April 29, 1982
    PCB 82—10
    This matter comes before the Board on the February 3, 1982
    petition for variance filed by the Village of Orland Park, The
    Village seeks extension through December 31, 1983 of the variance
    granted in PCB 81—35 (May 28, 1981) from the 15 pCi/i gross alpha
    particle activity limitation and the 5 pCi/i combined radium
    limitation of Rule
    of Chapter 6: Public Water
    Supply. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    filed its Recommendation in support of variance on April 13,
    1982. (The Board’s consideration of this filing, the belatedness
    of which was the subject of no motion, should not be construed as
    acquiescence to future unexplained filing delays which .jeop~rd~i.c’
    the Board’s ability to render timely decisions.) Hearing was
    waived and none has been held,
    As explained in detail in PCB 81—35, the Village of Orland
    Park, Cook County, operates its public water supply system serving
    approximately 22,697 area residents in two separate parts. One
    bhree well system delivers softened water; the other, whose two
    deep wells are the subject of this variance, delivers unsoftened
    water, 1981 Agency analyses of the waters of these deep wells,
    #9 and #11, showed
    gross alpha particle activity levels
    in pci/i of 25.3 ±7,15 and 18.4 ±7,21, In compliance with one
    of the earlier variance conditions, a further test result for
    radium 226 levels was submitted, although a radium 228 count was
    not performed as required. In pci/i, the respective radium 226
    levels for Wells #9 and #11 were 12,4 ±.6 and 9.7 ±.5, based
    on a single analysis of one sample from each well.
    The Board had also required that the Village explore the
    technical and economic feasibility of achieving compliance through
    blending. The Village reports that while blending is technically
    feasible, this option would require expenditures for equipment of
    $1,894,800. This compares quite unfavorably with the estimated
    $280,000 total equipment cost of another option, the installation
    of sodium zeolite treatment facilities for each well.
    4 6- 215

    The Village reasserts
    its favored compliance option is
    utilization of the Lake Michigan water allocation which becomes
    available for its potential use January 1, 1984. The Village
    reports that a referendum was submitted to its voters on March 16,
    1982 concerning issuance of $12,000,000 in general obligation
    bonds which would in part finance delivery of this water. (Neither
    the Village nor the Agency have advised the Board as to the results
    of this referendum.) However, in the event of the referendum’s
    failure, the Village states that it would immediately proceed to
    pursue the softening option.
    The Agency recommends grant of variance with conditions
    until January 1, 1984 based on its agreement with the Village’s
    allegations, and its belief that continued variance will pose no
    immediate threat to the health of the Village’s water users.
    Based on the Village’s substantial compliance with the
    previous variance, its attempts to finance utilization of its Lake
    Michigan water allocation, and the Board’s belief that this
    continued variance would pose little risk to health, the Board
    finds that denial of variance would impose an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship. The requested variance until January 1,
    1984 is granted with conditions, one of which is that the Village
    shall file a compliance program on or before January 1, 1983.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Board in this matter,
    Petitioner, the Village of Oriand Park, is granted a variance
    from the gross alpha particle activity and radium limitations of
    Rule 304(C)(1)(a) and (b) of Chapter 6: Public Water Supplies,
    until January 1, 1984, subject to the following conditions:
    1. Petitioner shall, in consultation with the Agency,
    continue its sampling program to determine as accurately as
    possible the level of radioactivity in its wells and finished
    water. Testing for radium 226 shall be continued, and
    testing for radium 228 shall be commenced.
    2. As expeditiously as is practicable, but no later
    than January 1, 1983, Petitioner shall submit to the Agency
    a program (with increments of progress) for bringing its
    system into compliance either by installation of a treatment
    system or by replacement of its current water supply with
    Lake Michigan water,
    3. Pursuant to Rule 313(D) (1) of Chapter 6, in its
    first set of water bills or within three months after the
    date of this Order, whichever occurs first, and every three
    months thereafter, Petitioner will send to each user of its
    public water supply a written notice to the effect that

    Petitioner has been granted a variance from the radiological
    quality standards by the Pollution Control Board, The notice
    shall state the average content of gross alpha particle
    activity and radium, including available results from samples
    taken since the last notice period.
    4. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order,
    Petitioner shall execute and forward to the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency, PWS Enforcement Programs,
    2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706, a
    Certificate of Acceptance and Agreement to he bound to all
    terms and conditions of this variance. This forty-five day
    period shall be held in abeyance for any period this matter
    is being appealed. The form of the certificate shall
    I, (We),
    having read
    the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 82—10
    understand and accept the
    said Order, realizing that such acceptance renders all terms and
    conditions thereto binding and enforceable,
    By: Authorized Agent
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, herqby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the ~
    day of
    1982 by a vote of ~
    Christan L. Moff
    Illinois Pollutio ontrol Board

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