March 19, 1987
    PCB 87—33
    PCB 86—24
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (By 3. Marlin):
    This matter comes before the Board on a Petition for
    Extension of Prior Variance filed on March 12, 1987 by the City
    of Yorkville (Yorkville). On May 9, 1986, in PCB 86—24, the
    Board granted Yorkville a variance, which expires on May 9, 1989,
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.105(a), Standards for Issuance, and
    602.106(b), Restricted Status, as they relate to the combined
    radium standard of Section 604.301(a). In its May 9, 1986 Order,
    the Board set forth a time schedule for Yorkville’s
    implementation of a compliance plan during the variance period.
    The instant petition of Yorkville requests a six—month
    extension for various deadlines contained in the compliance
    schedule of the May 9, 1986 Order. Specifically, Yorkville
    requests an additional six months in which to present a detailed
    plan for compliance and subsequently apply for necessary permits
    needed to implement a compliance alternative. Yorkville is not
    requesting an extension for the compliance date of May 9, 1989.
    The reason behind the extension request is that Yorkville is
    considering, as a compliance alternative, a new filtering system
    which is manufactured by Iso—Clear. The Iso—Clear system is
    currently being tested, and the results of these tests will not
    be known for at least six months. Yorkville does not wish to
    install an Iso—Clear system until detailed scientific data is
    available which demonstrates the success of the system.
    The Board notes that the Iso—Clear system is a technology
    which shows some promise in the field of radium removal. An
    additional six months would allow Yorkville to more accurately
    evaluate the Iso—Clear system as a control alternative. It is
    important to emphasize that Yorkville is not requesting an
    extension of the length of the previously granted variance.
    Rather, it is merely seeking to alter the scheduling of certain
    steps in achieving compliance. Due to the above factors, the
    Board will view the March 12, 1987 petition as a Motion for
    Modification under the original docket in this case, PCB 86—24,
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 103.241.

    If either Yorkville or the Agency objects to the
    characterization of the instant petition as a Motion for
    Modification, then it should file such an objection with the
    Board by March 30, 1987. If no objection is received by the
    Board by that date, the Clerk will re—docket the petition
    accordingly. The Agency should file any response to the Motion
    for Modification by April 13, 1987.
    J.D. Dumelle dissented.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby~certifythat the above Order was adopted on
    /5~’-~ day of Y7z~L
    1987 by a vote
    of ~c—,
    Dorothy ~ Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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