May 9, 1986
    PCB 85-225
    This matter comes before the Board upon the filing on
    December 31, 1985 of a joint petition for a combined sewer
    overflow (“CSO”) exception from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.305 (a) and
    (b) by the City of Cairo (“City”) and the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (“Agency”). A public hearing was held in
    Cairo, Illinois on March 20, 1986. No members of the public
    attended and no public comments were received.
    The CSO regulations are contained in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    306.302 et seq. They were amended in R81-17, 51 PCB 383, March
    24, 1983. Section 306.305 provides as follows:
    All combined sewer overflows and treatment plant
    bypasses shall be given sufficient treatment to
    prevent pollution, or the violation of applicable
    water standards unless an exception has been granted
    by the Board pursuant to Subpart D.
    Sufficient treatment shall consist of the following:
    a) All dry weather flows, and the first flush of storm
    flows as determined by the Agency, shall meet the
    applicable effluent standards; and
    b) Additional flows, as determined by the Agency but not
    less than ten times to sic average dry weather flow
    for the design year, shall receive a minimum of primary

    treatment and disinfection with adequate retention time;
    c) Flows in excess of those described in subsection (b)
    shall be treated, in whole or in part, to the extent
    necessary to prevent accumulations of sludge deposits,
    floating debris and solids in accordance with 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 302.203, and to prevent depression of oxygen
    levels; or
    d) Compliance with a treatment program authorized by the
    Board in an exception granted pursuant to Subpart D.
    Subpart D allows the discharger to file a petition for an
    exception either singly, or jointly with the Agency as the City
    had done. The joint petition seeks an exception based on minimal
    discharge impact as provided in Section 306.361(a).
    Was tewat~er System
    The City is located at the confluence of the Ohio and
    Mississippi Rivers
    the southernmost tip of Illinois.
    The Ohio
    flows along the east side of the City while the Mississippi flows
    along the west side. The City with its population of 6,000 is
    surrounded by a levee system. The wastewater system is composed
    of combined sewers, pump stations, and a primary wastewater
    treatment plant (WWTP).
    The City holds NPDES permit 1L0023825. The sewer system was
    constructed prior to 1900 and consists of 33 miles of 8” to 72”
    diameter combined sanitary and storm sewers, including the main
    trunkline sewer and the interceptor sewers. Waste from the
    sanitary sewer system in Future City, to the north of Cairo,
    flows to a pump station and is pumped through a force main to a
    manhole located at Sycamore and Union Streets, in Cairo (R. 13).
    Another component of the wastewater system is the three
    CSO’s with the three CSO pump stations located at 38th, 28th and
    10th Streets. The 38th street pump station is used as a backup
    only in emergencies and is considered abandoned by the U.S. Army
    Corps of Engineers (Corps). The other pump stations, recently
    constructed by the Corps, have five pumps each with a capacity of
    60 cubic feet per second (cfs) at each station. These two pump
    stations were designed to handle all possible stormwater
    conditions (R. 14).
    The two CSO’s currently used discharge approximately 200 to
    220 days/year to the Ohio River when the river stage reaches 25
    feet 295 mean sea level (MSL) or above. Their flow capacity is
    approximately 38.75 MGD apiece and the maximum biochemical oxygen
    demand (BOD) effluent concentration, using 1972 data, was 11.14
    mg/i BOD (R. 25; Exh. B to Exh. 3).

