated flow-to-load test.
After identifying and excluding all non-representative hourly data in
accordance with subsections (c)(1) through (6) of this Section, the owner
or operator may analyze the remaining data a second time. At least 168
representative hourly ratios or GHR values must be available to perform
the analysis; otherwise, the flow-to-load (or GHR) analysis is not required
for that monitor for that calendar quarter.
If, after re-analyzing the data,
meets the applicable limit in subsection
(b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(4) of this Section, no further action is required.
If, however,
is still above the applicable limit, data from the monitor
will be declared out-of-control, beginning with the first unit operating
hour following the quarter in which
exceeded the applicable limit.
Alternatively, if a probationary calibration error test is performed and
passed according to Section 1.4(b)(3)(B) of this Appendix, data from the
monitor may be declared conditionally valid following the quarter in
exceeded the applicable limit. The owner or operator must then
either implement Option 1 in Section of this Exhibit or Option 2 in
Section of this Exhibit. Option 1
Within 14 unit operating days of the end of the calendar quarter for which the
value is above
the applicable limit, investigate and troubleshoot the applicable flow monitors. Evaluate the
results of each investigation as follows:
If the investigation fails to uncover a problem with the flow monitor, a RATA
must be performed in accordance with Option 2 in Section of this Exhibit.
If a problem with the flow monitor is identified through the investigation
(including the need to re-linearize the monitor by changing the polynomial
coefficients or K factors), data from the monitor are considered invalid back to the
first unit operating hour after the end of the calendar quarter for which

above the applicable limit. If the option to use conditional data validation was
selected under Section 2.2.5(c)(8) of this Exhibit, all conditionally valid data will
be invalidated, back to the first unit operating hour after the end of the calendar
quarter for which
was above the applicable limit. Corrective actions must be
taken. All corrective actions (e.g., non-routine maintenance, repairs, major
component replacements, re-linearization of the monitor, etc.) must be
documented in the operation and maintenance records for the monitor. The owner
or operator then must either complete the abbreviated flow-to-load test in Section of this Exhibit, or, if the corrective action taken has required
relinearization of the flow monitor, must perform a 3-load RATA. The
conditional data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3)of this Appendix may
be applied to the 3-load RATA. Option 2
Perform a single-load RATA (at a load designated as normal under Section of Exhibit A
to this Appendix) of each flow monitor for which
is outside of the applicable limit. If the
RATA is passed hands-off, in accordance with Section 2.3.2(c) of this Exhibit, no further action
is required and the out-of-control period for the monitor ends at the date and hour of completion
of a successful RATA, unless the option to use conditional data validation was selected under
Section 2.2.5(c)(8) of this Exhibit. In that case, all conditionally valid data from the monitor are
considered to be quality-assured, back to the first unit operating hour following the end of the
calendar quarter for which the
value was above the applicable limit. If the RATA is failed,
all data from the monitor will be invalidated, back to the first unit operating hour following the
end of the calendar quarter for which the
value was above the applicable limit. Data from the
monitor remain invalid until the required RATA has been passed. Alternatively, following a
failed RATA and corrective actions, the conditional data validation procedures of Section
1.4(b)(3) of this Appendix may be used until the RATA has been passed. If the corrective actions
taken following the failed RATA included adjustment of the polynomial coefficients or K-factors
of the flow monitor, a 3-level RATA is required, except as otherwise specified in Section
of this Exhibit. Abbreviated Flow-to-Load Test
The following abbreviated flow-to-load test may be performed after any
documented repair, component replacement, or other corrective maintenance to a
flow monitor (except for changes affecting the linearity of the flow monitor, such
as adjusting the flow monitor coefficients or K factors) to demonstrate that the
repair, replacement, or other maintenance has not significantly affected the
monitor's ability to accurately measure the stack gas volumetric flow rate. Data
from the monitoring system are considered invalid from the hour of
commencement of the repair, replacement, or maintenance until either the hour in
which the abbreviated flow-to-load test is passed, or the hour in which a
probationary calibration error test is passed following completion of the repair,

replacement, or maintenance and any associated adjustments to the monitor. If the
latter option is selected, the abbreviated flow-to-load test must be completed
within 168 unit operating hours of the probationary calibration error test (or, for
peaking units, within 30 unit operating days, if that is less restrictive). Data from
the monitor are considered to be conditionally valid (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140), beginning with the hour of the
probationary calibration error test.
Operate the units in such a way as to reproduce, as closely as practicable, the
exact conditions at the time of the most recent normal-load flow RATA. To
achieve this, it is recommended that the load be held constant to within ±10.0
percent of the average load during the RATA and that the diluent gas (CO
or O
concentration be maintained within ±-0.5 percent CO
or O
of the average
diluent concentration during the RATA. For common stacks, to the extent
practicable, use the same combination of units and load levels that were used
during the RATA. When the process parameters have been set, record a minimum
of six and a maximum of 12 consecutive hourly average flow rates, using the flow
monitors for which
was outside the applicable limit. For peaking units, a
minimum of three and a maximum of 12 consecutive hourly average flow rates
are required. Also record the corresponding hourly load values and, if applicable,
the hourly diluent gas concentrations. Calculate the flow-to-load ratio (or GHR)
for each hour in the test hour period, using Equation B-1 or B-1a. Determine
for each hourly flow- to-load ratio (or GHR), using Equation B-2 of this Exhibit
and then calculate
, the arithmetic average of the Eh values.
The results of the abbreviated flow-to-load test will be considered acceptable, and
no further action is required if the value of
does not exceed the applicable
limit specified in Section 2.2.5 of this Exhibit. All conditionally valid data
recorded by the flow monitor will be considered quality assured, beginning with
the hour of the probationary calibration error test that preceded the abbreviated
flow-to-load test (if applicable). However, if
is outside the applicable limit, all
conditionally valid data recorded by the flow monitor (if applicable) will be
considered invalid back to the hour of the probationary calibration error test that
preceded the abbreviated flow-to-load test, and a single-load RATA is required in
accordance with Section of this Exhibit. If the flow monitor must be re-
linearized, however, a 3-load RATA is required.
2.3 Semiannual and Annual Assessments
For each primary and redundant backup monitoring system, perform relative accuracy
assessments either semiannually or annually, as specified in Section or of this
Exhibit for the type of test and the performance achieved. This requirement applies as of the
calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in which the monitoring system is provisionally
certified. A summary chart showing the frequency with which a relative accuracy test audit must

be performed, depending on the accuracy achieved, is located at the end of this Exhibit in Figure
2.3.1 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) Standard RATA Frequencies
Except for mercury monitoring systems, and as otherwise specified in Section of this Exhibit, perform relative accuracy test audits semiannually, i.e.,
once every two successive QA operating quarters (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140) for each primary and redundant
backup flow monitor, CO
or O
diluent monitor used to determine heat input, and
each moisture monitoring system. For each primary and redundant backup
mercury concentration monitoring system and each sorbent trap monitoring
system, RATAs must be performed annually, i.e., once every four successive QA
operating quarters (as defined in 40 CFR 72.2). A calendar quarter that does not
qualify as a QA operating quarter must be excluded in determining the deadline
for the next RATA. No more than eight successive calendar quarters must elapse
after the quarter in which a RATA was last performed without a subsequent
RATA having been conducted. If a RATA has not been completed by the end of
the eighth calendar quarter since the quarter of the last RATA, then the RATA
must be completed within a 720 unit (or stack) operating hour grace period (as
provided in Section 2.3.3 of this Exhibit) following the end of the eighth
successive elapsed calendar quarter, or data from the CEMS will become invalid.
The relative accuracy test audit frequency of a CEMS may be reduced, as
specified in Section of this Exhibit, for primary or redundant backup
monitoring systems which qualify for less frequent testing. Perform all required
RATAs in accordance with the applicable procedures and provisions in Sections
6.5 through of Exhibit A to this Appendix and Sections and
of this Exhibit. Reduced RATA Frequencies
Relative accuracy test audits of primary and redundant backup CO
or O
diluent monitors used
to determine heat input, moisture monitoring systems, flow monitors may be performed annually
(i.e., once every four successive QA operating quarters, rather than once every two successive
QA operating quarters) if any of the following conditions are met for the specific monitoring
system involved:
The relative accuracy during the audit of a CO
or O
diluent monitor used to
determine heat input is
≤7.5 percent;
The relative accuracy during the audit of a flow monitor is
≤7.5 percent at each
operating level tested;

