June 17, 1993
PCB 93—36
(Provisional Variance)
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C.A. Manning):
This matter comes before the Board on receipt of an Agency
Motion to Amend Board Order dated June 16, 1993. In the context of
a provisional variance, the Board construes this as an amended
Agency recoiamendation.
The Agency seeks to change the effective dates of the
provisional variance granted February 25, 1993. That order granted
the petitioner, Illinois Power Company a 45-day provisional
variance for its Randolph County facility from opacity standard and
mass emission limit, as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 212.123 and
212.203, for the period from when the petitioner begins the loading
of medium sulfur coal into the Unit 1 coal bunker, and continuing
for 45 days. Illinois Power wants to burn Illinois medium—sulfur
coal on a trial basis. Illinois Power cannot estimate the
emissions that will result, so it has requested, and the Agency has
recommended, that the Board grant this provisional variance during
the trial. The Agency now asserts that it recently discovered that
the petitioner may not be able to burn as requested. The Agency
recommends that the Board grant the provisional variance
(presumably otherwise on the terms previously granted) so that it
expires on October 15, l993~if has not already been performed.
The responsibilities of the Agency and the Board in these
short—term provisional variances are different from the
responsibilities in standard variances. See Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991,
ch. 111½, pars. 1035(b) &
In provisional variances it is the
responsibility of the Agency to make the technical determinations
and finding of arbitrary or unreasonable hardship. The Board’s
responsibility is to adopt a formal Order, to assure the formal
maintenance of the record, to assure the enforceability of the
variance, and to provide notification of the action by a press
release. For this reason, the Board granted the provisional
The main body of the Agency’s filing twice states October
15, 1993. The prayer at the end states October 1, 1993. We
construe the October 1 date as a typographic error.
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variance on February 25, 1993, as recommended by the Agency,
despite the fact that the grant appeared open-ended on its face.
Also for this reason, we vacate that prior grant and grant another
provisional variance as recommended in the more recent amended
Agency recommendation of June 16, 1993.
Having received the amended Agency recommendation finding that
a denial of the requested relief would impose an arbitrary or
unreasonable hardship, the Board hereby vacates the provisional
variance granted the petitioner on February 25, 1993, and the Board
hereby grants the petitioner a provisional variance from 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 212.123 and 212.203, subject to the following conditions:
1. The term of this provisional variance shall commence when
the petitioner, Illinois Power Company, initiates loading
Illinois medium—sulfur coal at its Baldwin Unit 1 plant,
and it shall expire after 45 days have elapsed, but in no
case later than October 15, 1993;
2. The petitioner shall notify the Agency when it begins
loading Illinois medium-sulfur coal at its Baldwin Unit
1 in writing, addressed as follows:
Mr. Donald E. Sutton, P.E.
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Air Pollution Control
2200 Churchill Road
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794—9276
3. Illinois Power shall submit a stack test protocol to the
Agency for Agency approval. The protocols should be sent
to the Agency’s permit section at the address provided in
paragraph 2 and the Agency’s offices in Collinsville and
Maywood at the following addresses:
Mr. John Justice
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Air Pollution Control
2009 Nail Street
Collinsville, IL 62234
Mr. Fred Smith
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1701 S. First Avenue
Sixth Floor
Maywood, IL 60153
4. Illinois Power shall submit copies of all stack test data
acquired during the test burn period. A copy of this
data should be sent to the Agency’s permit section at the
address provided in paragraph 2 and the Agency’s offices
in Collinsville and Maywood at the addresses provided in
paragraph 3;
5. Illinois Power shall conduct nitrogen oxides emission
testing following the guidelines of USEPA Method 7;
6. Illinois Power shall update the regional office in
Collinsville at the address provided in paragraph B on a
weekly basis concerning the progress of the sulfur coal
burning. If tests at full load indicate noncompliance,
the petitioner shall explore all possibilities, including
derating the unit and testing at a reduced load, during
the 45-day period.
7. The petitioner shall execute a copy of a Certificate of
Acceptance of this provisional variance and forward that
copy to the Agency addressed as is the written notice
required in above condition 2; the petitioner shall
forward that copy within 10 days of the date of this
Order of the Board, and the Certificate of Acceptance
shall take the following form:
I (We), __________________________________
hereby accept and agree to be bound by all terms
and conditions of the Order of the Pollution
Control Board in PCB 93-36, June 17, 1993.
Authorized Agent
L~.3. — (1 1 9 5
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, do hereby certify that the
order was adopted by the
Board on the
day of ___________________________, 1993,
Dorothy M. Gur~i, Clerk
Illinois Po~./.1tion Control Board
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