December 18
    Virginia Corporation,
    ) PCB 75—333
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Mr. Young):
    On August 22, 1975, Olin Corporation filed a petition for
    variance seeking therein relief from the Air Pollution Control
    Regulations dealing with compliance programs and project com-
    pletion schedules (Rule 104), the particulate emission standards
    for incinerators (Rule 203(e)) and the carbon monoxide emission
    standards for incinerators (Rule 206(b)). On August 28, 1975,
    the Board found the petition to be inadequate in that it failed
    to include information pertaining to the criteria required by
    Train v. NRDC, Inc., 43 USLW 4467 (Supreme Court No. 73-1742,
    April 16, 1975). An amended petition for variance was subse-
    quently filed on October 14, 1975, containing supplemental in-
    Petitioner manufactures various propellant and pyrotechnic
    products at its facility located within Williamson County, near
    Marion, Illinois. The subject of the peti.tion is the disposal
    of explosive and pyrotechnic wastes generated during the manu-
    facturing process. The U. S. Department of Defense is normally
    the major customer for such products, and the actual items pro-
    duced vary in accordance with Government contracts issued on an
    annual basis. While Petitioner cannot state with certainty what
    its product line or volume will be in 1976, it estimates that
    the maximum amount and type of hazardous explosive waste generated
    weekly will be:
    Axnmonium Nitrate Propellant
    500 lbs.
    Double Base Propellant
    300 lbs.
    RDX Type Explosive
    200 lbs.
    Single Base Propellant
    20 lbs.
    Ammonium Perchlorate Propellant
    20 lbs.
    Boron—Potassium Nitrate Propellant
    200 lbs.

    Black Powder
    10 lbs.
    Nitroglycerine in Sawdust
    25 lbs.
    Potassium Perchiorate Propellant
    20 lbs.
    Firecracker Mix
    50 lbs.
    Colored Smoke Mix
    100 lbs.
    Contaminated Packaging
    200 lbs.
    Pyrotechnic Flare Scrap
    50 lbs.
    Olin has been before the Board several times since 1971
    as a result of problems concerning disposal of these explosive
    wastes (see PCB 71—60, 6/28/71; PCB 71—231, 2/18/72; PCB 72—357,
    10/31/72; PCB 72—517, 3/22/73; PCB 73—395, 12/13/73; and PCB
    74—335, 1/2/75).
    Olin has filed a petition for a rule change with the Board
    regarding pyrotechnic incinerators (PCB R75-13). While the
    Agency has not yet fully evaluated Olin’s proposal, after pre-
    liminary analysis the Agency feels a rule change may be in order.
    Olin presently operates a pyrotechnic incinerator under a variance
    granted by the Board which will expire December 5, 1975. This
    incinerator was constructed in accordance with the terms of its
    prior variances, and represents an advance in the state of the
    art of explosive waste disposal.
    Petitioner alleges that incinerators designed to handle
    explosive wastes differ widely from those designed to burn rnuni—
    cipal wastes. Explosive materials generate large volumes of
    highly heated and rapidly expanding gases which must be safely
    contained. To accomplish this, explosive materials must be
    burned in small increments and in a partial vacuum to avoid over—
    pressurization. The partial vacuum is created by constantly drawing
    air through the burning chamber and out the exhaust port. The
    excess air thus introduced into the burning chamber also quenches
    the heat of combustion and in so doing increases the generation
    of carbon monoxide as opposed to carbon dioxide. Explosive wastes
    have a low carbon content when compared to municipal wastes; thus,
    less material is present to create carbon oxides initially. Peti-
    tioner alleges all of these factors combine to make the present
    measuring technique for emissions inequitable when applied to
    pyrotechnic incinerators.
    Rule 206(b) prohibits the emission of carbon monoxide (CD)
    over 500 ppm when corrected to 50 excess air. Petitioner sub-
    mits that the required correction to 50 excess air may accurately
    measure operating efficiency for incinerators burning municipal
    type solid wastes, but the correction to 50 excess air imposes
    a severe penalty on incinerators burning explosive wastes. Be-
    cause the thermal destruction process employed utilizes large
    volumes of air to quench the heat of combustion generated by
    these explosive wastes, the required correction to 50 excess air
    penalizes explosive burning incinerators. In addition, the
    quenching effect results in the production of large amount of (CO)

