May 6 1976
PCB 75—453
Mr. Steven Watts, Assistant Attorney General, appeared
for Complainant.
Mr. Harold E. McCabe appeared for Respondent.
This case comes before the Board upon a complaint filed
December 1, 1975 by the Environmental Protection Agency
(Agency) alleging that John Murray, James Murray and Betty
Murray operated or caused to be operated a solid waste manage-
ment site of approximately 40 acres located in the west one-
half of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 16 North,
Range 5 West, in Sangarnon County, Illinois. It is also alleged
that Respondents have since June 8, 1973 to the date of filing
the complaint, failed to place a final cover on the solid
waste management site in violation of Rule 305(c) of the
Solid Waste Regulation.
A hearing was held January 30, 1976 at Springfield,
Illinois. A Request for Admissions had been filed on
January 6, 1976 by the Agency. There
no response to
the Request prior to the hearing. At the hearing the Hearing
Officer allowed the Respondents to answer. James Murray and
John Murray admitted operating a landfill and denied failing
to put final cover over the final lifts of the solid
management site (R..2l,26). The third Respondent, Betty
Murray, did not appear and counsel for the Agency made a
motion that Betty Murray be found in default. The record
shows no proof of service as required by Procedural Rule
i.e. properly executed receipt of registered or certified
mail or affidavit of person making personal service. Without
proof of service the Board cannot find Betty Murray in default
under Procedural Rule 320.
21 —337
The facts at the hearing developed to show that the
land in question is owned by James P. Murray (R.93) and
Betty Murray (R.lll). James Murray and his brother John R.
Murray have a verbal agreement that John was to fill in the
land with “rock and stuff” (R.96,109). John Murray estimated
the operation “on that corner” had gone on for 22 years or
more and on James Murray’s land for eight, ten or twelve
years (R..llO). This operation also included Betty Murray’s
land (R.l12). On Betty Murray’s land, John Murray stores
concrete that he sells for road use and to the park (R.l21,
122). On James Murray’s land some of the areas are completed
which includes cover (R.l23,124). There are about three or
four more acres James wants filled in and John continues to
work on the area(R.124).
Gilbert E. Stauffer is an Agency inspector and visited
the site on twelve or thirteen different occasions (R.48).
On July 19, 1974 he visited the site (R.48) and observed
two trucks at the site, one entering and one leaving; the
entering truck was loaded primarily with concrete (R.49,50).
The witness did not actually observe any dumping (R.50).
In a November 1974 visit the site appeared closed, but three
separate areas equalling approximately 20 acres needed
cover (R.57,58). On September 17, 1975 the site appeared
closed with the same three uncovered areas (R.59). On
September 23, 1975 Stauffer observed “small random or
promiscuous dumping” (R.60). Two days prior to the hearing,
January 28, 1976, Mr. Stauffer observed “a considerable
amount of earthen materials hauled into the southwest portion
of the site” (R.61).
John Murray testified that the material going into the
site is demolition, bricks and rock (R.2l). The putrescible
materials appear to be small pieces of lumber (Ex. No. 3).
This testimony indicates that the uncovered areas of
the landfill are still in use. The alleged violation is
that of Rule 305(c) of the Solid Waste Regulations which
provides for a compacted two foot layer of suitable material
to cover the entire surface of each portion of the final
lift not later than sixty days following placement of refuse
in the final lift. The Agency has failed to prove that which
if any of the uncovered portions of the site are complete and
which would need final cover. Mr. John Murray has stated he
is still adding to the fill and this is substantiated by
Mr. Stauffer’s statements. It appears there is no daily or
intermediate cover and that the Murrays do not have an
operating permit from the Agency. However, these violations
are not alleged in the complaint and not properly brought
before the Board at this time. The Board does find that
the pleadings do not conform to the proof presented at the
hearing and no violation can be found concerning James Murray
and John Murray. The Board cannot require final cover on
that portion of the landfill that is still in active use.
This constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusions of law.
It is the order of the Pollution Control Board that:
The alleged violations of Rule 305(c) of the Solid
Waste Regulations by James Murray, John Murray and Betty
Murray are dismissed.
I,Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, here,by certify the above Opinion and Order
were adopt d the
day of
1976 by a
vote of
C ol Board