June 27, 1985
    (‘CS 85—24
    OPINION AND ORDER OF TEE BOARD (by 7. Theodore Meyer):
    This matter comes before the Board on a February 25, 1985
    variance petition filed by the City of Mount Olive (Mount
    Olive). The petition was amended pursuant to Board Order (March
    7, 1985) and filed on April 8, 1985. The City requests a
    variance commencing on May 1, 1985 and terminating on October 24,
    1995 from the requirements of 35 Ill. Ada. Code 304.120
    (deoxygenating wastes), 302.203 (sludge), 302.206 (dissolved
    oxygen) and 304.141 (NPDES effluent standards). The Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed its recommendation
    on May 8, 1985 that the variance be granted subject to
    conditions. Hearing was waived and none was held.
    The City of Mount Olive is located in Macoupin County,
    Illinois. It currently owns a wastewater treatment plant which
    is the subject of this petition known as the North Plant. This
    plant consists of a coarse bar screen, Spirahoff tank, trickling
    filter, peripheral feed final settling tank and sludge irying
    beds. Discharge, sequentially is to an unnamed tributary of
    Sugar Creek, Sugar Creek and Cahokia Creek.
    Mount Olive currently operates its treatment plant under an
    NPDES permit issued on June 30, 1977. The permit expired on
    March 31, 1982 but remains in effect by operation of law. The
    permit was apparently issued by USEPA pursuant to an Enforcement
    Compliance Schedule Letter (ECSL) which set interim effluent
    li’uitatiops of 70 mg/l for biochemical oxygen demand (SOD) and 50
    mg/i for total suspended solids (TSS).
    The primary portion of the plant was built in 1922 and the
    secon3ary in 1960. The design average flow is 0.27 million
    gallons per day (MGD). The plant has been on Restricted Status
    since 1967. However, Mount Olive i3 currently upgrading the
    treatment facilities. Under the Village’s plan, a second plant
    (the South Plant) will be abandons and the North Plant will be
    upgraded and expanded. A new Imho!f tank, final clarifier and
    excess flow facilities will be constructed. The trickling filter

    will be gutted ocad
    new distcz~u
    OL IC.
    za installed.
    &ccording to
    is thirit, ~
    !~~3~ improvements
    to the tricklin~f ~.arttcn. ‘ttluan’
    ~.. - .
    4tiona are expected
    to degrade bcn’~ t’.’ azit w’a. ~e t~cr.
    f earvice and no
    backup or rap~sc.u’nt ‘flits a:~ n-cn’3Jae. PPte trickling
    filter is e’qe’t~1t ‘e 0
    of “ani,c f’s
    noztsately 45 days
    (Pet. at pat. 3) Th. City, ho~c.v.’, ~..4a
    ,driance from May
    1, 1985 to O,,c~aer24, 1985 a appt x~nte~3 iao’kths
    at par. 4).
    section 304.120(c) requiras
    dil1at on
    ratios of tr,ts
    tUe tc.
    .. .‘j
    the mg/i
    BOD and 12 ‘tey/l .“3 enz. ..icj r
    stations of
    150 mg/l SOD and 3 ~w,/1Is-
    . .
    atate3 tnat
    the variance is only ‘n~eseiryfur
    nod that the
    trickling filter is to as out
    ~ ..stj is requesting
    a variance for ap~roxi’aate1y6 mcntr ‘r ‘.‘~acepetition and
    amended petition coitain little inf.v~,
    tha question of
    hardship. The Agency states that coq
    sc. wauld be technically
    feasible by installing temporary facit.’..a thi~ang the period of
    construction. Thus, the nature of tie Litf 3 :arjship claim is
    apparently financial although no ~cr ‘tt
    ~ for such
    facilities was provided. Although th~nnwy •nclines to discuss
    economic hardship because financial infocaati,n is lacking, it
    points out that to require installatin .~f teaporary facilities
    might delay completion of the entire project. It is noted that
    the City would waste time and money in an effort to maintain the
    limits in its expired permit instead of rerhing a 10/12 BOD/TSS
    limitation, as required for the completed plant, more quickly.
    The Agency con~endsthat such a result makes little sense from a
    practical standçoint.
    The City also provides little infone~c concerning any
    adverse environmental impact on the tt~ei
    ~ t~asm. It
    contends that any impact should be ‘msnimtl c.ecause the
    trickling filter is scheduled f~rremovas
    ~he warmer
    periods of summer have passed, thereby r’tzri’t,g the possibility
    of sudden oxygen depletion in the stream’. Tat Agen:y has
    provided data demonstrating that C”ahok’..a rrsfl downstream of Mt.
    Olive is very high in TSS but attribut°ethis “wtncipally to non—
    point sources. Elevated aionia levels in th- creek ‘may also be
    due to agricultural runoff’ according to tha ~iency (Rec. at par.
    13). The Agency also states that ac’cordinj
    current in 1979, Cahokia Creek downstream fc’m 3ugar Creek is
    used as source water by two public water sapV~as. Thus, to
    mitigate the effect of removing the tn xli* tiltet, the Agency
    recommends that all units, including ch’’..t;.cicn, be on line
    prior to removal of the filter from servsc~ The Agency feels
    that by assuming reasonable removal rate3 t
    JOD and TSS without
    the trickling filter, an effluent with lSi) a;,l BOD and 70 mg/l
    TSS can be achieved by the City. The Agc.h~y“3ncludes that the
    short time period, as well as the dats J’tai’-’te that ary adverse
    environmental imptct would be minima.