For low flow (≤10.0
fps), as measured by the reference method during the RATA
stacks/ducts, when the flow monitor fails to achieve a relative accuracy
percent during the audit, but the monitor mean value, calculated using Equation
A-7 in Exhibit A to this Appendix and converted back to an equivalent velocity in
standard feet per second (fps), is within ± 1.5 fps of the reference method mean
value, converted to an equivalent velocity in fps;
For a CO
or O
monitor, when the mean difference between the reference method
values from the RATA and the corresponding monitor values is within ± 0.7
percent CO
or O
; and
When the relative accuracy of a continuous moisture monitoring system is
≤ 7.5
percent or when the mean difference between the reference method values from
the RATA and the corresponding monitoring system values is within ±1.0 percent
O. RATA Load Levels and Additional RATA Requirements
For CO
or O
diluent monitors used to determine heat input, mercury
concentration monitoring systems, sorbent trap monitoring systems, moisture
monitoring systems, the required semiannual or annual RATA tests must be done
at the load level designated as normal under Section of Exhibit A to this
Appendix. If two load levels are designated as normal, the required RATAs may
be done at either load level.
For flow monitors installed and bypass stacks all required semiannual or annual
relative accuracy test audits must be single-load audits at the normal load, as
defined in Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
For all other flow monitors, the RATAs must be performed as follows:
An annual 2-load flow RATA must be done at the two most frequently
used load levels, as determined under Section of Exhibit A to
this Appendix. Alternatively, a 3-load flow RATA at the low, mid, and
high load levels, as defined under Section of Exhibit A to this
Appendix, may be performed in lieu of the 2-load annual RATA.
If the flow monitor is on a semiannual RATA frequency, 2-load flow
RATAs and single-load flow RATAs at the normal load level may be
performed alternately.
A single-load annual flow RATA may be performed in lieu of the 2-load
RATA if the results of an historical load data analysis show that in the
time period extending from the ending date of the last annual flow RATA
to a date that is no more than 21 days prior to the date of the current
annual flow RATA, the unit (or combination of units, for a common stack)

has operated at a single load level (low, mid, or high), for
≥85.0 percent of
the time. Alternatively, a flow monitor may qualify for a single-load
RATA if the 85.0 percent criterion is met in the time period extending
from the beginning of the quarter in which the last annual flow RATA was
performed through the end of the calendar quarter preceding the quarter of
current annual flow RATA.
A 3-load RATA, at the low-, mid-, and high-load levels, as determined
under Section of Exhibit A to this Appendix, must be performed at
least once every twenty consecutive calendar quarters, except for flow
monitors that are exempted from 3-load RATA testing under Section
6.5.2(b) of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
A 3-load RATA is required whenever a flow monitor is re-characterized,
i.e., when its polynomial coefficients or K factors are changed, except for
flow monitors that are exempted from 3-load RATA testing under Section
6.5.2(b) of Exhibit A to this Appendix. For monitors so exempted under
Section 6.5.2(b), a single-load flow RATA is required.
For all multi-level flow audits, the audit points at adjacent load levels or at
adjacent operating levels (e.g., mid and high) must be separated by no less
than 25.0 percent of the "range of operation," as defined in Section
of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
A RATA of a moisture monitoring system must be performed whenever
the coefficient, K factor or mathematical algorithm determined under
Section 6.5.6 of Exhibit A to this Appendix is changed. Number of RATA Attempts
The owner or operator may perform as many RATA attempts as are necessary to achieve the
desired relative accuracy test audit frequencies. However, the data validation procedures in
Section 2.3.2 of this Exhibit must be followed.
2.3.2 Data Validation
A RATA must not commence if the monitoring system is operating out-of-control
with respect to any of the daily and quarterly quality assurance assessments
required by Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this Exhibit or with respect to the additional
calibration error test requirements in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit.
Each required RATA must be done according to subsections (b)(1), (b)(2) or
(b)(3) of this Section:
The RATA may be done "cold," i.e., with no corrective maintenance,
repair, calibration adjustments, re-linearization or reprogramming of the

monitoring system prior to the test.
The RATA may be done after performing only the routine or non-routine
calibration adjustments described in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit at the
zero and/or upscale calibration gas levels, but no other corrective
maintenance, repair, re-linearization or reprogramming of the monitoring
system. Trial RATA runs may be performed after the calibration
adjustments and additional adjustments within the allowable limits in
Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit may be made prior to the RATA, as
necessary, to optimize the performance of the CEMS. The trial RATA
runs need not be reported, provided that they meet the specification for
trial RATA runs in Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(v) of this Appendix. However, if,
for any trial run, the specification in Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(v) of this
Appendix is not met, the trial run must be counted as an aborted RATA
The RATA may be done after repair, corrective maintenance, re-
linearization or reprogramming of the monitoring system. In this case, the
monitoring system will be considered out-of-control from the hour in
which the repair, corrective maintenance, re-linearization or
reprogramming is commenced until the RATA has been passed.
Alternatively, the data validation procedures and associated timelines in
Sections 1.4(b)(3)(B) through (I) of this Appendix may be followed upon
completion of the necessary repair, corrective maintenance, re-
linearization or reprogramming. If the procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) of
this Appendix are used, the words “quality assurance” apply instead of the
word “recertification”.
Once a RATA is commenced, the test must be done hands-off. No adjustment of
the monitor's calibration is permitted during the RATA test period, other than the
routine calibration adjustments following daily calibration error tests, as described
in Section 2.1.3 of this Exhibit. If a routine daily calibration error test is
performed and passed just prior to a RATA (or during a RATA test period) and a
mathematical correction factor is automatically applied by the DAHS, the
correction factor must be applied to all subsequent data recorded by the monitor,
including the RATA test data. For 2-level and 3- level flow monitor audits, no
linearization or reprogramming of the monitor is permitted in between load levels.
For single-load RATAs, if a daily calibration error test is failed during a RATA
test period, prior to completing the test, the RATA must be repeated. Data from
the monitor are invalidated prospectively from the hour of the failed calibration
error test until the hour of completion of a subsequent successful calibration error
test. The subsequent RATA must not be commenced until the monitor has
successfully passed a calibration error test in accordance with Section 2.1.3 of this
Exhibit. Notwithstanding these requirements, when ASTM D6784-02
(incorporated by reference under Section 225.140) or Method 29 in appendix A-8

to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, is used as the
reference method for the RATA of a mercury CEMS, if a calibration error test of
the CEMS is failed during a RATA test period, any test runs completed prior to
the failed calibration error test need not be repeated; however, the RATA may not
continue until a subsequent calibration error test of the mercury CEMS has been
passed. For multiple-load flow RATAs, each load level is treated as a separate
RATA (i.e., when a calibration error test is failed prior to completing the RATA
at a particular load level, only the RATA at that load level must be repeated; the
results of any previously-passed RATAs at the other load levels are unaffected,
unless re-characterization of the monitor is required to correct the problem that
caused the calibration failure, in which case a subsequent 3-load RATA is
required), except as otherwise provided in Section of this Exhibit.
For a RATA performed using the option in subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this
Section, if the RATA is failed (that is, if the relative accuracy exceeds the
applicable specification in Section 3.3 of Exhibit A to this Appendix) or if the
RATA is aborted prior to completion due to a problem with the CEMS, then the
CEMS is out-of-control and all emission data from the CEMS are invalidated
prospectively from the hour in which the RATA is failed or aborted. Data from
the CEMS remain invalid until the hour of completion of a subsequent RATA that
meets the applicable specification in Section 3.3 of Exhibit A to this Appendix. If
the option in subsection (b)(3) of this Section to use the data validation
procedures and associated timelines in Sections 1.4(b)(3)(B) through(b)(3)(I) of
this Appendix has been selected, the beginning and end of the out-of-control
period must be determined in accordance with Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(i) and (ii) of
this Appendix. Note that when a RATA is aborted for a reason other than
monitoring system malfunction (see subsection (g) of this Section), this does not
trigger an out-of-control period for the monitoring system.
For a 2-load or 3-load flow RATA, if, at any load level, a RATA is failed or
aborted due to a problem with the flow monitor, the RATA at that load level must
be repeated. The flow monitor is considered out-of-control and data from the
monitor are invalidated from the hour in which the test is failed or aborted and
remain invalid until the passing of a RATA at the failed load level, unless the
option in subsection (b)(3) of this Section to use the data validation procedures
and associated timelines in Section 1.4(b)(3)(B) through (b)(3)(I) of this
Appendix has been selected, in which case the beginning and end of the out-of-
control period must be determined in accordance with Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(i) and
(ii) of this Appendix. Flow RATAs that were previously passed at the other load
levels do not have to be repeated unless the flow monitor must be re-characterized
following the failed or aborted test. If the flow monitor is re-characterized, a
subsequent 3-load RATA is required, except as otherwise provided in Section of this Exhibit.
For each monitoring system, report the results of all completed and partial
RATAs that affect data validation (i.e., all completed, passed RATAs; all

