May 9, 1986
    PCB 86-24
    This matter comes before the Board upon-a February 20, 1986
    filing by the City of Yorkville (“City”) of a petition for a five
    year variance from the Board’s public water supply regulations,
    namely 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.105(a) (Standards For Issuance) and
    602.106(b) (Restricted Status), but only as they relate to the 5
    pico Curie per liter standard for combined radium-226 and radium—
    228 set forth in Section 602.301(a). The Illinois Environmental
    Protectin Agency (“Agency”) filed its recommendation on March 31,
    1986 to grant the requested variance subject to conditions. The
    City waived hearing and none was held. No objections from the
    public have been received.
    The City of Yorkville, Illinois owns and operates a potable
    water supply and distribution system for a population of 3,422
    people as well as for various commercial and industrial users.
    It is a deep well system which includes two deep wells and a
    shallow well, pumps and distribution facilities. The wells are
    as follows:
    Well No. 2
    42 feet deep
    placed in operation 1954
    Well No. 3
    1,335 feet deep
    placed in operation 1960
    Well No. 4
    1,393 feet deep
    placed in operation 1976
    Analyses of well water samples by the City show the
    following results in pico curies per liter (Pet. at 6):
    Ra 226 Ra 228 Combined
    Spring 1985
    Well No. 2
    Spring 1985
    Well No. 3
    Spring 1985
    Well No. 4
    Spring 1985
    Dist. Sys.

    The Agency submitted data to a USEPA laboratory for
    analysis. The analysis was of an annual composite of four
    consecutive quarterly samples or the average of the analyses of
    four samples obtained at quarterly intervals. The analysis as
    reported to the Agency showed a radiuxn-226 count of 5.6 pC/i and
    the radium—228 content was 2.2 pC/i. The combined radium—226 and
    radium—228 content was therefore 7.8 pc/i, exceeding the 5 pC/l
    standard. The analysis was reported to the City on January 25,
    1984 (Agency Rec at 4).
    The City learned of its exceedences from the combined radium
    standard from an Agency letter dated January 25, 1984 (Attach. 1
    to Pet.). On October 4, 1984, the Agency notified the City that
    it would be placed on restricted status (Attach. 2 to Pet.).
    Restricted status basically means that construction and operating
    permits would be denied by the Agency for new or modified
    developments in the City which require the extensions of the
    water supply system.
    The City identifies three different alternatives for
    resolving the radium problem. They are (1) using other wells for
    blending, (2) rehabilitating existing wells and using other wells
    for blending purposes, and (3) constructing treatment facilities
    to treat all water supplied by the existing deep wells. Two
    primary treatment methods were discussed by the Agency and the
    The first primary treatment method is lime or lime-soda
    softening. Radium removal by lime softening can be related to
    hardness removal and pH of treatment. Lime softening can remove
    80—90 percent of the radium; therefore, it could be suitable for
    raw waters containing up to 25 pCi/i. The problem with this
    method is that it produces large quantities of sludge and
    concentrates the radium. This causes additional problems and
    expenses in proper waste disposal. (Pet. at 7; Agency Rec. at 6).
    The second treatment method is ion exchange water
    softening. This method is cheaper than lime softening, is
    effective and will remove more than 90 of the radium. However,
    if an ion exchange softener which is regenerated with salt is
    used, the sodium content of the water will be increased
    significantly. This may create a significant risk to persons who
    are hypertensive or who have heart problems. In addition, the
    waste from routine softening is high in total dissolved solids
    and may be very difficult to dispose of legally. Also, the ion
    exchange process will concentrate the radioactivity and release
    the majority of the radioactivity in the waste stream in a
    concentrated form, which may be more of a hazard at that point
    than it is in the drinking water. In addition, some of the
    radioactivity remains in the ion exchange material, so that it
    may be a hazard to anyone subsequently working on the softener,
    and disposal of the radioactive ion exchange material may be a

    problem. The Agency is actively discouraging the use of the ion
    exchange process for radionuclide removal by the City (Pet. at 8;
    Agency Rec. at 7).
    The City expects to use both alternatives (1) and (2) to
    come into compliance (Pet. at 7). While the City has presented
    no economic data, as of February 20, 1986, it anticipated that
    within three months (May 20, 1986) its consultant would furnish a
    recommendation (Pet. at 6).
    The City did not formally assess the effect on the
    environment of a grant of variance. It did, however, incorporate
    by reference in its petition (Pet. at 8) the testimony and
    exhibits of Drs. Richard E. Toohey and James Stebbings on July 30
    and August 2, 1985 in R85—i4 (Proposed Amendments to Public Water
    Supply Regulations, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.105, 602.106). The
    Agency incorporates by reference in its Recommendation (Agency
    Rec. at 6) the testimony of Dr. Toohey in R85—14 as well as PCB
    85-54. The Board will allow the R85-14 testimony of Drs. Toohey
    and Stebbings only, which will include the cross examination of
    these two witnesses as well to minimize selective incorporation
    The City cites the Toohey testimony for the proposition that
    the granting of relief for the limited time of the requested
    variance would not cause any significant harm to the environment
    or to the people served by the water supply system.
    The Agency agrees with the City and states:
    while radiation at any level creates some
    risks, the risk associated with this level is very
    low... .The Agency believes an incremental increase in
    the allowable concentration for combined radium-226
    and radium—228, even up to a maximum of 20 pCi/i,
    should cause no significant health risk for the
    limited population served by new water main
    extensions for the time period of this recommended
    variance. Agency Rec. at 6, emphasis in original.
    The Board notes that the TJSEPA has challenged several Board
    variances from the radiological standards as being inconsistent
    with the Safe Drinking Water Act and regulations thereunder. 42
    U.S.C. 300f et ~
    40 C.F.R. Parts 141, 142 (subparts E, F)
    The Board recently has decided that instead of issuing what
    amounted to federal variances from the primary drinking water
    standards in Section 604.301(a), it will now issue state
    variances from Sections 602.105(a) and 602.105(b) as they relate
    to the primary drinking water quality standard. The grant of
    variance would be from the state regulations establishing the

