December 16, 1993
PCB 93—135
This matter is before the Board upon filing by the City of
Springfield (“Springfield” or “the City”) of a Petition for
Variance! (“Pet.”) on July 22, 1993. Springfield requests
variance for five years from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.206 as that
section relates to dissolved oxygen (“DO”) in the Sangainon River.
Section 302.206 requires that DO shall not be less than 6.0 mg/i—
during at least 16 hours of any 24—hour period, nor less than 5.0
mg/l at any time. Also on July 22, 1993, Springfield requested
leave to incorporate materials from a previous Board docket, PCB
88-113. On August 5, 1993, the Board granted leave to
incorporate the materials, but emphasized that the Board had not
determined the materials were relevant.
Springfield wishes to build temporary dams on the Sangamon
River during extreme drought conditions. In order to get Army
Corps of Engineer approval for the dams, the Agency must certify
that no water quality standards will be violated. Thus,
Springfield believes a variance from the DO standards is
necessary to secure Agency certification and ultimately Army
Corps approval for construction of temporary dams in the Sangainon
On September 16, 1993 the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (“Agency”) filed its recommendation (“Rec.”) that the
requested relief be granted subject to conditions. Springfield
responded with an objection to the Agency condition requiring
Springfield to use clarified ash pond water to lessen the
necessity of the dams.
Hearing in this matter was waived by City of Springfield and
no hearing was held.
Springfield alternatively characterizes the petition as a
“Petition for Variance” (Pet. at 1) or as an “Extension of
Variance” (Pet. at 8, 9). The Board will construe this petition
as a petition for extension of variance.
Springfield owns and operates water and electric utilities
which provides service to the City of Springfield and adjacent
communities and areas. Water utilities are routinely provided to
the City of Springfield, the Villages of Chatham, Grandview,
Jerome, Leland Grove, Rochester and Southern View, Sugar Creek,
and Sherman-Williamsville Public Water Districts, and to certain
unincorporated areas adjacent to Springfield. (Pet. at 1).
Springfield anticipates that the Village of Loami will become a
wholesale water customer by late 1993 or early 1994. The service
area encompasses approximately seventy square miles and includes
a population of about 142,000. (Rec. at 1). The long-term
average potable water pumpage is approximately 21 million gallons
per day. (Rec. at 1).
Pursuant to the variance granted by the Board in PCB 88-113,
Springfield was required to submit to the Agency a firm schedule
detailing the planning and implementation time frame for
obtaining a long-term water supply within one year after
receiving the variance. Springfield states that this condition
has been satisfied by the submittal of a joint application to the
United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Agency, and the
Illinois Department of Transportation, dated July 27, 1989, for a
permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for placement of
a dam in Horse Creek, Sangamon County, Illinois, and creation of
a lake known as Hunter Lake. (Pet. at 2).
In PCB 88-113, the variance approved by the Board laid the
groundwork for Springfield to gain Army Corps approval for the
construction of temporary dams as an emergency measure during
“extreme drought conditions.” During the pendency of the
variance, circumstances never reached the level of “extreme
drought condition” and as a result, the dams were never
constructed. Likewise, Springfield is not presently experiencing
drought conditions and has no immediate need for the dams.
Although Springfield does not articulate a justification for the
instant petition, the Board concludes that Springfield makes this
request in order to act quickly to gain Army Corps approval in a
future drought emergency.
It is well settled that the Board will not grant unnecessary
variances. (SCA Services v. IEPA 71 Iii. App.3d 715, 389 N.E. 2d
953; North Aurora v. IEPA PCB 89-66; Geneva v. IEPA PCB 89-107).
However, the Board will proceed with a consideration of this
matter on its merits despite the absence of a showing of
immediacy, but only with recognition of the fully developed
record and our opinion and order in PCB 88-113. The Board takes
this course of action in light of the extraordinary hardship
demonstrated by Springfield in a previous, fully considered
proceeding before the Board.
Section 36(b) of the Act
allows the Board to grant an
extension of variance
where satisfactory progress has been
Section 36(b) states:
Section 36 Variances
b. Except as provided by Section 38 of this Act, any
variance granted pursuant to the provisions of this
Section shall be granted for such period of time, not
exceeding five years, as shall be specified by the
Board at the time of the grant of such variance, and
upon the condition that the person who receives such
variance shall make such periodic progress reports as
the Board shall specify. Such variance may be extended
from year to year by affirmative action of the Board.
but only if satisfactory progress has been shown.