completed, failed RATAs; and all RATAs aborted due to a problem with the
CEMS, including trial RATA runs counted as failed test attempts under
subsection (b)(2) of this Section or under Section 1.4(b)(3)(G)(vi)) in the
quarterly report required under 40 CFR 75.64, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140. Note that RATA attempts that are aborted or invalidated due to
problems with the reference method or due to operational problems with the
affected units need not be reported. Such runs do not affect the validation status of
emission data recorded by the CEMS. However, a record of all RATAs, trial
RATA runs and RATA attempts (whether reported or not) must be kept on-site as
part of the official test log for each monitoring system.
2.3.3 RATA Grace Period
The owner or operator has a grace period of 720 consecutive unit operating hours,
as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140 (or, for
CEMS installed on common stacks or bypass stacks, 720 consecutive stack
operating hours, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2), in which to complete the required
RATA for a particular CEMS whenever:
A required RATA has not been performed by the end of the QA operating
quarter in which it is due; or
A required 3-load flow RATA has not been performed by the end of the
calendar quarter in which it is due.
The grace period will begin with the first unit (or stack) operating hour following
the calendar quarter in which the required RATA was due. Data validation during
a RATA grace period must be done in accordance with the applicable provisions
in Section 2.3.2 of this Exhibit.
If, at the end of the 720 unit (or stack) operating hour grace period, the RATA has
not been completed, data from the monitoring system will be invalid, beginning
with the first unit operating hour following the expiration of the grace period.
Data from the CEMS remain invalid until the hour of completion of a subsequent
hands-off RATA. The deadline for the next test will be either two QA operating
quarters (if a semiannual RATA frequency is obtained) or four QA operating
quarters (if an annual RATA frequency is obtained) after the quarter in which the
RATA is completed, not to exceed eight calendar quarters.
When a RATA is done during a grace period in order to satisfy a RATA
requirement from a previous quarter, the deadline for the next RATA must be
determined as follows:
If the grace period RATA qualifies for a reduced, (i.e., annual), RATA
frequency the deadline for the next RATA will be set at three QA
operating quarters after the quarter in which the grace period test is

If the grace period RATA qualifies for the standard, (i.e., semiannual),
RATA frequency the deadline for the next RATA will be set at two QA
operating quarters after the quarter in which the grace period test is
Notwithstanding these requirements, no more than eight successive
calendar quarters must elapse after the quarter in which the grace period
test is completed, without a subsequent RATA having been conducted.
2.4 Recertification, Quality Assurance, and RATA Frequency (Special Considerations)
When a significant change is made to a monitoring system such that
recertification of the monitoring system is required in accordance with Section
1.4(b)of this Appendix, a recertification test (or tests) must be performed to
ensure that the CEMS continues to generate valid data. In all recertifications, a
RATA will be one of the required tests; for some recertifications, other tests will
also be required. A recertification test may be used to satisfy the quality assurance
test requirement of this Exhibit. For example, if, for a particular change made to a
CEMS, one of the required recertification tests is a linearity check and the
linearity check is successful, then, unless another recertification event occurs in
that same QA operating quarter, it would not be necessary to perform an
additional linearity test of the CEMS in that quarter to meet the quality assurance
requirement of Section 2.2.1 of this Exhibit. For this reason, EPA recommends
that owners or operators coordinate component replacements, system upgrades,
and other events that may require recertification, to the extent practicable, with
the periodic quality assurance testing required by this Exhibit. When a quality
assurance test is done for the dual purpose of recertification and routine quality
assurance, the applicable data validation procedures in Section 1.4(b)(3) must be
Except for Hg monitoring systems (which always have an annual RATA
frequency), whenever a passing RATA of a gas monitor is performed, or a
passing 2-load RATA or a passing 3-load RATA of a flow monitor is performed
(irrespective of whether the RATA is done to satisfy a recertification requirement
or to meet the quality assurance requirements of this Exhibit, or both), the RATA
frequency (semi-annual or annual) must be established based upon the date and
time of completion of the RATA and the relative accuracy percentage obtained.
For 2-load and 3-load flow RATAs, use the highest percentage relative accuracy
at any of the loads to determine the RATA frequency. The results of a single-load
flow RATA may be used to establish the RATA frequency when the single-load
flow RATA is specifically required under Section of this Exhibit or
when the single-load RATA is allowed under Section of this Exhibit for
a unit that has operated at one load level for
≥85.0 percent of the time since the
last annual flow RATA. No other single-load flow RATA may be used to

establish an annual RATA frequency; however, a 2-load or 3-load flow RATA
may be performed at any time or in place of any required single-load RATA, in
order to establish an annual RATA frequency.
2.5 Other Audits
Affected units may be subject to relative accuracy test audits at any time. If a monitor or
continuous emission monitoring system fails the relative accuracy test during the audit, the
monitor or continuous emission monitoring system will be considered to be out-of-control
beginning with the date and time of completion of the audit, and continuing until a successful
audit test is completed following corrective action. Alternatively, the conditional data validation
procedures and associated timelines in Sections 1.4(b)(3)(B) through (I) of this Appendix may be
used following the corrective actions.
2.6 System Integrity Checks for Mercury Monitors
For each mercury concentration monitoring system (except for a mercury monitor that does not
have a converter), perform a single-point system integrity check weekly, i.e., at least once every
168 unit or stack operating hours, using a NIST-traceable source of oxidized mercury. Perform
this check using a mid- or high-level gas concentration, as defined in Section 5.2 of Exhibit A to
this Appendix. The performance specifications in subsection (3) of Section 3.2 of Exhibit A to
this Appendix must be met, otherwise the monitoring system is considered out-of-control, from
the hour of the failed check until a subsequent system integrity check is passed. If a required
system integrity check is not performed and passed within 168 unit or stack operating hours of
last successful check, the monitoring system will also be considered out of control, beginning
with the 169th unit or stack operating hour after the last successful check, and continuing until a
subsequent system integrity check is passed. This weekly check is not required if the daily
calibration assessments in Section 2.1.1 of this Exhibit are performed using a NIST-traceable
source of oxidized mercury.
[Note: The following TABLE/FORM is too wide to be displayed on one screen. You must print
it for a meaningful review of its contents. The table has been divided into multiple pieces with
each piece containing information to help you assemble a printout of the table. The information
for each piece includes: (1) a three line message preceding the tabular data showing by line # and
character # the position of the upper left-hand corner of the piece and the position of the piece
within the entire table; and (2) a numeric scale following the tabular data displaying the character
Figure 1 for Exhibit B of Appendix B Part 75.
− Quality Assuruiaremencnts e Test Req
Basic QA test frequency requirements [FN*]

Calibration Error Test (2 pt.)
Interference Check (flow)
Flow-to-Load Ratio
Leak Check (DP flow monitors)
Linearity Check or System
Integrity Check [FN**] (3 pt.)
Single-point System Integrity
Check [FN**]
, NO
, CO
, O
O) [FN1]
RATA (All Hg monitoring
RATA (flow) [FN1] [FN2]
[FN*] "Daily" means operating days, only. "Weekly" means once every 168 unit or stack
operating hours. "Quarterly" means once every QA operating quarter. "Semiannual" means once
every two QA operating quarters. "Annual" means once every four QA operating
quarters.[FN**] The system integrity check applies only to Hg monitors with converters. The
single-point weekly system integrity check is not required if daily calibrations are performed
using a NIST-traceable source of oxidized Hg. The 3-point quarterly system integrity check is
not required if a linearity check is performed.
[FN1] Conduct RATA annually (i.e., once every four QA operating quarters), if monitor meets
accuracy requirements to qualify for less frequent testing. [FN2] For flow monitors installed on
peaking units, bypass stacks conduct all RATAs at a single, normal load (or operating level). For
other flow monitors, conduct annual RATAs at two load levels (or operating levels). Alternating
single-load and 2-load (or single-level and 2-level) RATAs may be done if a monitor is on a
semiannual frequency. A single-load (or single-level) RATA may be done in lieu of a 2-load (or
2-level) RATA if, since the last annual flow RATA, the unit has operated at one load level (or
operating level) for
≥85.0 percent of-
tl he
d a
least once every
five calendar years and whenever a flow monitor is re-linearized, except for flow monitors
exempted from 3-level RATA testing under Section 6.5.2(b) of Exhibit A to this Appendix.
Figure 2 for Exhibit B of Appendix B
− Relative Accuracy Test Frequency Incentive System

