August 23, 1979
PCB 79—82
This matter comes before the Board upon the petition
City of Olney (Olney) on April 10, 1979 seeking
Rule 1201 of the Water Pollution Regulations,
Chapter 3. ~ letter was filed with the Board on June 5, 1979
which essentially was a request for variance from Rule 405
of Chapter 3. This additional request for variance is hereby
incorporated by reference into the April 10, 1979 variance
petition for purposes of this decision. The Environmental
Protection Agency (Agency) filed its Recommendation on June
14, 1979. No hearings have been held and the Board has
received no public comment.
Olney seeks
18 month variance from Rule 1201 so that
its Class 1 wastewater treatment system may be operated under
the supervision of a Class 2 operator. Olney seeks a variance
from its NPDES requirement to treat or test for fecal coli—
forms and from Rule 405 until its facilities are upgraded.
Olney’s wastewater treatment facility treats approximately
2,000,000 gallons of wastewater per day. The plant discharges
its effluents into a stormwater drainage ditch which empties
into Fox Creek and eventually flows to the Little Wabash
Olney’s Class I wastewater treatment operator recently
resigned and there are no unemployed Class 1 operators in the
south eastern portion of the state which Olney can afford to
employ (Pet,,2). On December 22, 1978 Robert Gantenbein,
Class 2 certification, was appointed Chief Operator of the
Olney Sewage
Treatment Plant. In the opinion of the Division
of Water PoUution Control’s field operation
section, Marion
regional office, Mr.
Gantenbein is operating
the Olney Sewage
Treatment Plant to the best of his ability and knowledge (R.5).
Mr. Gantenbein is presently taking courses which should make
him eligible to become a Class 1 operator 18 months from the
filing of the variance petition. The Agency Recommendation
is that Olney be granted this variance on the condition that
Mr. Gantenhein remains in Olney’s employ.
Due to the difficulty Olney would experience in obtain-
ing a Class 1 operator and because Mr. Gantenbein has exhibited
his willingness and ability to undertake such responsibility,
the Board finds that it would be an arbitrary and unreasonable
hardship on Olney should the variance be denied. The Board
hereby grants the variance from Rule 1201. This variance is
conditioned upon Mr. Ganterthein remaining in Olney’s employ-
ment as the Chief Operator of the plant. Should he resign,
the Board will require Olney to replace him with a Class 1
Olney is currently in the process of obtaining a Step 2
grant to upgrade its sewage treatment facility. Although
there is no chlorination system to control fecal coliforms at
this time, the sewage treatment plant will be modified to
include chlorination. This will probably take 3 years. It
would cost Olney $20,000 to install a temporary hook—up for
chlorinating the effluent discharge. It would impose an un-
reasonable financial hardship on Olney to require it to
remedy a temporary situation. The Olney Sewage Treatment
Plant is 25 miles from the closest water intake used for pub-
lic water supply. This diminishes the possibility that a
variance from the requirement to treat or test fecal coil—
forms will adversely affect the health or welfare of the People
of the State of Illinois. Moreover, the sewage treatment
facility has great social and economic value to the People of
It has been proposed in R77—12 that Rule 405 be changed
in such a manner that Olney would not be in violation of its
requirements (R.4). Due to this possiblity and because of
the factors discussed above, the Agency recommends that Olney
be granted a variance for 3 years, or until the Board adopts
a final Order in R77—12. The Agency conditions this recommen-
dation on Olney taking all necessary pre—grant and post—grant
actions appropriate to the specific grant step for which it
is eligible (R.5,6).
Board finds that. Olney has attempted in good faith
to comply with Rule 405 and the NPDES treatment and testing
requirements. The proposed modifications of the plant will
ultimately correct the pollution problem. The Board finds
that denial of the requested variance would impose an arbit-
rary and unreasonable hardship upon Olney. Therefore, the
Board grants the variance from Rule 405 and from the NPDES
treatment and testing requirements under certain conditions.
This variance is conditioned on Olney’s good faith attempt
to take prompt steps which will result in modification of the
35—2 24
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclu-
sions of law of the Board in this matter.
is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that:
1) The City of Olney’s request for a variance from Rule 1201
of the Board’s Water Pollution Control Regulations be
granted, subject to the condition that the variance
from Rule 1201 shall terminate upon Mr. Robert Gantenbein
terminating his employment, or after a period of 18 months,
whichever occurs first.
2) The City of Olney’s request for variance from Rule 405
of the Board’s Water Pollution Regulations and the moni-
toring and treatment requirements for fecal coliform
contained in its NPDES Permit he granted for a period
of 3 years or until the Board has adopted a final order
in R77-12, Docket D, whichever occurs first, subject to
the following conditions:
a) The City of Olney shall take all necessary pre—grant
post—grant actions appropriate to the specific
grant step for which it is eligible.
30 days of this Order,
the City of Olney
shall request the Agency to modify its NPDES per-
mit 110048755 to incorporate
the conditions set
forth in
this variance.
45 days of the date of this Order, the City
of Olney shall execute
and forward to the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road,
Springfield, Illinois 62706 a Certification of
Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms
and conditions of this Order. The 45 day period
shall he held in abeyance during any period this
matter is being appealed. The form of said certifi-
cation shall be as follows:
t (We), ____________________________, having read and
fully understanding the Order of the Illinois Pollution Con-
trol Board in PCB 79—82, hereby accept said Order and agree
to be
bound by all of
the terms and conditions thereof,
SIGNED ________________________
35— 225
3) The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is authori-
zed to modify NPDES permit IL0048755 to incorporate the
conditions set forth in this variance.
Mr. I)ume
t le dissents
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereby ce fy the above Opinion and Order
were adopte~on the
day of
1979 by
a vote of
Christan L. Moffet1/,fj~brk
Illinois Pollution Coñ’~rol Board