    The Boar I concurs with the Agency that Mt Olive’s efforts
    to come into compliance with the regulitioni should be encouraged
    and expedited and finds that to prolong ultsnat3 compliance would
    impose an arbitrary or unreaaonable tariship. However, because
    the City has provided little or no informatisn concerning
    economic hardship or environmental irpa~tthe Board will not
    grant variance fot the requested tam. The b3ard will grant
    variance for the 6-8 weeks that the tn-tim) filter is out of
    service given that 150/70 BOD/TSS is to t~acn.eved. The Board
    finds that any environmental impact ~,ilLht minimal for this
    short period at these levels. Accordin”
    v zar~e is
    granted from Srtions 304.120, 304.. 4a
    subject to conditions.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fa and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The City of Mt. Olive is hereby granted variance from 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 304.120, 304.141(a), 302.203 rd 302.206, subject
    to the following conditions:
    1. variance shall commence when flows are diverted
    from the trickling filter prior to its renovation.
    2. Variance shall terminate on October 24, 1985, or
    two weeks after the trickling filter is returned to
    service, whichever occurs first.
    3. Petitioner shall meet effluent limits of 150 mg/i
    BOD and 70 mg/i TSS based U? n a mu thly average.
    4. Petitioner shall monitc’r its effluent by taking
    composite samples once each weak during tne period of
    the variance. The samples shall be analyzed for the
    parameters listed in Petitioner’s NPDES permit (flow,
    BOD, TSS, fecal coliform, pH). The influent shall also
    be monitored at the same frequency as t’te effluent.
    5. Petitioner shall collect grab aamples from Sugar
    Creek at the Rt. 138 bridge every two (2) weeks and
    analyze them for Dissolved Oxjgen.
    6. Pettioner shall notifi thc Agan’~jJhet the
    trickling filter has been removed from service and when
    it has been returned to service. Telephone
    notification of these actions shall be made within one
    (1) hour of their occurrence to Sandy Sr1t of the
    Agency’s Field Operations Section (2 ,736—6892).
    Within five (5) days written notificatin shall be sent
    to the Agency.

    7. Any changes in the construction schedule shall be
    made by written notification to the Agency within five
    (5) days of Petitioner or its agents becoming aware of
    them. These notifications shall include the nature of
    the change, the reasons for it, and whether such change
    will or may cause the trickling filter start—up to be
    delayed beyond October 11, 1985.
    8. All sample results required by this variance shall
    be submitted
    to the
    Agency within ten
    (1) days after
    the end
    of each month.
    9. All written notifications, including sample
    results, shall be sent to:
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Divsion of Water Pollution Control
    Compliance Assurance Section
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    Attention: Jim Frost
    10. Prior to the trickling filter being removed from
    service all other units, including but not limited to
    the new Imhoff tank, new secondary clarifier,
    chlorination system, excess flow pumps and excess flow
    facilities, shall be on—line and operational.
    11. Petitioner shall submit, within 45 days of the
    date of this Order, the certification and acceptance
    form contained below to the address listed in paragraph
    9 above. This 45 day period shall be held in abeyance
    during any time during which this Order is under
    I, (We)
    hereby accept and agree to be bound by all terms and
    conditions of the Order of the Pollution Control Board in
    PCB 85—24, June 27, 1985.
    Authorized Agent

    I, Dorothy M~Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    hereby certify that the above Qpinion and Order was
    adopted on
    day of
    1985, by a
    vote of
    D~rothyM~C~rn, Clerk
    Illinois Poliution Control Board

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