August 7, 1975
    City of Char1e~ton,
    PCB 75—234
    Environmental Protection Agency,
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Dr. Odell)
    The City of Charleston (Charleston) applied for a
    permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    for the disposal of aerobically digested sludge from the Charleston
    wastewater tre~~t.mentplant to a 100-acre tract of farmland in the
    East 1/3 of Section 13, T. 12 N., R. 9 E. of the 3rd P.M. This
    permit was denied by the Agency in a letter of May 27, 1975.
    On June 9, 1975, Charleston appealed to the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board (Board) this permit denial by the Agency.
    The Agency’s perrrib file concerning this case, consisting of the
    application and d?nial, was received by the Board on June 20, 1975.
    On July 3, 1975, the Board received a copy of Charleston’s
    revised permit application to the Agency. In the revised permit
    application Ch3rleston deleted all agricultural land in the sub-
    ject tract which drained south toward Charleston Lake. This
    leaves a sludge disposal area of approximately 80 acres which
    drains northward.
    On August 6, 1975, the Board received from Charleston
    a Motion to Withdraw their permit appeal because the permit had
    been issued. It I~The Order of the Board that Petitioner’s
    Motion to Withdraw is hereby granted and this case is dismissed.
    I, Christan L. Aoffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Boaçd, hereby certify that the above Order w s adopted on the
    day of August, 1975, by a vote of
    Illinois Pollution

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