October 1, 1987
    PCB 86—205
    This matter comes before the Board as the result of a
    hearing which was held pursuant to the Board’s Order of May 14,
    1987. In its Order of May 14, 1987, the Board granted, over the
    objections of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (Agency), a Motion for Reconsideration filed by Schrock/A Tappan
    Division (Schrock). Schrock had sought reconsideration of the
    Board’s March 5, 1987 Order which had granted Schrock a variance
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 212.204, New Source Using Solid Fuel
    Exclusively, until May 31, 1987. The variance, concerning
    particulate emissions, enabled Schrock to use wood fuel to run
    the heating boiler at Schrock’s facility in Arthur. A hearing
    for reconsideration of the March 5 Order was held on July 30,
    1987 in Arthur; no members of the public were present. Citations
    to the transcript generated by the June 30, 1987 hearing will be
    denoted by “R.II”. Citations to the transcript of the original
    hearing, held on January 22, 1987, will be denoted by
    September 9, 1987, Schrock filed an Agreed Motion for Expedited
    Decision. That motion is hereby granted.
    Much of the facts concerning the boiler’s operation were
    discussed in detail in the March 5, 1987 Opinion, so it is
    unnecessary to review them here. However, it should be noted
    that the Board held in that Opinion that the emission limitation
    standard of 0.1 lbs/rnmbtu prescribed by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 212.204
    does apply to Schrock’s boiler. (Opinion and Order, PCB 86—205,
    March 5, 1987, p. 7). Also, the Board found:
    From February, 1981, until September, 1985,
    Schrock utilized a baghouse for pollution
    control of particulates and its operations
    met the 0.1 standard (Rec. p. 6).

    In l9~5, Schrock changed its pollution
    control device to a multicyclone that was
    designed to meet a 1.0 lbs/mmbtu emission
    limit (R. 28). In other words, Schrock went
    from compliance to non—compliance by an
    intentional engineering change to its
    pollution control equipment. Regardless of
    who is responsible for the result, it is
    clear that the non—compliance is due to a
    planning error rather than a technological or
    economic restraint on Schrock’s capacity to
    (là. at 6).
    This Opinion will deal with any new facts or issues which arose
    at the July 30 hearing.
    At hearing, Schrock requested tnat the Board grant a
    variance for one additional year (R.II. 15). As a part of a
    proposed compliance plan, Schrock will continue to pursue site—
    specific relief under Docket R87—l2. If the Board denies such
    relief, Schrock states that it will achieve compliance by
    installing a Venturi wet scrubber within six months of the
    Board’s denial of site—specific relief. (R.II. 13).
    The Agency stated at hearing that it does not object to the
    Board granting Schrock an additional variance so long as the
    Board requires Schrock to install a scrubber during that variance
    period. However, the Agency does object to allowing any site—
    specific relief for Schrock. It is the Agency’s position that
    since Schrock went from compliance to non—compliance by an
    intentional engineering change to its pollution control
    equipment, it should not be granted site—specific relief. The
    Agency claims that the variance sought by Schrock is
    “inextricably linked” to Schrock’s request for site—specific
    relief. (R.II. 17—18).
    Mick Price, the plant manager for Schrock’s Arthur facility,
    testified at hearing that the Venturi scrubber, proposed as a
    part of Schrock’s compliance plan, would enable Schrock to burn
    sawdust and still achieve compliance with the 0.1 pound per
    million BTU standard. In addition, Price testified that a
    Venturi scrubber could be purchased, installed, and operational
    within 21 weeks after Schrock placed an order for the scrubber.
    (R.II. 27—29). The scrubber option would cost Schrock
    approximately $80,000. This cost estimate includes expenditures
    for the purchase, shipping, and installation of the scrubber.
    (R.II. 43).
    Another compliance alternative for Schrock would be to burn
    oil or gas rather than sawdust. Mick Price testified that it
    would take less than 30 minutes to convert the boiler from

    sawdust to gas. however, he also stated this option would result
    in “extremely high costs” due to the costs associated with the
    purchase of natural gas and the landfilling of sawdust which
    would have otherwise been burned in the boiler. (R.II. 29—30).
    Lean Baird, the Vice—President and General Manager of
    Schrock, testified at the original hearing in this matter held on
    January 22, 1987. At that hearing, Baird gave some specific
    costs to burn oil or gas and landfill the sawdust. According to
    Baird, the annual cost to landfill the sawdust would run in the
    range of $50,000 to $80,000 per year. He stated that natural gas
    was cheaper to use than oil and that the annual cost to use
    natural gas would amount to over $72,000. (R. 30—31).
    Schrock presented evidence at the July 30, 1987 hearing
    which further clarified the reasons behind the changeover from
    the baghouse to the multiclone. Schrock objects to the Board’s
    conclusion, in the March 5 Opinion, that Schrock was in
    compliance when it utilized the bagnouse. It is Scnrock’s
    position that the facts do not prove this conclusion. (R.II.
    19). Nick Price testified that he could not conclude that
    Schrock was in compliance while it employed a baghouse. (R.II.
    It appears that there were significant problems associated
    with the operation of the baghouse. Price testified that the
    boiler could not be run on “hign fire” due to the lack of
    adequate ventilation through the baghouse. (R. 63). This in turn
    causec problems in failing to provide enough steam for a
    comfortable temperature within the plant. Price asserted that
    excessive particulate emissions were also a result. (R. 79—80).
    In addition, he stated that soot from the boiler was being
    deposited on cars in Schrock’s parking lot. Finally, he stated
    that fires had occurred in the baghouse. According to Price, the
    baghouse filter had to be replaced three or four times because of
    fire damage. (R.II. 63—64). Price further stated that the
    baghouse was one of the problems which necessitated a change in
    the boiler system. He said that problems would have continued if
    the baghouse had not been changed. (R.Il. 68—69).
    Exhibit 18 is a report authored by Energy Resource Systems
    (ERS) which evaluated Schrock’s boiler system, as it existed
    prior to the changeover. The report is dated May 7, 1985 and was
    basically a part of an ERS proposal to modify Schrock’s system.
    (R.II. 85). In the report, ERS comments on the baghouse.
    Your present dust collector, according to the
    manufactures sic specifications is not
    large enough to provide a 8,000,000 STU
    boiler output with the proper volume of air
    to control combustion chamber temperatures
    and maintain proper design velocities within
    the ductwork and the stack.
    82—2 9

