November 19, 1992
    (35 ILL.
    CODE 232)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by, J. C. Marlin):
    On October 1, 1992 the Board issued an order asking for
    public comments regarding the possible listing or desisting of
    the chemical styrene on the Air Toxics Contaminants List. (35
    Ill. Adin. Code 232.) Today, the Board is allowing a two week
    period in which any person may respond to the comments received.
    The Board has received three comments on this matter. The
    comments received by the Board were from the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) (PC. #68), the Styrene
    Information and Research Center (SIRC) (PC. #69), and the Sierra
    Club, along with the Coalition for Consumer Rights and the
    Chicago Lung Association (Sierra Club et al.) (PC. #70). The
    comments are summarized below.
    The Agency in its comments urged the Board to proceed with
    the styrene listing and to initiate first notice publication of
    the proposed rule in the Illinois Register. The Agency asserts
    that styrene is a 2B carcinogen and should be a listed chemical.
    The Agency’s comments explain that its determination is based at
    least in part on the International Agency for Research on
    Cancer’s (IARC) determination that styrene is carcinogenic. The
    Agency goes on to say that it does not feel that the SIRC
    rebutted IARC’s determination.
    SIRC in its comments stated that its purpose was to
    reiterate its position which it felt had been made clear in
    previous comments. The August 24, 1990 comments SIRC
    specifically refers to were submitted to the Board as prefiled
    testimony and are labeled SIRC Exhibit #1 attachments A-G. The
    Board notes that it also has on file additional prefiled
    testimony and comments from SIRC. (SIRC Exh. #2-5 and PC. #29
    and #54.)
    SIRC stated in its most recent comments (PC. #68.) that it
    believes that it has submitted sufficient evidence to demonstrate
    that styrene is not a carcinogen. It is SIRC’s position that the
    genotoxicity data about styrene does not provide a clear basis to
    conclude that styrene should be classified as a carcinogen. SIRC
    also comments that, based on a review of literature by an expert
    commissioned by SIRC, styrene is either non—mutagenic or very
    weakly mutagenic.

    Sierra Club et al. commented that it was their belief that
    the literature demonstrates the serious chronic toxicity effects
    of styrene exposure. Thus, they argue, regardless of styrene’s
    carcinogenicity effects it should be listed because of its
    chronic toxicity. Sierra Club relied mainly on a scientific
    article describing immunotoxicological research with styrene, in
    formulating their argument. (Dogra, RK.S., S. Khanna, S.N.
    Srivastava, L.J. Shukla and R. Shanker. 1989. Styrene-induced
    immunomodulation in mice. Irit.
    Immunopharmac. 11(5):577-
    598.) However, the following other articles were also given as
    Elovaara, E., H. Vainio and A. Aitio. 1990. Pulmonary
    toxicity of inhaled styrene in acetone-, phenobarbital-
    and 3— methyicholanthreene—treated rats. Arch Toxicol
    64(5) :365—9.
    Geuskens, R.B.M., N.M. van der Klaauw,
    van der Tuin
    and 3.3. van Hemm. 1992. Exposure to styrene and
    health complaints in the Dutch glass-reinforced
    plastics industry. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 36(l):47—57.
    Katoh, T., K. Higashi, and N. Inouye. 1989. Sub-
    chronic effects of styrene and styrene oxide on lipid
    peroxidation and the metabolism of glutathione in rat
    liver and brain.
    Toxicol Sci. 14(1):1—9.
    Khanna, V.K., R. Husain, J.P. Hanig and P.K. Seth.
    1991. Increased neurobehavioral toxicity of styrene in
    protein—malnourished rates. Neurotoxicol. Teratol.
    13(2) :153—9.
    Letz, R., F.C. Mahoney, D.L. Hershman, S. Woskie and
    T.J. Smith. 1990. Neurolobehaviora. effects of acutre
    styrene exposure in fiberglass boatbuilders.
    Neurotoxicolocw and Teratoloqy. 12:665-668.
    Schoenhuber, R. and N. Gentilini. 1989. Influence of
    occupational styrene exposure on memory and attention.
    Neurotoxicol Teratol. 11(6) :585-6.
    Siedel, H.J.,
    Herkonuner, D. Seitz, L. Weber, and E.
    Barthel. 1990. Haemopoietic stem cells in mice
    chronically exposed to styrene vapour. Arch Toxicol
    64(6) :466—9.
    Shigeta, S., K. Niyake, H. aikawa and T. Misawa. 1989.
    Effects of postnatal low—levels of expoure to styrene
    on behavior and development in rats. 3. Toxicol Sci.
    14(4) :279—86.

    P.K. Seth and S.P. Srivastava. 1992.
    Effect of styrene on testicular enzymes of growing rat.
    Exp. Biol. 30(5):399—401.
    Srivastava, S., P.K. Seth and S.P. Srivastava. 1989.
    Effect of styrene administration on rat testies. Arch
    Toxicol. 63(1) :43—6.
    Interested persons may file a response to the above listed
    comments to be received by the Board on or before December 3,
    1992. The response period will be only for those wishing to
    respond to the above mentioned comments; no new comments will be
    accepted during this time.
    Following the close of the response period, the Hearing
    Officer anticipates that the Board will issue an Opinion and
    Order which will determine either:
    a) not to proceed with the listing of styrene and
    dismiss the docket, or
    b) to proceed with the styrene listing, and
    initiate first notice publication of a
    proposed rule in the Illinois Register (this,
    of course starts a new public comment
    The Board does not envision extending the present response
    period beyond December 3, 1992 and encourages participants to
    timely file any comments they wish the Board to consider before
    the Board takes its next action in this docket.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Boa~L7hereby certt~ythat the above order was adopted on the
    /~i~day of
    / )~~-~f
    1992, by a vote of
    Dorothy N. G~Inn, Clerk
    Illinois Pqi’Iution Control Board

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