    The mean annual flow of the Ohio River is 307.5 million
    gallons/minute (MGM). During normal dry weather (below 25 foot
    stage) the river’s flow ranges from 60 to 200 MGM. During
    highwater (above 25 foot stage) the flow ranges from 200 to 735
    MGM (Petition at 4).
    There is another pump station at 10th Street which handles
    dry weather flow. It Consists of two pumps with a capacity of
    four million gallons per day. This station pumps directly to the
    The WWTP, has a design average flow (DAF) of 1.3 million
    gallons per day (MCD) and 1.9 MGD design maximum flow (R. 14).
    The existing plant, built in 1963 (Petition at 6), includes a bar
    screen, grit removal and a settling base. Solids are digested in
    an aerobic digester and discarded in a sludge lagoon.
    The influent BOD loading to the WWTP is between 60 to 100
    mg/l or slightly less; usually about 60 to 70 mg/l BOD (R. 68-
    9). The WWTP has a BOD removal rate of between 50 and 60 percent
    and its effluent consistently meets the 30 mg/i BOD and 37 mg/l
    total suspended solids effluent standards (R. 65-6, Agency Exh.
    When the Ohio River is below 25 on the gauge (295 MSL), the
    outflow flood gates are open at each overflow. When a flash
    flood rainfall of two to three inches per hour occurs during this
    period, any flow over 1.9 MCD flows directly by gravity into the
    Ohio River at 10th Street. Gauge readings below 25 (295 MSL)
    occur on an average of 150 days per year and flash floods occur
    approximately ten times during this period (R. 15-16).
    When the Ohio River reaches a stage of 25, the outflow flood
    gates are closed. When the river stage is between 25 and 34 (304
    MSL), the WWTP treats 1.9 MCD. In addition, the 10th Street CSO
    pump station is turned on approximately three times a day for
    hour periods. The pump station at 28th Street is activated only
    during flash floods (R. 16).
    Between a river stage of 34 and 40, the WWTP treats 1.9 MCD,
    the 10th Street CSO pump station operates approximately three
    times per day for one hour periods, and the 28th Street pump
    station is activated during flash floods (R. 16—17).
    At a river stage above 40, the WWTP treates 1.9 MCD. The
    10th Street CSO pump station operates three times per day for
    one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hour periods.
    The 28th Street
    pump station
    activated during flash floods.
    Gauge readings
    above 25 occur approximately 200 days per year (R. 17).

    Existing• CSO I~pac~t
    The City offers 1972 data from the Corps asserting that the
    CSO discharges have negligible impact on the Ohio River. The
    Corps data shows that once the CSO’s discharge to the river, the
    maximum BOD residual concentration in the Ohio River from the CSO
    discharge, assuming full mixing was 0.00188 mg/l at a river stage
    of 30 (300 MSL). In most cases, this BOD residual ranged from
    0.0035 to 0.000089 mg/l BOD ER. 25; Exh. C to Exh. 3 (Petition).
    The City alludes to a 1977 variance petition in PCB 77-256
    which allegedly contains Agency sampling data one mile up and
    downstream of the WWTP showing no increase in BOD, suspended
    solids and fecal coliform in the Ohio River due to the City’s
    discharges. While the City introduced two Board Opinions and
    Orders into evidence (Exh. 7), it failed to include a copy of the
    1977 variance petition. Other data in the instant record shows
    compliance with the effluent standards for the WWTP and a very
    small BOD residual in the Ohio River due to the CSO discharges.
    The bar screens at the pump stations remove any floatables (R.
    45). Although fecal coliforrn counts are not given, the Board
    would expect that the counts would be low for the CSO discharges
    due to the amount of infiltration and inflow in the sewer
    system. Any residual amounts in the Ohio river due to CSO
    discharges would be negligible due to the relatively large flow
    of the Ohio River.
    CSO ResGiut ion
    Two alternatives are available to the
    City to achieve
    compliance with the CSO regulations. The first, the construction
    of a 7 MC stormwater retention lagoon, would cost $2.5 million.
    This alternative was considered not feasible for many reasons:
    sufficient land was unavailable; sandy soil and high groundwater
    conditions necessitated a liner in the lagoon, increasing the
    cost substantially; and because of the amount of flow involved in
    high water CSO events, a 7 MG lagoon would be filled in a very
    short time (R. 21-2).
    The second alternative would be the separation of the
    combined sewers at a total cost of $30 million. The City cannot
    afford this alternative because the City would exceed its debt
    limit (R. 47—8). 111. Rev. Stat. 1985, ch. 24, par. 8—5—1.
    The City has chosen instead to upgrade its WWTP facilities,
    which in turn would be able to treat more flow, thereby reducing
    the extent of CSO discharges. A diagram of the upgrade is in the
    petition (Exh. D to Exh. 3). The WWTP, once upgraded, will be an
    advanced primary treatment facility based on physical/chemical
    rather than biological treatment. The upgrade will add a primary
    clarifier, a chemical mixing basin, one additional digester,
    three new blowers, two chlorine contact tanks, two chlorinators,