    because the carbon is less readily oxidized to carbon dioxide
    (CO2) at the lower temperature. Petitioner alleges that both
    of these effects combine to make the present measuring technique
    for emissions inequitable when applied to explosive burning
    incinerators. Although the Aqency calculates the carbon monoxide
    (CD) emissions only approach .05 cubic feet/lb. of scrap burned,
    this emission exceeds the limit of 206(b) when required correction
    to 50 excess air is made.
    The particulate emission standards and limitations for
    incinerators under Rule 203(e) are based upon a measuring tech-
    nique which corrects particulate concentrations in effluent gases
    to 12 (C02) and excludes any carbon dioxide attributable to the
    auxiliary fuel source. Petitioner likewise submits that the
    required correction to 12 (C02) may accurately measure operating
    efficiency for incinerators burning municipal type solid wastes,
    but the correction to 12 (C02) imposes a severe penalty on
    incinerators burning explosive wastes. Municipal wastes contain
    significant amounts of carbon containing material from which
    (C02) is produced. In contrast, explosive wastes are generally
    low carbon wastes from which little (C02) is produced. In addi-
    tion, any carbon dioxide which is generated becomes greatly diluted
    by the excess air used to quench the heat of combustion. Petitioner
    alleges that these effects combine to make the present measuring
    technique of Rule 203(e) for emissions inequitable when applied
    to explosive burning incinerators.
    The Agency calculates particulate emissions from this in-
    cinerator at .0404 grains/standard cubic foot (SCF) with .04
    (C02). The required correction to 12 (C02) gives rise to
    emissions of 1.21 grains/SCF. This exceeds the limit of Rule
    203(e) (4) of 0.1 grains/SCF of effluent gas when corrected to
    12 (C02). The Agency notes that 99.4 of these particulate
    emissions are removed, however.
    Petitioner believes that compliance with existing emission
    standards for incinerators would impose an arbitrary and un-
    reasonable hardship. Petitioner does not believe the grant of
    the variance would prevent compliance with national air quality
    standards. Particulate concentrations in the area of the in-
    cinerator were found to be 32 micrograms per cubic meter (annual
    geometric mean) and 64 micrograms per cubic meter (maximum 24
    hour average). This is well below the primary standard for
    particulate matter of 75 micrograms per cubic meter (AGM) and
    260 micrograms per cubic meter (maximum 24 hour concentration).
    Carbon monoxide emissions from burning certain wastes can reach
    a maximum level of 19.1 lbs. per hour. Dispersion estimates have
    been made by Petitioner in accordance with Public Health Service
    Publication No. 999-AP--26. The maximum carbon monoxide concentra-
    tion resulting from the operation of the incinerator under the
    worst climatic conditions with a 5 m.p.h. wind will occur approxi-
    mately 0.3 miles from the incinerator. The (CO) concentration
    - 490

    at this distance would be 0.57 ppm. The maximum one hour con-
    centration of (CD) permitted is 35 ppm. The Board finds back-
    ground carbon monoxide to be slight in Williamson County and
    that operation of the incinerator should not prevent the attain-
    ment or maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards
    for (CO).
    We are disposed to grant relief. Petitioner’s incinerator
    represents an advance in the state of the art which greatly re-
    duces the particulate emissions from the disposal process and
    is mostly preferable to open burning. The incinerator is operated
    in an isolated strip mine area minimizing possible injury to
    public and the environment. Variance will be granted from the
    provisions of Rule 203(e) and 206(b) in order to allow continued
    operation of the incinerator. Variance will be granted from
    Rule 203 because Petitioner’s incinerator represents the state
    of the art and to deny a variance at this time when there is a
    lack of technical feasibility for a better control scheme would
    place an unreasonable hardship on Petitioner. The grant of this
    variance is conditional upon the requirement that Petitioner
    continues to emit particulates and (CO) at or below current levels,
    and a standard certificate of acceptance is included. In addition,
    in the event a rule change is adopted by the Board pursuant to
    PCB R75-l3, the variance shall terminate thirty days after that
    adoption date.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Board in this matter.
    tioner, Olin Corporation, be granted for its Williamson County
    explosive waste incinerator a variance from Rule 203(e), 206(b)
    and 104 of the Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations for
    the period from December 6, 1975 to December 5, 1976, subject
    to the following conditions:
    1. Olin Corporation shall make application for an operating
    permit from the Agency for its pyrotechnic incinerator within
    30 days of the Board Order, and secure said operating permit
    within 120 days of Board Order;
    2. Olin Corporation shall not operate its pyrotechnic
    incinerator at a rate exceeding 400 pounds of scrap per hour in
    any one hour;
    Corporation shall
    to operate the pyro-
    technic incinerator so that particulate and carbon monoxide
    emissions do not exceed levels currently produced;

    4. Olin Corporation shall continue its present program
    of pyrotechnic incinerator development;
    5. In the event a rule change is adopted by the Board
    pursuant to PCB R75-l3, the variance shall terminate thirty
    days after that adoption date;
    6. Within 30 days of the date of the adoption of this
    Order Petitioner, Olin Corporation, shall complete and submit
    to the Environmental Protection Agency, at the following address,
    the following certification:
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Control Program Coordinator
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    I, (We), ___________________________ having read
    the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in
    PCB 75-333, understand and accept said Order, realizing
    that such acceptance renders all terms and conditions
    thereto binding and enforceable.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby cc tify the above Opinion and Order
    were adopted on the
    day of
    by a vote of
    Christan L. Moff~Jk, C
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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