(emphasis added)
A petition for an extension of a variance is made pursuant
to 35 Ill. Adin. Code 104.123. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.123 states:
Section 104.123 Extension of Prior Variance
a) A petition to extend a prior variance granted by the
Board shall be commenced by filing a petition for
variance with the Agency and the Board in accordance
with the requirements of Sections 104.120 and 104.121.
To the extent that the information required by Sections
104.120 (Petition for Variance) and 104.121 (Contents
of Variance Petition) has been included in the prior
petition for variance for which extension is sought, a
resubmission of that information shall not be required
provided that the petition shall request the
incorporation of the record, opinion and order in the
prior proceeding into the new petition.
b) A petition to extend a prior variance shall be subject
to all of the requirement of this Part except as
provided in subsection (a).
Thus under Section 104.123, a petitioner seeking an
extension of variance does not have to resubmit the information
required by Sections 104.120 and 104.121 to the extent that that
information was included in a prior proceeding and Board has
allowed the incorporation of the record from the prior
proceeding. The incorporation of a record from a prior
proceeding does not free a petitioner from the pleading
requirements found in Sections 104.120 and 104.121.
Springfield seeks a variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.206,
which states:
Section 302.206
Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (STORET number 00300) shall not be less
than 6.0 mg/l during at least 16 hours of any 24 hour
period, nor less than 5.0 mg/i at any time.
In determining whether any variance is to be granted, the
Act requires the Board to determine whether a petitioner has
presented adequate proof that immediate compliance with the Board
regulations at issue would impose an arbitrary or unreasonable
hardship (415 ILCS 5/35(a) (1992)). Furthermore, the burden is
upon the petitioner to show that its claimed hardship outweighs
the public interest in attaining compliance with regulations
designed to protect the public (Willowbrook Motel v. Pollution
Control Board (1977), 135 Ill.App.3d 343, 481 N.E.2d 1032). Only
with such showing can the claimed hardship rise to the level of
arbitrary or unreasonable hardship.
A further feature of a variance is that it is, by its
nature, a temporary reprieve from compliance with the Board’s
regulations (Monsanto Co. v. IPCB (1977), 67 I1i.2d 276, 367
N.E.2d 684), and compliance is to be sought regardless of the
hardship which the task of eventual compliance presents an
individual polluter
Accordingly, except in certain
special circumstances, a variance petitioner is required, as a
condition to grant of variance, to commit to a plan which is
reasonably calculated to achieve compliance within the term of
the variance.
The Board may grant an extension of variance where
satisfactory progress has been demonstrated. (Ekco Glaco v. IPCB
(1989), 186 Ill.App.3d 141, 542 N.E.2d 147.) In addition, it has
been past Board practice to grant an extension an expired
variance where satisfactory progress has been demonstrated.
(See, Scott Air Force Base v. IEPA (May 10, 1990) PCB 88—69, 111
PCB 09 (extension granted after expiration of original variance
upon the showing of satisfactory progress and where the duration
of the extension was unusually short); Rowe Foundry v. TEPA
(February 23, 1989) PCB 88-21, 96 PCB 147 (extension gr~ted
after expiration of original variance upon showing of
satisfactory progress); City of Farmington v. IEPA (February 20,
1985) PCB 84-166, 61 PCB 70 (extension of expired variance
granted where lack of compliance was beyond the control of
petitioner and where there were no reasonable alternatives);
Midwest Solvents v. IEPA (April 5, 1984) PCB 84—5, 59 PCB 251
(extension of expired provisional variance granted where diligent
progress was demonstrated and adverse weather conditions
interfered with completion of work project).)
As stated earlier, neither party detailed the hardships that
Springfield would incur if the variance is denied. The Agency
summarized information from PCB 88-113 and added:
Petitioner does not elaborate on any additional hardships
that may be imposed as a result of the continued compliance
with the standard. To the extent that Lake Springfield’s
water supply has been replenished in recent years as a
result of adequate rainfall events, petitioner should
provide any additional information on hardship to the Board
for the record.
(Rec. at 2.)