    restricted status mechanism, and not the national primary
    drinking water regulations. This would allow construction
    permits to issue while at the same time would not insulate the
    petitioner from the possibility of enforcement for violations of
    the drinking water standards.
    The City alleges that an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship
    would exist if it had to immediately comply with the applicable
    regulations for many reasons (Pet. at 10-12). First, because
    there is no significant risk of environmental harm during the
    variance period, there would be an expenditure of money with rio
    significant benefits. Second, because of a USEPA notice of
    intent to propose amended rules (48 Fed. Reg. 45502, October 5,
    1983) and the Agency’s rule amendments in R85-l4, that
    expenditure of money would not be justified where the standard
    becomes obsolete. Third, a compliance option, such as ion
    exchange whereby hazardous sludge is a process by product, may do
    more harm than good. Fourth, to deny relief from the
    construction ban in light of the uncertainty of the radium
    standard would also be a hardship. In addition, the City
    contends that denial of variance will harm prospective home
    buyers as well as business developers and the petitioner’s tax
    The Board agrees with the City that immediate compliance
    with regulations would impose an arbitrary or unreasonable
    hardship. It is difficult to argue economic hardship when there
    is no economic data in the record, however, it is within the
    Board’s expertise to notice generally that capital costs are high
    for these treatment technologies. The Board notes that some
    treatment technologies such as ion exchange may indeed treat one
    problem yet cause another. The Board will grant a three year
    variance to allow both a firm compliance plan to be submitted
    based on the City’s consultant’s recommendation and for that plan
    to be implemented within the variance period. The City has
    provided no reason why five years are required to achieve
    compliance. For the short term of the variance, any adverse risk
    to the environment would be minimal. The Board by its action
    will allow new construction and water system extensions. The
    Board does not rely on a potential change of the Federal standard
    as a reason for granting the variance. The USEPA has not
    proposed rules since publishing its intent to do so in 1983 and
    the Agency, although it proposed rules to the Board, is now
    awaiting USEPA action.
    The Agency has recommended that variance be granted for a
    period of five years from 35 111. Adm. Code 602.105(a) and
    602.106(b) as they relate to the radiological standards subject
    to conditions which would require continued sampling, the
    procurement of professional assistance to investigate compliance
    options, the preparation of a compliance plan, the procurement of
    necessary permits for carrying out that plan, and appropriate

    notice to the public. The Board will grant variance until May 9,
    1989 subject to conditions. The City stated that its consultants
    would be ready by the end of May with a recommendation. The City
    then will have to implement a compliance alternative and come
    into compliance by the end of the variance period.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The City of Yorkville is hereby granted a variance from 35
    Ill. Adrn. Code 602.105(a) and 602.106(b) as they relate to the
    combined radium standard of Section 604.301(a), subject to the
    following conditions:
    1. This variance expires on May 9, 1989.
    2. In consultation with the Agency, the City shall continue
    testing for radium 226 and 228 to determine as
    accurately as possible the level of radioactivity in its
    wells and finished water.
    3. One month after the grant of variance, evidence that the
    City has secured professional assistance in
    investigating compliance options shall be submitted to
    the Agency’s Division of Public Water Supplies, FOS,
    2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706.
    4. Six months after the grant of variance, the City shall
    complete investigating compliance methods, including
    those treatment techniques described in the Manual of
    Treatment Techniques for Meeting the Interim Primary
    Drinking Water Regulations, USEPA, May 1977, EPA—600/8—
    77-005, and shall prepare a detailed Compliance Report
    demonstrating how and when compliance will be achieved,
    but no later than May 9, 1989.
    5. This Compliance Report shall be submitted to the
    Agency’s Division of Public Water Supplies nine months
    after the grant of variance.
    6. Three months after the date the Compliance Report is due
    in the Agency’s office or after a written extension of
    time by the Agency, provided that this additional
    extension is no longer than three months, the City shall
    apply to the Agency’s Division of Public Water Supplies,
    Permit Section, for all permits necessary for
    construction of installations, changes or additions to
    the City’s public water supply needed for achieving
    compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.301(a).

    7. Construction shall begin at a time which will bring the
    City into compliance by May 9, 1989.
    8. Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 606.201, in its first set
    of water bills or within three months after the date of
    this Order, whichever occurs first, and every three
    months thereafter, the City shall send each user of its
    public water supply a written notice stating that the
    C i ty:
    a) has been granted a variance from 35 Ill. Mm. Code
    602.105(a) (Standards of Issuance) and Section
    602.106(b) (Restricted Status) as they relate to
    Section 604.301(a), and
    b) is not in compliance with the public water supply
    radiological standard of 5 picoCuries per liter for
    combined radium 226 and 228. The City shall also
    state in the notice the average content of radium
    226 and 228 in samples taken since the last notice
    9. The City shall take all reasonable measures with its
    existing equipment to minimize the level of radium 226
    and 228 in its finished water.
    10. Within forty—five (45) days of the date of this Order,
    the City shall execute a Certification of Acceptance and
    Agreement to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    exception granted. This Certification shall be
    submitted to the Agency at 2200 Churchill Road,
    Springfield, Illinois 62706. The form of said
    Certification shall be as follows:
    I, (We)
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 86—24, dated
    Authorized Agent

    J.D. Dumelle and B. Forcade dissented.
    I, Dorothy M. Cunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby cert) the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1986, by a vote
    Dorothy M. unn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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