November 17, 1988
    PCB 88—187
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J. Theodore Meyer):
    This matter is before the Board upon receipt of an Agency
    recommendation dated November 15, 1988. The recommendation
    refers to a request from petitioner Commonwealth Edison Company,
    Kincaid Power Station, for a 45—day provisional variance from the
    water effluent standards set forth at 35 11.1. Adm. Code 304.120
    and 304.141. Petitioner requests the variance to allow time to
    perform needed maintenance work on its sewage treatment plant
    outfall 001(c). The Agency states that it believes that
    petitioners has correctly identified the necessary work, and that
    denial of the requested provisional variance would impose an
    arbitrary and unreasonable hardship on petitioner.
    The Board concurs with the Agency recommendation.
    Petitioner is granted a provisional variance subject to the
    following conditions:
    a. Variance shall begin November 28, 1988 and continue
    until January 12, 1989.
    b. Petitioner shall notify Tim Zook of the Agency’s
    Springfield Regional Office via telephone at 217/786—
    6892 when the trickling filter is removed from service,
    when the maintenance work is begun and when the work is
    completed. Written confirmation of each notification
    shall be sent within 5 days to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    4500 South Sixth Street
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    Attn: Tim Zook
    93—47 1

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    2200 Churchill Road
    P. 0. Box 19276
    Springfield, Illinois 62794—9276
    Attn: Mark T. Books
    c. Petitioner shall continue to monitor the effluent from
    its treatment plant for the parameters as listed in
    NPDES permit IL0002241.
    d. During the variance, the effluent from Petitioner
    outfall 001(c) (sewage treatment plant) shall be limited
    to 45 mg/i (monthly average) for both BOD and total
    suspended solids.
    e. During this provisional variance, Petitioner shall
    operate its wastewater treatment facility so as to
    produce the best quality effluent practicable.
    Additionally, Petitioner shall perform the necessary
    maintenance and construction work at the STP as
    expeditiously as possible so as to minimize the period
    of time that the trickling filter is out of service.
    f. Within 20 days of the date of the Board’s order,
    Petitioner shall execute a Certificate of Acceptance and
    Agreement which shall be sent to Mark T. Books at the
    following address:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Water Pollution Control
    2200 Churchill Road
    P.O. Box 19276
    Springfield, IL 62794—9276
    Attn: Mark T. Books
    This variance shall be void if Petitioner fails to
    execute and forward the certificate within the twenty
    day period. The twenty~day period shall be held in
    abeyance during any period that this matter is being
    appealed. The form of said Certification shall be as
    I, (We), Commonwealth Edison Company, Kincaid Power Station,
    having read the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, in
    PCB 88—187, dated November 17, 1988, understand and accept the
    said Order, realizing that such acceptance renders all terms and
    conditions thereto binding and enforceable.
    93—47 2

    Petit loner
    By: Authorized Agent
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Order was adopted on
    day of ~
    1988, by a vote of
    Dorothy M. ~nn, Clerk
    Illinois P~lution Control Board
    93—47 3

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