Springfield responded that the hardship remains the same and that
it was merely coincidence that the original request came at a
time when the City was experiencing drought conditions. (Response
to Rec. at 3.) Because both parties rely on the record from PCB
88-113, the Board will quote that order at length below:
Springfield’s instant request is prompted most recently by
the severe drought conditions of 1987 and 1988, and
projected continued low water levels in Lake Springfield for
1989. The long—term average annual range of the level of
the Lake is about 17 feet, between approximately 557.9 and
559.6 feet MSL; highest levels typically occur in June and
the lowest in November. Although lake levels were normal as
recently as April 1988, by the end of September 1988 they
were about 2.75 feet below the normal September datum of
558.3 feet. If this deficit is not made up by natural
winter and spring runoff into the Lake, Springfield fears
that it will be entering the critical summer season of 1989
with an unrecoverable deficit. Springfield estimates based
on the present rate of decline and the long—term trend of
seasonal variations, that the Lake level will be at an
elevation of about 552 feet by February 1, 1989, or
approximately 6 feet below the February norm. Moreover, any
repeat of a drought in the summer of 1989 will further
exacerbate the situation. Operating problems for the water
supply and electrical utilities (as opposed to recreation)
are predicted to occur at elevations of about 550 feet and
to become critical operational constraints at about 546
feet, including inability to pump water from the Lake to
supply water use needs, restrictions in the ability to
generate electrical power, and possible loss of the ability
to adequately treat waste waters. It is also noted that the
Lake 1 level actually fell to a low of 547.4 feet during the
drought of 1953-1955, at a time when water demands were
significantly less than at present.
In the summer of 1988 Springfield begin instituting both
voluntary and mandatory water conservation measures. The
initial trigger to this activity was deteriorating water
system pressures during peak hourly demands. Springfield
notes that on some occasions system pressure was reduced to
approximately half of the normal 50 psi, which endangered
firefighting ability among other matters. As conditions
worsened, the Springfield City Council ordered mandatory
water conservation via ordinance. Springfield estimates
that the conservation programs realized about a 16 decrease
in water consumption.
Besides the hardship that mandatory water conservation
itself imposes, Springfield points to other hardships that
could result if the water conservation programs are
insufficient to curtail water demands beyond available
supply. These include discontinuance of electric
generation, rationing of water, decrease in fire—fighting
capability, inability to serve critical public health
facilities (hospitals constitute some the largest individual
consumers of Springfield’s water supply), and economic loss
to businesses and their employees.
PCB 88-113; at 93 PCB 663-4; citations omitted throughout.
did not provide the Board with any data
concerning environmental impact. The Agency also did not address
the environmental impact of the requested variance. Instead, the
Agency states:
Environmental quality concerns arising from the construction
of temporary dams were previously addressed in the original
grant of variance. Because the present petition is merely
an extension, rather than modified or changed project, the
Agency believes a grant of variance containing the same
terms and conditions relating to environmental quality
should address this criterion.
(Rec. at 1.)
Because both parties rely on the record from PCB 88-113, the
Board will quote that order at length below.
Presence of the dams during the cold weather months2 should
have relatively little likelihood of inducing DO problems
either upstream or downstream from the dams. Oxygen
solubility is inversely proportional to water temperature,
which allows the DO of cold water, unless the water is
severally disturbed by pollution, to be well above standard.
A different DO circumstance prevails during the warm weather
months. Then the typically elevated water temperatures can
limit DO solubility to near that of the DO standard.
Moreover, algal populations tend to be higher in warm
waters, and algal respiration alone can produce sufficient
oxygen demand to cause DO concentrations to fall near or
below the standard. A further strain can be placed on the
DO if the stream discharges are also low due to the lower
rates of reaeration which are associated with sluggish
stream flow.3 Thus, most of the DO concern regarding
Springfield’s proposal is centered on the possible negative
impact at times of warm weather low—flow.
Data collected by both Springfield and the Agency do show
that the DO standard in the Sangamon River is not now
consistently met at warm weather low—flow. The detailed
cause of this circumstance is not resolvable from the
instant record. However, there is substantial reason to
believe that the cause is related to natural conditions of
temperature, biotic activity, and low flow, rather than to
the impact of pollution. Lowest observed DO concentrations
in fact occur when the waters are warmest, the algal net
consumption of oxygen is at its maximum, and flows are low.
It is to be noted in this context that a large
portion of the historical diversion of the South Fork into
Lake Springfield has occurred during November through March.
The record does not indicate whether this pattern would
persist if the Sangamon River project were undertaken.
~ A modeling study conducted by the Illinois Natural
History Survey, at the request of Springfield, indicates
that at water temperatures typical of warm weather months
Sangatnon River discharges would have to be on the order of
237 cfs to allow continuous maintenance of even 5.0 mg/l DO.
