December 5, 1985
    c)EMEPER, INC..,
    BOARD (by R. C. Flemal):
    This matter comes before the Board pursuant to a variance
    petition filed by Demeter, Inc. (“Demeter”) on May 2?, 1985.
    )eateter seeks variance from the provisions of 35 IlL
    212.462(e) for a period of four years.. Section 212.462(e)
    identifies New and Modified Grain—Handling Operations and control
    equipment requirements applicable to same.
    The Board finds that
    Petitioner will suffer arbitrary or unreasonable hardship without
    variance relief. Thus, v~iriance frornS212.462(e) ~wii1 be grant~3
    to Demeter for the period of four years subject to conditions,
    beginning the date of this Opinion and Order.
    Demeter waived hearing in this matter by inclusion in its
    ~1ay21 petition of a provision so statIng. The Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”), however, gave notice
    to the Board on June 5, 1985 of its objection to the variance,
    and requested that a hearing be authorized, The Agency reasoned
    that hearing is necessary under the Clean Air Act since
    S212.462(e) is an approved part of the Illinois State
    Hearing was held on October 21, 1985.
    The Agency filed a recommendation in this case on June 24,
    1985, advising that Demeter~spetition for variance be denied
    because, in its view, Petitioner offered no plan through which it
    could come into compliance by the end of the variance period and
    also failed to adequately show it would suffer an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship if denied varia’rice relief. Demeter waived
    the 90—day time for decision (as provided for in §38 of the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Act) in this matter on July 3,
    198!~, and filed an amended variance petition on August 7, 1985
    intended to address the concerns expressed by the Agency in its

    recommendation. The Agency amended its recommendation on
    September 10, 1985, and presently suggests that Demeter be
    granted variance subject to conditions for the full four—year
    period as requested by Petitioner.
    Demeter operates a grain elevator on 16 acres of land in an
    industrial area 1’/2miles south of South Beloit in winnebago
    County, Illinois. The facility receives, dries, stores and ships
    grain (primarily corn, soybeans, wheat and oats) and employs
    seven people.
    Demeter seeks variance from §212,462(e), which requires new
    and modified grain—handling operations to file applications for
    construction and operating permits pursuant to 35
    kdm. Code
    201 and to comply with the control equipment requirements of
    §212.462. Petitioner’s facility originally qualified for an
    exemption from
    control requirements of 5212,462(b) (which
    i-elate to major dump—pit areas, and are relevant, to thist case) by
    action of §212.461(c) because the facility is located outside of
    a major population area and had not lost the exemption due to the
    existence of other violations. Consequently, up to this time
    Demeter has not installed dump pit dust controls on its primary
    receivingpit, as would otherwise be required under §212.462(b).
    For grain—handling operations at which no physical
    .~lterations or additions take place, Section 212.462(e) provides
    that a “modification” occurs when the increase in the annual
    grain through—put (“AGT”) for the facility exceeds30 of ‘the~hGT
    on which the operation’s original construction and/or operating
    permit was granted. The definition of AGT is found at §211.122
    of Title 35, and says that AGT for an operation is found by
    adding its grain receipts and shipments for the three previous
    fiscal years and dividing the total by 6. F’or Derneter, this
    number is derived from the following data which the Agency
    asserts was provided by ~emeter in its AGT report of November 1,
    2,510,873 bu. received
    4,718,542 bu. received
    2,797,732 bu. received
    3,187,821 bu. shipped
    16,931,519 bu. received/shipped
    16,931,519 bu.
    2,821,920 bu.. AGT
    Petitioner’s facility was originally permitted at an AGT of
    1,100,000 bushels per year (Agency Recommendation, Appendix
    p.4). Therefore it is clear that Demeter’s AGT has increased
    ~nore than
    30, and thus that the facility has been “modified” as
    defined by §212.462(e).

