February 17, 1994
    PCB 94—60
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C. A. Manning):
    On February 14, 1994, Mobil Oil Corporation (Mobil) filed a
    petition for variance regarding its facilities located in the
    Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake and Will. Mobil is
    requesting variance from 35 Iii. Adin Code 218.586 more commonly
    know as the “Stage II” requirements. On the same day Mobil filed a
    motion for expedited review and hearing. Specifically, Mobil
    states that states that the Agency concurs with the motion for
    expedited review. The motion requests that the hearing be held
    March 23, 1994 in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area. The Board
    grants the motion to expedite the hearing in this matter consistent
    with the statutory constraints of public notice. This matter is
    accepted for hearing.
    The hearing must be scheduled and completed in a timely
    manner, consistent with Board practices and the applicable
    statutory decision deadline, or the decision deadline as extended
    by a waiver (petitioner may file a waiver of the statutory decision
    deadline pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.105). The Chief Hearing
    Officer shall assign a hearing officer to conduct hearings and
    cause public notice of the hearing. The Clerk of the Board shall
    promptly issue appropriate directions to the assigned hearing
    officer consistent with this order.
    After hearing, the hearing officer shall submit an exhibit
    list, a statement regarding credibility of witnesses and all actual
    exhibits to the Board within five days of the hearing. Any
    briefing schedule shall provide for final filings as expeditiously
    as possible and, in time-limited cases, no later than 30 days prior
    to the decision due date, which is the final regularly scheduled
    Board meeting date on or before the statutory or deferred decision
    deadline. In this case, the statutory decision deadline is June
    14, 1994; therefore the decision due date is June 2, 1994.
    The hearing officer and the parties are encouraged to expedite
    this proceeding as much as possible. The Board notes that Board
    rules (35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.180) require the Agency to file its

    recommendation for disposition of the petition within 30 days of
    filing of the petition.
    This order will not appear in the Board’s opinion volumes.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, her by certify that the above order was a9opted on the
    day of
    1994, by a vote of
    Dorothy N. 4unn, Clerk
    Illinois P~JLlutionControl Board

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