March 25, 1976
PCIB 75—279
Mr. Marvin Medintz, Assistant Attorney General, appeared.
on behalf of Complainant.
Mr. Joseph Polito appeared on behalf of Respondents.
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Dr. Satchell):
The Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) originally
filed a complaint on July 21, 1975 against First National
Bank of Joliet as Trustee under Trust No. 842 regarding this
cause. On August 26, 1975 the Agency filed an amended com-
plaint substituting Donald Kodrick, Donald Kubinski and
Leonard Kubinski, the beneficial owners and users of the
land in question, as Respondents rather than the First
National Bank of Joliet. The Amended Complaint charges
Respondents with violating Rule 202(b) (1) of the Pollution
Control Board’s Solid Waste Rules and Regulations and
Section 21(b) and 21(e) of the Environmental Protection
Act by having operated a solid waste management facility of
approximately one acre since July 27, 1974 in Will County,
At a hearing on November 24, 1975 a Stipulation and
Proposal for Settlement was presented. There was no citizen
comment or other testimony presented at the hearing. The
facts and agreement stipulated are as follows.
Respondents are beneficial owners of a site of approxi-
mately one acre bordered by Route 171 on the east, and by
Northern Drive on the north, located in Section 13, Township
36 North, Range 10 East, Will County, Illinois. This site
has been used since August 7, 1973 for the deposition of
trees, dirt, building debris and discarded household articles.
The site was not available to the general public. Respondents
admit having operated the site and that this was done
without obtaining an operating permit from the Agency
which is a violation of 202(b) (1) of the Board’s Solid
Waste Regulations.
Respondents have terminated use of the site and were
in the process of placing final cover in accordance with
Rule 305(c) of the Solid Waste Regulation and that com-
pletion will have taken place by January 1, 1976. Respon-
dents agree not to use the site for refuse disposal without
obtaining the required permit and to pay a civil penalty of
$750 for the violations charged.
The Board finds that Respondents, Kodrick, Dubinski
and Kubinski, were in violation of Rule 202(b) (1) of the
Board’s Solid Waste Regulations and of Section 21(e) of
the Act. The allegation of violation of Section 21(b) is
dismissed for lack of prosecution. See E.P.A. v. E. & E.
Hauling, Inc., PCB 74—473 (1975)
The Board is required to consider the criteria of
Section 33(c) of the Act in reaching its decision. Based
upon the admitted and stipulated facts, the Board finds
the agreement and penalty to be justified in light of
the degree of injury, social and economic value of the
facility, site suitability, technical practicability and
economic reasonableness of abatement. The Board accepts
the stipulation and proposal for settlement.
This constitutes the Board’s findings of facts and
conclusions of law.
It is the order of the Pollution Control Board that:
1. Respondents, Donald Kodrick, Donald Kubinski and
Leonard Kubinski, were in violation of Rule 202(b) (1)
of the Board’s Solid Waste Regulation and of Section
21(e) of the Act.
2. The portion of the Complaint alleging violations of
21(b) of the Act is dismissed.
3. Respondents, Donald Kodrick, Donald Kubinski, and
Leonard Kubinski, shall refrain from further use of
the site for deposition of refuse without first
obtaining a permit from the Agency. Final cover
shall be placed on the site in accordance with
Rule 305(c) of the Solid Waste Regulations.
4. Respondents shall pay a penalty of $750 for the
above named violations. Payment shall be by
certified check or money order to the State of
Illinois, Fiscal Services Division, 2200 Churchill
Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706, within 30 days
of adoption of this order.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereb~certify the abov Opinion and Order
were adopted the~’~’ day of
1976 by a vote
Christan L. offet
Illinois Pollutia ntrol Board
20— 357