    and a coil sludge filter. Associated process piping, pumping and
    controls will be in accordance with Illinois- Recommended
    Standards.for~.Sewerag-e~Wo-rks(Exh. 9~Exh. D to Exh. 3). The
    upgraded WWTP DAF will be 1.3 MCD and the peak flow capacity will
    be increased from 1.9 to 3.0 MCD (R. 29-30).
    The capital cost of the WWTP upgrade is $1,700,000 (R. 26-
    7). Operation and maintenance costs will increase from $150,000
    to $190,000 per year (Petition at 5). The City is currently in
    project priority range for a 55 percent USEPA construction grant
    and a 15 percent state grant. If both grants are awarded, the
    City’s share of the project would be $510,000; with only the
    federal grant, $765,000; with only the state grant, Sl,445,000
    CR. 26-7). The City does not anticipate exceeding its debt
    City Programs
    The City currently has active street sweeping and sewer
    cleaning programs. Streets are cleaned about once a month (R.
    42). Any blockages in smaller sewers are cleaned as well as pump
    stations CR. 43). The City also has an ordinance which mandates
    separated sewer connections in new buildings (R. 36)
    as well as
    outlawing connections of roof drains to the sewers (R. 37). The
    City plans to continue these programs.
    Conclus ion
    Having considered the evidence and the factors enumerated in
    Section 306.361(a), the Board finds that the Cairo CSO
    discharges, after implementation of the WWTP upgrade, will have
    minimal impact. The upgrade will increase the treatment capacity
    of the WWTP, thereby reducing the extent of the CSO discharges.
    The Board will grant an exception with language similar to
    that recommended by the City and the Agency. The City will be
    required to certify acceptance of the Order.
    The Board notes that the relief is restricted only to those
    substantive requirements for effluent treatment of CSO’s, and not
    to relief from water quality standards. To insure that this
    issue is clear, the Board will introduce into the Order language
    identifying the scope of the exception as granted.
    Finally, in order not to give the City a total exemption
    from treating dry weather flows under Section 306.305(a),
    language has been added to limit dry weather flow relief to those
    dry weather flows beyond the capabilities of its WWTP.
    This Opinion constitutes the Boardts findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.

    The City of Cairo (City) is hereby granted an exception from
    35 Ill.
    Code 306.305(a) as such provision relates to first
    of storm flows and dry weather flows beyond the
    capabilities of its wastewater treatment plant and Section
    306.305(b) for combined sewer overflows to the Ohio River,
    subject to the following conditions:
    I. The City shall construct and operate the improvements to
    its wastewater treatment plant as described in Croup
    Exhibit 9 no later than November 1, 1987.
    2. The City shall follow the operation and maintenance
    procedures identified in Group Exhibit 9, specifically
    street cleaning, pump station cleansing and outflow
    structure cleansing, as well as those procedures in
    paragraph (3) below.
    3. The City, for a period of two years after the date for
    completion of the wastewater treatment plant upgrade
    identified in paragraph (1) above, shall submit an
    annual report to the Agency at the address below on
    inspections of the discharge areas for sludge deposits.
    4. This grant of exception does not preclude the Agency
    from exercising its authority to require as a permit
    condition a CSO monitoring program sufficient to assess
    compliance with this exception and any other Board
    regulations, including Section 306.305(c), and other
    controls if needed for compliance, including compliance
    with water quality standards.
    5. This grant of exception is not to be construed as
    affecting the enforceability of any provisions of this
    exception, other Board regulations, or the Environmental
    Protection Act.
    6. Within forty—five (45) days of the date of this Order,
    the City shall execute a Certification of Acceptance and
    Agreement to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    exception granted. This Certification shall be
    submitted to the Agency at 2200 Churchill Road,
    Springfield, Illinois 62706. The form of said
    Certification shall be as follows:
    Cer•ti-fi-ca-t ion
    I, (We)
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 85-225, dated

    Authorized Agent
    J.D. Dumelle and J. Anderson concurred.
    I, Dorothy M. Cunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above 0 inion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    by a vote
    • ~..
    Dorothy M. ~unn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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