November 15, 1979
    PCB 78—152
    a Pennsylvania corporation,
    This matter comes before the Board on the May 24, 1978 Complaint
    brought by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”).
    Count I of the Complaint alleged that, at some time after March 7,
    1972, the Respondent constructed a wastewater treatment works at its
    Rockford oil terminal without the requisite Construction Permit
    issued by the Agency in violation of Rule 951(a) of Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution Control Regulations (“Chapter 3”) and Section 12(b) of the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Act (“Act”). Count I also alleged
    that, at some time after May 16, 1977, the Respondent modified its
    treatment works by increasing the height of the containment walls
    surrounding its holding pond without the necessary Construction Permit
    from the Agency. Count II alleged that, at some time after Decem-
    ber 31, 1972 and continuing on each day of operation until the date
    of filing of the Complaint, the Respondent operated its treatment
    works without an Operating Permit from the Agency in violation of
    Rule 953(a) of Chapter 3 and Section 12(b) of the Act. Count III
    alleged that, at some time after July 27, 1973 and continuing until
    the date of filing of the Complaint, the Respondent allowed the opera-
    tion of its treatment works without an Agency certified treatment
    works operator in violation of Rule 1201 of Chapter 3 and Section 12(b)
    of the Act. A hearing was held on March 20, 1979. No members of the
    public attended.
    At the hearing, the Assistant Attorney General indicated that all
    the actions to be taken by the Respondent to come into compliance were
    keyed to the date of the signing of the Stipulation and Proposal for

    Settlement (i.e., January 29, 1979) and should have been taken by
    March 1, 1979. CR. 4). However, the permit application for the
    oil—water separator was not submitted on time
    it was received by
    the Agency on March 15, 1979. (R. 4). It appears that chemical anal-
    ysis of one effluent sample was not obtained due to the fact that the
    sample itself could not be procured by virtue of the prevailing weather
    conditions (i.e., heavy snow) and the covering of the outfall by sever-
    al feet of snow. (R. 6).
    On June 26, 1979, the Agency filed an Advisement to the Board as
    to the status of the parties with respect to the terms of the settle-
    ment agreement admitted into evidence at the hearing on March 20, 1979.
    (See: Joint Exhibit No. 1). The proposed settlement agreement pro-
    vided that, beginning on March 1, 1979 and continuing thereafter, the
    Company would not operate its oil-water separator without an Agency
    Operating Permit and an Illinois Certificate of Technical Competency
    (as an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Works Operator) pertaining to
    such operation issued by the Agency. Exhibit A of the Advisement con-
    sisted of a copy of the water pollution control permit issued by the
    Agency on March 22, 1979 which allowed the Respondent to construct
    and/or operate its oil-water separator system subject to a condition
    that the operator of the permitted facilities be certified by the
    Agency. However, the Advisement noted that, as of June 20, 1979, the
    Agency had not received a completed application for the required Cer-
    tificate of Technical Competency, nor had such a certificate been
    issued for the facility.
    On July 20, 1979, the Board received a letter (including docu-
    mentation) from the Company which stated that it had submitted an
    application for the Certificate of Technical Competency to the Agency
    on May 7, 1979 and that, by letter of June 6, 1979, the Agency had
    responded with a request for a written technical discussion of the
    waste treatment facility involved. The Company indicated that it was
    in the process of responding to the Agency’s request. Subsequently,
    the parties filed on October 22, 1979 the Stipulation and Proposal for
    Settlement which they signed on January 29, 1979.
    The stipulated facts indicate that the Respondent, Atlantic
    Richfield Company, is a Pennsylvania corporation, authorized to do bus-
    iness in Illinois, which is engaged in the exploration, development,
    production, marketing and transportation of petroleum, natural gas,
    mineral and chemical products. The Respondent owns and operates an
    oil terminal facility located at 1511 South Meridian Road in Rockford,
    Winnebago County, Illinois. It is stipulated that the Respondent
    installed a gravity-displacement oil—water separator in 1975 to catch
    and retain petroleum products in the event of a spill, tank car com-
    partment leak, or rupture at the truck loading rack.
    There is no discharge into Illinois waters from this treatment
    works. Rainwater runoff washes the waste oil
    drainage trenches
    near the truck loading rack and resulting wastewater is piped by
    gravity flow to a 10,000 gallon underground separator tank. After the

    oil and water are separated by gravity displacement, the recovered oil
    is pumped to a storage tank which is located on the Respondent’s pro-
    perty. The remaining water is pumped through a 4 inch diameter pipe
    which is 135 feet long. This water is discharged into a 34,200 gallon
    holding pond on the site.
    In May of 1977, the height and width of the retaining wall of the
    holding pond were increased to prevent unwanted water discharges from
    the pond. (Stip. 2). The Respondent constructed, operated and modi-
    fied the oil—water separator without the requisite Construction and
    Operating Permits from the Agency. Moreover, from 1975 until 1979,
    the oil-water separator was operated without the direct supervision of
    an Agency certified industrial wastewater treatment works operator.
    (Stip. 3).
    It is also stipulated that, on June 14, 1978, the Respondent sub-
    mitted to the Agency an application for a permit pertaining to the
    oil—water separator. However, on August 8, 1978, the Agency informed
    the Respondent by letter that its application was denied (citing the
    need for additional information to complete the Agency’s technical
    review). (Stip. 3).
    In evaluating this enforcement action and proposed settlement,
    the Board has taken into consideration all the facts and circumstances
    in light of the specific criteria delineated in Section 33(c) of the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Act. The Board finds the stipulated
    agreement acceptable under Procedural Rule 331 and Section 33(c) of the
    Act. The Board finds that the Respondent, Atlantic Richfield Company,
    has violated Rules 951(a), 953(a), and 1201 of Chapter 3: Water Pollu-
    tion Control Regulations and Section 12(b) of the Act. The Respondent
    is directed to follow the compliance program set forth in the Stipula-
    tion and Proposal for Settlement. The stipulated penalty of $3,500.00
    is hereby assessed against the Respondent.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and conclu-
    sions of law in this matter.
    It is the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board that:
    1. The Respondent, Atlantic Richfield Company, has violated
    Rules 951(a), 953(a), and 1201 of Chapter 3: Water Pollution Control
    Regulations and Section 12(b) of the Illinois Environmental Protection
    2. Within 30 days of the date of this Order, the Respondent shall,
    by certified check or money order payable to the State of Illinois, pay
    the stipulated penalty of $3,500.00 which is to be sent to:

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Fiscal Services Division
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    3. The Respondent shall comply with all the terms and conditions
    of the Stipulation and Proposal for Settlement filed October 22, 1979,
    which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
    Mr. Goodman abstained.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, he;eby certify hat the bove Opinion and Order were ado ted on
    day of
    1979 by a vote of
    Illinois Pollution Con rol Board
    3 6—88

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