August 22, 1991
PCB 91—139
(Permit Appeal)
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by B. Forcade):
On August 15, 1991, R. Lavin & Sons, Inc. (“Lavin”) filed a
petition to contest conditions iinposLd on an NPDES permit by the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The Board notes that
this petition appears to be timely filed pursuant to Section 40
of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (“Act”). However,
the Board finds that the petition is deficient, in that it does
not fulfill the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 105.102(a) (2),
which states in pertinent part:
In the case of a denial of a permit or issuance by the
Agency of a permit with one or~more conditions or
limitations to which an applicant objects, an applicant who
seeks to appeal the Agency decision shall file a petition
for a hearing before the Board within 35 days of the date of
mailing of the Agency’s final decision. The petition shall
(A) Citation of the particular standards under which a
permit is sought;
(D) Such other materials as may be necessary to demonstrate
that the activity for which the permit is sought will
not cause a violation of the Act or the regulations.
Specifically, the petition for review seeks to modify
requirements in the NPDES permit to reflect the provisions of a
consent order entered in People of the State of Illinois v. R.
Lavin & Sons, Lake County Circuit Court #90 CH 668, October12,
1990 regarding NPDES discharges from the subject facility. Laviri
asserts that the consent order, “...imposes certain obligations
on both the state and (Lavin) with regard to the permit.” Those
claimed obligations include interim limits, restrictions on
effluent limits which may be set by the Agency, effective dates,
monitoring obligations, and provisions for amendment or
modification of the terms of the consent order. (Pet. p.2—3).
The petition before the Board is deficient in that it does
not provide the Board with a copy of this consent order.
Further, the Board questions whether this is not, in fact, an
action seeking to enforce the terms of the consent order entered
by the Circuit Court of Lake County and whether as such it would
more properly be brought before that tribunal. The Board requests
memoranda from the parties to be received at the Board not later
:than September 23, 1991 addressing this Board’s jurisdiction to
hear this action.
Unless an amended petition is filed within 45 days of the
date of this Order, curing the above-noted defect(s), this matter
will be subject to dismissal. The Board notes that for purposes
of calculation of a decision deadline pursuant to Section 40 of
the Act, the filing of an amended petition will restart the
calculation of the Board’s 120 day deadline.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby ce~tifythat the above Order was adopted on the
day of
1991, by a vote of
Dorothy M. Qj~nn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board