March 25, 1976
    PCB 75—293
    a Delaware corporation,
    Mr. James L. Dobrovolny, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney
    for Complainant
    Mr. Louis R. Hegeman, Gould & Ratner, Attorney for Respondent
    This case arises out of an Amended Complaint filed August
    14, 1975 by the Environmental Protection Acjency alleging that
    Material Service Corporation (Respondent) operated an expanded
    shale processing facility without an operating permit in vio-
    lation of Rule 103(b) (2) of the Air Pollution Control Regula-
    tions (Regulations) and in further violation of Section 9(b)
    of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) from March 1, 1973
    until August 14, 1975. Hearing was held October 27, 1975 in
    Ottawa at which time a Stipulation of Facts and Agreed Settle-
    ment (Stipulation) was entered into by the parties. One citizen
    witness also appeared at the hearing and testified concerning
    the nuisance resulting from dust conditions created by Respon-
    dent’ s operations.
    Respondent owns and operates a lightweight aggregate manu-
    facturing facility located three—and—one-half miles east of
    Ottawa, on the north bank of the Illinois River in a largely
    agrarian and rural area. Mined shale is processed into a light-
    weight aggregate used in making concrete through a series of
    steps conducted at this facility. One type of emission produced
    throughout this process is a dust-like particulate matter called
    fines. Respondent has expended approximately $500,000 in attempts
    to control these emissions, and is presently installing two bag-
    house collection systems in the final screening and crushing
    operation of the plant. These two baghouses will collect material
    from the screens, transfer points and the crushers, and process
    this air stream through the baghouses, collecting the small
    particles and recycling them into product. This baghouse system
    20— 361

    will cost $200,000 and is scheduled to be in operation by April
    1976. Respondent has operating permits for all areas of the
    facility with the exception of the final screening and crushinq
    operation, and presently has a construction permit for that
    area granted by the Agency for the installation of the baghouse
    collection system.
    Respondent admits that it operated the final screening and
    crushing operation of its expanded shale facility intermittently
    since March 1, 1973, without having received operating permits
    from the Agency in violation of Rule 103(b) (2) and in further
    violation of Section 9(b) of the Act. For these admitted vio-
    lations the parties agree that a penalty of $3,000 should be
    assessed. Respondent also agrees to obtain operating permits
    for the unpermitted operations at this facility.
    The Stipulation of Facts and Agreed Settlement submitted
    by the parties is found adequate under Rule 333 of our Procedural
    Rules (EPA v. City of Marion, 1 PCB 591).
    On the basis of the foregoing and the Stipulation, we find
    that Respondent did violate the Act and Regulations as charged
    in the Amended Complaint by operating the final screening and
    crushing equipment of its expanded shale facility without the
    necessary operating permits, from March 1, 1973 until July 25,
    1975, in violation of Rule 103(b) (2) of t.he Air Rules and
    Section 9(b) of the Act. A penalty of $3,000 is assessed for
    these violations.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    1. Respondent, Material Service Corporation, has operated
    the aforesaid facilities in violation of Section 9(b) of the
    Environmental Protection Act and Rule 103(b) (2) of the Air
    Pollution Regulations and shall pay a penalty of $3,000.00
    for such violations. Penalty payment by certified check or
    money order payable to the State of Illinois shall be made
    within 35 days of the date of this Order to: Control Program
    Coordinator, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road, Spring-
    field, Illinois, 62706.
    2. Respondent, Material Service Corporation, shall obtain
    all required operating permits for its expanded shale facility
    no later than 120 days of the date of this Order, or
    than 120 days after the aforesaid baghouses are operational in
    April of 1976, whichever is later.

    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify the above Opi ion and Order were
    adopted on the ~
    day of ________________________, 1976
    by a vote of ~
    Christan L. Moffett
    Illinois Pollution C rol Board

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