December 20, 1990
    PCB 90—228
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by B. Forcade):
    On December 7, 1990, the City of Mt. Vernon filed a petition
    for variance for its water treatment plant located in Mt. Vernon,
    Illinois. That petition is deficient in that it fails to
    1. A clear and complete statement of the precise extent of
    the relief sought, including specific identification of
    the particular provisions of the regulations or Board
    Order from which the variance is sought, as required by
    35 Iii. Adm. Code 104.121(a).
    In this regard Mt. Vernon seems to request relief from
    the consequences of restricted status found at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 602.106, yet seeks relief from the
    substantive health standards of Section 604.202 and
    604.203. The Board questions whether Mt. Vernon’s
    request might be more appropriate as a variance from
    Section 602.106;
    2. A detailed description of the existing and proposed
    equipment or proposed method of control to be
    undertaken to achieve full compliance with the Act and
    regulations, including a time schedule for the
    implementation of all phases of the control program
    from initiation of design to program completion and the
    estimated costs involved for each phase and the total
    cost to achieve compliance, as required by 35 Iii. Adm.
    Code 104.121(f).
    Mt. Vernon has failed to provide a copy of the Agency
    issued permit or to provide the Board with information
    on the character and timing of the improvements in
    water quality expected as a result of the construction.
    117— 165

    3. A concise factual statement of the reasons the
    petitioner believes that compliance with the particular
    provisions of the regulations or Board Order would
    impose an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship, as
    required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104.121(k).
    In particular Mt. Vernon has failed to describe what
    construction projects would not be allowed if
    restricted status would remain in place.
    4. A statement of consistency with federal law as required
    by 35 111. Adm. Code 104.122.
    Specifically a statement as to whether the Board could
    grant relief from the substantive health standards of
    Section 604.202; and
    5. A request for hearing on the petition if desired by
    petitioner, or, in the alternative, a statement waiving
    a hearing accompanied by such affidavits or other proof
    in support of the material facts alleged in the
    petition as the petitioner may submit, sufficient to
    enable the Board, if it so decides, to rule upon the
    petition without hearing, as required by 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 104.124.
    In addition, Mt. Vernon fails to provide a termination date
    for expiration of the requested variance. Unless an amended
    petition is filed within 45 days of the date of this Order,
    curing the above—noted defect(s), this matter will be subject to
    dismissal. The Board notes that for purposes of calculation of
    the decision deadline pursuant to Section 38 of the Act, the
    filing of an amended petition will restart the Board’s 120 day
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certi y that the above Order was adopted on the
    day of
    1990, by a vote of
    ~z 4(0 ~
    lution Control Board
    117— 166

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