    Environmental Impact
    The Demeter operation is located in a rural section~of
    Winnebago County, in the extreme northern portion of Illinois,
    Winnebago County is designated’ as an attainment area for
    particulates and the Agency believes that any adverse
    environmental impact stemming from Petitioner’s facility would be
    minimal (Variance Recommendation Amendment, ¶15—16).
    ~‘1evertheiess,for the record the Agency and Demeter provide
    differing characterization of the quantity of grain dust
    discharged from the dump pit operation. Petitioner contends a
    “minimal” amount of grain dust is discharged (Variance Petition,
    p.1), whereas the Agency calculates the amount to be
    approximately 22 tons per year (Variance Recommendation, ¶7).
    While a modeling study has not been done, it appears that no
    adverse environmental impact has or will occur due to the
    continued operation of Demeter’s dump pits during the pendency of
    this variance,
    Throughout this case Petitioner has contended that, for two
    reasons, it would suffer arbitrary or unreasonable hardsLhip if
    forced to install dump pit controls at the South Beloit
    facility. First, Demeter believes that the 30 increase it
    experienced over its base period volume (triggering the
    applicability of §212.462(e)) was attributable to Demeter’s
    participation in one—time programs such as the federal P1K
    (Payment—In—Kind) program during the 1983/84 period. Second,
    Petitioner alleges that it would be financially unable to install
    grain dust control systems,.if such were required, due to the
    poor economic condition of the agri—business industry and
    Demeter’s low profitability over the past several years. .Demeter
    asserts that for the years 1981 through 1984 the total four—year
    profit of the firm was under $30,000 (Amended Variance Petition,
    p. 1). The Agency does not contest this assertion.
    The Agency concurs with Demeter’s assertion that arbitrary
    or unreasonable hardship is present, but only for the latter
    reason given by Petitioner. The Agency agrees that Demeter is
    not in a position to finance the purchase and installation of
    control equipment, the cost of which could range from $60,000 to
    $93,500 (Variance Recommendation Amendment, ¶13). The Agency
    disputes, however, the relevance of Demeter’s position that its
    AGT increase of greater than 30 was attributable to one—time
    government programs. The Agency argues that this is an incorrect
    interpretation of §212.462(e); that the section provides that
    when AGT increases by more than 30 over the AGT on which the
    facility’s original permit was granted, the facility is then
    “modified” and cannot return to its original status.
    Balancing the minimal environmental impact from Demeter’s
    activities against the economic hardship Petitioner would endure
    if required to
    immediately install dump pit controls the Board
    finds that denial of variance relief would constitute arbitrary
    or unreasonable hardship. The Board notes that it is not at this

    time addressing the question of whether §212.462(e) can be
    interpreted to allow a reversion in the status of a facility
    after such facility has been “modified”, as defined by that
    The Board generally accepts and imposes on Derneter the
    variance conditions as proposed by the Agency, with the exception
    of that one requiring Demeter to post a performance bond to
    assure the performance of the work necessary to bring
    Petitioner’s facility into compliance. The Agency itself notes
    that Demeter’s history of compliance is generally good (Agency
    Recommendation, ¶9). In light of that assertion, as well as
    Demeter’s stated intention to come into compliance, the Board
    finds that the posting of a performance bond is not necessary in
    this instance.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The South Beloit, Illinois facility of Demeter, Inc. is
    hereby granted variance from the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    212.462(e) regarding Modified Grain—Handling Operations, subject
    to the following conditions:
    1. This variance begins the date of this Order and extends
    through December 4, 1989.
    2. Demeter shall annually provide grain through—put data
    pertaining to its South Beloit facility to the Agency.
    3. On or before March 1, 1989, Demeter shall make
    application to the Agency for a construction permit for
    a dust control system to achieve compliance with
    regulations in effect at that time, and such system
    shall be in operation prior to the end of the variance
    4. Demeter shall perform yearly studies of the cost and
    availability of dust control systems applicable to their
    operation, and shall submit such studies prior to each
    anniversary date of the grant of this variance, to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Field Operations Section
    5415 North University
    Peoria, Illinois 61614
    5. If the average of grain receipts and shipments at the
    South Beloit facility for any one year period, as
    reported to the Agency, exceeds 2,500,000 bushels,
    Derneter shall apply for a construction permit for a dust
    control system, and shall complete installation of such
    system within six months of the date such permit is

    6. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order, the
    Petitioner shall execute and send to:
    William 0. Ingersoll
    Enforcement Programs
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    a certification of acceptance of this variance by which
    it agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions.
    This forty—five day period shall be held in abeyance for any
    period during which this matter is being appealed. The form of
    the certification shall be as follows:
    Demeter, Incorporated hereby accepts and agrees to be bound
    by all terms and conditions of the Order of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board in PCB 85—75, dated December 5, 1985.
    Demeter, Incorporated
    As Authorized Agent
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1985, by
    ~ vote of
    Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control

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