Although Springfield contends that the modeling results are
at odds with empirical data (R. at 76, 261—265; Exh. 21), it
notes that the 237 cf
is approximately 6 times greater than
the measured flow in the Sangainon under the drought
conditions experienced in summer 1988 (R. at 75). On this
basis Springfield concludes that natural low-flow conditions
are themselves sufficient to allow violations of the DO
standard (Petition, p. 14).
Springfield contends that emplacement of the two dams would
not cause a significant negative impact on the existing DO
situation. As evidence for this conclusion Springfield
notes that sampling in the pools upstream from two existing
channel dams on the Sangamon River in the vicinity of
Springfield during low river stages has not revealed any
endemic DO problems. Similarly, analysis (sic) of DO in the
pool formed by the existing South Fork dam have not revealed
any violations of the DO standard. Springfield further
suggests that the deeper water maintained in the proposed
pools would provide for a dampening of the large diel DO
swings witnessed in the shallow free-flowing reaches, and
thus inhibit rather than promote violations of the DO
standard in the new pools.
Springfield further contends that DO would not be adversely
affected below the proposed Sangamon River dam. Analyses
using a Streater-Pheips model indicate virtually no
difference in DO patterns at low flow with or without the
proposed dam. The exception exists for the river segment
immediately below the proposed Sangamon River dam, where DO
concentrations are projected to be higher under the with—dam
scenario due to reaeration at the dam. Springfield reaches
a similar conclusion based on diel field sampling.
Not withstanding
its belief that the dams will not
adversely impact the DO of the Sangamon River, Springfield
does agree, as condition to grant of the variance, to
mitigate any fish kills associated with placement of the
dams. Additionally, Springfield agrees to conduct
monitoring of DO in the Sangamon River both upstream and
downstream of the proposed Sangamon River dam, and upstream
of the proposed South Folk dam while the dams are in place4.
A second environmental issue, not related to DO, concerns
whether a proposed 41 cfs minimum release rate would provide
for sufficient aquatic habitat downstream from the proposed
Sangainon River dam. The Illinois Department of
Conservation, Division of Water Resources, conducted an
instream flow analysis study which concludes that the
release rate would be sufficient to maintain aquatic
habitat, and would actually, for some species, increase the
amount of usable habitat. Springfield also contends that
the pools upstream from the dams would tend to provide
needed deep water refuge
aring times of drought.
Springfield has also analyzed various methods of
instream aeration of the Sangamon pool (R. at 220-226;
Exh. 26), but has rejected these as impractical
(Petition, p. 9). The Agency concurs (Pet. Exh. 7).
Concern has also been expressed by communities located
downstream from Springfield that the modifications proposed
by Springfield for the Sangamon River would adversely affect
their water supply wells. Springfield counters that it
perceives no immediate impact on these water wells, and
notes that the program for continuous release of water from
the proposed dam should not decrease Sangamon River flows
below the existing 7-day, 10-year low-flow discharges.
PCB 88-113, 93 PCB 664-6 footnotes from original; citations
omitted throughout.
The Board’s order in PCB 88-113 conditioned the granting of
the variance upon Springfield undertaking a schedule for an
alternative plan to eliminate the needed for the variance.
Springfield reports several measures taken in order to comply
with the Board’s order. Springfield has remodelled its water
demand forecast to gain a better picture of its water usage and
customers. During 1988, Springfield instituted a program to
provide free water saver kits to retail water customers. This
completely voluntary program has been issued to 7.5 of the
system’s total water customers. (Pet. at 3.)
The City has also adopted an ordinance authorizing the
construction of Lake Springfield II (Hunter lake). On July 26,
1989, Springfield applied for the necessary permits pursuant to
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. In August of 1989,
Springfield issued $17,985,000 in water revenue bonds to fund
completion of the land acquisition for the Hunter Lake project.
Springfield has acquired 5,587 acres for the project prior to
1978. The original project area was 7,701 acres. Subsequent to
the issue of the water bonds, Springfield initiated acquisition
of the rest of the land needed for the project. Since 1978,
Springfield has acquired another 1,203 acres in 56 transactions.
Springfield has either reached tentative agreements for purchase
or has initiated eminent domain proceedings for the remaining
property. (Pet. at 5, 6.)