Semiannual [FNW] (percent)
Annual [FNW]
or NO
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 15.0 ppm
≤ 7.5% or ± 12.0 ppm
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 0.030
lb/mmBtu [FNX]
≤ 7.5% or ± 0.025
lb/mmBtu =G5X.
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 0.020
lb/mmBtu [FNX]
≤ 7.5% or ± 0. 015
lb/mmBtu [FNX].
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 2.0 fps
≤ 7.5% or ± 1.5 fps
or O
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 1.0
≤ 7.5% or ± 0.7%
Hg [FNX]
RA < 20.0% or ± 1.0
7.5% < RA
≤ 10.0% or ± 1.5% H
≤ 7.5% or ± 1.0%
[FNW] The deadline for the next RATA is the end of the second (if semiannual) or fourth (if
annual) successive QA operating quarter following the quarter in which the CEMS was last
tested. Exclude calendar quarters with fewer than 168 unit operating hours (or, for common
stacks and bypass stacks, exclude quarters with fewer than 168 stack operating hours) in
determining the RATA deadline. For SO2 monitors, QA operating quarters in which only very
low sulfur fuel as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, is
combusted may also be excluded. However, the exclusion of calendar quarters is limited as
follows: the deadline for the next RATA will be no more than 8 calendar quarters after the
quarter in which a RATA was last performed. [FNX] The difference between monitor and
reference method mean values applies to moisture monitors, CO2, and O2 monitors, low emitters
of SO2, NOX, or Hg, or and low flow, only. The specifications for Hg monitors also apply
to sorbent trap monitoring systems.[FNY] A NOX concentration monitoring system used to
determine NOX mass emissions under 40 CFR 75.71, incorporated by reference in Section
Exhibit C to Appendix B--Conversion Procedures
1. Applicability
Use the procedures in this Exhibit to convert measured data from a monitor or continuous
emission monitoring system into the appropriate units of the standard.
2. Procedures for Heat Input

Use the following procedures to compute heat input rate to an affected unit (in mmBtu/hr or
Calculate and record heat input rate to an affected unit on an hourly basis. The owner or operator
may choose to use the provisions specified in 40 CFR 75.16(e), incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140, in conjunction with the procedures provided in Sections 2.4 through 2.4.2 to
apportion heat input among each unit using the common stack or common pipe header.
For an affected unit that has a flow monitor (or approved alternate monitoring system under
subpart E of 40 CFR 75, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, for measuring volumetric
flow rate) and a diluent gas (O
or CO
) monitor, use the recorded data from these monitors and
one of the following equations to calculate hourly heat input rate (in mmBtu/hr).
When measurements of CO
concentration are on a wet basis, use the following equation:
(Equation F - 15)
HI =
Hourly heat input rate during unit operation, mmBtu/hr.
= Hourly average volumetric flow rate during unit operation, wet basis, scfh.
= Carbon-based F-factor, listed in Section 3.3.5 of appendix F to 40 CFR 75
for each fuel, scf/mmBtu.
= Hourly concentration of CO
during unit operation, percent CO
wet basis.
When measurements of CO
concentration are on a dry basis, use the following equation:
(100 %
(Equation F-16)

HI = Hourly heat input rate during unit operation, mmBtu/hr.
= Hourly average volumetric flow rate during unit operation, wet basis, scfh.
= Carbon-based F-factor, listed in Section 3.3.5 of appendix F to 40 CFR 75
for each fuel, scf/mmBtu.
= Hourly concentration of CO
during unit operation, percent CO
= Moisture content of gas in the stack, percent.
When measurements of O
concentration are on a wet basis, use the following equation:
20.9/100 100 %
(Equation F-17)
HI =
Hourly heat input rate during unit operation, mmBtu/hr.
Hourly average volumetric flow rate during unit operation,
wet basis, scfh.
F =
Carbon-based F-factor, listed in Section 3.3.5 of appendix F
to 40 CFR 75 for each fuel, dscf/mmBtu.
= Hourly concentration of O
during unit operation, percent
wet basis.
= Hourly average stack moisture content, percent by volume.
When measurements of O
concentration are on a dry basis, use the following equation:

20.9 %
100 %
(Equation F-18)
HI = Hourly heat input rate during unit operation, mmBtu/hr.
= Hourly average volumetric flow during unit operation, wet basis, scfh.
F =
Dry basis F-factor, listed in Section 3.3.5 of appendix F to 40 CFR 75 for
each fuel, dscf/mmBtu.
= Moisture content of the stack gas, percent.
= Hourly concentration of O
during unit operation, percent O
dry basis.
Heat Input Summation (for Heat Input Determined Using a Flow Monitor and Diluent Monitor)
Calculate total quarterly heat input for a unit or common stack using a flow monitor and diluent
monitor to calculate heat input, using the following equation:
(Equation F-18a)
= Total heat input for quarter “q”, mmBtu.
= Heat input rate for hour “i” during unit operation, using Equation F-15, F-
16, F-17, or F-18, mmBtu/hr.
Hourly operating time for the unit or common stack, hour or fraction of an
hour (in equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one
quarter of an hour, at the option of the owner or operator).
n =
Number of unit operating hours in the quarter.

Calculate total cumulative (year-to-date) heat input for a unit or common stack using a flow
monitor and diluent monitor to calculate heat input, using the following equation:
the current quarter
(Equation F-18b)
= Total heat input for the quarter,, mmBtu.
= Total heat input for quarter “q”, mmBtu.
2.4 Heat Input Rate Apportionment for Units Sharing a Common Stack or Pipe
Where applicable, the owner or operator of an affected unit that determines heat input rate at the
unit level by apportioning the heat input monitored at a common stack or common pipe using
megawatts must apportion the heat input rate using the following equation:
MW t
MW t
(Equation F-21a)
Heat input rate for a unit, mmBtu/hr.
Heat input rate at the common stack or pipe, mmBtu/hr.
Gross electrical output, MWe.
Unit operating time, hour or fraction of an hour (in equal increments
that can range from one hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the
option of the owner or operator).
= Common stack or common pipe operating time, hour or fraction of an
hour (in equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one
quarter of an hour, at the option of the owner or operator).

n =
Total number of units using the common stack or pipe.
i =
Designation of a particular unit.
Where applicable, the owner or operator of an affected unit that determines the heat input rate at
the unit level by apportioning the heat input rate monitored at a common stack or common pipe
using steam load must apportion the heat input rate using the following equation:
SF t
SF t
(Equation F-21b)
= Heat input rate for a unit, mmBtu/hr.
= Heat input rate at the common stack or pipe, mmBtu/hr.
SF = Gross steam load, lb/hr, or mmBtu/hr.
Unit operating time, hour or fraction of an hour (in equal increments that
can range from one hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the option of
the owner or operator).
= Common stack or common pipe operating time, hour or fraction of an
hour (in equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one
quarter of an hour, at the option of the owner or operator).
n =
Total number of units using the common stack or pipe.
i =
Designation of a particular unit.
2.5 Heat Input Rate Summation for Units with Multiple Stacks or Pipes
The owner or operator of an affected unit that determines the heat input rate at the unit level by
summing the heat input rates monitored at multiple stacks or multiple pipes must sum the heat
input rates using the following equation:

HI t
(Equation F-21c)
Heat input rate for a unit, mmBtu/hr.
Heat input rate for the individual stack, duct, or pipe, mmBtu/hr.
Unit operating time, hour or fraction of the hour (in equal increments
that can range from one hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the
option of the owner or operator).
Operating time for the individual stack or pipe, hour or fraction of the
hour (in equal increments that can range from one hundredth to one
quarter of an hour, at the option of the owner or operator).
s =
Designation for a particular stack, duct, or pipe.
3. Procedure for Converting Volumetric Flow to STP
Use the following equation to convert volumetric flow at actual temperature and pressure to
standard temperature and pressure.
(Equation F-22)
= Flue gas volumetric flow rate at standard temperature and pressure, scfh.
= Flue gas volumetric flow rate at actual temperature and pressure, acfh.
Standard temperature=528 degreesR.
= Flue gas temperature at flow monitor location, degreesR, where
= The absolute flue gas pressure=barometric pressure at the flow monitor

location + flue gas static pressure, inches of mercury.
Standard pressure=29.92 inches of mercury.
4. Procedures for Mercury Mass Emissions.
Use the procedures in this Section to calculate the hourly mercury mass emissions (in ounces) at
each monitored location for the affected unit or group of units that discharge through a common
To determine the hourly mercury mass emissions when using a mercury concentration
monitoring system that measures on a wet basis and a flow monitor, use the following equation:
(Equation F-28)
= Mercury mass emissions for the hour, rounded off to three decimal places,
K =
Units conversion constant, 9.978 x 10
= Hourly mercury concentration, wet basis (μg/wscm).
= Hourly stack gas volumetric flow rate, (scfh)
Unit or stack operating time (hr), as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140.
To determine the hourly mercury mass emissions when using a mercury concentration
monitoring system that measures on a dry basis or a sorbent trap monitoring system and a flow
monitor, use the following equation:
(Equation F-29)

