December 1, 1994
    PCB 94—289
    (UST Fund)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C. A. Manning):
    On October 11, 1994, Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated
    (Montgomery Ward) filed by personal delivery a petition for
    review of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    final reimbursement determination from the Underground Storage
    Tank Fund. The Board on October 20, 1994 dismissed this matter
    for lack of jurisdiction, finding that Montgomery Ward failed to
    appeal the Agency determination within the 35-day statutory
    period to appeal pursuant to Section 40 of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Act). (415 ILCS 5/40 (1992).) On November 9,
    1994 Montgomery Ward filed a motion for reconsideration of that
    Currently the Agency issues a State Voucher and an
    “Attachment A” which contains the stated reasons for deductions
    as its final determination letter. The State Voucher states that
    “fJor the purposes of appeal, this voucher constitutes the
    Agency’s final decision as of the date the check was issued by
    the Comptroller.” Thus, following the statement made on the
    State Voucher the issuance date of the Comptroller’s
    reimbursement check is the date of the Agency decision, which was
    Friday September 2, 1994. Therefore, pursuant to the Board’s
    procedural rules the 35 day period began on Saturday, September
    3, 1994, and ended Friday October 7, 1994.
    However, Montgomery Ward points out that the attachment to
    the State Voucher contains the following language:
    The attached invoice constitutes the Agency’s final
    decision on your leaking underground storage tank bill.
    You may appeal this decision to the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board (Board) pursuant to Section 22.18(b) (g)
    and Section 40 of the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Act. You have 35 Calendar days from the date the
    Comptroller mails the accompanying check to file a
    petition for a hearing with the Board ((35 Ill. Adm.

    Code 105.102(a) (2)).
    Montgomery Ward claims that it contacted the Warrant Distribution
    Section of the Comptroller’s office and ascertained that the
    check was mailed on September 6, 1994. Following the Board
    procedural rules the 35-day period began on September 7, 1994 and
    ended on October 12, 1994 thus making Montgomery Ward’s appeal
    On November 23, 1994 the Agency filed a response to
    Montgomery Ward’s motion for reconsideration. The Agency
    response reiterates the Board’s procedural rules on the
    computation of time and states that the appeal was untimely. The
    Agency also points to previous Board decisions where the Board
    calculated the 35-day period for time to appeal from the date of
    issuance of the Comptroller’s check. However, the Agency does
    not respond to the conflicting statements made in its final
    determination letter.
    Montgomery Ward failed to supply the Board with an affidavit
    attesting to the facts alleged, i.e., that the Comptroller mailed
    the check on September 6, 1994. Therefore, instead of ruling on
    the motion today, the Board directs Montgomery Ward to file the
    appropriate affidavit within 21 days from the date of this order
    together with a waiver of the decision deadline or alternatively
    a 120-day extension of such deadline. The Board will rule on the
    motion for reconsideration at our next regularly schedule meeting
    following timely receipt of the appropriate affidavit.
    Board Member Joseph Yi abstained.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Boa~d,hereby certify that the above order was adopted. on the
    day of
    1994, by a vote of
    / -~ ~
    Dorothy M. Gin, Clerk
    Illinois PoEjution Control Board

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