June 3
    PCB 76—85
    Park-er-Woods Subdivision (Subdivision) filed a petition
    for a variance from Rule 203(h) of the Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution Regulations on March 31, 1976. The Agency filed
    its recommendation on May 5, 1976.
    Petitioner seeks to apply rotenone to Bow Bridge Lake
    (Lake) to reduce the number of carp and non—game fish prior
    Lo the stocking of the Lake with game fish fingerlings. The
    Lake is in Winnebago County, Rockford Township, Illinois
    and is approximately 3.5 acres and approximately eight (8)
    feet deep. The Lake is fed by an underground spring. It
    discharges into South Fork Kent Creek, a tributary of the
    Rock River. The Lake and south Fork Kent Creek are not used
    as public water supplies.
    Petitioner proposes to apply “NOxfiSh~1 a piscicide
    contains 5 emulsifiable rotenone to the Lake in May
    to eliminate carp and other non—game fish so that the Lake
    can be restocked with game fish. To treat the Lake, the
    Lake will be drained down to two feet and the outlet will
    be closed before applying the “Noxfish.” There will be no
    discharge until the Lake fills naturally, a period of
    approximately four to five weeks, The application of the
    toxicant will be supervised by a Department of Conservation
    Fishery Biologist and a Microbiologist, from the Winnebago
    County Health Department.
    In the past the Board has granted numerous variances
    from Rule 203(h) of the Chapter 3: Water Pollution Regula-
    tions for the purpose of aiding in the propagation of game
    fish, Lake Patterson Fishin9 Club v. EPA, PCB 74-341; City
    of Vandalia v. EPA, PCB 76-25. The Agency recommends that
    this variance be granted provided that certain precautions
    are taken. These precautions are that the detoxicant,
    potassium permanganate, be available during the application
    of the fish toxicant, that the fish toxicant be applied

    under the supervision of a qualified person from the
    Department of Conservation, that the area surrounding
    the water body be posted prohibiting primary and
    secondary contact use for an appropriate time after
    the application, and that an environmentally acceptable
    method be provided for collection and disposal of the
    killed fish.
    The Board finds that Petitioner would be subject to
    an unreasonable hardship by a variance denial. There is
    no suitable alternative means to control the nuisance non-
    game fish and with the recommended precautions there will
    be no environmental damage and no hazard to a public water
    supply. A variance from Rule 203(h) is granted.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findinqs of fact
    and conclusions of law.
    The Pollution Control Board hereby grants the
    Park-er—Woods Subdivision a variance from Rule 203(h)
    of the Chapter 3: Water Pollution Regulations for one
    application of the fish toxicant rotenone in the Spring of
    1976 to Bow Bridge Lake subject to the following conditions:
    1. That an Illinois Department of Conservation
    Fishery Biologist supervise the application
    of rotenone;
    2. That potassium permanganate be available during
    and after the toxicant application;
    3. That the killed fish be promptly and adequately
    collected and disposed of in an environmentally
    sound manner.
    4. That Bow Bridge Lake be posted against primary
    and secondary contact use until such time as
    fingerling bluegill survive 48 hours exposure
    in live cars; and
    5. Within 28 days after the date of the Board Order
    herein the Petitioner shall execute and forward
    to the Manager, Variance Section, Division of
    Water Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road, Spring-
    field, Illinois 62706, and to the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board a Certification of
    Acceptance and Agreement.

    I (We),
    read and fully understanding the Order of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board in PCB 76-85 hereby accept said
    Order and agree to be bound by all of the terms and con-
    ditions thereof.
    TI TLE
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board herebX certify the above Opinion and Order were
    adopted on the
    day of
    1976 by
    a vote of
    Illinois Pollution

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