= Mercury mass emissions for the hour, rounded off to three decimal places,
K =
Units conversion constant, 9.978 x 10
= Hourly mercury concentration, dry basis (μg/dscm). For sorbent trap
systems, a single value of
(i.e., a flow-proportional average
concentration for the data collection period), is applied to each hour in the
data collection period, for a particular pair of traps.
= Hourly stack gas volumetric flow rate (scfh).
= Moisture fraction of the stack gas, expressed as a decimal (equal to %H
Unit or stack operating time (hr), as defined in 40 CFR 72.2, incorporated
by reference in Section 225.140.
For units that are demonstrated under Section 1.15(d) of this Appendix to emit less than 464
ounces of mercury per year, and for which the owner or operator elects not to continuously
monitor the mercury concentration, calculate the hourly mercury mass emissions using Equation
F-28 in Section 4.1.1 of this Exhibit, except that "
" will be the applicable default mercury
concentration from Section 1.15(c), (d), or (e) of this Appendix, expressed in μg/scm. Correction
for the stack gas moisture content is not required when this methodology is used.
Use the following equation to calculate quarterly and year-to-date mercury mass emissions in
time period
(Equation F-30)
= Mercury mass emissions for the given time period i.e., quarter or
year-to-date, rounded to the nearest thousandth, (ounces).

= Mercury mass emissions for the hour, rounded to three decimal places,
n =
The number of hours in the given time period (quarter or year-to-date).
If heat input rate monitoring is required, follow the applicable procedures for heat input
apportionment and summation in Sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 of this Exhibit.
5. Moisture Determination From Wet and Dry O
If a correction for the stack gas moisture content is required in any of the emissions or heat input
calculations described in this Exhibit, and if the hourly moisture content is determined from wet-
and dry-basis O
readings, use Equation F-31 to calculate the percent moisture, unless a "K"
factor or other mathematical algorithm is developed as described in Section 6.5.6(a) of Exhibit A
to this Appendix:
(Equation F-31)
= Hourly average stack gas moisture content, percent H
Dry-basis hourly average oxygen concentration, percent O
Wet-basis hourly average oxygen concentration, percent O
Exhibit D to Appendix B--Quality Assurance and Operating Procedures for Sorbent Trap
Monitoring Systems
1.0 Scope and Application
This Exhibit specifies sampling, and analytical, and quality-assurance criteria and procedures for
the performance-based monitoring of vapor-phase mercury (Hg) emissions in combustion flue
gas streams, using a sorbent trap monitoring system (as defined in Section 225.130). The
principle employed is continuous sampling using in-stack sorbent media coupled with analysis of
the integrated samples. The performance-based approach of this Exhibit allows for use of various
suitable sampling and analytical technologies while maintaining a specified and documented
level of data quality through performance criteria. Persons using this Exhibit should have a
thorough working knowledge of Methods 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in appendices A-1 through A-3 to 40

CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, as well as the determinative technique
selected for analysis.
1.1 Analytes
The analyte measured by these procedures and specifications is total vapor-phase mercury in the
flue gas, which represents the sum of elemental mercury (Hg
, CAS Number 7439-97-6) and
oxidized forms of mercury, in mass concentration units of micrograms per dry standard cubic
meter (μg/dscm).
1.2 Applicability
These performance criteria and procedures are applicable to monitoring of vapor-phase mercury
emissions under relatively low-dust conditions (i.e., sampling in the stack after all pollution
control devices), from coal-fired electric utility steam generators which are subject to Sections
1.14 through 1.18 of Appendix B. Individual sample collection times can range from 30 minutes
to several days in duration, depending on the mercury concentration in the stack. The monitoring
system must achieve the performance criteria specified in Section 8 of this Exhibit and the
sorbent media capture ability must not be exceeded. The sampling rate must be maintained at a
constant proportion to the total stack flow rate to ensure representativeness of the sample
collected. Failure to achieve certain performance criteria will result in invalid mercury emissions
monitoring data.
2.0 Principle
Known volumes of flue gas are extracted from a stack or duct through paired, in-stack, pre-
spiked sorbent media traps at an appropriate nominal flow rate. Collection of mercury on the
sorbent media in the stack mitigates potential loss of mercury during transport through a
probe/sample line. Paired train sampling is required to determine measurement precision and
verify acceptability of the measured emissions data.
The sorbent traps are recovered from the sampling system, prepared for analysis, as needed, and
analyzed by any suitable determinative technique that can meet the performance criteria. A
section of each sorbent trap is spiked with Hg
prior to sampling.
3.0 Clean Handling and Contamination
To avoid mercury contamination of the samples, special attention should be paid to cleanliness
during transport, field handling, sampling, recovery, and laboratory analysis, as well as during
preparation of the sorbent cartridges. Collection and analysis of blank samples (field, trip, lab) is
useful in verifying the absence of contaminant mercury.
4.0 Safety
4.1 Site hazards.

Site hazards must be thoroughly considered in advance of applying these
procedures/specifications in the field; advance coordination with the site is critical to understand
the conditions and applicable safety policies. At a minimum, portions of the sampling system
will be hot, requiring appropriate gloves, long sleeves, and caution in handling this equipment.
4.2 Laboratory safety policies
Laboratory safety policies should be in place to minimize risk of chemical exposure and to
properly handle waste disposal. Personnel must wear appropriate laboratory attire according to a
Chemical Hygiene Plan established by the laboratory.
4.3 Toxicity or carcinogenicity.
The toxicity or carcinogenicity of any reagents used must be considered. Depending upon the
sampling and analytical technologies selected, this measurement may involve hazardous
materials, operations, and equipment and this Exhibit does not address all of the safety problems
associated with implementing this approach. It is the responsibility of the user to establish
appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicable regulatory limitations prior
to performance. Any chemical should be regarded as a potential health hazard and exposure to
these compounds should be minimized. Chemists should refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for each chemical used.
4.4 Wastes
Any wastes generated by this procedure must be disposed of according to a hazardous materials
management plan that details and tracks various waste streams and disposal procedures.
5.0 Equipment and Supplies
The following list is presented as an example of key equipment and supplies likely required to
perform vapor-phase mercury monitoring using a sorbent trap monitoring system. It is
recognized that additional equipment and supplies may be needed. Collection of paired samples
is required. Also required are a certified stack gas volumetric flow monitor that meets the
requirements of Section 1.2 to this Appendix and an acceptable means of correcting for the stack
gas moisture content, i.e., either by using data from a certified continuous moisture monitoring
system or by using an approved default moisture value (see 40 CFR 75.11(b), incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140).
5.1 Sorbent Trap Monitoring System
A typical sorbent trap monitoring system is shown in Figure K-1. The monitoring system must
include the following components:
5.1.1 Sorbent Traps
The sorbent media used to collect mercury must be configured in a trap with three distinct and

