September 9, 1993
    PCB 93—168
    (Provisional Variance)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C. A. Manning):
    Pursuant to Section 35(b) of the Environmental Protection
    Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/35(b)), the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (Agency), by and through its Director, Mary A.
    Gade, seeks to extend the term of a provisional variance granted
    the Knapheide Manufacturing Co. (Knapheide), on July 29, 1993,
    under docket PCB 93-141, in order to allow it to continue
    operating during the Mississippi River flooding of 1993. The
    Agency Recommendation was dated September 8, 1993.
    Specifically, the Agency recommends that we grant Knapheide
    a 45—day provisional variance for its Quincy, Illinois facility
    from the construction and operating permit and permit review
    requirements and the volatile organic material emissions
    limitations, as set forth in 35 Iii. Adm. Code 201.142 through
    201.164 and 215.204, beginning September 11, 1993 and ending
    October 25, 1993. The prior provisional variance granted in PCB
    93-141 commenced on July 28, 1993 and ran through September 10,
    The Agency’s provisional variance recommendation states that
    Knapheide operated a metal shaping, forming, welding and
    fabrication facility in West Quincy, Missouri. Due to the
    flooding along the Mississippi River, however, the petitioner was
    forced to suspend those operations because its Missouri site is
    now under sixteen feet of water. Knapheide has located an
    alternative facility directly across the Mississippi River in
    Quincy, Adams County, Illinois at which it could temporarily
    resume operations. The Agency recommendation states that the
    alternative facility is located about three miles from the
    flooded Missouri facility, that the Quincy, Illinois area is
    presently in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality
    Standard for ozone, and that the expected environmental impact of
    the provisional variance is minimal.
    Upon receipt of the request, the Agency issued its
    recommendation, notifying the Board that the failure to grant the

    requested 45—day provisional variance would impose an arbitrary
    or unreasonable hardship on Petitioner.
    Provisional variances are by their very nature temporary.
    The responsibilities of the Agency and the Board in these short-
    term provisional variances are different from the
    responsibilities in standard variances. ~ 415 ILCS 5/35(b) &
    (c) (1992) (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991, ch. 111½, pars. 1035(b) & (c)).
    In provisional variances it is the responsibility of the Agency
    to make the technical determinations and finding of arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship. The Board’s responsibility is to adopt a
    formal order, to assure the formal maintenance of the record, to
    assure the enforceability of the variance, and to provide
    notification of the action by a press release.
    Having received the Agency recommendation notifying the
    Board that a denial of the requested relief would impose an
    arbitrary or unreasonable hardship, the Board hereby grants
    Petitioner a provisional variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.142
    through 201.164 and 215.204, beginning September 11 and running
    through October 25, 1993.
    The Agency recommendation did not include the customary
    recommendation that the Board grant the provisional variance
    subject to conditions, and the Board does not add conditions to
    the grant.
    The Board notes that Knapheide does not have a compliance
    plan, but is in the process of developing one. Also, Knapheide
    filed a petition for a “regular” variance on September 8, 1993,
    which the Board has docketed as PCB 93—169.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Boa,~, do hereby certify tl3at the above order was adopted on the
    day of
    1993, by a vote of
    Dorothy M. Gi.inn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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