    (Exh. ~l8, p. 3)
    ERS goes on to recommend that the baghouse be replaced by a new
    dust collector. The report also states:
    The Company ERS
    guarantees that the
    equipment covered by this Proposal, if
    installed and operated under the instructions
    of the Company, will meet tne ordinance
    relating to air pollution, State of Illinois.
    (Exh. ~lS, p. 3)
    This guarantee was to apply to the mechanical collector system,
    the multiclone, which was eventually installed by Schrock. (RII.
    81). That system is now producing emissions that are not in
    compliance. it is Schrock’s position that pursuing a legal
    action against ERS for failure to live up to its guarantee would
    be economically unoesirabie. (R.II. 83).
    No further evidence concerning the environmental impact was
    presented at the July 30 hearing. Consequently, the Board will
    not deviate from its previous conclusion, in the March 5 Opinion,
    that a short—term variance would have “minimal” environmental
    impact. In its March 5 Opinion, the Board granted a short—term
    variance because Schrock lacked a definite compliance plan.
    First, the Board stated that an “intention” to file for site—
    specific regulatory relief was not a sufficient compliance
    plan. Secondly, the Board cited the fact that Schrock had not
    yet picked a compliance alternative that it would pursue in the
    event it was denied site—specified relief. (Opinion and Order,
    PCB 86—205, March 5, 1987, p. 8—9).
    Since the Board’s March 5 Opinion, Schrock has filed a
    petition for site—specific relief which has now been docketed as
    R87—l2. Also, Schrock has asserted that it will install a
    Venturi wet scrubber if the requested regulatory relief is not
    Although the replacement of the baghouse
    the multiclone
    was clearly an intentional change, it appears from the record
    that Schrock acted in good faith and fully expected that the
    multiclone technology would afford compliance with the 0.1
    lbs/mmBTU standard. Also, poor operational performance by
    Schrocic’s baghouse in part precipitated the boiler system
    revision that resulted in the change of pollution control
    Given the economic factors of the available compliance
    alternatives, the minimal environmental impact which might result
    from a variance in this instance, and the fact the heating season
    is close at hand, the Board finds that a denial of a variance
    would impose an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship on Schrock.

    As a result, the Board will grant Schrock a variance, subject to
    conditions, in order to allow Schrock to use sawdust in its
    boiler for the next heating season.
    The Board will also impose a limitation of 0.2775 lbs/mmBTU
    on the allowable emission rate. This limitation was a condition
    to the March 5 variance, and Schrock has not provided the Board
    with any evidence to suggest that the cap should be deleted from
    this variance.
    The issues considered by the Board in acting on a petition
    for variance are quite distinct from the considerations used fcr
    a petition for regulatory site—specific relief. Therefore, it is
    important to note that the Board’s action today in granting a
    short—term variance does not in any way ~rejudge the outcome of
    Schrock’s pending site—specific petition in R87—l2.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusion of law in this matter.
    Schrock/A ‘tappan Division is hereby granted a variance from
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 212.204 for the use of wood fuel at its
    manufacturing facility in Arthur, Illinois, subject to the
    following conditions:
    1. This variance shall commence on the date of this Order
    and shall expire October 1, 1988 or when Schrock’s
    boiler emissions comply with the applicable regulations
    concerning particulate emissions, whichever occurs
    2. During the pendency of this variance, Schrock’s
    emissions of particulate matter into the atmosphere
    shall not exceed 0.2775 lbs/mmbtu.
    3. within forty—five days of the date of this Order,
    Schrock/A Tappan Division shall execute a Certification
    of Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms and
    conditions of this variance. Said Certification shall
    be submitted to the Agency at 2200 Churchill Road,
    Springfield, Illinois, 62706. The form of said
    Certification shall be as follows:
    I, (he)
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 86—205, October 1,

    Authorized Agent
    N. Nardulli abstained.
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1985 ch. 111 1/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above O~inion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1987, by a vote
    Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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