identical segments or sections, connected in series, that are amenable to separate analyses.
Section 1 is designated for primary capture of gaseous mercury. Section 2 is designated as a
backup section for determination of vapor-phase mercury breakthrough. Section 3 is designated
for QA/QC purposes where this section must be spiked with a known amount of gaseous Hg
prior to sampling and later analyzed to determine recovery efficiency. The sorbent media may be
any collection material (e.g., carbon, chemically-treated filter, etc.) capable of quantitatively
capturing and recovering for subsequent analysis, all gaseous forms of mercury for the intended
application. Selection of the sorbent media must be based on the material's ability to achieve the
performance criteria contained in Section 8 of this Exhibit as well as the sorbent's vapor-phase
mercury capture efficiency for the emissions matrix and the expected sampling duration at the
test site. The sorbent media must be obtained from a source that can demonstrate the quality
assurance and control necessary to ensure consistent reliability. The paired sorbent traps are
supported on a probe (or probes) and inserted directly into the flue gas stream.
5.1.2 Sampling Probe Assembly
Each probe assembly must have a leak-free Exhibit to the sorbent traps. Each sorbent trap must
be mounted at the entrance of or within the probe such that the gas sampled enters the trap
directly. Each probe/sorbent trap assembly must be heated to a temperature sufficient to prevent
liquid condensation in the sorbent traps. Auxiliary heating is required only where the stack
temperature is too low to prevent condensation. Use a calibrated thermocouple to monitor the
stack temperature. A single probe capable of operating the paired sorbent traps may be used.
Alternatively, individual probe/sorbent trap assemblies may be used, provided that the individual
sorbent traps are co-located to ensure representative mercury monitoring and are sufficiently
separated to prevent aerodynamic interference.
5.1.3 Moisture Removal Device
A robust moisture removal device or system, suitable for continuous duty (such as a Peltier
cooler), must be used to remove water vapor from the gas stream prior to entering the gas flow
5.1.4 Vacuum Pump
Use a leak-tight, vacuum pump capable of operating within the candidate system's flow range.
5.1.5 Gas Flow Meter
A gas flow meter (such as a dry gas meter, thermal mass flow meter, or other suitable
measurement device) must be used to determine the total sample volume on a dry basis, in units
of standard cubic meters. The meter must be sufficiently accurate to measure the total sample
volume to within 2 percent and must be calibrated at selected flow rates across the range of
sample flow rates at which the sorbent trap monitoring system typically operates. The gas flow
meter must be equipped with any necessary auxiliary measurement devices (e.g., temperature
sensors, pressure measurement devices) needed to correct the sample volume to standard

5.1.6 Sample Flow Rate Meter and Controller
Use a flow rate indicator and controller for maintaining necessary sampling flow rates.
5.1.7 Temperature Sensor
Same as Section of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140.
5.1.8 Barometer
Same as Section 6.1.2 of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 225.140.
5.1.9 Data Logger (Optional)
Device for recording associated and necessary ancillary information (e.g., temperatures,
pressures, flow, time, etc.).
5.2 Gaseous Hg
Sorbent Trap Spiking System
A known mass of gaseous Hg
must be spiked onto section 3 of each sorbent trap prior to
sampling. Any approach capable of quantitatively delivering known masses of Hg
onto sorbent
traps is acceptable. Several technologies or devices are available to meet this objective. Their
practicality is a function of mercury mass spike levels. For low levels, NIST-certified or NIST-
traceable gas generators or tanks may be suitable, but will likely require long preparation times.
A more practical, alternative system, capable of delivering almost any mass required, makes use
of NIST-certified or NIST-traceable mercury salt solutions (e.g., Hg(NO3)2). With this system,
an aliquot of known volume and concentration is added to a reaction vessel containing a
reducing agent (e.g., stannous chloride); the mercury salt solution is reduced to Hg
and purged
onto section 3 of the sorbent trap using an impinger sparging system.
5.3 Sample Analysis Equipment
Any analytical system capable of quantitatively recovering and quantifying total gaseous
mercury from sorbent media is acceptable provided that the analysis can meet the performance
criteria in Section 8 of this procedure. Candidate recovery techniques include leaching, digestion,
and thermal desorption. Candidate analytical techniques include ultraviolet atomic fluorescence
(UV AF); ultraviolet atomic absorption (UV AA), with and without gold trapping; and in situ X-
ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis.
6.0 Reagents and Standards
Only NIST-certified or NIST-traceable calibration gas standards and reagents must be used for
the tests and procedures required under this Exhibit.

7.0 Sample Collection and Transport
7.1 Pre-Test Procedures
7.1.1 Selection of Sampling Site
Sampling site information should be obtained in accordance with Method 1 in appendix A-1 to
40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. Identify a monitoring location
representative of source mercury emissions. Locations shown to be free of stratification through
measurement traverses for gases such as SO
and NO
may be one such approach. An estimation
of the expected stack mercury concentration is required to establish a target sample flow rate,
total gas sample volume, and the mass of Hg
to be spiked onto section 3 of each sorbent trap.
7.1.2 Pre-sampling Spiking of Sorbent Traps
Based on the estimated mercury concentration in the stack, the target sample rate and the target
sampling duration, calculate the expected mass loading for section 1 of each sorbent trap (for an
example calculation, see Section 11.1 of this Exhibit). The pre-sampling spike to be added to
section 3 of each sorbent trap must be within ±50 percent of the expected section 1 mass loading.
Spike section 3 of each sorbent trap at this level, as described in Section 5.2 of this Exhibit. For
each sorbent trap, keep an official record of the mass of Hg
added to section 3. This record must
include, at a minimum, the ID number of the trap, the date and time of the spike, the name of the
analyst performing the procedure, the mass of Hg
added to section 3 of the trap (μg), and the
supporting calculations. This record must be maintained in a format suitable for inspection and
audit and must be made available to the regulatory agencies upon request.
7.1.3 Pre-test Leak Check
Perform a leak check with the sorbent traps in place. Draw a vacuum in each sample train.
Adjust the vacuum in the sample train to mercury. Using the gas flow meter, determine leak rate.
The leakage rate must not exceed 4 percent of the target sampling rate. Once the leak check
passes this criterion, carefully release the vacuum in the sample train then seal the sorbent trap
inlet until the probe is ready for insertion into the stack or duct.
7.1.4 Determination of Flue Gas Characteristics
Determine or measure the flue gas measurement environment characteristics (gas temperature,
static pressure, gas velocity, stack moisture, etc.) in order to determine ancillary requirements
such as probe heating requirements (if any), initial sample rate, proportional sampling
conditions, moisture management, etc.
7.2 Sample Collection

Remove the plug from the end of each sorbent trap and store each plug in a clean sorbent trap
storage container. Remove the stack or duct port cap and insert the probes. Secure the probes and
ensure that no leakage occurs between the duct and environment.
Record initial data including the sorbent trap ID, start time, starting dry gas meter readings,
initial temperatures, set-points, and any other appropriate information.
7.2.3 Flow Rate Control
Set the initial sample flow rate at the target value from Section 7.1.1 of this Exhibit. Record the
initial gas flow meter reading, stack temperature (if needed to convert to standard conditions),
meter temperatures (if needed), etc. Then, for every operating hour during the sampling period,
record the date and time, the sample flow rate, the gas flow meter reading, the stack temperature
(if needed), the flow meter temperatures (if needed), temperatures of heated equipment such as
the vacuum lines and the probes (if heated), and the sampling system vacuum readings. Also,
record the stack gas flow rate, as measured by the certified flow monitor, and the ratio of the
stack gas flow rate to the sample flow rate. Adjust the sampling flow rate to maintain
proportional sampling, i.e., keep the ratio of the stack gas flow rate to sample flow rate constant,
to within ±25 percent of the reference ratio from the first hour of the data collection period (see
Section 11 of this Exhibit). The sample flow rate through a sorbent trap monitoring system
during any hour (or portion of an hour) in which the unit is not operating must be zero.
7.2.4 Stack Gas Moisture Determination
Determine stack gas moisture using a continuous moisture monitoring system, as described in 40
CFR 75.11(b), incorporated by reference in Section 225.140. Alternatively, the owner or
operator may use the appropriate fuel-specific moisture default value provided in 40 CFR 75.11,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, or a site-specific moisture default value approved
by the Agency.
7.2.5 Essential Operating Data
Obtain and record any essential operating data for the facility during the test period, e.g., the
barometric pressure for correcting the sample volume measured by a dry gas meter to standard
conditions. At the end of the data collection period, record the final gas flow meter reading and
the final values of all other essential parameters.
7.2.6 Post Test Leak Check
When sampling is completed, turn off the sample pump, remove the probe/sorbent trap from the
port and carefully re-plug the end of each sorbent trap. Perform a leak check with the sorbent
traps in place, at the maximum vacuum reached during the sampling period. Use the same
general approach described in Section 7.1.3 of this Exhibit. Record the leakage rate and vacuum.
The leakage rate must not exceed 4 percent of the average sampling rate for the data collection