The United States Army Corp of Engineers determined the
Hunter Lake project “will have significant impact (both positive
and negative) in the project area and warrants preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement to meet National Environmental
Policy requirements during the process of the permit
application.” In order to develop the EIS, Springfield has
completed certain engineering projects. In addition, Springfield
must demonstrate that the Hunter Lake project complies with the
National Historic Preservation Act. Springfield has completed
phase I of this three-phase process. In March of 1990,
Springfield entered into a contract with the Illinois Natural
History Survey to conduct research and develop conclusions
regarding the ecological components of the EIS review. By March
of 1993, the Natural History Survey had completed all aspects of
its work with the exception of the delineation of wetlands.
Springfield has also contracted with Sangamon Sate University,
the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission, the
Illinois Water Survey and Planning and Management Consultants,
Ltd. of Carbondale, Illinois, for other matters related to Hunter
Lake. (Pet. at 6.)
In addition, if the Corps of Engineers grants the permit for
Hunter Lake, Springfield will proceed with the detailed
engineering of the project, specifications of construction
projects, bid contracts and issue bonds to finance to work.
Springfield admits that the construction of Hunter lake will not
be complete by the expiration of the variance requested in this
proceeding. Thus it appears Springfield is actively working
towards the development of an alternative water source.
Springfield provided the Board with data concerning water
pumped from the South Fork Station from 1976 and from the
clarification pond since 1979. During the period 1976
28,087 millions of gallons were pumped from the South Fork. Of
this total, 13,981 million gallons were pumped during the drought
event of 1987-89 (49.8). Similarly, during the same drought
event, 737 million gallons were recirculated from the
clarification pond. (Pet. at 2.)
In 1991, Springfield filed an application for renewal of the
NPDES permit for its generating stations and water treatment
facility. The clarification pond has two outfals which are
subject to the permit, one to Sugar Creek and the return
discharge to Lake springfield. When the final NPDES permit was
issued it included a new special condition for these outfalls
regarding the boron concentration for the discharges; this
condition will become effective December 14, 1994. Springfield
intends to come into compliance with this condition on the
discharge to Sugar Creek by seeking an adjusted for the boron
standard before the Board. Springfield does not presently plan
to take similar action concerning the discharge back to Lake
Springfield because Springfield does not have any data on the
boron concentration of that discharge. Thus, Springfield
believes that subsequent to December 14, 1994, augmentation of
Lake Springfield from the clarification pond would not be
permitted because of the likely levels of boron in the discharge.
(Pet. at 2.)
The Agency believes that one condition of the Board’s grant
of variance should require that the City continue to supplement
Lake Springfield with the recirculated pond water. The Agency
acknowledges the probable level of boron in the pond water
exceeds regulatory standards. However, the Agency believes that
there is likely a lesser environmental impact of allowing the
City to temporarily return this clarification pond water to Lake
Springfield during extreme drought events than in damming the
Sangamon River. Requiring the petitioner to return this pond
water into the Lake may therefore lessen the number of times
and/or duration that the City needs to dam the Sangamon River.
(Rec. at 3, 4.)
Springfield responds that it believes that a variance
condition requiring the City to continue to supplement Lake
Springfield with clarification pond water is outside of the scope
of this proceeding because it involves Springfield’s NPDES permit
conditions and that permit is not before the Board. Springfield
is amenable to including the discharge to the Lake in its
contemplated future adjusted standard for boron from the
clarification pond outfalls, or alternatively by seeking an
emergency variance for the outfall to the Lake in drought
conditions. (Response to Rec. at 2.)
The Board does not agree with Springfield’s contention that
this condition is not properly before the Board. The Board has
frequently addressed NPDES conditions and the underlaying
standards in variance proceedings and may do so here. (cite)
However, in this matter, the Board is reluctant to impose the
condition suggested by the Agency based the record before us.
First, the Board notes that there is uncertainty as to the boron
level in question. (Pet. at 3; Rec. at 3.) Indeed, we have
virtually no information concerning the level of boron, or of any
other regulated constituent, in the clarification pond water.
Although the parties indicate that the clarification pond water
has been used in the past, it appears that this use will be
discontinued after December 1994, presumably due to levels of
boron present in the pond water. Thus, it appears the
imposition of a condition requiring use of the clarification pond
water would in fact amount to a requirement that petitioner use
non-complying water. Although the Agency has concluded that
there is a lesser environmental impact from the clarification
water than from temporarily damming of the Sangamon River, the
Agency does not provide comparative data or state any basis for
this conclusion.
Moreover, the condition as suggested by the Agency is quite
vague. The Agency suggests the “petitioner shall be required to
supplement Lake Springfield’s water supply by returning
recirculated clarification pond water to the lake during extreme
drought events.” The Board notes that there are no
specifications in terms of amounts of water, testing or
monitoring, or the definition of “extreme drought events”
included in this condition.
