November 1, 1979
    PCB 79—72
    The Complaint in this case alleges that Respondent has
    violated Rules 601(a) and 602(b) of Chapter 3: Water Pollu-
    tion by failing to adequately maintain sanitary sewer lines
    resulting in overflows of the sewers. Hearings were held on
    July 30 and August 20, 1979 in Lombard, Illinois. Testimony
    of witnesses from both parties was heard.
    At the July 30 hearing it was determined that on numer-
    ous occasions recorded by Complainant’s since March 4, 1979,
    raw sewage was reported in Complainant’s home and yard ren-
    dering the home uninhabitable and causing serious damage.
    Respondent did not contest the fact that the main which ser-
    vices Complainant’s home was clogged (R.128). Complainant’s
    had been forced to pump raw sewage out of their home, to clear
    debris from their yard and to leave their home on the recom-
    mendation of the Health Department (R.39). Other testimony
    indicates that neighbors have had similar problems in past
    years (R.18,58), primarily during periods of rainfall. Com-
    plainant had made repeated calls for assistance in alleviating
    the problem and in preventing future occurrences.
    A witness for Respondent stated that the sewer lines were
    cleaned in March of 1978 and in May, 1979. Complainant testi-
    fied that subsequent to the May 14, 1979 cleaning the problem
    has not recurred (R.192). Respondent’s witness also indicated
    that checks had been made to ascertain extraneous flows in the
    main, that corrective steps had been undertaken to alleviate
    the flows, that repairs were made on the main whenever neces-
    sary and that, substantially, complaints as to flowage of
    extraneous water received immediate attention (R.152—4).
    Rule 601(a) of the Board’s Water Rules expressly requires
    treatment works and associated facilities to be constructed

    and operated to minimize violations of applicable standards
    during flooding, adverse weather, power failure, equipment
    failure or maintenance. Since the overflow occurred repeated-
    ly during periods of rainfall, it is clear that Respondent
    has not complied with the rule in minimizing violations dur-
    ing flood conditions.
    Rule 602(b) of the Water Rules expressly prohibits over-
    flows from sanitary sewers. Respondent admits that its sewers
    overflow and that there is excessive infiltration into the
    system. The Board therefore finds the Respondent in violation
    of Rule 602(b) of the Board’s Water Rules.
    After review of the factors in Section 33(c) of the En-
    vironmental Protection Act, the Board finds that the sewage
    overflow has seriously interfered with the health, general
    welfare and physical property of the people. Complainant’s
    home had become a dangerous source of disease—carrying bac-
    teria, uninhabitable and was extensively damaged. Furthermore,
    sewage systems and sewage treatment facilities are of social
    and economic value only when properly functioning and when
    adequately maintained.
    The Board has examined the factors bearing on the tech-
    nical practicability and economic reasonableness of reducing
    or eliminating the overflows. A solution to the overflow
    problem at Complainant’s residence must be devised to prevent
    further detrimental health and economic effects.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    1) Respondent has violated Rules 601(a) and 602(b) of the
    Water Pollution Rules and Section 33(c) of the Environ-
    mental Protection Act.
    2) Respondent shall cease and desist from any further viola-
    tions of Rules 601(a) and 602(b) in causing sewer backups
    at Complainant’s residence within 120 days of the date
    of this Order.
    3) Within 90 days of the date of this Order Respondent shall
    submit a compliance program to reduce excess infiltration
    into the system. This program shall go to the Board and
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and shall
    include target dates for securing federal funds, if neces-
    sary. The Agency is asked to comment to the Board on
    this program within 60 days after receipt. The Board
    will retain jurisdiction in this matter and shall take
    further action as needed.

    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, h~r~,bycertify
    1979and byOrdera votewere
    adoptedi on the
    day of ~
    Christan L. Moffett
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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