December 18, 1986
PCB 86—217
This matter comes before the Board upon a December 17, 1986
recommendation by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(Agency) that Emergency Technical Services Corporation (ETSC) be
granted a 45—day provisional variance from 35 Ill. Adni. Code
237.102, subject to conditions, to allow ETSC to detonate small
quantities of explosive or shock sensitive chemicals found in
Illinois schools, hospitals and small businesses. ETSC plans to
detonate these materials at a 2,500 acre Illinois National
General site near Marseilles, LaSalle County, Illinois.
The Agency has investigated the request by ETSC and has
determined that there is no viable alternative to detonation
disposal of these materials, that safety considerations demand
that the materials be removed from storage near people and that
there is no presently available disposal site to receive the
materials. Therefore, the Agency has found that with the dangers
and lack of alternatives present in ETSC’s case, it would impose
an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship on ETEC to wait for the
usual variance process. The Agency has also found that the
environmental impact in granting this variance is minimal in that
conditions placed on the grant of provisional variance should
insure that operations are optimal for destruction and disposal.
For the above reasons, the Agency recommends that ETSC be
granted provisional variance, subject to conditions. The Board
agrees and hereby grants ETSC provisional variance from 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 237.102, subject to conditions, to allow the detonation
of small quantities of explosive or shock sensitive chemicals
found in Illinois schools, hospitals and small businesses at a
2,500 acre Illinois National General site near Marseilles,
LaSalle County, Illinois.
This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusion of law in this matter.
The Board hereby grants the Emergency Technical Services
Corporation provisional variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 237.102,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Variance shall run from December 18, 1986 to February 1,
2. The open burning shall only be conducted between the
hours of 9:00 and 4:00 p.m.
3. The open burning shall only commence when the cloud
cover over the burn site is no more than 50 percent.
4. Any visually contaminated soils and vegitation shall be
excavated after each operational day and be
containerized for disposal as a special waste.
5. Because completeness of reaction and explosive reaction
products are so unpredictable, monitoring to verify the
efficiency of the technique is warranted:
A. A visual record of each detonation by still camera
or videotape is recommended to include:
1. “waste” container alone
2. material as prepared with initiator, co—
explosive (if used) and blasting cap
3. actual detonation or shortly after showing
fire and smoke evolved
4. close up of detonation site documenting
residue or lack thereof
B. A soil sample of the detonation site where blasts
disturbed soil. One composite sample per day of
operation is acceptable. Analysis to be for parent
materials detonated with at least 0.1 ppm detection
limit unless evidence can be provided documenting a
higher detection limit is the best commonly
C. A record of air temperature, wind speed, wind
direction, cloud cover, humidity, precipitation for
each day of operation and any significant changes
that occurred during operations.
6. Materials to be detonated shall be limited to:
A. “common ethers”
1. diethyl ether (ethyl ether)
2. isobutyl ether
3. isopropyl ether
4. tetrahydrofuran
B. “aromatic trinitro compounds”
1. picric acid (trinitrophenol)
2. trinitrotoleune (TNT)
3. trinitrobenzene
4. trinitroaniline
5. trinitrosalicylic acid
6. picran’ic acid
7. picryl chloride
C. “organic peroxides”
1. benzoyl peroxide
2. acetyl peroxide
3. tert—butly hydroperoxide
4. cuniene hydroperoxide
D. “miscellaneous explosives”
1. dinitrophenyl hydrazine
2. vinylidene chloride (l,l—dichloroethylene)
3. pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN)
4. cyclo—1,3,5—trimethylene—2,4,6 trinitramine
5. nitroguanidine
7. Materials containing the following toxic metals are not
acceptable: Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryliuni,
Cadiruiurn, Chromium, Cobalt, Gallium, Gernianiuin, Hafnium,
Indium, Iridium, Lead, Maganese, Mercury, Nickel,
Osmium, Platinim, Rhenium, Rhodium, Rutheniuir, Selenium,
Silver, Tellurium, Thallium, Tungsten, and Vanadium.
8. Within 7 days of the Board’s Order, Peitioner shall
execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Agreement which
shall execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Agreement
which shall be sent to:
Mr. William D. Ingersol
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Enforcement Services
2200 Churchill Road
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794
This certification shall have the following form:
I, (We) ______________________________, having read the
Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 86—217 dated
December 18, 1986, understand and accept said Order, realizing
that such acceptance renders all terms and conditions thereto
binding and enforceable.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify ~that the above Opi~pionand Order was
adopted on the
day of /i-~i~-t,, 1986 by a vote
Dorothy N. /Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board