For the reason stated above, the Board will not at this time
impose the condition concerning use of clarification pond water
as was suggested by the Agency. The Board notes, however, that
Springfield has indicated it will seek an adjusted standard for
boron in the future. The Board suggests that either party may
address the issue of the clarification pond water as an emergency
water source during that proceeding.
The Agency states that there are no known federal laws or
regulations which would prohibit the granting of this petition
for variance. (Rec. at 4).
Pursuant to Section 36(b) of the Act, the Board may grant an
extension of variance where satisfactory progress has been
demonstrated. In addition, the Board may grant an extension of
an expired variance upon the demonstration of satisfactory
progress. Here, the record indicates that City of Springfield
has been diligent in its efforts to comply with the conditions of
the initial variance. Springfield has issued $17,985,000 in
water revenue bonds to fund completion of the land acquisition
for the Hunter Lake project. Springfield has acquired 5,587
acres for the project and has either reached tentative agreements
for purchase or has initiated eminent domain proceedings for the
remaining property. In addition, Springfield is developing an
Environmental Impact Statement concerning Hunter Lake. In order
to develop the EIS, Springfield has completed certain engineering
projects, entered into a contract with the Illinois Natural
History Survey and contracted with Sangamon Sate University, the
Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission, the
Illinois Water Survey and Planning and Management Consultants,
Ltd. of Carbondale, Illinois, for other matters related to Hunter
Lake. Thus it appears Springfield is actively working towards
the development of an alternative water source.
The Board finds that City of Springfield has presented
adequate proof of satisfactory progress towards compliance.
Accordingly, the Board hereby grants City of Springfield an
extension of variance subject to the conditions stated below.
This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusions of law in this matter.
1. Petitioner, the City of Springfield, is hereby granted
variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.206 as it relates to
dissolved oxygen in the Sangamon River, subject to the
following conditions:
A. Within one year after receiving the variance,
Petitioner shall submit to the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency a firm schedule detailing the
planning and
implementation time frame for obtaining a
long-term water supply.
Petitioner shall remove the temporary dams
(one on the
Sangamon River and one on the South Fork River)
the normal levels on Lake Springfield are obtained.
C. Petitioner shall mitigate any loses of fish with the
Illinois Department of Conservation if a fish kill
would occur as a result of placement of the dams.
Petitioner shall initiate mandatory water conservation
measures before the dams are constructed.
measures shall be
initiated in such a way that water
conservation will lessen the need for damming the
Sangamon River. Petitioner shall submit to tJ~e
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for comment
any mandatory water conservation measures which may be
approved by the City Council.
E. The mandatory water conservation measures shall remain
in effect as long as the dams remain in place. The
measures may be withdrawn only when the temporary dams
are actually removed from the rivers.
F. Petitioner shall assure a minimum release of 41 cubic
feet per second of water from the Sangamon River dam in
accordance with the Illinois Department of
Transportation Division of Water resources instream
flow analysis and August 19, 1987 letter to the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Petitioner shall conduct monitoring for dissolved
oxygen at stations located both above and below the dam
to be installed on the Sangamon River and above the dam
to be installed on the South Fork of the Sangamon
River. Results of such monitoring shall be submitted
to the Illinois Department of Conservation, Illinois
Department of Transportation Division of Water
Resources, and the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency on an annual basis, or upon reasonable request.
H. This variance shall expire within 5 years or upon
Petitioner receiving a second water supply source,
whichever occurs first.
2. Within 45 days of the date of this Order, Petitioner shall
execute and forward to:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
Compliance Assurance Section
Churchill Road
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794—9276
a Certification
of Acceptance and Agreement to all terms and
conditions of this variance.
The forty—five day period
shall be held in abeyance during any period this matter is
being appealed.
Failure to execute and forward the
Certificate within 45 days renders this variance void and of
no force and as a shield against enforcement of rules was
The form of said Certificate is as follows:
I (We), _______________________________________
hereby accept and agree to be bound by all terms and
conditions of the Order of the Pollution Control Board
in PCB 93—135, December 16, 1993.
Authorized Agent
Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS
5/4 (1992), provides for appeal of final orders of the Board
within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme Court of Illinois
establish filing requirements.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn,.Clerk of the
Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify th~the above opinion and order was
adopted on the
day of
1993 by a vote of
Dorothy N7’~unn, Clerk
Illinois P’ollution Control Board