period. Following the leak check, carefully release the vacuum in the sample train.
7.2.7 Sample Recovery
Recover each sampled sorbent trap by removing it from the probe, sealing both ends. Wipe any
deposited material from the outside of the sorbent trap. Place the sorbent trap into an appropriate
sample storage container and store/preserve in appropriate manner.
7.2.8 Sample Preservation, Storage, and Transport
While the performance criteria of this approach provide for verification of appropriate sample
handling, it is still important that the user consider, determine, and plan for suitable sample
preservation, storage, transport, and holding times for these measurements. Therefore,
procedures in ASTM D6911-03 "Standard Guide for Packaging and Shipping Environmental
Samples for Laboratory Analysis" (incorporated by reference under Section 225.140) must be
followed for all samples.
7.2.9 Sample Custody
Proper procedures and documentation for sample chain of custody are critical to ensuring data
integrity. The chain of custody procedures in ASTM D4840-99 (reapproved 2004) "Standard
Guide for Sample Chain-of-Custody Procedures" (incorporated by reference under Section
225.140) must be followed for all samples (including field samples and blanks).
8.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Table K-1 summarizes the QA/QC performance criteria that are used to validate the mercury
emissions data from sorbent trap monitoring systems, including the relative accuracy test audit
(RATA) requirement (see Section 1.4(c)(7), Section 6.5.6 of Exhibit A to this Appendix, and
Section 2.3 of Exhibit B to this Appendix). Except as provided in Section 1.3(h) of this
Appendix and as otherwise indicated in Table K-1, failure to achieve these performance criteria
will result in invalidation of mercury emissions data.
Table K-1.--Quality Assurance/Quality Control Criteria for Sorbent Trap
Monitoring Systems
QA/QC test or
Acceptance criteria
Consequences if not
Pre-test leak check
≤ 4% of target
sampling rate
Prior to sampling
Sampling must not
commence until the
leak check is passed.
Post-test leak check
≤ 4% of average
sampling rate
After sampling
[FN**] See Note,

Ratio of stack gas
flow rateto sample
flow rate
No more than 5% of
the hourly ratios or 5
hourly ratios
(whichever is less
restrictive) may
deviate from the
reference ratio by
more than ± %
Every hour
throughout data
collection period
[FN**] See Note,
Sorbent trap section 2
≤ 5% of Section 1 Hg
Every sample
[FN**] See Note,
Paired sorbent trap
≤ 10% Relative
Deviation (RD) if the
average concentration
is > 1.0<<mu>>g/m
≤ 20% RD if the
average concentration
≤ 1.0<<mu>>
Results are also
acceptable if absolute
difference between
concentrations from
paired traps is
Every sample
Either invalidate the
data from the paired
traps or report the
results from the trap
with the higher Hg
Spike Recovery Study Average recovery
between 85% and
115% for each of the
3 spike concentration
Prior to analyzing
field samples and
prior to use of new
sorbent media
Field samples must
not be analyzed until
the percent recovery
criteria has been met
Multipoint analyzer
Each analyzer reading
within ± 10% of true
value and r
≥ 0.99
On the day of
analysis, before
analyzing any samples
Recalibrate until
Analysis of
calibration standard
Within ± 10% of true
Following daily
calibration, prior to
analyzing field
Recalibrate and repeat
independent standard
analysis until

Spike recovery from
Section 3 of sorbent
75-125% of spike
Every sample
[FN**] See Note,
≤ 20.0% or Mean
for low emitters
For initial certification
and annually
Data from the system
are invalidated until a
RATA is passed.
Gas flow meter
Calibration factor (Y)
within ± 5% of
average value from
the most recent 3-
point calibration
At three settings prior
to initial use and at
least quarterly at one
setting thereafter. For
mass flow meters,
initial calibration with
stack gas is required
Recalibrate the meter
at three orifice
settings to determine a
new value of Y.
Temperature sensor
Absolute temperature
measured by sensor
within ± 1.5% of a
reference sensor
Prior to initial use and
at least quarterly
Recalibrate. Sensor
may not be used until
specification is met.
Barometer calibration Absolute pressure
measured by
instrument within ±
10 mm Hg of reading
with a mercury
Prior to initial use and
at least quarterly
Instrument may not be
used until
specification is met.
[FN**] Note: If both traps fail to meet the acceptance criteria, the data from the pair of traps are
invalidated. However, if only one of the paired traps fails to meet this particular acceptance
criterion and the other sample meets all of the applicable QA criteria, the results of the valid trap
may be used for reporting under this part. When the data from both traps are invalidated and
quality-assured data from a certified backup monitoring system, reference method, or approved
alternative monitoring system are unavailable, missing data substitution must be used.
9.0 Calibration and Standardization.
Only NIST-certified and NIST-traceable calibration standards (i.e., calibration gases, solutions,
etc.) must be used for the spiking and analytical procedures in this Exhibit.
9.2 Gas Flow Meter Calibration

Preliminaries. The manufacturer or supplier of the gas flow meter should perform all necessary
set-up, testing, programming, etc., and should provide the end user with any necessary
instructions, to ensure that the meter will give an accurate readout of dry gas volume in standard
cubic meters for the particular field application.
Initial Calibration. Prior to its initial use, a calibration of the flow meter must be performed. The
initial calibration may be done by the manufacturer, by the equipment supplier, or by the end
user. If the flow meter is volumetric in nature (e.g., a dry gas meter), the manufacturer,
equipment supplier, or end user may perform a direct volumetric calibration using any gas. For a
mass flow meter, the manufacturer, equipment supplier, or end user may calibrate the meter
using a bottled gas mixture containing 12 +- 0.5% CO
, 7 +- 0.5% O
, and balance N
, or these
same gases in proportions more representative of the expected stack gas composition. Mass flow
meters may also be initially calibrated on-site, using actual stack gas.
Initial Calibration Procedures. Determine an average calibration factor (Y) for the gas flow
meter, by calibrating it at three sample flow rate settings covering the range of sample flow rates
at which the sorbent trap monitoring system typically operates. You may either follow the
procedures in Section 10.3.1 of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 225.140, or the procedures in Section 16 of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40
CFR 60. If a dry gas meter is being calibrated, use at least five revolutions of the meter at each
flow rate.
Alternative Initial Calibration Procedures. Alternatively, you may perform the initial calibration
of the gas flow meter using a reference gas flow meter (RGFM). The RGFM may either be: (1)
A wet test meter calibrated according to Section 10.3.1 of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR
60, incorporated by reference in Section 225.140; (2) a gas flow metering device calibrated at
multiple flow rates using the procedures in Section 16 of Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR
60; or (3) a NIST-traceable calibration device capable of measuring volumetric flow to an
accuracy of 1 percent. To calibrate the gas flow meter using the RGFM, proceed as follows:
While the sorbent trap monitoring system is sampling the actual stack gas or a compressed gas
mixture that simulates the stack gas composition (as applicable), connect the RGFM to the
discharge of the system. Care should be taken to minimize the dead volume between the sample
flow meter being tested and the RGFM. Concurrently measure dry gas volume with the RGFM
and the flow meter being calibrated the for a minimum of 10 minutes at each of three flow rates
covering the typical range of operation of the sorbent trap monitoring system. For each 10-
minute (or longer) data collection period, record the total sample volume, in units of dry standard
cubic meters (dscm), measured by the RGFM and the gas flow meter being tested.

Initial Calibration Factor. Calculate an individual calibration factor Yi at each tested flow rate
from Section or of this Exhibit (as applicable), by taking the ratio of the reference
sample volume to the sample volume recorded by the gas flow meter. Average the three Yi
values, to determine Y, the calibration factor for the flow meter. Each of the three individual
values of Yi must be within ±0.02 of Y. Except as otherwise provided in Sections and of this Exhibit, use the average Y value from the three level calibration to adjust all
subsequent gas volume measurements made with the gas flow meter.
Initial On-Site Calibration Check. For a mass flow meter that was initially calibrated using a
compressed gas mixture, an on-site calibration check must be performed before using the flow
meter to provide data for this part. While sampling stack gas, check the calibration of the flow
meter at one intermediate flow rate typical of normal operation of the monitoring system. Follow
the basic procedures in Section or of this Exhibit. If the on-site calibration check
shows that the value of Yi, the calibration factor at the tested flow rate, differs by more than 5
percent from the value of Y obtained in the initial calibration of the meter, repeat the full 3-level
calibration of the meter using stack gas to determine a new value of Y, and apply the new Y
value to all subsequent gas volume measurements made with the gas flow meter.
Ongoing Quality Assurance. Recalibrate the gas flow meter quarterly at one intermediate flow
rate setting representative of normal operation of the monitoring system. Follow the basic
procedures in Section or of this Exhibit. If a quarterly recalibration shows that the
value of Yi, the calibration factor at the tested flow rate, differs from the current value of Y by
more than 5 percent, repeat the full 3-level calibration of the meter to determine a new value of
Y, and apply the new Y value to all subsequent gas volume measurements made with the gas
flow meter.
9.3 Thermocouples and Other Temperature Sensors
Use the procedures and criteria in Section 10.3 of Method 2 in appendix A-1 to 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 225.140, to calibrate in-stack temperature sensors and
thermocouples. Dial thermometers must be calibrated against mercury-in-glass thermometers.
Calibrations must be performed prior to initial use and at least quarterly thereafter. At each
calibration point, the absolute temperature measured by the temperature sensor must agree to
within +- 1.5 percent of the temperature measured with the reference sensor, otherwise the sensor
may not continue to be used.
9.4 Barometer
Calibrate against a mercury barometer. Calibration must be performed prior to initial use and at

