February 27, 1992
    PCB 92—35
    (Provisional Variance)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J. Marlin):
    This matter comes before the Board on receipt of an Agency
    Recommendation dated February 25, 1992. The recommendation
    refers to a request from Petitioner, Indian Refining, for a 16-
    day provisional variance for its Lawrence County facility from
    the sulfur dioxide emissions limitations for a combined fuels
    source., as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 214.162, for the period
    from March 1, 1992 to March 16, 1992.
    Indian Refining seeks to operate its petroleum refining
    facility during this time without operating its sulfur plant.
    Indian Refining seeks to effect repairs to its sulfur recovery
    unit by replacement of the catalyst. The only feasible
    alternative means of compliance is to shut the entire refinery
    down at a cost of about
    330,000 per day. Indian Refining has
    received three provisional variances for repair of the sulfur
    recovery unit in the past two years, in PCB 90-213 (Nov. 8,
    1990), PCB 90—241 (Dec. 20, 1990), and PCB 91—159 (Sept. 6,
    Upon receipt
    the request, the Agency issued its
    recommendation, finding that a failure to grant the requested 16-
    day provisional variance would impose an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship on Petitioner.
    The responsibilities of the Agency and the Board in these
    short—term provisional variances are different from the
    responsibilities in standard variances. ~ Ill. Rev. Stat.
    1989, ch. 111½, pars. 1035(b) &
    In provisional variances it
    is the responsibility of the Agency to make the technical
    determinations and finding of arbitrary or unreasonable hardship.
    The Board’s responsibility is to adopt a formal Order, to assure
    the formal maintenance of the record, to assure the
    enforceability of the variance, and to provide notification of
    the action by a press release.
    Having received the Agency recommendation finding that a
    denial of the requested relief would impose an arbitrary and
    unreasonable hardship, the Board hereby grants Petitioner a

    provisional variance from 35 Iii. Adm. Code 214.162, subject to
    the following conditions:
    1. The term of this provisional variance shall commence on
    March 1, 1992 and expire on March 16, 1992;
    2. During the term of this provisional variance, the
    Petitioner’s treatment shall operate its refinery a total of
    seven days without sulfur recovery;
    The Petitioner shall notify the Agency’s Collinsville
    Regional office by fax, at 618—346—5155, 24 hours prior to
    shutting down its sulfur recovery unit, and the Petitioner
    shall confirm this notice in writing after the unit has been
    shut down;
    4. The Petitioner shall operate its plant during the term
    of this provisional variance in a manner that assures a
    reduction of crude oil sulfur levels of at least 0.6 percent
    by weight and natural gas firing will replace residual oil
    5. During the term of this provisional variance, the
    Petitioner’s sulfur dioxide emissions shall not exceed a
    daily average of 3360 pounds; and
    6. The Petitioner shall submit a written report,
    indicating the total hours of operation, daily average
    sulfur dioxide emissions, the highest level of sulfur
    dioxide emissions during any hour, and any citizen
    complaints received, and forward that report to the Agency
    within three days of the end of the calendar week during the
    term of this provisional variance.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the. Illinois Pollution Control
    do hereby cer ify that the above Order was adopted on the
    day of ____________________________, 1992, by a vote of
    L~”DorothyN. ,4unn, Cler~
    Illinois P~1lution Control Board

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