least quarterly thereafter. At each calibration point, the absolute pressure measured by the
barometer must agree to within ±10 mm mercury of the pressure measured by the mercury
barometer, otherwise the barometer may not continue to be used.
9.5 Other Sensors and Gauges
Calibrate all other sensors and gauges according to the procedures specified by the instrument
9.6 Analytical System Calibration
See Section 10.1 of this Exhibit.
10.0 Analytical Procedures
The analysis of the mercury samples may be conducted using any instrument or technology
capable of quantifying total mercury from the sorbent media and meeting the performance
criteria in Section 8 of this Exhibit.
10.1 Analyzer System Calibration
Perform a multipoint calibration of the analyzer at three or more upscale points over the desired
quantitative range (multiple calibration ranges must be calibrated, if necessary). The field
samples analyzed must fall within a calibrated, quantitative range and meet the necessary
performance criteria. For samples that are suitable for aliquotting, a series of dilutions may be
needed to ensure that the samples fall within a calibrated range. However, for sorbent media
samples that are consumed during analysis (e.g., thermal desorption techniques), extra care must
be taken to ensure that the analytical system is appropriately calibrated prior to sample analysis.
The calibration curve ranges should be determined based on the anticipated level of mercury
mass on the sorbent media. Knowledge of estimated stack mercury concentrations and total
sample volume may be required prior to analysis. The calibration curve for use with the various
analytical techniques (e.g., UV AA, UV AF, and XRF) can be generated by directly introducing
standard solutions into the analyzer or by spiking the standards onto the sorbent media and then
introducing into the analyzer after preparing the sorbent/standard according to the particular
analytical technique. For each calibration curve, the value of the square of the linear correlation
coefficient, i.e., r
, must be
≥ 0.99, and the anamlusyt zbe ewir
n ±e10
reference value at each upscale calibration point. Calibrations must be performed on the day of
the analysis, before analyzing any of the samples. Following calibration, an independently
prepared standard (not from same calibration stock solution) must be analyzed. The measured
value of the independently prepared standard must be within ±10 percent of the expected value.
10.2 Sample Preparation
Carefully separate the three sections of each sorbent trap. Combine for analysis all materials
associated with each section, i.e., any supporting substrate that the sample gas passes through
prior to entering a media section (e.g., glass wool, polyurethane foam, etc.) must be analyzed

with that segment.
10.3 Spike Recovery Study
Before analyzing any field samples, the laboratory must demonstrate the ability to recover and
quantify mercury from the sorbent media by performing the following spike recovery study for
sorbent media traps spiked with elemental mercury.
Using the procedures described in Sections 5.2 and 11.1 of this Exhibit, spike the third section of
nine sorbent traps with gaseous Hg
, i.e., three traps at each of three different mass loadings,
representing the range of masses anticipated in the field samples. This will yield a 3 x 3 sample
matrix. Prepare and analyze the third section of each spiked trap, using the techniques that will
be used to prepare and analyze the field samples. The average recovery for each spike
concentration must be between 85 and 115 percent. If multiple types of sorbent media are to be
analyzed, a separate spike recovery study is required for each sorbent material. If multiple ranges
are calibrated, a separate spike recovery study is required for each range.
10.4 Field Sample Analysis
Analyze the sorbent trap samples following the same procedures that were used for conducting
the spike recovery study. The three sections of each sorbent trap must be analyzed separately
(i.e., section 1, then section 2, then section 3). Quantify the total mass of mercury for each
section based on analytical system response and the calibration curve from Section 10.1 of this
Exhibit. Determine the spike recovery from sorbent trap section 3. The spike recovery must be
no less than 75 percent and no greater than 125 percent. To report the final mercury mass for
each trap, add together the mercury masses collected in trap sections 1 and 2.
11.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
11.1 Calculation of Pre-Sampling Spiking Level
Determine sorbent trap section 3 spiking level using estimates of the stack mercury
concentration, the target sample flow rate, and the expected sample duration. First, calculate the
expected mercury mass that will be collected in section 1 of the trap. The pre-sampling spike
must be within ±50 percent of this mass. Example calculation: For an estimated stack mercury
concentration of 5 μg/m
, a target sample rate of 0.30 L/min, and a sample duration of 5 days:
(0.30 L/min) (1440 min/day) (5 days) (10
/liter) (5μg/m
) = 10.8 μg
A pre-sampling spike of 10.8 μg ± 50 percent is, therefore, appropriate.
11.2 Calculations for Flow-Proportional Sampling.
For the first hour of the data collection period, determine the reference ratio of the stack gas
volumetric flow rate to the sample flow rate, as follows:

(Equation K-1)
= Reference ratio of hourly stack gas flow rate to hourly sample flow rate
= Average stack gas volumetric flow rate for first hour of collection period
= Average sample flow rate for first hour of the collection period, in appropriate
units (e.g., liters/min, cc/min, dscm/min)
K =
Power of ten multiplier, to keep the value of
between 1 and 100. The
appropriate K value will depend on the selected units of measure for the sample
flow rate.
Then, for each subsequent hour of the data collection period, calculate ratio of the stack gas flow
rate to the sample flow rate using the equation K-2:
(Equation K-2)
= Ratio of hourly stack gas flow rate to hourly sample flow rate
= Average stack gas volumetric flow rate for the hour
= Average sample flow rate for the hour, in appropriate units (e.g., liters/min,
cc/min, dscm/min)
K =
Power of ten multiplier, to keep the value of
between 1 and 100. The
appropriate K value will depend on the selected units of measure for the sample
flow rate and the range of expected stack gas flow rates.
Maintain the value of
within +- 25 percent of
throughout the data collection period.
11.3 Calculation of Spike Recovery.
Calculate the percent recovery of each section 3 spike, as follows:

(Equation K-3)
= Percentage recovery of the pre-sampling spike
= Mass of mercury recovered from section 3 of the sorbent trap, (μg)
= Calculated mercury mass of the pre-sampling spike, from Section 7.1.2 of this
Exhibit, (μg)
11.4 Calculation of Breakthrough.
Calculate the percent breakthrough to the second section of the sorbent trap, as follows:
(Equation K-4)
Percent breakthrough
Mass of mercury recovered from section 2 of the sorbent trap, (μg)
Mass of mercury recovered from section 1 of the sorbent trap, (μg)
11.5 Calculation of Mercury Concentration
Calculate the mercury concentration for each sorbent trap, using the following equation:
(Equation K-5)
C =
Concentration of mercury for the collection period, μgm/dscm)

Total mass of mercury recovered from sections 1 and 2 of the sorbent trap, μg)
Total volume of dry gas metered during the collection period, (dscm). For the
purposes of this Exhibit, standard temperature and pressure are defined as 20 °
C and 760 mm mercury, respectively.
11.6 Calculation of Paired Trap Agreement
Calculate the relative deviation (RD) between the mercury concentrations measured with the
paired sorbent traps:
(Equation K-6)
Relative deviation between the mercury concentrations from traps "a" and "b"
Concentration of mercury for the collection period, for sorbent trap "a"
Concentration of mercury for the collection period, for sorbent trap "b"
11.7 Calculation of Mercury Mass Emissions
To calculate mercury mass emissions, follow the procedures in Section 4.1.2 of Exhibit C to this
Appendix. Use the average of the two mercury concentrations from the paired traps in the
calculations, except as provided in Section 1.3(h) of Exhibit A to this Appendix or in Table K-1.
12.0 Method Performance
These monitoring criteria and procedures have been applied to coal-fired utility boilers
(including units with post-combustion emission controls), having vapor-phase mercury
concentrations ranging from 0.03 μg/dscm to 100 μg/dscm.

I, John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that
the Board adopted the above opinion and order on April 16, 2009, by a vote of 5-0.
John T. Therriault, Assistant Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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